Announcements for the week of October 31, 2010 TODAY’S EVENTS Reformation Weekend Festival Services: 8, 9:30 & 11 am Sunday; 7 pm Monday Special Guest Appearance: Dr. Martin Luther (aka Pastor Schuschke) 8 & 9:30 am - Holy Communion 11 am - St. Luke’s Preschool Students singing JOIN US FOR REFRESHMENTS AND FELLOWSHIP Oviedo: Following the 8 am Service in the School Cafeteria. Chuluota: Following the service. Sanford: 10 am in the Fellowship Hall. TODAY TRUNK OR TREAT: A COMMUNITY COSTUME PARTY Two locations: 11 am at Joan Walker Elementary School 12:30 pm at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church Hot Dogs • Drinks • Crafts Games • Candy • Prizes ALTAR FLOWERS Oviedo: Given to the glory of God by Susan Cromie and Jean Richardson in loving memory of their parents, whose Christ-filled lives and marriage set an example for their daughters to follow. Altar flowers are available for November 7, 14, 21 & 28. Sanford: In memory of Peter Klavuhn by the Klavuhn family. CELEBRATING A FAITH MILESTONE Today is a special day for St. Luke’s 2nd graders. Students and parents have been attending class together for the last three weeks and many will be receiving their Bibles today at the 11 am service. On this Reformation Sunday enjoy the incredible gift of God’s Word. MILESTONE OF FAITH: CONFIRMATION Michael Davis and Holli Baeza received confirmation today at Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, Sanford. Free Admission TRICK OR TREATING AT THE LUTHERAN HAVEN Families are invited to trick or treat through the streets of Lutheran Haven. Come out today from 5:30 to 8 pm and knock on the doors of the cottages that display an orange pumpkin in the window. IMPORTANT REFORMATION DAY STATEMENTS: Sola fide: “by faith alone” [Latin]. Term referring to the Scriptural doctrine that “a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the Law.” (Romans 3:28) Sola gratia: “by grace alone” [Latin]. Term referring to the Scriptural doctrine that man is saved by grace alone without the deeds of the Law. (Ephesians 2:8-9) Sola Scriptura: “Scripture alone” [Latin}. Term referring to the Holy Scripture as the inerrant source and norm of all doctrine. Source: Our Goal for every Member: The most biblically literate, doctrinally sound, actively engaged believers in the world… to extend the Kingdom of God in Oviedo, Chuluota, Sanford and to the ends of the earth. Guest Information IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A CHURCH HOME... please consider joining us at St. Luke’s. We would be glad to have you as a part of God’s family in Oviedo or at our Chuluota campus. Take time after the service to introduce yourself to a Pastor, the Vicar or an Elder. If you are in need of pastoral care, please call the church office at 407-365-3408. Oviedo: Stop by our Welcome Center located in the Narthex to receive an information packet. Chuluota: Stop by our Welcome table located in the front lobby to receive an information packet. You can become a member of St. Luke’s by: ♦ Baptism in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, for infants and children who have never been baptized and whose parents are members. ♦ Attending Portals, new member orientation, for those who have been confirmed in the Lutheran faith and will be received by transfer or affirmation of faith. ♦ Attending instruction classes (Explorations) for adults who have not been baptized or confirmed in a Lutheran Church. NURSERY Childcare is available for children ages 4 and younger during the worship services. Oviedo: Maps to the Nursery, located in Slavia Square East, are available at the Welcome Center and directional signs are posted around campus. Chuluota: Signs are placed along the outside wall of the worship area to the Nursery, which is located across the hall from the rear entrance. PARENTS WITH YOUNG CHILDREN We encourage families to worship together. To assist your child in participating in worship, a children’s bulletin is available. Oviedo: If you should need a quiet place to calm your children or tend to their needs, you may use the glass-walled room at the rear of the sanctuary (entrance is across from the Music Room). LARGE PRINT AND HEARING AID DEVICES Ask an usher if you need a Large Print bulletin or a hearing device. Note: All hymns are printed in the large print bulletins. Media Ministry: A CD or DVD of worship services may be ordered by calling the church office. All are free of charge; however, donations to the Media Ministry will be accepted. Sermons are also posted on: 2 DO YOU HAVE A