Comprehensive Analysis of Ion Variation in Metal Gate FinFETs for 20nm and Beyond T. Matsukawa, Y.X.Liu, S. O’uchi, K. Endo, J. Tsukada, H. Yamauchi, Y. Ishikawa, H. Ota, S. Migita, Y. Morita, W. Mizubayashi, K. Sakamoto and M. Masahara National Institute of AIST, Japan 1 Outline • Introduction • Sample FinFET fabrication • Analysis of Ion variation components - ΔVt contribution - ΔRpara evaluation and its contribution - ΔGm evaluation and its contribution • Scalability of ΔVt and ΔGm • Variability prediction for Lg=20 and 14nm • Summary 2 Introduction Variability of FinFETs : Previous studies G S D Work function variation (WFV) of MG Oxide charge variation in gate dielectrics. Undoped channel No RDF 9 Excellent SCE immunity : Low ΔVt against ΔLg and ΔTfin 9 Undoped channel : No ΔVt due to RDF Dominant ΔVt origins: - WFV due to MG grains - Oxide charge variation Matsukawa et al.(AIST), VLSI2009 Liu et al.(AIST), VLSI2010 3 Id log Id Importance of Ion variability ΔIon ΔVt Ioff degradation Ion degradation Vg 9ΔVt Stand-by power Vg 9ΔIon Circuit performance 4 Objective Comprehensive study of Ion variation of FinFET. Ion variability sources ΔIon ΔVtt D S G channel gate dielectrics NiSi ΔRpara para ΔGmm 9 Three sources of ΔIon Analysis Strategy ¾ ΔVt, ΔGm, and ΔRpara are analyzed as Ion variation components. ¾ Scalability analysis of the 3 components. Goal of this work : ¾ Prediction Ion variation for Lg=20 nm and beyond. 5 Outline • Introduction • Sample FinFET fabrication • Analysis of Ion variation components - ΔVt contribution - ΔRpara evaluation and its contribution - ΔGm evaluation and its contribution • Scalability of ΔVt and ΔGm • Variability prediction for Lg=20 and 14nm • Summary 6 FinFET Process flow (100) SOI wafer (110) fin channel patterning Gate oxidation (Tox~2nm, 3nm) TiN (10nm) deposition (PVD) n+ poly-Si HM depo. Gate patterning Extension I/I (As, 5 keV, 4x1014 cm-2) Side wall (TSWS=40nm) formation S/D I/I (P, 10 keV, 1015 cm-2) Dopant activation RTA (~870oC, 2s) Ni (7nm) sputtering, salicide process Metallization Etching condition vs variability Tox vs variability 7 Overview of fabricated FinFET Paired transistor G1 G2 D1 D2 S Top view SEM SWS G S D 100nm TiN NiSi fin channel 50nm TEM of channel and gate stack S n+Si G SWS D extension 100nm TEM of channel and S/D 8 Outline • Introduction • Sample FinFET fabrication • Analysis of Ion variation components - ΔVt contribution - ΔRpara evaluation and its contribution - ΔGm evaluation and its contribution • Scalability of ΔVt and ΔGm • Variability prediction for Lg=20 and 14nm • Summary 9 Analysis Strategy of ΔIon Sources Error propagation law: σ 2 Id ⎛ ∂I d ⎞ ⋅σVt ⎟⎟ ≈ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ∂ Vt ⎠ ΔVt 2 2 2 ⎛ ∂I d ⎞ ⎛ ∂I d ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ + ⋅σR para + ⎜⎜ ⋅σG m ⎟⎟ ⎜ ∂R para ⎟ ⎝ ∂G m ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ΔRpara ΔGm 9 Each source is assumed to be independent. 9 Each contribution is given experimentally: “sensitivity” x “variation” 10 Variability in Vg-Id : ΔVt contribution 10-7 10-9 ΔIon Δ Vt Tox=2nm 200 10-11 10-13 -0.5 300 100 0 0.5 Vg [V] 0 1 ρ=0.799 400 400 Id [μA/μm] Lg=80nm Vd=1V Tfin=25nm Id [A/μm] 10-5 500 500 Id@Vd=1V [μA/μm] 0.001 300 200 100 0 0.3 Slope: ∂Id/∂Vt_lin 0.35 0.4 Vt_lin[V] 0.45 0.5 9 Significant ΔVt recognized 9 ΔVt strongly correlates with ΔIon 11 2 σ 2 Id ⎛ ∂I d ⎞ ≈ ⎜⎜ ⋅σVt ⎟⎟ ⎝ ∂ Vt ⎠ 2 ⎞ ⎛ ∂I d +⎜ ⋅σR para ⎟ ⎟ ⎜ ∂R para ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎛ ∂I d ⎞ + ⎜⎜ ⋅σG m ⎟⎟ ⎝ ∂G m ⎠ 9 ΔVt contribution experimentally obtained. 