SupportingStatementAppendixB: ProductDataSheetson Flocculent atl (J z s Hotftcut?uR r. I () lJOx5744. S^(Asor^Fl.:t!277,Lrs 941917,0670. 94t-917-0671 t;^x inroa.thortrullu.uldlnncc {n AnionicPolyacrylamide Environmental Profile Anionic polyacrylamide is thegenericnamefbr a groupofvery highmolecularweight macromolecules producedby the liee-radicalpolymerization of acrylamideandan anionicallychargedco-inonomer, mainlythe sodiumsaltofacrylic acid,sodium&crylate. Thecombinationofmolecularweightandioniccha.gercsultsin extremelyviscous aqueoussolutions,oneofthe mainproperties ofthesepolymers.Both thechargedcnsrry (ionicity)andthe molecularweightcanbe varied. By varyingtheacrylamide/anionic monomerntio! a chargedensityliom 0 to 100%alongthepolymerchaincanhe oblained.'fhemolecularweightis determincd by thetypeandconcentration ofthe reactioninitialorandthe reactionparameters. Anionic polyacrylamide hasno syst€mictoxicityto aquaticorganisms or microorganisms. The polymeris muchtoo largeto beabsorbed into tissuesandcells. Thc functionalanionicgroupsdo not interf€rewith the functioningo1.fishgills or daphniarespirators. Any adv€rseeffectsobservedin laboratorytestsarealwaysseenat conc€ntrations ofover 100mg./landareprobablydueto theresultingviscosityolthe test medium.Thepreparation ofthe testsoiutionsat suchconcentrations requireshighcnergy stirfingfor longperiodsoftime, sometimes canbe concluoeo thal thescharmfulconcentrations will not existin the natumlenvironment. Thetestdatagivenin this documentwasobtainedusinga highlychargedanionic polyacrylamide.Low chargedensitypolymeNdemonstr&te evenlowertoxicityto dqualicandmicro-organismr. fhe results ofassays on aniunicpollacrylamide, are determined mainlyby theviscosilyofthe testsolution. Anionic polyacrylamide hasno potentialto bioaccumulate, beingcompletelysolublein water(solubilityis only limitedby viscosity)andjrsolublein octanol.Additionallv. beinga flocculant,it adsorbsontos[ this \ray, is removedl.romthe waterphasc, 'fhe sensitivityofpolyacrylamideto ultrd-violetlight is well knownandhasbeen describedin thc soientificliteraru.e.photolysisl€adsto thedegradation ofthe polymcr chainandthe formationofmuch smallermolecules, or oligomirs,whichareacces.sible to Thernfomarcn g'ren heb ts bss€don our b65lrnow'€dg6andwe bet€@rl ro b6 ttuc ,nd ,@rdle. Heeve, Inc do€snotw.rarn d 9uar.nt6em3nynannq whar3o6c,,rlctLdinathew.rsntv6f narGanraonryor noE\s to, the 6.d use lh€ adoqu,cvol the inlo_a o, andproedrres hiod n",..n ani *rr norr" ,es!ons,br6 roranrdamase esut.nqlron rhonuse.viepromise to orinsroy,iu,an""r"; ,;t;;i;;i whi.h is epori6dlo us to be 'n €rro.moed,alsrv ;iihi; ;;;;;;"r[ P o 4 0 x 5 7 , 1 ,S 1ARASdA.FI-1.1277.t,SA 941'9i7-0670.9.1l-9l70671rA\ 'nlitalho.lrcullffalalliana od microbialattack.A recentstudydemonstrated thatphotolysisfollowedby aerobicol anacrobio treatmentresultedin eflicientmineralization ofthe f,olymer.This stud), providesevidencethatacrylamjdepolymershavethe potentiaito be naturallybroken down andbiodegraded anddo not persistor accumulatc in theenvironment. Two fccentlyconducted, majorenvironmental risk assessments concludedthataniontc polyacrylamide doesnot represent a dangerto theenvironment.SI'OWA, the