Earthworm 07.05.14 Name Partner Date Hour Earthworms(Lumbricusterrestris) arerepresentative animalsof thephylumAnnelida. Examiningexternaland internalstructuresof an earthwormwill revealsomemajor annelidcharacteristics. Lumbricusis an excellentanimal for studybecauseof its body organization.An earthworm is a segmented animal. Its body plan consistsof many (annellus rings means"ring" in Latin). Eachsegment,or ring, of anearthwormis numberedin sequence from anteriorto posteriorend. Organscanbe locatedby finding theparticularsegments they areknownto be in. An earthworm"map"lists the locationof each organor structureby segmentnumber. Give the scientificnamefor the earthworm: Namethephylumto which the earthwormsbelong: Describethe origin of the phylumnirme: Tell how the organsare locatedin the earthworm: Membersof thephylumAnnelidaarethe mostcomplexof theworms. Thebodiesof annelidsconsistof marrysegments, or sections.In annelids,themouthis locatedbetweenthe fust andsecondsegments that form the prostomium.Coveringeachsegmentis a thin cuticlethat is secretedby the epidermis.Eachsegmenthasa ring of circularmuscle that enablesthe segmentto elongate.Beneaththis muscleareseveral bandsof longitudinalmusclesthat shortenandthicken.Thesemuscles andbristlelikestructureson the surfaceof the annelidaid in movement. Betweenthe body wall andthe digestivetract is a cavity calledthe coelom.The annelidcirculatorysystemis well developed.Aortic arches pumpbloodwithin the blood vesselsto all partsof abovethe esophagus the body.Pairednephridiaremovewastesfrom the annelid.Thenervous systemconsistsof a pail of gangliaextendingventrallyfrom thebilobedbrainbelowthe esophagus and joining to becomethe ventralnervecord.In the earthworm,a typical annelid,the reproductivesystemis morecomplexthanotherannelids.Althoughthe earthwormcontainsmaleandfemalereproductiveorgans, it cannotfertilizeits own eggs.Instead, the earthwormmustexchangespermcellswith anotherearthworm. Tell wheretheprostomiumis located: Tell wherethe cuticle is found: Tell wherethe coelomis located: Tell whatit meansif an organismhasa coelom: Namethe "hearts"the earthwormusesto pumpbloodthroughits closedcirculatorysystem: Tell whatnephridiado: ExternalAnatomy Line a waxeddissectingpaqwith a singlesheetof foldednewsprint. Obtaina preservedearthwormspecirnen, rinseit thoroughlywith waterto removeexcesspreservative, and placeit in thepan. Locatetheclitellum,a thick bandlocatedaboutone-thirdthe lengthof thebody. The anteriorendis the end closestto theclitellum,the otherendis theposteriorend. Locatethe anteriorandposteriorendof your specimen.Also locatethe dorsal(back)andventral(belly) surfacesof the earthworm.Thedorsalsurfaceis darkerandmoreroundedthan the ventral surface. How manysegmentsare locatedbetweenthe anteriorend andthe clitellum? How doesthedorsalsurfaceof the earthwormdiffer from the ventralsurface? Tagthe following structuresusingdissectingpins andpapertags. (Call your instructorwhenyou havethe tagsin placesothe locationof eachpart canbe verified. While waiting,you canreadahead,but tagonly ONE sectionat a time.): clitellum, anteriorend,posteriorend,dorsalsurface,ventralsurface.verified Gentlyrub your fingeroverthe ventralsurfaceandalongthe sidesof the earthworm.Rub from theposterior endto theanteriorend. Repeatthe sameprocedurefrom the anteriorendto the posteriorend. The "sandpaper" you feel aresharpbristlesarecalledsetae.Eachsegmentof the earthwormhasfour pairsof setaethatareusedfor tractionin locomotion.If you haveeverseena bird try to pull an earthwormout of the ground,you havewitnessedthe effectiveness of the setae-they lock the earthwormin the soil. How