APPLICATIONS UNDER EXAMINATION CEDAR CEDAR (Thuja occidentalis) Proposed denomination: Trade name: Application number: Application date: Applicant: Agent in Canada: Breeder: ‘Anna van Vloten’ Anna’s Magic Ball 12-7751 2012/09/12 Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., Grand Haven, Michigan, United States of America BioFlora Inc., St. Thomas, Ontario Casey Van Vloten, Pitt Meadows, British Columbia Variety used for comparison: ‘Golden Globe’ Summary: The plants of ‘Anna van Vloten’ have dense foliage with branches of medium stiffness whereas the plants of ‘Golden Globe’ have very dense foliage with stiff branches. The branch of the first order of ‘Anna van Vloten’ is larger than the branch of the first order of ‘Golden Globe’. The leaf of ‘Anna van Vloten’ is longer than the leaf of ‘Golden Globe’. In spring, the main colour of the outer side of the leaf of ‘Anna van Vloten’ is light yellow with a yellow brown tip whereas the leaf of ‘Golden Globe’ is light yellow with a yellow apex and yellow brown tip. In summer, the main colour of the outer side of the leaf from the upper part of the outermost branches of ‘Anna van Vloten’ is yellow orange with light yellow at the apex fading to yellow orange to light yellow on the leaf located towards the lower part of the outermost branches whereas the outer side of the leaf from the upper part of the outermost branches of ‘Golden Globe’ is darker yellow orange with light yellow at the apex and does not fade on the leaf located towards the lower part of the outermost branches. Description: SHRUB: evergreen type, absent or very weak fragrance, globose shape, dense foliage, yellow colour group, many branches BRANCH: erect attitude, medium degree of stiffness, dark brown when aged BRANCHLET OF FIRST ORDER: medium to dense second order branchlets, light green and yellow stem BRANCHLET OF SECOND ORDER: medium density of third order branchlets LEAF: decussate arrangement around axis of branchlet, scale-like shape, adpressed attachment, upright to semi-upward attitude, acuminate shape of apex, entire margin, involute margin fold LEAF IN SPRING (OUTER SIDE): main colour is light yellow (RHS 10A-C) with yellow brown (RHS 165B) at tip changing to dark to light green (RHS 144A-B) on leaf located towards lower part of branchlet LEAF FROM UPPER PART OF OUTERMOST BRANCHES IN SUMMER (OUTER SIDE): main colour is yellow orange (RHS 13B) with light yellow (RHS 10C) apex LEAF FROM MIDDLE PART OF OUTERMOST BRANCHES IN SUMMER (OUTER SIDE): main colour is yellow orange to light yellow (RHS 11A-B) LEAF FROM LOWER PART OF OUTERMOST BRANCHES IN SUMMER (OUTER SIDE): main colour is light green (RHS 144B) changing to dark green (RHS 143C) on leaf located towards inner part of branches LEAF FROM INNER PART OF BRANCHES IN SUMMER (OUTER SIDE): brown green (RHS 137B-C) Origin and Breeding: ‘Anna van Vloten’ was discovered and developed by the breeder, Casey van Vloten of Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada. It was discovered as a naturally occurring branch mutation of the Thuja occidentalis variety ‘Danica’ in 1993, in Abbotsford. ‘Anna van Vloten’ was selected during that same year for its plant growth habit, winter and summer foliage colour, and plant hardiness. It was first asexually propagated by hardwood cuttings in October 2000 in Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada. Tests and Trials: The comparative trial of ‘Anna van Vloten’ was conducted as an outdoor irrigated container trial during the summer of 2014 and spring of 2015 at BioFlora Inc. in St. Thomas, Ontario. The trial included a total of 12 shrubs each of the candidate and reference variety. All shrubs were grown from 5.5 cm liners that were each planted into a 9 litre container on June 7, 2013 for the candidate variety and on June 14, 2013 for the reference variety. The trial was arranged in rows with approximately 60 cm spacing between plants. Observations and measurements were taken from 10 shrubs or parts Plant Varieties Journal, October 2015, No. 97 APPLICATIONS UNDER EXAMINATION CEDAR of shrubs on August 25, 2014, except spring observations and measurements which were taken on April 14, 2015. All colour determinations were made using the 2007 Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) Colour Chart. Comparison table for ‘Anna van Vloten’ ‘Anna van Vloten’ ‘Golden Globe’* Length of branchlet of first order (cm) mean 5.8 std. deviation 0.36 4.8 0.60 Width of branchlet of first order (cm) mean 6.2 std. deviation 0.92 4.2 0.34 Leaf length (mm) mean std. deviation 2.4 0.22 3.1 0.23 Main colour of leaf in spring (RHS) outer side 10A-C with 165B tip 10A-C with 12B near apex and close to 167B tip Colour of leaf from upper part of outermost branches in summer (RHS) outer side 13B with 10C apex 13A-B with 10C apex Colour of leaf from lower part of outermost branches in summer (RHS) outer side 11A-B 13A-B Colour of leaf from inner part of branches in summer (RHS) outer side 144B to 143C 144B to 143C *reference variety Cedar: ‘Anna Van Vloten’ (left) with reference variety ‘Golden