Heritability Value of Milk Production of Holstein Friesian

CISAK 2013– C6/O/70
Heritability Value of Milk Production of Holstein
Friesian Imported From New Zealand at
Baturraden, Banyumas
Dian Kurniawati#1, H. Mulyadi #2 and Adiarto*3
Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Gadjah Mada University
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
*Department of Dairy Industry, Gadjah Mada University
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Abstract. Heritability is the ratio of additive genetic variance to phenotypic variance. Heritability is used to determine the number of inherited
traits. If a cow indicated superiority in its highly heritable traits, it is expected that its offsprings will have superiority in those traits. In estimating trait
heritability, it is necessary to have information on the quantity figure of the cattle. The objective of this study was to estimate the heritability value of
milk production Holstein Friesian cows imported from New Zealand by Balai Besar Pembibitan Ternak Unggul Sapi Perah (BBPTU-SP) Baturraden,
Banyumas. Milk production of 69 offsprings consisting of 23 heads which inhirated from four sires based on milk inheritance correlation relationship
of paternal halfsib and 46 heads based on parent-offspring regression at first lactation. Milk production were corrected into Mature Equivalent (ME)
production using milk correction factor. Data were analyzed using the analysis of variance of Completely Randomized Design One-Way
Classification and Regression Analysis to find the heritability value of milk yield. It concluded that the heritability value of milk production based on
paternal halfsib correlation was 0.20±0.03 and based on regression of paternal offsprings was 0.26±0.69 and those value belongs to medium or
intermediate value. Heritability value estimate used in this study is it based on Paternal-Halfsib Correlations because standard error in the estimated
heritability based on Paternal-Half Sib Correlation is lower than the estimated heritability based on parent-offspring regression.
Keywods: baturraden, heritability value, holstein friesian cows, new zealand
Indonesia’s dairy cow population increased only slightly in
2003 and 2007. Dairy cow population from 2003 to 2007 were
374,000, 364,000, 361,000, 369,000, and 378,000 head,
consecutively; as for 2008, there were 386,000 head [1]. The
population of that number can only meet about 25-30% of
domestic demand for dairy raw materials, thus import is an
inevitability to meet the remaining demand.
Livestock production and productivity are determined by two
main factors: genetic and environment, and interactions between
the two. Genetic factors are determined by the arrangement of
genes and chromosomes of individuals. The influence of genetic
factors is everlasting; meaning that it will not change over a
lifetime, provided that gen mutation does
Furthermore, the influence of genetic factors can also be
inherited by offspring [2].
Selection is an activity of sorting the beef cattle considered
superior to breed and setting aside the poor genetic quality ones.
There are several methods for such a selection, among which is
by calculating the breeding values obtained from heritability
value estimation.
Heritability is the ratio of additive genetic variance to
phenotypic variance. Heritability is used to determine the
number of inherited traits. If a cow indicated superiority in its
highly heritable traits, it is expected that its offsprings will have
superiority in those traits. In estimating trait heritability, it is
necessary to have information on the quantity figure of the
cattle; i.e. the data on its dairy production.
In 2005, Balai Besar Pembibitan Ternak Unggul Sapi Perah
(BBPTU-SP) of Baturaden, Banyumas, imported 150 HolsteinFriesian (FH) cows from the New Zealand for prospective
parents. Those imported cows were, in fact, expected to play a
role in increasing domestic dairy production and reducing
import, but it runs counter to the expectation. Among the reasons
for this were the fact that they had poor genetic potentials and
poor treatment [3].
Average estimates of heritability for milk production in Japan
was 0.30 [4]. In United States it was 0.18 to 0.51 [5], whereas in
Indonesia it was 0.03 to 0.32 [6],[7]. The difference of
heritability value might be caused by the distinction in the
environment, methods and samples used. According to Warwick
et al [8] that variability in heritability values was caused, among
CISAK 2013– C6/O/70
other, by different environment, analytic method and the sample
Based on the above description, it is necessary to conduct a
research on heritability estimates of imported FH dairy cows
from New Zealand at BBPTU-SP, to predict their genetic
potentials because the calculation of the heritability value isn’t
done by BBPTU-SP. The research can provide recommendations
for improvement, especially in the selection BBPTU-SP, so as
to be used later in selecting dairy cows of high productivity and
high quality genes.
The materials used were the production records of FHpedigree cows that had been lactating from 2006 to 2010.
Lactation data employed were those of the first lactation of 69
cows, of which 23 were the descendants of 4 males and 46
comprised of parent-offspring (23 cows and 23 calves).
Data collection was conducted on Limpakuwus Farm,
BBPTU-SP. The data collected were secondary data on daily
milk production. Actual milk production on BBPTU-SP is
calculated by summing the daily milk production from the
milking until the cows being dried. Milk production from the
milking is counted seven days after giving birth, because
colostrums in early lactation are not counted as milk products.
The data collected were the production records of FH cows that
have paternal kinship stepbrother and cow-calf regression, as
recorded from March 2006 to March 2010.
Milk production standardization was done by calculating the
correction using the correction factor adapted to the milking 305
days long, the age of adult stem (ME) and the milking times per
day [2]. On this milk production standardization correction was
not conducted to milking times per day because of all the dairy
cows in BBPTU-SP have been milked twice a day.
