ACCIDENT COST ASSESMENT IN MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF HEALTH AND SAFETY AT PT. X WITH ROBINSON’S METHOD PENENTUAN BIAYA KECELAKAAN DALAM PENGELOLAAN SISTEM MANAJEMEN KESELAMATAN DAN KESEHATAN KERJA DI PT. X DENGAN METODE ROBINSON Fesdi Wicaksono Manifestoputra1 and Indah Rachmatiah2 Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan ITB, Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132 1 dan Abstrak : Dunia konstruksi memiliki potensi bahaya yang cukup besar yaitu berkaitan dengan keselamatan dan kesehatan tenaga kerjanya, sehingga angka kecelakaan kerja di bidang ini pun cukup tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan industri lainnya PT. X sebagai salah satu perusahaan kontraktor telah menyadari hal ini dan selama beberapa bulan terakhir mulai mengintensifkan penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja dalam kegiatan operasinya. Adapun upaya- upaya yang dilakukan perusahaan diantaranya adalah dalam hal kebijakan K3, pembentukan tim P2K3, identifikasi bahaya dan penilaian resiko, prosedur pelaporan kecelakaan, investigasi kecelakaan, penanganan keadaan darurat, pelatihan K3, penanggulangan bahaya dan inspeksi K3, serta memasukkan unsur K3 dalam kontrak dengan mitra kerjanya, terutama penyedia jasa. Kinerja keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja yang buruk dari suatu perusahaan dapat menimbulkan kerugian bagi perusahaan itu sendiri. Hal ini berhubungan dengan hilangnya hari kerja yang menimbulkan kompensasi secara ekonomi karena kehilangan biaya perusahaan dan dikeluarkannya biaya total kecelakaan. Matriks perkiraan biaya kecelakaan Robinson merupakan salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk menumbuhkan motivasi dalam pengendalian kecelakaan. Perhitungan matriks perkiraan biaya kecelakaan Robinson untuk PT. X menunjukkan bahwa dari seluruh kejadian pada Januari 2006-Juni 2009 dengan nilai uang pada tahun dasar (2004) didapatkan jumlah biaya langsung kecelakaan adalah Rp 349.734.604,51 dan perkiraan jumlah biaya tidak langsung adalah Rp 12.887.934. Sedangkan perbandingan antara biaya tidak langsung dan biaya langsung adalah 1 : 27,03 yang diperoleh dengan merata-ratakan perbandingan per kasus kecelakaan. Sedangkan Risk Score untuk seluruh kejadian pada tahun 2009 adalah 3,87 x 10-5. Umumnya, semakin besar resiko terjadinya kecelakaan dalam satu tahun akan mengakibatkan biaya total kecelakaan yang juga besar. Kata kunci : konstruksi, sistem, manajemen, keselamatan, kesehatan kerja, biaya kecelakaan, matriks Robinson Abstract: Construction industries have some huge potential hazards in their process related with safety and health condition of the workers. So that, accident rate of contruction industries mostly high compared with other industries. The X company as one of main contractor in this country have realized this fact so hence started the implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Management System in their operational along this last couple months. The acts of the implementation figured in many ways, such as safety and health policies, P2K3 team configuration, hazards identification and risk analysis, accidents reporting procedure, accidents investigation, emergency preparation, safety and health training and hazards prevention. Company also includes safety and health element in every contractual that must be agreed by other companies especially subcontractors whom they collaborate with. The implementation needs to be proved by every element of management consequently including repairment of the system in any aspects in order to make the safety and health management in the company is being optimal. Poor performance of safety and health would give a negative impact to accounting of the company. This is related to day lost because of work injuries that lead to economics compensation by decrease in productivity and cost of accidents that must been paid by the company. Cost of accident estimation with Robinson matrix method could form motivation in controlling accidents. Cost of accident estimation for contruction industry X shows that for all of cases along January 2006-June 2009, the direct cost of accident is about Rp 349.734.604,51 and the indirect cost of accidents estimation is about Rp 12.887.934. The median ratio of indirect cost to direct cost of accident for all of the case is about 1 : 27,03. Risk Score for all of cases in 2009 is 3,87 x 10-5. Generally, the high rate of risk per year would also increase the cost of accidents. Keyword: construction, system, management, safety, health job, accident cost, Robinson's matrix EM 8 - 1 INTRODUCTION Accidents in working environment brings negative impact for the company. Aside from negative impacts on materials such as loss of working hours, productivity, damage on materials and machines, there are also some insignificant negatitve impacts on other aspects such as on the worker’s comfort in doing her/his duties. Control over