Vergil's Aeneid

AP Latin
Vergil’s Aeneid
Accurate Literal Translations of Books I, II, IV, and VI
Book One
Aeneid Book I
Arma virumque cano, Troiae qui primus ab oris
I sing of arms and a man, who first from the shores of Troy,
Italiam, fato profugus, Laviniaque venit
a fugitive by fate, came to Italy and Lavinian
litora. Multum ille et terris iactatus et alto
shores. He, (was) tossed much both on lands and on sea
vi superum saevae memorem Iunonis ob iram,
by the power of the gods because of the lasting wrath of savage Juno,
multa quoque et bello passus, dum conderet urbem,
he also having suffered many things in the war, while he was founding the city,
inferretque deos Latio, genus unde Latinum,
and was bringing his gods to Latium; where the Latin race,
Albanique patres, atque altae moenia Romae.
and the Alban fathers, and the walls of lofty Rome (are).
Musa, mihi causas memora, quo numine laeso,
Muse, recount to me the causes, by which godhead having been wronged,
quidve dolens, regina deum tot volvere casus
or what raging queen of gods pushed a man
insignem pietate virum, tot adire labors
distinguished in dutifulness, to roll so many fallings, to undergo so many labors.
impulerit. Tantaene animis caelestibus irae?
(Are) such great angers in celestial minds?
Aeneid Book I
Urbs antiqua fuit, Tyrii tenuere coloni,
There was an ancient city, Tyrian settlers held it,
Karthago, Italiam contra Tiberinaque longe
Carthage, across from Italy and far from the mouths of the Tiber,
ostia, dives opum studiisque asperrima belli;
rich in resources and very harsh in its eagerness for war;
quam Iuno fertur terris magis omnibus unam
one which Juno is said to have cherished more than all the lands
posthabita coluisse Samo; hic illius arma,
with Samos held last; the arms of her were here,
hic currus fuit; hoc regnum dea gentibus esse,
her chariot was here; now the goddess both strives for this kingdom to be for the people,
si qua fata sinant, iam tum tenditque fovetque.
if any fates allow, and cherishes it at the same time.
Progeniem sed enim Troiano a sanguine duci
But she had heard an offspring to be led from Trojan blood,
audierat, Tyrias olim quae verteret arces;
who one day would overthrow Tyrian citadels;
hinc populum late regem belloque superbum
from here a people and a king extensively arrogant in war
venturum excidio Libyae: sic volvere Parcas.
to be going to come for the destruction of Libya: thus the Fates rolled.
Aeneid Book I
Id metuens, veterisque memor Saturnia belli,
The daughter of Saturn, fearing this, and mindful of the ancient war,
prima quod ad Troiam pro caris gesserat Argis—
which she had waged with Troy before her dear Greeks—
necdum etiam causae irarum saevique dolores
the causes of the angers and of the savage pains had not yet
exciderant animo: manet alta mente repostum
fallen from her mind: there remains in high mind the distant
iudicium Paridis spretaeque iniuria formae,
judgment of Paris and the injury of her scorned beauty,
et genus invisum, et rapti Ganymedis honores.
and the hated race, and the honors of Ganymede seized.
His accensa super, iactatos aequore toto
By these things above inflamed, she was keeping back the Trojans, tossed on the whole
Troas, reliquias Danaum atque immitis Achilli,
sea, those remaining of the Greeks and of harsh Achilles,
arcebat longe Latio, multosque per annos
far from Latium, and they were wandering through many years,
errabant, acti fatis, maria omnia circum.
driven by fates, around all the seas.
Tantae molis erat Romanam condere gentem!
It was of such a great mass to found the Roman nation!
Aeneid Book I
Vix e conspectu Siculae telluris in altum
Scarcely out of sight of Sicilian land, happy,
vela dabant laeti, et spumas salis aere ruebant,
they gave sails onto the sea, and were plowing the foam of the sea with bronze,
cum Iuno, aeternum servans sub pectore volnus,
when Juno, saving the eternal wound beneath her breast,
haec secum: 'Mene incepto desistere victam,
(says) these things to herself: “For me having been conquered to cease in the thing begun,
nec posse Italia Teucrorum avertere regem?
and not to be able to turn away the king of the Trojans from Italy?
Quippe vetor fatis. Pallasne exurere classem
Indeed I am forbidden by the fates. Was Pallas able to burn
Argivom atque ipsos potuit submergere ponto,
the Argive fleet and to submerge them in the sea,
unius ob noxam et furias Aiacis Oilei?
because of the crime and the rages of one Ajax of Oileus?
Ipsa, Iovis rapidum iaculata e nubibus ignem,
She herself hurled the rapid fire of Jove from the clouds,
disiecitque rates evertitque aequora ventis,
and scattered the ships and overturned the seas with winds,
illum expirantem transfixo pectore flammas
she snatched him (Ajax), breathing out flames from a transfixed breast,
turbine corripuit scopuloque infixit acuto.
and she fixed him on a sharp cliff.
Ast ego, quae divom incedo regina, Iovisque
But I, who goes as queen of the gods,
et soror et coniunx, una cum gente tot annos
and both sister and wife of Jove, together with the nation (Troy) for so many years
bella gero! Et quisquam numen Iunonis adoret
I wage war! And besides, who adores the godhead of Juno,
praeterea, aut supplex aris imponet honorem?'
or as a suppliant will place honor on my altars?”
Aeneid Book I
Talia flammato secum dea corde volutans
The goddess, pondering such with herself things in her incited heart,
nimborum in patriam, loca feta furentibus austris,
came into the fatherland of clouds, a place teeming with raging south winds,
Aeoliam venit. Hic vasto rex Aeolus antro
Aeolus. Here in a vast cave king Aeolus,
luctantes ventos tempestatesque sonoras
by his command, presses the struggling winds and the sonorous storms
imperio premit ac vinclis et carcere frenat.
and restrains them with chains and in jail.
Illi indignantes magno cum murmure montis
They, being indignant, with a great murmir of mountain,
circum claustra fremunt; celsa sedet Aeolus arce
roar around the enclosures; on a lofty citadel, Aeolus sits,
sceptra tenens, mollitque animos et temperat iras.
holding a scepter, and he softens their spirits and tempers their angers.
Ni faciat, maria ac terras caelumque profundum
If he does not do this, indeed, they would bear with them the seas and the lands
quippe ferant rapidi secum verrantque per auras.
and the deep sky and, rapid, sweep them through the breezes.
Sed pater omnipotens speluncis abdidit atris,
But the omnipotent father has hidden them in dark caves
hoc metuens, molemque et montis insuper altos
fearing this, and he has placed on them a mass and high mountains above,
imposuit, regemque dedit, qui foedere certo
and he has given them a king, who by a fixed treaty
et premere et laxas sciret dare iussus habenas.
would know, having bee ordered to both restrain them and to give loose reins.
Ad quem tum Iuno supplex his vocibus usa est:
To whom then Juno as suppliant used these words:
Aeneid Book I
'Aeole, namque tibi divom pater atque hominum rex
“Aeolus, for you the father of gods and the king of men
et mulcere dedit fluctus et tollere vento,
both to calm the waves and to raise them with wind,
gens inimica mihi Tyrrhenum navigat aequor,
a race (Trojans) unfriendly to me sails the Tyranian sea,
Ilium in Italiam portans victosque Penates:
carrying Ilium and her conquered Penates into Italy:
incute vim ventis submersasque obrue puppes,
cut their strength with winds and overwhelm their submerged ships,
aut age diversos et disiice corpora ponto.
or drive them overturned and scatter their bodies on the sea.
Sunt mihi bis septem praestanti corpore nymphae,
There are to me twice seven nymphs with outstanding body,
quarum quae forma pulcherrima Deiopea,
of whom, one, most beautiful om form, Deiphobe,
conubio iungam stabili propriamque dicabo,
I will join in stable marriage and I will call her your own,
omnis ut tecum meritis pro talibus annos
so that with you she will spend all the years for such merits,
exigat, et pulchra faciat te prole parentem.'
and make you a parent with beautiful offspring.”
Aeolus haec contra: 'Tuus, O regina, quid optes
Aeolus in response says these things: “O queen, it is your labor to explore
explorare labor; mihi iussa capessere fas est.
what you wish; it is divine right for me to seize the orders.
Tu mihi, quodcumque hoc regni, tu sceptra Iovemque
You gain for me this whatever of a kingdom, you reconcile the scepter of Jove,
concilias, tu das epulis accumbere divom,
you give for me to recline at the banquets of the gods,
nimborumque facis tempestatumque potentem.'
and you make me powerful both of clouds and of storms.”
Aeneid Book I
Haec ubi dicta, cavum conversa cuspide montem
When these things were said, with his spear having been turned, he forced the hollow
impulit in latus: ac venti, velut agmine facto,
mountain onto its side: and the winds, just as in a battle line having been made,
qua data porta, ruunt et terras turbine perflant.
where a gate has been given, rush and blow through the lands in a whirlwind.
Incubuere mari, totumque a sedibus imis
They lay upon the whole sea and from the lowest seats
una Eurusque Notusque ruunt creberque procellis
Together both the East Wind and the South Wind and the Southwest Wind frequent
Africus, et vastos volvunt ad litora fluctus.
with blasts, rush, and roll vast waves to the shores.
Insequitur clamorque virum stridorque rudentum.
Both a shout and the shrieking of ropes follows.
Eripiunt subito nubes caelumque diemque
Suddenly clouds seize both sky and day
Teucrorum ex oculis; ponto nox incubat atra.
from the eyes of the Trojans; black night lay on the sea.
Intonuere poli, et crebris micat ignibus aether,
The poles thundered, and the air flashes with frequent fires,
praesentemque viris intentant omnia mortem.
And all things threaten present death for the men.
Aeneid Book I
Extemplo Aeneae solvuntur frigore membra:
Immediately the limbs of Aeneas are loosened with coal:
ingemit, et duplicis tendens ad sidera palmas
he moans and stretching his two hands to the stars, he
talia voce refert: 'O terque quaterque beati,
bears back such bad things with a voice: “O both three times and four times blessed
quis ante ora patrum Troiae sub moenibus altis
for whom it befell to die before the faces of their fathers beneath the lofty
contigit oppetere! O Danaum fortissime gentis
walls of Troy! O Diomedes most brave of the nation
Tydide! Mene Iliacis occumbere campis
of Greeks! For me not to have been able to die on Trojan fields
non potuisse, tuaque animam hanc effundere dextra,
and to pour out this spirit by your right hand
saevus ubi Aeacidae telo iacet Hector, ubi ingens
where savage Hector lies by the weapon of Achilles, where huge
Sarpedon, ubi tot Simois correpta sub undis
Sarpedon (is), where beneath the waves of the Simolis
scuta virum galeasque et fortia corpora volvit?'
rolls so many shields of men and helmets and brave bodies?”
