ROUND THE WORLD RACE NON STOP TWO CREW 3rd EDITION – 2014/2015 NOTICE OF RACE INCLUDING AMENDMENTS Start on 31st December 2014 of Barcelona Organizing Authority: Fundació Navegació Oceànica Barcelona (FNOB) Real Federación Española de Vela (RFEV) Open to IMOCA monohulls NOTICE OF RACE 2 SUMMARY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. (version 30th Dic) Definitions Rules Appointment of committees Advertising Eligibility Entries Crew Identification Weather and tracking Boat Inspections Race Course Entry procedure Qualifications Race image and trademark Medical assistance Results and prizes Prizes Trophies for ocean records Obligations before the start and after the finish Compulsory crew attendance in Barcelona Responsibility and Liability Barcelona World Race ambassadors Special events 4 5 8 8 9 10 11 11 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 17 18 18 18 19 20 20 APPENDIX 1 – APPLICATION FOR ENTRY APPENDIX 2 – PROGRAM APPENDIX 3 – STATEMENTS OF ACCEPTANCE OF THE NOTICE OF RACE • • • • Appendix non routing certificate Acceptance of the fundamental rule 4 RRS Appendix-statement certifying non-programming technical stops Appendix-Certificate of qualification 21 33 34 35 36 37 APPENDIX 4 – MEDICAL AND SAFETY MATTERS • Personal file to be filled in by each crew member • Medical training course content • Survival at sea training course content 38 40 42 APPENDIX 5 – COMMUNICATION APPENDIX 6 – CONTACTS APPENDIX 7 – ANTARTIC EXCLUSION ZONE 43 52 54 NOTICE OF RACE 3 1.6. 1. DEFINITIONS Participant: It is formed by: 1.1. Notice of race • • • This document cancels and replaces any previous documents, in particular the preliminary Notice of Race. • • • • 1.2. Barcelona World Race The third edition of the Barcelona World Race will be run in 2014/2015. It will be a round-the-world non-stop, yacht race, reserved to crews entered on IMOCA Open 60’ monohulls. The Barcelona World Race may be referred to as « The Race » or « The BWR 2014 » in various official documents. 1.7. Rules means the rules included in point 2 of the Notice of Race 1.8. Crew The crew shall comprise two or three people. • 1.3. Organizing authority The Fundació Navegació Oceànica Barcelona (FNOB) is the organizing authority of the BWR 2014 with the Real Federación Española de Vela as co-organizer. • The Organizing Authority may be referred to as the «FNOB» or « The Organizer » in official documents. • 1.4. Times Times mentioned herein Barcelona times: UTC+1. shall be legal Times in the sailing instructions (SI) are given in UTC. 1.9. 1.5. Official means: (i) Members of Committee; the race Management (ii) Members of the Race Committee; (iii) Members of the Measurement Committee; (iv) Any person appointed by the Committees mentioned previously, and (v) Any other person or body involved in the organization or management of the event. Skipper Co-skipper Eventual substitute crew, in the event of the skipper appointing one Boat Sponsor(s), if any Team manager Shore team One skipper in charge of the crew, the boat and the participation of the whole in the BWR 2014. The skipper shall be in possession the qualifications required by the Notice of Race. One co-skipper Invited by the skipper for the whole of the course. The co-skipper shall be in possession the qualifications required by the Notice of Race. Substitute crew A yachtsman who may substitute either the skipper of the co-skipper in accordance with the various rules set out in this Notice of Race. It must accredit the same level of qualifications of the skipper and co-skipper. Sponsors All of the participant’s financial, logistic or technical partners. 1.10. Team manager Person ashore who liaises with race management and other departments of the organization. The team manager is the official representative of all the members comprising a « participant ». In the absence of the skipper, the team manager represents the participant. Except for the compulsory crew attendance events. 1.11. Shore team All of the people who act on behalf of the crew, the participant and the boat, ashore, before and during the race. The shore team is represented by the team manager. NOTICE OF RACE 4 1.12. Boat IMOCA Open 60’ boat with an IMOCA certificate issued by the IMOCA Class for the 2014/2015 edition of the race. receive any personalized outside assistance, nor may they benefit from any voluntary, recurrent or planned intervention which aims to improve their performance or that of their boat. 1.13. Technical stop They cannot therefore receive: The boat stop during the course to carry out technical repairs so that the crew can finish the race. A technical stop begins when the boat moors in a harbour or at anchor. In case of anchoring of the boat by its own means with no outside assistance, it will not be considered technical stop. 1.14. Questions asked by a skipper • Questions must be submitted in writing to : • Answers will be posted up on the Official Notice Board of the race. • • • Personalized meteorological assistance Outside assistance Personalized medical assistance with a view to improving their performance Telephone or e-mail contact between the crew and one or more people ashore shall be authorized in so far as the content of such contacts shall represent neither personalized meteorological, nor personalized medical assistance, with a view to improving performance of either the boat or the crew. In the event of damage requiring repairs to the boat, or in the event of an unforeseen medical incident arising which might alter the health of one of the crew members, advice at a distance provided by a third person shall not be considered as assistance. 1.15. Official Notice Board It will have two parts: • An Official Notice Board section on the official Barcelona World Race website RULES 2.1. The race shall be governed by rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) 2013 - 2016 2.2. The prescriptions of the Real Federación Española de Vela • An Official Notice Board located close to the boats in Barcelona from 12h00 on 12 December 2014. 2.2.1. RRS 89.1 (e) The RFEV prescribes that it is necessary its approval so that a non-affiliated body forms part of the Organising Authority 1.16. Members of the Technical Organisation The Organizer will delegate the organization of some areas of the race to different bodies such as: • • • • • 2.2.2. RRS 89.2 (a) The RFEV prescribes that the Notice and Sailing Instructions of the International regattas held in Spain must be approved by the RFEV A Race Management A Race Committee A Measurement Committee An International Jury A Medical Service 2.2.3. RRS 91 The RFEV prescribes that it is necessary its approval for the appointment of International Juries for the regattas within its jurisdiction. The approval will be notified in writing and must be posted on the ONB throughout the race. 2. RULES PREAMBLE: PRINCIPLES OF THE BARCELONA WORLD RACE The Barcelona World Race is a two-handed, nonstop, no assistance yacht race. 2.3. The rules of Maritime Circulation of the Port of Barcelona and the Capitania Marítima de Barcelona « No assistance » means that crews shall not NOTICE OF RACE 5 2.4. The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS) 2.5. IMOCA Class rules and safety regulations including the Offshore Special Regulations Category 0 (OSR) in modified form, as well as the IMOCA Championship rules. 2.6. The BWR 2014 is an official event of the IMOCA World Oceanic Championship, monohull IMOCA 60 events circuit. The race will have a coefficient 8 for the IMOCA Championship. 2.7. All participants must comply with the rules of their corresponding National Authority 2.8. There will be no appeal to the decisions of the International Jury 2.9. The race is classified as a “special event” in accordance with ISAF Rule 2.10. Personalised routing is totally forbidden « Routing » shall mean any external personalized indication, specially prepared or individualized for a single crew or group of crews, oblivious to the authorized meteorological information sources and enabling an understanding of the different meteorological situations and the choice of the course or courses options to follow or to avoid. A statement signed by each crew and by the team manager for the whole of the technical team, for the participant’s sponsors, certifying that this rule has been complied with will be requested at the start and after the finish of the race. The details of this rule shall be defined by the IMOCA and the Race Management Committee and will be issued via an amendment to this Protocol no later than July 2014, in the Sailing Instructions. 2.11. In accordance with rule the Organizing Authority will request prior consent in writing to ISAF so boats can display advertising chosen and supplied by the event’s Organising Authority on their mainsail. 2.12. The official language will be Spanish for all documents written by FNOB, the Race Management or the Race Committee. The Organisation will supply English and French version of such documents but the Spanish version shall prevail. Any other document governing the event shall prevail in its original language or the one determined by the document. 2.13. During the race, when at sea, crews shall have no physical contact with any other vessel or aircraft. The crew shall not receive supplies in any way whatsoever. Crews may make a technical stop, carry out repairs and, should it be necessary, receive outside assistance always in accordance with article 11.4 of the Notice of Race 2.14. The RRS (2013 – 2016) are changed as follows: 2.14.1 RRS Part 2 (WHEN BOATS MEET): It shall not apply between sunset and sunrise or in poor visibility. They are replaced by Part B (steering and sailing rules) of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea COLREGS. The following text is added to the COLREGS/RIPAM:” when a boat cannot be sure on what tack another boat is sailing, the first must remain separated from such boat”. 2.14.2 RRS 28.2 SAILING THE COURSE. Points a), b) and c) are deleted and replace by “rounds every mark or position by the prescribed side”. 2.14.3 RRS 29.1 (Individual Recall): Rule 29.1 is changed replacing “no later than 4 minutes” with “no later than the closing of the start line. 2.14.4 RRS 33 CHANGING THE NEXT LEG OF THE COURSE is deleted and replaced by “For safety reasons, the Race Committee can change the course while boats are racing by adequately communicating the change to all boats” 2.14.5 RRS 35 SCORES TIME LIMIT AND 2.14.6 RRS 41 OUTSIDE HELP. Point (a) is deleted and replaced by “assistance to a sick crew, injured or in danger”. 2.14.7 Deleted. 2.14.8 RRS 45 HAULING OUT, MOORING, ANCHORING, point NOTICE OF RACE 6 11 of this Notice of Race is changed 2.14.9 RRS 47 LIMITATIONS OF EQUIPMENT AND CREW Rule 47.2 is changed in article 7.1 of this Notice of Race 2.14.10 RRS 50.2 Spinnaker poles; Whisker poles : shall not apply 2.14.11 RRS 51 MOVABLE BALLAST: delete the first two sentences and replace it with: "Movement of weight with the aim of modifying trim or stability shall be authorized within the following limits: inside the boat, with the exception of the batteries, any other heavy elements which may damage the boat or injure the crew shall be firmly stowed permanently, except when they are moved. Food, safety equipment (except life rafts), deck gear and spare parts may be stowed in boxes and moved if they are soundly stowed. Sails can be moved around freely. Sail bags must not be able to retain water." 2.14.12 RRS 52 MANUAL POWER: Changed and the following is authorized: « boats are authorized to use power other than manual power to operate an automatic pilot. This power may also be used to fill and/or empty ballast and/or operate the keel orientation. » 2.14.13 RRS 54 (forestays and headsail tacks) : shall not apply 2.14.17 RRS 63 HEARINGS: changed in the Sailing Instructions. Hearings were held with the appropriated means of communication to the circumstances. 2.14.18 RRS 63.7 Conflict between the Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions. Add: “In case of conflict between rules that must be resolved before the International Jury decides a protest or request for redress, the International Jury will resolve the conflict with the fairest arrangement possible for all boats”. 2.14.19 Deleted. 2.14.20 RRS 88 NATIONAL PRESCRIPTIONS: First paragraph: ISAF has authorized the Organizing Authority to delete the second sentence which reads:” However, if boats will pass through the waters of one or more than one national authority while racing, the sailing instructions shall identify the prescriptions that will apply and when they will apply”. 