Sample Simulation

Umoja Warehouse Management
Umoja Warehouse Management
Table of Contents
Processes in Warehouse Management ................................................... 1
Main processes in Warehouse Management .......................................................................... 1
Put-Away Goods .................................................................................................................... 1
Pick Goods ............................................................................................................................. 3
Move Goods Internally............................................................................................................ 4
Manage Bins .......................................................................................................................... 6
Execute Disposal of Goods .................................................................................................... 7
Perform Physical Count .......................................................................................................... 9
Transfer Order Creation ......................................................................... 12
Create Transfer Order for Put-Away – LT06 ..........................................................................12
Create Transfer Order for Transfer Posting – LT06 ...............................................................14
Create Transfer Order for Picking – LT06 ..............................................................................16
Create Transfer Order for Picking with stock figures – LT06 ..................................................19
Transfer Order Processing..................................................................... 22
Print Transfer Order – LT31...................................................................................................22
Confirm Transfer Order – LT12..............................................................................................24
Display Transfer Order – LT21 ..............................................................................................25
Cancel not confirmed Transfer Orders – LT15 .......................................................................26
Goods Transfers in the Warehouse....................................................... 28
Create Transfer Order – LT01 ...............................................................................................28
Stock Transfer Bin to Bin from a list – LT10 ...........................................................................30
Outbound Delivery Processing .............................................................. 33
Create Transfer Order for Outbound Delivery – LT03 ............................................................33
Goods Reversal from Delivery – LT0G ..................................................................................34
Warehouse Internal Maintenance .......................................................... 36
Create Storage Bin Manually – LS01N ..................................................................................36
Change Storage Bin Manually – LS02N ................................................................................38
Physical Count ........................................................................................ 40
Create System Inventory Record – LI01N .............................................................................40
Print Inventory List – LI04 ......................................................................................................41
Enter Inventory Count – LI11N ..............................................................................................43
Umoja Warehouse Management
Start Recount – LI14..............................................................................................................45
Clear Differences in WM – LI20 .............................................................................................47
Clearing of Differences in IM (Serialized Materials) – ZLE_LI21 ............................................48
Reports .................................................................................................... 52
Stock Overview WM – LS26 ..................................................................................................52
Bin Status Report – LX03 ......................................................................................................54
List of Empty Bins Report – LX01 ..........................................................................................57
Stock per Material WM – LS24 ..............................................................................................59
Stock for All Material WM – LX02 ..........................................................................................60
Transfer Orders for Material – LT24 ......................................................................................63
Difference List per Storage Type – LX17 ...............................................................................64
Transfer Requirements List for Storage Type – LB10 ............................................................67
List of Open Transfer Orders – LT23 .....................................................................................69
UN Umoja Training
Umoja Warehouse Management
Page 1
Processes in Warehouse Management
Processes in Warehouse Management
Main processes in Warehouse Management
The main processes in warehouse management are:
Put-Away Goods
Pick Goods
Move Goods Internally
Manage Bins
Execute Disposal of Goods
Perform Physical Count
Put-Away Goods
Items for PutAway
space / items
for put-away
Transfer Order
for Put-Away
Checks Open
Print Transfer
The Put Away process is triggered by the receipt of goods in the warehouse related to a vendor
Purchase Order or to returned or transferred items. As soon as the goods receipt is performed,
the system generates a transfer requirement in the warehouse, in the interim storage type 902 GR Area External Rcpts. The Put Away process is an integrated process between Inventory
Mnagement and Warehouse Management since some steps, like goods receipt, are performed
in Inventory management and reflected in Warehouse Management.
You can find below the list of process steps, along with the responsible user role, the system
transaction and the link to the user guide step by step instructions:
Step 1: Check Received Items for Put-Away
Responsible: Warehouse Senior User
Description: Warehouse Senior User plans the WH activities based on outstanding
Transfer Requirements for put-away, picking and internal WH movements; executes
the Umoja reports to list the open Transfer Requirements
Transactions: LB10
Link to step by step instructions: Transfer Requirements List For Storage Type –
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Umoja Warehouse Management
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Processes in Warehouse Management
Step 2: Analyse available space / items to select the proper location in WH
Responsible: Warehouse Senior User
Description: Warehouse Senior User analyses the items that needs to be put away
(commodity, date, owner), the available space in the system / with visual inspection,
and decides bins locations and operational priorities
Transactions: LX01, LX02, LX03
Link to step by step instructions: List of Empty Bins – LX01, Stock Per All
Material WM – LX02, Bin Status Report – LX03
Step 3: Create Transfer Order(s) in Umoja for put-away received items
Responsible: Warehouse Senior User
Description: Warehouse Senior User creates the Transfer Order in Umoja with
reference to the Material Document
Transactions: LT06
Link to step by step instructions: Create Transfer Order for Put-Away – LT06
Step 4: Check Open Transfer Orders (TO) to be executed
Responsible: Warehouse User
Description: Warehouse User reviews the list of open Transfer Orders that have to
be executed
Transactions: LT23 (list of TO, open, by date)
Link to step by step instructions: List of Open Transfer Orders – LT23
Step 5: Print TO for execution
Responsible: Warehouse User
Description: Warehouse User prints the Transfer Orders to be executed. NOTE:
the TO can be printed in multiple copies and affixed to carton or boxes as labels for
tracking purposes
Transactions: LT31
Link to step by step instructions: Print Transfer Order – LT31
Step 6: Confirm Transfer Order
Responsible: Warehouse User
Description: After the TO is executed, it is to be confirmed in Umoja
Transactions: LT12
Link to step by step instructions: Confirm Transfer Order – LT12
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Processes in Warehouse Management
Pick Goods
goods issues
for picking
Analyze WH
stock to
Order(s) in
Checks Open
Print Transfer
The Pick Goods process is triggered by the issuance of stock from the warehouse. As soon as
the goods issue is performed in Inventory Management in Umoja, the system generates a
transfer requirement in the warehouse; the transfer requirments are created in different interim
storage types, e.g., 911 GI Area for Cost Center, 914 GI Area Production Orders, 916 Shipping
Area Deliveries, etc. The Pick goods process is an integrated process between Inventory
Mnagement and Warehouse Management since some steps, like goods issue, are performed in
Inventory management and reflected in Warehouse Management.
