CONSUMER CONNECTIONS IN A CONVERGING WORLD OF SCREENS Highlights of Nielsen & Videology Research: Meet the New Media Consumer in Malaysia, 2014 Sponsored by Videology TODAY’S CONSUMER IS ON A NEW MEDIA JOURNEY Right Time Right Place Right Screen 2 NEW RESEARCH HELPS ADVERTISERS PLOT THE COMPLEX COURSE Nielsen’s Malaysia Cross-Platform Report — A collaboration with Videology • • • • • 1,000 respondents surveyed Online users aged 16 years and above Demographics quotas ensured sample representation Respondents could reply on any connected device Responses collected April and May 2014 3 KEY THEMES 1 2 Consumers are more connected than ever before. Consumers crave content, and they want it how and when they want it… Source: Nielsen Cross-Platform Series, 2014| Malaysia 3 As a result, video consumption in particular is escalating, as the majority of consumers in Malaysia now watch Internetsourced TV content. 4 Consumers are actively shaping their own media experiences, from new device adoption to multi-screening consumption behaviour. 4 1 INCREASING CONNECTIVITY Malaysian households have access to more connected technology than ever before… • More devices to access content • More platforms for media companies to monetize audiences • More opportunity for brands to engage consumers 5 WHEN IT COMES TO VOD, PC IS STILL KING Laptops and mobile devices support a broad range of locations for video content consumption, but home-based viewing dominates Device for VOD access Laptop / desktop Location of viewing VOD 83 At home in the living room 75 At home in a room other than the… TV screen 42 Mobile phone 41 Tablet Portable media player / 5 handheld games device 35 70 At work/school/uni/c… 29 Friend/relative's home 24 While travelling/on holiday, in hotel,… While commuting/on… 18 14 In an internet café 11 In a public place (e.g. beach, park) 10 6 INCREASING CONNECTIVITY CONSUMERS IN MALAYSIA SPEND 20 HOURS PER WEEK ONLINE OUTSIDE OF WORK Malays are actively engaged online, spending nearly the equivalent of 3 full work days online each week Average total time spent online each week for personal purposes, via any device 2014 20 2011 20 Total 21 21 19 Male 18 Female 20 16 21 21 21 21 20 17 16 16-20 21-29 30-39 40-49 50+ Average total time spent online each week for personal purposes, via any device – 2014 vs 2011 7 INCREASING CONNECTIVITY TECHNOLOGY HAS SHIFTED Tablet usage has doubled in three years, and 88% of Malays own a smartphone Owned technology among online Malays (Smartphone is personal ownership, all other devices are household ownership) 88 81 68 65 64 62 49 49 37 32 28 ‘Connected TV’ combines Smart TV and TV which connects to the internet via a separate device. 8 INCREASING CONNECTIVITY PHONES & TABLETS HAVE OPENED NEW WINDOWS TO CONNECTIVITY Phones are more regularly accessed than laptops to access internet Devices used for internet access Mobile phone 31 Laptop/Notebook 40 Desktop PC 42 20 Tablet computer 7 Connected TV 2 0 Games console 2 0 Handheld media player 4 2 0 PVR/DVR 3 1 7 5 23 82 62 41 63 79 61 Ever accessed Regularly accessed Most often access 9 INCREASING CONNECTIVITY MEANWHILE, TRADITIONAL DEVICE USAGE IS DECLINING Compared to 2011, mobile phone and tablet usage is growing, while traditional device usage has declined Devices ever used for internet access Mobile phone 73 79 Laptop/Notebook 61 Desktop PC Tablet computer 34 Connected TV 7 Games console 5 Handheld media player 4 PVR/DVR 82 3 41 87 92 2014 2011 19 23 22 20 10 2 MORE CONTENT, MORE CONSUMPTION Consumers crave content, and are accessing it in more ways than ever… • A seemingly endless list of content sources • Digital media being consumed throughout the entire day • The growth of “portable” media being used throughout the day 11 MORE CONTENT, MORE CONSUMPTION ONLINE MEDIA IS AN EVER-PRESENT PART OF CONSUMERS’ DAYS Digital media is constantly being consumed in Malaysia 90 80 70 Online activities across day-parts (as a proportion of total online population) – Using the Internet TV Prime Time – Listening to the Radio 60 – Reading Print Newspaper 50 – Watching Traditional TV 40 30 20 10 0 Early morning Before 9am Morning 9am before 12pm Lunch time Early Afternoon Late Afternoon 12pm - before 2pm - before 4pm - before 2pm 4pm 6pm Early Evening 6pm - before 8pm Mid Evening 8pm - before 10pm Late Evening 10pm onwards 12 MORE CONTENT, MORE CONSUMPTION DIFFERENT DEVICES ARE USED TO CONNECT AT DIFFERENT TIMES OF THE DAY Smartphone content constantly being accessed, while laptop and tablet usage peaks during TV primetime 40 35 Online access by device across day-parts (as a proportion of total online population) 30 25 – Mobile Phone – Laptop/Notebook – Desktop PC – Tablet 20 15 10 5 0 Early morning Morning 9am - Lunch time Early Afternoon Late Afternoon Early Evening Before 9am before 12pm 12pm - before 2pm - before 4pm - before 6pm - before 2pm 4pm 6pm 8pm Mid Evening 8pm - before 10pm Late Evening 10pm onwards 13 DUAL SCREENING APPROACHING SATURATION Simultaneous media consumption (TV + Online) – 2014 vs 2011 2014 2011 93 95 93 93 94 93 94 94 82 71 69 73 74 72 74 61 52 Total Male Female 16-20 years 21-29 years 30-39 years 40-49 ( 40+, 2011) 50+ 14 DUAL SCREENING IS A POPULAR DAILY ACTIVITY We are witnessing an evolution in media consumption behaviour… Nearly nine in 10 Malaysia dual screeners do so at least weekly Frequency of dual screening – 2014 vs 2011 (among those who dual screen) 2014 36 2011 31 Daily Almost every day 30 23 Several times per week 18 29 Once per week 4 3 9 4 9 5 Once or twice per month Less often 15 MORE CONTENT, MORE CONSUMPTION THERE IS MORE VIDEO CONTENT THAN EVER FOR MALAYS TO CONSUME Consumers are spending most of their media time consuming rich content (video and audio) Total average hours per week—for personal purposes (among activity user base) Total Internet TV 11.4 Illegal (pirated) sources of TV shows or movies… 9.9 Broadcast TV 8.1 Accessing the internet via mobile phone 7.3 TV snippets or entire shows streamed on YouTube 6.8 Playing games on a pc, laptop, mobile device or console 6.5 Time-shifted TV 6.3 Watching online videos (excluding TV programs and… 5.5 Accessing the internet via a tablet 5.5 Legal internet sources of movies and TV programs 5.4 Accessing news online, on websites or apps 4.3 Listening to the radio Reading a newspaper 3.7 3.0 16 3 THE ESCALATION OF VIDEO CONTENT Across Malaysia, online video consumption is growing steadily… • Growth seen especially strongly in younger audiences • Massive uptick in consumption via mobile devices 17 ACROSS SOUTHEAST ASIA, TV HABITS OF DIGITAL CONSUMERS ARE SHIFTING More than six in 10 Southeast Asian digital consumers obtain TV or movie content from online sources Internet TV penetration 2014 68 Malaysia 67 62 61 Indonesia 76 71 Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam 18 BROADCAST TV REMAINS STRONG BUT VOD IS GROWING Consumers in Malaysia now obtain their video content from a variety of sources – traditional and digital How TV and movie content is accessed in 2014 74 Broadcast TV TV / movie snippets or entire shows streamed on sites like YouTube 34 Legal (non pirated) internet sources or video on demand services Time-shifted TV Illegal (pirated sources) such as BitTorrent, Usenet etc. Combined