A METHOD FOR PHYTOPLANKTON STUDY 33. J. Ferguson Wood Division of Fisheries and Oceanography, C.S.LR.O., Cronulla, Australia ABSTBACT A method for quantitative and qualitative investigations of phytoplankton which can be employed at sea on fresh material is described. Samples arc collected in van Dorn type samplers, ccntrifugcd and examined under the fluorcsccncc microscope. Phytoplankton is counted by taking advantage of the red autofluorescence of chlorophyll, and total organsims by the Striigger technique using the induced fluorescence of acridine orange. Total particles (Icptopcl) can be counted by ordinary light using the same cquipmcnt. A Pctroff Hausscr bacterial counter is used as this has a thin slide and gives maximum light intensity for fluorcscencc of the object. Qualitativc examinations are made on the same material, after sedimentation, using a special cell to minimize the effect of the ship’s motion. mit Lund and Talling’s advantage to be fully realized. In the author’s opinion, counting has a definite place amongst the methods of phytoplankton study, especially in areas where particulate matter is liable to vitiate other methods of assessing standing crop. It is easy to distinguish between chlorophyllbearing, non-photosynthetic and other material, and to count the particles of each type under the microscope at sea by the methods described in this paper. INTBODUCTION Recent reviews of the measurement of phytoplankton (e.g., Braarud 1957; Lund and Talling 1957; Strickland 1960) differ in their judgment of the usefulness of the methods available. The recent trend has been towards chemical and biochemical methods, which have the disadvantage that they do not take account of biological factors such as the growth phase of the organisms or the diversity index ( Margalef 1958) of the population. Braarud and Strickland stress the fact that counting does not give a mcasurc of the standing crop unless a weighting procedure is adopted. Lund and Talling, while admitting this, believe that counting is justified by the three great advantages it possesses, nix., “that the algae are observed each time a count is made so that any changes in appearance, size, shape or aggregation of the cells can be seen . . . that estimations can be made of populations whose density is so small that again at present no other method can be used with equal accuracy and , . . that counting enables small numbers of specific algae to be distinguished from others and from unwanted debris; although the latter may often limit the sensitivity of the estimation.” These authors suggest further study of methods of estimating cell volume in conjunction with counting. If a rapid and easy method of estimating cell volumes can be obtained (e.g., perhaps by conductivity changes of organisms passing through an orifice), counting would per- METHODS Sampling For samples taken on station, plastic samplers of the van Dorn type as described by Davis ( 1957) are used from a Kelvin sounding winch or a bathythermograph winch. For samples taken under way, a cylindrical sampler with tapered nose and a finned tail is used. This sampler has a tube extending from nose to about Y2in. from the base, and four %-in. holes just behind the nose cone. It is towed on a bridle and holds just over 5 L, and can collect samples from a light winch at speeds of up to 15 knots. Surface samples arc collected in this way because bucket samples frequently contain material from the ship’s side, e.g., Enteromorpha. For purely qualitative studies, such as distribution studies of the larger diatoms and dinoflagellates, a modified Hardy plankton indicator is used. The front fins are removed, and a grid of 120 mesh/in. is inserted in place 32 A METHOD FOR PIIYTOPLANKTON STUDY 33 of the standard grid, This sampler can be light to confirm his diagnosis if ncccssary. Thus, a count of the chlorophyll-bearing towed at the surface at speeds up to 15 knots, and can be hand-hauled. It is often used on organisms is possible. The total number of merchant ships and other vessels not fitted _living organisms is observed by means of with hydrological winches. acridinc orange (l/5,000) which stains living protoplasm and fluoresces green under Treatment of Samples blue-violet light. Organisms without chloroplasts are then estimated by difference. Water from the 5-L samplers is transIn fluorescence, the microscope is used ferred to polythene bottles and taken to the laboratory. Routine oceanic samples are with the monocular tube, to avoid light abexamined on board ship. The whole 5 L are sorption by prisms. An Abbe condenser, 10, 20, or 40 objectives and 5 or 10X oculars