2.15. Exceptional Circumstances The FNOB and the Race Management Committee can dictate specific compulsory rules for all participants in case if exceptional circumstances or that can put the participants in danger, changing any rules as necessary to confront the situation with the maximum safety and equity possible. The International Jury must be informed in writing. 2.14.14 RRS 60 RIGHT TO PROTEST: RIGHT TO REQUEST REDRESS OR ACTION UNDER RULE 69. Point 1 is changed so that a boat cannot protest for infringing any part of the Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions 2.14.15 RRS 61.1. INFORM THE PROTESTEE. Point (a) is changed adding “It is not necessary to display the red flag”. The protest procedure details will be specified in the Sailing Instructions. The rule is changed in article 16.2 of this notice of race. 2.14.16 Deleted. NOTICE OF RACE 7 3. APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEES The Organiser will appoint: 3.1 3.2 A Committee called Race Management Committee which will deal with the matters of definition of the event and will make the decisions regarding the management of the race. It wail be formed by a member of IMOCA, the BRW General Manager, the Race Manager and the president or a member of the International Jury. legislation. Each boat shall display the following boats marking: 4.2.1 • A Race Management that will manage the sport matters of the race and will do the follow up of the event. It will be formed by a minimum of three persons and it will be presided over by the Race Manager. Race Manager: Jacques Caraës R.M members: Guillaume Evrard and Hubert Lemonnier. 3.3 A Race Committee: Pere Sarquella 3.4 A Measurement Committee: President: David Moreno Members: Vicens Domenech Leo Sanchez de Soto 3.5 A Measurement CommiAn International Jury to be constituted in accordance with Appendix N and with the authorisation of the Real Federación Española de Vela and ISAF. Its composition will be posted on the ONB and its decisions shall be final. It will reply to the pertinent questions handed by competitors in writing. • It shall be affixed at 1/3 of the mast height measured from the deck and above the first reef. • A space of 0.50 m around the logo shall remain blank. • No other logo may be affixed in the horizontal band marking out the race logo. This space shall be reserved for the organizer. • In the event of a competitor wishing to affix a horizontal marking on his mainsail, the race logo marking zones must be complied with. Competitors will receive two sets of logos free of charge. Information about how to affix them will be provided and it will be compulsory compliance. 4.2.2 Main shrouds or backstay • 4.2.3 • Two advertising banners measuring 2.1m by 0.6 m each, printed on both sides will be displayed between the stanchions and the stern railing. One third of their surface will be made available to the organizer, a second third will display the IMOCA logo and the remaining third will display the name of the crew and their sponsors. • These advertising banners will be supplied by the organizer. Members: Raul Enriquez (ESP) David Brunskill (GBR) Lorenz Walch (GER) Jean-Bertrand Mothes-Massé (FRA) ADVERTISING 4.1. It will be a category C Advertising event. Boats must display on the mainsail the advertising chosen and supplied by the Event Organising Authority. 4.2. Compulsory boat markings Boat markings must comply with Spanish 4.2.4 One or two race flags with the race logo measuring 1.90m x 1.40m shall be displayed Guardrails fixed to the stanchions and push pits Chairman: Jordi Lamarca (ESP) 4. Mainsail: race logo The logo will be of a size of 7m2 (3,5 m width x 2 high) Forestay • A line of 5 flags measuring 2m by 2.5m each shall be displayed. Alternatively, two rectangular flags occupying the same surface area may be displayed. NOTICE OF RACE 8 • 4.3. Visibility during image shoots for image bank Whether the images are filmed by the competitor’s own video service provider or by the race video producer, all of the boats must display the following during filming planed and organized by the organisation. 4.4. images of their boat with these markings. These flags will be supplied by the organizer. • The Race logo on both sides of the mainsail as set out above. • Advertising banners to port starboard as set out above. • Race flags as set out above. 5. ELIGIBILITY 5.1 The Race is open only to IMOCA monohulls, as defined in the current IMOCA Class Rules. Each boat must be in possession of a valid IMOCA measurement certificate and must be in perfect racing conditions to sail the course. 5.2 The Organiser reserves the right to refuse or cancel a boat entry that does not comply with the obligations of the Notice of Race or the Safety regulations. 5.3 It may be compulsory to carry on board a mobile device provided by the Organiser to take photos to take photos of masses and oceanic environmental conditions, his functioning and the sending photos system will be specified in the sailing instructions the 30th September and in the briefing held in October. 5.4 It will be compulsory to carry a hydro generator or another renewable energy system and besides a main engine with a minimum guaranteed autonomy that meets the IMOCA rules in force. 5.5 It will be compulsory to carry on board an ARGOS beacon, supplied by the Organiser, with the collaboration of COI/UNESCO and organisation JCOMMOPS for the collection of scientific-environmental data to be thrown at sea at the time indicated in the Sailing Instructions. Argo’s beacon (ARVOR/PROVOR 2) once the final position has been agreed, it will be sealed until the moment to be thrown into the sea. The beacon’s final position will be agreed by the team and will always be inside the boat. 5.6 Boats must start with enough food to satisfy the needs of skippers throughout the race including possible technical stops and it is totally forbidden to throw it at sea, The Organiser may check such material. 5.7 Compulsory courses for the crew and Visibility in the harbour before the start and after the finish Boats must display the following when in the harbour of Barcelona: • A line of 5 flags along the forestay as set out above. • Advertising banners to port starboard as set out above. • Race flags as set out above. and In addition, participants may also display their own advertising materials as long as: 4.5. 4.6. • Whatever the form and size of this advertising material, it will be displayed • Only stern of the mast and under no circumstances prow of the mast. • An advertising sail stern of the mast may whose luff may not be larger than 15m and whose foot may not be larger than 6m. • They may be displayed from time to time but not permanently. Visibility at sea • The Race logo on both sides of the mainsail as set out above. • Port and starboard advertising banners and the race flags set out above when the boat is less than 25 miles from the shore: Barcelona, Strait of Gibraltar, and Cape Horn. Availability of images of the boat As soon as the compulsory markings supplied by the organizer have been made available to participants, they must distribute 5.7.1 Medical training course: Each member of the crew (skipper, coskipper and eventual substitute crew) must take a medical training course as set out in the ISAF Offshore Special Regulations (OSR), paragraph 6.05.02 for category 0 races: NOTICE OF RACE 9 • Validated in the last 5 years (ISAF standard) before the day on which the race starts. • Run by a training organization as follows : • ISAF approved, or by an ISAF Member National Authority • Or by a national authority of his country, or a continuing education organization, registered with a recognized educational authority providing emergency medical training for medical and paramedical professionals • Any request or entry form for application submitted after the deadline will be evaluated by the BWR Race Management Committee for possible acceptance. 6.2 Entry fee There shall be no entry fee for taking part in the Barcelona World Race. In addition, each member of the crew shall be required a rescue course diploma (ISAF paragraph 6.05) obtained in the last 5 years. • Participants shall be required to pay a deposit which will be reimbursed in full in accordance with the terms of article 6.5 • Furthermore, a fee shall be charged to cover administration costs Entry Applications shall include: • Administration costs (cheque or bank transfer) of 1,000 Euros (taxes not included) • The name of the skipper, co-skipper and the boat. These names may be changed at a later date 5.7.2 ISAF survival course In application of ISAF OSR guidelines (6.01), each member of the crew shall have undertaken a course in survival at sea: • • 6. This information must be handed to the FNOB no later than 30 October 2014. Carried out in a centre approved by the ISAF, by an ISAF Member National Authority or the national authority in his own country Carried out in the last 5 years before the day of the start An invoice can be issued upon request. 6.3 The entry documentation must compulsorily include all documents relating to the: ENTRIES • • • • The application for entry is attached to this notice of race. 6.1 Dates They must be complete, with the exception of the following: • Description of qualifications which must be completely finished (for crew and boat) by 11 December 2014 at 12.00 hours (local time). IMOCA Certificate issued for the race and which must be send to the FNOB no later than 1st od December 2014 In case of non-compliance of the terms set above, the Organizer may apply point 6.6 of this Notice of Race Crew Boat Sponsors Contacts Along with the following documents: Applications for entry must be iniciated (sent to the Organizer) no later than 30 October 2014 and shall be totally completed not later than the 1st of December 2014. • Entries • Various statements signed by the crew (See appendix of the BWR Notice of Race) • IMOCA measurement certificate • Documents confirming the obligations set out in article 13: o o o o o 6.4 skipper qualification co-skipper qualification crew qualification substitute crew qualification boat qualification Renounce to take the start of the race Withdrawals shall be made in writing and sent to the FNOB by recorded delivery post NOTICE OF RACE 10 with acknowledgement of receipt by midnight on 30 September 2014. 6.5 7.6 All crew members as well as any substitute crew member must be members of the IMOCA Class and up to date with its membership fees. 7.7 Third party liability insurances Reimbursement of the fees paid with the Entry application Administration costs (1,000 euros, taxes excluded) shall not be reimbursed. 7.7.1 6.6 Organizer’s refusal to allow a participant to take part 7.7.2 In accordance with the provisions of RRS 76, the organizer reserves the right to refuse an entry for failure to comply with one of the articles of this Notice of Race or for any other reason. The organizer’s decisions to be announced before 30 September 2014 shall be final and there shall be no right of appeal (RRS 76.1). 7. CREW 7.1. The crew must be formed by two crew members (one responsible member and another co-responsible member). One of the crew members entered may be replaced before the start by another one that has the same qualification required. Boats shall carry the same crew members on board throughout the race except that a crew can be replaced by s substitute crew due to a medical emergency established by the Race Medical Direction. In any case, only one crew replacement shall be authorized. 7.2. Crew members must each hold a valid passport which complies with their own national regulations and be valid until at least 31st May 2015. 7.3 Participants nationality must be declared in the application for entry 7.4 7.5 Each crew member’s application for entry shall include a copy of his sailing license or a document certifying membership of a national authority, or membership of a club or of another organization affiliated to his national authority for the years 2013 and 2014. All crew members must be over 21 years old at 12.00h on 31st December 2014. 