FeynRules Tutorial Celine Degrande (UIUC) Olivier Mattelaer (UIUC) TASI Introduction From FeynRules to FeynArts so far The new FeynRules interface to FeynArts Conclusion FeynRules Welcome in the FeynRules era with current public version Input : model.fr © C. Degrande C. Degrande Output : vertices cp3 The new FeynRules interface Celine Degrande The new FeynRules interface to FeynArts Conclusion For each tool, the right input FeynRules outputs FeynRules outputs can be used directly by event generators UFO : output with the full information used by several generators C. Degrande cp3 The new FeynRules interface Celine Degrande of this tutorial is to implement a simple extension1 of the SM into FeynRules In the followin ules Tutorial of how to implement the model into FeynRules and how to obtain the corre nstructions es for MadGraph 5. The model : SM extension 1. Introduction + (SM Fields: +1) Z SU (3) × SU (2) × U (1) 2 Y FeynRules Tutorial 2. The model he model φ ∼ (1, 0) m of this tutorial is to implement a 1, simple extension1 of the SM into FeynRules In the following 1 We real scalar and φare areunder singlets all SM gaugeTheir groups wo add real two scalar fields, φ fields, and φφ2 .1 They singlets all under SM gauge groups. m 2 . They d instructions of how 1to1implement the model into FeynRules and how to obtain the corresp Their mass terms are : 2 ∼ (1, 1, 0) φ files for MadGraph 5. 2 2 e m m 1 2 2 2 µ µ 2 −1 k i Lkin,scalar = 1/2∂ φ ∂ φ + 1/2∂ φ ∂ φ − φ − φ − m 2 2 µ 1 1 µ 2 2 m l 1 m 2 12 φ1 φ2 . 1 1 U ∼ (3, 1, 2/3) 2 µ µ 1 22 2 22 r (2.1) L = ∂ φ ∂ φ + ∂ φ ∂ φ − φ − φ − m o µ 1 1 µ 2 2 kin,scalar 12 φ1 φ2 . 1 2 t 2 and Φ2 , and2their masses M 2 1 and M 2 2 , respectively, and we wi c The model call mass eigenstates Φ 1 e E ∼ (1, 1, −1) V } . will call mass eigenstates Φ1 and Φ2 , and their masses M1 and M2 , respectively, and We d two real scalar fields,fields, φ1 and φand are singlets under all SM gauge groups. Their mas 2 . They dd two Dirac fermion U E. Their SM quantum numbers are those of the SM u we will assume M1 < M2 . ely. These fields have mass terms 2 2 m m We add two Dirac fermion fields, U and E. Their SM quantum numbers are those o Lkin,scalar = 1/2∂µ φ1 ∂ µ φ1 + 1/2∂µ φ2 ∂ µ φ2 − 1 φ21 − 2 φ22 − m212 φ1 φ2 . 2 terms 2 he SM uR and eR , respectively. These fields mass Ldirac,mass = Mhave U U + M EE U E l call mass eigenstates Φ1 and Φ2 , and their masses M1 and M2 , respectively, and we will M 2. Ldirac,mass = MU U U + ME EE (2.2) eract with scalars via add two Dirac fermion fields, U and E. Their SM quantum numbers are those of the SM uR ! ! ively. These fields have mass terms L = λ φ U P t + λ φ U P t + λ φ EP e + λ They interact scalars via F Fwith S 1 1 R 2 2 R R 1 1 2 φ2 EPR e + H.c., Ldirac,mass = MU !U U + ME EE ! nd eLare the SM top-quark and electron fields. Note that there is a Z symmetry under (2.3) F F S = λ1,i φ1 U PR ui + λ2,i φ2 U PR ui + λ1,i φ1 EPR li + λ2 φ2 EPR2li + h.c. , Celine Degrande added (φ U, E) flip must be pairnteract with via sign, while all SM fields do not, so the new particles 1,2 ,scalars Step 0 • Download FeynRules (beta 1.8) from https://cp3.irmp.ucl.ac.be/projects/ madgraph/wiki/TASISchool13 • Copy the SM directory in feynrules/ models and rename it Tutorial • Create a model file Tutorial.fr (text file) Celine Degrande Step 1 : model information M$ModelName = "Tutorial"; M$Information = {Authors -> {"C. Duhr"}, Version -> "1.0", Date -> "27. 02. 2012", Institutions -> {"ETH Zurich"}, Emails -> {"duhrc@itp.phys.ethz.ch"} }; Celine Degrande Step 2 : parameters • 9 new external parameters : m1, m2, m12, MU, ME, λ1, λ2, λ’1, λ’2 See Step 3 M$Parameters = { ... MM1 == { ParameterType -> External, Value -> 200}, ... }; Celine Degrande Step 2 : parameters • 9 new external parameters : m1, m2, m12, MU, ME, λ1, λ2, λ’1, λ’2 See Step 3 M$Parameters = { ... MM1 == { ParameterType -> External, Value -> 200}, ... }; InteractionOrder ->{NP, 1}, Celine Degrande physical masses, we need to diagonalize the mass matrix ! " m21 m212 . 