You can find below the list of process steps, along with the responsible user role, the system
transaction and the link to the user guide step by step instructions:
Step 1: Analyze outstanding goods issues for picking and select the proper location in
Responsible: Warehouse Senior User
Description: Warehouse Senior User analyses the open transfer requirements the
items that needs to be picked (commodity, date, owner), determines the source
storage bins; can combine multiple goods issues for picking and generate pick list
Transactions: LB10
Link to step by step instructions: Transfer Requirements List For Storage Type –
Step 2: Analyse Warehouse Stock to identify picking locations
Responsible: Warehouse Senior User
Description: Warehouse Senior User analyses the items that needs to be picked
and where they are available in the warehouse
Transactions: LX02, LX03
Link to step by step instructions: Stock Per All Material WM – LX02, Bin Status
Report – LX03
Step 3: Create Transfer Order(s) in Umoja for picking items to be issued from warehouse
Responsible: Warehouse Senior User
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Processes in Warehouse Management
Description: Warehouse Senior User creates the Transfer Order in Umoja
Transactions: LT06
Link to step by step instructions: Create Transfer Order for Picking – LT06
Step 4: Check Open Transfer Orders (TO) to be executed
Responsible: Warehouse User
Description: Warehouse User review the list of Transfer Orders that have to be
executed in WH
Transactions: LT23 (list of TO, open, by date)
Link to step by step instructions: List of Open Transfer Orders – LT23
Step 5: Print TO for execution
Responsible: Warehouse User
Description: Warehouse User prints the Transfer Orders to be executed. NOTE:
the TO can be printed in multiple copies and affixed to carton or boxes as labels for
tracking purposes
Transactions: LT31
Link to step by step instructions: Print Transfer Order – LT31
Step 6: Confirm Transfer Order
Responsible: Warehouse User
Description: After the TO is executed it is to be confirmed in Umoja.
Transactions: LT12
Link to step by step instructions: Confirm Transfer Order – LT12
Move Goods Internally
Order(s) in
Print Transfer
Move Goods Process initiated in Inventory Management: In some cases, the Move goods
process is triggered by the change of the stock status (e.g., stock transfer from unrestricted to
blocked or viceversa). In other cases, there is a transfer posting from storage location to
storage location. In these scenarios, the Move Goods is an integrated process between
Inventory Mnagement and Warehouse Management since some steps are performed in
Inventory management and reflected in Warehouse Management.
Move Goods process initiated in the Warehouse: In this case, the trigger for this process is
the need of changing the physical location of goods internally in the warehouse.
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Processes in Warehouse Management
There are different modalities of performing the Transfer Order creation.
You can find below the list of process steps, along with the responsible user role, the system
transaction and the link to the user guide step by step instructions:
Step 1(a): Create Transfer Order(s) in Umoja following stock transfers (e.g.,from unrestricted
stock to blocked stock) – Posting Change case
Responsible: Warehouse Senior User
Description: Warehouse Senior User creates the Transfer Order in Umoja with
reference to the material document (e.g., stock transfer); in this case the Transfer
Order is automatically confirmed. No need to further process
Transactions: LT06
Link to step by step instructions: Create Transfer Order for Transfer Posting –
Step 1(b): Create Transfer Order(s) in Umoja following the physical move of the items to
different / new bins
Responsible: Warehouse Senior User
Description: Warehouse Senior User creates the Transfer Order in Umoja indicating
the source bin and the destination bin
Transactions: LT01
Link to step by step instructions: Create Transfer Orderc LT01
Step 3: Check Open Transfer Orders (TO) to be executed
Responsible: Warehouse User
Description: Warehouse User review the list of Transfer Orders that have to be
executed in WH
Transactions: LT23 (list of TO, open, by date)
Link to step by step instructions: List of Open Transfer Orders – LT23
Step 4:: Print TO for execution
Responsible: Warehouse User
Description: Warehouse User prints the Transfer Orders to be executed. NOTE:
the TO can be printed in multiple copies and affixed to carton or boxes as labels for
tracking purposes
Transactions: LT31
Link to step by step instructions: Print Transfer Order – LT31
Step 5: Confirm Transfer Order
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Processes in Warehouse Management
Responsible: Warehouse User
Description: After the TO is executed it is to be confirmed in Umoja
Transactions: LT12
Link to step by step instructions: Confirm Transfer Order – LT12
Manage Bins
Execute Bins
Status Report
Empty Bins
Create new
Display /
Change /
existing bins
The Manage Bins process is triggered by the need of creating new storage bins or delete no
longer used storage bins.
