Summit Public School: Tahoma California Department of Education School Accountability Report Card Reported Using Data from the 2013-14 School Year Published During 2014-15 Every school in California is required by state law to publish a School Accountability Report Card (SARC), by February 1 of each year. The SARC contains information about the condition and performance of each California public school. Under the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) all local educational agencies (LEAs) are required to prepare a Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), w hich describes how they intend to meet annual school-specific goals for all pupils, w ith specific activities to address state and local priorities. Additionally, data reported in an LCAP is to be consistent w ith data reported in the SARC. For more information about SARC requirements, see the California Department of Education (CDE) SARC W eb page at http://w w w View this SARC online at the school and/or LEA W eb sites. For more information about the LCFF or LCAP, see the CDE LCFF W eb page at http://w w w For additional information about the school, parents and community members should contact the school principal or the district office. Mr. Nicholas Kim Principal, Summit Public School: Tahoma About Our School Contact 14271 Story Rd. San Jose, CA 95127 Phone: 408-729 - 1981 E-mail: View Larger Map 2013-14 SARC - Summit Public School: Tahoma About This School Contact Information - Most Recent Year School District School Name Summit Public School: Tahoma District Name Santa Clara County Office of Education Street 14271 Story Rd. Phone Number (408) 453-6500 City, State, Zip San Jose, Ca, 95127 Web Site http://w w w Phone Number 408-729 - 1981 Superintendent First Name Mr. Principal Mr. Nicholas Kim Superintendent Last Name Jon R Gundry E-mail Address E-mail Address Web Site Last updated: 1/26/2015 County-District43104390123794 School (CDS) Code School Description and Mission Statement (Most Recent Year) Summit Public School: Tahoma (Tahoma) is a fourth-year, public charter high school authorized by the Santa Clara County Office of Education. Tahoma w elcomed its first freshman class in 2011, w ith the mission of preparing a diverse student body for college, and to be thoughtful, contributing members of society. W e have our first graduating class this year (2014-2015). Our Mission: To prepare a diverse student population for success in a 4-year university and to be thoughtful, contributing members of society. Our Core Characteristics: All students and teachers are expected to embody the six core characteristics: respect, responsibility, compassion, curiosity, courage, and integrity. Academic Program Every student completes a college-prep course of study that is aligned to the Common Core Standards, and prepares all students for AP classes beginning their junior year. 100% of Summit graduates meet or exceed UC/CSU entrance requirements; 100% of Summit seniors take the SAT or ACT exam and at least tw o AP exams. We focus on the four elements that are the foundation of college and career success in the 21st century: Cognitive Skills – The deeper learning, critical thinking, communication and problem-solving skills needed to succeed in today and tomorrow ’s w orkforce Content Know ledge – Engaging in learning that is personalized for each student, filling learning gaps and moving students tow ards competency in all subjectareas. Habits of Success – Empow ering students to self-direct their learning and develop the habits that are invaluable for college and life success Expedition – immersing in real-w orld experiences to discover and explore passions and careers, applying learning in authentic w ays. Personalized Learning and Mentoring Program:Every Summit student has a Personalized Learning Plan (PLP), w here students set learning and personal grow th goals, track progress, receive immediate feedback and are able to access learning resources at any time. The PLP is designed to be a dynamic tool w here families and teachers alike can offer support and coaching. Summit students have mentors w ho individually support them through their goals. Mentors serve as college counselors, coaches, family liaisons and advocates, ensuring their mentees are excelling inside and outside of the classroom every day. Our Faculty: Our teachers are highly motivated, academically accomplished, innovative and creative. At Summit, teachers participate in 40 days of professional development each year, during w hich they w ork together to ensure students are alw ays receiving the highest quality education. Extra-Curricular Activities Participation in extra-curricular activities is essential to developing a w ell-rounded, college and career-ready student. Summit focuses on developing happy, healthy students w ho have a w ell-balanced lifestyle that mixes academic classes w ith personal passions and enjoyable extra-curriculars. Teaching and Assessment: Summit uses research-based instructional methods and leverages technology in all subjects. Students are immersed in project-based learning and learn content and skills by developing solutions to engaging, real-w orld problems. Instruction is rigorous for all students, regardless of previous preparation, and curriculum is differentiated to provide a