7.7.3 7.7.4 All entries shall have third party liability insurance with a minimum guarantee cover of 3 million euros with validity up to 30 May 2015. Together with all the entry documents, evidence of such insurance must be provided in writing by insurance company accepted by the Organizer before 18.00h on 30 November 2014. The Organisation has its own Thirdparty Liability Insurance covering the normal risks of managing the Barcelona World Race, with a cover limit to be announced in a future date. As a consequence of this limitation, each Team must assure to have an adequate insurance to cover risks such as maritime rescue, independently of the insurance required (point 7.7.1) Each skipper shall hold an international coverage health insurance to cover any necessary medical assistance during all the race. 8. IDENTIFICATION 8.1. The identification numbers, advertising and boat name must comply with the IMOCA Class Rules as well as with the Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions. 9. WEATHER AND TRACKING 9.1 Beacons: The organizer shall supply each boat with a full set of beacons: • Boat positioning beacons • Safety beacons in addition compulsory safety equipment provided in the IMOCA yearbook. to as The organisation will provide each team with 2 MAR YI beacons and 1 MAR GE VR NOTICE OF RACE 11 capsize beacon to follow the tracking. Specifications and installation details will be communicated in the briefing scheduled in October 2014. Each participant is required to deposit a bond check for an amount of 3000€. Participants shall provide a deposit in the form of a cheque when the beacons are installed. The deposit will be returned upon the return of the equipment • Access to numerical and/or graphic information shall not be authorized if it not provided directly from an official body. • This information can be zipped as long as the zipping does not modify the contents. • The Race Management can request each participant to provide the supplier or suppliers it will use and the codes and passwords to be used to receive this information. A practical demo of the system can be required. • The Race Management can forbid a participant access to information considered contrary to the spirit of the rules governing the race. AIS must be operational transmitting and receiving during the whole race according to the RIPAM’s requirements. 9.2. Weather supplies pack The Organizer will send every day a safety weather forecast report to all competitors. This report will include: • The general situation forecasted evolution • Forecast for zones for the following 24 hours Boat safety inspections will be carried out by the members of the Race Measurement Committee. • Tendency from 24h to 48 h. specifically regarding dangerous phenomenon, winds over 40 knots and waves over 6 metres. They can take place at three periods of time. • Satellite images 10.2 In Barcelona • Maps with 24h/48h/72h pressure and format 10. BOAT INSPECTIONS 10.1 Deleted. • From 09.00h on 8th December to 20.00h on 11th December. The times, sending format and places where the information will be available will be communicated further on. Besides this information provided by the Organizer, participants are authorised to receive meteorological information as long as it meets the following requirements: • • • This phase will be optional. This phase shall enable inspections for crews berthed in Barcelona who wish to do so early. • They must be accessible and/or public, well for free or payable, for all participants with no exclusivity of a provider with a participant or group of participants The contents and data published by the weather forecast bodies has not been modified, prepared or manipulated for a participant or group of participants Participants can receive: o Satellite images o Observation and forecast maps o Numerical data files Phase 1 Phase 2 From 15.00h on 12th December to 20.00h on 24th December. This is compulsory except for the crews having undergone inspection in phase 1 and for which the chairman of the measurement committee has issued a certificate at the end of the inspections. • Phase 3 Crews and boats having participated at the 2013 Route du Rhum and that have not been able to undergo the checks mentioned above, will be able to undergo the checks with previous request in this third phase from 09.00h NOTICE OF RACE 12 on 26th December to 17.00h on 29th December. It is compulsory for both skipper and co-skipper to be present: they shall stay until completion of inspections on their boat. The first information about the position of the South restriction zone will be detailed in the briefing scheduled in October 2014. The initial restriction zone (previous to the departure) will be published no later than 15 December 2014. It will be possible to modify any waypoint of this restriction zone only if the leading boat is at a minimum length of 20 degrees west of the waypoint to be modified. 10.3 Berthing Boats must be berthed in Barcelona harbour, in the marina area reserved for race participants on the following dates: 10.4 • Free Berthing from 09.00h on 5th December 2014. • Compulsory berthing for all boat from 12.00h on 11th December 2014. 11.4 The specifications of these agreements will be detailed in the Sailing Instructions Safety inspection form: 11.5 The safety inspection form will be published as soon as possible and no later than the 30th September 2014. 11. RACE COURSE 11.1 The start will be at 13:00 h on 31 December 2014. 11.2 The Course will be round the world from West to East non-stop and will consist of: 11.3 • Start (The starting line will be located in the Mediterranean sea in front the Port of Barcelona), • Go through the Strait of Gibraltar. • Leave Cape of Good Hope to Port, • Leave Cape Leeuwin to Port, • Leave Cape Horn to port and the Antarctic to starboard • Go through the Strait of Gibraltar and • Finish (The finishing line will be located in the Mediterranean sea in front the Port of Barcelona The Race Committee and the Race Management may include virtual OR SAFETY gates before or during the race that will be part of the course. FNOB has started collaboration agreements with Chile Nautical Institutions to reinforce safety and follow up matters, media impact and Public relations at Cape Horn and Port Williams. Technical stops for repairs or medical emergencies: The Race Management may authorise a maximum of 3 technical stops to a same boat when this is essential for such boat to complete the course safely. The boat can carry out repairs and/or have assistance. The minimum duration of such stops will be indicated in such document. The maximum number of days a boat can be stopped counting all its technical stops will be 8. The Organiser may control any technical stop and all the expenses resulting from such control will be covered by the corresponding boat. 11.5.1 Technical stops procedure Crews cannot programme before the start of the race the future technical stops: date and place of the technical stop, deposit of replacement material or equipment anticipated sending of a technical team. The competitor compromises not to programme any technical stop through a declaration attached as Appendix to the Notice of Race. The crew must inform as soon as possible of its intentions to the Race Management: • Dates and place of the stop • Work foreseen, as well as means available for the repairs • Scheduled date of start The Race Management may send a representative to control the NOTICE OF RACE 13 the boat and crew have stopped in the harbour or anchored where indicated, except in the case in which the boat after the start returns to Barcelona, it will not be penalised with the minimum stop time. In this case, the maximum time will be eight days. application of the technical stop rules. Unless the Race Medical service issues a medical report indicating the need to evacuate a member of the crew and replace the skipper or co-skipper, a crew cannot change one of the members during the technical stop. When a crew is forced to use the engine to reach the harbour or anchor area for a technical stop, it must: • Obtain the corresponding permission from the Race Committee. • Note down the point in which it started to navigate with the engine • Return –at the end of the technical stopto the registered geographical point in order to start again, sailing, towards the finishing line. In case of violation of the AEZ* (Antarctic Exclusion Zone) due to a technical stop, if the participant go back to racing at the geographical point where he stopped racing no penalty will be applied. If not, a penalty will be applied. It will either be, anchoring or time adding to the final race time. Any penalty due to failing to observe the AEZ must be performed before crossing longitude 63 West. If the gap between the entry point and the exit point of the AEZ does not exceed 15 degrees of longitude, the penalty will be 36 hours (This does not take into account any penalty mentioned in the article 11.5.2 of the notice of race). For a distance of more than 15 degrees of longitude, the race committee will challenge the Jury. 11.5.2 Duration of the technical stops A technical stop must last at least 24 hours counting from the moment 11.6 12. Time limit: There is no time limit except for that established in point 11.5.2 of the Notice of Race. ENTRY PROCEDURE 12.1. Entry: Each team must hand in the information required in the Entry form attached and the dossier totally completed. Such form will also be available from the Race website 12.2. Valid entries will be registered according to the date of reception. 12.3. The deadline for entries is 23:59h on 30 September 2014 at the following address: BARCELONA WORLD RACE 2014-2015 Fundació per la Navegació Oceànica de Barcelona (FNOB) Passeig de Borbó s/n Moll de Llevant 08039 BARCELONA SPAIN E-mail: Entry fee: • Pre-entry dossier 1,000 euros (VAT not included) • Pre-entry 10,000 euros included) (VAT not The pre-entry fee can be paid by cheque (to be sent to the address previously indicated) or via bank transfer to the following bank account: Entity: Caixabank S.A: IBAN: ES17 2100 3000 1122 0183 1212 BIC/ CODE SWIFT: CAIXESBB Each participating boat must satisfy the dossier fee (1,000 €) when sending the documents and the pre-entry fee (10,000 €) at the time that, having provided all required information, validates its entry (deadline 30 September 2014). NOTICE OF RACE 14 • the 2007-2008 and 2010-2011 Barcelona World Race • the 2010 Route du Rhum • 2007 or 2011 Transat BtoB • Or the 2011-2012 Global Ocean Race 13. QUALIFICATIONS • At the 2010-2011 Velux 5 Oceans All qualifications, the crew, the boat and the crew and the boat that will participate in the race, must be completed by 15 October 2014 at the latest. • IMOCA offshore race scheduled for spring 2014. • Or if it has sailed a leg of at least 2,800 miles with a boat of the Volvo Ocean Race 11/12 and finished classified in the regatta The total entry fee will be 20,000 euros (VAT not included). The pre-entry fee already paid will be deducted of the entry fee payment. 13.1 Qualification races: In order to participate in this Race each Team (skipper, co-skipper, and substitute crew) must qualify completing one of the following qualification races with an IMOCA boat. 13.1.4. Furthermore the boat must have also participated and completed some of the previous races or must have completed a qualification navigation of 1500 miles or more, followed by drag system, with a maximum of 3 legs of navigation. The boat crew must hand in to the Race Management a report with the geographical points of such navigation or navigations. This report can be handed in during the navigation or after finishing the qualification. 13.1.1. A navigation qualification of 2,800 nautical miles on board of the boat that will participate in the race. The qualification navigation must be informed of at least one week before the scheduled start to enable the Race Management to agree the course details, date and time of the start. This qualification can be done with a maximum of three crew members (skipper, co-skipper and substitute crew). This qualification concerns the crews that not met with the provisions of Article 13.1.3 13.1.5. IMOCA, besides that specified in point 13, will study, if necessary, the qualification of a crew member that does not meet any of the requirements mentioned previously in accordance with its race results and sports experience in races he has sailed at. The qualifications must be validated by the race Management. In any case the participant has to go across at least the 50N latitude and navigate at least until 1000 miles from the starting point. In case of qualification in the Southern Hemisphere should be confirmed with the race Management. 13.1.2. This qualification navigation will only be considered valid if the Race Management can follow the race throughout the navigation. The qualification navigation must be completed before 23:59 h on 15 October 2014. 13.1.3. Automatic qualification: the qualification will be automatic if the skipper and co-skipper have competed and finished the course in any of the following races: • the 2011 and 2013 Transat Jacques Vabre • the 2008 and 2012 Vendée Globe 14. RACE IMAGE AND TRADEMARK 14.1. The image and advertising material of the Race will be supplied as soon as possible and always before 30 September 2014. The logo material graphics will be available before 15 February 2014. 