r i TAXlOR,:Editormanl~@getor. "to the In{ex4es+~of the l~e~ub]2c~n O~IO_NA]L A~TOR~EI AT I LAW. ~A2~’2>--afAST~B/~ NO WA BENZLXE : WM.. 3IOOE] % INS RANCECOMPANY’ , I, JOHN L I¢ S & C/ZA2 C.K~ ~, I oohin,’, ,.d fo~ming. MA3~sLA.NDL-~O, ~. J, Manvf o dure JONEPII THOMI~S,)N, Jr.~ . /) ~.t’torn~a~ :THE ONLYRELIABLE ~z, READY f $ / C& i e. Y, D, JOLIN~,j PAINT AT LAW, COUNSELLOR 8ou:?,-_U~t Corner of ~eeo~d ernd Market ,Stre2~ S:P-~I C/k:RDS fOR S2kMPLtIS, TF-~?IMON-//LLS FUR.NISHED FR6M PAINT~ AND _ ~IIO IIAVE ESED TIIT~E PAINTS ~,ND RECO~MY_~N D THF_,2~L [ r T¯ ~VARItEN O’NEIL 6Ig,~Walnut 8~, . rmLaDy_anmXTX Attorney and Cqmmelior Iat Law, ~. golD~o~ carefully : COLORS Lucas’ in Chancery,, -VA?S r.ANDI~GI l- ¯ Pure IOKAD ! L%, lSolieitor i N, J, Lucas’ Pure Pure V-~RNIS/~S l JOHN K. 1~- LIE~ITT, t i &ltbl-ney nt Iaw~n~d ZT__~TO ! ! ~on~to.~i-, c~,~,. i : _ STORES.--t41 N..Fourth NI CA31DEN, ~ - ~acIery~Gibbsbero’, Ar. a. ?, ..ATad A UCTIO_Y.H]:, . ~low, ~mOer- Uounlj. N. a. All business entrusted to +e will receive prompt ~ttention. "~.5~ch 23, 1878. , ~.>.~Sm CII’AS. :E. FRENCtL ¯- DEALER~ Camden,N. IN ,’ L .]KI I-I COA, ]~TEB "---w * A~lorney ~nd Counsel! ,~. at ]l~w. ~OIJt~lTO~t :I_-~ CH~kNC]E]RY, .&N!, g ~]os. 1S & 15 Federal $t., AI±~ ’sL_~:wo.,.xo, .~.J." C(SM~,IIS~IO.NFP_ rE& CHAS. C. CI{. J. F_. P. ABBO3~T, AT I~kW ~D| .Philadelphia, and 93 Mai&n Lane¯ 2¢. Dee 27 ly JUSTaCF. OF THE ~’EACE, ~OV~SI~LLOR St., J. Real Eslate &InsuranceAgent,l / Lucas’ ]Pare i ------- " Lucas’ and pmm~ly ~tend- NI?T -~S~" J~I_’BLIC, C02YTLE:Y.,_4.VCI_VG in ~ll its Branchex &TL~_NTICCI’I ¥. ATLANTICCOUNTY.~. J. SI~I"ql~ntion givento h mc]oslng Mort, gages. Notes and aeeonn~ ol!ec~d ha all part~ Of- t~e United St~.t~s. Prompt attention given to all Legal Mat ors. Acknowl. edgeri~nt3 andAffidavits Lkken." Pl-wetict in all the~Cour~. F.XTRA F-~3/ILT FLOUR, GRAIN, MILL FEED, BESS DRIED -S.A.LT :PORK, ~.XTRA SHORE MACK.E~L, MESS SH..~D ~.N’D ROCK, COAP~E.&_N.D lq.lh"E SALT, EAT 2LND STRAW BY BALE OR BUo’DLF_~ AXLE GRE~E AND QATTLE POWD.ER. ~ERTILIZ’ERS,~G~ICUL.’r~I~AL I3IPI~3IEN-~5 A.~-D !II?.!l dec20tf OHAS. WlLL] ]EIEATEI Attorn:’y-./-L,i w ,, ,/i ,v,/ici/or in ¯ C/mnc’~rff I" MS’ t # TOVES IronandSlateWOrk of all Deseripiions, 1132 MarketStreet, PH "i LADELPHIA LAW.OFFI{_’t~, ~. W. C,,r. Yroni and 3i:~ke: ~treots, CAMDEN, NIJ. II.DIN~*. WILLIMI BERNS GEORGe, T. I~ i O} "~‘l( l?.’~{ HAMMONTON, N. J.; PUJ3I.IC. C:ntra:t0r and: Bull HALL, "/rl" Attorney-at-Law x.. oA_~ND .-~’vT.~.IIY ! SLATE AND MARBLE M." GEO.~. }.VOOI~IIILI,¯ .].NO.~J~. ~VO~’DIIUId.. (Late Ju~-tJce .kttdrney at Law. / Supreme Court., N.J.) ]ROOMS 1 2x_ND ~. TAYLOH. t.;I" RANGES; t r ~A~UFACTURER AN’D DEALER LX 8ASH, BLIND& SHUTTERS, MOULDINGS, "WIf’gDO tV FRAMES, BRACKETS, IATTIC.E, BTAIR t~AILL’VG, .BALUSTERS and._NEDrEL 1~lme, (’slclned ]Plotter, X.~nd PIMter, l~la~terlng Hair, Cemenl,-]]Bri Bnlldlng Stone, &e., d~c. LockBox3,3. DOOR3, laa~tle{_’it}’,.N’.J. ;~, A. STy_~t:r C02¢VE YA2 BuildingL~ber of all kinds Constantly Cddar Shingtss atLowest Market Prit Real Estate &lns¢ ¯b aneelgen STANDARD CRANBI:’RRY CRATES, $1~ P PMlade12~hiaAvenue, bdo A~go Stre,4 Egg Harbor ....O02KIfI88102gXR CL :y N.’J. All Orders" by Mail will receive promp~attention. Hammonton, April 20, 1878. } :1’ 6rr o. 0 y OB 3"XWJY-J~EEYA2~Do r’~RB ST.aT~.% =a-’o’- il Cloths, J~U~N~ Of the J ¯ ff2~"Collectaous a ~eiaat y ~ l~omptl? attendedto. 2~ay4,1878, / RUN~.R, INGS,we are preparedto offer thcmat the lowest e CONVEYAI prices. Call and examine. ¯ I".~K ¢:70::!~ " ¢::ZI~’O’I:T~:I~, ¯ lq’otary 1 ublie, Real. lq.state aa Goneetion Age:at, t Mattings, ttaving receiveda very elegant assortmentof CAI’{P] ..... PHILADELPIIIA . ( Near Post~lt Aprt? la, 1878. No.8’Y E GC HARBOR 31TY,N,J 68 N. SECOND’St., below Aroh. Philadel" D. H ENSEL., Piaures Looking GlassesandFrames aS lZ~D~eds, WilD, etc., drawn and Insurance agaiu~ loss by fire in good, reliabl0" companies. Nov.1, tf Particular at, tention pat.3 to the regul~dlng of old frames. ~t~m~eau 1~7, ~D~WA1t, 4~ (~eeeuor~ to ~ew~ tn a Bro,) 13fPORTJ~ ;OF // 3iquo Old Wh~kleA Non 11 tnd 13 Nortla ~L ]~BI11.,JLD ELPI ~e -- No~’*h Second ~,ree PHILADELPHIa, PA. ~, f.h01es ~lectlon mtl .l!le, Po’m’Int I ’,t~e one, gentlrm]on, fi-om going the ri’_,l,t way t,,-t~ight ; for I have brought an old ~Wht’nthe sentinel camedo:~;:i with a light, ruad.fi~ql,,w on hoard, au.l :must take care.. th.e eapta!n wave,t his sword and cried, ’-Go of him, aml bring him to h!s sens,,s." ’ back, a~d sthy where you- are:+ In fi~re~ o S~r Joh,, who was smrmmdedby ~a!l,..~.. quzrters of. an hour¯ after the crying .ceased; was dressed in black, with a ruffled shirt, a the enptain "called fcr a camlle; and whet/ ~carlet cloak, a t, hmk~vclvetcap s~ith e;m- th~sentinel carried onedown, the cal~.ain flaps, and a broad brimmed hat~ He" was gave him his sword, and bade him standair! groaning as the2f took him. ¢owln to the bigpost, and if his brother made any more cockpit, and put kim into th0 purser’s cabin, noise, to let him -atorre, and for.him (the with a se:,tit,e~ over l.’m. The carpenter, eaptain.~ " The next . morning, after a corn who was told to put bolts on the door, talk- sultatiou, the sentiue!, the co9per ned the ett to Sir John while his man was at- work doctor’s mate broke open the cabin door, at the colts. The poor¯frightened pr:soner and foufid Sir John lying on one side dead, a~ked if his brother meant to murder him, with his right leg drawn .np and bent, his bridging him on boars in that" manner.. hat over his face," and blood abmit lhis "So, sir," said the carpentar, "I hope mouth. ~ot ; but to take care of y,u." The’ evidence~ for the-defence was.m’.;~-" Sir John the:~’inquired Lf his brother 1>-,51 erably quii bEn.g and weak. it cot~isted ’ !,1 Lim.(the carpente:) that he was marl q’!.e e::~,ta}n tt,ldthe mast not to mind ’.vl.;tt h~s b~,,’I:er sa:,d, as Se had been mad for a =w, lv -mon:h past. [The captain th~n caIlod ~e~en.l c,fthc soilorts, andtold one ,,f th,.m ,~med 2dal. vmeyto strip Off his ,r C~er’s wet clothes. Sir Johtt said, "BrotI]er ~al~ -what do ~ },,~l iut,:|:d to do :: itll.m.~ "To savt. : olt t 111 re’.tin_- in a =oat.’" w:as t;,c c~,ix X"it’.)’