Course Syllabus for MISY 5360-48


Course Syllabus for MISY 5360-48

Business Intelligence

Spring 2012


Dr. Kakoli Bandyopadhyay

Office: 237 GB

Phone: (409) 880 8627 (O)

Email: Use the blackboard email for communication.

Alternative email:

(Do not use for course related inquiries)

Office Hours :

TR: 11:00 am – 12 pm, Available Online at:

Any other times by appointment only.

Course Objectives : This course will expose students to business intelligence which is defined as the user-centered process of exploring data, data relationships and trends - thereby helping to improve overall decision making. This involves an iterative process of accessing data (ideally stored in the data warehouse) and analyzing it- thereby deriving insights, drawing conclusions and communicating findings, to effect change positively within the enterprise. BI is comprised of four major product segments: interactive query tools, reporting tools, advanced Decision Support Systems, and Executive Support Systems. In this course, we will use SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW), a major enterprise software applications for Business Intelligence, analytical, reporting and Data Warehousing (DW) solution. We will also use Tableau 6.1 – a data visualization software and the Teradata

Student Network for this course.

Learning Objectives


By the end of the course, you should be able to describe the concepts of business intelligence (BI) and be able to explain their components, such as operational data stores, data warehouses, data marts, and data access tools.


You should understand that databases do not operate as separate islands of information, but rather need to be coordinated into a cohesive enterprise system plan that supports the operational, tactical, and strategic needs of the organization. Be familiar with the wide range of business processes that must be effectively managed for success.



You should understand the issues that affect the success and failure of BI. You also need to understand the many issues that complicate data warehouse construction and maintenance. For example, how to manage metadata so business analysts can use the stored data more effectively is an issue. By the end of the course, you should be able to explain different types of problems and issues that need to be addressed on data warehouse and BI projects


You should be aware of the variety of software tools available for each part of the data warehousing/BI process. When addressing the business intelligence needs within an organization, you need to understand that a data warehouse must be flexible enough to accommodate people with diverse decision-making needs, whose abilities may range from novice to power user.


You should be aware of the emerging trends in the data warehousing/BI industry. These trends may include topics like customer relationship management, business performance management, and real-time/tactical decision making. To introduce students to the BI platform: Data Warehousing


You should be proficient in using Tableau, and the SAP Netweaver Business Intelligence platform, Enterprise Reporting using SAP Netweaver reporting tools, Data Modeling for

Business Intelligence, SAP Data Modeling with SAP Business Information Warehouse



You should be able to prepare a quality research report on Business Intelligence.

ADA Compliance

Please make an appointment with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (SFSWD) if you have a need for a disability-related accommodation. SFSWD is located in Wimberly

101A, phone: 409-880-8026 (Voice/TTY). Or, write to P.O.Box 10010, Beaumont, TX 77710.


Last day to drop or withdraw and still receive a Q/W, even if failing a course: Monday,

February 20 . Last day to drop or withdraw for the semester: Monday, April 2 .

Teaching Materials

Required Text:

Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems

9 th


By Turban, Sharda, and Delen

Prentice Hall

ISBN-13: 978-0-13-610733-0


ISBN-10: 0-13-610733-8


Teradata University Network at

The password for accessing the Teradata site is Big Data

Class Notes: We will use Blackboard, a very popular course management system in the world to offer both teaching and learning resources.


We will also use Adobe Acrobat for online conferencing.


Computer Requirements

Students who take distance courses via Blackboard will need to be responsible to have the following capabilities and software:

High Speed (Broadband) Internet access

Computer with at least 1 GB memory

Microsoft word

Adobe Acrobat reader (


Center for Distance Education will help give you advice about what you need to consider for good quality computer hardware and software. Please call them at 880-7849.

