Molonglo Valley Development - ACT Planning and Land Authority

August 2012
Molonglo Valley Development
Molonglo Valley is situated within approximately
7.5–15 kilometres west of Canberra’s city centre and
follows the lower reaches of the Molonglo River (refer
Figure 1). It lies to the west of the Tuggeranong Parkway,
between Belconnen and Weston Creek, and to the east of
the Murrumbidgee River corridor at its confluence with
the Molonglo River. Mount Stromlo Forest Park lies to the
south-west. To the north-east of Molonglo Valley area is the
National Arboretum. Molonglo Valley was first identified as
urban capable in The Canberra Spatial Plan (2004).
The ACT Government envisages Molonglo Valley as
manifesting the wider vision for Canberra set out in the
Territory Plan “… a beautiful, healthy city that is managed
carefully to retain valued natural and cultural features,
a setting that profoundly influences the achievement
of human well being.” The Territory Plan itself, and, as
components of it, the Statement of Strategic Direction
and Molonglo and North Weston Structure Plan, all give
detailed guidance on sustainable development principles
and how they are to be adopted in planning and
development work in the Molonglo Valley.
Molonglo Valley:
a future home for 55,000 people
The Molonglo Valley is the ACT’s largest land release area
and will accommodate as estimated population of 55,000
people. The planning and land release is occurring in
three stages (refer Figure 2):
• Stage 1 includes the suburbs of Coombs, Wright
and North Weston. Planning is completed and
development of this stage has commenced.
• Stage 2 is currently being planned and aims to
accommodate up to 18,000 people and the principal
commercial centre for the district.
• Stage 3 is scheduled for development in 10+ years.
Figure 2: Molonglo Valley development staging
Location of
proposed stage
2 group centre
ACT Government Environment and Sustainable Development
Figure 1 – Molonglo Valley location
ACT Government Environment and Sustainable Development
Molonglo Valley Stage 2:
development of the group centre
Current Stage of Planning In Molonglo
Valley Stage 2
Planning for Molonglo Valley stage 2 is underway.
After extensive community consultation and through the
community forums, a planning and design framework
(PDF) for Molonglo Valley stage 2 was approved in
April 2012. The PDF sets the general location of land
uses and a proposed layout for the whole of stage 2 to
accommodate a total future population of approximately
18,000 people.
A concept design for the group centre and surrounding
residential areas is currently underway. A consultant
team was engaged in late 2011 to prepare a design-led
sustainable development strategy for the group centre
and environs to integrate with the adjacent Molonglo
River Park. A preferred structure plan layout has been
prepared (refer Figure 3).
The PDF will be further developed for the more complex,
publicly important group centre and environs in stage 2
which aims to accommodate 7,000-9,000 people.
This will be done through a concept plan that recognises
the need for the provision of affordable housing in a
compact, sustainable and high quality design outcome
and ensures the success of the centre. This work will be
undertaken in 2012–13.
Community engagement
The planning of stage 2 is supported by a community
engagement program. Community forums were held in
March and June 2011 and also in April 2012. A report of
community engagement for the Molonglo Valley stage
2 is available at:
Figure 3: Group Centre and Environs –
preferred layout May 2012
Group Centre Study
The consultancy study for the Molonglo Valley’s principal
commercial (group) centre located in stage 2 is due for
completion in late 2012. Environment and Sustainable
Development Directorate will prepare a concept
plan based on this study and once completed, will be
given effect through a Territory Plan variation process
commencing in 2013.
Other projects in Molonglo Valley
Molonglo River Park Draft Concept Plan – has been
prepared and is going through the government approvals
process. The relationship and physical interface between
the group centre and environs and the river corridor
will be a key feature of delivery of both the River Park
Concept Plan and the concept plan for the Molonglo
Valley stage 2 group centre and environs.
Molonglo Valley Plan for the Protection of Matters of
National Environmental Significance (The NES Plan)
– The NES Plan was endorsed by Tony Burke MP, on 7
October 2011. In December 2011, the Commonwealth
Minister approved all actions associated with urban
development, as described in the NES Plan. This includes
infrastructure, services and construction within the
assessment area. The matters of national environmental
significance are Box-Gum Woodland, Natural Temperate
Grassland, Pink-tailed Worm Lizard, Superb Parrot and
Swift Parrot.
The ACT Government has committed to the NES Plan and
its associated actions being audited by an independent,
third party expert, every five years for 30 years. In
addition, ACT environmental approvals under the
Planning and Development Act will also be required.
The Commonwealth and ACT approvals will permit the
development of the area to proceed and accommodate
55,000 people.
ACT Government Environment and Sustainable Development