PRAYER REQUEST? Call the church office 407-365-3408 or go to PRAYER PARTNERS MINISTRY One-on-one prayer ministry to anyone who desires it between the Sunday services in the Sanctuary. WATCH OVIEDO SUNDAY SERVICES LIVE! Sunday services are broadcast on our website. Click “Watch Service Live” icon. PARTNERS IN MINISTRY • Lutheran Counseling Services: A therapist is available on Monday through Wednesday in Slavia Square. Insurance may be applicable. Call 407-644-4692 for an appointment. • Thrivent Financial Services: Open Fridays, 9 am -noon in Slavia Square (407-366-7864). Home office: 1750 W. Broadway, Suite115, Oviedo, FL 32765. Phone: 407-542-3986. • HOPE Foundation for the Homeless, Inc: Operators of the Sonshine Community Thrift Store & Food Pantry in Oviedo. Call 407-366-3422 or • Lutheran Braille Workers: Work Center #130 is located at 2061 Catbird Loop in Lutheran Haven. Contact: Dick & Nancy Challis at • Pathways to Home: Mission: To increase family stability and resiliency by guiding families to services that best meet their real needs. Contact: or 407-268-6363. STEWARDSHIP CORNER Weekly YTD Budget $42,286 $763,993 Actual $35,660 $715,421 St. Luke’s Annual Budget $2,622,841 Sanford $1,335 ATTENDANC E INFOR MATION YEAR 2009 2010 1341 1286 Worship Services Oviedo 142 92 Worship Service Chuluota 53 41 Worship Service Haven 64 87 Worship Service Sanford TOTALS 1600 1506 105 Mid-week Adult Bible Study: Oviedo 97 Adult Bible Study: Oviedo 127 Sunday School: Oviedo 155 Community Night Classes: Adult 111 Community Night Classes: Children 62 Youth Bible Study 51 Worship online viewers St. Luke’s Lutheran Church NEW THIS WEEK! MILESTONES OF FAITH: HOLY BAPTISM Brooke Elisabeth Herman and Blake Edward Herman children of Edward Harold Herman and Nancy Anne Herman received holy baptism on October 29, 2010. Piper Rose Anderson, daughter of Nicholas Anthony Anderson and Shadow Jimenez Anderson received holy baptism on October 30, 2010. SUNDAY SCHOOL God is always doing exciting things! Come check out Sunday school today at 9 am in Sanford, 9:30 am in Oviedo and 10:30 am in Chuluota to learn more about God’s awesome work. Maps and information are available at the Welcome Center to assist you in finding the right class for your child. New children are always welcome. CONNECT WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS AT COMMUNITY NIGHT EVERY WEDNESDAY • 5-6:15 pm - Dinner in Founders’ Hall/gym • 6:30-7:30 pm - Pioneer Clubs for children & Christian education opportunities for adults A list of classes is available at Menu for November 3: Chicken Teriyaki, Fried Rice, Stir Fry Veggies, Coconut Cream Pie or Key Lime Pie. Children's menu: Spaghetti & Meatballs. FREE PARENTING CLASS: PREVENTING POWER STRUGGLES Power struggles escalate and always end in some form of lose-lose situations for all parties involved. In this workshop you will learn: • the adult and child beliefs that create power struggles • the five step process that prevents power struggles • the strategies and skills needed to get out of power struggles • how to heal yourself and children after a power struggle has occurred Please join Vicky Hepler of Loving Guidance, Inc., associate creators of Conscious Discipline, on November 10 from 6:30-8:30 pm in the Sanctuary. Sponsored by: Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Announcements for the week of October 31, 2010 HONORING OUR VETERANS The Kindergarten Veterans’ Day Program is Thursday, November 11, at 10 am in the Sanctuary. All are invited to attend. HELP PROVIDE A THANKSGIVING MEAL FOR A FAMILY IN NEED Few things in life are more impactful and more important than gathering around the table for a family meal. St. Luke’s Senior Youth is working with “Servant’s Heart Ministry” to provide over 100 central Florida families with that opportunity this Thanksgiving. Baskets will be filled with the fixings for the perfect Thanksgiving meal. The youth are asking for your support by giving a monetary contribution or purchasing: • • • • • • • • $10 gift card for the purchase of a turkey Dinner Rolls Mix Jello/Canned Fruit Salad Fixings Instant Mashed Potatoes & Gravy Stuffing Mix Green Beans Casserole (2 cans of green beans, 1 can cream of mushroom soup, 1 can of fried onions) Canned Corn Cake Mix and Icing Items may be deposited in the box in the Narthex on November 7, 14, or 21. Help make a difference this Thanksgiving. (Estimated cost for an entire basket is $30.) OH NUTS! Don’t be saying that on Sunday, November 7! Plan to support Girl Scouts with our candy & nut sales