Vol 8, Issue 04 DEC 2012 ‘STRAATKINDERS’ VASGEVAT … B7 G RREEEENNWAY WAYSS JAAROORSIG … B11 N Price: R10,00 EWS BUILDING OUR COMMUNITY W e have reached the end of 2012 and it is once again my privilege to thank you for your cooperation and support during the past year. It enabled committed T r u s t e e s a n d o u r s ki l l e d management team to keep Greenways a pleasant, safe home for its residents. Now another year with new challenges lies ahead and we are looking forward to tackling them. In doing so, your continued support and goodwill will strengthen our hands to do what is best for Greenways and your own interests. In that spirit, and in looking back in thankfulness for the many blessings that were bestowed upon us in the past year, I would like to sincerely wish you and your loved ones a blessed and cheerful Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous 2013. A an die einde van nog ʼn jaar is dit weereens my aangename voorreg om u te bedank vir u samewerking en ondersteuning in die afgelope jaar. Dit het toegewyde Trustees en ons knap bestuur in staat gestel om Greenways ʼn veilige, rustige woonplek vir sy inwoners te maak. Nou wag die nuwe jaar met nuwe uitdagings wat ons na die beste van ons vermoë met geesdrif sal aanpak in die hoop en verwagting dat dit u ook sal besiel om in ʼn gees van welwillendheid ons hande in ʼn strewe na volgehoue uitnemendheid te sterk. Mag die Kerstyd vir u en u geliefdes ʼn tyd van vrede en seën wees met gepaste dankbaarheid vir die goeie gawes waarin ons almal in die afgelope jaar kon deel; en mag 2013 vir u vreugde, goeie gesondheid en nuwe krag inhou. Anton Abrantes, chairman / voorsitter properties hip SWALLOWS: Although the numbers are fewer than usual (even the well-to-do are feeling the worldwide economic pinch) the “swallows” are back in Greenways for the Christmas holidays, enjoying golf. With local Dr. Beartrice Wiid (right) on the golf course are her friends from England, Guy an Pippa Warner. Dr Wiid who lives at Helderberg Village, but prefers to play golf at Greenways, where she owns aaaaaaaaa cabana, says you are never too old to play golf. She is 83. Gordons Bay entrance opens SOME finishing touches still need to be done, but thanks to a last minute rush and some frantic moments, the new, completed Gordons Bay entrance was put into service on Friday, December 7, 2012 – perfectly timed to coincide with the summer holiday season that started when schools closed on the same day. As in the case of the Beachfront entrance, opened in September, it was a another milestone in the history of Greenways. greenways • Bargain Riverfront House - R2 100 000 • 4 Bedr, 2 Kitchens, 3 Lounges & 3 Garages on double Erf - R4 500 000 • Beachfront Plots from R1 990 000 Please List your Property with us! Contact PJ Lemmer 021 856 2000 / 083 444 3322 pjl@telkomsa.net CHAIRMAN’S GOLF DAY RESULTS , PICTURES AND SPONSORS P4 / 5 E-mail: monray@mweb.co.za : Website: www.greenwaysestate.co.za : Tel: Editor 021 854 8219 (all hours) / Office 021 853 3889 / Fax 021 853 0321 Page 2 - DEC 2012 LIFE EN LEED Oud-bankier van Greenways in Pretoria oorlede GELU KKI GER DA E: D aw id Serfontein, vroeër van Greenways, is in Oktober in Pretoria oorlede. Hy was in sy laat sewentigs. Die foto waarop hy hier, links, in gelukkiger dae verskyn, is in 2006 geneem toe hy en sy vrou saam met ander voëlliefhebbers aan die jaarlikse voëltelling in Greenways deelgeneem het. Dawid was tot sy aftrede ʼn bankier in Johannesburg. Die Serfonteins was ʼn gewilde egpaar en een van die eerste inwoners van Greenways waar hulle baie gelukkig was. Hulle het verlede jaar na Pretoria verhuis om nader aan hulle kinders te aaaaaaaaaaakon wees. MONDAY (DEC 17) TUESDAY – THURSDAY (DEC 18 – DEC 20) FRIDAY (DEC 23) MONDAY (DEC 24) TUESDAY (DEC 25) WEDNESDAY (DEC 26) THURSDAY - FRIDAY (DEC 27 – DEC 28) MONDAY (DEC 31) TUESDAY (JAN 01) Thereafter normal hours will resume WATER PURIFICATION SYSTEM The quality of tap water is fast deteriorating and has become hazardous to your health, to the extent that the risk of contracting life threatening diseases is increasing at a rapid rate: ● ● ● ● ● ● : : : : : : : : : CLOSED 08H00 TO 15H00 08H00 TO 13H00 08H00 TO 13H00 CLOSED CLOSED 08H00 T0 13H00 08H00 TO 13H00 CLOSED Jan de Waal se gholfstokke tydelike gebêre EEN VAN Greenways se oudste en kranigste gholfspelers, Jan de Waal van Village Green, wat op ouer as tagtig nog weekliks 18 putjies op groot bane in die Helderberg speel, moes sy gholfstokke tydelik bêre. Hy is einde November inderhaas in die hospitaal opgeneem waar hy noodbehandeling vir ʼn gevaarlike bloedklont in sy een been ontvang het. Hy is intussen ontslaan en sterk tuis aan. Hy sal egter weens verder behandeling vir ses maande nie kan gholf speel nie. Soos sy gholfmaats hom ken sal hy dalk gouer terug op die baan wees. No.1 worldwide in water purification technology Cost effective and affordable Destroys 99.9% of bacteria