Lex Mercatoria: Law Sites Ralph Amissah copy @ lexmercatoria.org Copyright © 2004 Ralph Amissah SiSU lexmercatoria.org ii Contents Contents Lex Mercatoria: Law Sites 1 Law Sites - Other Subject Areas International Business/Commercial Law International Trade Law . . . . . . . . . International Economic Law . . . . . . . Information Technology Law . . . . . . . Law and Economics . . . . . . . . . . . Public International Law . . . . . . . . . Law and Politics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 16 Metadata SiSU Metadata, document information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Law Sites - Miscellany Some Influential Academic Law Sites on The Internet . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worldwide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . US . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Britain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Australia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Law Universities and Academics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Law on The Internet - Treaties, Conventions, Model Laws, Rules and Forms Treaties, Conventions, Model Laws and Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contract Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Law Libraries, Publishers and Research Guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Law Publishers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Law Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Research Guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Law Journals and Periodicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Law Firms and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Law Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Law Student Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Law Firms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Law Search and Find - Link Repositories, and Search Assistants . . . . . . . Law Sites Compendium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SiSU lexmercatoria.org . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii Lex Mercatoria: Law Sites Lex Mercatoria: Law Sites 1 Law Sites - Other Subject Areas 2 International Business/Commercial Law 3 This list does not attempt to be exhaustive. It provides links to sources we have found particularly useful, and to other more comprehensive lists of sources on the subject. ‹International Trade Law Materials Organised by Subject› 4 5 ‹Chronological list› of treaties, Conventions, Model Laws, Rules and other relevant trade instruments, by date of formulation 6 ‹International Organizations - Trade Related› 7 ‹Private International Commercial Law› 8 ‹International Trade Law› 9 ‹Eye on International Business Law› Chair Professor Dr. Klaus Peter Berger. Edited by Guido Zoellner at the Institute for International Business Law, University of Muenster, Germany. Author of “The Creeping Codification of the Lex Mercatoria”, Kluwer Law International (1999), 376 p. ‹Private international law› Law Links, University of Kent at Canterbury 10 11 ‹ASIL Guide to Private International Law› David A. Levy for the American Society of International Law ‹CISG - International Trade Database› at The Institute of International Commercial Law, Pace University, School of Law 12 13 ‹Privaatrecht› Universiteit Utrecht 14 ‹ContractsProfBlog› 15 International Trade Law 16 ‹International Trade Law Materials Organised by Subject› 17 ‹Chronological list› of treaties, Conventions, Model Laws, Rules and other relevant trade instruments, by date of formulation 18 ‹International Organizations - Trade Related› 19 ‹International Trade Law› 20 ‹International Business/ Commercial Law› 21 SiSU lexmercatoria.org 1 Lex Mercatoria: Law Sites ‹Guide to International Trade Law Sources on the Internet› Marci Hoffman, Foreign, Comparative & International Law Librarian, University of Minnesota Law Library ‹(previous)› ‹International Trade Law Links› International & Foreign Law Department E. B. Williams Law Library, Georgetown 22 23 ‹International trade law› Cornell 24 ‹Guide to Global