outside the church entrances after each service. Items priced between 5-7 dollars. Want them early? See your local Girl Scout or contact Dolores Gallo at 407 -977-8116 or WEIGHT WATCHERS AT ST. LUKE’S With a revolutionary new program starting soon, leader and meeting time availability will be limited so let’s start scheduling our next Weight Watchers meeting series today. Plus, we’ll get Weight Watchers eTools FREE to stay on track between meetings. Interested? Call 407-365-3228 x3102 or send an email to Share the news. We’ll need at least 15 people to sign up. 3 LADIES WEDNESDAY LUNCH BUNCH The Bunch will dine on November 3 at Boston’s Fish House located on Aloma and Forsyth. Car pool from the church parking lot at 10:30 am. Contact: Arden Graf at 407-365-5537. PRAYER PETITIONS AS OF 10/27/10 HOSPITALS: Central Florida Regional: James Ekern Florida-East: Howard Gaertig Florida-North: Ken Voll Florida-Winter Park: Eleanor Hrncir, Alma Pierce ORMC: Christopher Peterson, Michael Wrye Universal Health (NC): Gordon Freeman UPCOMING PROCEDURES/RECOVERING: Patrick Fitzsimmons, Richard Edwards, Pamela Saninocencio, Jeanne Lackey CANCER LIST: Nancy Blue, Tony Bradley, Lynn Calkin, Joan Ardner, Chuck Decker, Susan Gaertig, Jeanne Lackey, Marilyn Lindeman, Stacy McNamara, Jarred Parrish, Cetera Plagmann. Shirley Schulman, Ron Hulbert, Danny Eurich DEATHS: Phyllis Syme’s family at the death of her husband, Jack Syme, on 10/26/10. MILITARY: Patrick Blair, Ryan Copenhaver, Travis Esposito, Valerie Petrosky, Robert Petrosky, Jonathan Reynolds LOAVES AND DISHES WEEKLY SCHEDULE This week’s cooks on call: Janice & Gerald Clark, Carla French, Kathleen Glenn, Suzanne Graham, Kimberly Griffith, Susan Gugel. Contact: Linda Schmid at 407-277-3698 or REMEMBER THE RE-FORMATION COVENANTS? Last October members had an opportunity to sign a covenant, a Solemn Agreement with God in the areas of Worship, Learning, Serving and Giving. If you filled one out, the sealed covenants will be mailed to you on November 12. Upon receipt, take a few moments to review your personal goals. In preparation for filling out a new Commitment to Christ next month, contemplate how God’s Word has shaped and molded you in the last 12 months. 4 CONTRIBUTION ENVELOPES IN 2011 Starting with the 2011 contribution year, a 2-month supply of envelopes will be mailed to your home six times a year. To mail a small quantity bi-monthly brings cost savings in postage and reduces the number of boxes left over at the end of the year. Your first supply will arrive in time for use starting in January 2011. MISSION OF THE MONTH The POBLO Ministry of Missions Training A big part of the ministry of POBLO is to assist our LCMS churches to start cross cultural ministries. It is the laity of our congregations who are living next to and working with Muslims and those of other religious backgrounds. As American Christians we all need to learn how to approach someone of a different ethnic background, especially if it is a person who needs to hear about Jesus. In 2011 POBLO will begin an online training program which will teach Christians all around the U.S. about how to do outreach to Muslims, Hindus, and others. Let’s equip ourselves so that cross cultural ministries can begin, right from our churches. Please support POBLO so that POBLO can assist LCMS members to do outreach. As mission of the month POBLO will receive $300 from St. Luke’s Lutheran Church. For more information visit THE BEACON NOW AVAILABLE The Lutheran Beacon, our District “newspaper” is now available. Please pick up a copy in the Narthex or at all exits. To see The Lutheran Beacon in full color visit BOOKENDS The Lutheran Haven Flea Market Book Nook is already preparing for the April (2011) Flea Market. If you have any sturdy metal bookends to donate, please drop them off at the Flea Market House on the Haven property. Contact: Michele Bremke 407644-2661. COURTESY ANNOUNCEMENT The author of Vows of Deception, W.L. Cati, PhD, is speaking at Encounter Church (2320 E. Robinson Street) on November 14 from 5:30-8:15 pm. Hear about Cati’s journey in Islam and her return to Christ. Phone: 407-858-0351. St. Luke’s Lutheran Church NEXT SUNDAY Daylight Saving Time Ends FL/GA Middle School Youth Gathering (Lake Yale) How to Start a Small Group Bible Study 9:30 am Youth INC - 6 pm SAVE THE DATE Parenting Class: Preventing Power Struggles November 10 How We Got the Bible - November 21 December 19 Thanksgiving Services - November 24 at 7 pm and November 25 at 10 am Centennial Event - January 8, 2012 Centennial