CATALOG 2015 SUPPLY SUPREME OFFICE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PO BOX 1670 NEW HAVEN CT 06507-0901 FOR THE FASTEST AND EASIEST ORDERING: PLACE ORDER THROUGH OFFICERS ONLINE • Authorized persons with access to Officers Online should log on to order supply materials and gift items via the KnightsGear web site by clicking the KnightsGear logo • A Requisition (#1) is not required when ordering through this web site SUPREME COUNCIL DEPARTMENTAL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY MAIN: (203) 752-4000 EXT. CATHOLIC INFORMATION SERVICE ............................ 4267 CEREMONIALS .......................................................4346, 4478 COLLEGE COUNCILS ................................................... 4671 COLUMBIAN SQUIRES ................................................ 4571 COUNCIL ACCOUNTS ................................................. 4392 FINANCIAL SECRETARY APPOINTMENTS ............4285, 4717 FRATERNAL SERVICES ................................................ 4270 KNIGHTSGEAR ............................................. 1-855-432-7562 MEMBERSHIP GROWTH ........................................4426, 4473 MEMBERSHIP RECORDS ......................................4210, 4243 SCHOLARSHIPS ........................................................... 4332 SUPPLY - GENERAL INFORMATION ...........4214, 4451, 4244 SUPPLY - AGENCY........................................................ 4320 GIFT DEPT. ......................................................1-855-432-7562 SUPPLY FAX ................................................. 1-800-266-6340 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ASSEMBLY SUPPLIES .................................................. 18-22 (Administrative, Membership Certificates, Programming Materials) AUDIOVISUAL PRODUCTIONS .................................... 25-29 (Instructional, Membership, Promotional Videos) BURSAR SUPPLIES ...................................................... (Columbian Squires Financial Materials) 22 CATHOLIC INFORMATION SERVICES BOOKLETS ...... 39-41 CEREMONIALS ............................................................. (Booklets, Music, Certificates and Candidate Kits) 8-9 CIRCLE SUPPLIES ........................................................ 22-25 (Administrative, Membership Certificates, Programming Materials) COUNCIL SUPPLIES .................................................... (Administrative, Membership Certificates, Programming Materials) 6-18 FAITHFUL COMPTROLLER SUPPLIES ........................ (Assembly Financial Materials) 19 FATHERS FOR GOOD ................................................... (Booklets on the Joys and Challenges of Catholic Fatherhood) 41 FINANCIAL SECRETARY SUPPLIES ............................ (Council Financial Materials) 6-8 FRATERNAL SUPPLIERS .............................................. (Ceremonial Robes, Paraphernalia and Banners) 42 JEWELS ......................................................................... 31-34 (Assembly/Circle/Council Officers, Miniatures, Ribbons) LAPEL PINS .................................................................. (Columbian Squires, Fourth Degree, K of C, VIP, Past/Former) 34 MEMBERSHIP CARDS ............................................6, 18-19,22 PORTRAITS ................................................................... (Pope, Supreme Knight, Supreme Chaplain, Founder, Patron) 31 PRINT JOBS .................................................................. 35-38 (Personalized Letterhead Stationary, Envelopes, Program Covers) PROMOTIONAL/COUNCIL/ASSEMBLY/CIRCLE ......... 30-31 (Patches, Decals, Buttons, Rockers) PUBLICATIONS ............................................................. 34-35 (K of C Historicals, Commemorative, Biographicals) 3 ORDERING SUPPLIES PROPERLY This Supply Catalog includes all supplies available for councils, assemblies and circles as of January 2014. Orders - Include the number, name, full address, including postal code, of the council, assembly or circle along with the name and title of the person placing the order. Enter your full shipping address in the Mailing Label section including your daytime phone number. ALL ORDERS BEING CHARGED TO THE ACCOUNT OF A COUNCIL, ASSEMBLY OR CIRCLE MUST BEAR THE SIGNATURE OF AN AUTHORIZED OFFICER. AUTHORIZED OFFICERS ARE: STATE DEPUTY OR STATE SECRETARY; FINANCIAL SECRETARY OR GRAND KNIGHT; FAITHFUL COMPTROLLER OR FAITHFUL NAVIGATOR; NOTARY, CHIEF COUNSELLOR OR CHIEF SQUIRE; FIELD AGENT OR GENERAL AGENT. DISTRICT DEPUTIES ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO SIGN FOR A COUNCIL. ALL ORDERS MUST BE ON A REQUISITION (#1) UNLESS THE ORDER IS PLACED VIA WWW.KNIGHTSGEAR.COM. ORDERS NOT FOLLOWING THESE INSTRUCTIONS WILL DELAY FULFILLMENT OF YOUR ORDER. Language – Please indicate the desired language for the material ordered in the Item/Form Number column. Language codes include: E-English; F-French; S-Spanish; PL-Polish. If a language code is not indicated, items will be shipped in ENGLISH. Custom Orders – Orders must be on a separate Requisition (#1). Allow additional time for preparation of custom orders. Please attach a clear and legible copy of the desired wording for the custom order. Please include a telephone number on the Requisition should questions arise. Gift Items – Orders for gift items including Knights of Columbus apparel, books and videos, religious and liturgical items, etc. should be ordered online via the website Shipping – ALL ORDERS carry a shipping charge and are shipped via ground carrier. Expedited shipping is available for additional cost. PLEASE ALLOW 2-3 WEEKS FOR DELIVERY OF MOST ORDERS. PRICES AND AVAILABILITY SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 4 COUNCIL SUPPLY & GIFT ITEM ORDERS • Council supplies and gift items should be ordered via the website: • A link to the KnightsGear web site is accessed through the Knights of Columbus home page • A Requisition (#1) is not required when ordering through this web site KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SUPPLY DEPARTMENT ACCEPTS MAIL, FAX AND E-MAIL ORDERS Mail Completed Requisition (#1) should be sent to: Knights of Columbus Supply Department 78 Meadow Street New Haven, CT 06519-1759 E-Mail Orders Completed Requisition (#1) can be scanned and e-mailed to: Fax Orders Completed Requisition (#1) can be faxed to 1-800-266-6340 DO NOT MAIL FAXED OR E-MAILED ORDERS 5 Item Number Language Order Unit Description Price Per Unit COUNCIL SUPPLIES 1 E-F-S REQUISITION FORM - THIS ITEM IS USED TO ORDER ALL MATERIALS NEEDED Limit 20 nc Membership Cards Council membership cards are available for distribution on July 1 of the new fraternal year. The cards must be ordered on a Supply Requisition (Form #1). There is no automatic distribution of membership cards by the Supreme Council. It is the responsibility of the council to order. 154 E-F-S Manual Third Degree Membership Cards — Pre-printed with current year. 100 CARDS PER PAD - Last 20 Cards are blank for issue to First and Second Degree members. (Price includes shipping) pad 2.25 2724 E-F FSPC Membership Cards — Pre-printed with current year. Last fraternal year available. While supplies last. 200 CARDS PER PACKAGE- SHEET FED (8 cards per sheet - 25 sheets per package) For use with FSPC software. (Price includes shipping) 1 pkg 6.00 each additional pkg 5.00 2730 E 3rd Degree sticker 100/roll — For use with #2724 (Price includes shipping) 4817 E-F Roll 3.00 Online Member Billing Membership Cards 200 CARDS PER PACKAGE (8 cards per sheet, 25 sheets per package) (Price includes shipping) 1 pkg each additional pkg 6.00 5.00 Financial Secretary Supplies 1 E-F-S REQUISITION FORM - THIS ITEM IS USED TO ORDER ALL MATERIALS NEEDED Limit 20 nc KA 1 E-F-S Knight Alert Letter nc 30 E-F-S-PL Charter, Constitution & Laws 154 A E-F Membership Card Holders (paper) Imprinting not available - no envelopes 0.20 100 min. Add.100 4.50 3.50 154 B E Christmas Gift Membership Card Holder (paper) Imprinting not available - no envelopes 157 E-F-S Order on Treasurer 343 E-F-S-PL Constitutional Roll 2.00 423 E-S Membership Bill — First Notice Last fraternal year available. While supplies last. 100 4.00 424 E-F-S Membership Bill — Second Notice Last fraternal year available. While supplies last. (For imprinting, see Print Section) Pad of 100 4.00 429 F-S Ledger Cards Last fraternal year available. While supplies last. 100 3.00 1264 E-F-S pad of 100 Supply Catalog nc 1.50 nc 6 Item Number Language Description Order Unit Price Per Unit The following items are to be ordered on a separate form #1 requisition from the Membership Records Department. 1407 Manual Council Seal (6-8 wks. for delivery) 37.00 1407 D Manual Desktop Council Seal (6-8 wks. for delivery) 45.00 Council Charter — Replacements only (3-4 weeks for delivery) 27.00 FSPC Letterhead — Sheet Fed Last fraternal year available. While supplies last. 500 Sheets LOT 1000 Sheets LOT 2000 Sheets LOT 5000+ PER M 26.00 34.00 65.00 28.00 1411 1600 1745 1755 1831 E-F-S E E E E-F-S ‘Annual Payer’ Sticker for use on traveling cards by financial secretary — 135 stickers per sheet SHEET 4.00 Years of Membership Labels for use on traveling cards by financial secretary (Includes up to 65-year member) 442 labels per sheet SHEET 5.50 Disability Waiver — application for dues relief nc 1831 G E-F-S Guidelines for — Disability Waiver nc 1845 E-F-S-PL Notice of Intent to Suspend nc 1845 A E-F-S-PL Proper Billing Procedures Including Use of the ‘Notice of Intent to Suspend’ nc 2488 E-F VIP Club Recruitment Flyer nc 2640 E-F-S Certificates booklet — contains pictures and brief descriptions of certificates listed nc 2726 E FSPC Billing Statement — Sheet Fed - 500 bills per package Last fraternal year available. While supplies last. pkg 4720 E-F-S Financial Secretary Fast Facts nc 5089 E Financial Secretary Guide nc 5093 E Leadership Guide nc 35.00 Form 100 - Membership Documents 100 E-S-F-PL Membership Document Generic - for use in all states and countries nc CEREMONIALS SUPPLIES Order on a separate form #1 requisition from the Supreme Council Ceremonials Department 532 E-F-S-PL Requisition for First Degree Ceremonials (See note below) nc 533 E-F-S Requisition for Second Degree Ceremonials (See note below) nc 535 E-F-S Conferring Officer Third Degree Evaluation Report (Used by Third Degree conferring officers only) nc 7 Item Number Language Description Order Unit Price Per Unit 537 E Third Degree Exemplification Schedule nc 543 E-F-S Notice of Certification of First Degree Team (For use by district deputies and above only) nc 544 E-F-S Notice of Second Degree certificate and certification cards (For use SD, SCC, SCCC) nc Original First Degree set of 5 Ceremonial books, includes music CD, 5 K of C English songbooks, 1 podium copy, and 1 narration CD are furnished at no charge upon receipt of the initial requisition for Ceremonials. Requisition for First Degree ceremonial books (Form No. 532) must be signed by the Grand Knight. Requisitions