You find below the list of process steps, along with the responsible user role, the system
transaction and the link to the user guide step by step instructions:
Step 1: Execute Bin Status Report
Responsible: Warehouse Senior User
Description: The Warehouse Senior User, after performing for instance a visual
inspection of the warehouse, decides to review the bins status in the system in order
to optimize the space allocation, etc.
Transactions: LX03
Link to step by step instructions: Bin Status Report – LX03
Step 2: Execute Empty Bins Report
Responsible: Warehouse Senior User
Description: The Warehouse Senior User, can further check the bins status
executing for instance the Empty Bins report, to identify empty bins that can be
utilised or that should be deleted
Transactions: LX01
Link to step by step instructions: List of Empty Bins Report – LX01
Step 3: Create new bins
Responsible: Warehouse Senior User
Description: The Warehouse Senior User, based on the results of his analysis on
the space and bins status in the system, may decide to create new storage bins
Transactions: LS01N
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Processes in Warehouse Management
Link to step by step instructions: Create Storage Bin Manually – LS01N
Step 4: Display / change / delete new bins
Responsible: Warehouse Senior User
Description: The Warehouse Senior User, based on the results of his analysis on
the space and bins status in the system, may display / change or delete storage bins;
note that in order to delete a bin, this must be empty
Transactions: LS02N
Link to step by step instructions: Change Storage Bin Manually – LS02N
Execute Disposal of Goods
Create TO
TO for
goods in
in aa WH
Print Transfer
Order for
Print TO for
moving goods
to disposal
Confirm TO
for moving
goods to
disposal area
Create TO
TO to
align IM and
Order for final
The Disposal of Goods process is triggered by the identification of damaged, expired or
obsolete items requiring disposal. Once the disposal action and method are approved, the
disposal process in the warehouse is performed; the example provided below referes to
disposal from stock via scrap. The disposal process is an integrated process between Inventory
management and Warehouse management since some steps, like goods transfer from
unrestricted stock or goods issue to scrap are performed in Inventory Management and in
Warehouse Management.
You can find below the list of process steps, along with the responsible user role, the system
transaction and the link to the user guide step by step instructions:
Step 1: Create TO for segregating the goods in a dedicated WH area
Responsible: Warehouse Senior User
Description: The Warehouse Senior User creates a Transfer Order as a order to
remove the items from their current location and put them in a dedicated area in the
Transactions: LT01
Link to step by step instructions: Create Transfer Order – LT01
Step 2: Print TO for moving goods to disposal area
Responsible: Warehouse User
Description: Warehouse User prints Transfer Order for execution
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Processes in Warehouse Management
Transactions: LT31
Link to step by step instructions: Print Transfer Order – LT31
Step 3: Confirm TO for moving goods to disposal area
Responsible: Warehouse User
Description: After the TO is executed it is to be confirmed in Umoja
Transactions: LT12
Link to step by step instructions: Confirm Transfer Order – LT12
Step 4: Create TO to align IM and WM
Responsible: Warehouse Senior User
Description: Warehouse Senior user performs the Transfer Order required to
confirm the posting change in WH management; this is performed with reference to
the Transfer Posting Material document; this is required in all cases where, for
instance, the Inventory user has performed a stock transfer from Unrestricted stock
to blocked stock for the inventory items to be disposed
Transactions: LT01
Link to step by step instructions: Create Transfer Order – LT01
Step 5: Create Transfer Order for final disposal of goods from warehouse
Responsible: Warehouse Senior User
Description: The Warehouse Senior User creates a TO as a order to dispose the
items, in line with the approved disposal notification
Transactions: LT06
Link to step by step instructions: Create Transfer Order for Transfer Posting –
Step 6: Print Transfer Order for execution
Responsible: Warehouse User
Description: Warehouse User prints the Transfer Orders to be executed.
