The Truss Specialists since 1962 Table of Contents: 1.Introduction 2. Roof 3. Floor 4. Columns/Hangers 5. Specialty 6. Installation & Bracing Info 7. Miscellaneous The Truss Specialists since 1962 Alberta Truss has been in business since 1962. Our fabricating facility of 46,000 sq. ft. on a 17 acre site, with capabilities of manufacturing and shipping a complete line of floor and roof trusses including a full line of Engineered Wood Products (Beams and I Joists) for commercial, residential, and agricultural markets. Alberta’s Leading Truss Manufacturer. An Alberta Owned Company. The Truss Specialists since 1962 Get The “Alberta Truss” Advantage • A competent and friendly staff with over 200 years combined technical and sales background. • The most available state of the art production facility offering the most in automation and technology. • Capable of design, engineering and production of trusses in various shapes and sizes up to 100’ span. • Alberta’s largest on the ground stock of common sized trusses for shed, garage & farm. Large inventory of I-Joists, LVL Beams, Steel Hangers, Teleposts. • Helping to build Alberta since 1962. With offices in Edmonton (main), Red Deer & Grande Prairie. E-Rim The Truss Specialists since 1962 Industry Leading Technology 1) LINEAR IN-LINE COMPUTER SAW 2) COMPUTERIZED COMPONENT SAW 3) SPEED CUT EXPRESS / WEB-PRO The Truss Specialists since 1962 4) TWO (2) FULLY COMPUTERIZED ALPINE C4 TABLES 5) FULLY AUTOMATED TRUSS STACKING SYSTEM The Truss Specialists since 1962 6) OPEN-WEB FLOOR TRUSS TABLE 7) TWO (2) HYDRAULIC PRESS TABLES 8) TRAILERS ROLL-OFF LOADS UP TO 94’ The Truss Specialists since 1962 Introduction Roof trusses are manufactured in a variety of shapes and sizes, with clear spans up to 100 feet. However, the combination of outside and inside chord profiles, different heel heights, loading situations, truss spacing, lumber size and grades, and bearing conditions, makes it impossible to develop standard span tables. Since Alberta Truss has in-house computerized engineering, we can quickly assist you in designing any truss system. It is important that all pertinent data is available to get an accurate design and price. The following topics might help. Truss Profile (Shape) The truss configurations page shows some common truss classes and profiles. It is impossible to cover all possibilities, but almost any profile with enough distance between the top and bottom chords can be engineered. The average height between the top and bottom chords is the key to designing any truss. If a shallow truss does not engineer, the solution is usually to increase the average truss height. This can be done in three ways. The first way is to increase the top chord pitch (if possible). The second option is to lower the bottom chord pitch (in the case of vaulted trusses). The third and most common option is to increase the truss heel (described below). Of course, other solutions such as reducing truss spacing will also help the truss design. Heel As mentioned above, increasing the heel of the truss increases the truss average height, and results in a better truss design. However, this option usually increases the price to the truss, and in some instances will make the truss too high to ship in one piece. In addition to engineering concerns, the truss heel will determine the amount of ceiling insulation that can be placed at the outside face of the wall. The maximum insulation value at the outside of the wall, (using fibreglass insulation), is R20. A R40 insulation rating can be achieved at the outside face of the wall with a 12” heel. Therefore, the insulation value is just as important a consideration as engineering. Spacing Trusses are generally spaced at 24 inches (610mm) on center. When designed with this spacing (or less), the trusses are allowed a load sharing stress increase of 10 percent. In the case of heavy loading such as drift and sliding snow, the truss spacing is generally reduced for the length of the drift area. This allows the standard truss design to be used in the drift area, resulting in less confusion on site. Although trusses can be designed for almost any spacing combination, it is best to use a spacing that is a multiple of 8 feet (2440mm) to minimize roof sheathing waste [i.e. 24” (610mm). 19.2” (488mm), 16” (406mm), 12” (305mm]. Loading Roof trusses are designed to carry live and dead loads uniformly on the top and bottom chords. Live loads result from snow and wind. Dead loads include shingles and sheathing on the top chord, and insulation and ceiling finish on the bottom chord. In addition, the weight of the truss itself acts as a dead load. Frequently the trusses have to carry additional loading from air conditioner units, movable partition walls, other trusses, etc. Typically these truss are made into multi-ply girders to carry the additional loading. It is important to know exactly what loads are coming onto the truss, as well as the load is located. Design snow loads are located on the next page. Lumber Size and Grade Trusses are built using lumber sizes ranging from 2x4 to 2x8 (38x89 to 38x184) and lumber grades from 2&Btr to 2400MSR. Generally the lighter the truss design the better, as fabrication and site erection costs are minimized. There are cases where a heavier design is preferred, such as for stick framing or hangers. Bearing Conditions Wood trusses are very adaptable to a variety of bearing conditions. In the case of long span trusses, it is important to have enough of a bearing length to handle the maximum reaction occurring on the support. If long span trusses have interior support, it is usually easier and cheaper to split the truss over the support, and making them in two pieces. The Truss Specialists since 1962 Alberta Snow Loads Assumption Rainbow Lake Fort Chipewyan John D’Or Prairie High Level Fox Lake Fort Vermilion La Crete Manning Fort McMurray ALBERTA Grimshaw Peace River WabascaDesmarais / TERRITOIRES DU NORD-OUEST Fairview NORTHWEST TERRITORIES Spirit River High Prairie Grande Prairie Valleyview Slave Lake Lac La Hills Assumption Biche Cold Lake EWAN Swan Fox Creek SASKATCH BRITISH C OLUMBIA COLOMBIE -BRITANNI QUE Fort Chipewyan Athabasca JohnBonnyville D’Or High Barrhead Level Westlock Prairie St Paul Grande Cache Fox Lake Fort Whitecourt Rainbow St Albert Lake Vermilion Saskatchewan Fort Edson Vegreville La Vermilion Hinton SpruceCrete Edmonton Lloydminster Drayton Valley Grove Leduc Camrose Wetaskiwin Jasper Ponoka Wainwright RockyManning Mountain House Red Lacombe Deer Stettler Provost y M ou AL B E R TA ai BRITISH C OLUMBIA COLOMBIE -BRITANNI QUE nt Innisfail ns N Grimshaw on Peace River Fairview Canmore es Spirit River Banff Ro ch Hanna Drumheller Airdrie Calgary Fort McMurray WabascaDesmarais Oyen HighHigh River Brooks Prairie Slave Medicine Lake Lac La Hat Biche Cold Swan Lak Fox Hills Athabasca Crowsnest Creek Taber Pass Bonnyville Lethbridge Barrhead Westlock Fort Macleod Grande Cache St Pau Milk Pincher Whitecourt St River Fort Creek CardstonAlbert Saskatchewan Edson Vegreville 225 Ver km Hinton Spruce d’A Edmonton S A / É-U U Grove Leduc Lloydmin Drayton Valley Camrose Jasper Wetaskiwin Ponoka Wainw Rocky Mountain House Red Lacombe Deer Stettler Pro eu Grande Prairie Valleyview se s 150 gn 75 ta Scale 0 /M Ro * Confirm exact snowloads with your Alberta Truss Representative 75 km NORTHWEST TERRITORIES / TERRITOIRES DU NORD-OUEST ck City/Town GSL (psf) Lac La Biche 33.4 Lacombe 43.9 Leduc 39.7 Lethbridge 25.1 Lloydminster41.8 Manning 48.0 Medicine Hat 23.0 Milk River 35.5 Oyen 35.5 Peace River 45.9 Pincher Creek 31.3 Ponoka 41.8 Provost 39.7 Rainbow Lake 58.5 Red Deer 41.8 N Rocky Mnt. House 39.7 Slave Lake 39.7 Spirit River 50.1 Spruce Grove 37.6 St. Albert 37.6 St. Paul 39.7 Stettler 45.9 Swan Hills 60.6 Taber 25.1 Valleyview 48.0 Vegreville 39.7 Vermillion 35.5 Wainwright41.8 Westlock 39.7 Wetaskiwin41.8 Whitecourt 39.7 Ro City/Town GSL (psf) Airdrie 25.1 Athabasca 31.3 Banff 75.2 Barrhead 35.5 Bonnyville 39.7 Brooks 25.1 Calgary 23.0 Camrose 41.8 Canmore 73.1 Cardston 31.3 Cold Lake 35.5 Drayton Valley 41.8 Drumheller 25.1 Edmonton 35.5 Edson 43.9 Fairview 54.3 Fort Chipewyan 45.9 Fort Macleod 25.1 Fort McMurray 29.2 Fort Saskatchewan 33.4 Fort Vermillion 43.9 Fox Creek 45.9 Grande Cache 66.8 Grande Prairie 45.9 Grimshaw48.0 Hanna 39.7 High Level 50.1 High Prairie 48.0 High River 27.2 Hinton 60.6 Innisfail 39.7 Jasper 68.9 ck y M ou nt a The Truss Specialists since 1962 T ypical Framing Systems Typical Framing Systems T ypical Framing Systems Truss framing systems, and the names associated The illustrations below are designed to help you with them, vary all over the country and visualize typical framing systems, looking at: throughout world. No matter how theyassociated are • A truss placement plan, Truss the framing systems, and the names The illustrations below are designed to help you framedwith or what they are called, though, truss • The overall 3D look of thesystems, roof planes in that them, vary all over the country and visualize typical framing looking at: systems easily provide tremendous in the roof •system, throughout the world. No flexibility matter how they are A trussand placement plan, look offramed the rooforsystem. • 3D view of overall the framing system of trusses. what they are called, though, truss • The 3D look of the roof planes in that systems easily provide tremendous flexibility in the roof system, and look of the roof system. • 3D view of the framing system of_______ trusses. __________________________________________________ ________________ __________________________ Gable (* See also – Gable framing variations) ________________ ___________________________ ________________ __________________________ The most basic (and least expensive) of roofs, a_______ Gable find a gable frame on either end, each supported_______ See also framing variations) gable roof rises vertically on the shorter(*ends of – Gable by the continuous wall underneath it, and common the building, withbasic sloping on either side, in between, each of from one The most (andplanes least expensive) of roofs, a trussesfind a gable frame onwhich eitherspans end, each supported which gable meet in therises middle. In our you’ll thethe other. roof vertically onexample the shorter ends of wall toby continuous wall underneath it, and common the building, with sloping planes on either side, which meet in the middle. In our example you’ll trusses in between, each of which spans from one wall to the other. This roof system could have a sloping ceiling or tray ceiling, if desired. 8 8 This roof system could have a sloping ceiling or tray ceiling, if desired. The Truss Specialists since 1962 _________________________________________________ Hip Set _______________________________________________ ( * See also – Hip set framing variations ) ______________________________________ Dutch (Boston) Hip Set _______________________________________ Notice the vertical rise in the middle of the hip set end plane. 9 The Truss Specialists since 1962 _____________________________________________ Tudor Hip ________________________________________________ A tudor hip provides some interesting sloping planes at either end, and is generally less expensive to build than a full hip set. ___________________________________________ Floor System ______________________________________________ ( * See also – Floor Truss Systems ) 10 The Truss Specialists since 1962 Gable Framing Variations Gable Framing Variations ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Dropped Gable ___________________________________________ If the roof eave extends beyond the end wall enough to require support for the roof sheathing, then a dropped gable is specified. The top chord of the gable end is dropped down enough so that the builder can run outlookers from the fascia back to the first common truss. This provides enough additional support for the sheathing. __________________________________________ Clear Span Gable _________________________________________ While most gable ends have continuous support under their bottom chords, a clear span gable must span from one wall to another. It has to have diagonal webs to help distribute the load out to the walls, but it also needs to have vertical gable studs to help the gable sheathing resist lateral wind forces. Alternative methods for framing a structural gable include the truss manufacturer providing a full gable truss (with just gable studs) and a full common truss, which would be fastened together with the gable end facing the wind, or providing studs along the outside face of a common truss. 11 The Truss Specialists since 1962 Wood Truss Design Drawings Typical Roof Truss Design C N P I H J1 J2 G K E1 D D L E2 A M A Design Loading Top and bottom chord dead and live loads (including snow load) in pounds per square foot as used in the analysis. B Load Duration Factor An adjustment of allowable design values of lumber and fasteners. C Lumber Specifications Lumber size, species and grade for each member as used in the analysis. D Reaction The force in pounds on the bearings produced by the truss at design load, the uplift due to the wind load, and the bearing width. E1 & E2 Connector Plates The series, size and orientation. F Engineers Seal Seal of the registered professional responsible for the design. G Slope The vertical rise in inches for every 12 inches of horizontal run. H Panel Points The joints of the truss where the webs intersect the chords. Alpine Engineered Products F I B Peak The intersection of two chords where the slope changes from positive to negative. Generally at the centerline of the truss. J1 & J2 Splices Where two chord pieces join together to form a single member. J1 shows the location, J2 the corresponding connector plate. K Heel The point of the truss where the top and bottom chord intersect, generally at a bearing point. L Span The nominal span based on out-to-out dimensions of the supports or the bottom chord length, whichever is greater. M General Notes Notes that apply to all Alpine design drawings. N Special Notes Notes that apply only to this specific design drawing. P Load Note Notes that show the magnitude and location of all loads on the truss. 27 The Truss Specialists since 1962 Truss Terms Vertical Web Metal Connector Plate Top Chord 12 Diagonal Web Pitch Overall Height Bearing Bottom Chord Heel (See Below) Overhang Fascia Board Span Heel Height STANDARD HEEL Heel Height FULL HEEL Heel Height HIGH HEEL The Truss Specialists since 1962 TRUSST ypical CONFIGURATIONS: The following examples represent some of the possible variations T r uss Configurations on the basic types of trusses. The only limit to the design is your imagination! 18 The Truss Specialists since 1962 19 T ypical T r uss Shapes The Truss Specialists since 1962 TYPICAL TRUSS SHAPES: The profile take Some on just about shape The outside profile of your truss canoutside take on just about of anyyour shapetruss you cancan imagine. of the more any common you truss can shapes imagine. Some of the more common truss shapes appear below. appear below. 