for Second Degree ceremonial books (Form No. 533) must be signed and approved by the State Ceremonial Chairman or State Deputy. Only one set of ceremonial books is permitted per degree team. Damaged or wornout books will be replaced at no charge upon return of damaged or worn out books to the Ceremonial Department. A $10.00 charge will be levied for replacement of lost ceremonial books.” CRA-25 E Supreme Knight’s Ceremonial Recognition Award - vertical - Presented “In acknowledgement of Twenty-Five Years of Service in the Exemplification of the Order’s Degrees.” Blank certificates are not supplied. Must contact Ceremonials Department. nc CRA-50 E Supreme Knight’s Ceremonial Recognition Award - vertical - Presented “In acknowledgement of Fifty Years of Service in the Exemplification of the Order’s Degrees.” Blank certificates are not supplied. Must contact Ceremonials Department. nc CEREMONIALS SUPPLIES Order directly from the Supply Department 30161 E 30503 E Music-CD 123 9 26 268 269 270 271 272 273 529 531 E-S E E-F-S-PL E-F-S-PL E-F-S-PL E-F-S-PL E-F-S-PL E-F-S-PL E E-F-S 770 786 1910 E-F-S E E-F-S-PL 9167 E-F-S Catechism of the Catholic Church (1994 edition) Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church CD of music for First, Second and Third Degree Ceremonial Notice for Additional Degrees PAD Ode Cards 100 First Degree New Member Certificate (horizontal) Second Degree New Member Certificate (horizontal) Third Degree New Member Certificate (horizontal) First Degree Honoree Scroll (vertical) Second Degree Honoree Scroll (vertical) Third Degree Honoree Scroll (vertical) Request for degree team certification cards Candidates’ Kit (Contains black rosary, rosary prayer card, copy of “These Men They Call Knights” booklet, Emblem of the Order pin and additional materials). One per kit ordered. Per Kit Installation of Council Officers Ceremonial Song Book Emblem and Council Jewels — four-color booklet explaining official Knights of Columbus emblem and jewels. Exemplification Certificate honoring Fr. Michael J. McGivney - can be used for First, Second or Third Degree 8 11.00 11.00 8.00 0.50 1.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 nc nc nc nc 3.50 nc 1.00 0.35 nc Item Number Language 30630 30631 30632 30633 English French Spanish Polish Description Order Unit Price Per Unit Third Degree Member Medallions (Required for the Third Degree Ceremonial; for presentation to candidates. Only the Grand Knight, Financial Secretary, State Deputy, State Secretary or Executive Secretary are authorized to purchase medallions. 5.00 Ceremonial Baldrics Contact official suppliers: Lynch and Kelly, Inc. Les Entreprises Roger Sauvé 23 Devereaux Street 6546 rue St-Hubert Utica, New York 13501 Montreal, Quebec, H2S 2M3 Phone (315) 724-8215 Toll Free: (888) 266-1211 Toll Free: (888) 548-3890 The English Company P.O. Box 811, Jefferson Valley, New York 10535 Phone (914) 528-0087 - (800) 444-5632 ADMINISTRATIVE FORMS/SUPPLIES 1 E-F-S REQUISITION FORM - THIS ITEM IS USED TO ORDER ALL MATERIALS NEEDED 30 E-F-S-PL Charter, Constitution & Laws Limit 20 nc 0.20 157 E-F-S Order on Treasurer Pad of 100 1.50 281 E-F-S Receipts, Treasurer to Financial Secretary Pad of 50 1.50 483 E How to Conduct a Meeting 893 E-F-S Meeting Notice Poster 0.15 945 E-F-S-PL Chaplain’s Handbook 1.00 1.00 nc 962 E-F-S-PL Service Program Manual - ‘Surge…with Service’ 1264 E-F-S Supply Catalog 1401 E-S Treasurer’s Cash Book 1403 E-F-S Recorder’s Minute Book 1406 nc 8.50 13.50 Gavel 7.00 1436 E-F-S Council Report Forms Booklet 1515 E-F-S ‘My Name Is’ - adhesive name badge 1539 E Audiovisuals flyer - descriptions and order form for available titles nc 1937 E-F-S-PL Method of Conducting A Council Meeting - (grand knight’s responsibilities) nc 1942 E-F-S Vocations Handbook nc 2640 E-F-S Certificates booklet - contains pictures and descriptions of certificates listed and many others nc 4069 E-F ‘Shoot for the Stars’ flyer nc 4125 E ‘How To Design Council Brochure’ flyer nc 4157 E ‘Be a Star District’ flyer nc 4241 E-F-S-PL ‘Responsibilities of Council Officers’ flyer 4242 E-F-S ‘Council Brochure’ template 4527 E-F-S-PL ‘10 Steps to success as a Grand Knight’ flyer 4532 E ‘Promoting the Insurance Program’ nc 5033 E Fraternal Leader Success Planner nc 5085 E Grand Knight’s Guide nc 5087 E-F-S District Deputy Guide nc 5093 E Leadership Guide nc 9 nc 0.15 nc 250 per pkg 5.00 nc Item Number Language Description Order Unit Price Per Unit Membership Recruitment/Retention 283 390 531 E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S 807 893 921 921A 937 E E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S-PL 1267 1515 1539 E-F-S-PL E-F-S E 1614 1680 E-F-S E 1842 E-F-S 1914 E-S 1915 E-F-S 2041 2488 2599 2678 2689 2761 2769 E-F-S E-F E-F-S E-F-S E E-F-S E-F-S 2773 2826 E-F-S F-S 4069 4157 4292 4293 4297 4326 E-F-S-PL E E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S E 4494 4495 E-F-S-PL E-F-S 4496 4497 4498 4527 4547 E-F-S-PL E-F-S-PL E-F-S E-F-S-PL E-F-S-PL Admission Committee Report nc Admission Committee Inquiries Guide nc Candidates’ Kit (Contains black rosary, rosary prayer card, copy of “These Men They Call Knights” booklet, Emblem of the Order pin and additional materials). One per kit ordered.” Per Kit 3.50 K of C? Ask Me button 0.30 Meeting Notice poster nc Prospect Referral Card — for distribution to members nc Prospect Card nc These Men They Call Knights — introduction booklet for candidates 0.25 Did You Know? — flyer nc My Name Is — adhesive name badge 0.15 Audiovisuals flyer — descriptions and order form for available titles nc Educational Trust poster nc Congratulations on Your Third Degree – folder — State Council use only nc Member Interest Survey Form — for distribution to council membership nc Proposer Card — to insure follow through with initiation of prospective members. nc Become a Knight place mats sold in units of 500 500 10.00 Pocket Flip Chart nc “VIP” Club Recruitment Flyer nc Membership Invitation card with envelope nc Sample Pulpit Announcement nc Welcome Back Brother flyer nc Family Fraternal Benefits flyer nc “How To…” A guide for council membership committees to succeed at membership recruitment nc Member/Spouse Fraternal Benefit flyer nc Open House Poster — space for date, time, place and sponsor - English version is #9430 nc Shoot for the Stars Flyer nc Be a Star District Flyer nc Shining Armor Qualification card nc Shining Armor certificate, horizontal 0.25 Shining Armor flyer nc Welcome to the Knights of Columbus 1st Degree Folder nc Fraternal pocket folder (limit 50) nc Overview booklet to membership in the Knights (limit 50) nc Youth recruitment flyer nc Faith based recruitment flyer nc Make a Difference poster nc 10 Steps to success as a Grand Knight flyer nc Orderwide overview flyer nc 10 Item Number Language 4552 4553 4582 E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S 4606 4636 4685 E-F-S E-F E-S 4733 F-S 4733-A 4733-B 4733-C 4733-D 4733-E 4734 4794 E E E E E F-S E-F-S 4794-OR E 4976 5104 9290 9430 E-F-S E-F-S E-F E 9512 10067 E-F-S E-F-S 10098 10099 10100 E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S Description Order Unit Price Per Unit Family Based flyer Community Recruitment flyer Public Safety Personnel flyer Benefits of Membership College Council Promotional flyer Duties of a Proposer flyer Military Service Personnel flyer Benefits of Membership College Council Spirituality/Fellowship poster College Council Spirituality/Fellowship poster, limit 25 Leadership Development Be The Difference True Brotherhood Spiritual Formation Building A Better World College Council Service/Leadership - poster New Member Annuity brochure for use with form 100 membership documents New Member Annuity brochure for use with form 100 membership documents for Oregon only A Charity that Evangelizes Star Council Checklist Poster Leadership Guide for Membership Recruitment Open House Poster — space for date, time, place and sponsor - French and Spanish versions #2826 Canadian Overview flyer Suggested Remarks for Membership Recruitment (Pulpit Announcement) (limit 10) Guide to Recruiting Success Twenty-four Hours can Change Your Life Why You Should Become a Knight nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc Recognition Certificates - items #1352, 1461, 1493, 1858 and 2212. Order directly from the Supreme Council Department of Fraternal Services, on a separate form #1 requisition. Please allow 3 to 4 weeks for delivery of these certificates. 1352 E-F-S 1461 E-F-S 1493 E 1858 E-F-S 2211 E-F-S Supreme Knight’s Wedding Anniversary Certificate of Commendation (vertical) - Request must include couple’s name, city of residence, wedding anniversary date and years of marriage. Past State Deputy Certificate (vertical) - Awarded to past state deputies, “whose dedicated leadership has brought honor and glory to his jurisdiction and the Order.” Bears the signatures of the supreme knight and the supreme secretary. State Chaplain Certificate of Appreciation (horizontal) Presented to state chaplain “in gratitude for his priestly dedication.” Includes signatures of the supreme knight and supreme secretary.” Former District Deputy Certificate (vertical) - Presented to a former district deputy “in appreciation for his faithful, diligent and exemplary service to the Order while serving as District Deputy.” Council Anniversary Certificate - generic(vertical) -Awarded to the council “in grateful recognition of _ years of service to our Order’s principles.” Includes the signature of the supreme knight. 11 1.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 nc Item Number Language Description Order Unit Price Per Unit Recognition Certificates and Wallet Cards Refer to item #2640, certificate booklet, for pictures and complete description of the certificates below 268 E-F-S-PL First Degree New Member Certificate (horizontal) 0.25 269 E-F-S-PL Second Degree New Member Certificate (horizontal) 0.25 0.25 270 E-F-S-PL Third Degree New Member Certificate (horizontal) 271 E-F-S-PL First Degree Honoree Scroll (vertical) nc 272 E-F-S-PL Second Degree Honoree Scroll (vertical) nc 273 E-F-S-PL Third Degree Honoree Scroll (vertical) 809 E-F-S Perfect Attendance Certificate (vertical) nc 1419 E-F-S Years of Service Certificate (horizontal) 0.25 1444 E Blood Donor Certificate (horizontal) 0.25 0.25 0.25 1444 F-S Blood Donor Certificate (vertical) 1444-A E Blood Donor Identification card — wallet size 1450 E-F-S Resolutions of Condolence Certificate (vertical) for family of deceased member 0.25 1453 E-F-S Past Grand Knight Certificate (vertical) 0.25 1453 A E Past Grand Knight identification card — wallet size 1454 E-F-S Certificate of Merit (vertical) — for presentation, members or non-members 0.25 1456 E-F-S Charter Member Certificate (vertical) 0.25 1456 A E Charter Member Identification card — wallet size 1457 E-F-S Honorary Member Certificate (horizontal) 0.25 nc nc nc 1458 E-F-S Honorary Life Member Certificate (vertical) 0.25 1462 E-F-S Certificate of Appreciation (vertical) — State Council only 0.25 1471 E Armed Forces Recognition Certificate (vertical) 0.25 1476 E-F-S Knight of the Month Certificate (horizontal) 0.25 1478 E-F-S Chaplain’s Certificate of Appreciation (vertical) 0.25 1545 E-F-S Knight of the Year Certificate (vertical) 0.25 1579 E-F-S Certificate of Appreciation (horizontal) — for presentation to participants in any Knights of Columbus program 0.25 1580 E-F-S Certificate of Appreciation (vertical). State Council only (generic) 0.25 1581 E-F-S Certificate of Appreciation (vertical). State Council only (council) 0.25 1843 E-F-S Family of the Month Certificate (vertical) 0.25 1843 A E-F-S Family of the Year Certificate (vertical) 0.25 1859 E-F-S Altar Server Certificate (horizontal) 0.25 2640 E-F-S Certificates booklet — contains pictures and descriptions of certificates listed. 