and viruses Removes more than 140 organic contaminants Does not remove beneficial minerals Safe for young children and infants For more information and a quotation contact LOUIS GENIS 072 020 9149 STRAND Cnr Gordons Bay & St Georges Road, Strand : 021 853 5988 Owen Brits Chris Grobbelaar Cell: 082 729 5321 Cell: 083 272 0483 Different draw every month watch notice board for details We are serious about friendly, quality service ! New s / Nuus ADVERTISEMENT DEC 2012 - Page 3 Page 4 - DEC 2012 VOORSITTER SE GHOLF DAG Sponsors, players and workers thanked for making “Without your generous support our annual Golf Day would not have been such a wonderful success. You made the day and for that we Greenways’ residents, colleagues and friends would like to take this opportunity of thanking the following sponsors:Alphen Biltong Cinnamon Square Spar Enterprise Only Rentals Helderberg Construction HIP Properties Korserv Micsam PCP SAB Servest Travel Associates West Side Storage Xone New s / Nuus CHAIRMAN’S GOLF DAY DEC 2012 - Page 5 Golf Day such a wonderful success . Anton Abrantes, chairman, Greenways HOA express our greatest appreciation ! Thank you for enjoying this event with us. We look forward to your participation in the future again”. Baie komplimente vir Greenways se baan op aangename gholfdag D IE uitstekende toestand van die baan, aangename somerweer en gesellige atmosfeer het die jaarlikse gholfdag om die Voorsitters-wisseltrofee in Greenways op 8 Desember weereens ʼn groot sukses gemaak. Bier om mee af te koel, ʼn wyn- en biltongstalletjie, pret vir kinders en lekker saamkuier het dit ʼn heerlike gesinsuitstappie gemaak. Altesame 96 spelers van oral in die H el der ber g en G r eenw ay s het deelgeneem en goeie tellings opgestel. Sewentien geborgde pryse ter waarde van sowat R10 000 is deur die beste spanne van vier gewen. Die oorhandiging is deur Anton Abrantes, voorsitter, op krukke as gevolg van ʼn operasie, waargeneem. Hy h e t d i e s p e l er s , b or g e , di e organiseerder, Ursula Snyman, Monika Fourie, die Trustee wat nou betrokke was by die reëlings, Wilhelm Neethling, bestuurder, die baanbeampte, Mariaan le Grange, Massimo Borella van die restaurant en almal wat meegehelp om die dag ʼn sukses te maak van harte bedank. Met ʼn spesiale woord vir Ebrahiem Jacobs vir die uitstekende toestand van die baan. Volgens die deelnemers vergelyk Greenways se baan baie goed met dié van ander in die Helderberg. WINNERS: They top scored with 52 to win the 2012 Chairman’s Golf Day. From left to right: Lief Frank, Sven Bjerregaard, , Gunilla Bjerregaard and Gun Franl together with the chairman, Anton Abrantes and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatournament co-ordinator, Ursula Snyman. SECOND PRIZE: The runners-up on a score of 49 were Marion Dobson, Pete de Goede, Shirley Anderson aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Paul Smulders THIRD PRIZE: Next in line with a score of 48 were Stiaan Pretorious, Johan Steyn, Ebrahiem Jacobs and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHannes Pretorious. CLOSEST TO THE PIN Men hole 8th Ladies 11th hole BEST INDIVIDUAL SCORES: Lief Frank with a score of 30 (men) and Wayne McDuling Ewa Aulin Page 6 - DEC 2012 G KOMMENTAAR R EENWAYS N : COMMENT Children are everbody’s responsibility E WS B U I LD IN G O U R CO MM U N IT Y New Year’s resolutions WITH THE year 2013 upon us, the time has come for that favourite annual human pastime – New Year’s resolutions; good intentions easy to make, but difficult to keep. Life’s path is littered with New Year’s resolutions discarded along the wayside. Those kept are few and far between. Like stop smoking, eating healthier, exercise, save money, etc. Old habits do not die easily. That should, however, not refrain one from making them. With persistence some might come true. It is therefore time to make a list of those things that could enrich one’s life for the better in the year to come. Human endeavors should always be a never-ending strife towards excellence and personal achievement. In a wider spectrum, that principle also applies to Greenways. What should be on its list of New Year’s resolutions apart from continued improvements, upkeep, good financial and administrative management, security, etc. to which we have become accustomed ? What would residents like to see on that list ? The first and foremost should be to tackle Greenways’ increased Achilles heel in 2013 – the extremely polluted Soet River; and in conjunction with that, the establishment of a practical, feasible master plan to protect and promote what is left of its natural environment, plus the planting of many more trees. Of course it will not be easy. It might even be costly, but as that old cowboy, hero, John Wayne, said in Stage Coach: “A man has to do what a man has gotta do”. Hopefully the men (and the women) on the Trustee Committee will take that to heart. Regte en verantwoordelikhede