manysetaearelocatedon eachsegment? Find theprostomium,or lip, which coversthe mouthat the anteriorend.The earthwormusesthis lip asa bettering-ram asit makesa tunneltbroughthe soil. At theposteriorendof the earthworm,locate the anus. The earthwormis unusualin that the "food" (soil) that goesin the mouthis actuallycleanerthenit comes out of the anus. "Difiy soil" goesin, "cleansoil" comesout-the earthwormdigestsusablematerialin the process. Many structuresin the earthworrncanbe locatedby countingsegments.Countingstartsat the anteriorend with segment1. (Seethe diagrambelow.) Usea handlensto locatethe following structures:the openings to the seminalreceptacles in segments9 and 10;theopeningsto the oviductsin segment14;andthe openings to thespermductsin segment15. On the figurebelow,labelthe following structures:anteriorend,posteriorend,segments, setae,clitellurn, prostorniurn,mouth,anusandopeningsto the seminalreceptacles, oviducts,andspermducts. Tag eachof thesestructureson your earthworm:prostomium,anus,locationof the setae,location of the externalreproductivestructures verified pr oS\o trrrul6 Vas deferens Goodartistsaregoodobservers!Try your handat beinga goodobserverby drawingyour earthwormin the spacebelow. Put asmuchdetailinto your drawingasyou can. The diagramabovemight be of somehelpif this is newto you. Onceyou havecompletedyour drawing,labeltheprostomium,clitellum,andanus. Placeyourearthwormon thestageof a stereoscope. with someobservable Locatesomssegments setae. Usethecirclebelowasa field of view anddrawseveralof tlresegments showingthe setas.Don't forgetto add your magnification. X InternalAnatomy Placetheearthworm in thedissecting panwith its dorsalsurfaceup. Stretchouttheearttrwormand,with dissectingpins,pin both endsto thebottomof thepan. (A helpdiagramis foundon thp nextpageof this gufule It will helpyou thruughthe rtepsbelow. Studythe diagrambeforeyou beginthe dissection!) ksert a bladeof thescissorsat theposteriorendof theearthwormandslightlyto theright of ttredorsal bloodvessel.Thisbloodvesselruruundertheskinfromoneendof theearthwonn to theother.Cutalong thedorsalsurfacefrom theposteriorendto theanteriorendof theearthworm.Note: Only a shallowcut is n€ces$aty because the skin and muscksof the earthwormare vely thin. Keepthe sclssorsunderthe skinand parallelto the bottomof the pan. Afterevery10to 15segments, gentlyfoldbackthebodywall on eithersideandpin it to thepan. Placethe pinsat 15oanglessotheywill notinterferewith yourobservations. Notp:As youcontinuethis investigation, periodically bathetheearthworm with a few dropsof waterfroma dropperto preventthe earthwormfrom dryingout. As you cut noticetheseptqor thinmembranes, thatseparate eachsegment.Carefullycuttlroughthesepta to separate theinternalorgansfrontthebodywall. Theinternalorgansof theearthworm(andyou,for that fact)arelocatedin a largebodycavitycalledthecoelom. Theearthwormhasa truecoelom.Whatdoesthatmean? Verified F.C. q Posterior A. Placewormin tray,dorsalsideup. pin throughanteriorand posteriorsegment B. Liftskinwith forceps.Withscissorscut throughskin (otfcenter)to the anus. Do not damageinternalorgans. c. Withscalpelor tazo(,cut throughsepta on bothsidesof intestine,pin bodvwall to tray as shown. / D Cut throughclitellumtowardanteriorend. Severseptaand pin as shownin E. Seminalvesicles HELf Dorsal blood vessel Gizzard Suprapharyngeal n tr I 12 Buccal cavity rsl rnl \15 16 17 Testis oulrv I oviduct Lateral EsoPhageal seminai nerves Vas deferens iecepiactes"st"nos" seminal Ventral ventral nerve cord receptacle blood vessel / of Gangtla Suprapharyngeal ganglion Seminalreceptacle Esophageal"glands,' Testis Anteriorspermfunnel Ovary