. i:.e cai..ain tl.e:, ordere~ 31alymeyt, :a’ie ;tway.h~ brother’s knife, ¯ "rhe _¢u:gecn’s mate. ~ho feh tl.e I, risoRer’s i, ol-’,’, beard ~ic John say to his goa!er , " t.,’f | j ".f~llo~,’S 3I-aho.,.~y, we.~ asai]ors thos~ n ho attacked use to~!,,.v, they are sadly degeneratvd t:i.um what sailors.were formerly ; for I myself have been at sea (he had been all t.dtn~rgl), and might-have b=cn a com- I "80N8, 2kLL~N B. ~/NDICOTT, with him. Tl.m brother rei, lied. brntally, "I :m going. to carry~3~ou onboard,andsave .you ¯ *ramlying rr~.ting in a jail." . The boat r~e.chedthe Rs~by, which lay !er m K~ng Road, about seven oclock ....,1 :l:e e~ptain, as hestepped on the gangv as’, said to tl:e master of’the sMp, "F,.x- ll~lr’s l,a ~¢l laf , JN.,7, ~, .!PF;". x’r’¢ . ~,i_hL "l:I .at ":bot.tt.vo,/c:- ,ck. ..’1 ..," cco.l ’:.-ife;vaki,.g, Lva-rd 31ahom,yatlvi~e bit ~,u’.. 51.da4ney’thefi sai ~, " 1 am "o go cu ~l,-els ~-lmre in the muruing ; and if £ou h=’ve any shrp.- I~ was al~o tr;,ed r,,be ~howirt.’.:at .ql letters to s,’n,l to Bristol~ I will carry them /fi,~g Roa, l, where the Ruby was moored, ruflil ’ [ ~ I for yon.’ wa~not in the county of Bris~ol~ ol’i,t the~ liftb~ Titan a voic~ said to the prisoner, " You urisdictiori of the eom’t. ’ - ".1]t must lie ,till, and not .~peak a word for your The recorder, snmmingup all the partieu- finalL ars, alluded to .the fact that the .Oar Of i;he pu~ life." Fresently tkere was agreat; s:ruggle, 6ir muri!er Ca!-t~in G0oders was very anxious expl: Juhn cried out. ,~Murder’. I]elp, for Go~s to sa}~the :mxt mornin~ the m~ter repro- .tlie’~ sake ’.’" and seemed ruffotating. T’~n there sente~! to him the danger of at’teshpting the ent the t were whi~pers; and Sir John cried agai% BriLish Chanh~lwithout a pilo~ bflt he as]- the 1~ "Help, for God’s sake: I ’h~ve twexit¢," guin- .swered, "If P can but °get as q.ow as..the-’fim easiumy poelqet.. ’.t’,Lke’itg must I die? Downs,I dou:t care," He aL~o pointed out raxliel .O, my lifeY’ There was a t’eeble struggle, the fact that the murdered man hnd com. then tlm door ,opened, find ,a light was plained of being .treated ilt byhis brotl~er, b:oughL Who, on the death of their father, had "On The cooper, awakenedby h-~0 wife, 10okett placed p~mons in_ the" hotae, ~ he (~ir ]the s and saw unmi~akabl7 this danming fact John) believed, to take awayhis !ife. upo~ £gainstthe captain.The hand that held White first eonfea~ad ’he e.riwe~ then wate~ th~lightwas whiterthanthatof a common pleaded drunken-tess and ignorance ol the T-he~ sailor. It c;oscd on the mtuderedman’s wlmie erenL- Mahoney merely said he wes pent’,’ throat, and a voice sad, "It’s done, and well a poor, pressed man, but finally confessed f.aste~ done’." Mahoney and~a man named White ~he crime. A|I three prisoners were exech- ~ders. thrill then ripped the pockets ofthe ~orpse, and ted at Bristol,antl Mahoney’s body w~s i endel took out the old admiral’s watch ai~d some hung ip chains near the place where the snatd silver and goltl, murder was commi:ted. ~.~ four o’td,.’~k .-some of the men were T~ celebrated humorist, Foote¢.was a calle d up to get out the. b.~tt for White and relative of the murderer, and was once ino Mahoney to go on shore. The frightened trodticed to a p:u-tv 6f witz-as "the )’ou:~ cooi~er then got up: and asked the sentinel gentieman who,e lxlative murdered~ his what ull the noise Lad been about. "I b~ brother ~ Bristol." -: lieve,’ ~id the cgoper , "they have killed ., Sea.Dhst. that geutleman." The sen’ilael thought sg." ~Ve have heard of water-~pouk% of showtoo. The cooper atxl doctor’s mate then’ drew the scuttle that IooI_ed into the pris-, ers of tL;h, of.satt rain, and u_:myother Curoner’s cabin from the stewazd’s room, and io~i;ies which present themselves in the :atmg~’phere’ but to assert thaithere is such cried, ,’Sir, if )on are aIive, spe-,ik" But a thingazsea-du-’t is to’trat~-eend.-all rea-5there w~ no ans~er. The cooper then enable bounds. The evidence, howev~.r, i~ to,,k a ’ong stick, and en,leavo:’ed to rouse lavor of i~.existenee is exeeeding:’y power bit Jolm; but he w;~ dead. T!,e doctor re- lul~indisputable,,in-fact~aud this is the fused to alarm the v~sel. ]’he cooper then storytold’by ~_-¢-witn~es., They say t£at in. toid the lieatet,ant il" h~ did r.~t bestir him: certain parts kf the. world, notably about" ~elt, ae would ~rite at or:ee "~ to {he Adm:- the,Cape t!o Verde I_,lamls, there ate o~itfairy aud tl’e bla3 or of Bris.:ol. TLe lieu- [ st.nfly met at ~ea, ~vemlhundred : mile.-. teuaJ,t and th~ o:~lg-’r thun went into the [ mva-¢from land, thick, :yell,;;vi.qa-s;.’d fog’a, unlike-Lo::dol] fogs iu Nov,~mber. captain’s cabin, a::d .~eized the CaFtamas / I,t,,,. Ti~ese fo,,s 0b-cu-e the atmospher%, anal are / = " " ¯ ,¯ the mu,:derer ~f his brother. . OntLe’ t,-i,=il the L’o p_’r proved hearim~very injurio~m to navigat~ou, but tl:,?’, 1,a,re not the baleful odor of their Londonvroto oo ~ir John when~alone- pray to God to be Isis types, nor no they affect the breathi:]g iu the comforter untter his afflictions, saying he same way. Whilst sailin.~ throdg.h- them it knew he was g6iqg to he murdgred, and is found that the ship, .aits and dggin= are praying the crime might come to light by covered with a fix:% ~mpalpalJ|e powder, whieh falls-as dry rain, and covers the sur"sOme means oi" another. ARerward tl/e cooperyeasw.oke--by.his w.~febwho said, Face on wl~ich]t fall§ sometimes tO thedepth oftwo in’ehes. In color, it is of a brickDon’t you hearthe n~ise the gentleman is dust hue,£ometimes of a light yellow, audmaking? I believe riley are killing him." it fe~I~ b~twee-n the teeth like fine grit: He ma~ a noise like ~one going out 0f the stich az:migh~ be blown into the mou.th on worid--ve-’T mV." The cooper would then a windy day i.n :March. No pla.ce Is free" have got up, bu~. his wife was "afraid there from its presence, its fineness giving it waz,~ome one a~ the door.who might stab powert0 penetrate ~verywhe~.- The : sea~ him. whilethe’dust is fallit~_% lool~s as if it had: Mahoney made a full¯ confession. Ite :~een peppered, attfl.is dlscolored, for ~me and Whit% he .said~ we2memlMoyedby the distance down. Sometimes ~edust comes captain, who t01d them hi~ brother was ’ima sB0wer, and passes.offagai m The fogs mad, and "would ¯ not lrve long. He gave are nothing bfit v~t quantities’of the dust .