compiled by last modified 110715 afco. CONSTITUTIONAL AFFAIRS Unity in Diversity, Einheit in Vielfalt a journey through the galaxies of constitutional law pragmatism, functionalism, gradualism deepening v widening formalists v substantivists communautaire v inter-governmental subsidiarity v proportionality v solidarity proportionality (where less stringent alternatives are available to achieve the same objectives) repatriation (rebalancing), Rückverlagerung a directoire Paris-Berlin axis, le couple franco-allemand 1963 Elysée Treaty concentric circles, variable geometry, multi-tier, twospeed, multi-speed, hard core, differentiated integration communitarisation (communitisation) 12.2009 TFEU Treaty on the Functioning of the EU, Lisbon Treaty, Reform Treaty, double majority voting, ordinary procedure, legal personality, EEAS, legally-binding CFR, trio presidencies organic laws stateless nations legislative assembly constitutional regions the clear intention of the framers legal instruments adopt legislative acts, non-legislative IGC Inter Governmental Conference 2008 Irish voters reject the Lisbon treaty 2007 Bulgaria, Romania 2005 France and the Netherlands vote no 2004 Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Malta, Cyprus 2001 Irish referendum on Nice 1997 Amsterdam 1995 Sweden, Finland, Austria 1992 Maastricht, TEU 1990 German reunification 1988 Cecchini report, Cost of Non-Europe 1986 SEA Single European Act 1986 Portugal, Spain 1984 Spinelli Report, Draft Treaty Establishing the European Union 1983 Delors White Paper 1981 Greece 1979 direct elections 1975 Lomé 1973 Denmark, Ireland, UK 1970 own resources 1968 Customs Union 1966 Luxembourg Compromise, empty seat, vital interests 1962 CAP 25.03.57 EEC, EURATOM, Treaty of Rome determined to lay the foundations of an ever-closer union among the peoples of Europe 1955 Messina Conference 1954 failure of EDC (Defence Community) May 9, 1950 Schuman Declaration, Schuman Plan, fêter la Saint Schuman l’Europe ne se fera pas d’un coup, ni dans une construction d’ensemble, elle se fera par des réalisations concrètes créant d’abord une solidarité de fait Europe will not be built at a stroke, nor constructed in accordance with some overall plan: it will be built upon concrete achievements the only union of a small country and a big country is the union between a boa constrictor and its prey (Lord Byron) no common culture (demos) prec. PRECEDENCE monist v dualist subordinate v superior a Westphalian system in which nation states attach absolute importance to sovereignty Community law given superior force (trumps) undermine national sovereignty constitute a single legal system at the heart of state sovereignty undermine their democratic rights of a distinctively nationalist stamp primacy, precedence, pre-eminence international public law, Völkerrecht permeated with notions of sovereignty conflict of laws rules, Kollisionsregeln constitutional law, constitutional principles, verfassungsrechtliche Verfasstheit hierarchy of acts, hierarchy of legislation, hiérarchie des normes subject to judicial review, contrôle judiciaire, fiscalização subordinate, unconditional, emphatic subordination, yield to chal. CHALLENGE the offending article constitutional amendment attack a piece of legislation the scope of this authorisation was it overstepping the mark? mount a constitutional challenge apply the test of constitutionality the Supreme Court had signalled that was found to be constitutional before the Treaty was contemplated declared Title 3 to be unconstitutional Raymond Crotty challenged Maastricht go beyond what was currently authorised was the Bill repugnant to the Constitution? had it changed the nature of the Community? difficult to reconcile with an open-ended commitment had they respected ius cogens? conv. CONVENTION ICG Inter Governmental Conference, CGI symbols of statehood (flag, hymn, logo) invocatio dei, Judaeo-Christian heritage solidarity subsidiarity transparency accountability proportionality organic laws call-back right stateless nations legislative assembly checks and balances (safeguards) OMC Open Method of Coordination Council as a senate (second chamber) open discussions to public scrutiny bicameral, two-chamber, single-chamber, monocameral yellow card, red card, stop something in its tracks reflection paper a council of revision the shorthand label given time available for scrutiny runaway power exercised set the whole framework for petitions, complaints, inquiries under the rubric of judicial review maladministration, corruption, incompetence European Court in Strasbourg, if we accede to the ECHR, CEDH overturn an act on the grounds that the act in question impact assessment, Folgenschätzung lisb. LISBON 2000, the Lisbon process, agenda, the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world by 2010 the relaunched Lisbon Agenda, Lisbon 2, creating growth and jobs, Wim Kok Lisbon Treaty loyal cooperation, Bundestreue allocation of competences, delimitation, delineation, division of responsibilities, Kompetenzabgrenzung, Zuständigkeits-abgrenzung conferral of powers, le principe d'attribution, das Prinzip der Einzelermächtigung under shared and direct management exclusive competences (eg customs union, competition, euro, fisheries, WTO) shared management, gestion partagée complementary, supporting, coordinating competencies (eg tourism), compétences d'appui soft law, derecho indicativo Meroni ruling (delegation of powers, the executive cannot confer more powers than it has itself) tran. TRANSPARENCY civil society and NGOs grassroots democracy core issues close to the citizens reconnecting Europe with its people Citizens' Agora meetings, Bürgerkonferenzen according to a Eurobarometer survey bread-and-butter issues, Bürgernähe dealing with the concerns of real people ECI European Citizen's Initiative, one million citizens from seven countries, Bürgerbegehren 1 privatisation of water 2 vivisection 3 no EU money for abortion-related activities One of Us, human life from conception, research, destruction of human embryos, SRHR single EU portal room documents in the public domain hold public meetings e-parliament initiative legislative observatory, the Oeil, references and links to relevant documents freedom of information civil society and NGOs participative democracy access (non-legislative) dialogue with civil society publicity (legislative work) identity of delegations, in Council, in working groups access to legal opinions nothing about us without us public access to documents subject to democratic scrutiny representativeness of participants no taxation without representation publicity, transparency, openness decisions that affect their daily lives legislative decision-making process stop the practice of secret meetings openness, access to Council documents access to documents, MS must provide documents and give evidence except for reasons of secrecy, public safety or national security the legislative process, legislative activity escape full parliamentary and public scrutiny release information into the public domain, found in the public domain, disclose sensitive intelligence data, damaging to national security inter-institutional search engine, register, portal for information and documents, co-decision, first reading agreements, trilogues interested persons, individual citizens, NGO, association, economic operator information outlets, pathways, sources, channels ombu. OMBUDSMAN Ombudsman, Emily O'Reilly, ex Nikos Diamandouros, ex Jacob Söderman ombudsman, médiateur plectrum (pick), médiator alleviate elucidate I remarked it is incumbent on ex officio member followed the trajectory a Nieman fellow class of 1988, promotion Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard standards in public life has been on a journey present my candidacy independent and impartial can't help but be impressed individual complaints of citizens transparency (freedom of information) from the margins of administrative power the impact the office has made (over time) for the office of the European Ombudsman his grouping didn't give me their immediate benediction peti. PETITIONS PETI, petitions, keep the petition open v close the petition, the petition is closed, the petitioner keep cases under review fact-finding visit, mission d'enquête la Ley de Costas planned airport at Notre-Dame-des-Landes AGO Aéroport du grand ouest LOTI Loi d’orientation des transports intérieurs DUP Déclaration d'utilité publique le conseil général de la région Nantes-Atlantique tram-train former PM Jean-Marc Ayrault, Mayor of Nantes from 1989 to 2012 militants wetlands bocage hedgerows nouvel aéroport nantais l'agglomération nantaise tête de bassin versant (Loire), drainage basin ce n'est pas un projet engagé déconnectés de nos territoires developers, les porteurs du projet flûteau nageant, luronium natans, water plantain rainette, tree frog triton crêté, crested newt couleuvre, grass snake coronelle, Coronella girondica, Riccioli's snake noctule, Nyctalus noctula, noctule murin, mouse-eared bat sérotine, Eptesicus serotinus, serotine bat barbastelle, Barbastella barbastellus corneille, rook pie-grièche, shrike oedicnème criard, stone curlew bondrée apivore, honey buzzard martin pêcheur, kingfisher calling for a déclaration d'utilité publique Heathrow's proposed third runway adding runways at hubs Barrage de Sivens Caserta, Basilicata, Melfi, incinerator, Puglia, Campania, Calabria Fenice exceeding legal limits leakage into the aquifer ENI refinery Monti dell'Ortaccio Malagrotta Tempa Rossa extension project the Mar Piccolo bitumifici tender (procurement), evidenza pubblica cour. COURT OF JUSTICE 1 ECJ Court of Justice, EuGH 2 GC General Court, ex Court of First Instance GC to add 28 judges 3 CST Civil Service Tribunal (staff complaints) TFP Tribunal de la fonction publique on firm v shaky legal ground out of time v dans les délais errors of law v procedure v fact application v defence v reply v rejoinder 2007 Marc Jaeger President of the GC designating a VP to alleviate the workload assigned to specialised chambers jack-of-all-trades judges (generalist) appointing a further 12 judges six biggest countries want the permanent right to nominate one of the additional judges with the remaining six places to be rotated selection of the judges on the basis of ability EPC European Patent Court hearing litigants loophole joined actions circumscribed subsidiarity (3 b) launch an inquiry in the main action very expeditiously référendaires work on cases for which 'their' judge is rapporteur, drafting documents le cabinet du juge Judge Rapporteur (the reporting judge) registrar, le greffe in an untoward way if a case was taken precedent, Präjudiz report for the hearing expressly provided for the stress in the case law of the Court, jurisprudence, Rechtssprechung Community legal order find against, débouter perfectly within its rights after the claim is lodged if the action is successful tie the hands of the judges determined to build a federal superstate for the matter to come to court a certain impulse to efficiency the dynamic towards integration we are still waiting for the judgment decide the question of validity for themselves, apprécier win a case, avoir gain de cause direct effects, directly applicable plaintiff, les parties, la requérante have reason to believe their clients the pre-litigation phase, pré-judiciel they tend to gloss over these things enforceable, justiciable, einklagbar individual wrongdoing or enrichment judgment, le jugement et les attendus have standing (the right to sue), légitimité active the opinion of the Advocate General proportionality, Verhältnismässigkeit case pending before the court, anhängig for fear of acting ultra vires exceeding their competence preserve legal certainty, sécurité juridique almost no interruptions when Counsel speaks take legal action, bring a case against, institute proceedings, brought to fruition, action brought by, party to the proceedings, fondé à introduire une action of sufficient gravity, of sufficient specificity to warrant, Tatbestand strafrechtlicher Natur too narrow, broad a construction (reading), place a construction on, must be construed, applies analogously (mutatis mutandis) judgment handed down, delivering the second judgment held that, the Court did observe, the finding of the Court bring an action before the court, direct recourse to the CJEC, bring an action, saisine de la cour de justice, Klagerecht creation, interpretation, monitoring the application of Community law enacted into law, given the force of law, given legal effect, with effect from statute of limitations, a number of criminal proceedings failed because of prescription, prescription, Verjährung legal and actual persons, natural or legal persons, personnes physiques ou morales an intervening party v affected people, an injured party, lésé without having to go to law, to court, come before a judge up to the courts to decide, tested in the courts, the test as to deliberation of the court, once the judges have deliberated bring within the scope, within the compass, bring within the ambit, within the meaning of the act, portée prejudice ongoing investigations, interviewing suspects open to legal challenge (not a watertight case) written procedure, written observations of the parties v oral procedure, oral stage in open court the Kadi case prel. PRELIMINARY RULING make a 177 reference, reference (application) for a preliminary ruling, recours préjudiciel, Vorabentscheidungsverfahren the court making reference, order or judgment from the national court, case referred to the Court, take a case to the Court, if the Court holds, das vorlegende Gericht hearing, audience les quatre mémoires qui sont échangés avant l'audience publique, pour qu'on vide l'abcès à l'oral pleadings (application, defence, reply, rejoinder) mémoires, plaidoiries (requête, le mémoire en défense, une réplique, une duplique) Schriftsätze (Antrag, Klagebeantwortung, Erwiderung, Gegenerwiderung) ricorso, controricorso, replica, controreplica tytuł pisma procesowego (skarga, odpowiedź na skargę, replika, duplika) legal remedies available, after exhaustion of domestic remedies publication of the application in the Official Journal infr. INFRINGEMENT PROCEEDINGS reasoned opinion, motivé initiate infringement proceedings sanction system, levy fines on MS after the original judgment, court judgment service of the application on the defendant Art 169, complainant, receive a complaint a letter of formal notice and a reasoned opinion, formal letter of notice, service of notice, formal warning, Commission writes to the MS, mise en demeure make an interim order, get interim measures (injunction), have suspensive effect, mesures conservatoires, einstweilige Verfügung proceedings for failure to fulfil an obligation, recours en manquement proceedings for failure to act, carence, Untätigkeitsklage bring an action for annulment, proceedings for annulment, recours en annulation, Nichtigkeitsklage landmark rulings, Cassis de Dijon, Schaffner, Francovich, Bonifaci, Factortame 3, British Telecommunications/Dillenkofer, Brasserie du Pêcheur actions for damages, demander des droits et intérêts establish whether an infringement has taken place lega. LAW civil v common law serious crimes v minor offences negligence law society without delay criminal code condign, idoine exercise a right procéder avec la même vigilance dont ils usent referral, saisine overturn a ruling judge-made law the legal position the law is an ass act within the law create positive law ex parte (unilateral) suites procédurales plaintiff, requérante overstepping its powers bailiff, huissier de justice with equanimity, sérénité pleas for clemency, grâce strike down an indictment two lawyers, three opinions aided and abetted, we're in this thing together, complices international customary law legal safeguard, garde-fou quash, casser un jugement court ruling, jugement rendu the scene of the crime, Tatort the male embraces the female we entered into a legal obligation legal vacuum, Rechtslücke, rechtsfreie Räume prosecutions may succeed or fail optional (discretionary), facultatif qualifying elements, Anhaltspunkte against persons unknown, contre X possession is nine points of the law cleared of any wrongdoing, blanchi renvoie sur ce point aux dispositions adversarial, procédure contradictoire pending, procédure judiciaire en cours miscarriage of justice, erreur judiciaire public prosecutor, Staatsanwalt, fiscal the mills of justice grind exceeding slow the murder weapon, un objet contondant CPS Crown Prosecution Service, Bow Street Magistrates Court examining magistrate, juge d’instruction extenuating circumstances, atténuantes dismiss, opposer une fin de non-recevoir discretionary powers, marge d'appréciation extending the rights conferred by citizenship Cour de cassation, the highest French court failure of the bribery probe to find firm evidence feel the full force of the law, les foudres des tribunaux the landscape, circumscribe, broaden it to include some element of, catch services, in or out of the scope, placing it within the context, goes beyond existing law, Anwendungsbereich a tidal wave of litigation a field day for the lawyers there is no shortage of lawyers endless work for constitutional lawyers the lawyers must be rubbing their hands da werden die Juristen unter uns hellhörig growing caseload, engorgement des tribunaux substantive law, droit positif communautaire, droit positif international any reason to suspect, any evidence to suggest, any grounds for thinking, Verdachtsmomente pardoned, gracié sentenced to death death sentence carried out commuted to life imprisonment sign the order for his execution moratorium (halt pending executions) abolition, maintain, restore, re-instate the death penalty (capital punishment) is there any substance to the allegations or is it just hearsay? innocent until proven guilty, présomption d'innocence offence, crime (serious), Vergehen, Verbrechen execution of judgments imposing custodial sentences formal requirements, fulfil the conditions, vice de forme formally placed under investigation, mis en examen lega. LEGALESE fumus boni iuris (proper right) ex parte, procédure non contradictoire inter partes, procédure contradictoire periculum in mora (danger in delay) provisional measures, mesures provisoires, einstweilige Maßnahmen advocacy work on behalf of their clients for the court to decide appeared before a court detained and held without charge assist our efforts, have done with or support would be withdrawn to counsel with them refrain from open and shut case under your definition willing to share with us comply, met bepalingen stroken call witnesses not an educated person trigger application (hit the tripwire) monitor the situation (keep tabs on) what's the point I don't carry a torch for there, I've said my piece I would not reference it or rely on it open to legal challenge (unreliable, unsound) to fairly state their case refused entry, to satisfy public opinion become more actively involved blunt instrument (sledgehammer v rapier) come in with the heavy hammer of regulation stand up in a court of law avoid getting drawn on detail convey the essential lines of reasoning could arise in connection with done extra-legally eschew fall foul of foregone conclusion gathered any knowledge hearing, trial, attorneys, counsel, advocates he'll have to speak for himself hold a watching brief I do not see any merit I hold no brief for, Plädoyer neither a rejection nor an endorsement I have no special attachment this is not an endorsement of I am not here to advocate one approach over another I rest my case in a court of law, a watertight case in certain specified circumstances in its role, violated, in breach of at the highest levels it is reasonable to believe any reasonable person would assume exculpatory and exonerative laying down rules according to which become facts that can be put into court legal remedies available my client is standing trial for well (perfectly) within its rights my learnèd friend, un homme de l'art on the case (drafted in) pending adoption referred for final consideration procedures were properly followed operates on the basis that proceedings before the court a chance to cross-examine proof positive incontrovertible proof reasonable people in a civilised society can disagree return of their citizens seeks to have them returned the issue is not one the jury is still out on that I am keeping an open mind it is not a question of deciding the merits of the claims, merits or otherwise the most intriguing part of the transcript out of the goodness of their heart the only entity within the purview granted full purview residual jurisdiction have any jurisdiction conflicts of competence the jurisdiction of the courts exercise, decline jurisdiction come under the jurisdiction of areas subject to the jurisdiction exclusive, competent jurisdiction away from any known jurisdiction extend the jurisdiction of the court court having jurisdiction, forum shopping come within, falling within the jurisdiction review board, as is its right procedural safeguards the right to defence, due process, lawyers law suits brought in, introduire le recours there are proper channels there has to be rule of law there is no mechanism for establishing vacatio legis (grace period) vitiate, mar, devalue, undermine, invalidate volenti non fit iniuria (consenting to run a risk) which I have here, it goes like this the burden of the article, the operative fact without attracting the attention of the authorities tested in the courts a paying proposition (worthwhile initiative) agreed position with reference to libe. LIBE Civil Liberties, Justice, Home Affairs DG HOME funding ISF Internal Security Fund AMF Asylum and Migration Fund COSI Operational Cooperation on Internal Security Risks (Art 71) ISEC (specific programme) Prevention of and fight against crime CIPS (specific programme) Prevention, preparedness and consequence management of terrorism and other security-related risks EUROSUR European Surveillance System police cooperation and border management 5 strategic objectives 1 disrupting international crime networks 2 terrorism, radicalisation, recruitment 3 security in cyberspace 4 security, border management 5 resilience to crises, disasters Martine Reicherts, ex Viviane Reding, Justice, Fundamental Rights, Citizenship, dg justice Cecilia Malmström, Home Affairs, dg home Algirdas Šemeta, Taxation, Customs Union, Audit, Anti-Fraud, taxud Fiscalis (indirect taxation) Hercule 3 (anti-fraud programme) ESP European Statistical Programme AFIS Anti-Fraud Information System JHA Council, Justice, Home Affairs, JLS or JAI AFSJ Area of Freedom, Security and Justice the Stockholm Programme defined the framework for EU police and customs cooperation, rescue services, criminal and civil law cooperation, asylum, migration and visa policy for the period 2010–2014 the Trevi Group, Ministers of the Interior, Justice justice and internal affairs covering visas, asylum and immigration, checks on crossing external frontiers, judicial and police cooperation mafi. MAFIA frontman intimidation code of silence mafia-like groups final judgments handed down, a final court judgment, sentenza definitiva head of the hydra influence peddling bogus companies incorporated in external complicity I have a job for you letterbox companies mafia crime, 416 bis, associazione di stampo mafioso illicit waste trafficking forgery, fraud, scams direct money laundering the instigator, instigation whom you are targeting going after the mister bigs hitman, contract killer, sicario in mafia-style criminal association criminal activities, association, code front company (outwardly law-abiding) external support to mafia associations, concorso esterno in associazione mafiosa crime indicating possible mafia activity ecomafia (environmental crimes, illicit waste trafficking, toxic dumping etc) instigators, mandanti perpetrators, esecutori materiali the Guardia di Finanza (financial police) pentito (collaboratore di giustizia) informant, witness protection programme omertà, a wall of silence le cosche (clans) Cosa Nostra (Sicily) Camorra (Campania) Sacra Corona Unita (Apulia) Ndrangheta (Calabria) ('ndrina=family) La Piovra with Michele Placido as Corrado Cattani fund for social re-use asset recovery office re-use of confiscated assets for social purposes asset-tracing investigations generates significant revenue informers, informants, sources investigations conducted by OLAF confiscation, freezing, sequestering denunciations, informers, infiltrators seizure of the proceeds of crime target the proceeds of crime (go after) hideouts, raids, illicit consignments, hauls the main motive for crime is financial gain criminal lifestyle confiscate property bona fide (legitimate) suspected criminal activity continuous criminal activity information and formal evidence income contingency (means-testing) put them on the street (undue hardship) movable goods, beni di base, arredamento shell companies, letterbox companies, offshore mail drops an exhaustive list of essential items, sostentamento balance of probabilities (beyond reasonable doubt) crim. CRIME OASIS Overall Analysis System for Investigation Support OCG Organised Crime Gang OCTA Organised Crime Threat Assessment OMCG Outlaw Motor Cycle Gangs, Hell's Angels, Bandidos, Black Cobras, Biker-Gruppen PCTF Police Chiefs Task Force SIENA Secure Information Exchange Network Application TOC Transnational Organised Crime conf. CONFISCATION CAD Confiscation of Assets Directive EAPO European Account Preservation Order, OESC Ordonnance européenne de saisie conservatoire des comptes bancaires bank attachment order (seizing assets) asset confiscation asset forfeiture regime forfeiture without a conviction civil forfeiture, confiscation civile non-conviction-based recovery in cases of death, flight or absence assets of family members freeze assets ill-gotten gains crown witnesses loss of tax revenue asset investigations seize crime proceeds bank accounts frozen law enforcement (crime-fighting) agencies (bodies, authorities, organisations) Falcone programme (organised crime) tackle (stem) the rising tide of crime, grand banditisme hideouts and safe houses violent crime, kidnappings, drug cartels, turf wars, gangland killings material assistance offence, una fattispecie cigarette smuggling rings forensic science, laboratoristi crime doesn't stop at borders carousel fraud (MTIC Missing Trader Intra-Community, missing trader fraud), Karussellbetrug traf. TRAFFICKING prevention v protection v prosecution enforcement-centred v victim-centred renewable residency permits in exchange for cooperation the basic dynamics driving trafficking trafficking, illicit trade in organised illegal immigration operating on an international scale gangs, rings, networks, Schlepperbanden in the grip of organised crime combating organised crime, OK-Bekämpfung trade in human life trafficking in human beings people trafficking, people smugglers few traffickers are brought to justice organised gangs smuggling illegal immigrants, passeurs domestic servitude withholding of wages radioactive materials construction and agriculture trafficked for forced begging stolen vehicles, vehicle trafficking, cross-border car theft, chassis number STOP (sexual exploitation of women and children) brothel-keepers massage parlours modelling agencies trafficking in women sexual exploitation of women sex industry, forced into prostitution women and girls sold into prostitution white slave trade, organised slave traders sex tourism, sex slaves, sexual slavery, traite des blanches, vrouwenhandel tackle (stem) the rising tide of crime, grand banditisme EU-wide register of missing children, missing child alert laun. MONEY LAUNDERING, Geldwäsche, blanqueo AMLD Anti Money Laundering ARO Asset Recovery Office BEEPS Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey (EBRD) CFT Combating the Financing of Terrorism CIPS Customer Identification Programmes FATF Financial Action Task Force, GAFI FIU Financial Intelligence Unit, zentrale Meldestelle Palermo Convention PEP Politically Exposed Persons family members and close associates STR Suspicious Transaction Report MONEYVAL Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and the Financing of Terrorism (CoE) 1 placement 2 layering 3 integration, empilage smurfing (small amounts each time), schtroumpfage, pitufos UN Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances launder illicit proceeds trusts, foundations, mutuals, fiducies payment-service providers information accompanying transfers seemingly legitimate proceeds, Erträge domestic and cross-border fund transfers sunshine is the best disinfectant law enforcers follow money trails offshore jurisdictions British Crown dependencies, Channel Islands, British Virgin Islands tax evaders tax amnesty intermediaries corrupt officials due diligence, Sorgfaltspflicht clearly identify beneficial owners ultimate owners of companies public disclosure of the beneficial owners central registers open to people with a legitimate interest phantom firms with unknown owners, sociétés écrans, Briefkastenfirmen auditors, lawyers, tax consultants, estate agents, trusts banking secrecy terrorist financing the gambling sector providers of gambling services small-scale gambling operations racecourse bookies, on-course betting physical premises (casinos, gaming houses) set up a shell company launder illicit proceeds own or control a business self-laundering, autoriciclaggio financially underserved people :-( e-money transactions lead authority (one stop shop) beneficial ownership registries reloadable payment instruments the maximum amount transacted disclosure to competent authorities threshold for monitoring cash payments a risk-based not a prescriptive approach a front to hide illegal activity, prestanome placed on or removed from the list beneficial owners of companies and trusts supervision of compliance by obliged entities company service providers (lawyers and accountants) corr. CORRUPTION Transparency International CPI Corruption Perception Index GRECO Group of States against Corruption UNCAC United Nations Convention against Corruption corruption v corrosion power and money are fungible rule of law state capture false invoices abuse of office false accounting trading in influence stamp out corruption rooting out corruption jeopardise investigations move in to make the arrests independence of the judiciary the bribery probe failed to find firm evidence boiler room fraud (scam) poli. POLICE AND JUDICIAL COOPERATION providing v requested service of legal documents (delivery) Justice Programme pre-trial v procedural guarantees e-Justice portal Stockholm Programme ERA Academy of European Law (Trier) Robert Schuman project (awareness of community law within legal professions) ministry officials court officers court interpreters registered public service interpreter judges, prosecutors, lawyers, notaries training of judicial staff, judicial officials Art 36 Committee (ex 4K) police and judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters, mutual assistance, entraide judiciaire, Rechtshilfe CMACM Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters EEO European Enforcement Order EIO European Investigation Order, Ermittlungsverfahren EJA European Judicial Area EJTN European Judicial Training Network ENCJ European Network of Councils for the Judiciary EPO European Probation Order EPPO Public Prosecutor, Prosecution Service, parquet européen EURODAC fingerprints, Fingerabdruckdatei GROTIUS judges, prosecutors, civil law JIT Joint Investigation Teams, équipes conjointes, gemeinsame Ermittlungsgruppen ARGO administrative cooperation OISIN law enforcement officers, Oisin was one of the few mortals ever to be invited to Tír na nÓg (the Land of the Ever-Young) SHERLOCK training, exchanges and cooperation on identity documents opt-out, exception charge, inculpation data and intelligence a European legal area rule of law, état de droit elements in the judiciary substantive criminal law, droit pénal non-custodial supervision measures mutual recognition of judicial decisions MS of current lawful and ordinary residence a suspect who is not resident in the trial state European judicial area in civil matters, mutual recognition of judicial decisions and judgments cross-border police cooperation, fight against organised crime and terrorism freezing of assets, bank attachment order, Verpfändungsanordnung criminal investigation authorities, Strafverfolgungsbehörden presumption of innocence (innocent until proven guilty), Unschuldsvermutung evid. EVIDENCE WARRANT issuing (originating) state v executing state EEW European Evidence Warrant evidence collecting issued by the judicial authorities to get the statement of a witness documents needed as evidence in a trial letter rogatory (letter of request), a formal request from a court to a foreign court for judicial assistance, eg service of process (controlled deliveries), taking of evidence do a rogatoire with another MS euro. EUROPOL EPO European Police Office Interpol field officers threat assessments the Europol mandate criminal organisations through fear or intimidation statistics and surveys section specialised crime and analysis financial and property crime unit tackling (fighting) organised crime infiltration of the legitimate economy support to the victims of organised crime AWF Analysis Work Files CMS Case Management System collect, process police cooperation the bobby on the beat national liaison officers the ratification of the Convention based on trust, build up mutual trust Management Board, Conseil d'administration senior police officers in the MS, chefs de police, nos adversaires les malfaiteurs, die Polizeibehörden the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice, Gerichtsbarkeit European police force, police cooperation and intelligence EUROJUST (network of justice officials, judicial cooperation), Tampere, national judges and prosecutors, police officers, investigation and prosecution of crossborder and organised crime Corpus Juris hearing held by videoconferencing if the witness is a minor, unmündig MLA Convention, Mutual Legal Assistance CEPOL, EPC European Police College, Bramshill (UK) joint patrolling, Governing Board, liaison units ECRIS European Criminal Records Information System, casier judiciaire duep. DUE PROCESS Salduz v Turkey, ECHR, landmark case, use of evidence derived from interviews of suspects not having had access to legal representation legal aid right to a fair trial procedural rights without due judicial process trespass upon defendants' rights access to a lawyer suspected or accused suspects and accused persons suspects in criminal proceedings when is one considered a suspect? procedural rights and rights of suspects procedural guarantees would such a right delay criminal investigations? once someone is accused and charged in court retrial appear weighed legal counsellor access to justice young offenders fitting-out of cells as a police officer financial penalties a friend of a friend insufficient grounds academies of crime arrested or detained maltreated in custody suspended sentences suspects awaiting trial repeat offenders, reducing re-offending rates, récidive committal proceedings bail, caution, Sicherheit the right to remain silent fell off the back of a lorry criminal justice systems sentences handed down prisons, l'univers carcéral released on bail or a surety open regime, an open prison combat HIV and AIDS in prisons the defendant, person concerned occupancy rates and overcrowding childcare facilities for women prisoners told why proceedings are being brought judgments rendered in absentia, absconding rights of the defendant, rights of the defence privatisation (catering, laundry, maintenance) mount a prosecution, secure (get) a conviction community service, peines alternatives (de substitution), travaux d'intérêt général the tariff (minimum sentence), peine incompressible, les peines planchers carry a maximum sentence of arre. EUROPEAN ARREST WARRANT issue v receive the requesting state v the requested state EAW to replace extradition, enforcement order, habeas corpus order, surrender procedure, ένταλμα σύλληψης Extradition Convention public incitement to racist violence HLG High Level Group (organised crime) principle of dual criminality, (an offence in both countries), la double peine accused to be tried on the specific extradition charge alone, Spezialität on specific allegations a charge being laid terrorist suspect a positive list of crimes defined as a crime, Straftatbestand you can't just define "national security" according to the circumstances an agreed definition of what constitutes a terrorist act arrest warrant issued and received, sent through the SIS system extradition, (handed over to the home country police), Auslieferung a lower standard a reasonable suspicion the standard of proof required for extradition 2004 Hague programme, common immigration and asylum policy the public condoning of crimes against humanity eso. ESO European Supervision Orders remanded in custody v released on bail the accused, a person held in custody being held appear in court repeat offending let the courts decide suppression of evidence be brought before a judge pre-trial custody to prevent absconding pre-trial detention, détention provisoire remanded in custody awaiting (pending) trial detention on remand, the remand period, at Her Majesty's Pleasure, en garde à vue the time it takes for a case to come to court, délai d'instruction des dossiers given a custodial sentence, peine privative de liberté rome. Rome 1, Rome 2, conflict-of-laws, which law is applicable? Kollisionsnormen Brussels 1 (jurisdiction, recognition, enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters) declaration of enforceability (exequatur) lex fori lis pendens rights in rem forum necessitatis choice of court, Gerichtsstand lex causae, the law chosen by the forum court connecting factor, critère de rattachement international comity, courtoisie, zdvorilost action for declaratory relief, Feststellungsklage Stockholm Programme, cooperation in civil matters, eJustice, Brussels 1 review, road traffic accidents, defamation, consumer rights, patent litigation CIEC Commission internationale de l'état civil Rome 2 Convention, non-contractual obligations in civil and commercial matters HCCH Hague Conference on Private International Law IPL, DPI Droit privé international, IPR Internationales Privatrecht apostille (Hague Convention), validating foreign documents, notarial acts civil status documents, état civil birth certificate, Geburtsurkunde registry office (births, marriages and deaths) banking law applicable law commercial law tort and criminal law international civil procedure test cases (strategic litigation) taking of evidence abroad environmental damage recognition and enforcement of judgments recognition of divorces married couples, spouses marriage and personal status judgments in matrimonial matters, parental responsibility, maintenance, divorce, legal separation, annulment access to justice service of process commercial surrogacy where the intending parents live children being left in a legal limbo the referring state, the accepting state intercountry (international) adoption, the parties involved, the receiving countries, country of origin maintenance obligations, full recovery of child support order protective measures custody matters the abductor child snatching international parental child abduction child protection mediation schemes, child mediator unfit parent blood relatives taken into care maladaptive sexual scripts give a child up for adoption we can not make judgments the best interests of the child adoption without parental consent family relationships, matrimonial property regimes and succession are excluded from the regulation's scope violations of privacy, defamation of character, the country in which editorial control is exercised, Verleumdung libel (written), slander (spoken) provide a right of reply when attacked road traffic accidents personal injury caused by a car accident principle of 'restitutio in integrum' (the actual cost of medical after-care), to put the people back in the position they were before the accident exclusion of renvoi (forum shopping) settle out of court out-of-court settlements, à l'amiable punitive damages, Strafschadenersatz arising out of a tort, Deliktsrecht, agravio will. WILLS ECS European Certificate of Succession EJN European Judicial Network EJP e-Justice Portal wills and successions, trusts, estates finding the will the dead person property register estate, Nachlass legal acts mortis causae succession rights of heirs their legal representatives the successions regulation holograph will, eigenhändig notaries (solicitors), notariats cross-border inherited assets inheritance tax (estate duties) conflicts of law testate succession testamentary capacity put your affairs in order testamentary dispositions die intestate (without leaving a will) interconnection of registers of wills disposition of property, Verfügung von Todes wegen the forced heir is entitled to the reserved portion data. DATA PROTECTION five Commissioners now deal with data it used to be just Malmström and Reding user-friendly Framework Decision on data protection proper respect of data protection laws one-stop-shop (allowing citizens to seek redress for abuses of their data in the country where they are based) processing of personal data personal data protection rules Safe Harbor registration scheme (US companies can use EU citizens' data provided they apply data protection rules equivalent to to the EU's) GDPR General Data Protection Regulation DPO Data Protection Officer data portability IRISS Increasing Resilience in Surveillance Societies (FP7 research project) WP29 Art 29 Data Protection Working Party Tshwane principles (PACE, Council of Europe, national security, right to information, the public-interest test) intelligence-led policing further use personal data profiling, profilage the right to object in machine-readable format the data subject's consent masked out, pseudonymised anonymised data, anonymisation re-use of public sector information data collection, recueils de données the legitimate interests of data controllers the right to be forgotten, derecho al olvido right of erasure, data access, correction security v privacy adequacy v availability a push system v a pull system adequacy (how much data?) availability (what data?), Verfügbarkeit Art 29 Data Protection Working Party APIS Advance Passenger Information System ATS Automated Targeting System, public uproar, 'risk profiles' for all passengers departing or entering the US CBP Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (US), Adequacy Decision CRS Computerised Reservation System, Amadeus, Sabre DBN Data Breach Notification DHS Department of Homeland Security DRD Data Retention Directive requiring mobile phone and ISPs to store traffic data (emails and text messages), Speicherfrist, Aufbewahrungsfrist EDPS European Data Protection Supervisor, Peter Hustinx ESTA Electronic System for Travel Authorisation (US) JSB Joint Supervisory Body, organe de contrôle, Vereinheitlichung der Kontrollinstanzen PNR Passenger Name Records (flight data) travel dates, travel itinerary, ticket information, contact details, travel agent, means of payment, seat number, baggage information nt-resists-pressure-passenger-data-ahead-eu-summit311939 robust safeguards minimise the volume of data requested bank messaging data a mirror service in the US TFTP Terrorist Finance Tracking Programme compromised, corrupted, temporary suspension, we need to send a signal FMDA Financial Messaging Data Agreement plans to mine data invasion of privacy intelligence-gathering names being picked up handling sensitive data Aviation and Security Act enhance national security "comprehensive approach" protection of personal data bulk, not ad hoc, the collection and storage of PNR data must be proportional and necessary, Fluggastdaten further use for other purposes stolen identities, identity theft data protection and privacy issues putting an end to bulk data transfer exchange of data on air passengers the adequacy of our privacy regimes freedom of information, Akteneinsicht the balance between security and liberty transfer of personal data to third countries? DNA data, fingerprints, vehicle registrations protection against automatic processing of data phone-hacking journalism stop the hacking and blagging voicemail messages, hacking, phone-tapping, wiretap transcripts, intercettazioni level of data protection, a critique of process, we do have a robust culture, a red line using the visa sticker number as the search key, critère de recherche earlier agreement struck down by the Court of Justice, EU Data Protection Directive, "appropriate legal base" sacrificing privacy rights to the interests of large corporations hot pursuit, imminent danger, only ask questions afterwards, Zugriffsbeschluss dritte Säule, in Eilfällen, Daten abgefragt und übermittelt on a hit basis, not just fishing around a hit no-hit system (is there a match?), im Hitverfahren RFID Radio Frequency Identification, Internet of Things, smart tags, location-based services civil rights tune-in radio niche markets ethnic profiling home data centre security apparatus the cookie directive personal data storage outsourcing data storage tasks tradeable privacy rights data series, Datensätze breaching their privacy, invasion of privacy big data data harvesting (gathering) data we can mine privacy and data protection aspects data retention, Vorratsdatenspeicherung electronic patient records privacy-enhancing features personally-identifiable information privacy is threatened by innovation a