Foreword The Clean Energy Council (CEC) is the peak body representing Australia’s Renewable Energy Industry. Australia is a world leader in renewables. With some of the highest on-grid penetrations of solar PV in the world, electricity consumers are now driving an irreversible change. However, this change does not come without challenges. The continued integration of renewable energy technologies into Australia’s electricity distribution networks represents one of the largest economic, regulatory and technical challenges that the industry has faced to date. The extent of this reform brings with it risks and opportunities. The CEC firmly believes that these challenges are best addressed by considering all facets of the industry collectively and through constructive stakeholder engagement. About the FPDI Project The CEC, in conjunction with its members and other key stakeholders, has scoped a comprehensive program of work that will begin to address some of these challenges. With the objective of enhancing the flexibility and resilience of Australia’s electricity distribution systems and the installations connected to them, the CEC-led Future Proofing in Australia’s Electricity Distribution Industry (FPDI) project will analyse existing and emerging issues. Ultimately the project seeks to build the foundations to facilitate the effective and efficient integration of renewable energy systems for Australia’s electricity distribution industry. A subsequent goal is to ensure that the benefits of the transformation of this key industry towards a renewable energy future are accessible by the sector’s various stakeholders. The project’s detailed scope of work includes technical, economic and regulatory analysis, forums, knowledge gathering and dissemination of the project outcomes. This approach is intended to create the environment for well-rounded stakeholder engagement throughout the project that will reinforce project outputs and target specific beneficial outcomes from each aspect of the project. Further details of the project, its scope, governance and objectives can be found on the CEC website1 in the FPDI Project area. About this Report A part of the industry’s transition is new charging options designed to provide signals which reflect the costs of providing electricity. These signals are anticipated to create new dynamics in the way we use electricity. For small-medium enterprise businesses there is generally a low understanding of the options available to contain their electricity costs – and the options are increasing. Demand-side management options for SMEs include embedded generation, battery storage, load shifting and integrated energy management systems. All of which are facing declining costs – while electricity costs are increasing. At the same time there is an expectation that network owners place a greater emphasis on the use of demand side management in their investment strategies. The same options above might also assist these crucial stakeholders in managing the utilisation of their network assets. However, there 1 is no immediately evident link between the expectations of DNSPs for demand management, and that of SME customers who may adopt demand management. Aimed at all electricity industry stakeholders, the objective of this report is to inform the more technically minded stakeholders including distribution networks and DSM equipment suppliers. The CEC hopes that this report will provide a reasonable level of technical detail to increase the understanding of the options and businesses cases for demand side-management in the SME sector. Based on this analysis, the accompanying report “Guide to demand side management solutions for businesses” translates this technical detail to inform SME businesses. Acknowledgements This, and the companion report, received funding from ARENA as part of ARENA’s Emerging Renewables Program. The CEC thanks Entura for their efforts in preparing this report and the FPDI project Steering Committee for their time and effort in providing crucial guidance and review of this work. These stakeholders include ARENA, Alternative Technology Association, Australian Energy Regulator, CSIRO, Department of Industry, Energex, Energy Networks Association, Energy Retailers Association of Australia, Marchment Hill Consulting, Pacific Hydro Pty Ltd, AusNet Services and University of Technology Sydney. Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities FPDI TA-1C E304346 25 November 2014 Prepared by Hydro-Electric Corporation ABN48 072 377 158 t/a Entura 89 Cambridge Park Drive, Cambridge TAS 7170 Australia Entura in Australia is certified to the latest version of ISO9001, ISO14001, and OHSAS18001. ©Entura. All rights reserved. Entura has prepared this document for the sole use of the client and for a specific purpose, as expressly stated in the document. Entura undertakes no duty nor accepts any responsibility to any third party not being the intended recipient of this document. The information contained in this document has been carefully compiled based on the client’s requirements and Entura’s experience, having regard to the assumptions that Entura can reasonably be expected to make in accordance with sound professional principles. Entura may also have relied on information provided by the client and/or other parties to prepare this document, some of which may not have been verified. Subject to the above conditions, Entura recommends this document should only be transmitted, reproduced or disseminated in its entirety. Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Document Information Document title Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities FPDI TA-1C Client organisation Clean Energy Council Client contact Tom Butler ConsultDM number E304346 Project Manager Chris Blanksby Project number P508834 Revision history Revision 2 Revision description Final Prepared by Lucas Thomson 25/11/2014 Reviewed by Chris Blanksby 25/11/2014 Approved by Donald Vaughan and Seth Langford 25/11/2014 Distributed to (name) (signature) (date) Tom Butler Clean Energy Council 26/11/2014 (name) (organisation) (date) Current Document Distribution List Revision Organisation Issued to Date 0 (Draft) Clean Energy Council Tom Butler 26/09/2014 1 (Draft) Clean Energy Council Tom Butler 10/11/2014 Document History and Status Revision Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by Date approved Revision type 0 LT CB SL/DV 26/09/2014 Draft 1 LT CB DV 10/11/2014 Revised with client feedback Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 This page is intentionally blank. 4 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Executive Summary The Clean Energy Council (CEC), through the Future Proofing in Australia’s Electricity Distribution Industry (FPDI) program, is exploring the changes from the continued integration of renewable energy into Australian distribution networks. This report is a key input to the wider CEC FPDI program and is intended to build an understanding of the opportunities for the uptake of Demand Side Management (DSM) options for Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The outcome of the analysis from this technical report and further business engagement is compiled in the companion report "Guide to demand side management solutions for businesses" compiled by Moreland Energy Foundation Limited. In particular, this companion report highlights some broader considerations for uptake of DSM in SMEs. The CEC hopes that the publication of this report will inform technically-minded stakeholders and enhance engagement such distribution network service providers and DSM equipment suppliers. Combined, the two reports are intended to highlight the business case for various DSM options, assist SME business owners in understanding the opportunities and risks of implementing these options and increase the ability of distribution networks to engage with SME customers. The analysis conducted here was driven by consideration of three key factors affecting DSM opportunities for SMEs: • load profile – a business specific characteristic representing how that business uses electricity • technology – the physical mechanism via which the SME can impact on their load profile • tariffs – the charging regime for electricity use, which, in conjunction with the load profile, can determine the impact of the technology. Inputs from a range of sources were used to represent each of these three factors, to cover a wide range of SMEs. To ascertain where opportunities exist, a detailed half hourly model was used with the inputs to estimate the cost of electricity for each business type (represented by a particular load profile), technology, and tariff. Financial metrics (net present value and payback period) were compiled for each to provide a measure of the viability of each DSM option. A key limitation of this report is that it cannot cover the specific circumstances of all businesses, nor can it cover all the potential ways of combining and implementing technologies (including their future variants), or the ways in which this and other factors will impact on tariffs. However, in the context of the key business drivers for SMEs (short payback, simple to implement technology that does not distract or impact on core business), such complexities and niche scenarios are unlikely to be a high priority for most SMEs, and as such, the focus on simple and reliable opportunities is considered justified1. This report considers both current and future opportunities for DSM. The key considerations in looking at future opportunities are likely changes in technology pricing and tariff structures. New 1 While disconnecting completely from the grid is not commercially feasible in the immediate to short term, consideration of this opportunity for individual SMEs both now and in the future is beyond the scope of this report. The context of this report is DSM opportunities for SMEs within the grid. v Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 entrant technologies (i.e. those that are not already in the marketplace) that may initiate a ‘game changing’ scenario were not considered as these could not be reliably modelled. A watching brief on new technology entrants needs to be kept as any ‘technology transition’ or ‘pricing transition’ may occur in the short or medium term. Tariff structures were also considered to be in a state of transition, and a source of significant uncertainty. This is partly driven by the impact of DSM on revenues for network service providers, and hence on tariffs (which in turn affects DSM viability). To attempt to capture this uncertainty, possible future tariffs were constructed to represent different scenarios, on the basis of cost reflective pricing. These tariffs included capacity charges, which is increasingly common in smaller customers, facilitated by time of use and smart metering. The essential difference between the future tariff scenarios was differing portions of variable cost (i.e. cost per kWh). As the variable cost component is the strongest driver of DSM viability, there was considerable difference in the outcomes for DSM under the different tariff structures, representing a high level of investment uncertainty. Outcomes and Recommendations Across most business types, there were two DSM technologies that performed well. These were energy efficiency and solar PV embedded generation. Solar PV had somewhat better outcomes in general, however, was more exposed to the uncertainty described above. In particular, it was noted that whereas under existing tariffs, these opportunities could be said to be viable for most businesses, the uncertainty of future tariffs could degrade the value of investments in many instances, particularly for solar PV. While strong opportunities still exist, these are not as universal and require consideration of specific business circumstances. More advanced technologies, including battery energy storage systems, fuel cells, and automatic load shifting technology, were also examined and found to be currently uneconomic. There were some specific scenarios for a small number of SMEs where these technologies would work, typically associated with offsetting large network investment or maintenance. While downward capital cost trends for these technologies indicate a point of broad scale future adoption, this is unlikely to occur in the short term and may be further delayed by changes to tariff structures. In general, it is recommended that businesses considering DSM should focus on simple, proven solutions in energy efficiency, and should consider solar PV with an understanding of the risks and guidance of a reputable installer, who can take into account their particular circumstances. Other opportunities using alternate technologies may be presented to SMEs, and businesses may wish to consider these if they are justified for their particular circumstances. Though outside the scope of this study, it is also advisable that SMEs regularly review their tariff structure options against their load profile and select a structure that minimises their costs. For some businesses, DSM, through energy efficiency and solar PV, presents good opportunities now. Looking forward, new opportunities are likely to involve more integrated DSM options. We will see increasing opportunities for businesses to embrace a range of technologies including automated load shifting, solar PV generation, and potentially energy storage to deliver more services to the electricity network, and this will be supported by technology improvements, cost reductions, new tariff structures, and methods to capture the additional value to the network. Broadly speaking, there are likely to be fundamental changes in the dynamic within the grid that will need to be understood by all stakeholders. vi Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 SME specific barriers to DSM In undertaking this study and developing the above findings, a number of barriers for SMEs were identified. • SME consumers are largely disengaged from energy usage and cost of supply other than the final cost of electricity. • Electricity is not a primary cost driver. Small /medium business electricity costs often account for less than 2- 5% of total business costs. While many DSM options may provide a positive NPV, the absolute magnitude of the savings may be a barrier to adoption. • Technology barriers – smaller load sizes, particularly for load shifting, though often less standardised than residential loads have a larger relative cost to control. • Business portfolio planning – where business is part of a larger corporation often does not have the flexibility to enact DSM options outside of the capital allocation and planning schedules that occur at a consolidated level. • SMEs generally have less capacity to be directly involved in managing their own DSM than larger businesses, who can potentially devote a role to this function. Similarly, management systems designed for larger businesses may not be cost effective for SMEs. Domestic technology / approaches may be more useful for many SMEs, as these technologies develop commercially. • Ownership structures – access to site infrastructure such as individual site metering and access to physical roof space in circumstances where SMEs are in leased or shared buildings. • Tariff, policy understanding – limited understanding of tariff arrangements, especially likely future tariffs and impacts on DSM options. Policy options to support SME adoption of DSM In consideration of these barriers, and the outcomes of the study, several key policy opportunities were identified, which would substantially improve DSM opportunities for SMEs. While these measures are likely to be beneficial, it is important to understand that they are not the core factor driving uptake of DSM, and are not the main outcome of this study. • provide certainty and consistency for investment (environmental and renewable energy policies, schemes, technology, standardisation for load control, communications, metering) • increase retail tariff certainty (persistence of tariff structures and rates) over a medium term (~5 years) to support investments in DSM solutions – this may best be achieved by policy to encourage cost reflective pricing at a distribution, and possibly also retail level (note that this may not make DSM more attractive in the short term, but is intended to provide support in the longer term) • provide clear and consistent (across jurisdictions) rules for tenant access to building infrastructure, or standardised tenant – landlord agreements to provide the same effect • coordinated national approach to support efficient adoption for businesses with multiple sites • support technology aggregators to assist SMEs with implementation of DSM – aggregators are likely to be able to reduce administrative and knowledge burden on SMEs, manage risk over a portfolio of projects, capture multiple disparate revenue streams, and manage network support opportunities. vii Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 This page is intentionally blank. viii Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Glossary c/kWh Cents per kilowatt hour CEC Clean Energy Council DLF Distribution Loss Factor DNSP Distribution network service provider DSM Demand Side Management The planning, implementation, and monitoring of strategies to manage demand to meet supply in the medium to longer term2. DSP Demand Side Participation The ability of energy consumers to make decisions regarding the quantity and timing of their energy consumption that reflect their value of the supply and delivery of electricity. These decisions include both short-run decisions in response to specific events, and longer-run investment decisions about energy efficiency3. DR Demand Response A rapid change in electricity use by a consumer in response to changes in the condition of the grid, changes in energy price or other information.4. DUOS Distribution Use of System HV High voltage KWh Kilowatt hour Large customer A customer that consumes more than 160 MWh of electricity per year LRET Large-scale Renewable Energy Target LV Low voltage MLF Marginal Loss Factor MW Megawatt 2 Australian Standard AS5711-2013 Smart grid vocabulary 3 Australian Standard AS5711-2013 Smart grid vocabulary. 4 Australian Standard AS5711-2013 Smart grid vocabulary. ix Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 MWh Megawatt hours NEM National Electricity Market NER National Electricity Rules PV Photovoltaic RET Renewable Energy Target scheme SME Small Medium Enterprise SRES Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme STC Small-scale Technology Certificate TLF Transmission Loss Factor TOU Time of Use TUOS Transmission Use of System x Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Contents 1. 2. Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Business drivers 2 1.3 Method 3 1.4 Limitations, Assumptions and Exclusions 5 1.5 Carbon price 6 Technologies 7 2.1 Technology options 7 2.1.1 Energy Efficiency 7 2.2 3. 4. 5. 2.1.2 Embedded Generation 11 2.1.3 Battery Energy Storage Systems 13 2.1.4 Automated Load Control 14 First Pass Analysis 19 Businesses 23 3.1 Business Descriptions 23 3.2 Inputs 24 3.3 Business Engagement 25 3.3.1 How can DNSPs engage with SMEs? 25 3.4 Discussion of DSM Technology Applicability by Business Type 25 Tariffs 27 4.1 Tariff Structures 27 4.2 Underlying supply cost drivers and implications for future retail tariffs 29 4.2.1 Feedback Mechanisms 30 4.3 Published tariffs for use in this study 31 4.4 Modelled tariffs for use in this study 34 Modelling 37 5.1 Inputs and Assumptions 37 5.1.1 Economic Assumptions 37 5.1.2 General Modelling Assumptions 37 5.1.3 Technology Assumptions 38 Case Study Results – Retail 39 5.2.1 Energy Efficiency Scenario 40 5.2.2 Solar PV Scenario 41 5.2.3 Sensitivity Analysis – Retail Solar Case Study 42 5.3 Case Study Summary Results 43 5.4 Example Case Study Results – No Solar Export 44 5.5 Example Case Study Results – Solar PV Location, Orientation and Sizing Options 45 5.6 Example Case Study – BESS 47 5.2 xi Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 6. 7. Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 5.6.1 BESS Adoption Point 49 5.7 Example Case Study – Fuel Cells 50 5.8 Example Case Study –Declining Block Demand Tariff 50 5.9 Example Case Study – Discretionary Load Control 53 5.9.1 More General Automated Load Shifting Applications 54 Outcomes and Recommendations 55 6.1 Energy Efficiency Recommendations 55 6.2 Embedded Generation Outcomes 55 6.3 Battery Energy Storage Systems 56 6.4 Automated Load Shifting 56 6.5 Summary for Distribution Network Service Providers 56 6.6 Business Engagement and Barriers 57 6.7 Policy Recommendations 58 6.8 Concluding Remarks 58 6.9 Acknowledgements 59 References 61 Appendices Appendix A Business Appendix B Business Modelling Case Study Results List of figures Figure 2.1: Energy efficient LED lighting 8 Figure 2.2: Energy efficient controls and heat pump 8 Figure 2.3: Energy efficient solar hot water system 9 Figure 2.4: Power factor correction equipment, capacitor banks 9 Figure 2.5: Embedded generation solar photovoltaic 11 Figure 2.6: Embedded generation small wind turbine 12 Figure 2.7: Battery energy storage system, top left small < 100 kWh, top right 200 kWh, bottom 1.6 MWh large scale energy storage 14 Figure 2.8: top left Interval meter, top right interval meter used in commercial demand management installation, bottom left smart circuit breaker, bottom right smart circuit breaker used in commercial demand management installation 16 Figure 2.9: Example load shifting application 16 Figure 3.1: Business average daily load profiles 24 Figure 4.1: Traditional tariff breakdown by business size 28 Figure 4.2: Sample energy tariffs, energy components only 33 Figure 4.3: Make-up of a typical retail business electricity bill under each of the tariff structures. 