20 The Truss Specialists since 1962 Garage Storage Truss The Truss Specialists since 1962 Living Attic Trusses The Truss Specialists since 1962 8’ Gable Shed 4’ 4’ 5’4 *Custom ”2 Door Sizes Available 8’ 6’3”4 11”4 4’* Door Frame Middle Frame 8’ End Frame The Truss Specialists since 1962 10’ Gable Shed 5’ 5’ *Custom 6’3” 5 Door Sizes Available 8’ 6’5” 11”4 4’* Door Frame Middle Frame 10’ End Frame The Truss Specialists since 1962 General Truss Terms Bottom Chord The main member of a truss running along its lower side between supports and usually carrying combined tension and bending. Cantilever The condition where both top and bottom chords extend beyond a support with no bearing at the extended portion. Clear Span That horizontal measurement between the inside faces of the two bearings or supports. Heel The point on a truss at which the top and bottom chords intersect, usually occurring at the support. Level Return A horizontal member of the truss running from the end of the overhang back to the outside of the wall to form a soffit. Nominal Span Horizontal distance between outside edges of supports. Overhang The extension of a top or bottom chord of a truss beyond a support. Overall Truss Length The horizontal length of a truss including the cantilever, but not the overhang. Panel Point A point at which one or more web members intersect the top or bottom chord. 1/3 Point The bottom chord panel point on a Fink truss where the webs connect to the top or bottom chord. 1/4 Point The panel point on a Fink truss where the webs connect to the top chord, and on a Howe truss, where the webs connect to the top or bottom chord. Panel Length The centerline distance measured horizontally between two panel points. Peak The point on a truss where the sloping top chords meet. Pitch The inches, or fraction thereof, of vertical rise in 12 inches of horizontal run for inclined members. Usually expressed as 4/12, 8/12, etc. Purlins A horizontal member placed between two main load carrying structural members that can be used as spacers carrying decking or roofing materials and providing some lateral support for the main members. Slope See pitch. Top Chord Main member of a truss running along its upperside supporting the decking and usually carrying combined compression and bending. Webs Members that connect top and bottom chords together forming triangular openings to give truss action and usually carrying compression or tension forces. The Truss Specialists since 1962 Engineering Terms Axial Force The number of pounds of tension or compression in a truss member acting parallel to the length of the member resulting from a load applied to the truss. Checking The cracks or splits that normally occur on the surface of lumber during the drying process. The amount of checking allowed is controlled by the grading rules for each size, grade and species. Axial Stress The axial force in a member, divided by the cross-sectional area of the member, is usually measured in pounds per square inch. Dead Load The load of the member itself plus the weight of any permanent part of the roof or floor assembly. Bending Moment A measure of the amount of bending in a member due to forces acting perpendicular to its length. The bending moment at a given point along a member equals the sum of all forces, whether to the left or right of the point, times their corresponding distances from the point. It is measured in inch-pounds. Deflection Movement of a structural member, like a truss in place, due to the application of the dead and live loads. Bending Stress The stress in a member caused by the bending moment, measured in pounds per square foot. Camber A very slight arch built into a truss, or sometimes only in its bottom chord, to offset the deflection in a truss caused when loads are applied. Combined Stress Index (CSI) The combination of axial compression and bending stresses acting on a member simultaneously, such as occurs in a top chord; or the tension and bending combined in a bottom chord. Continuous Lateral Bracing (CLB) A member placed and connected at right angles to a chord or web to prevent buckling. Required on some chords and webs, depending on their length and the forces in the member. Concentrated Loads Additional loads applied at a given point on a truss, and other then the uniform load of an assembly, such as an air-conditioner on a roof or a hoist that might lift car engines and the hoist being attached to the truss assembly above. Cricket A portion of a roof where it is built up for the purpose of draining water towards a desired drainage point. Compression A force caused by loads being placed on a member that causes a squeezing or shortening effect on the member as in the top chord of a truss when a load is applied. Diaphragm The decking or bracing built into a roof or floor assembly to assist in offsetting horizontal forces and withstanding the racking caused by wind and seismic loads. Duration Factor A percentage increase in the allowable stresses based on the length of time the live loads will be applied. The shorter the duration of live loads, the higher the percent of increase is allowed. A unique feature of wood is its ability to carry high loads for shorter periods of time. F-Rating The allowable stress in bending sometimes stamped on the stick of wood near the end. It is determined either visually or by machine (Machine Stress Rated Lumber) and depends on the number, size and location of typical characteristics such as knots. Force Diagram A graphical method of calculating the axial forces in a truss. Force A reaction caused and existing in the components of a structural member, such as a truss when external loads are applied. Flashing Pieces of light gauge metal or other materials that are used to make water-tight the openings or the seams in a roof system, such as in the case of chimneys or end pipes. Kip A term used in measuring forces that means 1000 pounds (kilo pound). Lateral Brace See Continuous Lateral Bracing. The Truss Specialists since 1962 Engineering Terms (cont.) Live Load Any load that is not of a permanent nature, such as snow, wind, temporary construction loads, etc. In some codes, the weight of partitions which are always moveable and given designated per square foot weights are added in with the live loads. water from the roof at a given point. Shear (Horizontal) The force in a member which tends to cause the top half to slide horizontally in the opposite direction from the bottom half, usually greatest near the support. Machine Stress Rated (MSR) Lumber graded by the process of running it through an electronic machine which determines its stiffness value (E). The allowable stresses are then determined from this value. Secondary Bending The bending stress in a member caused by the deflection of the whole truss. Modulas of Elasticity (or E Value) A measure of the stiffness of a given material. The larger the M.O.E., the stiffer the piece, the less it will deflect under load. The M.O.E. of wood used in trusses usually ranges between 1,200,000 and 2,400,000. Nominal Dimension An approximate dimension usually used to describe the size of an item such as a 2x4, which should actually measure 1 1/2” x 3 1/2”. (Nominal dimensions for lumber are eliminated under the metric system where a 2x4 is called a 38x89). Piggyback Truss A truss supported directly on top of another truss. It is usually not intended to span any distance since it is resting on the truss below and may have only vertical webs. Splice A point at which a chord member is butt-jointed by use of truss connectors. Stress A unit force wording within a member. Stress is expressed in pounds per square inch (psi). Stress Rated Lumber Lumber which carries a grademark of an independent grading agency who has assigned the allowable working stresses and modulas of elasticity values based upon the physical characteristics of the particular piece and species. Symmetrical A truss whose loading and configuration is exactly the same on both sides or the center line. Rafters The wood members used to support the roof in conventional framing. Square The amount of roofing material required to cover 100 square feet of roof. Rake The inclined edge of the roof. Tension Forces being exerted on a truss member that creates a pulling apart or elongating effect. Reaction The upward force at each support which resists the total dead and live loads. Ridge The uppermost line of the roof where two sloped or pitched surfaces meet. Roof Cap The total roof assembly members located above the wall line, such as beams, plates, purlins, decking, bridging, ceiling and roofing, etc. Saddle A covering on the ridge of the roof so that water will drain. Scupper An opening in a roof usually faced with metal flashing to drain Tributary Loads All those loads applied to a system that contribute to a total load being brought to bear on a main structural support from a given area. Also those loads occurring in an area that contribute to the total load on a given structural member. Uniform Load A total load that is equally distributed over a given length, usually expressed in pounds per lineal foot (plf). Valley A depression in a roof where two roof slopes meet. Valley Set A group of trusses required to fill in a section of a roof to give it its required shape. They are supported on top of other trusses. The Truss Specialists since 1962 Floor Systems Another popular can application for trussconventionally systems is in Floor systems be trussed, floor systems. Floorengineered systems can be products trussed, framed, or built with wood conventionally framed, built with such as I-Joists. Both or trusses and engineered as I-Joists. Both and wood products products such are engineered, and trusses have wider engineered woodfor products are decking. engineered, and nailing surfaces the floor Trusses havebuilt widerwith nailing surfaces the ductwork floor decking. are open chasesforfor and Trussesnatural are built with spaces open chases for ductwork have open for plumbing and and have natural spacesengineered for plumbingwood and electrical Some products specified or marked notcheswood that electrical have wiring. Some engineered can be removed to allow for same.notches that products have specified or the marked can be removed to allow for the same. Floor truss systems are sometimes called System 42’s, because to build them manufacturers turn the 2x4’s on their side. This allows for shallow depths as well as a 3 1/2” nailing surface. Some floors are built from 3x2’s, others from 2x4’s. Floor trusses can be manufactured with many different possible end conditions to accommodate different installation needs; around raised walls, pocketed beams, headers around stairways, etc. In addition, some manufacturers are taking advantage of adding an I-Joist to the end of a truss to make it a trim-able end. Then the truss can be manufactured just a bit long, and easily trimmed back as needed in the field. Two of the most common web patterns for floor trusses appear below: Fan configuration web style Warren configuration web style Is it OK to move a floor truss? Typical floor trusses are engineered to be spaced evenly, and the truss design drawing will tell you how far apart the trusses are designed to be. Occasionally the need will arise to shift one of the floor trusses from where it was designed to be. When this happens, please contact the truss manufacturer to be sure it works. Sliding a floor truss even a few inches puts more load on the truss you’re moving it away from, as shown in the drawing below. Check with the truss manufacturer before shifting a truss ! IF YOU SHIFT IT: THEN THE OVERSTRESSED TRUSS CARRIES: B 24” on center trusses 3” 6” 9” 6.2% more load than it was designed for 12.5% “ 18.7% “ 27” 30” 33” 16” on center trusses 3” 6” 9” 9.3% more load than it was designed for 18.7% “ 28.1% “ 19” 22” 25” 33 The Truss Specialists since 1962 System “42” Flat trusses shown in the accompanying pictures are Alberta Truss System 42. System 42 utilizes 2x4 lumber turned flat as shown (noted as 4x2). Advantages of this system over conventional framing are: 1) Economical shallow truss depths. 2) More rigid floors eliminating squeaks. 3) An engineered manufactured product delivered to jobsite in exact quantity and dimensions. 4) Less theft and misuse. 5) Longer spans allows more freedom in design. Interior load bearing walls and costly extra footings are often eliminated. 6) Uniformity of dimensions eliminates wavy ceilings and eliminates shimming floors for upper walls. 7) Wide flanges and wider on-center spacing allows easier and faster nailing of both plywood and drywall. 8) Cleaner jobsite because there is no drop off, saving unnecessary extra labor costs at jobsite. 9) Total job runs smoother and faster, cutting down on confusion and adds to earlier completion. 10)Less shrinkage avoids high maintenance costs. No nail popping. No drywall separation. No binding of windows and doors. No floor and wall separation. The Truss Specialists since 1962 T ypical Bearing / Heel Conditions for Floor T r usses _________________________________ Exterior bearing conditions ___________________________________ • Bottom chord bearing – trusses can sit on a wall, or in a floor truss hanger. • Top Chord bearing – When the bearing is raised under the top chord, the end can be built with or without an end vertical, and with or without an additional slider for extra strength. • Mid-Height bearing – When the bearing is raised between the top chord height and the bottom chord elevation, the end will use either a solid 4x block of wood, or multiple 4x2 verticals at the heel. It can also be built with or without an end vertical, and with or without an additional slider for extra strength. 34 The Truss Specialists since 1962 _________________________________ Interior bearing conditions ___________________________________ • This truss is supported by an interior load bearing wall. • Cut chord condition – Over an interior load bearing wall, a truss can also be built with a cut chord condition. This truss is designed to be cut into two separate trusses in the field. • Beam Pocket – This truss has a “pocket” built into it so the support can be recessed up into the truss. • Threaded Beam – This truss has an opening designed to bear on a beam, which will be designed and then threaded into the truss to help support it. 35 The Truss Specialists since 1962 _____________________ Ribbon Boards, Strongbacks a _____________________ RibbonRibbon • Ribbon – Floor truss ends can have a trus Boards,Boards Strongbacks and Fir e CutNotches Ends ______________________ and Strongbacks • Ribbon Notches – Floor truss ends can have a notch built into the top of the truss end, the bottom of the truss end, or both. The purpose of these notches is to help the framer line up the • Strongbacks – A strongback helps to distribute the loads on a floor truss, thereby helping reduce the “bounce” the floor system might otherwise have. Strongbacks are typically specified every 10’ to 11’ across a floor truss. As you can see in the image above, a strongback has been attached to the verticals of the longer floor trusses. 