Trade Law› Hieros Gamos 25 ‹Find Law International Trade Law› 26 ‹International Trade Law Research› Selected Internet Sites Prepared by Rosaria Vigorito 9/19/2000 ‹CISG - International Trade Database› at The Institute of International Commercial Law, Pace University, School of Law ‹Legal Aspects of International Trade and Investment› US Office of the Chief Counsel for International Commerce ‹ITA - International Trade Administration› ‹A Comprehensive Guide To International Trade Terms› compiled by USDOC, Office Of Administration CISG-online.ch previously the ‹CISG Rabel Website› at Institute of Foreign and International Law, University of Freiburg ‹link?› ‹Forum for International Trade Training› a Canadian non-profit organization 27 28 29 30 31 32 ‹International Trade Law› University of Bologna Research Guide to International Law on the Internet by Massimo Magagni ‹Private International Law› at the American Association of International Law 33 34 ‹Foreign and International Law Resources on the Internet› Annotated Cornell Law Library 35 ‹Queen Mary & Westfield College› 36 ‹International Trade› World Bank 37 International Economic Law 38 ‹International Economic Law› 39 ‹WTO related› 40 ‹Researching International Economic Law on the Internet› Institute of International Economic Law Georgetown University Law Center ‹World Trade ILS Reference Guides› Harvard University ‹research guides› SiSU lexmercatoria.org 41 42 2 Lex Mercatoria: Law Sites ‹ASIL Guide to International Economic Law› Jean M. Wenger for the American Society of International Law ‹Economic Law› 43 44 ‹International Trade & Economics› Bora Laskin Law Library, University of Toronto 45 ‹International Trade: Economic Issues› OECD 46 ‹World Economic Order and Social Order› 47 Information Technology Law 48 This list does not attempt to be exhaustive. It provides links to sources we have found particularly useful, and to other more comprehensive lists of sources on the subject. ‹Law and Information Technology Links› at NRCCL's Law and Information Technology Links Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law International & Transnational Law (and Foreign law lists) 49 50 51 International \046 Transnational Law (and Foreign law lists) Transnational Law (and Foreign law lists)|0mm 1tinyThis list does not attempt to be exhaustive. It provides links to sources we have found particularly useful, and to other more comprehensive lists of sources on the subject. tiny‹International and Foreign Legal Research› Advanced Legal Research Marci Hoffman, Boalt Hall Law School, 2002 tiny‹Legal Research on International Law Issues Using the Internet› ‹Internet Links› at D'Angelo Law Library, Law School, University of Chicago, list by Lyonette Louis-Jacques (University of Chicago) and Guy Alvarez ‹Foreign and International Law› tiny‹Research Sites by Topic› Yale Law School, Lillian Goldman Library tiny ‹Foreign and International Law› Willamette University College of Law Library tiny‹ASIL Guide to Resources for International Law› American Society of International Law ‹Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law› tiny‹EISIL - Electronic Information System for International Law› American Society of International Law tiny‹International Law Links› & ‹Foreign Laws on the Web› International & Foreign Law Department E. B. Williams Law Library, Georgetown tiny‹Multilaterals Project› Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy tiny ‹International Law Guides› Law Library Resource, LLRX tiny‹Transnational Law Links› by Luke Nottage & Hiroo Sono Kyushu University Law Faculty, Fukuoka, Japan tiny‹Central - Center for Transnational Law› Klaus Peter Berger, Friedrich Blase maintained by Florian Dietrich ‹Transnational Law Portal› and ‹Eye on International Business Law› Chair Professor Dr. Klaus Peter Berger. Edited by Guido Zoellner at the Institute for International Business Law, University of Muenster, Germany. Author of “The Creeping Codification SiSU lexmercatoria.org 3 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Lex Mercatoria: Law Sites of the Lex Mercatoria”, Kluwer Law International (1999), 376 p. tiny‹Treaties and international law› Internet Law Library, LawGuru.com tiny‹Globelaw - Sources and Reference Material› ‹ › tiny‹globalEDGE Resource Desk› maintained by the Michigan State University - Center for International Business Education and Research (MSU-CIBER). tiny‹Find Law - International Law› Stanford University tiny‹International and comparative law Subject Guides› Prof. Bernard J. Hibbitts tiny‹International Affairs Resources› WWW Virtual Library having taken over from tiny‹Research Guide to International Law on the Internet› Faculty of Political Science University of Bologna by Massimo Magagni tiny‹Multinational Reference› and ‹guide to law onlne› U.S. Library of Congress tiny‹Foreign and International Law Research Guides and Bibliographies› - O'Quinn Law Library, University of Houston Law Center tiny‹International Legal Links› ILN - International Lawyers Network tiny‹WWW Resources for International Legal Research› Jane Thompson and reference librarians at the University of Colorado Law Library tiny‹Yahoo - International Law› tiny‹International Law Links› at ‹Braumiller Rodriguez› Attorneys, Texas, US tiny‹The Practicing Attorney's Home Page - International Resources› tiny‹International Law Links› Anne Ritchies tiny ‹International Law› Cata Law tiny‹Washburn University School of Law› tiny‹University of British Columbia, Faculty of Law› *Law and Economics tinyThis list does not attempt to be exhaustive. It provides links to sources we have found particularly useful, and to other more comprehensive lists of sources on the subject. tiny‹“Law and Economics”› Tim Stanley at Find Law, originally at Stanford University tiny‹International Economic Law Links› American Society of International Law International Economic Law Group (Formerly Joel Trachtman's) Tufts tiny‹Economics related links› For more extensive links to economics tiny‹WebEC WWW Resources for Economists› Lauri Saarinen, Helsinki, Finland. tiny‹Focus on Law and Economics› Lyonette Louis-Jacques, University of Chicago tiny‹“Law and Economics” Mailbase› tiny‹The Scout Report for Business and Economics› “for faculty, students, staff and librarians in business and economics” a biweekly “selective collection of Internet resources covering topics in the field that have been chosen by librarians and content specialists in the given area of study” University of Wisconsin, Madison *Public International Law tinyThis list does not attempt to be exhaustive. It provides links to sources we have found particularly useful, and to other more comprehensive lists of sources on the subject. tiny‹Public International Law› by Francis Auburn, University of Western Australia *Law and Politics tiny‹Law and Politics Internet Guide› “Designed for the legal profession, academia and the public, Law and Politics: Internet Guide is your one-stop source for legal research.” tiny‹PAIS› OCLC Public Affairs Information Service “current issues and actions which affect the world communities, countries, and governments.” tiny‹Global Policy Forum› “we monitor global policy making at the United Nations” ParagraphIndent0mm‹Hot Topics› SiSU lexmercatoria.org 4 Lex Mercatoria: Law Sites Law Sites - Miscellany 99 Some Influential Academic Law Sites on The Internet 100 This list does not attempt to be exhaustive. It provides links to sources we have found particularly useful, and to other more comprehensive lists of sources on the subject. Worldwide 101 102 ‹Colleges and Universities (All)› Christina DeMello at MIT 103 ‹Directory of legal academia (U.S.)› ‹Other Directories of Lawyers & Law Organizations› LII Cornell University US 104 105 ‹The Legal Information Institute› at Cornell Law School 106 ‹Law Material Organised Alphabetically by Subject› 107 ‹Law Material Organised by Subject› 108 Recent 109 ‹“Shortcut to heavily used resources for regulars”› 110 ‹Big Ear: Current Legal Resources on the Net› 111 ‹Chicago Kent, Law School› 112 ‹Guide to Legal Resources› 113 ‹Legal Information Center› 114 ‹Law College Library› 115 ‹Library of International Relations› 116 ‹The Legal Domain Network› Legal Mailing Lists and Discussion Groups on the Internet 117 ‹CALI› 118 ‹Indiana University Law School› - Bloomington. 