35 Figure 5.1: Retail business electricity costs (base case) 39 Figure 5.2: Retail business electricity costs with energy efficiency 40 xii Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Figure 5.3: Retail business returns with energy efficiency 41 Figure 5.4: Retail business electricity costs with Solar PV 41 Figure 5.5: Retail business returns with solar PV 42 Figure 5.6: Solar PV orientation (illustrative only) 46 Figure 5.7: BESS charge and discharge weekday, with excess solar 47 Figure 5.8: Sample weekend charging from excess solar 48 Figure 5.9: Sample peak tariff discharge on Monday following Saturday charge 48 Figure 5.10: Momentum standing offer left, AGL stepped demand tariff right 51 Figure 5.11: Example discretionary load control 53 List of tables Table 2.1: Summary of potential energy savings from energy efficiency 10 Table 2.2: DSM options first pass analysis 20 Table 4.1: Qualitative opportunities for SMEs associated with different tariff components 29 Table 4.2: Published tariff summary 32 Table 4.3: Declining block demand tariff 33 Table 4.4: Modelled tariff summary 35 Table 5.1: Retail case study sensitivity of payback period to capital cost 43 Table 5.2: Summary of discounted payback periods by business, tariff and technology 43 Table 5.3: Office case study (no export) 44 Table 5.4: Solar resource locational variability 46 Table 5.5: Results declining block demand tariff 52 Table 5.6: Discretionary load control results 54 xiii Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 This page is intentionally blank. xiv Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 1. Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Introduction The Clean Energy Council (CEC), through the Future Proofing in Australia’s Electricity Distribution Industry (FPDI) program, is exploring the changes from the continued integration of renewable energy into Australian distribution networks. There are a number of significant changes currently occurring in the way electricity is priced, new distributed electricity generation options, load control technology and distributed energy storage. The CEC is analysing how these changes will impact the shape of the distribution industry. The CEC’s major focus is to enhance the flexibility and resilience of Australia’s electricity distribution systems and the installations connected to them. This report is a key input to the wider CEC FPDI program and is intended to build an understanding of the opportunities for the uptake of Demand Side Management5 (DSM) options for Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The outcome of the analysis from this technical report and further business engagement is compiled in the companion report "Guide to demand side management solutions for businesses" compiled by Moreland Energy Foundation Limited. The analysis presented here will be used to produce reference material that will equip SME customers with the knowledge to make informed decisions on what DSM opportunities are available to them and what these decisions may mean for their energy costs. The case studies and outcomes presented in this report are intended to provide a guide for businesses to understand if demand side participation (DSP) is relevant to them, and what DSM opportunities they should consider. The case studies considered (including sensitivities) are intended to provide broad coverage of the types of scenarios that may apply to SMEs. However, the individual circumstances of every business will vary, and the results should be considered in this context. In particular, specific assumptions are made about the load profile, technology and tariff for each case study, and the associated outcomes apply directly only to those particular circumstances. Outcomes for SMEs will vary with location and with individual circumstances. 1.1 Background Total retail electricity prices have been rising for SMEs, with the dominant cause being the increase in network costs bought about by capital infrastructure projects required to meet projected increases in peak demand that occur for a very short period, often less than 0.5% of the year or 50 hours per year. The CSIRO’s Change and choice6 report provides a concise background on the recent rises in 5 Demand side participation is defined as “The ability of energy consumers to make decisions regarding the quantity and timing of their energy consumption that reflect their value of the supply and delivery of electricity. These decisions include both short-run decisions in response to specific events, and longer-run investment decisions about energy efficiency.” Australian Standard AS57112013 Smart grid vocabulary. In this report, we typically refer to DSM, as this encompasses the actual planning and implementation process, however, DSP is still relevant in some aspects of the discussion. 6 CSIRO, Change and choice The Future Grid Forum’s analysis of Australia’s potential electricity pathways to 2050, 2013. 1 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 retail electricity tariffs. This report also highlights how demand response from customers to these increasing prices has impacted on the growth in peak demand, and is beginning to have significant impacts on the way electricity is produced and consumed. A range of future scenarios is presented that highlight the current uncertainty in the market, and potential for change. At the same time, a range of technologies is maturing in the market place, which provides customers with options to address their electricity costs. With rising electricity tariffs, businesses are exploring their opportunities to contain or reduce their electricity costs. New technologies offer avenues to do this. A number of new technology options and tariff changes are allowing businesses to increasingly participate in demand side management in an attempt to reduce the cost of electricity supply. Any such changes can, however, impact on the efficiency of the electricity system as a whole. Significant changes are occurring in the electricity industry, providing opportunities for SMEs to reduce their electricity costs through greater involvement in both the consumption and generation of electricity Retail electricity tariffs are changing from simple bundled flat rates to the introduction of more ‘cost reflective’ electricity pricing. This change is attempting to price electricity taking into account when, where and how much electricity is consumed and the cost that this consumption has on the cost of running the electricity systems as a whole. These tariff changes are resulting in increased complexity and uncertainty for DSM options for SMEs, however, there are also some niche opportunities. Another factor increasing the options for DSM is the increasing availability of technologies including increased information technology, advanced metering, load control systems, energy efficiency, solar PV generation and battery energy storage systems. These technologies have experienced significant cost reductions, especially in the case of solar PV providing an opportunity for SMEs to generate behind the meter, offsetting energy consumption. Ongoing policy and regulatory change is occurring which will impact on the type and quantity of DSM opportunities. These changes can either limit or encourage DSM, for example changes to the feed in tariffs of embedded solar PV generation and in other cases providing opportunities to reduce peak demand to defer distribution network augmentation upgrades. 1.2 Business drivers In identifying opportunities for business to participate in demand management, Entura and MEFL have developed a summary of key drivers, developed from direct engagement with SMEs in regards to DSP. An understanding of SME drivers is required in evaluating opportunities for DSP in these businesses. Both the drivers and opportunities for SMEs are significantly different to both residential and large scale customer. The key findings are drawn from engagement with business around DSP from the King Island demand side management project, direct business engagement for this project by MEFL, and ongoing SME interactions and engagement with SMEs by Momentum Energy’s customer energy services staff. A summary of key SMEs engagement outcomes includes: • 2 opportunities require short payback periods, and these vary considerably between businesses from 2 to a maximum of 7 years in rare cases Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 • simple and easy to use processes, within their internal capacity, are required for adoption of new DSM technology or solutions • SMEs have considerable uncertainty over length of time in premises • often premises are leased rather than owned, which may limit access or desire for changes related to the property, for example roof spaces or electrical infrastructure • electricity cost is often a low priority in selection of premises (in comparison to other drivers such as market location, or workforce) • electricity is often a relatively low (<5%) proportion of overall business costs • there is focus on core business activities, with limited capacity for other considerations • may be part of larger businesses and require alignment with other businesses for planning of capital investment • energy efficiency has historically provided quick payback periods, though has often not been fully exploited • most electricity loads are non-discretionary as they are critical to business functionality, and hence load deferral or automatic load control options may be limited • SMEs have a limited understanding of DSP and the various technologies • SMEs have a desire to identify how much they will save on their annual bill. A more detailed compilation of outcomes is presented in the MEFL companion report "Guide to demand side management solutions for businesses". This report focuses on the technology viability and economic drivers for adoption of DSM by SMEs. This is likely to be a core consideration in any SME decision making around DSM. The MEFL companion report "Guide to demand side management solutions for businesses" also addresses broader drivers, as outlined above. 1.3 Method The stages of work undertaken in completing this project are as follows: • Gathering data – identification and collection of data, including business consultation (as described in the previous section), technology information, tariff / pricing data, and regulatory background information relevant to SMEs. The data gathered is shown in Section 2, 3, and 4. • Policy and Regulatory Considerations Analysis – consideration of any policy or regulatory barriers to uptake of DSM for SMEs, and to inform policy recommendations arising from DSM opportunity assessment. The key barriers identified are detailed in the Companion report, with policy recommendations included in Section 6 of this report. • SME Electricity Usage Modelling – using data collected to generate representative load profiles for selected business types. This is presented in Section 3 and Appendix A. • Modelling of Demand Side Management Options and Integration – modelling the operation of DSM technology in the context of tariffs and load profiles. This is presented in Section 5, and a more detailed description of the method use is outlined below. • Calculation of Economic Viability Triggers – using the modelling results to estimate the economic viability of different DSM options, including trigger points for when capital cost 3 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 reductions to increase adoption for DSM technology that was not currently viable. This is presented in Section 5, with discussion of the outcomes in Section 6. • Writing of this Technical Report, and the companion report "Guide to demand side management solutions for businesses". The following is a more detailed discussion of the method used in analysing opportunities for DSM, arising from consideration of the interplay between tariffs, load and technology. DSM opportunities can vary widely based on a variety of factors including the load type, geographical location, renewable resource, technology access, business type, policy / regulation and tariff structures. To capture this variation in a meaningful way, a number of case studies have been modelled to describe the opportunities and assist businesses to align the outcomes with their individual circumstances. A brief overview of currently available DSM technologies and the application of these technologies are included to assist businesses in identifying which technologies are currently available and how they may be used for demand side participation. A summary of applications, capital and operational and maintenance costs along with associated value streams were compiled. An initial cost benefit analysis of identified DSM options screened out any opportunities that currently do not present an opportunity under an optimistic scenario. Detailed case study modelling was undertaken on the remaining DSM options. Load Profile In developing the case studies for detailed modelling of the DSM options, load profiles for a cross section of business types were selected based on 30 minute measured interval data. The SME business types were selected to cover a wide cross section of potential load profiles. The load profiles and associated metadata were used to characterise the business operations. Load profiles are infinitely variable, both in the pattern and volume of consumption. Thus, the results include reflection on the sensitivity of opportunities to variation in load profile. This may not, however, capture scenarios where the load profile is considerably different to the case studies. Tariffs A range of current retail tariff structures has been sourced suitable for small / medium businesses defined as electricity consumption below 160 MWh per annum. The tariffs were chosen to provide coverage of the current and future types of tariff applicable to SMEs, including flat and time of use tariffs with bundled and unbundled costs. A number of tariffs were created based on 2013/14 spot market data to examine a range of issues including exposure to energy market volatility and potential cost reflective pricing models. In looking at tariffs, one of the key factors to consider is the apportionment of costs between fixed and variable components, and the impact this has on technology impact. Section 4.2 provides a discussion on the impact of this apportionment. Actual retail tariffs currently available offer a huge range of choice, with a very large number of options available in most areas. Typically, these are structured to offer marketing advantages, and do not necessarily represent underlying costs. Tariffs that do not reflect underlying costs are generally more sensitive to changes in the demand structure (e.g. a flat rate is more likely to change under a falling demand scenario than a tariff with a higher fixed or capacity charge). 4 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Modelling Half hourly time series modelling was conducted to determine the economic opportunities of DSM for a range of options. The modelling included overlaying the DSM option (solar, battery energy storage) with the load profile, solar resource, temperature, import and export tariff, capital and operational costs to determine the relative benefits compared to a base case. The modelling package utilised was the Homer Energy Micro power Optimisation Model, Version 2.81. The opportunities identified in this modelling were assessed against our understanding of SMEs drivers and barriers. The resulting opportunities have been included in the outcomes and recommendations of opportunities for DSM. 1.4 Limitations, Assumptions and Exclusions Businesses with annual electricity consumption in excess of 160 MWh are considered large customers, and attract alternative retail or separately negotiated tariffs and have been excluded from this report. The opportunities identified are based on repeatable opportunities that are available to the market as a whole and exclude site specific or individual opportunities. For example, incentives that are only available in specific geographical areas, including payments for avoided upgrades of network distribution, are not included. Also, individual opportunities such as where businesses close to a threshold seek to change consumption to be reclassified into another tariff class are not included. In general, the focus is on opportunities that are available to a broad cross section of SMEs, however, where there are potential opportunities for niche applications, these are noted (but not investigated in detail). Given the business drivers for SMEs (in particular, focus on core business) niche opportunities are not necessarily likely to be identified by the SMEs they are relevant to, and are likely to rely on approaches from third parties, including aggregators, retailers, or distributors. In focussing on widely available opportunities, pricing signals used to inform the economic proposition for a particular technology were based on existing and potential tariff structures. Estimating the benefits of network support services, of the type where a specific issue exists, in a specific part of the network, that can be addressed using some form of DSM, are the subject of separate FPDI work and are not addressed here. As part of consultation processes, it is likely that DNSPs would engage directly with local SMEs (and others) to determine a solution and value attribution where this exists. There is a significant amount of uncertainty in the current policy environment surrounding embedded renewable generation and the electricity industry in general. While we have attempted to cover the range of sensitivities through considering different tariff structures, the possibilities represented by this uncertainty have the potential to significantly change the outcomes presented within this report. Technology options and costs are subject to significant change. The outcomes presented in this report are based on currently available information and may change in the short-medium term. There are a number of additional DSM options that have not been included in this report as they are still in development or early commercialisation trials and are not currently widely and commercially available. 5 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 1.5 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Carbon price There is currently no legislated price on carbon in Australia. However, businesses may want to consider the possibility of a carbon price in the future. If so a carbon price is likely to have a minor positive impact on the economics of DSP by businesses. The magnitude of any future carbon price is unknown, though from the 2013/14, at a price of $24.15 per tonne of Co2-e, it had an approximate impact on retail electricity bills in the order of 9%7. The impact of this is within the tariff sensitivities, and can be reflected in an increase in a retail tariff improving the economic returns. Refer to section 5.2 for more details. 7 Australian government, Department of Industry,, accessed 30th October 2014. 6 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 2. Technologies 2.1 Technology options Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 DSM provides a way for SMEs to be involved in managing their electricity demand and can assist in reducing costs for the individual business and electricity market as a whole. DSM can take on a variety of forms, or applications, with specific technology associated with each. This section outlines the currently available applications and technology that can be utilised by SMEs to participate in demand side management (DSM) activities. DSM typically involves either shifting or reducing electricity consumption from the grid (reduction also includes self-generation). Energy efficiency and Solar PV are examples of technology for reducing electricity consumption and direct load control is an example of changing the time of consumption to occur at times of lower price. This section provides a brief overview of the current technologies and links them to their applications. 2.1.1 Energy Efficiency Energy efficiency is intended to reduce the amount of energy required for a business to operate. Energy efficiency involves either installing equipment such building insulation, or changing behaviours such as turning off lights. Energy efficiency technology and behavioural change strategies are not covered in detail in this report. As there are many sources of publically available information8,it is recommended that all businesses investigate energy efficiency as a starting point to reduce their overall cost of energy. Examples of energy efficiency technology include: • Lighting o 8 Efficient lighting, technologies such as LED lighting or lighting control ensuring light is only provided when necessary such as times when building is occupied or when natural light is low. Further information on energy efficiency for SMEs can be found at: 7 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Figure 2.1: Energy efficient LED lighting • Building envelope o • Building insulation, draft stopping, window treatments etc. Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) o Insulation and building design o Installation or retrofit of more efficient compressors and control. o Automation or behavioural change to insure only heating/cooling in the amounts and at the time required is delivered. Figure 2.2: Energy efficient controls and heat pump • Energy efficient appliances o 8 Upgrading or augmentation of appliances from domestic appliances through to process equipment e.g. variable speed drivers for motor loads. Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 • Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Solar hot water o Solar hot water systems (SHWSs) are an example of distributed generation and energy efficiency which business should consider as a cost effective measure to reduce energy demand. Current government support, under the Small-Scale Renewable Energy Scheme for eligible solar water heaters and air source heat pumps are entitled to a number of small-scale technology certificates (STCs). Figure 2.3: Energy efficient solar hot water system • Power factor correction o In larger premises power factor correction technology such as capacitor banks can be used to reduce the real power consumed reducing the premises cost and also the load on the distribution network. Power factor correction charges is currently only applicable to large businesses consuming in excess of 160 MWh per annum, which has the power factor charge unbundled. It is possible the unbundling of power factor may reduce over time potentially creating opportunities for smaller customers to reduce costs through power factor correction. Figure 2.4: Power factor correction equipment, capacitor banks The Federal Government Energy Efficiency Opportunities (EEO) Program ( contains outstanding data and advice on the specific opportunities presented by energy efficiency. While this data is primarily derived from large business reporting and experiences, there is a range of specific information relevant to SMEs, including detailed technology descriptions, typical cost of implementation of the technology, and actual energy savings. 