personal pathw ay to success. Assessment Summit students demonstrate competency of content know ledge and cognitive skills compared to state, national, and collegiate standards. Culminating projects are used to assess the college-ready content know ledge and critical thinking skills. Letter grades are assigned for coursew ork and are consistent w ith state and college measures. Students take all state standardized exams, Advanced Placement Tests, and the ACT and SAT. Page 2 of 25 2013-14 SARC - Summit Public School: Tahoma Last updated: 1/26/2015 Page 3 of 25 2013-14 SARC - Summit Public School: Tahoma Student Enrollment by Grade Level (School Year 2013-14) Grade Level Number of Students Grade 9 102 Grade 10 101 Grade 11 74 Total Enrollment 277 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Last updated: 1/27/2015 Student Enrollment by Student Group (School Year 2013-14) Group Percent of Total Enrollment Black or African American 1.8 American Indian or Alaska Native 0.0 Asian 10.1 Filipino 6.1 Hispanic or Latino 69.0 Native Haw aiian or Pacific Islander 0.0 W hite 8.7 Tw o or More Races 4.3 Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 51.3 English Learners 8.3 Students w ith Disabilities 8.3 8% 4%1% 10% 6% Black or African American American Indian or Alaska Native Asian 69% Filipino Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander White Two or More Races Last updated: 1/27/2015 Page 4 of 25 2013-14 SARC - Summit Public School: Tahoma A. Conditions of Learning State Priority: Basic The SARC provides the follow ing information relevant to the Basic State Priority (Priority 1): Degree to w hich teachers are appropriately assigned and fully credentialed in the subject area and for the pupils they are teaching; Pupils have access to standards-aligned instructional materials; and School facilities are maintained in good repair. Teacher Credentials Teachers School District 201213 201314 201415 W ith Full Credential 8 13 19 W ithout Full Credential 0 0 0 Teachers Teaching Outside Subject Area of Competence (w ith full credential) 0 0 0 201415 20 Teachers with Full Credential Teachers without Full Credential Teachers Teaching Outside Subject Area of Competence 15 10 5 0 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Last updated: 1/27/2015 Teacher Misassignments and Vacant Teacher Positions 201213 201314 201415 Misassignments of Teachers of English Learners 0 0 0 Total Teacher Misassignments* 0 0 0 Vacant Teacher Positions 0 0 0 Indicator 1.0 Misassignments of Teachers of English Learners Total Teacher Misassignments Vacant Teacher Positions 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Note: “Misassignments” refers to the number of positions filled by teachers w ho lack legal authorization to teach that grade level, subject area, student group, etc. * Total Teacher Misassignments includes the number of Misassignments of Teachers of English Learners. Last updated: 1/27/2015 Core Academic Classes Taught by Highly Qualified Teachers (School Year 2013-14) Percent of Classes In Core Academic Subjects Taught by Highly Qualified Teachers Percent of Classes In Core Academic Subjects Not Taught by Highly Qualified Teachers This School 100 0 All Schools in District 89 11 High-Poverty Schools in District 81 19 Location of Classes Page 5 of 25 2013-14 SARC - Summit Public School: Tahoma Low -Poverty Schools in District 98 2 Note: High-poverty schools are defined as those schools w ith student eligibility of approximately 40 percent or more in the free and reduced price meals program. Low poverty schools are those w ith student eligibility of approximately 39 percent or less in the free and reduced price meals program. Quality, Currency, Availability of Textbooks and Instructional Materials - Most Recent Year Year and month in w hich data w ere collected: August 2014 Subject Reading/Language Arts Textbooks and Instructional Materials/year of Adoption From Most Recent Adoption? Percent Students Lacking Own Assigned Copy Yes 0.0 Yes 0.0 Summit Public School: Tahoma has a 1:1 technology ratio. Students in our school use Chromebooks to access curriculum. The major online curricular resources supporting our academic program are listed below : No Red Ink - Grammar and process w riting support - w w w - http://w w w SAS Curriculum Pathw aysOnline Poetry Foundation - Poetry terms and poems BrainPop - w w w Purdue OW L W riting Exercises Online - grammar/conventions resources Grammar Girl Online - grammar/convention resources - CNN/CBS Story Archive - Reading comprehension - Open Yale Courses - College lecture on poetic meter - EReadingW orksheets General ELA - http://w w w .ereadingw Poetry Out Loud - Poetry terms and poems ESL Bee Grammar - My English Teacher Grammar - http://w w w Brain PopGrammar/Literature - w w w Time4W ritingGrammar - http://w w w .time4w riting/simple-complex-compound-sentences/ Literary Glossary Literary Terms - http://w w w Research - http://w w w W riting Commons - Rhetoric - w Montgomery KY School District - Literary Terms http://w w w l/exercises/run-ons_ex1.htm English Club Grammar Terms - http://w w w Super Teacher Tools General ELA - http://w w w W ise Geek Literary Terms - http://w w w .w hat-is-consonance.htm Bright Hub Education Literary Terms - http://w w w ork-help-literature/47533-examples-of-assonance-andconsonance-in-poetry/ Shakespeare Glossary Literary Glossary - http://w w w .shakespearesw No Fear Shakespeare Shakespeare - http://w w w Teacher Google site Literary Terms - Folger Shakespeare Library Shakespeare/Drama - http://w w w Chomp Chomp Grammar - http://w w w Guide to Grammar & W riting - American Literature Books and Short Stories - http://w w w Jeopardy Labs - UPenn W riting Center - PoetryPoetry resources (audio, text, etc) - http://w w w .w Brain Pickings - English/Art - Vocabulary - vocab lists, puzzles, some quizzes - Mathematics Summit Public School: Tahoma has a 1:1 technology ratio. Students in our school use Chromebooks to access curriculum. The major online curricular resources supporting our academic program are listed below : Virtual Nerd - http://w w w HippoCampus - http://w w w Brightstorm Big Textbook Bank - http://w w w Dan Meyer Three Act Tasks - key=0AjIqyKM9d7ZYdEhtR3BJMmdBW nM2YW xW YVM1UW ow TEE&output=html http://w w w Kuta Softw are customizeable w orksheets - w w w .kutasoftw http://w w w http://w w w Rossman/Chance Applets - http://w w w - Online videos and curricular resources - http://w w w Manga High math games - http://w w w W TAMU Math Lab w ebsite tutorials http://w w w .w Khan Academy math videos and exercises - w w w CK-12 online textbook(s) http://w w w NrichBank of good problems! Nrich Harder bank of good problems Purple Math online textbook http://w w w Regents Prep test prep / online textbook Math Is Fun online textbook w / practice problems http://w w w National Library of Virtual Manipulatives Illustrative Mathematics Bank of good problems http://w w w illustrations that tutorguy Videos http://w w w Mathematics Vision Project http://w w w Gooru currates online science, math, and social science teaching resources Page 6 of 25 2013-14 SARC - Summit Public School: Tahoma http://w w w!discoverLearnist Math Goodies http://w w w Quantitative Methods in Social Sciences w ebsites Steve Mays videos http://w w w atch http://w w w -to/education-languages/math Hadoman Pursues EdD/videos Interactive Mathematics textbook and practice problems w w w Kendall Hunt High School Mathematics Resources curriculum materials (w orksheets, lesson plans, etc.) Illuminations NCTM Interactives, Lessons, and W eblinks The Radix Endeavor Games created by MIT Ten Marks Math Problems, Videos, and assessments https://w w w You Tube Stats videos http://w w w Math practice problems http://w w w Learn zillion short lessons u=0d1e2e201ebe2552f55e43748&id=19af442474 mkt_tok=3RkMMJW W fF9w sRonsqzLZKXonjHpfsX77ukqW 6a%2FlMI%2F0ER3fOvrPUfGjI4DSsZjI%2BSLDw EYGJlv6SgFQrnCMat10LgNXBA%3D http://w w w .w Mathalicious Lessons aligned w ith Common Core http://w w w Balanced Assessment Tasks, Assessment Mathematics Assessment ProjectTasks, Assessment Interactive Simulations W olfram Educational Portal Go here for textbooks, lesson plans, w idgets, and interactives related to math.https://education.w Science Yes 0.0 Yes 0.0 Yes 0.0 Summit Public School: Tahoma has a 1:1 technology ratio. Students in our school use Chromebooks to access curriculum. The major online curricular resources supporting our academic program are listed below : Practical W ork for Learning (Nuffield Foundation) Ben Canning (teacher connected w ith SPS) Neo K12 Crash Course Bozeman Science Brain Genie Brightstorm ck 12 Ted-Ed ChemThinkLearn Genetics DNA from the beginning AAAS Education Portal: Science Science Case Studies Database DNA learning center HHMI - Biointeractive MESA Understanding Evolution Gooru Pearson (Biology) The Radix Endeavor PhET History-Social Science Summit Public School: Tahoma has a 1:1 technology ratio. Students in our school use Chromebooks to access curriculum. The major online curricular resources supporting our academic program are listed below : Facing History Units and Resource Bank Stanford History Education Group Assessments and Resources Crash Course by John Greene (search on YouTube) http://w w w .eyew Gooru Big History smart history scholastic Foreign Language Summit Public School: Tahoma has a 1:1 technology ratio. Students in our school use Chromebooks to access curriculum. The major online curricular resources supporting our academic program are listed below : Trent University- Spanish language exercises Dr. Lemon Avenue Language Learning Study Spanish Proyecto Aula Literatura Proyecto Aula Lengua Music to help you learn Spanish Centro Virtual Cervantes BBC Spanish Realidades - Companion sites Aprender Español Quia 123 TeachMe Spanish.Language&Culture Linguee Quizlet Duolingo Libroteca Audiria Page 7 of 25 2013-14 SARC - Summit Public School: Tahoma Cliff-notes homew ork help EcuRed Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes Health Yes 0.0 Yes 0.0 Yes 0.0 Summit Public School: Tahoma has a 1:1 technology ratio. Students in our school use Chromebooks to access curriculum. The major online curricular resources supporting our academic program are listed below : Sex Ed Playlist - Visual and Performing Arts Science Lab Eqpmt(9-12) Summit Public School: Tahoma has an Expeditions program w here all students w ill fulfill their Visual Performing Arts requirements. These courses have all of the necessary equipment and materials necessary for students to be successful. At Summit Public School: Tahoma, Biology, Physics, Chemistry and AP