36 notch built into the top of the truss end, the trusses. By putting a 2x4 board at the end of the bottom of the truss end, or both. The purpose first few trusses, the remaining trusses can of these notches is to help the framer line up the easily be slid into place when they hit the ribbon board. firs eas ribb • Strongbacks – A strongback helps to distribute the loads on a floor truss, thereby helping “bounce” thefloor floorsystems system might • Fire Cutreduce Ends –the In some cases, are oftypically will be otherwise required tohave. keep Strongbacks the top chord specified every 10’ to 1 1’ across a floor truss. As the truss back away from the end you can see in the image above, a strongback wall. In such circumstances, has been attached to the verticals of the longer a firecut end can be provided, floor trusses. as shown here. • w th w a a The Truss Specialists since 1962 Framing With Trusses: Floors Duct Openings For Fan Style Trusses With 4x2 Chords & Webs Panel Size D Depth F C E G B A Typical Duct Opening Sizes For 4x2 Fan Style Floor Trusses Depth 10 11 11 7/8 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 22 24 Panel Size 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 A 4 1/2 5 1/4 7 3/4 6 1/4 7 1/4 8 1/4 9 1/4 10 1/4 12 1/4 14 16 18 B 4 1/4 5 1/4 6 3/4 6 1/4 7 1/4 8 1/4 8 1/2 9 1/2 10 1/2 11 1/2 12 1/2 13 1/2 C 11 12 10 14 12 17 15 14 14 1/2 14 1/2 15 16 D 4 1/2 5 1/2 6 1/4 6 7 7 8 9 10 1/2 12 13 14 E 16 15 14 20 18 1/2 22 25 27 26 26 30 32 F 4 5 5 1/2 5 6 6 6 6 7 8 8 8 G 7 8 8 3/4 9 10 11 12 13 15 17 19 21 Maximum duct dimensions are based on a truss plate width of 4 inches. Larger plate widths may cause a reduction in duct sizes. Chase sizes are maximum possible for centered openings. The Truss Specialists since 1962 System 42 Details The Truss Specialists since 1962 System 42 Details FIG. 2 FIG. 3 FIG. 4 FIG. 5 The Truss Specialists since 1962 System 42 Details FIG. 6 FIG. 7 The Truss Specialists since 1962 EWP (Engineered Wood Products) LPI I-Joist Weights JOIST DEPTH JOIST SERIES WEIGHT (plf) 9-1/2” LPI 20 2.6 9-1/2” LPI 32 2.6 11-7/8” LPI 20 2.9 11-7/8” LPI 32 2.9 11-7/8” LPI 42 Plus 3.45 11-7/8” LPI 56 4.50 14” LPI 20 3.1 14” LPI 32 3.1 14” LPI 42 Plus 3.75 14” LPI 56 4.75 16” LPI 32 3.3 16” LPI 42 Plus 3.95 16” LPI 56 5.00 A A A Ganglam LVL Beam Weights 2.0e LVL SECTION PROPERTIES AND FACTORED RESISTANCES Depth 1-3/4” Weight (lb/ft) 3-1/2” 5-1/4” 1.5e LVL SECTION PROPERTIES AND FACTORED RESISTANCES 7” 9-1/2” 4.8 9.5 14.3 19.0 11-7/8” 5.9 11.9 17.8 23.8 14” 7.0 14.0 21.0 28.0 16” 8.0 16.0 24.0 32.0 9-1/2” 4.8 9.5 14.3 19.0 18” 9.0 18.0 27.0 36.1 11-7/8” 5.9 11.9 17.8 23.8 24” 10.5 21 31.5 42 14” 7.0 14.0 21.0 28.0 Depth 1-3/4” Weight (lb/ft) 3-1/2” 5-1/4” 7” RIM 1.3e LVL RIM BOARD WEIGHTS (PLF) Product Thickness LP LVL 1-1/4” Depth 9-1/2” 11-7/8” 14” 16” 18” 20” 22” 24” 3.5 4.3 5.1 5.8 6.5 7.3 8.0 8.7 LP® SolidStart® I-JOISTS The Truss Specialists since 1962 Limit States Design LP Product Guide Canadian Floor & Roof Applications Please verify availability with the LP SolidStart Engineered Wood Products distributor in your area prior to specifying these products. Floor Span Tables SPECIFIED FLOOR LOADS: 40 PSF LIVE LOAD, 15 PSF DEAD LOAD TO USE: 1. 2. 3. 4. Select the appropriate table based on the floor system construction. Select the Simple Span or Continuous Span section of the table, as required. Find a span that meets or exceeds the design span. Read the corresponding joist series, depth and spacing. Simple (single) Span Application Continuous (multiple) Span Application CAUTION: For floor systems that require both simple span and continuous span joists, it is a good idea to check both before selecting a joist. Some conditions are controlled by continuous span strength rather than simple span deflection or vibration. Span Span Span Span 19/32" OSB SHEATHING Series LPI 20Plus LPI 32Plus LPI 42Plus Series LPI 20Plus LPI 32Plus LPI 42Plus Depth 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 16" 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 16" Depth 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 16" 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 16" Sheathing Nailed Only No Ceiling 1/2" Gypsum Ceiling Direct Applied to Joists Maximum Simple Spans Maximum Continuous Spans Maximum Simple Spans Maximum Continuous Spans 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 14'-5" 13'-6" 12'-11" 15'-8" 14'-7" 14'-0" 14'-10" 13'-10" 13'-3" 16'-1" 15'-0" 14'-5" 16'-3" 15'-2" 14'-7" 17'-8" 16'-6" 15'-10" 16'-9" 15'-7" 15'-0" 18'-2" 17'-0" 16'-4" 17'-9" 16'-7" 15'-11" 19'-8" 18'-0" 17'-3" 18'-4" 17'-1" 16'-5" 20'-5" 18'-8" 17'-10" 15'-0" 14'-0" 13'-5" 16'-3" 15'-2" 14'-7" 15'-4" 14'-4" 13'-9" 16'-8" 15'-7" 14'-11" 16'-10" 15'-8" 15'-1" 18'-4" 17'-0" 16'-4" 17'-3" 16'-1" 15'-6" 19'-0" 17'-6" 16'-10" 18'-5" 17'-1" 16'-5" 20'-5" 18'-8" 17'-10" 19'-1" 17'-7" 16'-10" 21'-2" 19'-5" 18'-5" 20'-1" 18'-4" 17'-6" 22'-3" 20'-4" 19'-4" 20'-9" 19'-0" 18'-0" 23'-1" 21'-2" 20'-1" 16'-5" 15'-4" 14'-8" 17'-10" 16'-7" 16'-0" 16'-9" 15'-8" 15'-0" 18'-3" 17'-0" 16'-4" 18'-7" 17'-3" 16'-6" 20'-7" 18'-10" 17'-11" 19'-1" 17'-7" 16'-11" 21'-2" 19'-5" 18'-5" 20'-8" 18'-11" 18'-0" 22'-11" 21'-0" 19'-11" 21'-3" 19'-6" 18'-6" 23'-7" 21'-8" 20'-7" 22'-7" 20'-8" 19'-7" 25'-0" 22'-11" 21'-9" 23'-3" 21'-3" 20'-2" 25'-9" 23'-8" 22'-5" Sheathing Glued & Nailed No Ceiling 1/2" Gypsum Ceiling Direct Applied to Joists Maximum Simple Spans Maximum Continuous Spans Maximum Simple Spans Maximum Continuous Spans 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 15'-7" 14'-8" 14'-3" 16'-10" 15'-11" 15'-5" 16'-0" 15'-1" 14'-8" 17'-4" 16'-5" 15'-10" 17'-5" 16'-5" 15'-11" 19'-1" 17'-10" 17'-3" 17'-11" 17'-0" 16'-5" 19'-10" 18'-6" 17'-10" 19'-3" 17'-11" 17'-4" 21'-3" 19'-9" 18'-11" 20'-0" 18'-7" 17'-10" 22'-2" 20'-7" 19'-9" 16'-0" 15'-1" 14'-7" 17'-4" 16'-4" 15'-10" 16'-5" 15'-6" 15'-0" 17'-10" 16'-10" 16'-3" 17'-11" 16'-11" 16'-4" 19'-9" 18'-4" 17'-9" 18'-6" 17'-5" 16'-10" 20'-6" 19'-1" 18'-4" 19'-10" 18'-5" 17'-9" 22'-0" 20'-5" 19'-6" 20'-7" 19'-1" 18'-4" 22'-10" 21'-2" 20'-4" 21'-7" 20'-0" 19'-2" 23'-11" 22'-2" 21'-3" 22'-5" 20'-9" 19'-11" 24'-10" 23'-1" 22'-1" 17'-3" 16'-3" 15'-8" 18'-10" 17'-7" 17'-0" 17'-7" 16'-7" 16'-0" 19'-5" 18'-0" 17'-5" 19'-8" 18'-2" 17'-7" 21'-9" 20'-2" 19'-4" 20'-3" 18'-9" 18'-0" 22'-5" 20'-9" 19'-11" 21'-10" 20'-2" 19'-4" 24'-2" 22'-4" 21'-5" 22'-6" 20'-10" 19'-11" 24'-11" 23'-1" 22'-1" 23'-9" 22'-0" 21'-0" 26'-4" 24'-4" 23'-3" 24'-6" 22'-8" 21'-8" 27'-2" 25'-2" 24'-1" 23/32" OSB SHEATHING Series LPI 20Plus LPI 32Plus LPI 42Plus Series LPI 20Plus LPI 32Plus LPI 42Plus Depth 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 16" 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 16" Depth 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 16" 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 16" Sheathing Nailed Only No Ceiling 1/2" Gypsum Ceiling Direct Applied to Joists Maximum Simple Spans Maximum Continuous Spans Maximum Simple Spans Maximum Continuous Spans 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 24" oc 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 24" oc 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 24" oc 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 24" oc 15'-2" 14'-1" 13'-6" 12'-10" 16'-5" 15'-3" 14'-8" 13'-11" 15'-6" 14'-5" 13'-10" 13'-2" 16'-10" 15'-8" 15'-0" 14'-4" 17'-1" 15'-11" 15'-2" 14'-6" 18'-7" 17'-3" 16'-6" 15'-9" 17'-6" 16'-4" 15'-7" 14'-10" 19'-3" 17'-8" 16'-11" 16'-2" 18'-10" 17'-4" 16'-7" 15'-10" 20'-10" 19'-1" 18'-0" 17'-2" 19'-5" 17'-10" 17'-1" 16'-3" 21'-6" 19'-9" 18'-8" 17'-8" 15'-8" 14'-7" 14'-0" 13'-4" 17'-0" 15'-10" 15'-2" 14'-6" 16'-1" 15'-0" 14'-4" 13'-7" 17'-5" 16'-3" 15'-7" 14'-10" 17'-8" 16'-5" 15'-9" 15'-0" 19'-5" 17'-10" 17'-1" 16'-3" 18'-1" 16'-10" 16'-1" 15'-4" 20'-0" 18'-4" 17'-6" 16'-8" 19'-7" 17'-11" 17'-1" 16'-3" 21'-8" 19'-10" 18'-9" 17'-8" 20'-2" 18'-5" 17'-7" 16'-8" 22'-4" 20'-6" 19'-4" 18'-2" 21'-4" 19'-5" 18'-4" 17'-5" 23'-8" 21'-7" 20'-5" 19'-2" 22'-0" 20'-1" 19'-0" 17'-11" 24'-4" 22'-4" 21'-2" 19'-10" 17'-2" 16'-0" 15'-4" 14'-7" 18'-10" 17'-5" 16'-8" 15'-10" 17'-6" 16'-4" 15'-8" 14'-11" 19'-3" 17'-9" 17'-0" 16'-2" 19'-9" 18'-0" 17'-3" 16'-5" 21'-10" 20'-0" 18'-11" 17'-10" 20'-2" 18'-6" 17'-7" 16'-9" 22'-4" 20'-6" 19'-5" 18'-3" 21'-11" 20'-1" 19'-0" 17'-10" 24'-4" 22'-3" 21'-1" 19'-9" 22'-6" 20'-7" 19'-6" 18'-3" 24'-11" 22'-10" 21'-7" 20'-4" 23'-11" 21'-11" 20'-8" 19'-5" 26'-6" 24'-3" 22'-11" 21'-7" 24'-6" 22'-6" 21'-3" 19'-11" 27'-2" 24'-11" 23'-7" 22'-2" Sheathing Glued & Nailed No Ceiling 1/2" Gypsum Ceiling Direct Applied to Joists Maximum Simple Spans Maximum Continuous Spans Maximum Simple Spans Maximum Continuous Spans 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 24" oc 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 24" oc 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 24" oc 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 24" oc 16'-5" 15'-6" 14'-11" 14'-4" 17'-9" 16'-9" 16'-2" 15'-2" 16'-10" 15'-11" 15'-4" 14'-5" 18'-4" 17'-3" 16'-8" 15'-2" 18'-6" 17'-4" 16'-9" 16'-1" 20'-5" 19'-0" 18'-2" 17'-5" 19'-1" 17'-10" 17'-3" 16'-6" 21'-2" 19'-9" 18'-10" 17'-7" 20'-7" 19'-1" 18'-3" 17'-6" 22'-9" 21'-1" 20'-2" 18'-9" 21'-4" 19'-10" 18'-11" 18'-0" 23'-7" 21'-11" 21'-0" 18'-9" 16'-11" 15'-11" 15'-4" 14'-9" 18'-4" 17'-3" 16'-8" 16'-0" 17'-4" 16'-4" 15'-9" 15'-1" 18'-11" 17'-8" 17'-1" 16'-3" 19'-2" 17'-10" 17'-2" 16'-6" 21'-2" 19'-8" 18'-9" 17'-7" 19'-9" 18'-4" 17'-7" 16'-11" 21'-10" 20'-4" 19'-5" 17'-7" 21'-3" 19'-8" 18'-9" 17'-10" 23'-6" 21'-9" 20'-9" 18'-9" 21'-11" 20'-4" 19'-5" 18'-5" 24'-3" 22'-7" 21'-7" 18'-9" 23'-1" 21'-5" 20'-5" 19'-4" 25'-6" 23'-8" 22'-7" 19'-11" 23'-10" 22'-2" 21'-2" 19'-8" 26'-5" 24'-7" 23'-5" 19'-11" 18'-2" 17'-1" 16'-6" 15'-10" 20'-1" 18'-8" 17'-10" 17'-1" 18'-8" 17'-5" 16'-10" 16'-1" 20'-7" 19'-2" 18'-3" 17'-6" 21'-0" 19'-5" 18'-6" 17'-8" 23'-3" 21'-6" 20'-6" 19'-5" 21'-6" 19'-11" 19'-0" 18'-0" 23'-10" 22'-1" 21'-1" 20'-0" 23'-4" 21'-7" 20'-6" 19'-6" 25'-9" 23'-10" 22'-9" 21'-6" 23'-11" 22'-2" 21'-1" 20'-0" 26'-5" 24'-6" 23'-5" 22'-2" 25'-5" 23'-5" 22'-4" 21'-2" 28'-1" 25'-11" 24'-8" 23'-5" 26'-0" 24'-1" 23'-0" 21'-9" 28'-10" 26'-9" 25'-6" 24'-2" DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS: ADDITIONAL NOTES: 1. The spans listed are the clear distance between supports. Continuous spans are based on the longest span. The shortest span shall not be less than 50% of the longest span. 2. The spans are based on uniform floor loads only, for standard load duration. 3. These tables reflect the additional stiffness for vibration provided by a 19/32" or 23/32" OSB rated sheathing, or equal, attached as indicated (Nailed Only or Glued & Nailed) to the top flange. 4. Live load deflection has been limited to L/360 “bare joist.” 5. Total load deflection has been limited to L/240. 6. The spans are based on an end bearing length of at least 1-3/4" and an interior bearing length of at least 3-1/2," and have been limited to the bearing resistance of an SPF wallplate. 1. These spans have been designed to meet the Limit States Design and vibration requirements of the 2005 National Building Code of Canada. 2. Web stiffeners are not required for any of the spans in these tables. Web fillers are required for I-Joists seated in hangers that do not laterally support the top flange. 3. For conditions not shown, use the Uniform Floor Load (PLF) tables, LP’s design software or contact your LP® SolidStart® Engineered Wood Products distributor for assistance. Floor Span Tables SPECIFIED FLOOR LOADS: 40 PSF LIVE LOAD, 15 PSF DEAD LOAD TO USE: 1. 2. 3. 4. Select the appropriate table based on the floor system construction. Select the Simple Span or Continuous Span section of the table, as required. Find a span that meets or exceeds the design span. Read the corresponding joist series, depth and spacing. Simple (single) Span Application Continuous (multiple) Span Application CAUTION: For floor systems that require both simple span and continuous span joists, it is a good idea to check both before selecting a joist. Some conditions are controlled by continuous span strength rather than simple span deflection or vibration. Span Span Span Span 5/8" OSB SHEATHING Series LPI 20Plus LPI 32Plus LPI 42Plus Series LPI 20Plus LPI 32Plus LPI 42Plus Depth 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 16" 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 16" Depth 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 16" 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 16" Sheathing Nailed Only No Ceiling 1/2" Gypsum Ceiling Direct Applied to Joists Maximum Simple Spans Maximum Continuous Spans Maximum Simple Spans Maximum Continuous Spans 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 14'-7" 13'-8" 13'-1" 15'-10" 14'-9" 14'-2" 15'-0" 14'-0" 13'-5" 16'-3" 15'-2" 14'-7" 16'-6" 15'-4" 14'-9" 17'-10" 16'-8" 16'-0" 16'-11" 15'-9" 15'-2" 18'-6" 17'-2" 16'-6" 18'-0" 16'-9" 16'-1" 19'-11" 18'-3" 17'-6" 18'-8" 17'-3" 16'-7" 20'-8" 19'-0" 18'-0" 15'-2" 14'-2" 13'-7" 16'-5" 15'-4" 14'-9" 15'-6" 14'-6" 13'-11" 16'-10" 15'-9" 15'-1" 17'-1" 15'-11" 15'-3" 18'-7" 17'-3" 16'-7" 17'-6" 16'-4" 15'-8" 19'-3" 17'-9" 17'-0" 18'-8" 17'-3" 16'-7" 20'-9" 19'-0" 18'-0" 19'-4" 17'-9" 17'-0" 21'-6" 19'-8" 18'-8" 20'-5" 18'-7" 17'-9" 22'-7" 20'-8" 19'-7" 21'-1" 19'-3" 18'-3" 23'-5" 21'-5" 20'-4" 16'-8" 15'-6" 14'-10" 18'-0" 16'-10" 16'-2" 17'-0" 15'-10" 15'-2" 18'-6" 17'-2" 16'-6" 18'-10" 17'-5" 16'-9" 20'-11" 19'-2" 18'-2" 19'-5" 17'-10" 17'-1" 21'-6" 19'-8" 18'-8" 21'-0" 19'-3" 18'-3" 23'-3" 21'-4" 20'-3" 21'-7" 19'-9" 18'-9" 23'-11" 21'-11" 20'-10" 22'-11" 20'-11" 19'-10" 25'-5" 23'-3" 22'-1" 23'-7" 21'-7" 20'-5" 26'-2" 24'-0" 22'-9" Sheathing Glued & Nailed No Ceiling 1/2" Gypsum Ceiling Direct Applied to Joists Maximum Simple Spans Maximum Continuous Spans Maximum Simple Spans Maximum Continuous Spans 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 15'-9" 14'-11" 14'-5" 17'-1" 16'-1" 15'-7" 16'-3" 15'-4" 14'-10" 17'-7" 16'-7" 16'-1" 17'-8" 16'-8" 16'-1" 19'-5" 18'-1" 17'-6" 18'-3" 17'-2" 16'-7" 20'-2" 18'-10" 18'-0" 19'-7" 18'-2" 17'-6" 21'-8" 20'-1" 19'-3" 20'-4" 18'-11" 18'-1" 22'-6" 20'-11" 20'-1" 16'-3" 15'-4" 14'-10" 17'-7" 16'-7" 16'-0" 16'-8" 15'-9" 15'-2" 18'-1" 17'-1" 16'-6" 18'-2" 17'-2" 16'-7" 20'-2" 18'-8" 17'-11" 18'-10" 17'-7" 17'-0" 20'-10" 19'-5" 18'-7" 20'-3" 18'-9" 17'-11" 22'-4" 20'-9" 19'-10" 20'-11" 19'-5" 18'-7" 23'-2" 21'-7" 20'-8" 22'-0" 20'-4" 19'-6" 24'-4" 22'-6" 21'-7" 22'-9" 21'-2" 20'-3" 25'-3" 23'-5" 22'-5" 17'-6" 16'-5" 15'-11" 19'-2" 17'-10" 17'-3" 17'-10" 16'-10" 16'-3" 19'-9" 18'-3" 17'-7" 20'-0" 18'-6" 17'-9" 22'-2" 20'-6" 19'-7" 20'-7" 19'-1" 18'-3" 22'-9" 21'-1" 20'-2" 22'-3" 20'-7" 19'-8" 24'-7" 22'-9" 21'-9" 22'-10" 21'-2" 20'-3" 25'-4" 23'-6" 22'-5" 24'-2" 22'-4" 21'-4" 26'-9" 24'-9" 23'-8" 24'-11" 23'-1" 22'-0" 27'-7" 25'-7" 24'-5" 3/4" OSB SHEATHING Series LPI 20Plus LPI 32Plus LPI 42Plus Series LPI 20Plus LPI 32Plus LPI 42Plus Depth 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 16" 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 