Aeneid Book I
Talia iactanti stridens Aquilone procella
A blast shrieking with the North Wind tossing such things strikes
velum adversa ferit, fluctusque ad sidera tollit.
the sail opposite, and raises the waves to the stars.
Franguntur remi; tum prora avertit, et undis
The oars are broken; then the prow turns away, and gives side
dat latus; insequitur cumulo praeruptus aquae mons.
to the waves; a mountain broken off of water follows in heap.
Hi summo in fluctu pendent; his unda dehiscens
Some hang on the highest wave; for others a wave yawning
terram inter fluctus aperit; furit aestus harenis.
opens the land between the waves; the tide rages in the sands.
Tris Notus abreptas in saxa latentia torquet
The South Wind twists three snatched onto the spreading rocks
(saxa vocant Itali mediis quae in fluctibus, Aras,
(the Italians call the rocks which are in the middle of the waves, “the Auras” [altars]
dorsum immane mari summon), tris Eurus ab alto
a huge ridge on the highest sea), the East Wind forces three from the high
in brevia et Syrtis urget (miserabile visu)
sea into the shoals and quicksands (miserable to see)
inliditque vadis atque aggere cingit harenae.
and dashes them in the shallows and surrounds them with a heap of sand.
Aeneid Book I
Unam, quae Lycios fidumque vehebat Oronten,
One [ship], which was carrying the Lycians and faithful Orontes,
ipsius ante oculos ingens a vertice pontus
the huge sea strikes onto its stern from a whirlpool before the eyes of him [Aeneas]:
in puppim ferit: excutitur pronusque magister
the helmsman is struck and prone
volvitur in caput; ast illam ter fluctus ibidem
is rolled onto his head; but three times driving around, the wave
torquet agens circum, et rapidus vorat aequore vortex.
twists it [ship] in the same place and a rapid whirlpool devours it in the sea.
Adparent rari nantes in gurgite vasto,
A few appear swimming in the vast whirlpool,
arma virum, tabulaeque, et Troia gaza per undas.
arms of men, and planks, and Trojan treasure through the waves.
Iam validam Ilionei navem, iam fortis Achati,
Now the storm has conquered the brave ship of Iloneus, now the brave Achates,
et qua vectus Abas, et qua grandaevus Aletes,
and the one of which Abas was carried, and on which aged Aletes was carried,
vicit hiems; laxis laterum compagibus omnes
all receive the hostile rain with the closures of the sides loosened
accipiunt inimicum imbrem, rimisque fatiscunt.
and they give way at rims.
Aeneid Book I
Interea magno misceri murmure pontum,
Meanwhile Neptune sensed the sea to be mixed with a great murmur,
emissamque hiemem sensit Neptunus, et imis
and a storm to have been sent out, and pools
stagna refusa vadis, graviter commotus; et alto
poured from the lowest shallows, deeply moved [Neptune]; and from the deep sea
prospiciens, summa placidum caput extulit unda.
looking out, he bore his placid head on the highest wave.
Disiectam Aeneae, toto videt aequore classem,
He sees the fleet of Aeneas scattered on the whole sea,
fluctibus oppressos Troas caelique ruina,
the Trojans oppressed by waves and the ruin of the sky,
nec latuere doli fratrem Iunonis et irae.
nor did the deceits and angers of Juno lie hidden from her brother.
Eurum ad se Zephyrumque vocat, dehinc talia fatur:
He calls to him Eurus and Zephyr, from here he says such things:
'Tantane vos generis tenuit fiducia vestri?
“Did such great faith of your kind hold you?
Iam caelum terramque meo sine numine, venti,
Now you dare to mix sky and land without my authority, o winds,
miscere, et tantas audetis tollere moles?
and to raise such great masses?
Quos ego—sed motos praestat componere fluctus.
Whom I—! But it stands to place down the moving waves.
Post mihi non simili poena commissa luetis.
Afterwards to me you will attone for things committed not with similar punishment.
Maturate fugam, regique haec dicite vestro:
Hasten flight, and say these things to your king:
non illi imperium pelagi saevumque tridentem,
not to him but to me by lot was given power of the
sed mihi sorte datum. Tenet ille immania saxa,
sea and the savage trident. He holds the huge rocks, your home,
vestras, Eure, domos; illa se iactet in aula
Eurus; let Aeolus toss himself about in that hall,
Aeolus, et clauso ventorum carcere regnet.'
and let him rule in the closed prison of winds.”
Aeneid Book I
Sic ait, et dicto citius tumida aequora placat,
Thus he spoke and more swiftly than his wound he calms the swollen seas,
collectasque fugat nubes, solemque reducit.
and puts to flight the gathered clouds, and leads back the sun.
Cymothoe simul et Triton adnixus acuto
At the same time Cymothoe and Triton, leaving,
detrudunt navis scopulo; levat ipse tridenti;
force the ships from the sharp cliff; he himself raises them with his trident;
et vastas aperit syrtis, et temperat aequor,
and opens the vast quick sands and tempers the sea,
atque rotis summas levibus perlabitur undas.
and glides through the highest waves on light wheels.
Ac veluti magno in populo cum saepe coorta est
And just as in a great nation when often strife has arisen,
seditio, saevitque animis ignobile volgus,
and the ignoble crowd rages in spirit,
iamque faces et saxa volant—furor arma ministrat;
and now spears and rocks fly—fury supplies the arms;
tum, pietate gravem ac meritis si forte virum quem
then if by chance they have caught sight of any man heavy in dutifulness and in merits,
conspexere, silent, arrectisque auribus adstant;
they are silent, and stand with ears upright;
ille regit dictis animos, et pectora mulcet,—
he rules their minds with words and soothes their hearts,—
sic cunctus pelagi cecidit fragor, aequora postquam
thus the whole crash of the sea has fallen, afterwards
prospiciens genitor caeloque invectus aperto
the father looking out on the seas, carried in the open sky,
flectit equos, curruque volans dat lora secundo.
bends the horses and flying gives reins on the favorable course.
Aeneid Book I
Defessi Aeneadae, quae proxima litora, cursu
The tired followers of Aeneas strive to seek by course the shroes which (are) nearest,
contendunt petere, et Libyae vertuntur ad oras.
and they are turned to the shores of Libya.
Est in secessu longo locus: insula portum
There is a place in a long inland: an island makes a port
efficit obiectu laterum, quibus omnis ab alto
by the barrier of its sides, on which each wave from the sea
frangitur inque sinus scindit sese unda reductos.
is broken and tears itself into retiring bays.
Hinc atque hinc vastae rupes geminique minantur
From here and from there, vast crags and twin cliffs loom
in caelum scopuli, quorum sub vertice late
into the sky, beneath the top of which widely
aequora tuta silent; tum silvis scaena coruscis
the safe seas are silent; then a scene with glittering forests
desuper horrentique atrum nemus imminet umbra.
from above and a black grove with bristling shadow threatens.
Fronte sub adversa scopulis pendentibus antrum,
Beneath the opposite side a cave with hanging cliffs,
intus aquae dulces vivoque sedilia saxo,
within sweet waters and seats from living stone,
nympharum domus: hic fessas non vincula navis
the home of the nymphs: here not any chains
ulla tenent, unco non alligat ancora morsu.
hold the tired ships, an anchor does not bind with hooked bite.
Huc septem Aeneas collectis navibus omni
To here Aeneas lands seven ships gathered
ex numero subit; ac magno telluris amore
from all his number; and with a great love of land
egressi optata potiuntur Troes harena,
having gone out, the Trojans gain the hoped-for sand,
et sale tabentis artus in litore ponunt.
and they place their limbs dripping with salt on the shore.
Aeneid Book I
Ac primum silici scintillam excudit Achates,
And first Achates struck a park from flint
succepitque ignem foliis, atque arida circum
and received the fire in the leaves and gave dry fuel around,
nutrimenta dedit, rapuitque in fomite flammam.
and snatched the flame in the wood.
Tum Cererem corruptam undis Cerealiaque arma
Then tired of things they take out the grain ruined by the waves
expediunt fessi rerum, frugesque receptas
and the grain implements and they prepare
et torrere parant flammis et frangere saxo.
to dry the grain received on the flames and to break it on a rock.
Aeneas scopulum interea conscendit, et omnem
Meanwhile Aeneas climbs a cliff, and seeks the entire
prospectum late pelago petit, Anthea si quem
view widely on the sea, if he may see Antheas
iactatum vento videat Phrygiasque biremis,
tossed by the wind and Phrygian biremes,
aut Capyn, aut celsis in puppibus arma Caici.
or Capys, or the arms of Caecus on the lofty sterns.
Navem in conspectu nullam, tris litore cervos
He sees no ship in sight, (but) three stags
prospicit errantis; hos tota armenta sequuntur
wandering on the shore; all the herds follow these
a tergo, et longum per vallis pascitur agmen.
from the back and the long line feeds through the valleys.
Aeneid Book I
Constitit hic, arcumque manu celerisque sagittas
Here he stopped, and snatched his bow and swift arrows in his hand,
corripuit, fidus quae tela gerebat Achates;
weapons which faithful Achates was carrying;
ductoresque ipsos primum, capita alta ferentis
and first he levels the leaders themselves, bearing their high heads
cornibus arboreis, sternit, tum volgus, et omnem
with tree-like horns, then driving the crowd with weapons,
miscet agens telis nemora inter frondea turbam;
he mixes the whole herd among the leafy grooves;
nec prius absistit, quam septem ingentia victor
nor does he stop before, as a victor he pours seven huge bodies
corpora fundat humi, et numerum cum navibus aequet.
on the ground, and equals the number with ships.
Hinc portum petit, et socios partitur in omnes.
From here he seeks the port, and he divides them among all his allies.
Vina bonus quae deinde cadis onerarat Acestes
He divides the wine which good Acestes had then loaded in vats
litore Trinacrio dederatque abeuntibus heros,
and as a hero had given to those going away on the Trojan shores,
dividit, et dictis maerentia pectora mulcet:
a he soothes their mourning hearts with words:
Aeneid Book I
'O socii—neque enim ignari sumus ante malorum—
“O allies—for we are not unaware before of evils—
O passi graviora, dabit deus his quoque finem.
o you having suffered more serious things, the god will give an end to these also.
Vos et Scyllaeam rabiem penitusque sonantis
You have experienced both Scyllan wrath and inward sounding
accestis scopulos, vos et Cyclopea saxa
cliffs and you have experienced also Cyclopian rocks (Sicily):
experti: revocate animos, maestumque timorem
call baack your courage and send away mournful fear:
mittite: forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit.
and at one time perhaps it will help to remember these things.
Per varios casus, per tot discrimina rerum
Through various fallings, through so many perils of the things
tendimus in Latium; sedes ubi fata quietas
we tend into Latium; where the fates show quiet seats;
ostendunt; illic fas regna resurgere Troiae.
there it is divine right for the realms of Troy to rise again.
Durate, et vosmet rebus servate secundis.'
Endure and save yourselves for favorable things.”