2 2 m12 m2 Step 2 : parameters e denote• the3 eigenvalues MPe1 and MPe2. internal by parameters : MIn1,addition, M2, ϑ we need to g the fields φi to the mass eigenstates Φi by, ! " ! "! " φ1 − sin θ cos θ Φ1 = . φ2 cos θ sin θ Φ2 mass matrix is only two-dimensional, we can compute the eigenvalu nd simplyInteraction implement the analytical formulas into FeynRules. The imp Mass nes as for eigenstates the masses m1 , m2 , m12 , with the only differences that eigenstates rType is Internal (as these parameters are dependent on the externa is Internal given by • anParameterType analytical expression (in Mathematica syntax). the implementation of the new coupling constants, which we will call Value is a Mathematica expression • l external parameters, and thus the implementation follows exactly th Degrande the mass parameters, with only one modification: someCeline matrix eleme ynRules Tutorial Step 3 : fields U uv E ev φ1 pi1 φ2 pi2 Φ1 p1 Φ2 p2 Table 1: Symbols used for the fields in the FeynRules implementation. M$ClassesDescription = { ... ClassesDescription = { { F[100] == ... -> uv, F[100]ClassName == { ClassName -> uv, SelfConjugate -> False, SelfConjugate -> False, Indices ->->{Index[Colour]}, {Index[Colour]}, Indices QuantumNumbers -> {Y -> 2/3, -> Q -> {Y 2/3},-> 2/3, Q -> 2/3}, QuantumNumbers Mass -> {Muv, 500}, Mass -> ->{Muv, Width {Wuv,1} 500}, }, Width -> {Wuv,1} ... }, ... e meaning of this definition is as follows: each particle class has a name of the form X[i], where X } Celine Degrande ated to the spin of the field (See Tab. 2), and i is an integer that labels the classes. Note that i can ynRules Tutorial Step 3 : fields U uv E ev φ1 pi1 φ2 pi2 Φ1 p1 Φ2 p2 Table 1: Symbols used for the fields in the FeynRules implementation. M$ClassesDescription = { ... ClassesDescription = { { F[100] == ... -> uv, F[100]ClassName == { ClassName -> uv, SelfConjugate -> False, SelfConjugate -> False, Indices ->->{Index[Colour]}, {Index[Colour]}, Indices QuantumNumbers -> {Y -> 2/3, -> Q -> {Y 2/3},-> 2/3, Q -> 2/3}, QuantumNumbers Mass -> {Muv, 500}, Mass -> ->{Muv, {MPe1, Internal} Width {Wuv,1} 500}, }, Width -> {Wuv,1} ... }, ... e meaning of this definition is as follows: each particle class has a name of the form X[i], where X } Celine Degrande ated to the spin of the field (See Tab. 2), and i is an integer that labels the classes. Note that i can ynRules Tutorial Step 3 : fields U uv E ev φ1 pi1 φ2 pi2 Φ1 p1 Φ2 p2 Table 1: Symbols used for the fields in the FeynRules implementation. S[100] == { ClassesDescription = { ClassName -> pi1, ... F[100] == { SelfConjugate -> True, ClassName -> uv, Indices ->->{}, SelfConjugate False, Indices -> {Index[Colour]}, Unphysical -> True, QuantumNumbers -> {Y -> 2/3, Q -> 2/3}, Mass -> {Muv, 500}, Definitions -> {pi1 -> - Sin[th] p1 + Width -> {Wuv,1} Cos[th] p2} }, },... e meaning of this definition is as follows: each particle class has a name of the form X[i], where X Celine Degrande ated to the spin of the field (See Tab. 2), and i is an integer that labels the classes. Note that i can Step 4 : Lagrangian $FeynRulesPath = SetDirectory["~TASI/feynrules"]; << FeynRules` SetDirectory[ $FeynRulesPath <> "/Models/ Tutorial"] FR$Parallel = False; LoadModel["SM.fr", "Tutorial.fr"] LoadRestriction["DiagonalCKM.rst", "Massless.rst"] Celine Degrande r the new scalars can easily be implemented by using the symbols for t meters defined in the model file, as well as the symbol for the space-t .., mu]. As an example, we have Step 4 : Lagrangian 1 1 2 2 µ ∂µ φ1 ∂ φ1 − m1 φ1 2 2 1/2 del[pi1, mu] del[pi1, mu] - 1/2 MM1^2 pi1^2 1/2 del[pi1, mu]del[pi1, mu] - 1/2 MM1^2 pi1^2 or the fermions can be implemented in a similar way. However, SM gauge group, we have to use the covariant derivative DC rather hermore, we have