2745 E-F-S Marriage Renewal Certificate (vertical) 0.25 2898 E-S Multi-Purpose Award Certificate (horizontal) 0.25 4028 E Eagle Scout Certificate (horizontal) 4362 E Clergy Appreciation Certificate (horizontal) 4293 E-F-S Shining Armor Certificate (horizontal) 12 nc nc nc 0.25 Item Number Language Description Order Unit Price Per Unit Certificate Frames/Folders 1973 4100 E 4101 E 4102 F 4103 F 4108 S 4109 S Black Leatherette Certificate Frame (for 8 1/2” x 11” certificate) Can be used either Horizontally or Vertically Horizontal maroon certificate folder for 8 1/2” x 11” certificate Vertical maroon certificate folder for 8 1/2” x 11” certificate French horizontal maroon certificate folder for 8 1/2” x 11” certificate French vertical maroon certificate folder for 8 1/2” x 11” certificate Spanish horizontal maroon certificate folder for 8 1/2” x 11” certificate Spanish vertical maroon certificate folder for 8 1/2” x 11” certificate 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 Service Program Supplies 962 E-F-S Service Program Manual — “Surge…with Service” 1436 E-F-S Council Report Forms Booklet 1539 E Audiovisuals flyer — descriptions and order form for available titles nc 1612 E-F-S Protocol booklet nc 2959 E Keep the Faith vocation poster nc 4346 E Incorporators of the Order poster nc 1.00 nc Church And Vocation Activity Supplies All the listed vocations materials are available at no charge. Prudent judgment should be exercised when placing orders. Due to rising shipping costs, it is necessary to charge for postage expenses. If councils or individuals are interested in sending a donation for the supplies, checks should be made payable to: Knights of Columbus Supreme Council, 1 Columbus Plaza, New Haven, Ct. 06510-3326. N.B.- RSVP applications for refund and vocation plaque awards are in the Report Forms Booklets for Councils (#1436), Assemblies (#325), and Circles (#401) Rose-1 Knights of Columbus Rosary* — with black beads 3.00 PG-157 Knights of Columbus Rosary* — with white beads 3.00 *Volume discount: 50 or more Rosaries, any mixture* ea pkg 50 2.50 SWP-1 E-F-S-PL In Solidarity With Our Priests buttons 945 E-F-S Chaplain’s Handbook 1874 E-F-S Vocations Prayer Card (3” x 5”) 1877 E-F-S How To Say The Rosary prayer card 1942 E-F-S Vocations Handbook 2045 E-F-S The Life and Legacy of Father Michael J. McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus” limit of 50 2075 E-F-S A Guide To Confession pamphlet 100 2632 E-F-S K of C Round Table Program Booklet nc 2757 E Light Up for Christ announcement poster nc 2760 E-F-S For Unto Us a Child is Born... Keep Christ in Christmas poster nc 13 12.00 1.00 nc 100 3.00 nc nc 3.00 Item Number Language Description Order Unit Price Per Unit 2874 E Keep Christ in Christmas flyer 2942 E-F-S Knights of Columbus Memorial Service for members of the Knights of Columbus nc 4046 E-F-S Father Michael J. McGivney Guild form nc 4175 E Vocation Table Prayer Card nc 1.00 4194 E-F-S Eucharistic Adoration Prayer Card nc 4200 E-F-S Fr. McGivney Vocations Bookmark nc 4201 E Men Religious Bookmark nc 4202 E Women Religious Bookmark nc 4229 E-S KofC Mexican Martyrs — 6 Saints nc 4341 E-F-S In Solidarity With Our Priests posters nc 4360 E In Solidarity With Our Priests flyer nc 4436 E-F-S Audiocassette recitation of Rosary by Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori 4.00 4439 E-F-S Rosary CD — Recitation of Rosary by Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori in CD format 4.50 4535 E-S KofC Mexican Martyrs — 2 Blesseds nc 4554 E-F-S Christmas poster — “Check This List” nc 4555 E Christmas poster — Remember It’s Christmas nc 4688 E RSVP Promotional Brochure nc 4753 E-F-S-PL Our Lady of Guadalupe prayer card 100 3.00 4772 E-F-S A Guide to Praying the Rosary 100 5.00 4940 E-F-S Ten Keys to Success as a Chaplain nc 4976 E-F-S A Charity that Evangelizes nc 4983 E-F-S-PL St. John Paul II Prayer Card 5044 E-F-S A Model for Our Times - The Heroic Virtue of Venerable Fr. Michael J. McGivney 9285 E Share in the Knights of Columbus Eucharistic Congress poster 9402 E-F-S The Chaplet of Divine Mercy prayer card 9483 E-F-S 9-11 World Day of Prayer for Peace poster 9484 E-F-S 9-11 World Day of Prayer for Peace Prayer Cards 9530 E-F-S-PL Pope Francis Prayer Card 9754 E-S Our Lady of Guadalupe Pledge Card 9898 E-S The Posada — An Advent and Christmas Celebration book 10041 E Respect Religious Freedom Sign (13” x 20”) printed on one side, on card stock. Shipping included. 100 10.00 10042 E Defend The First Amendment Sign (13” x 20”) printed on one side, on card stock. Shipping included. 100 10.00 Also available as 50 of 10041 + 50 of 10042. Please specify. Shipping Included. 50/50 10.00 100 10086 E-F-S-PL Family Prayer Card 10115 E-F-S-PL Father Michael J. McGivney Prayer Card 10162 E-F-S Building the Domestic Chursh 14 100 3.00 nc nc 100 3.00 nc 100 nc 3.00 nc 1.00 3.00 nc (limit 300) nc Item Number Language Description Order Unit Price Per Unit Community Activity Supplies - Other 862 994 995 E E E 1536 E 1582 1583 1615 E E E 1667 E-F 2016 E AD 26 4339 4509 4832 4833 4985 4985-C 4985-F E E E E-F-S E-F-S E E F Blood Donor poster nc U.S. Flag poster nc Pledge of Allegiance — flyer explaining how “Under God” was added to pledge nc Rules for displaying the Flag of the nc United States — informational handout History of the United States Flag — flyer nc Declaration of Independence (17” x 22”) limit of 25 nc Can We Wave The Flag Too Much? — informational handout on the United States flag nc The Canadian Flag — flyer explaining the rules for displaying the Canadian flag nc Christopher Columbus/Knights of Columbus Coloring Book 0.25 Crayola Crayon 8 pk. 1.10 Heroes Fund Poster nc Blue Mass — Poster nc Food Drive flyer nc Food Drive poster nc American Wheelchair Mission flyer nc Canadian Wheelchair Foundation flyer (English) nc Canadian Wheelchair Foundation flyer (French) nc Council Activity Supplies 527-3 E 757 1483 1484 1915 E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S 1932 2010 2087 2235 E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S-PL 2612 E RS-03 E 2942 E-F-S Note cards with envelopes - no imprinting available 100 Happy Birthday card with envelope each Get Well card with envelope each Happy Anniversary card with envelope each Become a Knight place mats sold in units of 500 500 With Sympathy card with envelope each Thank You card with envelope each Congratulations card with envelope each Getting Your Message Across — Public Relations and Publicity Guide Road Sign Order Form (will need this order form when ordering a rider along with a road sign.) 30” aluminum road sign with full color K of C emblem. Before placing an order for the road sign, check local ordinances. Some communities have established certain rules and guidelines regarding such road signs. Metal posts not included. Knights of Columbus Memorial Service for members of the Knights of Columbus 5.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 10.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 1.00 nc 90.00 1.00 Family Activity Supplies 951 E 1993 2032 2761 2773 E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S Financial Aid To Education booklet — explains Knights of Columbus scholarships Family of the Month Booklet The Family poster Family Fraternal Benefits flyer Member/Spouse Fraternal Benefit flyer 15 nc nc nc nc nc Item Number Language Description Order Unit Price Per Unit Culture of Life Supplies All culture of life materials are available at no charge when ordered in reasonable quantities. Due to rising shipping costs, however, it is necessary for the Supreme Council office to charge for all postage expenses. 1757 E Pregnant? Need help? — Birthright flyer 1938 E Defend Life” — billboard use only 10 ft. x 20 ft nc 2072 2073 2275 E E-F-S E 2914 4091 E E 4237 4238 4286 4665 4795 4804 4807 4863 9237 E-F-S-PL E-F-S E E-F-S-PL E-F-S E-F-S E-S E E 9341 E 9856 E-F 9856 L E Pray the Rosary to End Abortion — prayer card nc Pray the Rosary to End Abortion — poster nc Winning Words of Life – Building a Culture of Life — Responses to Common Abortion Arguments nc Study Guide To Evangelium Vitae booklet 0.25 1st WAY Centers — The NATIONAL LIFE CENTER flyer nc Gospel of Life Prayer Card nc Gospel of Life Poster nc VOTE...So She Will Have A Chance Too poster nc Prayer for Life nc A People of Life flyer nc Build a Culture of Life poster nc Vote Pro-Life poster nc Culture of Life Fund flyer nc Tombs for the Unborn Book. Published by the Knights of Columbus supreme council as a tribute to the many thousands of members who participated in this memorial project. (soft cover) 10.00 Defend Life Sign - may be hand carried at any March, Walk or Rally for Life, or in other Culture of Life events. (13” x 20”) printed on one side, on card stock. “Defend Life” signs must be ordered directly from the Culture of Life, Marriage and Family Values Office in the Supreme Council’s Departmentof Fraternal Services. Call 203-752-4403 or send an email to Include your name, council number, address, telephone number, and quantity of signs desired in English, French and Spanish. On Bended Knee - National Prayer For Life Campaign prayer card (2” x 3”) 100 3.00 On Bended Knee - National Prayer For Life 100 3.00 Campaign prayer card (3 1⁄4” x 4 1⁄2”) 10041 E Respect Religious Freedom Sign (13” x 20”) printed on one side, on card stock. Shipping included. 100 10.00 10042 E Defend The First Amendment Sign (13” x 20”) printed on one side, on card stock. Shipping included. 100 10.00 Also available as 50 of 10041 + 50 of 10042. Please specify. Shipping Included. 