AS DIT waar is dat die wêreld verkoue kry wanneer Amerika nies, kan ʼn mens maar net hoop dat die opkomende ekonomiese reus, China, nie een of ander tyd gaan nies nie. Dit sal die wêreld in ʼn veel groter ekonomiese krisis dompel as die huidige wat, danksy swak finansiële bestuur, in Amerika reeds drie jaar duur terwyl die einde steeds nie in sig is nie. Hoewel nie uitgesluit nie, is die kanse daarvoor gelukkig nie goed nie. Die eenvoudige rede daarvoor is ʼn Chinese kultuur wat hardwerkendheid en produktiwiteit bo oordrewe menseregte en onverantwoordelike vryhede stel. Soos vir talle westerse demokrasieë, op hulle knieë weens swak finansiële bestuur en die belaglike eise van onproduktiewe werkers, waaraan nie voldoen kan word nie, skuil daar hierin vir Suid-Afrika ʼn les. Hy is ʼn wêreldkampioen op die gebied van menseregte en indiwiduele vryhede, maar dit bring hom weinig in die sak. Dit maak inderwaarheid van hom ʼn patetiese sukkelaar, omdat die vereistes vir groei en welvaart wat China aan die voorpunt van ekonomiese groei geplaas het, naamlik hardwerkendheid, produktiwiteit en doeltreffende bestuur, aan hierdie twyfelagtige deugde ondergeskik is. Die stert swaai dus die hond. Die onlangse gewelddadige plaaswerkeropstande, wat die Wes-Kaap tot in sy fondamente geruk het, het die betekenis hiervan opnuut beklemtoon. Dis die groter prentjie. Nader tuis kan Greenways ook daarop let dat regte sonder verantwoordelikhede nie volhoubaar is nie, wanorde voed en op die lange duur die beginsels waarop ʼn geordende gemeenskap funksioneer, ondergrawe. Dit is dus in niemand se belang nie. Die teendeel is wel. It takes more than loving, caring parents and more than a family to raise children. It takes a community committed to their well-being. That is the meaning behind the African proverb "it takes a village to raise a child". Together with other families and individuals we create an environment in which pregnancy and birth are filled with promise, in which nurture and discipline are possible, in which children are valued and families protected for the sake of every individual and for the sake of the future of the community and the country. We call this context a "village" because people are linked together by the mutual need to live life. In such a setting, families cannot stand alone in their responsibility towards their children, they rely on others and the beh in d whatever was said. Neighbours, teachers and ministers felt they had the responsibility to help parents bring children up correctly. I was raised by my community. Today, most people agree that children and families are in trouble. We have become a cu ltu re of in differen ce an d disrespect. The deterioration of supporting environments and caring neighbourhoods are some of the reasons for the family crisis. Our children have become the victims of the indifferent and disrespectful society we live in. They are the product of societal values. In order to become the village we seek, it is essential that we rediscover how to care for other people's children. Firstly, we have to relearn how to speak to our children. For example, Letters / Briewe institutions they create and sustain to help in the process of raising children. We may all nod in agreement or even smile when we read the proverb "it takes a village to raise a child", but village can mean different and conflicting things to many people. In the Greenways "village" News of September 2012 there is controversy about how the village should look, but there is even more disagreement about how the village should be involved in the task of raising our children , especially with regard to their movements in the streets. The battle between "me" ( as individual ) and "we" (as family) creates distance, confusion and indifference in society as a whole. In the process, we are loosing an essential but unspoken thread of survival of the human community an d all c r e a ti on , th a t i s interdependence. Forty years ago, I grew up in the Strand. If I misbehaved, I could be reprimanded by anyone in town and I knew that my parents would stand the other day my thirteen year old son and his friend were walking on the paths in Greenways and were stopped by an elderly man. The man started shouting and insulting them about walking on the paths. My son's friend interrupted the rude man and asked him to please speak respectfully to them, that they were happy to turn around, but that he needn't shout at them. I was ashamed that a thirteen year old boy should ask an adult man to please speak respectfully to him. How have we become like that? Our attitude and manners will determine how our children respond to adult standards. We can teach children by respecting them. We can train them to be respectful adults by the example we set as adults and elders in the community. Many religions believe we see God in nature and in our children. Will Greenways village be a place where birds and