Recreation, Sport and Tourism – Sport Management The program at the University of Illinois offers a unique perspective to those interested in sport management. Housed within the Department of Recreation, Sport, and Tourism, the emphasis in Sport Management provides an understanding of the breadth of sport within the leisure industry. Whether people enjoy watching sports (professional, amateur, intercollegiate athletics), participating in sports (community leagues for youth and adults, high school or intercollegiate athletics, amateur or professional sports) or both, an interest in sport is one way in which people utilize their leisure time. Coursework at the University of Illinois begins with a fundamental understanding of sport as a leisure pursuit, as a form of entertainment, and allows students to move into areas of specific interest. Curriculum for Sport Management Concentration General Education Requirements Composition I Advanced Composition (RST 410) Speech Communication Quantitative Reasoning I Quantitative Reasoning II (RST 370) Humanities & Arts Natural Science & Technology Social and Behavioral Science Social Science (RST 100 and 330) * Cultural Studies: Western (RST 242) * Cultural Studies: Non-West/US Minority ** Foreign Language Subtotal Leisure Studies Core Requirements RST 100 Society and Leisure RST 101 Orientation to Leisure Studies RST 216 Leisure & Technology RST 230 Leisure & Diversity RST 242 Nature & American Culture RST 316 Leisure & Human Development RST 330 Leisure & Consumer Culture RST 370 Research in Leisure Studies Subtotal Management Core Requirements RST 110 Leisure Service Delivery RST 200 Leadership in Leisure Services RST 300 Programming in Leisure Services RST 320 Leisure Services Marketing RST 340 Leisure & Facility Management RST 410 Administration of Leisure Services RST 420 Human Resource Management in Leisure Organizations Subtotal Experiential Education Requirements RST 480 Orientation to Practicum RST 484 Leisure Studies Practicum Subtotal 3-4 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 6 hrs 6 hrs 3 hrs 6 hrs Sport Management Requirements RST 130 Foundations of Sport Mgmt RST/KIN 142 Sport & Society RST 255 Ethical Issues in Sport RST 354 Legal Aspects of Sport RST 429B Contemporary Issues in Leisure Services Subtotal 3 hrs 3 hrs 2 hrs 3 hrs 4 hrs 15 hrs Sport Management Electives Department Electives Free Electives Subtotal 10 hrs 8 hrs 18 hrs Summary of Requirements General Education Requirements Leisure Studies Core Requirements Management Core Requirements Internship Requirements Concentration Requirements Elective Requirements Total 41 hrs 22 hrs 19 hrs 13 hrs 15 hrs 18 hrs 128 hrs 41 hrs 3 hrs 1 hr 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 22 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs Graduation Requirement Checklist 2.00 UIUC Cumulative GPA Residency Requirement 128 Credit Hours * Cultural Studies requirements can be satisfied by courses that are approved for multiple General Education categories. ** Completion through the third level of the same language in high school or college 3 hrs 19 hrs 1 hr 12 hrs 13 hrs For additional information on The Department of Recreation, Sport and Tourism contact Becca Bregel, Academic Advisor, at (217) 244-2695 or