3 2 Vt distribution 1 0 -1 σ Vt -2 -3 500 Id@Vd=1V [μA/μm] Error propagation law Normal quantile σ ΔVt Contribution on ΔIon 400 ΔIon - ΔVt correlation ρ=0.799 300 200 ∂Id/∂Vt_lin 100 0 0.3 0.35 0.4 Vt_lin[V] 0.45 0.5 12 Id variation vs gate overdrive Id [μA/μm] 500 Lg=80nm Vd=1V 400 Tfin=25nm 300 200 Vt 100 0 -0.5 0 Vov =0.7V 0.5 Vov (=Vg-Vt_lin) [V] 1 Id @Vov=0.7V [μA/μm] For ΔRpara and ΔGm estimation Id@Vov=0.7V vs ΔVt 500 400 300 200 ρ=0.0233 100 0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Vt_sat [V] 9 Influence of ΔVt is excluded from Id at identical gate overdrive. Utilized for analysis of ΔRpara and ΔGm. 13 ΔRpara evaluation strategy Ron fluctuation of identical Lg/Tfin design. Ron (=Vd/Id@Vov=0.7V) for various Lg/Tfin design. Thin 1000 Thick 500 0 0 Tfin=20,30, 40,60 nm 100 Identical slope 800 Ron [Ω-μm] Ron [Ω-μm] 1500 1000 200 Lg [nm] 300 400 Intercept (Lg=0): Parasitic Resistance Rpara 600 400 <Lg>=80 nm <Tfin>=25 nm 200 0 0 20 40 60 80 Measured L g[nm] 100 Projection to y-axis: Rpara variation 14 Id @Vov=0.7V [μA/μm] ΔRpara contribution on ΔIon (1) 500 ρ=0.639 400 300 Slope: ∂ ( I d @Vov = 0.7V ) 200 ∂R para 100 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Rpara [Ω-μm] 9ΔRpara has significant correlation with ΔIon. 9ΔRpara causes Ion fluctuation as well as ΔVt. 15 ΔRpara contribution on ΔIon (2) 2 σ 2 Id ⎛ ∂I d ⎞ ≈ ⎜⎜ ⋅σVt ⎟⎟ ⎝ ∂ Vt ⎠ 2 ⎞ ⎛ ∂I d +⎜ ⋅σR para ⎟ ⎟ ⎜ ∂R para ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎛ ∂I d ⎞ + ⎜⎜ ⋅σG m ⎟⎟ ⎝ ∂G m ⎠ 9 ΔRpara contribution experimentally obtained. Id @Vov=0.7V [μA/μm] Error propagation law Normal quantile σ 3 Rpara distribution 2 σRpara 1 0 -1 -2 -3 500 ρ=0.639 400 300 ∂ ( I d @Vov = 0.7V ) ∂R para 200 100 0 ΔIon – ΔRpara correlation 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Rpara [Ω-μm] 16 ΔGm evaluation strategy Gm_max Gm_lin [μS/μm] 160 120 Vd= 50mV 80 40 0 -0.5 Gm@ Vov=0.7V Gm@ Vov= 50mV 0 0.5 Vov (=Vg-Vt_lin) [V] 1 9ΔGm is evaluated by 3 different criteria. Correlation with ΔRpara is examined. 17 ΔGm – ΔRpara correlation 3 different criteria of ΔGm compared Gm_max Gm@Vov=0.7V Gm@Vov=50mV Rpara [Ω-μm] 600 500 400 300 200 ρ=0.725 100 0 80 100 120 140 Gm_max [μS/μm] ρ=0.088 ρ=0.713 40 60 80 100 40 60 80 100 Gm_lin @Vov=0.7V [μS/μm] Gm_lin@Vov=50mV [μS/μm] 9 ΔGm at Vov=50mV is almost independent from ΔRpara. Gm variation is correctly evaluated as independent variation sources. 18 Id @Vov=0.7V [μA/μm] ΔGm contribution on ΔIon (1) 500 ρ=0.562 400 300 200 ∂ ( I d @Vov = 0.7V ) Slope: ∂Gm _ lin 100 0 40 50 60 70 80 90 Gm_lin @Vov=50mV [μS/μm] 9ΔGm has significant correlation with ΔIon. 9ΔGm causes Ion fluctuation as well as ΔVt. 19 ΔGm contribution on ΔIon (2) 2 σ 2 Id ⎛ ∂I d ⎞ ≈ ⎜⎜ ⋅σVt ⎟⎟ ⎝ ∂ Vt ⎠ 2 ⎞ ⎛ ∂I d +⎜ ⋅σR para ⎟ ⎟ ⎜ ∂R para ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎛ ∂I d ⎞ + ⎜⎜ ⋅σG m ⎟⎟ ⎝ ∂G m ⎠ 9 ΔGm contribution experimentally obtained. Id @Vov=0.7V [μA/μm] Error propagation law Normal quantile σ 3 2 1 0 Gm distribution σGm -1 -2 -3 500 ρ=0.562 400 300 ∂ ( I d @Vov = 0.7V ) ∂Gm _ lin 200 100 0 ΔIon – ΔGm correlation 40 50 60 70 80 90 Gm_lin @Vov=50mV [μS/μm] 20 Origins of ΔGm Gm ∝ ΔGm vs ΔTox ΔTox in wafer 12 Variation [%] 10 8 6 4 2 0 σ Gm σ Tox Gm Tox μ Wg Tox Lg No correlation to ΔLg Gm@Vov=50mV [μS/μm] Negligible ΔTox SOI thick. uniformity. Negligible 90 80 ρ=0.0658 70 60 O.Weber et al., IEDM2008 50 40 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Measured ΔLg [nm] 100 9 Remaining component : Mobility μ 9 Mobility is possible origin of ΔGm 21 Summary of measured ΔIon sources Total ΔIon (Vg=Vd=1V) ΔVt ΔIon ΔGm sources ΔRpara Lg=80nm 0 2 4 6 8 10 Variation σId/<Id> [%] 12 9 ΔIon sources are evaluated successfully. 