Accounting I Lesson Plans 9/8 – 9/15

Accounting I Lesson Plans 9/8 – 9/15
The World of Business and Accounting
Monday (Sept 8)
Tuesday (Sept 9)
Chapter 2 Sec. 1 Exploring the World of Business
Intro section concept: Transparency 2-1 / 2-4
Thinking Critically: pg. 31 (1-2)
Student practice: Demonstration problem 2-1
Workbook Problem 2-1
Wednesday (Sept 10)
Chapter 2 Sec. 2 Accounting: The Universal
Language of Business
Review Thinking Critically: pg. 31 (1-2)
Intro section concept: Transparency 2-5 / 2-6
Thinking Critically: pg. 35 (1-2)
Computing in the Business World: pg. 35
Workbook Problem 2-2, 2-3
Key Points: Profit, Entrepreneurship, Types of
Businesses, Forms of Business Organizations
Discussion: Pros vs. Cons on Partnership and
Close: short answer on a local business purpose,
form and pros vs. cons.
Bell Ringer: What would happen if everyone used a
different set of rules when driving? Relate the
rules of driving to the rules of accounting (GAAP)
Key Points: GAAP, Accounting Assumptions
Discussion: Accounting Reports for making
business decisions
Close: short answer on the purpose of accounting
in a free enterprise system.
Thursday (Sept 11)
Continue Chapter 2 Section 2
Go Over Thinking Critically: pg. 35 (1-2)
Concepts and Procedures pg. 38 (1-11)
Workbook Chapter Review
Workbook Problem 2-4, 2-5
Friday (Sept 12)
Continue Chapter 2
Go over Concepts and Procedures: pg. 38 (1-11)
Complete Workbook Problem 2-7, 2-8
Chapter 2 Quiz
Standards: IA1, IA2, IIA10, IVA1, IVC1, IVD1
Allow them to use the workbook chapter review
on the quiz.
The World of Business and Accounting
Monday (Sept 15)
Tuesday (Sept 16)
Complete items from Chapter 2
Review Key Concepts and Procedures Chapter 2
Wednesday (Sept 17)
Chapter 2 Test
Thursday (Sept 18)
Finish Chapter 2 test
Go over the Chapter 2 Test
Review for Unit 1 Test
Friday (Sept 19)
Unit 1 Test over Chapters 1 and 2
Standards: IA1, IA2, IIA10, IVA1, IVC1, IVD1
Introduction to Business Lesson Plans 9/8 – 9/15
Economic Resources and Systems
Monday (Sept 8)
Tuesday (Sept 9)
Chapter 2 Section 1 Economic Resources
Objective: Explain how scarcity requires individuals
and nations to make decisions about resources.
Describe the four factors of production.
Bell Ringer: Hold up a product and ask students to
identify the resources that are used to produce it.
Intro section concept: PPT 2.1
Review key Concepts: pg. 26 (1-3)
Discussion: Scarcity, Natural Resources, Renewable
vs. nonrenewable,
Wednesday (Sept 10)
Chapter 2 Section 2 Economic Systems
Go over Review key Concepts: pg. 26 (1-3)
Begin Chapter 2 Section 2 Economic Systems
Intro section concept: PPT 2.2
Student practice: List, Compare, Chart
Bell Ringer: What, How, Who: Economic Questions
Key Points: Scarcity, Four Factors of Production,
Making Economic Decisions
Key Points: Basic Economic Questions, Different
Types of Economies
Discussion: Supply and Demand
Thursday (Sept 11)
Continue Chapter 2 Section 2
Review key Concepts: pg. 31 (1-3)
Workbook Problems
Friday (Sept 12)
Continue Chapter 2
Review key Concepts: pg. 32 (2-6, 8-10, 12)
Complete Workbook Problems
Standards: NCTE1, NCTE4, NCTE7, NCTE8, NCTE9
Data Analysis and Probability, Science D
Introduction to Business Lesson Plans 9/2 – 9/13
Economic Resources and Systems
Monday (Sept 15)
Tues (Sept 16)
Chapter 2 Test
Wed (Sept 17)
Go over Chapter 2 Test
Thur (Sept 18)
Introduction Chapter 3 Section 1
US Economic History
Intro section concept: PPT 3.1
Bell Ringer: Recent news article, How would you
describe the local economy?