Posterior spermfunnel Vas deferens Egg funnel .. Oviduct Seminalvesicles septum Malegenitalpore Femalegenital Ventralnervecord Nephridium Segmentalganglion DigestiveSystem Locatethe mouth (alsocalledthe buccalcavity) on the ventralsideof segment1. Follow the path of the digestivesystemby locatingthe pharynxin segments2 through6, the esophagus in segments7 through 14,the crop in segments15 and 16,the gizzardinsegments18 and 19,andtle iitestine in segments20 to the anus. The earthwormhasa tube-within-a-tubebody structure.The innertube is the digestivetract. Food,in this case"dirty dirt" (soil with lots of organicmatter),is takenin by the mouth. The prostomium (the lip on the anteriorendthat is usedlike a batteringram asthe earthwormmovesthroughthe soil) moves to the sideto allow the soil to enterthemouth. The foodpassesinto thepharynx,thewidenedtubebehindthemouth. You alsohavea pharynx.....When you standat a mirror andopenyour mouthwide (go ah-h-h-h)thepharynxis the areayou seeat the backof your throat. From there,food travelsdown the narow esophagus to the crop. (In humans,the fodd alsotravelsdown the esophagus but it landsin the stomach.)The crop is a large,thin-walledstoragebag-chickens alsohavea crop. Justbelow the crop is the gizzard,a muscularstructurethat grindsthe food. Chickensalsohave gizzards that areusedfor grindingfood. Ifyou haveevereatena chicken gizzardyouknow how thick, toirgh,and muscularit is. Earthwormsandchickensusethe gizzardtogrind their food sincethey don't haveGeth. (Now you know why your mom wantsyou to chewyour food-you don't havea gizzard,,) The food is then digestedin the narrow intestine,which continuesto the posteriorendof the earthworm. Any undigested food is removedthroughthe anus.An interestingasideon earthwormdigestion.... Earthwormseat"dirty dirt" anddigestthe organicmaterialfor their use. Becauseof that,the materialthat leavesthe anusis technicallycleanerthanwhat goesin the mouth. The leftovermaterialshouldn'tbe called "cleandirt" becausethereis still undigestedorganicmaterialin it but it is interestingto notethat what goes in the earthworm'smouth is dirtier thanwhat comesout the anus. Give an alternatenamefor the mouth. What doesa "tube-within-a-tube"meanwhenreferringto the earthworm'sbody structure? why is the food that entersthe earthworm'smouthcalled"dirh, dirt"? Tell whattheprostomiumdoes. What is the functionof the esophagus? What is the functionof the crop? What is the functionof the gizzard? How do the crop and gizzardwork with eachother? What is the purposeof the intestine? Tell why (technically)the materialenteringthe mouth of an earthwormis dirtier that what leavesthe anus. l On the figurebelow,labelthe following structures:mouthpharynx,esophagus, crop,gizzard,andintestine. (Hint: Usethe segmentnumbersasa guidefor locatingthe organs.) Tagthe following: pharynx,esophagus, crop,gazud. intestine. Completed Cut into the intestines.Usea probeto removea sampleof the digestedfood andplaceit in a dropof water on a microscopeslide. Add a coverslip andview underthe compoundmicroscope.Draw a sampleof what you observein the spacebelow. kave your slidein placeandlet your instructorverify whatyou haveseen. x magnification Verified Respiratory System The earthwormhasno specializedorganssuchaslungsor gills to takein oxygen. Instead,oxygendiffuses throughits skin into its blood. The skin mustbe moist for oxygento moveacrossthe cell membranes-if the skin dries,theearthwormwill suffocate.Sincethe skin is the organof respirationin the earthwormthere areno otherorgansto locatefor this system. Explainhow respirationtakesplacethroughthe skin. What happensto an earthwormif