2014 HealthFlex Wellness Incentives

2014 HealthFlex
Wellness Incentives
2014 Incentives at-a-Glance
General Incentives Questions
Virgin Pulse HealthMiles—Quarterly Activity Targets
HealthFlex Wellness Points on WebMD
– Wellness Points for health measures
Blueprint for Wellness
HealthQuotient (HQ)
2014 Incentives at-a-Glance
HealthFlex participants and spouses have even more opportunities
to earn wellness incentive rewards throughout 2014. This year’s
wellness incentives are very similar to the 2013 program—plus
we’ve added more ways to earn HealthFlex Wellness Points—
including points for health measures.
Virgin Pulse HealthMiles Goals
January 1 to December 31 (quarterly activity targets)
• Earn up to $150 in HealthCash* for reaching quarterly
activity targets that are customized to your personal activity
history (active and Medicare companion plans).
HealthFlex Wellness Points on WebMD
January 1 to December 31
•Earn $150 HealthCash* for accumulating at least 150
Wellness Points during the year (active plans only**).
• New opportunities to earn Wellness Points through healthy
or improved health measures: up to 90 points.
Blueprint for Wellness biometric screening
April 1 to July 31
•Earn $100 HealthCash* (active plans only)
HealthQuotient (HQ) online health risk assessment
August 1 to September 30
• Avoid paying an extra $250 (individual) or extra $500 (family)
on your 2015 medical plan deductible (active plans only).
* You must be enrolled in the Virgin Pulse HealthMiles program to earn HealthCash.
** Active plans include HealthFlex PPO and consumer-driven health plan (CDHP).
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Active vs. Medicare plan
Virgin Pulse HealthMiles
quarterly activity targets
• $25 per quarter ($100 total for four
quarters—per eligible adult)
• $50 bonus for reaching all quarterly
activity targets—per eligible adult
Active plan and
Medicare plan
January 1—December 31
(quarterly goals issued every
three months)
HealthFlex Wellness Points
on WebMD
• $150 for 150 Wellness Points
• Per eligible adult
Active plan
January 1—December 31
Blueprint for Wellness
Earn $100 HealthCash—per eligible
Active plan
April 1—July 31
HealthQuotient (HQ)
Save $250 (individual) or $500 (family)
on 2015 medical plan deductible
Active plan
August 1—September 30
Participants and spouses in eligible HealthFlex plans can both earn wellness incentives—doubling your family’s rewards potential!
General Incentives Questions
Q: What is the maximum HealthCash that can be earned in 2014?
A: Participants and covered spouses in HealthFlex active plans can each earn up to $400 HealthCash
in 2014. There are three steps to achieve your maximum HealthCash:
1. Earn $100 HealthCash for completing the Blueprint for Wellness screening.
2. Earn up to $150 HealthCash for meeting four personalized Virgin Pulse HealthMiles activity targets
in 2014.
3. Earn $150 HealthCash for accumulating 150 HealthFlex Wellness Points (tracked on the HealthFlex/
WebMD website).
Additionally, participants and spouses who complete WebMD’s HQ online health risk assessment during
the incentive period (August 1–September 30, 2014) will avoid a higher medical plan deductible in
2015—$250 higher for single coverage or $500 higher for family coverage.
Q: Do I have to be enrolled in the Virgin Pulse HealthMiles program to earn the HealthCash?
A: Yes. In order to earn HealthCash, you must be enrolled in the Virgin Pulse HealthMiles program at the
time the HealthCash is awarded. HealthCash is administered through the Virgin Pulse HealthMiles website,
so if you’re not enrolled, you have no way to receive HealthCash. HealthCash will not be rewarded
retroactively if you enroll late in the year.
If you’re not yet in the Virgin Pulse HealthMiles program, enroll now to take full advantage of the 2014
incentive opportunities. If you’re already in Virgin Pulse HealthMiles, you do not need to re-enroll.
Q: How do I enroll in the Virgin Pulse HealthMiles physical activity program?
A: If you’re not yet in the Virgin Pulse HealthMiles program, this is a good time to enroll. Go to www.gbophb.org.
• Click on “HealthFlex/WebMD” and enter your WebMD username and password.
• Select “Join Virgin Pulse.”
•Call Virgin Pulse if you need assistance: 1-800-830-4312.
Or call WebMD if you need help logging in: 1-866-302-5742.
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Q: What does it cost me to be in the Virgin Pulse HealthMiles program?
