curriculum vitæ of aaron d. ward

Contact Information
Postal address:
Aaron D. Ward, Postdoctoral Fellow
Imaging Research Laboratories
Robarts Research Institute
Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry
University of Western Ontario
PO Box 5015, 100 Perth Drive
London, ON, Canada N6A 5K8
Telephone: +1.519.663.5777 x 24196
Sep 2004 – Oct 2008:
Ph.D. Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Jan 2000 – Jun 2004:
M.Sc. Computer Science, University of Regina, Canada
Sep 1996 – Dec 1999:
B.Sc.Hons. Computer Science, University of Regina, Canada
(including 2 years in the Faculty of Education with mathematics major, business minor)
Journal publications
A. D. Ward, C. Crukley, C. McKenzie, J. Montreuil, E. Gibson, C. Romagnoli, J. A. Gomez, M. Moussa, J. Chin, G.
Bauman, A. Fenster, “Registration of prostate digital histopathology images to in vivo MRI acquired using an endorectal
receive coil”, Radiology (submitted on November 19, 2010).
V. Karnik, A. Fenster, J. Bax, C. Romagnoli, A. D. Ward, “Evaluation of inter-session 3D-TRUS to 3D-TRUS image
registration for repeat prostate biopsies”, Medical Physics (submitted on November 1, 2010).
E. Ukwatta, J. Awad, A. D. Ward, D. Buchanan, J. Samarabandu, G. Parraga, A. Fenster, “Three-dimensional ultrasound
of carotid atherosclerosis: Semi-automated segmentation using a level set-based method”, Medical Physics (submitted on
October 22, 2010).
T. DeSilva, A.Fenster, J. Bax, C. Romagnoli, J. Izawa, J. Samarabandu, A. D. Ward, “Quantification of prostate
deformation due to needle insertion during TRUS-guided biopsy: Comparison of hand-held and mechanically stabilized
systems”, Medical Physics (submitted on September 19, 2010).
V. Karnik, A. Fenster, J. Bax, D. Cool, L. Gardi, I. Gyacskov, C. Romagnoli, A. D. Ward, “Assessment of image
registration accuracy in three-dimensional transrectal ultrasound guided prostate biopsy”, Medical Physics 37(2), 802–813,
B. HajGhanbari, G. Hamarneh, N. Changizi, A. D. Ward, W. D. Reid, “3D shape analysis of thigh muscles: People with
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease versus healthy older adults”, Academic Radiology, 2010 (in press).
O. Van Kaick, G. Hamarneh, A. D. Ward, M. E. Schweitzer, H. Zhang, “Learning Fourier descriptors for computer-aided
diagnosis of the supraspinatus”, Academic Radiology 17(8), 1040–1049, 2010.
A. D. Ward, G. Hamarneh, “The groupwise medial axis transform for fuzzy skeletonization and pruning”, IEEE
Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 32(6), 1084–1096, 2010.
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A. D. Ward, G. Hamarneh, M. E. Schweitzer, “3D bicipital groove shape analysis and relationship to tendopathy”,
Journal of Digital Imaging 21(2), 219–234, 2008.
A. D. Ward, G. Hamarneh, R. Ashry, M. E. Schweitzer, “3D shape analysis of the supraspinatus muscle: A clinical study
of the relationship between shape and pathology”, Academic Radiology 14(10), 1229–1241, 2007.
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings
E. Gibson, C. Crukley, J. A. Gomez, M. Moussa, G. Bauman, A. Fenster, A. D. Ward, “Tissue block MRI for slice
orientation-independent registration of digital histology images to ex vivo MRI of the prostate”, Proceedings of IEEE
International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2011 (submitted on November 10, 2010).
E. Ukwatta, J. Awad, A. D. Ward, D. Buchanan, G. Parraga, A. Fenster, “Coupled level set approach to segment carotid
arteries from 3D ultrasound images”, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2011
(submitted on November 8, 2010).
E. Gibson, A. Fenster, C. Crukley, C. McKenzie, J. A. Gomez, M. Moussa, G. Bauman, A. D. Ward, “Image-guided
prostate sectioning supporting registration of graded cancerous foci from digital histopathology images to in vivo MRI:
An interactive 3D visualization tool”, Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging 7965-12, 2011 (podium presentation).
