MARK-TO-MARKET Description of Processes and Methods VERSION: ABRIL/2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 5 1.1 Definition of Variables ........................................................................................................ 5 1.2 Construction of Curves (Yield Curves) .............................................................................. 5 1.3 MtM Methods ..................................................................................................................... 5 Definition of Variables................................................................................................................. 5 2.1. Method for rate accumulation ............................................................................................ 6 2.2. Linear Rate......................................................................................................................... 6 2.2.1. Exponential Rate ........................................................................................................... 6 2.2.2. Rate percentage accumulation...................................................................................... 6 3. Construction of Curves (Yield Curves) ....................................................................................... 7 3.1 Methods ............................................................................................................................. 7 3.1.1 Bootstrapping................................................................................................................. 7 3.1.2 Interpolation ................................................................................................................... 8 3.1.3 Extrapolation.................................................................................................................. 8 4 3.2 Pre-Fixed, No Cash Curve (zero coupon curve – nominal yield curve)............................. 9 3.3 Pre-Fixed, Cash Curve ...................................................................................................... 9 3.4 SELIC Coupon Curve (brazilian financial market define nominal yield curve as ‘coupon’)9 3.5 IGP-M Coupon, Cash Curve ............................................................................................ 10 3.6 IGP-M Coupon, No Cash Curve ...................................................................................... 10 3.7 IPCA Coupon, Cash Curve .............................................................................................. 10 3.8 IPCA Coupon, No Cash Curve ........................................................................................ 10 3.9 INPC Coupon Curve ........................................................................................................ 11 3.10 Dollar Coupon, Cash Curve ............................................................................................. 11 3.11 Dollar Coupon, No Cash Curve ....................................................................................... 11 3.12 Euro Coupon Curve ......................................................................................................... 11 3.13 Yen Coupon Curve .......................................................................................................... 12 3.14 ANBID Coupon Curve...................................................................................................... 12 3.15 TJLP Coupon Curve ........................................................................................................ 12 3.16 TR Coupon Curve ............................................................................................................ 13 MtM Methods ............................................................................................................................ 13 4.1 Financial Treasury Bills (LFT) .......................................................................................... 13 4.2 Brazilian Treasury Bills (LTN) .......................................................................................... 13 4.3 Brazilian Treasury Notes (NTN) - Series B...................................................................... 13 4.4 Brazilian Treasury Notes (NTN) - Series C...................................................................... 14 4.5 Brazilian Treasury Notes (NTN) - Series D...................................................................... 15 4.6 Brazilian Treasury Notes (NTN) - Series F ...................................................................... 16 4.7 Brazilian Treasury Bonds (BTN) ...................................................................................... 16 4.8 Stocks .............................................................................................................................. 17 4.9 Stocks Forward ................................................................................................................ 18 4.10 Repurchase Agreement ................................................................................................... 18 4.11 Swaps .............................................................................................................................. 18 4.11.1 CDI leg..................................................................................................................... 19 4.11.2 US Dollar Leg .......................................................................................................... 19 4.11.3 Pre-Fixed Leg.......................................................................................................... 19 4.11.4 IGP-M Leg ............................................................................................................... 19 4.11.5 IPCA Leg ................................................................................................................. 20 4.11.6 Euro Leg .................................................................................................................. 20 4.11.7 Yen Leg ................................................................................................................... 20 4.11.8 Dollar leg with threshold and intermediate adjustment payment ............................ 21 4.11.9 Libra Sterling Leg .................................................................................................... 22 4.11.10 Libor Edge ............................................................................................................... 23 4.11.11 Index or Commodity Futures Leg............................................................................ 24 4.11.12 FIDC Leg ................................................................................................................. 24 4.11.13 CRI Leg ................................................................................................................... 24 4.11.14 NCE Leg .................................................................................................................. 24 4.11.15 Swap with Cash Flow .............................................................................................. 24 4.11.16 Leg with Double Index............................................................................................. 24 4.11.17 Swap linked to NTN-D............................................................................................. 25 4.12 Options............................................................................................................................. 26 4.12.1 Common Definitions ................................................................................................ 26 4.12.2 Black & Scholes Model............................................................................................ 26 4.12.3 Garman Model......................................................................................................... 27 4.12.4 Black Model............................................................................................................. 27 4.12.5 Barrier Options ........................................................................................................ 28 4.12.6 Global Bond Option ................................................................................................. 29 4.12.7 Nominal Interest Rate Volatility Option ................................................................... 29 4.12.8 Digital Options ......................................................................................................... 30 4.12.9 Asian Options .......................................................................................................... 30 4.12.10 Implied Volatility ...................................................................................................... 31 4.13 Subscription Right............................................................................................................ 32 4.14 Box Spread – Fixed Income Strategy with Options ......................................................... 33 4.15 CDB - Certificado de Depósito Bancário (Bank Certificate of Deposit) ........................... 33 4.15.1 CDB Indexed by the CDI Rate ................................................................................ 33 4.15.2 CDB Indexed by the SELIC Rate ............................................................................ 34 4.15.3 CDBs Indexed by Price Indexes (Inflation rate) ...................................................... 34 4.15.4 Pre-Fixed Rate CDB................................................................................................ 35 4.16 RDB - Recibo de Depósito Bancário (Bank Deposit Receipt) ......................................... 35 4.17 Promissory Notes............................................................................................................. 35 4.18 CCB – Cédula de Crédito Bancário (Bank Credit Note) .................................................. 35 4.18.1 CCB Indexed by the CDI Rate ................................................................................ 36 4.18.2 CCB Indexed by Price Indexes ............................................................................... 36 4.18.3 Pre-Fixed Rate CCB................................................................................................ 36 4.18.4 Assessment of the spread factor............................................................................. 36 4.19 CPR - Cédula do Produto Rural (Rural Product Certificate)............................................ 37 4.19.1 4.19.2 4.20 Pre-Fixed Rate CPR................................................................................................ 37 CPR Indexed by an Agricultural Commodity........................................................... 37 NDF – Non Deliverable Forward...................................................................................... 37 4.21 Debentures....................................................................................................................... 38 4.21.1 Debenture Indexed by the CDI Rate ....................................................................... 38 4.21.2 Debenture Indexed by the IGP-M Index.................................................................. 38 4.21.3 Debenture Indexed by the IPCA Index.................................................................... 39 4.21.4 Debenture Indexed by the INPC Index ................................................................... 40 4.21.5 Spread Factor Calculation....................................................................................... 40 1.3.1 4.21.6 Special Cases................................................................................................... 42 5 4.22 TDA - Título da Dívida Agrária (Agrarian Debt Bond)...................................................... 