childhood die, where we will never see God? Coenrie & Liezel Stapelberg 9 Wentworth Close Johan van Wyk Tuis in die ‘geliefde land’ - met blydskap en hartseer U IT VREES dat ek deur getroue (naïewe) vaderlanders wat Suid -Afrika, soos ouers ʼn balhorige kind, steeds onvoorwaardelik bemin, van verraad beskuldig word durf ek dit nie te hard sê nie. Maar toe ek kort ná die brutale plaasopstande in die Wes-Kaap van die Boeing 747 in Johannesburg afstap het ek nie juis ʼn behoefte gehad om op my knieë neer te val en die grond te soen nie. Daar was mos ʼn tyd toe jy (figuurlik gesproke, net die Pous doen dit soms) die begeerte vir so ʼn e m os i on e le u i ts to r tin g v an p a tr i o ti s m e g eh a d h e t u i t dankbaarheid en blydskap dat jy ná ʼn buitelandse besoek in die geliefde land terug is. Miskien was ek na amper 10 000 kilometer in ʼn vliegtuig, te moeg. Op pad huis toe terwyl ʼn tierende suidoos plastieksakke uit die troostelose plakkerskampe langs die N 2 t u s s e n d ood sv e rag t en de taxi’s oor die pad waai kon ek my dus net so ver kry om saggies “Home, sweet home” te neurie. Die Venesiese dramaturg, Carlo Coldoni, was egter reg: “Die wyse reisiger verag nooit sy eie land nie”. Maar terwyl die vliegtuig oor die pragtigbewerkte win gerde en vrugteboorde van Bolandse plase daal en ek opnuut die handewerk van die geslagte boere wat dit oor meer as drie eeue (met die on on tbeerlike hulp van hulle werkers) tot ʼn sierlike juweel (waarin werkers gedeel het en steeds al meer deel) opgebou h et, het Th om a s Hardy se beroemde roman , “Far from the Madding crowd”, waarvan ʼn gewilde rolprent met Julie Christie en (Alan Bates was Gabriel Oak die hoofrol) Terence Stamp in die 1960’s gemaak is, by my opgekom. Na aanleiding van die leefwyse in die weste van England tydens die Victoriaanse tydperk word die betekenis van die titel in die Engelse letterkunde as ʼn ”a quiet, rural place” vertolk. Dan ksy goeie menseverhoudinge, en tot afguns van die onbeholpe, magsbehepte ANC, redelike goeie regering, kon dit, teoreties, ook van die Wes-Kaap gesê word. Om in die buiteland te moes ervaar hoe daardie gekoesterde landelikheid op weldadige wyse deur politiek opgestookte plaaswerkers vertrap word, was hartverskeurend hartseer. Dit het my tegelyk met skaamte, woede en die frustrasie van onmag gevul. SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS - they make this news letter possible New s / Nuus PLAYING ‘YES’ - IN STREETS ‘NO’ DEC 2012 - Page 7 ‘Straatkinders’ en bestuur stamp koppe oor fietse KINDERS wat in Greenways se strate speel en op fietse en skaatsplanke ry word so ʼn ernstige probleem dat optrede verskerp sal moet word. Boetes ingevolge die reëls wat dit verbied is reeds aan ouers wie se kinders dit oortree opgelê. In een geval R250. Verskeie berigte in GN wat op die gevare daarvan gewys het, skriftelike waarskuwings in ʼn omsendbrief en ʼn beroep op ouers om toe te sien dat hu lle kin der s sle gs o p di e wandelpaadjies en oop ruimtes op die gholfbaan bly, het tot dusver op dowe ore geval. Party ouers wat daarteen gekant is het selfs vir hulle kinders nuwe, langer skaatsplanke met die oog daarop om dit in strate te ry, gekoop. “Ons vrees die dag wanneer ʼn kind, veral in die komende vakansie, onder ʼn motor kan beland en sal moet strenger optree as die houding nie verander nie”, se Wilhelm Neethling, bestuurder. Hy wys ook d aa ro p d a t alle m u n isip al e verkeersreëls in Greenways geld en, soos Greenways se eie reëls wat fietse, skaatsplanke en speel in strate uitdruklik verbied, gehoorsaam moet word. ● Die brief regs is deur kinders g es kr y f e n a an Wilhe lm Neethling gerig om hulle kant van die saak te stel. Dis wat die reëls sê IN REAKSIE op Mnr Stapelberg se brief na aanleiding van ʼn omsendbrief oor die gevare vir kinders wat in die strate speel en by die hekke uitgegee is, het Wilhelm Neethling op die volgende reëls gewys. Daar volgens mag die kinders ter wille van hulle eie veiligheid nie in die strate speel nie. Dis wat die reëls sê en die inwoners van Greenways is verplig om dit na te kom of die gevolge daarvan te dra indien dit verontagsaam word: D.16 The use of skateboards, roller-skates/blades is only allowed on the walkways on the golf course and public open spaces, and is prohibited from the streets within Greenways as well as the parking area behind the Clubhouse. For any contravention of this rule, fines will be imposed by the Association in accordance with Section K of these House Rules. I.6 Members must ensure that their children or members of their households, employees, tenants, invitees, and guests do not pose a safety threat to themselves or to any other persons or driver at Greenways. Tenants shall have the same responsibility as regards their households, employees, invitees, and guests. Te e n oo r o r d e , d i s s i p lin e , opgekom: arbeidsaamheid en welvaart in But though impressions calm and plekke soos Hong Kong en