Environmental Science each have a variety of equipment for students to do projects and run experiments. In Biology, the equipment is primarily to grow and measure plants and do DNA analysis. In Physics, the equipment is primarily sensors to help measure motion and speed. In Chemistry, there is glassw are and chemicals needed to perform reactions. In APES, the equipment is primarily to build ecosystems and observe trends. All of our science classrooms are outfitted w ith laboratory equipment that allow s students to explore project-based learning, design their ow n experiments and fulfill advanced placement requirements w hen necessary. Last updated: 1/27/2015 School Facility Conditions and Planned Improvements - Most Recent Year Summit Public School: Tahoma is located in a privately funded facility at 14271 Story Road in San Jose. The campus is a former elementary school w ith portable classrooms, a multipurpose room that is used as a gym, auditorium, community room, and a lunch area. There is a spacious outdoor area, teacher and administrative offices, and outdoor parking. Each classroom is equipped w ith an LCD projector and the entire building is equipped for w ireless internet. There is a separate student and teacher netw ork. The building is equipped w ith an alarm system that is armed every evening w hen faculty leave. The facilities are w ell maintained and in good condition and are adequate for the delivery of the instructional program. Tahoma contracts directly for custodial services and the facilities are cleaned on a daily basis. Last updated: 1/27/2015 School Facility Good Repair Status - Most Recent Year System Inspected Rating Systems: Gas Leaks, Mechanical/HVAC, Sew er Good Interior: Interior Surfaces Good Cleanliness: Overall Cleanliness, Pest/Vermin Infestation Good Electrical: Electrical Good Restrooms/Fountains: Restrooms, Sinks/Fountains Good Safety: Fire Safety, Hazardous Materials Good Structural: Structural Damage, Roofs Good External: Playground/School Grounds, W indow s/Doors/Gates/Fences Good Repair Needed and Action Taken or Planned Overall Facility Rate - Most Recent Year Overall Rating Good Last updated: 1/27/2015 Page 8 of 25 2013-14 SARC - Summit Public School: Tahoma B. Pupil Outcomes State Priority: Pupil Achievement The SARC provides the follow ing information relevant to the Pupil Achievement State Priority (Priority 4): Statew ide assessments (i.e., California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress and its successor the Standardized Testing and Reporting Program); The Academic Performance Index; and The percentage of pupils w ho have successfully completed courses that satisfy the requirements for entrance to the University of California and the California State University, or career technical education sequences or programs of study. California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress/ Standardized Testing and Reporting Results for All Students in Science – Three-Year Comparison Percent of Students Scoring at Proficient or Advanced (meeting or exceeding the state standards) School Subject 2011-12 Science (grades 5, 8, and 10) District State 2012-13 2013-14 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 83 65 62 61 60 60 59 60 Note: Science assessments include California Standards Tests (CSTs), California Modified Assessment (CMA), and California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA). Note: Scores are not show n w hen the number of students tested is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small for statistical accuracy or to protect student privacy. Last updated: 1/27/2015 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress Results by Student Group in Science (School Year 2013-14) Group Percent of Students Scoring at Proficient or Advanced All Students in the LEA 60 All Students at the School 65 Male 64 Female 65 Black or African American American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Filipino Hispanic or Latino 48 Native Haw aiian or Pacific Islander W hite Tw o or More Races Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 51 English Learners Students w ith Disabilities Students Receiving Migrant Education Services Note: Science assessments include CSTs, CMA, and CAPA in grades 5, 8, and 10. Note: Scores are not show n w hen the number of students tested is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small for statistical accuracy or to protect student privacy. Page 9 of 25 2013-14 SARC - Summit Public School: Tahoma Last updated: 1/27/2015 Standardized Testing and Reporting Results for All Students - Three-Year Comparison Percent of Students Scoring at Proficient or Advanced (meeting or exceeding the state standards) School Subject District State 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 English-Language Arts N/A 67% 69% 55% 58% 57% 54% 56% 55% Mathematics N/A 61% 33% 55% 57% 58% 49% 50% 50% History-Social Science N/A N/A 70% 30% 46% 44% 48% 49% 49% Note: STAR Program w as last administered in 2012–13. Percentages are not calculated w hen the number of students tested is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small for statistical accuracy or to protect student privacy. Last updated: 1/27/2015 Academic Performance Index Ranks – Three-Year Comparison API Rank 2011 Statew ide 2012 2013 9 9 