Safety and Health Environment Management needs to be implemented as to optimize production processes, both in effectiveness and efficiency. The high percentage of working accidents is more related to management compared to engineering. It is the highest level of management that determines policies of Safety and Health Environment (SHE) such as working condition, quality of production, and quality of devices/machines that are being used. To analyze the effectivity of implementation of Safety and Health Environment Management System at PT.X, this study will use assessment analysis method, using working accident risks as the parameter of assessment on effectivity of implementation of Safety and Health Environment Management System at PT.X. Hazard in a working environment can be defined as a condition, or combination from various conditions, where when not corrected could result in an accident, disease, or damage of property (Goetsch, 1993). But according to Colling (1990), hazard in a working environment is a condition of working environment where there is a variable or many variables that has potential in creating accidents, serious damage, disease, or losses. According to Heinrich (1980), accident is an event that occurs coincidentally, unplanned, and unexpected, where action and reaction happened between objects, matter, or materials, with human, hence causing injury. Accidents that occur have many causes that generally can be prevented in the first place (Soemirat, 1999). Efforts in preventing accident can be performed by correcting, or at least minimize every hazard that can be identified. An accurate analysis toward danger potential in a working environment is one effort to control issue of Safety and Health Environment and can be used as a tool to implement Safety and Health Environment Management System. Therefore, identification and elimination toward danger potential is a main key in preventing accidents in a working environment. PT. X is one of the qualified contractor company in whole Indonesia, and even foreign countries. This company does construction of various electric generators, buildings of fertilizer industry, buildings of paper factories, buildings of chemical factories, buildings of oil storage and piping systems, transportation of heavy instruments and flying bridges. As a large scale construction company, PT.X surely has made efforts in maintenance of Safety and Health Environment (SHE) in its operational activities, but in reality accidents still often happen in the location of construction. Therefore, implementation of Safety and Health Environment Management System in the company needs to be optimized by involving many levels of management to create and maintain a safer, more efficient, and more productive working environment. In this study, evaluation of Safety and Health Environment Management System is analyzed using methods that will determine effectivity of implementation of Safety and Health Environment Management System at the company evaluated. Other than that, this evaluation on Safety and Health Environment Management System will be supplemented with interview of the management party to retrieve assessment toward Safety and Health Environment EM 8 - 2 Management System that is implemented at the moment. Through these ways, it is expected that evaluation of Safety and Health Environment Management System can be performed and also if necessary, doing some enhancements to Safety and Health Environment Management System that is implemented at the moment. METHODOLOGY Procedure of this study is shortly divided into four steps as mentioned next : 1. Collecting secondary data 2. Collecting primary data 3. Cost calculation using Matrix Robinson estimation 4. Advices to enhance Safety and Health Environment Management System Collecting Secondary Data • General data of PT.X This data include policies, organization structure, employment, partnership with subcontractors, suppliers, and mandors, field and types of construction work, products produced by company, is necessary to be able to analyze and identify hazard caused by contribution of those factors. - Data about efforts on maintenance of Safety and Health Environment Management System in the project field, including policies of SHE, motivation of the implementation of SHE, SHE organization, planning and programs of SHE. Aside from that, data collecting is held to create efforts to prevent accidents, among them recording of accidents, handling emergencies, SHE inspection and training, also efforts of maintaining SHE in an office environment. - Accidents data that have burdened upon workers while working in PT.X. This data includes data on types of injury, parts of body injured, cause of accident, medical cost, and total days lost because of the accident. Not only collected in the company, data is also collected in PT.Jamsostek (Persero) Pusat in terms of accident cost based on the amount of the claims of insurance. These