9 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 For the purposes of this study Entura looked at generic estimates for the impact of energy efficiency measures, to enable comparison against other opportunities. Energetics9 studied energy efficiency savings opportunities for a range of SMEs using EEO data and other databases10. Entura has reviewed the opportunities for savings for SMEs reported in this work, and allocated these to the relevant business categories as summarised in Table 2.111. Table 2.1: Summary of potential energy savings from energy efficiency Business type Potential energy savings as a % of total consumption Retail 18.9% Accommodation 19.3% Hospitality 18.9% Warehouse 17.8% Office 20.1% Manufacturing 15.3% It is notable that the potential impact of energy efficiency is similar across all businesses (with manufacturing and warehousing being slightly lower). Given the small sample size on which this data is based, the difference between these values is not significant and Entura considers it more robust to assume the same impact across all business types. That is, on average, it is assumed that cost effective energy efficiency measures can reduce demand/consumption by up to 18.4%. The Energetics work also summarised the range of capital cost to energy savings ratios associated with various energy efficiency technologies (i.e. how much does it cost to achieve these savings). These ratios show a decreasing rate of return, and not all available measures would typically be implemented. Typically, only those measures with a payback of 3.3 years or less were found to be of interest to SMEs, though payback of up to 4 years were considered. To model energy efficiency, Entura calculated the average capital cost required to give a 4 year payback on a flat tariff, for each business. This capital cost was maintained when considering the impact of other tariffs. Energy efficiency measures will typically have a lifetime of between 15 and 25 years (typically equipment such as HVAC and lighting will be at the lower end of this range, and building envelope improvements will be at the higher end of the range).It is assumed here that capital outlays on equipment are repeated at 15 years. 9 Energetics (July 2012) Energy use and energy efficiency opportunity data for commercial sector and small/medium businesses – summary of results, Energetics report J/N 110359 (commissioned by Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency) downloaded 4/11/2014. 10 It is notable that the Energetics identifies an upper limit on the payback period of 4 years for businesses in general, and 1-2.5 years for SMEs. This is supported by EEO data that shows approximately 85% of all adopted savings have payback periods of less than 4 years (Energy Efficiency Opportunities – Continuing Opportunities 2011. Results of EEO Assessments reported by participating corporations) 11 Further savings were possible with additional energy efficiency measures, however, these had a diminishing impact and were not cost effective enough for implementation in the cases presented. 10 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 2.1.2 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Embedded Generation Centralised generation (predominantly large coal power stations) has historically dominated electricity generation in Australia. The alternative is on-site (or embedded) generation of electricity behind the meter, such as by the business itself. Embedded generation has the ability to reduce consumption of electricity from the grid, and can also result in export of excess energy to the grid. Embedded generation is rising rapidly in Australia, with in excess of 3,600 MW of domestic solar PV in the Australia market, and the opportunities that it represents to offset electricity costs is one of the key aspects of this study. It is notable that embedded generation currently attracts government incentives in the form of Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs), which effectively reduces the capital cost of this technology. There is, however, some uncertainty about future changes in incentive structures. • Renewable Embedded Generation o Solar Photovoltaic (PV) generation is the most common embedded generation source in Australia accounting for in excess of 3,600 MW of installed capacity. Solar PV converts the solar irradiance incident onto a PV module into DC power which is inverted to grid frequency AC. Solar PV is both suitable for urban and rural environments and has the advantages of being modular allowing it to be cost effectively installed for a range of sizes suited for a SME, from single kW through to hundreds of kW systems. Solar PV has historically shown a rapidly decreasing capital cost of equipment. Solar PV typically has a system life of 25 years, though inverter replacement after 10-15 years is typical (13 years has been assumed in this study). Figure 2.5: Embedded generation solar photovoltaic o Small wind turbine generation is the conversion of wind energy into electrical energy. While it has the advantage of producing more energy per installed kW, it is generally more expensive than solar and not usually suitable for the urban environment. Wind has not realised significant uptake in small scale embedded generation. Wind turbine projects at a smaller scale, suffer from disproportionate costs (planning and permitting, erection, transport, maintenance, skills, non-modular and supply costs) and are often uncompetitive with solar PV. Wind turbines are more appropriate in rural areas where they can be installed on masts up to 30 m high (this will still often require planning approval). In instances where planning approval can be readily obtained and a high wind resource exists, small wind turbines may be an effective embedded generation source for rural businesses. Smaller direct roof mounted technology has a higher levelised cost of energy, though wind energy provides advantages such as renewable resource diversification. 11 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 While there are a number of new small wind technologies entering the market, the historical reduction in cost has been modest. Small wind typically has a system life of 10-15 years. Figure 2.6: Embedded generation small wind turbine o Diesel generation or backup generation already installed and configured for synchronisation with the grid is not competitive with the retail or socket price of energy. For example diesel at a cost of $1.60 per litre, with a generating efficiency of 3.5 kWh/litre and an operations and maintenance cost of $25/MWh would result in a short run cost of energy of between $0.40 and $0.50/kWh. In some limited, site specific cases there may be an opportunity to utilise existing generation at peak times and obtain a network support payment from a DNSP. Diesel generation is a mature technology, and any future cost reductions are expected to be modest. The typical life of a diesel generator depends on the run-time (and maintenance). In typical DSM applications for SMEs, and with proper maintenance, a diesel generator may last 15-20 years. • Fossil fuel embedded generation o In broad terms, fuel cells can generate electricity from a fuel source, and some types can also use electricity to synthesise a fuel. Generator only fuel cells typically use fuels such as natural gas, methanol, ethanol, or propane, and serve a similar function to diesel generators. In comparison to diesel generators, fuel cells typically have higher efficiency, lower emissions, lower noise, lower maintenance, a shorter operating life, and currently have higher capital costs. Fuel cells that synthesise fuel (or both generate electricity and synthesise fuel) typically use hydrogen as the fuel, and can serve a similar role as battery storage (or in some senses, operate like vehicle to grid technology by generating a non-stationary energy source). Given the similarities between the function of fuel cells and other technologies, it is principally the economics that provide differentiation. At a simple level, the economics of the generator function can be summarised as follows: 12 − Commercial fuel cells typically operate to a maximum efficiency of about 60% when producing electricity (when serving both electrical and heat load, this can increase to 85%). − Considering natural gas as a fuel source, current prices of approximately 2.5c/MJ mean that a fuel cell could generate electricity at approximately 15c/kWh. Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 − with zero capital cost, the volume rate for electricity from the grid (or other sources) would need to exceed this 15c/kWh for fuel cells to be viable (assuming no change in gas price) − Fuel cells have a limited operating life in the order of 15,000 hours. Considering the example of the BlueGen fuel cells, which currently cost $33,000 for a 1.5 kW system, this equates to approximately $1.50/kWh − Hence, for fuel cells to become viable, there needs to be a considerable reduction in capital costs, and volume rates for electricity need to be below the equivalent cost of alternative fuel. − For storage applications, the fuel may be essentially free if it is generated by excess energy from solar (for instance). However, fuel cells that can synthesise fuels are considerably more expensive and require greater maintenance due to the additional compression and storage equipment required Fuel cells are commercially available within Australia, however, supply options are limited. Very little uptake has occurred and fuel cell technology remains a niche technology. Significant uncertainty in future gas prices is likely to have an impact on the adoption of this technology. However, the potential for fuel cell backing to firm up supply (as an alternative to battery storage) from distributed PV generation remains an option, as does employment of fuel cells in off-grid applications or areas of network support, though any detailed consideration of these is outside the scope of this report. 2.1.3 Battery Energy Storage Systems Battery energy storage systems (BESS) comprise energy storage (usually lead acid or lithium cells), a charger/inverter and a communications and control system that can be used to provide a range of energy storage and grid support functions. BESS can be used for a variety of applications including to store excess solar PV generation that may not have otherwise been injected into the grid, to provide ramp rate control, to reduce consumption of energy at critical peak times, to island a system in the event of a grid outage, or to enable fully off-grid operation. Lithium based energy storage technology has been used in this report. Lithium batteries typically have greater cycle life, greater depth of discharge, greater energy density (they require less space), lower toxicity, and lower maintenance costs than lead acid batteries, but are currently more costly. The factors in favour of lithium batteries improve their chances of being employed in modular mass produced systems, and hence the potential for cost reductions as the technology matures (removing the remaining advantage of lead acid batteries). Lithium technology is thus considered the likely technology to be deployed at scale in DSM, were BESS to be adopted. Businesses should note that BESS as a technology for demand management is still in its infancy across all applications. Use of BESS in demand management scenarios is limited to trials, early adopters and there is only limited commercially available BESS. However, given the flexibility of applications associated with BESS, there is considerable potential for opportunities, initially in niche situations, as the technology matures and cost reduces. It noted that BESS is composed of much more than just the battery cell technology itself, and includes the inverter, control system, and housing that are required to deliver opportunities for DSM. It is also noted that there is uncertainty of cell life (highly dependent on discharge patterns), fire risk, physical size and weight considerations with BESS. 13 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 BESS cells currently warranted lifetimes of up to 10 years. The warranty is also highly dependent on the charge/discharge characteristics. In this study, it is assumed that BESS cells will be replaced after 10 years. BESS capital costs are currently very high in comparison with the incentives provided by current retail tariffs. The immediate opportunities for BESS will require a range of incentives derived from both power and energy applications, for example: network support payments, critical peak price energy charge avoidance, reducing peak demand to defer high value network augmentation and the like. Figure 2.7: Battery energy storage system, top left small < 100 kWh, top right 200 kWh, bottom 1.6 MWh large scale energy storage 2.1.4 Automated Load Control Automated load control is the reduction of demand, often for infrequent and short periods of time, up to 50 hours per year, in response to price signals. These price signals can range from retail time of use (TOU) tariffs, exposure to critical peak energy prices or avoidance of peak network events. An example of load shifting from a peak to shoulder tariff period can be seen in Figure 2.9. The ability to shift load and the cost to do so varies significantly between businesses, location and time of operation. Applications of load control include: • Demand shifting – or scheduling of load to occur at times of lower prices. This can either occur on a short or longer timeframe. An example is allowing the air-conditioning temperature to rise at critical peak times to avoid high time of use network charges or critical peak prices. Or to precool a building prior to a likely extreme price event. • Direct load control –the direct control of loads. This can vary from simple direct control of circuits via electrical relays to more sophisticated integration with control systems to partially interrupt or reduce the energy required to a given load. A range of commercial providers exist that have either technology solutions or service providers known as an aggregator of DR to provide both the technology and operating regime for the business with the intention of sharing the savings between the customer and the service provider. 14 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 • Demand Interruption – the demand for electricity at times of very high prices. This can incorporate either direct load control by a 3rd party or aggregator of DSM or discretionary interruption. • Inverter discretionary load control – some inverters provide output signals that allow the switching on or off of discretionary loads in response to the solar generation power output. This provides an opportunity to switch discretionary loads, for example a pool pump at an accommodation business, in response to solar generation. SMEs have a relatively limited number of discretionary loads, and these tend to be of small size relative to their total load. This, combined with solar that has limited excess capacity may limit the opportunities presented by inverter load control. Opportunities for inverter load control exist in site specific circumstances and are assisted by: excess solar generation capacity already installed, high utilisation and large discretionary loads and where grid exports are limited or of little value. The value of load control may be enhanced when coupled with intelligent sensors and control systems that can predict or ‘learn’ customer loads to maximise internal consumption for non-discretionary loads. An example of this is pre-cooling rooms utilising excess solar generation, while knowing the cooling load will be needed shortly. Additional inverter functionality such as grid management functions (for example; power factor correction, load control and ramp rate control) may offer benefits to the network service provider and customers, and if priced into tariffs or other incentives, utilisation of these features should be considered. 15 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Figure 2.8: top left Interval meter, top right interval meter used in commercial demand management installation, bottom left smart circuit breaker, bottom right smart circuit breaker used in commercial demand management installation An appropriate location specific incentive model may create an opportunity for customers to utilise grid management functionality, assisting in reducing network costs by potentially delaying network investment or allowing additional solar to be installed, where this is required. However, these benefits are not generally reflected in existing tariffs, and are currently more likely to be negotiated directly where potential network benefits exist. Figure 2.9: Example load shifting application In this report only loads that do not create a significant burden, or high opportunity costs on the business, such as minor changes to HVAC settings, are included. Only a small portion of business electricity demand or processes are suitable for automated load control. This is because there is 16 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 significant sunk investment in existing business equipment that is likely to only be replaced on failure, or the incentive for the load reduction is disproportionally low compared to the business core processes being interrupted. This report focuses on fully automatic control. There are simple, alternate solutions to load control that require manual intervention, such as ‘energy orbs’, which change colour to signal electricity price, and hence to suggest manual load adjustment, or email/phone/SMS notification for 24 hour advance notification of high load periods, again requiring manual load adjustment. However, individual loads in a business context are generally too small to warrant this level of attention (i.e. the business processes and labour required to implement this solution are unlikely to be cost effective). Hence, while these solutions are noted, the focus here is on automated technology options. Typical technology used in providing automatic load control includes: • Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) (Interval / smart meters) • Local Area Networks (Wi-Fi, wired IP, Zigbee) • Receivers (smart switches, control systems) • Demand Response Enabled Devices • Back end data management and control systems. Demand Response enabled Devices (DREDs) are loads/ devices that are able to respond to Demand Response commands, integrated into a LAN and controlled from a centralised aggregator. Examples of currently available DRED devices compliant with AS4755, applicable to SMEs include: • HVAC domestic / commercial • Electric water boilers • Electric boost solar hot water heaters. DRED enabled devices, such as those listed above, respond to control signals to reduce their consumption e.g. Compressor off, <50% capacity or <75% of rated capacity. Depending on customer preferences the control signals can originate from a number of sources, including: • local energy management control system • DNSP • electricity retailer • a third party DSM aggregator (a business that aggregates individual loads to form a commercially tradeable DSM service). Before considering automated DSM a business may want to ask the following of any proposals received by demand side management aggregators; • Is the existing plant and equipment (primarily water heating, HVAC and pumping systems) capable of being interrupted, without impacting on the equipment or processes reliant upon it? • What is the risk associated with a failed reduction in load? • What is the cost to the business processes of a load reduction, deferral or interruption? 