14.2. The final agreement on the Race image and trademark associated to IMOCA must be confirmed before 15 February 2014, and will meet the regulations of the current IMOCA Class Rules. NOTICE OF RACE 15 15. MEDICAL ASSISTANCE (change RRS 41) Any direct intervention by a doctor on board is prohibited. Medical advice by telephone, radio or email shall not be considered as assistance. « Medical advice » shall mean any help at a distance by a doctor intended to resolve an unforeseen medical incident altering the health of a crew member. Any other intervention shall be considered as enabling a competitor’s performance to be improved. Crews shall inform the Race Medical Service (RMS) each time they seek medical advice elsewhere than from the RMS. In such cases, the doctor external to the RMS shall supply the RMS as soon as possible with all of the information relating to the pathology in question and to its treatment. In the event of extreme emergency, medical equipment and/or medication may be provided from one crew to another or taken on board in accordance with article 15.6 of the present Notice of Race. 15.1. Medical service units The Barcelona World Race is a race without assistance: no medical intervention may have an influence on the performance of either the participants or the boats. If these conditions are complied with, the intervention at a distance of a doctor or the prescription of medication or medical equipment shall not be considered as assistance. The Barcelona World Race shall set up two medical service units, free of charge for the crews. • A « RMS », Race Medical Service, managed by Dr. Gualis from Hospital Quiron Teknon. • A « CDMIU », Crew Distance Medical Intervention Unit. This service is provided by Hospital Quiron Teknon. 15.2 Medical matters before the start Medical matters before the race will be dealt with by the RMS. All crew members must include in their application for entry a closed, sealed envelope with the following: • Result of a heart ultrasound • Result of a heart rate profile during exercise dating back no further than 4 years before the day on which the race starts. In addition, each member of the crew must submit the following to the RMS, between 1st and 15th December 2014: • An up to date medical certificate signed by the crew’s general practitioner • A recent dental report with any necessary course of treatment completed before 1st December 2014. All crews shall take on board a medical kit which complies with the IMOCA nomenclature, BWR two-handed race. The RMS shall be the crew contact for all medical questions before the start and relating to the medical kits carried on board. The organisation will inform through the RMS the content of the medical kit that crews must have on board during the briefing of skippers on the 16th and 17th October 2014 in Barcelona. 15.3 Medical monitoring during the race Medical matters during the race will be dealt with by the « CDMIU ». This medical service at a distance shall operate out of the Hospital Quiron Teknon., in Catalan, Spanish, English and French. Each member of crew shall be responsible for deciding if he also wishes to be monitored by his general practitioner before and during the race. If so, the crew’s general practitioner must: • Get in contact with the RMS in order to establish a professional medical relationship before the race. • Inform the RMS during the race of any pathology affecting the crew member who is a patient. • Inform the RMS of any recommended courses of treatment to one of his patients at sea. • Inform the RMS of any complications or risk situations for a crew member and which might give rise to a request for evacuation. An individual medical file attached to the application for entry and including in addition to the various medical information: NOTICE OF RACE 16 • The medication or the medical equipment are taken on board without this being considered as aiding or assisting the crew • No-one shall board the boat unless it is absolutely necessary 15.4 Evacuation of crew Disembarkation of a crew member can only be justified by the need to evacuate for medical reasons. Such evacuation must be: • Requested to the race management by the skipper or co-skipper. • Supported by the evacuee’s general practitioner and the RMS. • A request for evacuation may also be submitted to the race management by the RMS in a situation where the life of a crew member is threatened. In such case, race management will get in contact with: • The team manager ashore • The MRCC in charge of geographical zone of evacuation • The evacuation shall be organized by the team manager with the boat crew. In such cases, supplying medication of medical equipment may be done without any restriction on place. 16. 16.1 16.2 Classification: boats will be classified by finishing order in real time following the application of penalties and/or time compensations if applicable (only for boats finishing within the time limit). 16.3 Scoring for the Classification of the IMOCA Championship: the monohulls listed in the IMOCA Championship will score points in accordance with the IMOCA Class Rules. The Barcelona World Race is a coefficient 8 event in the IMOCA Championships. 16.4 Results and publishing 15.5 Substituting evacuated crew In no event may the boat continue the race sailed solo. 15.6 Medical assistance between members of the same crew Only the organizer shall produce boat results and publish them in various forms : As far as possible, this medical assistance shall be monitored by the CDMIU, the RMS or by the general practitioner of the injured or sick crew. • • • • Supply of medication Supply of medication shall not be considered as assistance if: • • Race management has been informed directly by the skipper or co-skipper or by the team manager of the : place, date and time of medication together with information having an effect on the progress or lack of progress of the boat towards the finishing line One of the crew’s general practitioner or the CDMIU has informed the RMS that it was necessary Official results will be produced four times in 24 hours. Times of results will be announced in the Sailing Instructions on July 2014. the Substitution shall only be authorized by race management if the evacuee’s general practitioner and/or the CDMIU via the RMS officially request the need of evacuation for medical reasons. RESULTS AND PRIZES Regular results Cartographies Boat tracking Etcetera The organizer shall be in charge of sending the results to the boats in the fleet. 17. PRIZES The organizer shall provide prizes for a total value of 500,000 euros. NOTICE OF RACE 17 These prizes can be prize money and/or different equipment. 19. OBLIGATIONS BEFORE THE START AND AFTER THE FINISH The prize awarding details in accordance with the overall standings, in the Ocean trophies, Communication trophies and others, will be announced in ONB before the Start. 19.1 Boats must be at the disposal of the Race Committee in Barcelona at 12.00h on 11 December. The date of the prize giving ceremony will be announced at a later date. 19.2 Deleted. 19.3 18. TROPHIES FOR OCEAN RECORDS 18.1. Trophies for Ocean records 18.2. For reasons relating to communication with the media and the public, 6 trophies for ocean records are «established» in the course of the race. 18.2.1 The Barcelona-Ecuador Trophy between the starting line in Barcelona and Ecuador 18.2.2 The Atlantic North-South Trophy between Ecuador and the Cape of Good Hope (20º 00’ 00’’ E) 18.2.3 The Indic Ocean trophy, Between the Cape of Good Hope and Cape Leeuwin (115º 08’ 11’’ E) 18.2.4 The Pacific Ocean Trophy between Cape Leeuwin and Cape Horn (67º 17’ 21’’ O) The Organising Committee will provide the necessary facilities at the disposal of Teams wishing to establish their base in Barcelona in an anticipated date. At the beginning of 2014 further information on this matter will be issued. 19.4 Each team will be required to stay in Barcelona 48 hours after arrival, also the three first qualifies must ensure their presence during the arrival of the following boat. The boat moored at the Race Finishing area for a minimum of 72 hours after finishing the Race, including a full Saturday or Sunday, at the least. In case the skipper or co-skipper cannot be there, the team leader will appoint the person responsible for the boat. 19.5 All skippers having participated in the race and that their boat has finished the race must sign confirming they have complied with all the rules. 18.2.5 The Atlantic South-North Trophy between Cape Horn and Ecuador 18.2.6 The Ecuador-Barcelona Trophy between Ecuador and the finishing line in Barcelona. The exact longitudes and latitudes that mark the Ocean records will be specified in the Sailing Instructions. These Trophies shall give rise to prize money and / or various material incorporated into the prizes for each boat having been the fastest over the distance between the two points in each ocean record. 18.3. It is compulsory for both skippers of each Team to attend the prize giving ceremony. 20. COMPULSORY CREW ATTENDANCE IN BARCELONA 20.1 Before the race On 11th December at 12.00h: compulsory presence of crews and boats in Barcelona. 20.2 Public relations The presence of the competitors will be compulsory for the following events: • 16th December conference at 12.00h: press • 29th December conference at 12.00h: press In addition, the communication service can invite crews to participate in certain operations of public relations. The dates and times of these operations will be communicated as soon as possible. NOTICE OF RACE 18 Crews not present in Barcelona permanently and who are absent from Barcelona at times when their presence is not compulsory, must be represented on a permanent basis by their team manager or his representative from 12.00h on 12th December to 31st December 2014. 20.3 Institutional events It is compulsory for institutional events: crews to attend In particular: • 20.4 On 12th December 2014 at 12.00h for the opening of the Barcelona World Race venues. • On 12th December at 18.00h: Barcelona World Race Solidarity Act • On 29th December 2014 at 20.00h: Reception and dinner for skippers • Date to be announced: prize-giving 20.5 After the finish in Barcelona The presence of crews will be compulsory for the following events: • • The conference which follows the arrival of each competitor The prize-giving ceremony Race management briefing sessions 2014 21. Both skipper and co-skipper must attend the race management briefing sessions. The working briefing before the race reserved exclusively to skippers, co-skippers and team managers will be held in Barcelona on 16th and 17th October 2014 in the Barcelona World race interpretation Centre. The break-down timetable and the agenda will be published before the 30th September 2014. Details of these briefing sessions (location) will be posted on the Official Notice Board in Barcelona. In particular: • On 12th December welcome briefing • On 13th December at 10.00h: safety briefing • Another date in December to be announced: briefing on a subject to be announced by notification before 1st November 2014. • On 30th December at briefing before the start at 10.00h: 10.00h: Other briefing sessions may be announced if necessary. Their subject matter, date and time will be announced by amendment before 1st November 2014. RESPONSABILITY AND LIABILITY 21.1. Sailing is an activity with a number of inherent risks, and is potentially dangerous. As a result, anyone who intends taking part in a yacht race, as a competitor or otherwise, does so at his own risk, bearing in mind that loss, damage to property or personal injury may result. Competitors and third parties recognize that it is reasonable that the race organizers be held free, in so far as the law permits, from any responsibility they might assume. 