its skin dries out? What happensto an earthworm,aftera big rain, whenthe soil is flooded? ) Muscular System The skin alsocontainsmuscles.Justinsidethe bodywall arethe circularmuscles,which go aroundeach segment.Underthesearethe longitudinalmuscles.Whenthe circularmusclescontract,they squeeze the longitudinalmuscles,muchlike a handsqueezingtoothpasteout of a tube. The squeezingelongates the longitudinalmuscles,which thencontractto shortenthe worm. The actionof thesetwo setsof muscles, togetherwith the setae,makesthe earthwonn'slocomotionfar moreefficientthanotherworms. How doesan earthwormmovethroughthe soil? 1. With thebody shortened, the earthwormlockshis posteriorbody setaeinto the wall of the burrow. The anteriorsetaearepulled into the body. This locksthe backendso it can't moveandfreesthe front end.2. Theearthwormuseshis musclesto eiongatethebody. Theprostomiumactsasa batteringram makinga newburrowthroughthe soil. 3. The earthwormthen lockshis anteriorsetaeinto placeandretractsthe posteriorsetae-this locksthe front endandfreesthe back end. 4. He onceagainshortenshis body bringingthe posteriorendforward. Thoughthe descriptionabovesoundssimple,it is actuallymuchmorecomplicated-just aswith walkingin you' In reality,the functionof the musclesandsetaeripple throughthebody in a highly organized manner. This is all coordinated by the nervoussystem. outline the four stagesusedby an earthwormto movethroughthe soil: l. 2. 3. 4. Circulatory System The earthwormhasa closedcirculatorysystem,asdoesthe human. Blood is pumpedaroundthebody in blood vessels.Thebloodabsorbsdigestedfood from the intestineandoxygenfrom the skin anddelivers themto bodytissues. The bloodvesselsextendthe entirelengthof the worm.Thedorsalvesselis the majorpump,movingthe blood from theposteriorendto the anteriorendof the wonn. You may find this vesselin the skin flap of the worm on thedorsalsurface.The easiestplaceto locatethevesselis whereit crossesthe crop and, gazard,. The ventralvessellies beneaththe organs.The two vesselsareconnectedby five aorticarches(sometimes called_"hearts"), which surroundthe esophagus. The "hearts"may be difficult to seeasthey arelocated behindtheesophagus. Namethe type of circulatorysystemfound in both the earthwormand the human: Give themajorcharacteristic of this system: Give the official rulme for earthworm .heafis,, The earthwormhasa circulatorysystemsuperiorto that of the lower animalsthat you havestudied. Explain why this is necessary. ? Iocate thethin dorsalblood vesselthat extendsthe lengthof the earthworm. Find the five pairs of aortic archesthat surroundthe esophagusin segments7 through 11.Whenthe muscularwallsof the archescontract,they act as "hearts"thatpumpblood throughthe earthworm. Usinga straightteasingneedle,lift up a sectionof the intestinenearthe posteriorendof the earthworm. locate theventralbloodvesselandthe aorticarchesthatconnectthe dorsalandventralblood vessels. In the figurebelow,labelthe following pafts:dorsalbloodvessel,aorticarches,andventralbloodvessel. Tagthe following: blood vessel(your choice,dorsalor ventral),aorticarches Verified FlontrndsidEmugfholr cf rn carthnorm, "l've beentold you dont like my dift!" ID NervousSystem The earthwomthasa ganglionmassthat seryesasits brain.It appearsasa smallwhitemassof tissuejust abovethepharynx.Thebrainis connectedto the ventralneryecord,which extendsthe lengthof theworm. To seetheventralnervecord,dissectout a pieceof intestineabout4 cm long. The nervecordappearsasa white threadalongthe ventralbody wall. You might seethe ventralblood vesselabovethe nervecord. locate thetwo-lobed"brain"that appearsasa smallmassof white tissuein segment3. Usinga