PRAYER MINISTRY We will keep a prayer request name on our list for 30 days. It’s time to resubmit your requests if it was made on April 19. The Prayer Request forms (yellow colored) are located in the narthex and in the cross roads. Please inform the church office of births, deaths, weddings, etc. Please remember with your prayers this week of May 13: Steve Blalock (CMC Main), Ann Stover (CMC - Main), David McClure, Esther Ungerer, Barbara Pfau, Bob Patterson (Jesse Helms Center), Anne Morris, Bob Sullivan, Aaron Johnson, Charlie Sanders, Katrina & Charlie Sturgis, Belinda Thompson, Mary Ann Lee, Elsie Clements, Bob Bodnar, Chuck Anderson, Sara Stewart, Dallas Rollins, Caroline Faith Baucom, Barbara Murray, Jo & Julian Bell, Harold Medlin, Frank Hunley, Marlene Carpenter, Pat Finlay, Lee Fowler (Jack & Nan Thomas' daughter), Barbara Odom (Linda Deese's sister), Evan Drake (request submitted by Elaine Hall), Jeff Davis (Judy Sanders' cousin), Jonathan Mackay (son of Bill & Jeanne Mackay), Lorrie Merchant (Ann Richardson's daughter), Gordon & Linda Suhré (friends of Kevin Rogers), Larry Tornai (Bob Sullivan's sister's husband), Sam McInnis (son of Susan McInnis), Roger Millward (Philip's father), Becky Gotlieb (Virginia Duncan's sister), Connie Duncan (Fred Duncan's mother), Mark Eagle, Jimmy Cox (friend of Charlie & Judy Sanders), Jason Hill (son of Rich and Carol Hill), sympathy to Jo Bell (upon the death of her sister, Mary Lee Brooks of Macon Georgia), sympathy to Frank Elliott (upon the death of his sister, Christine Callis). Carriage Club: Linda Lewis Cypress: Marge Plyler, Betsy Griffin Monroe Square: Patty Norwood Jesse Helms Center: Bob Patterson Plantation Estates: Tom & Betty Lathan, Bob Johnston, Virginia Bjorlin, Mary Ann Lee, Frank & Virginia Carpenter South Island: Bonnie Price (2902 South Island Rd., Georgetown SC 29440) Southminster: Helen Huntley, Corinne Eubanks Rehab & Nursing Center: John Secrest Waltonwood Providence: Molene Turner 5039 Providence Country Club Dr. Apt. 2016, Charlotte, NC 28277 Woodridge Assisted Living: Ann Niven, Nancy Snyder Woodridge Village: Helen Winchester, Betty Harkness, Richard & Phyllis Tuttle, Dot Moyer MILITARY PRAYER LIST Our Military Troops, Kent Frey, Brian Kindley, Van McCoy, Chip Medlin, Josh Secrest, Robert Lathan, Steven Cook, Matthew Farmer, Johnny Piggot, Jeremiah O’Leary, Austin Hancock, David Keller, James Lindler, Adam Nifong, Dorothy Arturs, Tyler Harrill, Matt Colee, Timothy Killough, Alex Alvord, Joseph Pryor, Nicholas Barnett, Cory Lofton, Sasha Rutizer, Caarlo Hietala, Patrick Bacher, Jacob Mazur, John Land, Mark Parks, Andrea Cheyne, Melvin Melton, Phil Pressley, Tony Pellegrini, Justin Selvaggio, Steven Cheyne, Brian Ingram, Andrew Forsyth, Brian Ingram, Ernest A. Youhouse III, Helicia Fish, James Mackay, Geoffrey O’Neill, Jessie Gordon, Robbie Conn, Nico Rich, Christopher Ford, Tyler Allred, Ben DeMeyere, Ethan Mears, Jamey Rumbold CENTRAL’S NEWS Central United Methodist Church, Monroe, NC WELCOME VISITORS! We're glad you're with us today! For all those interested in exploring church membership call Rev. Laura Hamrick at 704-289-3186 or email her at If you are online you may visit us at: SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER May 17, 2015 FIRST LESSON: Psalm 1:1-6 SECOND LESSON: Acts 1:15-17, 21-26 SERMON: "When You Are Chosen" PREACHING: Rev. George M. Freeman STEPHEN MINISTERS - Elsie Clements, Chuck Anderson FIRST TIME BREAD DELIVERY MINISTRY Susan McInnis (Bread Deliverer for May 17) HOSPITALITY VOLUNTEER: May 17 Tour Guide: Sylvia Jenkins Visitor's Booth: David Jenkins ADULT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! The Union County Supervised Visitation program is looking for more volunteers. If you can volunteer to