Similar Schools 10 Note: For 2014 and subsequent years, the statew ide and similar schools ranks w ill no longer be produced. Last updated: 1/27/2015 Academic Performance Index Growth by Student Group – Three-Year Comparison Group All Students at the School Actual API Change 2011 Actual API Change 2012 Actual API Change 2013 B -1 Black or African American American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Filipino Hispanic or Latino 11 Native Haw aiian or Pacific Islander W hite Tw o or More Races Socioeconomically Disadvantaged English Learners Students w ith Disabilities Note: “N/D” means that no data w ere available to the CDE or LEA to report. “B” means the school did not have a valid API Base and there is no Grow th or target information. “C” means the school had significant demographic changes and there is no Grow th or target information. Last updated: 1/27/2015 Page 10 of 25 2013-14 SARC - Summit Public School: Tahoma Career Technical Education Programs (School Year 2013-14) Tahoma does not currently offer any Career Technical Education Programs. Last updated: 1/27/2015 Career Technical Education Participation (School Year 2013-14) Measure Number of pupils participating in CTE CTE Program Participation 0 Percent of pupils completing a CTE program and earning a high school diploma 0.0 Percent of CTE courses sequenced or articulated betw een the school and institutions of postsecondary education 0.0 Last updated: 1/27/2015 Courses for University of California and/or California State University Admission UC/CSU Course Measure 2013-14 Students Enrolled in Courses Required for UC/CSU Admission Percent 98.8 2012-13 Graduates W ho Completed All Courses Required for UC/CSU Admission Page 11 of 25 2013-14 SARC - Summit Public School: Tahoma Last updated: 1/27/2015 State Priority: Other Pupil Outcomes The SARC provides the follow ing information relevant to the Other Pupil Outcomes State Priority (Priority 8): Pupil outcomes in the subject areas of English, mathematics, and physical education. California High School Exit Examination Results for All Grade Ten Students – Three-Year Comparison (if applicable) Percent of Students Scoring at Proficient or Advanced School Subject District State 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 English-Language Arts N/A 79% 68% 39% 45% 28% 56% 57% 56% Mathematics N/A 78% 70% 40% 47% 28% 58% 60% 62% Note: Percentages are not calculated w hen the number of students tested is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small for statistical accuracy or to protect student privacy. English-Language Arts Percent of Students Scoring at Proficient or Advanced Mathematics Percent of Students Scoring at Proficient or Advanced 80 90 70 80 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 2011-12 0 2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 2013-14 Last updated: 1/27/2015 Page 12 of 25 2013-14 SARC - Summit Public School: Tahoma California High School Exit Examination Grade Ten Results by Student Group (School Year 2013-14) (if applicable) English-Language Arts Mathematics Percent Not Proficient Percent Proficient Percent Advanced Percent Not Proficient Percent Proficient Percent Advanced All Students in the LEA 51% 18% 31% 47% 32% 22% All Students at the School 32% 30% 38% 30% 46% 24% Male 40% 24% 36% 29% 47% 24% Female 24% 35% 41% 30% 46% 24% Black or African American N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A American Indian or Alaska Native N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Asian N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Filipino N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Hispanic or Latino 42% 32% 26% 40% 48% 11% Native Haw aiian or Pacific Islander N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A W hite N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Tw o or More Races N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 39% 42% 18% 34% 50% 16% English Learners N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Students w ith Disabilities N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Students Receiving Migrant Education Services N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Group Note: Percentages are not calculated w hen the number of students tested is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small for statistical accuracy or to protect student privacy. Last updated: 1/27/2015 California Physical Fitness Test Results (School Year 2013-14) Percent of Students Meeting Fitness Standards Grade level Four of Six Standards Five of Six Standards Six of Six Standards 5 N/A N/A N/A 7 N/A N/A N/A 9 23.1% 28.6% 27.5% Note: Percentages are not calculated w hen the number of students tested is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small for statistical accuracy or to protect student privacy. Last updated: 1/27/2015 Page 13 of 25 2013-14 SARC - Summit Public School: Tahoma C. Engagement State Priority: Parental Involvement The SARC provides the follow ing information relevant to the Parental Involvement State Priority (Priority 3): Efforts the school district makes to seek parent input in making decisions for the school district and each schoolsite. Opportunities for Parental Involvement - Most Recent Year Tahoma recognizes that students learn best w hen parents are involved in