data is needed to support the analyzing process on the condition of working safety in the company, and also calculation in making Robinson estimation accident cost matrix. • Data Indeks Harga Konsumen Nasional from Badan Pusat Statistik Propinsi DKI Jakarta. Data on Indeks Harga Konsumen Nasional on the year the accident occurred is necessary to convert the cost of accident so the amount will not be affected by inflation, and is also necessary in conversion of Upaya Minimum Pekerja that has been set by the company. These data in the end will be used in the calculation process of making Robinson matrix of accident cost estimation. Collecting Primary Data Primary data is collected by doing open and unstructured interviews toward management party who is competent at handling issues of SHE in the company to gain a more complete data about injuries and accidents that are occurring, and management of SHE that is performed by management at construction projects. Interviews are also done toward workers and executors in one of the project to retrieve additional data that is needed in the process of identifying and analysis. EM 8 - 3 Cost Calculation using Robinson Matrix Estimation Steps in making Robinson matrix of accident cost estimation are as follows : 1. Collecting data from various types of working accidents that occur in more than 3 years time range, including : - characteristic of injury - part of body injured - direct cost, that intended with direct cost is expense that already came within in insurance. Level of insurance claim can not depict real expense of [job/activity] accident, because existed part of santunan that level of limited and there is other part which vary. Victim Transportation fee to hospital, medication expense and treatment, funeral expense and expense periodic santunan is limited direct cost part. Whereas expense STMB (Sementara Tidak Mampu Bekerja), santunan handicap and death is expense that hung from level of worker fee. - indirect cost. Indirect expenses of [job/activity] accident is arising out expense indirectly if an accident happens. In general told that indirect expenses will always bigger than direct cost. 2. amount of direct cost is processed by adjusting it with inflation for dollar currency. To do so, IHK is used, and is retrieved from Badan Pusat Statistik. This calculation can be performed such as in Equation 1 : Rp constant = Rp now x IHK Base Year IHK now Result from that calculation will then be classified into matrix according to part of body injured, type of injury, and whether there’s working day loss or not. 3. the direct cost then will be put in the matrix cell and the average value will calculated at each cell so that the direct cost from the accident can be retrieved. 4. Indirect cost can be retrieved from multiplying the direct cost with a ratio factor between indirect cost toward direct cost. In Indonesia this factor still has to determined correctly. 5. Next the total amount of cost caused by accident is calculated by adding the direct cost with indirect cost such as in Equation 2 : Total Cost = Direct Cost + Indirect Cost 6. Total cost is then converted into working hours so that the matrix can be used universal. Data of accidents retrieved is then recorded into database so the quantity of data can be added every time an accident happens. Enhancement Advices on Safety and Health Environment Management System Perbaikan of this SHEMS can advantage motivation to reduce cost of accident of company in implementing SHEMS by involving all levels of management. Apart from that, aspects that based the enhancement of this system as advice to be implemented include: - Motivation of SHEMS implementation - Accident recording EM 8 - 4 - Data basis Matrix of accident cost estimation Accident analysis Accident reporting RESULTS AND ANALYSIS From the process of data collecting performed, some data has been able to be retrieved. The first session of data collecting process was able to retrieve data such as follows : 1. General data of company such as vision, mission, organization structure, etc. 2. Data of accidents that occur at every activity of projects during 2006-2009 period The second session of data collecting process was able to retrieve data such as follows : 1. Verification of secondary data obtained 2. Direct observation data on one of the project that is in execution. 3. Interview results with the top and middle management in the company. 