10.00 limit of 2 50/50 nc Youth Activity Supplies FT-KIT FT-1 1596 1686 1597 1598 E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S Free Throw Kit - enough for 75 participants Free Throw Participation Report Form On The Rim poster Step Up To The Line poster Free Throw Participation Certificate Entry Form/Score Sheet 16 nc nc nc nc nc nc Item Number Language Description Order Unit Price Per Unit 1809 1928 FT-P FT 310 FT 311 FT 312 E-F-S E-F-S FT 322 E-F-S Council Champion Certificate Free Throw Competition—Guide Free Throw Patches — (25 patches per package) Carton of 12 Plaques for Council Champion Carton of 12 16” Trophies for Regional Champions Carton of 12 18” Trophies for State or Provincial Champions Official K of C Basketball (Pkg 12) nc nc 30.00 120.00 165.00 SC-KIT E-F-S Soccer Challenge Kit - enough for 75 participants nc 4567 E-F-S Soccer Challenge Participation Report Form nc 165.00 180.00 4571 E-F-S Soccer Challenge Poster 4572 4573 4575 4576 4578 SC-2 SC-4 SC-5 SC-6 E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S Soccer Challenge Poster Soccer Challenge Participation Certificate Council Champion Certificate Soccer Challenge—Guide Entry Form/Score Sheet Competition Soccer Balls (Pkg 12) Council Plaques (Carton of 12) Regional Trophies (Carton of 12) State Trophies (Carton of 12) SA-KIT E-F-S 4000 4001 E-F-S E-F-S 4015 4016 4112 4537-A 4537-B E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest Kit - enough for 75 participants Entry form/Judging Sheet Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest Report Form Council Winner Certificate Participation certificate Substance Abuse Awareness Program Guide Substance Abuse Awareness Poster #1 Substance Abuse Awareness Poster #2 nc nc nc nc nc nc Christmas Poster Contest Kit enough for 75 participants Keep Christ in Christmas Winner Certificate Keep Christ in Christmas Participation Form Keep Christ in Christmas Guide Book Keep Christ in Christmas Entry Form Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Keep Christ in Christmas Participation Certificate nc nc nc nc nc nc nc CPC-KIT E-F-S 5022 5023 5024 5025 5026 5028 E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S EA-KIT 4202 4208 4209 4216 4206 4207 4214 4865 4866 472 E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S Essay Contest Kit - enough for 50 participants Essay Contest Official Guide Entry Form/Judging Sheet Promotional Poster Essay Contest Participation Report Form Participation Certificate 1st Place Certificate Generic Winner Certificate 2nd Place Certificate 3rd Place Certificate Sponsorship of a Columbian Squires Circle handbook 17 nc nc nc nc nc nc 125.00 115.00 160.00 175.00 nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc Item Number Language 480 E-F-S 951 E 1936 E-F-S 5094 5095 E-F-S E-F-S 5096 9570 E-F-S E Description Order Unit Price Per Unit Twenty Questions About the Columbian Squires — promotional leaflet Financial Aid To Education booklet — explains Knights of Columbus scholarships Columbian Squires Inquiry Kit — for institution or reinstitution of a circle. Send requests directly to Supreme Council Department of Fraternal Services. Safe Environment Program— Squire and Parent Handbook Safe Environment Program — Grand Knight and Faithful Navigator Handbook Safe Environment Program— Youth Leader Handbook Youth Ministry Through the Scouting Program nc nc nc nc nc nc nc New Council Development CD4 133 133R 136 136R 137 E-S E-F-S-PL E E-F-S-PL E E-F-S-PL 137R 207 2119 2594 2595 E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S-PL E-F-S E 2632 4519 4500 4520 4898 E-F-S-PL E-F-S-PL E-F E-F-S E-F-S 4924 S New Council Development Provisional Receipts Notice of Intent to Establish a New Council Notice of Intent to Re-Establish a Dissolved Council Notice of Institution of a New Council Notice of Reinstitution of Council New Council Development Application for Charter Application for Charter, Reinstituted Council New Council Development Business Reply Card New Council Development Guidelines We’re Forming A New Council — NCD poster An Invitation to Join A New Council — an invitation to join the Order. For use by District Deputy. Comes with envelope. Parish Round Table Program booklet Parish Round Table Initiative New Council Forming — poster New Council Development Initiative Action Plan for Developing New Councils in only Seven Weeks flyer Round Table — Guide to ethnic Round Tables nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc ASSEMBLY SUPPLIES 1 E-F-S REQUISITION FORM - THIS ITEM IS USED TO ORDER ALL MATERIALS NEEDED Limit 20 nc Membership Cards Assembly membership cards are available for distribution on July 1 of the new fraternal year. The cards must be ordered on a Supply Requisition (Form #1). There is no automatic distribution of membership cards by the Supreme Council. It is the responsibility of the assembly to order. 1351 E-F 2723 E Manual Fourth Degree Membership Cards Pre-printed with current year. 100 cards per pad (price includes shipping) pad FSPC Fourth Degree Membership Cards - Pre-printed with current year. Last fraternal year available. While supplies last. (200 cards per package, sheet fed) (price includes shipping) 1 pkg each additional pkg 18 2.25 6.00 5.00 Item Number Language 4818 E-F Description Order Unit Price Per Unit Online Member Billing Membership Cards Fourth Degree (200 cards per package, sheet fed) (price includes shipping) 1 pkg each additional pkg 6.00 5.00 Faithful Navigator/Comptroller Supplies Order directly from the Supply Department 1 E-F-S REQUISITION FORM - THIS ITEM IS USED TO ORDER ALL MATERIALS NEEDED 4 344-4 425 E-F-S E E Limit 20 nc 1410 E-F-S Fourth Degree Membership Document nc Membership Roll Book — 4th Degree 2.00 Fourth Degree Final Notice — (For imprinting see Print Section of catalog) Last fraternal year available. While supplies last. 100 4.00 Financial Secretary/Faithful Comptroller Handbook nc 10190 E-F-S Faithful Comptroller Handbook nc Order the following on a separate form #1 requisition from the Supreme Council Supreme Master’s office 1409 E-F-S 1409 D E-F-S 1412 E-F-S Manual Assembly Seal - Order through Supreme Master Office (6-8 wks. delivery time) Manual Desktop Assembly Seal - Order through Supreme Master Office (6-8 wks. delivery time) Replacement Assembly Charter - Order through Supreme Master Office (3-4 weeks for delivery) 37.00 45.00 27.00 Fourth Degree Ceremonial Supplies 226 242 244 438-4 1291 1355 1467 E-F-S E E E E E-F-S E-F-S 1532 1766 1812 2066 E-F-S E E E-F-S 2066 RO E 2414 E Semi-annual Report — for use by masters Vice Supreme Master’s Report Requisition—Fourth Degree Ceremonials Books Charter Member Form Fourth Degree Exemplification Installation of Officers Fourth Degree Exemplification certificate — (horizontal). Presented to candidates who have received the honors of the Fourth Degree. each Transfer Form (for new assemblies only) Request of Establishment of a New Assembly Record Book — for masters Responsibilities of Faithful Navigator Ceremonial for conducting an Assembly meeting Ceremonial for Renewal Of Obligations Fourth Degree Color Corps — certification card nc nc nc nc nc nc 0.25 nc nc nc nc nc nc Administrative Forms/Supplies 1 E-F-S 4 157-4 325 437 808 E-F-S E E-F-S E E-F-S 1264 1350 1401-4 E-F-S E-F-S REQUISITION FORM - THIS ITEM IS USED TO ORDER ALL MATERIALS NEEDED Membership Document Order on Purser Assembly Report Forms Booklet Fourth Degree Minute Book Fourth Degree Drill Manual - limit in quantities of 6 per order Supply Catalog Fourth Degree Laws and Rules Pursers Cashbook 19 Limit 20 nc nc Pad of 100 1.50 nc 13.50 nc nc 0.15 8.50 Item Number Language 1406 1515-4 1539 E E 1953 E 2061 2066 E E-F-S 2543 E 4222 4223 4546 E-F-S E-F-S Description Order Unit Gavel My Name Is — adhesive Audiovisuals flyer — descriptions and order form for available titles Fourth Degree Program Manual — available in limited quantities Join the Fourth Degree — Poster Responsibilities of Faithful Navigator — Ceremonial for conducting an Assembly meeting Fourth Degree Certificates booklet — contains pictures and descriptions of certificates listed. Waiver Request for Membership Eligibility Notice of Exemplification form Fourth Degree Pocket Folders Price Per Unit 7.00 0.15 nc nc nc nc nc nc nc 0.10 Membership Recruitment Supplies 183 1515-4 2061 2412 E E E E 4129 4135 4136 4155 F-S E-F-S F-S E-F-S 4544 4545 1980 E-F-S E E-F-S 4333 E-F-S 4334 E-F-S Admission Committee Report pad My Name Is — adhesive name badge Spirit of Patriotism poster Invitation Card with envelope — To Join Fourth Degree Spirit of Patriotism poster Message for Knights Who Want More flyer Soar To New Heights poster A Guide to...Fourth Degree membership recruitment booklet Introduction to the 4th Degree flyer It’s an Honor poster Assembly Anniversary Certificate - (generic/ vertical) - Awarded to the assembly “In grateful recognition of __ years of service to our Order’s principles.” Certificates for the 25th, 50th,75th and 100th anniversaries are prepared approximately one month in advance and forwarded to the master for presentation. Other requests must be made through the Supreme Council Fraternal Services department at least one month prior to the anniversary date. Supreme Master Certificate of Commendation (horizontal) - Presented to any Sir Knight in appreciation for his services. Certificate is signed by the supreme master. Order through the Supreme Council Department of Fraternal Services. Supreme Knights Wedding Anniversary Certificate of Commendation (with Fourth Degree Emblem) (vertical) -Presented to couples celebrating a wedding anniversary. Proclaims in appropriate resolutions the couple’s love and devotion to their family, the Church and the Order. When ordering this certificate, please provide the couple’s name, city and state of residence, years of marriage and anniversary date. Each certificate will be personalized at the Supreme Council office and personally signed by the supreme knight and the supreme master. requests for this certificate should be made through the Supreme Council Fraternal Services department and at least one month prior to the couple’s anniversary. 