A: Participants and spouses in HealthFlex active and Medicare companion plans pay no out-of-pocket cost
to enroll, and don’t pay for the step tracker. (However, there are costs if you need to replace your step
tracker or if you choose to purchase a different device.)
Q: What is HealthCash?
A: HealthCash is the “rewards currency” used by the Virgin Pulse HealthMiles program.
Q: How do I redeem HealthCash?
A: HealthCash can be redeemed in one of two ways—buy gift cards to major national retailers or have
the cash deposited directly into the bank account of your choice. If you have questions about redeeming
HealthCash, contact the Virgin Pulse customer service team at 1-800-830-4312.
Q: How is my privacy protected?
A: HealthFlex requires its vendor partners to adhere to the strictest privacy standards. Our vendors protect
personal health information in accordance with federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act (HIPAA) regulations. Additionally, our vendors do not share individual information with your
conference, employer, HealthFlex, the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits (General Board)
or your insurance provider.
Your annual conference, employer, HealthFlex or the General Board cannot see any information in your
personal HQ, Blueprint for Wellness, Virgin Pulse HealthMiles account or WebMD web pages.
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HealthMiles Quarterly Activity Targets/$150 HealthCash Incentive
Active and Medicare Companion Plans
Quarterly Activity Targets (January 1–December 31)
(See your personal Virgin Pulse HealthMiles program web page for each calendar quarter’s exact deadline)
Q: Can I earn HealthCash for getting or staying active through the Virgin Pulse HealthMiles
program in 2014?
A: Yes! You can earn up to $150 in 2014 for meeting quarterly activity targets. Primary participants and
spouses in either a HealthFlex active plan or a HealthFlex Medicare companion plan can each earn up to
$150 HealthCash in 2014. [Does not apply to Medicare supplement plan through Extend Health (Towers
Watson’s OneExchange) unless plan sponsor offers the program separately.]
Q: How do I earn $150 for walking and accumulating HealthMiles?
A: Each quarter, Virgin Pulse will give you a new quarterly activity target to reach. Meet the target by the
specified deadline, and you will earn $25 HealthCash (up to $100 total in 12 months). If you reach all
four quarterly activity targets in 2014, you will earn a bonus $50 HealthCash in early 2015. That’s $150
HealthCash for meeting all four targets—whether you’re in a HealthFlex active plan or a HealthFlex
Medicare companion plan.
Q: How do I earn HealthMiles?
A: You can earn HealthMiles in 2014 for measuring your physical activity through the Virgin Pulse HealthMiles
program. The program includes an uploadable step tracker to wear every day to count your steps throughout
the day. By plugging the step tracker into a computer with the Virgin Pulse software and Internet access,
your step count is automatically uploaded to your personal account. Earn 20, 60, 80 or 100 activity
HealthMiles per day based on how many steps you take in a day, plus bonus HealthMiles for participating in
special promotions. (You also can earn HealthMiles for activity measured through a Polar heart rate monitor.)
If you’re already enrolled in the Virgin Pulse HealthMiles program, log into your account through the
HealthFlex/WebMD website or at www.virginpulse.com for more information.
If you’re not yet enrolled in the Virgin Pulse HealthMiles program, go to www.gbophb.org, click on
“HealthFlex/WebMD” and enter your WebMD user name and password. Then select “Join Virgin Pulse.”
Q: Will my quarterly activity targets be reasonable, based on my current level of activity?
A: Yes. Your quarterly activity targets are personalized to you and your activity history, not based on a
hypothetical “active person.” If you reach 7,000 steps on a typical day, you won’t be expected to jump
to 12,000 steps per day to reach your quarterly target.
Your personalized targets are designed to be achievable—while also encouraging you to push yourself
a little as you stride toward better health.
Q: How will I know what my quarterly activity targets are?
A: Every three months, Virgin Pulse will create new targets for you. You’ll receive a confidential e-mail
reminder from Virgin Pulse at the beginning of each quarterly target period, as well as e-mail reminders about
the deadline. You also can see your goal information when you log into the Virgin Pulse website.
Q: Do I have to use the Virgin Pulse step tracker or can I use another activity tracking device?
A: The Virgin Pulse HealthMiles program is now compatible with several other tracking devices. More
information can be found under Activity > Fitness Tracking Devices after logging into your account.
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HealthFlex Wellness Points/$150 HealthCash Incentive
Active Plans Only
January 1–December 31
Q: What are HealthFlex Wellness Points?
A: HealthFlex Wellness Points credit you for many things you do to stay or get healthy. Wellness Points
are a health-focused way to accumulate wellness rewards (“incentives”) through HealthFlex.