higher-level view (privacy as a right) innovators see privacy as a cost factor Google's Street View mapping service collected personal information (payload data) from unsuspecting internet users a right to access and correct personal data, Berichtigungsanspruch an economic right exploited through market mechanisms ACTA Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, l'accord ACAC private v commercial usage DG INFO Information Society, Media 4M cookie-based systems (Multi Media Metadata Management) IGF Internet Governance Forum ISP Internet Service Provider, telecoms operators, FAI, Telefónica IWF Internet Watch Foundation PBD Privacy By Design PET Privacy Enhancing Technologies privacy by design v privacy by default the cost of systems-build (security is not easy to retrofit) restrict access v net neutrality interception v storage v processing IPR v fundamental rights of internet users Europol launches its own "Check the Web" monitoring project electronic mail, spamming, spam options, opt-out, opt-in, no unsolicited e-mails without the explicit consent of the recipient, malware (malicious), phishing if not please check your junk/spam/trash folder digital footprints exist behavioural advertising collect and process data mere conduit, cache, caching surveillance (y) infrastructure hurt the growth of electronic commerce ISP Internet Service Provider, telecoms operators, Telefónica ISPs to be compelled to install black boxes chat rooms the blogosphere discussion thread open files on somebody who's chatting, who's skyping? you do not have to be paranoid gag law (restrictions on protests), ley mordaza with insufficient judicial oversight governments are not the only actors available to law-enforcement agencies the golden age of electronic surveillance sniffers monitor data travelling over a network neut. NET NEUTRALITY QoS Quality of Service ISPs and governments restrictions on content, sites, platforms if operators block, restrict or throttle services in a discriminatory way network v content search neutrality device neutrality universal service best-effort internet non-discrimination traffic prioritisation specialised services, Vorfahrtspur time delay, décalage the dirt road fallacy 93761. end-to-end termination rates, modes, Entgelte Ruby on Rails cybe. CYBERCRIME Budapest Convention on Cybercrime CERT Computer and Emergency Response Teams CIIP Critical Information Infrastructure Protection DDoS Distributed Denial of Service ENISA Network and Information Security Agency, Heraklion cyberspace (virtual reality), cyber-security, cybercrime convention, cyber-attack NATO CCD COE in Tallinn (Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence) resilience, Abwehrbereitschaft security-driven security breach security concerns identity theft (digital identity) white-hat hackers (good guys) online grooming of children, chatrooms, paedophiles, child sex predators, sexual abuse, exploitation, child pornography selectively remove illicit content, löschen disable access (i.e. web-blocking), sperren surv. LIBE Inquiry on Electronic Mass Surveillance of EU Citizens US intelligence leaders push back leaked screenshots and documents they did not understand what they were looking at vital element in the fight against terrorism Senator Dianne Feinstein, Senate Intelligence Committee General Keith Alexander, NSA White House’s NSC National Security Council up for it on the front foot polite but assertive mark out our territory your points are taken senior staff members a lot of pending business fronted by those Members heavily involved in the issues if there's anything I've missed we had unprecedented access very aware of the choreography Mike Rogers, House Intelligence Committee intelligence-gathering GCHQ, Belgacom DCRI Direction centrale du renseignement intérieur PRISM Planning Tool for Resource Integration Synchronization and Management (NSA program) social networks, internet use, phone calls whistleblowers, lanceurs d'alerte monitor, bug, snoop, tap, infiltrate, eavesdrop Dilma Rousseff Angela Merkel SURVEILLANCE (both vay and vale are possible) as a full and equal partner, auf Augenhöhe BfV Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz BND Federal Intelligence Service, Bundesnachrichtendienst GCHQ Government Communications Headquarters (Cheltenham) Bletchley Park (Churchill's signals intelligence HQ) SORM Система Оперативно-Розыскных Мероприятий, System for Operative Investigative Activities, allows the FSB to monitor communications BULLRUN (encryption, keys and cipher algorithms, backdoors, side channels, public-key certificates, protocols, vulnerabilities) SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates have a key pair, a public and a private key which work together to establish an encrypted connection search engines use SSL keys to secure data-in-transit CDR Call Detail Records leads oversight, Kontrolle treated as idiots, played for fools, taken for a ride target of surveillance innocent everyday traffic restricted in their scope swept up, rastreos masivos alleged breaches unauthorised access alleged unauthorised intrusion monitored phone calls, placés sur écoute surveillance, snooping, flicage, Webspionage Edward Snowden, Sheremetyevo airport revelations, filtraciones Evo Morales accused Spain, France, Italy and Portugal of closing their airspace to the presidential plane, landed in Vienna social media, réseaux sociaux wiretapping extensive spying targeting guidelines tap into the fiber cables the agent of a foreign power foreign intelligence information blanket collection of telephone metadata upstream (data copied from public and private fibreoptic cables at landing points, full take) cloud computing data centres, centres de traitement communications on the internet backbone query the metadata three hops from a suspected individual cyberbullying blocking and filtering blog comment threads online discussion in forums bloggers and cyber-dissidents discussion forums are moderated blur the fine line between information and opinion Wikileaks, Julian Assange, release of classified State Department cables, posting material, PFC Bradley Manning, private First Class the massive release of material intended for diplomatic eyes only is sure to ruffle feathers in foreign capitals transfer of personal data to US immigration service us. USA Jim Sensenbrenner (one of the architects of the Patriot Act) Data Protection Umbrella Agreement protection/files/factsheets/umbrella_factsheet_en.pdf DHS Department of Homeland Security DHS visit to NTC (National Targeting Centre) facility (Reston) TFTP Terrorist Finance Tracking Programme PCLOB Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board judicial redress MSC Munich Security Conference ce CIA Central Intelligence Agency FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation FAA FISA Amendments Act FISA Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (2008) US citizens non citizens permanent resident aliens 5EYES (signals intelligence, US, UK, Canada, Australia, NZ) follow the money ECHELON (a global system for the interception of private and commercial communications, cold war) FISC Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Microsoft, Google, Yahoo! Facebook, Linkedin NSA National Security Agency ODNI Office of the Director of National Intelligence PAA Protect America Act (2007) Patriot Act (Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act (2001)) new US Freedom Act (after nine eleven there was a massive buildup of American intelligence services which we now have to right-size) TIA Total Information Awareness USTD Treasury Department Watergate and the (Senator Frank) Church Committee (1975-78) over. OVERSIGHT ACLU American Civil Liberties Union CDT Center for Democracy and Technology DPA Data Protection Authorities ECPA Electronic Communications Privacy Act FISCR Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review PCLOB Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board SHA EU-US Safe Harbour Agreement (2000) SIC Senate Intelligence Committee consent e-privacy oversight, contrôle death of anonymity this is a plural world internet bill of rights just collecting metadata calling for a retention period innocent everyday communications collect phone records of Verizon customers excessive secrecy surrounding surveillance must be lifted rend. EXTRAORDINARY RENDITIONS TDIP Alleged use of European countries by the CIA for the transport and illegal detention of prisoners, Carlos Coelho kidnapping of Egyptian Muslim cleric Abu Omar in its work thus far the CIA committee extraordinary rendition operations, illegal renditions, außerordentliche Überstellungen temporary committee anti-terrorist rationale undertook to interview through the enterprising work Sen Dick Marty, Council of Europe public scrutiny, public unease, torture flights we are not an investigating body, very limited powers DETENTION held on remand take into detention diplomatic kidnapping detainees seized, captured kidnapped by CIA agents, disappeared no grounds, released for lack of evidence, remise en liberté illegal seizure, imprisonment, supervised their delivery TRANSFER airforce base the plane route transport planes technical support planes on standby took on additional prisoners stopovers and staging points operated secret detention centres in the time they were on the ground handed over, transferred to US custody flew over portions of Europe and on to Cuba overflight permission, flight paths, flight times, flight logs flown to secret interrogation facilities, camps, black sites US go incognito station chief with intelligence officers terrorism suspects a sitting federal judge federal criminal system military men stationed US embassies in Africa brought to trial in the US in our filings in federal court United States Supreme Court US courts have no jurisdiction supplementary intelligence report engaged in sabotage, espionage redacted as classified, restricted at the insistence of the government Mr Powell said the practice of moving people to places where they are not covered by US law was neither "new or unknown" to Europe a remarkable assertion of sovereignty classified report vanished from the files the scope, sweep, breadth of allegations security forces, the army, the government cleared with officials up the command chain US global sweep, naked use of military force principle of habeas corpus suspended, rebellion, insurrection, Hawaii, Pearl Harbour under the guise, ruse, covertly, masquerading as, posing as journalists the military commission, a court martial for foreigners GUANTÁNAMO detention centres the US authorities Al Qaeda suspects high-value detainees Foreign Secretary, David Miliband, Binyam Mohamed, gagging order Camp Delta recreation and exercise area, the detention block Guantánamo Bay, 1903 lease, cancelable by US, Gitmo MEMBER STATES MoD EU diplomatic missions Dublin Convention (asylum) diplomatic assurances, seek assurances SISMI Military Intelligence and Security Service Landsberg prison under the Nazis confined both criminals, as judged by German law, and political prisoners, indiscriminately, near Munich die Ramstein Air Base ist der größte Stützpunkt der USLuftwaffe außerhalb der USA suspected of involvement, collusion in rendition flights, passivity, active complicity, did nothing to stop this, turn a blind eye less than forthcoming, not been particularly helpful terr. TERRORISM counter-terrorism coordinator Gilles de Kerchove CNIL (Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés) PCTF Police Chiefs Task Force PTD Post Traumatic Disorder SITCEN EU Situation Centre, terrorist threat assessments, analyse du risque Cheney Doctrine (One Percent doctrine) "lowprobability, high-impact event", if there's a 1% chance that Pakistani scientists are helping al-Qaeda build or develop a nuclear weapon, we have to treat it as a certainty in terms of our response delisting foil, disrupt plots, éventer non-state actors covert operations lone-wolf terrorism rise of the far right counter-terrorism strategy information clearing house intergovernmental cooperation list of states sponsoring terrorism precursors (bomb-making materials) public provocation to terrorist acts money laundering, freezing of assets charged with serious terrorist crimes radicalisation and terrorist recruitment carry out extensive clandestine activities plotting a dirty bomb attack (suitcase bomb) guerrillas have their own network of support the decision to build a mosque (community centre) at Ground Zero 11.09.01, the events of nine eleven, terrorist attacks destroy World Trade Center, Twin Towers, ground zero Mohammed Atta, the operational chief of the September 11 attacks 22.12.01 shoe-bomber, TATP Tri Acetone Tri Peroxide 11.03.04 Madrid train bombings, Atocha station 07.07.05 the seven seven tube bombings in London, Londoners using the public transport system, CCTV, home-grown publicity is oxygen, lend legitimacy to, address grievances, cobertura ideológica IS terrorists beheaded James Foley, köpfen foreign fighters terror tourism homegrown terrorism returnees (returning jihadis) going abroad to be trained and fight thousands of Arab and foreign fighters de-radicalisation courses, Ausstieg temporary exclusion order control orders (internal exile) revoke citizenship withdrawing nationality confiscation of passports thereby making them stateless ATLAS network (special intervention units) CTS Counter Terrorism Strategy ERCC Emergency Response Coordination Centre IntCen Single Intelligence Assessment centre ISF Internal Security Fund RAN Raising Awareness Network STAR Strategic Analysis and Response preparedness secure crisis room threat assessments explosives precursors deradicalisation intelligence leads investigative leads law enforcement authorities stricter checks carry out identity checks serious threat to public order or internal security legally owned firearms civilian firearms, sport shooting and hunting marking, deactivation, destruction sche. SCHENGEN Schengen area of borderless travel visaless travel in the borderless Schengen area safeguard clause suspension mechanism temporary reintroduction of border checks the legal framework, 1985 Agreement, 1990 Convention EU Agency for large-scale IT systems, Tallinn agency for the operational management of SIS, VIS and EURODAC CDB Central Data Base in Strasbourg, BCU back-up in Austria CSIS (central), NSIS (national) EuroSur European Border Surveillance System SBC Schengen Border Code Schengen III, Treaty of Prüm, availability principle, data exchange and retention, DNA profiling, fingerprints, vehicle registration numbers SEC Schengen Executive Committee SIC Schengen Implementing Convention SIRENE Bureaux, Supplément d'Information Requis à l'Entrée NationalE, enter and exchange data in each Schengen MS SIS One 4 All SIS Schengen Information System, SIS 2 migration (switchover) from SIS 1 to SIS 2 THB Trafficking in Human Beings compensatory measures (information exchange) pioneer states record generation immigration officers at ports and airports state security services threat to public security external border controls area without border controls discreet, covert surveillance land and air border controls lifted combating racism and xenophobia electronic linking of national records law enforcement agencies, the police the reason why an alert is being filed border control and customs authorities harmonising conditions of entry and exit integration of Schengen into the Treaty data on persons and objects to be stored Schengen integration based on mutual trust first and third pillar (treaty, inter-governmental) authorised users have access to the system terrorism, drug trafficking, euro counterfeiting, environmental crime suspected of having committed v convicted for a criminal offence legally in the Schengen area, Schengenland, free travel zone asylum, immigration, external frontiers, Zuwanderung criminal justice (third pillar, inter-governmental cooperation) pass. PASSPORTS co-decision passport blanks data base for storage the Schengen acquis one person, one passport additional security features added to a parent's passport Iceland, Norway, Switzerland common quality requirements in the aftermath of September eleven (2001) laying down biometric features the storage medium, the microchip barge past the passport control desk identifiers, facial images, fingerprints issue passports and travel documents breeder documents, documents sources combat fraud and falsification, counterfeiting combat trafficking in children, have their own passports, children under twelve, fingerprints biometric passports, the iris channel, body scans visa. VISAS visa facilitation makes it easier to get a visa visa liberalisation, lifting of visa requirements, the right to visa-free travel to the EU, the visa-free regime, Reisefreiheit VIS Visa Information System CAP Central Access Point? direct online access? paper-visa-free visa overstayers MEV Multiple Entry Visas golden visa system stringent visa policy the visa refusal rate easing of the visa regime subject to visa restrictions reintroduction of visa requirements visa waiver programme (US) issue a passport, grant a visa the number of overstays and rejections bogus, frivolous, unfounded applications (asylum claims) negative list of countries for which EU visas are required, schwarze Liste readmission agreement (commitment to accept repatriated migrants) to fast-track a visa application, be legally represented temporary residents, come in on a tourist visa, visitor's visa, short-stay visa, Schengen visa, ninety-day visa, overstay their welcome diplomatic missions, common consular instructions fraudulent visa claims, make an unfounded claim, entirely spurious, applications manifestly unfounded visa requirements for asylum-seekers, entry visas immi. IMMIGRATION ius soli v ius sanguinis illegal v legal immigration country of origin v host country assimilationnisme v communautarisme ethnic minorities immigration services controlled migration management of migratory flows different ethnicities, culture groups a language and civics test migration and mobility mobility partnerships, common agendas issue temporary visas to irregular migrants multiculturalism, multicultural society, multikulti ICRC Red Cross, Shelter Now International single permit for work and residence, permis unique integration, assimilation, deracination, dislocation, alienation, mother-tongue teaching 22.07.11 Anders Breivik, Oslo bombing, Utøya killing spree, Workers' Youth League camp, Labour Party, PM Jens Stoltenberg Deutschland schafft sich ab (2010) Thilo Sarrazin ECHA European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid EMF European Migrants Forum EMO European Migration Observatory Eurema European Relocation Malta IOM International Organisation for Migration ICMPD International Centre for Migration Policy Development (Vienna), the Budapest process Söderköping Process, CBCP Cross Border Co-operation Process (eastern border) rules on admission v residence conditions of entry v stay v work legal migration v irregular immigration passport holders take up residence long-term residents periods of residence general right of residence legally resident for five years conditions of entry and residence grant right of permanent residence third-country nationals legally residing sufficient resources, bestaansmiddelen detected cases of illegal border crossings immigration papers employment contract au pairing light housework intra-corporate transfers voluntary service hosting agreement remunerated and unremunerated training trainees, traineeships, Praktika, tirocinio a young graduate student for purposes of research, studies, pupil exchange temporary movement of natural persons for business purposes (so-called Mode 4) transfer of highly-skilled workers within multinational corporations family reunification, right of immigrant families to be reunited ascendants, descendants, family members, in the ascending, descending line, dependents relying on emigration as a pressure valve labour migration outward migration net migration levels frontaliers, navetteurs Canaries, kayukos, wooden boats with outboard motors, harragas in pateras illicit entry point into the EU circular time-bound migration gateways, portails d'immigration illegal employment of immigrants illegal immigration, irregular migrants, clandestins social security for migrant workers Gottardo judgment (bilateral conventions on social security) pensioners, students, niet-aktieven desperate people, the push factors guard the external borders, border controls spot checks, passports, other travel documents orderly immigration policy, managed entry, entry procedures, a single procedure computer profiling, Rasterfahndung, Ausländerzentralregister, Überwachungsstaat, Datenschutzerrungenschaften EU, third country nationals, non-EU nationals, checking legal entrants, transit countries, countries of origin and transit frontier police services, airports, seaports, external frontier controls CH limits EU immigration, invoking “safeguard” clause, Ventilklausel the Bossi Fini law Cécile Kyenge, Minister for Integration illegally present illegal immigrants, irregolari humanitarian admissions humanitarian visa, legal guarantee, avviso di garanzia 2004 Chinese cockle pickers drown in Morecambe Bay, when trapped by rising tides 2000 58 suspected illegal immigrants found dead in a Dutch-registered lorry entering the UK 1998 Semira Adamu, a Nigerian woman, dies at Zaventem during expulsion asyl. ASYLUM AMIF Asylum, Migration, Integration Fund recognition rates humanitarian visa bilateral cooperation a common asylum package get the asylum package through legal channels for migration, cauces legales Dublin 2 requires asylum-seekers to make their request at the point of entry processed where they first arrive the point-of-entry country is responsible for asylum applicants major migration routes burden-sharing and solidarity established communities and support networks persons resettled or transferred resettlement (UNHCR, international protection, designated priority groups), réinstallation, Neuansiedlung, hervestiging, reinsediamento, επανεγκατάσταση, przesiedlenie relocation (transfers, absorption capacity, burdensharing), relocalisation, Umsiedlung, overbrenging, ricollocazione, μετεγκατάσταση, relokacja distribution key refugees v asylum-seekers Reception Directive, accueil Qualification Directive, subsidiary protection, Elgafaji ruling detention facility temporary protection, temporary residency papers, temporary protected status for the undocumented, les sans-papiers re-admission agreement (third countries agree to take their citizens back) mass regularisation of undocumented migrants, amnistie EBF External Borders Fund ERF European Return Fund illegal v irregular smart borders EES Entry Exit System automatic alert when visitors overstay (ninety days within a six-month period) management of migration flows analyse des menaces, risques, défis address the problem of irregular migration a creaking and inadequate reception system EASO European Asylum Support Office, Valletta, bureau d'appui CEAS Common European Asylum System ECRE European Council on Refugees and Exiles EPIA Pact on Immigration and Asylum ERF European Refugee Fund EUREMA relocation project for Malta Malta has no hinterland refugee termination process period after which access granted to local labour market? grounds on which asylum-seekers can be detained? principle of non-refoulement rebut the presumption of safety well-founded fears of persecution 2012 Hirsi ruling (push-backs to Libya) push-back (return to last transit country) Ceuta y Melilla indiscriminate collective expulsions hot returns, devoluciones en caliente razor wire, concertinas (púas y cuchillas añadidas en los alambres) 1951 Geneva Convention on the Status of Refugees, we apply the UN definition recognition rate, taux de reconnaissance the rejection rate grounds for refusal ethnic communities orderly programme closure of Sangatte the asylum package air-carrier sanctions make an asylum claim vulnerable persons unaccompanied minors systematic bone age assessment, tests osseux failed (rejected) asylum-seekers, déboutés, uitgeprocedeerd valid grounds for asylum checking legal entrants exponent of zero immigration stateless persons, apatrides offshore processing of entrants binding mechanisms for transfers forum shopping, pass the parcel lured by the prospect of a better life tough stance on unauthorised arrivals applications waiting to be processed processing (screening) asylum-seekers direct links overseas, family sponsorship point of first entry, country of first asylum those seeking asylum, asylum procedure a leaky border, porosité, Durchlässigkeit a major gateway for undocumented migrants white list (countries considered safe and where asylum seekers do not face serious risk of persecution), safe third country playing pass the parcel (like pieces of baggage to be carted around) case by case deserving people asylum-seeking entrants plight of asylum-seekers an inclusive sense of Europe to be admitted to the territory compassionate, humanitarian dealt with on a fair and humane basis integration in the country granting asylum come and live, work, settle in this country Blue Card directive the brightest and the best a points system for immigration to target migrants with in-demand skills highly skilled individuals, immigration choisie housing education healthcare employment social security living on their wits working the system access to public services welfare abuse restrictions benefit tourism (welfare tourism) a soft touch for asylum seekers granting, withdrawing refugee status, subsidiary protection, seek protection, demander le statut economic migrants, labour migrants, migration for work, escaping mere misery, réfugiés économiques working for slave wages exploited by criminal gangs low-skilled seasonal workers wage compression gangmasters hotbedding multiple occupancy cause social tensions a managed immigration policy unlimited open-door immigration not all the vacancies could be filled DETENTION designated waiting, holding, migrant detention centres, reception centres, facilities, areas, being held at an unnamed facility, outsourcing, offshoring, d'accueil international zones in airports temporary immigration centres Joint Action on air transit arrangements retu. RETURN expulsion (from host country), Ausweisung deportation, Abschiebung, Abschiebehaft, Abschiebegewahrsam the Returns Directive, forced repatriation (return to place of origin), rapatriement stay in a centre period of detention pre-removal centre immigration removal centre faced removal, Rückführungsdirektive screening, triage, processed, asylum authorities administrative removal, reconduite à la frontière, éloignement illegal entries irregular migrants under police escort risk of absconding non-cooperation of returnees put them on a plane joint removal operations, les charters detected cases of illegal border crossings safeguard the fundamental rights of returnees fron. FRONTEX, Warsaw, border agency, manual Executive Director Ilkka Laitinen CRATE Centralised Records of Available Technical Equipment IBM Integrated Border Management RABITs Rapid Border Intervention Teams CAP Common Asylum Package CEI Centri di identificazione ed espulsione EAA European Agenda on Asylum EAPMC Euro-Atlantic Partnership Military Committee ECRE European Council for Refugees and Exiles EFCA European Fisheries Control Agency EMSA European Maritime Safety Agency EUMC European Union Military Committee EUSC EU Satellite Centre JO Joint Operations OAPs Operational Action Plans RCC Rescue Coordination Centre SAR Search and Rescue border guards border security integration of migrants, third-country nationals intercepted, stopped, boarded, searched, seized, disembarkation step up patrols air and seaports handle arrivals from Libya Greek-Turkish land border a fence between Greece and Turkey "closest safe port" principle standard operating procedures stem the flow of illegal migrants extend the scope of Frontex from Cyprus to Spain contributions of equipment and manpower externalisation of borders, external frontiers to me Frontex agents are not border guards surveillance airplanes, patrol boats, helicopters joint operations (Hermes, Poseidon) pilot Frontex Operational Office in Piraeus Operation Poseidon patrols Greece's sea border with Turkey Oct. 3 360 migrants die off Lampedusa appalling loss of life seeking better lives in search of a new life prevent further tragedies but we don't have any option migrants seeking a better life stem the flow of rickety boats, flimsy craft reception centre on Lampedusa unrest fuelling the flow of refugees fleeing turmoil, the violence, tyranny increase patrolling in the Mediterranean migrants held, transferred to the mainland promise to hold a state funeral for the victims continue to make the dangerous crossing arrivals by sea operational area Mare Nostrum (IT) was search and rescue Angelino Alfano, Minister of the Interior Mos maiorum (laws of the elders) crisis areas complex mixed flows fake documents seized without proper documents boat migrant interceptions countries of origin and transit departing states, paises emisores crackdown on irregular migrants Operation Triton's (EU) primary mandate is border surveillance Guardia di Finanza risking their lives distribution key safe and lawful access legal routes (channels, avenues) regulate migratory flows face migratory pressures sent to their doom human trafficking falsified documents organised crime networks left to drown by human traffickers traffickers, repressione degli scafisti disruption of criminal networks, fitta rete better intelligence gathering and sharing ports of entry transit countries coffin ships humanitarian corridors administrative detention Blue Sky M. haunting images shirk their responsibilities rustbuckets, cargos poubelle decommissioned livestock vessels packed with migrants left to their fate unseaworthy ghost ships put on autopilot the numbers are overwhelming some people are surfing on this raci. RACISM 1999 Tampere action plan ECRI European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (Council of Europe) FRA Fundamental Rights Agency, building on the work of the EUMC European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia, Vienna, observatory, Beobachtungsstelle, Ausländerhass perpetrators gypsy camps play the race card rising tide of racism harassment, acoso homophobic attacks whip up racial tensions data collection, publicly-reported incidents, mechanisms for reporting incidents to the police, an aggravating factor in sentencing, to raise a sentence poison the atmosphere an open borders policy patrols, ronde vigilante groups explicit criminal offence racist violence and crime create fear and confusion words, motivation, context by reference to ethnic origin racism and zealotry, bigotry reality collides with utopianism Nazi-inspired computer games distribution of racist propaganda (tracts, pictures, material), offensive literature spreading its poison, véhiculer the need for data to inform policy with the focus on vulnerable groups whip up anti- ... sentiment, schüren Nazi insignia, swastika, Hakenkreuz anti-immigration campaigns political exploitation of people's fears uncontrolled unregulated immigration poisonous effect of racist preachings rebirth of extreme nationalism rise in racist sentiment, recrudescence stoking the fires of hatred, racist attacks punishability, criminalising and punishing Blood and Honour Combat 18, skinheads when they came for the Jews we did nothing hate speech, hate crimes PC, thought crimes, bien pensant the remaining Article 13 groups (anti-discrimination), creating a hierarchy of oppression rightwing populism pander to people's worst fears capitalise on rising discontent and popular anger incitement to racial hatred, bigotry, race hate, teachings, rabble-rousing, Volksverhetzung, propos racistes The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, literary forgery, a blatant fabrication freedom of expression historian David Irving's libel defeat Holocaust Remembrance Day 27.01 (Shoah) Holocaust denial, revisionism, négationnisme falsely seek to equate, bracketing with, you cannot dissociate the two, make no distinction between, amalgame, toute assimilation du terrorisme avec le monde arabe et musulman Pope lifts Bishop William Richardson's excommunication, Holocaust bishop Ahmadinejad, Holocaust conference, 'a myth', Israel will 'soon be wiped out' trivialisation, Verharmlosung, un détail de l'histoire Racism explained to my daughter (2003) Tahar Ben Jalloun budg. BUDGETS VP Kristalina Georgieva, Budget and Human Resources BUDG budgets, cobu, Jean Arthuis, Petri Sarvamaa, Jens Geier, Siegfried Mureșan, Patricija Šulin CONT budgetary control, cocobu, Ingeborg Grässle, Derek Vaughan, Igor Šoltes, Martina Dlabajová, Dan Nica 2016 José Manuel Fernandes fundamental rights mechanism three e's; employment, enterprise, entrepreneurship internal, external solidarity 2015 General Budget, Eider Gardiazábal (Section 3, COM), Monika Hohlmeier (Other Sections) 2015 budget €145.6 B CA, € 142.1 B PA RALs, apurer le poids du passé payment gap unpaid bills, liquider les impayés make good on, éponger ces dettes snowballing (building up over time) the EU budget cannot run a deficit backlog of outstanding commitments flexibility, desserrer la contrainte mobilisation of the contingency margin, marge pour imprévus DAB Draft Amending Budget, rectificatif N+3 money from fines intérêts de retard pre-financing (funding provided up-front for start-up of programmes) pre-conciliation conciliation period conciliation committee interruption of payments, cessation de paiement no one institution has a monopoly of wisdom MFF Multiannual Financial Framework, 2014-2020, €960bn, (flexibility, review, OR, unity of the budget) macroeconomic conditionality conditional on compliance with rules for public finances social indicators general co-financing rate performance reserve (paid out only if benchmarks are met) HLG High-Level Group on own resources (structure, composition, mandate), Mario Monti Solidarity Fund, flood aid, drought aid Emilia-Romagna (earthquakes) flexibility (transfer unused funds) PIF Protection des intérêts financiers the ongoing RALs problem cut-price, knock-down, un accord au rabais Friends of Cohesion v Friends of Better Spending fresh money shuffle its money around use of unused margins an 11 billion euro top-up outstanding payment claims a first draft, une épure dans la dentelle the ESF is bankrupt, le FSE est en cession de paiement Transferzahlungen und Rabatte administrative spending (staff pay, salary levels) pay and perks bloated salaries and expenses freeze, Nullrunde the SURE resolution (shoora) an investment budget with multiplier effect I'm serious about budgets, je suis pour le sérieux budgétaire DAB 6 Draft Amending Budget EGF Globalisation Adjustment Fund suspended payments outstanding claims outstanding issues (matters for negotiation) trade-offs, procéder à des arbitrages blocking minority, minorité de bloquage qualified majority, majorité qualifiée Negotiating Box (MFF) DB plus (above the draft budget) budget-neutral (offset by savings) COREPER, Ministers and sSecretaries of State for EU affairs, GAC, Presidency, European Council level of expenditure and its composition the Contact Group overall level (total envelope) 2014-20 the current v new framework trillion, eine Billion (tausend Milliarden) budgetary framework (financial perspective) growth, investment, jobs simplification of instruments quality of spending (better spending) extremely ambitious in the current climate negotiations on the next budgetary period nothing is agreed until everything is agreed CEF Connecting Europe Facility (3 strands: energy, transport, broadband), MIE Mécanisme pour l'interconnexion en Europe PCI Projects of Common Interest PBI Project Bond Initiative CAP VAT eligibility co-financing rates speed of convergence allocations per MS and region distribution key for rural development CAP, balance between pillars 1 and 2 equitable distribution (convergence) of direct support correction mechanisms (rebates, juste retour, lump sums) Europe 2020 Growth and Jobs Strategy CSF Common Strategic Framework (macro-economic conditionality, pre-financing rates, automatic decommitment rules) structural and cohesion funds, EAFRD, EMFF sectoral legislative proposals v horizontal negotiation FTT Financial Transaction Tax levied on equity sales, high-frequency trading Robin Hood tax, Gerechtigkeitssteuer Tobin tax, Börsenabgabe collection costs ranges of figures percentages v figures revenue v expenditure administrative costs v operational expenditure priorities v negative priorities (find new money or reduce in other areas) PPPA pilot projects and preparatory actions earmarks, Zweckbindung an investment (growth) budget back-loading (slow payments cause a snowball effect at the end of programmes) front-loading, opération d'anticipation budgétaire, Vornewegfinanzierung ITER (fusion), overrun, surcoût GMES (earth observation) special instruments 1 EAR Emergency Aid Reserve 2 EUSF Solidarity Fund 3 FI Flexibility Instrument (the flex) 4 EGF European Globalisation Adjustment Fund 5 RCAS Reserve for Crises in Agri Sector 6 CM Contingency Margin loan guarantees (BoP Balance of Payments Facility, EFSM European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism) FP7 (research) AB 6 (Amending Budget) DAPHNE (violence against women) BAM Banana Accompanying Measures EGNSS agency GNSS Global Navigation Satellite Service Education, Audiovisual, Culture Executive Agency EASO European Asylum Support Office DCI Development Cooperation Instrument PEAD Programme d'aide aux plus démunis FEAD Fonds MDP Most Deprived Persons Programme Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived food distribution to the most deprived food banks soup kitchens, συσσίτια CIP Competitiveness and Innovation ADN Amounts Deemed Necessary TWO ARMS Parliament and Council are the two arms of the budgetary authority, co-decision IIA 2006 Inter Institutional Agreement on budgetary discipline and sound financial management, IIV (ee-fow) budget guidelines, lignes directrices under the Gentleman's Agreement the EP gets 20% of EU spending on admin OWN RESOURCES own resources replaced national contributions 1 customs duties 2 import levies 3 VAT 4 the fourth resource, a % of GNI (Gross National Income), 1.27% ceiling, the 1% club want to cut the GNI part UK rebate, le chèque britannique the finance ministers (taxpayers' money) net contributors (paymasters, net payers) I want my money back, winners and losers, juste retour statistical revision RAPPORTEUR committee rapporteurs report to the general rapporteur 2011 Sidonia Jędrzejewska 2012 Francesca Balzani FOUR STAGES (TFEU 314) 1 Draft Budget (COM) 2 Council's position 3 EP's position 4 Conciliation draft estimates, état prévisionnel, Haushaltsansätze PDB Preliminary Draft Budget, avant-projet de budget, Vorentwurf "provisional twelfths" if no agreement HEADINGS, rubrique each heading has a ceiling from one budget heading to the other 1 sustainable growth 1a competitiveness for growth and employment, the Lisbon agenda lines, research and innovation 1b cohesion for growth and employment 2 preservation and management of natural resources 3a freedom, security and justice 3b citizenship 4 EU as a global player (external aid), Kosovo, CFSP, Palestine 5 administration 6 compensations FINANCIAL REGULATION the FR is the budget rulebook, Finanzordnung 1 authorising officer, ordonnateur, Anweisungsbefugter 2 financial controller the visa, le quitus au comptable overrule, passer outre, Hinwegsetzung über die Sichtvermerksverweigerung 3 accounting officer, comptable budgetary principles of unity, universality, annuality, specificity SECTIONS the general budget has sections, Einzelplan 1 Council 2 Parliament 3 COM 4 CJEC, EuGH 5 Court of Auditors 6 Economic and Social Committee 7 CoR Committee of the Regions 8 Ombudsman 9 European Data Protection Supervisor 10 EEAS European External Action Service BREAKDOWN 1 title (policy) 2 chapter 3 article 4 item, poste, partida the Asia line, a budget line financial statement, fiche financière token entry on the line (no money), pm 1 remarks, commentaires, Erläuterungen 2 justification, Begründung APPROPRIATIONS payment appropriations, commitment appropriations, in commitments and in payments commitment appropriations earmark funds for a number of years payment appropriations are for one particular year non-differentiated appropriations are a one-off, crédits non-dissociés IMPLEMENTATION the COM implements the budget, exécute letter on executability les appels de fonds mensuels overshoot, underspend, sous-exécution the weekly report (implementation of payments on a line-by-line basis) carryover, report balances, soldes transfer, virement, Mittelübertragung the RALs, appropriations outstanding, restes à liquider SAB Supplementary and Amending Budget, BRS amending letter, rectifying letter, lettre rectificative the annual ramassage (unspent at year's end), global transfer, virement global, Sammelübertragung take-up rate, rate of utilisation, taux de consommation, Mittelabflussrate, Ausschöpfungsrate realistic absorption capacities 1 close the accounts (internally), sign off the accounts, clôture, Kontenabschluss 2 clear the accounts (with MS), apurement Neven Mates withdraw your candidacy withdraw the nomination proceed with the nomination I reviewed my situation I offered my resignation to the PM it was refused we do not have veto power over appointments nominees assess the merits block a candidacy issue (give) a negative opinion Court of Auditors, annual report the President of the Court supervisory and control weaknesses error rates free of error complexity generates errors the difference between errors and fraud increases in error rates in successive years the system is generating these errors by itself fraud is defined as an act of deception for material benefit final beneficiaries recover payments from beneficiaries, Wiedereinziehung spending programmes performance audit performance data focus on performance key performance indicators conduct a performance audit new sampling methodology changed the sampling method financial corrections flatrate financial corrections suspensions and correction interruptions and suspensions detailed correction at project level ESF operations management and control systems financial engineering instruments cost options for the next MFF PIF protection of the union's financial interests the role of MS procurement, öffentliche Beschaffung active and passive goldplating getting in place some mechanism knowing the EU budget as I do auditee audit teams the audit authorities certify tenderised, weichgeklopft per cent of payments audited certification authorities Zahlstellenleiter falsche Erklärungen the cofinancing rate traffic offences not a penny of taxpayer's money not one penny piece, geen fluitje van een cent pijnpunten FEDER, ESF cohesion countries in absolute terms or percentage terms a positive DAS subsidiemolen de hand in eigen boezem steken in de knel komen a reality check ECDC European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (Tomteboda building, Stockholm) agencies eine Blaupause, a precedent (literally a blueprint) the bad pupils was die Verwaltung da runterjubelt ich will nicht schwierig sein staggered renewal (not all at once) substantiell (relevant) oder geringfügig cost and benefit, Aufwand und Nutzen ich bedanke mich für die konzentrierte Mitwirkung cont. BUDGET CONTROL the ECA (Court of Auditors) Internal Audit Service Cocobu News all revenue has been received and all expenditure incurred in a lawful and regular manner and financial management has been sound regularity, Ordnungsmässigkeit legality, Rechtmässigkeit 3 Es, effectiveness, efficiency, economy, Wirksamkeit, Wirtschaftlichkeit, Sparsamkeit performance audit, Wirtschaftlichkeitsprüfung value for money, Wirtschaftlichkeit, efficacité invoiced amounts signing off the accounts control mechanisms in place supporting documents for cost claims the accounts present a true and fair view put money into the reserve, release from audit trail (footprint), paper trail, Prüfpfad the audit population, le périmètre de l'audit reliability of underlying transactions, fiabilité the internal auditor's report, the audit panel do a full follow-up audit (special report) audit areas of expenditure covered risk-based audits robust and reliable management and control systems preventive and corrective measures error-prone spending areas corrective and recovery action testing of samples of transactions most likely error rate ineligible costs in cost claims disbursed to financial recipients potential deadweight land parcel identification system over-declaration financial corrections and recovery mechanisms the most risky national authorities and beneficiaries due date overruns vendor lock-in ICT security audit AT4AM successful projects smaller procurement contracts for IT open source and secure root to base-level ICT infrastructure Dalligate Supervisory Committee investigation national management declarations a confidence and supply arrangement FMS Financial Management System Audit Panel Internal Auditor Reports fulfilling their obligations quality and satisfaction survey meet the needs of the requesting bodies standard contracts paper trail audit trail would be more appropriate the contractor's price offer benchmark for assessing offers comparative cost benchmarking the price criterion used, economicità in compliance with the applicable rules expertise assessment form, consulenza reopening the competition subject to its oversight value for money the weighting applied since the payments started to roll pay capital advances internal