special consideration application

(In Confidence When Completed)
This form should be submitted to Student Administrative Services
accompanied by supporting documentation. The appropriateness of submitting
this form can be discussed with the relevant School/s prior to submission.
Phone: +61 2 6268 6000
Fax: +61 2 6268 8666
Email: sas@adfa.edu.au
Part 1 – Personal Details
Student ID
Given Names
Daytime Telephone Number
UNSW Canberra at ADFA Student Email Address
Program Name
Program Code
Division (UG students only)
Part 2 – Course Details
Course Code and Name
Course Convenor
Office Use Only: Action
Part 3 – Nature of Illness or Misadventure (please tick one only)
Court Hearing
Death of a Relative
Other Specify (e.g. Work Commitment,
Deployment, etc)
Part 4 – Circumstances (please tick multiple options if appropriate)
Absent from examination
Attended examination but ability to complete assessment was hampered
Details of Circumstances (attach additional page/s if necessary)
I am seeking consideration for assessment/examination in this course as the circumstance outlined above had a
substantial impact on my performance in this course.
Please specify below the Piece/s of Assessment you require consideration for and your desired outcome (e.g. extension
date required, alternative exam sitting arrangement, etc).
Part 5 – Must Have Supporting Documentation Attached (please tick multiple options if
Academic Statement from myUNSW
Medical Certificate
Professional Authority Assessment (students are strongly encouraged to submit an assessment by a Professional
Authority to enable UNSW Canberra at ADFA to make an informed assessment of the effects of the situation on your
Police Accident Report
Court Summons
Birth or Death Certificate
Other – Specify
Part 6 – Have You Previously Applied for Special Consideration (please tick one only)
Yes – Please specify in which session/s you applied
Part 7 – Divisional Officer Endorsement (for Undergraduate Students Only)
I support this Special Consideration Application and the student’s claims have been substantiated (students who do not wish to
seek the endorsement of their Divisional Officer must attach a Minute to this form outlining the circumstances).
Divisional Officer’s Signature
Divisional Officer’s Name
Division/Telephone Number
Part 8 – Student Declaration
I have completed all sections of this form truthfully and completely, and have attached supporting documentation. I have read and
understood the Guidance for Students Seeking ‘Special Consideration for Assessment’ on the UNSW Canberra at ADFA Student
I understand that submitting a request for Special Consideration does not automatically mean I will be granted additional
assessment, or that I will be awarded an amended result. For example, a poor record of attendance or performance throughout the
session/year in a course may mean I will be failed regardless of illness or other reason affecting a final examination in that course.
Student’s Signature
OFFICE USE ONLY – Head of School (or Nominated Delegate) Assessment
Please ensure that you have indicated if you (or the School Student Administrator) have Approved or Denied (with
Comments) the recommendation of this application within the Notes area of TRIM.
School Student Administrator to notify student of outcome of application via their student email account.
(In Confidence When Completed)
This section is to be completed by a Professional Authority (such as a Doctor
or Psychiatrist) who is asked to sign and stamp this form. If a stamp is not
available, the Professional Authority is requested to attach a separate official
certificate which provides the information requested below.
Phone: +61 2 6268 6000
Fax: +61 2 6268 8666
Email: sas@adfa.edu.au
The assistance in providing this additional information regarding the student’s situation is greatly appreciated. The information
supplied will enable UNSW Canberra at ADFA to make a more informed assessment of any potential impact on the student’s
academic performance, and any consideration that should occur.
Student’s Surname
Student’s Given Names
Nature of Illness/Misadventure (please attach additional information if necessary)
Date(s) or Period(s) of Illness or Misadventure
Assessment of severity of illness or misadventure (please tick one only)
Assessment of the likely effect on the student’s capacity to undertake the assessment (please tick one only)
Professional Authority Details
This information must be read before submitting any
Special Consideration Applications.
Phone: +61 2 6268 6000
Fax: +61 2 6268 8666
Email: sas@adfa.edu.au
Occasionally sickness, misadventure, or other circumstance beyond the student’s control may prevent them
from completing a course requirement or attending or submitting assessable work for a course. It is also
possible that such situations may significantly affect performance in an assessable task and for this reason the
University has procedures that allow students to apply for consideration for the affected assessments.
