LAB 5 OSTEICHTHYES: ACTINOPTERYGII, LATIMERIA, AND DIPNOI MATERIALS 1. Numerous whole, preserved actinopterygians and lungfish. 2. Whole, preserved yellow perch (Percaflavescens; Percomorpha) for dissection. 3. Mounted skeleton of perch; whole- and head skeletons of other taxa of actinopterygians. 4. Read Chapter 8 (pages 211-256) in Pough et al. (1999). "Of all the animals that have lived in the water, none hau§: been so successful as the bony fishes . . . Osteichthyes." - Edwin Colbert and Michael Morales, 1991 SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION Osteichthyes is the most diverse group of vertebrates, relative to Myxinoidea, Petromyzontoidea, and Chondrichthyes, with nearly 24,000 species of actinopterygian fishes alone! The following phylogenetic classification reflects the groups covered in this lab. Numerous taxa, however, have been omitted for time and space considerations (Pough" et aI., 1999). 103 GNATHOSTOMATA Osteichthyes - osteichthyans Sarcopterygii - sarcopterygians Latimeria chalumnae - coelacanth Choanata - choanates Dipnoi -lungfishes Tetrapoda - (Lab 6) Actinopterygii - actinopterygians Polypterus - bichirs and reedfish Actinopteri Chondrostei - sturgeons and paddlefishes Neopterygii - neopterygiians Lepisosteidae - gars Halecostomi - halecostomians Amia calva - bowfin Teleostei - teleosts Osteoglossomorpha - includes bonytongues, arowanas, knifefishes, elephantfishes Elopocephala - elopocephalans Elopomorpha - includes tarpons, bonefishes, true eels Clupeocephala - clupeocephalans Clupeomorpha - includes herrings, anchovies, shads Euteleostei - euteleosts Esociformes - pikes and mudminnows Ostariophysi - includes minnows, suckers, catfishes, characins Neognathi Salmonidae - salmons, trout, chars Neoteleostei - numerous clades, several of which are omitted here Acanthopterygii - acanthopterygians Atherinimorpha - includes flyingfishes, topminnows Percomorpha - includes seahorses, sculpins, sunfishes, tunas, flounders, many others INTRODUCTION Osteichthyes includes Actinopterygii and Sarcopterygii (Latimeria + Dipnoi + Tetrapoda) (Fig. 5.1). Do not be confused between the translation of the name Osteichthyes and what the name represents in a phylogenetic sense. Although Osteichthyes literally means "bony fishes," our phylogenetic taxonomy 104 LABS FOR VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY r------ OSTEICHTHYES - - - - - - . . , SARCOPTERYGII CHOANATA 1:'" .r::: t.l .;:: "0 '0 c: c: o .r::: c- () O Thin scales embedded in skin Four pentadactylus limbs Stapes derived from hyomandibular bone Diphycercal tail continuous with dorsal and anal fins Bile salts Pulmonary circulation Single dorsal fin Two-chambered atrium Nasolachrymal duct Scales composed of ganoine Intemallung structure increasingly complex Paired fins with long muscular lobes extending below body Pulmonary vein Endochondral bone Bony operculum Scales adenticulate Lepidotrichia -415myaSilurian Lung derived from gut Figure 5.1. A c1adogram showing the relationships among major clades of Osteichthyes. Additional characters, mostly relating to osteology, are not shown (modified from Maisey, 1986). includes only monophyletic groups. Therefore, Osteichthyes refers to the clade that includes Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes), Sarcopterygii (coelacanth, lungfishes, and tetrapods), and their most recent common ancestor. Humans are thus members of Osteichthyes. Osteichthyes is diagnosed by the possession of endochondral bone, a lung derived from the gut, lepidotrichia, adenticulate scales, and a bony operculum on each side of the pharyngeal region. There are two radically different modes of bone formation in embryos and young of vertebrates. The simpler of the two involves the formation of dermal bone, which is formed in the dermal layer of the skin. Craniates and preLab 5: OSTEICHTHYES 105 gnathostome vertebrates (e.g" ostracoderms) had dermal bones covering their bodies. Dermal bones are usually simple and plate-like and capable of free growth at every surface until adult size is reached. Additionally, dermal bone usually lacks cartilage completely. Dermal bone is found over most of the body in most osteichthyan fishes (e.g., large plates anteriorly, bony scales over the trunk) and is the dominant bone type of the osteichthyan skull. Endochondral bone, which includes the replacement of an embryonic cartilage by an adult bony structure, is a synapomorphy for Osteichthyes. A great portion of the bone is laid down external to the embryonic cartilage. In general, cartilage grows at either end of the bone and ossification (bone formation) begins centrally and spreads, until adulthood, when ossification is completed. At this point, growth of bone ceases. Most of the bones of the original endoskeleton are endochondral (e.g., bones derived from the visceral skeleton, most bones of the pectoral girdle and forelimbs, the pelvic girdle and hindlimbs, vertebrae). Many endochondral bones have complicated