University of Minnesota School of Social Work Recognition Ceremony May 6, 2012 Ted Mann Concert Hall From the Director Dear Graduates, On behalf of the faculty and staff of the School of Social Work, I join your families and friends in congratulating you on this special day. Earning your M.S.W. or Ph.D. degree is, of course, something special, and we celebrate that today. But one thing in particular that is special to this celebration is that you are being hooded by your friends and family—persons close to you who have supported you in this journey. And so we recognize them as well as you. As you walk across the stage to receive your hood, you have also become part of an enduring legacy. You join the thousands of our alumni who have worked hard to build a just, caring, and inclusive society. When you accept this symbol of academic achievement, in a real sense you walk through time to stand with those who have preceded you. Now it is your turn also to help the School renew its commitment in providing leadership for a caring society. And so, as you cross this auditorium’s stage to embark upon a new stage in your career, we offer you a pointed invitation: partner with us in our work, remain part of this school and its commitment to engagement, teaching and learning. Join our advisory board, mentor one of our students, and in the future join our faculty as a field instructor or share your practice wisdom in a classroom. We welcome you; indeed, we need you. Congratulations, again, on your academic achievements, and our best wishes for a successful and fulfilling future. James R. Reinardy, Ph.D. Associate Professor Director, School of Social Work our keynote speaker Janine Moore Janine Moore is the Director of Ramsey County Children and Family Services Division. Her areas of responsibility include Child Protection Services, Foster Care Licensing, Adoptions, Child Care Licensing, Delinquent Youth, Chemical Dependency Services for Pregnant Women, Voluntary Child Welfare Services and Children’s Mental Health Services. The mission of Ramsey County Community Human Services is to “Survive and Thrive”, and within that Ms. Moore requires that all county residents receive equitable, respectful and optimal quality services. In addition to excellent services, she is committed to addressing the issues of disparities for all children and families. Prior to joining Ramsey County in 2008, Ms. Moore worked for Hennepin County for more than 20 years in the field of Social Services as a Financial Worker, Child Protection Social Worker, Supervisor and Manager. She has committed her life to Child Welfare Services. Ms. Moore has three children; Christopher, Jordan and DaNae and a beloved Bullmastiff dog named Howie. She is a Master Trainer, and Curriculum Writer with the Minnesota Department of Human Services – Child Welfare Training System, and in 2007 she was awarded the University of Minnesota School of Social Work Alumna of the Year Award. Program Faculty Processional Welcoming Remarks James Reinardy, Ph.D. Director, School of Social Work Student Emcees Isolise Barnes and Robert Rossi Keynote Address Janine Moore Director, Ramsey County Children and Family Services Division Music “Vigilante Man” by Woody Guthrie “I’ll Fly Away” by Albert Brumley Musicians/Performers: Joel Grostephan, Singer/guitar player Bob Radspinner, Bass Josh Braun, Electric Guitar Presentation and Recognition of Degree Candidates James Reinardy, Ph.D. Jean Quam, Ph.D. Dean, College of Education and Human Development Cara Cusano, Libby Johnson and Emily Wesely M.S.W. Students Presentation of Friedman Award David Hollister, Ph.D. Director of Graduate Studies Closing Remarks Isolise Barnes and Robert Rossi Recessional Reception School of Social Work Faculty Lisa Albrecht Michael Baizerman Velmer Burton Peter Dimock Jeffrey Edleson Colleen Fisher Priscilla Gibson MJ Gilbert Jane Gilgun Wendy Haight David Hollister Katie Johnston-Goodstar Linda Jones Helen Kivnick Traci LaLiberte Hee Yun Lee Elizabeth Lightfoot Steve Maxwell Dario Menanteau Denise Morcomb Megan Morrissey Heidi Presslein Jean Quam James Reinardy Ronald Rooney Patricia Shannon Jerry Stein Mark Umbreit Victoria Van Slyke Ross VeLure Roholt Kate Walthour Esther Wattenberg Oliver Williams School of Social Work Class of 2012 Ph.D. Students Elena Izaksonas Narae Shin Shweta Singh M.S.W. Students Sarah Ann Adams Sara Catherine Hamann Katie Elizabeth Max Olsen Leanne Yvonne Amy Lisa Michelle Harig Kate Elizabeth Olson Jane-Marie Beaumont Asay Jennifer R Heldt Megan Jo Pardy Isolise Dominique Barnes Katherine Maria Helgason Nicole Lyn Patnaude Nikki Marie Beaudine Dan Nelson Henry Erika Lynne Posthumus Megan Leininger Beukema Mao Her Jesslyn Christine Bolt Maria Elena Hipkins Candace Jean Borgen Faith Fischer Holschbach Tiffany Ann Ramm Clare Agnes Rodrigues-Henderson Bleedee Christine Boye-Weah Terri Ann Hom Amber Mae Brunelle Danielle K. Horan Lisa Mary Burke Merga Hirpa Hunde Kainani Dionne Bye Marie Diane Johnson Madeleine Louise