SAP Download

At: use id: sap and password: sapgui4me

Download : SAP GUI 7.20 Automated Self-Extracting Installer --> (Installer )

SAP GUI 7.20 P4 Manual Install (50102369_4.ZIP)

SAP GUI Manual Install Instructions (GUI INSTALL )

BI Patch for GUI 7.20 (bi720sp05_500-20006596.exe)

All MAC users will also need to download the SAPLOGON.INI file in order to enter the server information.

If you have any problems with the download you will need to contact Ms. Liz Simmons at

or 409 880 7220. Please attempt the download early in the semester so that you can ask for help from Ms. Liz Simmons before the SAP assignments start.


Online Course Support

-Blackboard can be accessed directly at

-View the Blackboard overview, located on the homepage, if you are new to online curses.

-The Distance Education office will provide technical support for the course.

-There is 24 hours access for help through voicemail at the following Center for

-Distance Education number (409) 880 7849.

-Please use these resources to assist you with any technical problems that may develop.

SAP Help

Ms. Liz Simmons at



Office hours : M-TH from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm and

Friday from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm

Room number : 214GB

Phone : 409 880 7220

Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty, which includes but is not limited to cheating on an examination or other academic work to be submitted, plagiarism, collusion, or abuse of resource materials, is subject to disciplinary action. Students found responsible for an act or acts of academic dishonesty may be subject to either academic sanctions or disciplinary sanction. Academic sanctions may include one or more of the following: performance of additional work, withdrawal from the course with a grade of “F” and/or a reduction of a grade in the course.

“Cheating” Includes:

1. Copying from another student’s paper, report, computer files, data listings, and/or programs.

2. Using (during an exam), materials not authorized by the faculty giving the exam.

3. Collaborating, without authorization, with another person during an examination or in preparing academic work.

4. Knowingly, and without authorization, suing buying, selling, stealing, transporting, soliciting, copying, or possessing in whole or part, the contents of an unadministered test. Substituting for another student; permitting any other person; or otherwise assisting any other person to substitute for oneself or for another student in the taking of an examination or the preparation of academic work to be submitted for academic credit.

5. Bribing another person to obtain an unadministered exam or information about an unadministered exam.

6. Purchasing, or otherwise acquiring and submitting as one’s own work any research paper or other writing assignment prepared by an individual firm. This section does not apply to the typing of the rough and/or final versions of an assignment by a professional typist.


Plagiarism: The appropriation of another’s work or idea and the unacknowledged incorporation of that work or idea into one’s own work offered for credit.

Collusion: The unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing work offered for credit. Students found responsible for an act or acts of academic dishonesty may be subject to either academic sanctions or disciplinary sanction. Academic sanctions may include one or more of the following: performance of additional work, withdrawal from the course with a grade of

“F” and/or a reduction of a grade in the course.

Course Attendance Policy:

There are 3 things that impact your success in an online course: motivation and selfmanagement skills, literacy levels (including technology literacy), and level of interactivity. It is essential that you login to Blackboard often to participate in discussions and learning activities.

If you are inactive for 2 weeks, you could be automatically dropped from the course.

It is your responsibility to make sure that you are officially enrolled in this course. If at any point, you decide to drop the class, it is your responsibility to officially drop. Any student who stops attending class and does not officially drop the course will be given an “F” as the semester grade.

Recommended Software

SAP NetWeaver, SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW), SAP Business Object

Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, and Tableau 6.1 (Tableau's data visualization software is provided through the Tableau for Teaching program)

Course Requirements

Examinations: Two exams will be administered. The content of the exams will be derived from the course material. Make-up exams will be given only under extreme circumstances with verifiable written excuse (such as for sickness) . The instructor reserves the right to determine what is a valid reason for a makeup test to be given.


Your grade in the assignments will depend upon the content and structure of the deliverables.

Late assignments will not be accepted .

Research Report: You have to prepare a 15 page research report on Business Intelligence.