Transactions: LT31
Link to step by step instructions : Print Transfer Order – LT31
Step 7: Confirm Transfer Order
Responsible: Warehouse User
Description: After the Transfer Order is executed, it is to be confirmed in Umoja
Transactions: LT12
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Processes in Warehouse Management
Link to step by step instructions: Confirm Transfer Order – LT12
Perform Physical Count
report to
review bins
for count
Print Count
Enter count
recount as/if
recount steps
differences in
differences in
The Physical Count process is triggered by the regular schedule of counts in the warehouse or
by an ad-hoc request. The physical count requires planning since the bins being counted are
blocked for any movement in the warehouse until the difference are posted. The Physical
Count process is an integrated process between Inventory Management and Warehouse
Management since the differences identified during the count have to be cleared in Warehouse
Management and in Inventory management, in order to align the stock figures in both
You can find below the list of process steps, along with the responsible user role, the system
transaction and the link to the user guide step by step instructions:
Step 1: Execute warehouse stock report to review and confirm bins for count
Responsible: Warehouse Senior User
Description: The Warehouse Senior User executes a warehouse stock report to
review and confirm the bins to be counted. The report is printed in order to
additionally serve as a reference in case of issues / discrepancies during or after the
Transactions: LX02
Link to step by step instructions: Stock Per All Material WM – LX02
Step 2: Create Warehouse Count Document
Responsible: Warehouse Senior User
Description: The Warehouse Senior User creates the warehouse count documents
as per confirmed plan and schedule, indicating the bin(s) to be counted
Transactions: LI01N
Link to step by step instructions: Create System Inventory Record – LI01N
Step 3: Print Count document as instructed by Warehouse Senior User
Responsible: Warehouse User
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Processes in Warehouse Management
Description: Warehouse User prints the physical count document as instructed by
the Warehouse Senior User in order to perform the count
Transactions: LI04
Link to step by step instructions: Print Inventory List – LI04
Step 4: Enter count results
Responsible: Warehouse User
Description: Warehouse User enters the count results In Umoja
Transactions: LI11N
Link to step by step instructions: Enter Inventory Count – LI11N
Step 5: Executes count differences report
Responsible: Warehouse Senior User
Description: Warehouse Senior User executes the count difference report and
performs the initial analysis of differences in order to determine next steps
Transactions: LX17
Link to step by step instructions: Difference List Per Storage Type – LX17
Step 6: Initiates recount as/if applicable
Responsible: Warehouse Senior User
Description: Warehouse Senior User initiates the recount as/if applicable
Transactions: LI14
Link to step by step instructions: Start Recount – LI14
Step 7: Perform recount steps (same as initial count)
Responsible: Warehouse User
Description: Warehouse User performs the recount steps as/if applicable; steps are
same as those executed for the initial count
Transactions: LI04, LI11N, LX17
Link to step by step instructions: Print Inventory List – LI04, Enter Inventory
Count – LI11N, Difference List Per Storage Type – LX17
Step 8: Clear differences in Warehouse Management
Responsible: Property Control User
Description: As a first step to complete the warehouse count, the Property Control
User clear the differences in WM.
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Processes in Warehouse Management
Transactions: LI20
Link to step by step instructions: Clear Differences in WM LI20
Step 9: Clear differences in Inventory Management
Responsible: Property Control User
Description: Property Control User clear the differences in Inventory Management
Transactions: ZLE_LI21
Link to step by step instructions: Clearing of Differences in IM (Serialized
Materials) – ZLE_LI21
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Transfer Order Creation
Transfer Order Creation
Create Transfer Order for Put-Away – LT06
Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps to create a Transfer Order from a Material Document for put-away (good receipts) are
as follows:
Enter LT06 in the Command field
Click the Enter icon
Populate the following fields in the Basic Data tab:
Material Document No: material document number related to the goods to be putaway (e.g., Goods Receipt material document)
Material Document Year: year of the material document
Warehouse Number
Foreground/ Background/System-Guided: The system defaults the control as
System-Guided. Don’t change it
Click the Enter icon
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Transfer Order Creation
The following screen will be displayed, click on the Stock removal Foreground button. The
system will take you to a new screen where you shall specify the exact warehouse location
where the material is to be stored
For creating a TO for put-away (good receipt), populate the following fields in the Basic Data
Destination storage type
Destination storage section (optional)
Destination storage bin
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Transfer Order Creation
Click the Enter icon. Note: Message “Check your entries” will be displayed below. Click the
Enter Icon again
Click the Save icon to post the Transfer order
Note: If the Goods Receipt Material Document includes multiple line items, the system will take
you to a new screen where you can repeat the above steps for the new item.
Create Transfer Order for Transfer Posting – LT06
Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps of carring out a Transfer Posting are as follows:
1. Enter LT06 in the Command field
2. Click the Enter icon
3. Populate the following fields in the Basic Data tab:
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Transfer Order Creation
Material Document No: material document number related to the stock transfer
posting (e.g., stock transfer from “Unrestricted” to “Blocked”
Material Document Year: year of the material document
Warehouse Number
Foreground/ Background/System-Guided: The system defaults the control as
System-Guided. Don’t change it
4. Click the Enter icon
5. The system displays an overview screen, you will find a number of storage types; select
the Storage Type from where you would like stock to be moved (e.g., the storage type
where the items for which the stock transfer took place are located in the warehouse)
6. Click the Save button; the system will display a new screen where you can populate the
destination information; if the items for which the stock transfer took place are not to be
moved elsewhere, please indicate as destination the same storage type, section and bin
where the items are located
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Transfer Order Creation
7. Enter the Destination Information:
Destination storage type
Destination storage section (optional)
Destination storage bin
8. Click the Enter icon
Note: If the Transfer posting includes multiple line items, the system will take you to a new
screen where you can repeat the above steps for the new item
Create Transfer Order for Picking – LT06
Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps describe how to perform the picking:
The steps to create a Transfer Order from a Material Document) for picking are as follows:
1. Enter LT06 in the Command field
2. Click the Enter icon
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Transfer Order Creation
3. Populate the following fields in the Basic Data tab:
Material Document No: material document number related to the goods issue that
needs to be picked in the warehouse
Material Document Year: year of the material document
Warehouse Number
Foreground/ Background/System-Guided: The system defaults the control as
System-Guided. Don’t change it
4. Click the Enter icon
The system will take you to a new screen where you shall specify the type of Transfer
Order creation.
