Information Packet Vocabulary Worksheet Study Guide

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Information Packet
Study Guide
Define Terms
1. Rock Cycle:
The rock cycle is a continuous process that causes one rock to become another rock.
The rock cycle is active both on the surface and below the surface of earth.
Processes involved include -weathering; erosion; deposition by wind, water, ice and
gravity; melting; cooling; and extreme pressure and temperatures ofmetamorphic.
2. Igneous Rock:
3. sedimentary Rock:
4. Metamorphic Rock;
5. Sediment:
6. Cementation:
Cementation is the process that causes sediments to stick together and form
sedimentary rock.
1. Compaction;
Compaction is the process that presses sediments together. It is a step in the formation
of sedimentary rock.
8. Weathering:
Weathering is the wearing away of rock by the action of wind, water, ice, and living
9. Chemical Weathering;
Chemical weathering changes the composition of the rock. Acid rain (air pollution) is
an example of this.
10. Biological Weathering:
Biological Weathering is the wearing down of rock by living things.
ll.Phvsical Weathering;
Physical Weathering is the wearing away of rock by the action of wind, water and ice
into smaller pieces.
12. Magma;
13. Lava
14. Relative Age;
It is the age of one thing compared to another. The older the relative age of a rock
layer, the lower it is found.
15. Natural Resources: A supply of something to be taken care of: example could be
oil. Oil is a nonrenewable valuable resource.
16. Fossil: any hardened remains or prints of plants or animals that lived millions of
years ago, found in the Latin -word meaning "to dig up " Petrified wood are fossils.
17. Molten:
Science background
1. Rocks are solid materials that are made up of one or more minerals. Some rocks can be
made up of a single mineral; most rocks are mixtures of minerals.
2. Granite is an example of a rock that it made up of minerals. Granite is made up of
many different-colored crystals, all of which are different kinds of minerals. Quartz,
feldspar, and mica are all minerals that make up granite.
3. All rocks are classified into three sections: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic
4. Igneous rocks can be classified as intrusive or extrusive. Intrusive rocks form as
magma cools slowly beneath the earth's surface. Extrusive rocks form when lava cools
quickly at or near the earth's surface.
5. Sedimentary rock can be divided into three groups: Clastic rocks, tiny bits of
weathered rock debris; organic rocks, formed due to biologic activity; and chemical
sediments, deposits of minerals once dissolved in water.
6. Metamorphic rocks are classified as foliated and nonfoliated. Foliated rocks have
distinct banding; nonfoliated metamorphic rocks are massive or not banded.
7. Weathering is the process by which rocks are broken up or changed in makeup.
8. Erosion is the moving of weathered rock bits.
9. Magma is melted rock that is formed deep within the surface of the earth and in the
vent of a volcano.
10.Magma escapes the volcano by the way of the vent and through the hole at the top.
11 .Beneath the earth's surface is melted rock, which is called magma. Magma reaches the
earth's surface through cracks in the earth's surface or through volcanoes. As pressure
builds up inside the earth, magma can be forced upward through a channel or vent, in
the volcano.
12. When magma leaves the volcano it is then called lava. Lava is melted rock which can
explode outward from a volcano.
13.Igneous rocks form when melted rock material called magma or lava cools and
14.The Hawaiian islands are made of basalt which is a hardened lava.
15.Texture is the property that describes the appearance of a rock. It is related to the size
of the mineral grains.
16. When a rock cools slowly, large mineral grains often form, and appear rough and
course compared to a rock cooling quickly where there is no time for large grains to
form, resulting in a smooth and glassy appearance.
17.Obsidian cooled quickly resulting in a smooth, glassy surface, and basalt has a small
mineral grain appearance because it cooled more slowly than obsidian.
18.A rocks texture can be described as fine grained., course-grained, crystalline, glassy,
foliated (meaning banded), massive (or nonfoliated), or vesicular.
19. Sedimentary rocks form when bits of rocks and minerals are compacted and cemented
together by earth processes.
20. Wind and water can wear away rock into tiny pieces. These bits and pieces of rock are
called sediment.
21 .Another way a sedimentary rock can form is from the remains of animals and plants,
limestone and coal are examples of this
22. Some parts of sedimentary rocks come from recycling older rocks Explain: Older
rocks weather, thus forming sediments and minerals that form new sedimentary
23 .Sedimentary rocks form from sediments and dissolved minerals, examples are
sandstone and shale.
24. Sediments carried by wind, streams, and rain drop and settle. Weight of the water and
air above the sediments press sediments together. This process is called compaction.
25. When layers of sediments are cemented together they slowly form rock. This process
is known as cementation.
26.Metamorphic rocks form when other rocks are exposed to heat and pressure deep
within the earth.
27. All metamorphic rocks have parent rocks. Limestone is the parent rock of marble.
Shale is the parent rock of slate. Granite is generally the parent rock of gneiss.
28. A geologist is a scientist that studies rocks and minerals.
29.A volcanologist is a scientist that studies volcanoes.
1. What is the difference between a rock and a mineral?
2. How are rocks and minerals used?
3. Where are rocks and minerals found?
4. Why don't all rocks look like quartz?
5. How does cooling affect an igneous rock's texture?
6. How are sedimentary rocks different from igneous rocks?
7. What types of rock can form metamorphic rocks?
8. Which forces produce metamorphic rock?
9, Which rocks form marble when subjected to high temperatures?
10. Which rock becomes gneiss under pressure?
11. Which rock forms quartette when subjected to high temperature?
12. What are resources?
IS.In what ways do people use rocks?
Stone for building and structures
As cement
As soaps and cleaners
As materials for statues and flooring
14.Rocks that have changed into new rock by heat and pressure are
called metamorpbic
IS.Would you be more likely to find a fossil in a metamorphic rock or a sedimentary
rock? Explain.
In sedimentary rock because fossils are found when organic material is buried under
sediment The organic material is preserved as fossil after the sediment becomes a
layered sedimentary rock
16. Explain the rock cycle.
Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks Study Guide
Directions: Using your textbook answer the following questions,
1. Rocks that form when magma or lava cools and hardens are
2. What is the melted rock called that is beneath the earth's
3. How does magma reach the earth's surface?
4. What builds up inside the earth and forces magma
5. Materials from Earth that people use are known as
6. What is magma called when it leaves the
7. Magma slowly_
under the earth's
8. What type of rocks would you expect to find around a volcano
9. Granite is an example of what kind of rock?
10. What Igneous rock has a glassy surface, sharp edges and was used by the
American Indians for
11 .Granite is formed from cooled
12. The Hawaiian Islands are made of what kind of harden
13. What Igneous rock is formed from trapped gases when a volcano
14. The Hawaiian Islands were formed by
15. What kinds of rocks form when bits of rocks and minerals are compacted
and cemented by earth's
16. When the weight of water and air above the sediments press the sediments
together this process is called
17. What is the process called that slowly cements layers of sediments together
and form rock?
18. What two factors change rock into sediments?
19.What two factors change lower layers of sediment into
20. Rock salt is an example of what kind of rock?
21. Solid materials made up of one or more minerals are
22. Rocks that form under pressure and heat within the earth are
23. Igneous and sedimentary rock can be changed or transformed, into
24. Marble is an example of a
25. Slate and soapstone are examples of
26.What kind of metamorphic rock is made up of mica and
27. What kind of metamorphic rock is often used in making statues and building