their learning and their learning community. Almost all current research indicates that parental involvement is the single most important ingredient to student success after socioeconomic status. Accordingly, Tahoma actively reaches out to parents to encourage them to be involved in the school in many w ays. The Tahoma parent organization (PIVOT is responsible for coordinating Tahoma volunteer needs and activities, and recording volunteer participation. The parent management team strives to match school needs w ith the interests and schedules of each family and values input from the entire Tahoma community. PIVOT is divided into 6 functional committees w ith Managers for each group, and leads for each subgroup. The committees are as follow s: Fundraising, Communications, Events, Student Recruiting, and Facilities. Some examples of volunteer opportunities include: Driving, chaperoning, or helping to plan the school camping trip Driving, chaperoning, or helping to plan grade level Study Trips Helping to serve lunch Doing data entry, mailings, translation, & other community outreach Assisting w ith Open Houses & other recruiting events Helping w ith the college process Assisting w ith school clubs and sports Tahoma's PIVOT w ebsite can be found at: Last updated: 1/27/2015 State Priority: Pupil Engagement The SARC provides the follow ing information relevant to the Pupil Engagement State Priority (Priority 5): High school dropout rates; and High school graduation rates. Dropout Rate and Graduation Rate (Four-Year Cohort Rate) School Indicator 2010-11 2011-12 District 2012-13 State 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 79.98 82.2 82.92 77.14 78.87 80.44 Dropout Rate Graduation Rate Dropout/Graduation Rate (Four-Year Cohort Rate) Chart 1.0 Page 14 of 25 2013-14 SARC - Summit Public School: Tahoma 1.0 Dropout Rate Graduation Rate 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Last updated: 1/27/2015 Page 15 of 25 2013-14 SARC - Summit Public School: Tahoma Completion of High School Graduation Requirements Graduating Class of 2013 Group School District State All Students Black or African American American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Filipino Hispanic or Latino Native Haw aiian or Pacific Islander W hite Tw o or More Races Socioeconomically Disadvantaged English Learners Students w ith Disabilities Page 16 of 25 2013-14 SARC - Summit Public School: Tahoma Last updated: 1/27/2015 State Priority: School Climate The SARC provides the follow ing information relevant to the School Climate State Priority (Priority 6): Pupil suspension rates; Pupil expulsion rates; and Other local measures on the sense of safety. Suspensions and Expulsions School Rate District State 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Suspensions 4.40 3.30 4.10 5.30 5.70 5.30 5.70 5.10 4.40 Expulsions 1.80 5.20 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.10 Suspensions Expulsions 6 6.0 5 School Suspensions School Expulsions District Suspensions State Suspensions District Expulsions State Expulsions 5.0 4 4.0 3 3.0 2 2.0 1 1.0 0 0.0 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Last updated: 1/27/2015 Page 17 of 25 2013-14 SARC - Summit Public School: Tahoma School Safety Plan - Most Recent Year Tahoma has w orked hard to ensure the School Safety Plan meets or exceeds safety standards. There is a designated team on site to review and monitor the safety plan periodically. The Plan includes but is not limited to Emergency Safety Drills, building inspections and safety training for staff members. All staff and students participate in training to ensure familiarity w ith emergency procedures. All staff members are certified in first aid and CPR. The School also complies w ith the Education Code requirement that each new employee be fingerprinted for the purpose of obtaining a criminal background check as a condition of employment. Tahoma follow s standard health and safety practices as required by State and local law . All visitors to the school are required to sign in and indicate the purpose of their visit. No unauthorized visitors are allow ed on the campus. The School practices close communication w ith parents, such as calling home w hen a student is sick or in the case of a medical emergency to ensure the health and safety of the student body. Last updated: 1/27/2015 Page 18 of 25 2013-14 SARC - Summit Public School: Tahoma D. Other SARC Information The information in this section is required to be in the SARC but is not included in the state priorities for LCFF. Adequate Yearly Progress Overall and by Criteria (School Year 2013-14) AYP Criteria School Made AYP Overall No Met Participation Rate - English-Language Arts Yes Met Participation Rate - Mathematics Yes Met Percent Proficient - English-Language Arts No Met Percent Proficient - Mathematics No Met Graduation Rate N/A District Last updated: 1/27/2015 Federal Intervention Program (School Year 2014-15) Indicator School District In PI In PI 2013-2014 2007-2008 Year 2 Year 3 Number of Schools Currently in Program Improvement N/A 10 Percent of Schools Currently in Program Improvement N/A 66.7% Program Improvement Status First Year of Program Improvement Year in Program Improvement * Note: Cells w ith NA values do not require data. * DW (determination w aiver) indicates