5. Click on Stock removal Background
(picking using FIFO strategy in WM, no
manual update) or Stock removal Foreground
(the system will propose source
data based on FIFO, but it can be manually updated as/if required)
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Transfer Order Creation
6. If you select Stock Removal Foreground, the system will take you to a new screen
where you can review, accept or modify the system proposal (based on FIFO):
From Storage Type
From Storage Section
From Storage Bin
7. The system may issue a warning message “Check your entries”; click the Enter icon to
8. Click the Save button to save the Transfer Order
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Transfer Order Creation
Create Transfer Order for Picking with stock figures – LT06
Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps to create a Transfer Order from a Material Document) for picking are as follows:
1. Enter LT06 in the Command field
2. Click the Enter icon
3. Populate the following fields in the Basic Data tab:
Material Document No: material document number related to the goods issue that
needs to be picked in the warehouse
Material Document Year: year of the material document
Warehouse Number
Foreground/ Background/System-Guided: The system defaults the control as
System-Guided. Don’t change it
4. Click the Enter icon
The system will take you to a new screen where you shall specify the type of Transfer
Order creation.
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Transfer Order Creation
5. Click on Stock Figures icon
The system will take you to a new screen where it is possible to indicate the quantity of
stock to be removed from the storage types / storage sections and storage bins where the
required material is available; it is possible to indicate the quantity to be picked from one
single bin or from multiple bins. Do not select interim storage types (e.g., 902) for picking.
6. Click on
to process the next material to be picked, as applicable.
7. The system will display a screen with the total quantity picked
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Transfer Order Creation
8. When all materials in the material document have been processed, click on the Save
icon to save the Transfer Order. The system will issue a message with the number of
the transfer order created
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Transfer Order Processing
Transfer Order Processing
Print Transfer Order – LT31
Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps to print a Transfer Order are as follows:
1. Enter LT31 in the Command field
2. Click the Enter icon
3. Populate the following fields in the Basic Data tab:
Warehouse No: The number of the warehouse
TO No: This is the Transfer Order number to be printed
Print Code: Z1 for printing one TO line item per page; Z2 for printing multiple TO
line items
Printer: Recommend to use LOCL, this will print on windows default printer
Spool Control Data: 01 for printing immediately; 02 for creating the spool request
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Transfer Order Processing
4. Click the Enter icon
5. Click the Transfer Order Menu
6. Click Print
7. You will get the following pop-up screen, click the Print button. The transfer order is
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Transfer Order Processing
Confirm Transfer Order – LT12
Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps to confirm a Transfer Order are as follows:
1. Enter LT12 in the Command field
2. Click the Enter icon
3. Populate the following fields in the Basic Data tab:
Warehouse No: The number of the warehouse
TO No: This is the Transfer Order number to be confirmed
4. Click the Enter icon
Note: Select the Pick + Transfer, Pick, or Transfer radio button for your case.
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Transfer Order Processing
5. The system will display the Transfer Order items need to be confirmed. Click the
Confirm Internally button
6. Click the Save button
Note: If you receive a message "Transfer order XXXXXXXX already confirmed...",
the Transfer Order may have been automatically confirmed.
Display Transfer Order – LT21
Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps to display a Transfer Order are as follows:
1. Enter LT21 in the Command field
2. Click the Enter icon
3. Populate the following fields in the Basic Data tab:
Warehouse No: The number of the warehouse
TO No: This is the Transfer Order number created in previous steps
4. Click the Enter icon
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Transfer Order Processing
Cancel not confirmed Transfer Orders – LT15
Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps to cancel not confirmed Transfer Orders are as follows:
1. Enter LT15 in the Command field
2. Click the Enter icon
3. Populate the following fields in the Basic Data tab:
TO Number
Warehouse No
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Transfer Order Processing
4. Click the Execute button. The system will display the Overview of Transfer Order
Items screen
5. Click the Save icon
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Goods Transfers in the Warehouse
Goods Transfers in the Warehouse
Create Transfer Order – LT01
Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps to create a Transfer Order to move goods in the warehouse are as follows:
1. Enter LT01 in the Command field
2. Click the Enter icon
3. Populate the following fields:
Warehouse No
Movement Type = 999
Material Number
Quantity Unit (will default from Material Master)
Storage Location
Batch (if applicable)
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Goods Transfer in the Warehouse
4. Click the Enter icon
5. The system will take you to the Transfer Order data entry screen. Enter the following
input data:
Source and Destination storage type
Source and Destination storage section
Source and Destination storage bin
Quant (optional)
6. Click the Enter icon
7. Click the Save/Posting button
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Goods Transfers in the Warehouse
Stock Transfer Bin to Bin from a list – LT10
Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps to create the transfer order from a list are as follows:
1. Enter LT10 in the Command field
2. Click the Enter icon
3. Populate the following fields in the Basic Data tab:
Warehouse No
Storage Type
Storage Bin (if needed)
4. Click the Execute button
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Goods Transfer in the Warehouse
5. Select the Storage Bin that you want to transfer the material from
6. Click the Stock transfer Foreground
7. Enter the following information in the Specify destination data window:
Storage Type
Storage Bin
Storage Section
Print Code (optional)
Printer (optional)
Movement Type (optional): 999
Confirm Immediately Check Box: if you want to confirm the TO immediately
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Goods Transfers in the Warehouse
8. After completing the input, click the Copy button
Will turn green if the storage bin / material has no blocks.