You can earn $150 HealthCash by accumulating 150 Wellness Points in 2014. Track your HealthFlex
Wellness Points or view ways to earn points on the “HealthFlex Wellness Points” page of the
HealthFlex/WebMD website (www.gbophb.org, click on “HealthFlex/WebMD” and log in).
Q: How do I earn HealthFlex Wellness Points?
A: You can earn HealthFlex Wellness Points for a variety of healthy activities, from improving specific
health measures (or maintaining already-healthy ones), to working with a WebMD health coach,
to sharing a wellness success story online, to meeting your goals with the digital health assistants on
the WebMD website, to using the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). You will also earn points for
completing your activity targets through the Virgin Pulse HealthMiles program. See the complete list
of ways to earn Wellness Points here.
Q: What’s new for 2014?
A: The 2014 incentive program adds new opportunities to earn Wellness Points, based on your health
measures from the Blueprint for Wellness screening. You can earn up to 90 Wellness Points by
demonstrating healthy or improved levels for specific health measures.
Q: What stays the same for 2014?
A: The points you can earn for participating in various wellness activities (e.g., Virgin Pulse HealthMiles
program goals, online health assistant, reading health topics, submitting success stories, etc.) will all
be retained in 2014. The Wellness Points you earn for healthy or improved health measures are
in addition to the existing opportunities to earn Wellness Points for healthy activities.
Q: Why is HealthFlex giving Wellness Points for healthy or improved health measures?
A: Incentives for HealthFlex wellness programs have been activities-based for several years, but we added
new points for healthy or improved health measures, since we know that is why you ultimately
participate in healthy activities. This new opportunity rewards you for healthy results that translate
into healthier clergy and lay employees throughout The United Methodist Church.
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Q: What health measures and/or lab values will earn Wellness Points? A: Participants and spouses earn 15 Wellness Points for demonstrating a healthy or improved level for
each of these health measures*—for a total of 90 potential Wellness Points:
Healthy Reward Ranges
Healthy Range**
Wellness Points for Healthy Range
Outside Healthy Range?
Wellness Points for Improvement
Blood pressure*
Systolic: Less than 120 mm Hg
Diastolic: Less than 80 mm Hg
Fasting glucose*
65–99 mg/dL
Less than 150 mg/dL
Greater than 60 mg/dL
Waist circumference*
Men: 40 inches or less
Women: 35 inches or less
18.5–24.9 kg/m
Total Possible Points
*These measures (with the exception of BMI) are widely used by the American Heart Association and other medical authorities
to diagnose metabolic syndrome—a condition with significantly higher health risks. BMI is included to recognize different body types
for which waist circumference might not be the best measure.
**Healthy ranges are based on recommendations from the American Heart Association. Healthy ranges must be demonstrated on
the 2014 Quest Diagnostics Blueprint for Wellness (BFW). Improvement is demonstrated by a change in the healthy direction
between the 2013 and 2014 BFW. Only BFW results will be accepted to earn Wellness Points for health measures. BFW can
be done at an onsite event, a local Quest laboratory or by submitting the Physician Report Form directly from your doctor.
Q: How are my measurements and lab values determined?
A: These health measures are determined through the Quest Diagnostics Blueprint for Wellness (BFW)
screening, done at an onsite event or a local Quest laboratory. BFW can also be completed by having
your physician complete and send in the Physician Report Form. Self-reported values or tests completed
by your physician but not submitted through the form will not be accepted for Wellness Points. (You
may still self-enter your values into HQ in August or September if you do not take BFW.)
Q: What if my Blueprint for Wellness results do not fall within the “healthy” ranges in 2014? A: You will also receive Wellness Points if your 2014 Blueprint for Wellness results for any of these
measures are improved over your Blueprint for Wellness results from 2013.
Q: What if I didn’t complete Blueprint for Wellness in 2013?
A: If you missed Blueprint for Wellness in 2013, be sure to complete it in 2014—between April 1 and
July 31! If you complete Blueprint for Wellness in 2014, you will be rewarded for qualifying health
measures that fall within the “healthy” range. For results that are not within the “healthy” range,
your 2014 Blueprint for Wellness results will then serve as your “baseline” starting point for
improvement in 2015.
Q: Why were these measurements and lab values chosen?
A: These factors (with the exception of BMI) are used by the American Heart Association and other recognized
medical authorities to diagnose metabolic syndrome, a serious health condition. People with metabolic
syndrome have a higher risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, which can result in
heart attack, stroke and other serious health issues. Body mass index is included in addition to waist
circumference to provide more than one measure for healthy body size—to respect different body types.
