16 th International Scientific and Practical Coiled Tubing, Hydraulic
Fracturing and Well Intervention Conference
Petrovskiy A+B Hall, Aerostar Hotel, Moscow
Supported by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
09.00 –10.00
Registration of participants
09.30 –10.00
Coffee Reception
Formal Opening of the Conference
Section 1
The Assessment of the Current Coiled Tubing (CT) and Hydraulic Fracturing (HF) Market
Volume Expressed in Physical and Monetary Terms. CT and HF Market Behavior Forecast for 2015-2020. Vadim Kravets, Lead Analyst, RPI Research and Consulting
Time-Proved Solutions. Future Outlook. Yuri Belugin, Head of Products Sales and Promotion
Department, NOV FIDMASH
Unique Offshore Coiled Tubing Intervention Experience on the ERD Wells of North Caspian.
Michael Lobov, Well Intervention Project Manager, Schlumberger
Experience of Hydraulic Fracturing Introduction at Domanic Deposits. Shale Oil Production in the Republic of Tatarstan. Maxim Fadeev, Deputy Head, Hydraulic Fracturing Operations
Department, Tatneft-LeninogorskRemService, LLC
The Results of New EOR Technologies Introduction into the Development of Oilfields in the Republic of Belarus. N.A. Demyanenko, Ph.D., A.V. Serebrennikov, P.P. Povzhik,
S.D. Klochkov, V.G. Pysenkov, V.G. Zhoglo, V.V. Privalov, N.I. Budnik, RUP PO Belorusneft
11.40–12.00 Coffee break
Section 2
The Session is sponsored by Weatherford
ReelFrac™ Packer and ReelFrac Compression-Set Straddle Packer System for Unlimited
Multistage Fracturing and Refrac Operations. Sergey Kovalev, Region Coiled Tubing & Thru-
Tubing Product Line Manager, Timur Sabitov, Technical Sales Manager Coiled Tubing and
Thru Tubing, Weatherford
Primary Sponsor Sponsor of technical sections Sponsor of coffee breaks
Conference Partner
16 th International Scientific and Practical Coiled Tubing, Hydraulic
Fracturing and Well Intervention Conference
Refracturing. Ron Clarke, Honorary Editor of Coiled Tubing Times Journal*
CT Implementation Comparison on Different Multi-Stage Completions. Igor Demenchuk,
Well Intervention Technical and Sales Engineer, Schlumberger
Large-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing Equipment. R.M. Scherbin, Head of Pumping Equipment
Department, FID Group
Development and Hydraulic Fracturing of Formations with Different Physical and Operation
Properties within One Well. Ivan Les’, Deputy Head of CT Department, Packer Service, LLC
New Directions in the Sphere of High-Tech Oil and Gas Service Information Support.
Oleg Konovalov, Ph.D., Belorussian State University (BSU)
Brasserie Erte Restaurant, 4 th floor
Section 3
Coiled Tubing Application at the Super-Vicious Oilfields of Tatneft, OJSC. Yaroslav Egorov,
Deputy Head, Process Department, Tatneft-AktyubinskRemService, LLC
Innovative Coiled Tubing Technologies for Hydrocarbons Recovery Intensification.
Sergey Atrushkevich, Chief Designer, First Deputy Director, Novinka, CJSC
Application of Mongoose Multi-Stage Fracturing Technology with Sliding Sleeves.
Alexey Bairamov, Chief Technology Officer, EWS, LLC
Multi-stage Hyfraulic Fracturing Experience at the Oilfields of RUP PO Belorusneft in
2014-2015. D.A. Zakruzhniy, Senior Engineer, D.V. Vorobjev, Head of Department, RUP
PO Belorusneft
Advanced High-Tech Equipment for Well Intervention and Logging Operations with the Application of Coiled Tubing Units. Sergey Tereshko, Design Engineer, Novinka, CJSC
Chemical Agents and Acid Treatment Technologies Developed in the R&D Center
“Oilfield Chemistry”. Lucia Davletshina, Ph.D, Associate Professor, Chemicals Technology
Department, Section Leader, R&D Center “Oilfield Chemistry”, The I.M. Gubkin RSU of Oil and Gas
Coffee break
Section 4
New Radial Drilling Technology. Pavel Popov, Director, Neftegastechnology, LLC
Mining-Downhole and Coiled Tubing Technologies for Development and Production of Hard-to-Recover Oil and Gas Reserves. A.V. Ilyusha, Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Prof., V.Ya. Afanasjev, Doctor of Econimics, Prof., V.Yu. Linnik, Doctor of Econimics, Prof.,
V.V. Sherstkin, Ph.D., Ass. Prof., The State University of Management
New Completion Technologies for Multistage Frac. Ivan Bochkarev, Completion Engineer for MSF, Schlumberger
16 th International Scientific and Practical Coiled Tubing, Hydraulic
Fracturing and Well Intervention Conference
Recovery of Formation Connection with the Application of Coiled Tubing, Multi-Stage
Frac Sleeve Activation and Hydraulic Jet Perforation. Alexander Andruschik, Fishing
Operator, Packer Service, LLC
RUP PO Belorusneft’s Experience in the Application of Technology of Deeply-Penetrating
Radial Filtration Channels Creation. Development trends. N.A. Demyanenko, Ph.D.,
S.D. Klochkov, M.I. Galay, D.L. Tretjakov, V.S. Semenkov, RUP PO Belorusneft
Influence of Field Factors on the Coiled Tubing String Lifetime. A.G. Molchanov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, S.V. Romanenko, Ph.D., V.G. Pevnev, Ph.D., V.N. Frolova,
The I.M. Gubkin RSU of Oil and Gas
Formal evening reception. INTERVENTION TECHNOLOGY AWARD presentation.