119 ‹The Law List› 120 ‹Online Research Resources› 121 ‹Hieros Gamos› comprehensive site for the legal profession SiSU lexmercatoria.org 122 5 Lex Mercatoria: Law Sites ‹Legal Publications Database› 123 ‹Rutgers Law School› - Newark 124 ‹Washington & Lee University› 125 ‹International Law› 126 US short-list 127 ‹Yale University Law School› 128 ‹Havard University Law School› 129 ‹Stanford University Law School› 130 ‹Columbia University Law School› 131 ‹University of Chicago Law School› 132 ‹Boalt Hall School of Law› University of California Berkeley 133 ‹New York University Law School› 134 ‹University of Virginia Law School› 135 ‹Duke University Law School› 136 ‹University of Michigan Law School› 137 ‹University of Pennsylvania Law School› 138 ‹Cornell University Law School› 139 ‹Concord University Law School› Will the World's first Internet law school hoist the future of legal education (traditionally conservative) into cyberspace? ‹Researching U.S. Treaties and Agreements› by Marci Hoffman for LLRX 140 141 Britain 142 ‹Queen Mary & Westfield College Department of Law› ‹Centre for Commercial Law Studies› 143 ‹Institute of Advanced Legal Studies› 144 Not a university programme but worth following closely: 145 ‹British and Irish Legal Information Institute› (2000) 146 SiSU ‹Free the Law UK› 147 ‹Society for Computers and Law› 148 lexmercatoria.org 6 Lex Mercatoria: Law Sites ‹Oxford University Faculty of Law› 149 ‹Cambridge University Law Faculty› 150 ‹Materials, Research Guides &?Journals› 151 ‹International Documents and Sources› 152 ‹Legal Resources on the Internet› 153 ‹Law Reports› 154 ‹Law Journals› 155 ‹Faculty of Law - University of Bristol› 156 ‹Warwick› ‹Law School› ‹Law Technology Center› ‹Law Courseware Consortium› 157 ‹Legal information on the internet - an annotated list of web sites› compiled by Sarah Carter, University of Kent @ Canterbury Law School 158 ‹International Law› 159 ‹Private International Law› 160 ‹British Universities› 161 ‹Portal to Legal Sites and Resources in the UK› (relocate) 162 ‹A Guide to the UK Legal System - Updated› by Sarah Carter for LLRX 163 Australia 164 ‹AustLII - Australasian Legal Information Institute› Revolutionising legal publishing on a continent. AustLII is a joint facility of the Faculties of Law at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) and the University of New South Wales (UNSW) ‹Public International Law› by Francis Auburn, University of Western Australia 165 166 Law Universities and Academics 167 This list does not attempt to be exhaustive. It provides links to sources we have found particularly useful, and to other more comprehensive lists of sources on the subject. ‹Colleges and Universities (All)› Christina DeMello at MIT 168 169 ‹Directory of legal academia (U.S.)› ‹Other Directories of Lawyers & Law Organizations› LII Cornell University 170 ‹Law Professors Network - The Legal Education Portal› JURIST by Bernard J. Hibbitts 171 ‹Jurist› The Legal Education Portal by Bernard J. Hibbitts, 1999 172 SiSU lexmercatoria.org 7 Lex Mercatoria: Law Sites ‹Legal Minds› Find Law 173 ‹RealSci› Academic Resource Channel 174 ‹Mind Harbor› 175 Law on The Internet - Treaties, Conventions, Model Laws, Rules and Forms 176 This list does not attempt to be exhaustive. It provides links to sources we have found particularly useful, and to other more comprehensive lists of sources on the subject. 