Centro di studi e meditazione buddhista BENCHEN KARMA TEGSUM TASHI LING contrada Morago 6 Cancello Montorio 37141 Verona www.benchenkarmatashi.it info@benchenkarmatashi.it tel. 045988164 H. E. SANGYE NYENPA RINPOCHE’S VISIT FROM 8 TO 11 OCTOBER 2015 THE TEACHINGS WILL TAKE PLACE AT CANCELLO SCHOOL PROGRAMME Thursday 8 October morning: personal interviews with Rinpoche (at the Centre) 2.30pm: Mahamudra, teachings on Dorge Chang Tungma Friday 9 October morning: personal interviews with Rinpoche (at the Centre) 2.30pm: teachings on Eight Verses for Training the Mind (Geshe Langri Tangpa) Saturday 10 October morning: personal interviews with Rinpoche (at the Centre) 2.30pm: teachings on Eight Verses for Training the Mind (Geshe Langri Tangpa) Sunday 11 October 10am: Green Tara empowerment 2.30pm: teachings on Eight Verses for Training the Mind (Geshe Langri Tangpa) Monday 12 October 2.30pm: private meeting with the Chöd practice group We ask you to make a contribution of 15 Euros per session. Lunch will be available (7 Euros). Please remember that you must have a membership card to attend the Centre. Ordinary membership costs 10 Euros Supporting membership 25 Euros Honorary membership 50 Euros This money will be used to cover the costs of running the Centre. If you bring a tent you can pitch it in the yard of the school building at Cancello.