16" Depth 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 16" 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 16" Sheathing Nailed Only No Ceiling 1/2" Gypsum Ceiling Direct Applied to Joists Maximum Simple Spans Maximum Continuous Spans Maximum Simple Spans Maximum Continuous Spans 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 24" oc 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 24" oc 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 24" oc 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 24" oc 15'-3" 14'-3" 13'-8" 12'-11" 16'-7" 15'-5" 14'-9" 14'-1" 15'-8" 14'-7" 14'-0" 13'-3" 17'-0" 15'-10" 15'-2" 14'-5" 17'-3" 16'-1" 15'-4" 14'-7" 18'-10" 17'-5" 16'-8" 15'-10" 17'-8" 16'-6" 15'-9" 15'-0" 19'-6" 17'-11" 17'-1" 16'-3" 19'-1" 17'-7" 16'-9" 15'-11" 21'-1" 19'-4" 18'-3" 17'-4" 19'-8" 18'-0" 17'-3" 16'-4" 21'-10" 20'-0" 18'-11" 17'-10" 15'-10" 14'-9" 14'-2" 13'-5" 17'-2" 16'-0" 15'-4" 14'-7" 16'-2" 15'-1" 14'-5" 13'-9" 17'-7" 16'-5" 15'-8" 14'-11" 17'-10" 16'-7" 15'-11" 15'-1" 19'-9" 18'-0" 17'-3" 16'-5" 18'-3" 17'-0" 16'-3" 15'-5" 20'-3" 18'-7" 17'-8" 16'-10" 19'-10" 18'-1" 17'-3" 16'-5" 22'-0" 20'-1" 19'-0" 17'-10" 20'-5" 18'-8" 17'-9" 16'-10" 22'-7" 20'-9" 19'-7" 18'-5" 21'-7" 19'-9" 18'-7" 17'-7" 23'-11" 21'-11" 20'-8" 19'-5" 22'-3" 20'-4" 19'-3" 18'-0" 24'-8" 22'-8" 21'-5" 19'-11" 17'-5" 16'-2" 15'-6" 14'-9" 19'-1" 17'-7" 16'-10" 16'-0" 17'-8" 16'-6" 15'-9" 15'-0" 19'-6" 17'-11" 17'-2" 16'-4" 20'-0" 18'-3" 17'-5" 16'-7" 22'-1" 20'-3" 19'-2" 18'-0" 20'-5" 18'-8" 17'-9" 16'-11" 22'-8" 20'-9" 19'-8" 18'-5" 22'-3" 20'-4" 19'-3" 18'-0" 24'-8" 22'-7" 21'-4" 20'-0" 22'-9" 20'-10" 19'-8" 18'-6" 25'-3" 23'-2" 21'-11" 20'-7" 24'-3" 22'-2" 21'-0" 19'-8" 26'-11" 24'-7" 23'-3" 21'-10" 24'-10" 22'-9" 21'-6" 20'-2" 27'-6" 25'-3" 23'-11" 22'-5" Sheathing Glued & Nailed No Ceiling 1/2" Gypsum Ceiling Direct Applied to Joists Maximum Simple Spans Maximum Continuous Spans Maximum Simple Spans Maximum Continuous Spans 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 24" oc 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 24" oc 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 24" oc 12" oc 16" oc 19.2" oc 24" oc 16'-7" 15'-8" 15'-1" 14'-5" 18'-0" 17'-0" 16'-4" 15'-2" 17'-0" 16'-1" 15'-6" 14'-5" 18'-7" 17'-5" 16'-10" 15'-2" 18'-9" 17'-7" 16'-11" 16'-3" 20'-9" 19'-3" 18'-5" 17'-7" 19'-5" 18'-1" 17'-5" 16'-8" 21'-6" 20'-0" 19'-1" 17'-7" 20'-11" 19'-5" 18'-6" 17'-8" 23'-1" 21'-5" 20'-5" 18'-9" 21'-7" 20'-1" 19'-2" 18'-3" 23'-11" 22'-3" 21'-3" 18'-9" 17'-1" 16'-2" 15'-7" 14'-11" 18'-8" 17'-6" 16'-10" 16'-2" 17'-6" 16'-6" 15'-11" 15'-3" 19'-3" 17'-11" 17'-3" 16'-3" 19'-5" 18'-0" 17'-4" 16'-8" 21'-6" 19'-11" 19'-0" 17'-7" 20'-0" 18'-7" 17'-10" 17'-1" 22'-2" 20'-7" 19'-8" 17'-7" 21'-7" 20'-0" 19'-1" 18'-1" 23'-10" 22'-1" 21'-1" 18'-9" 22'-3" 20'-8" 19'-9" 18'-8" 24'-7" 22'-11" 21'-10" 18'-9" 23'-5" 21'-8" 20'-8" 19'-7" 25'-11" 24'-0" 22'-11" 19'-11" 24'-2" 22'-6" 21'-5" 19'-8" 26'-9" 24'-11" 23'-9" 19'-11" 18'-6" 17'-4" 16'-8" 16'-0" 20'-5" 18'-11" 18'-0" 17'-3" 18'-11" 17'-8" 17'-0" 16'-3" 20'-11" 19'-5" 18'-6" 17'-8" 21'-4" 19'-9" 18'-9" 17'-10" 23'-7" 21'-10" 20'-9" 19'-8" 21'-10" 20'-3" 19'-3" 18'-3" 24'-2" 22'-5" 21'-4" 20'-3" 23'-8" 21'-10" 20'-10" 19'-8" 26'-2" 24'-2" 23'-0" 21'-10" 24'-3" 22'-6" 21'-5" 20'-3" 26'-10" 24'-11" 23'-9" 22'-6" 25'-9" 23'-10" 22'-8" 21'-5" 28'-6" 26'-4" 25'-1" 23'-8" 26'-5" 24'-5" 23'-4" 22'-1" 29'-2" 27'-1" 25'-10" 24'-5" DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS: ADDITIONAL NOTES: 1. The spans listed are the clear distance between supports. Continuous spans are based on the longest span. The shortest span shall not be less than 50% of the longest span. 2. The spans are based on uniform floor loads only, for standard load duration. 3. These tables reflect the additional stiffness for vibration provided by a 5/8" or 3/4" OSB rated sheathing, or equal, attached as indicated (Nailed Only or Glued & Nailed) to the top flange. 4. Live load deflection has been limited to L/360 “bare joist.” 5. Total load deflection has been limited to L/240. 6. The spans are based on an end bearing length of at least 1-3/4" and an interior bearing length of at least 3-1/2," and have been limited to the bearing resistance of an SPF wallplate. 1. These spans have been designed to meet the Limit States Design and vibration requirements of the 2005 National Building Code of Canada. 2. Web stiffeners are not required for any of the spans in these tables. Web fillers are required for I-Joists seated in hangers that do not laterally support the top flange. 3. For conditions not shown, use the Uniform Floor Load (PLF) tables, LP’s design software or contact your LP® SolidStart® Engineered Wood Products distributor for assistance. Web Hole Specifications: Circular Holes Uncut length of web between adjacent holes shall be at least twice the length of the larger hole dimension or 12" center-to-center, whichever is larger. Up to a 1-1/2" diameter hole allowed anywhere in the web. Closest spacing 12" oc. END SUPPORT INTERIOR OR CANTILEVER-END SUPPORT Diameter Closest distance (x) to center of circular hole Closest distance (x) to center of hole FROM EITHER SUPPORT FROM EITHER SUPPORT TO USE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Select the required series and depth. Determine the support condition for the nearest bearing: end support or interior support (including cantilever-end supports). Select the row corresponding to the required span. For spans between those listed, use the next largest value. Select the column corresponding to the required hole diameter. For diameters between those listed, use the next largest value. The intersection of the Span row and Hole Diameter column gives the minimum distance from the inside face of bearing to the center of a circular hole. Double check the distance to the other support, using the appropriate support condition. Series Depth Clear Span (ft) 9-1/2" LPI 20Plus & LPI 32Plus 11-7/8" 14" LPI 32Plus 16" 9-1/2" 11-7/8" LPI 42Plus 14" 16" 6' 10' 14' 18' 6' 10' 14' 18' 22' 10' 14' 18' 22' 26' 10' 14' 18' 22' 26' 30' 6' 10' 14' 18' 6' 10' 14' 18' 22' 10' 14' 18' 22' 26' 10' 14' 18' 22' 26' 30' 2" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-8" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-8" 4'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-8" 4'-0" 6'-1" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-8" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-8" 4'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-8" 4'-0" 6'-1" 4" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-10" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-5" 3'-4" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-10" 5'-3" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-10" 5'-3" 7'-7" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-10" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-5" 3'-4" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-10" 5'-3" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-10" 5'-3" 7'-7" Distance from End Support Hole Diameter 6" 8" 10" 1'-6" 1'-6" 1'-6" 3'-8" 1'-6" 2'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-9" 4'-1" 5'-0" 6'-8" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" 1'-10" 3'-3" 4'-7" 4'-6" 5'-7" 7'-3" 6'-7" 8'-6" 9'-10" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" 1'-6" 2'-9" 3'-8" 3'-11" 5'-0" 6'-2" 5'-11" 7'-3" 9'-2" 8'-4" 9'-10" 11'-4" 1'-6" 1'-6" 1'-6" 3'-8" 1'-6" 2'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-9" 4'-1" 5'-0" 6'-8" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" 1'-10" 3'-3" 4'-7" 4'-6" 5'-7" 7'-3" 6'-7" 8'-6" 9'-10" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" 1'-6" 2'-9" 3'-8" 3'-11" 5'-0" 6'-2" 5'-11" 7'-3" 9'-2" 8'-4" 9'-10" 11'-4" 12" 3'-0" 3'-0" 5'-0" 7'-10" 10'-6" 12'-10" 3'-0" 3'-0" 5'-0" 7'-10" 10'-6" 12'-10" 14" - 2" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-8" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-2" 4'-11" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-9" 4'-11" 7'-9" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-9" 4'-4" 7'-1" 10'-6" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-8" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-2" 4'-11" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-9" 4'-11" 7'-9" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-9" 4'-4" 7'-1" 10'-6" Distance from Interior or Cantilever-End Support Hole Diameter 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 1'-0" 1'-6" 1'-0" 1'-6" 1'-8" 3'-5" 4'-5" 6'-3" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 1'-0" 2'-5" 3'-10" 3'-6" 5'-4" 6'-9" 6'-7" 8'-3" 9'-11" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" 1'-0" 1'-8" 2'-9" 4'-2" 3'-1" 4'-5" 5'-10" 7'-2" 6'-0" 7'-8" 8'-9" 10'-5" 9'-1" 10'-5" 12'-4" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" 3'-0" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-5" 3'-5" 4'-6" 2'-8" 4'-0" 4'-11" 6'-3" 7'-8" 5'-5" 7'-1" 8'-3" 9'-4" 11'-0" 8'-5" 9'-9" 11'-0" 13'-0" 12'-0" 13'-6" 14'-3" 1'-0" 1'-6" 1'-0" 1'-6" 1'-8" 3'-5" 4'-5" 6'-3" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 1'-0" 2'-5" 3'-10" 3'-6" 5'-4" 6'-9" 6'-7" 8'-3" 9'-11" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" 1'-0" 1'-8" 2'-9" 4'-2" 3'-1" 4'-5" 5'-10" 7'-2" 6'-0" 7'-8" 8'-9" 10'-5" 9'-1" 10'-5" 12'-4" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" 3'-0" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-5" 3'-5" 4'-6" 2'-8" 4'-0" 4'-11" 6'-3" 7'-8" 5'-5" 7'-1" 8'-3" 9'-4" 11'-0" 8'-5" 9'-9" 11'-0" 13'-0" 12'-0" 13'-6" 14'-3" - 14" - DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS: NOTES: 1. The hole locations listed above are valid for floor joists supporting only the specified uniform loads as follows: For joists 16" deep and less, the total specified uniform load shall not exceed 130 plf (e.g., 40 psf Live Load and a 25 psf Dead Load, spaced up to 24" oc). The specified uniform dead load shall be at least 10 plf and shall not exceed the Live Load. 2. Hole location is measured from the inside face of bearing to the center of a circular hole, from the closest support. 3. Clear Span has not been verified for these joists and is shown for informational purposes only! Verify that the joist selected will work for the span and loading conditions needed before checking hole location. 4. Maximum hole depth for circular holes is Joist Depth less 4," not to exceed 14," except the maximum hole depth is 6" for 9-1/2" and 8" for 11-7/8" LP I-Joists. 5. Holes cannot be located in the span where designated “-”, without further analysis by a professional engineer. 1. CUT HOLES CAREFULLY! DO NOT OVERCUT HOLES! DO NOT CUT JOIST FLANGES! 2. Holes may be placed anywhere within the depth of the joist. A minimum 1/4" clear distance is required between the hole and the flanges. 3. Round holes up to 1-1/2" diameter may be placed anywhere in the web. 4. Perforated “knockouts” may be neglected when locating web holes. 5. Holes larger than 1-1/2" are not permitted in cantilevers without special engineering. 6. Multiple holes shall have a clear separation along the length of the joist of at least twice the length of the larger adjacent hole, or a minimum of 12" center-to-center, whichever is greater. 7. Multiple holes may be spaced closer provided they fit within the boundary of an acceptable larger hole. Example: two 3" round holes aligned parallel to the joist length may be spaced 2" apart (clear distance) provided that a 3" high by 8" long rectangle or an 8" diameter round hole are acceptable for the joist depth at that location and completely encompass the holes. 8. Not all series are available in all depths. Check availability with a local LP® SolidStart® Engineered Wood Products distributor. 9. Locating holes in joists with spans exceeding those in the tables or larger holes, greater uniform loads or nonuniform loads, and closer proximity to supports and other holes may be possible with analysis using LP’s design software. Please contact your local LP SolidStart Engineered Wood Products distributor for more information. Web Hole Specifications: Rectangular Holes Uncut length of web between adjacent holes shall be at least twice the length of the larger hole or 12" center-to-center, whichever is larger. END SUPPORT INTERIOR OR CANTILEVER-END SUPPORT Depth Width Closest distance (x) to edge of rectangular hole Closest distance (x) to edge of rectangular hole FROM EITHER SUPPORT FROM EITHER SUPPORT TO USE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Select the required series and depth. Determine the support condition for the nearest bearing: end support or interior support (including cantilever-end supports). Select the row corresponding to the required span. For spans between those listed, use the next largest value. Select the column corresponding to the required hole dimension. For dimensions between those listed, use the next largest value. The intersection of the Span row and Hole Dimension column gives the minimum distance from the inside face of bearing to the nearest edge of a square or rectangular hole. Double check the distance to the other support, using the appropriate support condition. Series Depth Clear Span (ft) 9-1/2" LPI 20Plus & LPI 32Plus 11-7/8" 14" LPI 32Plus 16" 9-1/2" 11-7/8" LPI 42Plus 14" 16" 6' 10' 14' 18' 6' 10' 14' 18' 22' 10' 14' 18' 22' 26' 10' 14' 18' 22' 26' 30' 6' 10' 14' 18' 6' 10' 14' 18' 22' 10' 14' 18' 22' 26' 10' 14' 18' 22' 26' 30' 2" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-10" 4'-1" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-5" 3'-8" 6'-2" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-8" 4'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-8" 4'-0" 6'-1" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-10" 4'-1" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-5" 3'-8" 6'-2" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-8" 4'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-8" 4'-0" 6'-1" Distance from End Support Maximum Hole Dimension: Depth or Width 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" 3'-0" 1'-1" 2'-7" 3'-1" 3'-7" 4'-1" 4'-7" 3'-3" 5'-4" 5'-8" 6'-5" 6'-9" 5'-11" 7'-9" 8'-8" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" 3'-0" 1'-0" 1'-10" 3'-4" 3'-10" 4'-4" 4'-10" 2'-10" 4'-3" 6'-1" 6'-9" 5'-6" 6'-10" 8'-8" 7'-10" 10'-0" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-7" 3'-1" 3'-10" 4'-10" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-10" 5'-0" 5'-8" 6'-9" 1'-5" 3'-3" 5'-6" 7'-9" 8'-8" 3'-4" 5'-7" 7'-10" 10'-7" 5'-11" 7'-11" 10'-6" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" 3'-7" 4'-4" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-2" 3'-11" 6'-5" 1'-0" 2'-9" 4'-7" 6'-10" 3'-4" 5'-0" 7'-3" 9'-5" 5'-3" 7'-3" 9'-10" 12'-6" 8'-4" 9'-10" 12'-1" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" 3'-0" 1'-1" 2'-7" 3'-1" 3'-7" 4'-1" 4'-7" 3'-3" 5'-4" 5'-8" 6'-5" 6'-9" 5'-11" 7'-9" 8'-8" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" 3'-0" 1'-0" 1'-10" 3'-4" 3'-10" 4'-4" 4'-10" 2'-10" 4'-3" 6'-1" 6'-9" 5'-6" 