Thailand sweet waar vriendelike, behulpsame Thrill round my heart a holy heat, mense, anders as hier, nie net die And I am inly glad; woord diens kan spel nie, maar dit The tear-drop stands in either eye, ook daagliks hartlik uitleef, is dit wat And yet I cannot tell thee why, drie weke van slegte nuus oor SuidI'm pleased, and yet I'm sad. Afrika in koerante op die internet aan jou doen. Om tuis te wees Om boonop op OR Tambo deur n o rs , sl o r di g e , o o rgew i g , k ou gom kou en de do ean e- en paspoortbeamptes in jou vaderland “verwelkom ” te word is n ie aangenaam nie. Terwyl ek deur ʼn slapelose nagtelike vlug van dertien uur uit Hong Kong oor dit alles, en die soete gedagte van tuiskoms, nagedink het, het die woorde van die romantiese, sewentiende eeuse Engelse digter, Henry Kirke White, se gedig, “I’m pleased and yet I’m sad” by my ONDERSTE UN ONS ADVERTEERDERS - hulle bring u dié nuusbrief TRAVEL PAGE Page 8 - DEC 2012 Life on a houseboat in L Inheemse watervoëls keer terug na Greenways DANKSY die afname in wilde- en bastereendgetalle keer al meer inheemse watervoëlspesies terug na Greenways. Geelbekeende het by verskeie damme hulle intrek geneem en selfs suksesvol gebroei. Hier en daar kom ook nou bleshoenders voor. Hoewel bemoedigend is die vraag of hulle veral in die ergbesoedelde Soetrivier met feitlik geen natuurlike kos nie sal bly. Daar kan min sprake van herstel van die omgewing met ʼn gesonde inheemse voëlbevolking wees voordat die rivier nie gerehabiliteer is nie. Rioolstorting het weer in November voorgekom en word skynbaar as onvermydelik aanvaar. Talle wilde- en bastereendjies het in die broeiseisoen aangekom, maar meeste het nie oorleef nie. IVING ON water in a traditional Chinese “junk” has been a way of life for thousands of Asian people for centuries. With little, if any, amenities it was essentially the home of the poorest of the poor, fishermen scraping a living of hardship from the sea. Today there are only a few left around the islands and the shores of Asia’s so-called world city, Hong Kong, that was 100 years ago when it became a leased colony of the British Empire (handed back to mainland China in 1997) a mere fishing village. It is now a thriving, seething metropolis of seven million people who live mainly in high rise apartment blocks at the edge of the South China Sea, administered as a “Special Administrative Region” under the watchful eyes of the Communist Party bosses in Beijing. The tradition of the “junk” however lives on. But it is no longer the home of the poor. The modern houseboats that took its place are now the homes in marinas of, in Hong Kong terms, the adventurous rich (the real rich live in mountain top villas that come at anything between R100 and R250 million rand): Western expats such as pilots for Hong Kong based Cathay Pacific airline, engineers, doctors, bankers, etc. who earn huge salaries that make it possible to afford their luxurious lifestyle. In Discovery Bay, a secluded fenced estate similar to Greenways, with a golf course, where most expats live amongst 25 000 residents, on Lantau Island, the home of Hong Kong’s huge new airport where passenger planes from all over the world land or take off every two minutes during the Speed monitor improves road safety ALTHOUGH still in its infancy, it would appear that the electronic speed monitor in St. Andrew’s Drive is having the desired effect. There seems to be a marked decrease in speeding since it was installed in September. It cannot be missed and driver’s definitely tend to go slower when they approach the flashing monitor that indicates the speed they are travelling at. Whether it will become a permanent good habit, remains to be seen, but for the moment it would seem to be money well spent in the interest of improved road safety. LIKE SARDINES: Some of the 200 houseboats, packed like sardines in a tin, and the owners’ oceangoing yachts, in the marina at Discovery Bay. A number of South Africans that work in Hong Kong live here and in neighbouring aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapartment blocks. ™ The Flags@Circle5 (Next to Somerset Mall) t: 021 852 9491 Purchase a pair of NuPolar® Polarised Lenses (Single Vision or Multifocal) and receive a pair of 1.5 Clear CR39 Lenses at NO CHARGE! Promotion ends 28 Feb 2013 t & c’s apply O P TO M ET RI ST Ornaments, party hats, crackers etc. etc ! New s / Nuus DEC 2012 - Page 9 REISBLAD Hong Kong …. the city that never sleeps rush hour, more than 200 specially built houseboats lay side by side in the marina with the owners’ ocean going yachts in between. At anything between R4 to R10 million a house boat, fitted with a 300 horse power diesel engine to move it around, does not come cheap. To live in one is even more expensive. A single berth can put you back R2 million. But those who live there will exchange it for nothing else. Wi th spor ts facilities , swimming pools, shops, schools, restaurants, etc. and