Event - March 18, 2012 (community invited) Centennial Event - October 28, 2012 Centennial Event - December 30, 2012 ST. LUKE’S LUTHERAN SCHOOL PROSPECTIVE PARENT SESSIONS • January 18, 7 pm • January 22, 10 am • February 5, 10 am IN CASE YOU MISSED IT! EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES The Florida Georgia District of the LCMS, located in Orlando, is looking for a part time Bookkeeper/ Administrative Assistant. Job responsibilities include: financial statements, accounts payable, accounts receivable, cash receipts and reports. Submit resume to: Mr. John Elliott at The Lutheran Haven: CNA - skilled nursing facility evening shift, weekends. Requires Florida CNA certificate. Previous geriatric experience preferred. Interested persons may apply at our administrative office: 2041 W. SR 426, Oviedo. Lutheran Church of the Redeemer is seeking a Nursery Care Worker: (p/t). Must be able to work Sunday mornings 8:45 am-12 pm. Qualifications include, but are not limited to, previous early childhood experience, an aspiration to nurture the young with a Christ-centered focus, and dependability. Must be at least 18 years old. If interested submit a resume to Human Resources via email: BLESSED TO SERVE Do you know someone who can: • Take a strategic role in financial decisions? • Assist staff with budgets and financial forecasts? • Help balance good business practices with ministry? • Communicate financial information to Boards and members? The term of office for our Church Treasurer will expire in July 2011 and we are compiling a list of interested candidates to serve in this position. Submit names for consideration, to Mike Mueller, Treasurer ( or Judi Cooper, Business Manager (407-365-3408; To become familiar with St. Luke's accounting staff and procedures, there will be an opportunity to help with the preparation of budgets for the next fiscal year. This position requires attending monthly board meetings and meeting weekly with the Business Manager. - Tom Cotton, Chairman Board for Stewardship Announcements for the week of October 31, 2010 5 CLICK HERE TO VOLUNTEER Want to be part of From Everywhere to Bethlehem? Click on the OUTREACH tab on the website and then select Everywhere to Bethlehem. Print out the form (link at the bottom of the screen), fill it out and turn it in. (You may also email it to Wow! That was easy... ADULTS WITH AGING PARENTS Next meeting is on Wednesday, November 3 from 6:30-7:30 pm in Suite C. Guest speaker, Darlene Jalowsky, has worked as a nurse in assisted living, medicare/home health, medical equipment and geriatric care management, and, has authored, Baby Boomer- Life Style Management. She is also the caregiver for her mother and father. Contact: Church office at 407-365-3408 or Nancy Herbon at 407-699-9241. LUTHERAN WOMEN’S MISSIONARY LEAGUE (LWML) Afternoon LWML: will meet on Tuesday, November 2 at 2 pm in the dining room at Lutheran Haven Assisted Living Facility. You do not have to be a resident of the Lutheran Haven to attend. • Devotions by: Audrey Roglitz. • Guest Speaker: Rev. Gary S. Schuschke. • Topic: Martin Luther • Update on: The REWA Fund The Morning LWML: will meet on November 1 at 9:30 am at the home of Carolyn Duda, 709 Conesus Lane, Winter Springs. New members are always welcome and childcare is available. Contact: Katherine Brockhaus at 305-454-5833. SR. YOUTH SUMMER MISSION TRIP REGISTRATION OPEN Have you ever experienced a mission trip or servant event? This summer our high school ministry is coordinating a trip to Logan, West Virginia. (Registration closes November 19.) Information is available in the church office or by contacting Rhonda Betteridge at ANNOUNCEMENTS ON THE WEBSITE Check out the announcements in color at, click on the Member tab then Member Resources. 6 MUNCH 'N MUSIC Do you remember “Ted Mack and His Amateur Hour?” Well, the Haven has its own Mack - The Rev. Roy Maack - who will be the host of “The Amateur Hour 3” at the November 9 Munch 'n Music. It is going to be a fun time with a variety of acts! Reservations (limited to 120) must be made by Wednesday, November 3. Please call Margaret Smeyak at 407-365-6176. Cost: $5 per person, payable at the door. LOW VISION SUPPORT GROUP Next meeting is on Wednesday, November 3, at 2 in the Haven Fellowship Hall. We will welcome Kathy Zastrow and her “puppy in training.” Kathy has been training “helper dogs” for quite a few years. She will be telling us about the program. She will be accompanied by her student puppy who wants to get acquainted with us and be loved. Everyone