T. DeSilva, J. Bax, A. Fenster, J. Samarabandu, A. D. Ward, “Quantification of prostate deformation due to needle
insertion during TRUS-guided biopsy: Comparison of hand-held and mechanically stabilized systems”, Proceedings of
SPIE Medical Imaging 7968-29, 2011 (podium presentation).
E. Ukwatta, J. Awad, A. D. Ward, J. Samarabandu, A. Krasinski, G. Parraga, A. Fenster, “Segmentation of the lumen and
media-adventitia boundaries of the common carotid artery from 3D ultrasound images”, Proceedings of SPIE Medical
Imaging 7963-15, 2011 (podium presentation).
A. D. Ward, C. Crukley, C. McKenzie, J. Montreuil, E. Gibson, J. A. Gomez, M. Moussa, G. Bauman, A. Fenster,
“Registration of in vivo prostate magnetic resonance images to digital histopathology images”, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, Prostate Cancer Imaging, Computer-Aided Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Intervention: Medical Image Computing
and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 6367, 66–76, 2010 (11 pages; podium presentation).
V. Karnik, A. Fenster, J. Bax, L. Gardi, I. Gyacskov, C. Romagnoli, A. D. Ward, “Evaluation of inter-session 3D-TRUS
to 3D-TRUS image registration for repeat prostate biopsies”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Medical Image
Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 6362, 17–25, 2010 (8 pages; poster presentation; 32%
acceptance rate).
T. DeSilva, A. Fenster, J. Samarabandu, A. D. Ward, “Quantification of prostate deformation due to needle insertion
during TRUS-guided biopsy”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted
Intervention (MICCAI) 6363, 213–220, 2010 (8 pages; poster presentation; 32% acceptance rate).
N. Changizi, G. Hamarneh, O. Ishaq, A. D. Ward, R. Tam, “Simultaneous extraction and segmentation of the plane of
minimal corpus callosum cross-sectional area”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Medical Image Computing and
Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 6363, 17–24, 2010 (8 pages; poster presentation; 32% acceptance rate).
V. Karnik, A. Fenster, J. Bax, D. Cool, L. Gardi, I. Gyacskov, C. Romagnoli, A. D. Ward, “Assessment of registration
accuracy in three-dimensional transrectal ultrasound images of prostates”, Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging 7625,
2010 (8 pages; podium presentation).
A. D. Ward, G. Hamarneh, “Statistical shape modeling using MDL incorporating shape, appearance, and expert
knowledge”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention
(MICCAI) 4791, 278–285, 2007 (8 pages; poster presentation; 37% acceptance rate).
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G. Hamarneh, A. D. Ward, R. Frank, “Quantification and visualization of localized and intuitive shape variability using a
novel medial-based shape representation”, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI),
1232–1235, 2007 (4 pages; poster presentation).
A. D. Ward, G. Hamarneh, “3D surface parameterization using manifold learning for medial shape representation”,
Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging 6512-0X, 1–8, 2007 (8 pages; podium presentation).
A. D. Ward, G. Hamarneh, R. Ashry, M. E. Schweitzer, “3D shape analysis of the supraspinatus muscle”, Proceedings of
the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) Joint Disease Workshop, 96–103, 2006 (8
pages; poster presentation).
A. D. Ward, G. Hamarneh, M. E. Schweitzer, “3D shape description of the bicipital groove: Correlation to pathology”,
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) Joint Disease Workshop,
80–87, 2006 (8 pages; poster presentation).
A. D. Ward, M. E. Schweitzer, G. Hamarneh, “3D shape description of the bicipital groove of the proximal humerus”,
Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging 6143-27, 1–9, 2006 (9 pages; poster presentation).
A. D. Ward, X. D. Yang, “Attributed vector quantization: A new paradigm for image segmentation and pattern
acquisition”, Proceedings of SPIE Electronic Imaging 5679, 266–275, 2005 (10 pages; poster presentation).