a wonderfully efficient public transport system with no ordinary traffic (only golf carts, of which there are more than 2 000, are allowed) on their door step, it’s a laidback lifestyle that suburban South Africans can only dream about. But this comes at great expense as it requires endless upkeep of Burmese teak decks, painting and the annual overhauling in a dry dock. GN editor, Johan van Wyk, The grass always seems and his wife, Zandra, visited greener on the other side of the fence. At least you can their son in Hong Kong who play golf at Greenways for lives with his family on a virtually nothing and breathe houseboat. Here are his reasonably clean air. In Hong Kong golf is only for impressions of that lifestyle. the super-rich and famous and thanks to huge coal fired power stations on its borders only more imposing than that of with mainland China, Hong Kong’s Discovery Bay, but it’s food is also air pollution, particularly during much better than the funny tasting winter time, is unspeakably bad. Chinese morsels that I had to eat So count your blessings. Oh yes, there with chop sticks. Price: An arm and Greenways’ clubhouse is not and a leg ! LOTS OF SPACE: With three and even four cabin style bedrooms, the threestory houseboats, built in China from timber and fibreglass, offer plenty of living space. Many of those owned by South Africans, include a gas braai at the aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaentertainment area on the upper deck. ● ● ● ● ● ● pool renovation fibre lining pool coping & mosaics salt chlorinators pump and filter repairs pool heating Stephen : HELDERBERG CONSTRUCTION CC SOLUTIONS MAIN CONTRACTOR Riaan Liebenberg 072 529 2405 Gordonsbaai-ingang in die week van 10 Desember voltooi en oopgestel is. Daarmee is die grootste enkele projek wat nog in Greenways aangepak is suksesvol afgehandel. Dis ʼn groot verbetering wat beslis sal bydrae tot ʼn styging in eiendomswaardes en plaas Greenways finaal in die liga van die gesogste aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagholflandgoedere in die Wes-Kaap. See in New division : Now also do Paving 073 984 7012 For All Your Building & NUWE INGANG: ʼn Lankgekoesterde ideaal is bereik toe die nuwe Tel/Fax : (088) 021 853 8263 heldercon@telkomsa.net 2013 at Theme: Psychedelic Music: Karaoke Food : 2 roasts +++ Date: 31.12.2012 Cost: R200 pp More detail: 082 718 1228 or at restaurant TERUGBLIK Page 10 - DEC 2012 : REFLECTION Met die waters wat verby is sal die meule nie weer maal nie And years like passing ages”. In sy “The Human Seasons”, E N V AN d i e s in v o l s te uitdrukkings in Afrikaans is die vergelyk romantiese Keats die lewe een wat lui: “Met die waters wat met die onversteurbare wisseling verby is sal die meule nie weer maal van die seisoene: ʼn Baldadige, nie”. Dit dateer uit die verre verlede uitspattige lente, ʼn hartlike, soele toe ʼn watermeul ingespan is om somer, ʼn besadigde, beleë herfs en koring te maal. Dit moes ʼn idilliese dan: Die bleek, bekruipende kloue toneel gewees het: ʼn Helder, van die winter wat hom laat afsluit kabbellende bergstroom wat oor die met: “He has his winter too of pale skeppers van ʼn waterwiel tuimel en misfeature, Or else he would die meulsteen van graniet knarsend forgo his mortal nature”. aandryf. Die dieper betekenis is natuurlik In die Afrikaanse literatuur vat die verbygaande aard van die lewe niemand hierdie gedagte beter self. Dit beklemtoon: Wat verby is, is saam nie as Totius nie, die nou verby en kan nie teruggekry word byna vergete vaderlandsdigter van nie. ʼn Volgehoue stroom water is weleer, in “Die wêreld is ons woning nie”. Dit het in 1933, die jaar van sy van die Bybel in Nog ’n jaar het verstommend vertaling Afrikaans, in sy bundel, vinnig verbygevlieg. Wat gaan “Passieblomme”, verskyn na aanleiding van twee van sy 2013 bring ? Blaai deur kinders se dood . digbundels vir inspirasie om die In 1920 sterf sy jongste, ʼn nuwe jaar met moed en geloof jaaroud babaseuntjie, aan breinvlies-ontsteking. Twee aan te vat. maande later, ná aandete op Oujaarsaand terwyl die nodig om die meul aan te hou laat gesin, steeds in diepe rou, op hulle draai. Aan die einde van nog ʼn jaar plasie naby Potchefstroom vakansie is dit ʼn soberende gedagte. Die hou, steek ʼn woeste donderstorm liriese Engelse digter, Campbell, op. ʼn Verblindende weerligstraal tref beskryf dit mooi in sy gedig, “The die huis en slaan sy dertienjarige river of life”: dogtertjie in haar kamer raak. Sy “The more we live, more brief sterf in Totius se arms. appear Om sy smart te verwoord skryf hy Our life’s succeeding stages: onder andere, “O die pyngedagte”, A day to childhood seems a “Aandete”, wat die gemis aan twee year, kinders aan tafel roerend uitbeeld, JOHAN VAN WYK E R1.00 5 5.00 10.00 25.00 en “Die wêreld is ons woning nie” wat nie net Afrikaanse mense aangegryp het nie, maar so treffend was dat dit, en van sy ander gedigte in “Passieblomme”, in