that the PI status of the school w as carried over from the prior year in accordance w ith the flexibility granted through the federal w aiver process. Last updated: 1/27/2015 Page 19 of 25 2013-14 SARC - Summit Public School: Tahoma Average Class Size and Class Size Distribution (Elementary) 2011-12 2012-13 Number of Classes * Grade Level Average Class Size 1-20 21-32 33+ 2013-14 Number of Classes * Average Class Size 1-20 21-32 33+ Number of Classes * Average Class Size 1-20 21-32 33+ K 1 2 3 4 5 6 Other * Number of classes indicates how many classes fall into each size category (a range of total students per class). Last updated: 1/27/2015 Average Class Size and Class Size Distribution (Secondary) 2011-12 2012-13 Number of Classes * Subject 2013-14 Number of Classes * Average Class Size 1-22 23-32 33+ Average Class Size 1-22 23-32 English 24.5 0 4 0 25.0 2 6 Mathematics 24.5 4 2 2 51.0 Science 26.0 0 4 0 25.0 1 Social Science 24.5 0 4 0 25.0 2 33+ Number of Classes * Average Class Size 1-22 23-32 23.0 4 8 23.0 4 8 7 23.0 4 8 6 23.0 4 8 6 33+ * Number of classes indicates how many classrooms fall into each size category (a range of total students per classroom). At the secondary school level, this information is reported by subject area rather than grade level. Last updated: 1/27/2015 Page 20 of 25 2013-14 SARC - Summit Public School: Tahoma Academic Counselors and Other Support Staff (School Year 2013-14) Title Number of FTE* Assigned to School Average Number of Students per Academic Counselor Academic Counselor Counselor (Social/Behavioral or Career Development) N/A Library Media Teacher (librarian) N/A Library Media Services Staff (paraprofessional) N/A Psychologist N/A Social W orker N/A Nurse N/A Speech/Language/Hearing Specialist N/A Resource Specialist (non-teaching) N/A Other 2.0 N/A Note: Cells w ith N/A values do not require data. * One Full Time Equivalent (FTE) equals one staff member w orking full time; one FTE could also represent tw o staff members w ho each w ork 50 percent of full time. Last updated: 1/27/2015 Expenditures Per Pupil and School Site Teacher Salaries (Fiscal Year 2012-13) Total Expenditures Per Pupil Expenditures Per Pupil (Supplemental/Restricted) Expenditures Per Pupil (Basic/Unrestricted) Average Teacher Salary $9,415 $3,124 $6,290 $52,904 District N/A N/A N/A N/A Percent Difference – School Site and District N/A N/A N/A N/A State N/A N/A $4,690 N/A Percent Difference – School Site and State N/A N/A N/A N/A Level School Site Note: Cells w ith N/A values do not require data. Last updated: 1/30/2015 Page 21 of 25 2013-14 SARC - Summit Public School: Tahoma Types of Services Funded (Fiscal Year 2013-14) Tahoma’s parents fundraises each year betw een 3 and 5 % of total revenue. Each year, Tahoma determines w hich programs w ould best benefit from this funding and the overall funding from the state. Additionally, Tahoma outsources to various parties for its Expeditions courses, operations and housekeeping (custodial services, facilities, and lunch), back office support (accounting, payroll), special education (testing, placements), athletics (coaching), and legal counsel. W e also have many different types of programs and services available at the school that support and assist students. Those are: Office Hours - before or after school, there are about 5 hours w here students can come get support from their teachers and peers outside of the regular school day. During these office hours, teachers are available to support students in their learning of content, practice on skills they haven’t mastered yet, or to get w ork done in a quiet and safe place. Tutoring Bar - during the school day, w e also offer times w here students can get support from their teachers through a structure called the tutoring bar. At the tutoring bar, teachers make themselves available to support students in practicing their self-directed learning, to learn content of their courses, or to w ork on skills that are important for their projects. Summit Reads - during the school day, w e also offer times w here students can get support in their reading. There is a dedicated time everyday w hen students are required to read, and w e use data to decide w hat level of support students need in their reading. Students w ho are reading at grade level are simply required to read for that time. Students reading below grade level use a reading remediation program to support them in actually learning the skills necessary to get back to grade level. And students w ho are far below grade level in their reading have small, teacher-driven reading remediation to learn remedial reading skills. Summit Solves - similarly to Summit Reads, during the school day, w e offer times w here students can get support in their numeracy. This is a dedicated time everyday w hen students are required to w ork on math, and w e use data to decide w hat level of suppor students need in their numeracy. Students w ho are at grade level w ith their numeracy are simply required to do math problems at their grade level for this time. Students w ho are below grade level are doing math at their math level, and students w ho are far below grade level have small, teacher-driven numeracy remediation to learn remedial mathematics skills. Peer tutoring - during the day, as w ell as after school, w