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Q: What is metabolic syndrome?
A: The most widely used criteria* to identify this syndrome are by the presence of three or more of these
risk factors:
• Triglycerides—150 mg/dL or more, or taking medicine for high triglycerides
• Cholesterol—low HDL “good” cholesterol levels or taking medicine for low HDL cholesterol:
- Men—Less than 40 mg/dL
- Women—Less than 50 mg/dL
• Blood Pressure—130/85 mm Hg or higher, or taking medicine for high blood pressure
• Glucose—100 mg/dL or more, or taking medicine for high blood glucose
• Waist circumference:
- More than 40 inches for men
- More than 35 inches for women
*These criteria are from the American Heart Association
Q: Where can I learn more about metabolic syndrome?
A: Check out the HealthFlex/WebMD website (search under “Health Topics”) or the American Heart
Association website (www.heart.org), or talk with your personal physician.
Q: What if I believe my measurements or lab values are incorrect?
A: Contact Quest Blueprint for Wellness to appeal your results. Typically, you would follow up with your
physician to submit corrected results through a separate form.
Q: If my measurements or lab values do not qualify for Wellness Points, can I earn them in another way?
A: Yes, you can earn Wellness Points in a variety of other ways. See the complete list of ways to earn
Wellness Points here.
Q: What if my doctor says that I am unable to achieve healthy or improved measures? Is there a reasonable alternative? A: Reasonable alternatives or waivers will be made available for those who believe they cannot achieve
healthy or improved measures due to an underlying medical condition. If you believe you need
a reasonable alternative, you may make your request by e-mail (incentiverequest@gbophb.org)
or U.S. Mail (General Board of Pension and Health Benefits of The United Methodist Church; Attn: Incentive
Request; 1901 Chestnut Avenue; Glenview, Illinois 60025). We will work with you (and, if you wish, with
your doctor) to find a reasonable alternative in order for you to be able to achieve the same reward.
Q: How do I earn $150 for accumulating HealthFlex Wellness Points?
A: When you earn 150 HealthFlex Wellness Points, HealthFlex will automatically “redeem” 150 points
and deposit $150 HealthCash in your Virgin Pulse HealthMiles account. You must be enrolled in the
Virgin Pulse HealthMiles program at the time you earn your 150 points or you will not receive the
HealthCash incentive. Wellness Points must be earned by December 31, 2014. Please allow up to
30 days for HealthCash to be credited to your Virgin Pulse HealthMiles account.
Q: Why is the $50 reward not offered this year for those earning 100-149 Wellness Points?
A: The $50 reward was only offered the first two years when Wellness Points were introduced to help
people get used to earning points. This year, participants have all of the same opportunities to earn
Wellness Points, plus points available for healthy or improved health measures. Almost 400 Wellness
Points are available through a combination of health measures and participation activities.
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Q: If I have more questions regarding HealthFlex Wellness Points, who can I contact?
A: Contact WebMD’s Customer Service team at 1-866-302-5742 with questions about accessing the
HealthFlex Wellness Points online, how specific points are credited to your account, or for help
logging in to the HealthFlex/WebMD website.
Q: How do I sign up to participate?
A: If you are a participant or spouse covered by a HealthFlex active plan [PPO or consumer-driven health
plan (CDHP)], you are automatically enrolled in the HealthFlex Wellness Points program. Log into
the HealthFlex/WebMD website and click on “HealthFlex Wellness Points” to begin earning and
tracking your points.
Q: Do I need to participate in the Virgin Pulse HealthMiles program to earn HealthCash for HealthFlex Wellness Points?
A: Yes. Wellness Points rewards are “paid’ in the form of HealthCash. HealthCash is the “rewards
currency” used by the Virgin Pulse HealthMiles program.
This means that you can accumulate Wellness Points without being in the Virgin Pulse HealthMiles
program, but you will have no way to turn your Wellness Points into HealthCash and, ultimately, a gift card
or direct deposit into your checking or savings account, if you’ve not enrolled in the Virgin Pulse HealthMiles
program. HealthCash will not be awarded retroactively if you enroll late in the year.
Q: If my spouse or I are enrolled in a Medicare Companion plan or a Medicare plan through
Extend Health (Towers Watson’s OneExchange), are we eligible to earn HealthFlex
Wellness Points?