straightteasingneedle,lift up the pharynxandpart of the esophagus.l,ocatethe white ventral nervecordthatextendsalongthe ventralsurfaceof the earthwormfrom segment3 to the lastsegment. Two neryespassaroundthe esophagus andconnectthe brainto the ventralnervecord. Locatea smallganglion,or massof nervecells,that is attachedto the ventralneryecordin eachsegment. Thebrainis actuallytwo slightly largerganglia. Give the official namefor the earthworm'sbrain. Namethemajorneryethat extendsthe lengthof the worm. On thediagrambelow,labelthe ganglionandventralneryecord... Tagthe following: ganglion,ventralnervecord Verified Excretory System Eachsegmentof the earthwormhasits own organsof excretion-thenephridia.The nephridiaserveassmall kidneys,removingwasteproductsfrom theblood andbody fluids. The nephridiaappearassmallwhite coiledtubeson eachsideof the digestivetract,nearthebody walls.You rnayneedto usea handlensto locatethem. What is the function of the nephridia? Usinga straightteasingneedle,lift up the digestivesystemnearthe centerof the earthworm.Locatethe nephridia,or smallwhite coiledtubes,lyingagainstthe lateralwalls of the earthworm.Usea handlensto examinethesestructures.The nephridiumopensinto the coelom,runs throughthe body wall, andendsin an excretorypore. Eachsegmenthasa pair of nephridiaexceptfor the first threesegmentsandthe last segment. It ReproductiveSystem The earthwormis hermaphroditic--it hasboth maleandfemalereproductiveorgans.The seminalvesicles; which storesperm,arethreepairsof white sac-shaped The structureson eachsideof the esophagus. seminalreceptacles, which receivespermduringmating,aretwo pairsof smallwhite roundstructures nearthevesicles.Testes,which producesperm,andovaries,whichproduceeggs,lie underthe seminal vesiclesandwill probablybe difficult to see. What is the major characteristicof a hermaphrodite? What is the functionof the seminalvesicles? What is the functionof the seminalreceotacles? l-ocatethe seminalvesiclesin segments9 through13of the earthworm.The seminalvesiclesconsistof threelobeson eithersideof the esophagus.The spermcellsarestoredin theselobesuntil they are transferredto anotherearthwormduring mating. In segments 9 and 10,locatethe two pairsof smallseminalreceptacles.Theseorgansreceiveandstore spermcellsfrom anotherearthwormduringmating. Usinga handlens,attemptto locatethe two pairsof smalltestesin segments10 and,11 andthe smallpair of ovariesin segment13. , In the diagrambelow,labelthe nephridium,seminalvesicles,seminalreceptacle, testes,andovaries. Tagthe locationof anyreproductivegland. Verified Earthwormsduring mating: IZ How doesthe dorsalsurfaceof an earthwormdiffer from the ventral surface? Whatdo you febl whenyou run your finger alongthe outsideof thb earthworm? What doesthe prostomiumdo? Describetheclitellum: What is the function of the crop in the digestivesystem? What is the function of the guzard in the digestivesystem? Explain: Is the circulatorysystemof an earthwonnopenor closed? What aregangliaand wherearethey located? Comparethe functionof the seminalvesiclesandseminalreceptacles: "Soy, Anlhony, thls looks llke o pleosont lltile ploce'" r3 EARTHW@RNfi: 'I Sl SEGMENT NEPHR[D[@P@RE' F@RE. SEnfl"REGEPTAGLE F@RE' @V[DU@T SPERnflDUGTP@RE. M@UTH* tsUGGALGAVITY ULBU#JlEr t{:t | il|t=il | ililtlvil^ \:/t=u uvuu u L=IL=E\:/ PHARVNX, ESOPHAGUS* GROP' GIZZARD* INTESffiNEo ANAL F@RE' /.1 EARTHW@RNfi: D@RSALVIESSEL HEART' GEREBRALGANGLI@NO D@RSAL SURFAGR VENTFOLATEMT NERVEGORD/ GANGL[@NO l: EARTHW@RNflg GUT[GLE^ EP[DERM[S, NflUSGLE. GIRGULAR. L@NGITUDINALO SETARETRAGT@R. GOEL@Mc,,- LUNfiEN*' VESSELS. DORSAL, L@G@M@T[@N NERVEG@RDO NERVE, SENSE@RGAN. Y/. iv