

Biological Dispositions


Preparedness n  

Operant-Respondent Interactions n  

Instinctive Drift n   Sign Tracking n  

Adjunctive Behavior n  

Activity Anorexia



Classical Conditioning n  

Taste aversion conditioning n  

Long delays n  

One-trial learning



Classical Conditioning n  

Specificity of associations: CS-US relevance n   flavored, colors/sounds water -> nausea or shock n   flavored water vs. bright/noisy/colored water n  

Rats: taste-nausea, sight/sound- pain n  

Birds: sight-nausea

Operant Preparedness


Specific operant behavior-> consequence pairs n   n  

Chaffinch (bird) songs reinforce perching, not pecking

Food reinforces pecking, but not perching n  

Avoidance n  

Rats (freeze, run), pigeons (fly) to avoid shock n  

Learn to press/peck lever for food, not to avoid shock n  

Avoidance = FAP, not operant? n   n  

Aversive stimulation elicits species-specific defense reaction (SSDR)

Rats, humans freeze even if it results in shock

Operant-Respondent Interactions


Instinctive Drift n  

Species-specific FAP emerges/displaces operant behavior n  

Pigs & raccoons trained to deposit coins in a piggy bank n  

Pigs: started tossing coin in air, rooting at it on the ground n  

Raccoons: started rubbing coin in its paws n  

Coin (CS) assoc. with food, elicited food-related FAP (CR)

Operant-Respondent Interactions


Sign Tracking, or why your cat ‘ loves ’ you n  

Approaching CS assoc. with food (e.g. dog licks feed light) n  

Autoshaping (pigeons peck at noncontingent key) n   even if pecking stops food: negative automaintenance

Adjunctive Behavior


Adjunctive (or Schedule-induced) behavior n  

Excessive other behavior emerging in FI or FT schedule n  

Peaks immediately after delivery of reinforcer n  

Highest when interval is about 1 to 3 minutes long n  

Drinking, eating, aggression, etc, during intervals

Adjunctive Behavior


Displacement activity: something to do while waiting n  

Birds pecking at twigs, cat cleaning itself, study habits: n  

Humans too: factor in addiction? n   nail biting, snacking, smoking, drinking, drugs

Activity Anorexia


Activity anorexia n  

Restricted food schedule -> low food, high activity n  

Negative feedback cycle: more running <-> less eating

Activity Anorexia


Parallels: activity anorexia in rats & human anorexia n  

High activity levels- sudden increase suppresses appetite n  

More common in teens than adults, dancers than models n  

Interest in food remains, just not eating it n   n  

Maintained by addiction to endorphin ‘ high ’

Adaptive? To search for new food source when scarce