Key Points: The Changing U.S. Economy,
Measuring Economic Activity
Review key Concepts: pg. 42 (1-3)
Fri(Sept 19)
Go over Key Concepts pg. 42 (1-3)
Workbook Problems 3-1
Standards: NCTE1, NCTE4, NCTE7, NCTE8, NCTE9
Discussion: Examples of products, services and
occupations that have changes in the US economy.
Discussion: GDP, Standard of Living, National Debt
Data Analysis and Probability, Science D
Personal Finance Lesson Plans 9/8 – 9/15
Financial Aspects of Career Planning
Monday (Sept 8)
Tues (Sept 9)
Chapter 2 Section 1 Decisions in Planning Your
Objectives: How to identify the personal issues to
consider when choosing and planning a career
How to evaluate the factors that influence
employment opportunities
Check Your Understanding: pg. 41 (1-3)
Think Critically: pg. 41 (4)
Wed (Sept 10)
Workbook pages Chapter 2 Section 1
Bell Ringer: Because of technology some jobs
available in ten years have not yet been created.
How do you plan, research, or train for a career
you know nothing about?
Key Points: Job vs. Career, Standard of Living,
Thur (Sept 11)
Fri(Sept 12)
Standards: Econ I, II, III, IV, VIII, IX
Personal Finance I, II IV, VIII
Personal Finance Lesson Plans 9/2 – 9/13
Financial Aspects of Career Planning
Monday (Sept 15)
Tuesday (Sept 16)
Chapter 2 Section 2 Obtaining Employment and
Developing a Career
Objectives: How to apply effective strategies to
obtain employment. How to identify the financial
and legal issues to consider when looking for
employment. How to analyze methods that will
help them grow and develop in their careers
Check Your Understanding: pg. 55 (1-3)
Wed (Sept 17)
Workbook Pages Chapter 2 Section 2
Thur (Sept 18)
Bell Ringer: Have students find entry level
positions. Do you think you would like this job?
Key Points: Experience, Job Opportunities,
Applying for a Job, Rights as an Employee
Discussion: .
Fri(Sept 19)
Standards: NCTE1, NCTE4, NCTE7, NCTE8, NCTE9
Data Analysis and Probability, Science D
Computer Applications Lesson Plans 9/8 – 9/15
Introduction to Computers
Mon (Sept 8)
Tues (Sept 9)
Go over Chapter COM – Introduction to
Begin working on the Internet Scavenger Hunt
Wed (Sept 10)
Complete the Internet Scavenger Hunt Worksheet
Thur (Sept 11)
Fri(Sept 12)
Computer Applications Lesson Plans 9/8 – 9/15
Mon (Sept 15)
Introduction to Computers
HP Webpage access and overview
Tues (Sept 16)
Discussion file formats
Wed (Sept 17)
Video lesson on “video story telling”
Creation of Athletics and Activities
Thur (Sept 18)
Stop Animation
Fri(Sept 19)
Demonstration of Claymation Studio
Creation of Athletics and Activities
Creation of Athletics and Activities
Creation of Athletics and Activities
Webpage Design Lesson Plans 9/8 – 9/15
HTML - Tags
Mon (Sept 8)
Tues (Sept 9)
Go over Chapter COM – Introduction to
Begin working on the Internet Scavenger Hunt
Wed (Sept 10)
Complete the Internet Scavenger Hunt Worksheet
Thur (Sept 11)
Fri(Sept 12)
Webpage Design Lesson Plans 9/8 – 9/15
Mon (Sept 15)
HTML - Tags
HP Webpage access and overview
Tues (Sept 16)
Discussion file formats
Wed (Sept 17)
Video lesson on “video story telling”
Creation of Athletics and Activities
Thur (Sept 18)
Stop Animation
Fri(Sept 19)
Demonstration of Claymation Studio
Creation of Athletics and Activities
Creation of Athletics and Activities
Creation of Athletics and Activities
Multi Media Lesson Plans 9/8 – 9/15
Audion and Stop Animation
Mon (Sept 8)
Tues (Sept 9)
Wed (Sept 10)
Complete the Internet Scavenger Hunt Worksheet
Thur (Sept 11)
Fri(Sept 12)
Multi Media Lesson Plans 9/8 – 9/15
Mon (Sept 15)
Audion and Stop Animation
HP Webpage access and overview
Tues (Sept 16)
Discussion file formats
Wed (Sept 17)
Video lesson on “video story telling”
Creation of Athletics and Activities
Thur (Sept 18)
Stop Animation
Fri(Sept 19)
Demonstration of Claymation Studio
Creation of Athletics and Activities
Creation of Athletics and Activities
Creation of Athletics and Activities