e also have times w here students support other students academically. The peer tutoring club is something driven by students, and is used w idely by students to get help on content or skills for their courses. Reading Plus - is a program w e use to support students in their reading. It is a program designed to teach students how to improve in their reading, w ith exercises and tests that have proven grow th in comprehension, scanning, and reading speed. Mentor Check ins - every student, every w eek, has an extended check in w ith their mentor. During this check in, mentors use this as an opportunity to support students in goal-setting, making plans, advocating for them, and how to improve their learning habits. This is a structured time w here mentors can get at the root causes of w hy students need support. Data - w e also have a dedicated time for teachers to look at achievement data and meet in teams to dissect and make plans for students w ho need support. Every w eek, there is a time for data to be looked at to help students make plans, identify students w ho need more targeted support, and to see w hich students need to be more challenged. Last updated: 1/27/2015 Teacher and Administrative Salaries (Fiscal Year 2012-13) Category District Amount State Average For Districts In Same Category Beginning Teacher Salary N/A N/A Mid-Range Teacher Salary N/A N/A Highest Teacher Salary N/A N/A Average Principal Salary (Elementary) N/A N/A Average Principal Salary (Middle) N/A N/A Average Principal Salary (High) N/A N/A Superintendent Salary N/A N/A Percent of Budget for Teacher Salaries % % Percent of Budget for Administrative Salaries % % For detailed information on salaries, see the CDE Certificated Salaries & Benefits W eb page at http://w w w . Page 22 of 25 2013-14 SARC - Summit Public School: Tahoma Teacher Salary Chart Principal Salary Chart 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 -0.5 -0.5 -1.0 Beginning Teacher Salary Mid-Range Teacher Salary Highest Teacher Salary -1.0 Average Principal Salary (Elementary) Average Principal Salary (Middle) Average Principal Salary (High) Last updated: 1/27/2015 Page 23 of 25 2013-14 SARC - Summit Public School: Tahoma Advanced Placement Courses (School Year 2013-14) Subject Number of AP Courses Offered* Computer Science English N/A 4 Fine and Performing Arts Foreign Language Percent of Students In AP Courses N/A N/A 2 N/A Mathematics N/A Science N/A Social Science 4 N/A All Courses 10 4.2 Note: Cells w ith N/A values do not require data. *W here there are student course enrollments. Last updated: 1/27/2015 Page 24 of 25 2013-14 SARC - Summit Public School: Tahoma Professional Development – Most Recent Three Years Professional development starts w ith every Summit teacher an empow ered, self-directed and continuous learner w ho is w orking to improve student outcomes every day. W e know that providing students w ith high-quality, high-impact teachers is one of the most important factors in their success. Every year, the faculty comes together to look at student acheivement data as w ell as reflections from the previous year to determine the needs of the school and its students. From there, w e decide w hat school goals most align to better support teacher grow th and student achievement. For example, these school goals include: creating and maintaining a college-bound culture, actively engaging students in learning, creating a sense of belonging and ow nership, and making progress in our w ork daily. These goals then inform the w ork that w e do as a faculty and the individual goals of each teacher. Teachers professionally develop skills and know ledge focused on enabling high-impact activities w ith every student, every day. W e do this through an innovative professional development program in w hich: • Every teacher participates in 40 days of professional development each year. • Every teacher has access to professional development experiences that are personalized to meet their needs, goal-driven, and supported by high-quality tools and resources. These experiences could be w orkshops, collaboration w ith colleagues, peer observations, support from external partners, and individual coaching from administration. • Every teacher’s development is linked to student success. • Every teacher has the opportunity to share best practices and collaborate w ith his or her peers to ensure w e are alw ays providing students w ith the highest quality education. These professional development experiences must ensure that teachers are empow ered to drive their ow n development, grow th and improvement. Tahoma believes that it is possible to attract and retain talented teachers by sharing a dynamic vision committed to excellence. Creating a professional Tahoma relies heavily on the professional development of our staff. Every teacher has a tw o hour block of time every day to plan individually or to w ork w ith other department members for collaborative planning. Each w eek, approximately 4 hours of time is allotted for staff meeting time; this time is broken dow n in to full faculty planning for common goals, visions, and school w ide concerns, grade level time, and time for teams and individuals can w ork tow ards meeting goals set forth on their personal educator plans. Last updated: 1/26/2015 Page 25 of 25