BScKin in Program Description


2011-2012 Calendar Proof


Faculty of Kinesiology

General Office: Lady Beaverbrook Gym

Mailing Address: Faculty of Kinesiology

University of New Brunswick,

P.O. Box 4400, Fredericton, N. B.,

Canada, E3B 5A3





(506) 453-4575

(506) 453-3511


Dean: Wayne Albert, BSc, MA, PhD

Assistant Dean : Cynthia Stacey, BSc, MSc, PhD

Albert, Wayne, BSc (Ott), MA (UWO), PhD (Qu), Prof and Dean - 2010

Barclay, Katherine, BSc (UNB), MSc (Wat.), PhD (Guelph), Sr Instructor (Joint Biology,

Nursing) - 2001

• Burkard, Jeffrey, BA (SUC, Brockport), MPE (UNB), Sr Teaching Assoc - 2002

• Chester, Victoria, BScHK (Guelph), MA (Laur), PhD (UNB), Assoc Prof - 2002

• Cleave, Shirley, BA, MA (UWO), PhD (Ill), Assoc Prof and Assoc VP Academic - 1979

• Duquette, Greg, BKin (McM), MA (CMU), Instructor - 2008

• Haggerty, Terry, BA, BPHE (Qu), Dip Educ, MA, (UWO), PhD (SUNY-Buffalo), Prof -


• Kuruganti, Usha, BScEE, MScEE, PhD (UNB), Asst Prof - 2004

• Mason, Fred, BA, BPE (MUN), MA (Ott), PhD (UWO), Assoc Prof – 2006

McGarry, Timothy, BSc (Liv), MSc (Brad), MPE, PhD (UBC) Assoc Prof - 2000

McGibbon, Chris, BSc, MSc, PhD (UNB), Prof - 2004

• McKenna, Mary, BSc (McG), MSc (Cornell), PhD (Nottingham), Prof - 1993

Reading, Stacey, BSc, MSc, PhD (Guelph), Asst Prof - 2007

• Reid, Ian, BPE (Manit), MPE (UBC), PhD (Texas A & M), Assoc Prof - 1987

Scott, David, BA, PGCE (Ulster), MA, MA, PhD (Vic B.C.), Assoc Prof - 1997

Sexsmith, James R., BSc (Leth), MSc, PhD (Alta), Prof - 1984

• Shannon, Charlene, BBA, B of Recr Mgmt (Acad.), MA, PhD (Wat), Assoc Prof - 2002

Stacey, Cynthia, BSc (Acad.), MSc (Guelph), PhD (Ott), Assoc Prof - 1995

• Tymowski, Gabriela, BA, BEd, MA (UWO), PhD (Gloucestershire), Assoc Prof - 1999

General Information

2011-2012 Calendar Proof

The Faculty of Kinesiology offers two undergraduate degree programs: Bachelor of Science in

Kinesiology and a Bachelor of Recreation and Sport Studies. The Bachelor of Science in

Kinesiology (BScKin) is a four year discipline based program of study, with the focus being on applying scientific principles to the study of exercise and sport. Students in the program develop competency in communication, critical thinking, problem solving, professional conduct and numeracy to prepare them for a variety of vocational careers and/or further study at the graduate level. The program will prepare students for career opportunities in applied exercise, sport science, and health related professions (e.g. fitness consulting, athletic therapy, ergonomics, human factors) and related careers, as well as for further study in the exercise and sport science disciplines or allied health professions (nutrition,occupational therapy, physiotherapy, medicine).

Students interested in becoming elementary or secondary physical education teachers and coaches in school systems can select either the BRSS or the BScKin degree program. Students who are interested in the Arts and Humanities as a teachable minor, should select the BRSS degree program, while students who are interested in the Sciences as a teachable minor, should select the BScKin degree program.

Admission to the Concurrent BRSS/BEd and BScKin/BEd programs will be discontinued after

September 2007. High School applicants or first-year students interested in the BEd program at

UNB should refer to the Faculty of Education Admission Advantage program in either the

Admissions section of this calendar (Item J) or the Bachelor of Education section under

Fredericton Degree Programs.

University Regulations

Any point not covered in the following regulations will be governed by the General University

Regulations as stated in Section B of this Calendar. Questions concerning the application of regulations should be directed to the Registrar in writing.

Conditions Regarding Admission to the BScKin Program

All admissions are on a competitive basis; satisfaction of minimum requirements does not guarantee admission. Normally, no more than 100 students will be admitted to first year in the

Faculty of Kinesiology in any academic year.

Transfer Students


Normally, a minimum session grade point average of 3.0 is required for a student to be considered for transfer into one of the Faculty's programs.


Normally, a student will not be allowed to transfer into the Faculty mid-way through the academic year.