17 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 • What are the costs in implementing demand response technology, labour costs, complexity and involvement? • Contact your DNSP to find out if you are located in an area where there is a network capacity constraint where peak load deferral may be of interest? • Do I have the ability to manually override the automated DSM and if so what are the cost implications of this? • If you are going to participate in automated DSM a mature service offering by a reputable provider, clearly demonstrating the cost savings and potential impact on your individual businesses. SMEs are unlikely to have DRED devices currently in operation in their businesses apart from a limited number of split system air conditioning units. Businesses will likely require some form of Advanced Metering Infrastructure to be able to participate in load control. Other equipment would require either retro fitting or once off integration such as commercial scale compressors requiring additional time, cost and complexity, further reducing the likelihood of adoption. Current automated DSM providers are traditionally industrial companies provided multi megawatt reductions in single processes. Significant change and cost reductions would be required to see large scale automated DSM adoption by SMEs. Automated demand response revenue is derived from short term payments, occurring for less than 50 hours per annum. The daily shifting of energy using automated DSM is unlikely to be a cost effective option. SMEs that have a high ratio of peak load to average load, high proportion of discretionary loads, or loads that are easily interrupted, low risk of technology failure, low productivity losses and are located in a constrained network area are best paced to benefit from automated DSM. DNSPs have been evaluating non–network options to reduce the cost of network upgrades, including automated load control. Though, it is often a high cost method when compared to traditional alternatives such as power factor correction or embedded generation, many projects have remained deferred, due to unrealised growth. The South West Interconnected System (SWIS) is observing slower uptake in load shifting, even with capacity payments (i.e. where electricity customers are paid to reduce load and hence avoid network capacity constraints) in the order of $135/ kW. This indicates the load shifting market still has significant cost reductions or access to more revenue streams to be competitive with existing systems. While this scheme is designed for large participants (MW loads), and has considerable administrative overheads that would not be manageable for an SME, it does provide an indication of the approach and limitations. • Other automated load control technologies Vehicle to grid or V2G technology is the two way transfer of energy to the electricity grid which uses the energy storage in an electric vehicle to perform a number of DSM services. Including services such as Frequency Control Ancillary Services (FCAS) services, generation smoothing and energy shifting. This is excluded from consideration as the services are not currently available. It is important to distinguish between V2G technology, which is essentially an automated load control technology aimed at providing network support, and normal operations of electric vehicles, including in a business fleet (noting that most SMEs are likely to have at most a small 18 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 fleet of vehicles). Under normal operation of EVs, they act as a load, much like any other load, however, there may be some level of discretion on timing of charging (it is not fully discretionary as this would impact on the primary purpose of the investment – as transport). The opportunities presented by discretionary loads are discussed in Section 5.9. Broadly though, charging EVs from excess solar that would otherwise be exported to the grid is likely to present a good opportunity (when it does not constrain use of the car for other business functions. Installing solar (or additional solar) specifically for the purposes of charging EVs is potentially a good opportunity, depending on usage patterns of the vehicle and times available for charging. This opportunity assessment is very similar to the more general assessment of solar opportunities presented in Section 5.3, which prove to be more attractive when the load (charging) coincides with generation (i.e. this opportunity is likely to be viable when the vehicle is not in use during the middle of the day). Broadly though, the case for use of EVs versus conventional vehicles is not within the scope of this DSM project, and in this context, charging of EVs should be considered as a load like any other (though with some discretion). EVs can also act as temporary storage, providing a similar function as BESS (i.e. energy arbitrage), within the limits of other use of the vehicle. The opportunities presented by BESS are discussed in Section 5.6. Again, the case for use of EVs versus conventional vehicles is not covered here. It is noted though using and EV as a BESS would reduce battery life available for transport (though would increase low battery utilisation usual as a BESS), but that less opportunities for energy arbitrage may be available with some being used to charging opportunities being used to charge the EV for transport. The V2G specific automated load control technology is unlikely to represent a significant opportunity in the context of present tariff structures capacity payments. It is more likely to be of value in specific network support operations, as outlined earlier. As noted previously, valuation of these is underway as a separate FPDI study, and is outside the context of this DSM study. • Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS) have traditionally been designed for large and high energy use buildings to perform a number of functions though including energy efficiency energy and scheduling and control of major building equipment functions such as lighting, ventilation and temperature. These systems are fairly complex requiring installation, software, sensors, integration and system operation, though are highly flexible and can perform a variety of DSM functions such as energy efficiency, sub-metering, load scheduling and load interruption. BEMS are only suited to larger loads, in excess of 160 MWh, due to the initial capital costs and complexity of these systems. BEMS are a more attractive opportunity where BEMS already exist and are being replaced as part of a building upgrade and where the value of BEMS can be attributed to multiple functions, such as security, sub-metering, energy efficiency and DSM. 2.2 First Pass Analysis This section narrows down the range of DSM options from those considered in the preliminary analysis in the preceding sections, based on the suitability for small/ medium size businesses. This section focuses broadly on current opportunities, but also considers the potential for changes in technology to change the situation. DSM options considered suitable form the focus of detailed analysis. In some cases, DSM options not considered suitable are still of potential interest for a variety of reasons, and in these cases, specific examples are used in Section 5 to explain these cases. The screening of opportunities is presented in Table 2.2. 19 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 The criteria used to determine whether a technology is suitable are based on experience with SME customers, engineering judgment, industry knowledge, outcomes from industry reports and hindsight having modelled scenarios for most of the technologies here. Key evaluation criteria include: • simplicity: technology, planning, organisational and commercial complexity • site independent location; preference for generic applications that can apply to the majority of sites suitable for both urban and rural installations and appropriate to the scale of demand • availability • economic return, payback periods of less than 7 years sought • certainty of commercial outcome. Table 2.2: DSM options first pass analysis Technology Comment Analysis type Energy Efficiency Energy efficiency is a mature, moderately simple technology to implement, and solutions are available for most locations. It is widely available and well understood, and there are a number of solutions available with short payback. The commercial returns are moderately easy to estimate in advance of an investment. Future technology developments will likely increase the range of options. This technology is likely to offer opportunities for a wide range of SMEs. Detailed (see Section 5) Solar PV Solar PV is a mature, simple to implement technology, which is widely available and well understood. The commercial returns vary with location, business type, tariff, and sizing, and payback periods vary accordingly but are generally modest. Despite this variability, returns can be predicted relatively well for a specific business. Decreasing system prices will improve the attractiveness of new installations over time. This technology is likely to offer opportunities for a wide range of SMEs. Detailed (see Section 5) Wind Small wind is a moderately mature technology, but is complex to implement and highly site specific. It is generally available to most SMEs, however, payback periods tend to be moderate even for businesses that are suited for it. Accurate predictions of commercial return are difficult or require disproportionate up-front investment. Planning requirements may present limitations. Future technology developments are likely to result in modest improvements in returns, but may not address other issues. This technology is likely to offer opportunities only for a very small proportion of SMEs, likely in rural areas. Preliminary (see Section 2.1) 20 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Technology Comment Analysis type Fuel Cells Fuel cells are a mature technology, can be relatively easy to implement and are moderately site independent (though use for heating loads may vary). Its availability is currently low. Certainty of commercial outcomes is moderately easy to estimate, though gas price uncertainty is an issue. However, capital costs are extremely high, and make the payback period on this technology non-existent. Future technology improvements may reduce capital costs significantly. This technology is likely to be adopted by few SMEs, in niche situations or where there are other drivers for their use (such as energy security). Example case (see Section 5.7) Co/TriGeneration Co and Tri-generation is a mature technology, however, it is complex to implement and integration is highly site specific. Availability of co/tri-generation is currently moderately good, and payback periods can be moderate in businesses where it is suited, however, it can be difficult to predict commercial outcomes associated with heating and cooling loads in a small premises, and commercial outcomes are also dependent on forward gas prices. Technology developments are likely to gradually reduce price, however, the issues of complexity and site specific suitability may prevail. This technology is likely to offer opportunities to a few SMEs in niche situations, where they are willing to divert attention from core business to the assessment and implementation of the system. Preliminary (see Section 2.1) Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) BESS that are entering the market are relatively simple, and often integrated with solar inverters. They are moderately site independent, though require some space and aim to take advantage of excess solar (or grid) energy, so are load specific. Commercial certainty is moderate, as it can be difficult to predict battery performance and life. Most importantly for BESS, payback period is currently non-existent. Though BESS are relatively immature and there is the potential for significant capital cost reductions, however, there are a number of factors that would need to alter before BESS can active reasonable payback periods. This technology is likely to offer opportunities to a few SMEs in niche situations, and may become more widely viable in the future, however, there are a number of barriers for this to occur and BESS are not considered as near term opportunities in general. Example cases (see Section 5.6) 21 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Technology Comment Analysis type Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS) Building energy management systems are typically complex systems aimed at larger businesses and requiring active involvement. They are moderately site specific and generally available, however, at an SME scale, they are likely to have relatively long payback. Future developments may see this technology migrate towards smaller customers, however, it is not yet clear how the control requirements would be addressed cost effectively. This technology is likely to offer opportunities to a few SMEs in niche situations, and may become more widely viable in the future, however, there are a number of barriers for this to occur and BEMS are not considered as near term opportunities in general. Preliminary (see Section 2.1) Load control Applications of smart load control such as scheduling, deferring or interruption of loads is currently only used in very site specific locations that generally have a distribution network constraint. Smart load control relies heavily on existing infrastructure such as communications networks, interval meters with load control functionality and equipment that is demand response enabled. Commercial certainty is low and payback periods are long, except where there is a specific network constraint to support. Future developments may see greater penetration of smart grid enabled devices into the network, in which case there may be opportunity to deploy this technology more widely. This technology is likely to offer opportunities to a few SMEs in niche situations, and may become more widely viable in the future, dependent on a range of factors Example case (see Section 5.9) Vehicle to Grid (V2G) V2G are relatively immature but moderately simple to implement (though some degree of user input may be required in some circumstances) where standardised solutions are offered, which is currently relatively rare at present. Commercial certainty is complex as it needs to consider use of the vehicle as well as network support. Payback periods are long or non-existent under current tariffs, but may be lower in network support, however, costing of this benefit is outside the scope of this work. Future developments of the technology may address the issues for implementation, however, there are a range of issues to address and it is difficult to estimate how this role will develop. SMEs may look to niche opportunities in this area, particularly if they purchase EVs for other reasons. Preliminary (see Section 2.1) 22 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 3. Businesses 3.1 Business Descriptions Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 The following general business types have been used for modelling: • retail • accommodation • food (Hospitality) • warehouse • office • manufacturing. One load profile was selected to represent each business type. While these profiles were taken from actual businesses within that category, there is significant variation between individual businesses of a single category. Thus, the business type, description of energy use, average consumption, and load profiles should be considered as a guide only. Across the six business types, the range of load profiles varies considerably. This provides good coverage of the range of possible load profiles, and largely captures the possible variation due to load profile (i.e. the opportunities available to SMEs will fall within the coverage of opportunities considered by looking at these load profiles, and it is possible that some businesses may identify more closely with a case study of a different business type). The load profiles are summarised in Figure 3.1. 23 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Mean Daily Profile 40 Accommodation Office Hospitality Manuf acturing Retail Mean Value Power (kW) 30 20 10 0 0 6 12 18 24 Hour of Day (Hours) Figure 3.1: Business average daily load profiles Considerable geographic variation in loads for individual businesses will occur due to differences in cooling and heating loads. These will tend to be seen as seasonal variations rather than daily variations. With tariffs being based on daily time of use (and the load profiles normalised as described in the next section), these geographic differences have little impact on the outcomes of the assessment. 3.2 Inputs The sample business data presented here is taken from actual businesses within Victoria and New South Wales (where the required data was accessible). The actual business used to generate the profile is not explicitly identified on request of data providers. The businesses used for each case study were selected from available data, as being from a particular business type, and having typical operating conditions. ‘Typical’ performance was determined by qualitative comparison of load profiles form at least 3 businesses of each business type, and also considering US Department of Energy12 average profiles for that business type. The load profiles were taken from measured 30 minute interval meter data for the 2013/2014 year. All load profiles were scaled to give an annual consumption of 100 MWh (considered a mid-level baseline of consumption for SMEs) to enable comparison. No other processing was applied to the load data. This data was supplied by individual businesses or by Momentum Energy from its customer database. It is noted that most of these businesses are based in Victoria because this provided the best 12 24 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 available detail in the data. As noted earlier, it is expected that there will be considerable variation in seasonal load with geographic location. However, this has limited impact on the daily load profile, and as it is the daily load profile that primarily interacts with tariffs and technologies, it is expected that this geographic variation will have limited impact on the opportunities available. It is further noted that the normalisation of annual load to 100 MWh removes some of the potential geographic variation in load. For details of the case study load profiles and business summaries, refer to Appendix A Business . 3.3 Business Engagement As described in Section 1.2, a range of discussions were entered into with individual SMEs, to understand their individual drivers (including values, economic considerations, and actual electricity usage). 3.3.1 How can DNSPs engage with SMEs? DNSPs may wish to engage with SMEs to encourage specific DSM actions that support the network. Given the business drivers for SMEs, and in particular the focus on core activities and the relatively low portion of costs associated with electricity supply, SMEs are generally unlikely to engage direct with DNSPs, and the primary means of influence over SMEs’ DSM actions is through tariffs. That is, in the majority of cases, the only means of influence that DNSPs will have over SMEs DSM is by setting the network use of service charges to reflect their interests, and encouraging these to be passed on where possible through retailers. Standard consultation processes of DNSPs considering network upgrade options are also likely to be ineffective in attracting the attention of SMEs (i.e. SMEs are generally unlikely to even attend advertised consultation forums), for the previously described reasons. If there is a specific network issue where an SME can significantly provide benefit through DSM, then a direct approach or offer from a DNSP to that SME may be an effective form of engagement. However, such situations where the benefits outweigh the efforts in such engagement are unlikely to be common. Capacity payment systems such as in the SWIS are unlikely to be of interest to SMEs because of the associated administrative burden and the above reasons. Over time, if such systems can be simplified and automated, there is the potential that these may form a basis for engaging with SMEs. Both direct approaches to SMEs and SME participation in capacity payment systems may be more attractive to both DNSPs and SMEs if facilitated by an aggregator role. This may be a retailer or independent third party who can access multiple value streams (including from DNSPs) by identifying suitable opportunities across multiple SMEs and providing access to these. DNSPs may be better served by consulting with an aggregator where network benefits can be achieved through DSM, than by attempting to engage directly with SMEs. 3.4 Discussion of DSM Technology Applicability by Business Type Businesses in this case study can generally apply energy efficiency practices reasonably uniformly across the board and should be considered a first step in managing demand and reducing electricity costs, due to the relatively fast pay back periods. Energy efficiency technology solutions are wide ranging and applicable to nearly all business types. They typically have diminishing returns across the range of solutions, so it is generally possible for businesses to choose one or two solutions with a 25 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 smaller impact and shorter payback, or more solutions with greater impact but longer payback. The energy reduction is generally results in a direct ‘flat’ reduction across the daily load profile, as opposed to targeted reductions at peak times. The small niche batch manufacturer in this case study was considered to have a lower ability due to the changing short run batch processes that are less likely to allow for energy efficiency returns to be realised over short manufacturing periods. Embedded generation opportunities, and in particular solar PV, may provide a benefit worth investigating across a wide range of business types, though not all business load profiles. Benefits are driven by daily load profile being coincident with the solar resource, ability to offset consumption in peak times under flat tariffs, relatively flat daylight hour demand and demand occurring 7 days per week to maximise the utilisation of generated electricity. Future tariff structures are highly uncertain and may significantly impact on the economic benefits of solar PV. The accommodation case study is less advantageous for solar PV, due to load generally occurring outside of daylight hours, either in the morning or the evening, combined with seasonal operations. In this case the solar PV is sized to match the daily load and is relatively smaller compared to peak load occurring in the evening, this minimises lower value exports. The ability to shift or interrupt load is linked to the major business processes such as water heating or HVAC, either pre-heating\cooling (load shifting) or short term load interruption. The quick service restaurant modelled here has limited ability to alter load as the processes of preparing food and beverages often uses just in time preparation processes using specialised equipment. HVAC requirements often require very consistent temperature profiles for food storage and customer comfort and often require significant capital investment to alter their operation and control. 26 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 4. Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Tariffs There are a large number of current retail electricity tariffs available across Australia. This section covers the current and proposed types and structure of tariffs a business may be exposed to rather than analysis or optimisation of all the available tariffs. The tariffs are intended to indicate the sensitivity of differing DSM options to changing tariffs structures, rather than any sort of reflection on the absolute value of a particular tariff. It is noted that other sources of value other than the tariff exist for SMEs, though these are currently site and business specific and are not available to the majority of SMEs. Business specific value sources may include energy security, marketing, or personal values, and these are discussed further in the Companion Report. Site specific value sources are typically non-tariff based incentives for avoided or deferred network upgrade costs, which are currently typically implemented by consultation by the DNSP. The value of such opportunities is part of other work in the FPDI program, and is not specifically addressed here. 4.1 Tariff Structures Traditionally tariffs on offer to businesses below the 160 MWh annual consumption thresholds have been simple bundled retail tariffs. These bundled tariffs combined all the electricity costs (retail, wholesale energy, distribution/transmission and environmental) into a single volume consumption rate, expressed as c/kWh. As new technologies such as interval meters are installed there is an increased offering of more sophisticated tariffs that can reflect the volume and timing of energy network cost components. Cost reflective pricing is an attempt to apportion the actual costs for individual customers and provide a retail price that reflects these costs. With cost reflective pricing, there are typically three components of electricity supply that can be included in a tariff (depending on the metering installed and what data it records): • fixed fee (also known as daily/monthly supply charge) – a fee that is fixed for the billing period ($, $/day or $/month) • volume fee – a fee that is proportional to the energy consumed ($/kWh) o flat rate – the same rate is charged at all times during a billing period (the ‘traditional tariff) o off peak – a different rate is charged at defined ‘off-peak’ times compared to the regular tariff (effectively a peak / off peak two rate system) o time of use (TOU) – different rates are charged at different times of day or week (typically three rates - peak, shoulder and off-peak)13 13 TOU pricing is actually very similar to ‘off-peak’ pricing, except that it typically uses three rates instead of two. And confusingly, many published TOU tariffs may have the same shoulder and peak rates. However, it is important to keep the distinction. 27 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 o • Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 block – a different rate is charged when the total energy use in the billing period exceeds a given threshold − inclining block – where the rate increases above the threshold − declining block – where the rate decreases above the threshold capacity fee – a fee that is proportional to the instantaneous demand ($/kW or $/kVA) o flat rate – the fee is proportional to the maximum instantaneous demand for the billing period o TOU – different rates apply to instantaneous demand at different times of day or week (typically three rates – peak, shoulder and off-peak). o block – a different rate is charged when the peak demand in the billing period exceeds a given threshold (inclining or declining as above) There is also a fourth component: • Feed in – a payment that is proportional to the energy fed back into the grid, typically from solar PV ($/kWh) o flat rate – the same rate is paid at all times during the billing period o TOU - different rates are paid at different times of day or week (typically three rates peak, shoulder and off-peak) o capped – a rate (flat or TOU as above) is paid up to a capacity or volume limit Retailers can include these components in any number of ways, resulting in a myriad of options. Often, retailers will package these in ways that offer a marketing advantage (i.e. to differentiate from competitors, or offer perceived savings to customers). Retailers will set the rates for each component so that at predicted customer demand, they will achieve their required cost recovery and profit margin, however, the component costs may not reflect underlying costs. Traditionally, more complex ‘unbundled’ tariffs were used for larger businesses, however, increasingly as the metering technology, retailer modelling and data processes develop, these are becoming available to smaller businesses (and even households), as shown in Figure 4.1. Figure 4.1: Traditional tariff breakdown by business size 28 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 In qualitative terms, the potential opportunities for SMEs for associated with each tariff component are set out in Table 4.1. Table 4.1: Qualitative opportunities for SMEs associated with different tariff components Tariff Rate component Opportunity Technology / behaviour Fixed - Off-gridb Solar-battery-diesel (or fuel cell), Energy efficiency Volume Flat Reduce consumption Energy efficiency, embedded generation Off-peak Reduce peak consumption, shift peak to off-peak Energy efficiency, Embedded generationa, storage, load control TOU Reduce peak and shoulder consumption, shift peak and shoulder to off-peak Energy efficiency, Embedded generationa, storage, load control Inclining Block Limit total consumption Energy efficiency, Embedded generation Declining Block Off-gridb Solar-battery-diesel (or fuel cell), Energy efficiency Flat Reduce peak demand Energy efficiency, embedded generationc, load control TOU Reduce peak and shoulder demand, shift peak and shoulder demand to off-peak Energy efficiency, Embedded generation, storage, load control Flat Export energy to grid, system size to suit business case Embedded generation Capacity Feed-in TOU Capped a Particularly where the embedded generation coincides with peak or shoulder tariffs. b There are actually limited opportunities here to reduce costs, hence the only way of avoiding costs here is to go off-grid. Though if business output is dependent on cost of energy, there may be advantages in increasing consumption (rare for SMEs). c Embedded generation is typically variable, and may be low at times of high demand. Thus, it may have a low impact on capacity charges. 4.2 Underlying supply cost drivers and implications for future retail tariffs This section is intended particularly for network service providers to understand the implications of the opportunities available to SMEs, and to plan appropriate responses. As identified previously, SMEs are focussed on their core activities, and economic decisions around DSM will be determined by pricing signals in their tariffs. Thus, pricing signals through tariffs will be the primary economic factor under their influence that will affect take-up of DSM, and hence the primary means of 29 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 directing SME behaviour to support the network. Some specific direct consultation with SMEs may be possible where specific network issues exist, however, this is likely to be the exception, rather than the norm. To assist network service providers to plan tariffs that will support SME decisions that support the network, this section highlights the factors driving electricity supply cost, which will impact on retail tariffs, with a view to better understanding possible future tariff scenarios and tariff uncertainty. This is expanded further in the following section, where we look at how possible future tariffs will affect technology take-up, through feedback mechanisms. Note that Entura has not specifically modelled the broader economic drivers of network pricing (this is addressed in other FPDI studies). The discussion presented here is based on Entura and Momentum’s experience with retail tariff pricing, background information on current industry trends, and the implications of our modelling in this study on net revenues. In simplistic terms, the underlying costs of electricity supply vary in the following ways: • peak demand drives investment in transmission and distribution infrastructure • spatially, the cost of electricity supply depends on the drivers at each particular node in the network, and can vary considerably • standards govern the safety of electricity networks, and changing standards can impact on operations and maintenance costs, as well as new infrastructure. On a broad scale, recent experience has seen expectations of rising demand causing significant new infrastructure development. While this can be linked to peak demand levels (and in particular, peak air conditioner loads), the reality is that this investment is now a sunk cost, and is effectively a fixed cost component of the electricity supply system (i.e. past investment costs do not change with current volume or capacity demands). With current falling demand (generally), network charges are generally transitioning towards higher fixed, and lower volume based components in order to maintain revenue (capacity charges are also increasing as will be explained shortly). At the same time, this trend is not universal, with parts of the network still experiencing demand growth. Furthermore, new standards particularly in relation to fire safety represent an additional cost to network services providers, which impacts more on some areas of the network than others. 4.2.1 Feedback Mechanisms In modelling the impact of different tariffs, there were several interesting observations that were likely to drive future tariff structures: • Load shifting – Viability of a technology that shifts load from high cost times to lower cost times depends on the time based pricing differential (energy arbitrage). Implementation of that technology causes a reduction in volume and capacity load at high cost times. Wide spread adoption, is therefore likely to reduce the driver for the high energy arbitrage. For instance, installing batteries to shift peak usage to off-peak usage reduces peak loads, and hence was likely to reduce the underlying cost associated with higher peak charges. As adoption increases, the arbitrage on offer was considered likely to decrease. This was considered a stabilising feedback loop. • 30 Load reduction – Viability of a behaviour change, or technology that reduces consumption depends on the rates of avoided volume charges (and to some extent capacity charges). Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Implementation of load reduction causes a reduction in volume (and to some extent capacity) charges, and corresponding reduction in revenue to the industry. Where the reduction in industry revenue exceeds the variable cost of supplying that energy, industry margins suffer and tariff changes are likely with increased fixed or other charges. For instance, recent reductions in load associated with energy efficiency and embedded generation have resulted in lower volume rates and higher capacity rates or fixed fees. This was considered a stabilising feedback loop. However, the cycle may be long in line with the pricing cycle for network service providers, particularly given lag in consumer behaviour and mixed signals in pricing passed through to customers by retailers. Any load reductions that are viable and can be implemented where the reduction in industry revenue is less than the variable cost of energy supply will likely result in widespread adoption, without necessarily introducing a feedback loop, resulting in a progressive, stable adoption. If load reduction is extended to going off grid, a reinforcing feedback loop may result. Moving off-grid means fixed costs of supply are apportioned over a narrower base, increasing costs to other users, and thus the incentive for them to move off-grid. • Tariff selection – changing from one tariff to another to get a lower total bill, without changing load, is currently a viable option for many SMEs. This would result in reduced net revenue to industry, without any actual reduction in cost. The consequential changes in the tariff (increase, or change in structure) would be designed to offset this revenue loss, and hence this was considered a stabilising loop. In summary, all of the identified actions, with the exception of going off-grid, were considered as stabilising loops, such that where incentives drive adoption of a behaviour or technology, the adoption causes a decrease in those incentives in the longer term. The period of feedback is linked to the pricing cycle. Ultimately, however, where the cost of DSM results in a real reduction in energy supply costs of the same or greater amount, it should remain viable and uptake should increase. At present, however, only some DSM strategies appear to have reached this threshold in very limited parts of the network. 4.3 Published tariffs for use in this study At any given location in the NEM14, an SME may have access to something in the order of 50 tariffs from around 10 retailers15. And between locations, there will be further variation in tariffs available. As such, it is not possible to consider the full range of tariffs available to SMEs. Instead, the approach here uses two examples of current published tariffs for common tariff structures. For these two tariffs, we will investigate the opportunity presented by various technologies for each business type. We also investigate some alternative tariffs to understand the sensitivities of these results to variation in the tariffs, with the aim of capturing the majority of scenarios. • 14 The published tariffs considered are the traditional or conventional pricing and the more recent TOU tariff. These specific tariffs selected were Momentum Energy tariffs for the In Western Australia, the tariff choices are more limited, but still offer some flexibility. 15 From a review of various locations on - actual numbers vary widely with location 31 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 AusGrid network (somewhat arbitrary, though the basis for these tariffs was best known to Entura). Once again, sensitivity studies were undertaken to understand how other tariffs would affect the viability of opportunities for SMEs. The selected tariffs, are presented in Table 4.2. Assumed all business have a Type 5 standard interval meter for customers consuming less than 100 MWh. Table 4.2: Published tariff summary16 Name State Retailer DNSP Tariff Peak Type volume charge (c/kWh) Tariff 1 NSW Momentum AusGrid Flat (Standing Rate Offer E (Anytime) MOM14126SS) Tariff 2 NSW Momentum AusGrid Time (Momentum of Standing Offer Use D (LoadSmart) MOM14130SS) Shoulder volume charge (c/kWh) OffPeak volume charge (c/kWh) capacity charge (c/kW/ day) Daily supply charge (c/day) 29.39 n/a n/a n/a 153.42 24.37 18.35 13.43 33.83 577.85 A comparison of these tariffs on a time of use basis is shown in Figure 4.2. Also shown in Figure 4.2 are Tariffs 3 and 4, which are described in Section 4.4., however, it is important to understand that this figure does not tell the full story, as the actual charge associated with these two tariffs can only be determined by considering the load profile (i.e. total cost to customers does not depend only on the volume rate of energy, and other components can be significant). This is considered in subsequent sections. 16 ding%20Offer%20v2.pdf 32 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Figure 4.2: Sample energy tariffs, energy components only Declining block demand tariff Declining block demand tariffs (or capacity tariffs in the Australian Standard smart grid vocabulary) have been implemented in some instances as a response to solar PV, to better reflect supply costs. While the effect of this tariff is somewhat similar to other tariffs considered, Entura has included a declining block demand tariff as a case study (i.e. this is not used for all businesses, and only for solar embedded generation) to highlight the impact of this tariff. The selected tariff is shown in Table 4.1. Table 4.3: Declining block demand tariff State Retailer SA DNSP AGL SA (General Networks18 Supply Stepped Demand GSSD17) Tariff Type Volume Daily supply (c/kWh) charge (c/day) Declining 24.651 block demand tariff 27.92 Daily capacity charge (c/kVA/month) First 100 KVA/mth 2,240.7 Next 150 KVA/mth 1,469.6 Next 750 KVA/mth 1,179.2 Balance KVA/mth 986.7 Additional demand 597.3 As described previously, a declining block demand tariff, charges customers based on the maximum demand (kVA) with the higher demand the lower the charge. For the selected tariff, the volume component is charged at a flat rate. 17 Retail tariff, Small Business, South Australia, AGL, General Supply Stepped Demand GSSD, July 2014. 18 Network tariff, SA Networks, Low Voltage Stepped Demand (KVA), July 2014 33 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 4.4 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Modelled tariffs for use in this study The tariffs identified previously do not necessarily reflect the likely range of future tariff structures. Thus, Entura designed two possible ‘future tariffs’, which may better reflect underlying costs of supply. It is notable that costs of supply vary widely, and information on these costs was quite speculative. Thus, the intent here is to capture a wide spread of possible variations. The future tariffs were developed from component costs (cost of generation, ‘green scheme’ costs, use of network service costs and retail costs) and implement a few features: • more granular, cost reflective pricing on cost of generation (volume charge), based on 5 minute spot market pricing with cap • inclusion of a fixed fee, time of use volume, and flat demand charge. The method for deriving these tariffs, and the cost structure they represent, is described below: • 5 min spot market data NSW node 2013/14 year • Negative price events removed. • Critical peak pricing capped at $1,500/MWh or 150 c/kWh for Tariff 3 and $2,030 /MWh or 203 c/kWh for Tariff 4. This is designed to provide a price signal to which a business may be incentivised to respond but to limit the extent of the exposure and potential volatility on quarterly electricity bills. • Tariff compiled into 30 minute blocks • Defined additional charges are added to the cost of generation, including: o TOU network costs based on published Ausgrid DNSP distribution tariffs 2014/15, EA302, Low Voltage LV 40-160 MWh (System) TOU network costs. Including network access charges and network capacity prices fully unbundled. o Other costs such as retail, margins, head room, NEM fees, partial hedging and administration costs. o Renewable Energy Target and in particular Small Scale certificates remain available. o Carbon price is removed from the wholesale energy price, based on the NEM carbon intensity and published carbon price for 2013/14. o Assumed Distribution Loss Factor (DLF) of 7%. • At this point, the total cost of electricity, for a typical retail business, was approximately 82% of that under the published TOU tariff (Tariff 2 described in the previous section). The difference can be accounted for by various forms of bundling and margins applied to these costs. To include these costs, and enable investigation of sensitivity to changes in tariff structure, these remaining costs were apportioned either as fixed fees (Tariff 3) or volume charges (Tariff 4). It is notable that the magnitude of potential future changes in distribution of charges between fixed, volume and capacity is not known, and could be larger than in these tariffs, however, the selected tariffs are considered plausible and provide the necessary guidance on the impact of such changes. • It is assumed that sites have interval meters, necessary for full TOU tariffs. 34 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Table 4.4: Modelled tariff summary Name Tariff Type Minimum volume charge (c/kWh) Maximum volume charge (c/kWh) Network costs (peak / shoulder / off peak) (c/kWh) Capacity Daily charge supply (c/kW/day) charge (c/day) Tariff 3 TOU energy and network (fixed) 7 150 12.2/5.7/3.5 33.8 1,880 Tariff 4 TOU energy and 9 network (volume) 203 12.2/5.7/3.5 33.8 577 The distribution of charges for a typical retail business, under the four tariffs being considered (two published as per Section 4.3, and two modelled described here), are shown in Figure 4.3. Other business types will have slightly different bill compositions, which are presented in Appendix B. Figure 4.3: Make-up of a typical retail business electricity bill under each of the tariff structures. 35 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 This page is intentionally blank. 36 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 5. Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Modelling Time series modelling was performed to optimise the impact of the DSM option and calculate the economic return of the DSM option in relation to the base case (business as usual or no DSM) for various tariffs and business types. This section presents the results of this analysis. As described in Section 2.2, energy efficiency and solar PV are assessed for each combination of tariff and business, and example cases for fuel cells, BESS and automatic load control. Example cases are also included to cover variation in location (impact on solar resource only), orientation of the solar PV, no export tariff for solar, and discretionary load control. 5.1 Inputs and Assumptions 5.1.1 Economic Assumptions The following assumptions were used in creating indicative scenarios, please note this modelling is general in nature only and may not be relied upon for making financial decisions. All systems modelled require case by case modelling to determine the individual project returns. • Project Life: 25 years. • Discount rate of 7%19 was utilised considering a range of general indicators. However, the relevant discount rate is business specific, and SMEs should consider their own circumstances in determining whether this is appropriate. • Grid electricity prices were based on RET analysis by ROAM20 indicating flat real energy price growth in the mid-term. • All charges and tariffs are exclusive of GST. 5.1.2 General Modelling Assumptions • Resolution of the time steps: 30 minutes • No net metering (in Homer model) • Grid sales at a flat feed in tariff of 5 c/kWh21 19 Note the discount rate provided is in general in nature only, before considering a project a specific project discount rate would need to be determined. 20 ROAM Consulting, RET policy analysis for the Clean Energy Council, CEC0011, May 2014 21 Based on the lower bounds of the NSW, Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART), Draft determination on solar feed-in tariffs in 2014/15. The lower estimate is due to significant uncertainty regarding future retail tariffs. 