is always welcome! Light refreshments will be served. IMAGINE SPENDING THE HOLIDAYS IN AFGHANISTAN OR IRAQ…… Within the next few weeks, St. Luke’s will be sending packages to soldiers serving in Afghanistan and Iraq. Please consider contributing items for boxes: • Crystal Lite • Oreo cookies • Boxes of Christmas cards for the soldiers to send home to family and friends • Hard candy (chocolate melts), nuts, trail mix • Sports magazines A container for these donations is located by the table which displays the Troop Support Scrapbook in the Narthex (Door 2). - SLLC – Board for Human Care St. Luke’s Mission: “Proclaiming Jesus Christ so that all may know God and grow in faith toward Him and in love toward one another.” St. Luke’s Lutheran Church PARTICIPANT SCHEDULE FOR SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31 AND MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1 (SUBJECT TO CHANGE) Sunday, 8 am (Oviedo) Message: Rev. Gary S. Schuschke Liturgist: Rev. Scott F. Abel Musicians: James Coe, organ/piano; Brass Ensemble; Adult Choir Communion Assistants: Russ Mueller, Ron Pomeroy Ushers: Andrew Jakubcin, Patrick Duffy, William Hermann, Scott Hinrichs, David Norvell, Paul Wacker Acolytes: Autumn Abell, Katie Connors, Cartree Pettis, Danielle Tatro Altar Guild: Peggy Pomeroy, Jeanne Wacker Fellowship Hour: St. Luke's Lutheran School Greeters: Mary Jansson, Kathy Stratton - Doors 2&3 Welcome Center: Blanche & Ed Grapatin Trustee: David Norvell Prayer Partner: Dwight Foote Sunday, 9 am (Chuluota) Message: Daniel C. Larsen, Vicar Liturgist: Rev. Brian D. Roberts Musicians: Alan Trapp, keyboard; Randi Christiansen, clarinet; Marty Christiansen, guitar; Kerry Brabble, alto saxophone Acolyte: Aaron Hickey Altar Guild: Linda Nichols, Kay Scott Fellowship Hour: Alisa Huttula Greeters: Christine Frank, Robert Scott Ushers: Gary Hickey, Thomas Hultgreen, David Nichols, Michael Thompson Elder: Thomas Hultgreen Sunday, 9:30 am (Oviedo) Message: Rev. Gary S. Schuschke Liturgist: Rev. W. M. Arp Musicians: James Coe, organ/piano; Brass Ensemble; Adult Choir Communion Assistants: Doug Duppstadt, George VanDeventer Ushers: Jack Kaleita, Horst Butzke, Virgil Davila, Michael Dicembre, John Kelly, Bill LaGrange, Dave Maire, Dipak Rajhansa, EJ Rossow, Mark Stinson, Nick Wrobleski Acolytes: Jeannelle Condame, Jeremy Delauter, Ean Kelly, Christianna McMichael Altar Guild: Jean Guarriello, Nancy Nail, Peggy Pomeroy, Jeanne Wacker Greeters: Ada Garmas - Door 1 Ann Evanson, Alice Wages - Doors 2&3 Welcome Center: Harry Graham Announcements for the week of October 31, 2010 Trustee: John Herbert Prayer Partner: Don Kovac Sunday, 9:30 am (Haven) Ordained Ministers: Rev. William Reinhardt Assisting Elder (Communion Assistant): Richard Schurrer Musician: Marjorie Meier, piano Usher/Worship Leader: Don Eicholtz Altar Guild: Olga Babchak, Margaret Smeyak Greeters: Mary Overdorff - Right Door Dorothy Rathjen - Left Door Margaret Smeyak - Front Door Eleanor Warder - Lobby Sunday, 10:30 am (Sanford) Message & Liturgist: Rev. Edward J. DeWitt Musicians: Ruth Wiedenmann, organist; Redeemer Adult Choir Acolyte: Ed Senkarik Greeter: Amy Meese Ushers: Keith Chernes, Joe Brooks, Matthew Gilson Sunday, 11 am (Oviedo) Message: Rev. Gary S. Schuschke Liturgist: Rev. W. M. Arp Musicians: James Coe, organ/piano; Brass Ensemble; Adult Choir; St. Luke’s Preschool Children Ushers: David Duda, John Baker, Ed Hampton, Donald Herzog, Dave Maire, John Russell, Peter Thomas, Thomas Walters, George Wilkes Acolytes: Adam Berlinski, Ryan Kebler, Emily Mann, Michael Winquist Altar Guild: Jean Guarriello, Nancy Nail Greeters: Jeanne Lackey, Shirley Schultz - Doors 2&3 Eva Rogers - Door 4 Trustees: Tom Galloway, John Jakubcin Prayer Partner: Joe Bartley Monday, 7 pm (Oviedo) Message & Liturgist: Rev. Gary S. Schuschke Musician: Ruth Wiedenmann, organ/piano Communion Assistant: Brent Summersgill Ushers: Ron Fran, J.D. Daher, Martin Koch Acolytes: Austin McLendon, Elliott Rios Altar Guild: Hilda Roseberry Welcome Center: P.J. Summersgill 7 Calendar of Events for October 31-November 6, 2010 * denotes childcare is available and ABS denotes Adult Bible Study Sunday, October 31 8 am - noon - Church office open 8 am - Worship Service* 9 am - Worship Service Chuluota* 9 am - Christian Resource Library (Suite D) 9 am - Lutheran Spirituality (Redeemer) 9:15 am - Crown Ministries (Suite C) 9:30 am - Lutheran Haven Worship 9:30 am - Digging Deeper ABS (School Cafeteria) 9:30 am - Lutheran Doctrine ABS (Suites A&B) 9:30 am - Old Testament Bethel