~aspendeh in the mr. them a bottle and a halfof ram, ask!ng ¯ ".; is not 0nly in trio.vicinity of the Cape White if he had ever killed a Spaniard. :He de Verdethatthis:wonderful dusk~ seen. then broughl; them nine feet of ropo an : a In the Meditarranean, on the rmrth~rn handke}chief as a gag; add tohL then/he ~f A~’dca, "in the middle ofthe Atl~mticb it J would stand seniincl .a/- theidoor while they lids been reported.. It is invariably tl:e did the’work, Wheu they had done, they same in kind and-appearance,’and;examiknocked, and. the- captain ol4ening it, said, nation un:le~" micro=-cpes w,’~ ! i)rOve:d ~h~ "Is he dead ?’:-and came in’swearing. When identity of said C,!pe de Vert’le ~a:~last he was sure he :wa.o dead, ~e 1, eked. the with Me.lit.en’aneun sea-dt~K..!:-a.!l.thtsis Or, e nm:’e trial t"- ::is life¯the poor wretch- d~or, and put the" key in h~ poekef Tl:ey very renmrkable; dust .ifallifig ifi clouds, noland .withit~ Somehundred ofmile~, l~otbing. made ; ju=t a,s Im was f,,rced into the boat} "then all went into the "eaptaih’S ca,hin to ~isibly which eonMp~.siblY aceoi]i~i for the ’ he 6;d:e,l-to tim .’~]::rnm,I i,e;s-ns on sllol-ei divide the nioliey~ anti. to eotmt.qt "~-hat-was curious phenont/w~n. Sand-.¢i~!’ds diem-are: tl. ’ 3hn~.e". T,.’~ g’nll,’F’,’ff that are ,,,~ shbve O he done with the corpse." It-w~ts fimidy. in sandy tie~rts, and showers of sand taken pr,y t/..If Mr. Jarrit ~mith timt in}" |~ame is ’. agreed..to ,~eep it t~vOor thr~e days till the ori#nally from spo’~ wliereon the carrier Dinety " . " ¯ " .. [ sailiug ordcm came f/Ore Lhe Admiralty; windhasleR its nau.~]l; but-herethere. IST~:~ ¯ "~,efore he could add Go0dero, th~ brother then. i 9 sewit up.ln a han~moekand ti~row ~rt ~rom-wm~ the ~deia ~ra’~ anna ..-f ! .._.: Tt~. M~:$1,50 PerYea~.?-in Adv0mce. ... :~.:-, Y’S LANDI VOL.III. Plt Parby. - £ ..- :. . -... ¯ . ) 1HsnolutlOn ~l ,whah9 Mr. Wal!ace "~and "his ’ Nolle,, And then " Is IwxebygI’¢( i~)nih0ln friends alw di’manding that which ]~cretofnr: existlngL~d" a,,d t)ron 1~- PaCk: will ds effectually destroy our coastwise ~s ~amd,_siyle nnd firm day bymulu trade, still secured to us imder the Amey-~- to’bedissolved given toOren ~. can policy. Destroy that l>)liey) inaugur1):ued ~eptember 13, ate the free-ship ~eheme of the Democrhtic +0 L. HIGBEE & CO Ship Brokers, Atlantic~o. N. J. / OI)RI]~?O ]UDXTOIg c. m,"rmLc B’. A~-q]9 PR OmtlaiPaper~ the ~ounff, ~-UBSCRII>T10_S¯ PRI(’~-~ I ~|.~9 ]per annum, slrlelly inl advance. q A~vx.xa’ISl~O I~ATXSgiven on ~tpplication Produce 00mmissi0nDepartment Flour t:onn(-cted with our business, but s6ch is the ease, and no house in this city’can makebetter sales ,,f .~1:.’; a),l ,11 k’ud~,+f Frt;;t :~);,I [)+,)d)lO’ than wecarl Our store is+_the reet)guize,! beadquarters for FOREIGNGREEN FRUI’rt5 in tll~s eountl.y, and storekt+~.pers will do well to seal t<) us .l%r quota,.ions before .making l)urc],a-vs elsewhere. and Feed. SEGAI:S mid ;tOBACCO,of the cLoiets kinds. Call a’ d see.me. D. W, 2~IcOlai~ " ---====n~ [J ~ S~rAltP & O0 o. importers-and Commission Merchants, 50~ 52 & 54 INTorth Delaware ~venue, TROY, ~’." Y.~ Manufacture ~ SuperiorQualityof Bells. J. Iiart Brelrer. CO!qU_NE tL% CIiAI’LE~ Marb]eand Builders Linif,, fresh every:day from the Kill:S, either in ear loads or ~ ~ ¯ ~OUDEIL~, JOSEPH B. TURNER. m.m=.,m.,=,=2~ G.E2f. .H.d.NC’O(’2ff O~" ,5"0 L’~ General LTancvck has been force, ’Tilden ~as, by the presence of 2 sentiment into ~riting a lettep upg ern claims. It-’,+enid have b_+en b General Llanet, ck to fl,liow 5Ii. "Tilt ~tmple. still h~rther, and treat tht ’with entire seriou~ne~. "]’he De~ ~didate of ]5";6, who was a s: politieiah when y,,,’ne Mr. Ham ,e.eived his al,~Antmeut as a We eade(, +s~ keen enough to see x:hat th( temper of tlie’N¢~r;h ~-as on this subject and his letter d:,cu~ed it with u~l necessary gravity¯ General ]:lal,o>ck, whgse lack of public expereince is as l+kely to l.-ad him CARPETINGS. 8wcial qltentio|l is call’ed to II:e ha!l,ls.,m," line of Carl:~t.ijust redeived for+the Fall ;Se~on. and |!ow Ol,eUfi,r. thd I,sl,,etion o!" th- public, exetl]ing in quMityand Styl~ any of.-cul former101~dui:ti,ms. TapestryBr.ssels, 3-Ply Ingrain, Axminsters, ’ 2-Ply Ingrain, Hoquettes, fotoa ~latting~ Yehets, BodyBrnssels, The Great Wdst [,adieswh0 arem,lof EmpI~.nnent Canfin,l no better or morb.certain wayof +i . . o t I i The Committeeon Resolutionspresented The meeting was then called order by --The new department for the display of COt’]IT PROC]EEI)INGS.". ¯ J .. the president. Rev. F. 1L "antique work", made prior to 1800 and of The ]aat day of Court Judge Reed sen- the following report: adResolved~That this Conventionheartily dressed the association. He spoke against old treasures oi; any kind,such as Revolu¯teneedthe.prlsoners as follows: enlarged tmnary relics,splints from ~Noah’s ark, Az- Sar~Smlth,colored,for petit larceny,00 approves~ platformof principlesadopted the great evil~--~Ifishness--and for the/good and SAT~R~ OCT. 2, 1880. tee remains,&c., it is expectfd,will be a days in the CountyJallvandanti] c~stsara by the 2q’a:t~onal:RepublicanConventionof upon the idea, that livi~,.z, paid. . . 1880. !! adcauceuv.,at of ot]:-2-~ ~l-:,..~lbi be tl,-e chief very interesting feature of the coming Charles King, colored, for assault and Resolved, That we heartily approve the aim in life. lte a.D~sed the teachers no: Fair batteD" 60 days in County Jail, and until I~atform ell princiole* adopted by the last ~ to. be lne.relv mast,.t, but adv:.s,,ts :t~vl hel-J --The I2 n|ted States Grand Jury at Tren: costs are psi’d¯ Republican i ~ta:e Convention c.J" ~’ew Jetpelts to thei~ " pupils¯ He sp:,ke of the ben-/. ton has iguored the bill c~a~ing Daniel L. Gee. tt. Johnson, colored, adfi]tery, 6/sey. efits of the association, and urged the teacllMatthews, of Absecon, w~th sending obse~e months in County Jail and until~eosb a~’| Resolved, :That thin Couvention pledge, os ~a After t.h~ ~,our of ~oo~. JL~:E10th, 1880, letter~ through the mails on the g’round that ersto attendrcgularly. Supt. [Morse spoke Bil~gies ~Mfl Ph,"ie|onlj Jits fullest sUpI~ort to the nominees of the at some length ou the stfl,j.