9. Repeat steps above for other quants to be moved
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Outbound Delivery Processing
Outbound Delivery Processing
Create Transfer Order for Outbound Delivery – LT03
Step-by-Step Instructions
1. Enter LT03 in the Command field
2. Click the Enter icon
3. Populate the following fields in the Basic Data tab:
Warehouse No: The number of the warehouse
Delivery No: Delivery number (inbound or outbound)
4. Press Enter
Click the Generate and Next Material button
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Outbound Delivery Processing
5. Populate the Destination Information in the fields:
Destination storage type
Destination storage section (optional)
Destination storage bin
Quant (optional)
6. Click the Enter icon
7. Click the Save button
Goods Reversal from Delivery – LT0G
Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps to return goods to stock from delivery are as follows:
1. Enter LT0G in the Command field
2. Click the Enter icon
3. Populate the following fields in the Basic Data tab:
Warehouse No: The number of the warehouse
Delivery No: Delivery number (inbound or outbound)
Movement Type: Use the system default type
4. There are 2 option buttons to choose from and choose one button to click
Delivery view: This option will show the delivery to be reversed at the Header
Level; if you choose this option, the picking for all line items will be reversed
TO item view: This option will show the delivery to be reversed at the Line item
level; if you choose this option you will be able to reverse selected line items
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Outbound Delivery Processing
5. Click the Enter icon
6. A list displayed with the delivery line items for reversal. Select a specific line item for
reversing and check the box
7. There are 3 options to put away the material back into the warehouse:
Putaway Foreground: this option will allow to return the stock in a bin different from
the one from which it was picked
Putaway Background: same as above, but the transaction will be performed in
background mode
Return to Stock: this option will return the stock in the same bin from which it was
8. For the option of Putaway Foreground, select the line item you would like to move back
into warehouse and click the Putaway Foreground button
9. Populate the following fields in the Basic Data tab:
Storage Type
Storage Bin
Storage Selection
10. Click on the Adopt button
11. For the option of Return to Stock, only need to click the Return to Stock button
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Warehouse Internal Maintenance
Warehouse Internal Maintenance
Create Storage Bin Manually – LS01N
The steps to create a storage bin are as follows:
1. Enter LS01N in the Command field
2. Click the Enter icon
The Create Storage Bin screen is displayed.
3. Populate the following fields:
Warehouse No.
Storage type
Storage bin (To be created)
4. Click the Enter icon
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Warehouse Internal Maintenance
5. Populate the following fields:
Storage section
Storage bin type
6. Click the Save icon
Storage bin has been created. Note the storage bin for future reference.
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Warehouse Internal Maintenance
Change Storage Bin Manually – LS02N
The steps to change a storage bin are as follows:
7. Enter LS02N in the Command field
8. Click the Enter icon
The Change Storage Bin screen is displayed.
9. Populate the following fields:
Warehouse No.
Storage type
Storage bin (To be changed)
Note: if not known, the storage bin can be selected by clicking on the drop down icon on
the right side of the Storage Bin field.
10. Click the Enter icon
11. The Change Storage Bin screen is displayed. You can change, for example:
Storage section
Or, if the Storage Bin is empty, you can delete it clicking on the icon
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Warehouse Internal Maintenance
The system will prompt a message; answer Yes if you want to delete the Storage Bin.
The system will issue a confirmation message “Storage Bin has been deleted”.
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Physical Count
Physical Count
Create System Inventory Record – LI01N
Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps to create a system inventory record are as follows:
1. Enter LI01N in the Command field
2. Click the Enter icon
The Create System Inventory Record screen is displayed.
3. Populate the following fields:
Warehouse No.
Storage type
Planned count date
4. Click the Enter icon
5. The next screen is displayed. Populate the following fields:
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Physical Count
List of Stor. Bin
Name of Counter
6. Click the Activate icon
The Inventory Record Number XXXXXXXX activated.
Note the inventory record number as a reference.
Print Inventory List – LI04
Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps to print inventory list are as follows:
1. Enter LI04 in the Command field
2. Click the Enter icon
Note: The system will pre-populate the fields if this transaction is executed immediately after
creation of the system inventory record (previous step).
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Physical Count
3. Populate the following fields:
Warehouse Number
Inventory record
Recount version: Populate this field if it is a recount
Printer: LOCL
List name: ZRLLI0400 (default)
Print report: ZRLLI0400 (default)
4. Select the following check boxes:
Print list
Print immediately
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Physical Count
The Inventory List is printed.
Enter Inventory Count – LI11N
Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps to enter inventory count are as follows:
1. Enter LI11N in the Command field
2. Click the Enter icon
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Physical Count
Note: The system will pre-populate the fields if this transaction is executed immediately
after creation of the system inventory record (previous step).