Netherlands Waste-Water Authoritycalculated a PEC,4\iEC ratiomuchlowerrhanI for organicpolyelectrolytes in generalandconcludedthat theirusein waste-water trealment doesnot constitutea risk to the natulalenvironment.AnotherreviewofpolyelectrolFes by Environmenl Agencyofthe tJnitedKingdomconcludedthatanionicpolyacrylamide, like the orher or8anicpolyelectrolytes, is not a priority for the sensingofenvircnmentalqualiry (EQS)andoflittle cnvironmenhlconcem. standards Chemicalldentity Chemicalnamc:2-propencic acid,sodiurnsaltpolymorwith 2-propenamide f)the. names:Copolymerofacrylamideandaorylicacid,sodiumsaltAcrylamide,sodium acrylatecopolymer - 02 - 3 CAS number:25085 PhysicalChemicalPropefties Molecularweight:greaterthan 1,000,000 Daltons,usuallygreaterthan5,000,000 Solubility:totallymisciblein water,insolublein nectanolandothersolvents pH: 6 to 8 in solut;onal 5g/L Apparentdensity;|.08 Meltingpoinl:> l50C Aquatic Toxicology A. Toxicity to fish LC50/Brachydanio rerio/96hrs. LCo/ Brachydaniorerio/96hrs. Il. foxicity to daphnia EC50/Dapbnia Magn:r,/48 hrs C. Toxicity to algae liC50/Chlorellavulgaris/96hrs No Obscrvedgffect Concentmtion D. Toxicityto bacteria 357 mg/l 178mg/l 212 mgll 1,000mg/l 708mg/l giwn hee is basedon ow bestknowledge The into.malion ande beti€6 to be truelnd a@Ete. Ho!€wr, Honicullural Allian6, lnc.d@s @l waoantor guaranteein any mannerwhatsoew.,Including ihe w.ftnly of me.chanlabililyor litness lor lhe end use the adequacyof the inlomation and p.oceduEs tisted h6ein ad wil no{ be responsibreror any damsge resoling fom th6ir use. \4b promls€lo bnng to your attsuo. any conlent ot lhts do@ment whicn is reponed b us io b€ in 610. immodiatety. ||l (, z ( lroRlrcut tutar P O B o x5 7 , 1 , 1 . S ^ R a sf Ld3r . l l 7 7 . l JS A 94 917,0670,941-9t7-0671 F^\ 'nJa!!honicultumlalli&c. $n ECIO/Pseudomonas putida/18hrs. l.lc50/Pseudomonas putidtl 8 hrs. 12'7mg/l 892mg/l ENVIRONMENTAL DATA A. Itiorccumulation Anionic polyacrylamide beinglotally solublein waterand insolublein solventshasa very low n-octanol/water partitioncoefficient(POE),andtbr all practicalpurposes: log Pow= 0 Thus,the potentialfor anionicpolyacrylamide to bioaccumulate is zero. B. Abiotic degradation(pbotolysis) Anionic polyacrylamide is sensitileto ultra-violetlight,whichbreaksdownthe polymer backboneinto oligomers.A positivecorrelationis observedbetweenthe lengthof erpositionto light andthe degreeofbreakdown(i.e-,rcductionin molecularweight). C. Biodegradatiotr Non-degraded anionicpolyacrylamide hasbeenshownto he recalcitrant to microbial degradation.This is probablyrelatedto theextremelyhighmolecularweight,which fendersmiorobialattackvery difficult. However,oncethe polymerhasbeendegraded throuShphotolysis(;.e.,the actionofUV light),andthemacromolecule brokendowr, into becomes bioavailable and is biomineralized. A studyusingC14 labeling,designedto evaluatethepotentialtobiodegmde anionic polyacrylamide demonstmted thata combinationofphotolysisandmicrobialattackleads to naturalattenuation ofthesepolymers.After 48 hoursofexposureto UV, the 'l oligomersMW < 3.O0ODaltons)increased from under2% to 80o/o. his enabledafter 38 daysincubationlbr thepolymerto be biodegraded