final payments still at a relatively early stage leasing company identification of best practices scope for streamlining procedures found serious weaknesses follow up the findings I'm sad to say DISCHARGE the EP can grant, refuse, defer (postpone) discharge, since Maastricht it can make observations, the discharge procedure, Entlastung, kwijting, absolutorium CONTROL METHODS DST Direct Substantive Testing SWOT Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats ex post v ex ante fraud v irregularities interim payments v final payments the internal auditor, Rechnungsprüfer, Wirtschaftsprüfer under shared management, cobeheer directly managed programmes performance-based management, performance audits, auditoria de resultados a culture of performance (results-based) a culture of spending (use it or lose it) error-free the fraud rate, fehlerbehaftete Vorgehen invoice-based building stock, patrimonio immobiliare closure statements control procedures anomalies, Auffälligkeiten incorrect declarations, falsche Angaben ineligibiity final beneficiaries, Endbegünstigte grace period, Schonfrist prone to error, Fehleranfälligkeit do transaction testing as required based on this year's audit findings audit of management and control systems the fight against fraud against the EU budget mismanagement of EU resources, wanbeheer fraud against the budget, das veruntreute Geld fraud against the financial interests of the Union convention on the protection of the EU's financial interests budg. COMMISSION Jacek Dominik, ex Janusz Lewandowski, financial programming, budget LT Algirdas Šemeta, taxation, customs union, audit, antifraud, taxud accrual accounting, income recorded when earned, expenses recorded when the obligation arises, comptabilité d'exercice, Periodenrechnung cash accounting, based on real-time cash flow, expenses reported when paid, income recorded when received, comptabilité de caisse, Leistungsbilanz APS Annual Policy Strategy AMP Annual management Plans ABM Activity Based Management ABB Activity Based Budgeting, massnahmenbezogene Veranschlagung 1 CFS Central Financial Services unit 2 APC Audit Progress Committee 3 IAS Internal Audit Service the DGs draw up annual activity reports (AAR) ex ante controls centralised ex ante visas based on sampling scrapping central financial controls, decentralised system of controls cour. COURT OF AUDITORS annual report v specific reports NMD National Management Declarations SAI Supreme Audit Institution Pres Vítor Caldeira appointment of a member das. THE DAS IICF Integrated Internal Control Framework the Court produces a detailed statement of assurance (the DAS) each year certifying the EU's accounts, déclaration d’assurance, Zuverlässigkeitserklärung the accounts reliably reflect revenue and expenditure positive audit certificate a "tolerable risk of error" material incidence of error an error rate of 2% or less is considered to be below the materiality threshold overcharging proof of payment a true and fair view MS audit offices financing ineligible transactions apply control procedures properly public bodies managing the funds transactions underlying payments absence of supporting documents advance payments and final payments omission of debts and potential liabilities overstatement of outstanding commitments success rate, Aufklärungsrate preventing, detection, correcting errors audit all transactions for which the COM is responsible olaf. how Olaf carries out investigations the Olaf DG is entrusted with investigative functions Olaf has no power to summon witnesses inform the person of concern to the agency WHO regulations on tobacco regulation Swedish Match allies and enemies of snus liberalisation snus and all smokeless nicotine products trading in influence ocal/john-dalli-accuses-giovanni-kessler-of-perjury-askessler-testifies.560329 OLAF Fraud Investigation Office, lutte anti-fraude OLAF Supervisory Board, we are your creation AFCS Anti Fraud Coordination Services CMS Case Management System DG Giovanni Kessler, ex Franz-Hermann Brüner ISIP Instructions to staff on investigative procedures (ex OLAF manual) the UCLAF inheritance a criminal prosecution mount an investigation allegations substantiated law enforcement agencies, Strafverfolgungsbehörden investigation, Ermittlungen leaks, fuites, Indiskretionen Special Branch, Scotland Yard doubtless because of OLAF's workload duty of care and the wider public interest protect the integrity of the judicial process give investigators access to MEPs' offices? we have no jurisprudence to give us a guide take action for recovery, recovery order, recovery of undue payments, recouvrement FNS Fraud Notification System, informants, a blind letterbox, whistleblowers, lanceur d'alerte whistleblowers can use the toll-free line, in the public interest to reveal, Anzeigepflicht disciplinary proceedings basic role of the police we have no juge d'instruction, we have the Crown Prosecution Service, Vorvermittlung we have no partie civile (civil complainant) budg. BUDGETESE offsetting set ceilings fully costed cost savings decommittals cost-efficient spending limits further savings set the baseline false economies sign it off sign off on sign off a major aid programme balanced budget, die schwarze Null the exact figures with a net saving sloshing around budgetary impact the general public get short-changed balance the books fresh (new) money cost benchmarking we're budgeting for set a minimum rate in the budget cycle the most extraordinary amounts are flying around for the current year the overall amounts for a grand total of real-cost accounting at considerable cost accounting practices cost-benefit analysis slow down the spend transfer number four zero-based budgeting budgetise, etatisieren channelling resources keep a lid on spending submit payment claims control the purse strings a heck of a lot of money claw back the overhang given the severe budgetary constraints, strapped for cash, rein in spending, lower level of funding an overall cost saving of cut-off date for aid, délai the money in our pockets the programming process put money into the coffers cuts in other policy areas a book-keeping exercise double-entry book-keeping budgetary procedure, financial year, fiscal 2007, exercice impact on the bottom line (affect profitability) penny-pinching reductions administrative expenditure shows up in the accounts dipping into the petty cash now that budgets are tight cost overruns (over budget) have more monies available we want to see his costings a veritable paragon of accounting probity shortfall, deficit, trou, Lücke penny wise and pound foolish overbudgeting (overprovision) translate into budgetary terms sign off the budget, constater a rigorous cost control system cash flow problems, trésorerie setting the level of expenditure the figures are very instructive the timeframe, working to a timetable, Zeitschiene cover costs which have arisen the second tranche (instalment) obsession with slashing budgets given the budgetary constraints making the necessary provision a cost-cutting exercise, measure the current financial perspective an outlay (expenditure, the spend) within the global sum, enveloppe front-loading building expenditure linear increase (across the board) imprest account, régie d'avances revenue accruing, losses incurred bound to involve considerable costs came in higher than that (cost more) cutting corners (skimping), économies de bout de chandelle get sent the bill (be expected to pay) the margin available in heading five hardscrabble together, scrape together efficiency savings and productivity gains less than the inflation indicator, co-éfficient don't tell me there isn't any money in the kitty the amount of discussion is inversely proportional to the amount of money involved has budgetary implications, some of which no doubt will emerge in due course enter in the accounts, Überfahrung in die Vermögensbilanz not every problem can be solved by throwing cash at it for want of a nail a kingdom was lost spoil the boat for a ha'porth (halfpenny worth) of tar roll over unspent funds from one year into the next econ. ECONOMICS assets v liabilities supply-side v demand-side bonds v equity, obligations v actions fiat currency (paper) v specie (metal) bull market (up) v bear market (down) soaking the rich v harvesting the poor 1971 Pres Nixon closes the gold window 1931 UK forced off the gold standard 10.1929 Wall Street Crash, le krach G2 (US and China) G7 Group of seven leading industrial nations G8 (G7 plus Russia) BOT Build Operate Transfer CPI Consumer Price Index GFCF Gross Fixed Capital Formation, capital expenditure HICP Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices LBO Leveraged Buy Out Europe as a business location, Europe plc, les atouts du site Europe, Standort-Europa a better place to do business MOU Memorandum of Understanding PSBR Public Sector Borrowing Requirement TINA There Is No Alternative, pensée unique, Deutungsmonopol Limits to Growth (1972) Club of Rome best matches (Alvin Roth and Lloyd Shapley) Bloomberg TV (24-hour business news) Davos World Economic Forum Porto Alegre World Social Forum the Anglo-Saxon model, Rhineland capitalism, the polder model Ciampi Report (competitiveness) the golden rule savings rate Gresham’s Law (bad money drives out good) Ricardian equivalence (tax now or tax later) throw good money after bad fiscal multiplier (public spending kickstarts aggregate demand through multiplier effect on consumer spending) the Rostovian take-off model of economic growth (Walt Whitman Rostow) Reaganomics (a rising tide lifts all the boats, supply-side economics, trickle-down economics, voodoo economics) Civilisation matérielle, économie et capitalisme (1967-79) Fernand Braudel The Road to Serfdom (1940-43) Friedrich Hayek, the price mechanism allocates resources efficiently, unlike bureaucratic central planners 1840 Proudhon, la propriété, c'est le vol! The Wealth of Nations (1776) Adam Smith, invisible hand of the market nothing is certain except death and taxes (Benjamin Franklin) intervention v laissez-faire very dirigiste tax and spend benign neglect boom and bust big government crony capitalism bubble, burbuja The Return of Depression Economics (1999) Paul Krugmann buy low sell high rampant inflation revenue streams sheer economics casino capitalism economic serfdom the standard model the price value ratio a recession is negative GDP growth for two consecutive quarters or more claw back (recoup) adjusted for inflation financial engineering armchair economists schoolboy economics cyclical, conjoncturel make a killing (coin it) double-dip recession take a hit, une décote productive investment economic governance tranches (instalments) paper (fiat) currencies come out of recession non-executive director a small open economy the economic mainstay comparative advantage fixed costs (overheads) promote price efficiency enlightened self-interest to arbitrage (a trade-off) free movement of capital to get growth going again reduce interest rates, baisser le loyer de l’argent free play of market forces conspicuous consumption inflation and price stability outperform the benchmark point of diminishing returns fiat money, papier monnaie monetary policy instruments digital currencies like bitcoin throw good money after bad only serves to drive up costs economic policy coordination liberalisation and privatisation the tax take, recettes fiscales big bang (sudden introduction) trade-offs (winners and losers) market fundamentalism (unfettered markets), the market makes the final call one trillion (a thousand billion) economics, the dismal science capitalism red in tooth and claw all you banker bashers out there narrow money money supply, masse monétaire printing money, planche à billets leveraging (borrowing to invest) the economy will tank (nosedive) originating student loans (issuing) robber barons and vulture capitalists the rate of return on an investment capital goods, biens d'équipement turn in on itself, replis nombriliques beggar-thy-neighbour protectionism a return to normal market conditions just in time, le stock zéro, flux tendu price competition (compete on price) debt repayment holiday (moratorium) with opportunity comes risk the opportunity costs, alternatieve kosten use the full range of economic levers pay through the nose for the privilege economic patriotism (picking winners) off-shore tax havens, paradis fiscaux satisfaction of consumer wants ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange the idle rich land, labour, capital (factors of production) rentiers live from their investments rent-seeking behaviours, la rente est incompatible avec l'économie de marché levers of economic policy (policy mix) national accounts, volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnungen shake-out, Verdrängungswettbewerb telephone number sums (eye-watering), Unsummen business as usual bailouts are bad in the long run banks will go back to their old habits a going concern (profitable company) moral hazard, aléa moral banks will do bad lending all over again in the long run we are all dead (Keynes) I look forward to the euthanasia of the rentier (Keynes) safer than putting it under your mattress reported poor results in the first quarter operating under similar business models doom loop (cycle of boom, bust, bailout) floating (variable) and fixed exchange rates the business (economic) cycle, conjoncture shady businessmen out to make a fast buck a backstop from the government (guarantee) top performer (best in class), underperforming mercantilists worry about the balance of trade economic fundamentals, les grands équilibres driver (engine) of economic growth, locomotive robber capitalism, unfettered markets, sauvage sunrise sector, growth industry, secteur porteur competitive devaluation (using the exchange rate to offset an economic shock) first-mover advantage gained by the initial occupant of a market segment borrowing for investment and borrowing for current expenditure the public sector, traditional state monopolies, deregulation, grassroots capitalism, a stakeholder society, windfall tax on profits of privatised utilities pro-cyclicality, counter-cyclicality, sell assets at times of stress, in the good times, for a rainy day economic governance, pilotage macro-économique, Wirtschaftsregierung deterioration of the UK's public finances, sterling's depreciation, quantitative easing monétisation where many of the normal rules of economics no longer apply VAT on job-creating services, baisser la TVA à taux réduit the wherewithal the break-even point adequately resourced to grow their economies the slump is bottoming out break even (cover your costs) the necessary financial means boom and bust (feast or famine) runs into extra time and penalties planning for value and cost control picking up the bills (picking up the tab) usa. USA government shutdown extend the debt ceiling (legal borrowing limit) bipartisan (cross-party) the current global financial crisis carries a made-inAmerica label The Global Minotaur (2011) Yanis Varoufakis when Wall St tanked the dollar is the world's main reserve currency, le billet vert est une monnaie refuge seigniorage (revenue from coinage), Schlagsatz mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac housing slump, foreclosure crisis HARP Home Affordable Refinance Program a 100% non-recourse mortgage (you don't lose your shirt), dación en pago (datio in solutum) when AIG insurance collapsed it would have tanked the economy if the nanny state hadn't ridden to the rescue the Fed rescued Bear Stearns 2008 Tarp bailout programme (Toxic Assets Recovery Programme) 15.09.08 bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers 1999 Glass-Steagall act repealed (separating retail and investment banking) the Fed, Federal Reserve (US central bank), Chairman Janet Yellen, ex Ben Bernanke, 7-member Board of Governors Treasury Secretary (Finance Minister) Timothy Geithner, ex Hank (Henry) Paulson a Chapter 11 filing (bankruptcy, US) monetarism, Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman, the Chicago Boys, free-market theology (fundamentalism) the business of business is business rational expectations, Alan Greenspan, market fundamentalism, financial markets are self-correcting, why did the markets not self-correct? a flaw in the model conspiracy theories, Bilderberg, quiet coup, stealth coup, Goldman Sachs, unelected corporations, Trilateral Commission Savings and Loans, caisses d'épargne AARP American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan shovel-ready projects (public works construction plans, roads, schools, bridges) stim. STIMULUS ERP European Recovery Plan Keynesianism (interventionism), lancer de grands travaux publics Keynesian stimulus packages deficit spending is the road to ruin and it is paved with good intentions, déficit actif elements of state capitalism, shore up, bailout, growthintensive public spending, deficit financing will create employment, grands projets fiscal stimulus stimulus spending right now nobody's hiring economic stimulus package stimulus package, economic recovery plan, package, Konjunkturprogramm ansetzen, plan de relance reco. RECOVERY credit binge v hangover speculation v enterprise project bonds non-constrained players take-home-pay tax wedge on labour shifting the tax pressure taxes on labour, charges sociales taxes and social security contributions tax credit for companies to ease high employment costs temporary layoffs leaving factories idle industry is in deep trouble today’s debts are tomorrow’s taxes reeling from the global financial crisis financial markets and the real economy causing financial mayhem and job losses it hasn't hit people how bad it's going to be we know what has to be done we just don't know how to get re-elected afterwards mitigate the impact of the economic downturn, la tempête financière social impact of the global economic and financial crisis grow your economy upswing in the cycle we've turned the corner the markets will recover begin to reap the benefits a correction in the market return the economy to health the economy is coming round job-intensive (job-rich) growth restoring the health of the economy overall level of taxes and charges shift the tax burden away from labour charges sociales (surimposition du travail) unit labour costs are decreasing current accounts are improving growth is picking up returning to healthier public finances unleash the investment potential green shoots (upturn), brotes verdes I don't see green shoots around the corner savage capitalism has made paupers of us reduced us to penury mired millions in poverty taken away our freedoms junc. JUNCKER PLAN Juncker investment plan la liquidité est abondante sur les marchés this COM means business Jyrki Katainen, jobs growth investment competitiveness how to finance the Guarantee Fund risk-sharing facility fund non-paper no earmarking (fixing to any project) no geographical quotas Horizon 2020 CEF Connecting Europe Facility unused margins from previous years, les marges Art 14 flexibility ITRE is responsible for research, RTD at the mid-term review (MFF) line items IIA, IIV (eefow) Interinstitutionelle Vereinbarung EFSI European Fund for Strategic Investments (efsee) ESIF European Structural and Investment Funds EIAH European Investment Advisory Hub EPP European Investment Project Pipeline Investment Committee Managing Director Steering Board EIB, Die EIB im Überblick ITF COM/EIB Investment Task Force EU Guarantee Fund (liquidity cushion) CEF Connecting Europe Facility Horizon 2020 PCI Projects of Common Interest JFI Joint Financial Instrument IFI Innovative Financial Instruments DG MOVE Ten-Ts Trans-European Networks (Transport) Baltic Adriatic Corridor project holders regional investment platforms crowding out, effet de substitution deadweight (would have been built anyway) job creation scheme, occupational therapy, sewing mailbags, de l'occupationnel bean counting, juste retour benefit the real economy productive capital, zielführendes Kapital job rich, fertile en emplois leverage, effet de levier, hochgehebelt, apalancamiento Task Force on the Strategic Investment Fund Regulation (EP) MEC Macro-Economic Conditionality public development banks, Förderbank CDC Caisse des dépôts et consignations CDP Cassa Depositi e Prestiti ICO Instituto de Crédito Oficial KfW Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau private promoters regional platform close the infrastructure gap investment gap underinvestment market failure flexibility primary budget surplus management and control systems trustees, Treuhänder der EFSI surplus and deficit countries the so-called investment clause not counted when assessing the fiscal adjustment either in the preventive or corrective arm of the for the Stability Pact (SGP) investment gap equity investment private investment booster regulatory context regulatory certainty regulatory framework boost demand backflow from investment used for growth-enhancing purposes a tool to trigger private money inflows first-loss protection mechanisms un effet de masse Google's 4000 satellites block, sabotage, undermine, picking apart they do not seem to get it economic Schengen a legal construction outside the EU framework female participation open government health data key for research the capital stock has to be depreciated target grants excellence grants mifi. MiFID Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, the MiFID review have a waiver staff level agreement green bonds, home insulation pre-post trade transparency non-equity early legal review contracts captured outstanding contracts portfolio managers payment for execution ancillary activities ancillary to their core business bundled together offering financial advice payment for research investment research, Aktienforschung benefits, fees or charges commission-sharing constitute an inducement drive up the price of vital commodities position limits regime setting a baseline to flex that baseline issuers eligibility for pre-trade waivers ticks position holders market developments the COFIA approach (classes of financial instrument) granular PRIPS, UCITS, MiFID public compartmental lending solution 8 year ramping up period steady state benchmark home market bank levies distance marketing ecommerce CRD 4 fully loaded compliance costs mis-selling regulated spaces cross-sector issues settlement dates settlement platform settlement discipline regime settlement failures final wave of migration SME growth markets data fields re-securitisation Finanz-TÜV SEC Securities and Exchange Commission (US) Reg NMS Regulation National Market System (cf MiFID) the Dodd-Frank bill, Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (cf EMIR/MiFID II) MiFIR regulation opacity v transparency financial products (asset classes) 1 equities (stock in privately held companies) 2 the derivatives trading component 3 fixed income markets (eg government bonds, corporate bonds, foreign exchange, complex products) 4 commodities financialisation rising prices for raw materials trades in oil-market instruments trading of commodity derivatives mandatory recourse to exchanges impose position limits on speculators payment of deposits by traders taking positions trades in derivatives based on primary products CSDs Central Securities Depositories FESE Federation of European Securities Exchanges ISD Investment Services Directive, investment firms, selling investment products EFAMA European Fund and Asset Management Association the lit markets, the lit spaces, the exchanges as they historically have been in each MS the primary listing and the secondary market Citigroup, Merrill Lynch market participants, Marktteilnehmer investors issuers intermediaries and counterparties investment managers regulators trading, traders, trades traded shares, options, bonds shares are traded on trading venues, bring together buyers and sellers, (platforms, markets, traditional exchanges) transparency for all asset classes gaming market impact how orders are handled market depth (market liquidity) offering cross-border services price discovery (transparency) market making, tenue de marché market makers offer a sell and buy price all day eg sovereign bonds sell-side firms (brokerages and banks) passporting, a single licence for investment activities, branches, host state ensures compliance develop new products exchange-traded, clearing within exchanges non-performing loans, notleidende Kredite provide a bid/offer spread in liquid shares a mechanism for identifying dark pool trades dark (non-transparent) eligible counterparty risks the limit order disclosure rule order handling and execution in the best interests of the client, taking into consideration price, cost, speed of fill, execution and settlement channel orders to exchanges exempt large share trades, blocks execution venues, be on the end of a trade best execution, post-trade transparency, centralised clearing system, maintaining orderly markets, revealing orders to trade reporting, post-trade transparency, a consolidated tape of post-trade data (trades, transactions, orders) a consolidated tape (pre- and post-trade data would give a picture of market activity across multiple venues) do companies clearing euro-denominated trades have to be based in the eurozone? no emir. EMIR (trilogue) OTC derivatives, central counterparties, trade repositories CFTC Commodity Futures Trading Commission (US) MRM Minimum Remaining Maturity, Laufzeit DTS Draft Technical Standards RTS Regulatory Technical Standards, RTS's EASDAQ European Association of Securities Dealers, Automated Quotations, offers small, fast-growing companies a pan-European listing (cf US NASDAQ) OMX (Aktiebolaget Optionsmäklarna/Helsinki Stock Exchange) is a Swedo-Finnish financial services company EUREX financial instruments authorised, zugelassen swaps options definition of a derivative contract euro-denominated physically settled forwards foreign exchange forwards clearing, Abwicklung risk mitigation on non-cleared derivatives retrospectively clear frontloading (US backloading Dodd-Frank) pricing in Scandiwegian benc. BENCHMARKS any index by reference to which the amount payable under a financial instrument or a financial contract, or the value of a financial instrument is determined family of benchmarks critical benchmarks (€ 500 bn!) non-critical benchmarks measure the underlying market reality based on input data from contributors input data used to determine benchmarks risk of manipulation of the input data conflicts of interest assessors integrity of the reporting process control framework requirements audit trails equivalence decision benchmark statement supervised entities the activities of supervised contributors administrators (supervision) manipulation of benchmarks measure performance of investment funds effective functioning of the internal market contracts that reference a benchmark the setting and review of weightings the weights assigned to sovereign bonds financial contracts such as mortgages Euribor Euro Interbank Offered Rate Tibor Tokyo Interbank Offered Rate Libor London Interbank Offered Rate MiFID and MiFIR PRA Price Reporting Agency interest rate benchmarks commodity benchmarks foreign exchange benchmarks pricing cross-border transactions the role of ESMA draft regulatory technical standards guidelines for competent authorities for UCITS management companies ETF Exchange Traded Funds most ETFs track an index IOSCO International Organisation of Securities Commissions CCP Central Counterparty CCPs produce reference prices and settlement prices MAR Market Abuse Regulation prospectuses and KIDs KID Key Information Document PRI Internal Reference Prices otc. OVER THE COUNTER, dérivés de gré à gré, außerbörslich on-exchange trading v off-exchange OTC derivatives, OTC-Derivatekontrakte derivatives traded away from exchanges clearing houses: vertical silos v open access privately-traded instruments (CDS, interest rate swaps, equity options) plain vanilla or more complex OTC derivatives EMIR European Market Infrastructure Regulation CSD Central Securities Depositories CCC Central Counterparty Clearing default waterfall funds delegation of custody and liability MAD Market Abuse Directive FICOD Financial Conglomerates Directive (credit, insurance, investment firms, multiple gearing, group risks) trade outside the open stockmarket, off-exchange, offbook, off-market trading, off-balance-sheet transactions, ausserbörslicher Handel OTC markets, credit default swaps and dark pools have rendered the best execution and investor protection provisions of MiFID practically meaningless through their opaque nature OTC derivative contracts to be reported to trade repositories (registries) new trading venues have emerged ABS Asset Backed Securities CDO Collateralised Debt Obligations pre-trade transparency requirements for dark pools (MTF, SI, BCN) RM Regulated Markets SI Systematic Internalisers internalised trading, internalisation BCN Broker Crossing Networks DMA Direct Market Access Trading ETF Exchange Traded Funds, most ETFs track an index ETC Exchange Traded Commodity HFT High Frequency Trading OTF Organised Trading Facility MTF Multilateral Trading Facility quants, les matheux flash crash, krach éclair trading algorithms, les algos speed traders (robot traders) flash trading APA Approved Publication Arrangements ARM Approved Reporting Mechanisms CTP Consolidated Tape Provider initial capital clearing thresholds for all existing trades door-to-door, Haustürgeschäfte, démarchage et colportage cross-selling, Querverkäufe, vente croisée back-to-back trading (on a matched principal basis) principal, Auftraggeber their variation margin defined as liquid collateral the product they're trading money-market instruments using IS 39 hedge accounting access to data and trade feeds publish the volume of large trades establish a competitive framework trying to define what is speculative segregation and protection of assets hedging a business risk, business hedges the non-financials carveout, carving them out as nonfinancials (derogation) fluctuations in underlying products affect the value of the derivative counterparty risk, those writing the insurance going into default used to insure (hedge) against fluctuations in exchange rates, interest rates, share prices and the risk of a default on bonds (credit default swaps or CDS) applying clearing obligations retroactively to existing contracts would result in legal difficulties and create major problems for counterparties interoperability, traders would be allowed to choose where their trades are cleared, a competitive clearing environment, arbitrage réglementaire backloading (retroactive reporting and clearing obligations) default, Ausfall maturity, Laufzeit clearing, Abwicklung counterparty, Kontrahent assets, Vermögenswerte cash securities, Kassepapiere covered bonds, Deckungsderivate reporting requirements, Meldepflicht trade repositories, Transaktionsregister post-collateralisation, Nachbesicherung credit default swap, Kreditausfallversicherung collateral (margins, security arrangements), Sicherheit deri. DERIVATIVES DTB Deutsche Terminbörse LIFFE London International Futures and Options Exchange Matif Marché à terme international de France swaps, futures, options derivatives markets, trading, trades interoperability among CCPs financial derivative instruments derivatives executed outside an exchange two counterparties to a derivatives transaction all derivatives regardless of venue of execution clearing involves an obligation to post collateral mandatory clearing of standardised derivatives through independent clearing between financial institutions clearing house, central counterparty clearing, chambre de compensation standardised derivatives traded in exchanges or clearing houses the purpose of clearing derivatives is to reduce systemic risk make certain classes of derivatives subject to clearing and settlement of the trade through a third party subp. SUBPRIME securitisation, la titrisation a éliminé les frontières rigides, SICAV, dépôts, titres, Verbriefung securitised exposures (holdings, portfolios) housing bubble (soaring asset prices), inflación de precios inmobiliarios arcane financial instruments, financial engineering subprime mortgage sector, mortgages packaged into investment products and sold on, retention rate, issuers, originators BCCI Bank of Credit and Commerce International CAC Collective Action Clauses (bondholder protection), Umschuldungsklausel CFS Complex Financial Products NINJA No Income No Job No Assets OBS Off Balance Sheet SIV Structured Investment Vehicle, packaging, selling on, retention (intermediaries retain a proportion of assets as a sign of confidence) junk bonds, Michael Milken toxic assets (impaired, troubled, distressed), legacy securities make good on their loans (pay back) sitting on undisclosed losses from the property boom and bust bad banks take over bad loans, structures de défaisance, faule Kredite hedg. HEDGE FUNDS AIFMD Alternative Investment Fund Managers the LTCM (Long-Term Capital Management) hedge fund had to be bailed out secretive hedge fund managers private equity, hedge fund, fonds spéculatifs shadow banking sector (outside the regulated sector) shadow banking (non-banks, financial groups, private equity, special investment vehicles, money market funds) 1 transparency, data collection, monitoring, 2 money market funds, 3 repo and securities lending transactions debt to equity ratio is an indicator of leverage (indebtedness), highly-leveraged (risky) the greater fool theory, Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scam, pyramid scheme, post-Madoff Franz Müntefering (SPD, labour minister) called them Heuschrecken (locusts) investment vehicles have a fiduciary responsibility shorting, short-selling (betting on an asset with borrowed money in the expectation of making a profit when the value goes down), Leerverkäufe naked short selling, vente à découvert sans garantie de possession de titres bank. BANKING BNP Paribas UBS Union de Banques Suisses JPMorgan Chase Goldman Sachs Josef Ackermann, Deutsche Bank Allianz sold Dresdner Bank to Commerzbank mutual savings banks and cooperative banks the cajas (regional savings banks) collapsed the cajas had invested heavily in real estate Landesbanken act as wholesale banks for the Sparkassen Sparkassen and Volksbanken have huge deposits because everyone has an account there Landesbanken, over-extended, high-risk activity, owned by the Sparkassen and Volksbanken Bayern LB Deutsche Bank, private asset management Dexia, Franco-Belgian banking group, break-up, bad bank Hypo Alpe Adria, Heta (bad bank) Bankia capital injection open a Charter One account (online banking features) Deutsche and Paribas HSBC Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Rabobank (Coöperatieve Centrale RaiffeisenBoerenleenbank B.A) MPS Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena model IRB/AMA CTI Core Tier One banques, caisses d'épargne, fonds de pension, assureurs building societies, Bausparkassen the cooperative sector (mutual lending) the role of the financial sector is to manage risk and to allocate capital and to run the payments mechanism and to do all this at very low transaction costs, that's what an efficient financial system does concentration, restructuring, mergers, fusions banks provide basic banking services banks lend money against collateral and charge interest banks channel savings into productive investments eba. EBA European Banking Authority, Andrea Enria COREP Common Reporting, EBA's standardised reporting framework for CRD the EBA as a fully-fledged ESA in the ESFS ESMA our sister authority (securities and markets) SREP supervisory review and evaluation process SSH Single Supervisory Handbook MCD Mortgage Credit Directive FCD Financial Conglomerates Directive GPA rulemaking for the internal market rate-setting inter-bank lending rate bank-to-bank borrowing any banking analyst will tell you raising its main lending rate to 1.25 manipulate benchmark interest rates suspend or revoke banking licences make sure the feeds are good enough home-country v host country control bank lending v market-based financing borrowing operations v lending operations fractional reserve banking, Mindestreserve EBF European Banking Federation EIB European Investment Bank, Pres Werner Hoyer, ex Philippe Maystadt the EIB has a triple-A rating stamp duty (on share transactions) regulated banks and shadow banking financial literacy stress-testing (assessment of resilience) able to go to the market and get funding binding mediation (bound by the settlement) hold capital reserve cushions wound up their balance sheet value their holdings draw down reserves an orderly wind-down eat into your reserves the weaker sovereigns last out a period of fragility drive banks out of business transparency and disclosure winding-up of credit institutions the slow-moving dynamic of bank failures fears of a disorderly deleveraging equity converted to capital redeemed or written off retail depositors banking levy fiduciary (scriptural, fiat) money rebalance their asset exposures head office, satzungsmässiger Sitz the mint, legal tender, monnaie légale if you're insolvent you won't get any credit capital transmission mechanisms the liquid interbank lending market evaporated central bank, bank of issue, lender of last resort, banque d'émission economic stabilisers (shock absorbers) credit and financial institutions, banks and insurance companies on a consolidated, cross-border basis, internal group lending clearing and settlements, règlements et livraisons inve. INVESTMENT BANKS boring banking v gambling banking retail banks v casino banks Bankbeamte v traders in the trading room principle-based approach v rules-based Glass–Steagall 1933-1999 separated commercial banking from investment banking the Volcker rule places restrictions on proprietary trading with retail deposits banking separation (retail and investment) retail and investment entities, Trennbankengesetz bancassurance, Allfinanzunternehmen the games theory problem of one side lying to the other EU, there could be a holding EU, fragmented capital markets EU, banks finance the real economy EU, universal banking model (retail and investment activities) US, corporate bonds US, banks should not engage in high-risk speculation ring-fenced activities separate legal entities subsidiarisation, filialisation breaking up the universal banks tacit backstop, soutien implicite where banks undertake trading activities capital, leverage, liquidity requirements separate their retail and investment arms profits are private, losses are socialised combine them and banks get too big to fail mandatory separation, Trennbankengesetz Nick Leeson, derivatives, Barings, Jérôme Kerviel, Société Générale, rogue trader, masters of the universe policy failures debt write-offs trading accounts banking collapse raking in the fees global savings glut casino economics excessive risk-taking, activités risquées debt, deficit, budget financially-distressed no economy is immune short-sighted behaviour holders of the new paper raise official interest rates liquidity (short-term financing) replenish depleted inventories bondholders and shareholders equity, basic capital, net worth robust and credible stress tests gambling (excessive risk-taking) the deleveraging process, unwinding complex products, désendettement, desapalancamiento financial institutions are unwinding their leverage the financial sector was to blame Icesave accounts with high returns the state's exposure to bank losses there were flawed (perverse) incentives marking to market, current market value before the end date of the bailout facility moving risks off the balance sheet, bilan fragmentation of global financial markets balance sheet, assets, liabilities, net worth regulatory arbitrage, arbitrage réglementaire borrowing from the market, commercial paper pose systemic risks, systemically-relevant institutions, systemically large institutions, posing a risk to the system, systemrelevant too big to be financially restructured (resolved) commercial paper held by money market funds to backstop the local deposit insurance scheme privatising gain, socialising losses, too-big-to-fail banks have a one-way bet the way the system works fundamentally is that the public pays the costs and takes the risks and the profit is privatised the trading book (short-term assets) and the banking book (long-term) trading on account (speculating) and trading on behalf of clients take a position on, you're making a bit so you have to pay a little fee refo. REFORM Erkki Liikanen, governor of the Bank of Finland, ECB council member Liikanen Report, HLEG High Level Expert Group on bank structural reform AFME had colonised an area of the flower bar Association for Financial Markets in Europe retail, deposits :-) speculation, speculative, proprietary, trading, investment :-( capital requirements, fonds propres bonus caps market abuse short-term repos banking structure client-facing activities an orgy of banker-bashing backlash against fat-cat bankers forex (currency trading, markets) market-making, tenue de marché audi. AUDIT ESMA as the main regulator for auditors? DG FISMA Financial Stability, Financial Services, Capital Markets Union PIE Public Interest Entities (very large companies), EIP robust audit statutory auditors joint audits, co-commissariats caps on non-audit fees advisory fee cap set at x % of the audit fee conflict of interests mandatory audit firm rotation every maximum audit tenure of x years the longest time for an audit engagement accounting standards accountancy directives develop their own risk model risk-weighted (consolidated) accounts a true and fair picture of the going concern provide non-audit services (as consultants) draft regulation and implementing provisions proliferation of different accounting regimes ENRON, accounting fraud (led to the Sarbanes–Oxley Act) GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US) EFRAG European Financial Reporting Advisory Group, Executive Director, Board of Supervisors, Management Board IASB International Accounting Standards Board (London), the IAS regime, normes comptables, Rechnungslegung IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards, NIIF Normes internationales d'information financière IPSAS International Public Sector Accounting Standards global standards set by the US or collectively understandable, reliable, relevant, comparable Big Four (KPMG, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, PriceWaterhouseCoopers), oligopoly audit industry basic audit services joint audit, co-commissariat auditor, commissaire aux comptes accountancy firms, cabinets d'audit mandatory rotation (switch audit firms) non-audit services such as tax advisory services and consultancy work rati. RATING AGENCIES Big 3 (Moody's, Standard & Poor's, Fitch) Dagong, Chinese CRA CRA Credit Rating Agencies, agences de notation ECAF Eurosystem Credit Assessment Framework ECAI External Credit Assessment Institution power to suspend credit ratings? supervised by ESMA (EMSA is Maritime Safety) a book-to-value measure triple A credit-rating, note, signature, Bonität ranked and rated, rated entities loss of triple A sovereign debt rating, dégradation de la note française feeding market uncertainty downgrades spook the markets jittery, get the jitters, have the jitters move the rating down two notches identify an independent body continuous douple-dipping of consultancies over-reliance causes herding and cliff effects regulatory capture (cosy relationships, conflicts of interest), intellectually captured fair value, mark-to-market (securities valued at current price) due diligence (doing the background), diligence raisonnable, Sorgfaltspflicht bonu. BONUSES cash up-front v deferral, différer the bonus culture golden parachute complacent, arrogant, indecent limit the pay of their top executives a culture of high salaries and bonuses especially in the depths of a recession the depth of feeling out in the country fat cats, executive pay, bankers' salaries fixed and variable, limitation de la part variable relationship between pay and performance retention bonuses (or you lose your good people) stock options, l'intéressement, Gewinnbeteiligung supposed to be performance bonuses not rewards for failure Occupy Wall Street, tent cities emu. EMU 5 Maastricht criteria, inflation, interest rates, exchange rates, budget deficit, gross deficit budget deficit no more than 3% of GDP (deficit-to-GDP ratio) public debt no more than 60% of GDP peer pressure fiscal policy criteria convergence programmes fiscal rectitude (discipline) multilateral surveillance, toezicht sustainable non-inflationary growth real v nominal convergence criteria asymmetric shocks, décalage de conjoncture, contrecarrer les désajustements régionaux, le cycle de l'Alsace n'est pas forcément celui du Béarn, le cycle de la Sicile n'est pas forcément celui de l'Italie du nord ratio of public debt to GDP, the stock of public debt, the debt service burden, charge de la dette, Staatsverschuldung, PIL euro. EURO ins v pre-ins v outs euro membership prospective entrants non-participating currencies this is a political project it should have been strangled at birth economic serfdom economic sovereignty takeover, mise sous tutelle protectorates, Völkerkerker trapped inside an economic prison faced with their recent enslavement Tusk to chair summits of eurozone states the nineteen members of the eurozone the 19 eurozone finance ministers Eurogroup pres Jeroen Dijsselbloem, ex Jean-Claude Juncker Luis de Guindos, Mariano Rajoy a Treasury Department with power over tax and government spending, un Trésor européen? a bond union? a fiscal union with stabilisation tools? a transfer union (massive fiscal transfers)? permanent fiscal transfers