3. Populate the following fields:
Warehouse Number
Inventory record
Recount version: Populate this field if it is a recount
Count date: Populate the date when the test was performed
Name of counter: This is an optional field. It will be automatically populated with
the user id of the user entering the count
4. Click the Enter icon
5. The Enter Inventory Count: Overview screen is displayed
6. Enter the count results in the Counted quantity field for each storage bin
7. Select the Zero check box for the storage bin where the count was zero
8. Click the Enter icon
Note: If there are differences, the system will display a new screen with details and a
message to notify the % variance: click on the green tick to confirm. The system will do
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Physical Count
this for each line item of the count with differences; please cleck on the green tick until
you get to the last item of the count with differences.
At the end the system will take you back to the overview screen.
9. Click on Save to save your count results.
Note: System message: Inventory count is added for inventory XXXX.
Start Recount – LI14
Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps to start recount are as follows:
1. Enter LI14 in the Command field
10. Click the Enter icon
11. Populate the following fields:
Warehouse Number
Inventory record
12. Click the Enter icon
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Physical Count
The Start Recount: Initial Screen is displayed. It displays a recount overview report
reflecting the recount variances and the total US$ value difference.
13. Select the check boxes on the left side of the line items (storage bins) which are to be
recounted from the list of various bins in that inventory record
14. Click the Initiate Recount button
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Physical Count
Note: To perform the recount, please refer to the steps followed for the Enter Inventory
Count and enter the recount version in LI11N transaction.
Clear Differences in WM – LI20
Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps to clear differences in WM are as follows:
1. Enter LI20 in the Command field
15. Click the Enter icon
16. Populate the following fields:
Warehouse Number
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Physical Count
Inventory record
17. Click the Enter icon
The next screen is displayed.
18. Select the check boxes on the left side of all the storage bins for which you would like to
clear the differences, if any
19. Click the Write Off button
The system will display a message with number of bins cleared.
Clearing of Differences in IM (Serialized Materials) – ZLE_LI21
Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps to clear differences in IM are as follows:
1. Enter ZLE_LI21 in the Command field
2. Click the Enter icon
3. Populate the following fields:
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Physical Count
Warehouse Number
Storage type: 999 (this is a pre-definite value)
Storage bin: (blank)
4. Click the Execute button
If there are materials to be written off, the application takes you to the next screen
If there are no material to be written off , this step is not required
5. The system displays the warehouse physical count differences that are still to be cleared
in the Inventory Management
6. Select the check boxes on the left side of the line items that display the differences that
are to be written off
7. Click the List from the top menu
8. Select the Clear Online Frgrnd check box
The list of inventory with outstanding physical count differences is displayed.
9. The list shows the physical count document number in the Storage Bin field
The quantity with a negative sign is an addition to stock – this difference is
determined when the stock counted is more than the quantity in the system
The quantity has no sign – this difference is determined when the stock counted is
less than the quantity in the system
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Physical Count
If the count included serialized materials for which there are differences, it is required to perform
the steps described below.
The steps for serialized materials are as follows:
The next screen is displayed.
10. Enter the serial number in the Serial Number field for the physical count difference that
is to be cleared
Note: If the serial number is not known, you can search for it by clicking the Matchcode
icon in the XXX (entry) field. The system will display a list where additional search
criteria can be entered to find the relevant serial number. An example of the relevant
criteria is the Batch, that is used also to identify the valuation class (e.g.,
11. Click the Execute icon
Note: If, as a result of the physical count, a positive difference is detected (the counted
quantity of the material is higher than the quantity in the system), a serial number may
need to be created. To do so, just select the create serial number automatically
check box.
A pop up screen is displayed that specifies the Serial Number.
If you know the serial number, you can specify, else you can search it in the serial number list.
You can generate it for addition to stock (physical count results into a quantity higher than the
quantity in the system).
The Material document is created.
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Physical Count
The steps for non serialized materials are as follows:
12. Click the Write off button
Note: The transaction either removes the extra material from the inventory or adds
material to the inventory.
A message is displayed by the system indicating that the quant is cleared
In the background, a set of material and accounting documents are created
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will be left
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Stock Overview WM – LS26
Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps to view the Stock Overview WM Report are as follows:
1. Enter LS26 in the Command field
2. Click the Enter icon
3. Populate the following fields:
Warehouse Number
Plant: It is an optional field
Storage Location: It is an optional field
Storage Type: It is an optional field
Note: You can enter as many fields so as to narrow down the search.
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4. Click the Enter icon
The Stock Overview WM report is displayed.
This report can be executed only for one material at the time. Repeat the steps for
the other materials
The Stock Overview WM report displays a report of how the material is placed in the
various locations in the warehouse
If the report is executed after a goods receipt, before the items have been put away
in the warehouse, the items will appear in the goods receipt area and the quantity will
be the total received quantity by material / storage location / warehouse
5. Double-click the line item in the displayed list to view the details on the warehouse
locations. Further details are displayed, such as the storage bin and the quantity in the
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Bin Status Report – LX03
Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps to view the Bin Status Report are as follows:
1. Enter LX03 in the Command field
2. Click the Enter icon
3. Populate the following fields:
Warehouse No
Storage type
4. Click the Execute icon
Note: To search for a specific material, you can add it in the search selection criteria.
a. Click the Rainbow icon
b. A window is displayed where you can select the group of additional selection
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c. Click Quant
d. The list of available dynamic selections is displayed
e. Double-click the Material field
Enter value in the Material field
5. Click the Execute icon OR Press F8 to run the report
The Bin Status Report is displayed. It displays a list of bins with their stock figures etc.