to use a “.” instead of an ordinary multiplication ure of the fermions into account. As an example, we have i Ūγ µ Dµ U − MU ŪU I uvbar.Ga[mu].DC[uv, mu] - Muv uvbar.uv e FeynRules symbol for the Dirac matrix γ µ . Finally, the Yukawa same way as the kinetic terms for the fermions, e.g., λ1 φ1 Ū P+ u Celine Degrande meters defined in the model file, as well as the symbol for the space-ti r the new can easilywe be have implemented by using the symbols for t ..., mu]. scalars As an example, meters defined in the model file, as well as the symbol for the space-t 1 1 2 2 µ ∂µ φhave .., mu]. As an example, we 1 ∂ φ1 − m1 φ1 2 2 1/2 del[pi1, mu] mu] - 1/2 MM1^2 pi1^2 1 del[pi1, 1 µ 2 2 ∂µ φ1 ∂ φ1 − m1 φ1 for the fermions can be2 implemented2in a similar way. However, a 1/2 del[pi1, mu] del[pi1, mu] - 1/2 MM1^2 pi1^2 SM gauge group, we have to use the covariant derivative DC rather t 1/2 del[pi1, mu]del[pi1, mu] 1/2 MM1^2 pi1^2 rthermore, we have to be useimplemented a “.” instead in of an ordinary multiplication or the fermions can a similar way. However, i ature of thegroup, fermions As covariant an example, we have DC rather SM gauge we into haveaccount. to use the derivative Step 4 : Lagrangian µ instead of an ordinary multiplication hermore, we have to useiaŪ“.” γ Dµ U − MU Ū U ure of the fermions into account. As an we have I uvbar.Ga[mu].DC[uv, mu]example, - Muv uvbar.uv I uvbar.Ga[mu].DC[uv, mu] Muv uvbar.uv µ i Ūγ MU ŪU µU − he FeynRules symbol for the D Dirac matrix γ µ . Finally, the Yukawa mu] - Muv e.g., uvbar.uv e same wayIasuvbar.Ga[mu].DC[uv, the kinetic terms for the fermions, µ e FeynRules symbol for the λ Dirac matrix γ . Finally, the Yukawa 1 φ1 Ū P+ u same way as the kinetic terms the fermions, e.g., lam1 pi1 for uvbar.ProjP.u Ū P+ProjP u λ1 φ1 and he u quark field defined in SM.fr denotes the right chiral Celine Degrande meters defined in the model file, as well as the symbol for the space-ti r the new can easilywe be have implemented by using the symbols for t ..., mu]. scalars As an example, meters defined in the model file, as well as the symbol for the space-t 1 1 2 2 µ ∂µ φhave .., mu]. As an example, we 1 ∂ φ1 − m1 φ1 2 2 1/2 del[pi1, mu] mu] - 1/2 MM1^2 pi1^2 1 del[pi1, 1 µ 2 2 ∂µ φ1 ∂ φ1 − m1 φ1 for the fermions can be2 implemented2in a similar way. However, a 1/2 del[pi1, mu] del[pi1, mu] - 1/2 MM1^2 pi1^2 SM gauge group, we have to use the covariant derivative DC rather t 1/2 del[pi1, mu]del[pi1, mu] 1/2 MM1^2 pi1^2 rthermore, we have to be useimplemented a “.” instead in of an ordinary multiplication or the fermions can a similar way. However, i ature of thegroup, fermions As covariant an example, we have DC rather SM gauge we into haveaccount. to use the derivative Step 4 : Lagrangian µ instead of an ordinary multiplication hermore, we have to useiaŪ“.” γ Dµ U − MU Ū U ure of the fermions into account. As an we have I uvbar.Ga[mu].DC[uv, mu]example, - Muv uvbar.uv µ I uvbar.Ga[mu].DC[uv, mu] Muv uvbar.uv ynRules symbol for the Dirac matrix γ . Finally, the Yuk µ µ MU ŪU µU − he FeynRules symbol fori Ūγ the D Dirac matrix γ . Finally, the Yukawa ee way as the kinetic terms for the fermions, e.g., I uvbar.Ga[mu].DC[uv, mu] Muv uvbar.uv same way as the kinetic terms for the fermions, e.g., λ φ Ū P t µ 1 1 + e FeynRules symbol for the λ Dirac matrix γ . Finally, the Yukawa 1 φ1 Ū P+ u lam1 pi1 uvbar.ProjP.t same way as the kinetic terms for the fermions, e.g., lam1 pi1 uvbar.ProjP.u Lint:=lam1 pi1 uvbar.ProjP.t HC[Lint] uark field defined in SM.fr ProjPdenotes denotes the right Ū P+ProjP u λ1 φ1and he u quark field defined in SM.fr and the right chiral Celine Degrande Step 5 : run FeynRules vertices = FeynmanRules[ LNew ]; CheckMassSpectrum[ LNew ] ComputeWidths[vertices]; PartialWidth[ {uv, t, p1} ] TotWidth[ {uv, t, p1} ] BranchingRatio[ {uv, t, p1}] SetDirectory[“~/TASI/madgraph5/models”]; WriteUFO[ LSM + LNew ]; Celine Degrande