stability bonds monetary union fiscal federalism economic government economic and fiscal union European Monetary Fund? omnibus report sado-monetarism fiscal union treaty fiscally incontinent deep structural reforms deficit budget deficits and debt ESGIF European Stability and Growth Investment Fund ecb. EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK ECB to supervise 6.000 banks ROE targets (Return On Equity) price stability v wage stability a mandate to maintain price stability Executive Board v Governing Council Direktorium v Gouverneursrat monetary policy v supervision functions discount rate v lending rate, Lombardsatz rule-based v discretionary monetary policy external demand v internal (domestic) demand ECB (Frankfurt), independent of governments, confirmation hearings, BCE lender of last resort? (backstop) Executive Board, Directoire Mario Draghi, ex Jean-Claude Trichet, Vice Pres Vítor Constâncio, Peter Praet, Sabine Lautenschläger (ex Jörg Asmussen), ex Jürgen Stark, Benoît Coeuré, Yves Mersch the euro is irreversible whatever it takes, coûte que coûte Governing Council (inc. governors of national central banks (NCBs) from the euro area countries TARGET2 Trans European Automated Real-time Gross Settlements Express Transfer System, bank settlements system, single currency payments system € ASCII code Alt 0128 EFC Comité économique et financier, ex Monetary Committee ESCB European System of Central Banks (ECB and national central banks), Statute EMI European Monetary Institute, convergence report, annual report, limé Bundesbank chief, Jens Weidmann, ex Axel Weber, la Buba medium-term price stability base lending rate, taux directeur, Leitzinsen output gap exchange rate public debt ratio oil price volatility domestic savings debt sustainability government deficit weak domestic demand basket of economic indicators loose talk (unguarded remarks) the national Finance Committees macro-economic policy coordination quarterly monetary dialogue (with EP) inflation targeting, a range for inflation, inflation forecast, decision to set a 2% ceiling for inflation rotating presidency of the Euro-13, the euro area, euroland, Mr or Ms Euro (G7) monetary targeting, monetary reference ranges, reference values, clear targets, money supply targets (M3), masse monétaire inflation, deflation, reflation, overheating, dampen demand donner à l'Europe le pouvoir régalien de battre monnaie foreign reserve assets (holdings), foreign currency reserves held in gold, inclusion of gold in the ECB's reserves, credibility, both the ECB and NCBs within the ESCB will hold significant reserves crd. CRD 4 Capital Requirements Directive, credit institutions, investment firms, capital adequacy, liquidity and bank capital rules solvency ratio insufficiently capitalised stress-testing the banks hide their contingent liabilities the level of capital banks should hold 9% core capital ratio boost core capital ratios recapitalised to reach a capital ratio of 9% capital requirements prevent over-leveraging capital adequacy rules applying to banks deleveraging (sovereigns v banks v non-financials v households) deleveraging on the equity side because of the requirements of Solvency Two, sol 26 (2) risk-based approach to capitalisation and supervision of insurance undertakings CET 1 Common Equity Tier 1, noyau dur des fonds propres de base core tier-one capital (equity capital and disclosed reserves), hartes Eigenkapital set aside capital sovereign buffers buffers enhance resilience required to hold greater capital buffers counter-cyclical capital buffers for banks, liquidity buffers, coussins, colchón prudential buffers, provisions pour risques et charges, provisionner les risques imposition of additional provisioning requirements on the banks base. BASEL THREE BCBS Basel Committee on Banking Supervision central bank governors and supervisors regulatory frameworks for capital and liquidity CCR Counterparty Credit Risk CDS Credit Default Swaps CEM Current Exposure Method CLN Credit Linked Notes CVA Credit Valuation Adjustment EAD Exposure-at-Default EPE Expected Positive Exposure IMM Internal Models Method IRB approach (EBA) Internal Ratings Based approach LGD Loss Given Default MPOR Margin Period Of Risk MTM Mark To Market PD Probability of Default PFE Potential Future Exposure RPA Risk Protection Agreement seme. EUROPEAN SEMESTER the so-called European semester, an exercise in the practice of economic governance EPW European Parliamentary Week an unbroken chain of democratic legitimation Article 13 Interparliamentary Conference relevant committees of national parliaments EP meet to discuss budgetary policies and other issues Article 121 multilateral surveillance 10.2010 Deauville deal, casino compromise, revision of Stability and Growth Pact, sanctions, penalties SGP Stability and Growth Pact (budget discipline), stability programmes (eurozone), convergence programmes (others) annual cycle of economic policy co-ordination EDP Excessive Deficit Procedure (104 c), übermässige Staatsschuld countries in EDP macroeconomic conditionality austerity measures and fines SCP Stability and Convergence Programmes MS present SCPs to the COM policy coordination economic semester reporting comply or explain (automaticity) a rules-based system, judicialización peer review (mutual assessment) stability read semester EMU banking union enhanced surveillance (boosting powers over countries experiencing financial difficulties) more intrusive oversight of draft national budgets before government present them to parliament Six Pack, paquet de gouvernance économique COM 522 excessive deficit procedure COM 526 surveillance of budgetary positions COM 524 budgetary surveillance (enforcement) COM 527 macroeconomic imbalance procedure (prevention, correction), MIP-relevant COM 525 macroeconomic imbalances (enforcement) COM 523 budgetary frameworks of MS Two Pack COM 821 monitoring and evaluation of draft budget plans, correction of excessive deficits of eurozone countries experiencing financial difficulties COM 819 enhanced economic and budgetary surveillance expert group on debt redemption fund, eurobills, Tilgungsfonds eurobonds lite joint issuance of debt eurobonds (pooling national debt) debt union, debt sharing, debt mutualisation, Vergemeinschaftung stress tests deficit union deficit financing backstop measures supervisory prudential rules supervision v monetary policy balanced budget rule miss targets and pay a fine close to balance or in surplus national budgetary procedures submit a plan detailing structural reforms macro-economic conditionality (quasi-automatic sanctions for breaching budget deficit and public debt limits) imposition of sanctions on MS with imprudent fiscal policies temporary overshoots exceptional circumstances severe economic downturn reso. RESOLUTION a negative feedback loop break the link between banks and sovereigns, Schuldenund Finanzkrise a European banking supervisor centralised eurozone fiscal capacity a banking supervisory role for the ECB a single supervisor for eurozone banks allow direct recapitalisation of banks from the bailout fund to bypass governments BRRD Bank Resolution and Recovery Directive CB capital buffer (9%) CCB counter-cyclical buffer (up to 2.5% of risk-weighted assets CCI Convention of Capital Instruments CCP Central CounterParty (the buyer to every seller and the seller to every buyer) CET1 Common Equity Tier One CMD Crisis Management Directive CoCo bonds are issued as debt but convert automatically into equity when a bank gets into trouble, contingent convertible bonds CRD 4 Capital Requirements Directive, a major supervisory overhaul to implement the global Basel 3 banking rules CRR Capital Requirements Regulation CSDR Central Securities Depository Regulation DGS Deposit Guarantee Scheme, Einlagensicherung EBA European Banking Authority (London) EBF European Banking Federation ELA Emergency Liquidity Assistance EMIR European Market Infrastructure Regulation ERC European Resolution College FDIC (US) the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is not just a resolution authority IOSCO International Organisation of Securities Commissions, OICV IPS Institutional Protection Scheme ITS Implementing Technical Standards LCR Liquidity to Capital Ratio (leverage) MREL Minimum Requirement for Own Funds and Eligible Liabilities PSI Private Sector Involvement, default RTS Regulatory Technical Standards (guidelines) SIFIs Systemically Important Financial Institutions SRB Single Resolution Board, Abwicklung SRM Single Resolution Mechanism SSH Single Supervisory Handbook, single rulebook (harmonised definitions) one set of harmonised prudential rules for all banks SSM Single Supervisory Mechanism, Danièle Nouy five work streams (working groups) 1 initial mapping euro area banking system 2 legal considerations 3 supervisory model 4 supervisory reporting framework 5 comprehensive assessment SSM Supervisory Board > ECB Governing Council 128 banks cover 85% of euro area bank assets comprehensive assessment 1 risk assessment 2 AQR Asset Quality Review portfolio selection (phase 1) manual with guidance for NCAs (phase 2) 3 stress tests (EBA) NCAs National Competent Authorities LSI Less Significant Institutions SSM Supervisory Board > ECB Governing Council l systemic (structural) as opposed to idiosyncratic (oneoff) TBTF Too Big To Fail TBTS Too Big To Save credit institutions and investment firms a failing institution non-participating MS budgets and liabilities backstop, fiscal safeguard budgets and liabilities resolution board pull the trigger triggers (waterfall) triggering authority intervention trigger a trigger in a wind-up picking up trigger signs recovery and resolution triggers entrusted with public administrative powers recovery (salvage) and resolution (winding up) plans resolution tool (bail-in) crisis resolution mechanism bank resolution mechanism, Abwicklung living wills (recovery and resolution plans) robust stop firesales allow banks to fail in an orderly fashion it's just working capital in an emergency losses imposed on shareholders and creditors when push comes to shove there will be a hit but it will be spread evenly non-viable a sudden shock market mechanisms they couldn't refinance what happens if banks fail? Lehman, interconnectedness bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers the financial markets immediately froze winding up, resolvability, resolution plans competent resolution authority (equivalence) the resolution mechanism is very costly (equity capital and bail-in debts) crisis-management measures 1 the sale-of-business tool 2 the bridge-institution tool a bridge bank operates a failed bank until a buyer can be found taken into temporary public ownership (not nationalised) 3 asset-separation tool, functional separation, reporting lines 4 bail-in tool, bail-in regime, bailinable bail-in instruments capital writeoffs (written off) core capital and bail-in debt bail-in tool, bailinable instruments bail-in, expropriation, confiscation bail-in of subordinated bank bonds bailing in securities to service new capital bail-in, shareholders and creditors forced to accept losses to keep banks afloat different classes of depositors how do you calibrate the funding? balance-sheet assessment eligible claims debt instruments subordinated debt preferred creditors senior unsecured funding consolidated (risk-weighted) share capital, loss absorption shares, instruments of ownership, assets legacy assets (loans on the balance sheet) non-voting capital, silent participation, stille Einlage hierarchy of claims (pecking order), Kredithierarchie shareholders, bondholders senior, bevorrechtigt senior, junior (subordinate), hybrid in bankruptcy proceedings creditors are paid pari passu (equally) or pro rata (in accordance with the amount of their claim) prudential supervisory tasks (banking) junior (subordinate) debt v senior debt short-term debt with a maturity of less than three months core capital provision against losses (provisioning) precautionary recapitalisation target fund level transfer, write-down, conversion secured liabilities, versicherte Verbindlichkeiten eligible deposits, covered deposits, covered bonds payment and settlement systems tax and social security title transfer financial collateral arrangements close-out netting provisions set-off arrangements temporary administrator removal of senior management special manager, shadow director, de facto director qualifications, ability and knowledge have a statutory duty a statutory obligation laid upon us financial holding companies head office established the home/host package legal entities instruments of ownership liquidator insolvency proceedings bankruptcy proceedings presumptive paths (resolution models) third-country regime waive, waiver, waived branches and subsidiaries undertakings, parents, subsidiaries valuation, write-down, write-up back-to-back transactions impose (lay down) administrative penalties repurchase agreements reduce risk, leverage at market conditions robustness financing arrangements service-level agreements ITS Implementing Technical Standards RTS Regulatory Technical Standards telcos valuations risk dashboard financial fragility restructure loans banks hold capital liquidity (cashflow) investment portfolio sovereign risk (ie MS) cross-border oversight home/host coordination depositors and creditors orderly breakup of a bank commensurate to the risk binding technical standards which part do you keep as reserve? consolidation of the banking market all the risks out there that banks are lending to Vienna Initiative, EBCI European Bank Coordination Initiative, prisoner’s dilemma GFC Global Financial Crisis, credit crunch, downturn, meltdown, slowdown low interest rates between 2001 and 2005 were the cause of the 2007 GFC 2000 the dot-com crash BSC Banking Supervisory Committee FSB Financial Stability Board, Basel, G20 CCP Competitiveness and Convergence Pact (Euro Pact) Wolfgang Schäuble Vittorio Grilli the constitutional debt brake limits public borrowing, golden rule, Schuldenbremse the ECB is concerned with the health of the banking sector, what we need is a treasury (finance ministry, Mr Euro) binding leverage a mini fiscal union the Basel II framework supervisory architecture prudential supervision national supervisory authorities strict monitoring system imposed supervisory (supervízzary), prudentiel prudential supervision, Bankenaufsicht trade-off between growth and regulation regulatory supervision, regulatory reform externalities issue risk warnings mitigating systemic risk addressing vulnerabilities sweeping regulatory reforms issue policy recommendations the fit between economics and finance, articulation, encaje IORPs Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision, work-based pension schemes, the IORPS Directive is pronounced eye-rops BIS Bank for International Settlements, die Bis in Basel FSAP Financial Services Action Plan institutional investors such as banks, insurance companies, retirement funds, hedge funds, mutual funds FSA Financial Services Authority (UK) the City of London, long the powerhouse of the financial sector voluntary self-regulation, light-touch regulation, arm'slength intrusive, heavy-handed regulation regulatory failures supe. SUPERVISION Larosière Group, strengthened EU supervisory arrangements as the overseers of the ECB voting rights on the supervisory board TSCG Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance, traité SCG, SKS-Vertrag informal Euro Summit meetings (the 19) the fiscal pact treaty fiscal stability treaty a treaty within a treaty targets on deficits and debts legacy (accumulated) banking debt unless opposed by a qualified majority national budgets in balance or in surplus annual structural government deficit not to exceed 0.5% of GDP at market prices repatriation clause (transposition of the balanced budget rule within five years) contractualisation country-specific medium-term objectives deviations from the adjustment path to trigger an automatic correction mechanism collectivise debt federal deposit insurance scheme London is Europe's financial centre purchases of bonds of troubled countries a fiscal union issuing collective eurozone debt, unione di bilancio bailout funds to be lent directly to struggling banks four musketeers (MD, HvR, JMB, J-CJ) pre-financing counter-cyclical fiscal federalism meet benchmarks central supervision net payer countries fiscal union and the demos integrated policy framework labour cost competitiveness through the state's profligacy profligate spending by states the programme countries (troika countries) considered one of the most virtuous citizens capital gains tax, Besteuerung von Vermögen surv. SURVEILLANCE annual structural deficit not exceeding 0.5 % of GDP deficit to GDP ratio of 3% (SGP) monitoring of national budgets Art 126, monitoring debt and deficit sanctions in the event of non-compliance subject to enhanced economic surveillance conducting tougher bank stress tests defend the euro against renewed speculative attacks naming and shaming economic imbalances early alert mechanism national reform programmes focussed conditionality country-specific recommendations country-by-country budget assessments country-specific conditions, spécificités financial assistance programme trade performance loss of export performance loss of export market share current account imbalances deterioration of trade balances running current account deficits running a large current account surplus, Leistungsbilanzüberschuss persistent significant current account deficits massive contraction of market share in world exports housing-price bubbles fast-rising house prices shrinking construction sector overheating in property prices high rise in unit labour costs high nominal wage settlements slow adjustment of wages to falling productivity high public debt high, spiralling private-sector debt low competitiveness deterioration in price competitiveness indebtedness of non-financial corporations bond. BONDS the primary market v secondary market CoCo bonds are issued as debt but convert automatically into equity when a bank gets into trouble, contingent convertible bonds Pfandbrief (bonds issued to finance bank lending to public sector institutions) issue bonds fixed income (bonds) sovereign fund investors hedging (insuring) against Club Med countries, PIGS buy at par (the face value) the yield on ten-year bonds holdings of US T-bills (treasury) bond markets, marchés obligataires bond issues, émissions d'obligations yields rise as investors demand a higher premium for holding the debt push bond spreads up (yields), Zinsspanne gross bond exposures (holdings) bring down spreads throughout the periphery the market rate for 10-year government debt sovereign bonds issued by a national government, Staatsanleihen, titoli di stato credit spreads, Renditezuschlag extremely low prices for debt in the secondary bond markets secondary bond buybacks yields (interest rates) on government (sovereign) debt (bonds) the funds are accumulating sovereign bonds at knockdown prices the yield (interest rate) on 10-year paper (bonds) esm. we were totally unprepared, there was no ESM, EFSF, SRM or SRF, nothing EFSF European Financial Stability Facility, FESF (fonds) rescue fund temporary bailout fund registered in Luxembourg SPV Special Purpose Vehicle EFSM European Financial Stability Mechanism ESM European Stabilisation Mechanism, MES Managing Director Klaus Regling (also CEO of the EFSF a permanent fund 1 sovereign guarantees 2 paid-in capital 3 callable capital the ESM to bail out banks directly without governments taking on more debt act of assent, Zustimmungsgesetz, Bundesrat, Bundestag Jörg Asmussen, Executive Board Jens Weidmann, Bundesbank financial assistance granted under the ESM capital positions and sovereign exposures pact for growth and jobs tap rescue funds to lower borrowing costs use eurozone funds to buy government debt fiscal rescue mechanism guarantees, subscribed capital the cost to society protect the taxpayer taxpayer bailouts of banks the taxpayer picks up the bill private profit and public losses bank bailouts at a loss to the taxpayer socialising losses and privatising profit if they lose the government picks up the tab, mutualiser les risques bailout fund (support programme) ECB capital, contribution key, capital shares ring-fencing, sanctuariser the next potential casualty without any infection spreading prevent the crisis from spreading spillover effects (contagion effects) the ESM will be able to buy on the primary market the bonds of a MS experiencing severe financial problems firepower (lending capacity), force de frappe share (mutualise) debt, joint bank resolution schemes, intervene in bond markets, deposit insurance bond. BOND BUYING OMT Outright Monetary Transactions (ECB to buy sovereign bonds in unlimited amounts) outright purchases of ABS a POMO geek (Permanent Open Market Operations) the buying and selling of government bonds buy eurozone government bonds in the open market as a way of lowering borrowing costs ECCL Enhanced Conditions Credit Line (a precautionary programme) a full EFSF/ESM macroeconomic adjustment programme LLR Lender of Last Resort ELA Emergency Liquidity Assistance CBPP Covered Bonds Purchase Programme, gedeckte Schuldverschreibungen covered bonds, Deckungsderivate SMP Securities Markets Programme using rescue funds to buy bonds secondary markets for sovereign bonds buy debt back on primary or secondary markets secondary market purchases of government bonds the repo market, rachat ferme repo (repurchase) rate, taux de réméré ECB sovereign bond-buying calms markets reducing the current open-ended transfer payments, sorry, I meant repo facility for government bonds no-bailout clause, non-renflouement given the ban on the monetary financing of states by the ECB monetise debt away, monétiser la dette Brady bonds (Latin America in the 1980s) liqu. LIQUIDITY Mario Draghi, Monetary Dialogue an unfinished construction quantum leap in institutional convergence asset purchase programme PSPP Public Sector Purchase Programme HQLA High Quality Liquid Assets NSFR Net Stable Funding Ratio the Greek T-bill ceiling (treasury) eligible as collateral disbursement of funds outlook stress countries the secondary market neutrality under review by the IMF market access FT, cf Handelsblatt tax loss carryforward, steuerliche Verlustvorträge write down, abschreiben senior, bevorrechtigt junior, nachrangig Pleite Insolvenzverschleppung befristete Stundung Notfallkredit Vorgaben capital positions and sovereign exposures tap rescue funds to lower borrowing costs use eurozone funds to buy government debt across all maturities we do monetary policy fiscal (tax cuts) headline inflation core inflation energy and food prices forecast errors supervisory body for the eurozone the ESM has a capital of 700 BN budgetary surveillance macroeconomic imbalances the need for sound public finances is now entrenched an engine for growth revenue-neutral tax shifts ... away from labour to revenue sources that are less detrimental to growth such as consumption taxes, recurrent property taxes and/or environmental taxes shift the tax burden fiscal adjustments cross-country dispersion turnover taxes, accises hybrid instruments LTRO Long Term Refinancing Operation (cheap threeyear loans) TLTROs Targeted LTROs QE Quantitative Easing talking down the euro purchasing government bonds extended asset purchase programme large-scale purchases of government debt ABS Asset-Backed Securities outright purchases of ABS securitisation got a very bad name strengthen ABS outright purchases similar instruments such as covered bonds RMBS (Residential Mortgages) real estate ABS mortgage-backed securities the Draghi speech (annual Jackson Hole meeting of central bankers) 1 SGP anchor of confidence 2 flexibility within the existing rules, growth-friendly, assouplissement 3 fiscal stance of the overall euro area 4 public/private investment programme, 300 bn channel of credit intermediation across all maturities 5 on 5 years 18 basis points, just below 2% 100 basis points is one percent of interest now we are at the lower bound rate cut monetary policy, fiscal policy, structural reforms senior and mezzanine tranches the hiring of BlackRock Solutions QE Quantitative Easing asset purchase programme, an outright purchase of assets, not merely collateral for lending publication of a notice sterilisation of purchase Bloomberg demands ponctionner l'épargne recapitalisation not bonuses and incentives in a liquidity crunch credit dries up credit freeze, une nouvelle glaciation get liquidity into the system 200 billion in recapitalisation rounds of bank recapitalisation direct recapitalisation of banks one way of recapitalising the banks pouring money into the banks (pumping) the bank bailout, la valse des milliards equity injection capital injection, perfusion financière throwing money at the banks recapitalise struggling banks restarting lending hoarding and not lending getting lending going again safeguarding the transmission mechanism banks lend to each other, the inter-bank market bail. BAILOUT 1.6t (13% of GDP) in bailouts to the financial sector bailout fund, Rettungsschirm 1 intervene in secondary bond markets 2 recapitalise banks 3 credit-lines to struggling countries PLL Precautionary and Liquidity Line (sound fundamentals, systemic shocks) PSI Private Sector Involvement the private banking sector private sector bond swap deal should bondholders share the cost of any restructuring? restructuration douce avec une participation des créanciers privés private creditors (investors) must share the burden (cost) of a credit writedown IIF Institute of International Finance, Man Dir Charles Dallara, Board of Directors, Chair Josef Ackermann with sound economic fundamentals German Bunds peripheral eurozone lender of last resort inhuman austerity programmes, αντιλαικό no bailout without drastic austerity measures Troika (COM, ECB, IMF) cross-party support, συναίνεση when the elected government is under assault from the bond markets it is essential for the political class to remain united bailout, rescue package, support package soft restructuring "screw the Troika" reprofile the debt a voluntary rollover sovereign debt crisis seniority to private creditors no bailout, no default, no exit maintain an AAA rating, triple A senior (preferred) creditor status rollover of existing debt loan-maturity extensions extend the repayment date extension of loan maturities bonds with longer maturities extension of bond maturities holdings of government paper financing eurozone debt buybacks extend bond maturities, échelonner rollover (after maturity buy new ones) maturity extensions (repayment period) extend the repayment deadlines for outstanding debt debt write-down deferral of interest payments lowering of rate interest paid rate-cut (lowering of the interest rate) the rate of interest it pays on its EU loans the benchmark interest rate (headline rate) bonds with a lower coupon (rate of interest) restructuring would make bonds ineligible as collateral at the ECB Article 122 (exceptional occurrences, financial assistance) Brussels charges a 'margin' as a punitive measure to dissuade others from requesting a bailout, the interest rate charged on the EU portion restructuring plan reining in the banks, distribution of profits uncovered sovereign CDS's illiquidity matching premium counter-cyclical a reinsurance company's existing contracts, Vertragsbestand runoff reinsurers stop assuming new risks book value buyer of last resort (QE) financials (banks) matching assets, assets and liabilities are offset against each other, Kongruenz off-balance-sheet exposures margin requirements from clearing houses GREECE Taskforce Horst Reichenbach Master Financial Assistance Facility Agreement medium-term programme, Μεσοπρόθεσµο Πρόγραµµα the Greek Memorandum, joint EU-IMF loan, €85 billion, το Μνημόνιο privatisation revenue return to the markets fund debt on the capital markets return to normal market financing access to Eurosystem liquidity operations TAIPED Privatisation Fund partial or total debt cancellation CYPRUS Laiki bank was wound up as part of the Cypriot bailout deal in 2013 depositors to Laiki bank and the Bank of Cyprus were forced to incur losses of €4.2 billion IRELAND Anglo Irish Bank Allied Irish Bank Bank of Ireland €85 billion bailout for Ireland the economic emergency will be over and Ireland will regain its economic freedom promissory note (IOU), Schuldschein-Deal debt swap, replacement of €30 billion of expensive medium-term promissory notes costing 7-8% by longterm government bonds costing nearer 3% PORTUGAL Taskforce, Hervé Carré debt. DEBT sovereign v corporate v household debt the sovereign debt bank loop break the cycle between states and banks break the feedback loop between bank and sovereign risk break the vicious circle between banks and sovereigns highly-indebted players living beyond our means debt-servicing obligations exposure to eurozone debt the decade of cheap credit refinance outstanding debt debts written off, Schuldenerlass bribe voters with public overspending reduce the annual deficit (overspend) manage debt by reducing the budget deficit hiding behind beautified if not falsified statistics our accumulated debt leave a legacy of debt burden with a legacy of debt saddle future generations with debt mounting public debt in an uncompetitive and relatively closed economy place the debt-to-GDP ratio on a downward trajectory a severe fiscal problem with deficits and public debt defa. DEFAULT orderly default v a hard (disorderly) default CDS Credit Default Swap, Kreditausfall-versicherung, dérivé sur événement de crédit restructuring the debt avoid triggering credit default swaps insure against the collapse of other banks hedge the mark-to-market risk of Greek bonds a selective haircut on zombie banks that rely on the ECB for liquidity (money to lend) trigger a credit event (affecting creditworthiness, eg bankruptcy, default) each sovereign default is an outlier event, depending on a government’s unique debt profile and the market for that debt the worse the losses inflicted on the bondholders the longer it will be before you can access the capital markets again negative basis players, basis buying (where an investor buys a bond and CDS protection in order to arbitrage differences between the two levels) haircut, a writedown of principal (face value), losses incurred in a default, restructuring penalties, cuts in the valuation of sovereign bonds protect banks that hold Greek debt in their books at par from having to take write-downs adju. ADJUSTMENT in these turbulent times a laundry list of liberalising demands a beneficial crisis Joseph Schumpeter, creative destruction a crisis is a terrible thing to waste (Paul Romer) fiscal headroom a round of tightening running fiscal deficits selling off public assets lowering taxes on labour fiscal (budgetary) discipline reform of the labour market raising of the retirement age achieve their deficit forecasts opening up services and trade sweeping privatisation programme deregulation of the closed professions deficit-cutting plans, austerity measures adjust pensionable age to life expectancy a return to international markets for funding fisc. CONSOLIDATION fiscal consolidation, assainissement Haushaltskonsolidierung belt-tightening fiscal tightening fiscal retrenchment growth-friendly fiscal adjustment measures economic and financial crisis consolidation of public finances set the pace (rate) of adjustment put back on a sound financial footing fiscal consolidation efforts undertaken austerity programme, rigueur, Spardiktat movements of financial markets so rapid and unpredictable that the democratic process is becoming overwhelmed spending cuts erode government revenue as aggregate demand falls will incur costs servicing our debt interest rate on public debt non-performing assets non-performing exposures legacy debt, actifs historiques capital flight credit controls stuck behind capital controls aust. AUSTERITY CCI Competitiveness and Convergence Instrument austerity and retrenchment structural reforms and privatisation limit welfare payments reduce state pensions scrap CoLA (cost-of-living adjustment) curb the public sector payroll through pay and job cuts fiscal tightening fearing for their jobs a doomsday machine tighten the fiscal screws grinding austerity may choke recovery a debtor country’s ability to meet its fiscal targets massive public investment to get people back to work small businesses and home owners gas and electricity bills are going up protecting savings deposits, pensions hard-working people and families raising taxes or cutting spending cuts and taxes public sector cuts tough spending cuts rein in public spending limiting public service spending cuts to core (frontline) services the cure is worse than the disease cutbacks in state and local spending benefit fraud benefit claimants social benefits and welfare spending fair, socially balanced, protect the most vulnerable groups, share the burden across all levels of society, haves and have-nots WAGES wage and pension bills public sector pay awards collective agreements, CAO wage formation, wage settlements wage restraint, modération salariale the underlying problem is wage rigidity abolition of wage indexation schemes tax wedge take-home-pay the tax burden on labour payroll taxes, charges sociales unit labour costs, Lohnstückkosten taxes and social security contributions lowering wages to match productivity levels indirect labour costs, non-wage labour costs, Lohnnebenkosten with payment of Christmas, Easter, and summer bonuses abolished adjust the wage-setting arrangements, notably the degree of centralisation in the bargaining process imco. SINGLE MARKET Art 114 TFEU, approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions SOLVIT, case-handling time IMI Internal Market Information system freedom of establishment to deliver the goods freedom to provide services consumer spending is 56% of GDP internal market scoreboard, tableau de bord network industries (transport, telecoms, postal services, energy transport) four freedoms (free movement of goods, services, people, capital) SMA Single Market Act, regulatory convergence 12 levers to boost growth and strengthen confidence, action plan, key actions (priority measures) 1 access to finance for SMEs, venture capital 2 mobility for citizens, regulated professions, portability of pension rights 3 intellectual property rights, patents 4 consumer empowerment, ADR, e-commerce 5 services, business services, construction, tourism, performance checks 6 networks, energy infrastructure, TEN-Ts 7 DSM Digital Single Market, eID (electronic signatures), roaming charges (voice and data), re-use of PSI (Public Service Information) 8 social entrepreneurship, cooperative sector, mutual societies, foundations, CSR 9 taxation, CCCTB (tax base for corporate taxation), VAT, cross-border successions 10 social cohesion, posting of workers, state aid for Social Services of General Interest (SSGI), post-Altmark package 11 business environment, SMEs, EPCS European Private Company Statute, think small first 12 public procurement (goods, works, services), PPPs (service concessions) Single Market Act II (priority actions) 1 Fourth Railway Package, improve service quality and price, open domestic rail passenger services to competition from operators from another MS 2 Maritime transport, Blue Belt package 3b Single European Sky, safety, efficiency and environmental performance 4 Third Energy Package, cross-border markets 5 Fostering mobility of citizens and businesses across borders 6 Mobility of citizens, EURES portal, electronic recruitment, placement and job matching tool 7 Access to finance, boost long-term investment in the real economy 8 Business environment, modernise insolvency rules, second chance for entrepreneurs 9 Digital economy across Europe 10 Services, e-commerce, online services, Payment Services Directive, multilateral interchange fees 11 DSM Digital Single Market, high speed broadband 12 Public procurement, electronic invoicing, reduce payments delays 13 Social entrepreneurship, cohesion and consumer confidence 14 Consumers, product safety package, market surveillance rules 15 Social cohesion, social entrepreneurship, access to a basic payment account, transparent bank account fees, make switching bank accounts easier, Basiskonto sme. SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES think small first project promoters require public money mid-caps (not SMEs) bringing them to market families and businesses unleashing the creativity small business, big world and they're the ones creating jobs access to credit and venture capital COSME Competitiveness 2014-2020, ex CIP EEN Enterprise Europe Network REFIT Regulatory Fitness and Performance Programme SME Observatory SME LGF Loan Guarantee Facility SMEs, small business, Mittelstand, KMO, de MKB's, los pymes Stoiber Committee, HLG of Independent Stakeholders on Administrative Burdens taxes and charges our regulatory verve burdens imposed upon reducing the bureaucracy the regulatory cost burden reducing costs for business remove burdensome red tape cost to business and industry burden of regulation on business time-consuming and complicated cult of regulation choking business the compliance cost on business the burden on smaller organisations taking an axe to red tape, rompslomp simplifying the regulatory environment get government off the back of business struggle to compete in a fast-changing world simplification of administrative and technical regulations no one wants unnecessary administrative burdens BCC Business Cooperation Centre BC-Net Computer Network BEST Taskforce for Business Environment Simplification BIAS Business Impact Assessment Scheme BIC Business Innovation Centres BusinessEurope, Union of Industrial and Employers' Confederations, ex UNICE, Pres Emma Marcegaglia, Confindustria, Medef CEEP Public Sector Employers CIP Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme CRAFT Cooperative Research E networks, information outlets, carrefours EEIG European Economic Interest Grouping EIC European Info Centres, one-stop-shop, Euroguichets EIF European Investment Fund ELISE European Loan Insurance Scheme for Employment ETF (EIB) European Technology Facility, start-ups, Existenzgründung Feira Charter IPO Initial Public Offering, from start-up to IPO SBA Small Business Act SLIM Simpler Legislation e-Europe failure rate spur innovation back-up services growing a small business micro loans, Kleinstdarlehen scoreboard, tableau de bord over-regulation, bemoeizucht a business-friendly environment business directory scams (fraud) chamber of commerce, επιμελητήριο suppliers, sub-contractors (public contracts) trade and craft associations, cottage industries retention of title (seller remains owner until price paid in full), Eigentumsvorbehalt late payments in commercial transactions are a major cause of insolvencies, public contracting authorities due date specified in contract for payment of debt, invoice and delivery date, licensing of debt collection agencies, recovering debt, send my team round to the debtor’s premises, Inkassobüros regulatory impact assessment, Folgenabschätzung overall level of taxes and charges, charges sociales retailing, the retail sector, distributive trades, comercio por menor small business, cluster-building, technology parks investment climate venture capital start-up capital the seed phase capacity building get microenterprises on the elevator access to capital angel investors hands-on business angels business incubators intensive handholding business matchmaking crowdfunding, financement participatif business start-ups, Existenzgründer collateral laws and insolvency laws stoc. STOCK EXCHANGE DAX, CAC 40, FTSE 100 (footsie) tracking funds, fondos indices ordinary shares v preferential shares brokerage v clearance v custody custody services and securities processing is a kind of 'back-office' administration for financial services CME Chicago Mercantile Exchange CONSOB (Italy) National Stock Exchange Supervisory Committee, Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa IPO Initial Public Offering (flotation) merger NYSE, Euronext, Deutsche Börse spread (yield) trade (contract) liquidity (lending) equity (share capital) hedge (insure against) brokers (intermediaries) assets (securities, paper) leveraged (little collateral) equity markets (share capital) our position in equities stock-blending dark (not transparent, not lit) fixed income (bond holdings) derivatives (futures, options) platform (venue, exchange, pool) listed companies are quoted on stock exchanges and bourses, listing rules, listing particulars, coté en bourse the primary service stock markets provide for the real economy is as a capital-raising facility for small businesses investment banks, houses stock exchange, la bourse certified accounts of companies practitioners and market regulators articles of association, raison sociale tradable securities, valeurs mobilières securities markets and intermediaries companies listed or intending to list in the EU supervisory authorities, the regulator, (UK) SIB Securities and Investments Board bonds, stocks (shares, equities), pick the right stocks and beat the markets equity instruments, take an equity stake in, the fall in equity markets exchange platform, trading platform, Handelsplatform ucit. UCITS Undertakings for Collective Investments in Transferable Securities, OPCVM Organisme de placement collectif en valeurs mobilières, OGAW AMEG Asset Management Expert Group CESR securities regulators (seizer) IPD Investment Product Directive, new asset classes MCP Management Company Passport, the right to passport their collective portfolio management services MEP Market Efficiency Package PRIPS Packaged Retail Investment Products (investment funds, retail structured securities, structured term deposits, insurance-based investment products) SICAV Société d'investissement à capital variable, a Sicav investment fund (LUX) domestic v cross-border fund mergers and pooling unit-holders mutual funds new entrants life assurance unit trusts (UK) exchange-traded financial services the pension funds investment company industry and investors benchmarks are regularly outperformed performance fees for management companies management companies, gestionnaires du site investment compartments framework UCITS directive the home state approval rule building up a portfolio of shares occupational retirement provision home supervisor v host MS authorities order processing and settlement of funds bonds are forty per cent of the benchmark quorum requirements, règles de présence collective portfolio management, prospectus fund rules, internal conduct-of-business rules supervisory authorities, regulatory framework asset management industry, investment funds fund mergers, proposed mergers, merging fund, selling price in the receiving fund cross-border pooling, entity pooling, virtual pooling, cross-border consolidation investment products, competing products, product diversity eligible assets for investment, assets that can be acquired by UCITS, Wahlanlagen, actifs éligibles pooling of funds, master/feeder structures, load fees, maître, nourricier market consolidation, boost economic efficiency, lower costs to the investor, returns to savers, increase the return on, secure a higher return on savings stringent rules, capital requirements, auditors, role, duties, risk management procedures depositary safe-keeping duties for each class of assets, oversight duties distribution costs, in-house distribution, third-party funds head office, registered office, the domicile, instruments of incorporation, law applicable, competent authorities responsible for authorising distribution of UCITS, marketing, sale, advertising reporting changes in fund composition, notification requirements, regulator-to-regulator notification mutual recognition of the product passport, depositary (management company) passport, delegation investment fund managers, portfolio management, portfolios of bonds, taking positions on government bonds, trading positions those with a cross-border impact, provide cross-border services, cross-border marketing its units MMF. MONEY MARKET FUNDS public consultation regulatory framework regulatory coherence regulatory convergence NAV Net Asset Value CNAV Constant Net Asset Value asset managers asset management WAL Weighted Average Life WAM Weighted Average Maturity shadow banking better regulation market segments authorisation of funds AIF Alternative Investment Funds AIFMD Directive fixed-rate instrument floating-rate instrument money market instruments ABCP Asset Backed Commercial Papers (securitisation) DG MARKT ESMA European Securities Market Authority, ex CESR Committee of European Securities Regulators ESRB European Systemic Risk Board FSB Financial Stability Board IAB Impact Assessment Board IOSCO International Organisation of Securities Commissions, OICV UCITS Directive bail out a defaulting sponsor sponsors (banks sponsoring MMFs) collective investment undertakings compliance costs cross-border contagion (spillover) cross-border dimension daily or weekly liquidity diversification rules adverse market conditions alternative rating methodologies early redeemers professional and retail investors investment management services efficient operation of the money markets put options (redeem at specific dates) investor redemption requests issuer concentration limits issuers of short-term debt liquidity and stability portfolio risk risk exposure value per unit or share prudential product rules scope of eligible assets mark-to-market valuation product and liquidity profile mitigate systemic risk concerns not a guaranteed