44 4.23 Nota de Crédito de Exportação (Export Credit Note) ...................................................... 44 4.24 CRI – Certificado de Recebíveis Imobiliários (Real Estate Receivables Certificate) ...... 44 4.25 LH – Letra Hipotecária (Mortgage-Backed Security) ....................................................... 45 4.26 LCI - Letra de Crédito Imobiliário (Real Estate Credit Bill) .............................................. 46 4.27 Certificado a Termo de Energia Elétrica (Electric Power Forward Certificate)................ 46 4.28 CVS.................................................................................................................................. 46 4.29 CPR - Cédula do Produto Rural (Rural Product Certificate)............................................ 47 4.30 Loan Indexed by the LIBOR Rate .................................................................................... 47 4.31 NCE – Nota de Crédito de Exportação (Export Credit Note)........................................... 48 4.32 Currency Forward ............................................................................................................ 49 Other Structured Transactions ................................................................................................. 49 5.1 Pre-Fixed Rate Structured Transaction ........................................................................... 49 5.2 Libor x Fixed Rate Swap linked to Libor .......................................................................... 50 5.2.1 Libor Leg...................................................................................................................... 50 5.2.2 Pre-Fixed Rate Leg...................................................................................................... 50 5.2.3 Data ............................................................................................................................. 52 6 Other procedures and methods................................................................................................ 52 6.1 Procedures for dates without data disclosure.................................................................. 52 6.2 Valuation in the Curve...................................................................................................... 52 6.3 SELIC Rate - Updating Procedure................................................................................... 53 1. Introduction This document presents the processes and methods used to mark to market the assets held in trust by Citibank. The file content can be summarized as follows: 1.1 Definition of Variables This topic presents the variables to be used throughout the text. 1.2 Construction of Curves (Yield Curves) This topic presents the method and the data sources used to construct the different market yield curves required to mark the assets to market. 1.3 MtM Methods This topic analyzes the characteristics of each product and presents the method to obtain the market value thereof from the curves detailed in the previous topic. Next, each of such topics will be detailed. The purpose of this manual is to serve as a reference to Citibank’s asset pricing process, so that there will be no exceptions to the procedures set forth herein. 2 Definition of Variables This chapter will address the definition of the variables to be used throughout this document. In some cases, particularly for less common variables, the variables will be defined according to the need. t = date as of which the market value of the asset will be calculated; t0 = date of issue (or base date, for securities that have one) of the asset; ti = date of payment of the i-th coupon of the security; tF = maturity date of the asset; PU0 = value of issue of a security or derivative; PUt = adjusted asset (value) amount up to date t; C0 = coupon value (interest rate) of the security; a0 = percentual of the financial index, upon the issue of the security; (1 + Ind ) tt0 = adjustment index variation from date t0 to date t; (1 + r) tt F = discount rate variation, according to the rate specification, from date t to date tF; CDI = CDI observed (or CDI projection/forecast, identical to the pre-fixed rate forecast given by the Pre-Fixed, No Cash Curve) between the concerned dates; Ind = security index variation between the concerned dates, without using forecasts; SELIC= SELIC rate, available from BACEN - The Central Bank of Brazil; VFace = face value of the security; VF = future value contracted under the transaction; VPA = value of the active (asset) leg on the concerned date; VPP = value of the passive (liability) leg on the concerned date; at = issuer’s credit spread, in percentage, on the concerned date; Ct = issuer’s credit spread on the concerned date; PUi = non-amortized value up to the i-th interest payment; Aj = value of the j-th amortization. 2.1. Method for rate accumulation Throughout this topic, we will always assume that we want to accumulate a rate T between two certain dates, t0 and t. Such value will be represented by Tt0t . 2.2. Linear Rate In this case, the accumulation is given by: Tt0t = Tt0t1 + Tt1t2 + ...Tt t−−21 + Tt t−1 2.2.1. Exponential Rate In this case, the accumulation is given by: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Tt0t = 1 + Tt0t1 × 1 + Tt1t2 × ... × 1 + Tt t−−21 × 1 + Tt t−1 − 1 2.2.2. Rate percentage accumulation The accumulation of rates that can be calculated after the alteration by a percentage thereof, such as CDI, is made as follows: (1 + αT )tt t 0 = ∏ (1 + αT )i i =t 0 3. Construction of Curves (Yield Curves) Throughout this chapter, we will describe the methods and sources of data used to construct market curves. These curves will be applied to the assets the market value of which is to be obtained. 3.1 Methods This section presents the possible methods used to construct the reference curves for the market assets. 3.1.1 Bootstrapping The method known as bootstrapping is the most commonly used method to extract market curves from the prices of securities that pay intermediate coupons. In the case of the domestic market, this method applies to NTN-B, NTN-C and NTN-F, for example. The method consists of the following steps: • Determine, from the prices thereof, the return rate of the security with the shortest maturity; • From such rate and the price of the security with the next maturity date, determine the rate for the next period, comprised between the maturity date of the security with the shortest maturity and the maturity date of the concerned security; • Repeat the process, recursively, for the other securities; • The interest rate curve obtained is the market curve for the coupon index of the concerned securities. Suppose that, for the curve to be calculated, there are k securities, the maturity dates of which are arranged in ascending order. In addition, suppose that the internal rates of return (IRR) of each of such securities is given by R1, ..., Rk, and that their prices is given by P1, ..., Pk. The purpose of the model is to determine the interest rate for each security maturity, incorporating the rates from previous maturities. The rates to be determined will be called r1, ..., rk. The model will operate as follows: • The rate for the first period will be influenced by the security with the first maturity date only. Thus, we can represent: r1 = R1 • After the second security, there will be influence from the first and the second maturity dates. The rate r2 is determined as follows: a P2 = ∑ i −1 b Fi Fi + ∑ ti (1 + r1 )t i=1 (1 + r2 )tti where: a: number of flows (coupons) occuring up to the maturity of the first security; b: number of flows (coupons) occuring between the maturity of the first security and the maturity of the second security; F1: value of the i-th flow. By resolving this equation at the variable r2, it becomes possible to obtain the desired rate. • The subsequent securities will be treated likewise, always taking into account all the rates found until the security with the immediately preceding maturity date. Hence, the maturity rates for each security are found on a recursive basis; • With the rates r1, ..., rk, making the exponential interpolation between the maturity dates is all that takes to construct the curve. This interpolation is described in the next topic. 3.1.2 Interpolation The purpose of this method is to determine the value of an interest rate on a specific date, provided that such rate has known values on dates before and after the concerned date. Given that: • i: number of days from today to the known vertices immediately before x; • ratei: interest rate for the vertices i; • j: number of days from today to the known vertices immediately after x; • ratej: interest rate for the vertices j; • x: number of days counted from today, where i ≤ x ≤ j. The Exponential Interpolation is: 1 + rate j rate x = (1 + ratei ) ⋅ 1 + ratei x −i j −i −1 Likewise, the Linear Interpolation is: rate x = ( j − x ) ⋅ rate + (x − i ) ⋅ rate i j ( j − i) ( j − i) 3.1.3 Extrapolation The purpose of this method is to determine the value of an interest rate on a specific date, supposing that only a previous rate or a subsequent rate is known. Given that: • i: number of days from today to the penultimate vertices before x; • ratei: interest rate for the vertices i; • j: number of days from today to the last vertices before x; • ratej: interest rate for the vertices j; • x: number of days counted from today, where i ≤ j ≤ x. The Exponential Extrapolation is: 1 + rate j rate x = (1 + rate j )⋅ 1 + ratei x− j j −i − 1 Likewise, the Linear Extrapolation is: x− j (rate j − ratei ) rate x = ratei + j −i 3.2 Pre-Fixed, No Cash Curve (zero coupon curve – nominal yield curve) • • • This curve must have the following characteristics: Data Source: CETIP and BM&F; Origin: the origin will be obtained according to the period: DI Rate for the first business day; Future DI Rate for the first six maturities of the contract; DI x Pre-fixed swap rate, for longer vertices. Method to obtain Vertices: Exponential Interpolation, based on 252 business days; Interpolation method: Exponential, based on 252 business days; Extrapolation method: Exponential, based on 252 business days. 3.3 Pre-Fixed, Cash Curve • • • • • • • This curve must have the following characteristics: Data Source: ANDIMA; Origin: indicative rates of LTN (Letras do Tesouro Nacional – Brazilian Treasury Bills) and NTN-F (Notas do Tesouro Nacional – Brazilian Treasury Notes – Series F); Method to obtain Vertices: Bootstrapping; Interpolation method: Exponential, based on 252 business days; Extrapolation method: Exponential, based on 252 business days. 3.4 SELIC Coupon Curve (brazilian financial market define nominal yield curve as ‘coupon’) This curve must have the following characteristics: Data Source: ANDIMA; Origin: indicative rates of LFT (Letras Financeiras do Tesouro – Financial Treasury • • Bills); • Method to obtain Vertices: Exponential Interpolation, based on 252 business days; • Interpolation method: Exponential, based on 252 business days; • Extrapolation method: Exponential, based on 252 business days. 3.5 IGP-M Coupon, Cash Curve This curve must have the following characteristics: • Data Source: ANDIMA; • Origin: indicative rates of NTN-C (Notas do Tesouro Nacional – Brasilian Treasury Notes – Series C); • Method to obtain Vertices: Bootstrapping; • Interpolation method: Exponential, based on 252 business days; • Extrapolation method: Exponential, based on 252 business days. The same method will be used to construct the IGP-D Coupon, Cash curve. 3.6 IGP-M Coupon, No Cash Curve • • • • • This curve must have the following characteristics: Data Source: BM&F; Origin: DI x IGP-M swap reference rates; Method to obtain Vertices: Exponential Interpolation, based on 252 business days; Interpolation method: Exponential, based on 252 business days; Extrapolation method: Exponential, based on 252 business days. The same method will be used to construct the IGP-DI Coupon, No Cash curve. 