23p Medical Research Society 75. FRACTIONATION OF FULMINANT HEPATIC FAILURE SERUM TO FURTHER CHARACTERIZE THE LEUCOCYTE SODIUM TRANSPORT INHIBITOR R. D. HUGHES, R. B. SEWELL, L. POSTON AND R. WILLIAMS Liver Unit, King's College Hospital and Medical School, Denmark HiI/, London S.E.5 The presence of toxic metabolites in blood is considered to be responsible for many of the metabolic abnormalities in fulminant hepatic failure. Previously it has been shown by our Unit that serum from these patients is inhibitory to leucocyte ouabainsensitive sodium transport (Alam et al., Clinical Science and Molecular Medicine, 55, 355). Inhibition of cellular ATPase could be related to the production of cerebral oedema, which is one of the major causes of death in fulminant hepatic failure. The aim of this study was to attempt to further characterize the serum inhibitors. Membrane ultrafiltrates « 10 000 mol.wt.) of serum were chromatographed on Sephadex G-25 with NH.HCO, (0·1 mol/I), with absorbance monitored at 206 nm and 254 nm. Fractions were collected for toxicity assay on the efflux of 2lNa from pre-loaded normalleucocytes. Similar toxicity to that in serum was observed in the ultrafiltrate and the most toxic G·25 fraction (peak 2) was not detected in pooled normal serum. Further chromatography of peak 2 material on Sephadex G-15 gave three discrete peaks. The second part of this study was to investigate the effect of artificial liver support systems on the serum chromatographic profiles. Material eluted from resin columns post-haemoperfusion and dialysis fluid post-polyacrylonitrile haemodialysis both showed removal of peaks 2 and 4. This was further studied in adsorption experiments in vitro with fulminant hepatic failure serum. With these techniques it is hoped to characterize the toxins responsible for the defect in leucocyte sodium transport and determine which method of artificial liver support will remove them most efficiently. 76. MEAL-INDUCED ABSORPTION OF NEWLY FORMED SECONDARY BILE ACIDS IN NORMAL MAN K. D. R. SETCHELL', A. M. LAWSON', E. J. BLACKSTOCK' AND G. M. MURPHyt 'Mass Spectrometry Sub-division, Division of Clinical Chemistrv, Chemical Research Centre, Harrow, Middlesex HAl 3UJ, and the tGastroenterology Unit, Guy's Hospital Medical School, London SEl 9RT Secondary bile acids are formed by the action of intestinal bacteria on the conjugated primary bile acids. The first step in the formation of these bacterial metabolites is usually deconjugation and many studies have shown that a large number of unconjugated bile acid metabolites may be formed in normal man. However, whilst there have been numerous studies of the excretion of unconjugated bile acids, little is known of their absorption. In the normal situation peripheral bile acid concentrations are determined largely by the input from the intestine and therefore we have used serum unconjugated bile acid concentrations as an index of the intestinal absorption of newly formed secondary bile acids. By using anion-exchange chromatography combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry serum unconjugated bile acid concentrations were measured in two subjects throughout a 24 h period during which three meals were taken and in two subjects before and during a 6 h period after breakfast. In the latter studies glycocholic acid concentrations were also determined by using a radioimmunoassay. Unconjugated bile acids were found in all samples and included cholic, chenodeoxycholic, deoxycholic, allodeoxycholic, hyodeoxycholic, ursodeoxycholic, 3p-cholenoic and lithocholic acids. Peak concentrations of all the metabolites occurred after meals in all four subjects, levels remammg relatively low during the overnight fast. The concentrations of the individual unconjugated bile acids after breakfast were often 50% that of the conjugated bile acid, glycocholate, in the same samples but in the absence of food returned to pre-breakfast levels within 2 h whereas those of the conjugated bile acids remained raised. These studies show for the first time that there is a diurnal variation in serum unconjugated bile acid levels in normal man and that the pattern of absorbed newly formed secondary bile acids is complex and of quantitative importance to normal serum total bile acid concentrations. 77. HLA-B8 AND CELLULAR IMMUNE RESPONSE TO GLUTEN F. G. SIMPSON, LOSOWSKY A. W. BULLEN, D. A. F. ROBERTSON AND M, S. University Department of Medicine, Clinical Sciences Building, St James's Hospital, Leeds LS9 7TF, U.K. Ingestion of the wheat protein gluten causes jejunal mucosal damage in coeliac disease. Most patients with coeliac disease have the histocompatibility antigen HLA-B8. Measurement of leucocyte migration inhibition has demonstrated increased cell-mediated immunity to gluten in coeliac disease compared with controls (Bullen & Losowsky, 1978, Gut, 19, 126). It has been suggested that this is specific for coeliac disease and may be helpful as a diagnostic test. However, lymphocytes from healthy B8 individuals transform with gluten (CunninghamRundles et al., 1979. Transplantation Proceedings. 10, 977). We have measured leucocyte migration index (LMI) to gluten fraction III in 30 healthy controls (14 B8, 16 non-B8), 26 untreated coeliac patients (20 B8, six non-B8) and 57 treated coeliac potentials (41 B8, 16 non-B8) and related the results to HLA status and effects of a gluten-free diet. In B8 controls there was significant depression of LMI (mean O·88, SD 0·08) indicating increased immunity compared with non-B8 controls (mean 0·98, SD 0·10, P < 0·02). Untreated coeliac patients, whether B8 or not, showed no difference from B8 controls (mean 0·89, SD 0,13). Coeliac patients early in treatment showed depression of LMI (mean O·78, SD 0·06, P < 0·001), which improved after treatment for over I year (mean 0·88, SD 0·08), suggesting that gluten-reactive lymphocytes are sequestered in the gut in untreated coeliac patients, appear in the blood when gluten is excluded from the diet and later decline in numbers. It is of importance that B8 and non-B8 coeliac patients behave similarly at all stages. These results suggest that coeliac disease patients, whether B8 or not, are similar to B8 controls in their cellular immunity to gluten and that this differs from that of non-B8 controls. This pattern of response may represent an immune response gene for cellular responses to gluten which is in linkage disequilibrium with HLA-B8. Similar immune-response genes have been described in animals but not in man. The pattern of immune response to gluten described seems necessary but cannot be sufficient for the development of coeliac disease. Previous results with tbe LMI test in coeliac disease must be re-evaluated with reference to the HLA status of the controls. 78. ENTEROPANCREATIC TROPHIC AXIS: A NEW MODEL FOR STIMULATING ADAPTIVE PANCREATIC HYPERPLASIA H. LEVAN, B. M. MIAZZA, S. V AJA AND R. H. DOWLING Gastroenterology Unit, Department ofMedicine, Guy's Hospital and Medical School, London SEl 9RT In order to further study the role of pancreatico-biliary secretions (PBS) (Altmann, 1971, American Journal of Anatomy, 132, 167-178) on the adaptive changes in structure and function of the gut observed in many different experimental situations, we diverted these PBS by transposing the duodenum