Coastal Kids - Vol 5, No 1, January 2007

Volume 5
Number 1
A Publication of Coastal Community Credit Union
Out with the Old
and In with the New!
The beginning of a new year is always an exciting time. A fresh start to the next 365 days, so
there is plenty of time to try something new. One thing you might want to start doing in 2007 is
to save money. Saving money is an easy thing to learn how to do, but few people your age do it.
Here are a few tips to help get you started:
Every time you get money, start by saving some of it. If it is birthday cash, your allowance, or money you earn doing odd jobs, make sure you put away at least 10 cents
of every dollar you get. That means if you get $5 you want to put at least $0.50 into your
savings. It seems like such a little amount, but it adds up quickly!
Keep your money in a safe place. Ask your mom and dad to help you find a place to keep
your savings. It does not matter if your day to day savings are in a piggy bank, a jar or in
your sock drawer – but once your savings grow above a few dollars it is best to keep them
in a savings account.
3 Spend wisely. Knowing how and when to spend is the key to savings. Don’t carry extra
cash around with you as you might be tempted to spend it. Carry only what you need and
always carefully think about your purchase before spending you money.
And finally, to truly be able to save money, it is always best if there is a purpose to your
savings. Having a reason or goal to save money for will make it a lot easier to put away
your savings. The goal is up to you – it might be to save for a new bike, a video game, or
your college education.
January 2007
Laughs To Go!
Which rock star do
bumblebees dream
about? Sting
What should you say
when you meet a ghost
in your bedroom? How
do you boo?
What do cheerleaders
eat for breakfast?
What has hands but
never washes them?
A clock
What do you call the
place where they shear
sheep? A baa-baa shop
What time does a shark
get up? Ate o’clock
Saving money is a great habit to get into, so make 2007 the year to begin. Things that make you go hmmm…
18 20 24 32
Which number is missing?
7 10 17 27 44
115 186 301
Answer: 48 Numbers advance by 2, 4, 8 and 16.
Which number continues the sequence?
Answer: 71 Add the first two numbers together to get the third, repeating down the line.
What is the missing
Answer: 16 years old.
Jacob is 12 years old. He is 3 times as old as his brother. How old will Jacob be when he is twice as old?
Answer: X – The letter in the central column come midway
in the alphabet between the left and right hand numbers.
Coastal Kids is
Going Digital!
Some of our young readers have brought forward a wonderful idea! They’ve
suggested that instead of printing a newsletter on paper and mailing it to you, we
create it on the computer and email it to you! So, this is the last printed issue of
Coastal Kids we’ll be sending.
There are lots of reasons why we’re delighted about this great idea! We know that
you like to get information on the Internet. We’re excited about this because we can
include things like interactive games, pictures and contests. Receiving an e-newsletter
will also give you the chance to ask questions or provide feedback, and we will be
able to stay in touch with you more often.
Although we are just starting to plan our new e-newsletter, we are hopeful that we’ll
be ready to send you the first issue early in the spring. So watch your statements, the
Coastal Currents newsletter, visit our website at or come into a branch
with your mom or dad, to get more information.
Watch for your chance to sign up to receive the newsletter – those who register early
will be entered into a draw to win an iPod Nano!
Rascal Raccoon Retires
Dear Rascal Buddies,
After many years of teaching my young Credit Union friends all about saving,
sending birthday cards and participating in parades and other community activities,
I am going to retire.
Through careful planning with my Coastal Community Investment Specialist, I’ve
managed to save enough money to take an early retirement. Although I’ll miss all of
my Rascal Buddies, I’m looking forward to a bit if time off.
I’ve had a ‘blast’ taking part in all the great activities in
the Comox Valley, and would like to thank all of you
for including me in the fun. Take care, be good, and
don’t forget to save!!
Your buddy,
Rascal Raccoon.
What’s up this
There is so much going
on this winter around
Vancouver Island. Check
out what is happening!
Until March
Junior A Hockey
Jan - April 30
ThreatreOne Just
Kidding Series - Nanaimo
Jan 19 - 21
Gabriola Film Festival
Feb 21 - 27
Maple Sugar Festival
du Sucre d’Érable
Feb 25
Vancouver Canucks
Charity Hockey
Challenge - Comox
Pacific Rim Whale
Festival - Tofino/Ucluelet
March 19 - 23
Spring Snow Jam
Mt Washington
March 24 - 26
Words on the Water
Campbell River
March 27
Family Day
Qualicum Beach
March 30 - April 1
17th Annual Brant Wild
life Festival - Oceanside
May 5
Fire & Ice Festival
Qualicum Beach
Coastal Kids is published by Coastal Community Credit Union for its members and the
community. This newsletter is presented as a general source of information only, and should
not be considered as individual financial or investment advice. Our best efforts have been put
forth to ensure that the material within the newsletter is accurate at time of publication.