at least2970aerobicallyandl7%o anaerobically. D. ResidualMonomers We takesthe utmoslcareto ensurethatthc constituent monomeN(in thiscaseacrylamide and sodiumaorylate)areascompletelyreactedas possibleduringpolymerization. l]owever,technicallyunavoidable tracescananddo remainin the finishedpolymer, especiallyin powderproducts.For standardproducls.our qualityassurance guarantees that polyacrylamides containlessthan0-lo%w/w (< 1000ppm)ofresidualacrylamide monomerand lessthan0.5%w/w (< 5000ppm)or residualsodiumacrylate.In fact,on average,there;s about0.04%(400ppm)ofresidualacrylamideandabout0.2%(2,000 ppm) ofresidualsodiumacrylate. The inlormalion giwn here G bas€d on our best kndtedgo and w€ betieE it lo be true and a@€le However. Allian@,hc. d@s nol w.r€nl or quaranteein.ny mannerwhatsew., inclldingthe warsnly ot nerchanlability or frhosd lor lhe end use, lhe adequacyof tne intumaiion a.d pro@dur66risrodherein 6nd wil not be @$onsibletorany damageEsullinqlromth€iruse Urepomise to bdnqto yolratlentis any contentofthisdocumeni whichis.€p.rled lo us to be in eiior idhddiatoty. |lr (, 2 rl Horflcullutlr P.O Box5?44_ Sesora_ FL3427?. U.S.A. 941-91 7.1X70. 941,9t7-0671 F^x info@nonicutlunlrlli!@.@n Botbacrylamideandsodiumacrylatearereadilybiodegradable underaerobicconditions at over90oloin 28 days. Ev€nat opc.atingdosesashighas50 mg/l,theresidual monomers releas€dintotheenviromentwill neverreachconoentmtions thatcould constitutea dsk to theaquaticlife. Theirhighbiodegradability negates thepossibilityof aocumulation in th9naturalenvironment. Thaintomellongivs. h€E i! baed on ourbestkno*r€dg€6ndw€ botieEitto b€hro rnd acdrrts. HoMw., HoftcultvralAllilnce,lnc,d€ notw.m.t or guannt € in anyn3nB.€vsr,inctudingtF w&anly of mrcnanbbllttyor filnos for ihe 6ndus€,the sdequtcyof tl6 infomarionandp.o.adure3rilrt€dha€in andwi[ notb€ €sponsrbbtor anydamag€|@hing fom $.rr !66. u/b pmmie ro bnngto yos 3{sillon rny conEntotni! do@mont whidris Eportsdlo us to b€ in €Eo.i.nh6dl.!oly. Goldcrest l9h,.n.iFP,(&.nfud'tdhtdsl'b' MATERIAL SA}'ETYDATA SIIEET '1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE PRODUCTAND COMPANY ProductName: POLYGOLD A527 Goldffes1ChemicalsL1d llodBoih DusincssPa.k CreatClille Road SoulhYorkshir€,s75 3SP ling'and Ljmeryenc) t€lcpho.cnumbe.: 2. COMPOSITIONNNFORIVATION ON INGREDIENTS Chemicatcomposilion: Anionicacrylamidecopolymef. Drrurroussobshnce 3. 01226720Im 9/oPr€s.rt g!c$!!is!h! Riik Phrrs.s HAZARDSIDENTIFICATION Basedonan analys;so I thc corponenrsthe matdialis not thoughlto presenlanymljorh@lth hazards.parlicularl' whq hsdled corslly with apprcprislcPPII. l his producrwh€nwet renderssurtiicesextremel'slipper). lhis producldo.s not burnreadily, lvilh mary organicpowders.l'lammablc dusl cloudsnay be lbrmedin air. 4. FIRSTAIDMEASURES Eyeconlact: SLinconlacl: lngcstion: Inhalalnrn: 5. r;nscimmL{ialclyunderrunning$ aterfor a1le3st| 5 minules-Itirrilolion p€Ais1sseek medicaledv;ce. $ ashwith pl.nly of soapandsalcr. do not inducelom;ling. lt@nscious.inseout mouthwith wa(erandgi\,e*atcr to drink, rcpcatin8everyl0ftinutes. Serkmedioalltcniion. rcnolc io lresha;r. Sek medicalatenlionil an) ill cfl.rrs pe6isr. FIREFIGHTING MEASURES Flxlingu;shiismedia: Ifinvolved in a llrs Dltc prinlcd:20/04/05 suitable, carbondioxide,fom. d.y preference to warcrspay. unsuilablcwe.arself@ntainedbreathingappamlus.Conrbusrion may resullin lbmation ofOxides ofCarbon. hsuc: I Ptuducr POLYGOLD,4527 Dateof issue;3/9/03 Rcfnumb.r: |YGDA5T ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES ObseNem)waminglabelsontheconta;ner. WearSloves andeyeprulcc,tion. Materi:J wilt p.oduce stipp€ry surfaccs whenwel. Smallrcsidues shooldbctho.ouehly hosedawaywilhsarer. Contain an) spilledmaterial immediately andplaceinrocontainers fof disposal accordingto locslregularions. Do nolallowpruduct to enlerwaterqrurses- 7. HANDLING ANDSTORAGE Handl;ng: us in w€llventihtcd dcas. As wilh nanyor8anicpowdenflamnabledusrcloudsmay be Avoid ffealingdustmd keepa$ay from sources of ignnion. when hddling lhis prcduc1obser!e good steda.dsof industial hygi€ne10aroid swallowing.inhating dustandeyc andsk;nconlact.Il is slwaysadvisableto $csrhand p.olectionwhet Avoid exlrenesof lcmp€rature.Prolccli-rcmwet nd huftid conditions. 8- EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION ensure wo.kplacc is s€ll venrila!€d Handr impervioussloves Evc: 9. gogsl€r PHYSICAL ANDCHEMICAL PROPERTIES trrplosivepmperties: Odourl Oiidlsing prop.fiies: pH: Boiling pointrNngel Rehtiv. density: Melting poiDt/rlngel N/A Bulkdensity: appox 0.75 g/cmr Fl{sh point: N/A Solubility: Flflnmrbility: As witi manyorSanic powdcGfldnmabledust cloudsma) be fomed. waler- formsvisoussolution lat othtr solvents- Prnlition co-efiicient '10. STABILITYAND REACTIVITY wet and humidconditions.Avoid extremesoflemperalure Ilazardousdecomposilion products: 1't. ombustion may resih in lbmalion ofoxidesofcarbon TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION > 2000mg/k8(ra0 (basedon analysisofomponenls) may causeslightlransicntiditaiion. nol likely to oauseskinir.ilalion Acut€oral loxioiry l-D50i Eyc ir.ilation: D!r. prib!edi20/04/05 tssue:I Producr:POLYGOLDA527 Refnumber: PYODAsT ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Acur€loxicity to fish: Lc50> 350 ng/l (96hrrebrafish). Acutetoxicity to daphnia:EC50> ? 12mg/l (48 hr). 1 3 . DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Disposeof in ac.ordanccwith localandnationalregulalions.Conrain€rs canberranspon€d / deliveredby a tegisl€r€dwaslecarier 1olocalrecyclingfacilities. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATTON This producl ;s nol classifi€d for tmnspon undef the EC Diretives ard th€ UK Classificarion, Packagingand LabellingR€gulations. PropefshippinSname: UN numb€l Hazird class: Packinggroup: REGULATORYINFORMATION EINECS NUMBERST All componentsofthis product ar€ inclqded in th€ EINECS inventory in complian€ uith Di.eclive 67|548/EEC and its d$endmenrsUs€rsupplylab€ls: Symbol: Classification: Risk phmses: Safety phras€sr '|6. Non€ Non€ None None OTHERINFORMATION NOTD: ftre infonnalionb@in k povidel fo.1hegndal gtidsn@of es1om6 md ir 6npli.n€ wiin dE leflnsof cunenr her11h andsafetylegklatio, Nothing@tained hercinshall@nsrirut€ey sdanr], guarsntee or repmartariond 10lie qual'1y.fiin* o. pDpdriesol thep.oduct. Daleprinlcd:20l04/05 lssue:1 Product:POLYGOLIJ/\527 Dateofissue:3/9/03 Refnumbn pycDAsT