3.7 IPCA Coupon, Cash Curve This curve must have the following characteristics: • Data Source: ANDIMA; • Origin: indicative rates of NTN-B (Notas do Tesouro Nacional – Brasilian Treasury Notes – Series B); • Method to obtain Vertices: Bootstrapping; • Interpolation method: Exponential, based on 252 business days; • Extrapolation method: Exponential, based on 252 business days. 3.8 IPCA Coupon, No Cash Curve • • • • • This curve must have the following characteristics: Data Source: BM&F; Origin: DI x IPCA swap reference rates; Method to obtain Vertices: Exponential Interpolation, based on 252 business days; Interpolation method: Exponential, based on 252 business days; Extrapolation method: Exponential, based on 252 business days. 3.9 INPC Coupon Curve • • • • • This curve must have the following characteristics: Data Source: BM&F; Origin: INPC swap reference rates; Method to obtain Vertices: Exponential Interpolation, based on 252 business days; Interpolation method: Exponential, based on 252 business days; Extrapolation method: Exponential, based on 252 business days. 3.10 Dollar Coupon, Cash Curve This curve must have the following characteristics: • Data Source: ANDIMA; • Origin: indicative rates of NTN-D (Notas do Tesouro Nacional – Brasilian Treasury Notes – Series D); • Method to obtain Vertices: Bootstrapping; • Interpolation method: Linear, based on 360 calendar days; • Extrapolation method: Linear, based on 360 calendar days. It is important to emphasize that this procedure generates a curve known as “dirty coupon”, since it originates from rates that are based on the dollar of the day before the day of its formation. 3.11 Dollar Coupon, No Cash Curve This curve must have the following characteristics: • Data Source: BM&F; • Origin: DI x Dollar swap reference rate; • Method to obtain Vertices: Linear interpolation, based on 360 calendar days; • Interpolation method: Exponential, based on 252 business days; • Extrapolation method: Exponential, based on 252 business days. It is important to emphasize that this procedure generates a curve known as “dirty coupon”, since it originates from rates that are based on the dollar of the day before the day of its formation. 3.12 Euro Coupon Curve • • • • • This curve must have the following characteristics: Data Source: BM&F; Origin: DI x Euro swap reference rates; Method to obtain Vertices: Linear interpolation, based on 360 calendar days; Interpolation method: Exponential, based on 252 business days; Extrapolation method: Exponential, based on 252 business days. 3.13 • • • • • Yen Coupon Curve This curve must have the following characteristics: Data Source: BM&F; Origin: according to the vertices: REAL x YEN Rate and Pre-Fixed, No Cash Curve for the first month; “Dirty Yen Coupon” rate for longer vertices. Method to obtain Vertices: Linear interpolation, based on 360 calendar days; Interpolation method: Exponential, based on 252 business days; Extrapolation method: Exponential, based on 252 business days. In order to calculate the e-mail coupon in the first month: S= 1+ r −1 1+ y where: s = Yen coupon for a certain period; r = pre-fixed rate obtained from the Pre-Fixed, No Cash Curve for the concerned period; y = projection of the Yen variation in the concerned period. 3.14 ANBID Coupon Curve • • • This curve must have the following characteristics: Data Source: ANBID and BM&F; Origin: the origin will be obtained according to the period: ANBID rate for the vertices before the last known rate; DI x ANBID swap rate, for longer vertices. Method to obtain Vertices: Exponential Interpolation, based on 252 business days; Interpolation method: Exponential, based on 252 business days; Extrapolation method: Exponential, based on 252 business days. 3.15 TJLP Coupon Curve • • • • • • • This curve must have the following characteristics: Data Source: BNDES and BM&F; Origin: the origin will be obtained according to the period: TJLP rate up to the expiration of its term; TJLP x Pre-fixed swap rate, for longer vertices. Method to obtain Vertices: Exponential Interpolation, based on 252 business days; Interpolation method: Exponential, based on 252 business days; Extrapolation method: Exponential, based on 252 business days. 3.16 TR Coupon Curve • • • This curve must have the following characteristics: Data Source: BACEN and BM&F; Origin: the origin will be obtained according to the period: TR rate up to the expiration of its term; DI x TR swap rate, for longer vertices. Method to obtain Vertices: Exponential Interpolation, based on 252 business days; Interpolation method: Exponential, based on 252 business days; Extrapolation method: Exponential, based on 252 business days. 4 MtM Methods • • This chapter will address the specification of methods to mark to market several products of the Brazilian financial market. 4.1 Financial Treasury Bills (LFT) The market value of a LFT on the concerned date is given by: PU 0 × (1 + SELIC )t0 t MtM t = (1 + r )tt F where: r = SELIC Coupon. 4.2 Brazilian Treasury Bills (LTN) The market value of a LTN on the concerned date is given by: MtM t = VFace (1 + r )ttF where: r = expected pre-fixed rate, obtained from the Pre-Fixed, Cash Curve. 4.3 Brazilian Treasury Notes (NTN) - Series B The principal amount adjusted to date t is given by: PU t = PU 0 × (1 + IPCA)t0 t where: (1+ IPCA)tt (1 + IPCA)tt a 0 a = IPCA variation from the base date to the date of the last anniversary; = pro rata IPCA variation from the date of the last anniversary to the concerned date. Suppose that there are n coupon payments until the maturity date, including the last date, when there is the repayment of the principal. The value of the i-th payment (or ith coupon), where 1 ≤ i ≤ n -1, is given by: Ci = PU t × (1 + C0 ) 2 − 1 1 ***** The value of the n-th payment is given by: 1 C n = PU t × (1 + C0 ) 2 The market value of the NTN-B on date t is given by: n MtM t = ∑ i =1 Ci (1 + r )tti where: r = expected IPCA coupon, obtained from the IPCA Coupon, Cash Curve. The data sources used for IPCA are: • • 4.4 IPCA: IBGE; IPCA Forecast: ANDIMA. Brazilian Treasury Notes (NTN) - Series C The principal amount adjusted to date t is given by: PU t = PU 0 × (1 + IGPM )t0 t with: (1 + IGPM )tt = (1 + IGPM )t0a × (1 + IGPM )ta t 0 t where: (1+ IGPM )tt (1 + IGPM )tt a 0 a = IGP-M variation from the base date to the date of the last published; = pro rata temporis IGP-M variation from the date of the last published to the concerned date. Suppose that there are n coupon payments until the maturity date, including the last date, when there is the repayment of the principal. The value of the i-th payment (or i-th coupon), where 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1 , is given by: 1 Ci = PU t × (1 + C0 ) 2 − 1 The value of the n-th payment is given by: 1 C n = PU t × (1 + C0 ) 2 The market value of the NTN-C on date t is given by: n MtM t = ∑ i =1 Ci (1 + r )tti where: r = expected IGP-M coupon, obtained from the IGP-M Coupon, Cash Curve. The data sources used for IGP-M are: • • 4.5 IGP-M: FGV; IGP-M Forecast/Estimated: ANDIMA. Brazilian Treasury Notes (NTN) - Series D The principal amount adjusted to date t is given by: PU t = PU 0 × (1 + Dollar )t0 t where: Dollar = Commercial dollar, considering the average sale rates on the business day immediately preceding the concerned date. This value can be obtained from ANDIMA, at the Títulos Públicos (Public Bonds) section. Suppose that there are n coupon payments until the maturity date, including the last date when there is the repayment of the principal. The value of the i-th payment (or i-th coupon), where 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1 , is given by: Ci = PU t × C0 2 The value of the n-th payment is given by: C C n = PU t × 1 + 0 2 The market value of the NTN-D on date t is given by: n MtM t = ∑ i =1 Ci (1 + r )tti where: r = expected Dollar coupon, obtained from the Dollar Coupon, Cash Curve. 4.6 Brazilian Treasury Notes (NTN) - Series F Suppose that there are n coupon payments until the maturity date, including the last date, when there is the repayment of the principal. The value of the i-th payment (or i-th coupon), where 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1 , is given by: Ci = PU 0 × C0 2 The value of the n-th payment is given by: C C n = PU 0 × 1 + 0 2 The market value of the NTN-F on date t is given by: n MtM t = ∑ i =1 Ci (1 + r )tt1 where: r = expected pre-fixed rate, obtained from the Pre-Fixed, Cash Curve. 4.7 Brazilian Treasury Bonds (BTN) The Brazilian Treasury Bonds (Bônus do Tesouro Nacional) were issued on Jun. 01, 1989, based on Law No. 7.777. Said securities were extinguished on Mar. 01, 1991 by Law No. 8.177. However, as the maturity date established upon the issue was of up to 25 years, there are outstanding bonds in the market. Due to of the lack of liquidity in the secondary market for such securities, the market price of the BTNs will be determined according to the guarantee prices (preços de lastro - PU 550) published on a daily basis by the Central Bank of Brazil. Next, we will show how such prices can be obtained. Data can be obtained from ANDIMA’s website, following the path below: • “Preço Unitário” (“Unit Price”) Section; • “Resolução 550” (“Resolution 550”) Subsection; • “Último Valor” (“Last Value”) Link. The price of the security must be obtained according to its code, which has a biunivocal correspondence with the maturity thereof. The table below shows such correspondence. Code 711726 711746 711786 711806 711836 711846 711866 711896 711906 711926 711956 711966 711986 712016 712026 712046 712076 712086 4.8 Issued on 11/15/1990 9/18/1990 11/15/1990 9/18/1990 12/15/1989 11/15/1990 9/18/1990 12/15/1989 11/15/1990 9/18/1990 12/15/1989 11/15/1990 9/18/1990 12/15/1989 11/15/1990 9/18/1990 12/15/1989 11/15/1990 Maturity 3/15/2005 3/15/2005 9/15/2005 9/15/2005 3/15/2005 3/15/2006 3/15/2006 3/15/2005 9/15/2006 9/15/2006 3/15/2006 3/15/2007 3/15/2007 9/15/2006 9/15/2007 9/15/2007 3/15/2007 3/15/2008 Code 712106 712136 712146 712166 712196 712206 712226 712256 712266 712286 712316 712326 712346 712376 712386 712406 712436 712446 Issued on 9/18/1990 12/15/1989 11/15/1990 9/18/1990 12/15/1989 11/15/1990 9/18/1990 12/15/1989 11/15/1990 9/18/1990 12/15/1989 11/15/1990 9/18/1990 12/15/1989 11/15/1990 9/18/1990 12/15/1989 11/15/1990 Maturity 3/15/2008 9/15/2007 9/15/2008 9/15/2008 3/15/2008 3/15/2009 3/15/2009 9/15/2008 9/15/2009 9/15/2009 3/15/2009 3/15/2010 3/15/2010 9/15/2009 9/15/2010 9/15/2010 3/15/2010 3/15/2011 Code 712466 712496 712506 712526 712556 712566 712586 712616 712626 712646 712676 712686 712706 712736 712746 712766 712796 712856 Issued on 9/18/1990 12/15/1989 11/15/1990 9/18/1990 12/15/1989 11/15/1990 9/18/1990 12/15/1989 11/15/1990 9/18/1990 12/15/1989 11/15/1990 9/18/1990 12/15/1989 11/15/1990 9/18/1990 12/15/1989 12/15/1989 Maturity 3/15/2011 9/15/2010 9/15/2011 9/15/2011 3/15/2011 3/15/2012 3/15/2012 9/15/2011 9/15/2012 9/15/2012 3/15/2012 3/15/2013 3/15/2013 9/15/2012 9/15/2013 9/15/2013 3/15/2013 9/15/2013 Stocks The marking to market of shares must meet the following criteria: • • Stocks (or Equities) must be valued at their average trade price as published on a daily basis by BOVESPA; Stocks the price of which was not published on a certain date will be valued at the last available quotation. This rule is not valid for stocks that have already exceeded the legal period for lack of liquidity, on which occasion they must be valued according to the procedures set forth by the applicable laws. 4.9 Stocks Forward The stock forward transaction is a purchase or sale transaction of a certain amount of stocks, at a fixed price, to be settled within a certain period, counted from the date of the transaction. The market value of such transaction is given by: q St − NV0 , if St > NV0 / q q MtM t = mín q S − NV0 / q ,0 t tF ( ) 1 + r t t where: q = quantity NV0 = nominal value (forward price) St = spot price If the trade is sell forward stock, the market value will be: MtM t = VF (1 + r )ttF where: r = expected pre-fixed rate, obtained from the Pre-Fixed, No Cash Curve. 