177 #treaties Treaties, Conventions, Model Laws, Rules 178 #forms Contract Forms 179 Treaties, Conventions, Model Laws and Rules 180 ‹Fletcher's Multilateral Treaties Project› 181 ‹Juris International› a multilingual collection (English, Spanish, and French) of legal information on international trade... “the result of a partnership between the International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO -” ITC “ ( project leader : Jean-Fran?ois Bourque, Senior Adviser) , LexUM of the Center for Research in Public Law at the University of Montreal, Canada (project leader: Professor Daniel Poulin) and Juripole from the University of Nancy, France (project leader : Professor Fran?ois Jacquot)The partnership became official in November 1998 during the international conference ” Partners for development “ held in Lyon under the auspices of the United Nations. The arrangement of a partnership between international organizations and institutions from civil society seemed a pratical and viable means to attain the objectives of Juris International.” ‹ASIL Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law› American Society for International Law 182 183 ‹International Treaties and Trade› 184 ‹Treaties and International Law› U.S. House of Representatives 185 ‹Collections of Multi-national Conventions› US Library of Congress 186 gopher://gopher.law.cornell.edu/11/foreign/fletcher Treaties Cornell 187 gopher://wiretap.spies.com/11/Gov/Treaties Treaties Wiretap 188 ‹Foreign and International Law› 189 ‹International Documents and Sources› at the Lauterpacht Research Centre for International Law ‹LM - Lex Mercatoria› SiSU 190 191 lexmercatoria.org 8 Lex Mercatoria: Law Sites ‹Forms - Internet Legal Resource Guide› 192 ‹Treaties - Research Guides› by Janet Sinder and updated by Katherine Topulos Duke University School of Law ‹Locating Treaties Online› By Joseph W. Krippel 193 194 ‹NataNet - Treaties, Free Trade Agreements, & International Agreements› National Law Center for Inter American Free Trade ‹House of Lords Judicial Business› England ‹House of Lords› Her Majesty's Stationary Office ‹Acts of Parliament› ‹Researching Non-U.S. Treaties› by Stefanie Weigmann for LLRX 195 196 197 Contract Forms 198 ‹Forms - `Lectric Law Library› 199 ‹CyberLaw Encyclopedia› “The I.T., I.P. and Electronic Commerce Legal Portal(tm)” Alan Gahtan 200 ‹Contracts By Category› State Contracts Online 201 ‹Computer Contracts› FCW Government Technology Group 202 ‹DigiContracts› “Automated Drafting of Contracts and Proposals For Software and Internet Companies ContractMaker? 4.0 Legal Contract Drafting Software” (Free evaluation) ‹Quickforms Contracts› “Automated Drafting of Documents for Computer Industry, Internet Commerce and General Business Transactions.” 203 204 ‹Real Contracts› Janet Ruhl 205 Freeserve's Desktop Lawyer 206 LawNet 207 Law Libraries, Publishers and Research Guides 208 This list does not attempt to be exhaustive. It provides links to sources we have found particularly useful, and to other more comprehensive lists of sources on the subject. 209 #libraries Libraries 210 #publishers Publishers 211 #research Research Guides 212 ‹Bookshops› may also be of interest 213 SiSU lexmercatoria.org 9 Lex Mercatoria: Law Sites Law Publishers 214 ‹AquWeb› Directory of Law Publishers 215 ‹Publishers› Virtual Library 216 ‹Sweet & Maxwell,› England 217 ‹Butterworths,› England 218 ‹Cameron May,› England 219 ‹Juris Publishing› 220 ‹Kluwer Law International› 221 ‹Oceana› 222 ‹Lexis Nexis› and ‹Publishing› 223 ‹West Group› and their ‹index› and ‹West Publishing› 224 ‹LOIS› 225 ‹Euromoney Training› 226 Law Libraries 227 ‹IFLA National Libraries› International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions 228 ‹European National Libraries› 229 ‹BIBSYS› Shared library database for all Norwegian Universities and the National Library. (English Home Page) 230 ‹Library Search Facility (WWW)› 231 ‹US Law Library Catalogues› 232 ‹Library of Congress - Legislative Information on the Internet› also ‹Thomas› 233 ‹Library of Congress Z39 50 Search Gateway› 234 ‹US House of Representatives Internet Law Library› 235 ‹HYTELNET› Library Catalogues 237 ‹LibWeb› Berkely 238 ‹WebCats› 239 ‹Library Links› DocDel 240 ‹The Bodleian Law Library› University of Oxford 241 SiSU lexmercatoria.org 10 Lex Mercatoria: Law Sites ‹School of Advanced Legal Studies› University of London ‹Catalogue› 242 ‹HG Legal Publications Database› sponsored by Kluwer 243 ‹Foreign and International Law Librarians at Law Journal Extra› ‹Foreign and International Law Librarians at Cornell› 244 ‹Oxford University Law Journals› 245 ‹Lexis› 246 ‹Bodleian Law Library› University of Oxford also their ‹Guides› 247 ‹Law Library Resources› of the University of Southern California ‹Internet Training Materials› ‹Lovdata.