ABS (Suites E&F) 9:30 am Sunday School (classroom maps available at the Welcome Center) 9:30 am - Worship Service* 10:30 am - Worship Service Sanford* 11 am - Worship Service* 11 am - DivorceCare (Suites E&F) 11 am - Trunk or Treat (Joan Walker School) 11:30 am - Voters’ Meeting (Redeemer) 12:30 pm - Trunk or Treat (Oviedo Campus) Monday, November 1 1:30 pm - ESOL Classes (Suite C) 7 pm - High School Task Force (Suites A&B) 7 pm - Worship Service (Sanctuary) Tuesday, November 2 9 am - SLLS Preschool Chapel (Sanctuary) 9 am - St. Luke’s Baptismal Banner Group (Suite C) 12 pm - Dominos (Redeemer) 2 pm - Afternoon LWML (Lutheran Haven Fellowship Hall) 2:15 pm - Parents In Touch (Suite D) 3:45 pm - Weight Watchers Meeting (Suites A&B) 6 pm - Girl Scouts (Redeemer) 6 pm - Shepherd’s Hope (Slavia Square) 7 pm - Redeemer Adult Choir Rehearsal (Redeemer) 7 pm - Board for Worship (Suite C) 7 pm - Youth Leadership Team (Youth Room) 7:45 pm - Bell Choir (Redeemer) 8 pm - Men’s Basketball (Founders’ Hall/gym) Wednesday, November 3 6:45 am - Men’s Bible Study (Suites A&B) 9:30 am - Men’s Bible Study (Suites E&F) 9:30 am - Women’s Bible Study (Suites A&B) 10 am - Christian Resource Library (Suite D) 3:30 pm - SOAR - Camp Drama (Redeemer) 5 pm - Community Night Dinner (Founders’ Hall/gym) 6:30 pm - Pioneer Clubs (School Rooms) 6:30 pm - 1st Year Jr. Confirmation (Media Center) 6:30 pm - 2nd Year Jr. Confirmation (6B) 6:30 pm - Adults with Aging Parents (Suite C) 6:30 pm - Lutheran Doctrine ABS (Chapel) 6:30 pm - Explorations ABS (Suites A&B) 6:30 pm - New Testament Bethel ABS (Music Room) 6:30 pm - Old Testament Bethel ABS (Suites E&F) 6:30 pm - Conscious Discipline (School Cafeteria) 6:30 pm - Faith on Tap ABS (Youth Room) 6:30 pm - Lutheran Haven Bible Study ABS (Lutheran Haven Fellowship Hall) Thursday, November 4 9 am - SLLS Preschool Chapel (Sanctuary) 12:30 pm - LWML (Redeemer) 6 pm - Shepherd’s Hope (Slavia Square) 6:30 pm - Chancel Ringers (Balcony) 7:30 pm - Adult Choir (Music Room) 8 pm - Adult Volleyball (Founders’ Hall/gym) Friday, November 5 Walk-a-Thon 8:45 am - SLLS Chapel and Faith Milestones’ Students Bible Presentation (Sanctuary) 1 pm - GriefShare (Suite D) 5 pm - FL/GA Middle School Gathering Saturday, November 6 FL/GA Middle School Gathering 10 am - FETB Planning Meeting (Media Center) 10 am - Small Group Book Club (Suites A&B) 6 pm - Redeemer Youth Groups (Redeemer) St. Luke’s Lutheran Church: 2021 W SR 426, Oviedo, FL 32765 Chuluota: Worshiping at Joan Walker Elementary School, 3101 Snow Hill Rd., Chuluota, FL 32766 Church: 407-365-3408, School: 407-365-3228, Church Fax: 407-366-9346 Church website: School website: Rev. W.M. Arp, Rev. Brian D. Roberts, Rev. Gary S. Schuschke, Rev. Scott F. Abel In partnership with Lutheran Church of the Redeemer: 2525 S. Oak Ave., Sanford, FL 32773 407-322-3552 Rev. Edward J. DeWitt 8 St. Luke’s Lutheran Church Students Celebrate Grandparents’ and Grand Friends On Grandparents’ Day This yearly event started early the night before with a new tradition – A Family Tailgate party! Soccer and volleyball games were played throughout the beautiful fall evening. Special entertainment was provided by our school band and orchestra as the diners enjoyed an old fashioned hotdog supper. The next day grandparents were invited to a chapel service with a special message from Pastor Arp. The sanctuary was filled with proud grandparents as they enjoyed the creative presentation of “The Pumpkin Patch Parable” by the middle school drama students and delightful class presentations from our preschool through middle school. Fresh baked cookies and punch were served by the Middle School students. (There were many requests for the secret cookie recipe.) The children were excited to have their grandparents visit their classrooms and meet their teachers. Preschool’s Exciting New School Year The preschool has had an exciting start to the school year! In addition to welcoming 236 children to the St. Luke’s school family we have hosted two special events, a “Meet and Greet” with our Heart Friends and a Night at the Arts. Heart Friends is a partnership program with the Lutheran Haven. We match a three year old student with a Haven resident. The students are prayed for throughout the year and receive cards. Our first “Meet and Greet” of the year was in the 2/3 year old preschool building on October 1. The Heart Friends spent time playing with Play-Doh, drawing and listening to stories with the children. A fun time was had by all. A Night at the Arts “A Night at the Arts”, our