articulations with their neighbors, as well as important attachment sites for muscles. Lungs are one type of respiratory organ through which gas exchange occurs in non-aquatic environments. Lungs first appear, during embryogenesis, in the form of a ventral outpocketing of the floor of the throat. In actinopterygians (ray-finned fishes) and dipnoans (lungfishes), the lungs have a relatively simple morphology with little or no folding. In most actinopterygians, the lungs have been modified into a single gas bladder (Fig. 5.2) which primarily functions in buoyancy control and not for respiration. The median and paired fins of most osteichthyans contain soft rays that stiffen the fins. These rays are, in fact, rows of fin scales that have undergone modification and are called lepidotrichia. True fin spines, such as those commonly found in acanthopterygians, were derived from soft rays. They occur in the dorsal, anal, and pelvic fins. . The bony, dermal scales of extinct jawless fishes were covered with small denticles composed of enamel and dentine. Among extant osteichthyans, the scales are adenticulate, meaning the small denticles have been lost. Scales also tend to have less mass and have become more flexible in various clades of osteichthyans. Dermal scales are absent in some actinopterygians (e.g., catfishes), embedded in the skin (e.g., true eels, several dipnoans), or modified to form bony plates or scutes (e.g., sturgeons and armored catfishes). Recall that the scales of chondrichthyans are dermal denticles (placoid scales) and that the underlying bony layers have been lost. The opercula are located between the head and shoulder on either side of the body behind the cheek region and consist of four pairs of platelike dermal bones. The main element is the opercular bone, and the other smaller elements include the interoperculum, preoperculum and suboperculum. The opercular apparatus serves as a shield for the gills and as part of the branchial pump which functions in respiration and feeding. 106 LABS FOR VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY ACTINOPTERYGII ACTINOPTERI NEOPTERYGII HALECOSTOMI TELEOSTEI <ll J:: e-0 CHONDROSTEI (I) <ll '2" Q) ~ & :g c: (I) - '(3 '0. (I) .g (j) c: a. -& ~ & "0 « 'iii (g (f) - ~ ~ .!!! ..J 0 "l: ELOPOCEPHALA<ll ~ a. J:: 0 0 C> 0 Endochondral bone absent Dorsal finlets with spines <.l E 0 a. a. w (3 0 (I) 0 (f) 0 Elongated jaws Teeth in adul Is absent Rve rows of bony scu tes a. (I) b Teethon tongue and parasphenold Elongated rostrum <ll J:: (j) (j) (I) E (I) - E ::> Unique pharyngeal toothplate fusion Osteological and myological features Neural arches elongated posteriorly Homocercal tail (by external appearance) Premaxilla mobile Maxillary bone mobile Cycloid scales Abbreviated heterocercal tail Upper pharyngeal teeth consolidated into tooth bearing plates Gas bladder derived from lung Scales composed of ganoine Single dorsal fin Fi~ure 5.2. A c1adogram showing the hypothesized phylogenetic relationships among extant actmopterygians. Modified from Lauder and Liem (1983), Gardiner and Schaeffer (1989), Nelson (1994) and Pough et ai. (1999). Lab 5: OSTEICHTHYES 107 OSTEICHTHYAN DIVERSITY CLUPEOCEPHALA ACTINOPTERYGII EUTELEOSTEI NEOGNATHI ACANTHOPTERYGII Pelvic and pectoral girdles joined Pelvic fins with 1 spine and 5 soft rays Increased jaw mobility Actinopterygii refers to the ray-finned fishes because their fins are supported entirely by dermal fin rays composed of lepidotrichia. Among several synapomorphies which support the monophyly of this group, two include scales composed of ganoine and a single dorsal fin (Fig. 5.1) The scales of actinopterygians, like other osteichthyans, are composed of several bony layers, one of which is comprised of the unique bony material called ganoine. Basal actinopterygians, including Polypterus, Chondrostei, and Lepisosteidae, retain the ganoid-type scale. Other actinoptygians possess a derived scale type (cycloid scale) which lacks ganoine (Fig. 5.2). Several extant actinopterygians have two dorsal fins, but this character state is derived with respect to the basal or earliest diverging actinopterygians which possessed only one dorsal fin. An enormous amount of diversity exists among the extant species of actinopterygians. In this lab you will inspect some of this amazing and important diversity. Polypterus Increased contact of1 st vertebra with skull bones Nuptial tubercles on head and body Unique pharyngeal toothplate fusion Figure 5.3. Phylogenetic relationships of the Clupeocaphala. Modifid (and simplifid) from Lauder and Liem (1983), Nelson (1994), and Pough et ai. (1996). Palypterus (bichirs and reedfish) is the basal lineage among extant Actinopterygii and is the closest extant relative (CER) to Actinopteri (Figs. 5.2 and 5.4). There are 10 species of bichirs and one species of reedfish, and all occur in freshwater bodies in Africa. Examine the specimens of Palypterus available to you. Note that their bodies are covered'1With thick, interlocking, multi-layered ganoid scales. Canoid scales are unique to actinopterygians. Also observe the dorsal fin with multiple finlets. Each of the 5-18 finlets has a single spine to which is attached one or more soft rays (Fig. 5.4). Fishes within Palypterus have paired ventral lungs which are used in respiration. Ql For which taxon is the presence of lungs a synapamarphy? In Lab 5, you will investigate non-tetrapod osteichthyans, ir:clud~ng Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes), Latimeria (coelacanth), and DlpnOl (lungfishes) . 