National and international conference presentations
A. D. Ward, C. Crukley, C. McKenzie, J. Montreuil, E. Gibson, C. Romagnoli, J. A. Gomez, M. Moussa, J. Chin, G.
Bauman, A. Fenster, “Registration of digital histology images to in vivo MRI for prostate cancer focal therapy research”,
Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, 2011 (submitted on November 15, 2010).
A. D. Ward, A. Abdellatif, E. Gibson, J. Craig, J. Chen, E. Wong, T. Lee, T. Peters, A. Fenster, G. Bauman, “Magnetic
resonance and computed tomography functional imaging for delineations of dominant intra-prostatic lesions for radiation
boosts: Histologic correlations and modeling dosimetric feasibility”, Cancer Imaging and Radiation Therapy Symposium,
2011 (submitted on November 10, 2010).
D. Cool, A. D. Ward, B. Hobbs, W. Romano, M. Edmonds, A. Fenster, “Automatic image registration of threedimensional ultrasound thyroid images: Application for longitudinal thyroid nodule tracking”, Radiological Society of
North America, 2010 (podium presentation).
A. D. Ward, C. Crukley, C. McKenzie, J. Montreuil, J. A. Gomez, M. Moussa, G. Bauman, A. Fenster, “Registration of in
vivo medical images to digital histopathology images”, Annual Meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine,
2010 (podium presentation).
E. Ukwatta, J. Awad, A. D. Ward, A. Krasinski, A. Fenster, “Semi-automated segmentation of carotid artery lumen and
wall from three-dimensional ultrasound images using level sets”, Annual Meeting of Canadian Organization of Medical
Physicists, 2010 (podium presentation).
A. D. Ward, C. Crukley, C. McKenzie, J. Montreuil, J. A. Gomez, M. Moussa, G. Bauman, A. Fenster, “Registration of in
vivo medical images to digital histopathology images”, Annual Meeting of Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists,
2010 (podium presentation).
L. Marks, A. D. Ward, L. Gardi, R. Bentley, D. Kumar, S. Gupta, M. L. Macairan, A. Fenster, “Tracking of prostate
biopsy sites using a 3D ultrasound device (Artemis)”, Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, 2010
(podium presentation).
V. Karnik, A. D. Ward, J. Bax, D. Cool, L. Gardi, I. Gyacskov, C. Romagnoli, A. Fenster, “Assessment of registration
accuracy in 3D transrectal ultrasound images of prostates”, American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Annual
Convention, 2010 (podium presentation).
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A. D. Ward, G. Hamarneh, M. E. Schweitzer, “Anatomical shape analysis: Exploring the relationship between shape and
pathology”, Canadian Institutes of Health Research National Research Poster Competition, Canadian Student Health
Research Forum, 2007 (poster presentation).
A. D. Ward, M. E. Schweitzer, G. Hamarneh, “Computational and visualization techniques for understanding the shape
variations of the bicipital groove of the proximal humerus”, Annual meeting of the Society for Computer Applications in
Radiology, 2006 (podium presentation).
Local and provincial conference and workshop presentations
J. A. Gomez, A. D. Ward, E. Gibson, “Update on CIHR team project: Imaging-pathology registration for prostate cancer
diagnosis”, Workshop on Imaging Applications in Prostate Cancer, London, ON, Nov. 19, 2010 (podium presentation).
A. D. Ward, E. Gibson, C. Crukley, C. McKenzie, J. A. Gomez, M. Moussa, G. Bauman, A. Fenster, “Registration of in
vivo medical images to digital histopathology images”, 7th Annual UWO Oncology Research and Education Day, Jun. 18,
2010 (podium presentation).
E. Gibson, A. Fenster, C. Crukley, C. McKenzie, J. Montreuil, J. A. Gomez, M. Moussa, G. Bauman, A. D. Ward, “In
vivo imaging to histopathology correlation: Interactive visualization for image-guided gross sectioning”, London Imaging
Discovery, Jun. 17, 2010 (poster presentation).
A. D. Ward, C. Crukley, C. McKenzie, J. A. Gomez, M. Moussa, G. Bauman, A. Fenster, “Registration of in vivo medical
images to digital histopathology images”, Ontario Institute of Cancer Research Annual Scientific Meeting, Mar. 1, 2010
(podium presentation).