4. Data of worker and operator’s work schedule and the minimum wage standardized by the company. Evaluation of Accident Condition Based on data on types of accidents and total days lost from each accident, can be determined the Risk Score for all accidents in a year. The number of accident cases, total days lost, and total workers during 2009 until 2009 is served in Table 1. Table 1. The number of accident cases, total days lost, and total workers during 2009 until 2009 The number of Year accident cases total days lost total workers 2006 19 115 6.999 2007 62 303 55.086 2008 20 238 16.397 2009 19 111 36.575 Data on total workers in all projects held in Indonesia through all those years is not available in details, therefore it is assumed similar for each year. Total of working hours is 56 hours/week or 8 hours/day. Table 2. Injury Frequency Rate (E), Injury Severity Rate (C), Probability (P), and Risk Score (RS).2006-2009 Year C E P RS(%) 2006 0,005627 0,929683 0,052055 0,000272 2007 0,001884 0,38545 0,169863 0,000123 2008 0,004971 0,417718 0,054795 0,000114 2009 0,002084 0,356786 0,052055 3,87E-05 From numbers on Table 2 can be determined Injury Frequency Rate (E), Injury Severity EM 8 - 5 Rate (C), Probability (P), and Risk Score (RS). Example of Risk Score (RS) calculation, for data of accident in year 2007: Injury Frequency Rate (E) Injury Frequency Rate (E) = Number of disabling injury x 1.000.000 Total number of man hour worked = 62 x 1.000.0000 55.086 x 365 x 8 = 0.38545 (Persamaan 3) Injury Severity Rate (C) Injury Severity Rate (C) Probability (P) Probability (P) Risk Score (RS) Risk Score (RS) = Number of days lost x 1.000 Total number of man hour worked (Persamaan 4) = 303 x 1.000 55.086 x 365 x 8 = 0.00184 = Number of disabling injury days = 0.169863 = CxExP = 0.00000123 x 100% = 0.000123 % (Persamaan 5) (Persamaan 6) Based on calculations above can be obtained that the amount of Risk Score year 2006 is 0.000272% if compared to the next year, 0.000123%, the rate is declining. This is possible because in 2007 more projects are already handled by company so the value of calculation of Injury Frequency Rate (E) and Injury Severity Rate ( C) is smaller because many of the workers have been labored. Risk Score i s d e c l i n i n g s l o w l y f r o m 2 0 0 7 t o 2 0 0 8 . This is probably caused by the actions of preventing accidents, or implementation of SHEMS is not significantly different from the previous year. The declining accident Risk Score that occurred in the company during 2008 – 2009 becoming 3,8E-05, happened most probably as a result from the actions of implementing a more intensive SHEMS by the company at the end of 2008, reducing numbers of accidents in project location. Determination of Risk Score for all the accidents per year is important to determine accident experience of a company, and to analyze whether the experience gets better or worse the next year. This can be used as a tool to measure implementation of SHEMS performance in the company, and also to grow motivation in efforts to control accident level. Cost Calculation using Robinson Matrix Estimation Motivation of accident cost can grow by showing the company that the achievements of EM 8 - 6 maintaining SHE in construction projects also has impact on benefits or losses of the company, through a Robinson matrix of accident cost estimation. By knowing the estimation of this cost, company will have an illustration on benefits/profits obtainable if accident cost can be avoided by doing prevention actions. Steps in making Robinson matrix of accident cost estimation are as follows : 1. Data from various types of accidents in construction works that happened in the last 3 years or more, including: - characteristic of injury - part of body injured - direct cost - indirect cost Data collected will then be sorted by dates of accident and each case will be given an accident code. The amount of direct cost, in this case cost out by claims of Jamsostek, is processed by adjusting it with inflation in dollar currency. To be able to do so, CPI is used for the current year to base year (2004), Outgrow cost directly, in thing this cost one that issued via Jamsostek's claim, at o with adjusting it to inflation on eye dollar money. To it, utilized by Consumer Price Index (CPI) for year now to year basic (2004) with IHK are 100. This data can be obtained from Bank Indonesia, as shown in Table 3. Table 3. Consumer Price Index Year IHK 2006 127,03 2007 132,51 2008 109,13 2009 110,69 Tahun Dasar 2004 = 100 Indirect cost can be retrieved from multiplying the direct cost with a ratio factor between indirect cost toward direct cost. In Indonesia this factor still has to determined correctly. In this final assignment, indirect cost entered include estimation of loss from paying worker’s wage who witnessed the accident, cost of repairing devices, cost of degradation of production, and loss of supervisor’s time. Meanwhile loss to worker’s wage’s is included in the claims of Jamsostek, as Sementara Tidak Mampu Bekerja (STMB). Calculation of indirect cost can be described as follows : Upah pekerja yang ikut melihat = jumlah jam kerja hilang x UMR (Persamaan 7) UMR (Upah Minimum Regional) = upah pekerja pada tahun 2009 x 100 Indeks Harga = 5.300 x 100 EM 8 - 7 (Persamaan 8) 110,69 = Rp 4.800,00/jam kerja Kehilangan waktu pengawas = jumlah jam kerja hilang x UMR (Persamaan 9) UMR (Upah Minimum Regional) = upah pengawas tahun 2004 x 100 Indeks Harga = 13.750 x 100 (Persamaan 10) 110,69 = Rp 12.400,00/jam kerja 2. Calculation of total cost caused by accident is obtained by adding direct with indirect cost. 3. For some accident that results in the same outcome in terms of type of injury, part of body injured and whether there is loss of working days or not, then the total cost of those accidents is averaged. 