MML Platinum English Gr5 TG.indb

Grumbling is a louder, deeper and rougher sound.
Rumbling is a very loud, deep and scary sound
that shakes the ground.
Learners’ own answers.
Core reader: Family meals (page 84)
Learners read in a group. List the examples
of onomatopoeia in verse two and then create
onomatopoeia that describes washing dishes.
Listen (Formal Assessment task)
LB page 54
Learners listen to the poem The aliens have
landed! (page 141); Audio CD Track 7 and follow
instructions as per Learner’s book.
Suggested answers
Their hands are greasy tentacles, their heads
are weird machines, their bodies look like
cauliflower, their blood is liquid helium and
their eyes are made of granite. (Any 3)
The aliens could actually be quite amusing.
Explain why this is so.
Their bodies smell like dead sardines and their
breath has a stench which means that it smells
Individual answers will differ. For example:
parents like children to be a little afraid of
teachers so that they do their schoolwork
Write (Formal Assessment task)
LB page 55
For this section learners will write their own poem.
They have worked through many examples and so
the task should be self-explanatory. They need to be
in pairs.
They should think of an object that they are
interested in describing in their poem. They need to
write down five things that they could compare their
chosen object to.
Write a poem
The learners should copy out the adjective
table into their exercise book and then fill in
adjectives that they will use to compare their
chosen object to.
From these adjectives and objects the learners
should create sentences for each of the things
that the object is being compared to so that they
end up with five sentences.
Term 1
MML Platinum English Gr5 TG.indb 52
Finally the learners should put their five
sentences together.
4–6. The next stage is to edit their work by making
changes to their sentences after reading them
out loud to their partner.
Their partner could make suggestions as to how
to change or improve the sentences.
7. Next, the complete poem should be read to the
class in an expressive and dynamic way.
Use the rubric on page 164 to assess.
Before you listen
LB page 56
The learners may need guidance for the Language
revision section depending on whether they have
covered the topics in earlier years or not.
Suggested answers
1. a)I went to the Checkers on South Street and
I bought apples, grapes and pears.
b) Never touch electric fences as they can give
you a terrible shock.
c) Jean, Kari, Aimee and Joel had chocolate
cake and it was delicious.
d) The soccer match was cancelled because it
was raining.
e) The speedboat was racing along the river
when it crashed into a bank.
Sentence structure
2. a)It is hot today!
b) My motorbike is the fastest motorbike in
the world!
c) The tyres on Simon’s motorbike were
3. a)The table creaked as it was moved.
b) The thunder roared like a large freight train.
c) The wildfire leaped across the dry, brown
d) The moon smiled in the star-filled night sky.
4. a)I decided to buy milk, cheese and bread at
the shop.
b) When my VW Golf broke down my Dad
had to buy spare parts to have it repaired.
c) Johannesburg, like Cape Town, is a big city
in South Africa.
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23/07/2012 13:51