Arhangelskoe pavilion, Aerostar Hotel courtyard
Petrovskiy A+B Hall, Aerostar Hotel, Moscow
Coffee Reception
Section 5
CT Camera Application – Is the Key to Solve the Problem in the Well. Dmitry Koshkin,
Well Intervention Technical and Sales Engineer, Schlumberger
UBCTD – Finally, a Single Source Approach for Multi Well Projects. Ron Clarke, Honorary
Editor of Coiled Tubing Times Journal*
The Technology of Dual Completion in Wells with High Gas to Oil Ratio. D.L. Tretjakov,
N.А. Demyanenko, Ph.D., M.I. Galay, P.P. Selkin, S.D. Klochkov, RUP PO Belorusneft
Estimation of CT Fatigue Strength Using Lifecycle Simulations. Nelson Perozo Baptista,
Master of Sciences, Institute of Petroleum Engineering, Technical University Clausthal*
Development of Diverter Composition on the Basis of Aluminum Polyoxychloride for EOR
Operations in Low-Permeability Reservoirs. Kira Poteshkina, Ph.D. student, R&D Center
“Oilfield Chemistry”, The I.M. Gubkin RSU of Oil and Gas
Coffee break
Section 6
Application of Acid-Soluble Cement Plugs Removable by Coiled Tubing with Jet Blaster.
Boris Kuzichev, WI Technical Sales Engineer, RVU, Schlumberger
Application of 1000-1000-80 Blender During Hydraulic Jet Perforation. Anton Kosenko,
Lead Engineer, Engineering and Manufacturing Department, Packer Service, LLC
16 th International Scientific and Practical Coiled Tubing, Hydraulic
Fracturing and Well Intervention Conference
Investigation of Sedimentation in Case of Terrigenous Reservoirs Dissolution in
Fluorinated Acids. Zaur Davletov, Ph.D. student, R&D Center “Oilfield Chemistry”,
The I.M. Gubkin RSU of Oil and Gas
Investment Projects in the Oil and Gas Sector. Ruslan Igilov, Commercial Director,
Technostroyleasing, LLC
Coiled Tubing Times. Hydraulic Fracturing Times: Journal, Website, and Conference.
Halina Bulyka, Editor-in-Chief, Coiled Tubing Times
Round table ”High-tech oil and gas service under current conditions: equipment
and technologies, goals and trends, problems and their solutions”
Formal Conference Closing
Brasserie Erte Restaurant, 4 th floor
16.00 Departure of participants
*The report will be made in English.
Dear colleagues, you are kindly asked to switch off your cell phones or keep them in silent mode during technical sessions.
In order to put a question to a speaker, please raise your hand. Our assistant will come to you and bring the microphone.
Since the program of the Conference is highly topical and only 15 minutes are given for each speaker, you are kindly invited to ask only those questions that are directly connected with the given report. Individual questions can be asked during networking (informal meetings).
Please return back portable simultaneous interpretation systems in the end of Day 1 of the Conference
(after the end of Seсtion 4). You will be able take them again before Section 5 of Day 2.
During and after Section 5 (Day 2, October 30) at the reception desk you will be able to get a USB flash drive containing all reports made so far. The reports, distribution of which is prohibited by the authors, will not be included in the final list.
All financial documents will be available for obtainment at the reception desk during coffee and lunch breaks.
Photo book of the Conference will be available through the hyperlink that will be emailed to all the Conference participants.
Abstracts of the main reports made during the Conference will be published in Issue 54 of Coiled Tubing Times
Please keep your badge with you to get full access to all the Conference events.
The Organizers decline any responsibility for the safety of valuables left unattended in the Conference hall.