108 LABS FOR VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Lab 5: OSTEICHTHYES 109 Figure 5.4. Actinopterygii: The biehir (Polypterus). Note the multiple dorsal finlets. ACTINOPTERI Actinopteri includes all actinopterygian fishes except Polypterus (Fig. 5.2). The lungs have been modified into a single, dorsal gas bladder which primarily functions in hydrostatic or buoyancy control. The respiratory function of the gas bladder is retained in lepisosteids (gars) and fishes of Amia calva (bowfin) and in several other fishes. Several more distantly related actinopterygians also use the gas bladder for sound production (e.g., catfishes) as well as sound reception (e.g., dupeomorphs and ostariophysines). CHONDROSTEI Chondrostei is nested within Actinopteri and is the CER to Neopterygii (Fig. 5.2). Two distinctive clades within Chondrostei are.A~ipe~~~e(p if \ (stllrgeo s)a d,rolyodon (paddlefishes) (Fig. 5.5). If available, examine the fl ll \$) '~Xtel"narchal"actJrs of preserved specimens. Chondrosteans have ganoid scales on the upper portion of the caudal fin. Pre-actinopterygian characters include a heterocercal tail and open spirade (except some species sturgeons). The endoskeleton of chondrosteans lacks endochondral bone and much of the dermal bones found in other basal actinopterygians. Additionally, the notochord persists in adults and vertebral centra are absent. j Q2 110 What skeletal structure usually replaces the notochord during the ontogeny of most a gnathostomes? LABS FOR VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY B Figure 5.5. Chondrostei: (A) Sturgeon (Acipenseridae). (8) American paddlefish (Po/yadon). . If sturgeons ~re a.vailable, observe the five rows of bony scutes, ventrally Oriented protruSlble Jaws, lack of teeth in adults, and four barbels in front of the mouth. Protrusible jaws have evolved independently in other actinopterygians (Pough et al., 1999). Q3 Considering the nature of the jaws, ventral positi0lj- of the mouth, lack of teeth, and possessIOn of barbels, where and how do you think these fish feed? There are two species of paddlefish (Fig. 5.5). One is found in the United States and is a plankton feeder with a non-prostrusible mouth. The Chinese paddlefish is piscivorous (fish eater) and possesses a protrusible mouth. I~ available, examine a specimen of the American paddlefish. Closely examme the rostrum. This structure is richly innervated with ampuUary organs. Lab 5: OSTEICHTHYES 111 Q4 What functions might the rostrum serve? Lift an operculum and observe the hair-like gill rakers. Q5 How might these gill rakers function in filter feeding? Figure 5.6. Lepisosteidae: Gar (Lepisosteus). Q7 Examine the caudal fin. Observe and describe its neopterygian characteristics, and include a sketch below. NEOPTERYCII Neopterygii is the CER to Chondrostei and includes all extant actinopterygian fishes except the chondrosteans and Polypterus (Fig. 5.2). One of the more apparent synapomorphies for Neopterygii is that the upper lobe of the caudal fin contains an axial skeleton that is reduced in size to produce a nearly symmetrical caudal fin. This type of caudal fin is often termed an abbreviated heterocercal tail, and it persists in lepisosteids (gars) and in Amia calva (bowfin). Lepisosteidae (gars) is a member of Neopterygii and the CER to Teleostei (Figs. 5.2 and 5.6). There are seven extant species of gars and all are restricted to the New World (North and Central America). This group is easily identified by the elongated jaws, which are formed, in part, by the toothed infraorbital bones (Pough et a/., 1999). Gars range from 1 to 4 meters in total length, and their multi-layered and interlocking ganoid scales are very similar to the ancestral actinopterygian scale type. The overall morphology of gars is specialized for ambush and swift predation on other fishes. J Q6 · 112 Carefully observe a preserved gar. From your observations, list at least three (3) features that would appear to serve as adaptations for an ambush-predator lifestyle. LABS FOR VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY HALECOSTOMI Halecostomi includes the monotypic Amia calva (bowin) + Teleostei (Fig. 5.2). Halecostomian fishes are diagnosed by several synapomorphies of the cheek, jaw articulation, and opercular bones including a mobile maxilla. Feeding becomes much more specialized with the advent of moveable jaw elements, such as the mobile maxilla. Identify the maxilla on the halecostomid skeleton (e.g., yellow perch) available to you. Also, members of Halecostomi possess cycloid scales which are thin, pliable scales formed of a thin sheet of bone-like material and an underlying fibrous layer. The upper bony layer is usually characterized by concentric ridges that represent growth increments during the life ofthe fish. " .