Calhoon Kari Jean Justin Megan Alyssa Carriveau Allison Kelly Wanda Joy Classen Parmananda Khatiwoda Katie Rae Cleveland Whitney Rose Klein Marie Amelia Connor Elijah Seleyea Kollie Tonya Louise Cook Brent Andrew Krocak Stephen Anthony DeLong Soua Lee Gwen Hellen Dezelske Cassandra Malloy Alicia Mae Donahue Amanda Sarah McDonald Stacey Anne Endres Theresa Ann Mensinger Jenna Gronli Evans Elizabeth Ann Meyer Kelly Joanne Evans Michelle N. Mikelson Kara Jo Fahey Marilynn Miller Brian Flick Ifrah Yusuf Mohamed Pamela Jean Fredrickson Sanchez Sarah Lynn Morris Rachel Elizabeth Giles Leah Marie Nasset Kaela Jean Glass Rachel Oberg-Hauser Nicki Marie Graf Megan O’Brien Katy Ann Ross Robb Rossi Megan L Roy Joseph Steven Schmidt Deb Lynn Schmidt Allison Rose Schmill Ashley Marlena Sneider Christina Renae Staebell Emily L Stevens Frida Tamrakar David Stephen Tierschel Marina Uehara Shawn Gregory Ullrich Mai Tong Vang Anna Marie Vangsness Kelly Ann Whipple Tonya Wilhelm Kristina Renee Wolfe LeeAnn Woodrum-Oakley See Xiong Ker Xiong Monda Yang My A Cindi Yang Parting Words Ph.D. Students Many, many thanks to the faculty and staff at the School of Social Work for their ongoing support over the years. Special appreciation to my family and friends for their faith in my perseverance. Elena Izaksonas Sincere thanks to my family, friends, and the staff and faculty at MINCAVA and SSW. I couldn’t have finished this journey without your support and love. Narae Shin M.S.W. Students A huge thank you to my family and friends who have been so supportive through this process! I am honored to be a part of this profession and looking forward to the amazing work ahead! Sarah Ann Adams I want to thank my family and friends for supporting me through the past year and encouraging me through the tough times. Thank you to all of my instructors for bring so much into the classroom every week and inspiring me to keep learning. Leanne Yvonne Amy Thank you to all my loved ones who have instilled me with love and peace: “Peace has a great deal to do with warm-heartedness and respect for the lives of others, avoiding doing them harm and regarding their lives as being as precious as our own. If, on that basis, we can also be of help to others, so much the better.” -Dalai Lama Jane-Marie Beaumont Asay I’m blessed and I thank God for the ability to accomplish such an amazing achievement. I dedicate this degree to my grandmother; love and miss you desperately. To my parents, sisters, brother and my kids Jakaiya and Isaiah, I love you; I could not have done it without you. Isolise Dominique Barnes “Be a lamp, or a lifeboat or a ladder. Help someone’s soul heal” -Rumi. I’ve been so inspired by and appreciative of all my classmates, clients and professors. Thanks to my family and friends for support and encouragement. Thank you, Travis, for editing my application and cheering me on! Megan Leininger Beukema All that is gold does not glitter. -J.R.R. Tolkien Jesslyn Christine Bolt I want to thank my friends and family for your encouragement, love, and support. To my family and Jay, your understanding and help has allowed me to be successful in graduate school and allowed me to progress in the profession of social work. To my peepsies, this journey would not have been nearly as great without all the laughs we shared together! Last, but not least, thank you to my faculty, fellow students, and field instructors for sharing your wisdom; I have learned a lot from all of you. Candace Jean Borgen Thanks to God Almighty for the strength and ability that he has given me, to be able to complete my journey in enduring my masters education. Special thanks to my family and friends for their support, prayers and encouragement. Bleedee Christine Boye-Weah A special thank you to my family who supported me, inspired me, and loved me unconditionally during this journey. I’m truly grateful to have such amazing people in my life. I wouldn’t be where I am today without your guidance and love. I love you all. I DID IT! Amber Mae Brunelle Thank you to everyone who has supported throughout graduate school; whether it be via copious quantities of chocolate, good advice, or ruinous shopping sprees. Lisa Mary Burke One does not achieve great things alone. A sincere thanks to my family, friends, and mentors. This accomplishment is a reflection of your undconditional love, encouragement and guidance. To my grandmother Meg, you have set the standard for strength and resilience and you will always be an inspiration to me. “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” -Dr. Seuss Kainani Dionne Bye I am humbled by the wisdom, passion, and aptitude that my classmates bring to the field of social work. You have been some of my greatest teachers on this journey. Many thanks to Dad, Jess, Jenny, and Maia. I don’t know what I’d do without you! Madeleine Louise Calhoon Thank you to the faculty who has challenged my thinking in many ways. Abraham, Amelia, and Alice, you’ve been troopers through this and I am lucky