2011-2012 Calendar Proof


In addition to scholastic record, a transfer applicant's record of participation and interest in the "Kinesiology", "Recreation", and "Sport Science" field is also considered for admission.


Students presently registered in the Faculty will continue to be governed by the regulations in effect when they first registered. Students who were formerly in the

Faculty and apply for re-admission, if accepted, will be governed by the regulations in effect at the time of their re-admission.

Time Limitation

The maximum time period permitted between the first registration in the BScKin degree program and the completion of the BScKin degree shall be eight (8) years. Normally, BScKin students who are re-admitted within this time frame must complete the degree requirements in effect at the last re-admission.

BScKin as a Second Degree

In addition to the University's regulations for a second undergraduate bachelor's degree as specified in the UNB Undergraduate Calendar, the Faculty of Kinesiology requires that any student accepted into the BScKin degree program as a second undergraduate bachelor's degree be required to: (a) Complete at least thirty-six (36) credit hours of courses, and (b) Complete the requirements of the BScKin program.

General Regulations

Grade Point Averages


The method of calculating grade point averages is explained in Section B (Grading

System and Classification) of this Calendar.


To earn a BScKin degree, a student must have successfully completed a minimum 12 06 ch of approved courses.


Students should refer to Section B of this Calendar for regulations regarding academic probation and withdrawal.

2011-2012 Calendar Proof

Policy on Grades

BScKin students must obtain a grade of "C" or better in required degree program courses. These courses include: a.

all first year required courses b.

all required core courses

Note: KIN1001 is considered to be pre-requisite or co-requisite to all other KIN and RSS courses. Students receiving a final grade of "D" in KIN1001 may repeat KIN1001 as a corequisite to other second year KIN and RSS courses.

Repeating Courses


Regulations pertaining to repeating courses can be found in Section B of this Calendar.


Any required courses not successfully completed during a given year must be attempted not later than the next academic year, except by special permission of the Director of

Undergraduate Studies.

Intersession / Summer Session Courses

BScKin students who wish to take Intersession and/or Summer Session courses that are to be credited towards their degree should first consult with their Faculty Advisor and then must obtain permission in advance of course registration from the Faculty's Director of Undergraduate

Studies or designate.

Practica and Directed Studies


Normally, students may elect a maximum of twelve (12) ch from practica/internship courses, i.e., RSS 3913 (3), RSS 3914 (3), KIN 3950 (6), RSS 4910 (6), KIN 4950 (6), and RSS 3100 (12).


Normally, students may elect a maximum of six (6) ch from directed study courses, i.e.,

KIN 4903 (3), KIN 4904 (3), and from Special Activity courses, i.e., KIN 2831 (1), KIN

2832 (1), KIN 3831 (2), KIN 3832 (2), and from Leadership courses, i.e., KIN 2861 (1),

KIN 2862 (1), KIN 3861 (2), and KIN 3862 (2).

Approval of Elective Courses

Advice concerning elective courses will be provided by members of the Faculty. All elective courses require approval of the Faculty.

Normal Workload

2011-2012 Calendar Proof

The maximum student workload is considered to be 20-22 ch per term, or 40-44 ch per year (not including Intersession and Summer Session). Permission from the Director of Undergraduate

Studies is required to exceed 22 ch per term or 44 ch in any given academic year.

BScKin Year Designation Based On Credit Hours

For the purposes of on-line registration and administrative operations BScKin students shall be considered as in:


Second year after the student has successfully completed 3 02 ch toward their BScKin


Third year BScKin after the student has successfully completed 6 05 ch toward their



Fourth year BScKin after the student has successfully completed 9 08 ch towards their



General Notes


It is the students’ responsibility to complete the degree program curriculum for the year in which they enrol.


In the BScKin degree program activity lab courses are not required but may be taken as

General KIN/RSS Electives up to a maximum of 6 credit hours.


The minimum credit hour total to graduate with a BScKin would be 12 06 .


Of the 4236 ch of KIN and Non KIN Electives in 3rd and 4th year at least 3024 ch must be at the 3000-4000 level.