Talia voce refert, curisque ingentibus aeger
He bears back such things with his voice and sick with huge cares
spem voltu simulat, premit altum corde dolorem.
he simulates hope on his face, he presses deep grief in his heart.
Aeneid Book I
Corripuere viam interea, qua semita monstrat.
Meanwhile they seized the road, where the path points out.
Iamque ascendebant collem, qui plurimus urbi
And now they were climbing a hill, which very much looms over the city,
imminet, adversasque adspectat desuper arces.
and looks out at the opposite citadels from above.
Miratur molem Aeneas, magalia quondam,
Amazed is Aeneas at the mass, once huts,
miratur portas strepitumque et strata viarum.
he is amazed at the gates and the noise and he pavement of the streets.
Instant ardentes Tyrii, pars ducere muros,
The ardent Tyrians (Carthaginians) press on, part lead the walls,
molirique arcem et manibus subvolvere saxa,
and build the citadel and roll rocks beneath their hands,
pars optare locum tecto et concludere sulco.
part choose a place for home and enclose it with a ditch.
Iura magistratusque legunt sanctumque senatum;
They choose laws and magistrates in the holy senate;
hic portus alii effodiunt; hic alta theatris
here some dig out ports; here others place the deep foundations
fundamenta locant alii, immanisque columnas
for a theater, and they cut out huge columns (of rock)
rupibus excidunt, scaenis decora alta futuris.
from the cliffs, lofty decorations for future scenes.
Aeneid Book I
Qualis apes aestate nova per florea rura
Of such a sort as the labor in the early summer through the flowery countrysides
exercet sub sole labor, cum gentis adultos
beneath the sun that busies the bees, when they lead out the adult young
educunt fetus, aut cum liquentia mella
of the species, or when they pack the liquid honeys
stipant et dulci distendunt nectare cellas,
and fill their cells with sweet nectar,
aut onera accipiunt venientum, aut agmine facto
or they accept the loads of those coming, or in a line having been made,
ignavom fucos pecus a praesepibus arcent:
they prevent the drones, a lazy group, from the hives:
fervet opus, redolentque thymo fragrantia mella.
the work glows and the fragrant honeys are fragrant with thyme.
'O fortunati, quorum iam moenia surgunt!'
“O fortunate ones, whose walls now arise!”
Aeneas ait, et fastigia suspicit urbis.
Aeneas now spoke and looks at the tops of the city.
Infert se saeptus nebula, mirabile dictu,
He bears himself cloaked in a cloud, amazing to tell,
per medios, miscetque viris, neque cernitur ulli.
through the middle, and he mixes with the men, and is not seen by any.
Aeneid Book I
Haec dum Dardanio Aeneae miranda videntur,
While these amazing things are seen by Dardan Aeneas,
dum stupet obtutuque haeret defixus in uno,
while he is amazed and fixed in one gaze, he is still,
regina ad templum, forma pulcherrima Dido,
the queen, Dido, most beautiful in form, approached the temple
incessit magna iuvenum stipante caterva.
with a great crowd of young men packing.
Qualis in Eurotae ripis aut per iuga Cynthi
Of such a sort as Diana on the banks of Eurotus or through the ridges of Cynthus
exercet Diana choros, quam mille secutae
she exercises the chorus, whom one thousand Oreads having followed
hinc atque hinc glomerantur oreades; illa pharetram
from here and from there are gathered; she bears a quiver
fert umero, gradiensque deas supereminet omnis:
on her shoulder, and walking is eminent above all the goddesses:
Latonae tacitum pertemptant gaudia pectus:
Joys pass through the silent heart of Latona:
talis erat Dido, talem se laeta ferebat
such was Dido, happy, she bore herself such
per medios, instans operi regnisque futuris.
through the middle intent on the work and on future realms.
Tum foribus divae, media testudine templi,
Then at the doors of the goddess, in the middle of the arch of the temple,
saepta armis, solioque alte subnixa resedit.
cloaked with arms and raised on a throne highly, she sat down.
Aeneid Book I
Iura dabat legesque viris, operumque laborem
She was giving judgments and laws to men, and she was equaling the labor of works
partibus aequabat iustis, aut sorte trahebat:
in fair parts, or she was drawing them by lot:
cum subito Aeneas concursu accedere magno
when suddenly Aeneas sees in a great running together
Anthea Sergestumque videt fortemque Cloanthum,
Antheas and Sergestes and brave Cloanthhus,
Teucrorumque alios, ater quos aequore turbo
and others of the Trojans, whom the black whirlwind
dispulerat penitusque alias avexerat oras.
had forced out on the sea and had carried away inward to other shores to approach.
Obstipuit simul ipse simul perculsus Achates
At the same time, he himself was amazed, at the same time Achates, having been struck
laetitiaque metuque; avidi coniungere dextras
with both happiness and fear; eager they were burning to join right hands;
ardebant; sed res animos incognita turbat.
but the unknown situation disturbs their minds.
Dissimulant, et nube cava speculantur amicti,
They dissemble and, cloaked in a hollow cloud, they watch
quae fortuna viris, classem quo litore linquant,
what fortune (may be) for their men, or what shore the leave their fleet,
quid veniant; cunctis nam lecti navibus ibant,
why they come; for, chosen from all the ships, they were going,
orantes veniam, et templum clamore petebant.
begging for mercy, and they were seeking the temple with a shout.
Aeneid Book I
Postquam introgressi et coram data copia fandi,
After they entered and an opportunity of speaking was given openly,
maximus Ilioneus placido sic pectore coepit:
very great Illoneus thus began from a placid heart:
'O Regina, novam cui condere Iuppiter urbem
“O queen, to whom Jupiter has given to found a new city
iustitiaque dedit gentis frenare superbas,
and to tame proud peoples with justice,
Troes te miseri, ventis maria omnia vecti,
we miserable Trojans, having been carried by winds on all the seas,
oramus, prohibe infandos a navibus ignis,
beg you, hold back unspeakable fires from our ships,
parce pio generi, et propius res aspice nostras.
spare a pious people, and look at our affairs more closely.
Non nos aut ferro Libycos populare penatis
We do not come either to ravage Libyan gods by sword,
venimus, aut raptas ad litora vertere praedas;
or to turn away booty having been seized to the shores;
non ea vis animo, nec tanta superbia victis.
that force is not in our mind, nor is such great arrogance towards those conquered.
Est locus, Hesperiam Grai cognomine dicunt,
There is a place, the Greeks call it Hesperia by name,
terra antiqua, potens armis atque ubere glaebae;
an ancient land, powerful in arms and in the richness of soil;
Oenotri coluere viri; nunc fama minores
the Oenotrian men have cultivated it; now the story is younger men
Italiam dixisse ducis de nomine gentem.
to have called the nation Italy from the name of the leader.
Aeneid Book I
Hic cursus fuit:
Here has been our course:
cum subito adsurgens fluctu nimbosus Orion
when suddenly stormy Orion, rising on a wave,
in vada caeca tulit, penitusque procacibus austris
has born us onto blind shadows, and with the south winds inwardly raging
perque undas, superante salo, perque invia saxa
through the waves, with the sea surpassing and through pathless rocks
dispulit; huc pauci vestris adnavimus oris.
it has forced us; to here we few swam to your shores.
Quod genus hoc hominum? Quaeve hunc tam barbara morem
What race of men (is) this? Or what fatherland so barbaric
permittit patria? Hospitio prohibemur harenae;
permits this custom? We are kept from the hospitality of the sand;
bella cient, primaque vetant consistere terra.
they raise wars, and they forbid us to settle on the first land.
Si genus humanum et mortalia temnitis arma
If you scorn the human race and mortal arms,
at sperate deos memores fandi atque nefandi.
but hope the gods mindful of right and wrong.
Aeneid Book I
Rex erat Aeneas nobis, quo iustior alter,
To us was the king Aeneas, than whom there was not another,
nec pietate fuit, nec bello maior et armis.
neither just in dutifulness, nor greater in war and in arms.
Quem si fata virum servant, si vescitur aura
Whom, if the fates save the man, if he breathes
aetheria, neque adhuc crudelibus occubat umbris,
divine air, and at this point does not lie in the cruel shadows,
non metus; officio nec te certasse priorem
(there is) not fear; let it not repent you, the first to have contended in
poeniteat. Sunt et Siculis regionibus urbes
this duty: there are cities in Sicilian regions
armaque, Troianoque a sanguine clarus Acestes.
arms, and famous Acestes from Trojan blood.
Quassatam ventis liceat subducere classem,
May it be permitted for our fleet, shattered by the winds, to beach
et silvis aptare trabes et stringere remos:
and to fit beams from the forests and to fashion oars,
si datur Italiam, sociis et rege recepto,
if it is given to tend to Italy, with allies and our king having been restored,
tendere, ut Italiam laeti Latiumque petamus;
so that we, happy, may seek Italy and latium;
sin absumpta salus, et te, pater optime Teucrum,
if our safety is taken away, and you, very good father of the Trojans (are taken away),
pontus habet Libyae, nec spes iam restat Iuli,
the sea of Libya holds, and the hope of Iulius no longer exists,
at freta Sicaniae saltem sedesque paratas,
but at least that we may head for the straits of Sicily and the seats having been prepared,
unde huc advecti, regemque petamus Acesten.'
from where we have been carried to here, and kind Acestes.”
Talibus Ilioneus; cuncti simul ore fremebant
With such words Illoneus (spoke); at the same time the other Trojans were resounding
with a cry.
Aeneid Book I
Tum breviter Dido, voltum demissa, profatur:
Then briefly Dido, having sent down a glance, speaks:
'Solvite corde metum, Teucri, secludite curas.
“Release fear from your heart, Trojans, close away cares.
Res dura et regni novitas me talia cogunt
A difficult situation and the newness of my kingdom force me
moliri, et late finis custode tueri.
to undertake such things, and widely to guard our borders with watchman.
Quis genus Aeneadum, quis Troiae nesciat urbem,
Who does not know the race of Aeneas, who (does not know) the city of Troy,
virtutesque virosque, aut tanti incendia belli?
and the courage and the men, or the fires of such a great war?
Non obtusa adeo gestamus pectora Poeni,
We Phoenecians do not bear hearts so unfeeling,
nec tam aversus equos Tyria Sol iungit ab urbe.
nor does the Sun, having been turned away so much, join his horses from the Tyrian city.
Seu vos Hesperiam magnam Saturniaque arva,
Whether you choose great Hesperia and the Saturnian fields,
sive Erycis finis regemque optatis Acesten,
or the territory of Eryx and king Acestes,
auxilio tutos dimittam, opibusque iuvabo.
I will send you away, safe with aid, and I will help with resources.
Voltis et his mecum pariter considere regnis;
Or do you wish to settle with me equally in these realms?
urbem quam statuo vestra est, subducite navis;
The city which I am building is yours; beach your ships;
Tros Tyriusque mihi nullo discrimine agetur.
Trojan and Tyrian will be treated with no discrimination by me.