6'-10" 8'-8" 7'-10" 10'-0" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-7" 3'-1" 3'-10" 4'-10" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-10" 5'-0" 5'-8" 6'-9" 1'-5" 3'-3" 5'-6" 7'-9" 8'-8" 3'-4" 5'-7" 7'-10" 10'-7" 5'-11" 7'-11" 10'-6" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" 3'-7" 4'-4" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-2" 3'-11" 6'-5" 1'-0" 2'-9" 4'-7" 6'-10" 3'-4" 5'-0" 7'-3" 9'-5" 5'-3" 7'-3" 9'-10" 12'-6" 8'-4" 9'-10" 12'-1" - 18" - 2" 1'-0" 1'-0" 3'-10" 6'-9" 1'-0" 1'-0" 3'-5" 6'-3" 9'-4" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-9" 4'-4" 7'-9" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-9" 4'-4" 7'-1" 10'-6" 1'-0" 1'-0" 3'-10" 6'-9" 1'-0" 1'-0" 3'-5" 6'-3" 9'-4" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-9" 4'-4" 7'-9" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-9" 4'-4" 7'-1" 10'-6" Distance from Interior or Cantilever-End Support Maximum Hole Dimension: Depth or Width 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" 3'-0" 2'-5" 4'-0" 4'-6" 5'-0" 5'-3" 8'-7" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" 3'-0" 1'-11" 3'-3" 4'-9" 4'-10" 6'-4" 8'-1" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 4'-0" 4'-9" 1'-0" 2'-9" 4'-10" 3'-6" 5'-10" 8'-1" 6'-7" 8'-9" 11'-0" 9'-9" 11'-8" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 3'-0" 1'-0" 2'-5" 4'-2" 5'-11" 3'-6" 4'-11" 7'-2" 6'-0" 8'-3" 10'-5" 9'-1" 11'-0" 12'-0" 14'-3" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" 3'-0" 2'-5" 4'-0" 4'-6" 5'-0" 5'-3" 8'-7" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" 3'-0" 1'-11" 3'-3" 4'-9" 4'-10" 6'-4" 8'-1" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 4'-0" 4'-9" 1'-0" 2'-9" 4'-10" 3'-6" 5'-10" 8'-1" 6'-7" 8'-9" 11'-0" 9'-9" 11'-8" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 3'-0" 1'-0" 2'-5" 4'-2" 5'-11" 3'-6" 4'-11" 7'-2" 6'-0" 8'-3" 10'-5" 9'-1" 11'-0" 12'-0" 14'-3" - 18" - DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS: NOTES: 1. The hole locations listed above are valid for floor joists supporting only the specified uniform loads as follows: For joists 16" deep and less, the total specified uniform load shall not exceed 130 plf (e.g., 40 psf Live Load and a 25 psf Dead Load, spaced up to 24" oc). The specified uniform dead load shall be at least 10 plf and shall not exceed the Live Load. 2. Hole location is measured from the inside face of bearing to the nearest edge of a rectangular hole, from the closest support. 3. Clear Span has not been verified for these joists and is shown for informational purposes only! Verify that the joist selected will work for the span and loading conditions needed before checking hole location. 4. Maximum hole depth for rectangular holes is Joist Depth less 4," not to exceed 14," except the maximum hole depth is 6" for 9-1/2" and 8" for 11-7/8" LP I-Joists. Maximum hole width for rectangular holes is 18." Where the Maximum Hole Dimension for rectangular holes exceeds the maximum hole depth, the dimension refers to hole width, and the hole depth is assumed to be the maximum for that joist depth. 5. Holes cannot be located in the span where designated “-”, without further analysis by a professional engineer. 1. CUT HOLES CAREFULLY! DO NOT OVERCUT HOLES! DO NOT CUT JOIST FLANGES! 2. Holes may be placed anywhere within the depth of the joist. A minimum 1/4" clear distance is required between the hole and the flanges. 3. Round holes up to 1-1/2" diameter may be placed anywhere in the web. 4. Perforated “knockouts” may be neglected when locating web holes. 5. Holes larger than 1-1/2" are not permitted in cantilevers without special engineering. 6. Multiple holes shall have a clear separation along the length of the joist of at least twice the length of the larger adjacent hole, or a minimum of 12" center-to-center, whichever is greater. 7. Multiple holes may be spaced closer provided they fit within the boundary of an acceptable larger hole. Example: two 3" round holes aligned parallel to the joist length may be spaced 2" apart (clear distance) provided that a 3" high by 8" long rectangle or an 8" diameter round hole are acceptable for the joist depth at that location and completely encompass the holes. 8. Not all series are available in all depths. Check availability with a local LP® SolidStart® Engineered Wood Products distributor. 9. Locating holes in joists with spans exceeding those in the tables or larger holes, greater uniform loads or nonuniform loads, and closer proximity to supports and other holes may be possible with analysis using LP’s design software. Please contact your local LP SolidStart Engineered Wood Products distributor for more information. Floor Details RIM BOARD A1 RIM JOIST A2 A3 Refer to Note 8 Fasten rim board to each floor I-Joist using one 8d nail or 10d box nail per flange BLOCKING AT EXTERIOR WALL 8d nails at 6" oc Rim joists with flanges wider than 1-3/4" require a minimum 2 x 6 plate (when used for shear transfer, nail to bearing plate with same nailing schedule for decking) Same depth as I-Joist 10d box nails at 6" oc toe-nailed from outside of building A4 SOLID BLOCKING AT EXTERIOR WALL Fasten rim joist to each floor I-Joist with one 10d nail into the end of each flange. Use 16d box nails for rim joists with flanges wider than 1-3/4." 8d nails at 6" oc (when used for shear transfer, nail to bearing plate with same nailing schedule for decking) JOIST SUPPORT NAILING A5 B1 (When Required) Use two 8d nails or two 10d box nails (one on each side) LP® SolidStart® LVL, LP SolidStart LSL or LP SolidStart Rim Board as blocking WEB STIFFENERS AT INTERIOR SUPPORT Same depth as I-Joist 10d box nails at 6" oc toe-nailed from outside of building B2 Blocking panels may be required with shear wall 1-1/2" min. from end of I-Joist to nail SQUASH BLOCKS B3 Use double squash blocks as specified. Squash blocks shall be cut 1/16" taller than I-Joist. 2 x 4 min. Stagger 8d or 10d nails to avoid splitting Bearing wall aligned under wall above Verify stiffener requirements (see Web Stiffener detail) BLOCKING AT INTERIOR SUPPORT Blocking is not required if no wall above unless I-Joists end at support. Blocking may be required at interior supports by project designer or by code for seismic design. Bearing wall aligned under wall above LP SolidStart I-Joists shall be designed to carry all applied loads including walls from above that do not stack directly over the I-Joist support. Toe-nail 8d or 10d box nail to plate D2 POST LOADS NON-STACKING WALLS E1 STAIR STRINGER E2 Web filler (as backer block) minimum 12" long Verify capacity and fastening requirements of hangers and connectors Filler block(s) minimum 4' long Approved connection (by others) Squash blocks required under all post loads See I-Joist Header Cross-Section for connection information of the filler and backer blocks See I-Joist Filler Schedule for filler block and web filler sizes HANGER DETAIL Verify web filler requirements for hangers Floor Details I-JOIST HEADER E3 Verify web filler/ stiffener requirements for hangers Filler blocks • Connect double I-Joists with filler blocks in minimum 4' sections at each support and at no more than 8' oc. • Provide 4' filler blocks centered behind each hanger and under each concentrated load. • Cut filler blocks at least 1/8" less than clear distance between flanges to avoid forcing into place. • Attach filler blocks with two rows of 8d nails or larger (10d nails or larger for flanges wider than 2-1/2") at 6" oc. Nail through the web of both joists into the filler block. Clinch nails where possible. • Floor sheathing to be glued and nailed to flanges of both plies. Verify all hanger connections Web filler (as backer block) Filler blocks See I-Joist Header Cross-Section for information on attaching web fillers and filler blocks DOUBLE I-JOIST CONNECTION E5 6" oc Filler block Refer to I-Joist Header Cross-Section for filler block and web filler sizes Refer to I-Joist Header Cross-Section for filler block and web filler sizes I-JOIST HEADER CROSS-SECTION E4 Web filler (as backer block) Verify web filler/stiffener requirements for hangers Web Filler (as Backer Block): Install tight to top flange for top-mount hangers (shown) or tight to bottom flange for face-mount hangers. Backer blocks shall be at least 12" long and located behind every supported hanger. For a single I-Joist header, install backer block to both sides of the web behind each supported hanger. Filler Blocks: Install in minimum 4' sections at each support, centered behind each supported hanger and at no more than 8' oc. Filler block(s) Attach web fillers and filler blocks with 2 rows of 8d nails or larger (10d or larger for flanges wider than 2-1/2") at 6" oc. For the filler blocks, nail through the web of both joists into the block. Clinch nails where possible. NOTE: Cut web fillers and filler blocks at least 1/8" less than clear distance between flanges to avoid forcing into place. I-JOIST FILLER SCHEDULE Depth Supported hanger (top-mount shown) 9-1/2" & 11-7/8" 14" & 16" C6 Series Filler Block Web Filler LPI 20Plus LPI 32Plus 2 x 6 + 19/32" OSB 1" OSB LPI 42Plus (2) 2 x 6 2x6 LPI 20Plus LPI 32Plus 2 x 8 + 19/32" OSB 1" OSB LPI 42Plus (2) 2 x 8 2x8 NON LOAD-BEARING CANTILEVER STEP-DOWN CANTILEVER 2 x 8 (min.) design by others nailed and glued to I -Joist flange and filler with 10d box nails 1" from edge at 6" oc Web filler both faces OSB or equal closure Uniform loads only Uniform loads only 2 x 8 (min.) closure LPI blocking* See page 12-13 for load-bearing cantilever details 2 x cantilever 4'- 0" max. length (2'-0" min.) *Rim Board, LSL or LVL may be substituted for the LP blocking BEVEL CUT/FIRE CUT LPI blocking or other lateral support required at ends of I-Joist Bevel cut may not extend beyond inside face of bearing wall Refer to I-Joist Header Cross-Section for filler block and web filler sizes 1/3 adjacent span (max.) Adjacent span See page 12-13 for load bearing cantilever details NOTES: 1. Some wind or seismic loads may require different or additional details and connections. 2. Verify building code requirements for suitability of details shown. 3. Refer to page 3 for bearing length requirements. 4. Refer to page 3 for Flange Nailing Schedule for LPI rim joist and blocking panel nailing. 5. Lateral support shall be considered for bottom flange when there is no sheathing on underside. 6. Verify capacity and fastening requirements of hangers and connectors. 7. Squash block capacity designed by others. 8. Do not use rim joists with flanges wider than 2-1/2." Roof Details J1 RAFTER CONNECTION J2 Simpson® LSTA24, USP® LSTI-22 strap or equal RAFTER CONNECTION WITH FITTED OSB GUSSET 23/32" x 2'-0" OSB with 8-16d nails each side min. 1/8" gap at top Beveled plate LPI blocking 6 J4 HEADER CONNECTION Header Simpson LSSU, USP TMU (or equal) hanger Web filler required each side H3 FLAT SOFFIT LPI blocking 6 Structural beam Simpson LSSU, USP TMU (or equal) hanger BIRD’S MOUTH Don’t cut beyond inside face of bearing Cut to fit tight to wall plate BEVELED PLATE H2 (Lower bearing only) LPI blocking 6 2x beveled plate LPI blocking 6 Simpson VPA, USP TMP (or equal) connector may be substituted for beveled plate Beveled web stiffeners required both sides OVERHANG H4 (Fascia Support) Simpson LSTA24, USP LSTI-22 strap (or equal) for slopes over 7:12 Support beam or wall H1 Simpson LSTA24, USP LSTI-22 strap (or equal) for slopes over 7:12 Web filler required each side Beveled plate LPI blocking 6 Support beam or wall RIDGE RAFTER CONNECTION J3 8d nails at 6" oc 1" from edge LPI blocking 6 8d nails at 6" oc staggered and clinched OVERHANG H5 . . in in " '-0 "m m '-0 LPI blocking 6 4 4 2 x 4 cut to fit Beveled plate 2 x 4 filler Web fillers required both sides of I-Joist 8d nails at 6" oc clinched K1 ROOF OPENING HANGER CONNECTIONS Web stiffener required (see Web Stiffener details) Web filler 8d nails staggered at 6" oc Maximum overhang same as rafter spacing (2'-0" max.) Filler on back side Install header plumb Filler block Web filler 2 x 4 filler Ladder 8d or 10d box toe-nail to plate NOTES: OUTRIGGER K2 Beveled plate 2 m '- 0 ax " . 2 x 4 cut to fit 2 m '- 0 ax " . 2 x 4 cut to fit both sides Gable end 1. Minimum slope: 1/4" per foot (1/4:12). Maximum slope: 12" per foot (12:12). 2. Verify capacity and fastening requirements of hangers and connectors. 3. The LP® SolidStart® I-Joist flange may be a bird’s mouth cut only at the low end of the LP SolidStart I-Joist. Bird’s mouth cut shall not overhang the inside face of bearing plate. The LP SolidStart I-Joist shall bear fully on plate. 4. Some wind or seismic loads may require different or additional details and connections. Uplift anchors may be required. 5. 4" diameter hole(s) may be cut in blocking for ventilation. 6. Lateral resistance shall be provided. Other methods of restraint, such as full depth LP SolidStart OSB Rim Board, LP SolidStart LVL, LP SolidStart LSL or metal X-bracing may be substituted for the LP blocking shown. Web Stiffeners & Framing Connectors WEB STIFFENER REQUIREMENTS Series LPI 20Plus & LPI 32Plus LPI 42Plus Depth Minimum Thickness Maximum Height Nail Size* Nail Qty 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 16" 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 16" 23/32" 23/32" 23/32" 23/32" 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 6-3/8" 8-3/4" 10-7/8" 12-7/8" 6-3/8" 8-3/4" 10-7/8" 12-7/8" 8d (2-1/2") 8d (2-1/2") 8d (2-1/2") 8d (2-1/2") 10d (3") 10d (3") 10d (3") 10d (3") 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 * Nail Size is for common wire nails. NOTES: WEB STIFFENER REQUIREMENTS 1/8" min., 1" max. gap Concentrated load End support* 1/8" min., 1" max. gap * Refer to framing plan for specific conditions. 1. Web stiffeners shall be installed in pairs – one to each side of the web. Web stiffeners are always required for the "Bird’s Mouth" roof joist bearing detail. 2. Web stiffeners shall be cut to fit between the 1/8" min., 1" max. gap 1/8" min., flanges of the LP® SolidStart® I-Joist, leaving 1" max. gap a minimum 1/8" gap (1" maximum). At bearing locations, the stiffeners shall be installed tight to the bottom flange. At locations of concentrated loads, the stiffeners shall be installed tight to the top flange. 3. Web stiffeners shall be cut from APA-rated OSB (or equal) or from LP SolidStart LVL, LSL or OSB Rim Board. 