20 nc 0.15 nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc 1.00 0.25 1.00 Item Number Language Description Order Unit Price Per Unit Recognition Certificates 839 839 C 839 M 839 P 1441 1455 E E-F S E E-F-S E-F-S 1456-4 1467 E-F-S E-F-S 1470 E-F-S 1494 E-F-S 1495 1900 E-F-S E-F-S 2543 E 2703 4126 E-F-S E 4589 4590 E-F-S E-F-S Patriotic Service Award (vertical)—for United States Patriotic Service Award (vertical) — for Canada Patriotic Service Award (vertical) — for Mexico Patriotic Service Award (vertical) — for the Philippines Faithful Friar Certificate of Appreciation — (horizontal) In Memoriam (vertical) — for presentation to families of a deceased Sir Knight commemorating the donation of a chalice to a priest in the name of the deceased. Charter Member Certificate — (vertical) Fourth Degree Exemplification certificate — (horizontal). Presented to candidates who have received the honors of the Fourth Degree. Supreme Assembly Certificate of Merit for past faithful navigator (horizontal) Resolutions of Condolence Certificate (vertical) — for family of deceased member Years of Service Certificate (horizontal) Award of Merit Certificate—for members and non-members (horizontal) Fourth Degree Certificates booklet—contains pictures and brief descriptions of certificates listed. Fourth Degree Honoree Certificate (horizontal) Fourth Degree Honorary Life Membership Certificate (horizontal) Sir Knight of the Month Certificate (vertical) Sir Knight of the Year Certificate (horizontal) 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 nc 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 Certificate Frames/Folders 1973 4104 E 4105 E Black Leatherette Certificate Frame (for 8 1/2” x 11” certificates) Horizontal purple 4th Degree certificate folder for 8 1/2” x 11” certificate Vertical purple 4th Degree certificate folder for 8 1/2” x 11” certificate 3.50 3.50 3.50 Service Program Supplies 325 994 995 E-F-S E E 1536 E 1539 E 1582 1612 1615 E E-F-S E 1667 E-F 1953 E 2586 E Assembly Report Forms Booklet U.S. Flag Poster The Pledge of Allegiance — flyer explaining how “Under God” was added to pledge Rules for displaying the flag of the United States — informational handout Audiovisuals flyer — descriptions and order form for available titles History of the United States flag — flyer Protocol booklet Can We Wave The Flag Too Much? — informational handout on the United States flag The Canadian Flag — flyer explaining the rules of displaying the flag of Canada Fourth Degree Program Manual — available in limited quantities Too Many Have Given Too Much For You not To Bother, VOTE! — poster 21 nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc Item Number Language 2587 2588 E E 4286 4582-4 E E 4686 E Description Order Unit Price Per Unit VOTE! For lots of little reasons — poster It’s Not a Spectator Sport...Government only works when Everyone participates...VOTE poster VOTE... So she will have a chance too. poster Serving Those Who Served - Knights of Columbus Veteran’s Affairs Service Program flyer Knights of Columbus United States Flag Manual nc nc nc nc nc Assembly Activity Supplies 527-4 E 757-4 E-F-S 1483-4 1484-4 E-F-S E-F-S 1932-4 E-F-S 2007-4 2277-4 E-F-S E-F-S 4th Degree note cards with envelopes — no imprint Happy Birthday card with envelope — no imprint Get Well card with envelope — no imprint Happy Anniversary card with envelope — no imprint With Sympathy card with envelope — no imprint Thank You card with envelope — no imprint Congratulations card with envelope — no imprint 100 5.00 each each 0.25 0.25 0.25 each each 0.25 0.25 each 0.25 CIRCLE SUPPLIES 1 E-F-S REQUISITION FORM - THIS ITEM IS USED TO ORDER ALL MATERIALS NEEDED Limit 20 nc Membership Cards 474 E-F-S Squires Membership Cards (Five cards per sheet) nc Order on a Separate form #1 Requisition from Fraternal Service Dept. 1411 CS E-F Circle Charter — replacements only 15.00 Bursar Supplies 473 475 476 E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S Receipt — 50 per pad Member Ledger Sheets — 50 per packet Monthly Financial Report Cash Receipts — Cash Disbursements Sheets (12 per packet) packet packet 0.10 0.50 packet 0.50 Order Directly from the Department of Fraternal Services on a separate form #1 requisition 2077 CR Set of Ceremonial Robes — 7 robes for local circle use Set of Ceremonial Robes — 8 robes, including state sentry robe for state circle 2078 CR 800.00 850.00 Columbian Squires Ceremonial Supplies 469 481 E-F-S E-F-S 492 1481 1791 1794 E E-F-S E-F-S 4621 E Instructions to Candidate Ceremonial Book — Includes Investiture, Installation, Conduct of Meeting, and Rules Governing Robes and Paraphernalia (Spanish and French ceremonials available in duplicated form only at no charge Hello! My Name Is… — adhesive name badge Investiture certificate (vertical) Brother Barnabas Investiture (vertical) Set of Ceremonial Pictures — with easel binder (for use in Investiture ceremonial) Responsibilities of Chief Squire 22 nc 0.25 0.07 0.25 0.25 4.00 nc Item Number Language Description Order Unit Price Per Unit Administrative Forms/Supplies CSB1 E 1 E-F-S 280 E-F-S 401 445 448 465 468 472 E E-F-S E E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S 483 E 488 E 492 498 E E-F 1264 1406 1539 E-F-S E 2235 E-F-S 2755 E 4094 4348 4369 4561 4670 E E-F E E E Columbian Squires Banner — 2’ x 3’ in size. Blue and gold felt banner with cord, tassel set and hanging rod. Personalization includes circle name, number and location. State circle banners include name of jurisdiction and State Circle. Delivery in 6 to 8 weeks. 325.00 REQUISITION FORM - THIS ITEM IS USED TO ORDER ALL MATERIALS NEEDED Limit 20 nc Application for Membership — for new members, data changes, transfers, reinstatements, suspensions and withdrawals nc Circle Report Forms Booklet nc Laws and Rules — Bylaws (local circle) nc Laws and Rules (state circle) nc Notary’s Record Book 1.00 Circle Officers and Chairmen Report nc Sponsorship of a Columbian Squires Circle Counselors handbook nc How To Conduct A Meeting — booklet (Summary of Robert’s Rules of Order) 0.15 The State Committee — booklet outlining organization and operation nc My Name Is adhesive 0.07 Circle Operations Manual and Executive Leadership Guide — officer’s and committee chairman’s handbook nc Supply Catalog nc Gavel 7.00 Audiovisuals flyer — descriptions and order form for available titles nc Getting Your Message Across— A guide to publicity 1.00 Columbian Squires certificates booklet contains pictures and descriptions of certificates nc Columbian Squires Banner Order Form nc Youth Leader application nc State Council Youth Leader application nc Squires pocket folder nc Youth Protection Program booklet nc Membership Recruitment Supplies 451 480 E-S E-F-S 482 1566 1604 1929 2064 4038 E-F-S E-F-S E E E E 4556 4557 4560 E-F-S E E Admission Committee Questionnaire Twenty Questions About the Columbian Squires — promotional leaflet Squire to Knight Brochure Prospect Card Squires? Ask Me button Open House Notice — poster Pass It On, Invite A Friend Flyer How to Succeed at Membership Recruitment — reference guide booklet Believe in Fun Squires recruitment flyer You In? Overview brochure Sensory Overload Squires recruitment poster nc nc nc nc 0.25 nc nc nc nc nc nc Recognition Certificates 831 E-F-S 837 E-F-S Certificate of Commendation (vertical) — for presentation to counselors Certificate of Appreciation (horizontal) — for presentation to groups or individuals in support of circle programs 23 0.25 0.25 Item Number Language 1480 E-F-S 1481 1490 1568 1662 1724 E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S 1791 E-F-S 1853 1997 2265 2267 E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S E-F-S 2755 E Description Order Unit Award of Merit certificate (horizontal) for presentation to Squires Investiture certificate (vertical) Past Chief Squire certificate (vertical) Squire of the Year certificate (horizontal) State Circle Appreciation certificate (vertical) Father Prior Certificate of Appreciation (horizontal) Brother Barnabas Investiture certificate (vertical) Squire of the Month certificate (vertical) Charter Member certificate (vertical) Circle Anniversary certificate (horizontal) Chief Counselor Commendation certificate (vertical) Columbian Squires Certificates booklet contains pictures and descriptions of certificates Price Per Unit 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 nc Certificate Frames/Folders 1973 4106 E 4107 E Black Leatherette Certificate Frame (for 8 1/2” x 11” certificates) Horizontal green Squires certificate folder for 8 1/2” x 11” certificate Vertical green Squires certificate folder for 8 1/2” x 11” certificate 3.50 3.50 3.50 Service Program Supplies 757 SQ 951 E E 994 995 E E 1536 E 1582 1615 E E 1688 E-F-S 2755 E 9570 E Squires Birthday Card — no imprint each Financial Aid to Education booklet — explains Knights of Columbus scholarships U.S. Flag poster Pledge of Allegiance — flyer explaining how “Under God” was added to pledge Rules for Displaying the Flag of the United States — informational handout History of the United States Flag — flyer Can We Wave The Flag Too Much? — informational handout on the United States flag Leaders of Today — Leaders of Tomorrow — Squires membership handbook Columbian Squires Certificates flyer contains pictures and descriptions of certificates. Youth Ministry Through the Scouting Program 0.25 nc nc nc nc nc nc 0.15 nc nc New Circle Development 457 E-F-S 460 E-F-S 1875 1936 E-F-S E-F-S 4243 4455 4558 E E E-F-S Notice of Intent to Establish a Columbian Squires Circle Notice of Institution for a Columbian Squires Circle Checklist for Squires Chairman Columbian Squires Inquiry Kit — for institution or reinstitution of a circle. Send requests directly to Supreme Council Department of Fraternal Services. New Circle Development Guide School-based circles-flyer A Generation without Role Models — counselor recruitment flyer 24 nc nc nc nc nc nc nc Item Number Language 4559 E-F-S Description Order Unit Price Per Unit You’re More Qualified — counselor recruitment poster nc SQUIRE ADVANCEMENT PROGRAM Handbooks 4659 4660 4661 E E E Squires Fact Book Counselor Guidelines Advancement Level Achievements Record nc nc nc Report Forms 4622 4645 E E Squire Advancement Record Circle Advancement Record nc nc Page certificate (horizontal) Shield Bearer certificate (horizontal) Swordsman certificate (horizontal) Lancer Squire of the Body of Christ (Order through the Department of Fraternal services by providing name of awardee and the date of award presentation ceremony) nc nc nc nc Certificates 4624 4625 4626 4627 4628 E E E E E Advancement Level Name Badges 4680 4681 4682 4683 4684 E E E E E Page Shield Bearer Swordsman Lancer Squire of the Body of Christ (Order through the Department of Fraternal Services by providing name of awardee and the date of award presentation ceremony) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 nc AUDIOVISUAL AIDS A variety of audiovisual aids are available from the Supreme Council Department of Fraternal Services. Please order at least 3 weeks in advance of intended show date. All titles are available in DVD format. (Expedited shipping is available for additional charge.) 17621 E CROWNING ACHIEVEMENT - 15 Minutes. When St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, Connecticut - the birthplace of the Order - was constructed, financial constraints demanded that a proposed steeple not be included. This inspiring film is the story of the Knights making possible the building of the steeple. This presentation makes an excellent addition to open house or membership campaign programs. 23475 E GRAND KNIGHT TRAINING SEMINAR (ENGLISH) - 45 minutes. The grand knight is the highest ranking elected officer of his council. When he is successful in completing the duties of his office, his council will move forward and thrive. To assist in implementing their duties and adding an important page to the history of the Order, the Supreme Council is proud to make available this comprehensive training module. It was created to provide uniformity to the training message that our council leaders receive. 23476 E DISTRICT DEPUTY TRAINING SEMINAR - 38 minutes. For anyone to be successful at a job, he needs to be properly 25 Item Number Language Description Order Unit Price Per Unit trained in all facets of his position. The Supreme Council is proud to announce a comprehensive training module for district deputies. It was created to provide uniformity to the training message that our district leaders receive. 