A: No, Wellness Points are for participants and spouses in HealthFlex active plans only. If one individual
is in an active plan and one is in a Medicare plan, only the individual covered by the active plan is eligible
for the $150 HealthCash for Wellness Points.
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Blueprint for Wellness Screening/$100 HealthCash Incentive
Active Plans Only
April 1–July 31
Q: What is the Blueprint for Wellness screening?
A: The Blueprint for Wellness biometric screening by Quest Diagnostics involves a blood draw followed
by lab analysis. The screening includes tests for common health risks, including:
• Cholesterol and lipid screening
• Blood sugar and diabetes screening
• Screening tests for liver, kidney, thyroid, and other organs and body systems
• Measurement of blood pressure, height, weight and waist circumference (if taken at a plan sponsor
event or at most local Quest laboratories)
A complete list of tests included in the Blueprint for Wellness screening can be found here.
The screening provides a snapshot of your current health measurements to share with your doctor and
to help shape your personal health and wellness goals. Beginning in 2014, your Blueprint for Wellness
results for specified health measures can also qualify for Wellness Points if they are in the “healthy”
range or are improved over your 2013 Blueprint for Wellness health measures.
Q: How can I complete the Blueprint for Wellness screening?
A: There are two main ways to complete the Blueprint for Wellness screening. Most HealthFlex plan
sponsors offer the screening at annual conference or an employee health event. Talk to your plan sponsor
about whether Blueprint for Wellness screenings are being hosted for your group. Pre-registration for
a screening at these events is highly recommended.
If you are not able to attend an on-site screening, there are thousands of Quest Diagnostics labs across
the country where you can complete your screening. Screening at a lab with “biometrics” (including
height, weight, blood pressure and waist circumference) is preferred but not required. If you choose
a lab without biometrics, you will be asked to self-report your height, weight, blood pressure and waist
circumference. Pre-registration is required before going to a Quest Diagnostics lab.
Q: How do I preregister for my screening?
A: To preregister, call 1-866-908-9440 or go online to www.gbophb.org, click on “HealthFlex/
WebMD” and enter your WebMD username and password. Then select “Quest Diagnostics
Blueprint for Wellness,” and follow the prompts.
Pre-registering will assure that you are not billed for your screening tests. You should not have to present
your medical ID card when you arrive for the screening but you may need a picture ID. At on-site
events, there is limited space for walk-ins, so you might not get a screening if you don’t pre-register.
Pre-registration is required at local Quest labs.
Q: What if my annual conference/employer does not offer Blueprint for Wellness on-site or I’m unable to do the on-site event—and there is no Quest laboratory anywhere near my
home or work?
A: A small portion of HealthFlex participants may not have a Quest lab within a reasonable driving distance.
If this is the case, we encourage you to take advantage of an on-site event, if possible. If you are unable
to attend an on-site event, you may complete a Physician Report Form to receive the $100 HealthCash incentive
and earn any Wellness Points for healthy or improved health measures. Contact your plan sponsor or the
General Board’s Health Team (1-800-851-2201) for a Physician Report Form or download the form. Please note that any additional lab tests you may have taken at a Quest facility that are not part of the
Blueprint for Wellness tests are subject to regular plan benefits (co-payments or co-insurance).
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Q: Do I have to pay for a Blueprint for Wellness screening?
A: No, you will pay nothing for the screening if you take it at either an on-site event or at a Quest
Diagnostics facility through the Blueprint for Wellness process detailed on the previous page.
However, if you get these tests done through your own doctor and submit the Physician Report Form—
we encourage you to get them done at the same time as your annual wellness exam to avoid paying
out-of-pocket costs.
Q: Is the Blueprint for Wellness screening available for participants and spouses in HealthFlex
Medicare companion plans?
A: Yes. HealthFlex Medicare companion plan participants and spouses can take advantage of the Blueprint
for Wellness screening at no cost. However, individuals in Medicare companion plans are not eligible
for the $100 HealthCash incentive for completing the screening.
Q: Is the Blueprint for Wellness screening available for participants and spouses in a Medicare
supplement or Medicare Advantage plan through Extend Health (Towers Watson’s OneExchange)?
A: It depends. Individuals who enrolled through Extend Health (Towers Watson’s OneExchange) in
a Medicare supplement or Medicare Advantage plan may be eligible for Blueprint for Wellness if their
plan sponsor offers this program to their group. Please check with your plan sponsor/benefits office.
Eligible individuals in these plans must pre-register by phone only.
Q: Why should I take the Blueprint for Wellness screening in 2014?