2x lumber is permissible. Do not use 1x lumber, as it tends to split, or build up the required stiffener thickness from multiple pieces. Nails to be equally 4. Web stiffeners shall be the same width as the bearing surface, with a minimum of 3-1/2." spaced, staggered and Interior or driven alternately from 5. See Web Stiffener Requirements for minimum Cantilever support* each face. Clinch nails stiffener thickness, maximum stiffener height where possible. and required nailing. SIMPSON STRONG-TIE® Series LPI 20Plus LPI 32Plus LPI 42Plus Top-Mount Depth Single ITS39.5 ITS311.88 ITS314 ITS39.5 ITS311.88 ITS314 ITS316 ITS49.5 ITS411.88 ITS414 ITS416 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 16" 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 16" Double MIT39.5-2 MIT311.88-2 MIT314-2 MIT39.5-2 MIT311.88-2 MIT314-2 WPI316-2* B7.12/9.5 B7.12/11.88 B7.12/14 B7.12/16 Face-Mount Single Double IUS310 HU310-2* IUS312 HU312-2* IUS314 HU314-2* IUS310 HU310-2* IUS312 HU312-2* IUS314 HU314-2* IUS316 HU314-2* IUS3.56/9.5 HU410-2* IUS3.56/11.88 HU412-2* IUS3.56/14 HU414-2* IUS3.56/16 HU414-2* 45˚ Skewed Single SUR/L310* SUR/L310* SUR/L314* SUR/L310* SUR/L310* SUR/L314* SUR/L314* SUR/L410* SUR/L410* SUR/L414* SUR/L414* Rafter-To-Ridge Single LSSUH310* LSSUH310* LSSUH310* LSSUH310* LSSUH310* LSSUH310* LSSUH310* ** LSSU410* LSSU410* LSSU410* – Rafter-To-Plate Single VPA3 VPA3 VPA3 VPA3 VPA3 VPA3 VPA3 VPA4 VPA4 VPA4 VPA4 45˚ Skewed Single SKH310R/L* SKH312R/L* SKH312R/L* SKH310R/L* SKH312R/L* SKH312R/L* SKH312R/L* SKH410L/R 1 * SKH410L/R 1 * SKH414L/R 1 * SKH414L/R 1 * Rafter-To-Ridge Single TMU25* TMU25* TMU25* TMU25* TMU25* TMU25* TMU25* ** LSSH35* LSSH35* LSSH35* LSSH35R 2 * Rafter-To-Plate3 Single TMP25 or TMPH25* TMP25 or TMPH25* TMP25 or TMPH25* TMP25 or TMPH25* TMP25 or TMPH25* TMP25 or TMPH25* TMP25 or TMPH25* TMP4 or TMPH4* TMP4 or TMPH4* TMP4 or TMPH4* TMP4 or TMPH4* The above connectors are manufactured by Simpson Strong-Tie Co., Inc. To verify connector suitability for a particular application, refer to the current Simpson Strong-Tie Connector catalog. USP STRUCTURAL CONNECTORS® Series LPI 20Plus LPI 32Plus LPI 42Plus Depth 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 16" 9-1/2" 11-7/8" 14" 16" Top-Mount Single Double THO25950 THO25950-2* THO25118 THO25118-2* THO25140 THO25140-2* THO25950 THO25950-2* THO25118 THO25118-2* THO25140 THO25140-2* THO25160 THO25160-2* THO35950 BPH7195* THO35118 BPH71118* THO35140 BPH7114* THO35160 BPH7116* 1. Miter cut required on end of joist to achieve design loads. 2. LSTA24 strap required along top chord for lateral restraint. 3. TMP35 adjusts from 1/12 to 6/12 pitch. TMPH35 adjusts from 6/12 to 14/12 pitch. TOP-MOUNT GENERAL NOTES: * Web fillers required for proper installation of hanger. Refer to the Engineered Wood Product Guide for filler sizes. ** Hanger is less than 60% of joist depth. Additional rotation resistance is required. Refer to the appropriate hanger manufacturer’s catalog for details. Face-Mount Single Double THF25925 THF25925-2* THF25112 THF25112-2* THF25140 THF25140-2* THF25925 THF25925-2* THF25112 THF25112-2* THF25140 THF25140-2* THF25160 THF25160-2* THF35925 HD7100* THF35112 HD7120* THF35140 HD7140* THF35157 HD7160* The above connectors are manufactured by USP (United Steel Products Company). To verify connector suitability for a particular application, refer to the current USP Lumber Connectors catalog. FACE-MOUNT 45˚ SKEWED RAFTERTO-RIDGE RAFTERTO-PLATE Handling & Storage Guidelines and Warnings • Warning: Failure to follow good procedures for handling, storage and installation could result in unsatisfactory performance, unsafe structures and possible collapse. • Keep LP® SolidStart® Engineered Wood Products dry. • Unload products carefully, by lifting. Support the bundles to reduce excessive bowing. Individual products shall be handled in a manner which prevents physical damage during measuring, cutting, erection, etc. I-Joists shall be handled vertically and not flatwise. • Keep products stored in wrapped and strapped bundles, stacked no more than 10' high. Support and separate bundles with 2x4 (or larger) stickers spaced no more than 10' apart. Keep stickers in line vertically. • Product shall not be stored in contact with the ground, or have prolonged exposure to the weather. • Use forklifts and cranes carefully to avoid damaging products. • Do not use a visually damaged product. Call your local LP SolidStart Engineered Wood Products distributor for assistance when damaged products are encountered. • For satisfactory performance, LP SolidStart Engineered Wood Products shall be used under dry, covered and well-ventilated interior conditions in which the equivalent moisture content in lumber will not exceed 16%. DON’T WA R N I N G S The following conditions are NOT permitted! Do not use visually damaged products without first checking with your local LP SolidStart Engineered Wood Products distributor or sales office. DON’T put holes too close to supports. DON’T overcut hole and damage flange. DON’T make hole with hammer unless knock-out is provided. Refer to hole chart for correct location. DON’T drill flange. DON’T hammer on flange and damage joist. DON’T use 16d nails. DON’T cut beyond inside edge of bearing. Refer to Joist End Nailing detail for correct sizes and locations. DON’T support I-Joist on web. DON’T DON’T cut flange for pipes. DON’T cut or notch flange. LVL 2650Fb-1.9E Roof Beam Quick Reference Tables FOR ROOF LOADS: #FBN4QBOJTWBMJEGPSTJNQMFTQBOIFBEFSTPOMZ 3PPGTZTUFNJODMVEFTBPWFSIBOH CFBSJOHMFOHUIJTSFRVJSFEBUFOETVQQPSUT&9$&15CFBSJOHJTSFRVJSFEXIFSFbold. *GUIFWBMVFJTŝŞUIFOUIFEFQUISFRVJSFEFYDFFETUIFTDPQFPGUIJTHVJEF 3FGFSUPUIF(FOFSBM/PUFTBOEJOTUSVDUJPOTPOQBHFGPSVTJOHUIF2VJDL3FGFSFODF5BCMFT Span SPECIFIED LOADS ROOF: 20 PSF LIVE, 15 PSF DEAD Span 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' SPECIFIED LOADS ROOF: 30 PSF LIVE, 15 PSF DEAD Span 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' SPECIFIED LOADS ROOF: 40 PSF LIVE, 15 PSF DEAD Span 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' Span 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' pan mS Carrie Bea d 20' 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-7/8" 11-1/4" 14" 11-1/4" 22' 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-7/8" 11-1/4" 14" 11-7/8" 24' 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-7/8" 11-1/4" 14" 11-7/8" 26' 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/2" 14" 11-1/4" 14" 14" Span Carried By Beam 28' 30' 32' 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/2" 9-1/2" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-7/8" 9-1/2" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 14" 14" 14" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-7/8" 14" 16" 16" 14" 14" 14" 34' 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-7/8" 11-1/4" 14" 11-7/8" 16" 14" 36' 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-7/8" 11-1/4" 14" 11-7/8" 16" 14" 38' 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-7/8" 11-1/4" 14" 11-7/8" 16" 14" 40' 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 14" 11-1/4" 14" 14" 16" 14" 20' 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/2" 14" 11-1/4" 14" 14" 22' 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/2" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 14" 11-1/4" 16" 14" 24' 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-7/8" 11-1/4" 14" 11-7/8" 16" 14" 26' 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-7/8" 11-1/4" 14" 11-7/8" 16" 14" Span Carried By Beam 28' 30' 32' 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-7/8" 14" 14" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 14" 14" 14" 11-7/8" 14" 14" 16" 16" 16" 14" 14" 14" 34' 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/2" 14" 11-1/4" 16" 14" 18" 16" 36' 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/2" 14" 11-1/4" 16" 14" 18" 16" 38' 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 14" 11-7/8" 16" 14" 18" 16" 40' 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/2" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 14" 11-7/8" 16" 14" 18" 16" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 20' 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-7/8" 11-1/4" 14" 11-7/8" 16" 14" 22' 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 14" 11-1/4" 14" 14" 16" 14" 24' 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 14" 11-1/4" 16" 14" 16" 14" 26' 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/2" 14" 11-1/4" 16" 14" 18" 16" Span Carried By Beam 28' 30' 32' 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/2" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-7/8" 11-7/8" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 14" 14" 14" 11-7/8" 11-7/8" 11-7/8" 16" 16" 16" 14" 14" 14" 18" 18" 18" 16" 16" 16" 34' 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-7/8" 11-1/4" 14" 14" 16" 14" 18" 16" 36' 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 14" 11-1/4" 14" 14" 16" 14" 18" 16" 38' 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 14" 11-1/4" 16" 14" 18" 16" 16" 40' 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 14" 11-1/4" 16" 14" 18" 16" 18" Beam Width 20' 22' 24' 26' 28' 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/2" 14" 11-1/4" 16" 14" 18" 16" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/2" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 14" 11-7/8" 16" 14" 18" 16" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/2" 9-1/4" 11-7/8" 11-1/4" 14" 11-7/8" 16" 14" 18" 16" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-7/8" 11-1/4" 14" 11-7/8" 16" 14" 18" 16" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 14" 11-1/4" 14" 14" 16" 14" 18" 16" Beam Width 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" Beam Width 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" Beam Width Span Carried By Beam 30' 32' 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 14" 11-1/4" 16" 14" 18" 16" 16" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 14" 11-1/4" 16" 14" 18" 16" 18" 34' 36' 38' 40' 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 14" 11-1/4" 16" 14" 18" 16" 18" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/2" 14" 11-1/4" 16" 14" 18" 16" 18" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/2" 14" 11-7/8" 16" 14" 18" 16" 18" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 14" 11-7/8" 16" 14" 16" 18" LVL 2650Fb-1.9E 18' SPECIFIED LOADS ROOF: 50 PSF LIVE, 15 PSF DEAD Ţ Ţ Ţ Ţ Ţ LVL 2250Fb-1.5E Roof Beam Quick Reference Tables FOR ROOF LOADS: #FBN4QBOJTWBMJEGPSTJNQMFTQBOIFBEFSTPOMZ 3PPGTZTUFNJODMVEFTBPWFSIBOH CFBSJOHMFOHUIJTSFRVJSFEBUFOETVQQPSUT&9$&15CFBSJOHJTSFRVJSFEXIFSFbold. *GUIFWBMVFJTŝŞUIFOUIFEFQUISFRVJSFEFYDFFETUIFTDPQFPGUIJTHVJEF 3FGFSUPUIF(FOFSBM/PUFTBOEJOTUSVDUJPOTPOQBHFGPSVTJOHUIF2VJDL3FGFSFODF5BCMFT Span SPECIFIED LOADS ROOF: 20 PSF LIVE, 15 PSF DEAD Span 4' 6' 8' 10' 12' 14' SPECIFIED LOADS ROOF: 30 PSF LIVE, 15 PSF DEAD Span 4' 6' 8' 10' 12' 14' SPECIFIED LOADS ROOF: 40 PSF LIVE, 15 PSF DEAD Span 4' 6' 8' 10' 12' 14' Span 4' 6' 8' 10' 12' 14' pan mS Carrie Bea d 20' 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 5-1/2" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 5-1/2" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/2" 22' 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 5-1/2" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 5-1/2" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/2" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 24' 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 5-1/2" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 26' 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 5-1/2" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-7/8" 11-1/4" Span Carried By Beam 28' 30' 32' 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 5-1/2" 5-1/2" 5-1/2" 5-1/2" 5-1/2" 5-1/2" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-7/8" 14" 14" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 34' 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 5-1/2" 5-1/2" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/2" 14" 11-1/4" 36' 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 5-1/2" 5-1/2" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/2" 14" 11-1/4" 38' 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 5-1/2" 5-1/2" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 14" 11-1/4" 40' 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 5-1/2" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/2" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 14" 11-7/8" 20' 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 5-1/2" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-7/8" 11-1/4" 22' 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 5-1/2" 5-1/2" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 14" 11-1/4" 24' 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 5-1/2" 5-1/2" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 14" 11-1/4" 26' 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 5-1/2" 5-1/2" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/2" 14" 11-1/4" Span Carried By Beam 28' 30' 32' 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 5-1/2" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 5-1/2" 5-1/2" 5-1/2" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/2" 9-1/2" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-7/8" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 14" 14" 14" 11-1/4" 11-7/8" 11-7/8" 34' 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 5-1/2" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-7/8" 11-1/4" 14" 11-7/8" 36' 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 5-1/2" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-7/8" 11-1/4" 14" 14" 38' 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 5-1/2" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 14" 11-1/4" 14" 14" 40' 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 5-1/2" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 14" 11-1/4" 14" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 20' 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 5-1/2" 5-1/2" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/2" 14" 11-1/4" 22' 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 5-1/2" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/2" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 14" 11-7/8" 24' 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 5-1/2" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-7/8" 11-1/4" 14" 11-7/8" 26' 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 5-1/2" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-7/8" 11-1/4" 14" 14" Span Carried By Beam 28' 30' 32' 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 5-1/2" 5-1/2" 5-1/2" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 14" 14" 14" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 14" 14" 14" 14" 34' 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 14" 11-1/4" 14" 36' 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/2" 14" 11-1/4" 14" 38' 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 14" 11-7/8" 14" 40' 5-1/2" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 14" 11-7/8" 14" Beam Width 20' 22' 24' 26' 28' 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 5-1/2" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-7/8" 11-1/4" 14" 14" 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 5-1/2" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 14" 11-1/4" 14" 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 5-1/2" 9-1/4" 7-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 14" 11-1/4" 14" 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 14" 11-1/4" 14" 4-3/8" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/2" 