24000 E SOMETHING MORE - 12 minutes. There are many organizations for young people that offer athletic, social or even servicerelated opportunities. There is one organization, however, that offers “something more.” The Columbian Squires puts a strong emphasis on both spiritual and leadership developement. “Something More” will excite any group of young Catholic men with the great activities Squires sponsor and with the chance to join. This film should be seen by every Knights council and assembly to encourage their sponsorship of a Squires circle. 24358 E-F-S LIFE AND LEGACY OF FATHER MCGIVNEY - 14 minutes. The Life and Legacy of Father McGivney chronicles the life of this holy and hard-working priest through his boyhood and priesthood to his death in 1890 at age 38. Although his life was short, his impact on the world was enormous. His story is inspirational. The Life and Legacy of Fr. McGivney is a production which should be seen by every Knight in every council, prospective Knights and family members. It is an outstanding film to show at council meetings, open house events, community activities and in recruitment campaigns, to give viewers insight into the history of our Order and the priest who gave it life. 24378 E TO BE A PATRIOT - 12 minutes. To be a Knight of Columbus is to play a strong role in the Catholic Church and to assist the community around you. To be a Fourth Degree Knight is to go yet one step further - it is to be a patriot. The Fourth Degree was established to exemplify the Knights’ love of God and love of country. This video is an excellent introduction to the Fourth Degree and should be shown to all Third Degree members and their families as part of a recruitment campaign. The production is also intended for general promotional use and would be an interesting addition to any Fourth Degree assembly meeting or open house gathering. 24555 E-F-S CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS: FAITHFUL CHRIST BEARER - 16 minutes. Christopher Columbus knew early in life that he would go to sea. He also knew that his first name meant “Christ Bearer.” He believed that he was destined to carry the faith across a body of water, perhaps to lands as yet unknown. This film is a fascinating and entertaining chronicle of Columbus as both an explorer and a man of faith. This film should be shown to all K of C members and to community audiences. 24742 E THOSE WHO SERVE 14 minutes. Those Who Serve defines the duties of each council officer. The film is suggested for use at general council meetings and at the first meeting for council officers held early in the fraternal year. It is excellent for use with newly-organized councils. 24797 E FACELIFT FOR THE FAÇADE - 21 minutes. By the mid-1980’s, 350 years of wind, sun and rain had taken their toll on St. Peter’s Bascilica in Rome, one of Christendom’s most revered sites. The elements had dulled the splendor of the church and threatened further deterioration. In the spring of 1985, the Knights of Columbus stepped forward and funded a team of 70 artisans to refurbish the aging facade. Within two years its travertine stone walls were hand cleaned, the tiles replaced and surrounding statues reconditioned. As this film reveals, through the efforts of the Knights the church was restored to its original magnificence. 26 Item Number Language Description Order Unit Price Per Unit 26269 E PEACE OF MIND - 14 minutes. This film provides an overview of the Order’s insurance program in easy-to-undrestand language. This presentation explains the many reasons why our members and their families need protection and reiterates that insurance is for the living. In addition, the viewer learns pertinent background information about the Order’s involvement in the insurance, as well as some interesting current facts. This production is ideal for “Insurance Night” presentations. 50005 E IN SOLIDARITY AT AQUEDUCT - 18 minutes. Re-live that momentous day, Oct. 6, 1995, when the Knights of Columbus and the Diocese of Brooklyn had the special honor of co-hosting Pope John Paul II’s celebration of a papal Mass at Aqueduct Race Track in New York. More than 75,000 faithful pilgrims filled the stadium eagerly waiting to be a part of a truly historic event. This film highlights the Mass, from the pope’s arrival and greeting by Supreme Chaplain Bishop Thomas V. Daily, to his departure and farewell to K of C dignitaries. 50006 E FOUNDING TO THE FUTURE - 17 minutes. This production is available to councils for showing to prospects and members. The video covers over 100 years of Knights of Columbus history. It also goes beyond the historical, to show how today’s Knights are continuing to meet the challenges facing their society and Church. This production is excellent to show to tell our Order’s story. Show the film to current members to build their pride in membership and inspire them to ask others to join. 50011 E A DAY OF JOY AND HOPE - 25 minutes. On April 1, 2000, more than 12,000 Knights and their families from throughout the Order came together for the Knights of Columbus Jubilee Pilgrimage to the Basclica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. This inspiring video includes footage of the more than 1,000 Fourth Degree member procession into the basilica, comments from Gaudium et Spes honoree Cardinal James A. Hickey, excerpts from Supreme Chaplain Bishop Thomas V. Daily’s homily, remarks by Supreme Knight Virgil C. Dechant, and the prayer rededicating the Order to Mary. Use this video to inspire your council’s members and show prospects the magnificence of the Order and some of the spiritual nature of the Knights of Columbus. 50018 E THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD - 11 minutes. In August 2002, nearly half-a-million young people made a pilgrimage to Toronto for World Youth Day 2002. During this weeklong event, Knights of Columbus were present and participated in all the activities, including the Order’s sponsored duc in Altum Park, where the Sacrament of Reconciliation was being administered. This production highlights the enthusiasm and dedication that young Knights have for both the Church and the Order. This is ideal for promoting membership in the Knights of Columbus for those between the ages of 18 and 35. 50027 E-F-S EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME - 11 minutes. Examines the Knights of Columbus through a series of interviews with Knights of a variety of ages and backgrounds. Interviewees discuss how they first joined the Order, what benefits it has brought them, ways it has strengthened their faith and families and what the Knights of Columbus’ principles mean to them. This film is perfect for introducing prospects and their families to our Order. 50028 E SHARE THE FEELING - 11 minutes. Covers the 2003 Special Olympics World Summer games, held in Dublin, Ireland in June. The transportation to and from the games for Team USA, Team Canada, and Team Mexico was made possible by a $1 million grant by the Order. Supreme officers were on hand to present medals to winners. The relationship between the Order and Special Olympics dates back to 1968 with the first games held in Chicago. 27 Item Number Language Description 50031 E MEMBERSHIP BLITZ - 5 minutes. A Membership Recruitment Blitz is an all-out recruiting drive conducted over one weekend. This DVD explains the steps for conducting a Membership Recruitment Blitz. 50034 E-F-S THE DISTRICT DEPUTY - THE KEY LINK TO OUR SUCCESS - 15 minutes. This spirited program outlines the duties and responsibilities of the district deputy as a manager, communicator and motivator and highlights the importance of an effective district deputy in the overall success of the Order. 50043 E HEROES FUND - 14 minutes. The story of the Order’s response to assisting the families of the police, firefighters and rescue personnel killed during the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Through interviews with K of C field agents, the families of victims, and Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, this video covers the story of the almost immediate aid provided by the Order. 50044 E A DAY OF REMEMBRANCE: “ONE NATION UNDER GOD” - 13 minutes. Passing beneath a huge American flag on September 11, 2002, more than 1,000 members of the Fourth Degree Color Corp from across the United States and Canada, processed into the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. to begin a “Day of Remembrance” of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and to make a strong statement in favor of keeping the words “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance. 50046 E EVERYONE HAS A VOCATION TO LOVE, WHAT’S YOURS Single DVD with five vocations films. How are you personally called to live God’s love? What is the vocation he has created for your happiness? This award-winning documentary series explores the enduring witness of Catholic men and women responding to God’s call to love. The Vocation to the Laity - shows how charity, the first principle of the Order, serves as the basis for the lay vocation. The Vocation to Marriage - Aimed at young couples and those contemplating marriage, this film can be shown as part of a marriage preparation program or for those who are already married. The Vocation to the Priesthood - for men contemplating a call to the priesthood, this film studies the lives and thoughts of priests to inspire young men today. The Vocation to Religious Life for Women - hear the heartfelt stories of women who have answered God’s call and learn what it means to serve the Lord as a religious sister. The Vocation to Religious Life for Men - listen to the stories of men who are following God as religious brothers, offering their lives in service to the Church and Her people. 50047 F GRAND KNIGHT TRAINING SEMINAR (FRENCH) - 45 minutes. The grand knight is the highest ranking elected officer of his council. When he is successful in completing the duties of his office, his council will move forward and thrive. To assist in implementing their duties and adding an important page to the history of the Order, the Supreme Council is proud to make available this comprehensive training module. It was created to provide uniformity to the training message that our council leaders receive. 50049 E A PEOPLE OF LIFE - 53 minutes. A People of Life is the story of the pro-life movement in North America and of the role that the Knights of Columbus has played over nearly four decades in the effort to help replace today’s culture of death with a culture of life. It is a story of extra-ordinary dedication on the part of millions of Knights and their families, and a guide to what it will take to succeed in the end. This video examines all of the 28 Item Number Language Description threats to human life and dignity in the modern age: abortion, human embryonic stem cell research and euthanasia. It is a call to every faithful Catholic to embrace the cause of life. Featured are interviews with Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, March for Life founder - Nellie Gray, Project Rachel founder Vicki Thorn, Congressman Chris Smith and Atheletes for Life President - Chris Godfrey, among many others. 