4. Total cost of accident obtained is then converted into working hours so it can be used universal. 5. After data is processed then it is entered into the matrix. This matrix is built by column parts that is filled with types of injuries, and row parts filled with parts of body injured. Each total cost obtained is then entered one by one inside the matrix on the row and column, according to the accident. The upper part of row is filled with total cost of accident with working days loss and the lower part of row is filled with total cost of accident without working days loss. Also the cell is filled with frequencies of accidents occurring. Parts of body injured that are the contents of rows of Robinson matrix consist of 21 parts as follows : 1. Head and face 12. hips 2. neck and shoulder 13. left thigh and knee 3. lest upper arm and elbow 14. right thigh and knee 4. right upper arm and elbow 15. left ankle and foot 5. left hand and wrist 16. right ankle and foot 6. right hand and wrist 17. left foot toes 7. left hand fingers 18. right foot toes 8. right hand fingers 19. eyes 9. back 20. whole body 10. chest and ribs 21. death 11. rib bones (rusuk) Types of injuries of the injured worker as contents of the matrix columns consist of : 1. amputation 2. sprained, bruised, bump 3. broken bones 4. Jejas dalam, cut 5. burns 6. light wound 7. blindness 8. Lain-lain. EM 8 - 8 Example of case data processing with the accident code 200904 : In 4th of March 2009 a worker named SR had an accident, the pipe that is placed upon trason slipped and dropped upon SR’s head causing him to have several stitches. The cost issued based on claim is Rp 240.100,00, included in it is santunan STMB (While Can Not Work) for 1 day. Code of accident Name Part of body Injury Insurance claim IHK UMR (konversi) : 200904 : SR : head : luka sayat : Rp 240.100,00 : 110,96 : Rp 4.800,00/time work Data processing : Direct cost conversion (insurance claim): (base year: 2004) 240.100 x 100 = 110,69 = Rp 216.921,90 Indirect cost count Wage following employ sees: = 4 person x 1 man hour x Rp4800,00 / man hour = Rp 19.200,00 Supervisor time loss: = 1 man hour x Rp 12.400,00 / man hour = Rp 12.400,00 Count conversion to cost decrease production and damage tool don't done since base registry, accident one that happening don't evoke to mark sense tool / significant which wrecks and also production decrease. Accidents totaled cost = Direct cost + Indirect Cost = ( Rp 216.921,9 0 ) + ( Rp 19.200,00 + Rp 12.400,00) = Rp 248.521,90 Cost conversion total accident Totaled cost (man hours) = Totaled cost (Rupiah) UMR is employ / man hour ( Equation 11) = Rp 248. 521,90 Rp 4.800,00 = 55,77 man hours Based on Letter Industrial and Decision Director General ketenagakerjaan's Observation EM 8 - 9 Construction RI's Labour Relationship Department No.Kep.84/BW/1998 about Cara Pengisian Formulir Laporan dan Analisis Statistik Kecelakaan bagian Lampiran I, severe injury is an injury that causes permanent disable, which is losing or disfunction of one or some parts of body or mental illness. If worker has to leave his/her job for a temporary moment even with no permanent damage, is classified severe. Whereas (luka ringan) is injury that needs medical treatment so the victim cannot do his job for not more than one day. Working Accident Cost Cost of working accident that need to be paid by company consist of direct cost and indirect cost. The comparison between the total cost of accident a company has to pay is shown in Table 4. Tahun Jumlah Kecelakaan 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total 19 62 20 19 120 Tabel.4 Accident Cost at PT. X Biaya Tidak Biaya Langsung Langsung Biaya Total (Rp) (Rp) (Rp) 79.716.681,10 2.968.722 82.685.402,66 76.501.644,16 3.178.798 79.680.442,17 107.086.410,70 3.493.668 110.580.078,37 86.429.868,55 3.246.746 89.676.615,02 349.734.604,51 12.887.934 362.622.538,22 BTL : BL 1 : 27,03 1 : 23,81 1 : 30,3 1 : 26,31 1 : 27,03 Based on data processing, from all the accidents during January 2006 – June 2009 with the money value at base year (2004), direct cost of accident Rp 349.734.604,51 and estimation of indirect cost of accident is Rp 12.887.934. Direct cost is also defined with insured cost, because all the data in direct cost of accident in the making of cost estimation matrix is based on the amount of insurance claim, including loss of worker’s wage that is victim of the accident in form Sementara Tidak Mampu Bekerja (STMB). Therefore uninsured cost will include sources of indirect cost that needs to be paid by PT.X and uncovered by the insurance company. The comparison