investment vehicle inve. INVESTOR PROTECTION KID Key Investment Document IP Investment Products ESAs supervisory authorities ESMA Securities and Markets (Paris) EBA Banking (London) EIOPA Insurance and Occupational Pensions (Frankfurt) AIFM Alternative Investment Fund Managers MiFID/MiFIR Markets in Financial Instruments PRIPs Packaged Retail Investment Products, the PRIPS KID Prospectus Solvency 2, sol vingt-six deux UCITS, KIID Key Investor Information Document UCITS, the function of the depositary investments v bets real economy v speculation issuers v intermediaries v distributors product manufacturers v intermediaries benchmark performance v IP performance institutional investors v retail investors, particuliers credit institutions issuers of securities life insurance policies investment fund managers ADVICE advice-based services avoid regulatory arbitrage corporate governance codes investors taking investment advice investment advice and sales services ‘packaging’, wrapping, bundling assets gaps in regulatory protection for investors TRUST ICS Investor Compensation Scheme make appropriate investment decisions the small investor, la veuve de Carpentras investor issues win back the trust mis-selling claims sophistication (literacy) restore investor confidence a high level of investor protection compensation of retail investors compensation scheme for investors in-built investor protection safeguards rebuild consumer trust in financial markets SCOPE life insurance bank term accounts sovereign debt bonds savings and investments products interest rate-based savings products occupational pension schemes (provided the employee has no choice as to the pension product provider) INFORMATION product disclosure manufacturers want to sell their products stand-alone document separate from marketing materials counterparty risks costs, risk profile, remuneration have an effective right of redress local tax regime applying to the IP environmental, social, governance criteria format, presentation, content of information simplified prospectuses the prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public insu. INSURANCE life v non-life v motor insurance IMD Insurance Mediation Directive, selling insurance products spread the risk pay a risk premium and get a return loss adjusters assess the validity of claims regulatory framework, a regulated market, liquidity requirements, solvency requirements, definition of professional, annual renewal, throw open membership to everyone insurance supervisory authority, solvency margins, risk exposure, actuarial tables, versicherungsmathematisch risk models are used to evaluate an insurance company's risk profile double gearing (insurers use their stakes in groups and holding companies to supplement their own funds) solvency rules requiring companies to set aside a cash reserve in proportion to their premiums equi. EQUITABLE LIFE EQUI Crisis of the Equitable Life Assurance Society Committee of Inquiry action groups Europe's oldest mutual insurer nest-eggs that had collapsed in value pay-out scheme the third life directive embark on a Frankovich action CPS Crown Prosecution Service EMAG Equitable Members' Action Group Ernst and Young (auditors) FOs Financial Ombudsmen GAD Government Actuary's Department GAR Guaranteed Annuity Rates PRE Policyholder's Reasonable Expectations SFO Serious Fraud Office even-handed v partial penalty chief executive appointed actuary come up for renewal light-touch approach with-profits annuitants honour commitments to customers with guaranteed annuities prudential supervision a fit and proper person individual policy values annual regulatory return set by statutory instrument managed fund, mutual fund finding of maladministration conduct-of-business regulations terms of settlement (gagging agreement) alleged misfeasance in public office by failing to take timely steps to shut BCCI down complainants, take civil action, complaint handling taxe. TAXE Special Committee on Tax Rulings and Tax Avoidance measures similar in nature or effect advance ruling, rescrit, Steuervorbescheid APA Advance Pricing Agreement CBR Cross Border Ruling (VAT) ers/cross_border_rulings/index_en.htm IP taxation regimes (intellectual property) patent and licence boxes tax status withholding tax (voluntarily change a tax to capital held) wealth taxation corporation tax corporate hospitality automatic exchange of information country-by-country reporting commercially sensitive trade secrets, Geschäftsgeheimnisse la loi Macron sur le secret des affaires Chief Minister of Gibraltar, Fabian Picardo captured (beholden) account holder routed via a trust in St Helier offshore entities Cayman Islands transfer pricing, Verrechnungspreise beneficial owner at set intervals UBS free ports and warehouses platinum sponge profit centre profit target tax avoidance practices, elusione fiscale true and fair tax liable the tax base and tax rates le consentement à l'impôt déclarer un établissement stable all listed companies action plan for corporate taxation Special Committee to consider the allegations of contravention and maladministration in the application of EU law in relation to tax rulings AFCO Committee on Constitutional Affairs Annex VIII of the Rules of Procedure Art 14 TEU Parliament exercises political control Art 226 regulations on its own initiative (detailed provisions) committee of inquiry deemed legally unsound by legal service 1 own-initiative report on fiscal practices Enquiry report on tax fairness in Europe 2 legislative report (proposal on tax evasion and tax avoidance) Legislative initiative report on bringing transparency, coordination and convergence to corporate tax policies company law Margrethe Vestager (competition) Pierre Moscovici, Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs Vera Jourovà, Justice, Consumers, Gender Equality EU Joint Transfer Pricing Forum Tax Justice Network Finance Watch at the request of one quarter of its Members powers composition term of office investigative powers similar to those of proper courts specify the subject of the inquiry include a detailed statement of the grounds investigate alleged contraventions or maladministration in the implementation of Community law (Art 138 (c) TEU) facts which are sub judice findings powers of inquiry to appear and to testify a range of investigatory powers with the help of factual evidence hear officials and other servants elements which have evidential value call (summon) witnesses to give evidence Secretary-General Jeppe Tranholm-Mikkelsen (CSL) Catherine Day (COM) legal and institutional concerns trilogue negotiations conduct on-the-spot investigations confidentiality obtain documents request documents access to documents treatment of classified information separation of powers (executive, legislative, judiciary), Gewaltenteilung the Fourth Estate (the Press) national judicial authorities set up a temporary committee of inquiry a committee of inquiry submits a report Select Committees conduct inquiries which are of a quasi-judicial nature (UK) special committee on organised crime, corruption and money laundering Parliament is not a court avoid interference with court proceedings subverting ministerial accountability right to call witnesses, Vorladungsrecht able to obtain judicial assistance elevated political status and stature legislative v budget v control function disclosure of confidential information equal treatment national/EU civil servants whistleblowers, lanceurs d'alerte leak, exfiltrer des informations TJN Tax Justice Network ICIJ International Consortium of Investigative Journalists LuxLeaks revelations double Irish cross-border tax rulings issued leaked Luxembourg tax rulings tax-related laws require unanimity can only look at past law-breaking corporate tax avoidance schemes automatic exchange of information allow large firms to pay very little tax in some cases less than one percent woo multinationals with sweetheart deals schemes approved by the tax authorities comfort letters, accords fiscaux préalables rerouting tax revenue away from national coffers it was “normal practice” inquiry committee on tax avoidance, fraud inquiry to investigate tax rulings in MS prerogatives of a quasi-judicial nature investigative tools to exercise its right of inquiry within the limits of its mandate within the limits conferred on it, attribution the principle of conferral of competences new right of initiative to set the ground rules need for strong parliamentary oversight readiness to seek a constructive solution a ‘comply or explain’ procedure have access to documents and persons where there is concealment and obfuscation failure to appear or refusal to testify have the option of minority conclusions we would be overreaching ourselves accommodate some of the main concerns refusing to attend refuse to cooperate act on the findings committee of inquiry fact-finding mission access to documents give false testimony alleged contraventions powers and procedures refusing to give evidence in criminal matters, in criminal proceedings alleged maladministration within the limits of its mandate petitions, complaints, inquiries good will and loyal cooperation refusing to deliver documentation limited powers granted, conferred 1 Community Transit Regime 2 BSE 3 Equitable Life Assurance Society tax. TAX MOSCOVICI Pierre, Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs DOMBROVSKIS Valdis, Euro and Social Dialogue Tax Transparency Package fair and efficient corporate taxation before tax non-compliance greedy, cupide collect taxes (non-collection) CbC Country-by-Country reporting property taxes principal house of each taxpayer tax wedge on labour fiscal policy inheritance taxes standstill, gel rollback, démantèlement rates and bases of taxes dual taxation, double imposition competing for the same tax base property tax, Vermögenssteuer corporation tax, Körperschaftssteuer Monti package bracket creep, kalte Progression WITHHOLDING TAX IRD Interest and Royalties Directive WTD Withholding Tax Directive, Quellensteuer non-doms (non-domiciled), non-residents savings income, taxation de l'épargne withholding tax on transfer of interest and royalty payments across borders, a tax levied at source, capital gains tax, retenue à la source evas. TAX EVASION quantification corporate tax gap tax revenue, recettes actual, potential collection tax takes as a share of GDP following the money is critical efficient revenue collection mechanism what they collect, what they could collect tax is now the commodity in shortest supply avoidance is getting round the law evasion is breaking the law, fraude fiscale, Hinterziehung BEPS Base Erosion and Profit Shifting shift profits FATCA Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (US), IRS Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury tax offences combat offshore tax evasion fighting against tax evasion and tax fraud when the Starbucks story broke (MNCs, forum shopping) fiscal optimisation schemes, montages GAFA Google Amazon Facebook Apple MNC Multinational Corporations TNC Transnational Corporations sur-optimisé (impôts dérisoires par rapport au chiffre d'affaires) tax exemptions forum shopping offshore jurisdictions corporate tax avoidance aggressive tax planning schemes profiting from the EU tax patchwork tax havens, paradis fiscal, Steueroase Switzerland, Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino territoires dépendants ou associés SUBSIDIARIES transfer mispricing transfer pricing is when different prices are charged on domestic and export markets, verrekeningsprijzen artificial arrangements hybrid loan arrangements set up letterbox companies branches and subsidiaries head office, Unternehmenssitz transfers between companies that are part of the same corporate group dressing up dividend payments from a subsidiary to a parent company as loan repayments corp. CORPORATE TAXATION HTC Harmful (unfair) Tax Competition, tax poaching, concurrence fiscale dommageable CCCTB Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base, Bemessungsgrundlage base imposable, tax base LuxLeaks, les rulings tax deal schemes with multinational companies the Primarolo group, code of conduct, unfair tax competition, fiscal competition rate of corporate taxation, company tax harmonise the corporate tax base, assets, depreciation, reserves, taxable income tax regime for corporations the 12.5 corporation tax rate in Ireland the corporation tax rate for manufacturing, the regime applying to international financial services centres in Dublin voluntary code of conduct for business taxation, Selbstverpflichtung vat. VAT MRR Mécanisme de réaction rapide collection, perception call-up rate, taux de mobilisation 6th Directive, 1 transitional system, interim regime, 2 definitive origin-based regime, Ursprungslandprinzip common base for assessment, assiette, Bemessungsgrundlage goods in free circulation VAT registration number where an agent cannot deduct the VAT charged to them and pass the charge on to the end-customer, rémanence paying the full rate of tax country of origin principle bonded warehouse, entrepôt forming part of the customs territory non-excise goods subject only to VAT data to be declared, charge déclarative declared for tax and duly paid childrens' clothes and books, zero-rated goods traded under special arrangements implementing rules, modalités d'application release for home use, mise à la consommation the number and level of VAT rates, standard rate, reduced rate, bands, fourchettes remote cross-border services (mail order, telephone sales, Internet shopping) inward processing, perfectionnement actif, aktiver Veredelungsverkehr indirect taxation, seul impôt indolore et généralement acceptable cust. CUSTOMS DG TAXUD taxation, customs union Sopropé case (the right to be heard) AEO Authorised Economic Operator BOI Binding Origin Information BTI Binding Tariff Information BTI or BOI decisions, RTC ou RCO CBP Customs and Border Protection CCC Customs Code Committee CTR Community Transit Regime ENS Entry Summary Declaration DTS Declaration for Temporary Storage MCC Modernised Customs Code, CDM MCCIP consolidated preliminary implementation of the Modernised Customs Code SFS Safe Framework of Standards UCC Union Customs Code, CDU WCO World Customs Organisation customs clearance, dédouanement contact group (economic operators) entry and exit of goods, entrée et sortie charges and costs take, suspend, annul, amend, revoke a decision tariff sub-heading, sous-position released for consumption a customs representative collection of import charges, perception recover the duties consignment, envoi guarantee comprehensive guarantee recovery, repayment, remission and extinguishment of the customs debt the place where the debtor is established paperless release for free circulation, mise en libre pratique verification and release, mainlevée temporary admission with partial relief repayment or remission of an amount returned goods customs warehousing inward processing, perfectionnement actif, aktiver Veredelungsverkehr incurrence of a customs debt, naissance issue determination of the tariff classification of goods safe and secure trade of goods temporary storage of goods, dépôt the declarer, Anmelder entry of data in the declarant's records holder of the goods, titulaire, Inhaber economic operators established in the customs territory of the Union suspension detained articles detaining and impounding, Beschlagnahme taxation rules governing entry, exit, movement, storage, end-use of goods goods seized by customs logistics chain parallel imports goods in transit, biens en transit container security customs valuation container scanning life-saving medicines high-risk consignment customs administrations provide customs representative services joint customs operations handle customs operations placed in temporary storage drug precursors (chemicals) goods presented to customs storage and destruction costs smart and secure trade lanes pirated, counterfeit, fake goods luxury brands and designer labels stop consignments being shipped cooperation with our major trading partners emergence of new synthetic drugs decisions on the tariff classification presentation of the goods to customs risk assessments, impact assessment goods and services vulnerable to fraud counterfeiting, piracy, in sales of pirated CDs, fake articles enforce IPR rights overreach by right-holders counterfeit and pirated goods IPR-infringing goods and services SOPA Stop Online Piracy Act (US) PIPA Protect IP Act (US) ACTA Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement small consignments with no commercial purpose, les petits envois overruns (goods produced in excess of licencing agreements) e-customs initiative, fully computerised environment, paperless, IT systems, electronic systems end-to-end supply chain security and risk management tran. TRANSFERS payers v payees credit transfers a funds transfer system cross-border transactions international funds transfer secure and efficient payment systems BBAN Basic Bank Account Number BIC Bank Identifier Code COMI Centre of Main Interest CSM Clearing and Settlement Mechanism EBA European Banking Association EMD 2 Electronic Money Directive EPC European Payments Council IBAN International Bank Account Number IPI International Payment Instruction MIFs Multilateral Interchange Fees (more than two payment service providers), commissions d'interchange PSD 2 Payment Services Directive SEPA core direct debit rulebook standing order (fixed amounts eg magazine subscriptions), ordre permanent, Dauerauftrag the SEPA migration SEPA Single European Payments Area SCT SEPA Credit Transfer SDDs SEPA Direct Debits (eg utility bills, amounts vary), Lastschrift, Einzugs-ermächtigung, Bankeinzugsverfahren, ELV, domiciliation TPP Third Party Service Provider Settlement Finality Directive D 98 26 EC anti-competitive practices compliance costs high common level of network and information security bricks and mortar v digital one-trader v multi-trader packages expanding the range of goods and services "one leg out" transactions (where money is being sent out of or into Europe) ancillary payment services capping of interchange fees functional separation the honour-all-cards rule co-badged cards prepaid, debit, credit, commercial cards registered office the lesser duty rule the shipping clause SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication market players max out a card you maxed out and your line of credit has been cancelled sort code, Bankleitzahl transaction processing set a migration end-date handling charges, bank charges, charging both sender and payee, double charging, consignor and consignee, frais bancaires transfrontaliers payment service providers payment card transactions charge card (no spending limit) credit card (with spending limit) debit card, prepaid cards, PME Porte-monnaie électronique (eg Proton) digital wallet, portefeuille numérique you put money on a debit card and it gets deducted launch of the SEPA credit transfer transfers, virements, Überweisungen set an end date for migration, date butoir R-transactions (returns, refunds, rejections) carry trade reachability of payment service providers for credit transfer transactions lender (Gläubiger) v borrower (Schuldner) offer e-money services, decrease barriers to entry, single authorisation, reporting obligations service voucher, titre-service single-purpose, multi-purpose vouchers, coupons, voucher-based transactions paym. PAYMENT SYSTEMS you may not know it but every time you use your debit card or your credit card the merchant has to pay Visa or Mastercard or American Express a percentage of the transaction MIF Multilateral Interchange Fees (between acquiring and issuing banks), cost to seller when you put your card into the ATM machine and it says insufficient funds you want it to be because you don't have enough money in the bank and not the bank APR Annual Percentage Rate of Charge ATM Automatic Teller Machine, cash dispenser, cashpoint, distributeur de billets ECPS European Council for Payment Systems EFT Electronic Funds Transfer electronic signatures e-identification trust services, Vertrauensdienste POS Point Of Sale systems boicottiamo i POS, usiamo il contante SET Secure Electronic Transaction TTP Trusted Third Party encryption, Verschlüsselung secure sites home banking internet transactions direct debit v standing order claims arising interoperability transaction fees brand reputation cashless society outstanding balance float, fond de caisse rejected transactions charge you interest on cost of handling cash go on a shopping binge, spree, retail therapy, shop until you drop, a seamless shopping experience charge exorbitant fees termination of contract set up a PayPal account digital cash (via Internet) code of conduct in banking the client's creditworthiness payment services providers consumer over-indebtedness straight-through processing reduction of transaction costs the giro (cheque) is in the post full amount debited every month phishing, identity theft, hameçonnage payments and transfer systems interactive shopping, télé-achats swipe a smart card, carte à puce computerised cash card systems reading cards with magnetic strips legal recognition of payments systems mail order catalogues, Karstadt, Keller efficient electronic payment mechanism if the amount of the transaction exceeds consumer credit, crédit à la consommation card fraud, copying the magnetic strip onto a blank, for security reasons the (credit) card companies, your flexible friend, plastic traders, websites, European trustmark requirements, Händler epo. EUROPEAN PAYMENT ORDER EPO procedure, Gläubiger, Schuldner long court proceedings cross-border litigation enforcement order for uncontested small claims without the need for a declaration of enforceability (exequatur) expanding volume of trade overdue payment, invoices pursue cross-border claims default, lax appeals process up and down the supply chain remedies, simplified debt recovery cons. CONSUMERS Consumer Programme 2014-20 business (traders) v consumers the consumer acquis, le droit positif des consommateurs comparison websites B 2 B business to business B 2 C business to consumer BEUC Bureau européen des unions de consommateurs, our members CCC Consumer Consultative Council CEA Consumer Empowerment Agenda CLF Consumer Law Framework COFACE family organisations CPC Consumer Protection Cooperation Network CRD Consumer Rights Directive, la CRD EAHC Executive Agency for Health and Consumers ECC European Consumer Centres Network MEP Mutual Evaluation process, services directive SANCO, Tonio Borg, ex John Dalli SIRE Safety Info Redress Enforcement Eurochambres mystery shopper, cliente incógnito emergency number 112 public acceptance consumer-facing the consumer base the consumer voice consumer boycotts (buying-power) consumer information the consumer interest consumer-driven policy consumer organisations present the consumer case consumer impact statement level of consumer protection see what the customer wants buying power and voting power consumer queries, complaints consumer choice, Wahlfreiheit from the consumer point of view the consumer input into policies have a voice in the decision process the sales directive (unfair contract terms) maximum harmonisation, country of origin minimum harmonisation, mutual recognition I'm a firm believer in empowering consumers erode, rebuild, inspire consumer confidence objective information, sachgerechte Aufklärung on balance consumer choice is the best rule, let's have more confidence in people, instead of telling people what they should and shouldn't do consumer protection is never free, it always comes at a cost and ultimately the cost is borne by, passed on to the consumer Rome 1 provides consumers with confidence, encourage them to expand their horizons whether trading across borders or at home package travel directive, package holidays, voyages à forfait, Pauschalreisen parties car, PKW, KFZ producer liability cross-border trade sectoral directives contrat de prêt, bail general contract law consumer contracts important for traders warranty, guarantee (order) fulfilment centre, Umschlagzentrum garantie de conformité a hierarchy of remedies the contract terms apply resort to your national law delivery, la remise du bien 14 day withdrawal right, droit de rétractation unsolicited delivery of goods cross-border shopping, sales caveat emptor (buyer beware) market surveillance framework the trader, unscrupulous traders small businesses and sole traders choice of the optional instruments buy cross-border at cheaper rates in the absence of any legal requirements sales and services, both very broadly defined culpa in contrahendo, "obligations in negotiation", before a contract is concluded CFR Common Frame of Reference, rather than national consumer legislation, e-commerce, the blue button booming internet sales trust mark for e-traders consumer confidence in e-commerce sale of financial services via phone, fax, internet get into trouble with the Trade Descriptions Act, Mogelpackung online retailers who do not have a bricks-and-mortar shop hole-in-the-wall operations on e-Bay, where do they fit in? canvassing (direct marketing) touting for business parc. PARCEL DELIVERY parcel delivery market, servicios de entrega growth of e-commerce and online services DSM Digital Single Market affordable, a precios aseguibles building trust between buyers and sellers cart abandonments online purchases across borders delivery operators e-retailers postal and express operators logistics providers multi-channel retailing complaint handling and redress mechanisms sale. SALES LAW the twenty-ninth system is an optional EU-wide regime of contract law, Vertragsrecht B2B contracts CESL Common European Sales Law, sesl fault-based liability, la responsabilité subjective strict liability, responsabilité objective a consumer receives a product different from what was ordered, Aliudlieferung CISG Vienna Convention on International Sales of Goods, sisk CRD Consumer Rights Directive, la DDC mandatory provision, Eingriffsnorm, loi de police UCITS KIID Key Investor Information Document PECL Principles of European Contract law B2B v B2C contract law withdrawal period passing of risk carriage of goods on-premises v off-premises performance of contract at the owner's risk, res perit domino consumer law v general contract law full harmonisation v optional instruments repair v replacement v price reduction v terminate the contract the toolbox, Musterverträge standardised information sheet, in layman's terms means of payment duration of contract drug precursors agreement infringing goods sent by post market surveillance, Marktüberwachung door-to-door selling, démarchage à domicile, Haustürgeschäfte trad. TRADE PRACTICES EU-Sweeps, koordinierte Ermittlungen consumers v traders binding mediation CAD Comparative Advertising Directive ECCN Consumer Centres Network UCP Unfair Commercial Practices call centres direct marketing fair trading practices direct sales techniques loyalty card, fidéliser, Treueprogramm inertia selling, doorstep selling aggressive business practices cooling-off period, délai de réflexion restrictions on cold calling (unsolicited) hard sell (aggressive sales techniques) misleading and comparative advertising bait-and-switch (goods costlier than advertised) misleading advertising, irreführend, Mogelpackung, affirmations trompeuses distance contract, distance selling, vente par correspondance "directory companies" scam, sociétés annuaires interconnection of business registers prod. PRODUCT SAFETY RAPEX rapid alert system for non-food products GPSD General Product Safety Directive EU logos hazard marking European eco-label Mobius loop for recycling EC conformity marking logo access to justice on our supermarket shelves compensation, Schadensersatz require that victims be provided with redress the scales are tipped against the victim accidents caused by defective products period of warranty, Gewährleistungsfrist assembly instructions, Montageanleitung dispute settlement, arbitration, Schlichtung reversal of the burden of proof, onus on the manufacturer to prove safety, Lastumverteilung faulty (defective) goods, get effective legal redress, hierarchy of remedies, repair, replacement, refund, rescission of contract, Regressrecht, Ersatzleistung, Kaufvertragsauflösung new approach (minimum requirements instead of laborious technical harmonisation) manufacturer, supplier, seller, retailer, buyer, Produzent, leverancier, Detaillist taking legal action, the enforcement machinery products not complying, prevented from sale on market product liability, Gefährdungshaftung, Gebrauchsgüter, Produkte des täglichen Bedarfs toys. TOYS CE label, third party testing, certification market surveillance EHLASS European Home and Leisure Accident Surveillance System phthalates in teething rings, dummies (pacifiers), chemical plastic softeners, Beissring, Weichmacher PET plastics (Poly Ethylene Terephthalate) a rattle PVC in toys baby walkers batteries supplied the Mattel lead case window-blind cords, cord blinds child-resistant inner, outer packaging asphyxiation, choking, suffocation, smother Trois hommes et un couffin (1983) una nube marshmallows lollipop, ciupaciup, piruleta fragrancies, allergene Duftstoffe acrylamide in starchy foods, baby rusks, infant formula DETERGENTS niche markets fabric softeners surfactants, tensioattivi laundry detergents, mass consumer market BIOCIDES drain cleaner and bleach caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) phase out phosphates in laundry and dishwasher detergents co-formulants enhance the action and prolong the activity of the active ingredient, adjuvants biocides kill pests and germs, disinfectants and rat poison, everyday poisonous substances adr. ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution, dispute settlement, ODR Online Dispute Resolution, REL Règlement extrajudiciaire des litiges out-of-court (amicable) cross-border v online trade in civil, commercial and family matters domestic v cross-border consumer disputes ADR entities (arbitrator, conciliator, mediator, ombudsman, complaints board) between a consumer (C) and a trader (B for business) B2B, B2C CFR Charter of Fundamental Rights ECCN European Consumer Centre Network two ADR networks ECC-NET and FIN-NET IA detailed Impact Assessment Injunctions Directive, actions en cessation, αγωγές παραλείψεως, Unterlassungsklagen, förbudsföreläggande Mediation Directive, διαμεσολάβηση, medling ODR Online Dispute Resolution the system of domestic ADR entities on which the EUwide ODR platform will be anchored Recommendation 304 (harmonised methodology) a residual ADR entity for disputes where no specific entity is competent Rome I (contractual obligations) Rome II (non-contractual obligations) dispute resolution disputes between traders sector-specific legislation in-house complaint schemes avoiding duplication of expenses strict guarantees of confidentiality exemplary decisions raise standards lead to a speedy solution to a dispute in the case of off-premises contracts submitted by traders against consumers common principles: impartiality, transparency, effectiveness, fairness length and complexity of court procedures the costs, if any, to be borne by the parties raise awareness aboat this issue lack of consumer and business awareness promote a high level of consumer protection problems with purchased goods or services penalties effective, proportionate, dissuasive ADR in civil, commercial and family matters complaints filed by consumers against traders out-of-court complaint and redress mechanism competent authority (any public authority designated) resolving out-of-court disputes between parties exclude direct negotiations between the parties buying goods and services in the internal market lay down penalties for infringements of provisions mandatory ADR procedures binding on traders? complaints handling systems operated by the trader laid down in laws, regulations, administrative provisions contribute to the proper functioning of the internal market by ensuring a high level of consumer protection ensure at least an equivalent degree of consumer protection coll. COLLECTIVE REDRESS group compensation a proxy form for court action contingency fees (no-win no-fee) temporary injunctions (interim measures) the injunction directive enables consumer protection bodies to go to court a litigation culture, not go down the route of the American-style class action, Sammelklage collective claims, who want to join forces, actions de groupe, Verbandsklage, kollektive Schadensersatzklagen mort. MORTGAGE CREDIT credit agreement for residential properties lender v credit intermediary v borrower wholesale v retail funding variable-rate v fixed-rate mortgages CARRP Credit Arrangements Relating to Residential Property (buy-to-let mortgage applications v standard home loans) EULIS European Land Information Service, land register take out a mortgage, Hypothekarkredit, Grundschuld non-recourse mortgage (you don't lose your shirt), dación en pago (datio in solutum) title deeds land registry the borrower housing bubble overseas buyers mortgage lending repay a mortgage real-estate lending put a deposit down where the quotation is provided on paper or on another durable medium reverse agreements household debt levels would-be home owner outstanding mortgages arrears and foreclosure collateral security funding choice of mortgage product penalties for early repayment, vorzeitige Rückzahlung mortgage financing structures mortgage funding, home loans regulatory gaps, inconsistencies downscale (buy a smaller house) real estate brokers, estate agents market actors, conflicts of interest access to, cross-border, valuations non-banks, financial capital markets make the payments, arrears, default struggling with mortgage repayments homeowner, first time home buyer, get on the property ladder rolling over, refinancing your mortgage temporary difficulties, accidents de vie mortgage providers (lenders), Gläubiger borrowers, mortgage holders, Schuldner negative equity (underwater mortgages) your house is worth less than your mortgage information asymmetries (financial literacy) manage information and keep us in the dark credit agreements relating to residential property pre-contractual information, standardised information sheet, Merkblatt, Formblatt pre-qualification, get prequalified and then preapproved for a mortgage foreclosures (repossessions), la saisie, Zwangsversteigerung hand back the keys if mortgage payments become too much prof. REGULATED PROFESSIONS CPD Continuous Professional Development NCP National Contact Points PQD Professional Qualifications Directive SCP Single Contact Point, one-stop-shop, guichet unique comp. COMPETITION, Art 85, 86, competencia, mededinging OFT Office of Fair Trading, Competition Commission (UK) FCO Federal Cartel Office, Bundeskartellamt FTC Federal Trade Commission (US) NCA National Competition Authorities ECN European Competition Network instruments of competition policy, 1 antitrust, 2 state aid, 3 merger control sharp practice trading standards officers annual competition report protect consumer interests level playing field, Lauterkeit the Competitiveness Council Article 100 a, Internal Market competition rules directly applicable unfair competition, concurrence déloyale price-fixing conspiracy vertical restraints protected markets cartel agreements collective boycotts acting in restraint of trade tying arrangements restrictive practices concerted practices divide up the market distortions of competition anti-trust investigation Article 102 investigations involving an SO SO Statement of Objections intra-Community dumping insider trading, délit d'initiés market manipulation, market abuse anti-competitive practices collective exclusive dealing cartels are anti-competitive collective vertical price fixing market-sharing arrangements protectionism, Marktabschottung seeking unfair competitive advantage exclusive agreements (producers, distributors) block exemptions (derogations from competition rules), Gruppenfreistellungen state aids joint sales offices petrol station contracts patent licensing agreements insurance sector agreements maritime shipping agreements exclusive distribution agreements exclusive purchasing agreements motor vehicle distribution and servicing franchise agreements, in particular beer delivery initiate infringement proceedings launch, mount, initiate an investigation register a complaint secure a conviction formal notification of objections offenders subject to heavy fines dawn raids (unannounced visits) LENIENCY the Leniency Notice Pfleiderer AG v Bundeskartellamt (C-360/09) leniency notice (impunity or reduced fines for information provided on cartels), clemencia anti-trust co-cartelists pre-trial discovery anti-competitive actions leniency programme applicants, claimants, whistleblowers, Kronzeugen ensure the effective operation of leniency applications, Kronzeugenantrag collective redress, Sammelklagen access to leniency documents self-reporting of infringements brings immunity or reduced fines, Strafrabatt private enforcement private actions for damages an aggrieved party (compensation) private cases (civil litigation, civil litigants) stat. STATE AID scrutinise state aid, staatliche Beihilfen areas of economic decline steel and shipbuilding sectors cash injections (sweeteners) state aids distort competition the Spanish tax lease system (state aid) uncompetitive enterprises, uncompetitive industries, lame ducks merg. MERGERS merger control Merger Task Force number of cases pending referral to merger authorities, rinvii mergers which distort competition disclosure of reasons for a decision clear, block a merger, el visto bueno exclusive jurisdiction, Alleinzuständigkeit economies of scale, pile 'em high, sell 'em cheap, tooled up for volume production vet, scrutinise mergers before they take place, power to approve large-scale mergers lowering turnover (EU, worldwide) thresholds increases the number of cases referred to the COM, Umsatzschwelle concentrations must be notified, increasing number of notifications, multiple notifications, Mehrfachanmeldung does the proposed merger have a Community dimension or would national merger control procedures suffice? Directive on Mergers and Acquisitions, Fusionskontrolle cross-border mergers and takeovers, cross-border effects antitrust authority, BKA Bundeskartellamt, MMC Merger and Monopolies Commission (UK) take. TAKEOVERS cooperative v concentrative offeror company v offeree company Endesa/E.On takeover panel parent company one share one vote the takeover directive control of the company while a bid is in progress registered office, head office prudential assessment, Aufsicht takeovers and increases in holdings hold a stake, declare their holdings strategic alliances (energy, telecoms) ownership and control of listed companies cross shareholdings, participations croisées bidder, a potential acquirer, target company limits on exercising shareholder voting rights stop the clock during the assessment period defence tactics, the golden share, crown jewel defence, poison pill defence, white knight, greenmail (buying up stock and selling it to the company at a higher price) if the acquirer is authorised and supervised in the EU, non-EU acquirers the Advocate General's opinion in the Volkswagen case aggregation as between the parent company and subsidiaries minority shareholders, equal treatment of all shareholders hostile takeover bid (takeover battle), make, mount, launch a full bid, OPA Offre publique d'achat domi. DOMINANT POSITION Article 86 abuse of a dominant position the Continental Can doctrine extends the scope of Article 86 to cover strengthening a market position by takeover or merger create, consolidate a dominant position, apply the test of market dominance, create or consolidate market dominance de minimis rule exempts companies representing less than 5% of the market whose aggregate turnover does not exceed 200m ECU, Geringfügigkeitsklausel joint ventures, entreprises communes, Gemeinschaftsunternehmen serv. SERVICES Bolkestein, the services directive, opening of the EU market for services, the country-of-origin principle, the Polish plumber, Klempner status quo clause peer review panel regulating authority drain on the economy admit without restriction implementation timetable freedom of establishment Monti clause, respect for fundamental rights impact assessment, Folgenschätzung scrapping transitional measures, restrictions labour laws, pay and conditions, propelled growth of the black economy, labour inspection, false claims of selfemployment single point of contact to register formally in another country, registered for work posting of workers, workers sent abroad, brought in by temporary workers agencies, vote with their feet, sell their services, wages and conditions of posted workers, Entsenderichtlinie, ouvriers détachés right to strike, freedom of association, social services, social benefit claims, healthcare, pension transferability ECJ case law, which country's legal rules apply, scope of application exempt sensitive sectors, healthcare, social services univ. USO universal service, Daseinsvorsorge basic essential public services non-profit-making, not-for-profit, non-profits, ASBL Association sans but lucratif the Ferring ruling (evaluation of compensation for the accomplishment of obligations of public service), Jacobs, Léger GATS trade in services (WTO) PPP Public Private Partnerships (public purse and private investors) SGEI Services of General Economic Interest SSGI Social Services of General Interest affordability, quality, accessibility sub post offices non-market SGIs service providers public service delivery public service obligations socially necessary services evaluating network industries essential goods and services state aids, staatliche Beihilfen affordable, accessibilité tarifaire delivery (provision) of basic services access to essential everyday services education, social, health sector services the most appropriate form of delivery for social services is public and voluntary sector provision, including inhouse, tendering is only one form of selecting a provider and if tendering is used, there should be no automatic bias towards the lowest cost above everything else stakeholders, parties prenantes bus services in rural communities non-discriminatory access to services social and commercial role of rail services universality of public services, sécurisation du territorial, flächendeckende Verfügbarkeit auction bidding, enter a bid, closure of bids, contracts awarded, veilingen services of specified quality at affordable prices for all users post. POSTAL SERVICES public v private operators snail mail v express delivery services metropolitan areas v small towns, rural areas CEPT European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations TTE Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council SLR Standard Letter Rate BLS Basic Letter Services USP Universal Service Provision, remote, isolated areas customer complaints cherry picking, écrémage sub post office, point poste telecoms and postal ministers terminal dues, Endgebühren when the current directive expires the postal services sector, la poste the Royal Mail's distribution network basic tariff (letters weighing up to 350 gr) mail order catalogues, cross-border trading collection, sorting, delivery, dessertes par jour sending a fax is no longer a black art, télécopie direct mail, cross-border mail, remailing, mailing list, publipostage standard-sized envelope with single postage rate, frais de port deregulation of the reserved sector (less than fifty gr) which paid for universal service, domaine réservé the Notice on application of competition rules to postal services mutualising costs between operators, crosssubsidisation, internal balancing operations, péréquations the incumbent (historic operator) and new entrants procedure for evaluating costs, residual net costs port. PORT SERVICES tugging, specialised tugs good will, intangible assets cargo stowage and securing pilots, piloting, loodsen, practicaje dock workers, stevedores, mooring loading, unloading, lashing, gelascht port services, Seeberufsgenossenschaften self-handling, Selbstabfertigung, auto-assistance, eigen dokwerkers proc. PUBLIC PROCUREMENT 4 public procurement directives 1 Classic 2 Concessions 2 Utilities 3 Third Market Access (Reciprocity), INTA public authorities placing contracts for goods and services, marchés publics, appalti pubblici, öffentliches Auftragswesen CEI Call for Expressions of Interest, AMI Appel à manifestation d’intérêt ESPD European Single Procurement Document tendered out public tendering multiple sourcing put out to tender municipal authorities through a competitive tender competitive tendering procedures the call for tender (contract notice) launch a tender, bando di concorso issue a call to tender, appel d'offres bidders (tenderers), soumissionaires call for proposals, appel à propositions put services out to tender (go out to tender) bid, offre call for tenders, la commande publique life-cycle costs lowest bid, moins disant bias towards the lowest cost above everything else most competitive bid (social, environmental, fair trade), mieux disant protectionism, Abschottung des Beschaffungsmarktes adjudicateur, contracting (awarding) authority adjudicataire, winning bidder (tenderer) selection v exclusion works v supply v service contracts open procedure v restricted procedure central government v local government most-competitive bid v lowest-price bid BMD Building Materials Directive CPV Common Procurement Vocabulary eCERTIS (advice on certificates for tenderers) IPPP Institutionalised Public Private Partnership MEAT Most Economically Advantageous Tender