-ct~ paid. lrtlnJ on the 3lay ~ La~di~g tml.Xgg IIazb~r Clt7 of fault findthe letters were profane and not Obscene, Rtilroltd will arri’t~ ~adde]~vt.a$foltowl. etc. The committee II’E DO NOT " no’. c;-::,:.-able under the Isaac Sherries, colored, atrocious assault Republican i party for Prezident~ and Vice- ing, entertainments, " WA.~T AGE.NTS. Arriveat ’~ta:y’~ ] andt~g.--l.~.02 a. m, &25p. m, aud, therefore, 6 months in the ~tate :Prison. Isaac had :President of the United States, and to the on cour~ of study reported I " as :. "Th,~ I Lmve]~y’i Ltal Jag, 7:0"2~a. m., ~JLPp. m¯ statute¯ ! been before the honorable court previo_usly, T/on. -F. A. ]quits, ~’ovemor of thf State of , T]~ 3tin.arrive nd-ff~I~ wlth~.ch~raln. --Among those who received p~miums for the same offense and warned agaimt a ~ew Jersey. i ~ at :Egg l]a~bqr City ’ cept "reatlin’:," to!take the pjaee of "chart,". Tra.i~ maJLe tie , coanec~o~ for Philade]~ia.-at the late Fair at :Egg Itarbor City, we repetition, hence the sentence. with Camden a2~d J tla:nUc tratne Resolved, ’That this C0nventibn deems Abeeoi~neetfor Aria: die ~ty." find the names of Miss Mina Hudson, for James Mu]len, larceny of a watch from the nomination of t/art Brewer as Republireading, and afterthe word"wrltit~g" insertI i an oil painting and Miss Mone Hudson for the person, 90 dass in County Jail, and can nomineei for Con~s from this district, "combining letters i~ words." T~fird and TO TBE TJtADE:¯ [ a pencil drawing¯ These were exhibited by until costs are paid. one.especially fit to be made in behalf of the second grade n,)ehahg~. First grade the the ladies ~hile nisei:eel and reflected John 310rey, pe~t larceny, 69 days in labor and industrial Interests of this-State same except " music," chahged to "bot~ County Jail, and until costs are paid¯ much credit indeed. and district¯ i any," "comig~siti,m, sh,git~g, reaqing and[ Work that has an h£~lsatisfaction, reputation, ~nd tllat.ean be ~.~ta~lD, handled with key-3.txr~ ]~ C.a.ltPzm.~, A. B, P~tor. John. Adams, petit larceny, 90 days in Resolved, That this Convo.ntiotl heartily --JLrttcles of ]nee;potation were filed in detlafua[ior. A4var.t-m!e, dlrs,’, i al,_,ebra, ouch tO ouyer and ~seller. ~ead for de~lgn~ ,¢*,~trel on Suladay]atl0 30 A. lit., and7 30 p m. and prices to ¯ ¯ County Jaii, and imti] costs are paid 9.abbaah Behool at2 :D. ~t. Trenton cue day Last week .for a railroad cOnll)lete: gcoul,-[ : t approves th e courses of tim Republican (f~ur bo,)k~), ]’~aglish T~ursday-evenlng, 7 30. Conrad Egg’ner; assault, fi.ued $1 and i party in Congress for the l~st four year~ in compositi:)a, ,’!t,’t,,rie, from ~quan, p,~sing through Point :Pleasant, natnra, l l)lld,),l,’}y, " Costs. i Baybead City, Ortley Beach, Rosedale ] defending a~fl upholding the eohstitutional ~,enmal h;st,)r~:, insb-~l ,f r,’adi;r_,, with IL j~ CHURCH, 1 amendments and the laws enacted in ac- conversation. and battery, Beach, [o Seaside Pink, a dtstance of~we]ve : Beulah]in Brook, assauR The report was :received ¯ [cordance therewith. and the eommittee di.~eha’vged. . i mile,. This will be governed by the Penn. fined $1 and cost& sylvaniaR. R. C~x ~enry Hotz, an aggravated assault on one The association ;hen adj,)ur,ed lo meet :Resolved, .That we especially those parts Schenck, fined ~25 and costs. ofthe p]atf0rm af the State and~’ational at the call of the.l)resident. --Mr. L. 12. Somsrs, formerly of May’* John Kelly, assault aud battery. There ConTentions which declare in favor of a Landing, ~as resigned hii position on the B. G¯ PErK, .~:!e’y. protectivetariff. N. J. Cents-el Railroad at l’ed Bank, 5Jon- were four bills of indict~e~t found against the defendant mid he was convl’fted upon Resolved, That we ~iew with rearm the throe of them; 60 days in Cougty Jail for perils that threaten the amendments to the each o])~, and until coats are paid,’-time, : Constitht,ions aod the laws "enacted iu ac? OF THE" eordance therewith in recent movements of’ however, to run concurrent. and Our a under :ke\t hurche nOLVS6V IV. GO.V co., 5th- NNUAL EAIR1880 A seven-year old son, of George Clark, colored porter at tbe Ocean House, Atlantic City, had been caught several times stealing money¯ The father stated that he had whipped him, locked him up, &c., but could not deter him, as at th~ .q:’st oppor’.uni ty he would again s’en], wouht even remove his sho~sso as to make no noise in entering buildings. The boy did not seem to realize the value of money, as he mould tear it up and give it away. The Judge, after listening to the matter, ordered him ,committed to the Reform ~chool. There were one or two parties who have been l~)und over ~or a breach of the peace, and who received a reprimand from his Honor the Judge, warning them aj~aiust the second offence. the Democrattc party. Re~olved, That we pledge ourse]~ies to" use every fair m~d la~ful tncans to secure the electio~t of each arid eve.")" candidate put befi~re the imb!ic b.) this Cohvel:tion. The resohxtions were u,’:a’Mnmnsly adopted. the improveme~;ts that had taken place dur--O#sler~ are imiroving. The Convej~ti,,n th,,rvupon proceeded to ing that .period¯ t:oluh:aie a ca~,d,d.~tc :’or 5ta’e S.ma,ror. --A slightshower on Tuesday. ~Lewis J. Alle~, who spent the winter The townshii.~s ar,l ct,;ihties !.*trig called --The sweetpointcrop is short. in the Landing o!~ the ~.tgi:]eer Corps of the it appemed there w~ ohly one name preW. J. & R. R¯, efftered the Philadelphia roads are running --T.r#ns on l,ot}~ set}ted, vim: tllat of the present Senator, Polyteghz~-c College on Monday last, after a lighter. John J. Gardner. pleasant vacation at the seashore and ten~--Tha stores are iall doing a flourishing On motion he ~as nominated by aecIalug among the pines of Ocean County. The ~t~iness. ~1 ma:.ion. : young gentleman has many ~arm friends --A h~ry frost oni Friday morning, the :For As]v0mbl) ¯, 3Ir. George A. Elrins, of here who predict for him ma]ked success in firstof theaea~on. Y/ammonton, Was the only choice of the tlm profession he has chosen. Convention, and lie was also nominated by --There are .twenty new school teachers ---Steps are being taken for the .continuacclamation. in At]antic Connty. ance of Railroad avenue beyond the tixcoJ~D Hammoamtou Ablnzo with Torches. For County’Clerk, Lorenzo .