to be your mom. Most of all, thank you Jeff for supporting me every step of the way.You’re the best! Megan Alyssa Carriveau Many thanks to my husband Sam for being by my side throughout this process; I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you to all of my family and friends, who supported me, fed me, gave me cheer, and helped me see the light at the end of the tunnel! Katie Rae Cleveland “You will make all kinds of mistakes; but as long as you are generous and true and also fierce you cannot hurt the world or even seriously distress her,” -Winston Churchill. Thanks mom and dad for leading by example. Thanks Maddy and Celeste, but not Charlie who just found out I was in graduate school. Most importantly, thanks Jason for putting up with me and not running away. And Rocco for always being happy to see me when I come home. Marie Amelia Connor Thank you to everyone who has supported me and inspired me to believe I could be half the person you are: my parents, grandparents & sisters; Trisha; Amina, Mohamed, and Asha; Eh Taw; Chong; Parmananda; my mentors Sue and Eva; Patty; International Village Church, and everyone at the SSW. Tonya Louise Cook I am so thankful for the incredible support from my wife Haley. Without her I could not have done it. A special thanks to my brother James and parents for all their support.. Stephen Anthony DeLong Thank you to my wonderful husband and his loving patience and encouragement, my parents, my grandmother, my siblings, and my in-laws who have supported me wholeheartedly. And thank you to family, friends, classmates, professors, co-workers, and supervisors who have encouraged and inspired me to do this work! Gwen Hellen Dezelske I took a chance on a dream and as I stand here today I can say dreams certainly do come true! I am forever grateful to my family for their love, support and encouragement. Ross, you are my rock, this accomplishment wouldn’t have been possible without you. Thank you simply isn’t enough! Alicia Mae Donahue Thank you to my family and friends for teaching me compassion, perseverance, and how to live with intention. I am ever grateful for your love and support. Thank you to my classmates and professors for sharing your wisdom and teaching me I have a lot left to learn! Stacey Anne Endres Thanks to my family for all your support, love and paper editing: Dad & Kim for your wisdom, encouragement and selfless way. My BFFS: MaraElena for protecting me from bullies, Connor for your honesty. Filippo, mio amore, through the words of C.Dion,”You were my eyes when I couldn’t see.” Ti amo. Jenna Gronli Evans “At this very moment, there are people only you can reach, and differences only you can make” - Mike Dooley. Thanks to all for a wonderful education experience! Kara Jo Fahey While difficult to remember the days; I remember the moments that have pieced together my life. Thanks to every one who has supported me along the way toward making this moment a reality. Brian Flick “Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work” -Mother Teresa. Thanks to all of you who helped make this journey possible. To my friends who held me up, the LIGHT of my life, Alec who could put things in perspective and the LOVE of my life John who could just look at me and make things right. All my love, Pam/Mom Pamela Jean Fredrickson Sanchez Thank you for being an inspiring, challenging, and enlightening chapter in my journey of life. Rachel Elizabeth Giles All my love and thanks to my family and friends that have supported me along the way. To my dad and aunt Laura, I couldn’t have gotten here without you. And to my mom, I hope you are forever proud of me. Kaela Jean Glass The past two years have been filled with many ups and downs. I would like to thank all of those friends and family who helped me through to the end. I couldn’t have done it without you! Nicki Marie Graf “How lovely to think that no one need wait a moment, we can start now, start slowly changing the world! How lovely that everyone, great and small, can make their contribution toward introducing justice straightaway... And you can always, always give something, even if it is only kindness!” -Anne Frank Sara Catherine Hamann Thank you to the students and faculty at the School of Social Work, who have contributed so much to my learning. To my wonderful parents - you have given me the strength and confidence to challenge myself and the world around me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Jennifer R Heldt Congrats, we made it! Thank you all for your friendship and support over the last two years. I enjoyed learning from each and every one of you. Best of luck in the future, I hope to see you out in the field! Katherine Maria Helgason Now the real work begins! “Value the relationship you have with your clients” - Paul Sinclair (Wilder Foundation) Dan Nelson Henry Words seem inadequate to portray my deepest sincerity to my loved ones who have supported me through this journey, without your encouragement and love I wouldn’t