Engels vertaal is en wyd aanklank gevind het: “The world is a not our dwelling place I see that in the sun that flees, And see it in the heron that, mistrustfully, The same sun flees”. Toe ek “Passieblomme” neersit terwyl ek hier skryf, het ek Petra Muller se bundel, “Die aandag van jou oë” opgeneem: “Ek kyk nooit na jou oë nie ek weet: die aandag van jou oë op ʼn ander horison gerig het my vergeet ek kyk nou na die grond, kyk stip – want ʼn bekendheid daag my uit die naaste gras en klip die aandag van jou oë toe dit my verlaat het my die groen en bruin gevlekte skoonheid van die aarde nagelaat”. Nie sonder ʼn ondertoon van onvermydelike verlies in die gang van die lewe nie, maar daarmee kan jy die nuwe jaar aanvat. THE YEAR IN RETROSPECT New s / Nuus DEC 2012 - Page 11 Through the eyes of GN a busy, successful year in retrospect Greenways News published four quarterly issues during 2012. Here are the events that made news during the past year. First quarter: ● Present Trustees under the leadership of Anton Abrantes returned unopposed at AGM. ● Levy increase of R20 inclusive of VAT announced for 2012/13. ● Sewerage spill in Soet River causes the death of a large number of fish in storage dams. ● Feeding of ducks terminated. ● Clamp down on excessive noise and revelry at nighttime clubhouse parties and dog owners for the removal of droppings. ● Air conditioners of R20 000 installed at clubhouse main hall. ● Top Italian chef, Massimo Borella, takes over clubhouse restaurant and renames it Via Verde. ● The Rev. Day van Niekerk leaves Greenways. ● Construction of new entrances commences. ● Garden ornaments vandalized in Village Green. ● Trustee Loutjie Smit heavily criticized for his infamous statement with regard to the polluted Soet River that ”we will have to live with it”. Second quarter: ● Long time Village Green resident, Derek Neeby dies on June 20. ● Golf Beach resident, Duke Potgieter declares dispute with the Trustees about funds budgeted for coastal protection and calls for arbritration. ● Items in excess of R100 000 stolen at Wilhelm Neethling’s Village Green home. ● Empty Caltex site in Gordons Bay Road cordoned off to prevent break-ins into Greenways. ● Beach Road entrance nearing completion. ● Duck removal with poisonous food at Laguna dam causes uproar. ● Laguna chairman, Terry Bevan, dies. ● Building of two new beachfront homes commences. ● Heavy rain causes the worst pollution of Soet River yet. Municipality foots clean-up bill of R70 000. Third quarter: Fourth quarter: Read latest issue of Greenways News. ● Greenways’ neighbours reject proposed casino at its doorstep. ● Golf Beach body corporate refuses to pay for heightening of boundary wall to prevent break-ins. ● No more free parking in storage area behind clubhouse. Fee of R228 per month for this facility initiated. ● Long-time Emerald Bay resident, Don Hasty, leaves Greenways. ● Strand Muslim leader, Mr. Issa Moosa of Gleneagles, dies on September 19. ● Gordons Bay, the Western Cape town with highest burglary rate. ● Fears expressed on danger for children playing in streets. ● Electronic monitor of R20 000 installed in St. Andrews Drive to curb speeding. ● Caltex station and adjacent vacant plot sold. ● New bridges over Soet River and workshop delayed by municipal red tape. ● Construction of Gordons Bay entrance commences. ● Laguna residents claim to be sick from polluted water in their dam with no ducks. ● R18 000 solar powered infra-red beam alarm system installed at boundary wall in Beach Road. ● Three babies born to long-time St. Andrews Drive grandparents and neighbours. ● Retired well-known civil engineer, Emslie Niehaus of Gleneagles, dies on September 10. ● Greenways earns R38 500 from film shoot. ● Completed Beach Road entrance inaugurated with champagne. Page 12- DEC 2012 TRUSTEEDINEE : TRUSTEES DINNER Trustees kuier lekker saam ʼn BEDRYWIGE jaar is Vrydagaand 30 November feestelik afgesluit toe die jaarlikse Trustee-dinee by die klubhuis in Greenways aangebied is. Vir die Trustees was dit ʼn aangename geleentheid om saam te kuier by musiek en lekker kos, smaaklik voorgesit deur die Via Verdeklubhuis restaurant. Weens ʼn operasie vroeër die week kon Anton Abrantes, voorsitter, dit nie bywoon nie. In sy afwesigheid het Ron Lucke, waardering uitgespreek vir Anton se volgehoue toewyding aan Greenways in die afgelope jaar en die bestuur en personeel vir hulle harde werk bedank. Danksy dit is Greenways in die beste toestand nog. Sy leiding het dit moontlik gemaak. Inwoners kan trots wees. Speed monitor improved road safety ALTHOUGH still in its infancy, it would appear that the electronic speed monitor in St. Andrew’s Drive is having the desired effect. There seems to be a marked decrease in speeding since it was installed in September. It cannot be missed and driver’s definitely tend to go slower when they approach the flashing monitor that indicates the speed at which they are