first family event for this school year, was on September 30 in the gym. Families painted pottery and listened to music performed by the Middle School choir and a harpist. St. Luke's cheerleaders offered concessions to purchase. We also had an exciting night giving away door prizes. The preschool families enjoyed the evening with family and friends. We look forward to future special events and the memories they create! Hispanic Heritage Month Excellence in Education Award St. Luke’s K-4th grade Spanish teacher, Ms. Brinson, received the Excellence in Education Award at the annual celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, “Recognizing Florida’s Hispanic Heritage: Past, Present and Future,” at the Governor’s Mansion. She received an award check for $1,500. “I am proud to recognize all of the contest participants who displayed their outstanding abilities and talents, and congratulate this year’s winners,” said Governor Crist. “Hispanic Heritage Month is truly an exceptional time to showcase the importance of Florida’s Hispanic-American community and its influence on our state’s success both now and in the future.” We Believe in Opportunity Fall Sports St. Luke’s soccer and volleyball teams have finished very exciting, successful seasons. The seventh and eighth grade soccer team finished as runner-up in the CFLAA tournament in St. Petersburg, losing to St. Michael, Ft. Myers, 2-1 in the championship game. They went on to win the Metro League championship defeating the Geneva School in a shootout. The soccer team qualified for the FLAA State Tournament where they defeated Zion, Deerfield Beach in the first round. They lost to St. Paul, Boca Raton in overtime in the semifinals, and went on to beat Grace, Winter Haven to capture third place. The seventh and eighth grade volleyball team finished runnerup in the CFLAA tournament, losing to St. Michael, Ft. Myers, in a hard-fought championship game. The following week they beat Circle Christian to win the Metro League championship. The volleyball team finished third place in the FLAA State Tournament where they defeated Zion, Deerfield Beach in round one, lost to Trinity, Delray Beach in round two, and finished with a win against St. Paul, Lakeland. Dig Pink is the name of the Breast Cancer awareness rally that takes place in gyms all over the country during Breast Cancer awareness month (October). The St. Luke’s Varsity Volleyball team hosted the Second Annual event on October 2. Great volleyball was played with other teams in the area. The boy’s soccer team showed their support by wearing pink team T-shirts during its games. There was lots of yummy food and delicious baked goods for sale! In advance of the event the girls sold the 2010 official Dig Pink “Disco” T-shirts and jean passes for the Friday before. The girls raised $3983.46! Red Ribbon Week at St. Luke’s “Red Ribbon Week” was celebrated across the United States the week of October 25 to promote healthy lifestyles and increase awareness about the dangers of drug use. St. Luke’s students were encouraged to show their commitment to live a drug-free life by participating in daily “themes.” They had fun wearing their craziest socks on “Sock It to Drugs” day, wearing their craziest hat on “Hats Off to Being Drug Free”, and of course, the students loved wearing their favorite team jersey for “I’m a Fan of Saying NO to Drugs”. They looked adorable wearing polka-dots everywhere for “Spot Me Being Drug Free” and the week concluded with our St. Luke’s students “Choosing to be Drug Free” at a GREEN & GOLD Spirit Day/Pep Rally Day. Dr. Reeves, Guidance Counselor, spoke to grades K & 1 about safety and healthy choices. Officers Laurie Bailey and Andrea Flannagin from the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office spoke to grades 2 – 5. An officer from the Drug Enforcement Administration spoke to the middle school students. What in the World does the PTL do? Sure, we all know about the PTL’s fundraising activities, but what happens to that money after it has been raised? Last year’s auction generated $77,000 and was used to purchase 47 Companion Touch Tablet computers for the teachers, 60 Dell “Z” Notebooks for our students, along with Windows 7 Pro software, and E-Instruction white board software. A portion of those funds has also been put aside to create a fund for a traffic light at the entrance to the school. Last year’s Walk-A-Thon proceeds went towards the Fine Arts Budget. Students attending the music festival benefited by having new performance uniforms, music