It also displays the empty bins.
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6. You can note down the following information for various purposes:
For all Picking processes, note down the bins where the material is available and in
If the picking refers to serialized materials, please verify the serial numbers in the
selected bin by physically checking in the content / serial numbers; note down the
available serial numbers for future use
For Putaway processes, identify the bin for put-away: this can be an empty bin or a
bin where the material already exists, depending on the storing requirements
To create a manual TO, note down the Storage Type, Bin, Quant, etc.
Further column may be added to the standard layout. The steps to display additional
information, such as stock, batch, etc. are as follows:
7. Click the icon Current Layout
on the top part of the screen. The system displays
the a pop up box with the columns currently displayed (on the left) and the available
columns for display in the right side. You can select the required columns from the right
side (multiple columns may be selected at the same time) and moved to the left side in
the required position using the arrow icons:
retrieved any time the report is executed
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The desired layout can be saved and
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List of Empty Bins Report – LX01
Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps to view the List of Empty Bins Report are as follows:
1. Enter LX01 in the Command field
2. Click the Enter icon
3. Populate the following fields:
Warehouse No.
Storage Type
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4. Click the Execute icon
A List of Empty Bins Report is displayed. It displays a list of all the empty bins in that
warehouse/storage type depending on the search criteria mentioned.
You can note down the available bins. For putaway processes, you can note bin
number, storage section, and storage type.
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Stock per Material WM – LS24
Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps to view Stock Per Material WM Report are as follows:
1. Enter LS24 in the Command field
2. Click the Enter icon
3. Populate the following fields:
Warehouse No.
Storage Location
Note: Depending on how much you would like to narrow down the report additional
selection criteria are available.
4. Click the Enter icon
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A report with stock quantity and warehouse location is displayed.
Stock for All Material WM – LX02
Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps to view the Stock Per All Material WM report i.e., warehouse stock for multiple
materials are as follows:
1. Enter LX02 in the Command field
2. Click the Enter icon
The system displays the initial report screen where it is possible to indicate the selection
3. Populate the following fields, as applicable, in order to restrict the selection, e.g.:
Warehouse No. (mandatory)
Storage Type (optional)
Storage Bin (optional)
Plant (optional)
Goods Receipt Date (optional)
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Note: It is possible to select additional criteria, using the “Dynamic Selection”.
4. Click on the icon
on the top part of the screen. A new selection panel is
displayed. Select, for instance, Quant Storage Location, to display only stock
for a required storage location:
5. Click the Execute icon
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A full list of materials for the selected parameters is displayed.
You can print the list or export it to Excel. The steps to print the list are as follows:
6. Click the List menu
7. Select the Print menu item
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8. If the printer is not set, a pop-up window is displayed. Select LOCL in the Output Device
9. Click the green tick icon to print the list
The list is printed.
Transfer Orders for Material – LT24
Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps to view the Transfer Orders Per Material report are as follows:
1. Enter LT24 in the Command field
2. Click the Enter icon
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3. Populate the following fields:
Warehouse No.
4. Select the appropriate option for Confirmation status. Click the option button
Only Open TO item
Only confirmed TO items
All TO items
5. Click the Execute icon
Difference List per Storage Type – LX17
Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps to view the Difference List Per Storage Type report are as follows:
1. Enter LX17 in the Command field
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2. Click the Enter icon
3. Populate the following fields:
Warehouse No.
Storage type
Storage bin: It is an optional field
4. Click the Execute icon
A report is generated with the difference per storage type for the various bins and count
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The steps to print the list are as follows:
5. Click the List menu
6. Select the Print menu item
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7. If the printer is not set, a pop-up window is displayed. Select LOCL in the Output Device
8. Click the green tick icon to print the list
The list is printed in the required format.
Transfer Requirements List for Storage Type – LB10
Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps to display the list of open Transfer Requirements per Storage Type are as follows:
1. Enter LB10 in the Command field
2. Click the Enter icon
3. Populate the following fields:
Warehouse No.
Source Storage type: for a list of open Put-Away Transfer Requirements select
Source Storage Type = 902;
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Destination Storage type: for a list of open Picking Transfer Requirements, select
the required interim storage type, e.g., 911 (Goods Issue to Cost Center), or 914
(Goods Issue to Order), or 916 (Shipping Area Deliveries)
Ensure the checkbox “Status Open” is ticked
4. Click the Execute icon
The list of open Transfer Requirement is displayed along with the related Material
Document (e.g., the Goods Receipt Material Document).
Note: from this list it is possible to process the outstanding transfer order. Select the
and process the transfer order as explained in LT06 – Create TO for
put-Away or LT06 – Create TO for picking, depending as per whether the transfer
requirement is for put-away or for picking.
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List of Open Transfer Orders – LT23
Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps to display the list of open Transfer Requirements per Storage Type are as follows:
1. Enter LT23 in the Command field
2. Click the Enter icon
3. Populate the following fields:
Warehouse No.
Transfer Order number (if known)
Ensure that the Only open TO items checkbox is ticked
4. Click the Execute icon
The list of open Transfer Orders for execution is displayed; it is possible to display the
Transfer Order details by positioning the cursor on the TO number and double clicking.
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