~~~~31 Obtain a preserved specimen of Amia calva (bowfin) (Fig. 5.7). The single species of bowfin is restricted to freshwater bodies in eastern North America and exists in sympatry with gars. Q8 What specific taxon are the gars members of exclusive of all other neopterygians? Lab 5: OSTEICHTHYES 113 TELEOSTEI Figure 5.7. Halecostomi: Bowfin (Amia calva). Observe the caudal fin on a specimen of Amia calva. How is it similar to the caudal fin of lepisosteid fishes? Q9 Teleostei is an extremely diverse group of fishes, with over 23,000 extant species. The CER is Amia calva. Teleosts live in an array of habitats, from vast ocean depths to high, alpine waters and hot desert springs. Morphological diversity is incredible from any perspective (Paxton and Eschmeyer, 1994). Teleostei is diagnosed by the presence of a homocercal tail and mobile premaxillae, among other synapomorphies. The homocercal tail is superficially symmetric, but internally the vertebral column, which terminates at the base of the fin, tilts upward at its tip where modified posterior neural arches provide additional support to the dorsal side of the tail. The homocercal tail allows a teleost to swim horizontally without using its paired fins as control surfaces for producing lift. Pectoral and pelvic fins of teleosts tend to be more flexible, mobile, and diverse in shape, size, and position. The mobile premaxilla and maxilla allow greater feeding efficiency and specialization, such as in the process of jaw protrusion and suction feeding (Pough et aI., 1999). Osteoglossomorpha Find the lateral line and bony operculum on Amia calva. Ql0 For which taxa are these two character states synapomorphies? Osteoglossomorpha (arawanas, freshwater butterfly fish, knifefishes, and elephantfishes) is a member of Teleostei and the CER to Elopocephala (Fig. 5.2). There are about 217 species in this clade, and they occupy freshwater habitats in North America (e.g., Hiodon), South America (e.g., Osteoglossum and Arapaima), Africa (e.g., Mormyrus), as well as Australia and Asia. Q13 Qll What is the function of the lateral line system? Q12 What function do you think the bony operculum serves? Do you think it might have more than one function? Why? 114 LABS FOR VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY How can you explain the disjunct geographical distribution of these taxa? Since they all share a common ancestor, how could their present-day distribution have been achieved? Is there more than one possible explanation? Osteoglossomorphs possess well-developed teeth on the parasphenoid and tongue bones such that they form a shearing bite. The parasphenoid is one of the bones comprising the roof of the mouth. Lab 5: OSTEICHTHYES 115 Q14 How might a shearing bite be advantageous in feeding? Pelvic girdles and fins are always absent in anguilliforms, and the pectoral fins are often reduced in size or absent. Q17 What sorts of environmental factors may have selected for the reduction or loss of these fins? ELOPOCEPHALA Synapomorphies supporting the monophyletic status of Elopocephala are mostly complex skeletal and muscular (myological) characters (Fig. 5.2). You may not be held responsible for these characters in this lab. The two major crown clades nested within Elopocephala are Elopomorpha and Clupeocephala. ~ Superficially, eels look like lampreys. Q18 What visible differences can you detect? Elopomorpha Elopomorpha includes the tarpons, ladyfish, bonefish, and true eels, and is the CER to Clupeocephala (Fig. 5.2). Most elopomorphs are marine and eellike, but some live in freshwater. All elopomorphs have a specialized larva called the leptocephalus larva, which typically lives near the open ocean surface for a long period of time (Pough et aI., 1999). This life-history strategy may permit wide and long-distance dispersal, even though the adults may be restricted to shallow inshore habitat\" I CLUPEOCEPHALA Clupeocephala is nested within Elopocephala and is the CER to Elopomorpha (Fig. 5.2 and 5.3). Clupeocephala is comprised of Clupeomorpha + Euteleostei. One synapomorphy of Clupeocephala is unique pharyngeal toothplate fusion. 1 Hv Observe any true eels (anguilliforms) that may be available. ,.-~=~=~-=~ Q15 Clupeomorpha How are the dorsal and anal fins different from those of the other fishes you have observed? If not visible, what may have been their fates? Q16 Judging from the shape and morphology of the eel you are observing, describe , lifo Clupeomorpha includes sardines, anchovies, smelts, herrings, and shads, and is the CER to Euteleostei (Fig. 5.3). Most species are specialized for feeding on minute plankton with a specialized mouth and gill straining apparatus. They are often found swimming in extremely large schools. Q19 What may be possible advantages to swimming in large schools? the type of habitat it occupies. 