A. D. Ward, C. Crukley, C. McKenzie, J. A. Gomez, M. Moussa, G. Bauman, A. Fenster, “Registration of in vivo medical
images to digital histopathology images”, Imaging Network Ontario, Feb. 1, 2010 (podium presentation).
A. D. Ward, M. E. Schweitzer, G. Hamarneh, “3D shape description of the bicipital groove of the proximal humerus”,
Simon Fraser University Faculty of Applied Science Graduate Conference, 2006 (poster presentation).
Technical reports
A. D. Ward, G. Hamarneh, “GMAT: The groupwise medial axis transform for fuzzy skeletonization and intelligent
pruning”, Technical Report 2008-07, School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, 2008.
A. D. Ward, “Computational Intelligence Supporting Anatomical Shape Analysis and Computer-Aided Diagnosis”,
Ph.D. Thesis, Simon Fraser University, Canada, 2008.
A. D. Ward, “Attributed Vector Quantization: A New Approach to Pattern Acquisition and Recognition”,
M.Sc. Thesis, University of Regina, Canada, 2004.
V. Karnik, A. Fenster, J. Bax, D. Cool, L. Gardi, I. Gyacskov, C. Romagnoli, A. D. Ward, “Assessment of image
registration accuracy in three-dimensional transrectal ultrasound guided prostate biopsy”, featured on
(an online urology magazine with monthly readership of 55,000), March, 2010.
A. D. Ward, G. Hamarneh, “Research at university lab is shaping up”, featured in Technology for Doctors (a clinical
practice magazine with monthly readership of 10,000), July, 2008.
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Invited talks
“Semi-automated segmentation of carotid arteries from 3D ultrasound”, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
Wuhan, Hubei, China. September 27, 2010. Host: Dr. Mingyue Ding.
“Registration of in vivo prostate magnetic resonance images to digital histopathology images”, Huazhong University of
Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China. September 26, 2010. Host: Dr. Mingyue Ding.
“3D imaging, shape, and digital histopathology: Shape analysis and image registration with applications to MSK disorders
and prostate cancer”, The Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. June 21, 2010. Host: Dr. Mark E. Schweitzer.
“Computational Intelligence Supporting Anatomical Shape Analysis and Computer-Aided Diagnosis”, The Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. May 13, 2008. Host: Dr. Russell H. Taylor.
“Computational Intelligence Supporting Anatomical Shape Analysis and Computer-Aided Diagnosis”, Sunnybrook
Research Institute, affiliated with U. Toronto, Toronto, ON. May 2, 2008. Host: Dr. Anne Martel.
“Computational Intelligence Supporting Anatomical Shape Analysis and Computer-Aided Diagnosis”, Queen's University,
Kingston, ON. May 1, 2008. Hosts: Dr. Purang Abolmaesumi and Dr. Gabor Fichtinger.
Awards and funding
Sep 2009:
NSERC Doctoral Prize nominee, Simon Fraser University
(one of twenty nominees nationwide in the Engineering and Computer Sciences category)
Jun 2009:
5-year, $581,780, CIHR operating grant: “Femoroacetabular Impingement: Correlating Hip
Morphology to Changes in Cartilage and Subchondral Bone”; collaborator with Dr. P. Beaule,
Dr. I. Cameron, Dr. H. Frei, Dr. M. Lamontagne, Dr. K. Rakhra, and Dr. M. E. Schweitzer,
U. Ottawa.
Jun 2009:
Dean of Graduate Studies Convocation Medal; top Ph.D. in Faculty of Applied Sciences,
Simon Fraser University
Jan 2009 – Dec 2010:
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Postdoctoral
Fellowship (this award had a 21% acceptance rate in the 2008 competition)
Sep 2008 – Dec 2008, Simon Fraser University Graduate Fellowship
Jan 2008 – Apr 2008,
May 2006 – Aug 2006:
Jun 2007:
Canadian Institutes of Health Research National Research Poster Competition, Canadian
Student Health Research Forum, honourable mention: A. D. Ward, G. Hamarneh, M. E.