14" 11-1/4" 14" Beam Width 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" Beam Width 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/4" Beam Width Span Carried By Beam 30' 32' 5-1/2" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 14" 11-7/8" 14" 5-1/2" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-1/4" 11-1/4" 14" 11-7/8" 14" 34' 36' 38' 40' 5-1/2" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-7/8" 11-1/4" 14" 14" 14" 5-1/2" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/4" 9-1/4" 11-7/8" 11-1/4" 14" 14" - 5-1/2" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 9-1/2" 9-1/4" 11-7/8" 11-1/4" 14" - 5-1/2" 4-3/8" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 11-1/4" 9-1/4" 14" 11-1/4" 14" - LVL 2250Fb-1.5E SPECIFIED LOADS ROOF: 50 PSF LIVE, 15 PSF DEAD Ţ Ţ Ţ Ţ Ţ Temporary Bracing & Warnings Top Loaded WARNING: Temporary construction bracing required for lateral support before decking is completed. Failure to use bracing could result in serious injury or death. See Installation Guide for specifics. Side Loaded Wood Column Roof Header Floor Header Floor Beam Wood Column am n Be ectio n n Co Floor Beam Side Loaded NOTE: Some details have been left out for clarity. WARNING The following conditions are NOT permitted! DO NOT USE VISUALLY DAMAGED PRODUCTS WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH YOUR All notched or drilled beams must be reviewed by a professional engineer. See hole detail on page 29 for allowable hole sizes and locations. LOCAL LP® Ieb_ZIjWhj ENGINEERED WOOD PRODUCTS DISTRIBUTOR OR SALES OFFICE. (SEE BACK COVER FOR DETAILS.) DON’T notch beam at support. Installation Details BEAM CONNECTION P3 STEEL COLUMN & WOOD COLUMN P4 Structurally adequate hanger P5 Framing details such as joists and sheathing shall be provided to prevent beam from twisting or rotating at support Simpson® CCO, USP® CCS or equal column cap L Simpson PC or CC, USP PCM or CC or equal post or column cap L Provide specified bearing length Hanger shall apply load equally to each ply or special design required FLOOR BEAM P6 Provide specified bearing length CONCRETE WALL P7 (Flush ceiling) Top mount hangers recommended Check stiffener/ filler requirements depending on load and hanger type Q2 Q1 WINDOW/DOOR HEADER NOTE: Protect wood from contact with concrete as required by code Prevent the beam from rotating by using rim or blocking Simpson GLB, USP LBS or equal seat WINDOW/DOOR HEADER Rim Board Provide specified or prescriptive bearing length BEAM HOLE DETAILS Continuous plate 1 foot 1/3 beam depth 1 foot Minimum 2 x diameter of larger hole Area B Area A Area B 1/3 span length Clear span Provide specified or prescriptive bearing length Q4 MASONRY HANGER Simpson WM, USP MPH, or equal hanger NOTES: 5IFTFHVJEFMJOFTBQQMZUPVOJGPSNMZMPBEFECFBNTTFMFDUFEGSPNUIF2VJDL3FGFSFODF5BCMFTPSUIF Uniform Load Tables or designed with LP’s design/specification software only. For all other applications, such as beams with concentrated loads, please contact your LP® SolidStart® Engineered Wood Products distributor for assistance. 2. Round holes can be drilled anywhere in “Area A” provided that: no more than four holes are cut, with the minimum spacing described in the diagram. The maximum hole size is 1-1/2" for depths up to 9-1/4," and 2" for depths greater than 9-1/4." 3. Rectangular holes are NOT allowed. 4. DO NOT drill holes in cantilevers without prior approval from the project engineer/architect. 5. Other hole sizes and configurations MAY be possible with further engineering analysis. For more information, contact your LP SolidStart Engineered Wood Products distributor. 6. Up to three 3/4" holes may be drilled in “Area B” to accommodate wiring and/or water lines. These holes shall be at least 12" apart. The holes shall be located in the middle third of the depth, or a minimum of 3" from the bottom and top of the beam. For beams shallower than 9-1/4," locate holes at mid-depth. NOTE: Protect wood from contact with concrete as required by code 7. Protect plumbing holes from moisture. Connection of Multiple Ply Beams TOP-LOADED BEAM – NAILED CONNECTION P1 TOP-LOADED BEAM – BOLTED CONNECTION P2 Minimum nail sizes: 1-3/4" & 2" plies – 16d box (3.5" x 0.135"Ø) SIDE-LOADED BEAM (See Connection Assemblies for more details) Framing is applied to sides of the beam Framing is applied to top of the beam so that each ply carries an equal load 3" Nails are permissible but NOT required. See notes for Connection Assemblies. 1-1/2" plies – 10d box (3" x 0.128"Ø) 12" Q3 (See Connection Assemblies for more details) (See Connection Assemblies for more details) 3" oc 2'-0 1/2"- diameter " ASTM grade A-307 (or better) bolts. Use washers on both faces. Two rows for depths up to 12" Three rows for depths up to 18" Framing is applied to top of the beam so that each ply carries an equal load SIDE LOADS ARE NOT RECOMMENDED FOR BEAMS OVER 5-1/2" WIDE UNLESS EQUALLY APPLIED TO BOTH FACES See Connection Assemblies for more information DETAIL B DETAIL C/E DETAIL D DETAIL F DETAIL G DETAIL H MAXIMUM 4" WIDE 2-PLY BEAMS MAXIMUM 6" WIDE 3-PLY BEAMS MAXIMUM 7-1/4" WIDE 2-PLY BEAMS MAXIMUM 9-1/4" WIDE 3-PLY BEAMS MAXIMUM 7" WIDE 3- OR 4-PLY BEAMS MAXIMUM 7" WIDE 2-PLY BEAMS MAXIMUM 7" WIDE 2-, 3- OR 4-PLY BEAMS 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" max. ply thickness 2" max. ply thickness 2" 3" 2" 2" maximum side member 3-1/2" main member for C 5-1/4" main member for E 3" 3" 2" 2" Simpson SDS 1/4" x 6" screws (or equal) 2" maximum side members 5-1/4" maximum main member FACTORED UNIFORM SIDE-LOAD RESISTANCE (PLF) Connection Detail A B C D E F G H 2" 3" CONNECTION ASSEMBLIES DETAIL A 2 Rows of Nails 3 Rows of Nails 2 Rows of Bolts 2 Rows of Bolts at 12" oc* at 12" oc* at 24" oc at 12" oc 860 1290 680 1360 645 968 510 1020 645 968 765 1530 573 860 680 1360 573 860 701 1402 na na 453 906 na na 1360 2720 Refer to Simpson Strong-Tie catalog for SDS capacities. NAIL SCHEDULE Nail Length (in) 3-1/2" 3-1/4" 3" Nail Diameter (in) 0.160 0.152 0.144 0.122 0.120 0.144 0.122 Factored Lateral Resistance (lbs) 229 215 188 124 118 188 124 Nail Size Factor 1.07 1.00 0.87 0.58 0.55 0.87 0.58 Shank Type common wire spiral common wire spiral power-driven13 common wire spiral * 3 rows of nails are required for depths greater than 12," up to 18." 4 rows of nails for depths greater than 18," up to 24." NOTES: 1. The Factored Uniform Side-Load Resistance values are the maximum factored load that can be applied to either side of the beam, based on the selected connection detail, and represent loads applied uniformly such as joists supported by hangers spaced 24" oc or less. Connections for discrete point loads may be determined with this table by calculating the equivalent fastener schedule within a 2' length centered about the point load. Details B and D shall have the back ply connected with a number of nails equal to half that used to connect the front ply – see the Side-Load Connection Example and detail on page 31. All nail and bolt spacing requirements shall be verified. The full length of the beam shall be connected with the standard connection or with the appropriate side-load connection from this table. The beam shall be designed to support all applied loads. 2. Factored resistances are for standard load duration and shall be adjusted according to code. If the dead load exceeds the live load, the appropriate load duration factor (<1) shall be applied. 3. The Factored Uniform Side-Load Resistance for nails is based on 3-1/2" spiral nails for 1-3/4" LVL. For other nail sizes, multiply the Factored Uniform Side-Load Resistance by the Nail Size Factor from the Nail Schedule. 4. The Factored Uniform Side-Load Resistance for bolts is based on ASTM grade A-307, 1/2"Ø bolts, for loads applied perpendicular-to-grain (see Fastener Design on page 31). 5. For nails at 8" oc, multiply resistance by 1.5. For nails at 6" oc, multiply resistance by 2. For four rows of nails, double the two-row resistance. 6. Use 2 rows of nails for depths to 12." Use 3 rows of nails for depths greater than 12," up to 18." Use 4 rows of nails for depths greater than 18," up to 24." 7. Unless specifically designed, use 3-1/2" nails for 1-3/4" thick plies. If the nails do not fully penetrate the second ply (main member), then the nails shall be driven from both faces. 8. For detail A, or when attaching the first two plies for details B and F (optional), the nails may be driven all from one face or alternating from both faces. If the nails do not fully penetrate the second ply, then the nails shall be driven from both faces. 9. When driving nails from each face, alternate every other nail in each row. 10. For detail C/E, when side-loaded, the larger side-load shall be applied to the thicker ply (main member). 11. For details F and H, it is permissible to nail the plies together before bolting or driving Simpson SDS (or equal) screws. Nail two plies together then nail one additional ply to each side. 12. Beams wider than 5-1/2" shall be top-loaded or side-loaded from both sides to prevent rotation. For side loads applied to one side of a beam only, the project designer shall verify torsional capacity or detail the beam to prevent rotation due to any side loads. Consult a professional engineer for other options. 13. Power-driven nails shall have a yield strength equivalent to common wire nails of the same shank diameter. 14. Other nail, screw or bolt configurations are possible. Refer to the Fastener Design table on page 31 or contact your LP® SolidStart® Engineered Wood Products distributor. Fastener Design and Fastener & Load Orientation FASTENER DESIGN FASTENER & LOAD ORIENTATION Equivalent Specific Gravity Nails and Wood Screws Bolts and Lag Screws Withdrawal Dowel Bearing Dowel Bearing (into the face only) Load applied parallel to grain Nail into edge Edge Face Edge Face Load Applied Parallel to Grain Load Applied Perpendicular to Grain 0.46 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.46 0.50 NOTES: 1. Connection design using the equivalent specific gravity for each connection type listed above is for standard load duration and shall be adjusted according to code. 2. Fastener spacing, end and edge distance shall be as specified by code except for nail spacing as specified below. 3. See details at right for fastener and applied load orientation. Nail into face Load applied perpendicular to grain NAIL SPACING REQUIREMENTS LVL Ply Thickness Fastener Orientation Edge ≥1-3/4" Face Nail Size (common or box) Minimum End Distance Minimum Nail Spacing 3" 3-1/4" 3-1/2" 3" 3-1/4" 3-1/2" 2-1/2" 2-1/2" 3-1/2" 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 3" 4" 5" 3" 3" 5" NOTES: 1. Edge distance shall be such that does not cause splitting. 2. Multiple rows of nails shall be offset at least 1/2" and staggered. 3. Edge orientation refers to nails driven into the narrow edge of the LVL, parallel to the face of the veneer. Face orientation refers to nails driven into the wide face of the LVL, perpendicular to the face of the veneer. (See Fastener & Load Orientation details above.) SIDE-LOAD CONNECTION EXAMPLE Location for Equivalent Fastener Schedule 12" Standard nailing or required nailing for side loads 12" Discrete side load EXAMPLE: Assuming a properly designed 3-ply 14" beam, determine the equivalent connection to support a 6970 lb point load applied to the side of the beam. SOLUTION: 1. Determine the equivalent PLF load over the 2' length by dividing the applied load by 2: 6970 lb / 2' = 3485 plf 2. Divide the equivalent PLF load by the capacity for the appropriate detail. For a 14" depth, 3 rows of nails are required. For Detail B with 3 rows of nails at 12" oc: 3485 plf / 968 plf = 3.6 3. The required total number of nails is: 3.6 * 3 rows of nails @ 12" oc = 10.8 nails per foot 4. Connect the front (loaded) ply with the nailing determined in step 3: drive 11 3-1/2" nails within 12" to each side of the point load (a total of 22 nails). Verify nail spacing. 5. Connect the back ply with half the number of nails determined in step 4: drive 6 3-1/2" nails, from the back, within 12" to each side of the point load (a total of 12 nails). Verify nail spacing. 6. Connect full length of member with the standard nailing or as required for side loads. 7. Project designer shall detail to prevent rotation of the beam due to the applied side load. The Truss Specialists since 1962 TEC Engineered Support Systems • An economical, pre-engineered column for medium to heavy loads. • For use in commercial, residential, or farm applications. • Single bolt design ensures full contact of the saddle with the beam surface. • Saddle top stabilizes the beam at bearing for heavier loads. • Saddles are available in various widths to fit all sizes of engineered beams. • Height adjustment built in for quick and easy installation. • Custom applications available. Column Height Column Capacity in Pounds TEC/15 TEC/20 TEC/35 TEC/50 7’-0” 15550 20400 36750 51500 8’-0” 12950 18000 35650 43000 9’-0” 10950 15350 27800 36550 *10’-0” 9400 13250 24000 31450 12’-0” 7150 10200 18400 24050 14’-0” 5300 8100 14400 18350 16’-0” 4100 6350 11200 14250 Approx. Wt of 8’ Column 35 lbs 60 lbs 100 lbs 135 lbs Notes: • All Column Capacity are working loads with a 1.5 service factor. • Column Height is measured from bottom of beam to base of column • Refer to next page for further notes. * STOCK LENGTH The Truss Specialists since 1962 TEC Columns SADDLE • 4” x 6” flat plate top used with TEC 15 columns. • Available in various widths to suit standard beam sizes. (Stock saddles suitable for 3 1/2”, 5 1/4”, and 7” widths). • All saddles have 6” height and are 14” long. • Sides of Saddle has 3/8” diameter pre-drilled holes. • Flat plates available for steel beams. COLUMN HEAD • Column heads are NOT interchangeable, i.e. a TEC/35 head can not be used with a TEC/20 column and vice versa. • Column head has 3” maximum adjustment. COLUMN • Top of column to be cut for coarse adjustment. Cut must be level to ensure design load capacity. • TEC/15’s have 4” square bases, TEC/20’s have 6”: square bases, and TEC/35’s and TEC/50’s have 8” square bases. • TEC/15 columns have 2 1/2” square cross section while all other TEC columns are 3” square section. • TEC columns are stocked in 10’ lengths. • Column height is measured from the underside of the beam. Refer to other side for capacity. Footings Suggested to be used with TEC Columns CAPACITY DIMENSION lbs Length ‘L’ No. & Size o/c Spacing 1500 psf Firm Clay 15550 20400 36750 50000 42” 48” 60” 72” 10” 10” 12” 14” 7” 6” 5” 5” 2000 psf Dense Silt 15550 20400 36750 50000 36” 42” 54” 60” 10” 10” 12” 14” 6” 6” 5” 5” 3000 psf Stiff Clay 15550 20400 36750 50000 30” 36” 42” 54” 10” 10” 12” 14” 6” 6” 5” 5” Soil Bearing Capacity REBAR REQUIREMENT Notes: • Concrete shall be a minimum of 3000 psi and conforming to Subsection 9.3.1 ABC. • Soil classification as per Subsection 9.4.4 AC. • All rebar to be tied at intersections. All rebar to be grade 400. • Column to place in the centre for the footing. Eccentric loading will significantly reduce the footing carrying