be where I am today. Thank you all for being with me on this wonderful journey. I love you all! Mao Her Never in my life did I think I would earn a Masters Degree. Thanks to my husband, daughters, parents and their support, WE did it! Maria Elena Hipkins Special thanks and love to all of my classmates! “I do not fear tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today,”-William Allen White. Do the right thing, even if you can’t see the results in the immediate future. Faith Fischer Holschbach To my parents, family and friends: Thank you so much for your support and encouragement. To my children, Justin and Shane:You are my inspiration! Thank you for the unconditional love and support. To my professors and the School of Social Work staff: A sincere thank you for the guidance and support while in graduate school. Terri Ann Hom “How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these.” -George Washington Carver Danielle K. Horan As the first generation immigrant, this is an extra ordinary time for me. I grew up in poverty and was raised by my single mother. No one thinks that I will be here where I am today. I thank my dad and mom who passed away many years ago who gave me the opportunity they haven’t had for themselves. I wish they could have joined me at this happy moment. I would also like thank to my wife Abbi and my kids. Please don’t give up! Nelson Mandela, an African hero, said, “It always looks impossible until it is done.” Merga Hirpa Hunde Thanks to my family and friends, especially Mom, Dad, Dan, Andy, Sue, and Alec, for your love, patience, and unwavering support. Marie Diane Johnson Thanks to my amazing support team (family, friends & co-workers) who helped me through this journey. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” - Lao Tse Kari Jean Justin Although today calls for special acknowledgement, every day I feel profound gratitude of the constant support given by my family and partner, Patrick. To my comrades, never doubt that a small group of people can change the world. I thank you for sharing your brilliance. Allison Kelly I have gained so much from the SSW that it is difficult for me to express in words. It has made me feel special by recognizing my experience as a refugee which would certainly count anywhere else. SSW family has given a new meaning and purpose in my life. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my family for standing by me during this new journey in my life. Parmananda Khatiwoda I would like to thank my family and friends for helping me (and tolerating me!) on my journey through this program. I’d especially like to thank my fiance; I couldn’t have done it without you! Finally, I’d like to thank, and honor, my gpa, for always believing in me. Whitney Rose Klein My gratitude to the staff at the School of Social Work, especially Jan Goodno who reawakened my spirit during my desperation, Charlotte Pocrnich, church friend and my family who permitted me to use their time for my studies. I’m grateful to everyone who played an important role in my achievement. Elijah Seleyea Kollie I want to thank my family and friends, especially my bride Kiley for the unconditional love, support and guidance and my daughter Gwen who would bring a smile to my face after the long days. Thank you to all of the professors and fellow students for sharing your wisdom and experience, it has been a pleasure to share this journey with you! Brent Andrew Krocak A ginormous and heartfelt “Thank You” to my husband for your patience, love, and unending support. Thanks to my mother who took care of my boys whenever I needed you. Thanks also to my siblings for helping out with childcare. My journey through graduate school has not been an easy one, but together we succeeded today. More thanks go out to my father, mentor, and all of my friends, for your time, encouragement and belief in me, to my professors and classmates at the school. Soua Lee Many thanks to my family and friends for cheering me on and believing in me. Special thanks to my children for your patience and understanding when I couldn’t stay and snuggle a little longer because I had homework to do, and to Jeff for your love, support, and encouragement. Thank you Tammy for the push that got me started on this journey. Cassandra Malloy Thank you to my partner, Jerrod, who nurtured me and our cat during this last year- I could not have done this without you; I love you. Thank you to my family, my partner’s family, and my friends for their love, enduring support, and laughs.You are my foundation. Theresa Ann Mensinger Throughout my childhood my Grandmother instilled in me what William Butler Yeats said, “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” My fire has been lit. Thank you to my husband, my family and the SSW for helping me to fulfill my goal. Elizabeth Ann Meyer I am so thankful for all of the support I received from my family and friends the past two years. To my parents, who have encouraged me every step of the way, thank