9 ΔVt is a dominant ΔIon source for Lg=80nm FinFETs. 9 ΔGm and ΔRpara have significant influence on ΔIon. 22 Outline • Introduction • Sample FinFET fabrication • Analysis of Ion variation components - ΔVt contribution - ΔRpara evaluation and its contribution - ΔGm evaluation and its contribution • Scalability of ΔVt and ΔGm • Variability prediction for Lg=20 and 14nm • Summary 23 Vt variation under scaling Tox=2nm Tox=3nm m V- μm 30 Vt = 10 2. 85 20 A σVt_lin [mV] Pelgrom plot 40 for ΔVt 0 0 AV =t 2 6 .0 m Tox scaling m μ V- Gate size scaling 5 10 15 1/(LW)1/2 [μm-1] 9ΔVt increases with gate size scaling : Scaling factor = AVt 9ΔVt origin : WFV + oxide charge fluctuation 9AVt can be reduced by Tox reduction. 24 Gm variation under scaling Pelgrom plot for ΔGm σGm/<Gm> [%] 20 Tox=2nm, by RIE Tox=3nm, by RIE 15 2 2 . 1 = 10 AG 5 0 -μ % m AG 0 5 m . 1 = m 11 % m μ - Gate size scaling 10 15 1/(LW) 1/2 [μm-1] 9ΔGm increases with gate size scaling : Scaling factor = AGm 9 AGm can not be reduced by Tox reduction 25 ΔGm reduction possibility Pelgrom plot for ΔGm σGm/<Gm> [%] 20 Tox=2nm, by RIE Tox=2nm, by wet etching 15 11 . =1 10 5 0 0 AG % -μ m m 6 . 0 = 1 m μ 3% A Gm 5 Fin channel formed by RIE 10 1/(LW)1/2 [μm-1] 15 Smooth/ damage-less wet etching 9 Less scattering 9 μ-related variability suppression Liu et al.(AIST), VLSI2010 9Process innovation necessary to reduce AGm. 26 ΔGm improvement mechanism Smooth/ damageless etching: Fin channel by RIE: Roughness & plasma damage Si(111) anisotropic etching Gate Fin channel Gate Scattering by roughness and defect charges Phonon scattering Liu et al.(AIST), VLSI2010 9 Roughness / Defects 9 Tr.-to-tr. variation Mobility variation 9 Suppressed scattering 9 μ variation improvement Suppressed ΔGm 27 Outline • Introduction • Sample FinFET fabrication • Analysis of Ion variation components - ΔVt contribution - ΔRpara evaluation and its contribution - ΔGm evaluation and its contribution • Scalability of ΔVt and ΔGm • Variability prediction for Lg=20 and 14nm • Summary 28 Prediction of ΔIon for Lg=20/14nm TCAD calculation based on ITRS Total ΔId Δ Vt ΔGm AVt=1.35 mVμm : Smallest AVt for FinFETs ΔRpara Liu et al.(AIST), VLSI2010 Total ΔId AGm=1.11 %μm : RIE etched Fin case σRpara/<Rpara>=13% Lg=20nm Δ Vt ΔGm Lg=14nm ΔRpara 0 5 10 15 σId/<Id> [%] 9 ΔGm becomes dominant ΔIon origin with Lg scaling to 14 nm. 20 25 29 ΔIon improvement for Lg=14nm w/ conv. process Process innovations taken into account. Total ΔId AVt=0.89 mVμm : Smallest AVt for FD-SOI ΔRpara K.Chang et al., IEDM2009 AGm=0.61 %μm : Smooth/ damageless etching Δ Vt ΔGm Process innovation Total ΔId Δ Vt ΔGm ΔRpara 0 5 10 15 σId/<Id> [%] 20 25 9 Process innovations reduce both the contribution and keep ΔIon comparable to Lg=20nm. 30 Summary • Sources of Ion variability were analyzed for FinFETs. • ΔVt, ΔGm and ΔRpara were successfully evaluated as independent variation sources of ΔIon. • ΔGm can not be scaled by Tox reduction, and thus will be more significant with scaling. • ΔGm will be a dominant origin of ΔIon for 14nm FinFETs unless process innovations are introduced. Acknowledgement: This work was supported in part by NEDO under the Development of Nanoelectronics Devices Technology. 31