50050 E CHANGING LIVES TOGETHER - 11 minutes. In 2005, nearly 25 percent of all councils and more than 55,000 Knights in the United States and Canada reported volunteering with Special Olympics. That year saw the beginning of a four-year (20052008) K of C partnership that committed $250,000 annually to grow Special Olympics in North America and other parts of the world, while pledging even more volunteers for state and local games. The K of C board of directors has voted to renew the Order’s partnership over the next four years. Knights and their family members also serve as trainers, coaches, officials, timekeepers, huggers and cheerleaders. They provide uniforms, assist with transportation costs, and stage send-off and welcome-home parties. 50051 E NEIGHBORS HELPING NEIGHBORS - 3 disk set. The Knights of Columbus is one of the country’s leading volunteer organizations and the world’s largest Catholic fraternal organization with more than 1.84 million members worldwide. In February 2009, in response to the economic crisis, the Knights sponsored a conference in New York city called “Neighbors Helping Neighbors,” which brought together representatives of many of the nation’s leading volunteer organizations. This video documents the proceedings from that conference, including a keynote address by Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson. 50052 E MADE FOR EACH OTHER - Disc set portrays how man and woman complement each other in marriage. This DVD was produced by the Ad Hoc Committee for the Defense of Marriage, a division of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Secretariat of Evangelization and Catechesis, and was funded by the Knights of Columbus. 50053 E CHANGING HEARTS - (running time - 14 minutes, 30 seconds) presents real testimonies from state and local K of C officials, pregnancy care center workers, and pregnant women themselves, about the effect an ultrasound image can have on changing a woman’s intention to abort her unborn child to instead choose life. In the words of several people in the video, an ultrasound image helps a woman to “see her baby for the first time” through a “window to the womb” in a way that is “changing hearts one woman at a time.” 50055 E MADE FOR LIFE - A 10 minute video which highlights the aspects essential to the truth about marriage: the gift of children and the indispensable place of fathers and mothers. The DVD is intended to be used with the viewer's guide and resource booklet as a tool for catechesis and further education on the meaning of marriage. 50058 E-F-S MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT - A 19 minute training video geared toward council officers and membership committee members on the proper way to conduct recruitment drives. The video outlines popular recruitment strategies including church drives and open houses and outlines ways for council recruiters to identify prospective members. 29 Item Number Language Description PROMOTIONAL ITEMS COUNCIL/ASSEMBLY/CIRCLE 1 E-F-S CSB-1 E CEN-1 E 122 GK 123 DGK 124 CH 125 RE 126 FS 127 TR 128 LE 129 AD 130 W 131 IG 132 OG 133 T 134 PGK 135 ST E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 485 A 491 491 L 706 K/C E E E E 884 1507 1507 L 1507 XL 1509 1517 1518 1518 XL 1599 E E E E E E-F E E E 1600 A E 1981 E 1982 E 1983 E-F 1987 E 1988 E REQUISITION FORM - THIS ITEM IS USED TO Limit 20 nc ORDER ALL MATERIALS NEEDED Columbian Squires Banner — 2’ x 3’ in size. Blue and gold felt banner with cord, tassel set and hanging rod. Personalization includes circle name, number and loocation. State circle banners include name of jurisdiction and “State Circle.” Delivery time 6 to 8 weeks. 325.00 Centennial Plate — individually numbered commemorative plate of Gorham china 30.00 Grand Knight Rocker ONLY 0.75 Deputy Grand Knight Rocker ONLY 0.75 Chancellor Rocker ONLY 0.75 Recorder Rocker ONLY 0.75 Financial Secretary Rocker ONLY 0.75 Treasurer Rocker ONLY 0.75 Lecturer Rocker ONLY 0.75 Advocate Rocker ONLY 0.75 Warden Rocker ONLY 0.75 Inside Guard Rocker ONLY 0.75 Outside Guard Rocker ONLY 0.75 Trustee Rocker ONLY 0.75 Past Grand Knight Rocker ONLY 0.75 Set of 15 patches (item 706) and one rocker for each officer 33.00 Columbian Squires Patch — 3” 3.00 Columbian Squires Foil Decal — 3” 1.50 Columbian Squires Foil Decal — 12” 6.00 Emblem of the Order patch with Knights of Columbus Rocker 2.00 Fourth Degree Embroidered Patch — 4” 2.00 Fourth Degree Decal — 4” 1.50 Fourth Degree Decal — 13” 3.00 Fourth Degree Decal — 16” 5.00 Knights Love America decal — 3 7/8” x 3” 0.50 Emblem of the Order Foil Decal — 3” 0.50 Emblem of the Order Foil Decal — 11” 4.00 Emblem of the Order Foil Decal — 18” 6.00 Knights Love Canada — 3 7/8” x 3” 0.50 Emblem of the Order Stickers (16 small 1” wide; 21 medium 1 1/4” wide; 15 large 1 3/4” wide) — 52 per sheet Emblem of the Order Embroidered Patch — 2” diameter Emblem of the Order Embroidered Patch — 4” diameter Emblem of the Order Embroidered Patch — 3” diameter Emblem of the Order Embroidered Patch — 8” diameter Fourth Degree Embroidered Patch — 8” diameter 30 sheet 3.25 1.00 2.50 2.00 8.00 8.00 Item Number Language 2612 E RS03 E Description Road Sign Order Form (will need this order form when ordering a rider along with a road sign.) Road Sign 30” in diameter metal reflective Emblem of the Order. Before placing an order, check local ordinances. Some communities have established certain rules and guidelines regarding such road signs. Metal posts are not included. nc 90.00 PORTRAITS PT 1 PT 2 PT 5 PT 6 PT 7 PT 1-u PT 2-u PT 5-u PT 6-u PT 7-u PT 0 Pope Francis — full color framed photograph — 11” x 14”. Christopher Columbus — full color framed photograph — 11” x 14”. Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson — full color framed photograph — 11” x 14”. Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori — full color framed photograph — 11” x 14”. Father Michael J. McGivney — full color framed photograph — 11” x 14”. Pope Francis — unframed photograph — 11” x 14”. Christopher Columbus — unframed photograph — 11” x 14”. Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson — unframed photograph — 11” x 14”. Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori — unframed photograph — 11” x 14”. Father Michael J. McGivney — unframed photograph — 11” x 14”. Empty Frame 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 JEWELS / REPLACEMENT RIBBONS / JEWEL HANGERS State Council Jewels SUPREME SECRETARY PROVIDES JEWELS TO THE NEWLY ELECTED STATE DEPUTY OR NEWLY APPOINTED DISTRICT DEPUTY. FOR REPLACEMENT JEWELS PLEASE CONTACT GENERAL OFFICE. STATE OFFICER JEWELS INCLUDES STATE OR PROVINCIAL SEAL. PLEASE ALLOW 4 WEEKS FOR DELIVERY. PLEASE PUT ON SEPARATE REQUISITION. THEY WILL BE SHIPPED DIRECTLY FROM THE VENDOR. 2016 State Chaplain 45.00 2017 State Secretary 45.00 2018 State Treasurer 45.00 2019 State Advocate 45.00 2020 State Warden 45.00 Council Officer Jewels USE OF THE EMBLEM OF THE ORDER IS RESTRICTED TO THE MEMBERSHIP AND WEARING THE JEWEL OF AN OFFICE IS FURTHER RESTRICTED TO THE INDIVIDUAL CURRENTLY FILLING THE POSITION. PG 117 E-F Grand Knight 15.00 PG 118 E-F Chaplain 15.00 PG 119 E-F Deputy Grand Knight 15.00 31 Item Number Language PG 120 PG 121 PG 122 PG 123 PG 124 PG 125 PG 126 PG 127 PG 128 PG 129 PG 130 E-F E-F E-F E-F E-F E-F E-F E-F E-F E-F E-F PG 648 1910 A F Description Order Unit Chancellor Recorder Financial Secretary Treasurer Lecturer Advocate Warden Inside Guard Outside Guard Trustee Complete set of 15 Jewels (Each set includes one for each officer and one for each of three trustees.) set Member Jewel Emblem and Council Jewels — four-color booklet explaining official Knights of Columbus emblems and jewels Price Per Unit 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 215.00 4.00 0.35 Fourth Degree Officer Jewels ALL ASSEMBLY JEWELS ARE PERSONALIZED WITH EXACT NAME OF ASSEMBLY AS REGISTERED WITH THE SUPREME MASTER’S OFFICE. DUE TO THE SPECIAL CRAFTSMANSHIP NECESSARY PLEASE ALLOW 8 - 10 WEEKS FOR DELIVERY. NOTE: Blank jewels are only available if specified as blank on your order form. ORDER 3 OR MORE JEWELS - $43.00 EACH PG 132 E Faithful Navigator 45.00 PG 133 E Faithful Friar 45.00 PG 134 E Faithful Captain 45.00 PG 135 E Faithful Pilot 45.00 PG 136 E Faithful Comptroller 45.00 PG 137 E Faithful Scribe 45.00 PG 138 E Faithful Purser 45.00 PG 139 E Faithful Inner Sentinels 45.00 PG 140 E Faithful Outer Sentinels 45.00 PG 141 E Faithful Admiral 45.00 PG 142 E Faithful Trustee 45.00 PG 143 E Complete set of 13 Jewels (Each set includes one for each officer and one for each of three trustees.) set 495.00 PG 146 E District Marshal Jewel 32.00 SUPREME MASTER PROVIDES JEWELS TO THE NEWLY APPOINTED VICE SUPREME MASTER OR MASTER. FOR REPLACEMENT JEWELS PLEASE CONTACT SUPREME MASTERS OFFICE. State Circle & Local Officer Jewels 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2059 2060 2076 E E E E E E E E E E E Chief Counselor Father Prior Chief Squire Deputy Chief Squire Notary Bursar Marshal Sentry Pole Captain Arm Captain Committee Counselor 32 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 Item Number Language 2064 E 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 E E E E E E E E E Description Order Unit Complete set of 6 local Circle Jewels (Each set includes one for chief counselor, father prior and each elected chair officer.)” set State Chairman State Father Prior State Chief Squire State Deputy Chief Squire State Notary State Bursar State Marshal State Sentry Complete set of 8 State Circle Jewels (Each set includes one for each of the State Squires Officers listed above) set Price Per Unit 112.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 150.00 Past & Former Officer Miniature Jewels & Bars PG 322 PG 323 PG 324 PG 325 PG 326 PG 328 PG 329 PG 330 E-F E-F E-F E-F E Past State Deputy Former District Deputy Past Grand Knight Past Faithful Navigator Former Master Two Jewel Ribbon Bar Three Jewel Ribbon Bar Four Jewel Ribbon Bar 30.