between direct cost (insured) and indirect cost (uninsured) by averaging ratio per case is 1 : 27,03, causing direct cost to become bigger than indirect cost. Some experts say that indirect expenses will bigger than its direct cost. Robinson mentions number 2 : 1 for indirect expenses comparison to direct cost [of] an accident. This Difference happens because loses worker fee which is on generally is one of indirect expenses source has been come into insurance claim that is direct cost in the form of santunan Sementara Unable to Bekerja (STMB). In other hand, estimates and assumption as used in indirect expenses calculation that consist of lose worker fee that follow see occurence, lose supervisor time, loss of production degradation consequence until oblige existence of overtime, and loss of equipments consequence or significant damage also influence data accuracy. Estimates and assumption are referred [as] obtained/got base interview to manager, worker and part Quality Control consequence not available its datas in company and difficulty in conducting interview with party that know directly condition in place projects the happening of accident, specifically for projects that. EM 8 - 10 Based on calculations above, the amount of total cost of accident is fluctuative. In 2006, the amount of total cost caused by accidents as much as 19 cases exceeds cost in 2007 with 62 cases of accidents. This is because in 2006 many accidents result in death, therefore total cost of accidents became towering. The eminent total cost of accident is also caused by accidents that are classified as heavy, causing a relatively huge loss with many working days lost. In 2008. A significant incline of accident cost occur from the previous year because accidents that happen in the current year are classified as heavy and many result in working days loss. Then the cost of accidents reduce in 2009 because the calculation of numbers of accidents only include 6 months of work. This fluctuative cost could also be mainly caused by inaccuracy of data, especially the estimation of indirect cost that is obtained through assumptions. Aside from that, inaccuracy also occurred because not all the accidents in the projects of PT. X is reported to Jamsostek, therefore number of accidents that really happened and the total cost of accidents do not represent the real circumstances. Indirect expenses sources at this Final Projects consist of expense caused by lose worker fee that follow see accident, lose supervisor time, expense of significant damage and equipments damage, and expense of production degradation. According to Soemirat (1999), expense because lose worker fee that experience of accident is also pertained into accident indirect expenses, however because of has been come into claim Jamsostek in the form of santunan Sementara Tidak Mampu Bekerja (STMB), expense is referred [as] classified into direct cost. Whereas base accident datas that happened in company, existence of significant damage or consequence equipments the happening of accident only exist ons such cases [only]. Research Result Jimme Hinze (1993) mention that 92% [job/activity] accident is not followed by significant damage and equipments, and only 2% significant damage finishes expense $5000. Base this research result and fact that construction work in Indonesia some of still big have the character of labour intensive, then loss of tool damage consequence and significant and fee is assumed have not yet to indirect expenses of construction [job/activity] accident. A large part of big contractor companies usually tend to not memprioritaskan this problem of [job/activity] accident, for by the of system subkontrak, main contractor will not be bothered directly if a [job/activity] accident befalls a worker. However with growing of market demand to safety image and [job/activity] health at construction industry, then this condition must becomes motivation for company to conduct management K3 in order to its effort can expand. CONCLUSION Conclusions from evaluation of total cost of accidents based on Robinson matrix of accident cost estimation that has been made, motivation of accident cost to apply SHEMS can be implemented at PT.X, other than motivation on regulation on policies and safety EM 8 - 11 image. Record of accident is reported by the safety officer so that it can be used as data to estimate cost of accidents and accidents analysis that have occurred at the construction projects of PT.X. Database is needed to save data in estimating total accident cost and analyzing cause of accidents. Calculation of risk score and justification on improvement actions toward hazard/danger potential on various construction works can be used by management to determine prior action of risk control. Risk score for the whole accidents per year starting from 2006 to 2009, each is 0.000272%, 0.000123%, 0.000114% dan 3,8 x 10-5%. 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