37 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 5.1.3 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Technology Assumptions Energy storage • lithium technology22 • life time 10 years • maximum cycles 4,00023 • round trip efficiency 85% • minimum state of charge 20% • power / energy rating 8 kW / 8 kWh • capital cost $1,650 per kWh assuming the power output rating of the inverter is equal to the available energy storage capacity. i.e. 1 kW power rating / 1 kWh energy storage capacity (or the BESS can store 1 hour of maximum solar output) • operations and maintenance 1.5% of capital cost Solar Assumptions • Location, Sydney, NSW, Latitude 33.9° S, Longitude 151.2° E • Temperature profile of Sydney, BOM monthly profile • SME businesses have access to roof space and are owner occupiers. • Solar data from the NASA SSE World dataset, were used at the capital city locations in the following regions, at an individual cell resolution of 1°(Homer converts this to half hourly data coincident with load on a statistical basis). The solar irradiance at Sydney is equivalent to 4.4 kWh/m2/day Sydney was chosen as it aligns with areas where both the retail and network tariffs selected. Sydney’s solar resource is slightly below the Australian average. Sensitivity to solar resource is investigated in Section 5.5, by looking at a specific case for other Australian locations. • Fixed tilt at latitude of 34° • Inverter requires replacement once during the 25 year life • Module efficiency 16% at standard test conditions • Temperature degradation at -0.5%/°C • 97% inverter and 85% rectifier efficiencies • PV technology capital costs are discounted assuming that small scale certificates are sold upfront to the installer. The purchase capital cost is $1.50/watt24 installed, net of small scale technology certificates (STCs). 22 As noted earlier, lithium technology has a number of advantages over lead acid batteries in BESS applications, however, lead acid is certainly another available technology. Using lead acid batteries in the study changes capital cost and other assumptions slightly, but does not affect the conclusions around this technology. 23 In Entura’s experience, this manufacturer specified cycle life may not be achieve in practice. 38 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 • Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Inverter sizing is fixed to match the module output. Separate analysis of decoupling inverter sizing and PV orientation is provided in Section 5.5. The PV system was sized based on an optimisation of the net present value over the 25 year project period. This approach generally results in PV sizing that avoids large amounts of export and maximises self-consumption. Typically, solar capacity will equal or somewhat25 exceed midday average load. • Inverter represents 20% of installed PV costs (post discounting for STC) • Operations and maintenance was defined as 2% of capital cost26 5.2 Case Study Results – Retail This section presents a description and discussion of results developed for the Retail business. The following section presents results for all businesses, however, this section on the Retail case is included to highlight the reasons behind various outcomes, which are common across all business types. The annual cost of electricity figures for the Retail business for the four different tariffs are presented in Figure 5.1. Figure 5.1: Retail business electricity costs (base case) Figure 5.1 shows that the different tariffs have different amounts of fixed, volume and demand charges, which will impact on the savings that can be made under these tariffs. 24 A reduction in technology prices is subsequently considered as part of the sensitivity analysis and discussion. 25 In most cases, solar capacity would only slightly exceed midday average load, but for cases that have relatively low midday average load, the installed capacity is up to twice the midday average load. 26 Based on Entura’s experience 39 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 5.2.1 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Energy Efficiency Scenario Energy efficiency measures are assumed to reduce consumption across the board (i.e. a constant reduction in load profile). With energy efficiency installed, the new electricity costs for the Retail business are shown in Figure 5.2 and returns are shown in Figure 5.3. These results show: • savings vary with tariff type, primarily because the fixed charges are unaffected • both capacity charges and volume charges are reduced by energy efficiency solutions • net annual savings reflect actual reductions in electricity charges plus payback of capital outlay and operations and maintenance costs • net annual savings are relatively small compared to total electricity costs, and hence very small relative to total costs of the business. Figure 5.2: Retail business electricity costs with energy efficiency 40 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Figure 5.3: Retail business returns with energy efficiency 5.2.2 Solar PV Scenario This retail load profile is suited to solar generation due to the high coincidence of load and solar generation, resulting in high utilisation of generated solar and off-setting higher retail volume energy charges. Figure 5.4: Retail business electricity costs with Solar PV 41 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Figure 5.5: Retail business returns with solar PV The retail tariff type greatly impacts the returns of a solar PV system, higher volume energy charges provide a higher return, and higher fixed charges provide a lower return due to limited ability to reduce them through solar PV. Under the solar PV scenario the annual savings from solar when moving from a flat tariff to a TOU tariff show a reducing value to the business. This is due to the value of the energy the solar is offsetting declining as solar generation occurs during the day, generally at off-peak or shoulder rates. The solar annual savings are linked to the amount of cost apportioned to either the fixed or variable components, the former unable to be offset from embedded generation resulting in lower annual savings and Net Present Value (NPV). These four tariff options highlight the significant variation of an investment in solar PV, depending on the tariff type. Longer term tariff certainty, including the length of time the tariff is available, provides a level of certainty over the returns as the variable energy charges are known and also the proportion of fixed charges. 5.2.3 Sensitivity Analysis – Retail Solar Case Study The business case presented above for energy efficiency and solar will be sensitive to a range of factors. Sensitivity to tariff structures is already addressed through consideration of four variants. Sensitivity of solar PV to location (and hence solar resource) is presented in Section 5.5. Sensitivity to load profiles is addressed through consideration of the six different businesses, each with a different characteristic load profile. The other key sensitivity is variation in capital cost of technology, which is presented here. The sensitivity analysis, shown in Table 5.1, details the relative economic impact from changing the capital costs of solar PV. This highlights that the business case for solar is more sensitive to the 42 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 different tariffs considered, than to the range of capital costs. However, it also highlights that within any of the non-traditional tariffs (tariffs 2-4), a change in capital cost can have a considerable impact on outcomes. For SMEs, while this highlights the risk of tariff variation, it also highlights the potential benefits of capital cost reduction in reducing this risk. Table 5.1: Retail case study sensitivity of payback period to capital cost Tariff type Tariff 1 Tariff 2 Tariff 3 Tariff 4 Sensitivity Capital 110 % 10 18 no payback 21 Base case Capital 100 % 9 15 no payback 18 Sensitivity Capital 90 % 8 11 22 15 5.3 Case Study Summary Results The results of each business case study are shown in Table 5.2. As can be seen, significant variation in the payback time is apparent for solar PV installations. Full modelling results, including a range of other metrics which should be considered in assessing the business case, are available in Appendix B. Table 5.2: Summary of discounted payback periods by business, tariff and technology Tariff Type Tariff 1 Tariff 2 Tariff 3 Tariff 4 Solar PV size 70 kW 9 15 no payback 18 Energy Efficiency 4 5 6 5 Solar PV size 30 kW 9 17 no payback 23 Energy Efficiency 4 6 10 7 Solar PV size 40 kW 7 11 no payback 16 Energy Efficiency 4 7 9 7 Solar PV size 40 kW 10 17 no payback 18 Energy Efficiency 4 6 8 6 Solar PV size 50 kW 7 10 23 14 Energy Efficiency 4 5 8 6 Retail Accommodation Hospitality Warehouse Office 43 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Manufacturing Solar PV size 90 kW 8 12 no payback 16 Energy Efficiency 4 5 6 5 *”no payback” refers to cases where the technology does not pay for itself over the 25 year project life. In considering the above results, it is clear that energy efficiency presents good opportunities for each business type, and that while these are somewhat sensitive to non-traditional tariffs (payback period increases), there is still a good case for investment on this grounds alone. Solar PV generally has longer payback periods, often in excess of what would be considered of interest for an SME. This, coupled with the higher sensitivity of Solar PV to non-traditional tariffs means that solar PV opportunities are likely to be limited to some businesses, particularly those with loads that coincide with solar resource, such as an office type environment. As noted in the previous section, sensitivity to capital costs means that these payback periods are likely to reduce with declining technology costs. Table 5.2 presents the primary results for this study. However, a number of alternate scenarios, with particular applications, were also considered. These are presented in the following sections. 5.4 Example Case Study Results – No Solar Export The no solar PV export case study is a slight variation on the standard case, but represents scenarios that have recently become more common. For example, in the Energex network in Queensland, a solar PV system is given priority connection agreement processing on the condition that it does not export to the grid. This case example is presented for the office load profile only. Case Study Inputs The inputs are as per the previous office case studies with differences below: • Location: Brisbane, the solar resource and temperature profile for Brisbane are used for the solar PV modelling. • Export to the electricity grid is not allowed. Table 5.3: Office case study (no export) Tariff Type Tariff 1 Tariff 2 Tariff 3 Tariff 4 Annual Cost ($) 29,269 23,865 23,666 23,884 Net Present Cost ($) 25 years 429,572 350,263 347,338 350,534 Annual savings ($/yr) 5,717 2,254 -510 1,742 Total Net Present Value ($) 83,911 33,076 -7,488 25,565 Discounted payback (years) 8 15 n/a 16 Base Case Solar PV (kW) 44 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Solar PV on a flat tariff provides a discounted payback in the no export scenario of 8 years compared with 7.1 years if export is allowed at a rate of 5 c/kWh. While the results are sensitive to the value of the feed in tariff, other factors such as the tariff type and capital cost have a larger impact on the NPV. 5.5 Example Case Study Results – Solar PV Location, Orientation and Sizing Options The previous case studies assume that solar PV is oriented to maximise the annual generation of energy, while limiting system size (and hence capital costs) to match the maximum site demand (noting that with current low and decreasing feed-in tariffs, generation for export is not cost effective). For example a consistent 20 kW day time peak load ideally would be matched with a 20 kW solar system to maximise the daily load offset and avoiding exporting electricity to the grid, considering that current feed in tariffs are significantly below the current LCOE. However, it may be more effective in some situations to use alternative system configurations to better match the daily load profile of a business. A number of alternative system designs can be considered on an individual site basis. These options should be discussed with a solar professional taking into account the load profile, solar resource and retail tariff. These options can include: • installing peak PV generation in excess of the site load • installing a proportion of PV modules facing east and west to increase generation in the morning and afternoon’s coincident with the load to maximise the site consumed electricity. Solar PV generation capacity in excess of site capacity Installing solar PV modules where the peak module output exceeds the inverter output results in limiting or clipping the peak output, while increasing generating at times of less than peak solar resource, increasing the annual generation utilisation on site. In effect, this approach meets more of the demand using on-site generation, and trades-off the additional grid export capacity (which may attract a low or zero tariff) by reduced inverter capital costs. An example of this is may be installing a 25 kWp PV system coupled to a 20 kW inverter to meet a 20 kW peak load, which is fairly flat across the middle of the day. This approach may be beneficial where a high flat tariff exists, the inverter can technically accommodate over capacity installation, and real cost savings from using an undercapacity inverter. Solar PV Orientation Orientating a small portion of PV modules in an east, and / or west direction, with the bulk of the installation oriented in a northerly direction, can achieve a flatter generation curve, which will better match the load profile for some businesses. This is shown in Figure 5.6. Businesses should consider their individual load profile, tariff and solar resource when determining if this option may be suitable for them. An experienced solar installer is also required to design the system correctly. This option is improved where: exports to the grid receive a low feed in tariff relative to the cost of purchased energy, the load profile has a relatively high, but flat daytime load. 45 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Figure 5.6: Solar PV orientation (illustrative only) Solar PV Location Businesses considering embedded solar PV generation as a DSM option, should consider the variation in solar resource in capital cities across Australia. An indication of this variation is shown in Table 5.4, along with the average solar resource and the impact on discounted payback periods. This table highlights the sensitivity to the location in terms of temperature and solar resource only. It shows relatively high sensitivity, with discounted payback periods varying from 9 years in Darwin to 18 years in Hobart. The modelling is based on the Retail case study utilising the NASA SSE World dataset solar resource, BOM temperatures and Tariff 2 (the published time of use tariff from NSW). Table 5.4: Solar resource locational variability Location 46 Average solar irradiance (kwh/m2/day) Discounted payback period (years) Sydney 4.4 15 Canberra 4.6 14 Brisbane 4.8 15 Darwin 6.1 9 Perth 5.6 10 Adelaide 4.6 14 Melbourne 4.1 16 Hobart 3.7 18 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 5.6 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Example Case Study – BESS Modelling BESS with any of the tariff structures or business types shows no payback over the project life. Thus, the scenarios under which future changes in the technology may create an opportunity were examined. Case study inputs • as per the retail case study with 70 kW of solar PV included • battery efficiency and lifetime assumptions as per Section 5.1.3 • BESS was sized to store 1 hr of peak output from the solar PV system, in the retail system this was modeled as the ability for 70 kWh of effective storage (post efficiency losses). Operational conditions The battery was modeled to charge when excess solar generation was available and only discharge during peak prices, based on Tariff 2 (published TOU). This attempted to ensure the maximum energy arbitrage value could be achieved. In this case the additional revenue from discharging the battery is the difference between 5 c/kWh (the value of exported solar), and 24.7 c/kWh (the peak price), an amount of 19.7 c/kWh. Results Figure 5.7, Figure 5.8 and Figure 5.9 show the solar profile, load, retail tariff and battery charge / discharge cycling for three representative days under this scenario. G rid Pow er Price ($/kWh) 0.26 Grid Pow er Price 0.24 0.22 0.20 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 50 Power (kW) 40 0.6 30 0.4 20 0.2 10 0 Global Solar (kW/m2) 0.8 Global Solar AC Primary Load Battery Charge Pow er Battery Discharge Pow er 0.0 0 6 12 October 9 18 24 Figure 5.7: BESS charge and discharge weekday, with excess solar 47 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 0.26 G rid P o w er P rice ($/kW h) Grid Power Price 0.24 0.22 0.20 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 40 0.8 Power (kW) 30 0.6 20 0.4 10 0.2 0 Global Solar (kW/m2) 1.0 Global Solar AC Primary Load Battery Charge Pow er Battery Discharge Pow er 0.0 0 6 12 October 13 18 24 Figure 5.8: Sample weekend charging from excess solar Grid Pow er Price 0.24 0.22 0.20 0.18 0.16 0.12 60 0.6 50 0.5 40 0.4 30 0.3 20 0.2 10 0.1 0 Global Solar (kW/m2) 0.14 Power (kW) Grid Power Price ($/kWh) 0.26 Global Solar AC Primary Load Battery Charge Pow er Battery Discharge Pow er 0.0 0 6 12 October 15 18 24 Figure 5.9: Sample peak tariff discharge on Monday following Saturday charge The following observations are made: • • 48 Low utilisation of the BESS occurred, reducing the amount of the opportunities to receive revenue from energy arbitrage. The low utilization, in which the battery only performed the equivalent of 172 full discharges per year or 47 % of the time, was a result of: o no occurrences of peak tariff costs on the weekend, this results in charges occurring on a Saturday not being discharged until Monday evening when peak prices next occur (as per Figure 5.9) o many days of either no solar resource or no excess solar generation above and beyond the site load. The battery wear costs are in excess of the value of the energy arbitrage at current capital costs, when charging from excess solar and discharging at the peak tariff rate (costs of solar are not considered as they are considered sunk). Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 • In testing sensitivity to capital costs, large reductions to capital costs were applied but, operations and maintenance costs were still a significant barrier in overcoming the relatively low available energy arbitrage. • Energy arbitrage value represented <6% of the annual electricity bill. • BESS required cell replacement three times during the 25 year project life, due to the maximum limit of 10 year. At 10 years, the batteries had completed only about 43% of their maximum cycles (underutilised). • Round trip efficiencies of 85% also limit the opportunities to extract maximum value. • BESS, in this case did not reduce capacity fees associated with the tariff, as the storage size was insufficient to achieve this across the full peak period (and increasing storage size is unlikely to be practical given the additional capital cost, and physical system size). 5.6.1 BESS Adoption Point Economic trigger points are highly uncertain, not only in relation to BESS technology, but also though the feedback impact on the electricity network, and potential tariff adjustments. However, ignoring feedback effects, a capital cost reduction (including a corresponding operations and maintenance cost and replacement capital cost reduction) in excess of 70% was likely to make BESS economically viable. Energy storage is likely to be adopted earlier in niche locations that can combine value from a number of sources: • minimising solar export, potentially in regions where export may be actively discouraged • energy arbitrage • avoiding critical peak energy spot prices • network support payments • avoided network investment • reduced network capacity payments. These events must be able to deliver: • events where the cost of electricity arbitrage (i.e. reduction in cost of electricity by shifting consumption from one time to another via a BESS) is less than the cycle cost of a battery • high frequency of utilisation of the battery, as minimum cycle cost can only be achieved with frequent (daily) cycling, hence the previous point must be satisfied on such frequent intervals. . Under a scenario where these can be reasonably combined, capital cost reductions of the order of 10% are likely to make BESS economically viable, and cost reductions of up to 50% may be required before payback periods are of interest to SMEs. This is based on modelling with the following inputs: • Warehouse business (to maximise disparity of load profile to solar generation) • Tariff 4 (to pass through critical peak pricing) • zero feed in tariff (to maximise the energy arbitrage from excess solar) • high solar radiation (to maximise potential solar excess generation) • other inputs as per previous modelling 49 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 5.7 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Example Case Study – Fuel Cells Modelling fuel cells with any of the tariff structures or business types shows no payback over the project life. Thus, the scenarios under which future changes in the technology may create an opportunity were examined. Inputs As per retail study base case, Tariff 2, but including: • 1.5 kW fuel cell with life of 15,000 hours or 2 years, and a cost of $33,000 • gas fuel cost of 2.5 c/MJ. Results Capital reductions in the order of 90% were required to deliver a positive NPV for this project. Given such a significant requirement for reduction, there is considerable uncertainty around this estimate, which may be impacted by ancillary benefits of the technology, and by gas (or other fuel source) prices. 5.8 Example Case Study –Declining Block Demand Tariff A declining block demand tariff is included to highlight the impacts of this particular tariff, which has recently been introduced in one instance to better manage demand response. Some DNSPs require customers who modify their metering, for example installing solar generation for example, to switch to a declining demand block tariff. Inputs This case study focuses on the installation of embedded solar generation in the retail case. Utilising a South Australian declining block demand tariff, based upon the network tariff. • Retail tariff, Small Business, South Australia, AGL, General Supply Stepped Demand GSSD, July 2014. • Network tariff, SA Networks, Low Voltage Stepped Demand (KVA), July 2014 • Base case, SA, Momentum Standing Offer E\QBSR\MBSR - MOM14433SS • All other inputs are as per the retail case study inputs and assumptions. 