A: The Blueprint for Wellness screening is a comprehensive screening provided by HealthFlex at no
out-of-pocket cost to you. Blueprint for Wellness gives you and your doctor important information
about your current health status and gives you a year-by-year measurement to evaluate any
improvements you may be making. It is far more thorough than what most doctors complete during
wellness exams—and costs The United Methodist Church much less due to efficiencies and economies
of scale. Blueprint for Wellness screenings are conducted by Quest Diagnostics, an industry leader
in performing laboratory tests. In addition, beginning in 2014, you can also earn Wellness Points for
healthy or improved health measures as detailed in the Wellness Points section of this FAQ.
Q: Why do I have to take the screening between April 1 and July 31 in order to receive my
$100 HealthCash?
A: The information from your Blueprint for Wellness screening will be automatically imported into your
WebMD HealthQuotient (HQ). Therefore, all Blueprint for Wellness screenings must be completed
by July 31, before the HQ “window” opens on August 1, 2014. Data import means you won’t have to
find your lab results in order to enter them into the HQ during August or September. It also means your
HQ results will be based on precise medical data and, therefore, more useful to you.
Q: I usually see my doctor around the same time every year, which is different than HealthFlex’s
April–July timing for Blueprint for Wellness. How can this timing work for me?
A: We recommend telling your doctor that your employer offers a comprehensive wellness
screening—including complete lipid and cholesterol testing, glucose and hemoglobin A1C testing, and
multiple organ function tests (including liver, kidney and thyroid)—at no out-of-pocket cost to you.
If you usually see your doctor earlier in the year, share last year’s results or ask whether waiting later in
the spring or summer for your results might be a good match for your health needs. If you usually see
your doctor later in the year, bring your Blueprint for Wellness screening results to your appointment.
Many participants have commented that their doctors are very impressed with the completeness
of the Blueprint for Wellness screening and report.
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Q: I can get a blood screening at my doctors’ office—why should I do the Blueprint for
Wellness screening?
A: The Blueprint for Wellness screening may be different (or even more comprehensive) than what
your doctor offers. As an engaged consumer of health care, talk to your doctor about how this
screening may work with your annual checkup to meet your health and financial needs. Additionally,
the Blueprint for Wellness screenings are typically more cost-effective for the HealthFlex plan than
the same tests given in a doctor’s office—which is good stewardship for The United Methodist Church.
Q: Is my information kept confidential if I get my lab results through Quest Diagnostics?
A: Yes, your personal health information is kept confidential. Your church, annual conference, employer, plan
sponsor, HealthFlex or the General Board cannot access your personal lab results. Quest Diagnostics
is bound by federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requirements to
protect your privacy. Your lab results will be transmitted electronically to WebMD to populate
your HQ, for your convenience. However, this process is automatic and no one (including WebMD,
General Board staff or your insurance carrier) can view your individual data. The only exception
is your WebMD health coach (if applicable).
Q: How do I enroll in the Virgin Pulse HealthMiles physical activity program so I can earn my $100 HealthCash incentive for completing Blueprint for Wellness screening?
A: If you’re not yet in the Virgin Pulse HealthMiles program, this is a good time to enroll.
Go to www.gbophb.org.
• Click on “HealthFlex/WebMD” and enter your WebMD username and password.
• Select “Join Virgin Pulse HealthMiles.”
• Call Virgin Pulse HealthMiles if you need assistance: 1-800-830-4312.
Q: How do I earn $100 for completing the Blueprint for Wellness screening?
A: When you complete the Blueprint for Wellness screening, HealthFlex will deposit $100 HealthCash in
your Virgin Pulse account. The screening must be completed between April 1 and July 31, 2014.
The $100 HealthCash incentive is only for participants and spouses in HealthFlex PPO and CDHP plans.
Please allow up to 30 days for HealthCash to be credited to your Virgin Pulse account.
Q: If I skip the 2014 Blueprint for Wellness, can I earn Wellness Points for health measures?
A: Wellness Points are awarded for health measures based on Blueprint for Wellness data (or data provided
directly from your physician using the Physician Report Form process detailed above). You cannot use
self-reported data, even if it is received from your physician. However, there are still other ways to earn
150 Wellness Points if you miss Blueprint for Wellness.
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HealthQuotient (HQ)/Deductible Incentive
Active Plans Only
August 1–September 30
Q: What is the HQ, and why is it important?
A: The HealthQuotient (HQ) is an online health risk assessment questionnaire. It helps to evaluate your
risk for common health concerns, such as heart disease, diabetes, depression and high cholesterol.