4.10 Repurchase Agreement A repurchase agreement is a transaction where funds are loaned, against the provision of guarantees to the lender. In general, the lender’s remuneration rate and the maturity date of the transaction are previously agreed. The mark to market is calculated using the same methods to operations of CDB pre-fixed and pos-fixed, described in section 4.15. 4.11 Swaps Throughout this topic, we will present the pricing method for each leg of a swap. The general rule to calculate the market value of this kind of transaction is always the same, namely: MtM t = VPA − VPP Thus, we only have to know the pricing method for each leg in order to obtain the value of the swap transaction. The next topics present these methods. It is worth emphasizing, however, that, in the event of structured or swap transactions that do not follow the standard established by BM&F, the method to be followed will be presented in a separate chapter. 4.11.1 CDI leg The market value of the CDI leg on the concerned date is given by: PU 0 × (1 + α 0 CDI )t0 × (1 + α 0 CDI )t F t MtM t = (1 + r )tt t F where: r = expected pre-fixed rate, obtained from the Pre-Fixed, No Cash Curve. 4.11.2 US Dollar Leg The market value of the Dollar Edge on the concerned date is given by: PU 0 × (1 + C0 )t0F × (1 + Dollar )t0 t MtM t = (1 + r )tt t F Dollar = Purchase or sale Dollar PTAX rate (according to swap specification) as available from BACEN; r = expected Dollar coupon, obtained from the Dollar Coupon, No Cash Curve. 4.11.3 Pre-Fixed Leg The market value of the Pre-Fixed Edge on the concerned date is given by: PU 0 × (1 + C0 )t0F t MtM t = (1 + r )tt F where: r = expected pre-fixed rate, obtained from the Pre-Fixed, No Cash Curve. 4.11.4 IGP-M Leg The market value of the IGP-M Edge on the concerned date is given by: PU 0 × (1 + C0 )t0F × (1 + IGPM )t0 t MtM t = t (1 + r )tt F where: (1+ IGPM )tt 0 = IGP-M accumulated up to the concerned date, without using projections; r = expected IGP-M coupon, obtained from the IGP-M Coupon, No Cash Curve. 4.11.5 IPCA Leg The market value of the IPCA Edge on the concerned date is given by: PU 0 × (1 + C0 )t0F × (1 + IPCA)t0 t MtM t = t (1 + r )tt F where: (1+ IPCA)tt 0 = IPCA accumulated up to the concerned date, without using projections; r = expected IPCA coupon, obtained from the IPCA Coupon, No Cash Curve. 4.11.6 Euro Leg PU 0 × (1 + C0 )t0F × (1 + Euro )t0 t MtM t = t (1 + r )tt F Euro = Purchase or sale Euro PTAX rate (according to swap specification) as available from BACEN; r = expected Euro coupon, obtained from the Euro Coupon Curve. 4.11.7 Yen Leg The market value of the Yen Edge on the concerned date is given by: PU 0 × (1 + C0 )t0F × (1 + Ien )t0 t MtM t = (1 + r )tt t F where: Yen = Purchase or sale Yen PTAX rate (according to swap specification) as available from BACEN; r = expected Yen coupon, obtained from the Yen Coupon Curve. 4.11.8 Dollar leg with threshold and intermediate adjustment payment In this case, the dollar edge has a pre-fixed coupon established in the agreement, in addition to a limit price for the Ptax rate upon the payment of the adjustments. The pricing will be split into two parts. Pre-Fixed Portion The MtM of each semiannual, pre-fxed coupon will be calculated as follows: T PU 0 ⋅ 2 PPi = (1 + s )tti where: T: pre-fixed, annual rate, based on a 360-day year, as established in the agreement; s: Dollar Coupon projection, obtained from the Dollar Coupon, No Cash Curve; ti: date of the i-th payment. On the last coupon payment date, the principal amount of the transaction will be repaid as well, which will be given by: T PU 0 ⋅ + 1 2 PPF = (1 + c )ttF If n is the number of coupons remaining up to the maturity of the transaction, the total amount of the pre-fixed portion, in dollars, is given by: n PPt = ∑ PPi + PPF i =1 Sell Put (short Put) The thresholds established in the agreement may be priced through the sell of a series of puts, with strike and maturity dates adjusted according to the thresholds; this transaction is known as cap. The cap value is given by the sum of the value of each of the puts that comprise it. For each of the puts that comprise the cap, the price is given by the method proposed by Reiner and Rubinstein (1991) for the pricing of digital (or binary) options: Pi = e − s⋅∆t ⋅ N (d ) where: σ2 S ⋅ ∆t 1n + s − r − 2 K d= σ ⋅ ∆t ∆t: time for the expiration of the option, in years; r: expected Interest Rate, obtained from the Pre-Fixed, No Cash Curve; s: Dollar Coupon projection, obtained from the Dollar Coupon, No Cash Curve; K: strike value; σ: implied volatility of the transaction; N(d): standard normal. Thus, the MtM of the cap on date t will be given by: n capt = ∑ (PPi ⋅ P1 ) i =1 Accordingly, the value of the dollar leg is given by: MtM tDOLLAR = PP1 − cap1 4.11.9 Libra Sterling Leg The market value of the Pound Edge on the concerned date is given by: PU 0 × (1 + C 0 )t0F × (1 + Libra )t0 t MtM t = t (1 + r )tt F where: Libra = Libra variation, as available from BACEN. As this agreement is not a standard form, the type of quotation set forth in the agreement must be used. r = expected Libra coupon. By virtue of the nonexistence of a future market for this rate, this expectation will be calculated as follows: (1 + r )tt F = (1 + R )tt F (1 + Libra )tt F where: (1 + R )tt = pre-fixed rate variation, obtained from the Pre-Fixed, No Cash Curve; (1 + Libra )tt = projected Pound variation, obtained from the following equation: F F (1 + Libra )tt F = (1 + LbUS $ )t F × (1 + Dollar )t F t t where: (1 + Dollar )tt F = projected Dollar variation between the concerned dates, obtained from the equation; (1 + Dollar ) = tF t (1 + R )tt F (1 + CpDol )tt F with: CpDol = expected Dollar coupon, obtained from the Dollar Coupon, No Cash Curve. (1 + LbUS $ )tt = projected Libra variation, in Dollars, between the concerned dates. This F variation can be obtained from the futures contracts traded at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), through the following link at Bloomberg: BPA <"Currency" button> CT <"Go" button>. 4.11.10 Libor Edge The market value of the Libor Edge on the concerned date, considering that the notional principal of the transaction is adjusted by the exchange rate variation of the U.S. dollar, is given by: PU 0 × (1 + Libor0 )t0 × (1 + Libor )tL × (1 + Libor )t FL × (1 + C0 )t0F t MtM = t (1 + r )tt t t F where: tL = last date on which the Libor rate is known; (1 + Libor0 )tt = Libor variation observed on the date of the transaction, between dates t0 0 and t; (1+ Libor0 )tt L = Libor variation observed on the date of the transaction, between dates t and t L; (1 + Libor )tt F L = projected Libor variation, between dates tL and tF; r = expected Dollar coupon, obtained from the Dollar Coupon, No Cash Curve. It must be observed that both the Libor rate and the coupon of the transaction accrue on a calendar-day basis, based on a 360-day year. The necessary data can be obtained from the following sources: • Libor: at the Bloomberg system, by typing: US000 <"Index" button> <"Go" button>. Alternatively, said amounts can be found at BBA’s website: • Projected Libor: at the Bloomberg system, by typing: IRSB <"Go" button> 18 <"Go" button>. 4.11.11 Index or Commodity Futures Leg The market value of an leg linked to financial index or commodity futures is given by the present value, calculated in reais, of the futures contract on the date on which the swap is to be marked to market. 4.11.12 FIDC Leg The market value of an edge linked to the value of a FIDC (Receivables Investment Fund) must be appraised according to the share in the respective fund. 4.11.13 CRI Leg The market value of an edge linked to the value of a CRI (Real Estate Receivables Certificate) must be appraised according to the market value of the respective security. 4.11.14 NCE Leg The market value of an edge linked to the value of a NCE (Export Credit Note) must be appraised according to the market value of the respective security. 4.11.15 Swap with Cash Flow The method to calculate the market value of a swap with cash flow must be consistent with the methods established for each individual edge. The cash flows must be treated on an individual basis, in the same manner as the transactions already described above are treated. The market value of an edge of a swap with cash flow is given by the sum of the market values of each of the individual flows. 4.11.16 Leg with Double Index There are two possible cases for the edge of a swap with double index: the edge yields the minimum value between two previously-established indexes, or the maximum value between them. Below is a description of the method to be used in both cases, always assuming that the indexes of the transaction are CDI and Dollar. Minimum Value: The market value of this swap edge on date t is given by: MtM t = PU 0 × (1 + (α 0 − 1)CDI )tF × (1 + α 0 CDI )t0 − t t PU 0 t × (1 + C0 )t0F × PutValue S0 where: S0 = exchange rate value on the initial date of the transaction; PutValue = price of a dollar put option, the strike of which is given by: S 0 × (1 + α 0 CDI )t F × (1 + α 0 CDI )t0 t X= t (1 + C0 )tt F 0 The value of this option must be calculated according to the appropriate procedure for this asset. Maximum Value: The market value of this swap edge on date t is given by the value of the CDI edge, normally calculated as shown above, plus the value of a dollar call option. The exercise price of this option is given by: PU 0R $ × (1 + CDI )t0F t Strike = PU 0US $ × (1 + C0 )t F t where: PU 0R $ = principal amount of the operation, in Reais; PU 0US $ = principal amount of the operation, in US Dollars. 4.11.17 Swap linked to NTN-D In the event of an operation linked to a federal government bond, the marking to market of the edge linked to CDI must be made from the percentage published on a daily basis by ANDIM. The remaining part of the method follows the same standard established for the respective transaction. To obtain the percentage published by ANDIMA, the path to be followed is: • • • • • • • Mercado Financeiro (Financial Market) Section; Marcação a Mercado (Mark-to-Market); Títulos Públicos (Public Bonds); Taxas Médias (Average Rates); Último Valor ou Histórico (Last or Historical Value) (as applicable); In case of Último Valor (Last Value): select "NTN-D/SW"; In case of Histórico (Historical Value): select the desired date and select "NTND/SW". This percentage (at) must be used as a transaction value discount, so as to obtain: PU 0 × (1 + α 0 CDI )t0 × (1 + α 0 CDI )t F t MtM t = (1 + α t ⋅ r )tt t F 4.12 Options This topic will describe the procedures to calculate option premiums. The organization of this topic is based on the model used to calculate premium. It is worth highlighting that the models below are adjusted to European options. 4.12.1 Common Definitions Below we will examine the common definitions of the formulae used to calculated option premiums and which will be used in this topic: c = call option premium; p = put option premium; σ = implied volatility of the option; t = time to maturity, in years; N (.) = standard normal distribution, of average 0 and variance 1; S = spot price of the underlying asset; F = future price of the underlying asset; X = exercise price; H = barrier value, if applicable; r = interest rate, in continuous form, projected from the Pre-Fixed, No Cash Curve, for the option maturity. This rate is given by: r = 1n(1 + R ) Where R is the interest rate projected from the Pre-Fixed, No Cash Curve for the option maturity. re = external interest rate, in continuous form, projected from the Coupon, No Cash Curve of the asset under the option, or cost of carry of the base asset. This rate is given by: re = 1n(1 + Re ) where Re is the external interest rate projected from the Coupon, No Cash Curve of the asset under the option for the option maturity. 