-1. Down and --% ork on Marsh dl InSeam’s new afore ~ffice, passing the lower station.uP the W. More interest h manifested in this cam, Clement J. Adams were named on a call of is progressing finely. ,sm~d cities. 5/r:Adams deJ. & A. R¯ R¯, and Willdir~ around the re, i- paign on the part of the Republicans of th’s the tocnsi,: --Do not forget thl Hammonton Fair on deuce.of :E." C. Gaskiil, into the street that place than was c~-er known before.. Last el]ned and 5It’. Down was nominated: by the 18th and 20th of l sis moats¯ Friday evening the Garfield and .Arthur acclamation. hits tl~e main road at J¯ E. P. Abbott’s --C¯ J. Adams ms( e bostz of friends in office¯ Club made their first appearauee in their For Coroner) Dr. Chmlcs South.rs, cf The old ba:n belon~ng ~,o the the t~nvention on Sat ~rflay last. new uniforms. After forming in line at American Hotel haz beeu removed, now let Atlmitic Ci’y, was ;tom]anted by acdamatheir headquarters, Union ]]all, a few in- tion to fill the vacancy caused by ~.he faih|re us eontim~ attd open the avenue at once. --If you would wi:h to stop coughing, s~’ructions were give’.u them in drilling by of Mr. C. S. Leads to qualify. mm Ringgoid Compocnd Llerb Cough syrup. --Mrs. Annie Waterman, of Ill]to]s, nee Calat. Parkhurst. /leaded by.the ]BammonAs an.4mcettainty preys!led iu re;~ard tQ --Mr. Louis Kueht~e, returns from the :Parsons, formerly, of Tuekahoe, ton Cornet Band they paraded the principal tim number of c,)roners to be voted tbr at "FtoLel business to-da~, having rented his &twnt a few days i n the Lauding en route for streets, and then marched to the front of tlie etmuih~, e!,,c~.im~, it ~as resoNed t,. hotel to Chas. Hell¯ ! her home in tim West. Mrs. W. is the Tiltoh,s Store where the ceremonies of ratsnc, m!n.~t.’ st!ll ai:’,,rh(; c,~hd.,l:t!c for c~1"..:., ;" --Egg Hmbor, wil~ celebrateIts silver motherof t~in &,aby girls, and we heard.a wedding, on the 11tli inat, a grand gala time. may be expected, t HAMMONTONi Park Ass0dati0n, Will be held on their ~r0,and.g~at Ilia M3ION: TON; on MONDAY, TUt’LqI~AY andWEl)NP:.<I)AY, October 18th, 19th andS, Ill, for tile display of FarmPr0-dnte Frnils, At. The TRI.ALS OF SPEED between hor~s of the County and others ~ ¯i1t, flake ]place on TUESDAYand WED.NESD.k’I October lgtb and 20th. ~nge~s l’leasan!viile and ~love Store. Tin | c. sA D~LE~ E, I~" inware, Stoves, Grates Store Pipe and Fire Bri k, I PLEA¯%I2¢TI’IL.L.E, A’I’L.,tNTI(~ CO., .NEW JERSEY. CHAS,H, HOWELL,& U0,, 2:1.2to 216 :RaceSt., --:Prof. X. B. Reillyi of Camden, was in ¯ the Laluling on Tuest~ay, attending to bt~ine~ at t.he Clerk’* office. --The excursion onTuesda_v last for tha the Camden ]Home for Friendles~ / Oaildren was a grand s~ccess. \bonflt of --:Miss :PQI SbeeLb w]~o has been visiting her school friend, Miss ~ate GLfford, return: ed to Haddonfield on MondAy. ! -.-~ervices iu the M.I:E. chnrch will here/J lifter commence at 7 o’~]~>ck Sunday evening, and at ~:30 through! the week. [ A four~hor~e load ~{ cabba.~e was being peddled through our st~petz’on/ Monday~nd Tuesday last /"rice, o~ cent a pound. ~Thomas S. Smith, ,l=..q., ~xho was visitiDg in Philadelphia on aturday last, participated in the great Re publican parade. Ladies’ waiting rogm-s with all the modern improvement,, will ,e a new feature of the Burlington County ,gricultu~’al aeciety. --No exhibition in 0 r’o~lutry ’ ~lU:X]S the .beauty, variety and hibits and enterLamm~ Holly Fair. and contitiued his jou:ney tbenceward durIng the ~hole tl’Tp. Thomas Clayton saw the long sough~ for devil fish. Charlie says he was attending Divine service, but a great many dtmbt it. i get]on of see.clarets s]0wly dispersed, while the club formed iu line.again and marched to their headquark, rs. About one Imndred men were in line, it being impossible for a large number of other members to participate in the ¯affair. "/’he club, which num- --The high esteem autt sacred affection in which Mi:~ Lillle Vanghn was held iu the village and vicinity of May’s Landin’g was attested by the er6wd;:d house, lon~ funeral cortage,. A;c., at Ib,, services i}~ the 51. E. Church, ou bunday la,t. 5he fell a vtctim to the insidious ravages of consumption, and t with all" unfaheriug trust in God, lay down. B,,ll Abbott, ’to pleasant dreams. A~ a member of so- i ~allie Col}over, ciely she ~va., g,;mal a:)~ universa!ly beloved and ~ill be greatly missed in the Gas & Water Workn: By virtue of a decree of the Court of qhnncery of New 4ersey, bearingdate thc "~tt~ day July. A. D. I~0. made in a certain cause}, for thu foreelosu#e of a certain morlgage~"¢,’iltyl~rin the Penn .~afe 1)eposit and Trust Coml~(~iy of l’hiladelphla. }h~,. is complainant, an~l the Atlantic City Gas and ~,V&’ter Cornpan]~- i~ defendant, the subseiriber, onemf the ma~ters ,)f the C0"n]rt aforesahi, and the receiver (~f t.he ~ald Atlantic Citw Gas &rid %Vater (’omt~my, will ex]mr;e at pu~lie sale, a:ld sell to the~ligh¯ as bidder, at tile. l:,.~4~ed, "li,,,i tt o chat,man ’~hall ap-: Ol~ce oft, he Atlantic (:i~y G: & Wate~ Co, [ m poitit a Cmt,t) Ex;."utive Comtifittoeof Situn?e upon the lot of land and premisds ofl ton eonsis’ing of r, ne meml,er froul each the said t’Omlmny~oherein&fter de.¢cribed~ l i On l"rhln3, the 15th Dn2f of Oct., 1~0 [ township at~d tit), ~ho shall hold their. .-Xt the hour of one o’clock In the..,:ll’ter’r~on, (,llice frotu the present time until the l]r~ all that o,rtain lot or piece of~’O~nd sit,late i in Atlantic City, in the couizt~: of Atlantic. day cf Jauuary, 1~2. and .%rate of New Jersey, and bounded ~and ! (It.scribed as follows: The Co,~vehtioli tt,ereu£ou adj,ql.u,:d. ’ ih.uinnlng at a point bn the westerly sid e of 3IiehJ,,an Avenue.one hundred and rift)" feet ¯ fronl the northerly line of .-Xtlaa{ie Avenne, land rnnaing thence along lhe w~;terly edge ! of 3~ichiga]~ r~venne, north twe~t y-:three|dei ~°qret’s. WeStflI~ly feett; thene~ on a eours~ of .