you for teaching me the value of education and the meaning of love - I couldn’t have done it without you! Michelle N. Mikelson Thank you everyone! Marilynn Miller Thank you to my family and friends, especially to my younger sister Fardowsa and my brother Gandia for always supporting me. Ifrah Yusuf Mohamed I just want to thank my friends and family for their support! Much gratitude and I am happy to be done! Sarah Lynn Morris “Revolution begins with the self, in the self” - Toni Cade Bambara. A sincere thanks to my family, my teachers, my friends, my cat, Matilda, and of course my SWeeps for walking with me on this journey. Rachel Oberg-Hauser “A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” -Margaret Mead. A huge thank you to my friends, family and fabulous cohort who gave me an enormous amount of support throughout this experience. Megan O’Brien Thank you to my family for your unwavering support and encouragement throughout this challenging year. To my husband, Eric, thank you for your patience, helping me relax, and making me laugh! Thank you to the SSW faculty for reminding me that social work is more than a profession; it is who I am at my core. “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” -Gandhi Katie Elizabeth Max Olsen I want to thank my family, friends, and fellow MINCAVAers for their support, love, understanding and encouragement throughout the past three-years.You all are truly the best and I could not have done it without your support! Megan Jo Pardy Many thanks to my family and friends, especially my mom and sister, for their continuous support and love during this process! I couldn’t have done this without you! To my peers, remember: “To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived - that is to have succeeded.” -R.W.E. Nicole Lyn Patnaude “Wherever you go, go with all your heart” -Confucius. Thank you to my Grandmother Marian, Mom, Dad, family, and my amazing friends that have become a part of my family, for supporting me and believing in me with all your heart. Erika Lynne Posthumus I would like to thank God for making this possible. I would like to thank my family and Reggie for encouraging me and supporting me when I felt like giving up. “You are what you do” -Doug Miller. Well, I do social work so I must be a social worker. Tiffany Ann Ramm “Like water, be gentle and strong. Be gentle enough to follow the natural paths of the earth, and strong enough to rise up and reshape the world.” -Brenda Peterson Katy Ann Ross Thanks SWeeps for encouraging, inspiring, and tolerating me! As important as my education are the friendships and bonds I’ve made with you, except three of you, you know who you are ;) You’ve been my “family of choice” for 2 years, so expect me to mooch in years to come. Robb Rossi Graduate school has been an amazing experience that will always carry a special place in my heart. I want to thank my family who supported me and would not allow me to give up, even when I insisted I could not go on. I could not have done it without them! And to my children, Ariana and Gavin, I hope they are inspired by this experience and will grow to laugh at the nights that we all sat at the table doing our homework together! Megan L Roy It is with a full and grateful heart that I look to my family for their vital involvement in my path; a mother stronger than she knows, a truly loving father and a grandmother who never let a child lose hope. To my professors, supervisors and my cohort: “You have assured me that I’m in the presence of so much potential to do good. But the universe knew it all along.” -Crescit Eundo Joseph Steven Schmidt “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” Viktor E. Frankl Deb Lynn Schmidt “Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be.” -Grandma Moses Allison Rose Schmill Thank you to my family, friends and faculty for helping me get through a tough and challenging year. I will take that guidance with me to summer school! Ashley Marlena Sneider Without the strong support from my parents I would never have had the opportunity to work towards my MSW degree. Without the strong relationship I have with my daughter I would never have experienced those moments of pure bliss that helped get me through the stressful days. Without the love from my family, I would not be here today celebrating the completion of my master’s degree. Thank you all for turning my couldn’t into I did. Christina Renae Staebell Sincere gratitude to my parents and my best friend who patiently walked on this journey with me. Thank you to Miriam,Victoria, Anne, and to all the instructors whose influence has forever changed my understanding of what it means to be a social worker. Emily L Stevens Thank you for giving me the best learning opportunity. Frida Tamrakar “La vida no es la que uno vivia, sino la que uno recuerda, y camo la recuerda para contarla” -Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Thank you to my family and friends for all of your love and support and for all