4.12.2 Black & Scholes Model Application: Stocks, Ibovespa The premium of an option, according to the Black & Scholes model, is given by: c = S × N (d1 ) − X × e − rt × N (d 2 ) with: p = X × e − rt × N (− d 2 ) − S × N (− d1 ) 2 S σ ×t 1n + r + 2 X d1 = σ× t d 2 = d1 − σ × t It is worth emphasizing that, in the case of stock options, the following procedure must be adopted in order to obtain the premium: • • In the event that the stock present more than 50 trades a day at Bovespa, they will be deemed liquid, and the premium to be used will be the premium published by Bovespa; Otherwise, the premium will be obtained from the described model. 4.12.3 Garman Model Application: Currencies The premium of an option, according to the Garman model, is given by: c = e − ret × S × N (d1 ) − e − n × X × N (d 2 ) p = e − n × X × N (− d 2 ) − e − ret × S × N (− d1 ) with: d1 = S 1n X σ2 ×t + r − r + e 2 σ× t d 2 = d1 − σ × t 4.12.4 Black Model Application: Futures The premium of an option, according to the Black model, is given by: c = [F × N (d1 ) − X × N (d 2 )]× e − rt p = [X × N (− d 2 ) − F × N (− d1 )]× e − rt with: 2 F σ × t 1n + X 2 d1 = σ× t d 2 = d1 − σ × t 4.12.5 Barrier Options In this section we will describe options with barriers. The formulae for these types of options may be generalized, changing only by function of the type of barrier of the option. Thus, initially, we will present the common definitions of the formulae; next, we will specify the variables by virtue of the established type of barrier. Given that: ( A = φ .S .e (re − r ) .N (φx1 ) − φ . X .e −rt .N φσ t t B = φ .S .e C = φ .S .e D = φ .S .e ( re − r )1 ( re − r )1 ( re − r )1 .(H / S ) 2 ( µ +1) 2 ( µ +1) .(H / S ) E = K .e [ − rt [N (ηx F = K (H S ) 2 µ +λ ( ) .N (φx2 ) − φ . X .e .N φx2 − φσ t − rt ) ( .N (ηγ ) t) .N (ηγ 1 ) − φ . X .e .(H / S ) .N ηγ 1 − ησ t 2µ − rt .N (ηγ 2 ) − φ . X .e .(H / S ) 2µ − rt ) ( 2 − ησ )] 1 )] − ησ t − (H / S ) N ηy 2 − ησ 1 2µ N (ηz ) + (H / S ) µ −λ ( N ηz − 2ηλσ where: ln (S X ) + (1 + µ )σ t σ t ln (H 2 SX ) yt = + (1 + µ )σ t σ t ln(H S ) z= + λσ t σ t ln (S H ) + (1 + µ )σ t σ t ln (H S ) y2 = + (1 + µ )σ t σ t r − σ2 2 µ= e 2 x1 = x2 = ( ) σ λ = µ2 + 2r σ2 The pricing of the options must be made as follows, according to the option type: Type Down-and-in call “In” Options Up-and-in call Down-and-in put Up-and-in put “Out” Options Type Down-and-out call Case S > H c=C+E η = 1,φ = 1 c = A+ E η = −1,φ = 1 p = B −C + D + E η = 1,φ = −1 p = A− B + D + E η = −1,φ = −1 CaseS > H c = A−C + F η = 1,φ = 1 Case S ≤ H c = A− B + D + E η = 1,φ = 1 c = B −C + D + E η = −1,φ = 1 p = A+ E η = 1,φ = −1 p=C+E η = −1,φ = −1 CaseS ≤ H c= B−D+F η = 1,φ = 1 c=F Up-and-in call c = A− B+C − D+ F η = −1,φ = 1 p = A− B +C − D + F Down-and-in put Up-and-in put η = −1,φ = 1 p=F η = 1,φ = −1 η = 1,φ = −1 p = B−D+F η = −1,φ = −1 p= A−C + F η = −1,φ = −1 4.12.6 Global Bond Option For Global Bond options, the premium must be obtained directly from the Bloomberg system, after 7:00 p.m., in order for the dealings in the market not to interfere in the price obtained. 4.12.7 Nominal Interest Rate Volatility Option The premium for these options must be calculated through the Black & Scholes model. However, some particularities must be observed in the calculation of the model input values. Said values must be calculated as follows: S= 100.00 (1 + rFRA ) where: rFRA = interest rate for the FRA interest rate period, given by: (1 + R )tt rFRA = (1 + R )tt AO F F where: R = interest rate projected from the Pre-Fixed, No Cash Curve; t FAO = maturity date of the future asset under the option; tF = maturity date of the option. X= 100.000 (1 + rx )tt AO F F where: rX = interest rate agreed under the transaction. In addition, we must have: r = 0; t = term, in years, between the maturity of the option and the maturity of the respective future asset. 4.12.8 Digital Options These options have the following pay-off characteristics: Call: it pays 0, if the value is below the strike; otherwise, it pays K; Put: it pays K, if the value is below the strike; otherwise, it pays 0. • • The market value is given by: c = Ke − rt N (d ) p = Ke − rt N (− d ) where: d= ( X )+ (− σ 2 )× t 2 In S σ t 4.12.9 Asian Options This type of option does not have a closed pricing formula. To estimate the premium, we will use the approximation described in Turnbull & Wakeman, published in 1991. This approximation suggests the following premiums: c = X × e − rT2 × N (− d 2 ) − S × e (b−r )T2 N (− d1 ) c = S × e (b−r )T2 N (d1 ) − X × e − rT2 × N (d 2 ) with: σ2 S In + b + M 2 X d1 = σ M × T2 σM = e reT − e reτ M1 = re (T − τ ) where: xT2 d 2 = d1 − σ M × T2 In(M 2 ) − 2b T 2e (2 re +σ )T M2 = 2 re + σ 2 2r2 + σ 2 (T − τ ) 2 ( )( In(M 1 ) T 2 2e (2 re +σ )τ 1 e re (T −τ ) − + 2 2 re + σ 2 re (T − τ ) 2re + σ b= ) T2 = time, in years from the current date to the maturity date of the option; T = time, in years from the start date to the maturity date of the option; ? = time, in years from the current date to the start date of the period for which the average of the base asset under the option is to be calculated; re = external interest rate, in continuous form, projected from the Coupon, No Cash Curve of the asset under the option. If the option is already within the period for which the average is to be calculated, the strike price (X) must be replaced with: X2 = T − T2 T X− SM T2 T2 where: SM = average price of the asset during the period in which the average thereof is to be calculated. 4.12.10 Implied Volatility The implied volatility of an option is the volatility obtained from close-form formula option. As the formula to price these derivatives are not invertible in the ‘volatility’ variable, numerical methods are generally used to obtain the volatility value. As a standard, Microsoft Excel is used. To obtain the value, all variables that are present in the pricing formula must be set, except for volatility, and such volatility must be varied until the resulting premium is equal to the negotiated premium. Due to the different characteristics of the options presented herein, we will briefly describe the processes used to obtain the implied volatility for the different options. • Stock Option: The average of the implied volatilities calculated every 15 minutes during the trading hours of the market is used; The implied volatility values are obtained from the option premium and the price of the respective share asset at the same moment; A source to obtain such data is the Bloomberg system. • Currency Option: As a priority, the average of the implied volatilities published by at least 2 brokers that work with such kind of transaction is used; If such values are not available, the volatility provided by the Bloomberg system is used. • IDI Option: The average of the implied volatilities published by at least 2 brokers that work with such kind of transaction is used. • DI Option: • The volatility obtained from the premiums published by BM&F is used. Option on Ibovespa Futures: The implied volatility calculated from the trades recorded by a broker that works with this kind of transaction is used. There are some particular cases, which will be addressed separately, as follows: Case 1: Illiquid Options For illiquid options, which will be deemed here as barrier option and all options that are part of a structured transaction (except for box strategy), the implied volatility of the transaction will be used, to be obtained as already described in this document. Case 2: Implied volatility not available In the event that the implied volatility of an option is not available, but there are volatilities for other options on the same base asset, the interpolation or extrapolation of values is used. Once again, this case must be subdivided into two new sub-cases: Case 2 - item A: Simple linear interpolation In the event that there are at least 2 other options with the same base asset and the same maturity of the concerned option, the volatilities of such options must be calculated and applied in the linear interpolation (or extrapolation) used to estimate the volatility of the concerned option. The method to be followed is the same method used in the linear interpolation (or extrapolation) of interest, it being observed that, instead of the time, the strike of the option is used. Likewise, instead of the rates, the implied volatility of the options is used. Case 2 - item B: Linear interpolation in two axes In the event that it is not possible to find at least 2 options with the same maturity of the concerned option, other options with other maturities must be used in the interpolation. In this case, the idea is to keep the linear interpolation, but so as to contemplate the plan determined by 3 options. The following steps are followed: • Options are chosen with maturity and strike as close as possible to the concerned option; • The plan established by such options is determined, subject to the variables of interest: time to maturity, implied volatility and strike; • From the equation determined for the plan, the volatility of the concerned option is estimated. 4.13 Subscription Right The right to subscribe for a share is a right to purchase new shares of the same corporation and of the same type (preferred, common, etc.) for a certain price. This price, in general, is lower than the market value of the share on the date on which the right is announced. This right is valid from the date of its announcement (that is, the date on which the corporation grants the right to its shareholders) and the date on which the shareholder chooses whether or not to exercise the right. The right is negotiable on the stock market, and its quotation is published on a daily basis by BOVESPA. Therefore, it must be marked to market preferably at its average price (or closing price, based on the mark to market of the shares) of trade in the market. In the event that such price is not available, the subscription right must be priced as an option, with the following characteristics: • Strike: subscription value; • Maturity: subscription date; • Concerned asset: share to be subscribed for. The other pricing parameters must follow the same procedure already described in the calculation of option premium. 4.14 Box Spread – Fixed Income Strategy with Options In principle, a box of options is a structured transaction that uses options, which aims to achieve a result that is previously established at the very beginning of the transaction. The market value of the transaction on the concerned date is given by: MtM t = FV (1 + α t rt )tt F where: FV = Future Value αt = spread rate r = expected pre-fixed rate, obtained from the Pre-Fixed, No Cash Curve. The spread rate, αt, will be defined through of a sample of spread rate observed in the market. In cases of misbehavior market, the Citi will establish an alternative procedure to calculate this spread and to reflect the market conditions, considering the principles of mark to market methodology. If the spread factor is impossible to determine at the day, will be adopted the same rate in the purchase time. 4.15 CDB - Certificado de Depósito Bancário (Bank Certificate of Deposit) This topic describes mark-to-market methods for CDBs, according to their index. The sub-items will be segmented according to the index of the security. 