help, please call Bill Mackay at 704283-4824 or email Bill: A NEED FOR PROCTORS Benton Heights Elementary School of the Arts is in need of End of Grade test proctors! A proctor is a person who aids in actively supervising students while they are testing, as well as passing out and collecting testing materials. The time frame of testing on all days is 7:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m. The main testing dates are 5/21, 5/22, 5/27, 5/29, and 6/2. You must be an approved UCPS volunteer. If you are not yet an approved volunteer, you may apply online on the Union County Public Schools website. This process takes approximately two weeks. If you are willing to help on any day or all days please contact Kelly Stegall at 980-3284956. Please consider helping! Thanks! Jeffery Stout, Assistant Principal Benton Heights Elementary School of the Arts (BHESA) KIDZ BIZ.. For those of you who like to plan ahead, please put June 21st through the 25th on your calendars for Vacation Bible School! For current information on all children’s ministries activities, go to Questions about children’s ministries? Contact Mary Ann Burns, 704-289-3186, OUR FAITHFULNESS TITHES & OFFERINGS Week ending May 10, 2015 Week Year-to-Date Budget $16,152 $306,888 Actual $11,146 $283,693 Difference ($5,006) ($23,195) SPIRITUAL GIFTS INVENTORY Reminder! If you have not completed the Spiritual Gifts Inventory, you may pick up a copy in the narthex or in the Crossroads. Please complete it as soon as possible and return to the box in the Crossroads. Your Godgiven gifts are important! UNITED METHODIST WOMEN'S NEWS AND CIRCLE MEETINGS! The New Beginning Circle will meet Monday, May 18 at 6:30 p.m. in the hospitality room (room 121). They will host The House of Pearls for a special meal and a social evening that includes a presentation from their director. Reservations required and a sign-up sheet for covered dishes will be at the crossroads. The Grace & Mercy Circle will meet Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Dale Ann Plyler, 2511 Dellwood Drive, Monroe. The Ruth Circle will meet Friday, May 22 at 7:00 p.m. for a social meeting (away). NEW MEMBER SUNDAY—May 24, 2015 Have you been thinking of joining Central? We’d love to have you! We’ll receive new members at all three services on Pentecost Sunday, May 24. Call Rev. Laura Hamrick at 704-289-3186 if you would like to join. UPCOMING EVENTS Sunday, May 17 7:45 -Confirmation Breakfast, 8:45 - Contemporary Service in Central Hall, 8:50 -Casual Service in Chapel, 11:00 Traditional Worship Service in the sanctuary, 3:00 Youth Parent Meeting in the Senior High room, 5:30 -Potluck Dinner / Cake Auction in FLC, Monday, May 18 6:30 New Beginning Circle in the hospitality room, Tuesday, May 19 - 10:00 - Columbarium and Prayer Garden meeting in the church library, 6:15 Spiritual Formation meeting in room 114, 6:30 -Starnes Scholarship Committee meeting in the church library, 4:00-7:00 Relay for Life meeting in Central Hall, Wednesday, May 20 10:00 Soul Food in 121, 10:00 WCM Project Team meeting in 106, 6:30 -Grace & Mercy Circle meeting, 6:30 SPPRC meeting in the church library, 6:30 - Girls Youth Bible Study @ Shannon King's house, 7:30 Chancel Choir rehearsal, Thursday, May 21 6:30 -Missions Team meeting, 7:00 Union Big Book Group, 7:00 FA Group, Friday, May 22 Church office closed on Fridays, 7:00 Ruth Circle, Saturday, May 23 10:30 -Praise Band rehearsal UNITED METHODIST MEN'S NEWS Thanks to all who contributed to our treasury. We have over $1,800. This will go a long way in helping needy members of our church and community. If you know of needs, please let Mike Shelton, Debbie Deese, or Mitchell Tyson know. Some churches have a group called a Go Ye Club. When needs are identified money is taken from the Go Ye Club kitty. Go Ye members contribute $1 per month. If you are interested in participating in this type of club, let Mitchell Tyson know. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR CONTEMPORARY SERVICE The Central UMC Audio/Visual Department is looking for volunteers to assist in the operation of all sound, video and computer generated graphics at the 8:45 Contemporary Service. This will involve learning the set up and operation for all sound equipment involving the Praise Band and video projection for the children’s sermon. Computer operators will learn the Pro Presenter application and prepare song/liturgical slides/ and download videos for use at the beginning of the service. Techs will be needed to man and operate this technology during the service. Training will be provided. It is our goal to set up a rotation on a month to month basis. All those who are interested are encouraged to talk to Jim O’Dell, Rich Hill (Audio), or Rena McGee Helms (computer) for more information. 2015 CONFIRMATION CLASS Kenny Brown, Shelby Goforth, Sidney Goodwin, Caroline Hargett, McKenna King, Sarah Pigg, Will Snuggs, Andrew Young CRISIS ASSISTANCE MINISTRY NEEDS LIST 1333 W. Roosevelt Blvd., Monroe, NC 28110 704-225-0440 FOOD PANTRY Boxed Meals Canned Meats Canned Soups Canned Vegetables Peanut Butter and Jelly Cereal / Oatmeal Rice / Grits Sugar / Flour / Corn Meal Crackers Fruit Juices and Fruit Cups Paper Towels / Toilet Paper Spaghetti noodles and sauce / Macaroni / Pasta Cake and Cookie mixes / icing Snack items (Granola Bars, Energy Bars, etc.) MISCELLANEOUS Dishwashing Detergent Gift Cards (Food / Gas) Heavy duty paper bags or boxes (to carry food) Laundry Detergent / Softener PERSONAL CARE ITEMS Body Lotion Combs / Brushes Deodorant Disposable Razors Mouthwash Shampoo / Conditioner Soap / Body Wash Toothpaste / Tooth Brushes SUPPLIES FOR CAM OFFICE *Address labels, Boxes of Kleenex, *Computers and Computer Software, *Copiers, Copy Paper, Folders / 3 ring binders / hanging file folders, Paper and Binder Clips, Pens, Pencils, Printers, Staplers, Staples *Please call for specific needs. LITERACY COUNCIL We seek compassionate volunteers. We need volunteers (18 and older) who are patient and encouraging to teach adults to read. Training provided; in-service tutors show you the ropes. Become an Adult Literacy Tutor! Phone number and email at Literacy Council 101 (orientation) scheduled monthly. Visit us at 105-A East Jefferson Street, Monroe, NC Tutoring sites are at libraries, churches, and businesses throughout Union County. SHARE BACK FOR MAY Share Back for May: Items for the Salkehatchie Mission Trip The workers at Salkehatchie will need re-energizing as they work. They eat the following snacks on the work site and then leave the leftovers for the homeowner: Bottled Water, Gatorade regular or powdered, Nuts, Cheese or Peanut Butter Crackers, Trail Mix, Granola and Protein Bars. Also they need: Bug spray or dryer sheets to repel mosquitoes and gnats, and sunscreen. NEEDED: TONS OF PRAYER FOR THIS TEAM OF WORKERS Did You Hear? Central's Famous Cake Auction is Back! Come join us for the most talked about Cake Auction in town! On Sunday, May 17 we will be hosting a potluck dinner, followed by the Cake Auction. Dinner starts at 5:30 p.m. in the Family Life Center, with the auction immediately following. All proceeds from this year's Cake Auction will benefit the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life of Union County. Come one, come all! Grab your neighbors and your friends. Cook your favorite dish, or pick one up from your favorite store! Enjoy some great fellowship and then bid on some fabulous sweet treats! If you'd like to donate a cake, please contact Lissell Currie at 704.989.5407 or at