are centrifuged through a continuous Foerstnormally used as required. A mechanical type centrifuge ( Davis 1957). Centrifugastage is very desirable, but special microtion takes 15 min at 15,000 rev/min. The solids which have adhered to the walls of the scopic equipment is not essential, though it can improve the ease of counting. A bluecup are carefully suspended in the sea water violet filter is mounted in the substage filter remaining in the cup, carefully washed into a graduated vessel and the volume made up holder and a yellow compensating filter is placed over the eycpicce. Filters used are a to 10 ml. Material collected on the Hardy grid is Wild J3G12 with an OGl exclusion filter. Ten fields are counted if there are less washed into a vial, and formalin added to . than 5 organisms per field; 4 fields if there give 2% final concentration. This material are 5 or more. The mean number of organis usually examined in a shore laboratory. isms per field is recorded and the count is Quantitative Examination expressed as organisms per liter. Although The suspension from the centrifuge is the Pctroff Hausscr counter has a grid, which can be made visible in blue light by carefully shaken to disperse the organisms the use of fluorescent paint, it is more conand a drop placed on the grid of a Petroff venient to count fields, and divide the result Hausser bacterial counting chamber. The by the area of the field to give results per standard cover glass is placed on the slide mm2 of slide, which forms a cell l/SO mm which is examined on the stage of a monocudeep. lar microscope. A Petroff Hausser chamber In addition to the fluoresccncc examinais used because it has a thin slide which allows better illumination of the object than tion, it is usual to examine the slide in white does a thicker hcmacytomctcr slide, cspc- light, in order to count the total number of particles (leptopel), and to dctcrminc the cially as it is necessary to use an immersion ratio between larger and smaller phytocondenser to obtain fluorescence (Wood plankton elcmcnts. If the phytoplankton 1956). numbers arc large, differential counts can The basis of the quantitative examination also be made, but this is best done in the is the autofluorescence of chlorophyll, which chamber described below, fluoresces bright red in blue-violet light, followed by the green fluorescence of living Qualitative Examination protoplasm when stained by acridine orange according to the method of Strtigger ( 1948). The centrifuged samples are allowed to Chlorophyll-bearing organisms appear as settle for 10 min or more, or better are again single or groups of red shapes, according to centrifuged by means of a hand centrifuge, the shape and number of the chloroplasts. A sample of the concentrated sediment is Once the observer is familiar with the phytoplaced in a small cell made by cementing a plankton organisms of the area, little diffiring of thin (1 mm) lucite to a 3 x l-in. culty is experienced in determining whether glass slide. The internal diameter of the ring he is looking at a single organism or a group is about 15 mm, and a groove is cut in one of organisms, He can also revert to white side of the ring to allow water to escape 34 E. J. FERGUSON when a cover glass is put on, The groove helps to avoid air bubbles between the cover glass and the water, and, if the glass fits snugly to the ring, movement of the sample due to the ship will be greatly reduced, so that examinations even under high power are possible on a ship either hove to or under way. Examinations have been made on board ship in winds up to 50 knots. For qualitative examination, a binocular tube replaces the monocular and phase-contrast can be used if required. The smaller phytoplankton organisms can be readily identified. If doubt arises as to whether a given organism possesses chlorophyll, fluorescent light can be used to solve the point; for example, a tintinnid was found to possess zooxanthellae, and Ornithocercus splendidus to possess chlorophyll in the girdle lists. In order to facilitate identifications of the organisms at sea, an atlas of diatoms, dinoflagellates and myxophyceae of the region has been prepared, and is supplied to each research vessel. As new records are made, illustrations are prepared and included in the Atlas prior to publication elsewhere so that the atlas may at all times be up to date. Recording of Information Quantitative results for 6 depths (0,25,50, 75, 100, and 150 m ) are recorded for each station, and later punched on IBM cards together with the rest of the data from that station. Qualitative results are recorded on edgepunched cards