Sugar Peonies

Wedding 2014
What you will need:
• Squires SFP Pink (5952)
• Squires SFP Green (6001)
• Sugarflair Paste Colour
Spectral Ruby (5319)
• Sugarflair Dusting Colour
Woodland Green (53775)
• Sugarflair Dusting Colour
Moss Green (5402)
• Culpitt Peony Cutter (81851)
• 1381G and 1382G 18# and 28#
gauge wires green florist wires
• Green florist tape (1490M)
• Dog bone tool (84521)
• Jem veining tool (JC754)
• Petal pad (JC810)
Sugar Peonies
Peonies are relatively easy to make although require a lot of layers but
the effort is well rewarded!
The petal paste is shaded before the petals are attached to the peony
to create the illusion of a dense mass of petals when in fact there are
only approximately 7 - 8 layers
tool. Brush a small amount of edible glue to the sides and base
of the petal. Attach three petal or 4 petals as in the image, each
overlapping at the top as per the image to allow the frilled edges
to remain slightly apart from each other. Leave to dry. Apply
three or four more petals in the same way but allow then to
remain slightly more apart on the top of the peony.
Colour some of the pale pink petal paste a
deeper pink . Make a hook on an 18# gauge
florist wire.
Form a ball of pink petal paste about the size
of a walnut. Glue the end of the wire and
insert into the pink ball. Leave to dry.
Intermediate layers - unwired (3 layers)
The petals are made in graduating sizes but the process for
making is the same.
Centre Petal layers - unwired (2 layers)
Use the next size cutter and a slightly paler shade of pink for
the next two layers and create 3 or 4 petals as before. When
attaching layers, make sure there is space between the layers
otherwise it may resemble the structure of a cabbage rather
than the delicate frilled layers of a peony. To assist, leave the
petals to dry slightly before attaching and leave to dry fully
before applying subsequent layers.
Make 2 further layers using the next sized cutter and a very
slightly lighter shade of pink.
Outer layers - unwired (2 layers)
On a lightly greased non-stick board and using the smallest peony
petal cutter, roll out some deeper pink petal paste and cut out
four petals. Vein deeply,
starting at the base of
the petal and radiating
outwards, using the Jem
veiner. On a petal pad,
smooth and frill top edges
further with the dog bone
Use the third largest cutter and create three or four petals as
before. Allow to dry a little before applying and make sure there
is a suitable space between this and the previous layer.
Outer layers - unwired (2 layers)
Use the third largest cutter and create three or four petals as
before. Allow to dry a little before applying and make sure there
is a suitable space between this and the previous layer.
Final layer(s) - wired
Cut a length of 28# gauge wire into three.
Using a cigarette lighter or match (care!)
burn 5mm of the tape from one end of
each length. This assists in securing the
paste to the wire. Roll out the paste on a
grooved board. Glue one length of burnt
wire and insert into the paste until it reaches approximately 1.5cm
into the groove. Remove wired paste from the board and vein
and smooth as for previous layers. Leave to part set in a suitable
former. Repeat making four (or more) wired petals.
Using the florist tape cut to half width attach the wired petals to
the peony. Tape the full length of the peony wire to neaten.
Dust very lightly the tips of inner petals with the Fuchsia dusting
powder. Add another layer if wished.
Dust the back of the outer petals lightly along the centre veining
line using Moss green.
Roll out some green sugar florist paste on the grooved board.
Insert wires as for the petals and remove wired paste from
groove. Cut out freehand oval shapes as per the example below.
Remove a ‘v’ shape from some of the leaf shapes. Vein using the
Jem veiner and smooth the edges to give shape on the petal
pad but leave unfrilled. Dust central vein with woodland green
and spray with confectioners glaze. Leave to dry.
Using ¼ width florist tape, tape up leaves singly and if wished, in
groups of three.