COPYRIGHT The author has agreed that the library, Department of Civil Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, Institute of Engineering may make this thesis freely available for inspection. Moreover, the author has agreed that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purpose may be granted by the professor(s) who supervised the work recorded herein or, in their absence, by the Head of the Department wherein the thesis was done. It is understood that the recognition will be given to the author of this thesis and to the Department of Civil Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, Institute of Engineering in any use of the material of this thesis. Copying or publication or the other use of this thesis for financial gain without approval of the Department of Civil Engineering Pulchowk Campus, Institute of Engineering and author’s written permission is prohibited. Request for permission to copy or to make any other use of the material in this thesis in whole or in part should be addressed to: Head of Department of Civil Engineering Institute of Engineering Pulchowk Campus Lalitpur, Kathmandu Nepal CERTIFICATE The undersigned certify that they have read, and recommended to the Institute of Engineering for acceptance, a thesis entitled “Design of Tunnel Support Systems and Study of Tunnel Support Systems of Likhu IV Hydroelectric Project" submitted by Mr. Sagun Shrestha in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Geotechnical Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal is a record of bonafide works carried out by him under my supervision and guidance. In geotechnical engineering no part of his work has been published or submitted for the award of any degree elsewhere. _______________________________ Prof. Dr. Akal Bahadur Singh Supervisor Department of Civil Engineering IOE, Pulchowk Campus Tribhuvan University, Lalitpur Nepal April 12, 2011 CERTIFICATE The thesis presented by Mr. Sagun Shrestha entitled “Design of Tunnel Support Systems and Study of Tunnel Support Systems of Likhu IV Hydroelectric Project” has been accepted as the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science in Geotechnical Engineering. Mr. Padam Khadka Coordinator, M.Sc. Geotechnical Engineering Department of Civil Engineering IOE, Pulchowk Campus Tribhuvan University, Lalitpur Nepal April 12, 2011 Er. Prakash Man Shrestha External Ecaminer Nepal Electricity Authority Bhaktapur Nepal ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My foremost thanks go to Pulchowk Engineering Campus, Tribhuvan University for accepting my research proposal and allowing me to do my master’s thesis on “Design of Tunnel Support Systems and Study of Tunnel Support Systems of Likhu IV Hydroelectric Project” I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to my thesis adviser Prof. Dr. Akal Bahadur Singh for his constant inspiration and guidance throughout the study period. My sincere appreciation goes to Mr. Padam Khadka, Coordinator of M.Sc. in Geo-technical Engineering, Pulchowk Campus for his constant support and encouragement. I again would like to express my sincere thanks and deep gratitude to Prof. Dr. Akal Bahadur Singh for providing materials, datas, constant inspiration and guidance throughout the thesis period. I would also like to thanks to Green Venture Pvt. Ltd. Where I get detail information of Detail Project Report (DPR) of Likhu IV Hydroelectric Project. Finally. I am grateful to my family and friends who support and encourage me for this research work, without which none of all might have been possible. Sagun Shrestha 065/MSG/r/814 April 12, 2011 ABSTRACT This thesis demonstrates the various methods of Design of Tunnel Support Systems and Study of Tunnel Support Systems of Likhu IV Hydroelectric Project. Primary support system constitutes the main support element of the tunnel system. This support must be design to take up all the types of loads that may be induced during the life time of the tunnel. And temporary support has to be provide for safety during construction. But accurate determination of various types of rock pressure on linings is rather difficult because predication of the existing stress condition (primary stress) in the non-uniform rock mass as well as that of the secondary stresses that develops after excavation is very much complicated and these secondary stress are highly dependent on induced deformations which themselves are difficult to assess. This thesis carried out in three parts. In the first part, the aim of this study is to investigate the implementation of rocksupport using Empirical Method for a Headrace Tunnel (HRT). A HRT alignment in Okhaldhunga District of Nepal were selected; an HRT (4128m) at the Likhu IV Hydroelectric Project which is preparing for its generation license from Department of Electricity Development. Analysis of support system has been done by empirical methods. RSR, RMR and Qsystem has been used to classify the rock mass. Stand up time has been calculated using Q value and RMR. The headrace tunnel (length=4213m) consist of four different types of rock mass classification such as i) Good ii) Fair ii) Poor IV) Very poor quality rock mass of Gneiss and Phylit/shist. Hence the support has been provided as per the three empirical methods. In the second part, Rock-support interaction analysis is an analytical model used to explain a process of rock mass support which occurs during rock excavation. This theory addresses one problem that appears during any rock excavation. The problem is to achieve the