so that station list, charts of occurrence, salinity-temperature relations, seasonal fluctuations, etc., can be easily derived. DISCUSSION OF THE METHOD The generally accepted method for microscopic study of phytoplankton is that of Utermohl ( 1936), in which the phytoplankton is allowed to settle in a cylindrical vessel and cxamincd by an inverted microscope. It is claimed frequently that loss of organisms by centrifugation or filtration is avoided. Losses by centrifugation are placed by Steemann Nielsen ( 1938) and others as about 30%, but this applies to discontinuous and not to continuous centrifugation. In centri- WOOD fugation by the means used in this laboratory, cultures of marine bacteria ( a Bacillus and a Pseudomonas) with 200 organisms/ml were completely retained by the centrifuge as shown by sterility tests on the effluent. Further, filtered effluent from centrifuged plankton catches collected on HA Milliporc Filters showed less than 1% of the number of organisms in the plankton, except in the case of Oscillatoria ( Trichodesmium) erythraea which can neither be centrifuged or sedimented, when in the bloom stage. Filtration has been compared with centrifugation by Ballantine ( 1953) who showed the latter to be more effective. The writer found that, by directing a quartz-mercury lamp on fresh phytoplankton on milliporc filters the red fluorescence of chlorophyll could bc observed. However, when blue light was directed through the lens and prism system 0E a Zetopan microscope, from a quartz-mercury lamp, insufficient light could be brought to bear on the filters, and the fluorescence technique could not be used. The disadvantages of the Utcrmijhl system are that living material cannot be used, and it is not possible to distinguish routinely between photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic microorganisms, especially in the case of the ultra plankton, This could lead to false estimations of the phytoplankton, since I have found that colorless flagellates frequently represent a large, at times a major, portion of the total microorganisms. In the method described in this paper, living phytoplankton is studied; thus, differentiation between “photosynthetic” (i.e., chlorophyll-bearing ) and colorless organisms is rapid and easy, qualitative examination of the same material is easy, so direct correlations can be made. Phytoplankton can be studied aboard ship on and between stations. This last is a very great advantage as programs can be varied immediately if interesting features of distribution require it. Further, the equipment described is relatively simple and inexpensive in comparison with most oceanographic equipment, and is compact, requiring about 6 ft of bench space. It is recognized that recently dead organ- A METHOD FOR PHYTOPLANKTON isms will give the chlorophyll fluorescence and that the distinction between living and dead organisms is not always clear when acridine orange is used. This difficulty occurs also when other stains arc used. Largi chloroplasts in small organisms and diffuse. chlorophyll can mask the green fluorescence of acridine orange. REFERENCE3 BALLANTINE, D. 1953. Comparison of the diffcrcnt methods of estimating nannoplankton. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K., 32: 129-147. BRAARUD, T. 1957. Counting methods for the determination of standing crop of phytoplankton. Rapp. Proc. Verb., Cons. Int. Explor. Mer, 144: 17-19. DAVIS, P. S. 1957. A method for the dctcrmination of chlorophyll in sea water. C.S.I.R.O. Aust. Div. Fish Oceanogr. Rep. 7. LUND, J. W. G., AND J. F. TALLING. 1957. Botanical limnological methods with special refcrence to the algae. Bot. Rev., 23: 489. STUDY 35 MARGALEF, R. 1958. Spatial hcterogencity and temporal succession of phytoplankton. Proc. Symposium Pcrspectivcs in Mar. Biol., pp. 323349. Univ. Calif. Press. STE~ANN NIELSEN, E. 1933. Ober quantitative Untcrsuchung von marincm Plankton mit Utcrmijhls umgekchrtem mikroskop. J. Cons. Int. Explor. Mcr, 8: 201-210. -, AND T. VON BRAND. 1934. Quantitative Zcntrifugcn-mcthoden zur Planktonbcstimmung. Rapp. Proc. Verb., Cons. Int, Explor. Mer. 89: 87-99. STRICKLAND, J. D. II. 1960. Measuring the production of marinc phytoplankton, Fish, Rcs. Bd. Canada. Bull. 122. STR~~GGE~, S. 1948. Dcr Gegcnwartige Stand der Forschung auf dem Gcbiet dcr fluoreszcnzmikroskopischcn Untcrsuchung der Baktcrien. Mikroskopie, 3 : 23-38. UTEHM~IIL, H. 1936. Quantitativcn Methoden zur Untcrsuchung des Nannoplanktons. Handb. Biochcm. Arbeitsmcthoden, 9: 1879-1937. WOOD, E. J. F. 1956. Fluorcsccnt microscopy in marinc microbiology. J. Cons. Int. Explor. Mcr, 21: 6-7.