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 Replacement Ribbons & Jewel Hangers Rib 01 Rib 02 Rib 03 Rib 04 Rib 05 Rib 06 Rib 07 Rib 08 Rib 09 Rib 10 Rib 11 Rib 12 Rib 13 Rib 14 Rib 15 Rib 16 Rib 20 Rib 21 Rib 22 Rib 23 Rib 24 Rib 25 GJH SJH Grand Knight and Deputy Grand Knight Recorder and Financial Secretary Treasurer and Circle Chaplain Chancellor Trustee and Marshal Inside Guard and Outside Guard Warden Lecturer Advocate and State Squires Officers Assembly Ribbon for U.S. Assembly Ribbon for Canada District Deputy Master and State Deputy Vice Supreme Master State Council Officer Past Grand Knight - Replacement Mini Ribbon for Miniature Jewels Former District Deputy and Master Replacement Mini Ribbon for Miniature Jewels Past Faithful Navigator - Replacement Mini Ribbon for Miniature Jewels Vice Supreme Master - Replacement Mini Ribbon for Miniature Jewels Past State Deputy - Replacement Mini Ribbon for Miniature Jewels Complete Set of Council Ribbons set Gold Jewel Hanger for Grand Knight and Deputy Grand Knight Silver Jewel Hanger for All Other Council Officers 33 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 60.00 4.50 4.50 Item Number Language Description Order Unit Price Per Unit LAPEL PINS PG 46 PG 47 PG 48 PG 81 PG 106 PG 107 PG 108 PG 109 PG 110 PG 111 PG 112 PG 113 PG 114 PG 115 PG 116 PG 145 PG 745 PG 746 PG 747 PG 748 PG 749 1700 E E E E E E-F E E E E E E E E-F E E E CAN E MX E PH E PL E-F Former District Deputy Pin Chaplain Pin (Rhodium Plated) Chaplain Pin (10K Gold Filled) Emblem of the Order Pin (10K Gold Filled) Past Grand Knight (10K Gold Filled) Emblem of the Order Pin Twenty-Five Year Member Honorary Member Honorary Life Member (10K Gold Filled) Fifty Year Member (10K Gold Filled) Past State Deputy (10K Gold Filled) Fourth Degree Lapel Pin Past Faithful Navigator (10K Gold Filled) Squires Lapel Pin Past Chief Squire Lapel Pin Squires Lapel Pin — large (1 1/4” diameter) Fourth Degree US Flag Lapel Pin Fourth Degree Canada Flag Lapel Pin Fourth Degree Mexico Flag Lapel Pin Fourth Degree Phillipines Flag Lapel Pin Fourth Degree Poland Flag Lapel Pin Shining Armor Lapel Pin (Limit 25 per order) VOLB E VOLC E 30161 E 30503 40040 E E 40068 E 40080 E 40094 E 40095 E 40096 E 40097 E Brother Barnabas Pioneer in Modern Social Service: The Beginning of the Columbian Squires and its Founders by W.J. Battersby Ph.D. (Soft cover) Centennial Celebration: A Pictorial Presentation of the Centennial Celebration. A tradition of devotion — a century of service. (Soft cover) Catechism of the Catholic Church (1994 Edition). (Soft cover) Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church Columbianism and the Knights of Columbus. History of Columbianism and New World Catholicism, covers ethnic and religious Columbianism, reveals vitality of Columbianism in action. Features nearly 300 illustrations in 180 pages. (Hard cover) The Basilica of St. Peter the Restoration of the Atrium and the Holy Door. (Hard cover) Patriotism and Fraternalism in the Knights of Columbus , A History of the Fourth Degree. (Hardcover) Parish Priest : Fr. McGivney and American Catholicism. A fascinating account of Fr. McGivney’s world and the people who influenced him and came to know his greatness. (Soft cover) Parish Priest: Fr. McGivney and American Catholicism - (Hard cover) By Their Works. Profiles of Knights of yesterday and today who in their acts of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism embody the human spirit at its best. With an introduction by SK Carl Anderson. (Hard cover) A Civilization of Love. SK Carl Anderson surveys the exciting and history-changing ideas of Pope 7.50 6.00 14.00 7.50 14.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 13.00 13.00 15.00 3.00 12.00 1.50 5.00 2.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 nc PUBLICATIONS 34 4.95 10.95 11.00 11.00 35.00 25.00 15.00 9.00 16.00 40.00 Item Number Language 40098 40101 E E 40103 E 40106 E Description Order Unit Price Per Unit John Paul II. (Hard cover) A Civilization of Love (Soft cover) Called To Love . SK Carl Anderson and Fr. Jose Granados discuss the philosophical and religious significance of “the theology of the body” in language at once poetic and profound. (Hard cover) Our Lady of Guadalupe: Mother of the Civilization of Love. SK Carl Anderson and Msgr. Eduardo Chavez trace the history of Our Lady of Guadalupe. (Hard cover) Beyond A House Divided. The moral consensus ignored by Washington, Wall Street, and the media. By SK Carl Anderson. (Soft cover) 12.00 10.00 18.00 20.00 12.00 PRINT JOBS 346 P E-F-S Council/Assembly by-laws — Printed (Specify council name, number and location.) Must be ordered on-line through By-Laws Online 100 min. 25.00 200 35.00 300 40.00 500 50.00 800 65.00 1000 75.00 ————————————————————————————————— 423 E-S Membership Bill (First Notice) 250 min. 8.25 (Imprinted: 250 minimum. Specify council 500 16.50 name, number and location.) 750 24.50 Last fraternal year available. 1000 32.00 While supplies last. ————————————————————————————————— 424 E-S Membership Bill (Second Notice) 250 min. 8.25 Imprinted: 250 minimum. Specify council 500 16.50 name, number and location.) 750 24.50 Last fraternal year available. 1000 32.00 While supplies last. ————————————————————————————————— 425 E Fourth Degree Final Notice — 250 min. 8.25 (Imprinted: 250 minimum. Specify assembly 500 16.50 name, number and location.) Last fraternal year available. While supplies last. ————————————————————————————————— 987 E Program Cover — For use at convention programs, Third Degree exemplifications, or any special Knights of Columbus event. Coated white stock cover is imprinted with Emblem of the Order and “Knights of Columbus” heading. Printing of Emblem only 100 16.00 Imprinting Front Cover only — min. 100 Additional 100’s — $19.00 per 100 1st 100 29.00 Camera-ready copy for Back Cover and Inside Pages — Additional $25.00 per page Non-camera-ready copy for Back Cover and Inside Pages — Additional $35.00 per page ————————————————————————————————— 987-4 E Fourth Degree Program Cover — For use at Fourth Degree exemplification banquets, or any special Knights of Columbus event. Coated white stock cover is imprinted with Fourth Degree emblem and “Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree” heading. Printing of Emblem only per 100 16.00 Imprinting Front Cover only — min. 100 Additional 100’s — $19.00 per 100 35 1st 100 29.00 Item Number Language Order Unit Description Price Per Unit Camera-ready copy for Back Cover and Inside Pages — Additional $25.00 per page Non-camera-ready copy for Back Cover and Inside Pages — Additional $35.00 per page PERSONALIZED PRINTING SUPPLIES LETTERHEADS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Attach sample or make up sample Provide Zip Code Black ink only for Third Degree Blue ink only for Fourth Degree Above prices include up to 10 lines. If more type is needed cost will be additional .25 per line. Squires Letterhead are only printed in one color — black ink. Squires Letterhead Squires Letterhead Squires Letterhead Squires Letterhead 500 1000 2000 5000 or more $16.00 23.00 37.00 18.00 per M Council / Assembly / Agent Letterhead are printed with emblem of the Order or Fourth Degree emblem in multi color only. Council / Assembly / Agent Letterhead 500 Council / Assembly / Agent Letterhead 1000 Council / Assembly / Agent Letterhead 2000 Council / Assembly / Agent Letterhead 5000 or more $26.00 34.00 65.00 28.00 per M Emblem Only Letterhead (No imprinting). Emblem Only Letterhead Emblem Only Letterhead 500 1000 $23.00 27.00 per M __________________________________________________________________ Code Item Number Description __________________________________________________________________ COUNCIL No. 9000 Knights of Columbus PATUXENT COUNCIL, No. 2203 219 Cedar Street Laurel, Maryland 20810 JAMES E. EGAN Grand Knight 10 Pine Ridge Road Mattapan, MA 02126 __________________________________________________________________ AGENCY No. 9001 (available to Agency only) __________________________________________________________________ KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS P R O T E C T I N G FA M I L I E S F O R G E N E R AT I O N S 36 Item Number Language Order Unit Description Price Per Unit __________________________________________________________________ No. 9002 SQUIRES __________________________________________________________________ Columbian Squires PADUCAH CIRCLE, No. 224 Paducah, Kentucky 42001 __________________________________________________________________ FOURTH DEGREE No. 9003 __________________________________________________________________ Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree FATHER PADILLA PROVINCE Eastern District of Missouri ENVELOPES PRINT ORDERS — ALL ORDERS REQUIRING CUSTOM PRINTING MUST BE ON A SEPARATE FORM #1 REQUISITION. ALLOW EXTRA TIME FOR PREPARATION OF SUCH MATERIAL. PLEASE ATTACH ACTUAL SAMPLES OR MAKE UP A SAMPLE. PRINT REQUESTS TAKE 4-6 WEEKS FROM DATE ORDER IS RECEIVED. Size 6 3/4 Window Size 6 3/4 Window Size 6 3/4 Window Size 6 3/4 Window 500 1000 2000 5000 19.00 Lot 24.00 Lot 43.00 Lot 22.50 per M Size 6 3/4 Regular Size 6 3/4 Regular Size 6 3/4 Regular Size 6 3/4 Regular 500 1000 2000 5000 19.00 Lot 24.00 Lot 43.00 Lot 22.50 per M No. 9 Return Envelope No. 9 Return Envelope No. 9 Return Envelope No. 9 Return Envelope 500 1000 2000 5000 19.50 Lot 24.50 Lot 45.00 Lot 22.50 per M Size No. 10 Regular Size No. 10 Regular Size No. 10 Regular Size No. 10 Regular 500 1000 2000 5000 19.50 Lot 24.50 Lot 45.00 Lot 22.50 per M Size 10 Size 10 Size 10 Size 10 500 1000 2000 5000 22.00 Lot 28.00 Lot 50.00 Lot 26.00 per M 500 1000 2000 5000 33.00 Lot 40.00 Lot 70.00 Lot 35.00 per M Window Window Window Window Size 12 Regular Size 12 Regular Size 12 Regular Size 12 Regular In ordering envelopes, please furnish street number (or post office box number), city or town, state, zip code or postal code to be shown in the upper left-hand corner of all envelopes (Postal requirement). All Council envelopes will be printed in black ink only. All Fourth Degree envelopes will be printed in blue ink only. 37 PERSONALIZED PRINTING SUPPLIES ENVELOPE STYLES KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL COLUMBUS COUNCIL, No. 1234 Officer Name/Title 123 Main Street ANYWHERE USA 06511 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS AGENT AGENT NAME Title 123 Main Street ANYWHERE USA 06511 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FOURTH DEGREE COLUMBUS ASSEMBLY, No. 1234 Officer Name/Title 123 Main Street ANYWHERE USA 06511 COLUMBIAN SQUIRES COLUMBUS CIRCLE, No. 1234 Officer Name/Title 123 Main Street ANYWHERE USA 06511 38 CATHOLIC INFORMATION SERVICE BOOKLETS 1877 2075 4314 E-F-S E-F-S-PL E 4753 E-F-S 4772 4778 4792 E-F-S A-C E E-F-S How to Say the Rosary - prayer card 100 A Guide to Confession 100 Learning the Catholic Faith (Correspondence Course Order Form) The Magnificat - Our Lady of Guadalupe Prayer Card 100 A Guide to Praying the Rosary 100 Catholic Information Service Bookmarks Catholic Information Service Publication Catalog 3.00 3.00 nc 3.00 5.00 nc nc Veritas Series 300 301 302 303 304 306 307 E-F-S E-S E-S E-S E-S E-S E-S 308 309 310 311 313 314 315 317 318 319 1.00 320 321 322 323 E-S E-F-S E-S E-S E-S E-S E-S E-S E-S E-S 324 325 E-S E-S 326 E-S 327 328 330 331 332 333 E-S E-S E-S E-S E-S E-S 334 E-S 335 E-S E-F-S E-S E-S E-S The Ten Commandments Preserving the Sanctity of Marriage Catholics and Capital Punishment All About Angels Lord, Teach Us to Pray Is There A God? 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