21.2. All competitors take part in the race at their own risk and fully accept the responsibility in deciding to take part (PART 1, FUNDAMENTAL RULES, RRS 4 DECISION TO RACE). It is the exclusive responsibility of all competitors to decide to participate in the Race taking into account the individual skill, the boat and its equipment, the weather conditions forecasted or faced during the race, his physical and medical condition etc. Any advice or information which may be supplied by FNOB, its staff, the Race Management, Race Committee or International Jury such as weather forecasts or resulting from boat inspections are only communicated by way of information and each team shall bear sole liability for checking this information; for instance, the possible weather conditions. Neither FNOB nor its associates accept any liability whatsoever regarding any advice or information which they might provide. They will also be posted on the Official Notice Board in Barcelona. NOTICE OF RACE 19 22. BARCELONA WORLD AMBASSADORS RACE 23. SPECIAL EVENTS FNOB will organise and manage: From the moment of filling out their pre-entry or entry, skippers assume the role of Ambassadors of the Barcelona World Race, and may, in coordination with the Organizer, participate in promotion and diffusion of the Race. This period will start at the time of the preentry or entry to the end of the prize giving ceremony. Skippers assume the role of Environment Ambassadors of the Barcelona World Race as well as Ambassadors of the Barcelona World Race with the objective of participating and being part of the different actions and activities that may arise; among others, to participate in the activities of the Barcelona World Race sponsors about the Race and Environment. • Skippers qualified in the document as “Race Ambassadors” will give maximum visibility to the collaboration FNOB-COI/UNESCO within the context of the “2nd International Ocean Research Conference”. • With this objective, an encounter COI/UNESCO – Ambassadors may be organized (a) the formal presentation of boats and crews at the beginning of the race as part of the event; (b) open-house days for the public; (c) Opening and closing ceremonies; (d) Press conferences; (e) Public presentations; (f) Parties and dances; (g) Prize giving ceremonies, and (h) other events All competitors must participate in the special events, with the reasonable number of team members specified by FNOB. NOTICE OF RACE 20 APPENDIX 1 – APPLICATION FOR ENTRY APPLICATION FOR ENTRY Name of the race Name of boat in this race : Launch name: Nationality under which the participant wishes to register : Sail number : To be returned by the 30 October 2014 NOTICE OF RACE 21 Skipper Last name: First name: Date of birth: Nationality: Telephone number: Mobile/cell: Fax: Address: Email: Website: Spoken languages: Supporting documents to be supplied: • Photocopy of current passport • Identity photograph • Photo in survival suit, front view, back view • Individual Medical file • Photocopy of document certifying participation in safety training course • Photocopy of document confirming participation in medical training course • Photocopy of short range certificate (SRC) or equivalent • Sailing CV • Answer this question on a separate sheet of paper : « Why are you taking part in the Barcelona World Race ? » NOTICE OF RACE 22 Co-skipper Last name: First name: Date of birth: Nationality: Telephone number: Mobile/cell: Fax: Address: Email: Website: Spoken languages: Supporting documents to be supplied: • Photocopy of current passport • Identity photograph • Photo in survival suit, front and back view • Individual medical file • Photocopy of document certifying participation in safety training course • Photocopy of document confirming participation in medical training course • Photocopy of short range certificate (SRC) or equivalent • Sailing CV • Answer this question on a separate sheet of paper: « Why are you taking part in the Barcelona World Race? » NOTICE OF RACE 23 Substitute crew Last name: First name: Date of birth: Nationality: Telephone number: Mobile/cell: Fax: Address: Email: Website: Spoken languages: Place of residence during the race: Supporting documents to be supplied: • Photocopy of current passport • Identity photograph • Photo in survival suit, front view, back view • Individual Medical file • Photocopy of document certifying participation in safety training course • Photocopy of document confirming participation in medical training course • Photocopy of short range certificate (SRC) or equivalent • Sailing CV • Answer this question on a separate sheet of paper: « Why are you taking part in the Barcelona World Race? » NOTICE OF RACE 24 Team Manager Last name: First name: Mobile telephone number: Landline telephone number: Email: Fax: Postal address: Safety contacts Contact number 1 Team manager yes no If not, Contact number 2 Last name: First name: Mobile telephone number: Email: Fax: NOTICE OF RACE 25 Technical team contact Member 1 Last name: First name: Mobile telephone number: Landline telephone number: Email: Member 2 Last name: First name: Mobile telephone number: Landline telephone number: Email: NOTICE OF RACE 26 Communication contact Communication Officer contact: Contact 1 Last name: First name: Mobile telephone number: Landline telephone number: Fax: Email: Contact 2 Last name: First name: Landline telephone number: Fax: Email: Sponsor contact Sponsor 1 Sponsor 2 Sponsor 3 Name Contact 1 Last name First name Telephone number Email Contact 2 Last name First name Telephone number Email NOTICE OF RACE 27 Boat Name in the race: Launch name: Naval Architect: Year and place of construction: Hull material: Country of registration: Port of registration: Initials of nation of registration: Registration number: Maritime mobile service identity (MMSI) number: Colour of hull: Colour of deck: Colour of cabin: Colour of underwater body: Colour of mainsail: Colour of solent: Colour of storm sail: Colour of mast: Sea cock diameter: Life raft: Life raft 1: Life raft 2 : Make: Type: Number: Location: Documents to be supplied : • Photocopy of hexadecimal identification digits (Hex ID) of each distress beacon • Photocopy of life raft booklets • Photocopy of boat’s radio licence • Photos of the boat : • View from above • Profile • View of underwater body • View with sails • • Boat’s nautical history Exterior and interior photo of the hull broken zone. NOTICE OF RACE 28 Boat’s equipment CALL SIGN: Radar Active transponder VHF Type IRIDIUM: Boat’s iridium Back-up iridium Type Telephone number Email used at sea If 3rd Iridium Boat’s iridium Type Telephone number Email used at sea INMARSAT or equivalent: Inmarsat (telephone) Inmarsat (back-up) Inmarsat C Type Telephone number Email used at sea Provider NOTICE OF RACE 29 Sarsat Cospas distress beacons: Beacon 1 Beacon 2 Type Hex ID Boat MMSI Serial number Date batteries replaced Date beacons checked Stowage location on board Type of activation (Automatic/Manual) If automatic, indicate type of activation Beacon 3 Beacon 4 Type Hex ID Boat MMSI Serial number Date batteries replaced Date beacons checked Stowage location on board Type of activation (Automatic/Manual) If automatic, indicate type of activation NOTICE OF RACE 30 Further documents to be attached to the application for entry General : • • A photo of the crew Press pack For the race: • • • • • • Acceptance of the fundamental rule 4 RRS (see appendix) Non-routing certificate Statement certifying non-programming of technical stops Qualification certificate 3 insurance certificates 1 deposit in the form of a cheque for the safety and positioning beacons Communication: • A colour illustration, clearly indicating the display of the official advertising on both sides of the mainsail for the Barcelona World Race NOTICE OF RACE 31 BARCELONA WORLD RACE PASSEIG JOAN DE BORBÓ S/N MOLL DE LLEVANT 08039 Barcelona Spain Tel. (+34) 93 557 97 00 / fax. (+34) 93 557 97 01 E-mail: Deadline: at 23:59h on 30 September 2014 CONTACT: FUNDACIÓ NAVEGACIÓ OCEÀNICA BARCELONA (FNOB) FNOB: + 34 93 557 97 00 NOTICE OF RACE 32 APPENDIX 2 - PROGRAM NON EXHAUSTIVE PROGRAM TO BE COMPLETED WITH AN AMENDMENT • 30th September 2014: Deadline for the completed application for entry • 15th October 2014: o End of qualifications for crews and boat o Deadline for issue of IMOCA certificate o Working briefing to skippers, co-skippers and team Managers in Barcelona, To be confirmed • 15th October 2014 at the latest: Publication of an amendment including, among other information, unless it has been communicated in the Sailing Instructions to be published in July 2014 : o Details of the safety gates o Details of race management briefing sessions o Details of position beacons o Times of results o Date of prize-giving ceremony o Details of access to weather information sources • Between 1st and 15th December: updated medical certificate and dental report • 5th December from 09.00h: possibility of berthing the 60’ boat in Barcelona • From 10th to 14th December: possibility of undergoing boat inspections • 11th December at 12.00h: compulsory presence of all boats and crews in Barcelona • 12th December at 10.00h: welcome meeting • 12th December at 12.00h: opening of the Barcelona World Race venues • 12th December at 18.00h: Barcelona World Race Solidarity act • 16th December at 10.00h: “oceà viu-planeta viu” posters delivery with skippers • 16th December at 12.00h: press conference • 17th December at 12.00h: Medical training Course in the Hospital Quiron Teknon (Apprendix 4.2: medical training course content) • From 13th to 26th December: boat checks • 13th December at 10.00h: safety briefing session • 29th December at 12.00h: press conference • 29th December at 20.00h: Official teams diner • 30th December at 10.00h: start briefing sessions • 31st December: start of the Barcelona World Race • From 12th to 31st December: compulsory presence of the crews in Barcelona in accordance with the provisions of the Notice of Race. In the absence of the crew, the presence of the team manager or his representative shall be compulsory. NOTICE OF RACE 33 APPENDIX 3 – STATEMENTS OF ACCEPTANCE OF THE NOTICE OF RACE. 3.1. APPENDIX – NON-ROUTING CERTIFICATE We the undersigned : • Skipper…………………………………………………. • Co-skipper……………………………………………… • Substitute crew………………………………… • Team manager…………………………………………. Hereby declare on our honour that we will comply with article 2.10 of the Notice of Race and the future Sailing Instructions with regard to non-routing and that during the race, we shall not provide any routing for the benefit of the crew of the boat described above. Place: Date: Signatures: Skipper Co skipper Substitute crew Team manager Team manager for sponsors Signatures preceded by the reference « Read and approved » NOTICE OF RACE 34 3.2. APPENDIX – ACCEPTANCE OF THE FUNDAMENTAL RULE 4 RRS We the undersigned: Skipper …………………………………………………………………………., Co-Skipper …………………………………………………………………… ; Substitute crew ………….…………………………………………………… ; Team manager representing the sponsors, families and participant …………………………… …………………………………………………. ; of boat …………………………………………………… …… ………… ……………………….. entered in the Barcelona World Race 2014/2015 hereby certify that the information set out in the entry form is correct and true. We hereby certify that we accept and assume full liability for any damage and accidents arising as a result of the state of the yacht or of material on board our boat, having noted article 8 concerning the liability of participants and having the required qualification, skills and navigation knowledge to take part in this race. We hereby discharge the following from any liability: the FNOB, Race Management, the RFEV, and institutions and people involved in the organization as stated in the fundamental Rule RRS 4 (decision to continue or participate in the race). If for any reason or circumstance the BARCELONA WORLD RACE 2014/2015 does not take place, FNOB and/or its associates and commissioning organizations shall not be held liable for any damage or loss sustained. Place ……………………………, date …..……………………….… Skipper Co-skipper Substitute crew Team manager Team manager for sponsors Signatures preceded by the reference « Read and approved » NOTICE OF RACE 35 3.3. APPENDIX – STATEMENT CERTIFYING NON-PROGRAMMING OF ONE OR MORE TECHNICAL STOPS The undersigned hereby certify that we have not programmed any technical stops during the Barcelona World Race. We certify further that we have complied in all respects with articles 11 of the Notice of Race. Place: Date: Signatures: Skipper Co-skipper Substitute crew Team manager Team manager for sponsors Signatures preceded by the reference « Read and approved » NOTICE OF RACE 36 3.4 APPENDIX – CERTIFICATE OF QUALIFICATION I the undersigned, …………………………………………………………skipper ………….……………hereby certify as follows : of the boat…..…….