› Norwegian Law Database 248 249 Research Guides 250 ‹Research Guides› Duke University School of Law Library 251 Law Journals and Periodicals 252 This list does not attempt to be exhaustive. It provides links to sources we have found particularly useful, and to other more comprehensive lists of sources on the subject. ‹Legal Journals on the Web› maintained by Wendy Nobunaga Catalog Librarian University of Southern California Law Library 253 254 ‹Law Journals› Wash Law Web ‹alternative source› 255 ‹Legal and Law Related Journals› Hieros Gamos 256 ‹Law Journals, Newsletters and On-line Publications› Indiana University 257 ‹Internet Law Journal› 258 ‹UK Law Journals Directory› at Warwick University 259 ‹University Law Review Project› at Find Law 260 ‹Law Journal Extra› 261 ‹The Lawyer› English Newspaper for the Legal Profession 262 ‹WebJournal of Current Legal Issues› Published at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne in association with Blackstone Press Ltd ISSN 1360-1326 263 ‹Jurist› The Legal Education Portal Bernard J. Hibbitts, 1999 264 ‹Practice Areas› 265 SiSU lexmercatoria.org 11 Lex Mercatoria: Law Sites ‹National Law Journal› 266 ‹New York Law Journal› 267 ‹Tech Law Journal› 268 ‹Technology and Intellectual Property Journals› Journal of Technology Law and Policy, University of Florida 269 ‹International Journal of Law & Information Technology› Oxford University 270 ‹Berkely Technology Law Journal› 271 ‹Law Technology› 272 ‹LAIR The Legal Automation and Internet Review› at Tarlton Law Library, University of Texas. 273 ‹Internet Reference Desk.› 274 ‹NETWATCHERS› 275 Law Firms and Associations 276 This list does not attempt to be exhaustive. It provides links to sources we have found particularly useful, and to other more comprehensive lists of sources on the subject. 277 #associations Law Associations 278 #students Law Student Associations 279 #firms Law Firms 280 Law Associations 281 ‹ABA American Bar Association› 282 ‹American Society of International Law› 283 ‹Hieros Gamos› 284 ‹International Bar Association› 285 ‹Lex Mundi› 286 ‹LExpert› 287 ‹International Association of Contract and Commercial Managers› 288 SiSU lexmercatoria.org 12 Lex Mercatoria: Law Sites Law Student Associations 289 ‹ELSA International› European Law Students Association 290 ‹ILSA International Law Students Association› 291 ‹Touro Law Center ILSA› 292 ‹Various Law Student Associations› 293 Law Firms 294 ‹Law Firms Links› at the WWW Virtual Law Library 295 ‹Law Firms and Lawyers on the Internet› at the Internet Legal Resource Guide 296 ‹International Commercial Law› “official site of the legal 500 series” 297 ‹UK Law Firms› 298 ‹Link› “the UK's leading online community for legal professionals and organisations” 299 ‹Law Firms Online› from Law Journal Extra 300 ‹Allen & Overy› 301 ‹Baker & McKenzie› 302 ‹Clifford Chance› 303 ‹Field Fisher Waterhouse› 304 ‹Freshfields› 305 ‹Gouldens› 306 ‹Lawrence Graham› 307 ‹MacFarlanes› 308 ‹Taylor Joynson Garrett› 309 ‹Theodore Goddard› 310 ‹Travers Smith Braithwaite› 311 ‹Watson, Farley & Williams› 312 ‹Weil, Gotshal & Manges› 313 ‹Wasserman, Schneider & Babb› International Trade ‹Links› 314 ‹Braumiller & Rodriguez, L.L.C.› a Customs and International Trade Law Firm 315 ‹The Technology Law Resource› Kuester Law 316 ‹The Law Office› MSN and the LRC (check) 317 SiSU lexmercatoria.org 13 Lex Mercatoria: Law Sites Law Search and Find - Link Repositories, and Search Assistants 318 This list does not attempt to be exhaustive. It provides links to sources we have found particularly useful, and to other more comprehensive lists of sources on the subject. There is no ranking, and the “mere puffs” [advertising] where available are included as “appetizers”. 