Atque utinam rex ipse Noto compulsus eodem
And would that king Aeneas hiself forced by that same Notus
adforet Aeneas! Equidem per litora certos
be present! Indeed I will send certain men through the shores
dimittam et Libyae lustrare extrema iubebo,
and I will order them to survey the extreme areas of Libya,
si quibus eiectus silvis aut urbibus errat.'
If having been cast out in any forests or cities he wanders.
Book Two
Aeneid Book II
Primus ibi ante omnis magna comitante caterva
First there before all, with a large crowd accompanying,
Laocoon ardens summa decurrit ab arce,
Laocoon, burning, runs down from the highest citadel,
et procul 'o miseri, quae tanta insania, cives?
and from afar (says): “O miserable citizens, what insanity so great (is this)?
creditis avectos hostis? aut ulla putatis
Do you believe the enemy to have been aried away? Or do you think any gifts
dona carere dolis Danaum? sic notus Ulixes?
of the Greeks to be without deceits? Thus Ulysses (is) unknown?
aut hoc inclusi ligno occultantur Achivi,
Either enclosed in this wood the Greeks are hiding,
aut haec in nostros fabricata est machina muros,
or this machine has been made against our walls,
inspectura domos venturaque desuper urbi,
about to come to the city from above,
aut aliquis latet error; equo ne credite, Teucri.
or some error lies hidden; do not trust the horse, Trojans.
quidquid id est, timeo Danaos et dona ferentis.'
Whatever it is, I fear the Greeks, even bearing gifts.”
sic fatus ualidis ingentem viribus hastam
Thus, having spoken, with huge strength, he hurled the great spear
in latus inque feri curvam compagibus alvum
into the side and into the bell of the horse curved in joints
contorsit. stetit illa tremens, uteroque recusso
It stood there trembling, and from the belly, having been struck,
insonuere cavae gemitumque dedere cavernae.
the hollow caverns resounded and have a moan.
et, si fata deum, si mens non laeva fuisset,
And, if the fates of the gods, if the mind had not been foolish,
impulerat ferro Argolicas foedare latebras,
he would have punished (us) to defile Greek hiding places by sword,
Troiaque nunc staret, Priamique arx alta maneres.
and Troy now would stand, and you, lofty citadel of Priam, would remain.
Aeneid Book II
Laocoon, ductus Neptuno sorte sacerdos,
Laocoon, chosen by lot as a priest to Neptune,
sollemnis taurum ingentem mactabat ad aras.
Was sacrificing a huge bowl at the ceremonial altars.
ecce autem gemini a Tenedo tranquilla per alta
Behold however twin snakes from Tenedas through the tranquil seas
(horresco referens) immensis orbibus angues
(bearing back I bristle) lie upon the sea with immense folds
incumbunt pelago pariterque ad litora tendunt;
and equally tend toward the shores;
pectora quorum inter fluctus arrecta iubaeque
the breasts of which, upright between the waves, and bloody crests
sanguineae superant undas, pars cetera pontum
surpass the waves, the remaining part sweeps the sea
pone legit sinuatque immensa volumine terga.
behind and winds the immense backs in a field.
fit sonitus spumante salo; iamque arva tenebant
A sound happens on the foaming sea; and now they were holding
ardentisque oculos suffecti sanguine et igni
fields, and spotted as to their burning eyes with
sibila lambebant linguis vibrantibus ora.
they were licking their hissing mouths with vibrating tongues.
Diffugimus visu exsangues. illi agmine certo
Bloodless, we fled at sight. They in a certain line
Laocoonta petunt; et primum parva duorum
head for Laocoon; and first each serpent,
corpora natorum serpens amplexus uterque
having embraced, envelops the bodies of the two sons
implicat et miseros morsu depascitur artus;
and feeds on their miserable limbs with a bite;
Aeneid Book II
post ipsum auxilio subeuntem ac tela ferentem
afterwards they seize him, going for help and bearing weapons,
corripiunt spirisque ligant ingentibus; et iam
and they bind him with huge coils; and now
bis medium amplexi, bis collo squamea circum
twice having embraced his middle, twice having given their scaly backs
terga dati superant capite et cervicibus altis.
around his neck, they surpass with head and lofty necks.
Ille simul manibus tendit divellere nodos
At the same time, he tends to tear apart the knots with his hands,
perfusus sanie vittas atroque veneno,
having been bathed as to his fillets with gone and with black venom,
clamores simul horrendos ad sidera tollit:
at the same time he raises bristling shouts to the stars:
qualis mugitus, fugit cum saucius aram
of such a sort as the bellows when a wounded bull
taurus et incertam excussit cervice securim.
has fled the altar and has shaken the uncertain axe from its neck.
at gemini lapsu delubra ad summa dracones
But in a gliding the twin snakes escape to the highest temples
effugiunt saevaeque petunt Tritonidis arcem,
and they seek the citadel of savage Minerva,
sub pedibusque deae clipeique sub orbe teguntur.
and beneath the feet of the goddess and beneath the orb of the shield they are protected.
tum vero tremefacta novus per pectora cunctis
Then truly a new fear insinuates (itself) through the shattered hearts
insinuat pavor, et scelus expendisse merentem
of all, and they say Laocoon deserving to have borne out a crime,
Laocoonta ferunt, sacrum qui cuspide robur
he who struck the sacred wood with a spear
laeserit et tergo sceleratam intorserit hastam.
and twisted the criminal spear in the back (of the horse).
Ducendum ad sedes simulacrum orandaque divae
They shout together the image must be led to the seats and the powers
numina conclamant.
of the goddess must be begged.
Aeneid Book II
dividimus muros et moenia pandimus urbis.
We divide the walls and lay open the city walls of the city.
accingunt omnes operi pedibusque rotarum
All apply themselves to the task and they place the glidings of the wheels
subiciunt lapsus, et stuppea vincula collo
beneath the feet, and they stretch hempen chains on the neck;
intendunt; scandit fatalis machina muros
the fatal machine climbs the walls
feta armis. Pueri circum innuptaeque puellae
pregnant with arms. Boys and unmarried girls
sacra canunt funemque manu contingere gaudent;
sing sacred things around and rejoice to touch the rope with their hand;
illa subit mediaeque minans inlabitur urbi.
it (the horse) goes in and, threatening, glides into the middle of the city.
o patria, o divum domus Ilium et incluta bello
O fatherland, o Ilium, home of the gods and the walls
moenia Dardanidum! quater ipso in limine portae
of the Trojans renowned in the war! Four times on the very threshold of the gate
substitit atque utero sonitum quater arma dedere;
it stopped and four times from the belly the arms gave a sound;
instamus tamen immemores caecique furore
nevertheless we press on unmindful and blind with furty
et monstrum infelix sacrata sistimus arce.
and we place the unlucky monster on the sacred citadel.
tunc etiam fatis aperit Cassandra futuris
then also Cassandra opens her mouth with future fates
ora dei iussu non umquam credita Teucris.
by order of the god not ever believed by the Trojans.
Nos delubra deum miseri, quibus ultimus esset
We miserable ones, for whom that day was the last,
ille dies, festa velamus fronde per urbem.
decorate the shrines of the gods with festive bough through the city.
Aeneid Book II
Tempus erat quo prima quies mortalibus aegris
It was time when the first quiet begins for weary mortals
incipit et dono divum gratissima serpit.
and most pleasing it crawls by gift of the gods.
In somnis, ecce, ante oculos maestissimus Hector
In a dream behold before my eyes Hector most mournful
visus adesse mihi largosque effundere fletus,
seemed to appear to me and to pour out great weepings,
raptatus bigis ut quondam, aterque cruento
seized from his chariot, as once he (was), and black with bloody
pulvere perque pedes traiectus lora tumentis.
dust and having been pierced through his swelling feet as to the straps.
Ei mihi, qualis erat, quantum mutatus ab illo
Alas to me, of such a sort he was, how much changed from that
Hectore qui redit exuvias indutus Achilli
Hector, who returned wearing the spoils of Achilles
vel Danaum Phrygios iaculatus puppibus ignis!
or (who) hurled Phrygian fires on the ships of the Greeks!
Squalentem barbam et concretos sanguine crinis
Bearing a filthy beard and hair matted with blood
vulneraque illa gerens, quae circum plurima muros
those wounds, which very many he received around
accepit patrios. Ultro flens ipse videbar
fatherland walls. Further weeping I myself seem
compellare virum et maestas expromere voces:
address the man and to bring forth mournful voices:
Aeneid Book II
'O lux Dardaniae, spes o fidissima Teucrum,
“O light of Troy, o most faithful hope of the Trojans,
quae tantae tenuere morae? Quibus Hector ab oris
what delays so great have held you? O Hector, having been awaited,
exspectate venis? Ut te post multa tuorum
from what shores do you come? As we weary behold you after many
funera, post varios hominumque urbisque labors
deaths of your people, after various labors both of men and of the city!
defessi aspicimus! Qquae causa indigna serenos
What unworthy cause has defiled
foedavit vultus? Aut cur haec vulnera cerno?'
your serene face? Or why do I discern these wounds?”
Ille nihil, nec me quaerentem uana moratur,
He (says) nothing, nor does he delay we seeking vain things,
sed graviter gemitus imo de pectore ducens,
but deeply drawing moans from his lowest heart, he says,
'heu fuge, nate dea, teque his' ait 'eripe flammis.
“Alas flee, you born from a goddess, and seize yourself from these flames.
Hostis habet muros; ruit alto a culmine Troia.
The enemy holds the walls; Troy rushes from the high top.
Sat patriae Priamoque datum: si Pergama dextra
Enough has been given to the fatherland and to Priam: if Troy were able
defendi possent, etiam hac defensa fuissent.
to be defended by a right hand, certainly it would have been defended by this one.
Sacra suosque tibi commendat Troia penatis;
Troy commands to you her sacred things and her Penates;
hos cape fatorum comites, his moenia quaere
seize these companions of fates, seek for them city walls,
magna pererrato statues quae denique ponto.'
which great finally you will build with the sea having been wandered through.”
Sic ait et manibus vittas Vestamque potentem
Thus he spoke and with his hands he bears the fillets and powerful Vesta
aeternumque adytis effert penetralibus ignem.
and the eternal fire from the inner shrines.
Aeneid Book II
At me tum primum saevus circumstetit horror.
But then first a savage horror stood around me.
obstipui; subiit cari genitoris imago,
I was stunned; the image of my dear father came to mind,
ut regem aequaeuum crudeli vulnere vidi
as I saw the king of equal age breathing out his life from
vitam exhalantem, subiit deserta Creusa
a cruel wound, Creusa, having been deserted, came to mind
et direpta domus et parvi casus Iuli.
and the house destroyed and the falling of small Iulius.
respicio et quae sit me circum copia lustro.
I look back and I survey what force may be around me.
deseruere omnes defessi, et corpora saltu
All, weary, have deserted, and in a leap,
ad terram misere aut ignibus aegra dedere.
have sent their bodies to the ground or have given them, ailing, to fires.