~)uth sixty-sqven d~g-rees, ~est l--aratelt ~ith AtlnnticAveaueoaO ,undred and ~ixty4five t That most husban.ds who ai’e :* e:andled" Get no more than they deserve. Womanhas no voice in Congress, Nor in ~ouncils of the State, But she has a voice, and justly, When her hnsband Stays out late.. Hc has vowed, to love and honor, .And tO cherish only her-By his staying’out till midnight, . Tell me, what can she Infer’? That he is at least unmindful Of the solemn vows h~ mmte ~’hen upon the bridle altar .All her ho2~s tu life she L~id. And If he u~kin.dly leav~ her, Sad and lonely, n.Lght by night, If she does not " give him Jesse" Then she does not serve hlm right. 5Iergy on us ! must a woman¯ -’ I / i i ,. , ~or’, of squeez~e~ p ronow-~ -¥~." ,,llave a good time?" "]" es." -Family go 111~n~?" -y~." °’’ "Ah: ih:iCs too bad. l:’a.I like thai; n good timo, eh .>,. the .1,rc, nic-:ladc si.,atl "All rig’.,t," ~ays tile ta~her, _,=,., ,da@. mus; have had agood Zhen.)’ou .of ~ . . .. ¢" "" "~ tI1A.l)co , e .... ~~ d~t- i-’~ "~ e""Sg qt¢ 1 ij,.-: i~.io kcl.~ ili l.is ¯h.ill<’. a..d tkc t::o=e in his Thell callle a bi, lrSL ~_,f I’[atillig SOLllld-al ’Yes." lh/ bt,.~ ’. \~,lx|e ,,’,as he gma?A.~kof the iLl "Ah~ We’.!. bow did yott. e i,,’¢ / ¯ " vmtrsrlf?" " ’i v,i lls. tLat lal" alT, t, lld ~trc;red bits oi "Oh. Fi~uy wrll." aim boile, and ~ciapa uf cl.otiies alltl I11,gerbil ~: lilt] "l)id, eli? Thenl,311~"nlti5l ~:a’,o Aad r’tt~l. ] IL.I.; a’.d i, ,t,;.e a,~d ,5:A:I ¯ t time take it all aronnd aim v,,u are gl.ad I , c.f the dreadful 0-~ tiaat ~.:sii’=’d h:~ )’" I y’ql IV ~I 1 ), [d’~lt: :’a barn. ,iy,.s., ........... ni~xito¢.lli ’ - i $111nlllil 2fll~ll211. ........ X C tl t 1: Of I= l-a.l -"’l’.[ol "t K~ [,) tilt y a .~,r_,2ei t n.,L,’ lle,_,~ lr .-Xm~ told us ¯ -" t afew rl _: t~ ~= > t -ll;)l or, _ ~-h,:’v t_>[ ]i&ii- ,,.,,,,,,, " vall4y ~x hich i ~1 a.t a,,o:,,, " till Well[ lhtt’ .- a*-%, ¯ i*’~-’--% ¯ ~.~ L’5 " u ()tllli t ¯ i1;i litil¯ , Medford, I~..ft. - . .3 - " - tlAL!b.- MANUFAC’I’UIIEltl OF i D00FS, # of good qnalily I"EUJA L T Y. reasolmhle prices. Try .March 16. lb~!J. :. ’ ~hlld at Charle~ Albrecht. Sash ’ EdmundWol-~ieller. THE ALBRECHT PIANOS. ,tiie . l ’ h UNbUIH’AsSAIILE ’. .. L di g Pi il d lphi M k 0 ea a 1 IB /~ fi e a 01 tt i , i , ¯ , . ,~, .i ,, ’. m’ :.°"’’<".... <’12, i ;51’ ILl%x;~el -~ lo ~ OLIPHANT & CO., t‘ 1 am prepared to do Work promptly, me and see if I I’&liiioL TM lde;~e 5t scd, )t u ~it~e %x]la~ i..~,isbl::[ ¯ . /;I,, ,.f liI. ¯e i i .[lllllixa ¯ * / i dial li ¯1112i..li lie yet, but 2foil Jt I~1 isn’t, opened_ . ..... I I)lV::t’llil J, i o ,. TIAitDON~F ELI), N. J, R EFA lit ~,SII i*]2v’D p~iI:VTINt; C_ 1 RT" IA t; E5 A ,,4 O:le day our dog "I’o’weei w;m a lyin’ in the :un : trii~ to K,c,’p, but the flies was that had iie couldifL, cos lie had to ,..~tch "ein. and binieay a bee tit nil hia head alid was wolfing about like the flog was high. Touser he hod his hciid .~till, ;did when the bee g,’a~ cluae to l,l~i,o~e, "ru,~,’scr winked at lye llko lie . ./ . tiolll . let I1 - :R. .LWBLL Wheelwrightand Car.riage Builder, ui bad a good "Well l’m glad. Good bye. I always tl’.ought you’d have a _<2oo0 rime if you. go:. awa)~.,I’ll L.~ ill Ill >PC~,(,ti s+,nle day. I,,~atl xou had a gt,od time." " ~ : -/ MIL ’ LS; i Tom" Order~ ¯ .,¥~.- " - ._ i ~fnl] "Well, that’s .<ood. time?" " ,- - "~5 " i .~ At: ilEDFOill .b.) - f. ~. " Conveyancers and Collectors. 0 0LIPHAN":’ a:ld ,u’.~,i’dtoe-% -"! " ’ .% 51’ECIALTY 31ADE+OF INSUIIANCE ON I’I;[)I’I,:RTY IN ATI,AN’HC t.he t!oo’r the)" nieci:_a~fi;icnd of’lhe."falmlY, :.,l/ave avy bit~?" ~-~ ht~ potlllces oil tile child aad alilius: smoth- COl STY. . ly 1 "No." ! emit whh kt.~se~, crying: " OIb yuu hLtie -"~:en you must have h:vl a go.od time. i ,!~{{:i~: ] our fathv~’s hying itna"e:’" / Fa.~ily r,=-tnim at the same time" ,:yes.n; ’][he boy stood oil tile baeh-~ard .l’i’ncl’, ,,At: 8o you d:,h:t catch a~,) lish:’" ~h, ace :ill but him had lied; the llauie~ "~’ ¢.%N~ O. lit his fatlit’l ’’~ baru ~l,onc just above 1 ,,Feel like going to work ag:l.n, l sup- I i.ha Ol,e buneli of cr~lt’kt.r~ in hi, I UI5 :(~-d. l pose?’~ ’hat t, t~v9 other~ in hi5 liaf~ w;Lh l)ltebliS MANITFACTI’IIER5 cf Fin~si, Grades of l’aerly aml XX ];amlly Yloul, "Yes." lltS i~ud lie eri,,tl~ ",1 e .e~cr thought el I I ,,Thenyou mu.-~ I,av," 1 a,! a ~,,od time. ace ’." ;’k I.u:leh Hf t’lacKer~ to tilt: tail el Dealers in Mill Feed, Oorn, Wlmat, Rye, Oals. BimkwheaI, etc. iltha out 1:~_,~ ltellycu it htlps a man io.iun:p .-mail dogl’e’d tied ; tilt dug ili iiii~lle I Gohtuiti’~g ."-tn~ :"’ and then. iLa l’{lill~ I gut: h ~uught tile ha,iD, aud "lille ¯ " Ye.D." ".[’he Sl,alk~ tl.;~ ~ide and lt,d a,ld "Did e}.?Then.x°" re:stklye::2:1a =,-,w~d. . t{ie~. , b t’ It.at- tl .v t v,;eill time. l’h,my cf Ii.:s au ppo.~e." ~,’ll - : " ¯ ,’t,-~ " " 1 ’ ~_t~v;a ) I C~] Mloulders ’ _~t" "1"11 , -. . :l " . UNDEJli hteCl,A|N’~ ," his 1oo’.45, like , a, ;I. ¯ - I~ moi~k,’v,a slmiltn l@e-l,,,e tool,Re3. .-I~-.’- :.-. . .. ~ .. ,o,_-o--b,,< %’h~DI say,.noW, that ,:iJild time. vCatchany fish? " " ’ - " N, Z : ATLA:~NTIC ITY, " ~,,nl-.d,. ah,ch,,u c,~,,-,.~,,~.’b ’t’-’i ra~.e !arralag.,dilia: ¯ " ." ~ all h~me and reason--it looks l:ke a lnon¯ " - -. "’ lJittel kevi an orgal;-giinder"~ monitor’. I w,,,d~ are exchanged. The molller gets,.[~ Inat] ]’lie f.l~,er sl,[ll~s ~ "Pick op any lleM2 "D" th? why, you’ye pressed ~it all-out - ¯ chilland bul~tS ol11; . ,.Yt, u doLt’l,: Catchme guix~g out with the youi*g" one rigged up ,’,M£Ira’. beenaway,I hear:’" . 1 11113111/’113 1%ti1%1%1""111 I rlll]Bll. $ . glanca~ at the "1"he father ea~ts a d?.*gusted t. JOii~ T. ]R~,~J~(. ’" . b c " ) II I~i "% " ] beTt{li to ;n:xkcapeat¯,:lLI: _-[ll~le ~ai-.,r lie h . " :lj.:lai~.crt , / ¯ / l;.ci;ed )t. LII.V dm O;l{vl ~’, I a{ [:.v ltl’. .~tllll[ ~ lillll i dilG ¯ ) }leti !,l’~tl . .- i It. - ~t L iI II. 2 (d" Gel~erM A. ,J. ~mitit. Get:era ). fiance>ok !" -- --.i.----- ¯ ¯ ¯ l ~r~ al~e ,,:at:,. nod at t’,a’ p>~t, be, ~g a cap.:[r.:l; I ~ c’,,:- ): mv.-a~ i), r.,-, n bt;:m,.~, ¯ ’ " taih in th._ 6tL I_’lA:,:d b~,~t,-_-h,!Llh’.l)tl’i,.’.,r ’ t0,,_,;r;.f:’.~4I;." a:l a]In&IlaC.Ih-v:-:.te, l all tl,,~ Ha.racy. Ny,h:.~ it qtii:,,i "lL, y eL,ire[a.,[ } h,’, .~ >’o1’,’_-, b.t c, el.’,,," l;i;tl ~he tO all.t attendat:e~, a~,,, tit headq’.art,-r% a.’.,l g,’iiha.n:4 l!c v aa,’, t: ".l...hu.i:mc tllat p’v,!ic:"d ~-r=lh I ;.:,.