supplies, and a portion of their expenses paid. The Art and Drama departments also took advantage of these funds. PTL funded improvements to the school including new water fountains, landscaping, laptops, a new playground, and enhancements to the listening centers for the preschool. Noticing the strain the economy was placing on families, the PTL purchased some of the classroom staples such as tissues and wipes, and supplied each teacher with $200 to use for classroom enhancement. The PTL has provided funding for continuing education for our teachers. We understand that keeping up with the latest teaching methods and technology is important for keeping our school competitive and our teachers better equipped to work with your children. From Everywhere to Bethlehem December 10, 11 & 12, 2010 ~ Sign-up Form ~ Yes! X I’d love to help share the wonderful Christmas story with our community. # Needed Each Night Circle day(s) you are able to participate. Participant Role # Needed Each Night Friday / Saturday / Sunday Cookie Bakers— 5 dozen Cookies ea. Unlimited Friday / Saturday / Sunday Traffic Control (Must be at least 21 years old.) 8-10 Friday / Saturday / Sunday Herod 1 Friday / Saturday / Sunday Greeters (Church & Narthex) 12 Friday / Saturday / Sunday Innkeeper 1 Friday / Saturday / Sunday Music—Guitarist 1 Friday / Saturday / Sunday Wisemen 6 Friday / Saturday / Sunday Refreshment Servers & Runners for cast 15 Friday / Saturday / Sunday Mary 5 Friday / Saturday / Sunday Joseph 4 Friday / Saturday / Sunday Centurions/Guards 4 Friday / Saturday / Sunday Marketplace Shopkeepers 20 Friday / Saturday / Sunday Zechariah 1 Friday / Saturday / Sunday Adult Jesus 1 Friday / Saturday / Sunday Disciple 1 Set-Up 20 Construction 15 Tear-Down 12 ACTORS (some with small speaking parts): X Circle day(s) you are able to participate. Participant Role ACTORS (some with small speaking parts): Friday / Saturday / Sunday Scribe at Herod’s Palace 1 Friday / Saturday / Sunday Guides 12 Friday / Saturday / Sunday John the Baptist 1 Friday / Saturday / Sunday Census Takers 3 Friday / Saturday / Sunday Speakers 5 Friday / Saturday / Sunday Gabriel 2 Friday / Saturday / Sunday Shepherds 8 Thursday, December 9th Friday, December 10th Thursday, December 9th Friday, December 10th Friday / Saturday / Sunday Angels 10 Monday, December 13th Note: Minimum age requirement for participants: 9th grade. Please Print. Name ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone ______________________________________________________________________________ Email ______________________________________________________________________________ Do you have a Facebook account? Please check: Yes No Youth (grades 9-12) Place completed forms in Oviedo to the specially marked bags at the exits; in Chuluota hand to an usher; and in Sanford return to Pastor DeWitt. The St. Luke’s Concert Series is a gift of St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, 2021 W SR 426, Oviedo, FL 32765, with the generous support of individuals, corporations and community foundations. Symphony Orchestra Saturday, November 13, 2010 at 7 pm Beethoven Forever Laszlo Marosi, Conductor • Benjamin Rauhala, Assistant Conductor • Joel Batchler, soloist Featuring: Overture to Coriolan, Opus 62 • Piano Concerto No. 3 in C minor, Opus 37 Symphony No. 7 in A major, Opus 92 Invite your friends! FREE admission to all concerts! Receive St. Luke’s Concert Series email reminders and program information throughout the season. Two easy ways to be included: 1. Visit stlukes‐ (click on the Concert Series logo) OR 2. Fill out the short form below and return to the church office or place in the offering plate, or concert box at the exits. Please print clearly Name: _______________________________________________________ E‐mail: _______________________________________________________ E‐mail addresses are used for Concert Series email reminders and program information only and will not be distributed or used for any other purpose. Remaining Concerts in the 2010‐11 Season: 2010 HOLIDAY CONCERTS Friday, December 3 ~ 7 pm; Saturday, December 4 ~ 2 & 7 pm BRASS BAND OF CENTRAL FLORIDA Chad Shoopman, Director Saturday, January 15, 2011 ~ 7 pm ORLANDO CONCERT BAND Saturday, February 12, 2011 Masterworks: 6 pm & Concert: 7 pm UCF SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Saturday, February 26, 2011 ~ 7 pm UCF WIND ENSEMBLE Saturday, March 26, 2011 ~ 7 pm ORLANDO PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA Sunday, April 10, 2011 ~ 3 pm LUTHERAN CANTATA CHOIR