HQ is important because identifying risk levels puts you in a better position to take steps that may lower
your risk and keep you healthier, which is good for you, those you serve and your fellow HealthFlex
participants. Knowing your most important risk factors also can help you prioritize your health goals.
Q: I heard the HQ is new and updated in 2014. Will it be easier to complete this year?
A: Yes! By the August-September HQ incentive period, the new HQ will be available for you to complete.
Based on feedback from participants, the new HQ will be easier to complete with updated questions,
including accommodation for different dietary needs. You will also be able to complete the HQ on
a mobile device connected to the Internet.
Q: Why is HealthFlex continuing to add a higher medical plan deductible for participants and
spouses in active medical plans who don’t take the HQ?
A: HealthFlex has a shared responsibility with plan sponsors, individuals and families to be good stewards
of health and health care resources within The United Methodist Church. The HQ offers helpful
information that participants and spouses can use to take greater personal responsibility for their own
health. Individuals who complete the HQ year after year have a better chance to identify and address
health risks early—before risks grow into serious health concerns. These individuals also have easier
access to important wellness resources offered by HealthFlex and WebMD—such as health coaching and
customized information on the WebMD portal—which can be used to improve existing health risks.
Four out of five eligible HealthFlex participants and spouses have taken the HQ every year since 2010
and avoided a higher deductible. Completing the HQ takes 20 minutes or less, but its benefits—
improved health, enhanced vitality and prudent stewardship of Church resources—can be long-lasting.
Q How can I avoid a higher deductible in 2015?
A: It’s easy to avoid the higher deductible. Just complete the HQ during August or September 2014.
If your spouse also is covered by a HealthFlex active plan, he or she also must complete the HQ during this
timeframe for your household to avoid the higher deductible. Taking the HQ in August or September
is the only way to avoid the higher medical plan deductible in 2015.
Q: How do I take the HQ?
A: It’s easy!
1. Go to www.gbophb.org to begin.
2. Click on “HealthFlex/WebMD.”
3. Enter your WebMD username and password at the prompt.
4. Click on “Take HealthQuotient” under your “Action Plan.”
If you don’t know your username or password, click “forgot your username and password?”
on the login page. If this is your first time on the HealthFlex/WebMD website, click “New Users” on
the login page.
If you have difficulty logging in, contact WebMD at 1-866-302-5742.
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Q: If I did the Blueprint for Wellness screening, does it matter if I do the HQ, too? A: Yes. It’s a good idea to take both the Blueprint for Wellness screening and HQ. These two assessments
provide different information about your health that can complement each other. If you take the
Blueprint for Wellness, your lab results will be automatically and securely uploaded to your HQ on
WebMD—so taking the Blueprint for Wellness makes doing the HQ easier and more accurate.
You are not required to do both or either. However, only taking HQ will prevent you from having
a higher deductible in 2015.
Q: What if my spouse and I are both covered by HealthFlex, but only one of us takes the HQ?
A: If both of you are in a HealthFlex active plan and only one of you takes the HQ, your family will be
subject to the higher medical plan deductible in 2015 ($500 extra for “family” coverage). If both you and
your spouse are covered by HealthFlex active plans (not Medicare plans)—you both must complete the HQ
in August or September 2014 to avoid the higher deductible in 2015.
Q: What if I am covered by HealthFlex but my spouse is not?
A: If your spouse is not in HealthFlex, he or she is not eligible to take the HQ. As long as you complete
the HQ in August or September 2014, you will avoid the higher medical plan deductible in 2015.
Q: What if I am in an active plan and my spouse is in a HealthFlex Medicare companion plan?
A: Participants or spouses covered by HealthFlex Medicare companion plans are not subject to the higher
deductible—but they still are encouraged to complete the HQ during 2014 and take advantage of this
important health tool. However, because you are in an active plan, you must take the HQ in August or
September 2014 to avoid a $250 higher individual deductible in 2015.
Q: Do I need to be enrolled in the Virgin Pulse HealthMiles program to avoid the higher deductible?
A: No, you don’t need to be enrolled in the Virgin Pulse HealthMiles program to avoid the higher 2015
deductible. However, increasing your physical activity can improve risk factors that may be noted in your
summary report.
Q: Can I earn HealthCash for the Blueprint for Wellness screening, meeting quarterly activity
goals, and/or earning HealthFlex Wellness Points if I do not complete the HQ in August or September of 2014?
A: Yes, you can earn HealthCash even if you don’t complete the HQ. However, taking the HQ in August
or September is the only way to avoid a higher 2015 medical plan deductible—$250 higher for an
individual or $500 higher for a couple/family.