~ied l:. the hi.7’ ).,,] ill l~,,=i -ev, It,1 c,l i ~"~ ,4 th,: n.,.,,;, ll,t~ I:KI ...i,d of tLe bl:ii,l ["2 u.-e,t t.,. I,,.):.:’al ~n~t,4 Lhl’t’t~ tc l;mr c,,:n,-t.-, lie , xI I ,,:.,,l io el:.. v. 7 lci: i~a_~t!l:,-c:l) t i,,,’,i ~I -Hvt-l. _-’Xilll’i ~,)f lht,¢it.lk~ ’,l,al t¯l,}i:,’l~ al,d ,.,’J,i.--c~ . ;. iht. tl]J.’,.l~ f~, ,.i ,t.l Li’. la:.,~,: i,.. a~ldo:.,’ da) li,,t :1! aft :~. i~.’rlh-] h,]p to c ,Lirlllig --th.,t Cal.tain.~l:.l;c c~i, ;~ 1.,, ~ t- i .,I.t’,| alll,.,i g a girl car,’I,, %’iqr,,Z I’ ill~ -lich ,’:¯’p.;’.ai ls’,t’;r L,lt [ .l.l a~’ r.a, ;.e;’~ ,,a; li.z i’, aa,: ;~l*d ~l)za)h:C,ii I,.:ar.i "’ .X: :,’,lU.l,",l t1.I¢’%% /~l’, t,} A t: al it l.~ 1) ill lliailO tim Cl;:h,ll;;U’." I,l,~l l!ll)’t" ,;’: i] ’ c,ll I,i~- i~, ,. l..l-,’! it:l ~- ] V<Tt r t I).’,t;/)ll far; [t~ llie ~;,a.~ ~! I I;.;" l,u[ b,,.n x~ t:’. ’at-. l,’g.Jat.,.,n-~ ) li,ll "lQitAi liil,, ,Jlli; li~i ~ trlv’til rcl),--.ii _;,. can:,: air, k; thv Vt,U:lF ,i,al;hs sh,,til.;,,I, I’i ill,(| 113C. ’|hi5 :!.e tit "~. cl’h ~ t,’:’ .q: .tdd .’~ .:, ’ i.)... 1": ! .... __ .~hd aiiul’, ili ...... i"" ,i ti.,-,t,.,,i , i"’" ,’.,,, -- ¯ 810 Alre]l ~lri-,.,l. : ." l’htlaaelphlll.’ . A NEWD~PAillT’URI~I ~,~.~_.~if ~D~’~0~, ’ BESTPLOW] THEWORLDI ti,,- rl G:i~"l ~ --- ~l~’l~, ;’.hll.i 19-°13 li. II _ " ......... "-- Pages¯ 13000 i yorn ~_au~s c’oz.ol:z~ ~ra~ing~ i ’ , !i" ,li,llii i i,’~,. I ,iuir,.d; -" Of o’,’er "l, ¯ .112 ilil, .~a~aa,: - v, ax - .I) ",’,.-" ]v - d,a ),,tl kI,ow xottt . di:’~ :’" "I tl..: i~ I ki,-,v, l’, I re].ii,-d. ’The/, ~ir. ~!!y ,hdn’t .’.¯o~ ~alu’., 1tl.2 ~ i p:~-_i, iY 1 tc!d l.:ia 1 didh’t tender the salute boca ,u~,. hc ial’-d, as duty : .,l:;./-, d, to return nix i l,i 9~00 N-.LXES. C~DX0~ l ....... } n ..... "’~’~ ---l’il,: ,..}..,’ :’ n.i FOB.%S75LT~CHEB, P~E~IT, CHlkD, FNE~D. ll[l,lil--i’;lii’.’.;.lll~lif~lll]l;- ~t. 0r >,1am.-iwh t,la,’r . v,I,,-rc liir ed,tuis tD,e." " ""I}:!.~ ;~. lb,’ ,-,Ill ,rM r,.~,ln. )es" .~it’.-~,_,!l.ft’;il." I -.N.’,,. I - ~tit-~5I ~ t.h’[ ~,);lte l:l. l ~vaute,I . thats al!.to .-t-~ uhat:a :it,ktqln l~as illi,, " ~ "~ " .... vis" the "~’~]KII’.;’.f1~:I~.’S Diction’xr2,"f~se,l in the ~ uovcrrm.ca; Prn.-tirag O.fi.ce. elan. l~e~. =l~"~lve~- ,~ite rurcha,,e of IJictioniirie~ for i~ 8~h:,.):s t.at been of WeF~ter. .I~..,,,):-!u i’,t" Pu|,!ie Schvclslof the United ~ E:ate~ aremainly t.asied onV.’-ebsrTr. ¯,d~ c¢ IT’, ~.t~r’~ is ~0 tim~,4 .n~~rent n~ the ~ Jfic. cf at,}, .-~her .~er!es.qf 1,:c tionarie.~. F’I~H]RTY-TWO THOUSIilID CDPIEShave : "’u .,,L placed in the pl:biic schor, ls c,f the U. al. ,17r,lrln,;;.--e~tatain.,~ i~lr~oO, nearly three S ~ .~t’Ti It a:c,p=!.lncs all th, t.xc .Lf-nv:es,0fa.I~" l*lg,’;~ir :a u~,-. I; ,)bvlates ~ tile i~h~ect:sns n~.de to ~ : v th.:," Plgw. ~ " ~-’esIn<addition It embr~~ sevo-nl featu~ 6~ the greal ~t value, tor winch we hav~ obknaneclcxcln~vePat~nta..,i, I It~Beam,t!e’.’[s, JolnterSr.n’~dulxl a.nd Wlleel . stanaam wul be SIT.L,and ]~ molta Dmrd w:M¯10e a eompo.-;ltlonJcf 8t**cl and Ima chdled. , ¯ imder a proce~A.f<..~" ’whleli v~. have a].~o i obtalaod Im ex~iu.,~lvo l~a~-’n~ it wlLI. bo" t -~2.l, zl DRY-GO(DDS, :3 s :.-, :.:.d I,:- ~tO.’,~ih g." prc,,’t&, AL~O E0ulding, tC’O Fcgc~ 0ct~;’~. CI33 Engravings. -_t..L;.cl_-., be..c h.l h il ai, ,vui awl ~ahl:,:. pi;-i,h,\,..l. ::, ,= . 6.& C. [,~LST,L’,Z.;,’- ,iL’"’r..~iringfield, 3I.a~. tai.t,.t, ti ltai,o,~k e~,l; l.¯nie vutl p:tab hilh, . ...... i a "l ~,-I.,t lair" n~otht-;-i:t" (.rl.a,i,,’.. ’ ’ ."l~r,r~Es-~,~- ASx.i .tt[,~.e=-Ls --i, ubli~hed by ’t~-i" al d t.,:e.a.i llai.c.,,R ,,.ll Let’ "’= ! l&’i%IO M,IVi~ llll ~,,,li ;t,,t[ ","ltl ~t-l,d }Otli’a’Lo i, i~155~.’. JL~d~EM~l~l,TAYLOR & C0.,.~(-w Ynrk. t., :. al. i ;L: ..... .~ c,~l aM.,e." 204 Engmllilgs. "l .i:~ LIe: ; :l:’ at :. :l e. .~1.~;, I.] t..i~[ Ili.la ’ ~’aBat~r’~d, m.-r¢ Sch.t~cl l~i:l’y, ¯ 274 2~-r.:~.mS.c;to01 ¯ _\.¯ I ;i.,-,%’"¯ alt, d LLt: t x-2t¯,i,li,:r, ’" ] waa. "ha: bt ,_’~, 5 r ,i!:;t;’t q ") ;x i " ].v itS~L!.lllt’t] tu " wRh "" H:;hS c,hgcl 297 re’in), )lhasI.r~, " k, i,t b~ ¯ Old A- ,J." t,acln~ the beat for },all have b,.,m r;ir ’,,lrti,l=:,t I " "h, I,,,,!;." ~’c~d,’mlc 344 "~ ’" Ccunlin~ House "’ ,.lih,,u:,.... _-~ng llaiio.’ck ,:~e~" t,ine I .*N,,t I.u,’h." s.lhl h;- aq;:l:.,i:is." "’I ! ll0n~, ano~alaaHoIal~l¢~n01tobet0undolliewhel~ " I,aa--e,1, a:,,{’l;p, ad tu ~rand ti:.rc aim /-etUHl. at,,,l, t iz,. I umbl. at,d i,."-ie,’tf1.1ily. : ar .-l~ ~lI3 :i.l:,, " ,~: ,., t ...... lllV -alute. .~t:d tha,,- stud the veteran t,) ’ a bcmL’crat, r, Lt> ,° (,t[,.% ,i~tell,l,~ [O ti,,~ y }~"l’:~j CONRAD c,,:.t,~_-at]o . -’ ie ~.,~: c,::.,!]J.,te f w’th,: , .... ’. , :uak," ,)It! x;1;,¯’l i.uy’ t’.~tht’r-- .. ,_.,,, d Cllt u~ nil ~ll;.l.ii~-+ ,i~,~r’.L~t,:,a:,"_-o,~,<,, ,,,,,,_-,heh.~t;..<’~.,,,o,,t)," , and l,:l’t me£1";cen " +’ Andall Kindsof Mill Work,Bra.cke, &c. rket Streeb ]]a’ LO ;p,:e ot flat <""i chal,gedhls coat ’,cry Inuc~_-ii;ee 1. ;~,aT.s ill ]’IIIDAD]:;LPHIA’ "And,l!,l y’:u hiall.,g,’ the AI nlV."--j" in _’%’. ]’. 7ri#21:ll(. "Y~;~,Illiadalll,: ; ll,,t i,i.lt ,lid i lil.llld@e (~ c, ico ll,:a)i.ls ¢,f ].iql;r);~. I):’l)’ rted -~-.-t-~-_-uln,.Lut t,, grt iuto ’tiqait-s ail,t {_’igar~. MI1,W \UKI£1"; HEEl;. tO live +,tj.~i.at [it][ly A Do~’erel. ’ feb 2b l-y debt a~ ~v~lI 7" :ks ma.~tcr ,Juh:,i,) 2tleg~’,L ~a~ ~a ki,:,.: --,~ d0vvn..~laill.-ti,.,-Ltl.,},,rherda)wltha ,b)g ;~xgeiRit’:ii:iill:,l.rlt,MlJyth,-’billo;l fie ii ¯ .in tow, he ’t~a.s hailed by llia.-+tci-¯].’ou.niy windolv of a h,,u~’% tl,x~ -.aDailnv.ll.~ Y,ere. . Gilt,ju ,~ h ll,,~ ~: . to b:~. h’l, " ki,,,t-kt:d ,d lh,: d,~or, aiM, attend-}lanufacturers ,,lli then,. Jack. ;,i,at $,:~ g,,m" t,.r ,to ed I,y a l,retly frmah., t,,~, a .-tuv%v ~f the uith ileal t:.ele d,or~7"" . ./ . t>l"e/ni~v~. "1’::,~. u:’. 0-al," ".aid I-’,: sl:nl-’ & KNELL of- ,.,,o ,,,,: ’:., UPHOLSTERED .,o ;,.. ,,, ,,,,,:, :,..,, ,, " "H,.,l’uu; i+’z~ La~ ~ ;umu t.,l~ ’a.’h ham ~ tu ]_,e let a],,hc." titan. 1"re go" b,o old v3 ~.el~ ca:,~ lh tl,.’ ------.i i" [1 ." ’ tU~’~]"~i]U!" .... ha,,.,a,d,,~’.~ta~.:..~ ~.,,. ~,. l... .... :,~ il. ~.’.-,--~-’.,."-’-,. a-~,>~t.,, t<, Parlor Suils,from .