travelling. Whether it will become a permanent good habit, remains to be seen, but for the moment it would seem to be money well spent in the interest of improved road safety. E cellent Glass Windscreens & Vehicle Glass Aluminium, Mirrors, Showers & Flat Glass c/o George Street & Gordonsbay Road, Strand Tel: (021) 853-0157 * Tel/Fax: (021) 853-0842 E-mail: excellentglass@telkomsa.net www.strandglass.co.za ZUMBA classes on your doorstep Mondays 17h:30 Try it ! You’ll love it ! Call Ann 082 531 3943 New s / Nuus Twakkie’s corner Beste Twakkie, Ons het lanklaas gesels. Intussen was jou ouers in Hong Kong en jy was weer in die 5-ster hondeherberg. Ons kan sien jy het heelwat verslank en is nou vol energie. Dis die tussen-in kossies wat ʼn hond vet maak – my ouers is streng met my, maar ek kan nog ʼn kilo of so verloor. But let me tell you about my major news. We have an additional DOG TALK : HONDEPRAATJIES DEC 2012 - Page 13 A new kid on the block Twakkie and pals allowed to have a dog/cat at her flat, my parents agreed to foster the wee doggie until the owner could collect her. She has one ear up and one down, so Dad called her “Oortjies”. After a few days Mom and Dad took her to the Doggie Parlour to be shorn and generally cleaned up. Boy, what a difference!! Oortjie even had a pink ribbon in her remaining hair! Meanwhile Jen had contacted all the local Vets, the to protect me!! You know, life is not fair, and the “House Rules” are part of the problem. We canines have to be on a lead, our ‘poops’ must be picked up, we may not bark and be a “nuisance” or our owners have a stiff fine. And yet, felines, can roam about, catch and terrorise birds, make a dreadful caterwauling at night, even come into private homes and wee (spray) all over the place to “claim” it. All they are supposed to have is a collar with a bell - now really, how many cats have you seen with a bell? Perhaps we should add a rule to the House Rules that all cats and dogs who are privileged to live in Greenways, must be sterilised. FAMILY PHOTO: Me and Oortjies with my Mom and Dad at home. As they say “a house Ou maat, dis nou without a dog is not a home”. (“Mom and Dad” are Yvonne and Willem Diepeveen of Village Green) weer die member to our family – a run-away Animal Sanctuaries, advertised in Kersseisoen en daar sal weer baie Maltese Poodle cum Jackie. Jen the District Mail and had her swaeltjies van oorsee hier wees. found the wee beastie a month or featured on Radio Helderberg as Kom ons wys hulle net hoe so ago on her way to work running well as putting up posters with verantwoordelik ons is en groet down the middle of Beach Road just details and a picture of Oortjies. hulle kwispelsterte. Ek wonder of die outside Greenways. As you know After 3 weeks with no result, my mooi Labpoodle van Europa weer Jennie is involved at the Helderberg parents decided to formally adopt sal kom kuier? Ek weet nie of ek Animal Sanctuary and has a very her. She was taken to the vet and daarvan sal hou om twee keer ʼn soft heart for animals. She “chipped” and given all the jaar op ʼn vliegtuig vas te sit nie. stopped, opened the door and the necessary jabs. So now I have a Besef jy daar is 2 Cocoas, 2 little creature jumped in. She took little sister in my advancing years. Buddies en 2 Milos hier in her to work where it stayed quietly When you meet us on the beach, Greenways? Die Suidooster is met on her lap in front of her computer don’t be surprised if the little brat mening weer hier en loop ons winduntil she came home. As she is not snarls at you - she thinks she has op met die teerpaadjie (geen sand in my oë en neus nie) en wind-af op die strand waar ek rustig kan rond snuffel. Daar sien ek ook die ou grote, ʼn goeie vriend, Duke, die Great Dane, wie se ouers een van die dae hulle huis hier in Greenways kom bou. Oortjies stap ook 2 keer per dag saam met ons, maar sy moet nog leer om haar te gedra, want sy is baie parmantig. Dit kan ons definitief nie toelaat nie!! And now, old friend, enjoy this wonderful time of the year. A great pity that it has been so commercialised and thus losing the true meaning of this season. It is the time of giving and thinking of others. Let me remind you of the simple but effective way of helping others. Did you know that if we collect enough of those plastic tags they use to close the plastic bags in which our daily bread comes, we can help to buy a wheelchair for an indigent child/ person? The folk in Greenways have already collected a huge number of tags. Anyone can help by putting their tags in a jar which, the everhelpful Ursula, has in her office at the Clubhouse. Let us see what we can do. Well, old fellow, enjoy the summer, soon our Dads will be swimming in the pool again at the end of our beach walks. Greetings and good wishes, BRUNO SMALLS / SNUFFELS HOUSE WANTED Single storey house wanted to buy in Greenways. Preferably Turnberry Close. Contact: Riaan 082 4696993 or Janie 082 2917806