Globe’ (right) Plant Varieties Journal, October 2015, No. 97 APPLICATIONS UNDER EXAMINATION Cedar: ‘Anna Van Vloten’ (left) with reference variety ‘Golden Globe’ (right) Cedar: ‘Anna Van Vloten’ (left) with reference variety ‘Golden Globe’ (right) Plant Varieties Journal, October 2015, No. 97 CEDAR APPLICATIONS UNDER EXAMINATION Proposed denomination: Application number: Application date: Applicant: Agent in Canada: Breeder: CEDAR ‘Filips Magic Moment’ 12-7734 2012/09/10 Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., Grand Haven, Michigan, United States of America BioFlora Inc., St. Thomas, Ontario Edwin Johannes A. Smits, Volkel, Netherlands Variety used for comparison: ‘Sunkist’ Summary: The colour of the stem of the branchlet of the first order is mostly medium green for ‘Filips Magic Moment’ whereas the stem of the branchlet of the first order is yellow green for ‘Sunkist’. The branchlet of the first order of ‘Filips Magic Moment’ is larger than the branchlet of the first order of ‘Sunkist’. The branchlet of the second order of ‘Filips Magic Moment’ is longer than the branchlet of the second order of ‘Sunkist’. In spring and summer, the percent coverage of yellow secondary colouration of the leaves is less for ‘Filips Magic Moment’ in comparison to the yellow secondary colouration of the leaves of ‘Sunkist’. In summer, the main colour of the outer side of the leaf from the upper part of the outermost branches of ‘Filips Magic Moment’ is light yellow whereas the outer side of the leaf from the upper part of the outermost branches of ‘Sunkist’ is yellow orange. Description: SHRUB: evergreen type, conical shape, medium to dense foliage, light green and yellow colour group, medium to many branches BRANCH: erect to semi-erect attitude, medium degree of stiffness, dark brown with reddish brown tones when aged BRANCHLET OF FIRST ORDER: medium to dense second order branchlets, mostly medium green stem BRANCHLET OF SECOND ORDER: sparse to medium density of third order branchlets LEAF: decussate arrangement around axis of branchlet, scale-like shape, adpressed attachment, acute shape of apex, entire margin, involute margin fold LEAF IN SPRING (OUTER SIDE): yellow orange (RHS 13B-C) with dark green to light green (RHS144A-B) at base changing to only dark green to light green (RHS144A-B) on leaf located towards lower part of branchlet LEAF FROM UPPER PART OF OUTERMOST BRANCHES IN SUMMER (OUTER SIDE): main colour is light yellow (RHS 10A with 11C) LEAF FROM LOWER PART OF OUTERMOST BRANCHES IN SUMMER (OUTER SIDE): main colour is light green (RHS 144B-C) changing to green (RHS 143C) on leaf located towards lower part of branches LEAF FROM INNER PART OF BANCHES IN SUMMER (OUTER SIDE): brown green (RHS 137B-C) Origin and Breeding: ‘Filips Magic Moment’ was discovered and developed by the breeder, Edwin Johannes Arnoldes Smits, an employee of Boomkwekerij Edwin Smits in Meerkensweg 8, Volkel, Netherlands. It was discovered as a naturally occurring branch mutation of the Thuja occidentalis variety ‘Smaragd’ during the summer of 2000. ‘Filips Magic Moment’ was selected during that same year for its plant growth habit, golden yellow foliage colour in summer, orange-yellow foliage colour in winter, and good plant hardiness. It was first asexually propagated by hardwood cuttings in October 2000 in Volkel, Netherlands. Tests and Trials: The comparative trial of ‘Filips Magic Moment’ was conducted as an outdoor irrigated container trial during the summer of 2014 and spring of 2015 at BioFlora Inc. in St. Thomas, Ontario. The trial included a total of 12 shrubs each of the candidate and reference variety. All shrubs were grown from 5.5 cm liners that were each planted into a 9 litre container on June 7, 2013. The trial was arranged in rows with approximately 60 cm spacing between plants. Observations and measurements were taken from 10 shrubs or parts of shrubs on August 25, 2014, except spring observations and measurements which were taken on April 14, 2015. All colour determinations were made using the 2007 Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) Colour Chart. Plant Varieties Journal, October 2015, No. 97 APPLICATIONS UNDER EXAMINATION CEDAR Comparison table for ‘Filips Magic Moment’ ‘Filips Magic Moment’ ‘Sunkist’* Length of branchlet of first order (cm) mean 5.9 std. deviation 0.52 3.9 0.54 Width of branchlet of first order (cm) mean 3.5 std. deviation 0.63 2.0 0.47 Length of branchlet of second order (cm) mean 2.8 std. deviation 0.72 1.8 0.17 Colour of leaf from upper part of outermost branches in summer (RHS) outer side 10A, 11C 13A-B Colour of leaf from lower part of outermost branches in summer (RHS) outer side 144B-C 144B *reference variety Cedar: ‘Filips Magic Moment’ (left) with reference variety ‘Sunkist’ (right) Plant Varieties Journal, October 2015, No. 97 APPLICATIONS UNDER EXAMINATION Cedar: ‘Filips Magic Moment’ (left) with reference variety ‘Sunkist’ (right) Cedar: ‘Filips Magic Moment’ (left) with reference variety ‘Sunkist’ (right) Plant Varieties Journal, October 2015, No. 97 CEDAR