Iamque adeo super unus eram, cum limina Vestae
And so, now I alone was remaining, when I see Helen
servantem et tacitam secreta in sede latentem
guarding the thresholds of Vesta and silent, lying hidden
Tyndarida aspicio; dant claram incendia lucem
in the secret seat; bright fires give light to me,
erranti passimque oculos per cuncta ferenti.
wandering and bearing my eyes through all things.
illa sibi infestos eversa ob Pergama Teucross
She, fearing the Trojans (may be) unfriendly to her because Troy having been overturned,
et Danaum poenam et deserti coniugis iras
and (fearing) the punishment of the Greeks and the angers of her deserted husband,
praemetuens, Troiae et patriae communis Erinys,
the common Fury of Troy and of the fatherland,
abdiderat sese atque aris invisa sedebat.
had hidden herself and unseen was sitting at the altars.
exarsere ignes animo; subit ira cadentem
Fires lashed in my mind; anger comes to mind
ulcisci patriam et sceleratas sumere poenas.
to average the falling fatherland and to exact wicked penalties.
Aeneid Book II
'scilicet haec Spartam incolumis patriasque Mycenas
“Is it permitted that she, unharmed, will behold Sparta and her fatherland, Mycenae,
aspiciet, partoque ibit regina triumpho?
and, as a queen, will go with triumph attained?
coniugiumque domumque patris natosque videbit
And will she see both husband and home and parents and children,
Iliadum turba et Phrygiis comitata ministris?
accompanied by a crowd of Trojans and by Phrygian servants?
occiderit ferro Priamus? Troia arserit igni?
Priam has been killed by sword? Troy has burned in fire?
Dardanium totiens sudarit sanguine litus?
Shall the shore of Troy have been we with blood so many times?
non ita. namque etsi nullum memorabile nomen
Not so. For even if no notable thing
feminea in poena est, habet haec victoria laudem;
in punishing a woman, nor does the victory have praise;
exstinxisse nefas tamen et sumpsisse merentis
nevertheless I will be praised to have committed the crime and to have exacted
laudabor poenas, animumque explesse iuvabit
deserving penalties, and it will help to have filled out the mind
ultricis flammae et cineres satiasse meorum.'
of burning revenge and to have satisfied the ashes of my people.”
Aeneid Book II
talia iactabam et furiata mente ferebar,
I was tossing such things and I was born by an enraged mind,
cum mihi se, non ante oculis tam clara, videndam
when my kind mother bore herself to me to be seen, not so clear before to my eyes,
obtulit et pura per noctem in luce refulsit
and through the night she gleamed in pure light
alma parens, confessa deam qualisque videri
revealing the goddess, and as such and as great as it was accustomed to be seen
caelicolis et quanta solet, dextraque prehensum
by the sky-dwellers, and she held me seized by right hand
continuit roseoque haec insuper addidit ore:
and also added these things from her rosy mouth:
'nate, quis indomitas tantus dolor excitat iras?
“Son, what grief so great excites angers ungovernmed?
quid furis? aut quonam nostri tibi cura recessit?
Why do you rage? Or to where has your care of us receded?
non prius aspicies ubi fessum aetate parentem
Will you not first behold where you left Anchises, your father weary with age,
liqueris Anchisen, superet coniunxne Creusa
or (where) your wife Creusa remains,
Ascaniusque puer? quos omnis undique Graiae
and the boy Ascanius? Around whom everywhere all Greek
circum errant acies et, ni mea cura resistat,
battle lines wander and, unless my care stops,
iam flammae tulerint inimicus et hauserit ensis.
now the flames will have born and the hostile sword will have stuck.
non tibi Tyndaridis facies invisa Lacaenae
Not to you, the face of hateful Spartan Helen,
culpatusue Paris, divum inclementia, divum
or Paris blamed, the severity of the gods
has evertit opes sternitque a culmine Troiam.
turns these powers and levels Troy from the top.
Aeneid Book II
aspice (namque omnem, quae nunc obducta tuenti
Look (for I will seize each cloud, which now led out dims
mortalis hebetat visus tibi et umida circum
mortal sight to you watching and humid,
caligat, nubem eripiam; tu ne qua parentis
puts mist around; you do not fear any orders of your parent
iussa time neu praeceptis parere recusa):
nor refuse to obey precepts):
hic, ubi disiectas moles avulsaque saxis
here, where you see masses torn apart and rocks overturned
saxa vides, mixtoque undantem pulvere fumum,
from rocks, and smoke wavering from mixed dust,
Neptunus muros magnoque emota tridenti
Netune shakes the walls and foundations moved away by his great trident
fundamenta quatit totamque a sedibus urbem
and destroys the whole city from the seats.
eruit. hic Iuno Scaeas saevissima portas
Here most savage Juno first holds the Scaean gates
prima tenet sociumque furens a navibus agmen
and raging, girded with a sword, calls her allied band
ferro accincta vocat.
from the ships.
iam summas arces Tritonia, respice, Pallas
Now on the highest citadels, turn and see, Tritonian Pallas
insedit nimbo effulgens et Gorgone saeva.
is seated, glowing with a storm cloud and savage Gorgon.
ipse pater Danais animos virisque secundas
My father himself gives the Greeks courage and auspicious strength,
sufficit, ipse deos in Dardana suscitat arma.
he himself stirs up the gods against the Dardan arms.
eripe, nate, fugam finemque impone labori;
Hasten your flight, son, and put an end to your labor;
nusquam abero et tutum patrio te limine sistam.'
I will be away nowhere and I will set you, safe, on your father’s threshold.”
Book Four
Aeneid Book IV
Interea magno misceri murmure caelum
Meanwhile, the sky begins to be mixed with a great murmur,
incipit, insequitur commixta grandine nimbus,
a cloud mixed with hail follows,
et Tyrii comites passim et Troiana iuventus
both Tyrian companions everywhere and Trojan youth
Dardaniusque nepos Veneris diversa per agros
and the Dardan grandson of Aeneas have sought various shelters through the fields
tecta metu petiere; ruunt de montibus amnes.
out of fear; rivers rush dow from the mountains.
speluncam Dido dux et Troianus eandem
Dido and the Trojan leader come down to the same cave.
deveniunt. prima et Tellus et pronuba Iuno
First both Earth and Juno as bridesmaid
dant signum; fulsere ignes et conscius aether
give a sign; fires flashed and the air, knowing
conubiis summoque ulularunt vertice Nymphae.
of the wedding, and the Nymphs howled from the highest top.
ille dies primus leti primusque malorum
That day was the first of death and was the first cause
causa fuit; neque enim specie famave movetur
of evils; for she is moved neither by appearance
nec iam furtivum Dido meditatur amorem:
nor by rumor nor does Dido now think of furtive love:
coniugium vocat, hoc praetexit nomine culpam.
she calls it a marriage, with this name she covers the fault.
Aeneid Book IV
Extemplo Libyae magnas it Fama per urbes,
Immediately Rumor goes through the great cities of Libya,
Fama, malum qua non aliud velocius ullum:
Rumor, than whom not any other evil is more swift:
mobilitate viget virisque adquirit eundo,
she thrives with mobility and acquires strength in going,
parva metu primo, mox sese attollit in auras
at first small with fear, soon she raises herself into the breezes
ingrediturque solo et caput inter nubila condit.
and walks on the ground and hides her head among the clouds.
illam Terra parens ira inritata deorum
Parent Earth, enraged with the anger of the gods,
extremam, ut perhibent, Coeo Enceladoque sororem
brought her forth last, as they hold, sister to Coeus and Enceladus,
progenuit pedibus celerem et pernicibus alis,
swift on foot and with nimble winds,
monstrum horrendum, ingens, cui quot sunt corpore plumae,
a bristling monster, huge, to whom, as many as there are feathers on her body,
tot vigiles oculi subter (mirabile dictu),
so many watchful eyes below (amazing to tell),
tot linguae, totidem ora sonant, tot subrigit auris.
as many tongues, as many mouths resound, so many ears prick up.
nocte volat caeli medio terraeque per umbram
At night, shrieking, she flies in the middle of the sky land through the shadow of the land,
stridens, nec dulci declinat lumina somno;
nor does she close her eyes in sweet sleeps;
luce sedet custos aut summi culmine tecti
she sits in the light as a guard or on top of the highest roof
turribus aut altis, et magnas territat urbes,
or on the high towers, and she terrifies great cities,
tam ficti pravique tenax quam nuntia veri.
as tenacious a messenger of fiction and corruption as of truth.
Aeneid Book IV
haec tum multiplici populos sermone replebat
Then she fills the nations with many-folded talk,
gaudens, et pariter facta atque infecta canebat:
rejoicing, and equally she was singing of facts and of fictions:
venisse Aenean Troiano sanguine cretum,
Aeneas to have come, risen from Trojan blood,
cui se pulchra viro dignetur iungere Dido;
to which men beautiful Dido denies to join herself;
nunc hiemem inter se luxu, quam longa, fovere
now for the winter to cherish him in luxury, remembering,
regnorum immemores turpique cupidine captos.
unmindful of kingdoms and seized by foul desire.
haec passim dea foeda virum diffundit in ora.
Everywhere the foul goddess pours these things into the mouths of man.
protinus ad regem cursus detorquet Iarban
Straightaway to king Iarbas, she twists her course
incenditque animum dictis atque aggerat iras.
and enflames his mind with words and carries angers.
Hic Hammone satus rapta Garamantide nympha
He, begotten from Hammon by the ravaged Garamantine Nymph,
templa Iovi centum latis immania regnis,
has placed one hundred huge temples to Jove in wide realms,
centum aras posuit vigilemque sacraverat ignem,
(placed) one hundred altars, and had blessed the watchful fire,
excubias divum aeternas, pecudumque cruore
eternal sentries of the gods, and the ground rich with
pingue solum et variis florentia limina sertis.
the blood of cattle and thresholds flowering with various garlands.
Aeneid Book IV
isque amens animi et rumore accensus amaro
And he, mindless of mind and enflamed by bitter rumor,
dicitur ante aras media inter numina divum
is said, before the altars between the middle presences of the gods,
multa Iovem manibus supplex orasse supinis:
as a suppliant, to have begged Jove many things with hands raised up:
'Iuppiter omnipotens, cui nunc Maurusia pictis
“Omnipotent Jupiter, to whom now the Moorish people, having feasted
gens epulata toris Lenaeum libat honorem,
on embroidered couches, pouts wine as an offering,
aspicis haec? an te, genitor, cum fulmina torques
do you look at these things? But you, father, when you twist the thunderbolts,
nequiquam horremus, caecique in nubibus ignes
in vain do we bristle, and do blind fires in the clouds terrify
terrificant animos et inania murmura miscent?
our minds and empty do empty murmurs mix?
femina, quae nostris errans in finibus urbem
A woman, who, wandering in our territory,
exiguam pretio posuit, cui litus arandum
has placed a small city for a price, to whom we have given
cuique loci leges dedimus, conubia nostra
a shore to be ploughed and to whom we have given laws for the place, has repelled our
reppulit ac dominum Aenean in regna recepit.
marriage and has received Aeneas as master into her realms.
et nunc ille Paris cum semiviro comitatu,
And now that Paris, with his half-male crowd,
Maeonia mentum mitra crinemque madentem
and bound as to the chin with a Maeonian turban and matted hair,
subnexus, rapto potitur: nos munera templis
acquires the things seized: indeed we bring gifts to your temples
quippe tuis ferimus famamque fovemus inanem.'
and we cherish an empty reputation.”