Q: What benefits will I get from taking the HQ?
A: Taking the HQ each year gives you an annual appraisal of your health. It also may direct you to appropriate
wellness resources, such as confidential health coaching by telephone, online health information, online
health improvement programs, and customized electronic messaging from HealthFlex/WebMD that
is specific to risks or conditions that might affect you. These resources are available at no cost to you
through HealthFlex.
Q: What benefits does HealthFlex get when I take the HQ?
A: When more HealthFlex participants and covered spouses take the HQ, HealthFlex is able to
understand the unique health risks and needs of HealthFlex participants overall. Additionally, aggregate
information collected through the HQ allows HealthFlex to evaluate existing programs and identify
needs for new programs over time. This helps the General Board be a good steward of the health
care resources of The United Methodist Church (UMC). Also, taking the HQ directs you to important
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preventive resources that have helped HealthFlex reduce risk factors associated with higher health
care costs over time, such as health coaching. By addressing risk factors of many participants, we
support the vitality of those who serve the Church and help protect the resources of the UMC.
More than 80% of HealthFlex participants and spouses across the country took the HQ in each of the
last four years—did you?
Q: Is my information kept confidential if I enter it through the HQ?
A: Absolutely—your HQ personal health information is kept confidential. Your conference, employer,
plan sponsor, HealthFlex, the General Board, local library, etc. cannot access the personal data you
enter into the HQ questionnaire. The personal data entered through the HQ is processed by WebMD,
an accredited health organization with high standards for security and confidentiality. WebMD is bound
by the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy law, and will not share
your personal health information or HQ scores with your annual conference, employer, the General
Board or your insurance carrier (Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois or UnitedHealthcare).
Q: Who sees the information I enter into the HQ?
A: Depending on your risk factors, your responses to the HQ may be shared with your WebMD health
coach, if you choose to work with one. WebMD and its health coaches are subject to the federal
government’s strict HIPAA privacy regulations. A health coach may contact you by telephone, but
not in person. Although your conference or employer will know whether you completed the HQ, the
personal information you enter in your HQ is not shared with your annual conference, employer, the
General Board or your insurance carrier. Your conference or employer also will not know whether
a health coach contacts you.
Q: Does my personal health information remain confidential if it is imported from the Blueprint for Wellness (Quest Diagnostics) to the HQ (WebMD)?
A: Yes. HealthFlex values the privacy of its participants. Your Blueprint for Wellness screening test results
and the health information entered through the HQ remain confidential. Your individual data is never
shared with your annual conference, employer, the General Board, HealthFlex or your insurance
carrier (Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois or UnitedHealthcare). Data is compared in group
format only. For example, HealthFlex or your annual conference/employer may learn that 10% of
participants are at risk for high cholesterol, but they won’t know which people by name are at risk.
Q: Do I have to take the Blueprint for Wellness screening though Quest Diagnostics in order
to avoid the higher deductible in 2015?
A: No, you may complete the HQ without taking the Blueprint for Wellness screening. But taking
the Blueprint for Wellness screening allows your lab data to be imported into the HQ for your
convenience when answering some of the HQ questions.
If you choose to not take the Blueprint for Wellness screening, you may self-report the lab data
or indicate you don’t know this information when completing your HQ and still avoid the higher
deductible in 2015. However, remember that self-reported data does not qualify for Wellness Points
based on specific health measures.
Q: Can I take the HQ on paper or do I need a computer with Internet access?
A: Because of the security and data analysis involved, the HQ must be completed on a computer or mobile
device with Internet access. If you don’t have a computer or mobile device with Internet access at your
home or work, you may be able to use a computer at the local library, your church, your conference or
plan sponsor’s benefits office, or a friend’s home. You will log in with a username and password, which
protect your privacy from others who may use that computer later.
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Q: What if I am unable to complete the HQ?
A: If you are unable to complete the HQ, your written request for accommodation should be addressed
to the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits, Attn: HQ Requests, 1901 Chestnut Avenue,
Glenview, Illinois 60025.
Please have your request to the General Board by the end of August to allow enough time for review
before the end of the HQ incentive time period (September 30). Plan accordingly; if your request
is not approved, you will be responsible for completing the HQ by September 30, 2014—or the higher deductible
will apply in 2015.
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General Board of Pension and Health Benefits, 1901 Chestnut Avenue, Glenview, Illinois 60025, 1-800-851-2201, www.gbophb.org