50 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Results A comparison of the standing offer tariff and the stepped demand tariff, when solar is installed, highlights the significant increase in the proportion of charges that are recovered from the demand charges (largely fixed) as opposed to the energy charges (volume based). In this case higher demand charges reduce the ability for a business installing solar to reduce their bill, as the demand charges in effect act as fixed charges that cannot be avoided, without additional DSM options. Energy (volume charges) Energy (volume charges) Demand charges Demand charges Fixed charges Fixed charges Figure 5.10: Momentum standing offer left, AGL stepped demand tariff right 51 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Table 5.5: Results declining block demand tariff Tariff Standard tariff Declining block demand tariff Comparison between change from standard offer to declining block demand tariff No solar Case Annual Cost ($) 32,772 35,638 Net Present Cost ($) 25 years 480,993 523,050 Solar PV (kW) 60 60 Annual savings ($/yr) 8,021 4,702 117,725 69,017 7 10 Total Net Present Value ($) Discounted payback (years) 13 Note: under current arrangements, a customer would typically start on a standard tariff, and be converted to the declining block demand tariff after installing solar, hence the grey cells may not be available options, and actual payback from the solar would be as determined by switching from the standard offer to the declining block demand tariff with solar, as shown above. Outcomes The declining block demand tariff results in longer payback periods for businesses that wish to install solar. The longer payback periods are the result of higher fixed portion of the bills compared with the energy portion, this can be seen in Figure 5.10. It is noted the declining block volumes of demand where the price reduces are quite high and effectively all businesses considered in this report would fall into the highest cost, first block. Under a declining block demand tariff, opportunities exist for DSM that results in a permanent reduction in demand. This favours energy efficiency solutions that have a permanent effective on reducing demand, such as improved insulation. It is noted the declining block demand tariff does not have a time of use component, all energy and demand were effectively charged at a flat rate. 52 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 5.9 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Example Case Study – Discretionary Load Control Discretionary loads refer to loads that require a set amount of energy per day, though the timing of the energy being delivered is totally flexible, such that there is no impact on the consumer if the load is operated in the morning, evening or overnight. This provides opportunities for businesses to change the timing of discretionary loads to save on electricity costs. This can take on the form of a simple timer to operate the load on an off-peak tariff, or ensuring the load is not coincident with maximum demand to limit capacity charges. A more sophisticated discretionary load control utilises the solar Inverter and other equipment to integrate a discretionary load and schedule operation at times of excess solar generation. The payback periods of discretionary load control are often very short (<2 years) and are an attractive DSM option. However, SME generally have very small or no discretionary loads. Examples of discretionary loads include pumping water into tanks or pool pump operation (or to some extent, charging of EVs). Business that typically exhibit these loads include rural businesses with independent water supplies and accommodation businesses that have a swimming pool. Case Study Inputs As per the retail case study with Solar PV though with the following additions; • Power of discretionary load 2 kW, equivalent to a small/mid-sized pumping load. • Energy required per day 8 kWh, equivalent to 4 hours operation per day. • Discretionary consumption period, 24 hours. • Load capacity 100%, the pump required the full power rating of 2 kW to operate. • Capital costs required to gain discretionary load control $550 / 2 kW load, this includes hardware, installation and time associated with identifying the load to be managed. It assumes the solar inverter has suitable outputs for discretionary load control. Outcomes 60 AC Primary Load Defer. Served Inverter Output Power Power (kW) 50 40 30 20 10 0 Jul 5 Jul 6 Time Figure 5.11: Example discretionary load control 53 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Table 5.6: Discretionary load control results Tariff Annualised cost savings Simple payback years (discretionary load control only) 1 2 3 4 321 136 82 137 2 4 7 4 The operation of a discretionary load can be seen in green in Figure 5.11, with energy being delivered at times of excess solar generation or when the load requires a minimum amount of daily energy, the latter shown as small spikes in the early hours of July 5, where the discretionary load can be run at off peak times. The discretionary load size is relatively small at only 3% of the peak load in this instance. However, the simple payback period is very short providing an attractive opportunity, particularly in cases where an SME has sizeable discretionary loads. 5.9.1 More General Automated Load Shifting Applications Discretionary load control, as per the previous case, is a specific example of automated load shifting, which is an opportunity, though likely to be of low value, where such discretionary loads exist. More generally, automatic load control can allow a range of other revenue streams including, in particular: • minimising solar export – shifting load to times of solar generation (discretionary load control) • avoiding critical peak energy spot prices • receiving network support payments for site specific avoided network investment • reduced network capacity payments These revenue streams, and network support payments in particular, could potentially be an order of magnitude larger than discretionary load control, however, they are not expected to be generally available to SMEs for the following reasons: • Network support payments will typically be very site specific, and negotiated direct with customers27. • Other interruptions or rescheduling of business loads has the potential to incur an opportunity cost by impacting on other business operations (i.e. load shifting options are likely to be limited for SMEs). Where such opportunities do exist for specific SMEs, these should be considered. It is likely that such opportunities will increase with the roll-out of smart metering, and as load control technology becomes smarter and more able to integrate seamlessly into normal operations of SMEs. 27 As noted earlier, these the value of these is the subject of separate FPDI work 54 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 6. Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Outcomes and Recommendations The outcomes and recommendations of this report are based on the results of modelling, business discussions and experience. They are intended to provide an overview of DSM opportunities for SMEs. This technical report focuses on the opportunities represented by economic viability of a DSM approach. It is targeted towards the electricity industry, with the intent of aiding understanding of the opportunities available to SMEs, to enable them to plan appropriately. A companion document, the Business Guide Engagement Report, targets SMEs, and has a broader focus, including consideration other drivers (such as personal or corporate commitments) for DSM uptake. 6.1 Energy Efficiency Recommendations Energy efficiency is a cost effective proposition for business to reduce overall energy use and electricity costs. The solutions are mature and will continue to provide opportunities to reduce the total energy use and peak demand. Businesses will likely focus on simple low upfront capital solutions that have minimal disruption and involvement to deploy energy efficiency technology. This is likely to include programs such as installing LEDs and altering HVAC settings. Replacement of larger capital equipment such as HVAC with more energy efficient options are likely to only occur on failure, as opposed to upfront replacement of plant and equipment. Existing energy efficiency, either associated with newer buildings, or previous adoption of energy efficiency measures, may limit the uptake of this option. Similarly, limited access to building infrastructure (for tenants) may restrict uptake for some. 6.2 Embedded Generation Outcomes Solar PV is currently the leading embedded generation option, and for many businesses it provides an ability to offset electricity consumption and, under current tariffs, to reduce costs. However, externalities such as uncertain future retail tariffs and feed-in tariffs, as well as the impact of policy change, create significant uncertainty in the likely NPV outcomes over the project life (and given this modelling, in most cases there is a reasonable chance that an investment would not be viable). Businesses more suited to embedded solar generation include those with a repetitive load profile that occurs during the day and is used up to 7 days per week. Example businesses include offices, retail and some day-time hospitality businesses are well placed to adopt solar PV. Businesses less suited to solar include peaky or highly variable energy consumption that occurs in the evening this includes Hospitality (bars and evening restaurants) and accommodation. Flat bundled retail tariffs, with a significant proportion of costs recovered on a volume basis, will generally offer the highest incentive for businesses. The solar resource is a secondary consideration when considering the economic return of solar PV for SMEs. Downward trends in prices for installing solar PV mean that, in the future, the downside risk of solar PV will reduce. However, future trends in capital costs have no influence on the outcome of an 55 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 investment decision made now. And as such, a decision to defer investment in solar PV may be appropriate for some SME businesses, although it does represent a real opportunity for others. To identify and take advantage of these requires consideration of individual circumstances. 6.3 Battery Energy Storage Systems SMEs considering investment in BESS should understand the likely negative returns for this investment, and weigh this against their individual circumstances, and other drivers for this investment. With anticipated declining battery costs, the NPV should become positive in time, and payback periods should decline to a level acceptable for SMEs. The economic trigger point for adoption is likely to require a reduction in capital costs in the order of 70%, and may be impacted by load and tariff changes. There may be specific opportunities where BESS are viable now or in the near term, however, these are only likely to be relevant to a very small portion of SMEs. 6.4 Automated Load Shifting Automated load shifting is still a relatively new technology for SME businesses, and is currently used predominantly at commercial and industrial sites, or in location specific residential trials. The value of automated load shifting is very site specific, though currently does not provide a compelling service for wide scale adoption at the SME scale. 6.5 Summary for Distribution Network Service Providers Based on the identified opportunities for SMEs, the following implications may be anticipated for the network: • energy efficiency uptake is expected to continue, resulting in declining volumes of energy. • many technology options exist for businesses to alter the amount and timing of consumption, though uptake will be low in the short term, apart from solar PV • high rates of solar PV uptake may continue based on good business cases with current tariffs. However, uncertainty of future tariffs creates significant downside risk and is likely to reduce uptake as businesses defer decisions The means by which DNSPs respond to these implications will depend on a wide range of factors, including their own objectives and planning, as well as the DR in other sectors of the market, however, the following responses may result in DSM that better supports the network: • network use of service charges structured to cover costs in an environment of declining demand (while being robust enough to deal with increasing demand), without large changes in each pricing cycle, escalating the demand decline • provide charges that are able to be applied to technologies, tariffs and efficient capital deployment • increase unbundling of tariffs and provide exposure and opportunities for businesses to alter their demand to benefit the distribution system, noting the requirement for short term returns on investment for business (and the fact that tariffs are the primary means of engaging with SMEs) • load shifting programs need to be simple and clear and will require significant education of SME businesses to encourage adoption. 56 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 6.6 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Business Engagement and Barriers This section highlights some major points from business engagement and draws on experiences in energy audits, system studies, the demand side management project on King Island and Moreland Energy Foundation Limited’s numerous business engagement programs. General barriers for demand side participation • Lack of standardisation • Ability to capture often disparate value of DSM SME-specific barriers to DSM • SME consumers are largely disengaged from energy usage and cost of supply other than the final cost of electricity. This is likely to lead to the majority of smaller businesses requiring integrated solutions that rely on a DSM aggregator to manage the system while delivering cost savings to the final business consumer, largely through processes that have little or no impact on the final business. DSM is quite low in competing business priorities that may be achieved with the same level of involvement and financial commitment. • Electricity is not a primary cost driver. Small /medium business electricity costs often account for less than 2- 5% of total business costs. While many DSM options may provide a positive NPV, the absolute magnitude of the savings may impede adoption. Integrated DSM services that are simple and efficient may assist in overcoming this by aggregating many revenue streams and services including tariff optimisation, data metering, energy efficiency, embedded generation and load control all provided by a single energy services provider with on-bill financing. • Technology barriers - smaller load sizes, particularly for load shifting, though often less standardised than residential loads have a larger relative cost to control. Modular and plug and play technology solutions may assist in overcoming this. • Business portfolio planning - where business is part of a larger corporation often does not have the flexibility to enact DSM options outside of the capital allocation and planning schedules that occur at a consolidated level. • SMEs generally have less capacity to be directly involved in managing their own DSM than larger businesses, who can potentially devote a role to this function. Similarly, management systems designed for larger businesses may not be cost effective for SMEs. Domestic technology / approaches may be more useful for many SMEs, as these technologies develop commercially. • Ownership structures - access to site infrastructure such as individual site metering and access to physical roof space in circumstances where SME are in leased or shared buildings. Standing policy / agreements that provide business tenants access to infrastructure is likely to encourage DSM. • Tariff, policy understanding - limited understanding of tariff arrangements, especially likely future tariffs and impacts on DSM options. Significant change has occurred in public policy and there is a need for independent advice or services that address the knowledge gap in providing integrated DSM energy services. 57 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Understanding the current and likely future tariff options is an essential step in determining the suitability of DSM for a business. Costs can be substantially reduced by selecting the tariff that gives the lowest annual electricity costs when considering you particular load profile. Accessing interval meter data and using government comparison websites can assist (one example can be found at 6.7 Policy Recommendations Detailed policy recommendations for improving DSM are the focus of other sections of the CEC Future Proofing of the Distribution Network work. The policy recommendations here are limited to desirable policy outcomes and attributes that would encourage DSM by small and medium sized businesses. Details of how these policies could be structured or implemented are not included. Desirable policy outcomes for business • reliable and low cost electricity supply • certainty and consistency for investment (environmental and renewable energy policies, schemes, technology, standardisation for load control, communications, metering) • provide clear and consistent (across jurisdictions) rules for tenant access to building infrastructure, or standardised tenant – landlord agreements to provide the same effect • coordinated national approach to support efficient adoption for businesses with multiple sites • efficient and effective deployment of capital • DSM consistent value reflective pricing • increase retail tariff certainty (persistence of tariff structures and rates) over a medium term (~5 years) to support investments in DSM solutions - this may best be achieved by policy to encourage cost reflective pricing at a distribution, and possibly also retail level • support technology aggregators to assist SMEs with implementation of DSM - aggregators are likely to be able to reduce administrative and knowledge burden on SMEs, manage risk over a portfolio of projects, capture multiple disparate revenue streams, and manage network support opportunities. 6.8 Concluding Remarks Demand side participation for small medium / business has been rapidly increasing in recent years, and has been seen most prominently in the implementation of energy efficiency and embedded solar PV DSM installations. In the current environment, these two technologies still provide the most viable DSM opportunities for SMEs. Looking forward, the range of DSM options is expanding rapidly with many new products and services aimed at reducing or shifting demand to reduce costs for the benefit of the business. At the same time, the uptake of existing DSM options (energy efficiency and solar PV) has impacted significantly on overall demand, and hence the revenues of DNSPs and others. The possible pricing response to this impact, as well as policy changes at state and federal level, has created considerable uncertainty in the industry as a whole, and particularly for DSM (which is both causing some of the uncertainty, and is affected by it). In this environment, businesses may want to focus on simple proven solutions with low risk. If DSM is going to be adopted, advice from a reputable service provider is recommended, considering the SME’s specific situation. Even considering the uncertainty, 58 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 energy efficiency measures will generally be viable, and there will be many cases where solar PV is also viable. However, an uncertain future means greater scrutiny will be required prior to investing. Inherent uncertainties and the broad range of SME characteristics make it impossible to make blanket recommendations as to what technology types will be viable for certain business types, or when. Newer technologies of smart load control and battery energy storage technology were found to be not viable in general, even ignoring the current uncertainty. While cost curves for these technologies mean they are likely to become viable at some point, the required changes are considerable and the broad scale adoption point is not likely to occur in the short term. However, because of the diversity of the network and business situations, it is likely that a small number of SMEs could benefit from these technologies now. Independent of any DSM opportunities, it is recommended that businesses investigate the most efficient tariff type applicable to their individual business profile. This is a relatively simple measure that can reduce costs. A further recommendation is to ensure the CEC continues to provide linkages for businesses seeking advice on DSM, as it is becoming increasingly complex and difficult to identify the best value proposition for a business. 6.9 Acknowledgements Acknowledge and thank the steering committee for their input and assistance. This report was prepared in collaboration with Moreland Energy Foundation Limited who is providing the business facing engagement report. Entura would like to acknowledge the input from within the Hydro Tasmania Group (particularly Momentum Energy and Hydro Tasmania) for assistance in supply data and access to demand side management outcomes from the King Island Renewable Energy Integration Project (KIREIP) 59 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 This page is intentionally blank. 60 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 7. Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 References [1.] CSIRO, Change and choice The Future Grid Forum’s analysis of Australia’s potential electricity pathways to 2050, 2013 [2.] AEMC 2012, Power of choice review - giving consumers options in the way they use electricity, Final Report, 30 November 2012, Sydney [3.] George Wilkenfeld and Associates, Appliances Get Smart: But how and when? , 2 February 2014 [4.] Climate Works Australia, Industrial demand side response potential, discussion paper 2014 [5.] ROAM Consulting, RET policy analysis for the Clean Energy Council, CEC0011, May 2014 61 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 This page is intentionally blank. 