IV Bag and Secondary Line Setup

IV Bag and Secondary Line Setup
Pharmacy ChemoClave Components Needed:
>> Secondary Set—SH3011-C
Nursing ChemoClave Components Needed:
>> Prepared IV Bag with primed secondary set attached
>> Vial Spike—SH-72 or SH-70
>> Closed Male Luer—SH2000S (For Syringe)
Pharmacy Secondary Line Preparation (Pharmacy Primes)
1. Spike IV Bag
2. Prepare Circle Prime
3. Tilt to Prime
4. Disconnect
>> Spike the solution container
with secondary set until
>> Swab Clave using
aggressive circular motion
for three seconds or per
facility protocol.
>> Open clamp and prime line.
>> Disconnect Spiros from
Clave port.
>> Fill drip chamber.
5. Prepare Syringe
>> Refer to Vial Preparation
to Syringe instructions on
how to prepare syringe.
>> Grasp Clave and Spiros
on end of Secondary Set
(SH3011) and luer together
until the devices are
securely connected.
6. Swab and Infuse
>> Swab Clave using
aggressive circular motion
for three seconds or per
facility protocol.
>> Luer lock Spiros on Clave
on set and infuse drug.
>> Elevate the drip chamber to
the height of the Spiros and
the line will automatically
>> Add red cap to Spiros.
>> Make sure no air enters the
tubing when priming the
Nursing Secondary Line Administration
1. Prepared Drug and Line
2. Administer
>> Receive hazardous
drug bag with primed
secondary line from
>> Remove Spiros red cap.
>> Swab y-site per facility
>> Grasp Spiros directly
when connecting.
>> Push and luer lock Spiros
to y-site.
>> Administer hazardous
drug to patient through
needlefree connector.