116 LABS FOR VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Lab 5: OSTEICHTHYES 117 Q20 Q21 Lift up the operculum of a preserved shad or other planktivorous clupeomorph. Observe the relatively long and slender gill rakers. How do you think these function in filter feeding on plankton? What other basal actinopterygian is afilter-feeding planktivore? OSTARIOPHYSI + NEOGNATHI The crown group consisting of Ostariophysi + Neognathi does not have a formal taxonomic name (Fig. 5.3). Presence of an adipose fin is a synapomorphy for these two taxa. The adipose fin lies on the mid-dorsal line posterior to the dorsal fin, and it is a small, fleshy rayless structure. (Fig. 5.8). The adipose fin is not present in many of the euteleost fishes (e.g., acanthopterygians). Ostariophysi The gas bladder of clupeomorphs has a pair of anterior extensions which enter the skull and connect to the inner ear. This synapomorphy allows the gas bladder to serve as a sound receptor which delivers sound signals to the inner ear for increased auditory reception. EUTELEOSTEI Euteleostei comprises the vast majority of living teleosts. Most euteleost males develop nuptial tubercles which are composed of epidermal cells and are either keratinized or non-keratinized. These structures may be present on the head, body, and fins, and provide friction that helps to keep males and females in contact during mating. Many lineages comprise this taxon, among which phylogenetic relationships remain uncertain (Nelson, 1994). Only a few will be considered here. Esociformes) Ostariophysi includes the predominant freshwater fishes (~65 % of all freshwater species), inclu.ding characins, carps, minnows, suckers and catfishe~. There are over 6,500 speCIes m thIS clade. Ostariophysines possess a synapomorphy called the Weberian apparatus (Pough et aI., 1999) (Fig. 5.9). This structure is composed of small bones (ossicles) that connect the gas bladder with the inner ear; thus hearing sensitivity is greatly enhanced. The Weberian apparatus uses the gas bladder as a sound receptor (similar to clupeomorphs) and the chain of bones as conductors. Q23 What features of the gas bladder are conducive to its function in sound reception? (p- Esociformes include the pikes, muskellunge, and mudminnows and is the CER to Ostariophysi + Neognathi. The pikes, of which there are 10 extant species, are freshwater fishes with a circumpolar distribution in the Northern hemisphere. Q22 How is the overall bodyform of pikes similar to gars? What might this indicate about their lifestyle and feeding habits? Figure 5.8. A synapomorphy for the crown group Ostariophysi + Neognathi (Fig. 5.3) is the adipose fin as depicted on a salmonid species. 118 LABS FOR VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Lab 5: OSTEICHTHYES 119 IY Q26 Posterior margin of skull Do the catfish have an adipose fin? For which taxon is the adipose fin a synapomorphy? Claustrum Membranous labyrinth NEOGNATHI Neognathi is the CER to Ostariophysi (Fig. 5.3). The basal lineage within Neognathi is Salmonidae. A synapomorphy for Neognathi is increased contact of the first vertebra with the skull bones. There are several neognathan taxa that will not be considered in this lab due their relatively obscure nature (e.g., Stomiiformes, Ateleopodiformes, Cyclosquamata, Scopelomorpha, Lampridiomorpha, Polymixiomorpha, and Paracanthopterygii), although there are some very interesting species in these groups (Nelson, 1994). Salmonidae, Atherinomorpha, and Percomorpha will be introduced. A Scaphum Tripus Intercalcarium Salmonidae B Figure 5.9. A synapomorphy for Ostariophysi (Fig. 5.3) is the Weberian apparatus, which is a sounddetection system (refer to Pough et aI., 1999, p. 239-241). (A) Lateral view. (8) Dorsal view. Salmonidae includes the familiar salmon, trout, and chars. All salmonids retain the adipose fin discussed earlier, and many are anadromous. This means that adults spawn in freshwater, the juveniles return to the ocean to mature, and then return to freshwater to complete their life cycle. Q27 Q24 Which basal, vertebrate taxon also has anadromous species? What might have been some of the selective agents for the evolution of the Weberian apparatus? Many salmon reproduce only once, then die shortly after mating. Animals which show this life-history strategy are called semelparous. Organisms that have the potential to reproduce more than once in a lifetime are iteroparous. Q25 120 Examine the barbels surrounding the mouth of a catfish. What might be possible functions for these structures? How could you test your hypotheses? LABS FOR VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Q28 Under what types of conditions might a semelparous life history