NACE Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the EC PAS Publicly Available Specifications SIMAP Système d'information sur les marchés publics TED Tenders Electronic Daily, tenders published in annex to OJ excluded sectors (water, energy, transport, telecoms), marchés dits réservés specifications, cahier des charges, öffentliche Auflagen, capitolato d'oneri suppliers standstill period economic operators compliance, naleving threshold (cut-off point) contract wrongly awarded construction, building trade pre-commercial procurement (to foster innovation) place contracts with local firms soustraitance sans appel d'offres civil engineering, Hochbau,Tiefbau compete on quality as well as price accept self-declaration from bidders national champions, picking winners direct awards, contrats de gré à gré procedure for the award of a contract general contractor, le maître d'oeuvre, Baumeister digitalisation, e-invoicing, dématerialisation des procédures opened up to cross-border competition big-ticket items (eg telephone exchanges) service concessions, put out to concession disputes, challenge procedure, suspend the award, les contentieux, recours government (public sector) purchasing, procurement, public bodies inflated, ripped off, trying it on, hidden arrangements, significant mark-up, took a figure and grossed it up disaggregation, contract-splitting (splitting contracts into separate lots to circumvent thresholds), saucissonner, allotissement, Einteilung in Lose cooperation between local authorities, interkommunal transparency, moralizzare, Vertrags- und Akteneinsicht conc. CONCESSIONS call for tenders v award notice contracting authorities v contracting entities priority (A services) v non-priority (B services) reserved sectors life-cycle costing the Remedies Directive service providers significant operational risk privatisation through the back door privatisation and contracting out of services concession contracts concession award procedure service contracts, concessions beach contracts, concessioni balneari home-grown businesses running public services stan. STANDARDISATION CEN Comité européen de normalisation CENELEC Comité européen de normalisation électrotechnique DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung ESO European Standardisation Organisations ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute IMP Internal Market Package EA European co-operation for Accreditation conformity assessment procedures metrology, Messverfahren mutual recognition, equivalent standards not exact sameness, équivalence the new approach concentrates on minimum requirements trad. TRADEMARKS OHIM Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Alicante) Trademark Office, OAMI RCD Registered Community Design CTM Community Trade Mark, the CTM e-filing web form is now the dominant route, accounting for three-quarters of trademark filings IPR Intellectual Property Rights NPTOs National Patent and Trademark Offices WIPO World Intellectual Property Organisation, IP rights fee-funded trademarks and designs application, Anmeldung, dépôt pate. PATENTS European patent with unitary effect, titre unique, Einheitspatent unitary patent protection multi-territory licences breeder's privilege (no patents on seeds) EPC European Patent Convention the ECJ currently has a monopoly of legal interpretation, would it become merely a revising chamber? where would the central division be located? Sitz der Zentralkammer EPLA European Patent Litigation Agreement jurisdictional system for patent disputes language regime EPO European Patent Office (Munich Convention), OEB FRAND fair, reasonable, non-discriminatory IP protection, Intellectual Property MPC Munich Patent Convention (1973) WIPO, fees for global applications IP theft trivial patents biotechnology data exclusivity pharmaceuticals invention, Erfindung discovery, Entdeckung investment cycle patent agent fees patented products patent applications fall to marginal cost patent law, register a patent, annual renewal fees, déposer un brevet examination process patent maintenance technical contribution recoup research costs anti-competitive effects override the patent, octrooi market under a brand name SMEs and large corporations licences and royalty payments recoup their investment, without patent protection there would be no innovation, amortir leur mise de fonds, ökonomische Verwertung registering and defending patents computer-implemented inventions physical processes and products inventive step, technical contribution me-too products, the free rider problem the innovator, holder of the basic patent novelty, distinctiveness, Eigenart, Neuart parallel trade and counterfeiting, knock-offs patent offices and courts, other jurisdictions extend the duration of patent protection, the period of patent protection is normally 20 years software escrow copyright, a licensor releases the source code for a particular application to the licensee via an agent for a fee granting patents on software, computer-implemented inventions lost time is the time elapsing between filing a patent application and the date of first market authorisation plan. PLANT VARIETY RIGHTS plant variety rights, obtentions végétales CPVO Community Plant Variety Office, Angers ECPA European Crop Protection Association, phytosanitaire SPC Supplementary Protection Certificate UPOV Union for the Protection of New Plant Varieties the naming of cultivars fungicides, anticrittogamici pesticides, Unkrautvertilgungsmittel, antiparassitario copy. COPYRIGHT rights granted to authors (creator's rights), créateurs rights granted to performers, producers and broadcasters (related rights) regulatory environment aggregation of repertoires portability geo-blocking block licences multi-territory licensing system private copying levy (blank media tax) Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works DRM Digital Rights Management collecting society, Verwertungsgesellschaft GEMA Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungsrechte SACEM Société des auteurs, compositeurs et éditeurs de musique Ringier Axel Springer Media AG authors, scriptwriters, writers, composers, song-writers, performers, interprètes cultural goods, creative works recording artists get money from radio airplays Google's library digitisation project (cf Europeana), numérisation short snippets of news articles (Google) ancillary copyright, Leistungsschutz copyright holders copyleft (authorised copying) copyright protection, droits d'auteur collective management of copyright and neighbouring (related) rights and multi-territorial licensing of rights in musical works for online uses, droits voisins out of print, vergriffen resale rights, droits de suite royalties, redevances, Tantieme orphan works (authors cannot be traced) musical works the performing arts i2010 digital libraries liner notes, sleeve notes formats, supports, nośniki la platine, le saphir, le vinyle exorbitant fees being charged the record companies, les majors audiovisual works or sound recordings pro. FAIR USE remunerate the rightsholders a total free-for-all in a world where everything is free paywall secondary income streams open access an open norm liability regimes Safe Harbour principles Privacy_Principles they're not taking the things down harmonisation of limitations and exceptions re-use of public service information scientific publishing (Elsevier's) SECT Single European Copyright Title the cultural sector legal offers (available lawfully) the quotation exception media convergence the Tower of London the right to panorama (public buildings) "adequate" should be "appropriate" a class on media studies the fair use exception for non-commercial uses the private copy levy is zero-rated public goods (cable TV) common access resource private property, private goods a flexible, enabling copyright model promote the progress of science and useful arts permitted uses fair use according to the law you have no business regulating it doesn't seem the world would fall do not threaten copyright owners in the least peer-to-peer file-sharing unauthorised file-sharing of copyrighted works a drop-off in the number of file-sharers using peer-topeer sites revenue streams user-generated content a new business model new distribution channels consume creative content unfounded copyright claims remix and mashup, splicing, re-editing creative re-use of works (derivative works) premium paying subscribers catalogue of 18 million tracks copyright rules intrude deeply industry is demonising copyright infringement Deezer works within the web browser Deezer allows users to search its library by track, album, artist or genre edutainment games blockbuster movies and bestseller books using P2P (peer-to-peer) technology web-based music streaming service DSP Digital Service Provider, iTunes (legal downloads) people using bit torrents internet intermediaries, Torrent (illegal downloads) handset gamers, PS3, PSN PlayStation Network, Sony online gamers (such as myself) will find their ping/latency in games reach unacceptable levels rights owners blocking re-use piracy is a crime locking down, locking out copyright is involved because of the act of copying use, deny the use, right to benefit property is the set of rights that the government will protect there's a rivalry to the resource exclusivity (I can enforce, I can exclude people from using it) Linux, operating system kernel, pure public goods patents prevent people from making using or selling an invention copyright is a right to prevent people from copying trade secrets rated PG 13 right of publicity, prevent your identity being used in commercial speech (advertising) copyright is a limited monopoly prescribed by statute with their kind permission comm. COMMONS CFAA Computer Fraud and Abuse Act EUPL Public Licence the hackers are the most creative users open access (work made freely available) Creative Commons licence (authors indicate which rights they wish to retain or relinquish) used to be a global grassroots social space multiple copies for classroom use fair use, the private use exception, not constitute a criminal offence the commons, the public domain, freely accessible public results peer. P2P Apple, iPod and iTunes, Qtrax is the prime legal P2P site in the world, P2P protocols Shazam lets you do your own playlists torrents filter out corrupted and dummy files peer-to-peer file-sharing software, P2P lets users share files online, Kazaa, Limewire, e-Mule legitimate online music services, non-infringing uses, musical downloads Spotify is a Swedish-based proprietary music streaming programme which allows instant listening to specific tracks or albums with almost no buffering delay Deezer has negotiated rights to make 165,000 songs available for streaming legally via an agreement with Sony Netflix anti. ANTI-PIRACY without the permission of the author stays in copyright copyright term extension temporary exclusive rights renewal fees to maintain your rights ex ante certification, ex post declarations trade dress is a legal term of art that generally refers to characteristics of the visual appearance of a product or its packaging licensing restrictions by the record labels creators transfer their rights to large corporations A and R men (artists and repertoire) editorial guidance (A and R), financial support, creative nurture, manufacturing, publishing, marketing, distribution, payment of royalties HADOPI Haute Autorité pour la diffusion des oeuvres et la protection des droits sur internet Shanghai initiative, crackdown on piracy, pirated products, IPR protection TPM Technical Protection Measures anti-piracy legislation, derogations for libraries and the disabled, cassette vierge impose a levy on blank CDs and DVDs three strikes you're out, ISP sends you warnings then disconnects you, a layered regime, riposte graduée the Pirate Bay case, copyright-protected, upload and store torrent files, filesharing, a swarm of users, complicity, aiding and abetting, using a tracker to contact other users rip tracks from CDs infringement on a commercial scale commoditisation digital Schengen block specific content restricting user interaction going after individual users pursuing commercial interests differentiated pricing schemes throttling down of broadband speeds throttle down (ISPs limit bandwidth) data aggregation, analysis of metadata encryption schemes built directly into the hardware gali. GALILEO global satellite navigation system 30 satellites Sentinel missions operational milestones the deployment phase the exploitation phase satellite radionavigation, 30 satellites, positioning launchers (rockets) deliver (launch) payloads (stuff) Ariane Espace (Vega, Soyuz, Ariane 5) satellite failures, launch risks, delays 1 open service 2 commercial service 3 safety of life 4 public regulated service (secure) 5 search and rescue service (rescue operations) Fucino and Oberpfaffenhofen the ESA contributed the Columbus laboratory to the ISS aviation, road, agriculture, maritime, civil engineering OS SIS ICD Open-Service Signal-In-Space InterfaceControl-Document EGNOS OS SDD service definition document geostationary satellite (satellite in orbit over the equator whose orbital period matches the rotational period of the Earth and, therefore, appears to remain stationary over a fixed position on Earth) AFI African and Indian Ocean states CS Commercial Service DAB Digital Audio Broadcasting EDAS EGNOS Data Access Service EGNOS European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service EGSA European GNSS supervisory authority, der Egsarat ESA European Space Agency Philae lander comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko mothership Rosetta initial battery life radio signals ESTEC European Space Research and Technology Centre (Noordwijk) ESTP European Space Technology Platform ETP European Technology Platform EUMETSAT European organisation for the exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (Darmstadt) FOC Full Operational Capability GCC Galileo Control Centre GIOVE Galileo In Orbit Validation Element GIP Galileo Interinstitutional Panel GJU Galileo Joint Undertaking GLONASS Глобальная навигационная спутниковая система GMES Global Monitoring for Environment and Security GNSS Global Navigation Satellite Service GPRS General Packet Radio Service GPS Global Positioning System (US) GSA GNSS Supervisory Authority GSA Supervisory Authority, Aufsichtsbehörde GSM Global System for Mobile communications INSPIRE spatial data IOV In Orbit Validation IP Intellectual Property ISRO Indian Space Research Organisation ISS International Space Station MEO Medium Earth Orbit NLES Navigation Land Earth Stations ORR Operational Readiness Review OS Open Service PPP Public Private Partnership, OPP PRS Public Regulated Service (secure, encrypted, police, border control) RDS Radio Data System RIMS Ranging and Integrity Monitoring Stations RTD Research and Technology Development SBAS Satellite-Based Augmentation System (enhances signals, improving accuracy) SCC Satellite Control Centre SES Single European Sky SFC Service Facilities Centre SOL Safety-Of-Life SRS Search and Rescue Service TAS Thales Alenia Space UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System satnav take-up geodesy ownership transponders GNSS signals free-of-charge Galileo agency EGNOS portal sensor stations your GPS recalculates, wenn möglich bitte wenden precursor system encrypted signals the rollout phase performance centres geolocation databases integrity of the message space segment maintenance ground-based navigation aids receiver manufacturers and application developers geographical coverage, maillage operation, the exploitation phase navigation and positioning services entrepreneurs and service providers downstream sectors EOMP Earth Observation and Monitoring GIV GMES Initial Operation Programme crisis prevention, preparedness and response capacities border and maritime surveillance FRONTEX > EMSA > EUSC access, use and sharing of information dedicated data service information licensing conditions for third-party data rays. RAYS EMF Electro Magnetic Radiation Fields EMR Electro Magnetic Radiation ICNIRP International Convention on Non Ionising Radiation Protection SAR Specific Absorption Rate, the SAR value of a cellular phone VDU Video Display Unit electrosmog, Elektrosmogbelastung household appliances overhead power cables microwave ovens, hairdriers putting up Wi-Fi in public places mainframe, PC, thin-client appliances GSM base stations, mobile phone masts precautionary principle placed at potential risk the 900 MH range in the higher frequency ranges melatonin continues to have an oncostatic effect at energy levels of 0.2 microtesla exposure to electromagnetic fields (physical agents) effects on cells, tissue, organs electric heating of human tissue at the exposure limit values children are not just miniature adults there are physiological differences some people are electro-sensitive children have thinner skulls it. IT, ICT static v dynamic individual printer v network printer digitisation, dematérialisation from (Johannes) Gutenberg to (Mark) Zuckerberg Bill Gates, Microsoft owns the Windows operating system which dominates all PCs, antitrust, interoperability, sharing source code Moore's Law, processing power doubles every 18 months CD-ROM BYOD Bring Your Own Device CPU Central Processing Unit computing speed measured in gigahertz teraflop (trillion floating point operations) DRAMS Dynamic Random Access Memory Qimonda is a top supplier of DRAM products for the PC and server markets GIGO Garbage In Garbage Out Google, eBay and Intel homo numericus LSA Local Systems Analyst MS-DOS Microsoft Disk Operating System PCB Printed Circuit Boards PDF Portable Document Format Adobe Acrobat holds the printed look SAS Software As a Service SD card (secure digital memory card) USB Universal Serial Bus, memory stick, flash memory, flash drive, pendrive, USB port, MSD Mass Storage Device VGA Video Graphics Array, a three-row 15-pin DE-15 connector RTF Rich Text Format XML Extensible Markup Language PC (client-server model) apps Huffpo e-book firewalls interactive multimedia in real time byte, octet applications open source, logiciel libre e-mail tablets a laptop signal strength Wi-Fi hotspots applications and utilities icons in the frozen panel master volume control button web authoring tools mobile devices digital sender VDI + token, cloud storage (safe Dropbox), secured, trust level, user acceptance, corporate scenarios Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) is the practice of hosting a desktop operating system (OS) within a virtual machine (VM) running on a centralized server instant messaging iBooks the Kindle e-reader a patch (a workaround) gizmos (personal devices) the touchscreen iPod Touch Google Android tablets Apple's iPad tablet computer slide to power off early eighties, choice between Beta and VHS Connected TV, Hybrid TV, watching TV on tablets, smartphones, consoles read our latest news and analysis on your computer, smartphone, tablet, desktop, laptop Siri (voice-activated virtual assistant), iPhone (smartphone) everyone with an iPhone knows about Viber (free unlimited voice calls to all iPhones) interactive kiosks, touch screens, bornes tactiles, interactives convergence, e-mail on TV, TV on the internet, internet access on your mobile terminal you get into an automated message menu answering machine, répondeur, sekretarka automatyczna augmented reality in mobile computing computer-savvy digital natives, natifs numériques to mouseover boot, démarrer screensaver, wallpaper scroll bar, barre de défilement, l'ascenseur hardware, le hard digital, numérique upgrade, mise à niveau laptops, mobile Rechner settings (control panel) touchpad, trackpad, trackball new media outlets cross-posting on social websites Facebook, Flickr, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube my news feed 140 characters likes and followers find the right hashtag tweeting, a tweet, hash tag social networking behaviour online behavioural advertising men post information, women create relationships go viral drives, lecteur de disques screen shots (screen dumps) killer applications, l'arme fatale the digital age, bridging the digital divide, fossé, fracture numérique have-nots, los infopobres helpdesk, service d'assistance we've migrated to Windows XT to mouse over (if I move over it) servers hosted in third countries Psion hand-held personal organiser smart dust (miniaturised computers) run on Windows, tourner sous Window tapping the top right corner of the touchpad (trackpad) is the equivalent of a right-click on a mouse, pavé tactile, Tastfeld the full pathway is the filename and the extension inte. INTERNET WCIT World Conference on International Telecommunications, Dubai (UAE) Dec 3-14, 2012 changes to the architecture of the internet ICANN Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority ITR International Telecommunication Regulations ITU International Telecommunication Union TLD Top Level Domain names DNS Domain Name System multi-stakeholder internet governance the core infrastructure leap second, seconde intercalaire, Schaltsekunde browser v search engine web browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Netscape), navigateur search engine (Google, Yahoo!, Bing), moteur de recherche HTML Hyper Text Markup Language URL Universal Resource Locator WWW World Wide Web, la toile newbie bannering home page Internet portal build a website flaming (hate mail) an internet connection shouting (writing in capitals) a de facto massive intrusion frames make navigation easier metered telephone charges are the biggest curb, unmetered access (flat charging) modem (modulator, de-modulator) Internet penetration (number of users) binary file (graphics, spreadsheets etc) the Amazon Kindle is an e-book reader typing in a string of characters, search string nerd, anorak _ underscore attach, joindre hit, visite, connexion user ID, numéro d'abonné baud rate, vitesse de transfert on-line, en temps réel, en ligne at, @ (Alt + 64), arobase, małpa off-line, hors connexion, en différé hyperlink, hyperlien, un lien, un jump internet users surf the net, internaute narrow a search, affiner une recherche downloading, téléchargement, herunterladen tying Windows users into using the Internet Explorer web browser Internet Explorer is the default browser packaged with Windows broa. BROADBAND BEREC Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (ex ERG) CEF Connecting Europe Facility (3 strands: energy, transport, broadband), MIE Mécanisme pour l'interconnexion en Europe Digital Agenda 2020 target of universal coverage at 30Mbps and above DSM Digital Single Market EG Expert Group MFF Multiannual Financial Framework NGA Next Generation Access Network PCI Projects of Common Interest speed v capacity download v upload speed wired v wireless connections low v medium density areas urban v suburban v rural areas operation v maintenance v upgrading availability v speed v reliability v resilience link island v landlocked v peripheral regions MBPS megabytes per second network speeds very fast broadband what's state-of-the-art for you? subscribe to internet connections symmetrical upload and download rates high-speed broadband rollout, haut débit data rate rural broadband low-speed dial-up connection fast fibre-optic connection 1Gbps giga speeds of above fast internet access high-speed broadband on speeds, performances connections above 100 Mbps 100 Mbps megabytes per second support data transmission at 100 Mbps access to a broadband service of 30 Mbps make the 800 MHz frequency band available for wireless broadband services superfast broadband services carried over fibre-optic cables rather than traditional copper broadband islands lack of commercial incentives to invest in rural and remote areas regulatory framework for electronic communications rules on state aids technological neutrality open access strengthens competition physical broadband networks internet-based infrastructures demand for ultra-fast internet public investment in dark fibre high speed internet infrastructure broadband networks and digital services deployment and take-up of faster networks radio spectrum policy programme cross-border eGovernment services single market for online content and services protection of personal data and to prevent any kind of unauthorised tracking of personal information and profiling, including medical status and health records copper v coaxial v fibre v BPL v radio BPL Broadband over Power Lines, CPL Courant porteur en ligne FCC Federal Communications Commission (US) FTTH Fibre To The Home connections IBC Integrated Broadband Communications ISDN Integrated System of Data Networks, RNIS Réseau numérique à intégration des services ISDN card, AVM Fritzkarte LLU Local Loop Unbundling 4G wireless access networks, eine Funklösung, LTE Funk (Long Term Evolution) NGA Next Generation Access QoS Quality of Service triple play: internet, TV and telephone over a single broadband connection unbundling the local loops, providing access to the local network, the last mile routers market segment cables and ducts in the feeder network, Leerrohre cable TV, coaxial length of contract telephone, copper provide bitstreams transmission paths apps (web applications) the web development community a two-sided market broadband subscribers value-added enhancement how quickly the stream starts wired connections are reliable internet access in rural areas end-to-end service guarantees users rights, locked into contracts providers of broadband internet access 2nd generation mobile telecom services ability to switch operators (change providers) broadband operators, hosting, providing access distributed, collaborative, open-source, we have to think commons, biosphere consciousness broadband technology (high-capacity), Breitbandverkabelung, Leerrohr tele. TEN-TELE DG INFSO Safer Internet BIK Better Internet for Kids grappes de services national hotlines Digital Agenda 2020 target of universal coverage at 30Mbps and above widespread, high-speed, secure pilot projects and preparatory actions large-scale projects uninterrupted delivery of service DSIs Digital Service Infrastructures, PNI Projets numériques d’infrastructure SIC Safer Internet Centres core service platforms generic services horizontal actions non-discriminatory access interoperability sustainable deployment building blocks the crowding out of private investment spec. SPECTRUM CCIR International Radio Consultative Committee ERCC European Radio Communications Committee PMSE Programme Making and Special Events PPDR Public Protection and Disaster Relief WARC World Administrative Radio Conference the 800 MHz band spectrum issues like the 700 MHz band the 2.3 GHz band (2300-2400 MHz) the 1.5 GHz band (1452-1492 MHz) spectrum allocation blocks of frequencies in a band up for renewal, reassigned, auctioned capacity requirements for wireless broadband digital dividend as analogue TV signals are replaced by digital space on the airwaves, radio spectrum is a scarce resource, assign radio frequencies, auctions, Versteigerung, veilingen refarming: reassigning private land mobile radio spectrum (PLMR) to meet future communications requirements by dividing channel bandwidths (narrow banding) free up bandwidth for high-speed wireless broadband tele. TELECOMS it’s network logic, connectivity, service layers, unbundling, like we were doing in telecoms Telefónica Deutsche Telekom the BT Tower has Grade II listed building status Connected Continent MVNO Mobile Virtual Network Operators ACT Association of Commercial TV in Europe CEPT European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations DBS Direct Broadcasting by Satellite EBU European Broadcasting Union ETNO European Telecommunications Networks Organisation ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute IBA Independent Broadcasting Authority NRAs National Regulatory Authorities, national regulatory framework, the regulator OFTEL Office of Telecommunications (UK) PSB Public Service Broadcasters STAR Special Telecommunications Action for Regional Development public information, radio, television self-regulation clause, co-regulation conditional access and associated facilities whole suite of directives, the framework and access directives push the entire telecommunications issue into conciliation the must-carry clause (requires cable TV outfits to offer all local channels if they carry one) tele. TELEPHONY # the hash sign, dièse local calls v trunk calls fixed landline v mobile networks ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, with a router a single telephone connection can be used for both ADSL service and voice calls IDD International Direct Dialling ONP Open Network Provision, voice telephony end-users affordability new entrants caller location interoperability voice telephony costing, financing number portability bring advanced services forward, selective call-barring, roaming (using other GSM networks), re-routing of calls, tone dialling landline, poste fixe text phone services emergency number 112 information superhighway video and text telephones public telephone networks public pay phones, call boxes in the voice telephony sector access to numbers and services non-discrimination and proportionality Sticky Keys allows you to type keyboard shortcuts one key at a time, touches à auto-maintien, Einrastfunktion identify elements of cost and revenue tariff rebalancing, péréquation tarifaire call centres, help desks, direct marketing can I reverse the charges? (US call collect) call-back services, cheap international calls, carrier preselection, dial ... for the dial tone geographic deaveraging (operator offers services at cost to drive out competition) billing information, itemised subscriber charges, access the operator assistance service, directory enquiries, telephone operators wholesale charges for telecoms service providers to use the local loop incumbent telecoms operators, generally former stateowned monopolies fixed public telephone networks, fixed asset and structural costs mobi. MOBILE PHONES mobile telephony incumbents v new entrants service provider v service supplier GSM successor UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System, third-generation mobile phone technology, a 3G card, UMTS licences GSM Global System for Mobile communications, originally from Groupe Spécial Mobile, standard for mobile phones IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity MCC Mobile Country Code MVNO Mobile Virtual Network Operators PIN Personal Identification Number PUC PIN Unlock Code PUK PIN Unlock Key SIM card, Subscriber Identity Module post-paid SIM card call waiting call forwarding caller identification three-way calling IP streaming paging service audiotext service call management services handset ringtones buy a prepaid card top up the credit on charges, rates, tariffs mobile phone operators pricing and tariff transparency interoperability of chargers, Ladegeräte service provider, prestataires de service manufacturers, Ericsson, Nokia, Motorola do digits missed call I'm out of juice Wi-Fi hotspots it's breaking up there's no network I'm low on batteries my battery's running out there's no phone coverage I almost let it go to voicemail you pocket dialled him, butt dial I got a recorded answering service cell phone is naff, call me on my mobile providers, Meteor, Vodafone, Orange, Tango, BASE dial and drop, ring then drop, appel en absence, wyślij do głuchacza subscribers, pay a monthly fee, bundle minutes roam. ROAMING, itinérance wholesale v retail level home network v visited network phonecalls v text messages v data downloads CPT Consumer Protection Tariff, the CPT model, the Reding tariff (all-inclusive flat-rate), regulated euro-tariff, ryczałtowy MMS Multimedia Messaging Service MTR Mobile Termination Rates OFCOM UK regulator for communication industries SMS Short Message Service end user rights message alerts consumption alerts what package they had for operators to provide 3G-enabled for outgoing calls toll-free numbers billing is per second sunrise clause (trigger) dual MT decoupling option mobile telephone networks gaps in the network, maillage the multiplier, 30% Aufschlag roaming tariffs (rates, charges) roaming rates, very good margins smartphones use half a gigabyte a month premium rate numbers (unlike a normal call, part of the call charge is paid to the service provider, thus enabling businesses to be funded via the calls), chatlines, helpdesks mobile data and text messaging, bit trading (SMS, MMS, data), traffic, down-loading data and images DATA ROAMING soaring volume of data traffic impose price caps on data roaming a wholesale rate of 50 cents per megabyte drive down phone and text message charges choose a separate overseas roaming package from their domestic carrier set a cap on data at wholesale level of x eurocents per megabyte), Grosskunden, Endkunden, Preisobergrenze, massimale cap on retail cost of downloading internet data while abroad tv. TV live v recorded analogue v digital rewind v fast forward commercial v public broadcasters guarantees for media pluralism transmission standards, technical standards for production, transmission, reception D2MAC, 16x9 wide screen, 35 mm picture quality and stereo sound, 625 lines, format large HDTV High Definition MAC Multiplexed Analogue Components, packet family of standards, video signal (1250 (1152 visible) lines/50 frames in 16:9 aspect ratio) was encoded with a modified D2-MAC encoder, multiplexed with digital sound PAL Phase Alternation Line PSB Public Service Broadcasting, the public broadcasters, öffentlich-rechtlich, le service public SECAM Séquence de couleurs avec mémoire TWF Television sans frontières (1989) regulatory body pull down a signal commercial TV channels commercial media groups pick up transmissions, capter the licence fee, la redevance flat screen, les écrans plasma radio, radiodiffuseurs, Hörfunk cultural diversity, Meinungsvielfalt MAC can be upgraded into HD-MAC media concentrations, multi-media groups terrestrial free-to-air public service broadcasters, freiempfangbar transmitted by the broadcaster, received by the public moguls, Rupert Murdoch and Sky Channel, Bertelsmann, le rôle de CNN pendant la guerre du Golfe QUOTAS US broadcast material, dominance of cheap American TV, US cultural imperialism Community preference in programming, l'exception culturelle European content in programming, mandatory quota regime a quota of EU-produced programmes, where practicable what the quota applies to, l'assiette des quotas film. FILM CULT Committee on Education and Culture Lux prize, selection panel Cineuropa multiplexes scriptwriters what films are showing when the showings are the making of films film-maker, cinéaste les porteurs de projets film producers, productions screenings, diffusion dans les salles, l'occupation des écrans, le parc, le nombre de copies sound track, bande sonore Venice Biennale, the Mostra trailer, bande annonce, zwiastun art houses, cinéma d'art et d'essai cinema managers, exploitants de salles European film industry, cinematographic heritage, ailing audiovisual industry, patrimoine secondary markets, distribution circuits for videocassettes, redistribution markets, syndication of programmes, online services, video and music on demand six major Hollywood film studios (Paramount, Sony, Universal, Fox, Disney, Warner Brothers) devi. DEVICES DVD Digital Video Disk PDA Personal Digital Assistant, you write with a stylus VCR Video Cassette Recorder, magnétoscope VOIP software like Skype for free voice-calls (Voice Over Internet Protocol) docking stations for BlackBerrys (computer cum phone), Walkmans, digital cameras, notebooks, MP3 players, PDAs do you have Bluetooth? short range wireless connectivity, no clutter palmtops bureautique un follow-me interoperability electronics industry faxes and telexes, télécopieur consumer electronics companies install a complete line of equipment Japanese technological dominance electronic equipment manufacturers default printer, imprimante par défaut a low-bandwidth, hard-wired, point-to-point email system audi. AUDIO-VISUAL MEDIA SERVICES rollout (launch) offerings (products), Kulturangebote penetration (market share) bandwidth (transmission capacity), Bandbreite push v pull factors commerce v culture content v distribution public service v private content providers v service providers AVMS Audio Visual Media Services over-the-top companies (Skype, Gmail Chat, MS Hotmail) provide communication services through the IP free of charge a helpful AMS directive, Directive SMA, services de médias audiovisuels EAO European Audiovisual Observatory EDMA European Digital Media Association Media Plus, visual goods AV material, draft revision of the TWF directive, draft directive, proposed directive sector-specific filtering and layering non-industry stakeholders city investors and analysts co-regulation, self-regulation don't serve the viewer interest competition, state aids, copyright new media, broadcasting, telecommunications can be very migratory in choosing a jurisdiction dynamic sector assess compliance current and planned fellow regulators regulatory intervention light-touch regulation heavy-handed regulation context-based regulation a creature of government government and regulators industry and critically consumers complex, fast-moving environment regulation can be a very blunt instrument broadcast content regulating content is a day to day business plat. PLATFORMS platform (mode) footprint (area covered) analogue v digital pay-per-view v free-to-air terrestrial v cable v satellite general-interest v niche (narrowcast) bundle, bouquet terrestrial, hertzien multi-platform model award a cable franchise broadcasting deregulation teledistribution companies move to digital broadcasting fibre optic cable, Lichtleiter cable operator, cable networks bid for digital terrestrial frequencies general-interest channels, généraliste digital platforms (terrestrial, cable, satellite), technologies de diffusion, nouveaux supports satellite broadcasting, satellite broadcasters, digital satellite pay-TV, lucrative digital pay-per-view TV networks dish, installer une antenne parabolique, schotelantenne niche channels, thematic channels, la poussée des chaînes de complément, Spartenkanäle digital permits greater compression than analogue, digital is now the world standard, numérique footprint of satellite transmissions, territoire satellite ignore national boundaries, proliferation of channels, reach an audience of continental proportions, transmit programmes Community-wide cont. CONTENT EPG Electronic Programme Guide PAF Paysage audiovisuel français production v distribution writers v audiences v advertisers online video games v offline versions a talk show productions feature films production aid online services content creators broadcast (aired) broadcast content feed them content screenwriters' guild distribution, Vertrieb delivering the content a big ramp-up (increase) in the roll-out (launch) of new online content offerings digital media services serials and mini-series stills, mit Standbildern less scheduled viewing publicly listed companies Microsoft's Xbox games consoles Sony PlayStation 3 a host of syncing services Nintendo's Wii video game console with haptic technology you feel in-game texture public service obligations CCS Cultural and Creative Sectors linguistic and cultural diversity digital shift original European drama carriers of cultural values practising yoga and pilates cheap imports from Japan provide attractive offerings mainstream media outlets the mass market, attract mass audiences, grand public we believe in our schedules works, docudramas, creation audio-visual co-productions mobile distribution of content we provide audiovisual product ratings, l’Audimat, kijkdichtheid right of reply, Gegendarstellung investing in high-end programming website banners, videoblogs take advertising, thousands of bloggers, podcasts almost all of it is original programming fill the programming schedules, la grille copywriter, groupings of creative workers prime time, aux heures de grande écoute studio panel discussions, émissions de plateau a trade-off between quality and audience share proliferation of cable film channels, proliferation of markets, fragmentation of audiences, audiences will fragment, morceler air-time, total broadcasting time, daily transmission time, number of broadcasting hours available, volume of programmes, demand for new programming material programme production industry, programme makers, content of the networks listings magazines, Télémoustique, avec des offres très variées news and documentaries, documentaires, magazines independent producers, independent production quotas content is very expensive, has a high finance basis comedy is a very high-risk genre, has high failure rates NON-LINEAR split screen e-commerce, e-content the opposite of mass media remote control, Fernbedienung VOD Video On Demand, auf Zuruf many of these new services are pay European films online, offre novatrice linear (scheduled, no user control), non-linear (ondemand, interactive) SET-TOP BOX encrypted or clear, en clair encrypted services, verschlüsselte Dienste sale of pirate decoders, smart cards, software DVB Digital Video Broadcasting, scrambling and encryption, simulcrypt, common interface equipped with a single decoder, access cards, conditional access services, illicit devices inherent persuasive power, lack of consumer control, get our attention illegal decoders allowing viewers to descramble pay-TV signals conditional access let broadcasters control the transmission of TV signals SHORT EXTRACTS clips recorded on mobile phones, short reporting, short excerpts, recordings, courts extraits, Kurzberichterstattung adve. ADVERTISING EASA Advertising Standards Alliance Loi Evin (limits TV coverage of sports events where alcohol is advertised) MCA Misleading and Comparative Advertising Directive insertion rules advertising standards retain advertising on TV tele-shopping, télé-achats e-commerce, viral marketing one-to-one digital advertising cross-border advertisements a big part of advertising spend advertising revenues are falling self-regulation, code of conduct conflicting advertising regulations fast-forward through commercials an advertisement being pulled (not shown) outright (blanket) ban on tobacco advertising generate revenue, income, Werbeeinnahmen commercial messages, commercial breaks, natural break advertising, concentrated blocks, periodic slots, régies publicitaires, Werbezeit a blanket attachment to the twelve minute rule, integrity of programmes maintained isolated spots, spot advertising, the spot ad, Einzelspots intending to promote the supply of goods and services outdated controls on advertising, ripe for abolition plac. PRODUCT PLACEMENT PP, publicité clandestine, Schleichwerbung artistic integrity, we don't want the product placement to interfere with the programme itself, given undue prominence, not where we want to be, the editorial is always separated from the advertising deal, not interfere with content endorsement build storyline, characters brand presence not brand promotion dictated by producers not sales houses clearly identified, soap operas, diet products separation of advertising and editorial content product integration, integrate into the storyline, incorporation, scripted references, surreptitious, Produktbeistellung inclusion of products for money, in return for payment, a plug for (free advert) sponsored by, notice at the beginning, Vorspann, Nachspann editorial standards, editorial values, safeguard editorial freedom, choix éditoriaux, éditeurs, redaktionell chil. CHILDREN CSA Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel V-chip, protection of minors, PG Parental Guidance, icon system, filtering, puce anti-violence aired (was broadcast) game shows couch potatoes prophets of doom the ultimate babysitter smut and pornography inappropriate content dumbing down (stultify) beaming into our homes low-budget soap operas chewing gum for the eyes viewer discretion is advised gratuitous sex and violence, glorify violence, Gewaltverherrlichung filters and blocking systems internet content rating system material violating certain rules public morality, Mary Whitehouse Endemol, Big Brother, reality television submerging national cultures and values programming in pre-watershed peak time musclebound superheroes, action heroes the most vulnerable in society, Jugendschutz unhealthy foods, products high in fat, sugar, salt children's programmes, advertising aimed at children spor. MEDIA RIGHTS exclusivity agreements the "specificity of sport" principle transmitting Premier League fixtures publicans stream matches in sports bars exclusive rights for events of public interest broadcasting companies and event organisers coverage of, live retransmission of major sporting events, sports broadcasting rights, media rights, we intend to use sport as a battering ram in all our pay-TV operations broadcasting rights for sporting events generate huge commercial revenue the right to territorially licence broadcasting content DOPING WADA World Anti Doping Agency EPO Erythropoietin testing for coaches, trainers, doctors sure, sport is about winning performance-enhancing drugs accredited control laboratories spot checks, contrôles inopinés doping, test positive for, drug-free anabolic steroids (artificial testosterone) growth hormones and dietary supplements Lance Armstrong stripped of titles BOSMAN, 1995 Bosman ruling, Court ruling in favour of Jean-Marc Bosman allows out-of-contract players to leave their club without a fee and ends restrictions on the nationality of players, UEFA football associations ESA European Sports Assizes IOC International Olympic Committee UEFA home-grown players schemes, coming