Aeneid Book IV
ut primum alatis tetigit magalia plantis,
As soon as he touched the huts on winged feet,
Aenean fundantem arces ac tecta novantem
he catches sight of Aeneas building citadels and renewing homes.
conspicit. atque illi stellatus iaspide fulva
And to him was a sword gemmed with yellow jasper
ensis erat Tyrioque ardebat murice laena
and he was blazing with a coat of Tyrian purple,
demissa ex umeris, dives quae munera Dido
having been sent down from his shoulders, gifts which rich Dido had made,
fecerat, et tenui telas discreverat auro.
and she amhad woven the web with fine gold.
continuo invadit: 'tu nunc Karthaginis altae
Immediately he goes: “Do you now place the foundations of lofty Carthage
fundamenta locas pulchramque uxorius urbem
and devoted to a wife do you build a beautiful city?
exstruis? heu, regni rerumque oblite tuarum!
Alas, you having forgotten the kingdom and your responsibilities!
ipse deum tibi me claro demittit Olympo
The ruler himself of gods sends me down to you from famous Olympus,
regnator, caelum et terras qui numine torquet,
he who with his power twists the sky and the lands,
ipse haec ferre iubet celeris mandata per auras.
he himself orders (me) to carry these mandates through the swift breezes.
quid struis? aut qua spe Libycis teris otia terris?
Why do you continue? Or by what hope do you waste your leisuress on Libyan lands?
si te nulla movet tantarum gloria rerum
If no glory of such great things moves you
nec super ipse tua moliris laude laborem,
nor moreover do you yourself undertake the labor for your own praise,
Ascanium surgentem et spes heredis Iuli
look back at Ascanius, rising, and the hope of the heir Iulus,
respice, cui regnum Italiae Romanaque tellus
to whom the kingdom of Italy and Roman land
debetur.' tali Cyllenius ore locutus
are owed.” Mercury, having spoken in such a mouth,
mortalis visus medio sermone reliquit
left from mortal vision in mid talk
et procul in tenuem ex oculis evanuit auram.
and far off he vanished from (Aeneas’s) eyes into thin breeze.
Aeneid Book IV
At vero Aeneas aspectu obmutuit amens,
But truly Aeneas was dumbstruck at the sight (of Mercury),
arrectaeque horrore comae et vox faucibus haesit.
and his hair stood on end in horror and his voice stuck in his throat.
ardet abire fuga dulcisque relinquere terras,
He burns to go away in flight and too leave behind sweet lands,
attonitus tanto monitu imperioque deorum.
astonished by such a warning and by order of the gods.
heu quid agat? quo nunc reginam ambire furentem
Alas what should he do? Now by what approach does he dare to entreat
audeat adfatu? quae prima exordia sumat?
the raging queen? What first beginnings should he take?
atque animum nunc huc celerem nunc dividit illuc
And he divides his swift mind now here, now there,
in partisque rapit varias perque omnia versat.
and seizes it into different directions and turns it through all things.
haec alternanti potior sententia visa est:
These opinions seemed rather preferable to him vacillating:
Mnesthea Sergestumque vocat fortemque Serestum,
he calls Mnestheus and Sergestes and brave Serestes,
classem aptent taciti sociosque ad litora cogant,
(that) silent they fit the fleet and force allies to the shores,
arma parent et quae rebus sit causa novandis
and prepare the arms and dissemble what the cause may be for the affairs
dissimulent; sese interea, quando optima Dido
to be changed; meanwhile himself, while very good Dido
nesciat et tantos rumpi non speret amores,
is unaware and does not suspect such great affection to be broken,
temptaturum aditus et quae mollissima fandi
to be going to attempt the avenues and the times which (may be) softest for speaking,
tempora, quis rebus dexter modus. ocius omnes
what may be a suitable plan for his affairs. Hastily all,
imperio laeti parent et iussa facessunt.
happy, obey the command and perform the orders.
Aeneid Book IV
At regina dolos (quis fallere possit amantem?)
But the queen has sensed ahead the deceits (who may be able to deceive a lover?)
praesensit, motusque excepit prima futuros
and first she received future movements,
omnia tuta timens. eadem impia Fama furenti
fearing all things safe. The same impious Rumor has carried
detulit armari classem cursumque parari.
to her raging the fleet to be armed and the course to be prepared.
saevit inops animi totamque incensa per urbem
Destitute of mind, she rages and, having been enflamed, she raves through
bacchatur, qualis commotis excita sacris
the entire city, of such a sort as Bacchante, having been stirred up by sacred movements,
Thyias, ubi audito stimulant trieterica Baccho
when with Bacchus having been heard, the triennial orgies
orgia nocturnusque vocat clamore Cithaeron.
stimulate her and nocturnal Cithaeron calls with a shout.
tandem his Aenean compellat vocibus ultro:
Finally on her own, she addresses Aeneas with these voices:
'dissimulare etiam sperasti, perfide, tantum
“O perfidious one, did you also hope to dissemble such a
posse nefas tacitusque mea decedere terra?
great crime and silent to be able to depart from my land?
nec te noster amor nec te data dextera quondam
Does neither our love nor right hand once given
nec moritura tenet crudeli funere Dido?
nor Dido about to die from a cruel wound hold you?
quin etiam hiberno moliris sidere classem
But do you even prepare your fleet to be grounded in the winter time,
et mediis properas Aquilonibus ire per altum,
and hasten to go in the middle north winds through the deep sea,
crudelis? quid, si non arva aliena domosque
cruel one? Why, if you did not seek another’s lands and
ignotas peteres, et Troia antiqua maneret,
unknown homes, and (if) ancient Troy were remaining,
Troia per undosum peteretur classibus aequor?
would Troy be sought by fleets through the wavy sea?
Aeneid Book IV
mene fugis? Per ego has lacrimas dextramque tuam te
Do you flee me? Through these tears and your right hand
(quando aliud mihi iam miserae nihil ipsa reliqui),
(since I myself have left nothing other now to me miserable),
per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos,
through our marriage, through our nuptials begun,
si bene quid de te merui, fuit aut tibi quicquam
if I have merited anything well from you, or anything of mine
dulce meum, miserere domus labentis et istam,
was sweet to you, I beg you, pity a slipping house and myself,
oro, si quis adhuc precibus locus, exue mentem.
and if there is any place here for prayers, put away that idea.
te propter Libycae gentes Nomadumque tyranni
Because of you, Libyan nations and the tyrants of the Nomads
odere, infensi Tyrii; te propter eundem
have hated me, the Tyrians are hostile; because of you yourself,
exstinctus pudor et, qua sola sidera adibam,
my shame was lost and, by which alone I was going to the stars,
fama prior. Cui me moribundam deseris hospes
my former reputation. To whom do you abandon me about to die, guest
(hoc solum nomen quoniam de coniuge restat)?
(since this name alone remains from my husband)?
quid moror? an mea Pygmalion dum moenia frater
Why do I delay? Or while my brother Pygmalion
destruat aut captam ducat Gaetulus Iarbas?
destroys my walls or Gaetulian Iarbas leads me captive?
saltem si qua mihi de te suscepta fuisset
If only any offspring had been undertaken from you to me
ante fugam suboles, si quis mihi parvulus aula
before your flight, if any very small Aeneas might play
luderet Aeneas, qui te tamen ore referret,
in my courtyard, who would bear you back nevertheless in his face,
non equidem omnino capta ac deserta viderer.’
not wholly indeed would I seem captive and deserted?”
Aeneid Book IV
Dixerat. ille Iovis monitis immota tenebat
She had spoken. He was holding his eyes unmoved by the warnings of Jove
lumina et obnixus curam sub corde premebat.
and, struggling, he was pressing care beneath his heart.
tandem pauca refert: 'ego te, quae plurima fando
Finally, he bears back a few things: “I never will deny you to have merited very many
enumerare vales, numquam, regina, negabo
things which you are able to enumerate by speaking, o queen,
promeritam, nec me meminisse pigebit Elissae
nor will it pain me to have remembered Dido,
dum memor ipse mei, dum spiritus hos regit artus.
while I myself am mindful of myself, while spirit rules these limbs.
pro re pauca loquar. neque ego hanc abscondere furto
For this I will speak a few things. For I did not hope
speravi (ne finge) fugam, nec coniugis umquam
to hide this flight by stealth (do not assume), nor ever
praetendi taedas aut haec in foedera veni.
did I pretend the ceremonies of a spouse or did I come into these bonds.
me si fata meis paterentur ducere vitam
If the fates allowed me to lead my life by my own
auspiciis et sponte mea componere curas,
auspices and to place cares by my own accord,
urbem Troianam primum dulcisque meorum
first I would have nurtured the Trojan city and the sweet
reliquias colerem, Priami tecta alta manerent,
remains of my people, the lofty houses of Priam would remain,
et recidiva manu posuissem Pergama victis.
and I would have placed for those conquered Troy rebuilt by my hand.
sed nunc Italiam magnam Gryneus Apollo,
But now Grynean Apollo and Lycian oracles
Italiam Lyciae iussere capessere sortes;
have ordered me to seize great Italy in Italy;
Aeneid Book IV
hic amor, haec patria est. si te Karthaginis arces
this is my love, this is my homeland. If the citadels of Carthage
Phoenissam Libycaeque aspectus detinet urbis,
and the sight of a Libyan city holds you, a Phoenecian,
quae tandem Ausonia Teucros considere terra
finally what is the hatred for the Trojans to settle on Ausonian land?
invidia est? et nos fas extera quaerere regna.
Also (it is) divine right for us to seek foreign realms.
me patris Anchisae, quotiens umentibus umbris
As many times as night covers the lands
nox operit terras, quotiens astra ignea surgunt,
with wet shadows, as many times as the fiery stars rise,
admonet in somnis et turbida terret imago;
the disturbed image of my father Anchises warns me in my dreams and frightens me;
me puer Ascanius capitisque iniuria cari,
the boy Ascanius and the injury of his dear head (warns) me,
quem regno Hesperiae fraudo et fatalibus arvis.
whom I defraud of the kingdom of Italy and of the fated lands.
nunc etiam interpres divum Iove missus ab ipso
Now even the messenger of the gods, sent from Jove himself
(testor utrumque caput) celeris mandata per auras
(I call to witness each being), has carried the orders through the swift
detulit: ipse deum manifesto in lumine vidi
breezes: I myself have seen the god in manifest light
intrantem muros vocemque his auribus hausi.
entering my walls and I drank his voice with these ears.
desine meque tuis incendere teque querelis;
Cease to enflame both me and yourself with your complaints.
