AUD 622: Medical Audiology Exam 3 Study Guide Ramkissoon This is a guide to the test. Not everything on this list will be on the examination necessarily, and there might be questions on the examination that do not appear on this list. 1. List 5 types of medical imaging techniques 2. What problems are experienced when standard radiography is used? 3. Why, when, and how are contrast products used with imaging techniques? 4. Discuss the role of MRI in neurootology, focus on: a. purpose of MRI b. Advantages and disadvantages of MRI c. Contraindications to use of MRI d. List 3 conditions/situations when MRI is preferred e. Contrast MRI with CT by listing 3 conditions/situations when CT is preferred 5. What is the difference between benign and malignant tumors? 6. common sites of origin for acoustic neuroma (AN) 7. epidemiology of AN by age and gender 8. What is the difference between AN and NF-2? 9. How are AN and NF-2 related? 10. name the 3 stages through which the AN progresses 11. what key symptoms suggesting AN are present at each of the 3 stages? 12. list the 3 most common auditory symptoms that accompany AN 13. describe the expected audiologic test results with AN, include: a. audiogram symmetry and laterality of hearing loss b. speech audiometry (3 different tests)\ c. acoustic reflex threshold test d. ABR e. ENG – calorics 14. how is ABR vs. MRI used to diagnose AN? 15. what factors relate to decision to wait on surgery (observation) for AN? 16. when is destructive surgery (translabyrinthine approach) considered for a patient with AN? 17. in hearing preservation surgery (for AN), which approach uses a. craniotomy? b. craniectomy? c. dime-sized burr hole behind the mastoid? 18. which is the most common site/location for brainstem neoplasms? 19. explain binaural fusion deficits seen in brainstem tumors. AUD 622: Medical Audiology Exam 3 Study Guide Ramkissoon 20. why might a brainstem tumor be inoperable? 21. Which regions (lobes) of the cortex shows audition effects? 22. Which cortical lobe shows greatest audition effects? 23. Which cortical hemisphere shows greater auditory deficits? Why? 24. list three (3) communication deficits that a person might experience if they had multiple sclerosis with temporal lobe involvement 25. be able to recognize clinical examples based on any of the 6 central auditory deficits (discrimination, closure, localization, etc.) 26. what is auditory neuropathy? 27. what is central deafness? 28. how will drugs/medical treatment help a person with central auditory deficits? 29. what are the differences between Vestibular Dizziness and Non-Vestibular Dizziness? 30. list neurologic symptoms (CNS involvement) that might accompany dizziness 31. what type of nystagmus is almost always associated with vertigo? 32. list 3 ways in which vertigo is managed medically. 33. discuss in detail medical treatment of vertigo due to Meniere’s disease (5 points) 34. surgical management of vertigo leads to different degrees of relief: a. What % relief from vertigo is obtained with endolymphatic shunt surgery? b. Which surgical procedure does not provide long-term control of vertigo? c. In what % of cases is hearing preserved following vestibular nerve section? 35. What is removed during a labyrinthectomy? 36. name 2 conditions that result in the formation of endolymphatic hydrops 37. what is vascular loop? 38. how is labyrinthine fistula treated? 39. Is an acoustic neuroma usually associated with vertigo or unsteadiness? 40. why is the endolymphatic sac the most immunoactive part of the inner ear? 41. symptoms of Autoimmune Otologic disorders often mimic which disease? 42. name a common medical treatment/drug for Autoimmune Otologic disorders