Internet TV 31 21 19 61 19 THE ESCALATION OF VIDEO STRONG GROWTH FOR MALAYSIAN DIGITAL VIDEO General online video behaviour—streaming and/or downloading (Any online video, not specifically TV and movie content) 2014 89 2011 89 80 80 67 L12M Monthly 62 Weekly 20 THE ESCALATION OF VIDEO YOUTUBE AND LOCAL PUBLISHERS SATISFYING MALAYSIA’S VIDEO APPETITE Popular sources of online video and genres of digital video consumed YouTube Facebook Dailymotion Google Video PPS.TV Youku/?? Twitter Todou/?? Yahoo Video Xunlei/???? Other illegal PPTV Metacafe MTV MSN Video MySpace 89 70 37 27 22 20 20 Movies 93 Entertainment 86 Music shows/music… 82 Overseas drama series 82 News/current affairs… 75 19 Lifestyle 19 Local drama series 73 Documentaries 72 18 17 16 75 News/current affairs… 72 15 Overseas sport not… 66 14 Local sport, available… 66 13 12 Childrens programs 26 9 8 21 REGULAR VIEWING IS COMMON: 1/3 TUNE IN ON A DAILY BASIS Frequency of viewing VOD (among those accessing VOD services) 36 Daily About once every 2 weeks 14 About every other day About once a month 33 A few times each week Less often than once a month 10 3 1 2 About once a week 22 THE ESCALATION OF VIDEO AS DIGITAL VIDEO VIEWERSHIP RISES, OTHER MEDIA USAGE IS DECLINING Over the past 3 years, more Malays are moving online for their video Total average hours per week—for personal purposes 8.1 Broadcast TV 10.6 5.4 4.8 Legal internet sources of movies and TV programs 4.9 9.9 Illegal (pirated) sources of TV shows or movies downloaded / streamed from the internet Reading a newspaper 2011 6.3 Time-shifted TV Listening to the radio 2014 7.1 3.7 5.8 3.0 4.3 23 THE ESCALATION OF VIDEO VIDEO CONSUMPTION THROUGH MOBILE DEVICES SHOWS THE GREATEST JUMP The massive growth in consumption is even more noticeable amongst younger consumers Accessing online video via mobile phone (among total online population) 2014 39 37 36 23 35 22 38 33 33 23 2011 24 28 26 22 15 4 Total Male Female 16-20 21-29 30-39 40-49 50+ 24 4 THE NEW MEDIA EXPERIENCE In Malaysia, consumers are actively shaping their own media experiences • Increasing usage of “second screens” while watching TV • Activities on second screen often tied to content being watched on TV • This provides big opportunities for advertisers 25 THE NEW MEDIA EXPERIENCE DUAL-SCREENING IS BECOMING THE NEW NORM 93% of consumers in Malaysia now say they consume TV and online media simultaneously; this is especially true amongst a younger audience Simultaneous media consumption—TV + online 2014 2011 93 93 93 94 93 94 94 82 71 69 73 74 72 74 61 Total Male Female 16-20 years 21-29 years 30-39 years 40-49 ( 40+, 2011) 50+ 26 THE NEW MEDIA EXPERIENCE SMARTPHONES ARE NOW THE PRIMARY DEVICE FOR DUAL-SCREENING Smartphone and Tablet dual-screening is on the rise Device used for dual screening Mobile Phone Laptop/Notebook 63 16 Tablet computer (e.g. iPad) 59 11 2 Portable media player (i.e. iPod… 2 Games Console 79 33 Desktop PC TV (internet enabled) 84 34 1 Use regularly Use most often 40 37 37 27 THE NEW MEDIA EXPERIENCE CONSUMERS ARE TAKING ACTION AFTER SEEING VIDEO ADS 60% of consumers have made a purchase after seeing a video ad on their laptop or computer Using 'search' after seeing a video ad on... Desktop / laptop Mobile device 17 16 28 Making a purchase after seeing a video ad on... 36 17 29 29 22 Never Once 2-3 times in the past 4 or more times in the past I don't access the Internet on this type of device 3 5 Desktop / laptop Mobile device 40 47 23 23 17 19 12 11 3 6 Never Once 2-3 times in the past 4 or more times in the past I don't access the Internet on this type of device 28 THANK YOU 29