Italiam non sponte sequor.'
I seek Italy not by my own accord.”
Aeneid Book IV
dixit, et os impressa toro 'moriemur inultae,
She spoke and, having been pressed as to her mouth on the bed, said “I will die
sed moriamur' ait. 'sic, sic iuvat ire sub umbras.
unavenged, but let me die. Thus, it helps to go beneath the shades.
hauriat hunc oculis ignem crudelis ab alto
Let the cruel Trojan drink this fire with his eyes from the sea,
Dardanus, et nostrae secum ferat omina mortis.'
and let him bear the omens of my death with him.”
dixerat, atque illam media inter talia ferro
She had spoken, and her companions behold her, having collapsed between the middle
conlapsam aspiciunt comites, ensemque cruore
of such things by a sword, and the sword, foaming with gore,
spumantem sparsasque manus. it clamor ad alta
and the sprinkled hands. A shout goes to the high
atria: concussam bacchatur Fama per urbem.
entryways: Rumor rages through the city, having been struck.
lamentis gemituque et femineo ululatu
The houses moan with laments and with a great groan and with feminine howling,
tecta fremunt, resonat magnis plangoribus aether,
the sky resonates with great griefs,
non aliter quam si immissis ruat hostibus omnis
not otherwise, than if, with enemies having been sent in, all
Karthago aut antiqua Tyros, flammaeque furentes
Carthage or ancient Tyre should fall, and raging flames
culmina perque hominum volvantur perque deorum.
are turned through the tops of both men and of gods.
audiit exanimis trepidoque exterrita cursu
Breathless, the sister heard and, terrified, on a trembling course,
unguibus ora soror foedans et pectora pugnis
defiling her face with her nails and her breast with blows,
per medios ruit, ac morientem nomine clamat:
she rushes through the middle and shouts for her, dying, by name
Aeneid Book IV
'hoc illud, germana, fuit? me fraude petebas?
“Was this it, sister? Were you seeking me by fraud?
hoc rogus iste mihi, hoc ignes araeque parabant?
Were this pyre of yours, the fires, and the altars preparing me for this?
quid primum deserta querar? comitemne sororem
What first, having been deserted, should I complain? Or dying, did you serve your sister
sprevisti moriens? eadem me ad fata vocasses,
as companion? Would that you had called me to the same fates,
idem ambas ferro dolor atque eadem hora tulisset.
the same grief and the same hour would have taken us both by sword.
his etiam struxi manibus patriosque vocavi
Also, did I build [the pyre] with these hands and did I call the fatherland
voce deos, sic te ut posita, crudelis, abessem?
gods with my voice, so that, cruel one, I might be away with you thus having been placed?
exstinxti te meque, soror, populumque patresque
Sister, you have destroyed yourself and me, and the nation and the
Sidonios urbemque tuam. date, vulnera lymphis
Sidonian fathers and your city. Give [that] I may wash your wounds with waters
abluam et, extremus si quis super halitus errat,
and if any last breath wanders above,
ore legam.' sic fata gradus evaserat altos,
I may gather it in my mouth.” Thus having spoken, she had passed through the high steps,
semianimemque sinu germanam amplexa fovebat
and having embraced, she was cherishing her half dead sister in her lap
cum gemitu atque atros siccabat veste cruores.
with a moan and she was drying the black blood with her garment.
illa gravis oculos conata attollere rursus
She, having tried to raise her heavy eyes again,
deficit; infixum stridit sub pectore vulnus.
fails; the wound fixed beneath her breast shrieks.
ter sese attollens cubitoque adnixa levavit,
Three times raising herself and leaning on her own, she lifted,
terrevoluta toro est oculisque errantibus alto
three times she rolled back on the couch and, with wandering eyes,
quaesivit caelo lucem ingemuitque reperta.
she sought the light in the deep sky, and with it having been found, she moaned.
Aeneid Book IV
Tum Iuno omnipotens longum miserata dolorem
Then omnipotent Juno, having pitied her long anguish
difficilisque obitus Irim demisit Olympo
and difficult departure, sent down Iris from Olympus,
quae luctantem animam nexosque resolveret artus.
who was to release her struggling spirit and her bound limbs.
nam quia nec fato merita nec morte peribat,
For, since she was perishing neither by fate nor by a deserved death,
sed misera ante diem subitoque accensa furore,
but miserable before her day, and inflamed by sudden fury,
nondum illi flavum Proserpina vertice crinem
Proserpine had not yet taken a golden lock from her head,
abstulerat Stygioque caput damnaverat Orco.
and had not condemned her life to Stygian Orcus.
ergo Iris croceis per caelum roscida pennis
Therefore, Iris, dewy, on with saffron wings, trailing
mille trahens varios adverso sole colores
a thousand various colors from the sun opposite,
devolat et supra caput astitit. 'hunc ego Diti
flies down through the heavens, and stood above her head. “Having been ordered,
sacrum iussa fero teque isto corpore solvo':
I carry this sacred thing to Dis and I release you from that body”:
sic ait et dextra crinem secat, omnis et una
Thus she spoke and with her right hand, she cuts her hair, and together,
dilapsus calor atque in ventos vita recessit.
all warmth slipped away, and her life passed into the winds.
Book Six
Aeneid Book VI
Hinc via Tartarei quae fert Acherontis ad undas.
From here [is] the road which bears to the waves of Tartarian Acheron.
turbidus hic caeno vastaque voragine gurges
Here a gulf turbid with mud and a vast whirlpool
aestuat atque omnem Cocyto eructat harenam.
rages and emits all its sand to Cocytus.
portitor has horrendus aquas et flumina servat
The ferryman Charon, horrible with terrible squalor, guards
terribili squalore Charon, cui plurima mento
these waters and rivers, to whom very much enkempt
canities inculta iacet, stant lumina flamma,
gray hair lies on his chin, his eyes stand out with flame,
sordidus ex umeris nodo dependet amictus.
his dirty cloak hands in a knot from his shoulders.
ipse ratem conto subigit velisque ministrat
He himself drives the raft with a pull and administers the sails
et ferruginea subvectat corpora cumba,
and carries over the bodies in an iron-covered boat,
iam senior, sed cruda deo viridisque senectus.
now an older man, but a god’s old age looks fresh and green.
huc omnis turba ad ripas effusa ruebat,
To here all the crowd having been poured out was rushing to the banks,
matres atque viri defunctaque corpora vita
Mothers and men and bodies of great-minded heroes
magnanimum heroum, pueri innuptaeque puellae,
deprived of life, boys and unwed girls,
impositique rogis iuvenes ante ora parentum:
and young men placed on pyres before the faces of their parents:
Aeneid Book VI
quam multa in silvis autumni frigore primo
as many withered leaves fall in the first cold of autumn
lapsa cadunt folia, aut ad terram gurgite ab alto
in the forests, or as many birds are gathered from the deep sea to the land,
quam multae glomerantur aves, ubi frigidus annus
where the frigid year
trans pontum fugat et terris immittit apricis.
routes them across the sea and sends them to sunny lands.
stabant orantes primi transmittere cursum
They were standing, first begging to pass over the cause,
tendebantque manus ripae ulterioris amore.
And they were stretching their hands with love for the further shore.
navita sed tristis nunc hos nunc accipit illos,
but the sad boat man accepts now these, now those,
ast alios longe summotos arcet harena.
but others he keeps moved back far from the sound.
Aeneas miratus enim motusque tumultu
But Aeneas, amazed and moved by the tumult,
'dic,' ait, 'o virgo, quid vult concursus ad amnem?
says, “Tell me, o maiden, what does this crowd wish at the river?”
quidve petunt animae? vel quo discrimine ripas
Or what do the souls seek? Or by what decision do these
hae linquunt, illae remis vada livida verrunt?'
leave the banks, those with oars sweep the blue waters?”
Aeneid Book VI
olli sic breviter fata est longaeva sacerdos:
Thus, the aged priestess spoke briefly to him:
'Anchisa generate, deum certissima proles,
“Son of Anchises, most certain offspring of the gods,
Cocyti stagna alta vides Stygiamque paludem,
you see the deep pools of Cocytus and the Stygian swamp,
di cuius iurare timent et fallere numen.
whose divinity the gods fear to swear by and to deceive.
haec omnis, quam cernis, inops inhumataque turba est;
All this crowd, which you see, is without help and unburied;
portitor ille Charon; hi, quos vehit unda, sepulti.
that ferryman [is] Charon; these, whom the wave carries, [are] buried.
nec ripas datur horrendas et rauca fluenta
Nor is it given to carry them across the bristling banks and the raucous streams
transportare prius quam sedibus ossa quierunt.
before their bones have rested in their seats.
centum errant annos volitantque haec litora circum;
They wander for one hundred years and they flit around those shores;
tum demum admissi stagna exoptata revisunt.'
then, having been admitted, they finally revisit the hoped-for pools.”
constitit Anchisa satus et vestigia pressit
He, born from Anchises, stopped and pressed his footsteps,
multa putans sortemque animo miseratus iniquam.
thinking many things and pitying the unfortunate lot [of people] in his mind.
Aeneid Book VI
Ergo iter inceptum peragunt fluvioque propinquant.
Therefore, they continue the journey begun and approach the river.
navita quos iam inde ut Stygia prospexit ab unda
From there now as the boat man saw them from the Stygian wave
per tacitum nemus ire pedemque advertere ripae,
to go through the silent grove and to turn their foot to the bank,
sic prior adgreditur dictis atque increpat ultro:
thus he first addresses [Aeneas] with words and further rebukes him:
'quisquis es, armatus qui nostra ad flumina tendis,
“Whoever you are, who, having been armed, you tend toward our rivers,
fare age, quid venias, iam istinc et comprime gressum.
go on, speak why you now come from here, and press your course.
umbrarum hic locus est, somni noctisque soporae:
This is the place of shades, of sleep, and of soporific night:
corpora viva nefas Stygia vectare carina.
it is not permitted to carry live bodies in the Stygian boat.
nec vero Alciden me sum laetatus euntem
Nor am I truly happy to have accepted Alcides
accepisse lacu, nec Thesea Pirithoumque,
going on the lake, nor Theseus and Pirithous,
dis quamquam geniti atque invicti viribus essent.
although they had been born from gods and were unconquered in strength.