62 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 A Business Profiles A.1 Load Profiles Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 The business represented in these case studies aims at achieving significant diversification of daily and seasonal load profiles, for small and medium sized businesses. Significant coverage of services industries is included along with an example of a small niche manufacturer, business types and load descriptions are summarised in Table A.1 and Section 3.2. Table A.1: Business types and corresponding load profiles Business Type Load description Retail Daily consistent high utilisation profile (weekdays) Accommodation Peaky and seasonal variation Food (Hospitality) Peaky high utilisation A.1.1 Warehouse Non daylight hour peaks, 7 day operation Office Daily highly predictable profile (weekdays) Manufacturing Peaky consistent daily profile, 7 day operation Retail Business Description The Retail business type is characterised by single floor retail premises that operates Monday to Friday with reduced trading hours on a Saturday. The floor area is in the order of 800 m2 and the business is likely to be a specialist small retailer this may include business such as clothing stores, large chemists and medium sized specialty stores. They are likely to have a significant number of part time employees, though generally less than 5 - 10 full time equivalent staff. Key sources of energy use, in order of consumption, may include: • HVAC often standalone split systems either small commercial or multiple residential grade units. • Lighting general lighting as well as additional retail specific lighting • Retail equipment • Hot water 63 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Table A.2: Load Summary: Retail Description Quantity Days of operation 6 Units days / week Days of operation per year 257 days / year Daily Minimum Demand 2 kW Daily Average Demand 11 kW Daily Maximum Demand 61 kW Annual Energy 100,000 kWh Mean Diurnal Profile 35 Load 30 Load (kW) 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 6 12 18 24 Hour of Day (Hours) Figure A.1: Average workday daily load profile A.1.2 Accommodation Business Description The accommodation business type is characterised as small to medium sized accommodation with less than 50 rooms. The business operations are seasonal with periods of prolonged high utilisation followed by significantly lower utilisation, with full time, 7 days per week operation during peak season. In this case study the accommodation has a winter peak load followed by an early year high cooling load. The daily profile shows periods of high energy use outside of daylight hours, whether early in the morning or late in the evening. Examples of the accommodation types could include small to medium sized chain businesses offering both accommodation and meals. 64 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Key sources of energy use, in order of consumption, may include: • HVAC often centralised or multiple small commercial units. • Equipment for hospitality and entertainment • Lighting • Hot water often using gas Table A.3: Load Summary: Accommodation Description Quantity Units Days of operation (during peak season) 7 days / week Days of operation per year 365 days / year Daily Minimum Demand 2 kW Daily Average Demand 11 kW Daily Maximum Demand 45 kW Annual Energy 100,000 kWh Mean Diurnal Profile 20 Load Load (kW) 15 10 5 0 0 6 12 18 24 Hour of Day Figure A.2: Average daily load profile A.1.3 Hospitality Business Description The quick service restaurant is characterised by single floor mid-size chain ‘fast food’ outlet operating 6 days per week. The weekly load profile is consistent with set operating hours and has minor seasonal variability. A business of this size is likely to have generally less than 10 full time equivalent staff. The floor area is in the order of 50 m2. This may include business such as, chain coffee shops, fast food ice-creameries and cafes. 65 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Key sources of energy use, in order of consumption, may include: • HVAC often standalone split systems either small commercial or multiple residential grade units. • Equipment largely food processing equipment • Hot water • Lighting general lighting as well as additional retail specific lighting Table A.4: Load Summary: Hospitality Description Quantity Days of operation 6 Units days / week Days of operation per year 324 days / year Daily Minimum Demand 3 kW Daily Average Demand 11 kW Daily Maximum Demand 24 kW Annual Energy 100,000 kWh Mean Diurnal Profile 16 Load Load (kW) 12 8 4 0 0 6 12 18 24 Hour of Day Figure A.3: Average workday daily load profile A.1.4 Warehouse Business Description The warehouse business type is characterised as a medium sized non refrigerated storage and single floor distribution business. This case study has been chosen to identify the effect of a load profile that is dominated by overnight, off-peak and non-solar coincident demand. The business operations week to week are fairly consistent with slight variations and peaks in winter for a winter heating load and lighting load. Examples of this business type include self-storage, distribution centres. Note this load profile is of a self-storage warehouse and exhibits strong energy 66 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 consumption in the mornings and evenings, an example of a load not coincident with the solar resource. The total floor area of a warehouse of this size is in the order of 2,000 m2. Key sources of energy use, in order of consumption, may include: • lighting • equipment • HVAC • refrigeration. Table A.5: Load Summary: Warehouse Description Quantity Units Days of operation (during peak season) 7 days / week 365 days / year Daily Minimum Demand 2 kW Daily Average Demand 11 kW Daily Maximum Demand 38 kW 100,000 kWh Days of operation per year Annual Energy Mean Diurnal Profile 16 Load Load (kW) 12 8 4 0 0 6 12 18 24 Hour of Day Figure A.4: Average workday daily load profile 67 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 A.1.5 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Office Business Description The office business type is characterised as a medium sized office space. The business operations are highly consistent with 5 operating days and a strong diurnal profile coincident with the solar resource. Seasonal variations are apparent and highly dependent on climatic conditions to control the internal working climate and variability associated with office days of operation. Examples of the office business type includes small to medium sized offices with either a single or multiple floors, having a floor area in the order of 800 m2. Key sources of energy use, in order of consumption, may include: • HVAC often centralised or multiple small commercial units. • Lighting • Equipment for example computers servers, lifts, printers • Other Table A.6: Load Summary: Office Description Quantity Units Days of operation (during peak season) 5 days / week Days of operation per year 255 days / year Daily Minimum Demand 3 kW Daily Average Demand 11 kW Daily Maximum Demand 31 kW Mean Diurnal Profile 20 Load (kW) Column 1 (kW) 15 10 5 0 0 6 12 18 Hour of Day Figure A.5: Average daily load profile 68 24 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 A.1.6 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Manufacturing Business Description The manufacturing business type is characterised as a small to medium sized manufacturer. The business operations are variably with 7 operating days and a diurnal profile coincident with the solar resource. The load is exhibits significant daily peaks compared to the average load. Seasonal variation is related to both temperature and batch utilisation of the facility. With significant inter day and inter hour variation including non-standard operating weeks, for example 7 day operation followed by periods of weeks with less than 5 days of operation. This business type includes very small specialist manufacturers, using non energy intensive manufacturing processes on a small single floor building with a floor area in the order of 400 m2. Businesses in this group may include niche batch manufacture ring that exhibits a day time load, with limited energy inputs to their processes largely dominated by labour inputs. An example of businesses in this group includes small electronic design and assembly or integrated building parts producers. This load group specifically excludes large scale manufacturing and large food manufacturing as these operations are largely energy intensive and have more continuous load profiles. Key sources of energy use, in order of consumption, may include: o Equipment o HVAC o Lighting o Other Table A.7: Load Summary: Manufacturing Description Quantity Units 7 days / week Days of operation per year 300 days / year Daily Minimum Demand 0.5 kW Daily Average Demand 11 kW Daily Maximum Demand 65 kW 100,000 kWh Days of operation (during peak season) Annual Energy 69 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Mean Diurnal Profile 40 Scaled_100 Load (kW) 30 20 10 0 0 6 12 18 Hour of Day (Hours) Figure A.6: Average workday daily load profile 70 24 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 B Business Modelling Case Study Results B.1 Business, Technology and Tariff Modelling Summary Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 71 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Table B.1: Net annual savings modeling summary Tariff Type Tariff 1 Tariff 2 Tariff 3 Tariff 4 Retail Solar PV size 70 kW Net annual savings ($/yr) 6,700 3,031 -436 1,854 Energy Efficiency Net annual savings ($/yr) 3,476 2,617 1,743 2,618 Solar PV size 30 kW Net annual savings ($/yr) 3,106 940 -768 162 Energy Efficiency Net annual savings ($/yr) 3,496 1,901 733 1,399 Solar PV size 40 kW Net annual savings ($/yr) 6,126 2,658 - 78 1,594 Energy Efficiency Net annual savings ($/yr) 3,476 1,679 741 1,528 Solar PV size 40 kW Net annual savings ($/yr) 3,365 1,173 - 411 931 Energy Efficiency Net annual savings ($/yr) 3,476 2,058 1,070 1,872 Solar PV size 50 kW Net annual savings ($/yr) 6,939 3,563 299 2,408 Energy Efficiency Net annual savings ($/yr) 3,476 2,298 1,170 2,043 Solar PV size 90 kW Net annual savings ($/yr) 10,775 4,977 -160 3,262 Energy Efficiency Net annual savings ($/yr) 3,476 2,952 2,126 3,087 Accommodation Hospitality Warehouse Office Manufacturing 72 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Table B.2: Net present value modeling summary Tariff Type Tariff 1 Tariff 2 Tariff 3 Tariff 4 Retail Solar PV size 70 kW Total net present value ($) 98,335 44,491 -6,398 27,206 Energy Efficiency Total net present value ($) 51,013 38,415 25,582 38,417 Solar PV size 30 kW Total net present value ($) 45,581 13,794 -11,276 2,380 Energy Efficiency Total net present value ($) 51,305 27,899 10,761 20,526 Solar PV size 40 kW Total net present value ($) 89,907 39,018 -1,148 23,390 Energy Efficiency Total net present value ($) 51,015 24,644 10,880 22,429 Solar PV size 40 kW Total net present value ($) 49,394 17,213 -6,062 13,669 Energy Efficiency Total net present value ($) 51,015 30,204 15,698 27,477 Solar PV size 50 kW Total net present value ($) 101,835 52,287 4,387 35,345 Energy Efficiency Total net present value ($) 51,015 33,723 17,170 29,981 Solar PV size 90 kW Total net present value ($) 158,138 73,042 -2,344 47,876 Energy Efficiency Total net present value ($) 51,015 43,328 31,201 45,312 Accommodation Hospitality Warehouse Office Manufacturing 73 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 B.2 Case Study Results – Retail Figure B.1: Base case tariff cost 74 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Figure B.2: Top solar PV net present value, below annual electricity cost breakdown 75 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Figure B.3: Top energy efficiency net present value, below annual electricity cost breakdown 76 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Table B.3: Detailed modeling results Tariff 1 2 3 4 Base Case LCOE ($ / KWh) 0.30 0.27 0.27 0.27 29,827 26,711 26,711 26,711 437,765 392,020 392,035 392,034 29,267 18,795 13,220 17,973 - 5,807 6,629 6,629 560 2,109 6,862 2,109 29,827 26,711 26,711 26,711 6,700 3,031 - 436 1,854 98,335 44,491 - 6,398 27,206 9 15 12,551 6,697 4,582 7,046 - 4,857 5,687 5,687 560 2,109 6,862 2,109 13,111 13,663 17,131 14,842 O&M cost 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 Annualised capital cost 7,951 7,951 7,951 7,951 DSM cost 10,051 10,051 10,051 10,051 Total costs 23,162 23,714 27,182 24,893 3,476 2,617 1,743 2,618 51,013 38,415 25,582 38,417 4 5 6 5 23,882 15,335 10,787 14,666 - 4,738 5,410 5,410 560 2,109 6,862 2,109 24,442 22,182 23,059 22,185 2,057 2,057 2,057 2,057 26,499 24,239 25,116 24,242 Annual Retail Cost ($) Net Present Cost ($) 25 years Energy (volume charges) Demand charges Fixed charges Annual tariff cost Solar PV 70 kW Net annual savings ($/yr) Net Present Value ($) Discounted payback (years) Energy (volume charges) Demand charges Fixed charges Annual tariff cost no payback 18 Energy Efficiency Net annual savings ($/yr) Net Present Value ($) Discounted payback (years) Energy (volume charges) Demand charges Fixed charges Annual tariff cost Annualised DSM cost Total costs 77 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 B.3 Case Study Results – Accommodation Figure B.4: Base case tariff cost 78 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Figure B.5: Top solar PV net present value, below annual electricity cost breakdown 79 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Figure B.6: Top energy efficiency net present value, below annual electricity cost breakdown 80 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Table B.4: Accommodation detailed modeling results Tariff Tariff 1 2 3 4 Base Case LCOE ($ / KWh) 0.30 0.23 0.21 0.2 Annual Cost ($) 29,934 22,816 21,223 20,086 439,337 334,871 311,485 294,797 29,374 17,088 10,057 13,673 - 3,619 4,304 4,304 560 2,109 6,862 2,109 29,934 22,816 21,223 20,086 3,106 940 - 768 162 45,581 13,794 - 11,276 2,380 Net Present Cost ($) 25 years Energy (volume charges) Demand charges Fixed charges Annual tariff cost Solar PV 30 kW Net annual savings ($/yr) Net Present Value ($) Discounted payback (years) Energy (volume charges) 9 17 no payback 23 21,976 11,868 6,553 9,219 - 3,607 4,304 4,304 560 2,109 6,862 2,109 22,536 17,584 17,719 15,632 900 900 900 900 Annualised capital cost 3,408 3,408 3,408 3,408 DSM cost 4,308 4,308 4,308 4,308 26,844 21,892 22,027 19,940 3,496 1,901 733 1,399 51,305 27,899 10,761 20,526 4 6 10 7 23,969 13,944 8,207 11,157 - 2,953 3,512 3,512 560 2,109 6,862 2,109 24,529 19,006 18,581 16,778 2,057 2,057 2,057 2,057 26,586 21,063 20,638 18,835 Demand charges Fixed charges Annual tariff cost O&M cost Total Energy Efficiency Net annual savings ($/yr) Net Present Value ($) Discounted payback (years) Energy (volume charges) Demand charges Fixed charges Annual tariff cost Annualised DSM Cost Total 81 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 B.4 Case Study Results – Hospitality Figure B.7: Base case tariff cost 82 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Figure B.8: Top solar PV net present value, below annual electricity cost breakdown 83 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Figure B.9: Top energy efficiency net present value, below annual electricity cost breakdown 84 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Table B.5: Hospitality detailed modeling results Tariff Tariff 1 2 3 4 Base Case LCOE ($ / KWh) 0.30 0.22 0.21 0.21 Annual Cost ($) 29,827 21,611 21,267 20,790 437,763 317,180 312,133 305,140 29,267 17,592 11,895 16,171 - 1,910 2,510 2,510 560 2,109 6,862 2,109 29,827 21,611 21,267 20,790 6,126 2,658 - 78 1,594 89,907 39,018 - 1,148 23,390 Net Present Cost ($) 25 years Energy (volume charges) Demand charges Fixed charges Annual tariff cost Solar PV 40 kW Net annual savings ($/yr) Net Present Value ($) Discounted payback (years) Energy (volume charges) 7 11 No payback 16 17,418 9,400 6,440 9,045 - 1,721 2,320 2,320 560 2,109 6,862 2,109 17,978 13,230 15,622 13,474 O&M cost 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 Annualised capital cost 4,544 4,544 4,544 4,544 DSM cost 5,744 5,744 5,744 5,744 23,722 18,974 21,366 19,218 3,476 1,679 741 1,528 51,015 24,644 10,880 22,429 4 7 9 7 23,882 14,355 9,706 13,196 - 1,559 2,048 2,048 560 2,109 6,862 2,109 24,442 18,023 18,616 17,353 2,057 2,057 2,057 2,057 26,499 20,080 20,673 19,410 Demand charges Fixed charges Annual tariff cost Total Energy Efficiency Net annual savings ($/yr) Net Present Value ($) Discounted payback (years) Energy (volume charges) Demand charges Fixed charges Annual tariff cost Annualised DSM Cost Total 85 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 B.5 Case Study Results – Warehouse Figure B.10: Base case tariff cost 86 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Figure B.11: Top solar PV net present value, below annual electricity cost breakdown 87 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Figure B.12: Top energy efficiency net present value, below annual electricity cost breakdown 88 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Table B.6: Warehouse detailed modeling results Tariff Tariff 1 2 3 4 Base Case LCOE ($ / KWh) 0.30 0.24 0.23 0.23 Annual Cost ($) 29,827 23,670 21,223 20,791 437,765 347,397 338,318 332,578 29,267 17,595 12,132 16,494 - 3,966 4,057 4,057 560 2,109 6,862 2,109 29,827 23,670 23,051 22,660 3,365 1,173 - 411 931 49,394 17,213 - 6,062 13,669 Net Present Cost ($) 25 years Energy (volume charges) Demand charges Fixed charges Annual tariff cost Solar PV 40 kW Net annual savings ($/yr) Net Present Value ($) Discounted payback (years) Energy (volume charges) 10 17 no payback 18 20,178 11,036 7,191 10,211 - 3,629 3,686 3,686 560 2,109 6,862 2,109 20,738 16,774 17,739 16,006 O&M cost 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 Annualise capital cost 4,544 4,544 4,544 4,544 DSM cost 5,744 5,744 5,744 5,744 26,482 22,518 23,483 21,750 3,476 2,058 1,070 1,872 51,015 30,204 15,698 27,477 4 6 8 6 23,882 14,358 9,900 13,459 - 3,236 3,311 3,311 560 2,109 6,862 2,109 24,442 19,703 20,073 18,879 2,057 2,057 2,057 2,057 26,499 21,760 22,130 20,936 Demand charges Fixed charges Annual tariff cost Total Energy Efficiency Net annual savings ($/yr) Net Present Value ($) Discounted payback (years) Energy (volume charges) Demand charges Fixed charges Annual tariff cost Annualised DSM Cost Total 89 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 B.6 Case Study Results – Office Figure B.13: Base case tariff cost 90 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Figure B.14: Top solar PV net present value, below annual electricity cost breakdown 91 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Figure B.15: Top energy efficiency net present value, below annual electricity cost breakdown 92 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Table B.7: Office detailed modeling results Tariff Tariff 1 2 3 4 Base Case LCOE ($ / KWh) 0.29 0.25 0.24 0.24 Annual Cost ($) 29,828 24,973 23,596 23,587 429,553 366,522 346,315 346,184 29,268 19,345 13,195 17,939 - 3,519 3,539 3,539 560 2,109 6,862 2,109 29,828 24,973 23,596 23,587 6,939 3,563 299 2,408 101,835 52,287 4,387 35,345 7 10 23 14 14,615 9,125 6,258 8,893 - 3,023 3,023 3,023 560 2,109 6,862 2,109 15,175 14,257 16,143 14,025 O&M cost 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Annualised capital cost 5,680 5,680 5,680 5,680 DSM cost 7,180 7,180 7,180 7,180 22,355 21,437 23,323 21,205 3,476 2,298 1,170 2,043 51,015 33,723 17,170 29,981 4 5 8 6 23,882 15,785 10,767 14,638 - 2,872 2,888 2,888 560 2,109 6,862 2,109 24,442 20,766 20,517 19,635 2,057 2,057 2,057 2,057 26,499 22,823 22,574 21,692 Net Present Cost ($) 25 years Energy (volume charges) Demand charges Fixed charges Annual tariff cost Solar PV 50 kW Net annual savings ($/yr) Net Present Value ($) Discounted payback (years) Energy (volume charges) Demand charges Fixed charges Annual tariff cost Total Energy Efficiency Net annual savings ($/yr) Net Present Value ($) Discounted payback (years) Energy (volume charges) Demand charges Fixed charges Annual tariff cost Annualised DSM Cost Total 93 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 B.7 Case Study Results – Manufacturing Figure B.16: Base case tariff cost 94 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Figure B.17: Top solar PV net present value, below annual electricity cost breakdown 95 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Figure B.18: Top energy efficiency net present value, below annual electricity cost breakdown 96 Analysis of Demand-Side Management Opportunities - FPDI TA-1C E304346 Revision No: 2 25 November 2014 Table B.8: Manufacturing detailed modeling results Tariff Tariff 1 2 3 4 Base Case LCOE ($ / KWh) 0.30 0.28 0.29 0.29 Annual Cost ($) 29,827 28,530 28,792 29,264 437,770 418,723 422,575 429,503 29,267 19,451 14,533 19,758 - 6,970 7,397 7,397 560 2,109 6,862 2,109 29,827 28,530 28,792 29,264 10,775 4,977 - 160 3,262 158,138 73,042 - 2,344 47,876 Net Present Cost ($) 25 years Energy (volume charges) Demand charges Fixed charges Annual tariff cost Solar PV 90 kW Net annual savings ($/yr) Net Present Value ($) Discounted payback (years) Energy (volume charges) 8 12 no payback 16 5,615 2,860 2,944 4,747 - 5,707 6,268 6,268 560 2,109 6,862 2,109 Annual tariff cost 6,175 10,676 16,074 13,124 O&M cost 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 Annualise capital cost 10,223 10,223 10,223 10,223 DSM cost 12,923 12,923 12,923 12,923 Total 19,098 23,599 28,997 26,047 3,476 2,952 2,126 3,087 51,015 43,328 31,201 45,312 4 5 6 5 23,882 15,872 11,859 16,122 - 5,687 6,036 6,036 560 2,109 6,862 2,109 24,442 23,668 24,757 24,267 2,057 2,057 2,057 2,057 26,499 25,725 26,814 26,324 Demand charges Fixed charges Energy Efficiency Net annual savings ($/yr) Net Present Value ($) Discounted payback (years) Energy (volume charges) Demand charges Fixed charges Annual tariff cost Annualised DSM Cost Total 97