4.15.1 CDB Indexed by the CDI Rate The market value of the security on the concerned date is given by: PU 0 × (1 + α 0 CDI )t0 × (1 + α 0 CDI )t F t MtM t = t (1 + α1r )tt F where: r = expected pre-fixed rate, obtained from the Pre-Fixed, No Cash Curve. In the event that the profitability of the security is given by CDI + Spread, the mark-to-market is: PU 0 × (1 + CDI )t0 × (1 + C0 )t0F t MtM t = t (1 + Ct )tt F The credit spread rate, αt or Ct, will be defined through of a sample of spread rate observed in the market. In cases of misbehavior market, the Citi will establish an alternative procedure to calculate this spread and to reflect the market conditions, considering the principles of mark to market methodology. If the spread factor is impossible to determine at the day, will be adopted the same rate in the purchase time. 4.15.2 CDB Indexed by the SELIC Rate The market value of the security on the concerned date is given by: PU 0 × (1 + α 0 SELIC )t0 × (1 + α 0 SELIC )t F t MtM t = t (1 + α1r )tt × (1 + s )tt F F where: r = expected pre-fixed rate, obtained from the Pre-Fixed, No Cash Curve; s = expected SELIC coupon, obtained from the Selic Coupon Curve; In the event that the profitability of the security is given by SELIC + Spread, the mark-to-market is: PU 0 × (1 + SELIC )t0 × (1 + C0 )t0F t MtM t = (1 + Ct )tt t F In both cases, The credit spread rate will be defined as described at the prior item. 4.15.3 CDBs Indexed by Price Indexes (Inflation rate) The market value of the security on the concerned date is given by: PU 0 × (1 + Ind )t0 × (1 + C0 )t F t MtM t = t (1 + Ct )tt × (1 + r )tt F F where: r = expected coupon of the index, obtained from the Coupon, No Cash Curve of such index. The credit spread is given by the difference between the rate of issue of the security and the coupon rate of the index of the security on the same date. If it is not possible to determine the credit spread of the issuer on the concerned date, the same spread as of the date of acquisition of the security will be used. 4.15.4 Pre-Fixed Rate CDB The market value of the security on the concerned date is given by: PU 0 × (1 + C0 )t F t MtM t = (1 + r )tt × (1 + C1 )tt F F where: r = expected pre-fixed rate, obtained from the Pre-Fixed, No Cash Curve; The credit spread rate, Ct , will be defined as described at the prior item. 4.16 RDB - Recibo de Depósito Bancário (Bank Deposit Receipt) The marking to market of these securities will be subject to the same method adopted to mark Bank Certificates of Deposit to market. 4.17 Promissory Notes The marking to market of these securities will be subject to the same method adopted to mark Bank Certificates of Deposit to market. 4.18 CCB – Cédula de Crédito Bancário (Bank Credit Note) This topic describes mark-to-market methods for CCBs, according to their index. The sub-items will be segmented according to the index of the security. 4.18.1 CCB Indexed by the CDI Rate The market value of this security must be calculated according to the method established to calculate the market value of Bank Certificates of Deposit indexed by CDI. In the event that the CCB presents intermediate payment flows, each of the flows must be treated individually, according to the same method. In this case, the market value of the security is given by the sum of the market values of each flow. 4.18.2 CCB Indexed by Price Indexes The market value of this security must be calculated according to the method established to calculate the market value of Bank Certificates of Deposit indexed by price indexes. In the event that the CCB presents intermediate payment flows, each of the flows must be treated individually, according to the same method. In this case, the market value of the security is given by the sum of the market values of each flow. 4.18.3 Pre-Fixed Rate CCB The market value of this security must be calculated according to the method established to calculate the market value of pre-fixed rate Bank Certificates of Deposit. In the event that the CCB presents intermediate payment flows, each of the flows must be treated individually, according to the same method. In this case, the market value of the security is given by the sum of the market values of each flow. 4.18.4 Assessment of the spread factor According to the structure of the Brazilian market, it is impossible to assess, in each moment, the correct spread factor based on the credit risk of the entity issuing the CCB. Thus, in order to refine the pricing of the security, we will only use the spread obtained in the moment of its acquisition. We will present below the suggested method to assess such spread. From the acquisition price of the security, it is possible to determine the rate at which the security was purchased, thus equalling the acquisition price to the equation that provides the price of the security, and having the market rate vary. This must be done as follows: n P=∑ i =1 (1 + r ) tii t Fi t × (1 + α )ti where: P = acquisition value of the security; Fi = value of the i-th flow of the security; r = value of the discount rate of the security for the concerned period. From this equation, the S factor is determined, which measures the credit risk of the security. This value will remain constant throughout the maturity period of the security. 4.19 CPR - Cédula do Produto Rural (Rural Product Certificate) This topic describes mark-to-market methods for CPRs, according to their type: pre-fixed rate or indexed by the value of some agricultural commodity. The sub-items will be segmented according to the index of the security. 4.19.1 Pre-Fixed Rate CPR The market value of this security must be calculated according to the method established to calculate the market value of pre-fixed rate Bank Certificates of Deposit. In the event that the CPR presents intermediate payment flows, each of the flows must be treated individually, according to the same method. In this case, the market value of the security is given by the sum of the market values of each flow. 4.19.2 CPR Indexed by an Agricultural Commodity The market value of this security must be calculated from the value specificied in the contract of the concerned agricultural commodity. The prices of such commodities can be obtained from ESALQ – USP, through the link: 4.20 NDF – Non Deliverable Forward This topic describes the marking to market of the operation known as NDF. The market value of the derivative on the concerned date is given by: MtM t = ε CtF (1 + r ) tF t −ε Ct (1 + s )tt F where: U = sign of the operation (“+” for purchase, “-“ for sale); Ct = exchange rate on the concerned date, as specified in the agreement or as obtained from the same source as described in the swap agreements; Ct F = exchange rate agreed for the final date of the transaction; r = expected pre-fixed rate, obtained from the Pre-Fixed, No Cash Curve; s = expected coupon in the traded currency, obtained from the Coupon, No Cash Curve. 4.21 Debentures This topic describes the procedure to mark debentures to market. Initially, the general process will be described. Then, the process to obtain the credit spreads for each type of security will be described. 4.21.1 Debenture Indexed by the CDI Rate Suppose that n interest payments and m amortizations remain until the maturity of the security. The market value of the security on the concerned date is given by: n MtM t = ∑ PU i × (1 + α 0 CDI )t0 × (1 + α 0 CDI )ti0 t (1 + α1r )tt i =1 t i m +∑ j =1 A j × (1 + α 0 CDI )t0 × (1 + α 0 CDI )t0j t t (1 + α t r )tt j where: r = expected pre-fixed rate, obtained from the Pre-Fixed, No Cash Curve; In the event that the profitability of the security is given by CDI + Spread, the mark-to-market is: n MtM t = ∑ i =1 PU i × (1 + CDI )t0 × (1 + C 0 )ti0 t t (1 + Ct )tt i m +∑ j =1 A j × (1 + CDI )t0 × (1 + C 0 )t0j t t (1 + Ct )tt j 4.21.2 Debenture Indexed by the IGP-M Index Case 1: Monthly Updating of the IGP-M Index Suppose that n interest payments and m amortizations remain until the maturity of the security. The market value of the security on the concerned date is given by: n MtM t = ∑ PU i × (1 + IGPM )t0 × (1 + C 0 )ti0 t (1 + S t )tt i =1 t i m +∑ j =1 A j × (1 + IGPM )t0 × (1 + C 0 )t0j t (1 + S t )tt t j where: (1+ IGPM )tt 0 = IGP-M accumulated up to the concerned date, without using projections; St = spread calculated for the security on date t. Case 2: Annual Updating of the IGP-M Index Suppose that n interest payments and m amortizations remain until the maturity of the security. The value of the installments (referring to interest or amortizations) to be paid before the next indexation of the security must be calculated as follows: V × (1 + IGPM )t0a × (1 + C )tv0 t MtM t = (1 + S t )tt t v where: V = nominal value of the concerned installment; ta = date of the last anniversary of the security, which indicates the last indexation; tv = date of payment of the concerned installment; C = interest rate that adjusts the concerned installment; The value of the installments (referring to interest or amortizations) to be paid after new indexations must be calculated as follows: V × (1 + IGPM )t0a × (1 + IGPM )tba × (1 + C )tv0 t MtM t = t (1 + S t )tt t v where: V = nominal value of the concerned installment; ta = date of the last anniversary of the security, which indicates the last indexation; tb = last date of anniversary before the payment of the concerned installment; tv = date of payment of the concerned installment; C = interest rate that adjusts the concerned installment; St = spread calculated for the security on date t. The forecast IGP-M between the anniversary dates ta and tb must be calculated from the Pre-Fixed, No Cash Curve and the IGP-M Coupon, No Cash Curve. Said forecast is given by: (1 + r )tt (1 + IGPM ) = (1 + s )tt tb ta b a b a where: r = expected pre-fixed rate, obtained from the Pre-Fixed, No Cash Curve; s = expected IGP-M coupon, obtained from the IGP-M Coupon, No Cash Curve; Finally, the market value of the security is given by the sum of the market values of each of the installments that comprise it, calculated as shown in this section. 4.21.3 Debenture Indexed by the IPCA Index Debentures indexed by IPCA must be treated in the same manner as debentures indexed by IGP-M, both where the adjustment is made on a monthly basis as well as where the adjustment is made on an annual basis. In this case, the accumulated IGP-M values must be replaced with the accumulated IPCA values. Likewise, the IGP-M Coupon values must be replaced with the IPCA Coupon values from the IPCA Coupon, No Cash Curve. 4.21.4 Debenture Indexed by the INPC Index Debentures indexed by INPC must be treated in the same manner as debentures indexed by IGP-M, both where the adjustment is made on a monthly basis as well as where the adjustment is made on an annual basis. In this case, the accumulated IGP-M values must be replaced with the accumulated INPC values. Likewise, the IGP-M Coupon values must be replaced with the INPC Coupon values from the INPC Coupon, No Cash Curve. 