… • That I satisfy the qualifying requirements set out in article 13 of the Notice of Race in having sailed the following navigation: …………………. • That the co-skipper …………………………………………, satisfies the requirements set out in article 13 of the Notice of Race in having sailed the following navigation :…………………………… • And that the boat complies with the qualifying requirements set out in article 13.1.4 of the Notice of Race in having sailed the following navigation …………………………… If necessary : • That the crew satisfies the qualifying requirements set out in article 13 of the Notice of Race in having sailed ………… • That the substitute crew………………………………………, satisfies the qualifying requirements set out in article 13 of the Notice of Race having sailed the following navigation………………………………….. Place : Date : Signature : NOTICE OF RACE 37 APPENDIX 4 - MEDICAL AND SAFETY MATTERS 4.1. NOM PERSONAL FILE TO BE FILLED IN BY EACH CREW MEMBER Name Prénom First name N° tel Phone n° Nom du bateau Name of the boat Assurance-Assistance Insurance-Assistance Cies Date naissance Birthdate e-mail N° licence Licence n° Lien relationship Qui contacter ? Persons to contact N° tel Phone n° Autre ? other to contact N° tel Phone n° Médecin traitant General Practitioner N° tel Phone n° Autre référent méd. Other medic referent N° tel Phone n° e-mail Lien relationship e-mail e-mail Spécialité e-mail Stage ISAF, ISAF training courses Where ? Stage Médical, où ? Medical qualif. Where ? Taille height Date Date Poids weight Bilans médicaux Medical Checks : Cardio-vasculaire Cardio-vascular Date = ECG / ECG. Date = Test d’effort / Cardio.effort test Date = Biologique, biological Date = Groupe Sanguin Blood group ( ajouter tout document complémentaire utile - Add any useful complementary document ) Comment.= Echographie Date = Joindre résultats (Enclose the results) Echography Date = Copie des résultats à joindre au dossier Comment.= (Enclose a copy of the results to the file) Date = Copie des résultats à joindre au dossier Comment. = (Enclose a copy of the results to the file) Comment. = Copie des résultats à joindre au dossier (Enclose a copy of the results to the file) Comment. = Dentaire, dental Date = Visuel, visual Date = Œil D Right eye : Œil G Left eye : O.R.L, ORL Date = Comment. = Physique, Physical Date = Comment. = Autres Others Date = Comment. = Antécédents médicaux Allergies Allergies Medical history ( ajouter tout document complémentaire utile - Add any useful complementary document ) /10 /10 Lunettes Glasses ? Lentilles Lenses ? Comment. : Neurologie Neurological illnesses Autres maladies Other ilnesses Mal. tropicales Tropical ilnesses Gynéco Gynecology NOTICE OF RACE 38 Antécédents chirurgicaux, Surgical history : ( ajouter tout document complémentaire utile - Add any useful complementary document ) Comment. = Suite à accident After an accident Date = Suite à maladie After an ilness Date = Comment. = Autres Others Date = Comment. = Appendice enlevé Appendix removed Vaccinations, vaccinations : Vaccins valides : Date = Comment. = ( ajouter tout document complémentaire utile - Add any useful complementary document ) Valid vaccines Vaccins non valides : No valid vaccines Traitement en cours ou possible selon pathologies Current or possible treatment according to the pathologies : Medic = Posologie = Medic = Posologie = Medic = Posologie = Engagement du médecin Doctor obligation : « Je certifie la non contre-indication à la pratique des activités physiques et sportives en compétition » “ I confirm that there is no known medical reason to prevent the person concerned taking part in competitive physical and sporting activities » « Je certifie la non contre-indication à participer aux compétitions à la voile en haute-mer en double » “ I confirm that there is no known medical reason to prevent the person concerned taking part in double handed offshore sailing races” Date et signature Date and sign Cachet Stamp Engagement du coureur Skipper obligation : Je reconnais avoir pris connaissance : - des questions ci-dessus et y avoir répondu sans rien omettre et avec exactitude - du contenu de la liste pharmacie recommandée pour constituer la pharmacie de bord. I confirm having taken knowledge: - questions above, I certify that my answers are complete and right - contents of the pharmacy list recommended for the medical kit on board. Date et signature Date and sign Extraits règlement médical Fédéral site v/web/services/medical.asp?smenu=5 Article 8 (extraits): L’obtention du certificat médical de non contre-indication à la pratique de la voile et notamment de la voile en compétition est la conclusion d’un examen médical qui peut être réalisé par tout médecin titulaire du Doctorat d’Etat, et inscrit à l’ordre des médecins. La Commission Médicale Nationale de la FFVoile - rappelle que l’examen médical permettant de délivrer ce certificat :engage la responsabilité du médecin signataire de ce certificat, seul juge de la nécessité d’éventuels examens complémentaires et seul responsable de l’obligation de moyens (…) - précise que le contenu de l’examen doit tenir compte de l’âge et du niveau du compétiteur - conseille de tenir compte des pathologies dites de « croissance » et des pathologies antérieures, de consulter le carnet de santé, de vérifier plus précisément au niveau de l’appareil locomoteur : rachis, ceintures, genoux, pieds, en s’aidant si nécessaire de radiographies - insiste sur les contre-indications à la pratique de la Voile toute pathologie susceptible de s’aggraver au cours de l’activité sportive et/ou de compromettre la sécurité. En cas de doute, contacter la Commission Médicale - préconise une mise à jour des vaccinations, un bilan dentaire annuel, une épreuve cardio-vasculaire d’effort à partir de 40 ans, une surveillance biologique élémentaire à partir de 40 ans, un examen ORL et visuel (…). Courses au large : Les conditions d’aptitudes physiques et médicales pour participer aux épreuves habitables en solitaire et en double devant respecter les RSO de catégories 0 et 1 avec l’établissement d’un dossier médical comprenant obligatoirement les résultats d’une épreuve d’effort datant de moins de 4 ans, obligatoirement les résultats d’une échocardiographie cardiaque, un questionnaire médical facultatif, mais recommandé, à remplir et signer par le coureur et son médecin traitant, selon ce modèle, des examens complémentaires peuvent être rendus obligatoires par l’Avis de Course. Ce dossier sera envoyé au médecin « référent » de la compétition. Pour les RSO de catégorie 2 les résultats d’une épreuve d’effort datant de moins de 4 ans et les résultats d’une échographie cardiaque sont facultatifs mais recommandés. Pour toutes les autres courses en haute mer, de réaliser un bilan médical de l’intéressé le plus complet possible, en relation avec la ou les compétitions envisagées. NOTICE OF RACE 3 4.2. MEDICAL TRAINING COURSE CONTENT PRACTICAL TRAINING Training shall be given with the help of the recommended ISAF Guides (cf : I.S.A.F. Offshore Special Regulations) Essential summary and lifesaving gestures Specific objectives: • Be able to assess the main vital functions and measure its parameters • Be able to carry out the life-saving gestures • Know how to deal with someone in neurological distress, in respiratory distress, in cardio-vascular distress or in heart failure • Know how to adapt these techniques to particular cases (drowning, hypothermia, intoxications) Medical consultation at a distance Specific objectives: • Know the call procedures in the event of a medical emergency • Know what information must be provided to the doctor in order to establish a diagnosis • Know how to apply the doctor’s prescriptions given at a distance • Know how to organize an evacuation from the boat for health reasons Protecting the victim Specific objectives: • Know how to put a victim in a place of safe shelter (how to move a victim, put him on a stretcher, undress him etc. in ways suited to sailing single-handed) • Know how to protect the victim whilst awaiting assistance after having carried out an assessment of the victim’s vital functions and injuries and circumstantial aid • Know how to reassess the victim’s clinical state Dealing with accidents Techniques set out herein are particularly adapted to single-handed sailing: • Know the rules of hygiene and how to : o • • Proceed to an Antiseptic hand wash Know how deal with a skin injury : o Stop a haemorrhage o Treatment of a burn o Observe and classify an injury so as to explore and treat it Know how to deal with a fracture, a dislocation, a sprain (single-handed) : NOTICE OF RACE 40 o Recognize a fracture, know how to treat and immobilize o Recognize a dislocation, know how to treat it and the principles of reduction o Recognize a sprain, know how to treat, bandage and apply a support bandage • Know how to adapt treatment to the affected zone (head, trunk, members) : • Know how to deal with a victim of shipwreck : o Techniques in the event of hypothermia o Psychological support in shipwreck situations Treatment in non-accidental situations Specific objectives: • To recognize general problems. Assess pain, take a temperature, take blood pressure • To recognize the symptoms of everyday illness relating to a particular function (digestive, respiratory, psychological) • To recognize the symptoms of everyday illness relating to a particular zone (head, trunk, members) Management of the medical kit and specific techniques of treatment Specific objectives: • Know about the general organization of a medical kit • Know the main classes of medication • Know about the main prescriptions, means of administration and conservation of medication • Know how to use the accessories • Know how to prepare an injection and how to give oneself an injection • Know how to use a dental treatment kit (applying a filling) • Know how to use a scalpel (excision of an abscess) • Know how to apply adhesive strips, staples and stitches • Know how to use splints NOTICE OF RACE 41 4.3. SURVIVAL AT SEA TRAINING COURSE CONTENT Article 6.01 of the ISAF « Offshore Special Regulations » (OSR), stipulates that at least 30% but no fewer than two members of a crew including the skipper, taking part in races being run under OSR categories 1 and 2, as well as all the crews for category 0 races, shall have undertaken a survival training course, the content of which is set out in the articles of Appendix G. At the end of these courses, participants must take a test and if they pass, they will receive an « ISAF approved » course certificate (see below for certain equivalent certificates). National authorities who are members of the ISAF will have the possibility of organizing these courses via professional sea survival training centres which shall be ISAF approved. The ISAF shall monitor the teaching content and the smooth running of the various sessions. Certifications equivalent to the ISAF certificate must be approved, (see the procedure at the end of the list) NOTICE OF RACE 42 APPENDIX 5 - COMMUNICATION 5.1 PREAMBLE The Barcelona World Race shall provide maximum diffusion of the race, its participants and their sponsors: - In an impartial manner, without commercial gain. - Respecting the copyright ownership of on board audiovisual content, which will be made public in views to maximize coverage of the race through all the authorized media platforms. - Boosting the reciprocity and complementarity with the teams to optimize the contents of all audiovisual and editorial products so they are easily and efficiently accessible for the public as well as the media and enabling free and easy access to high quality resources. 5.2 VIDEO The Fundació Navegació Oceànica Barcelona, Organizer of the Barcelona World Race, has commissioned The Barcelona World Race TV as the official Host Broadcast Services (production, post-production and distribution) of the third edition of the Barcelona World Race. The Host Broadcast audiovisual and diffusion production will be designed to meet the needs of TV channels as well as other media platforms (Internet, mobile telephones, etc.). It will provide rights-free images and ready-toair items, available in several languages and in an international version, with no commentary in accordance with the production and distribution programme defined in the corresponding Appendix. In accordance with the communication strategy designed by the Organizer, the Host Broadcast will set up agreements with national and international media and/or internationally renowned image and news distribution operators in order to maximize broadcast coverage. The Organizer, through its Host Broadcast, will provide: 1. Archive filming made during the preparation of the race and the build-up to the start of the race and in Barcelona. The film format required for all productions and edits will be 16:9 and HD. 2. Training for both video editorial and technical skills for race teams during the build-up to the race start 3. A technical consulting service, available to all participants from the build-up to the start until the end of the race to assist them in solving questions about filming and image transmission. 4. Media Server for reception of video and still images sent back to the Race Office, with a notification system to allow teams approval of images before distribution. 5. Video Server distribution system for media and teams to access all material. 6. Coverage and feed at the start of the race, and filming of all finishes. 