through junior teams, youth academies Fifa Sepp Blatter governing bodies dual careers (sport, education) players' agents, Spielervermittler Hawk-Eye, the days of haranguing refs could be over equestrian events field and track, lekkoatletyka public order at football grounds gamb. GAMBLING online gambling and sports betting punters bingo halls spread betting paid out in prizes betting exchanges liberalising gaming gaming machine industry relaxation of gambling rules fixed-odds betting terminals slot machine, one-armed bandit taking a punt on (having a flutter) problem gamblers, gambling addicts chase their losses, recoup their losses arcades, fruit machines, a learning device boxing, πυγμαχία betting-related, Sportwetten safeguard the integrity of sport stamp out match-fixing, manipulation a steward's inquiry (after a horce racing incident) agri. AGRICULTURE US Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack conventional v organic the forty-fifth parallel (north-south) areas with natural constraints, zone à contrainte naturelle Bauer sucht Frau proteins, Leguminose clover, Kleegras, koniczyna capping payments to large farms sustainable, non-chemical, organic uncoupled, pagamentos desligados modulation (transfer between pillars) base year (basis year, reference year) tendering, procedura a evidenza pubblica FADN Farm Accountancy Data Network, RICA IBO Inter Branch Organisation PO Producer Organisation SCA Special Committee on Agriculture sector, filière area-based (hectarage) livestock v arable linear v differentiated food security v food scarcity continental v Mediterranean agriculture CSA Special Committee on Agriculture farmers' unions health check (mid-term review) COGECA cooperatives COPA Organisations professionnelles agricoles CAP Common Agricultural Policy, Sicco Mansholt, architect of the CAP, 1958 Stresa conference SCAS Standing Committee on Agricultural Structures and Rural Development basic principles of the CAP, the single market, Community preference, financial solidarity contractors do the farming farmers provide public goods direct payments are decoupled livestock sector, l'élevage processing, transformation part-time farmer, double actif marketing via producer groups holdings, exploitations agricoles farmers, population active agricole produced or processed, Veredelung crop year, marketing year, campagne agri-food business, filière agro-alimentaire Management Committee, Comité de gestion arable crops, pflanzliche Produkte, seminativi, akkerbouw tillage farmers grow crops tril. TRILOGUE cofinancing rates Wildschäden, damage caused by wild animals biological and climatic (weather) indexes agro-ecological discuss the allocations of payments eligible public expenditure climate change mitigation, adaption the access system non-commercial private contributions CPR Common Provisions Regulation indirect costs social investment pact Graswiesehügel damage from wild animals capr. CAP REFORM the first pillar EAGF, Guarantee Fund, EGFL markets, pilotage, Mengenregelung the second pillar (rural development) EAFRD, FEADER, ELER ERDF (regional), FEDER FAS Farm Advisory Services, consulenza aziendale WTO (Blair House, Marrakesh agreement) top-up payments, Ausgleichszahlungen modulation re-nationalisation sustainable, durable the national envelope multi-functional, polyvalent réorienter vers les attentes sociétales the way the EU supports its farm sector geared towards consumers and taxpayers decoupling (payments not related to output) farmers respond to market signals, produce what the market wants, market-oriented paying agencies, Zahlstellen contrôles et sanctions 14m farmers AGRI, Paulo de Castro, comagri Dacian Cioloş, ex Mariann Fischer Boel, Franz Fischler, Ray MacSharry structured dialogue 10.2011 draft legislative package Capoulas Santos, direct support, rural development, transitional measures Michel Dantin, the single CMO regulation sCMO in 2007 as part of the simplification process a single Common Market Organisation replaced all 21 CMOs (Management Committee for the Common Organisation of Agricultural Markets) Giovanni La Via, financing, management, monitoring Herbert Dorfmann, COM vin Ilse Aigner, Rosa Aguilar, Stéphane Le Foll MFF? food security? structural funds? economies of scale? strategic programming? how will we feed nine billion people in 2050? DIRECT PAYMENTS compulsory schemes (basic payment scheme, green payment, young farmers scheme) voluntary schemes (coupled support, support in natural constraint areas, redistributive payments) direct payments, Einkommensbeihilfen the basic payment scheme and its “greening” component double payments (direct payments and rural development funds) CAPPING capping of direct payments, plafonnement des aides, Degression, Abstaffelung sliding scale income bands of €50,000 €300,000 maximum per holding capping payments for big farms funds generated by capping go into RD 30% of greening payments not subject to capping CONVERGENCE direct payments national envelope aid in euros per hectare internal convergence (between regions) external convergence (between MS) AREA-BASED transitional period reference year (base year) the old SPS Single Payment Scheme the new BAP Basic Area Payment scheme area-based flatrate proposal, move from historic to areabased payments, owners paid purely on the acreage (hectarage) they own or farm flatrate regional system GREENING certification bodies, Bescheinigungsstellen, certificación ambiental a fixed menu or à-la-carte options? green by definition (organic farms) equivalent measures double funding (under direct payments and rural development regime) increasing crop diversity to at least three crops per farm CAP Compliance Assessment Process FAS Farm Advisory Services, consulenza aziendale GAEC Good Agricultural and Environmental Condition GAP Good Agricultural Practice IACS Integrated Administration and Control System (agriculture), INVEKOS LPIS Land Parcel Identification System SMR Statutory Management Requirement peat, torba the subsoil cartographic aerial photos land registries reference layer landscape features permanent grassland adjacent to the parcel mapping of focus areas reference parcel system on a scale of one to ten thousand greening obligations (stewardship), éléments de paysage, Umweltauflagen, Landschaftspflege cross-compliance (agri-environmental, food safety, animal welfare), écoconditionnalité grazing land v cropland (arable land) plough up grass area-related aids cross-compliance errors súbject to cross-compliance cross-compliance infringements non area-related measures eligibility as permanent pasture agri-environmental conditionality the permanent pasture requirement (grazing, grassland, meadowland, forage area) EFA Ecological Focus Area, ökologische Vorrangsflächen biotopes energy-efficient carbon-efficient nutrient-efficient fallow land, Brach agri-environmental voluntary schemes landscape features water, soil management trees (afforested areas) leguminous-based systems maintain permanent pasture fertiliser application reduced good environmental practice crop diversity (diversification) plans to cap the biggest payments take land out of agricultural production field margins (buffer strips), Wegränder many miles of hedges have been planted short-rotation crops fallow, crop rotation, cropping multicropping (multiple cropping) break crops, Zwischenfruchtanbau using crop rotation systems to green direct payments, sinnvolle Fruchtfolgen three-field crop rotation system, Dreifelderwirtschaft penalties, sanctions reduction of aid (for failure to comply fully) converters, coefficients, corrections financières SAFETY NET market support measures as a floor public intervention and market measures major price collapses, starke Preiseinbrüche crisis management market measures market expenditure market management, Mengensteuerung, pilotage export refunds aid for private storage insurance, mutual funds, crisis reserve volatility is a feature of global agri-markets proper business plans in a globalising world YOUNG FARMERS European Council of Young Farmers, CEJA new entrants entering the sector tenant farmers, Pächter installation policy for young farmers renewal of generations in agriculture installation aid (establishment grants) generational renewal (human capital) a reserve fund to ease access to land under the young farmers’ option in Pillar II farmers aged 65 and over, those under 35 TOP-UP SCHEMES LFA Less Favoured Areas, régions à contrainte redrawing the LFA map biophysical reference criteria slope heat stress soil moisture soil drainage low temperature soil rooting depth meet local conditions soil chemical properties soil texture and stoniness top-up (compensation) schemes, péréquation, Ausgleichszahlungen each holding will receive an additional payment per ha (euros per hectare) additional payments to target certain activities, regions, groups, ciblage soft landing for the dairy industry in the run up to the abolition of milk quotas ACTIVE FARMER the definition non-farming activity active farmers qualify for direct payments part of their activities involves active farming non-active landowners, the so-called slipper brigade, Sofalandwirte, Hobbylandwirtschaft FOOD CHAIN competition rules v agriculture horizontal (recognised producer organisations) v vertical (inter-branch, producers, processors, traders), agricole, agroalimentaire, interprofessionnel food supply chain local farming and direct sales short supply chains, circuits courts short distribution circuits, localisme vegan, végétalien locavores eat food produced locally short-chain distribution (local produce) contractualisation abuse of a dominant position rebalancing (bargaining power) agreements and concerted practices, ententes the cooperative model social cohesion in rural areas PRO flexibility simplification (3 ha or less) produce more on less area market-orientated, -focused, -driven respond to what the market place requires ANTI cul de sac greentape unworkable prescriptive bureaucratic micro-management, gestionnaires tatillons et maniaques de la microgestion inequitable and unfair greenwashing (look at our CSR!) the diverse nature of our farming sector 7% setaside will increase the world's hunger setting aside 7% of arable land for bio-diversity purposes (ecological setaside) rules on grassland and cropping are the re-introduction of setaside in all but name taking land out of production will hamper the EU’s ability to produce food arable crops are dealt with by a contractor using very large machines TWO PILLARS IACS Integrated Administration and Control System (agriculture), INVEKOS 2007 EAGF (European Agricultural Guarantee Fund) and EAFRD replace the EAFFG (FEOGA) Pillar 1 farm support, politique des marchés et des prix, Marktordnungspolitik Pillar 2 rural development market v price policy EAGF European Agricultural Guarantee Fund SAPS Single Area Payment Scheme SFP Single Farm Payment SPS Single Payment Scheme LFA Less Favoured Areas EAFRD European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, der ELER 4 AXES: 1 knowledge, human potential, innovation 2 Sustainable use of agricultural and forestry land, Natura 2000 3 Quality of life in rural areas, diversification of the rural economy 4 LEADER Liaison Entre Actions de Développement de l'Économie Rurale, LAG Local Action Groups, local partnerships LEAF Linking Environment And Farming REB Rural Enterprise Board CTE Contrats territoriaux d'exploitation SDA Severely Disadvantaged Areas RPA Rural Payments Agency (UK) LFA Less Favoured Area hard-to-farm regions socio-structural policy mountain and hill farming farmland parcelled out among smallholders economic catch-up in disadvantaged regions, strukturschwach a rural policy, the rural environment, the rural hinterland, le monde rural creeping paralysis of rural Europe, dependency culture, drive farmers off the land, rural exodus and desertification, Landflucht, maintien des populations rurales farm incomes, direct income support, fair standard of living, maintain a social fabric, tissu rural investment in modern farm equipment and methods small family-held farms, Existenzsicherung, bäuerliche Familienbetriebe, Kulturlandschaft, nachhaltige, bäuerliche, flächendeckende Landbewirtschaftung, rentas de subsistencia REPS Rural Environment Protection Scheme HNV High Nature Value farming active farmers stewards of the environment maintaining a living countryside conservation farming, payments low-input farming systems, intrants grassy margins around cereal fields maintaining activity in the countryside riparian zones, low-input spring cereals, minimum tillage, incorporation of clover into sward, heritage buildings linnet habitats, Flachsfink nightjar, engoulevent, Ziegenmelker stone curlew, œdicnème, Triel, alcaraván corncrake, râle des genêts, Wachtelkönig cirl bunting, bruant zizi, Zaunammer, cierlik marsh harrier, busard des roseaux, Rohrweihe black grouse (the courtship ritual is called lekking), tétras lyre, Birkhuhn, nyírfajd area. UAA Usable Agricultural Area, Nutzfläche flat-rate aid per ha, per-ha aid, forfaitaire, ayuda por hectárea base area for maize area under cultivation area under hops, ha under cereals, sol céréales consolidation of fragmented holdings, land reform, amalgamation of scattered plots of farmland by reparcelling to form compact holdings around farmsteads, remembrement parcellaire, Flurbereinigung 1 stremma is 1.000 square metres, 10 stremmata is 1 ha how many hectares are there in a square kilometre? 1 square kilometre is 100 ha, the Forêt de Soignes covers 5.000 ha the Grand'Place covers 7.480 square metres, a football pitch measures 7.500 square metres 1 are is 100 square metres 1 ha is 100 ares, ie 10.000 square metres 5 acres is 2 ha Parc du Cinquantenaire (30 ha, 74 acres), Jubelpark 1 acre is 4.000 square metres, give or take inte. INTERVENTION overproduction, productivism produce for intervention, incitatif an open-ended guarantee, wall-to-wall guarantee, it didn't matter what the weather was doing, aléas climatiques MGQ Maximum Guaranteed Quantity, QMG co-responsibility levy guarantee threshold, reference quantity strict ceilings on farm output, Mengensteuerung reference yields farmers receive payments on, the cheque the EU writes to the farmer quantities eligible for aid, national reference quantities quality criteria prized export licences finance market withdrawals intervention and market support disposal of surpluses, écoulement de-stocking, résorption des excédents market outlets, débouchés, Absatzmärkte public tender, the tender system, adjudication intervention agencies, intervention threshold, offered for intervention, taken into intervention, qualities eligible for intervention market equilibrium, serious disruption on the markets, marché tendu, écroulement des prix, stabilisation de l'offre STOCKS level of stocks stocks, existencias high cost of storage burden on the taxpayer refund for storage costs aid to short-term private storage long-term storage contract holder butter mountain, grain mountain, wine lake depreciation in book value, write down the book value of stocks cold store, entrepôts frigorifiques, les frigoristes seta. SETASIDE setaside, gel des terres, Flächenstilllegung compulsory v voluntary taking land out of production, withdraw marginal land from production replant it with trees amount of eligible land the rate of arable setaside, leave the setaside rate at 15% land coming back into production fallow, jachère, terreni di riposo, braaklegging, barbecho pric. PRICES institutional prices uniform pricing, unicité des prix shift from price support to direct aid restrictive measures, curb production, restrictive price policy office workers where I come from can’t understand why we are subsidising farmers modulation (differentiated price support), Staffelung farm-gate prices world market prices, fodder prices on world markets the price mechanism farm prices and related measures, mesures connexes, flankierende Massnahmen target price, prix indicatif, Richtpreis guide price, d'orientation buying-in price (intervention) price threshold price (levy on imports), prezzo d'entrata TRADE net importer v net exporter surplus v deficit crops, cultures excédentaires intracommunity trade level of self-sufficiency, autarcie import regime, third country imports dumping surplus stocks on the world market, export refunds, restitutions sacrificing agriculture for gains in other areas, une valeur d'ajustement qual. QUALITY SCHEMES quality labels PDO Protected Designations of Origin, entirely in one area, Parma ham, AOP PGI Protected Geographical Indications, not all ingredients come from the region, Cumberland sausages, IGP TSG Traditional Speciality Guaranteed, kabanos, STG smörgåsbord Dresdner Stollen Carlsbad Spa Wafers, karlovarské oplatky mushy Oland Island brown beans Cornish pasty, a crimped meat-and-turnip pie cere. CEREALS common wheat v durum wheat large players in the market such as Continental, Cargill, Töpfer, Dreyfus, Glencoe milling wheat 100 k, quintale a bushel of wheat of bread-making quality land available for cereals grain farmers, les céréaliers refunds on barley, grain, malt wheat gluten, corn gluten feed staple goods, pre-packed sliced bread, Hovis reduction of the monthly increments in the cereals sector barley, orge, orzo, Gerste, κριθάρι maize, maïs, καλαμπόκι ή αραβόσιτος millet, Hirse, mijo, κεχρί oats, avoine, avena, Hafer, βρώμη rye, seigle, segale, Roggen, σίκαλη spelt, épeautre, Dinkel, όλυρα ή αγριοσίταρο wheat, blé, frumento, Weizen, tarwe, σιτάρι prot. PROTEIN CROPS dried fodder v hay fodder processed v unprocessed pulses, Hülsenfrüchte protein deficit, Eiweisslücke various sources of protein processed animal proteins developing new plant varieties protein crops and other arable crops growing of protein crops, têtes d'assolement oil seeds, graines oléagineuses, oléoprotéagineuses non-textile flax-seed, lino lucerne, alfalfa, erba médica huile de lin, colza, de tournesol, de noix, de chanvre star. STARCH satisfy internal demand potato processing plants balancing out, saldowanie historical reference period manioc, cassava, tapioca direct payments to farmers import duties for tapioca starch production quota for potato starch starch, fécule, amidon, zetmeel, skrobia production potential, processing capacity transfer unfilled quota, overshot their quota la Maïzena (Unilever) est de la fécule de maïs potato starch is losing out to starch from cereals Poland is the largest potato producer but now has to import potato starch frui. FRUIT AND VEGETABLES cultivars selected for characteristics such as improved yield, flavour, resistance to disease dill, aneto lollo lettuce celery, sedano fennel, finocchio courgettes, zucchini cabbages, Kohl, cavoli watermelon, cocomero Monilia laxa causes brown rot on cherries (stone fruits) kaki, persimmon, Sharon fruit parsley, Petersilie, prezzemolo starfruit, carambole, oskomian chicory, witloof, endive, chicons cloudberries, malina moroszka cranberry, canneberge, Moosbeeren leeks (national symbol of Wales), prei curvature of the cucumber, cetriolo, pepino green pepper, grüne Paprika, peperoni verdi GROWING fresh v processed growers perishable pasteurised juice frizzy, kraus, riccio citrus fruit, agrumes pips, seeds and peel covered surface price-quality ratio fruit-farming areas early vegetables, primeurs supply and fitting of polytunnels have to be destroyed, χωματερές grubbing-up of orchards, arrachage, Rodung TOMATOES tinned whole peeled tomatoes, tomato concentrate, tomato paste cluster tomatoes, Traubentomaten, pomodori a grappolo cherry tomates, Cocktailtomaten, pomodori ciliegino DISTRIBUTION power of the supermarkets and multiples, GDO Grande distribuzione organizzata HACCP Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points certification to ISO standards producer organisations, los opes EUROPOOL, STECO, IFCO (standards) SIV Standard Import Values, VFI Valeurs forfaitaires à l'importation production v processing, les transformateurs production v harvesting v picking v selection v packaging standard size and quality processing and marketing handling fruit and vegetables seasonal variation in demand based actual market demands offer a wide range of packages calibrating and weighing systems palletisation (container shipments) netting machines and coding systems reduce bacteriological and health risks packaging in baskets, bags, boxes, nets rapid cooling ensures product freshness soft fruit growing, punnets, owoce miękkie beef. BEEF VSP Variable Slaughter Premium MEAT fresh v chilled v frozen Hilton beef prime beef cattle beef held in store cattle for veal production at birth cattle function as monogastrics because the forestomachs (reticulum, rumen and omasum) have not yet fully developed early-marketing premium boneless, carne dehuesada de-seasonalisation premium dress carcasses, quarters, cuts of meat conditions of slaughter, conditions such as fat cover, time hung between slaughter and sale beef consumption has fallen, put beef into intervention, rebalance the market, intervention to support the market, effondrement des cours, Preiseinbruch FEED feed mill in dairy feeds checks on feed optimal feeding practices intensive farming, hors sol protein-rich feed ingredients concentrated feed, kraftvoeder we import the inputs, les intrants grass-fed beef cattle, grass silage farm-animal feed, piensos animales incorporation premium, Beimischung compounders (compound feedstuffs) compounders compound feedingstuffs the EU is dependent on imported protein sun-dried, industrially dehydrated fodder silage maize, der Silomais wird verfüttert manufacturers of animal feed, feed grains green silage (alfalfa, clover), Trockengrün extensification, non-intensive livestock grazing, grassfed, production de viande au sol, flächenbezogene Tierhaltung we banned certain animal proteins from the chain for very good reasons incorporation premium, animal feed, fed to calves, bijmenging animal feed manufacturers, rations for ruminants, Wiederkäuer cereal substitutes, PSC Produits de substitution de céréales supplying animal feed needs for the livestock sector CATTLE the off-grass period v the outdoor period livestock dealers breeders, éleveur the calving season teaser, mamporrero male bovine animals herd, cheptel, Bestand heifer, génisses, Färse the outdoor period, au pré steer (bull-calf), taurillon, bouvillon bulls and steers, Bullen und Ochsen BSE status of the herd, cheptel, cabaña conventional breeding methods, classiques FATTENING born v fattened (reared) v slaughtered store cattle ready for fattening culled cow, vache de réforme early weaning of calves, sevrage fattening cattle, bétail d'engraissement rearing conditions, maturing for the market fattening, le nourrisseur, engraisseur, le naisseur, engraisse du bétail pour la boucherie, Mast bse. MAD COW DISEASE beef v dairy herd compulsory v voluntary imported v native-born cattle suspected v confirmed cases Defra (UK) Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs), ex MAFF Ministry of Agriculture modern farming methods, high-tech, high-input, highprotein animal feedstuffs, rapid spread of disease BSE Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy handling of the crisis CMO Chief Medical Officer CVL Central Veterinary Laboratory CVO Chief Veterinary Officer MHS Meat Hygiene Service NFU National Farmers' Union FVO Food and Veterinary Office, Veterinary Agency in Dublin, the vet agency chaque année l'OAV élabore un programme d'inspection GSS Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker Syndrome IOE, OIE Office international des épizooties SCPH Standing Committee on Plant Health, phytosanitaire TSEs Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies not to be retained for breeding food safety, sécurité alimentaire scrapie, la tremblante des ovins the progeny of BSE-affected cows disease established in the national herd you don't test for things you're not aware of mad cow disease, Rinderseuche, epizootia diagnostic tests in the live animal, there is no simple test for BSE infectivity risk associated with eating beef, crisis of consumer confidence, restore consumer confidence, present a remote or theoretical risk bovine food chain (cattle feed), human food chain, right up the food chain distribution of infectious agent in the host, infective agent, established by bioassay, the titre (level) of infectivity pose a risk to health, the public must be properly protected, the public is better served, Unbedenklichkeit plough-to-plate controls, stable-to-table, the food chain from farm to consumer, abattoirs, conserveries, grossistes, restaurants, grandes surfaces TRANSMISSIBILITY jump between species jump from animals to humans link between BSE and CJD in humans maternal transmission from cow to calf inter-mammalian (horizontal), Säugetiere cross-contamination from pig and poultry feed incubating, spread to humans, carrying, transmitting, the incubation period, Übertragbarkeit cross the species barrier, cross-species transmission succumb to an encephalopathy, ovins, caprins, bovins PRIONS PrP Prion Proteins cattle-adapted strain contamination of pasture kuru (Papua New Guinea) survival in the environment food safety, sécurité alimentaire animal, human prion diseases, airborne prions, rogue prions MEAT AND BONE MEAL MBM ban, ruminant protein ban, high-protein supplements infected feed faster-maturing cattle reservoir of infection sourcing (tracing) feedlots meal, farine carnée, harinas large stockpile of meal which has been rendered down (250.000 t) ban on use of feed containing mammalian remains, feeding animal remains to ruminant animals, recycled bovine and ovine offal, animal proteins, non-bovinespecific feed, ruminant-derived protein ERADICATION programme, Ausmerzung BAB Born After the Ban 1996 OTMS scheme (Over Thirty Months) prevent older cattle from entering the human food chain disease-free precautionary principle act of god, volonté divine isolation of suspect animals decline in incidence of epidemic occurrence, incidence, prevalence just a health scare, scaremongering export ban, exports to third countries cattle at risk from the disease, affected cattle, number of infected animals, reses infectadas herd slaughter, a herd problem or just individual animals?, keulen random checks where a lorry is really worked over (searched thoroughly) temporary ban on exports of British beef, ease, phase out, lift the beef export ban, get the ban lifted in stages, embargo customs officials impounded beef carrying British export stamps whitelist, blacklist, countries with no indigenous (native) cases make suspicion of BSE notifiable, reported as an outbreak Herod premium (calves slaughtered shortly after birth) DESTRUCTION incinerator capacity selective slaughter, sacrificios backlog in the slaughter programme cull, abattage sélectif, bêtes de réforme the cycle of destruction from slaughterhouse to incinerator TRACEABILITY EID Electronic Identification RFID Radio Frequency Identification keep a register cattle-identification cattle registration scheme ear-tag, boucle auriculaire mandatory cattle passports labelling of meat production cycles reduced transport times country-of-origin labelling final treatment of the meat voluntary beef-labelling scheme adequate breeding records maintained unique identification of each bovine animal trace animals through the holdings on which they have resided, Herkunftsbezeichnung labelled where born, reared, slaughtered, dreistufige Herkunftskennzeichnung meat processing industry, the meat trade, meat traded internationally, meat-cutting stations bone-in, meat on the bone, de-boned meat, deboning carcasses, entbeintes Fleisch, αποστέωση the controls in place, public health controls, veterinary inspection reports, unannounced inspections (dawn raids), rigorous slaughterhouse standards (abattoirs) RENDERING dilution steps solvent extraction the rendering process heat treatment systems prion neutralisation process steam autoclaving, Dampfdrucktopf rendered animal material treated to ..C protein processing to inactivate the agent rendering plant, équarrissage, Tierkörperbeseitigungsanlage mincemeat and trimmings re-processing of greaves (rinds, scratchings), cretons RISK MATERIAL CNS Central Nervous System MRM Mechanically Recovered Meat SBO Specified Bovine Offal, bovine material, abats, frattaglie, despojos SRM Specified Risk Material, matériels à risque spécifiés oxtail tonsils medulla baby food spleen, rate, Milz animal by-products cerebellum, Kleinhirn gastro-intestinal tract manufactured products via the alimentary tract placenta, Mutterkuchen other areas of the brain semen, gelatine, tallow, suif cervical, terminal spinal cord beef on the bone (T-bone steaks) thymus (sweetbread), ris de veau intestines from duodenum to rectum beef and beef products, beef derivatives degelatinised bones used in china-making collagen used in food, cosmetics, medicines obvious, adherent tissues, scraps of fibrous tissue, nerve and lymphatic tissue, lymph nodes, lympho-reticular tissue (Peyer's patches), removal of tissues, ablation the pigment used to dye offal after separation and before disposal and destruction, meeting statutory requirements on staining banned offal with green dye bovine-sourced medicinal products, pharma-gelatine CREUTZFELD JAKOB false positives clusters, foyers multiples CJD Surveillance Unit (Edinburgh) resistant to heat, UV, ionising radiation age incidence, age-specific susceptibility pathogenesis, symptomatology, progression kuru-type amyloid plaques, severe cerebellar lesions, basal ganglia and thalamus, vacuolation (sponge-like changes) routes of exposure to the agent, epidemiological studies of CJD cases point to sporadic, familial (hereditary predisposition) and iatrogenic (transplant) factors clinical and pathological features, before clinical signs appeared, clinical onset of the disease, first clinical cases nVCJD, a new (virulent) strain of the agent, phenotyping (strain-typing), strain variation and mutation, newlyidentified, affecting young adults, MCJ horm. HORMONES BST bovine somatotropin DES diethylstilbesterol, anabolic steroids increase muscle tissue and weight MTU methyl thiouracil, thyroid inhibitors cause weight gain through water retention Ractopamine food hygienist dairy cows, teat dips, mastitis growth stimulators, growth promoters animal traders, animal feed companies corticosteroids promote water retention antibiotics used preventively, over-prescription of antibiotics, resistant strains, Stämme beta-agonists such as clenbuterol (angel dust) reduce fatty tissue and increase weight naturally occurring, animal-produced hormones, synthetic hormones veterinary inspectors, checks for illegal substances in live animals and carcasses, chemical residue testing laboratories, tested meat containing stimulants watchdog groups, Test Achats, Test Ankoop, BEUC, drop in beef sales l'inspecteur-vétérinaire Karel Van Noppen, assassiné en 1995 trade in hormones for use in meat, hormone trafficking, hormone-treated beef, illegal cocktails dair. DAIRY SECTOR HLG High Level Group IPOs Inter Branch Organisations MMO Milk Market Observatory SMP UHP farmers v transporters v processors contractual relations the spot price for milk operators in the dairy chain milk and milk products sector cf fruit and vegetables sector the multiples (the supermarkets) discount supermarkets and premium stores exceptionally high prices in 2007 expiry of dairy quotas (soft landing) competition in the supply of raw milk guaranteed outlets for dairy commodities contracts (details of price, timing, volume of deliveries, duration) structure of the market concentration of supply transporters for raw milk the power of large retailers the major dairies, Molkerei promotional actions for milk unfair commercial practices volumes of raw milk delivered value is added in major dairies farmers had little choice of dairy concentration at processing level price fixing and market partitioning price transmission along the chain the bargaining power of producers cooperatives and producer organisations rebalance bargaining power in the supply chain SMP Skimmed Milk Powder and butterfat for food aid, SMP made by the spray process, Magermilchpulver LLU Large Livestock Unit, UGB Unité de gros bétail raw milk dairy farming price collapse of dairy in 2008 cow milk yields dairy processors meet quality criteria whole-milk equivalent non-marketing premium milk deliveries to dairies new entrants to dairying extensive animal grazing grass-based milk production headage (eg 90 head of cattle) rise in output per cow, av milk yield 58.000 litres per cow, decline in butter consumption livestock density is measured in LU/H, livestock units per ha, densité de logement suckler cow herd, suckler cow premium, vaches allaitantes, Mutterkühe dairy farmers, Jersey is a breed, ganaderos de vacuno de leche DAIRY PRODUCTS casein Commonwealth, 1972 UK Accession, DTF Dairy Trades Federation, MMB Milk Marketing Board, New Zealand butter generic cheeses (Brie, Camembert, Cheddar, Edam, Emmentaler, Gouda) feta is cheese made on the Greek mainland from sheep or goat's milk supply management regime for PDO/PGI cheeses protein content, fat content processed into butter DAIRY QUOTA EU reserve v national reserve 1984 dairy quota scheme, regime, system, phasing out, soft landing, démantèlement progressif in good times, quand le marché est porteur superlevy (co-responsibility levy), prélèvement Lactalis launches full bid for Parmalat, la concentration des outils de production a real contract requires a price, a duration and bargaining power, contractualisation the dairy supply chain, raw milk, deliveries to dairies, coûts de collecte producers, processors, retailers, l'interprofessionnel hardship cases reference quantity butter sales to USSR regional differentiation dairy market outlook report environmentally sensitive areas, hill farming areas, hill livestock compensatory allowance producers, quota holders, production rights, temporarily leased quota Cantabrian corniche, la Mesa de la Leche de Galicia zoon. ANIMAL DISEASES vaccination v slaughter veterinary v plant health diseased v free from disease IOE International Office of Epizootics, zoonoses, the OIE in Paris SVC Standing Veterinary Committee FMD Foot and Mouth Disease, fièvre aphteuse, Maulund Klauenseuche MUMS Minor Use Minor Species, usos menores Schmallenberg virus (carried by midges) outbreak, foyer d'infection blue tongue, fièvre catarrhale anti-bodies boar, javalí animal health tick, garapata carrier, vecteur outbreak, foyer serological tests within strict limits contagious disease sporadic outbreaks reference laboratories prevalence, incidence cluster, foyer endémique disease virus originating, vaccine not properly inactivated, escape from laboratories, traced back to imported food products, sub-standard, entrepôt nonconforme free from disease, indemne re-stocking (building up a herd) routes of infection, Infektionswege declare unfit for human consumption catering waste, swill, déchets alimentaires eradication, slaughtered as casualty animals infected herd, Seuchenbestand, Besteckung infectious agent, pathogen, Krankheitserreger zoonoses, epizootic disease, notifiable diseases, notification of animal diseases, transmissible to humans, disease control protective vaccination, slaughter, cull, Impfstoff, vorbeugende Impfungen, Ringimpfung area of the outbreak, within an affected area, zone d'infection, foyer, haard a restraint area, restraining order in surrounding area, within a given radius of the infected farm, Schutzzone, buffer- en bewakkingszones suppressive vaccination to suppress, eradicate the virus vet medicines, animal protection products, plant protection products, vétérinaire, phytosanitaire surveillance zone, standstill and residency period rabies, rage psittacosis (parrot fever in poultry) salmonella in eggs and fowl, salmonelloses trichinosis (nematode worms parasitic in pigs) Dutch elm disease, Ulmensterben, iepziekte, la grafiosis es una enfermedad fúngica que afecta al olmo común, holandská nemoc brown ring rot in potatoes (Pseudomonas Solanaceanum Smith) bee. BEES the Bablok case, l'arrêt CCD Colony Collapse Disorder pollinators neonicotinoids are the mustard gas of the insect world GM pollen MON 810 maize Varroic bee disease is caused by tracheal mites, larvae constituent v ingredients honeycombs are centrifuged to extract the honey hobby beekeepers keep honey bees hives, ruches, Bienenstöcke cells, alvéoles the neighbouring alveoli bee colony death swarms, essaims et reines the drop in bee numbers drones, sentinelles regenerate a stock, cheptel apicole foraging, bees forage, butiner the disappearance of mellifluous flora neo-nics, neo-nicótinoids (pesticides) neonicotinoid pesticide seed treatments beekeeper (apiarists, apidology), apiculteur, Imker co-existence, Abstandsregeln no method has yet been devised the possible deleterious effect of GM plants the Varroa mite continues its pernicious work turn your window-box into a bee-friendly zone weakened immunity to pathogens and parasites poul. POULTRY eggs in their shells v liquid egg broilers (meat chickens) and laying hens battery hens (caged), Legehennenställe free-range chickens (barn chickens) enriched colony cages are designed to contain between 40 and 80 birds, Kleingruppenhaltung listeria batch, Los nesting box Newcastle disease welfare of laying hens beaks trimmed, de-beaking wing spreads and dust-bathing living cooped up in a confined space three to a cage caged hen egg production standard form of certificate veterinary import procedures poultry-meat, poultry processing make all egg production compliant a cheat's charter (non-compliant operators) customers prefer eggs from free-range hens free-at-frontier offer price, sluice-gate price EU-US dispute over the soaking of chicken carcasses in chlorinated water, le poulet chloré live poultry, breeding poultry, laying flocks, day-old chicks, pollame da cova stunning and live-shackling birds during the slaughtering process pigs. PIGMEAT tail-docking, tail-docked, coupe de queue, Ringelschwanz pig production piglets, porcelets pig breeders, éleveurs grating, slats, caillebottis straw, matières manipulables for fattening, à l'engraissement mordre ses congénères à la queue dry sows v farrow sows basic price set by Council annually, buying-in price set by COM, sluice-gate price (levy on imports), Einschleusungspreis, prezzo limite fattening pigs breeding sows pigs and poultry boneless quarters pork belly futures piggeries, pig farms individual sow stalls adult pigs for slaughter the pig and poultry sector active, viable piglets, biggen sluice-gate, basic, buying-in price ban on use of individual stalls for pregnant sows and gilts, cochettes, Jungsauen pig farmers, pig producers, éleveurs pig carcasses, condition of the meat live swine other than breeding animals ammonia emissions from treated waste storage operations in the pigmeat sector stalls and tethers, tethering (tying down) rules on the confinement of sows in stalls artificial insemination of sows, boar semen Denmark is EU’s biggest pigmeat exporter enrichment material (allowing pigs to forage and root), Beschäftigungsmaterial shee. SHEEPMEAT, viande ovine live animals breeding ewes individual quotas the ewe premium less-favoured areas the national flock, cheptel variable slaughter premium basic price seasonally adjusted system of fattening for heavy carcasses granting of premium and related controls representative markets in the seven regions Commonwealth preferences, New Zealand lamb sheep carcasses, meat and processed products, fresh, chilled, frozen mutton premiums are paid and when the sheep are exported a clawback levy is levied penalties for exceeding the maximum guaranteed number of animals wine. WINE HLG High Level Group on Planting Rights, Pflanzrechte 2016-30 planting rights management scheme, authorisations to plant vines, nouveau système d'autorisation des plantations planting rights currently in reserve can be converted into authorisations the EU accounts for 2/3 of the world's wine production 2008 reform of the wine sector (Fischer-Boel) national financial envelopes intervention grubbing-up scheme distillation measures to be phased out liberalisation? (plant whenever wherever whatever) 2013 CAP reform, single CMO regulation, Marktordnung wine promotion, Absatzförderung producer organisations inter-branch organisations market segments, segmentation des vins non-PDO wines, wines without a GI, table wines, vins de cépage sector, filière wine production areas, terroirs quality, haut de gamme outlets, débouchés wine-making practices, procédés, pratiques oenologiques grape harvest, vendange, Weinlese grapevine disease, les maladies du bois let them get on with it, foutez-leur la paix Subcarpathian Voivodeship (Rzeszów), Podkarpacie Prosecco (IT) Prosek (HR) OIV International Organisation of Wine and Vine EFOW European Federation of Origin Wines support to vine-growers wine v spirits bulk v bottled still v semi-sparkling v sparkling fortified wine is wine with an added distilled beverage spirits are produced by means of distillation CRGM Concentrated Rectified Grape Must DOC Appellation d'origine contrôlée wine sector regulation, l'OCM vin, règlement vitivinicole RVAP Regional Viticultural Adjustment Programme frost, gel vintage, millésime structural regulations decline in consumption wine-tasting, dégustation winegrowers, les vignerons 1985 reform of the wine sector wine-growing production regions green harvesting, vendange en vert vineyards and wine-growers, viticulteurs vins de Samos, consumed in moderation new plantings, replantings, planting rights grubbing-up of vines, arrachage, Rodung abandonment premium, prime de cessation the use of certain traditional terms to describe, Château, Clos, Abbazzia, Casa, Torre, Burg, mentions traditionnelles winery, chai, Kellerei, cantina, adega, bodega forty proof (percentage alcoholic strength) meet alcoholic strength limits, alcoholic content level, contain no more than 15% alcohol by volume, Volumenprozent wine production is measured in millions of hectolitres area under vines, area given over to wine production viticultural land register (vineyard register), cadastre average historic production, wine-growing potential, production capacity, reference quantity CATEGORIES table wine v quality wine fizzy wines v still wines, vin tranquille bulk wine v bottled wine, niche markets semi-sparkling, vin pétillant, Perlwein sparkling, vin mousseux, Schaumwein dessert wines OIV International Organisation of Vine and Wine AOC Appellation d'origine contrôlée, controlled designation of origin QWpsr, Quality Wine produced in a specified region), VQPRD, terroir SDPW Support and Development Programmes, national envelopes quality labels, schemes PDO Protected Designations of Origin, AOP PGI Protected Geographical Indications, IGP TSG Traditional Speciality Guaranteed, STG smörgåsbord Dresdner Stollen Carlsbad Spa Wafers, karlovarské oplatky mushy Oland Island brown beans liqueur wines and brandies wine in bulk, vinos a granel Gløg cures the common cold alcopops and designer drinks registration of regional specialities potable alcohol, alcool de bouche ban on the use of water in Glühwein do you drink much? no, I spill most of it vodka produced from grain, potatoes and sugar beet molasses, a highly distilled spirit, vodka-producing nations, Finlandia, Absolut product categories, spirits, spirituous beverages, eaux de vie OENOLOGY phylloxera, Reblaus vintners and wineries winestock, pied de vigne sucrose, Traubenzucker tartaric acid, Weinsteinsäure HCN hydrogen cyanide, Blausäure added sugar, enrichment, chaptalisation yeast turns the sugar in grape juice to alcohol, levure, Hefen alcohol is added to fresh grape must to halt fermentation dist. DISTILLATION fermented grape must vine variety, encépage by-products of wine making processing wine into alcohol recognised distillers, agréés vinification of imported musts satisfactory outcome guarantee voluntary, compulsory distillation wine, dried grapes, must, ethanol varieties not suitable for winemaking PRICES the threshold price activates intervention the guide price ensures a fair price for producers, prix d'orientation the reference price applies to third country imports arom. AROMATISED WINES AWP Aromatised Wine Products FIC Food Information for Consumers GI Geographical Indications SCA Special Committee on Agriculture TBT Technical Barriers to Trade single CMO basic v finished products description v presentation v labelling flavourings food additives aromatised wine-based products protection of geographical indications production processes (oenological, wine-making processes) current practice may be placed on the market traditional production methods alcohol of chemical origin as little as is necessary (quantum satis) alcohol used as a solvent for colourants ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin, etilico minimum actual alcoholic strength by volume broken down into its components, frazionamento reserved term customary name sales denominations a base wine, vino normale misleading, concetti ingannevoli rosso and bianco aromatizowaný dezert sangría Glühwein kalte Ente zurra (zurracapote) vermouths (wormwood and gall) thujone is used in traditional absinthe Maitrank, Maiwein, Maibowle (asperula odorata) sweet woodruff, Waldmeister cinnamon, cannelle, Zimt cloves, clou de girofle, Gewürznelke, chiodo di garofano oliv. OLIVE OIL Xylella fastidiosa (olive disease in Puglia) table olives olive stone, noyau olive press, frantoio extra virgin olive oil olive-growing areas retail price of olive oil olive kernel, amendons olive-oil production waste olive paste, Olivenmasche olive grove register, cadastre olive cake, grignons, tourteaux Spain produces 40% of the EU's olive oil virgin olive oil used for lamp oil, huile lampante bottlers crushing IOC, COI