Data analysis of heritability estimates was conducted using
the data of Paternal Halfsib Correlation, the analysis was
performed using Completely Randomized Design One-Way
Classification with statistical model:
Yik = µ + αi + eik
Where µ is the common mean; αi is the effect of the i-th sire
and eik. Is the uncontrolled environmental and genetic deviations
attributable to individuals within sire groups. All effect are
random, normal, and independent with expectations equal to
zero [2], [9].
Data analysis of heritability estimates was conducted using
the data of Parent-offspring regression, the analysis was
performed using Regression Analysis with statistical model:
Zi = βXi + ei
Where Zi is the mean offspring of the i-th sire, X is the
observation on the i-th sire, β is the regression of Z on X and ei is
the error associated with the Z’s [9].
Environmental condition of the BBPTU-SP has a minimum
and maximum ambient temperature of 22°C and 31°C,
respectively, and humidity between 68 to 100% [10]. According
Soetarno [11] the ideal percentage of moisture for dairy cattle
ranges from 60 to 80%. Thus, the existing environmental
conditions may cause discomfort in dairy cows during their
treatment [12].
Table 1. Average corrected milk production of the cows at BBPTU-SP
Lactation length
milk Production
Average corrected milk production (ME) of the cows at
BBPTU-SP was 3901.38 ± 698.53 liter, with an average 147.02
± 83.66 days of lactation and average of 44.89 ± 18.21 months
of cow age, thus that the average daily milk production amount
to 26.53 liters. Average milk production at the BBPTU-SP was
not much different from that of the research conducted by
Adinata [13] indicating that the average milk production at
BBPTU-SP was 3761.69 ± 1000.85 kg.
A dairy cow is said to be highly productive if it capable of
producing milk in high quantity. High milk production will be
achieved if the factors affecting such a production have been
accounted for. Such factors include: breed, individual, lactation
length, intensity of milk production persistency during lactation,
feed, lambing condition, milking frequency, milking speed,
milking turns, and others [11].
The average milk production of Holstein-Friesian (FH) cows
at BBPTU-SP was higher than their FH counterparts in
Indonesia [14]. The difference in average milk production at
BBPTU-SP and that of national milk production is due to the
fact that BBPTU-SP, as the National Breeding Center, for the
purpose of dairy cow farming, used quality dairy cows and
adopted a proper treatment strategy.
Fig. 1. Frequency distribution histogram of first lactation milk yield each cow
CISAK 2013– C6/O/70
The first lactation milk production, when depicted in
histogram, can be seen from the figure above. Of 69 dairy cows,
30 produced 3770 to 4404 liters of milk, while the one with the
highest productivity (up to 6944-6310 liters of milk) was only
one head.
Estimates of milk production heritability for FH cows at
BBPTU-SP are as follow:
Paternal Half Sib Correlations
Analysis of estimation data of heritability value based on
Paternal Half Sib Correlation method indicates that the
heritability value (h2) of milk production for FH cows at
BBPTU-SP is 0.20±0.03. This is different from that of the
research conducted by Yustisi [15] that the heritability value is
0,30±0,40. The difference of heritability value might be caused
by the distinction in the environment and samples used.
According to Warwick et al [8] that variability in heritability
values was caused, among other, by different environment and
the sample employed.
Those heritability estimates are in line with those in Warwick
et al [8] who noted that heritability value of dairy cow
production ranges from 0.20 to 0.30 and were in accord with
those stated by Hardjosubroto [2] that heritability value of dairy
cow milk production ranges from 20 to 40%.
Parent-offspring regression
Data analysis of heritability estimate indicates that
heritability value (h 2) of milk production based on parentoffspring regression for FH Cows, formerly imported from New
Zealand, at BBPTU-SP is 0.26±0.69. This is different from that
of the research conducted by Makhmudi [6] that the heritability
value is 0,029. The difference of heritability value might be
caused by the distinction in the environment and samples used.
According to Warwick et al [8] that variability in heritability
values was caused, among other, by different environment and
the sample employed. The heritability estimate in this study is in
intermediate range, as noted by Hardjosubroto [2] that in general
the heritability value is said to be intermediate when it ranges
from 0.1 to 0.3.
Heritability estimation methods have their own advantages
and disadvantages. According to Warwick et al [8], variability in
heritability values was caused, among other, by different
environment, analytic method and the sample employed.
The standard error in the estimated heritability based on
parent-offspring regression method is higher than the heritability
estimate itself. This is because the data used were so small that
the results obtained in this study have a quite high standard
error. This is in line with what Warwick et al [8] have said that a
substantial amount of data are necessary to obtain heritability
estimates with lower standard error.
Heritability value estimate employed in this study is the one
based on Paternal-Half Sib Correlation of 0.20, because standard
error in the estimated heritability based on Paternal-Half Sib
Correlation method is lower than the estimated heritability based
on parent-offspring regression method.
In conclusion that the heritability value of milk production
based on paternal halfsib correlations and regression of paternal
offsprings was 0.20±0.03 and 0.26±0.69, respectively and those
value belongs to medium or intermediate value. Heritability
value estimate used in this study is it based on Paternal-Halfsib
Correlations because standard error in the estimated heritability
based on Paternal-Half Sib Correlation method is lower than the
estimated heritability based on parent-offspring regression
This work was supported by Faculty of Animal Science,
Gadjah Mada University finding.
Badan Pusat
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