Aeneid Book VI
Tartareum ille manu custodem in vincla petivit
This one sought the Tartarian guard into chains by his hand
ipsius a solio regis traxitque trementem;
and dragged him, trembling, from the throne of the king himself:
hi dominam Ditis thalamo deducere adorti.'
the others tried to lead the mistress from the bedchamber of Dis.”
quae contra breviter fata est Amphrysia vates:
Against which things briefly the Amphrysian prophetess spoke:
'nullae hic insidiae tales (absiste moveri),
“There are no such treacheries here (cease to be moved),
nec vim tela ferunt; licet ingens ianitor antro
nor do weapons bear strength; it is permitted [that] a huge guard,
aeternum latrans exsanguis terreat umbras,
barking from the cave, may eternally terrify the bloodless shades,
casta licet patrui servet Proserpina limen.
it is permitted [that] chased Proserpina may guard the threshold of uncle.
Troius Aeneas, pietate insignis et armis,
Trojan Aeneas, distinguished in dutifulness and arms,
ad genitorem imas Erebi descendit ad umbras.
descends to his father towards the lowest shades of Erebus.
si te nulla movet tantae pietatis imago,
If no image of such great dutifulness moves you,
at ramum hunc' (aperit ramum qui veste latebat)
yet you may recognize this branch” (he shows the branch which was hiding in his garment).
'agnoscas.' tumida ex ira tum corda residunt;
Then his heart calms from swollen anger;
nec plura his. ille admirans venerabile donum
Not more than these things (are said). Admiring the venerable gift
fatalis virgae longo post tempore visum
of the fated rod, having been seen after a long time,
caeruleam advertit puppim ripaeque propinquat.
he turns the sky-blue ship and approaches the bank.
Aeneid Book VI
inde alias animas, quae per iuga longa sedebant,
From there, he disturbs the other shades, which were sitting through the long ridges,
deturbat laxatque foros; simul accipit alveo
and he loosens the doors; at the same time, he accepts
ingentem Aenean. gemuit sub pondere cumba
the great Aeneas into his boat. The patched boat groaned beneath the weight
sutilis et multam accepit rimosa paludem.
and, full of cracks, it accepted much water.
tandem trans fluvium incolumis vatemque virumque
Finally, across the river, he places both the prophetess and the unharmed hero
informi limo glaucaque exponit in ulua.
into the shapeless slime and into the grey sludge.
Cerberus haec ingens latratu regna trifauci
Huge Cerberus resounds with three-jawed barking in these realms,
personat adverso recubans immanis in antro.
lying huge in the opposite cave.
cui vates horrere videns iam colla colubris
To him, the prophetess, now seeing the necks to bristle with snakes,
melle soporatam et medicatis frugibus offam
throws a cake, sleepy with honey and with medicated herbs.
obicit. ille fame rabida tria guttura pandens
With rabid hunger opening his three mouths,
corripit obiectam, atque immania terga resolvit
he seizes the object, and relaxes his huge backs,
fusus humi totoque ingens extenditur antro.
having been poured on the ground, and huge, he is stretched in the whole cave.
occupat Aeneas aditum custode sepulto
Aeneas seizes the entrance with the guard having been buried [in sleep].
evaditque celer ripam inremeabilis undae.
and swift, he goes to the bank of the never-returning wave.
Aeneid Book VI
inter quas Phoenissa recens a vulnere Dido
Among whom, Phoenecian Dido,fresh from the wound,
errabat silva in magna; quam Troius heros
was wandering in the large forest: whom the Trojan hero,
ut primum iuxta stetit agnovitque per umbras
as soon as he recognized her, dark through the shadows,
obscuram, qualem primo qui surgere mense
stood next to [her], of such a sort as, early in the month,
aut videt aut vidisse putat per nubila lunam,
either one sees or thinks to have seen the moon to rise through the clouds,
demisit lacrimas dulcique adfatus amore est:
he sent down tears and addressed her with sweet love:
'infelix Dido, verus mihi nuntius ergo
“Unlucky Dido, therefore a true message had come to me
venerat exstinctam ferroque extrema secutam?
[stating] you to have been destroyed, and to have followed death by the sword?
funeris heu tibi causa fui? per sidera iuro,
Alas, was I the cause of death to you? Through the stars I swear,
per superos et si qua fides tellure sub ima est,
through the gods, and if any faith is beneath the lowest earth,
inuitus, regina, tuo de litore cessi.
unwilling, o queen, did I depart from your shore.
sed me iussa deum, quae nunc has ire per umbras,
But the orders of the gods, which now have forced me to go through these shadows,
per loca senta situ cogunt noctemque profundam,
through places overrun with filth, and [through] the profound night,
imperiis egere suis; nec credere quivi
by their commands; nor was I able to believe myself
hunc tantum tibi me discessu ferre dolorem.
to bring you this grief, so great, by my departure.
siste gradum teque aspectu ne subtrahe nostro.
Cease your step and do not withdraw yourself from my sight.
quem fugis? extremum fato quod te adloquor hoc est.'
Whom do you flee? This is the last [time] by fate, which I address you.”
Aeneid Book VI
talibus Aeneas ardentem et torva tuentem
With such words, Aeneas was soothing her burning and sternly staring
lenibat dictis animum lacrimasque ciebat.
spirit, and he was stirring up tears.
illa solo fixos oculos aversa tenebat
She, having been turned away, was holding her eyes fixed on the ground,
nec magis incepto vultum sermone movetur
nor was she more moved as to her face by the talk begun,
quam si dura silex aut stet Marpesia cautes.
than if she were standing, a hard flint or a Marpesian cliff.
tandem corripuit sese atque inimica refugit
Finally she seized herself and, hostile, she fled back
in nemus umbriferum, coniunx ubi pristinus illi
into the shade-bearing grove, where her former husband
respondet curis aequatque Sychaeus amorem.
Sychaeus responds to her cares and equals her love.
nec minus Aeneas casu percussus iniquo
Nonetheless, Aeneas, struck by the unfair falling,
prosequitur lacrimis longe et miseratur euntem.
follows her for a while with tears, and pities her going.
Aeneid Book VI
excudent alii spirantia mollius aera
Some may form the breathing bronze more delicately,
(credo equidem), vivos ducent de marmore vultus,
(I believe indeed), they will lead out living faces from marble;
orabunt causas melius, caelique meatus
they will speak their causes better, and will describe the wanderings
describent radio et surgentia sidera dicent:
of the sky with a rod and will name the rising stars:
tu regere imperio populos, Romane, memento
you, or Roman, remember to rule the nations with your power
(hae tibi erunt artes), pacique imponere morem,
(these will be your skills), and to establish a tradition of peace,
parcere subiectis et debellare superbos.'
to spare those conquered and to subdue the crowd.”
Sic pater Anchises, atque haec mirantibus addit:
Thus father Anchises [spoke], and he adds these things to those wondering:
'aspice, ut insignis spoliis Marcellus opimis
“Look, how Marcellus walks, distinguished with rich spoils,
ingreditur victorque viros supereminet omnis.
and as a victor towers above all men.
hic rem Romanam magno turbante tumultu
He, a knight, will set the Roman state, with a great raging tumult,
sistet eques, sternet Poenos Gallumque rebellem,
he will level the Carthaginians and rebellious Gaul,
tertiaque arma patri suspendet capta Quirino.'
and will hang the third arms captured to father Quirinus.”
Aeneid Book VI
atque hic Aeneas (una namque ire videbat
And here, Aeneas (for he was seeing a youth,
egregium forma iuvenem et fulgentibus armis,
outstanding in form and with gleaming arms to go together,
sed frons laeta parum et deiecto lumina vultu)
but his forehead [was] too little happy and his eyes with downcast face) [says:]
'quis, pater, ille, virum qui sic comitatur euntem?
“Who, father, is he, who accompanies the man going thus?
filius, anne aliquis magna de stirpe nepotum?
A son, or someone from the great stock of grandsons?
qui strepitus circa comitum! quantum instar in ipso!
What clash of companions [is] around him! How much likeness in himself!
sed nox atra caput tristi circumvolat umbra.'
But the black night flies around his head with a sad shadow.”
tum pater Anchises lacrimis ingressus obortis:
Then father Anchises, with tears having arisen, began:
'o gnate, ingentem luctum ne quaere tuorum;
“O son, do not seek the huge grief of your people;
ostendent terris hunc tantum fata nec ultra
the fates will only show him on the lands, nor will they allow [him]
esse sinent. nimium vobis Romana propago
to be further. The Roman stock may seem too powerful to you,
visa potens, superi, propria haec si dona fuissent.
o gods, if these gifts had been lasting.
quantos ille virum magnam Mauortis ad urbem
What great wailings of men will that field drive to the great city
campus aget gemitus! vel quae, Tiberine, videbis
of Mars! Or what deaths, o Tiber, will you see,
funera, cum tumulum praeterlabere recentem!
when you glide past the recent tomb!
Aeneid Book VI
nec puer Iliaca quisquam de gente Latinos
Not any youth from Ilian stock will raise the Latin ancestors
in tantum spe tollet avos, nec Romula quondam
so great in hope, nor will Roman
ullo se tantum tellus iactabit alumno.
land boast so much in any foster child at one time.
heu pietas, heu prisca fides invictaque bello
Alas his dutifulness, alas the ancient faith, and right hand unconquered
dextera! non illi se quisquam impune tulisset
in war! Not anyone would have borne himself unpunished meeting
obvius armato, seu cum pedes iret in hostem
him armed, whether he went as a footsoldier against them,
seu spumantis equi foderet calcaribus armos.
or pierced the flanks of his phony horse with spurs.
heu, miserande puer, si qua fata aspera rumpas,
Alas, o boy to be pitied, if only you may break the harsh fates,
tu Marcellus eris. manibus date lilia plenis
you will be Marcellus. Give lilies with full hands,
purpureos spargam flores animamque nepotis
let me scatter purple flowers and at least let me heap the shade of my offpsring
his saltem accumulem donis, et fungar inani
with these gifts, and let me perform this useless duty.”
munere.' sic tota passim regione vagantur
Thus they wander everywhere in the entire region
aeris in campis latis atque omnia lustrant.
in the wide fields of air and they survey all things.
Aeneid Book VI
quae postquam Anchises natum per singula duxit
After Anchises has led his son through of these single [scenes]
incenditque animum famae venientis amore,
and has inflamed his mind with love of his coming fame,
exim bella viro memorat quae deinde gerenda,
then he relates to the hero the wars which must then be waged,
Laurentisque docet populos urbemque Latini,
and he teaches [about] the Laurentine peoples and the city of Latinus,
et quo quemque modo fugiatque feratque laborem.
and in what way he may both flee and bear each labor.
Sunt geminae Somni portae, quarum altera fertur
There are twin gates of sleep; one of which is said [to be]
cornea, qua veris facilis datur exitus umbris,
of horn, by which easy exit is given to true shades,
altera candenti perfecta nitens elephanto,
the other glittering rough with shining ivory,
sed falsa ad caelum mittunt insomnia Manes.
but the Shades send false dreams to the sky.
his ibi tum natum Anchises unaque Sibyllam
Then, with these words, Anchises follows his son and the Sybil together
prosequitur dictis portaque emittit eburna,
and sends them from the ivory fate,
ille viam secat ad navis sociosque revisit.
he cuts a path to the ships and revisits his allies.