Schweitzer, “Anatomical shape analysis: Exploring the relationship between shape and
pathology” (fully-funded invitation extended to top 2% of health sciences Ph.D. students in
Apr 2007 – May 2008: Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research Senior Graduate Studentship (BC provincial
health research funding equivalent in value to major national awards; 174 out of 550 applications
funded; I was the only Computing Science student funded in this competition)
May 2007 – Aug 2007: Simon Fraser University Faculty of Applied Science Graduate Fellowship
Sep 2006 – Apr 2007:
Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS) internship, 50% of
funds provided by Dr. M. E. Schweitzer, NYU Medical Center, Hospital for Joint Diseases
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Mar 2006:
Simon Fraser University Faculty of Applied Science Graduate Conference, 2nd prize winning
poster: A. D. Ward, M. E. Schweitzer, G. Hamarneh, “3D shape description of the bicipital
groove of the proximal humerus”
Sep 2004:
Simon Fraser University Computing Science Entrance Scholarship
Sep 2004:
University of Alberta Provost Doctoral Entrance Scholarship (declined)
Dec 1996:
University of Regina Academic Scholarship: 99th percentile GPA in faculty in fall semester
May 1996:
P. and S. Beke International Baccalaureate Scholarship: Most outstanding International
Baccalaureate graduate at Campbell Collegiate, Regina, Canada
Academic service
Reviewer for:
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
Journal of Digital Imaging
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Journal of Image and Vision Computing
Medical Image Analysis
Physics in Medicine and Biology
Medical Physics
Medical Engineering and Physics
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention
Professional experience
Jan 2009 – Dec 2010:
Postdoctoral Fellow for research on computer-assisted diagnosis and interventions focusing on
prostate, thyroid, and liver cancer.
Oversight: Dr. Aaron Fenster, Robarts Research Institute, University of Western Ontario
Jan 2006 – Dec 2008,
Jan 2005 – Aug 2005:
Research Assistant for research on anatomical shape analysis, as part of Ph.D. studies.
Oversight: Dr. G. Hamarneh, School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University
Collaboration: Dr. M. E. Schweitzer, Hospital for Joint Diseases, New York University
Sep 2005 – Dec 2005,
Sep 2004 – Dec 2004:
Teaching Assistant for the following courses:
CMPT 212 (Object Oriented Design in C++), CMPT 475 (Software Engineering II)
Oversight: Dr. J. Manuch, Dr. R. Farahbod, School of Comp. Sci., Simon Fraser University
May 2004 – Jan 2005, Curriculum Developer of the following courses:
Jun 2003 – Dec 2003,
Feb 2002 – Mar 2002:
C# and GUI Development
C++ and Palm OS Wireless Development
Oversight: Mr. Grant Lenz, IT Synergy Corporation, OOST Program, U. Calgary
Background: The Object-Oriented Software Technology (OOST) program was a 6-month
course of study in leading-edge software development skills, accepting students holding
bachelor’s degrees. The program was very intensive, covering a comparable curriculum to
contemporary 2-year programs, and required that the developed curriculum be very clear and
properly sequenced in order for instruction to proceed effectively at the required pace.
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Oct 2001 – Jun 2004:
Full-Time Instructor of the following OOST courses (U. Regina satellite program):
Introduction to Object Oriented Technology
Database System Concepts Using Oracle
Introduction to C++, C++ and Palm OS Wireless Development
C# and GUI Development
Effective Coding and Testing Techniques
Project Application
Oversight: Dr. R. Brien Maguire, Ms. Darlene South, Dept. of Computer Science, U. Regina
Jan 2000 – Aug 2000,
Sep 2000 – Aug 2001:
Sessional Lecturer and Full-Time Instructor of the following courses:
CS270 (Management Information Systems), CS372 (Software Engineering)
Oversight: Dr. R. Brien Maguire, Dept. of Computer Science, U. Regina
Jun 1996 – Jan 1999:
Co-Owner/Manager of Sirius Website Design, Regina, SK
Background: Sirius Website Design was a company I co-founded and operated. We developed
web-based business software solutions for approximately fifty clients ranging from some of the
first online shopping services to non-profit organizations. I gained valuable experience in
bootstrapping a business enterprise and managing clients, operations, financial matters, and
subcontractors. I left the company to pursue full-time studies.
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