strategy be more advantageous to an iterparous strategy? Lab 5: OSTEICHTHYES 121 ACANTHOPTERYGII Q31 Acanthopterygii, which comprises the true spiny-rayed fishes, is nested within Neognathi. To complete a survey of actinopterygian diversity in this lab, you will look at representatives of the two major crown clades within Acanthopterygii: Atherinomorpha and Percomorpha. Synapomorphies supporting the monophyly of Acanthopterygii concern details of the musculature and skeleton, including a more mobile jaw than other teleosts. This is due in large part to the presence of a well developed ascending process on the premaxilla which allows greater protrusibility (forward movement) of the jaws. Acanthopterygians generally possess ctenoid scales with minute spines on the exposed portions of the scales or in a comb-like row on the posterior margin. Percomorpha Q29 IQ32 l V Look once again at some of the non-percomorph fishes. How is the position of their pelvic fins, relative to their pectoral fins, different from the percomorphs you have observed? Which fins on the flying fish are enlarged for gliding? Q33 Q30 '3~ler Percomorpha includes perches, sunfisht;§, mackerel, snappers, tuna, marlin, barracuda, remoras, cichlids, flounders, and many others, and is the CER to Atherinomorpha (Fig. 5.3). Two synapomorphies include the joining of the pelvic girdle firmly to the pectoral girdle and pelvic fins with one spine and five soft rays (Fig. 5.14). Observe the percomorphs available to you, and look for the two characters described above. Atherinomorpha Atherinomorpha includes flying fishes, grunions, needlefishes, guppies,and swordtails, and is the CER to Percomorpha. The atherinomorphs have modified protrusible jaws (Pough et al., 1999). If available, observe a preserved flying fish. These fishes do not actually fly but glide. Identify advantages to an upturned mouth. Where and how might fishes feed with mouths such as this? Provide explanation(s) for the forward migration of the pelvic fins. Do you think this modification provides functional benefits? How? Identify one or more possible selective pressures that may have caused the evolution of gliding fins. Note that members of this clade do not possess an adipose fin. Note also the numerous spines on the dorsal fins of many of these fishes. Q34 Provide possible functions for these dorsal fin spines. Many atherinomorphs have protrusible, upturned mouths (e.g., top minnows, guppies, swordtails, and pupfishes) (Nelson, 1994). If available, observe these specimens. 122 LABS FOR VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Lab 5: OSTEICHTHYES 123 If available, inspect adult specimens of flounders or soles (Pleuronectiformes). These largely marine percomorphs are unusual in that the young initially are bilaterally symmetrical and swim upright, but then undergo metamorphosis where the body becomes highly compressed and one eye migrates to the other side of the cranium. Following metamorphosis, they then lie and swim on the eyeless side. Q35 Are these fishes laterally or dorsa-ventrally compressed? How can you tell? Q36 Consider, again, the shape of these fishes. In what type of habitats might you expect to find them? Would you expect these fishes to have a gas bladder? Why? Figure 5.10. Sarcopterygii: Coelacanth (Latirneria chalumnae), a lobed-finned fish. Q37 SARCOPTERYGII Sarcopterygii includes Latimeria chalumnae (coelacanth), Dipnoi (lungfishes), and Tetrapoda (tetrapods) (Fig. 5.1). Synapomorphies include a pulmonary vein and paired, muscular lobed-fins extending below the body. The pulmonary vein passes from the lung directly to the atrial cavity of the heart (on the left side) and allows aerated blood to pass directly from the lungs to the heart. Aerated blood is then pumped into the ventricle and from there to various parts of the body. The muscular lobed fins of sarcopterygians are sometimes utilized for a walking type of locomotion, which would later be used by the ancestors of tetrapods to invade terrestrial habitats. Latimeria chalumnae Latimeria chalumnae, commonly called the coelacanth, (Figs. 5.1 and 5.10) is the sole extant species of a once diverse lineage of coelacanth fishes, and it is the CER to Choanata, which includes Dipnoi (lungfishes) and Tetrapoda (tetrapods). The coelocanth has only been found in the Indian Ocean near the coast of Madagascar. One of several synapomorphies is the ossified lung that no longer functions as a buoyancy or air breathing organ. .124 LABS FOR VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Provide possible evolutionary explanations for the ossification of the lung in the coelacanth. CHOANATA Choanata includes Dipnoi (lungfishes) and Tetrapoda (amphibians, reptilians, and mammals). Tetrapoda will be introduced in the next lab (Lab 6). Several synapomorphies diagnose Choanata (Fig. 5.1). Recall that bile, which is produced by the liver, contains mostly excretory products, including decomposed proteins and pigments