%9 00 up, av. as, v, Lt’le Leca:l’:, bti’: and i,,’ch "tin t.:e t,ll]tl’ial ~..Thi~ :;as speed.l., ag.:,.t-d t.) t,y Jack. 2~t:5. b,pii, ~a.gvu" ca:.,;,=, L~z,;~e "aa~ Out to.l, aud a’, the b.,)~ ha,l J’tt’.l s~villg, "The)1,itched on ul,e ca:~ :,, ti,e i,:il-!a’.ive ,,I’ tiiecalikle and then ’,e~ h¯ln ’,,,oae. Th,: rarlor door Lapl),:iv.-d to .~t.til,t ajar, ai. I for }1| oh:argo) "" diaapt~’ar,:d three <~:,~o, a,,a h.-.. ::ot ~,., ],ea, eU,.~i,ie,,. PaleniRockers from$10 up. I h:,.,l E~.i:,.d .-I, n::=!.t ’f, l,c;, "’ _No. 225 _North Second St., ]’hi;:L "Dv-~e.ribel.t.l, A" ,.,,u jr.’a-e, --othaLil{ Oct 11 lry 1 . llcCcaSUl’)all,_ t=ai, bc r. ,.;.lli.’d." ¯.3!ll;_.i -t,,<:,,...., l .’b,--.~..i,.i, r,,<,,;n,ze i FIiR .NA Lll.:~. Lel’ea~q) t,~ L,,,.~, I i 2i " I *li-t- "l’hf:~c~llflTh"litl.at I nx:,dt-.~%loag thi~t..ed ,g [ll,-L[h"lt2’*1a~t]e --~ll~------7~’-i I][Ou:se, l,.,’m, all .i I)l:i,’l i):ll iHl~l , )~’..1. h ~l i,) |ti’ t" llt - lia;’, i L4L~i dl2- . aero.~ i i: .H .ii i!. ~’,! il;lt i’,i ;i: i.iil’l["] %’ i t-’, :it";ii: ,¯’,o311’1% (,c(.l. ’J ~’%"’;1 ...... C.Alli~kll)’ i . ¯i.i i. t)r. "i al,litl ;it tl..: i,tL~e L~;!,IIIO I :1 )l I[’ ~ il’,)lli [~[ax’5 l.;ill,ilJe, :If,,| I)l.,’ ~. all a- the t.,u).- a_s th.’y l,±,~a,’,t t:l ’aa~: .... t,." al,,i " " " ’ half m.I,..~ :;,,!it 1’,.,I=,. I:,,.~t. S).i~,.:: i ~,~ thi, O= laa:i{a, z, Mr. i~ :,u,,’~. i4-Qc.l and ¯’l;’p. ::l:,~ .Vllv,,:~:lu~., ~.~i~.. ti ,::i. l!" ,-,.i l lr t ~,aiied h:r lhl- a;r x~:..a 4i,led ~;nl. &.g. pIae- 1,’.~l,]l,’~i;,.l.].e "" o~-ll.-a~:,i, l.r..lt~ 2.1)Liar a~! edWt>! ai,d ,,.¯as,> il,I , x,-..l’.,.l,i ter dr:Via ~I ~.a~.e.~pea~, ~,3~ter can, rm~pie~l’l~- lllght i., l,i 13~ -It ,.." i~.a l;l ;;ll_’ Q:ali.A[~i), It’ll ..t:l’l’~ l)|" Till.ll)el L:n,,i, ,i;LIl;tteil do]z, ahd hi:ally-the ,h,g tall hi~ fi>re feet el,ml,-,!i t’,t, .5 :~¢i’,’~ l)liily k.ii ~!OilhI:u,,~ i: i t.I,-iii; ~.v.il~ i:e lia.~ at ]-;ml:i,.l.i.i,’. " " thruu~h.the ~}’~t-l~o: al,l ~,,~ed the bric-a-balance 111 lille. V)¯ tllilLt~¯i’l .n,tabl.a t’or~:lwlt~g, Lii&ii -~til)!),j )l’;lr~,.ili ~l.~!lt2 ]lliIa:l i~!~ 7 ll,: brac it coatained in broadcast eonf.Jsi,mon LLIo.slI.<,. lliUi," all. Apply t~) ’, L tLe lhmr. "lh~ ~as aeeompal,,.d L,y vocal ____.~.~ J:~s. B. ].t; "o, music ’from t_he dog. E:lln-,,hiile N..I. ,/.111711. "\1 i Asci;,li,’~ ,,.. tie c.r,_ t,.>o’,~ls that the lla’lhe 1,o)5 cu’~ ellthe can. shut .~he dog in I ~!lli[JKe lrlllli l.is Pal": is ’hi,hi. o! h!.-s obliox........... 1.Le pallor and ~enl of lishh<_’, alul neither of them g-~ L,ame tall lat~ at Idtetit : ard %",#!1.llii.-~iis." he ~a21r,, "" ] stlppose a:.] Nr- t;,..,.. -.l.- t:.,, ::.=’,.~ t,A .... g rl.:i,_.hi.,,l-~ ",xL 5:’;e d,,:l’t see l,l,"" irl ti:e ’, lh li, 3 l,’r:,’.-.,e;*L I]ivV d(,. ¯" ai:.3~ t} e ,J] ’ ) .wt..ild ~l a" d,,,g ~,,t ¯iata~ t.he ro*,m, for ever) ¯ 1,,I), ’4hi ,,,y e.,n,l,O,,y, ,,,-vt-r." : -itrll,~.,~L.,ll~N])) N. do..; a/~,l wiudow-~;as shut ught. i "runim). 3:1,1 J,Alnhy hail the f-Lln O[ ~-~’-l ," Grl at redueti’on in l’riees o’ Mo)mments, 213 ~lll:k Inllii |,aa ~-t-lil li~ a ;+’1"% lc/uc}ti:ig i Hl.’a,l-5lone~) ’l’ombe~,~Iailtles ~llil "rabl~l droTr/iing the dog the n,.xt day by 3Its. i poem t-tatiile, l, ..(,X ill ~,)ti h,-trli to hive me t°t-’% 31alble Work O~ etery d,.~eripL,on, i G.’s order. ¯ I i ’ten l~m g(,ne?" V(e (all’t llrtn!li~e that~ aim I .’enieter) lots eheh sod at reduced lmCe~. -i~ ¯-ott ~t-Bl’ANt.’ll SIIOI’, MILLV]I,I,E, hut welil bet you a eoill lnine, that you’ll Al, acquatn!al,ee of .Mr. Payl~,.’s o:me i!~I,’11;11 ,b’l’., NEARDEt’{xr. mar1 .g-!."2 furu]ed him" that her tlaughiel~ ,z ere going learn tO hate ns if ~ou ever ct,ml; aronnd "’£urhhere ~ilh anoth,.r l~OCln like that to the thealr, to ~ce 5hak~p,.ar’s DA~t" it llLACll]ll.’nNE, ~-~-’. ii,g i,f die Screw." ,<.,:~ <,,a,,ol~ .l~,::. ,,i,l,,:,t,. m,,,. " TH0)ItS-COX& CO., ",’:,’"""’ ....’,.,.-" --~i-I" A vMlor enters "]1i,. ~l-st a]ma!iae was l,ril,ted iu I-I~.’ and is ~Lrt-ete,l C%,iesi,f ;t a:-e hae’,’ to gi~ nosy. "]’hey’ t.,if jnr~jisieur ha’, e all begat bot:ghl rip |,) mh:s.lt I reeD.I havet:~b,.’ kl:ld --I--. our rdilors a;e ’~ It is t].0 }mr,:l)st .... ’)~ "- I% i.i tile world to find’ a Fre)ieh polilely e,,mes t,, eIltllli~. aheally ’Mar bio&GraniteW0rks ShirtManufacturers, ):e:~ ~pal,er ,,liio,, b’- the,.lii~!e bray; light a dnel he w,II ~ call agai n ; all engaged for to-day."~ llentli’ a __~ ! No, 5~1 ChestnutSt. Philadelphia; l~nlnllillllnE ju.e2str ~oods In all %’llrlel i ,, ,,,a,, t.,r~,,lo, ,,,n<’.’ i,l T,,’l, ey.SJ:,: ~TI01~AL tt0TtlL gol~eri;!~.:l.i,i ],msl,l’t!,:ilg ]..’f’" IO.’t a’. .<. ~..t)f- " II~Dm G,~/i , ,~’4 .71":1 i.i; all ~Of)l. , I -~ , ,.~~. , .V ¯ " 2 ~ ," lb." ~H. : ,~, " ¯ I~ ! ----- !1 head case--’ri,0.~tacllof a tort0ise, i ¯ t ’ COOl, El" o~, B!AIN & t ]]E.%T.":IT .’5.’T’S. Affellt ,li llLaddonllleld for 1,1e it. EAHhEY,,Nay’ti 1878. l ¯ ¯ a/~ " i’iO - .-ll’JiJi;llll-i!’I a ¯ To Ihe Public, ]Javil,:, ,,x0’HIm)t faci]ltie~ for staging,the A, i,E’l’l~i!LiER ,h.ti"4m’,l i~ ,,rel,~red tO conveyTrsvhlen Hadd0nfield Cigar Emp0:.lm:r,,yw here wit,bin twenty mil~ of the Station IIA.NOYER I!iTREET, . . tJ3utweea Ga-eem¢ lm~i Wilrzeu, ’ 0CERIES, :; k ; BOOTS, SHOES D: G. irE:l:IS; : : :: :/ IFLOUR-A D I-FEED;"-,.c::- SALOON, No, 6 G - ¯ - " -..[ T0r’/l axdwi e, rovi ions;G,rain,: SCHtRER’S a,,da ,,..,",a,,s ,,..,,,to,:,ec,,..’,:-- i~aall’L au:. .. ti:.Iv~¯.~ nl:~ii d" ,i ~ ~li) ,,tllt-r i.hqion.’itry. (.7t,:;:7:~,"~, I by ~:.l’,_ S;ii C~~,f Seho, A~la ~I]£BSr-..’SfL’,T TAL?!CTCKf.L D!~.T]0~MtL l, iee manam,.li,=’ o~cers,t;u" l,t’ uLLers ~. SyraCuse,N.Y. " Are ~ow pu~tlng oh lhe market a Pl,qw tlmt !-; :~ IntP:h~.uperlor ,to ally hPrtt~)f,3ro - Plow . !1~ ,’7,) )¯ mad,.a.’~ the l’lowa r,f ~the pP-<t f2wyoal’~ be,.rt s-ui*rk.r tie tt.,o~0 rllage ll’a.lt ,.i .ceIlItil-y. ,PI,_t~’a~S. t ,L’t-inin’-" a SlU’~:IpL.~ ’]~Li "~’r~s u, ,,,’el" -.~kJO NEW WORDS lind ~ieanings~ .,,:-t I,,,i,,,~_" : ~MI.,NO ADg]g.D, A N-E’$~ - t!, ’i’ v.a, II’.i’,l .... ,’.i,.: .ll r, ll" b,, 0tit (,tit alln:~a.;~cnnlk, ,>. i.[l a.,: ,,ii ¯ ,i " 5 ,le . "lll’;%lr’Plrlionl~,., t,,,I h’s it, ml:li;’-! I,," ~i,I~iLe. IN llIV _aiiitt ,~, !,i~" t’ i~ he ’.7~ i } [ g h, r ! ,.;ld ,];=-’t ur i,(au.]ful lowr ,qte3. i i "! I ,k2";1.,’1,. witl ~iV,~,JVs l.e foundal-both ,ut;ons upon 17rripal oJ" Tl ll|iill, tl. i ¯ " j. ! ~ E.E. tiUDg01i, - -. rl . L. =-"ii mliiiiX,; .... -[. . .- .