capacity. The Truss Specialists since 1962 Specialty Items • Lavann ICF Hanger System • Custom Steel Posts and Steel Beams • Laminated Wood Poles • Emercor • Western Archrib LAVANN ICF HANGER SYSTEMS (Patent Pending) • For ... Wood Floor Systems, Decks, Roof Trusses • Engineered and Tested • Variety of Sizes • Easy to Install • Inexpensive SIMPLE INSTALLATION The hangers are easy to install. Here’s how: Preparation: • Attach a 2x4 to the wall at the height of the bottom of the joists. • Mark location of hangers according to joist layout. Installation1 • Set the hanger on the 2x4 and mark the cuts by pressing it into the ICF block. • Using a saw: - cut slits for the 2 vertical sides along marks - cut out the bottom 2 1/2 inches of foam so the concrete can fill the void • Insert the hanger, using the alignment tabs to ensure proper depth. Prior to Pouring Concrete • Place one temporary screw through the bottom hole of each hanger into the 2x4. • Insert a 6” (or longer) piece of rebar through one set of the back holes. • Pour concrete and vibrate, ensuring the concrete has come to the front flap of the hanger Installation is less than 1 minute per hanger View at 1 2 Consult with the Engineer on each job. DESIGN Common methods of installing wood floor systems include the use of rim boards attached with anchor bolts and traditional hangers, each require a great deal of time and expense. The LAVAAN ICF Hanger was designed to be a laboursaving and practical method of installing wood floor systems. It is a one-piece hanger that allows the concrete to come to the inside edge of the wall, prohibiting the ICF walls from moving during high backfill situations. The LAVANN ICF Hangers are available in a variety of sizes to accommodate any need for floor joists or truss support. Where engineered plans permit, using the hangers for roof trusses is also an option where high winds are a concern as they can take the place of hurricane ties and the wall is then incorporated as an insulation stop. Made of 18 gauge metal and 8” high, it is designed to be inserted into the concrete to a depth of 4”. Alignment tabs are incorporated into the design to allow the hangers to be inserted to an exact and even depth. ENGINEERING Fulcrum Engineering Ltd. has performed testing of the LAVANN ICF Hanger connector, which found the strength to be more than adequate for most joist to wall connections. The standard LAVANN ICF Hanger provides 2-1/2” bearing for the joist compared with the 1-1/2” minimum normally called for by the joist manufacturer. There was no evidence of failure of the hanger or its anchorage into the concrete with a test load of 8500 pounds per hanger, which greatly exceeds the requirements of most joist applications. The LAVANN ICF Hanger exerts a small bending load upon the concrete wall. This load can be safely ignored for the typical basement wall situation, because it actually helps to resist the backfill pressure on the wall. However where the joist hanger is embedded into a lintel this bending moment should be accounted for in the lintel design. 1-800-667-4847 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR LAVANN HANGERS • Attach a 2x4 to the wall at the height of the bottom of the joists for the hangers to rest on. • Mark the location of the hangers according to the joist layout by pressing back of hanger into block. • Using a saw, cut slits for the 2 vertical sides extending 3/4 inch higher than hanger to allow for possible settling of blocks. • Cut the block along the bottom of slits between the sides and another cut 2 1/2 inches higher. This top cut should be at an upward 45 degree angle to allow for easier flow of concrete into the void. Remove this piece of block. • Insert the hanger using the alignment tabs to ensure proper depth. • Place one temporary screw through bottom hole into 2x4 for stability. • Insert a scrap piece of rebar through one set of back holes in the hanger. • Pour and vibrate concrete ensuring that the concrete has come to the front flap of the hanger. NOTE: Prior to placing hangers over large window and door openings, verify strength of the lintel design to ensure that adequate concrete will be present to accommodate these situations. Proper installations are the responsibility of the installer. hold plywood back 1/2 inch for foam * For further engineering details please contact Harold at Fulcrum Engineering 780-458-1550 1-800-667-4847 The Truss Specialists since 1962 CHECKLIST FOR TRUSS BRACING Bracing is extremely IMPORTANT!! Every roof system needs adequate bracing. The purpose of most bracing is to ensure that the trusses and truss members remain straight and do not bow out of their plane. Inadequate, improper or incorrectly installed bracing can lead to collapses, failures and serious accidents. An engineered bracing system will avoid these pitfalls and ensure the structural integrity of the truss system. Permanent Bracing which will remain installed for the life of the roof system. Temporary Bracing Guidelines: For metal plate connected wood truss systems, refer to BCSI 1-03 for proper installation bracing guidelines. For cold formed steel truss systems, refer to LGSEA’s two publications, Field Installation Guide for CFS Trusses, and Design Guide for Construction Bracing of CFS Trusses. Trusses need to be braced during installation, which is called Temporary Bracing, and they need ____________________________ Permanent Bracing System Checklist ____________________________ 1. Top Chord Planes Do top chord planes have structural sheathing (plywood, OSB, metal deck)? If not, do you have a purlin system, with both purlins (perpendicular to the trusses) and diagonal bracing? Purlin systems can be used for standing seam roofs, or with structural sheathing applied on top of the purlins. Either way, a diagonal brace system must be engineered. Refer to sealed engineered truss designs for specified purlin spacing. 2. Web Bracing – be sure to reference sealed engineered truss designs for proper web bracing callouts. CLB Bracing crosses a minimum of 3 trusses, including diagonal bracing to “brace the bracing”? Properly installed T-Braces, L-Braces (especially on gable ends), Scab Braces, and other web bracing systems such as the Web Block? 3. Bottom Chord Planes Do bottom chord planes have structural sheathing directly attached? In many cases drywall is considered by the building designer to be lateral bracing, but in some cases it is not. If not, then you will need a purlin system, which can be attached to the top of your bottom chords, and those purlins will need diagonal braces. If you have any suspended ceilings, do you have a purlin system (including diagonal bracing) on the top or bottom of those bottom chords? 4. Additional Bracing Concerns Piggyback Systems – If you have piggyback systems, do you have a purlin system installed to support the bottom chord of the piggyback, as well as purlins and diagonal braces to ensure that the flat top chords of the hip trusses stay in plane? Valley Sets – Under the valley trusses, do you have structural sheathing, or other engineered bracing system for the top chords of the trusses underneath? Are the valley bottom chords adequately fastened down? High Heel Heights at a Wall – for trusses with heel heights greater than a nominal 2x6, is special heel blocking required and installed? Blocking For the Ridge in Hip Systems – Have you added blocks on the ridge between each hip truss 32 (where a rafter or extended hip jack top chord doesn’t extend to the peak of the hip system) to support the decking? The Truss Specialists since 1962 Bracing Examples ____________________________________________ Web Bracing ____________________________________________ CLB: Continuous lateral bracing (CLB) is 1x4 or The CLB brace here is shown in blue, with diagonal 2x4 material nailed to the narrow side of a web. bracing to “brace the brace” shown in red. CLB braces must be fastened across a minimum of 3 trusses. If you don’t have a run of at least 3 The truss drawing will show a brace on the web, and will also have a note specifying the brace, as trusses, you must use another type of brace. shown to the left here. T-Brace: A T-Brace is 1x or 2x material fastened to the narrow face of an individual web so as to form a “T” shape. (At right) Truss drawing depicting a T-Brace, and bracing note (below) 27 The Truss Specialists since 1962 L-Brace - L-Braces are pieces of 1x or 2x lumber attached to individual webs to form an “L” shape. These braces are usually specified for gable ends, when one face of the truss will be sheathed. L-Brace note from a truss drawing (below) Scab Brace – A scab brace is applied to the wide face of the web member, using the same size lumber as the web itself. 28 Web Block® & Other methods for reducing field applied bracing – If you are open to reducing the amount of time your framers are in the roof system applying web bracing, and you don’t mind paying just a little bit extra for the truss package, the software used by truss fabricators allows them to use manufactured solutions like the Web Block (shown, at right), or to increase web grades and sizes to considerably reduce the need for field applied bracing. Talk with your local truss manufacturer about these alternatives! The Truss Specialists since 1962 Er ection of T r usses Trusses may be installed manually, by crane, or by forklift, depending on truss size, wall height and job conditions. Individual trusses should always be carried vertically to avoid lateral strain and damage to joints and members. Trusses installed manually are slid into position over the sidewall and rotated into place using poles. The longer the span, the more workers needed to avoid excessive lateral strain on the trusses. Trusses should be supported at joints and the peak while being raised. Large trusses should be installed by a crane or forklift employing chokers, slings, spreader bars and strongbacks to prevent lateral bending. Trusses may be lifted singly, in banded groups, or preassembled in groups. Tag lines should always be used to control movement of trusses during lifting and placement. Refer to the Building Component Safety Information BCSI 1-03 Booklet and/or the BCSI-B1 Summary Sheet, both by the Truss Plate Institute (TPI) and the Wood Truss Council of America (WTCA), for proper methods of unloading, storing, lifting, erecting, installing and bracing trusses. Installation procedures are the responsibility of the installer. Job conditions and procedures vary considerably. These are only guidelines and may not be proper under all conditions. 29 The Truss Specialists since 1962 T emporary Bracing 30 All trusses must be securely braced, both during There are two types of bracing. Temporary bracing erection installation. is used during erection to hold the trusses until Individual trusses are designed only as structural components. Responsibility for proper bracing permanent bracing, sheathing and ceilings are in place. Permanent bracing makes the truss always lies with the building designer and component an integral part of the roof and contractor for they are familiar with local and jobsite conditions and overall building design. All trusses should be installed straight, plumb and aligned at the specified spacing. Trusses should also be inspected for structural damage. building structure. Temporary and permanent bracing includes diagonal bracing, cross bracing and lateral bracing. Permanent lateral bracing, as may be required by truss design to reduce the buckling length of individual truss members, is part of the truss design and is the only bracing specified on the design drawing. This bracing must be sufficiently anchored or restrained by diagonal bracing to prevent its movement. Most truss designs assume continuous top and bottom chord lateral support from sheathing and ceilings. Extra lateral and diagonal bracing is required if this is not the case. It is important to temporarily brace the first truss at the end of the building. One method calls for the top chord to be braced by ground braces that are secured by stakes driven in the ground, preferably outside and inside. The bottom chord is to be securely anchored to the end wall. Additional trusses are now set and connected together with continuous rows of lateral bracing on the top chord. These are typically spaced at 4', 6', 8', or 10 feet on centers along the length of the truss. Refer to BCSI 1-03 for diagonal spacing. This top chord bracing will be removed as the sheathing is applied after the other bracing is completed, unless specifically designed to be left in place. and after permanent Bracing members are typically 2x4s nailed with two 16d nails at each cross member unless otherwise specified on the design drawing. Cross and diagonal braces should run on an approximate 45 degree angle. The Truss Specialists since 1962 Temporary bracing should be 2x4 dimension Inadequate bracing is the reason for most truss lumber or larger and should be 8 feet minimum in installation failures. Proper installation is a vital length. Continuous lateral bracing maintains spacing, but without cross bracing, permits trusses step for a safe and quality roof structure. to move laterally. See BCSI 1-03. These recommendations are offered only as a guide. Refer to Recommended Design To prevent dominoing, diagonal bracing should be Specifications for Temporary Bracing of Metal Plate installed in the plane of the webs as the trusses are Connected Wood Trusses (DSB-89) by the Truss installed. See BCSI 1-03. Plate Institute (TPI), or Building Component Safety Information BCSI 1-03 Booklet by TPI and WTCA. For cold formed steel truss systems, refer to LGSEA’s two publications, Field Installation Guide for CFS Trusses, and Design Guide for Construction Bracing of CFS Trusses. Full bundles of sheathing should not be placed on the trusses. They should be limited to 8 sheets to a pair of trusses. Likewise, other heavy concentrated loads should be evenly distributed. 31 Quote Request Form D E A L E R Date_____________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________ Fax:____________________ Email: ___________________________________________ Tag Name/Customer:________________________________ Site Location: _____________________________________ Sent by:__________________ Att: ___________________ Building Usage: o Residential o Farm o Commercial Ph: (780) 464-5551 Fax: (780) 467-3578 2140 Railway Street NW Edmonton, Alberta T6P 1X3 Engineered Roof & Floor Systems “The Truss Specialists Since 1962” • I-Joists • LVL Beams Western Wood Truss Association o Delivery o Pickup Building Size: _______________________________ Pitch ______________/12 _____________/12 (Enter second pitch for dual, gambrel, and scissor truss types) A: _______ B: _______ C: _______ D: _______ E: _______ F: _______ G: _______ Dimensions: Heel: o STD. o 12” HIGH HEEL o _______________ Spacing (O.C.): o 24” o 48” o_____________________ Overhang: o 0” o 16” o 24” o _______________ Roof Finish: o Shingles / Shakes o Metal o ___________ E C D B ide S ave E A e Sid Gabl e Overall Heel Height ‘F’ Overhang ‘G’