319 ‹World Law› AustLII 320 ‹Find Law› originally at Stanford University 321 ‹LawCrawler› Find Law 322 ‹WWW Virtual Law Library› Sponsored by: The Indiana University School of Law Library and The World Wide Web Virtual Library ‹Legal information on the internet - an annotated list of web sites› compiled by Sarah Carter, University of Kent @ Canterbury Law School ‹Law.com› “the best destination for anyone wanting legal information” 323 324 325 ‹Law.com/uk› 326 ‹Law Stuff USA› 327 ‹All Law› The Lawyer's Homepage ‹ › 328 ‹Katsuey's Legal Gateway› 329 ‹MegaLaw› “Lawyers' Window to the Web” 330 ‹CataLaw› Metaindex of law and government “CATALAW is the catalog of catalogs of law on the `net. It speeds research by arranging all legal and government indexes on the `net into a single, simple, intuitive metaindex.” ‹Legal Dot› “ LdN is for those who provide, regulate, support or are merely interested in knowing about legal services.” ‹Internet Legal Resource Guide› originally at the University of Texas, School of Law “this site was established to serve as a comprehensive resource of the information available on the Internet concerning law and the legal profession, with an emphasis on the United States of America. Designed for everyone, lay persons and legal scholars alike, it is quality controlled to include only the most substantive legal resources online. The selection criteria are predicated on two principles: the extent to which the resource is unique, as well as the relative value of the information it provides” ‹Law Links› “the Internet's most comprehensive legal resource site for both Attorneys and Consumers.” ‹W3 Lawyer› New Jersey Law Network SiSU lexmercatoria.org 331 332 333 334 335 14 Lex Mercatoria: Law Sites ‹Internet Tools for Attorneys› 336 ‹LogCity Legal Section› at ‹LOGcity› see also ‹Services› 337 ‹The WWW Virtual Library Law List› at Indiana University School of Law. Their ‹alternative law list.› 338 ‹The Legal Information Institute› at Cornell Law School 339 ‹Hieros Gamos› comprehensive site for the legal profession 340 ‹Legal Publications Database› sponsored by Kluwer 341 ‹Law Web› “The final, authoritative, ”mother of all“ comprehensive directory of lawyer or law firm home pages on the World Wide Web. ” 342 ‹LawRunner› using Alta Vista. Limited to US sites. 343 ‹Practicing Attorney's Home Page› 344 ‹Yahoo - Law› 345 ‹Law Guru› 346 ‹Law Review› 347 ‹EINet Galaxy Law and Regulation List› ‹Topical List› ‹International Maritime & Commercial Law List› 348 ‹InterSoft Solutions› 349 ‹Emory Law Library Reference Desk› 350 ‹WashLaw Web› and ‹RefLaw› 351 ‹Law Info› 352 ‹“Law Related Sites on Internet”› from the University of Waikato, New Zealand 353 ‹Internet Sleuth - Legal Information› 354 ‹Meta-Index for Legal Research› 355 ‹The Legal List› Erik Heels 356 ‹World Law Resource List› Makoto Ibusuki 357 ‹LAIR The Legal Automation and Internet Review› at Tarlton Law Library, University of Texas. ‹Internet Reference Desk› SiSU 358 359 lexmercatoria.org 15 Lex Mercatoria: Law Sites Law Sites Compendium 360 ‹Commercial Law› 361 ‹Influential Law Sites on The Internet› 362 ‹Information Technology Law› 363 ‹International Law› 364 ‹Law Journals and Periodicals› 365 ‹Law Search and Find› - Link Repositories, and Search Assistants 366 ‹Law and Economics› 367 ‹Law Firms and Associations› 368 ‹Law Libraries and Publishers› 369 ‹Public International Law› 370 ‹Law on The Internet› - Treaties, Conventions, Model Laws, Rules and Forms 371 ‹Law Universities and Academics› 372 SiSU lexmercatoria.org 16 Lex Mercatoria: Law Sites Metadata SiSU Metadata, document information Document Manifest @: ‹http://www.jus.uio.no/lm/law.sites/sisu_manifest.html› Title: Lex Mercatoria: Law Sites Creator: Ralph Amissah Rights: Copyright (C) 2004 Ralph Amissah Subject: law sites Publisher: SiSU ‹http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu› (this copy) Date: 2004 Version Information Sourcefile: law.sites.sst Filetype: SiSU text 2.0 SHA256(law.sites.sst)=90196506fedaf78fc6795ccd5a01d4a9ebad63bc00eb66920f4b0c56220ed1c2 SHA256(skin_lm.rb)=5acda64a9532f9ef6b71693da2b471d4efac2f23a8499e68de066eec8ea9b8e9 Source Digest: Skin Digest: Generated Document (dal) last generated: Wed Sep 01 14:19:45 -0400 2010 Generated by: SiSU 2.6.3 of 2010w30/3 (2010-07-28) Ruby version: ruby 1.8.7 (2010-08-16 patchlevel 302) [i486-linux] SiSU lexmercatoria.org 17