of the stories to be told. Marina Uehara To my family—thank you for all your love and support. To my lovely wife--thank you for making me a better person, I could not have done this without you. Shawn Gregory Ullrich A sincere THANK YOU to my partner, family and friends for their support, love and encouragement throughout this journey. Words cannot express how thankful I am to have you all. To my MSW cohorts and professors: “Things do not change; we change.” -Henry David Thoreau Mai Tong Vang Thank you - Carlos, Mom and Dad, my friends, classmates and professors - for all of the inspiration, wisdom and support over these past four years. Anna Marie Vangsness “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world” -Harriet Tubman. Thanks to my family for supporting me, and also to my awesome husband for proof reading each and every paper. Kelly Ann Whipple Thanks and gratitude to my family, friends, and especially Chris for your unwavering support during this process. Tonya Wilhelm Kris, words cannot describe how your love and support has helped me succeed. I love and miss you. Alisa, you have been instrumental in the woman I am today, thank you. Dad and Mom, thanks for always believing in me. My family and friends, thanks for the love and support! Kristina Renee Wolfe Thank you to my peers, to the school, my field placements for teaching me and making me laugh. Most of all I would like to thank my partner, Drake. He held me up through every momment of this process and without him, I would never had made it this far. I love you. Thank you to my mother for traveling this great distance and to my grandparents for supporting me. LeeAnn Woodrum-Oakley I would like to thank my families and friends for their encouragement and support through these past two years. I am especially grateful and thankful to my husband for believing in me and being there with me every step of the way. I love you all. See Xiong Thank you very much for my beautiful lovely wife (Pa Yang) who endured through the darkness and supported my ambition in education. Thank for my three lovely boys: Peter, 18, Adam, 17, and Anthony Xiong, 10, who are doing very well in school and good listeners at home for us. Ker Xiong Thank you family and friends for your encouragement, love, and support. I would also like to thank all of my instructors, classmates, and supervisors who has taught me so much and has shaped the person I have become today. Last but not least, thank you to my husband, Michael, who has been my rock and support from the very beginning of my journey. Monda Yang What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. I did it! YAY! To my friends, family, colleagues, and my life-Kai: Thank you is not enough ;) Without your support, it would have been ten times harder. Best Wishes. My A Cindi Yang congratulations, to all the graduates! Alumni Association Complimentary Membership The University of Minnesota Alumni Association and the College of Education and Human Development Alumni Society are proud to welcome you as our newest alumni of the University of Minnesota. To help you make the transition from students to alumni, you will receive a gift of a one-year membership. This complimentary membership is filled with rewards and opportunities and can be the first step toward a lifelong connection to the College and the University. Obtaining your free membership is easy! Your membership will automatically be activated in early fall when UMAA receives your degree completion record from the College. School of Social Work Leadership for a just and caring society Acknowledgements Sincere thanks to the Friedman family for their recognition of graduate student scholarship through the Gertrude Friedman Prize. Special thanks to the staff, students and volunteers who helped make this event possible: Karen Borchardt, Jan Goodno, Jackie Colby, Cara Cusano, Ros Elstrom, Libby Johnson, Amy Khath, Cindy Pavlowski and Emily Wesely. Much appreciation to Joel Grostephan, Bob Radspinner and Josh Braun for sharing their musical talents. Leadership for a Just and caring society Coming Up in the School of Social Work May-December Clinical Practice Series and Supervision Series Professional development workshops, Peters Hall. See for more information. June 12 12th Annual SSW Ice Cream Social, 3:30-5 p.m., Peters Hall. Please join us at our annual celebration for alumni and friends of the school. June 12 Beyond the Baby Blues VII, 8 a.m.-4:15 p.m., Continuing Education Center, University of Minnesota St. Paul campus. The School of Social Work is a supporter of this conference. Details at August 27 & 28 CEUs on a Stick. Professional development workshops, Peters Hall. See for more information. For more information on any of these events, call 612-625-1220 or visit our Web site School of Social Work 1404 Gortner Avenue St. Paul Minnesota 55108 612-625-1220 The University of Minnesota shall provide equal access to and opportunity in its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.