REGIONAL FLOOD METHODS Update on Pilot Studies Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation OVERVIEW • Project team • RFFA methods in ARR 1987 • Pilot study results for Victoria • Status reports for other states Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation 1 PROJECT TEAM • Dr Ataur Rahman • Mr Mark Babister • Mr Khaled Haddad • Dr William Weeks • Associate Professor James Ball • Dr David Kemp • WA Representatives • Mr Erwin Weinmann • Professor George Kuczera Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation METHODS IN AR&R 1987 • Probabilistic Rational Method – Vic & Eastern NSW – Frequency factors depend on elevation for six zones A-F for Eastern NSW. • Multiple regression relationship – Western NSW • Quantile Regression – ACT Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation 2 METHODS IN AR&R 1987 • Qld – No general method meets the primary criterion of being based on sufficient observed flood data. – Main Roads Department Rational Method not easy to apply. – Department of Primary Industries Rational Method - based on little/no observed streamflow records. Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation METHODS IN AR&R 1987 • SA - South East Region – Probabilistic Rational Method (Based on observed data from 20 catchments). – Department of Agriculture Method - Index type approach (based on floods data from 6 small agricultural catchments). Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation 3 METHODS IN AR&R 1987 • SA – Northern and Western Region (Based on very little observed data) – Rational Method – Bankfull frequency method – Method of western NSW by McDermott and Pilgrim (1983). – Regional Flood Frequency Method – Based on records of 3 catchments. Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation METHODS IN AR&R 1987 • WA – Five regions. – Rational method & Index flood method. – Methods were based on data from 12-28 catchments. • NT – Methods were based on limited data. – Rational method. Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation 4 METHODS IN AR&R 1987 • Western Tasmania – Regional flood frequency method. • Eastern Tasmania – No design information based on observed data is available. Turner’s (1961) procedure is suggested. Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation METHODS TESTED • Probabilistic Rational Method • Quantile Regression Technique – Ordinary least squares (OLS); and – Generalised least squares (GLS). Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation 5 PROBABILISTIC RATIONAL METHOD CY is the central component of PRM QY = 0.278 CY I t ,Y A c Limitations: • Location based interpolation for CY • Limited independent testing. • Limited data on prediction uncertainty. Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation PROBABILISTIC RATIONAL METHOD Advantages of PRM: – Easy to apply – Simple regional approach with meaningful independent variables – CY integrates effects of other flood generation and attenuation factors in the equation. Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation 6 QUANTILE REGRESSION • QRT can be expressed as: QT = aB bC c D d – B, C, D, … are variables (catchment area, main stream slope, rainfall intensity) and a, b, c, … are regression coefficients to be estimated by: • OLS (traditionally) • GLS (preferable) Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation PRM and QRT • PRM was developed – FFY = CY/C10 – C10 contour was mapped using MAPINFO • QRT - OLS method was developed using SPSS • QRT - GLS method was developed using Statistical Package R. • Independent testing was undertaken. Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation 7 INTRODUCTION Typical problems in streamflow data collation include: • Unrepresentative sites; • Missing records; and • Outliers, trends and rating curve extrapolation errors. Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation SELECTION OF CANDIDATE STATIONS Initially 415 candidate catchments selected from Victoria based on the following criteria: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Catchment Area (up to 1000 km2) Record Length (initially 10 years was cut-off) Regulation Urbanisation Landuse change Quality of data Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation 8 LOCATIONS (Vic) Study area and geographical distributions of the candidate study catchments Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation INFILLING MISSING RECORDS • Method 1: Comparison of monthly instantaneous maximum (IM) data with monthly maximum mean daily (MMD) data for the year with data gap Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation 9 INFILLING MISSING RECORDS Method 2 - Infilling by Regression y = 1.8211x + 163.56 R2 = 0.9018 14000 IMM (ML/d) 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 Y Linear (Y) 2000 0 0 2000 4000 MMD (ML/d) 6000 8000 • Method 2: Regression of annual maximum mean daily flow series with annual instantaneous maximum series of the same station Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation INFILLING MISSING RECORDS • 273 data points from 187 stations were filled by Method 1 • 60 data points from 44 stations were filled by Method 2 • 10% of stations did not have any missing records. • Only 7.5 % of data points were infilled. Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation 10 TREND ANALYSIS Two tests applied, Mann Kendall & Distribution Free CUSUM Test • Mann – Kendall test - checks for trends in time series; and CUSUM test - examines whether the mean values in two parts of a record are different. Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation TREND ANALYSIS Mann Kendall test showed 21% of stations have decreasing trend after 1990s Vk Vk - Station 230210 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1970 Vk Significant shift downwards, after the 1990’s. 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Year Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation 11 TREND ANALYSIS It was also useful to plot time series data as below. IMM - Station 230210 12000 Flow (ML/d) 10000 Decrease in flows after 1986 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Year This shows 10-15 years of significant downward trend Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation TREND ANALYSIS Conclusions developed were • Inclusion of sites with short records questionable • Cut-off length introduced minimum record 25 years • A significant shift from ARR1987 (where minimum record length of 10 years was considered). Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation 12 RATING CURVE ISSUES QE = annual maximum flood series data point (reported value) QM= maximum measured flow Rating Ratio ( RR ) = QE QM RR ≈ 1 - considered to be free of rating curve extrapolation error. a RR value >> 1 indicates potential rating curve error Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation RATING CURVE ISSUES Graph shows typical example Likely Rating Curve Error - 222202 6 Data points subject to possible rating curve errors 5 QE/QM 4 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Data Point Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation 13 RATING CURVE ISSUES • A rating ratio of 20 may be adopted? • Any station with RR>20 would be excluded. Histogram of Rating Ratio Values 10000 4387 Frequency Frequency 1000 384 90% of rating ratio’s lie between 1 & 20 111 100 61 Rating Ratio - RR 19 18 18 10 9 10 10 4 5 4 5 4 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 0 0 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50More Rating Ratio Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation AT-SITE FLOOD FREQUENCY • A LP3 distribution was fitted to each stations annual maximum flood data • Bayesian parameter fitting procedure was adopted. • FLIKE was used. Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation 14 VICTORIA PILOT STUDY Locations of the study 133 catchments Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation CATCHMENT AREAS 60 50 Range: 3 – 997 km2 Frequency 40 30 Mean = 319 km2 20 10 0 0 to 50 51 to 100 101 to 200 201 to 500 501 to 750 751 to 1000 Catchment area (km2) 12% catchments < 50 km2, 20% catchments < 100 km2 and 80% catchments < 500 km2. Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation 15 STREAMFLOW RECORDS Frequency 100 80 60 40 20 0 25 to 30 31 to 40 41 to 50 > 51 Record length (years) Range: 25 to 52 years Mean: 32 years Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation CATCHMENT CHARACTERISTICS Variable Description area Catchment area (km2) forest Fraction of catchment area under forest Evap Mean annual areal potential evapotranspiration Rain Mean annual rainfall S1085 Slope of central 75% of main stream sden Stream density I Design rainfall intensity of 2 and 50 years ARI and 1 and 12 hours duration QSA Fraction quaternary sediment area Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation 16 C10 CONTOUR MAP Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation C10 REGRESSION EQUATION C10 = −2.631 − 0.125 log(rain) + 1.02 log(evap) + 0.072 log(S1085) + 0.128 log(sden) rain = mean annual rainfall (mm) evap = mean annual evaporation (mm) S1085 = Slope of main stream (m/km) sden = stream density (km/km2) Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation 17 Q (m3/s) TESTING Q10 PREDICTION 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Q10_PRM (C10 from contour map) Q10_PRM (C10 from regression) 90% CI-LL Q10_FFA T14 T8 T16 T10 T9 3 18 24 36 52 90% CI-UL Test catchment/ Catchment area (km 2) Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation TESTING Q50 PREDICTION 80 70 Q (m3/s) 60 Q50_PRM (C10 from contour map) 50 40 Q50_PRM (C10 from regression) 30 90% CI-LL 20 10 Q50_FFA 0 T14 T8 T16 T10 T9 3 18 24 36 52 90% CI-UL Test catchment/ Catchment area (km 2) Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation 18 RELATIVE ERRORS Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation MEDIAN RELATIVE ERROR ARI (years) 2 5 10 20 50 100 C10map 28 17 26 30 35 38 C10equation 31 19 23 36 41 44 Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation 19 FLOOD FREQUENCY PLOT Station 227210 100000 Discharge(ML/day) 10000 1000 100 PRM - C10 from contour map 10 1.25 90% confidence limits of LP3 estimate Quantile - LP3 distribution Gauged flow 2 PRM- C10 from regression 5 10 20 50 100 200 Annual Exceedance Probability (1 in Y) Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation QRT PREDICTION EQUATIONS log( Q ) = b 0 + b1 log( area ) + b 2 log( rain ) + b 3 log( sden ) for T = 2 years log( Q ) = b 0 + b1 log( area ) + b 2 log( I 2 _ 12 ) + b 3 log( sden ) for T = 5 years log( Q ) = b 0 + b1 log( area ) + b 2 log( I 2 _ 12 ) + b 3 log( rain ) + b 4 log( sden ) for T = 10 , 20 , 50 , 100 years Only 4 variables are required: area in all equations sden in all equations I2_12 for T = 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 years rain for T = 2, 10, 20, 50 and 100 years. Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation 20 TESTING Q10 PREDICTION 50 Q (m3/s) 45 40 35 Q10_OLS 30 25 Q10_GLS 20 Q10_FFA 15 90% CI-UL 90% CI-LL 10 5 0 T14 T8 T16 T10 T9 3 18 24 36 52 Test catchment/ Catchment area (km2) Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation TESTING Q50 PREDICTION 100 Q (m3/s) 90 80 70 Q50_OLS 60 50 Q50_GLS 40 Q50_FFA 30 90% CI-UL 90% CI-LL 20 10 0 T14 T8 T16 T10 T9 3 18 24 36 52 Test catchment/ Catchment area (km 2) Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation 21 RELATIVE ERRORS Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation FLOOD FREQUENCY PLOT Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation 22 SUMMARY – PILOT STUDY • The updated PRM can provide design flood estimates with reasonable accuracy. • C10 values can be obtained from – C10 contour map or – developed prediction equation (provides less biased results). Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation SUMMARY – PILOT STUDY • Median relative error values for the new PRM ranged from 17% to 44%. For 7% cases relative error values > 100%. • The PRM tends to underestimate flows compared to flood frequency estimates, with 60% of the cases being underestimated. Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation 23 SUMMARY – PILOT STUDY • Prediction equations have been developed for Victoria using OLS and GLS methods. • Little differences in prediction equations between OLS and GLS. • GLS procedure provides better estimation reliability. Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to flow estimation 24