Course grades will be based upon the following:


Mid-Term Exam

Final Exam

SAP BW Assignments

Other Assignments

Research Report


25 points

25 points

130 points

120 points

50 points

350 points

Grade Distributions

Grade A (90% and above of the total): 315 and above

Grade B (80% and above): 280 - 314

Grade C (70% and above): 245 - 279

Grade D (60% and above): 210 - 244

Grade F (below 60%): Below 210

Tentative Course Schedule

Week Day Date Chapter/Assignment Remarks



Thurs Jan 19

Tues Jan 24


Chapter 1: Decision

Support and Business


Try to attend the online session at 11 am.

Review the study guide for Chapter 1.

Review the PowerPoint Slides on

Introduction to OLAP.


Thurs Jan 26

Tues Jan 31

Thurs Feb 2

Work on Assignment 1

Chapter 8: Data


Review the study guide for Chapter 8.

Listen to the Podcast: Continental

Airlines: Success at All Altitudes

(Available at Teradata Student Network:

d=4491 ); Assignment 1 DUE

Work on Assignment 2



Tues Feb 7 Chapter 8: Data


Review the PowerPoint Slides on Recent

Development in Data Warehousing: A

Tutorial; Assignment 2 DUE

Thurs Feb 9

Tues Feb 14

Work on Assignment 3

Chapter 5: Data Mining for Business Intelligence

Thurs Feb 16 Work on Assignment 4

Review the study guide for Chapter 5.

Assignment 3 DUE


6 Tues Feb 21 Chapter 5: Data Mining for Business Intelligence

Thurs Feb 23 Work on Assignment 5

Review the study guide for Chapter 5.

Assignment 4 DUE

7 Tues Feb 28 Chapter 7: Text and Web


Review the study guide for Chapter 7.

Assignment 5 DUE

Thurs March 1 Work on Assignment 6 No Office Hours Today

8 Tues March 6 Chapter 9: Business

Performance Management

Review the study guide for Chapter 9.

Review the web seminar on Best Practices in Business Performance Management:

Business and Technical Strategies

(Available at Teradata Student Network);

Review the BPM PowerPoint Slides;

Assignment 6 DUE ; Review for Exam

Thurs March 8 Work on Assignment 7


9 Tues March 13 No Class

Thurs March 15 No Class

10 Tues March 20 Mid-Term Exam

Available from March

20 –March 21

Thurs March 22 SAP BW – SAP Business

Information Warehouse


Spring Break

Spring Break

Chapters 1,5,7,8, and 9; Assignment 7


Introduction, try to attend the online session at 11 am.

11 Tues March 27 Work on SAP BW

Assignment 1:


Reporting in a Data

Warehouse Environment

Thurs March 29 Work on SAP BW

Assignment 2: Enterprise

Reporting with BEx


SAP BW Assignment 1 DUE

12 Tues April 3 Work on SAP BW

Assignment 3: Enterprise

Reporting with BEx


SAP BW Assignment 2 DUE


Thurs April 5 Work on SAP BW

Assignment 4:

Developing a Query with

BEx Query Designer

SAP BW Assignment 3 DUE

13 Tues April 10 Work on SAP BW

Assignment 5: Advanced

Options for Developing a

Query with BEx Query


Thurs April 12 Work on SAP BW

Assignment 6: Data


14 Tues April 17 Work on SAP BW

Assignment 7: Data


Thurs April 19 Work on SAP BW

Assignment 8: ETL:

Master data maintenance from flat files;

SAP BW Assignment 4 DUE

SAP BW Assignment 5 DUE

SAP BW Assignment 6 DUE

SAP BW Assignment 7 DUE

15 Tues April 24 Work on SAP BW

Assignment 8

Thurs April 26 Work on SAP

Assignment 9: Business


SAP BW Assignment 8 DUE

16 Tues May 1

Thurs May 3

Work on SAP

Assignment 9

Work on SAP

Assignment 10: Business


SAP BO Assignment 9 DUE

17 Tues May 8 Work on SAP

Assignment 10

SAP BO Assignment 10 DUE; Research

Report DUE; Review for the SAP BW

Final Exam

Final Exam: Available between May 9 - May 11, on SAP modules