derived from hemoglobin of aged red ~lood cells. Choanates also produce bile salts which are discharged into the mtestme and aId a pancreatic enzyme in splitting and absorbing fats. In the choanate heart a partition develops in the atrium such that the left chamber contains pulmonary blood which has been oxygenated (delivered by the pulmonary vein), and the right chamber receives veinous blood from the sinus venosus. The atrial division is partial in lungfishes. Limited mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood occurs in the ventricle. But due to the spiral effect of heart contraction, oxygenated and deoxygenated blood largely remams separated. Choanates also have nasolacrymal ducts' which extend from the nasal cavity to the orbit. These are the tear ducts and they maintain eye moisture. Lab 5: OSTEICHTHYES .125 Dipnoi Dipnoi includes six species of extant lungfishes (Fig. 5.11), one in Australia, one in South America, and four in Africa. Q38 What geologic factors may account for the disjunct geographic distribution of these lungfishes? The pectoral and pelvic fins of the South American and African lungfishes are tendril-like, which indicates that a common ancestor of these species lost the muscular lobed fins. The Australian lungfish retains the fleshy, muscular fins of Sarcopterygii and uses these to slowly walk across the bottom of ponds. The caudal fin of dipnoans is diphycercal with the vertebral column extending straight back to the tip of the body and the fin developing symmetrically above and below it. Another synapomorphy is thin scales embedded in skin. DISSECTION OF ADULT PERCH General External Anatomy You probably will use a relatively common and readily accessible percomorph, such as the yellow perch (Percaflavescens), to explore actinopterygian morphology (Figs. 5.12 - 5.15). After obtaining a preserved specimen, identify the mouth, bony operculum, dorsal fines), homocercal caudal fin, anal fin, anus, pectoral fins, pelvic fins, soft and spiny rays, and lateral line system (Fig. 5.12). A B Q39 What is a homocercal tail? Q40 The pectoral and pelvic fins (and their respective ;girdles) are synapomophies for which taxon? General Internal Anatomy c .~ Figure 5.11. Choanata: Lungfishes (Dipnoi). (A) African lungfish (Protopterus sp.). (B) South American lungfish (Lepidosiren paradoxa). (C) Australian lungfish (Neoceratodus forsteri). 126 LABS FOR VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Identify the oral cavity, teeth, pharynx, gill arches, gill slits, gill lamellae, gill rakers, esophagus, stomach, intestine, liver, heart, gas bladder (a synapomorphy for Actinopteri), myomeres, and kidneys (Fig. 5.13). Lab 5: OSTEICHTHYES 127 . r dorsal fin PQ\l.erI9~'_" ••"'~~_ Lepidotrichia (hard spines) Ceratotrichia / Pterygiophore Lateral~ Neural spine Ceratotrlchia Eye Ceratotrichia . ~ L\~ "~,',"'~ I '. --- Pectoral fin Pelvic fin Ventral rib Dorsal ribs ~~.,::,\ _\~ ~ Urostyle Anal fin Figure 5.12. Percomorphao. External anatomy of the yellow perch (Perca flavescens). Figure 5.14. Percomorp h a.. Skeletal system of the yel1ow p erch (Perea flavescens). Swim bladder Pancreas Duodenum Q41 What is the function of the gill . fi'l1 aments?, The gill rakers? Q42 What is the functLOn , Q43 What structure IS. the gas bladder homo Iogous to in other osteichthyans, including tetrapods? Head kidney ~lj~~~~~~I~··~"·~·"~:;'i/~··~,.; ~.~~~~~t:::;~:::-~:~:ventriCle ~-"~:';iilIO'l!!:::'-_- 0;,f the gas bladder? Bulbous arteriosus Sinus venosus intestine Anus Fat (covering Gonad stomach) Figure 5.13. Percomorp ha'. Internal anatomy of the yellow perch (Perca flavescens). 128 LABS FOR VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Lab 5: OSTEICHTHYES 129 Q44 For which craniate taxa are the following character states synapomorphies: Respiratory gills? Stomach? Liver? Note the extremely large number of bones in the skull (Fig. 5.15). This large number is an ancestral condition for vertebrates (as evidenced by extinct fishes). Most of these bones are dermal in embryonic origin, originating from the external dermal plates of extinct jawless vertebrates. The palatoquadrate cartilage, which forms the upper jaw in elasmobranchs, has been supplanted functionally by two dermal bones anteriorly, the premaxilla and maxilla. These two bones progressively become more mobile in actinopterygians (Figs. 5.2-5.3) and consequently allow greater feeding specializations (Pough et aI., 1999). Posteriorly, the quadrate (Fig. 5.15) and metapterygoid represent the ossified remnants of the palatoquadrate. The quadrate serves in jaw articulation in all osteichthyans except in mammals. In a lineage ancestral to mammals, the quadrate evolved into a middle ear bone called the incus. The mandibular cartilage, which forms the lower jaw in elasmobranchs, has been replaced by several dermal bones including (among others) the dentary and the small articular bone on the posterio-dorsal part of the lower jaw which is the site of articulation with the quadrate. Remember the hyoid arch in elasmobranchs? In osteichthyans, the hyomandibular bone represents the hyomandibular cartilage, and ventrally there are several hyoid bones. In tetrapods, the hyomandibular evolved into the stapes, a middle ear bone. If you have time, identify some of the other bones, just for your enjoyment and self-edification. Frontal Premaxilla Supraocciptial Kidneys? "-',,<-_-Hyomandibular Maxilla .:.:-;;.,.