4.21.5 Spread Factor Calculation Two different methods are adopted to determine the spread factor to be used when marking the security to market. The first one, called Method 1, will be preferably applied, but it may not be appropriate for some securities. In the event that it is not possible to apply Method 1, we will adopt an alternative method, which we will call Method 2. Said methods will be detailed below. Method 1 Method 1 consists of using the spreads assessed by ANDIMA to mark the security to market. On a daily basis, ANDIMA publishes the spreads of several securities. Said values are obtained from consultation with a pool of collaborators of said entity. The spread to be used in the marking to market must be calculated as follows: • For the concerned date t, all spreads published by ANDIMA on the last 10 business days before date t (or the number of days on which they are published) for the concerned debenture must be obtained; • Be such values S t ,1 , S t , 2 ,..., S t ,n . The spread on date t, St, will be given by: St = 1 n ∑ S t ,i n i =1 The method is identical for both percentage spread and nominal rate spread. The value obtained must be considered as the discount rate in the calculation of the MtM of the debentures, as already shown. In the event that ANDIMA fails to publish the rates for the debenture for 10 calendar days or more, Method 2 will be adopted to price such debenture. Method 2 ANDIMA does not publish spreads for all securities traded in the secondary market. Therefore, in some cases, Method 1 is not appropriate to calculate the market value of the debentures. In view of this, we will adopt an alternative method for this calculation. Method 2 consists of estimating the credit spread from observations of trades in the secondary market. To determine the spread (S) of a particular transaction, it must be observed what is the type of the security that is being considered. Let us separate this analysis into two cases: Case 1: Adjustment by % Index n P=∑ Fi × (1 + α 0 Ind )ti t (1 + αr )tt i =1 i where: P = negotiation value of the security; Ind = projected value of the index between the concerned dates; Fi = value of the i-th flow of the security; r = value of the discount rate of the security for the concerned period. Case 2: Adjustment by Index + Spread n P=∑ i =1 Fi × (1 + C 0 )ti t (1 + α )tt i where: P = negotiation value of the security; Fi = value of the i-th flow of the security; From these equations, the S factor is determined, which measures the credit risk of the security. The periodic calculation of alpha is a way of refining the pricing of the debentures, because, in this manner, the market’s perception of the credit risk is taken into account. • The spreads for the last 5 transactions with the security will be calculated, provided that the earliest transaction has occurred within no more than 1 year; • The highest and the lowest values are excluded, in order to eliminate any outliers from the sample; • The spread of the security will be the average of the remaining three values. • If the number of operations it’s less than 5 (five), so it will be considered all transactions made during a year. This value will be reviewed on a periodic basis, or every 1 month. In addition, the method comprehends also some sub-cases, which will be described below: Illiquidity In the event that the security has not been traded in the secondary market for over 1 year, then, upon the updating of the spread factor, the alpha at the issue of the debenture will be adopted (if such alpha is below 100%, then 100% will be adopted). In the event that the security has not been traded for over 3 years, the curve value of the security will be adopted, as we believe that the secondary market no longer reflects the value of such security. Renegotiation When a date for renegotiation of the debenture has been set, such date will be considered as the maturity thereof, because the conditions thereof may be changed (change of index, rate, flow, etc.). Generally, the issuer allows the repurchase of the debenture on the renegotiation dates. It is worth emphasizing that, after the renegotiation date of a debenture, the counting of transactions to calculate the alpha will be restarted, that is, transactions before the renegotiation date will be disregarded in the subsequent calculations of the alpha value. Early Redemption In case of early redemption of a debenture, that is, in the event that the issuer thereof makes the payments before the maturity of the securities, the following procedure will be observed: • After the date on which the early redemption is disclosed, the concerned debenture will be appraised at the curve, and no longer at the market value. • Should the issuer pay any premium by virtue of the early redemption, such premium must be calculated on a pro rata basis from the date of disclosure of the early redemption to the date of actual payment. Note: In cases of misbehavior market, the Citi will define an alternative procedure to calculate this spread factor to reflect the market conditions, considering the principles of mark to market methodology. 1.3.1 4.21.6 Special Cases In this sub-topic, we will present cases that are addressed separately, differently from the general methods already presented. FGTR11 The Unitary Price (UP) from the curve, as published by the trustee, will be adopted. This procedure will be adopted due to the fact that there is no payment schedule established for this security. CVRDA6 By virtue of recent trades in the secondary market that point to a very significant discrepancy in the prices of trades with this security, the UP from the curve as published by the trustee will be adopted. IVSC11 By virtue of the current situation of the issuer of the security, and also the lack of events for this debenture, the following procedure will be adopted: • In investment funds, the market value of the securities is zero; • In managed portfolios, the price is frozen since December 31, 2002. FGUI12 According to the procedure adopted by the trustee of this security, the UP thereof is frozen. Changes in the value will only be made by virtue of the payment of monthly amortizations, if any. VLGC11 By virtue of the current situation of the issuer of the security, the value thereof should remain unchanged. The current value of the security is the same value observed on January 17, 2002. SULT13 Due to the fact that payments are overdue on the security since 2004, the UP from the curve will be adopted, which must consider the following: • The principal amount of the security must be adjusted at the index thereof, that is, Anbid – 6,7% per annum; • The overdue amounts corresponding to interest and amortization must be adjusted at the index thereof until the date on which they should have been paid to the debenture holders. After said date, such amounts must bear interest of 1% per month. LORZ12 By virtue of the current situation of the issuer of the security, the value thereof should remain unchanged. The current value of the security is R$ 1,594.660734. CEL Participações (CLPA11 to 92) Due to the fact that the issuer is in default since 2001, said debentures will be assigned a null value. Feniciapar – FPAR11 and FPAR21 Due to the fact that the issuer is in default since 2003, said debentures will be assigned a null value. Hopi Hari – PQTM 11, 21, 31 and 41 In view of the constant changes in the schedule of the flows for such securities, and the lack of a secondary market therefor, the value thereof will be calculated according to the UP from the curve, as published by the trustee. CP Cimentos – CPCM12 By virtue of the recent reorganization of the company’s debt and the consequent reorganization of the payment flows, the market value of this security will be determined as follows: • Eighty percent (80%) of the curve value of the security. This method and the percentage used must be reviewed no more frequently than monthly. 4.22 TDA - Título da Dívida Agrária (Agrarian Debt Bond) The market value of the security on the concerned date is given by: PU 0 × (1 + C 0 )ti0 × (1 + TR )t0 t n MtM t = ∑ t (1 + r )tt i =1 i where: r = expected TR coupon, obtained from the TR Coupon Curve. 4.23 Nota de Crédito de Exportação (Export Credit Note) Suppose that the concerned promissory note is indexed by the dollar, and that its payments are composed of the index plus a spread. Suppose also that there are n interest payments and m amortizations until the maturity of the security. The MtM of the Export Credit Note on the concerned date is given by: n MtM t = ∑ PU i × (1 + Dólar )t 0 × (1 + C0 )ti0 t (1 + r )tt i =1 t i m +∑ Aj × (1 + Dólar )t 0 t (1 + r )tt j =1 j where: r = expected Dollar coupon, obtained from the Dollar Coupon, No Cash Curve; Dollar = Dollar specified in the agreement, or Dollar PTAX available from BACEN; 4.24 CRI – Certificado de Recebíveis Imobiliários (Real Estate Receivables Certificate) Most of the CRIs have the structure that we call “hybrid”, that is, they have both the IGP-M risk and the Pre-Fixed Rate risk. This occurs because these CRIs are monetarily adjusted by the IGP-M on a yearly basis. This peculiarity must be taken into account when pricing the asset. Suppose that n interest payments and m amortizations remain until the maturity of the security. The value of the installments (referring to interest or amortizations) to be paid before the next indexation of the security must be calculated as follows: V × (1 + IGPM )t0a × (1 + C )t0v t MtM t = (1 + r )t × (1 + Ct )tt tv t v where: V = nominal value of the concerned installment; ta = date of the last anniversary of the security, which indicates the last indexation; tv = date of payment of the concerned installment; C = interest rate that adjusts the concerned installment; r = expected pre-fixed rate, obtained from the Pre-Fixed, No Cash Curve; The value of the installments (referring to interest or amortizations) to be paid after new indexations must be calculated as follows: V × (1 + IGPM )t0a × (1 + IGPM )tba (1 + C )t0v t MtM t = t (1 + r )t × (1 + Ct )tt tv t v where: V = nominal value of the concerned installment; ta = date of the last anniversary of the security, which indicates the last indexation; tb = last date of anniversary before the payment of the concerned installment; tv = date of payment of the concerned installment; C = interest rate that adjusts the concerned installment; r = expected pre-fixed rate, obtained from the Pre-Fixed, No Cash Curve; The forecast IGP-M between the anniversary dates ta and tb must be calculated from the Pre-Fixed, No Cash Curve and the IGP-M Coupon, No Cash Curve. Said forecast is given by: (1 + r )tt (1 + IGPM ) = (1 + s )tt tb ta b a b a where: r = expected pre-fixed rate, obtained from the Pre-Fixed, No Cash Curve; s = expected IGP-M coupon, obtained from the IGP-M Coupon, No Cash Curve; Finally, the market value of the security is given by the sum of the market values of each of the installments that comprise it, calculated as shown in this section. In the event that the CRI does not have the “hybrid” structure, then its pricing must be considered as a particular case of this method, where the anniversary dates are replaced with the current dates. 4.25 LH – Letra Hipotecária (Mortgage-Backed Security) Suppose that the LH is indexed by the IGP-M index, and that n interest payments and m amortizations remain until the maturity of the security. The value of the security on the concerned date is given by: n MtM t = ∑ i =1 PU i × (1 + IGPM )t0 × (1 + C0 )ti0 t (1 + r )tt × (1 + Ct )tt i t i m +∑ j =1 A j × (1 + IGPM )t0 t (1 + r )tt × (1 + Ct )tt j i where: (1+ IGPM )tt 0 = IGP-M accumulated up to the concerned date, without using projections; r = expected IGP-M coupon, obtained from the IGP-M Coupon, No Cash Curve. 4.26 LCI - Letra de Crédito Imobiliário (Real Estate Credit Bill) Real Estate Credit Bills must be marked to market through the same method proposed to price Mortgage-Backed Securities. It must be observed that the LCIs may have indexes other than the IGP-M, provided that they are price indexes. In such event, replace the index and the coupons used with the respective index. In case of an index the coupon curve of which has not been contemplated herein, it must be treated separately as a particular case. 4.27 Certificado a Termo de Energia Elétrica (Electric Power Forward Certificate) This topic presents the method proposed to price a CTEE - Electric Power Forward Certificate. There is only one outstanding series of this security: the 9th issue. This issue pays according to the highest of the following indexes: Bandeirante’s B-3 Tariff, or CDI + 2.0% per annum. By virtue of the lack of liquidity for this security in the secondary market, and also the difficulty to estimate a value for the power tariff, it is chosen to mark the security to market exclusively according to the CDI-linked payments thereunder. Thus, the market value of this security must be calculated in the same manner as the market value of a CDB indexed by the CDI index, with payments made on a CDI + Spread basis. 