Submitting a request for Special Consideration does not automatically mean a student will be awarded an
amended result. For example, a poor record of attendance or performance throughout a session/year in a
course may mean a student is failed regardless of illness or other reason affecting a final examination in that
This guidance is based on the UNSW Special Consideration – Illness & Misadventure Policy which is available
on myUNSW at www.my.unsw.edu.au/student/atoz/SpecialConsideration.html
Special Consideration Guidelines
You must make a formal application for Consideration on the appropriate form for the course/s affected as soon
as practicable after the problem occurs. Applications will be accepted in the following circumstances:
Where academic work has been hampered to a substantial degree by illness or other cause. Except in
unusual circumstances a problem involving only three consecutive days or a total of five days within the
teaching period of a semester is not considered sufficient grounds for an application;
2. The circumstances have to be unexpected and beyond your control. Students are expected to give
priority to their University study commitments and any absence must clearly be for circumstances
beyond your control. Work commitments are not normally considered a justification;
An absence from an examination must be supported by a medical certificate or other document which
clearly indicates you were unable to be present;
A student absent from an examination or who attends an examination and wants to request special
consideration is normally required to provide a medical certificate, or other document, dated the same
day as the examination which clearly indicates you were unable to be present;
5. An application for Special Consideration must be provided within three working days of the assessment
to which it refers. In exceptional circumstances an application may be accepted outside the three-day
Satisfactory Documentation
To give the University sufficient and appropriate information on which to base its decision about your request,
you must support your application with certified official documentation which normally contains at least the
following key information:
1. The assessment task/s for which you are seeking consideration;
2. The dates/deadlines associated with these tasks;
3. The basis of your request e.g. the nature of your misadventure, illness, etc;
4. The date/s on which you were seen by the professional/authority providing your official documentation;
5. The date of the illness or misadventure or the dates of the period of time of the illness or misadventure;
6. The professional authority’s assessment of the severity of your illness or misadventure and opinion of
the likely effect on your capacity to undertake the assessment task/s concerned.
Items 4 to 6 need to be certified by the provider. For example, by your medical practitioner or other health
professional (for illness or injury) or psychiatrist/counsellor (for personal or family problems), so you will need to
make the provider aware of the University's requirements.
For causes other than sickness, (e.g. road accident, court hearing, or death of a relative) written evidence (e.g.
a police report, a court summons, or a death certificate) instead of the documentation required in 6 above is
acceptable. Certificates signed by family members are not acceptable.
Consideration requests can only be considered if:
1. The application is made on the appropriate form;
2. All the key information is provided;
3. No more than 3 days have elapsed since the assessment for which Consideration is sought; unless the
student can provide a Medical Certificate that covers these three consecutive days.
4. The assessment task is worth more than 20% of the total course assessment.
In exceptional circumstances the University may waive these requirements, for example, if an accident or
sudden illness occurs which requires your immediate hospitalisation.
Cases that do meet the criteria may be referred to the Course Authority, for example:
1. You’ve broken an arm and you would like more time in the examination.
2. You’ve missed a class time that wasn’t specific to assessment item.
What happens after you make the application?
If your application meets the University's criteria for acceptance, the top page is stamped & dated by Student
Administrative Services and a copy is given to you. Documentation such as medical certificates are copied and
the originals are returned to you.
Your application is placed on your student file and forwarded to the appropriate School for assessment. (Details
including the information provided by you are made available to the relevant Course Authority. The University’s
procedures ensure that confidentiality of this information is maintained).
The School assesses your application and notifies you of the outcome, usually within about two weeks from the
time you submitted your application. Failure to undertake any additional action required by the School (which
will be included in your notification) will result in forfeiture of any additional assessment granted to you.
Only documentation which meets the requirements listed above will be accepted. No consideration will be given
when the condition or event is not related to performance or is considered not to be serious.
Application assessment
On the basis of the information provided in your application the school will make a decision regarding the
appropriate response in your particular case. The following may be taken into account:
1. Your performance in other items of assessment in the course;
2. The severity of the event and it’s impact on your performance;
3. The nature of the assessment in which performance was affected;
4. Academic standing in other courses and in the program;
5. History of previous applications for Special Consideration.
Outcomes you can expect
If an application for Special Consideration is approved, the following action may ensue:
1. No action.
2. Additional assessment or a supplementary examination. Additional assessment may take a different
form from the original assessment. If you are granted additional assessment, the original assessment
may be ignored at the discretion of the Course Authority. Consequently, a revised mark based on
additional assessment may be more or less than the original mark.
3. Marks obtained for completed assessment tasks may be aggregated or averaged to achieve a
4. The deadline for assessment may be extended.
5. Discontinuation without failure from the course may be recommended. This is unlikely to occur after an
examination or final assessment has taken place.
6. The final mark for the course may be excluded from calculations for Honours enrolment/grade etc.
There is no provision for your final mark in a course to be increased other than via 2 or 3 above.
Further Guidance
Further guidance and information may be sought from Student Administrative Services. Please note that
should you submit a Special Consideration Application, the relevant School/s will advise you of the outcome.
Student Administrative Services is unable to advise you of the outcome of any Special Consideration