~,...:::.'""'_ _ Opercular Skeletal System Dentary Locate the paired, segmented, and branched lepidotrichia in various fins (Fig. 5.14). Q45 --4\-\-- What are lepidotrichia? Angular _-..:.:::::,~::;;;:=:~~ 1:Tth7-f?~~.--~',---- Preopercular Quadrate Subopercular Metapterygoid Interopercular Figure 5.15. Head skeleton. 130 LABS FOR VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Lab 5: OSTEICHTHYES 131 The vertebral column is not wen differentiated into distinctive regions, and only the trunk and caudal vertebrae are readily distinguishable. Recall that the vertebral column largely replaces the notochord as a central supporting axis in gnathostomes. As in chondrichthyans (Lab 4), the dorsal arch of the centrum is the neural arch, and it protects the spinal cord, which passes through the neural canal. Ribs attach to the vertebrae along the anterior portion of the vertebral column and they lie within the myosepta between adjacent myomeres. By serving as connectors between the musculature and the vertebrae, ribs render the muscular effort more effective. Q46 What are myomeres and myosepta? For which taxon are these structures synapomorphies? Most of the pectoral girdle and all of the pelvic girdle is comprised of endochondral bone. The dermal elements of the pectoral girdle include the clavicle, cleithrum, and supradeithrum. The supracleithrum attaches the pectoral girdle firmly to the posterior region of the skull. The endochondral bones include the coracoid and scapula. QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION 1. When it comes to the sheer number of species and morphological diversity, extant actinopterygians (~ 24,000 species and counting!) have no equal among the vertebrates. What might be the explanations for this phenomenon? In class, derive several hypotheses that could be used to explain or test your ideas. 2. From your reading assignment, what is the evolutionary utility of sexreversal in certain teleosts? Why is this life-history trait more common in marine (reef) species than in freshwater ones? 3. Bone (calcium phosphate) did not have its origin in osteichthyans. What reasons (e.g., selective advantages) can you provide to explain the absence (or nearly so) of bone in extant chondrichthyans and chondrosteans and its presence in most osteichthyans? What is the functional significance of endochondral ossification? 132 LABS FOR VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY WEB SITES There is a tremendous amount of current information on the biology of osteichthyans on the Internet. The Web site provided below is especially useful. Also, be certain to inspect the Tree of Life and others from Lab 1. <http://www.yorkbiosis.orglzrdocs/zoolinfo/grp_fish.htm>. This Web site (FISH) is supported by BIOSIS, the publisher of Biological Abstracts and Zoological Records, and is one of their Internet resource guides in zoology. There are dozens of other links, far too many to list individually (check it out, you'll see!), but some include indexes, resource guides, conservation, newsgroups, fisheries, ichthyology servers, images, museums, organizations, and publications. REFERENCES Bond, C. E. 1996. Biology of Fishes, 2nd edn. Saunders College Publishing, New York, New York. Colbert, E. H., and M. Morales. 1991. Evolution of the Vertebrates. A History of the Backboned Animals Through Time. 4th edn. Wiley-Liss, New York, New York. Diana, J. S. 1995. Biology and Ecology of Fishes. Biological Sciences Press, Traverse City, Michigan. Gardiner, B. G., and B. Schaeffer. 1989. Interrelationships of lower actinopterygian fishes. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 97: 135-187. Lauder, G. V, and K. F. Liem. 1983. Patterns of diversity and evolution in ray-finned fishes. In: Fish Neurobiology, Volume 1, Brain Stem and Sense Organs (Ed. by R G. Northcutt and R. E. Davis), pp. 1-24. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Maisey, J. G. 1986. Heads and tails: A chordate phylogeny. Cladistics 3: 201-256. Maisey, J. G. 1996. Discovering Fossil Fishes. Henry Holt and Company, New York, New York. Nelson, J. S. 1994. Fishes of the World. 3rd edn. Wiley and Sons,1New York, New York. Paxton, J. R, and W. N. Eschmeyer (Editors). 1994. Encyclopedia of Fishes. Academic Press, New York, New York Pough, F. H., C. M. Janis, and J. B. Heiser. 1999. Vertebrate Life. 5th edn. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Romer, A. S. 1962. The Vertebrate Body, 3rd edn. Saunders College Publishing, New York, New York. Lab 5: OSTEICHTHYES 133