4.28 CVS This topic presents the method adopted to price the following privatization currencies: CVSA970101, CVSB970101, CVSC970101 and CVSD970101. In the marking-tomarket process, some characteristics must be taken into account. • Interest Rate: 0.50% per month (series A and C) or 3.12% per annum (series B and D). Interest up to, but excluding, Jan. 01, 2005, are incorporated into the principal; • Indexation: on a monthly basis, on the anniversary date, based on the TR (Referencial Rate) variation for the previous month, as published by the Central Bank; • Amortization: monthly payments, starting on Jan. 01, 2009 up to the maturity date, at the fixed rate of 0.4608%. Incorporation of Interest To incorporate interest into the principal, the following method must be adopted: PU t = PU 0 × (1+ C0 )t0 t where: PUt = amount adjusted by the incorporation of interest up to date t; Mark-to-Market Suppose that n interest payments and m amortizations remain until the maturity of the security. The value of the security on the concerned date is given by: n MtM t = ∑ i =1 PU t ,i × (1 + TR )t0 × (1 + C 0 )ti0 t (1 + r )tt t i m +∑ A j × (1 + TR )t0 j =1 t (1 + r )tt j where: (1+ TR )tt 0 = TR accumulated up to the concerned date; r = expected TR coupon, obtained from the TR Coupon Curve; PUt,i = nominal value with the incorporation of interest, not amortized up to the ith interest payment. 4.29 CPR - Cédula do Produto Rural (Rural Product Certificate) This topic presents the method adopted to price Rural Product Certificates indexed by the Fattened Steer Price, the financial settlement and price of which are previously established on the date the transaction is closed. The market value of the transaction on the concerned date is given by: MtM t = (1 + r ) tF t P t × (1 + Ct )t F where: P = settlement price agreed on the date of issue; r = expected pre-fixed rate, obtained from the Pre-Fixed, No Cash Curve. 4.30 Loan Indexed by the LIBOR Rate This topic presents the pricing method of a loan agreement indexed by the Libor rate, the base currency of which is the United States Dollar (USD). The hypothesis is adopted that the loan is settled always at its curve price, regardless of the moment in which it occurs. The value of the loan on date t is given by: Vt = V0,t × (1 + L + C0 )t0 + Emp t where: V0,t = initial value of the transaction, net of amortizations up to date t; (1 + L + C0 )tt 0 = variation of the Libor (L) rate compounded with the interest rate of the transaction (C0), observed between dates t0 and t, calculated on a linear basis, based on calendar days; Emp = loan rate, given by: Emp = 0,5% × V0,t The value of the Libor rate can be obtained from the Bloomberg system, through the link: US000 <“Index” button> <“Go” button>. 4.31 NCE – Nota de Crédito de Exportação (Export Credit Note) This topic presents the method to price a security with credit risk from its issuer. The market value of the security on the concerned date is given by: PU 0 × (1 + C0 )t0F × (1 + Dólar )t0 t MtM t = (1 + r )tt × (1 + Ct )tt F t F where: r = expected Dollar Coupon, obtained from the Dollar Coupon, No Cash Curve. In the event that the security has intermediate interest payments and/or amortizations, each of the fllows must be considered on a separate basis, and the market value of the security will be given by the sum of the market values of each flow. From the acquisition price of the security, it is possible to determine the credit spread at which the security was purchased, thus equalling the acquisition price to the equation that provides the price of the security, and having the market rate vary. This must be done as follows: n P=∑ i =1 (1 + r ) tii t Fi t × (1 + Ct )ti where: P = acquisition value of the security; Fi = value of the i-th flow of the security; r = expected Dollar Coupon, obtained from the Dollar Coupon, No Cash Curve. 4.32 Currency Forward This topic presents the pricing method of a forward contract between currencies. The market value of the transaction on the concerned date is given by: MtM t = PU 0 PU 0 − M t × Ct M 0 × Ct where: Mt = value of the concerned currency, as compared to the base currency of the transaction, on date t; Ct = value of the base currency, in Reais, on date t. The values of the concerned currency can be obtained from the following sources: • Bloomberg; • The Brazilian Central Bank. 5 Other Structured Transactions This topic will focus on the method used for some structured transactions that have very specific characteristics and cannot be priced from the methods described so far. 5.1 Pre-Fixed Rate Structured Transaction This transaction consists of the following structures: • There are two players: a purchaser and a seller. The purchaser has a debt with the seller; • An investor pays off the debt with the seller and becomes a creditor of the purchaser; • In order to mitigate his credit risk, the investor carries insurance for the debt, which secures receipt of all debts that the purchaser fails to pay. Suppose that there are n monthly flows of amortizations and interest payments, on dates t1 , t 2 ,..., t n . Be r the monthly interest rate of the transaction. The curve value of the transaction on date t, with t i −1 ≤ t ≤ t i , is given by: Vt = Vi −1 × (1 + r )ti −1 t where: Vt = value of the transaction on date t; Vi-1 = debit balance of the transaction, calculated on date ti-1, after deducting the payments made up to such date. 5.2 Libor x Fixed Rate Swap linked to Libor This topic presents the method used to price a Libor x Fixed Rate swap, with clauses that determine the fixed rate based on the Libor rate level. The agreement will be priced in dollars. To translate the amounts into reais, the PTAX sale rate must be used. 5.2.1 Libor Leg To price this edge, it will be assumed that there are no intermediate flow payments. The MtM of the Libor edge on the concerned date is given by the following expression: PU 0 × (1 + Libor0 )t0 × (1 + Libor0 )t L × (1 + Libor )t FL t MtM t = (1 + Treasury )tt t t F where: tL = last date on which the Libor rate is known; (1+ Libor0 )tt 0 = Libor variation observed on the date of the transaction, between dates t0 and t; (1+ Libor0 )tt L = Libor variation observed on the date of the transaction, between dates t and tL; (1+ Libor0 )tt = projected Libor variation, between dates tL and tF; (1 + Treasury )tt = projected Treasury variation, between dates t and tF. F L F It must be observed that the LIBOR rate accrues on a calendar-day basis, based on a 360-day year. Treasury also accrues on a calendar-day basis, but based on a 365-day year. 5.2.2 Pre-Fixed Rate Leg The value of the pre-fixed rate is determined according to the following rule. Given that: Libor = Libor rate observed on the date of determination; L = limit rate as established in the agreement; C = fixed interest rate of the edge indexed by the Dollar; T = fixed interest rate of the edge indexed by the Dollar as set forth in the agreement; The rule to determine the rate is given by: • • If Libor ≥ L, then C = T; If Libor < L, then C = T + (L - Libor). Thus, it can be understood that this edge of the transaction is the composition of a pre-fixed-rate transaction, with the purchase of a series of Libor puts, with strike at the rate L. This transaction will be priced in two stages. Pre-Fixed Portion The MtM of the pre-fixed portion will be calculated as follows: V0 × (1 + T )t0F t PPt = (1 + Treasury )tt F where: (1 + Treasury )tt F = projected Treasury variation, between dates t and tF. Buy Put (long) The purchase of a series of puts is known as floor. The floor value is given by the sum of the value of each of the puts that comprise it. The value of such puts may be obtained through the Black model, as adjusted to reflect the different start dates thereof. For each of the puts that comprise the floor, the price is given by: d 360 [K × N (− d 2 ) − Ft × N (− d1 )] Pt = d e rtc 1 + Ft × 360 V× where: 2 F σ × tc ln + K 2 d1 = σ × tc d 2 = d1 − σ × tc V = non-amortized value for each installment of the swap flows; d = forward rate period; tc = time, in years, to the maturity of the option (based on 365 calendar days); R = Treasury projection, in % per annum, as of the date of maturity of the option; r = ln(1+R); Ft = forward Libor rate, that is, projected rate for the start date of the option up to its maturity; K = put strike value, given by L; Y = implied volatility of the option, based on 365 days. Finally, the value of this swap edge is given by: Vt = PPt + Pt 5.2.3 Data The necessary data can be obtained from the following sources: • Libor: at the Bloomberg system, by typing: US000 <botão “Index”> <botão “Go”>. • Projected Libor: at the Bloomberg system, by typing: IRSB <botão “Go”> 18 <botão “Go”>. • Treasury Curve: at the Bloomberg system, by typing: USGG <botão “Index”>. • Libor Volatility: at the Bloomberg system, through the following path IRSB <botão “Go”> 18 <botão “Go”>; Due to the proximity of the data obtained to the events to be priced, the interpolation of the volatilities obtained is dispensable. The volatility used will be the one referring to the closest vertex to the maturity date of the flow. 6 Other procedures and methods This topic will address some procedures and methods not directly used in the marking-to-market process, but which are part of the pricing processes adopted by Citibank. 6.1 Procedures for dates without data disclosure In case of dates on which the data used (rates, prices, etc.) is not available (such as on the days preceding the turn of the year), the procedure to be used is the following: • The projected rates must be kept unchanged, that is, it will be assumed that they have not changed; • If the UP is used to determine the rate (e.g.: LTN or DI), it is necessary to recalculate the UP in order to keep the same expectation for the rate given by such price; • On such date, opening and closing quotes must coincide. 6.2 Valuation in the Curve This topic presents the methods used by Citibank to value the securities according to their curves (held-to-maturity definition). Calculation at the TIR An alternative to calculate the value in the curve of an asset is to use as adjustment value the Internal Return Rate (TIR) of the security, obtained from the price observed on the date of acquisition. The internal return rate of the security can be obtained as follows: n P=∑ i =1 Fi (1 + r )ttic where: P = acquisition price of the security; Fi = value of the i-th flow of the security; r = TIR of the security; tc = security purchase date. The value of r can be obtained from some convergence method, such as the Solver function of the Microsoft Excel® software. From this return rate, the value in the curve of the security, on any date t, is given by: Pt = P × (1 + Ind )tc × (1 + r )tc t t Linear Calculation This method is used by Citibank’s Drive system and carries out the linear appropriation of the discount obtained on the date of purchase of the security. The calculation will be described below. Suppose that the security is acquired on date tc. Given that: VNAt = adjusted nominal value of the security on date t; P = acquisition price of the security; Dt = discount of the security on date t, given by: Dt = P − VNAt The discount of the security on date t + 1, and on any date subsequent to the concerned date (t + j), is given by: D ∆(t + j , t F ) Dt + j = t ⋅ VNAt + j ⋅ VNAt ∆(t , t F ) where: ∆ (t, t F ) = number of business days between date t and date tF. From the discount, it is possible to obtain the price on any date t + j. Such value is given by: Vt + j = VNAt + j + Dt + j 6.3 SELIC Rate - Updating Procedure To update the SELIC rate, the following rules must be observed: • • • The SELIC rate used for the current day will be the average rate estimated by ANDIMA, available at:; On the day following such updating, the rate estimated by ANDIMA must be replaced with the rate published by BACEN, which will already be available. The purpose of this procedure is to prevent minor inaccuracies in ANDIMA’s estimates from interfering, in the long term, with the marking of the assets to market; In exceptional cases, such as high volatility in the fixed income market or no estimate from ANDIMA, it is possible to use directly the rate published by BACEN.