7. Co-production of a live or pre-recorded international TV feed of the start of the race. 8. Rights free images that will be made available daily to all media via the Barcelona World Race media server. NOTICE OF RACE 43 9. Rights free race update comprising a rushes summary of the week’s action that will be made available each week to all media on a non-exclusive editorial basis via the Barcelona World Race media server 10. Rights free summary of the race that will be available weekly as an edited package ready-to-air on a non-exclusive editorial basis via the Barcelona World Race media server. 11. Videoconferencing between the crews and Race Office in Barcelona, or any other place to contribute to promote the race, its partners and the participants 12. Filming of the prize giving ceremony. 13. Producing the Barcelona World Race 2014/15 official film in HD, 50’ approx. 14. In the weeks prior to the start of the event, and no later than December 1st 2014, the Host Broadcast will provide all media and teams with a detailed description, schedule of distribution and technical details on the format of the audio-visual resources that will be available to them for the coverage of the start and throughout the race. Resources required from participants A key factor to the overall success of the race will depend on the amount and quality of the images filmed and transmitted by the teams. The quality will contribute to guarantee good visibility for participants and their sponsors. In order to ensure this, the Organizer requests competitors to: 1 Provide by 31 October 2014 a bank of video images, from helicopter and on board, in 16:9 and HD format which must show the official race branding. This bank must be as complete as possible showing a wide range of weather conditions (calm, moderate, rough sea, etc.) and sailing (upwind, downwind). 2 Take part in additional filming sessions organized by the race Production. 3 Have available on board at least 3 fixed or portable cameras with accessories (batteries, tapes or memory, 12V battery chargers, accessories, etc.) for filming in 16:9 and HD format. 4 Have a videoconferencing system available on board, capable of switching between at least 3 different camera views during the live connection, with audio. It must be compatible with the receiving equipment provided by the Host Broadcast at the Race Office in Barcelona. 5 The Organizer plans videoconferencing up to 3 times or 4 times per week. Further information on the scheduling will be issued at a later date. 6 Have on board editing and image compression software capable of editing and compressing images. Each team must be instructed in the use of this software, in order to provide Race Office with at least 7 minutes of down-converted HD video images per week throughout the race. 7 Have available on board Inmarsat transmission equipment or any other system with world-wide coverage that can transmit images and sound, with a minimum transmission speed 128kb/s 8 Submit to testing and approval by the Organizer, before 25 November 2014, all the filming, editing, compression and transmission equipment on board each yacht. It must be compatible with the reception equipment provided by the Host Broadcast at the Race Office in Barcelona (digital video or Satellite reception or via the media server) NOTICE OF RACE 44 Recommended production resources for participants Film the preparations before the start of the race in order to build up interest and enhance the promotion of the race and of the competitor. Participants’ obligations 1 Appoint two representatives for communication purposes for the whole race. These communication representatives shall be the only interlocutors with the Organization’s Communication Department. 2 The policy for the audiovisual coverage of the Barcelona World Race is to give no exclusive rights to any broadcaster and to be impartial with all participants, any publisher and/or distributor irrespective of the media represented. This will apply until the end of the race. 3 To ensure that this non-exclusivity requirement is observed, a key feature in the audiovisual coverage of the event, each crew is asked to send the video images and sounds recordings to the Media Server unit installed at Race Office in the first place, prior to any other recipient, with a minimum frequency of at least three times per week, or as per the schedule to be announced when the Sailing Instructions are issued. These video images and sounds recordings will be for the use of all news broadcasts, magazines, image agencies, and the official websites of the race and its partners. Where technical or other types of problems prevent a competitor from satisfying the minimum requirement of three dispatches per week, he/she must immediately notify the Organizer via the race management. Competitors are free to sign partnership or collaboration agreements with the broadcasters of their choice without prejudice of the agreements set with the Organizer. 4 Given that no exclusive rights are granted for the audiovisual coverage of the race, competitors must not sign any exclusive rights agreement, whether or not for gain, with any publisher and/or broadcaster, with no media, without the prior written agreement of the Organizer. The Organizer acknowledges that sometimes exclusivity agreements can produce good media coverage and reserves the right to approve or refuse such agreements. 5 Authorize the Host Broadcast, as appropriate, to install filming equipment and an HF Link on board their yacht at the start and finish stages of the race on condition that the Host Broadcast guarantees that the HF Link does not interfere with the on-board electronics. 6 After crossing the finishing line, give priority to a Host Broadcast production team whose task will be to capture the crew’s first images and sounds in order to broadcast them to all the media. 7 Every crew shall be available during the race for a live video conference of at least four minute duration, at least every two days as well as any other special events such as rounding Cape Horn. Further information about the scheduling of the live video conferences will be issued at a later date. 8 If a yacht entered in the race does not finally take part in the 2014/15 edition, the images of this yacht with the Barcelona World Race 2014/15 branding cannot be sent to television channels or any other distribution source. Organisers’ obligations 1. The Host Broadcast is obliged to consult the participant’s communication agents each time images of the competitor are received via Inmarsat or any other on-board system at the Race Office in Barcelona. Each participant’s communication agents will have secure access to view the images sent by his yacht. Approval of the images will take place in accordance with the following procedure: o o The Host Broadcast will inform the competitors’ communication agents by any method, with confirmation by email, when the reception server receives the images. Between 0800 and 2200 (Barcelona local time) the communication agents will have 90 NOTICE OF RACE 45 o minutes (except in emergency situations when it will proceed in crisis communication mode) to view and approve the crews´ images. If there is no response after 90 minutes agreement to publish is assumed. It should be noted that the images will be accessible in low definition so that the audiovisual agents can view them quickly. Afterwards, they will be available in broadcast quality to be downloaded by the media. 2. 3. After being informed by the crews, the Service will authorise them to take part directly in videoconferencing with any broadcasters or media of their choice during the race. The Organizer will authorise crews to install filming and HF Link equipment on board their yachts during the start and finish stages of the race. Image banks Reminder: the policy of the race organizers and its audiovisual service provider (the Host Broadcast) is to reach the widest possible audience and to give the media free access to all the images of the race. a) Image banks belonging to the race organizers are those images produced by the race organizers before, during and after the race. These images include all generic images filmed by consultants, banks of images created by the race organizers, interviews, reports, images filmed at the Barcelona World Race village, at the Barcelona Race Office, the start, the finishes, and other images filmed during the event (e.g. compulsory passage points, etc.) b) Image banks belonging to the crews are those images produced by the crew before, during and after the race (except those filmed by the skippers). c) The images filmed by the crew on board the boat during the race and transmitted to the Race Office or those not transmitted and kept on board. Rights over the images for exploitation by the organisation 1. Uses linked to the audiovisual coverage of the 2015/15 edition and for promotion of the race Competitors, their sponsors and owners assign to Barcelona World Race and to its partners, free of charge, the exploitation rights over: - Their image bank - The images filmed by the competitor during the race (Image bank c) These rights are assigned for the purposes of: - Royalty free broadcast of news, reports and magazines - Internal use by the race organizers, their partners and official suppliers - Promotion of the race by the organizers (official film, official documentary, official DVD, Videos on demand, publicity trailer, clips) – All external communications contributing to race promotion. The exploitation rights are applied to all media services worldwide and for a 15 year period as of 31st December 2014 excluding uses for commercial purposes. 2. Use related to promotion of the race with potential income. Competitors, their sponsors and ship owners grant the exploitation rights of their image banks b) and c) to the Barcelona World Race organizers for any use , support and territory, even in uses with potential income related to the promotion of the race. If the race organizers wish to use images filmed on board by the skippers (image bank b)) or their team, sponsor or owner during the race (image bank c)) in uses which might generate potential income, they will be subject to the rights transfer regulation between the participants and the Barcelona World Race at a rate of 500 € - VAT NOTICE OF RACE 46 not included- per minute for the images actually used. This transfer allows a competitor to prohibit the use of one or several of these images within 30 days after his arrival. After this time, the race organizers may use the images under the terms established. 3. Other uses by the race organizers, their partners and/or suppliers, in particular for commercial and potential income purposes. Any other use by the race organizers, with commercial and potential income purposes will be subject to a negotiation with the competitors, both at financial level and the duration of the rights transfer. Right over the images for exploitation by the competitors The use by a competitor and/or his official sponsor of images filmed by the race organizers inside or outside the boat, is subject to the applicable legislation on image rights of the other competitors. The use of images by a competitor and/or his sponsor, representing other competitors will therefore require the latter. The race organizers may not supersede this request of authorization. 1. Internal use by the competitors, their sponsors and owners The Barcelona World Race assigns, free of charge, to the competitors, sponsors and owners, for internal use all images filmed by the race organizers, on any support and worldwide for a 15 year period as of 31st December 2014, excluding any use for commercial purpose, in this case prior authorization of the FNOB will be required. 2. External use by the competitor and his main sponsor without potential income The Barcelona World Race assigns, free of charge, to the competitor and its main sponsor, exploitation rights over all the images filmed by the race organizers for any external use without potential income. This assignment applies to all media, in all territories for a 15 year period as of 31st December 2014, excluding any use for commercial purposes. However, if the competitor uses his right to prohibit the use of one or several images filmed on board, within 30 days after his arrival, the Barcelona World Race may decide not to assign all the images filmed by the organization to the competitor and his main sponsor free of charge. 3. Other uses by the competitors, their sponsors and boat owners Any other use by competitors, their sponsors and boat owners, will be subject to a negotiation with the race organizers or another competitor, both financial level and the duration of rights' assignment. 