optimal amount of support required to maintain a safe and useable opening with allowable initial settlement. In this study also the whole length of tunnel has been divided into four parts with respect to rock mass quality. Individual analysis has been done for maximum rock cover of 300m for the alignment. The author has collected secondary data from prepared DPR and field visit. Data comprised details of rock mass quality, Rock cover and geometric parameter of HRT. The data available from the above sources were analysed using a spread sheet, mathematical and numerical calculation. A closed-form analytical model was constructed, based on a series of algorithms from Brown et al. (1983) and Hoek and Brown (1980).Mathematical excel graph sheet was prepared to describe functions for ground reaction and support availability, and to seeks an intersection point between the ground reaction and support availability. The author also has introduced the Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) rather than using the wire mesh which can be assumed to save the time in placing the wire mesh on the rock surface. However, there are some limitations: Rock-support interaction has failed to give an explanation for good quality rock mass The calculation of the extent of a plastic zone around the opening was not supported by the displacement data and the numerical calculation. However the existence of a plastic zone was accepted. A ground reaction curve cannot represent an entire opening. A ground reaction curve should be generated in each location to indicate a condition of stability in that particular location. In the third part it is assumed that all the external loads are known and can be quantified in terms of some mathematical expressions and concrete linings placed immediately after excavation to take all the loads and deformation, so that it acts as temporary support and primary support as well. The Protodiakonov’s Theory of Rock Pressure is considered for finding rock pressure. After determining the all external loads we can determinant the other design parameter like ground reaction, active rock mass pressure, passive resistance etc. All tunnel linings are designed taking a design length of one meter along the tunnel axis. Assuming that the thickness and rigidity of the tunnel is constant for the whole of its cross-section and that the cross-section as well as the loading pattern is also symmetrical with respect to vertical axis of the cross-section, only one of the half sections will be analyzed. The half section is assumed to be free at top and fixed at bottom. To make the structure statically determinate first applying the Method of Potential Energy we will find moments M0 and Horizontal reaction H0 at crown of the arch lining. Once these values are known the relevant value of moments M and normal force N at any given section due to external load can be calculated by superimposing moments and axial loads due to M0 and H0 on those due to external. Finally the monolithic concrete linings for tunnel will be proposed to will resist the all superimposed M and N obtained at each section. The Bending moment for similar modal in different standard also studied and finally the reinforced concrete by limit sate method and unreinforced concrete form ACI code has been designed. Finally the three results are studied. The study has concluded that immediate support is needed throughout the Headrace tunnel only for poor and very poor rock mass class. Though the empirical method shows that the tunnel can stand without any support for some good rocks but minimum 50 mm shotcrete has to be provided for safety point of view. Nevertheless, the rock-support interaction theory does give a better understanding of the process of supporting an excavated rock mass. Using this theory, the principle of optimising the dimensions of excavation of rock mass for an underground opening was clarified. But the tunneling can be assumed to be more economical if the final lining is done just after excavation. New Tunneling method with pressed concrete can be used for this process. Press concrete tunneling method has been revived as a new method. New tunneling complexes with sliding shuttering have been launched including tunneling complex “malachite” that has been developed and produced for very hard hydro geological conditions. The complex contains a shield with compressive air chamber. In this method it is assumed that no temporary support are required, the entire designed load are taken by the finial lining. This thesis paper is able to give only basic introduction about this method and the author is very positive about this method to be used in Nepal’s Tunnel. References: 1. Underground Excavations in Rock, E. Hoek & E.T. Brown 2. Class notes on “Design of Concrete Lining”, By Prof. Dr. Akal Bahadur Singh 3. Guidelines for Design of Shield Tunnel Lining, ITA- Working Group Research 4. Indian Standard, Code of Practice For Design of Tunnels Conveying Water , IS:4880(Part V) – 1972 5. Stability Evaluation And Design of Tunnel Openings In Brittle-Massive Rock Masses Istanbul Technical University-Mining Engineering Dept., Istanbul, Turkey 6. New tunneling with monolithic press concrete lining, N. Bulychev & N. Fotieva, Department of Underground Construction Tula State University Tula Russia. 7. Implementation of rock-support interaction Theory in assessing the stability of Underground openings By: Wisnu sardjono soenarso, S-1 in mining engineering (institute technology of bandung) 8. American Concrete Institute, ACI 318.