Year 1: (38 ch)

Required Core

KIN 1001 Introduction to Kinesiology

One of the following three courses:

RSS 21 042 : History of Sport and Recreation

RSS 2081 : Health and Wellness I

KIN 2093 : Introduction to Philosophy of Sport & Recreation



2011-2012 Calendar Proof

KIN 2032

KIN 2160

BIOL 1001

BIOL 1012

BIOL 1711

BIOL 1782

Introduction to Sport and Leisure Pyschology

Lab o ratory Methods in Kinesiology

Biological Principles, Part I

Biological Principles Part II

Human Anatomy I

Human Physiology I

MATH 1003

MATH 1503

Introduction to Calculus I

Linear Algebra

Choose 6 ch of the following:(3 ch may to be taken in Year 2)

PSYC 1013 / 1023

ANTH 1001 / 1002

SOCI 1000

Year 2 (37 ch)

Required Core

BIOL 2812

BIOL 2721

Human Anatomy II

Human Physiology II

RSS 2023

KIN 2062

KIN 2072

KIN 3081

KIN 3252

Sociology of Sport, Physical Activity & Leisure

Introductory Biomechanics

Introduction to Motor Control and Learning

Introductory Exercise Physiology

Functional Human Anatomy

ENGL 1103 or 1144 or 1145 (may be taken in Year 1)

Choose 1 of the following:

CHEM 1001 / 1006 and CHEM 1012 / 1017

PHYS1071 / 1091 and PHYS 1072 / 1092

Year 3 and 4 ( 5145 ch)

Required Core to be completed in 3rd year

KIN 3001 Introduction to Research Methods in Kinesiology

KIN 3282 Physical Activity, Health and Wellness

STAT 2263 or 2264 Statistics for Non-Science Majors or Statistics for Biology or equivalent

(Choose 3024 ch)(see Note 1, 2 & 3 below) KIN Electives

Kin or Non-Kin


(Choose 12 ch)(see Note 1 & 2 below)

























3024 ch


12 06 CH

2011-2012 Calendar Proof

Note 1: of the 4236 ch of KIN and NON-KIN electives in 3rd and 4th year at least 3024 must be at the 3000/4000 level)

Note 2: see advisor for suggested KIN and NON-KIN electives.

Note 3: Laboratory Requirement - for the 4 core areas of Biomechanics, Exercise Physiology,

Motor Learning/Control, and Psychology of Physical Activity, students must take a minimum of 1 course in 1 core areas.

Honours Program: BScKin



The Honours program provides students with the opportunity to undertake academic research and be recognized as one of the Faculty’s top students. Upon successful completion of the program, “Honours” is printed on the student’s official academic transcript. See the Faculty for application procedures.


Application requirements include: minimum CGPA of 3.7, must be in one’s final year of study, must identify a faculty member willing to serve as one’s Honours Research Project supervisor.


Once accepted into the program, students must: outline the required deliverables and expectations of the Honours project which will be approved by the Honours supervisor before being submitted to the Director of Undergraduate Studies no later than Oct. 15th.

This outline (one or two pages) briefly describes: i) the nature of the study being conducted, ii) timelines, iii) deliverables and expectations. This outline serves as a course contract between the student and the supervisor.


To graduate with a BScKin Honours, students must meet the following requirements: maintain a minimum CGPA of 3.5 throughout one’s undergraduate degree; successfully complete KIN 4900 Honours Research Project .

Pre-Professional Programs in Kinesiology

The BScKin degree program provides a variety of courses for students who are interested in pursuing a professional degree such as: Medicine, Chiropractic, Athletic Therapy, Physiotherapy,

Occupational Therapy, and Massage Therapy. Experience has shown, where possible, that it is highly desirable for the pre-professional student to obtain a bachelors degree before applying for entrance to the professional school. Each professional school has its own specific entrance requirements and it is necessary that the student ascertain these requirements in order to be sure of qualifying as a candidate for admission to that particular school. Interested students should meet with the undergraduate program director before selecting their courses.

Minor in Ergonomics

2011-2012 Calendar Proof

The Minor in Ergonomics is designed for students from inside and outside the Faculty of

Kinesiology interested in a coherent package of Ergonomics related courses. Students interested in the minor, must apply through the Undergraduate Degree Program. Enrolment is limited.

Students enrolled in the Minor will be required to take 15 ch of required courses and 9 ch of elective courses chosen in consultation, and in advance, with the Faculty of Kinesiology. A grade of C or better is required in each course used towards the Minor.



KIN 3161 Human Factors in Ergonomic Design (3 ch)


KIN 4161 Occupational Biomechanics (3 ch)


KIN 4163 Workplace Design & Analysis (3 ch)


ADM 2513 Organizational Behaviour (3 ch)


KIN 4903 Directed Study in Ergonomics (3 ch) - an ergonomics project.

ELECTIVES (9 ch) – select from the following (highly recommend: 1, 2, 3, 6)


KIN 4165 Occupational Physiology (3 ch)


KIN 4162 Occupational Health and Safety for Ergonomists (3ch)


ADM 3573 Organizational Design (3 ch) [PREQ = ADM 2513]


ADM 3875 Labour Relations (3 ch)


ADM 3815 Human Resource Management (3 ch) [PREQ = ADM 2513 ]


ADM 4826 Employment Law (3 ch)


ME 3232 - Engineering Economics (3 ch)