4. Penalties Any non-observance on the part of a competitor of the obligations described in this Video Appendix will result in a penalty in accordance with point 7.5 of the Notice of Race for each infringement recorded. 5.3 PHOTOGRAPHY To promote both the Barcelona World Race, its partners and official and private suppliers, the Barcelona World Race organizers must have available aerial and on-board photographs of the competitors and their boats. To achieve this objective, the Fundació Navegació Oceànica Barcelona, Organizer of the Barcelona World Race, will commission a photography production and distribution service. The rights granted to the Barcelona World Race by competitors, their sponsors and/or boat owners include any editorial use needed for the promotion of the event, including potential income purposes, except for commercial purposes. Competitors’ obligations As soon as possible, each competitor shall provide a bank of 10 photos taken before the start of the Barcelona World Race with the race branding. 1. The digital photos to be provided by the competitors, in 300 DPI high definition, A4 format, must be: - Partly portraits of the competitors - Partly on-board photos - Partly photos taken from a boat or helicopter NOTICE OF RACE 47 These photos will be used solely on the Barcelona World Race website for editorial use, as illustration, for rightsfree media distribution and for presentations made to the media (Press conference, etc.). 2. When aerial photos are being taken, all competitors (and their representatives) undertake to allow one of the organiser’s official photographers into the helicopter to take photos of the boat. These will be used by the Barcelona World Race organisers, its partners and official suppliers, as well as the press. 3. All competitors undertake to allow on board one of the Race Organizer’s official photographers to take pictures for the promotion of the race. 4. It is recommended for competitors to have one or several cameras with a minimum resolution of 10 Megapixels on board during the race. Digital SLR cameras with waterproof housings are strongly recommended. 5. During the race, competitors will transmit at least one photo every 48 hours as well as another high resolution one (10x15cm at 300dpi) once a week. Rights over these images will be released by the competitors to the Barcelona World Race for a 15 year period of 31st December 2014 for their editorial use or for the race promotion, free of rights; notwithstanding uses for commercial uses are excluded, with the exception of those related with the race promotion. The competitors, their sponsors and communication services will retain the broadcast and exploitation rights over these images. 6. If a partnership contract is concluded before the race between a competitor and a daily newspaper, magazine or news website for the broadcast of a regular daily, weekly or monthly column, the competitor will be able to send photographs direct to this media, which will hold the exclusive rights to the first publication. These photographs must be sent at the same time to the Race Office and the Barcelona World Race can broadcast them 24 hours after their publication by the competitor’s media partner. 5.4 AUDIO Details regarding the audio appendix will be published no later than September 2014 in the Sailing Instructions. NOTICE OF RACE 48 TECHNICAL APPENDIX COMMUNICATION 1 INTRODUCTION The Fundació per la Navegació Oceànica de Barcelona (FNOB) wishes to make of the Barcelona World Race a reference event offering competitors and their sponsors the maximum visibility possible thus achieving return from the investment made. For such purpose it is essential to receive multimedia material regularly, enabling the Organizer to produce quality contents for sponsors, media and public in general. Therefore it is vital to receive the multimedia material produced on-board. In views of this need, FNOB has conceived a system optimized for video/audio/images/data/calls reception, as well for the tracking of all participating boats during the 24 hours of the day. This optimized system, including software and protocols, will be the one used during the third edition of the Barcelona World Race. 2 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ANTENNA SYSTEM All participating boats must have a minimum of two antennas for satellite communication on-board. • • 1 iridium open port antenna 1 Inmarsat antenna( fleet broadband 250 or superior) 3 CAMERA SYSTEM System formed by a set of cameras with cables all of the connected to a switch that enables selecting the camera and audio source during the live connection or in a recording. HD 16:9 cameras are compatible. System description: • • • • • • • 1 wired cameras on deck (number recommended 2) 1 camera on chart table Microphone outdoor sound 1 Headphones / wireless microphone system that enables speaking from the deck Recording system in tape or memory Card. Note: the chosen support must be launched through a container or waterproof bag at the points established by the Organizer. Switch selection audio/video sources with output port FIREWIRE (for video) and LINE OUT (for audio). Portable HD camera Cameras installed on deck can be located upon the participant’s discretion. The camera system must be connected to a switch type system (hardware or software) that enables switching between any of the cameras during recording/video conference / live video. This commuter must be equipped with a FIREWIRE output (for video) and LINE OUT (for audio) to connect with the authorised videoconference system called ‘Spontania” The video camera format accepted: • HD 16:9 Additionally, all boats must carry on-board a portable HD waterproof camera to film images NOTICE OF RACE 49 4 IMAGES AND VIDEO SENDING SYSTEM FTP, Livewire y Clipway systems are compatible to send images and videos to the Organizer. (FTP is the recommended system) Videos in HD 16:9 format are accepted, encoded in H264 and 4Mbs of compression. If the Clipway system is used the Organizer cannot guarantee the final quality of the videos nor the time required for their publication. Images must always be in HD format. The specifications will be included in another Appendix “PHOTO”. 5 VIDEOCONFERENCE SYSTEM The Barcelona World Race will have a videoconference system enabling multipoint video calls. This free use system, is the same videoconference system used in the second edition of the Barcelona World Race. The system chosen for such purpose is ‘Spontania’ and it will be free use for all participants. This videoconference system is not software; it is a light plug-in under 2MB. Installed on compatible computers, it allows the participating boat to communicate in real time through video call to obtain optimum communication – as long as there is satellite coverage – adapting in real time the video and audio quality. Such system, which installation and use are required for videoconferences with the organisation and the medical centre Teknon, does not prevent competitors to use other software to communicate with other means (TV channels, sponsors…) Should a proved failure of this system happen on-board and as back-up solution the Organizer can receive Videoconferences via Clipway o Livewire o Skype. Installation requirements In the case of the Organizer provides the software “spontania”, this one establishes requirements for the computer in which the software will be installed: • The boat must have 2 computers for different uses: (sailing / multimedia) in fact, the ‘Spontania’ videoconference system cannot be installed in the sailing computer. It must be installed in a computer for exclusive multimedia purposes although it is understood that it could act as replacement in case failure of the first one. • ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ The computer in which the ‘Spontania’ system will be installed must : have windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 Be connected to the boat’s camera system Be connected to the boat’s satellite connection be ATOM or superior with minimum 1 GIGA Ram memory reserved for ‘Spontania’ software The installation of Spontania software must be: • made by the boat’s appointed technical delegate • validated by the Organizer (see section INSTALLATION AND VALIDATION DEADLINES) • Reviewed again before the start from Barcelona TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS The videoconference system requires a minimum non-shared 128Kbps upload. NOTICE OF RACE 50 INSTALLATION AND VALIDATION DEADLINES The Organizer will supply the software to teams no later than 05 October 2014 It will be necessary to: • • • Validate the correct installation Undergo a test period with the Organizer (TO BE FIXED) Review the connectivity (between 18 and 24 December 2014) NOTICE OF RACE 51 APPENDIX 6 - CONTACTS FNOB Fundació per la Navegació Oceànica Barcelona Edifici El Far Carrer Escar, 6-8 08039 Barcelona Tel: +34 93 557 97 00 Fax: +34 93 557 97 01 General Manager Andor Serra IMOCA contact Gaetan Gouerou Medical service Hospital Quiron Teknon Dra. Gualis Race management Jacques Caraës Participants’ contact Marta Salvadó Communication service and television Isabel Genis / Carles Clastre Technical manager Pere Sarquella NOTICE OF RACE 52 APPENDIX 7 - ANTARTIC EXCLUSION ZONE The Antarctic Exclusion Zone is a polygon defined by the following virtual marks. Mark: Latitude: Longitude: 1 45° 00.00' S 000° 00.00' E 2 45° 00.00' S 005° 00.00' E 3 45° 00.00' S 010° 00.00' E 4 45° 00.00' S 015° 00.00' E 5 45° 00.00' S 020° 00.00' E 6 44° 00.00' S 025° 00.00' E 7 44° 00.00' S 030° 00.00' E 8 44° 00.00' S 035° 00.00' E 9 43° 30.00' S 040° 00.00' E 10 43° 00.00' S 045° 00.00' E 11 43° 00.00' S 050° 00.00' E 12 43° 00.00' S 055° 00.00' E 13 44° 00.00' S 060° 00.00' E 14 45° 00.00' S 065° 00.00' E 15 45° 00.00' S 070° 00.00' E 16 45° 00.00' S 075° 00.00' E 17 46° 00.00' S 080° 00.00' E 18 46° 00.00' S 085° 00.00' E 19 46° 00.00' S 090° 00.00' E 20 46° 00.00' S 095° 00.00' E 21 46° 00.00' S 100° 00.00' E 22 46° 00.00' S 105° 00.00' E 23 46° 00.00' S 110° 00.00' E 24 46° 00.00' S 115° 00.00' E 25 46° 00.00' S 120° 00.00' E 26 47° 50.00' S 125° 00.00' E 27 49° 40.00' S 130° 00.00' E 28 51° 30.00' S 135° 00.00' E 29 51° 30.00' S 140° 00.00' E 30 51° 30.00' S 145° 00.00' E 31 51° 30.00' S 150° 00.00' E 32 51° 30.00' S 155° 00.00' E 33 52° 00.00' S 160° 00.00' E 34 52° 30.00' S 165° 00.00' E 35 53° 30.00' S 170° 00.00' E 36 54° 00.00' S 175° 00.00' E NOTICE OF RACE 53 37 54° 00.00' S 180° 00.00' E 38 54° 00.00' S 175° 00.00' W 39 54° 00.00' S 170° 00.00' W 40 53° 30.00' S 165° 00.00' W 41 53° 00.00' S 160° 00.00' W 42 52° 30.00' S 155° 00.00' W 43 52° 00.00' S 150° 00.00' W 44 51° 00.00' S 145° 00.00' W 45 51° 00.00' S 140° 00.00' W 46 51° 00.00' S 135° 00.00' W 47 51° 00.00' S 130° 00.00' W 48 51° 00.00' S 125° 00.00' W 49 51° 00.00' S 120° 00.00' W 50 51° 00.00' S 115° 00.00' W 51 52° 00.00' S 110° 00.00' W 52 53° 00.00' S 105° 00.00' W 53 54° 00.00' S 100° 00.00' W 54 55° 00.00' S 095° 00.00' W 55 56° 00.00' S 090° 00.00' W 56 57° 00.00' S 085° 00.00' W 57 57° 30.00' S 080° 00.00' W 58 58° 00.00' S 075° 00.00' W 59 58° 00.00' S 070° 00.00' W 60 57° 00.00' S 065° 00.00' W 61 56° 00.00' S 060° 00.00' W 62 55° 00.00' S 055° 00.00' W 63 53° 00.00' S 050° 00.00' W 64 51° 00.00' S 045° 00.00' W 65 48° 00.00' S 040° 00.00' W 66 45° 00.00' S 035° 00.00' W 67 45° 00.00' S 030° 00.00' W 68 45° 00.00' S 025° 00.00' W 69 45° 00.00' S 020° 00.00' W 70 45° 00.00' S 015° 00.00' W 71 45° 00.00' S 010° 00.00' W 72 45° 00.00' S 005° 00.00' W Straight lines between adjacent marks shall form the Antarctic Exclusion Zone. The Antarctic Exclusion Zone is an obstruction. While racing a boat shall not enter this obstruction. Any changes to the virtual marks defining the Antarctic Exclusion Zone are at the sole discretion of the organiser. The organiser will endeavour to make these changes as soon as possible. It is the organiser’s objective to make the last change to any particular virtual mark no later than when both the following conditions are met: NOTICE OF RACE 54 The first boat crosses the meridian 30 degrees West of the longitude of the virtual mark to which the change applies. 2. The first boat crosses the latitude 15 degrees North of the latitude of the virtual mark to which the change applies. Once both conditions are met it is the intent of the organiser to make no further changes to the virtual mark for which the condition have been met with the exception of the virtual marks in the Atlantic Ocean. The virtual marks in the Atlantic Ocean can be changed again once the first boat racing enters the Pacific Ocean. There will be no changes towards the South of virtual marks: 22, 23, 24 and 25. 1. - - NOTICE OF RACE 55