phasing out adulterated, frelaté unsuitable for other crops preferential trade agreements buffer stock, stock régulateur members of a cooperative, soci the olive oil regime replacing production-based aid plus intervention by a flat-rate aid per number of trees, aidper-tree system, forfaitaire labour-intensive, hilly areas subject to erosion, dayworkers in Andalusia, Maghreb changing pattern of consumption, fall in consumption, consumption aid the EU accounts for 80% and consumes 70% of the world's olive oil production potential, producer families, production aid growers in producer groups, opes, Mesa del Aceite suga. SUGAR 2006 reform of the sugar regime abolition of sugar beet quotas in 2017 sugar cane imported from the Caribbean sugar refiners turn to Brazil and Thailand for raw cane sugar manufacturers processing sugar beet import licences CAOBISCO chocolate, biscuits, confectionery CEFS Comité des fabricants de sucre CIUS European Sugar Users Association PROFEL jams, preserves and similar UNESDA non-alcoholic beverages stable and fair imports well-functioning sugar market sustainable domestic production supply chain (producers, refiners, processors) British Sugar Tate and Lyle confectionery groups, beverage companies A v B v C sugar raw sugar v white sugar cane v beet v isoglucose sugar v artificial sweeteners levy on stocks reabsorption levy processing margin preferential imports sugar production quotas sugar-producing countries flat-rate amounts, forfaitaires sugar levy, cotisation sucre differentiated price guarantees basic price, minimum price, reference price sugarbeet, nos betteraviers, culture industrielle production levy pays for market support, the system is self-financing sugar and isoglucose manufacturers, Tate and Lyle refinery cane sugar under the CXL quota from Brazil and Cuba toba. TOBACCO TPD Tobacco Products Directive air- v fire- v flue- v sun-cured production v processing v marketing leaf (raw) tobacco guarantee threshold baled tobacco, emballé tobacco refuse, déchets structure and rates of excise duty on manufactured tobacco products Burley of eastern type Mavra and Tsebelia varieties in Greece norm (guide) price, prix d'objectif, Zielpreis when a low-quality product requires an 80% subsidy it should come under social policy! growers, labour-intensive with small holdings, tobacco growing, exploitants, planteurs we spend a billion ECUs to create a problem and eleven million on health to solve it! in the pocket of big tobacco deal between the EU and tobacco company PMI to fight counterfeit cigarettes varietal conversion, reconversion programme, switch to other field (arable) crops monitoring of production trends, pattern of production, production overrun processing sector, costs of first processing, costs of market preparation recognised areas of production, system of aid-per-ha (premium) direct income aid, ensure fair income for producers SNUS Swedish Match placed under the lip Swedish chewing tobacco snus is often used to stop smoking tobacco in porous bags, portionsnus banned in all EU states except Sweden smoke-free tobacco used widely in Sweden produced in various flavours, including liquorice, lemon, coffee, aniseed, elderflower, cranberry and mint elderflower, sureau, Holunderblüten smok. SMOKING, tabagisme, assuétudes single pack v carton, Stange FCTC Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO) GPSD General Product Safety Directive quit messages picture warnings packaging which enhances the attractiveness menthols paperboard flavours, flavourings, Aromen pipe tobacco switch brands the value chain final retail outlet security features minimum pack size can cause, favorise flip-top cigarette pack labelling of herbal products cross-border distance sales the banderole round a havana imitation products Sailor's Pipes (liquorice pipes) water pipes slim cigarettes chewing tobacco level of consumption entry-level, addictive snuff, Schnupftabak in designated areas tobacco-related illness plain (blank) packaging tobacconists, buralistes redefinition of cigarillos Nicorette gum and patches tax stamp, bandelette fiscale sales of slim cigarettes (slims) hide cigarettes from public view nicotine-replacement therapies properly informed of the dangers plain packaging (no branding, logo), Einheitspackung flavourings for water pipes, shishas provided they carry a health warning health risks associated with smoking tobacco displays banned from shops graphic pictorial warnings to cover 65% all packaging to carry health warnings smoking in public places, passive smoking cigarettes, rolling papers, tobacco products maximum tar content, à forte teneur en goudron Surgeon General health warning on cigarette packets smoking may affect your sporting performance (Australia) smoking may reduce the blood flow and causes impotence sponsored activities, tobacco advertising doesn't make you smoke more, it just influences your choice of brand, ban on tobacco advertising ecig. E-CIGARETTES e-cigarettes, e-Verdampfer, cigarro de vapor the amount of nicotine inhaled while vaping milligrams (mg) per mil (milliliter) of eLiquid produce levels of nicotine above 20 mg per mil of vapour or 10 mg per unit a gateway drug? opening a new market for nicotine a substitution product? wean smokers off more harmful cigarettes pose a health risk regulate e-cigarettes as medicines and those with refillable cartridges or tanks Totally Wicked, eliquids, e cig accessories tobacco flavourings fish. FISHERIES CFCA Common Fisheries Control Agency, Vigo CMO Common Organisation of the Market LTMP Long Term Management Plan PO Producer Organisations, los opes a counter-balance to the power of retailers fresh v frozen and defrosted fishery-based v stock-based fisheries v aquaculture products market intelligence (electronic marketplaces, online marketing, auctions, swipe-card systems at quayside) harvest control rules discard ban (obligation to land all catches) targetting sprat with bycatch of herring unwanted bycatch of non-target species create a market for Mediterranean juveniles perfectly good fish thrown dead back into the sea labelling (date of catch, landing, freezing, best-by, easily identifiable fishing zones) fish products recovery plans closure of zones precautionary principle a more regionalised system small scale coastal fisheries adjustment of fishing capacity minimum rules for eco-labelling best available scientific advice management of mixed fisheries rules for determining annual fishing effort fishing restrictions in the 12 nautical miles zone sustainable exploitation of fishery resources address overfishing Silent Seas (2012) Isabella Lövin reduce overcapacity reduction of fleet capacity fleet capacity management adjustment of fleet capacity capacity in terms of GT/kW (tonnage/power) six reports on CFP reform (three legislative): 1 Ulrike Rodust (S&D) legislative proposal 2 Alain Cadec (EPP) subsidies, new EMFF (Maritime and Fisheries Fund) 3 Struan Stevenson (ECR) CMO Common Market Organisation (three non-legislative:) 4 Nils Torvalds (ALDE) (ex Carl Haglund) conservation and sustainable exploitation 5 Isabella Lövin (Greens) external dimension 6 Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) overarching report on the whole reform package wild v farmed fresh v frozen commercial v recreational towed gear v fixed (passive) gear, arts dormants demersal v pelagic v migratory species inshore v multi-purpose v deep-sea fleet high-grading (discarding less valuable fish at sea to stay within quota) EFFMA European Fund for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs compliance, Kultur der Rechtstreue DG MARE, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Maria Damanaki IMP Integrated Maritime Policy FIFG Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance, IFOP guide price, prix d'orientation reference price, prix de référence trigger price, prix de déclenchement 136 stocks fished in EU waters the EU imports two-thirds of its fish fish market, lonja de pescado socio-economic repercussions fresh, frozen, le frais, le congelé fisheries resources, halieutiques producers' organisations, los opes small-scale non-destructive coastal fisheries no alternative source of employment coastal communities heavily dependent on fisheries auction, la criée, vente au cadran, subasta Cannery Row drying, smoking, salting fish canning industry, conserverie processing, marketing, distribution processors and others down the line the fish processing industry, transformateurs 70% of the EU's fish were in "British" waters prior to UK accession in 1973 COM Common Organisation of the Market, Basic Regulation 3759/92 common marketing standards, quality control subject to inspection Spain dominates the EC fisheries scene with 32% of the EC total annually-determined reference prices, trade with third countries stakeholders, interested parties, les parties prenantes depend on the sea for a living, for their livelihood common prices, target and withdrawal prices are fixed annually, catches withdrawn from the market fly fishing, muškaření recreational, sport angling, as a keen angler myself gove. GOVERNANCE CFCA Fisheries Control Agency, Vigo CFP Common Fisheries Policy, PCP, l'Europe bleue EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone (200 nautical miles) Europêche ICES International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, CIEM MAGP Multi Annual Guidance programme, G for Guidance, POP, O comme Orientation PESCA restructuring, diversification of the fisheries sector RAC Regional Advisory Committee, regional management committees, ORGP UNCLOS Law of the Sea regional fisheries management organisations rfmo. RFMO Regional Fisheries Management Organisations, regulatory areas GFCM General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean, CGPM CECAF Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic, COPACE IBSFC International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission, Ostsee NAFO North-west Atlantic Fisheries Organisation NASCO North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organisation NEAFC North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission, CPANE SAFO South Atlantic Fisheries Organisation spec. SPECIES finfish v crustaceans v cephalopods v shellfish v seaweed v other inc jellyfish demersal stocks live and feed on or near the bottom of the sea (cod, hake, haddock, monkfish, saithe and other species of round and flatfish), bottom-feeding industrial species such as capelin and blue whiting are processed by the Danes into fish meal, industrial fishery, Denmark has a huge quota for sandeels, pêche minotière migratory species like tuna, cod and whiting, UN Agreement on straddling and highly migratory fish stocks pelagic species such as herring and tuna live near the surface surimi conger eel glass eels are elvers eel larvae hatch in the Sargasso Sea hake and monk squid and shrimps cod family, gadidae Bothnian Bay herring Atlanto-Scandian herring herring in the west of Scotland Western stock of Atlantic horse mackerel horse mackerel, chinchard, Stöcker, jurel mackerel in the North Atlantic (EU, Iceland, Faroe Islands) Alaska pollack, mintaj dolphinfish (mahi mahi), dorade coryphène, dorado, lampuga cod and whitefish sector sea turtles, caretta caretta demersal fish are white fish haddock, églefin, Schellfisch Greenland halibut, flétan noir Patagonian toothfish, légine antarctique VME Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems bathymetry oceanography the move-on rule sponges and corals deep-sea bottom trawling commercial target species benthic ecology (deep-sea) benthic, espèces de grand fond coral mounds in the Traena Deep (Norway) the box corer is a marine geological sampling tool for soft sediments in lakes or oceans catfish, hito boarfish (Capros aper) sanglier ratfish, chimère cutlassfish, poisson sabre orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus), hoplostête roundnose grenadier (Coryphaenoides rupestris) caviar, the roe (eggs) of the beluga sturgeon found primarily in the Caspian Sea, Hausen deep. DEEP SEA targeting deep-sea species with bottom gear Aarhus Convention on Access to Information CECAF Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic EMFF European Maritime and Fisheries Fund FAO International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-Sea Fisheries in the High Seas IFREMER Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature, red list assessments (threatened species) scientific advisory body most vulnerable species significant adverse impacts vulnerable marine ecosystems best available scientific advice métier (a specific gear, species or zone) tuna. TUNA FAD Fish Aggregating Devices, floating platforms designed to attract tuna schools ICCAT International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna, Recife (Brazil), 9.09 Kobe Process (tuna RFMOs), La Jolla (Cal.) Playa de Bakio hijacked by Somali pirates, freedom of the seas yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) rabil bluefin (Thunnus thynnus) thon rouge bigeye (Thunnus obesus) patudo, thon obèse frigate tuna (frigate mackerel), unechter Bonito, melva skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) listado, bonite à ventre rayé albacore (Thunnus alalunga) atún blanco, germon tuna ranching freezer vessels bottom longliners tuna loins, lomos tuna fishing off Barbate in brine, in olive oil I was eating a tuna melt at the time bluefin is the best species for sushi purse seiners, rede de cerco, γρι-γρι pole-and-line vessels, thoniers canneurs surface longliners, palangriers de surface scombrid and billfish populations (tuna and swordfish) aqua. AQUACULTURE wild v farmed freshwater biological resources spat (eggs) finfish farming hatchery, écloserie, Brüterei, εκκολαπτήριο live bivalve molluscs oysters, ostréiculture mussels, mytiliculture shellfish farming, conchyliculture clabby-doo (horse mussel) fisheries interests inland creation of artificial reefs traps (pots, creels), casiers trapnet, fykenet, poundnet, Reuse, Fuke amnesic shellfish poisoning scallop dredges, dragueurs de pétoncles import quota for tropical shrimp from Thailand fish farming, aquaculture as opposed to capture fisheries, pêche d'élevage cocklemen and winklepickers, lucrative whelk exports to South Korea, Japan, seaweed and samphire from the salt marshes organic material from mussel-farming platforms prevents oxygen from penetrating the sediment and makes the sea-bed anoxic the Minamata legacy, shellfish, mercury poisoning, bioaccumulation crustaceans, shellfish dredge, scallop (also pronounced scollop) soft-shell crabs farmed salmon, wild salmon, grilse, smolt, gyrodactalus parasite in salmon, infectious salmon anaemia inva. INVASIVE ALIEN SPECIES Scientific Forum 3% cap (50 out of 1500 IAS) release IAS into the environment deliberately (intentionally) v negligently inland surface waters, transitional waters, coastal waters, groundwater driven by sound scientific evidence disruption to ecosystems and their services causing allergies or transmitting diseases damage to infrastructure and and property damage deriving from biodiversity loss feral (wild) pathways of introduction, release, establishment keep numbers down avoiding their spread eradication campaigns, containment, control stowaways and hitchhikers ballast water contaminants marine organisms in ship ballast water biofouling mariculture escapes alien and locally absent species alien (non-native) species compete with native species for food and space, non-indígenas an invasive alien species of marine gastropod, the veined rapa whelk, a predator without enemies, is spreading outside its natural range grou. FISHING GROUNDS high seas coastal waters sea-level rise, rising sea levels fishing grounds, zonas de pesca coastal states, Anrainerstaaten closure of the fishery, displacement the 12 mile limit, 12 mile exclusion zones Union waters, Community waters, waters under the jurisdiction of international conventions, territorial waters, fishing outside flagship waters Alboran Sea the Atlantic arc Gulf of Lion, Golfo del Leone the Irish Box, the Shetland Box Iroise Sea (Brittany), Mer d'Iroise restrictions on fishing for flounder and turbot in the Baltic Sea, the Belts and the Sound long-term plan for the anchovy stock in the Bay of Biscay, Golfe de Gascogne flee. FLEET tonnage v engine power inshore v multi-purpose v deep-sea fleet under-10m vessels (“the inshore fleet”) super under-10s do not have to report their landings (rule beaters) trawlermen winter trawling 15-24m, 6-12m standard vessels decommissioning beach seines, sennes côtières multi-purpose fleet, polyvalente traditional rights, the Hague preferences shipowners, the ship's owner, armateurs scrapping scheme, déchirage, desguace fleet renewal, modernisation, restructuring between perpendiculars, zwischen den Loten small-scale (artisanal, coastal) fisheries sector, 7-metre vessels, subsistence fishermen segments of the fleet, segmentation, the nephrops fleet, flota cigalera structural policy, Basic Regulation 4028/86, construction, modernisation Community-wide licensing scheme for vessels, licence fees, redevances fleet reductions, deep cuts in their fishing fleets both in size and power (HP) terms, restructuring the fleet factory vessels handle and freeze their catches, hauls, on board, navires coréens, japonais et russes fishing provides work for 300.000 fishermen in the EC with between 4 and 5 jobs on shore for every one at sea GRT Gross Registered Tonnage, TJB Tonnage de jauge brute pelagic (deep sea), distant-water fleet, operating on the high seas, hauturière, pesca de altura gear. GEAR fixed v towed mono-filament nets v multi-filament nets the one-net rule technical conservation measures gear, engin de pêche, artes de pesca, attrezzi navigating equipment, echo sounders, hydraulic winches minimum landing sizes, minimum authorised fish size towed dredges are used to collect shellfish such as scallops from the sea floor, dragues remorquées towed gear, eg trawl nets and seine nets, engins traînants, rede de cerco net. NETS purse seine, Ringwaden cod-end, cul de chalut (poche), copo trammel net (3 layers of netting), trémail fish-stripper longliners, set and haul a line, palangrier monofilaments on the swivel, émerillon, destorcedores bottom-set gill-net, filet maillant de fond, volanta otter trawl, chalut à panneaux, red de arrastre con puertas beam trawler, chalutier à perche, arrastrero tangonero selectivity of fishing gear, selective tackle such as the bottom net, grates or grids to filter out the shrimp catches, least destructive to the marine environment to be found on sandy or rocky bottoms or living in seagrass meadows and kelp forests MESH sorting grids mesh size, maillage square mesh, maille carrée diamond mesh, maille en losange separator panel, nappe de sélectivité square mesh panels, Quadratmaschenfenster DRIFT NETS ACCOBAMS Accord sur la Conservation des Cétacés de la Mer Noire, de la Méditerranée et de la Zone Atlantique Adjacente drift net ban Italian swordfish drift net fishery, spadare marine mammals, porpoises and other sea creatures, ghost fishing (become entangled in lost nets) drift nets over 2.5km in length are banned for reasons of sustainability (wall of death) and to combat depletion of fisheries resources, filet maillant dérivant, arte de deriva tacs. TOTAL ALLOWABLE CATCH the TAC and quota regulation six-month licences, semestriel three-month licences, trimestriel Total Allowable Catches for each species are divided up into national quotas, precautionary TAC (no assessment), analytical TAC, (with assessment), taux autorisés de capture QUOTA, landings of species covered by quota, marketable fish discarded due to quota, discarding of species for which the quota has been exhausted in multispecies fisheries, overfishing of a quota, out-of-quota ITQ Individual Transferable catch Quota ITR Individual Transferable fishing Rights TFC Transferable Fishing Concession allowing quota-holders to sell their fishing rights under-reporting of catches, alleged falsified cod landings overshoot the landing quota, débarquements, sbarcos MANAGEMENT closed season v closed area catch date relative stability stocks and species fishing season, costera closed season, Schonzeit per vessel per trip (per fishing trip) areas closed to fishing, closed area, cantonnement, períodos y zonas de veda commercially important species (marketable), noncommercial species conservation, stock management, multiannual management on a multi-species basis, rational use of fishery resources, Bestandserhaltung single-species, multi-species, multiespecíficas, uniespecíficas access to stocks on a multi-annual and multi-species basis SCIENTIFIC EVALUATION MSY Maximum Sustainable Yield, RMD bMSY biomass MSY stock depletion, exhaustion, decline, over-exploitation, decimation, rebuild depleted stocks, dwindling stocks, almost commercially extinct, plundering the stocks, overfishing, raréfaction, permettre aux opérateurs de déserter la zone shoaling mixed fisheries sensitive stocks justifiable biologically acceptable biomass limits the scientists and the fishermen equip us with the necessary tools juveniles are recruited to the stock the scientific advice is unequivocal assessment of the status of stocks, l'état de la ressource scientific and technical programmes advice on fisheries and single stocks fished outside of safe biological limits stocks collapse because of overfishing under-sized fish, young year-classes biomass for each of the major stocks in the light of available scientific reports stock assessment, the state of the stocks skippers, fishermen, scientists, biologists age structure, age distribution of the stock food chain, chaîne alimentaire, réseau trophique commercial pressure on dwindling fisheries resources RECOVERY no-take area set catch limits restocking of rivers biological rest period quantities of stock taken upswellings rich in nutrients species subject to recovery disturbance to marine habitats sustainable rate of fishing mortality minimum size limits, size restrictions cod and hake, Shetland box, Western waters, Irish box, North Sea whitefish sector stock replenishment, stock regeneration, stock rebuilding targets abundance of fish stocks, provide fishing opportunities spawning stock biomass recovery, spawning grounds, nursery grounds, feeding areas, breeding areas, frayères, géniteurs, Laichplätze emergency cod recovery plan for the West of Scotland FISHING EFFORT FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishing CPUE Catch Per Unit of Effort harvest rules excess fishing capacity fishing effort=power x time reduced fishing opportunities intensifying, limiting fishing effort reduce the overall fishing effort on these stocks tied up, tie-up schemes, temporary lay-ups, days-at-sea restrictions, idle fleets, laying up fishing vessels, sitting in port keep their boats docked (idle in harbour) the Lassen report proposed swingeing cuts effort reduction measures, effort limitation schemes imbalance between fleet capacity and potential catch INSPECTIONS FOC Flags Of Convenience, non-EU registers, pavillons de complaisance IUU Illegal Unreported Unregulated, pirate fishing, offloading, les bateaux pirates font des incursions VMS Vessel Monitoring System CCTV REM Remote Electronic Monitoring CTE Collection and Transfer Equipment the skipper port authorities non-compliance surveillance tools on-board observers on-ship inspections dockside monitoring landing obligation choke species live weight equivalent klondyking, failing to record catches of species for which the quota has been exhausted and handing them over (transhipment) to other trawlers at sea black fish (illegally landed) bycatch, prises accessoires flagship issue, quota-hopping under-recording quantities of fish retaining undersized fish on board observation visits without warning satellite communications systems using nets with a smaller than permitted mesh ordered by the court to forfeit catch, gear and nets relating to offences compulsory recording of all catches in logbooks including discards, targeted, incidental non-targeted species, rejets patrol vessels, detention by fisheries inspection vessels agre. FISHERIES AGREEMENTS 1 sectoral support 2 access rights 3 human rights clause financial compensation, contrepartie financière FPA Fishing Partnership Agreement Madagascar (Diego Suarez), Malagasy Republic, malgache Equatorial Guinea, Seychelles, Mauritius international agreements, a cost-benefit calculation or an instrument for development? Canada, Grand Bank, Newfies, Newfoundland, Spanish trawler Estai seized and taken back under naval escort to St John's, arraisonnement ploughed back into the sector, les installations portuaires local processing factories access rights payments decoupled from sectoral support access to resources, avoir un droit d'accès contre une redevance, accueillir des opérateurs Senegal’s pirogue fishermen catch 600.000 t of djaboi each year while EU vessels take 25.000 t as bycatch moro. MOROCCO failure to get a fisheries agreement conversion of the Andalusian fishing fleet beleaguered fleets of Galicia and Andalusia banning the use of tickler chains by shrimp trawlers (beam trawlers), chaînes racleuses bottom trawls, bottom-set gillnets licences for catching sardines, octopus and hake in Morocco's rich fishing grounds disputed territory of Western Sahara acuerdo pesquero EU-Marruecos, buques cefalopoderos andaluzes, el gobierno alauita, en el caladero marroquí anta. Antarctica and the Arctic krill (euphasia superba) CCAMLR Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources 39 Antarctic Treaty nations, 1988 Wellington Minerals Convention, sensitive ecological balance, world wilderness reserve, commercial exploitation strictly regulated, prospecting and mining seal. SEALS Arctic Council MRM the management of marine resources exception IC the Indigenous Communities exception exemption for small-scale hunting harp seal, phoque du Groënland, Sattelrobbe hooded seal, phoque à capuchon, Mützenrobbe monk seal, phoque moine, Mönchsrobbe colonies sealskin ban seal predation whiskers, vibrisses grisly, gruesome trade the hunt, cull, slaughter ban on the trade in seal products trade in seal products hakapik pelts blubber seal furs tanned skins killed and skinned omega 3 capsules the commercial seal hunt the Nunavut community subsistence hunting, the Inuit exemption 1984 boycott of seal products, ban on import of baby seal furs, the cull of seal pups, whitecoats and bluebacks, bludgeons and pickaxes, les bébés phoques gris ont une fourrure blanche qui mue Gulf of St Lawrence, Newfoundland, golfe du SaintLaurent sea lion, walrus, les otaries, les morses (trait distinctif les défenses) et les phoques constituent les trois grands groupes de pinnipèdes whal. WHALES IWC International Whaling Commission, moratorium on commercial whaling, pirate whalers, so-called scientific whaling spurdog (dogfish), aiguillat, Dornhai kitefin shark (Dalatias licha), squale liche, carocho gulper shark (Centrophorus granulosus), requin chagrin, quelvacho black scabbard (Aphanopus carbo) schwarzer Degenfisch, sabre noir, sable negro de-finning sharks, remoção das barbatanas de tubarões sei, fin, Minke whales sperm whale, cachalot pilot whale, globicéphale harbour porpoise, marsouin, Schweinswal porbeagle, requin-taupe, maraîche, Heringshai, smeriglio tallow harpoon whale blubber spermaceti, Walrat bycatches of small cetaceans scrimshaw (whalebone carvings) dolphins snagged during driftnet fishing for tuna mandatory pinger attached to all nets, balise acoustique marine mammals, small cetaceans, schools and pods envi. ENVIRONMENT Mother Nature water v soil v air the greening of the budget, the incorporation of environmental awareness into other policy areas ENVI Environment, Public Health, Food Safety EA Environmental Agreements (with industry), milieucovenanten EAP Environmental Action Programme agencies under ENVI competence (ECDC, ECHA, EEA, EFSA, EMA) ECDC Disease Prevention and Control (Stockholm), Tomteboda building (site shed, ie warehouse) ECHA Chemicals Agency (Helsinki) EEA European Environment Agency (Copenhagen), Executive Director, Management Board, Scientific Committee, Scientific Advisory Board EFSA Food Safety Authority (Parma) EMA European Medicines Agency (ex EMEA) (London, Canary Wharf) EIONET European Environmental Information and Observation Network, national focal points, reference centres, national environmental authorities EMAS Eco Management and Audit System, eco-audit EPA (US) Environmental Protection Agency ESA Environmentally Sensitive Areas IMPEL Network for Implementation and Enforcement of Environment Law IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature LIFE Financial Instrument for the Environment 20% of the EU is protected areas, managed directly by the COM, demonstration projects, stepping stones, selection procedure PPP Polluter Pays Principle,Verursacherprinzip GND Green New Deal no tree-huggers passive houses earth overshoot day green tech is high tech think globally, act locally CO² tax (carbon energy tax) high science and low politics there was a point of inflection there is a tinge of green in all of us reputation as the dirty man of Europe make environmentally benign choices greentech, clean technologies, douces precautionary principle, Vorsorgeprinzip we are reaching a tipping point at which damage is irreversible sustainability, durable, Nachhaltigkeit, duurzaam Vattenfall (Stockholm) Veolia eia. EIA Environmental Impact Assessment, UVP Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung extraction (mining) of sand and gravel, Kiesabbau non-retroactivity and legal certainty the authorities agreed to carry out a retroactive EIA with a view to potential compensation measures being taken the jewel in the crown of EU environmental legislation SEI Statement of Environmental Impact, submit environmental report, fiche d’impact competent authority, the developer, planning applications, development consent projects that fall within the scope intensive pig and poultry production motorways, bridges, ports, marinas, landfill sites upgrades ENVI, PETI, TRAN MS may designate a single responsible authority (voluntary one-stop-shop) new priorities Soil Thematic Strategy resource-efficient without prejudice to other relevant legislation WFD Water Framework Directive Habitats Directive Aarhus Convention (public involvement, consultation, information) UN Convention on Biodiversity MAH Major Accident Hazards, Directive 2012/18/EU civil protection Annex 1, mandatory EIA Annex 2, project screening procedure 1 projects subject to the coordinated procedure 2 projects subject to the joint procedure existing and planned land use baseline scenario (non-implementation, current state), alternatives 1 case-by-case examination 2 set criteria, thresholds detailed list of information to be provided by the developer to the competent authority, committente environmental factors (land, soil, subsoil, air, climate) soil (organic matter, erosion, compaction, sealing), imperméabilisation des sols, Versiegelung, Verdichtung subsoil pollution, subsurface, underground, sottosuolo immission load (expected residues and emissions) impact on property, land values ecosystem degradation and fragmentation land take, Flächenverbrauch loss of agricultural and forest areas hydromorphological changes (wetlands, riparian areas, river mouths, coastal zones, flood risks) nature reserves, parks, permanent pastures inc all species of flora and fauna vulnerable groups (hospitals, schools, retirement homes) pollutants, noise, vibration, light (flicker), heat, radiation vulnerability to natural and man-made disasters material assets, cultural heritage (architectural, archeological), landscape screening (the scoping phase of the report) characteristics (nature, complexity, size, location of proposed project potential impact on the environment have significant adverse effects on the environment avoid, prevent, reduce, mitigate, offset significant effects of a project considered in its entirety selection criteria decision and ex-post monitoring conflict of interests (competent authority – developer) independent and technically competent experts grant, refuse consent within 90 days of submitting an application for development consent extend the deadline for a further period not exceeding construction, operation, demolition phases demolition works directly linked to construction works IPPC Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment Espoo Convention strategic (holistic) assessment large infrastructure projects big controversial projects, Grossprojekte Stansted Airport Channel Tunnel freight trains Clapham Junction commuter line Dennis package (traffic routes in Stockholm) Hallandsåsen (railway tunnel between Halland and Skåne) clim. CLIMATE CHANGE Copenhagen summit 2009 dramatic collapse UNFCCC Climate Change Conference New York, Lima, Dec 2015 Paris climate summit (COP 21) 666.php the Warsaw Mechanism to compensate developing countries for loss and damage because of their historical culpability GLOBE Global Legislators Organisation contributions rather than commitments Durban Platform (roadmap) 2012 COP 18 Doha (Qatar) mitigation v adaptation v governance Durban Convention on climate change 06.2012 Rio+20, UN Conference on Sustainable Development 1992 Earth Summit (UNCED), the Rio Conference, the Rio Convention, Agenda 21 1997 Kyoto protocol, UNFCCC Framework Convention on Climate Change COP Conference of the Parties the second commitment (compliance) period CBDR Common But Differentiated Responsibility CLIM Temporary Committee on Climate Change EPOCH European Programme on Climatology and Natural Hazards GEMS Geophysical Environmental Modelling Simulation, the GEMS grid GHGs Green House Gases IPCC UN Panel on Climate Change, Chairman Rajendra Kumar Pachauri, GIEC MEA Multilateral Environmental Agreements, Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer, the Kyoto Climate Protocol expires in 2012 UNECE Economic Commission for Europe UNEM Environmental Monitoring Waxman-Markey Climate Change Bill (US) carbon leakage, fuite de carbone border tax adjustments (a tax on imports from countries with poor environmental protection records) ice melt icebergs calve pack ice, banquise increase in global temperature above pre-industrial levels not to exceed two degrees celsius climate change deniers extreme weather events caused by man, human-induced, anthropogénique storm surges associated with tropical cyclones the climate change package, climate and energy package: fuels, CCS, ETS, effort-sharing, cars, renewables Gleneagles Dialogue on Climate Change indirect climate indicators growth rings, sediments, pollen, cernes boreholes in glaciers, carrottage Stern report, Sir Nicholas, ex World Bank land use planning disruption to agriculture rising sea levels, coastal flooding severe storms and sea-level rise the entropy bill for the industrial age melting ice caps, Arctic Sea ice retreat, mountain glacier melting, permafrost thawing, dry spells, calotte polaire 2030 climate and energy targets 40% reduction in GHG emissions from 1990 levels by 2030 27% increase in energy efficiency 27% renewables PL depends on coal for 90% of its energy stabilise let alone reduce CO² emissions at 1990 levels studded with errors buy into climate change a ruse based on fearmongering inaccuracies and outright fairytales global warming sceptics (flat earthers) have you finished shooting the messenger? ozon. OZONE production v importation v use F-gases (fluorinated greenhouse gases) with a global warming potential as an insulating gas in windows where viable climate-friendly alternatives are readily available MAC Directive, Mobile Air Conditioning refrigerants for motor vehicles HFO-1234yf (Honeywell) service ban pre-charging ban phase-down schedule allocation fee (because grandfathering led to overallocation) Japanese air conditioning giant Daikin PFCs perfluorocarbons, plasma cleaning of silicon wafers CFCs, HCFCs and halons are being phased out under the Montreal Protocol CFC chlorfluorocarbons HCFCs hydrochlorofluorocarbons, FCKW HFCs blowing agents for foams HFC 23 hydrofluorocarbons SF6 sulphur hexafluoride, insulating gas in high voltage switchgear g/m³ GHG Green House Gases greenhouse effect, effet de serre greenhouse gas emissions and removals emission reduction targets ODS ozone-depleting substances ozone layer, the earth’s natural sun screen, 9.87 Montreal Protocol (ozone-depleting chemicals), ozone depletion, Abbau chlorinated recovery, recycling compulsory labelling tropospheric ozone production phase-out pollutants, Schadstoffe air-conditioning systems carbon reduction incentives alert threshold, seuil d’alarme given off, dégagé, Freisetzung adopt higher emission standards fully-hydrogenated hydrocarbons highly toxic pesticide methyl bromide insulation, sandwich panels, fire retardants, refrigerators, asthma sprays aerosol propellants, foam-blowing, air-conditioning, refrigeration systems, refrigerator coolant, freons long-lived, persistence in the upper atmosphere, Verweildauer polythene bags, polyethylene, polystyrene foams, Plastikfolie base year for allocation of HCFC quotas, market share flue-gas scrubbers (to clean emissions from factory smokestacks), de-NOx, Entstickung, Entschwefelung scrub sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen ground-level ozone (low-level pollution), bodennah HSS hermetically sealed systems, refrigerators and freezers, commercial use, except centrifugal chillers heating, ventilating, air-conditioning industry ets. EMISSIONS TRADING AAUs Assigned Amount Units (surplus credits) a glut of credits (oversupply) pollution credits overallocated CDM Clean Development Mechanism (offsets) projects in developing countries, douces CER Certified Emissions Reduction units CDM credits CDM oversupply ETS Emissions Trading Scheme, rejets ICAO HQ in Montreal, OACI IETA International Emissions Trading Association MAG Mitigation, Adaptation, Geo-engineering MBM Market-Based Measures NER New Entrant Reserve NMHC Non Methane Hydro Carbons a NOx multiplier Umbrella Group (US, Japan, Australia, Canada, Russia, Norway), unlimited use of market-based mechanisms and reduced emissions targets 2005 ETS launched an ETS Council? we want a global deal overallocation of free allowances allocation of allowances to heavy industries the price of carbon has fallen below 5 € stop-the-clock procedure (deferment) backloading (re-phasing auctions) unused allowances to be carried over to the next period? Handelsperiode MSR Market Stability Reserve the carbon market report a functioning carbon market (market signals) setting the carbon price, le cours du quota interfere with the market :-( allocate v auction v buy v trade profile for auction auctioning time profile, messa all'asta modify the timing of auctioning licences where the proceeds from auctioning will go, auctioning revenues, veiling they would prefer to bank permanently cancelling linear reduction carbon credits (CO² allowances, emission rights, permits), Emissionszertifikate cap and trade (a closed trading system) a floor price to stop the price of carbon shrinking further, prix plancher reference period, Basisperiode vulnerability of registries to fraud de minimis (small emitters) energy-intensive sectors (glass, steel, aluminium, cement) phase 2 (2013-20) to include aviation flights beginning or ending outside the EU during the initial phase of the EU ETS (2005-2007) pollution credits were grossly over-allocated price effects carbon fat cats the big emitters carbon leakage renewable energies surplus of allowances linear reduction factor market-based instruments trade intensity, carbon costs billions of Euros of windfall profits and no reduction in overall EU emissions cap set too high, legacy of over-allocation, unmitigated emissions, future issues of windfalls in China investors can get CDM credits for destroying HFC 23 (fluoroform, refrigerant) VOCs Volatile Organic Compounds, vapours from paints, varnishes, petrol, carpet backing, plastics, cosmetics tradable pérmitting spot price, prix spontané cirrus clouds are thin, wispy clouds blown by high winds into long streamers, Federwolken low-carbon, sobre en carbone biodegradable, Abbaubarkeit the future of the planet is at stake non-competitively exposed sectors dwindling supplies of fossil fuels get rid of our addiction to fossil fuels set CO² reduction targets CO² emissions, burning of fossil fuels NH3 ammonia CH4 methane fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal) dominate our energy mix deliver more abatement (achieve reductions) application of ETS to aviation aviation emissions the air industry short hauls curb emissions from smokestacks and tailpipes oxides of nitrogen nitrogen dioxide NO2 as a share of total NOx emissions positive ignition engines tailpipe emissions at cold temperatures Euro 6 emission limits grandfathering (rights issued in proportion to historical emissions) auctioning permits to the power sector for emitting CO² yes, we could put more carbon into the atmosphere ccs. CCS Carbon Capture and Storage carbon dioxide sequestration (trapped) in geological formations carbon injection on envoie la flotte oil and gas reservoirs deep saline reservoirs unmineable coal seams carbon pressure storage can gas be sequestered? casing, tubing, tree, gasser, manifold chucking all the exhaust down the wells from the exhaust manifold down the blower fuel. FUEL 95 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometre converted to run on LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) lean-burn engines fuel injection is fuel-efficient hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles, piles à combustion retrofitted with a three-way catalytic convertor, fitted with an oxidation catalyst, nachrüsten four-stroke internal combustion engine, induction, compression, ignition, exhaust the vehicle fuel programme, fuel quality, petrol, diesel fuel standards engine tuning and calibration, incentives to re-tune engines lamda probe vehicle testing roadworthiness exhaust emissions while the engine is idling a cold start, cold-start tests motor-vehicle testing centre test equipment manufacturers annual test of automobile safety EUDC Extra Urban Driving Cycle inspection and maintenance standards MOT Ministry of Transport, contrôle technique, TÜV oxygen, Sauerstoff hydrogen, Wasserstoff nitrogen, azote, Stickstoff CO Carbon Monoxide ETBE Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether MTBE Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether HC Hydro Carbons fuel consumption, 3 litres per 100 k = 90 MPG Miles Per Gallon NOx concentrations in microgrammes per cubic metre in the ambient air NOX nitrogen oxides, NOX limits for diesel vehicles, DENOX technology, NO² (nitrogen dioxide), oxides d’azote, Stickoxyd limit values for sulphur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, particulate matter and lead in ambient air, Grenzwerte DIESEL exempt commercial vehicles 2015 mandatory limit of 130gCO2/kg tax on fuel based on energy intensity diesel could no longer be taxed at a preferential rate tax fuels based on their carbon dioxide emissions diesel fuel has a higher energy content than petrol poll. POLLUTION the Black Triangle in the Czech Republic, sulphur dioxide given off when brown coal is burnt causes acid rain, fluegas desulphurisation using local karstic limestone GAINS model, Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollution Interactions and Synergies Geneva Convention on Long-range Trans-boundary Air Pollution RAINS Regional Air Pollution Information and Simulation, the RAINS model PRTR Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers atmospheric deposition diffuse sources, air pollution causes acid rain, vehicle exhaust emissions, acidification of rivers and lakes, fishkills cars. CAR INDUSTRY Cars 2020 fall in sales motor industry heavy-duty vehicles light trucks and vans the whole value chain volume carmaker, Massenhersteller niche carmaker, Premiumhersteller component suppliers new registrations down automobile, automotive, auto sector DaimlerChrysler, Volkswagen (VW), BMW Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, Ford Europe, Renault, PSA Peugeot Société Anonyme, Peugeot-Citroën, Fiat Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino, Porsche the Frankfurt Motor Show motor vehicle manufacturer Top Gear, Jeremy Clarkson Vorsprung durch Technik engineering for performance un constructeur sort ses griffes le lozange (Renault) proudest motoring marques Jaguar is an outstanding marque General Motors (GM) Europe, Opel, British sister brand Vauxhall (Ellesmere Port, Luton production plants), Magna International and Sberbank, German bridge financing, spinoff, rules on state aids, the Antwerp plant trucks, buses, coaches, Volvo, Scania, Iveco, DaimlerChrysler, MAN Maschinenfabrik Augsburg Nürnberg, Daf Van Doorne's Aanhangwagen Fabriek scrappage incentives, cash-for-clunkers scheme, rottamazione new car registrations, immatriculations vehicle registration certificate, in the owner's name, carte grise car manufacturing, the motor industry, distribution network, carmakers, car-part manufacturers, automotive components industry, automotive supply industry, aftersales service, aftercare market, Vertrieb inward investment, Japanese transplants, let in on strict terms, local content VRA Voluntary Restraint Agreements, accords d'autolimitation competition from cheap imports, low-cost producers VEHICLE TYPES HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle, driver's certificate, LKW Lastkraftwagen passenger cars, PKW Personenkraftwagen ULEV Ultra Low Emission Vehicles categories 2 and 3 heavy-duty diesel engines heavy commercial vehicles conformity of production series Daimler-Chrysler, Mercedes's parent manufacturers, production run of vehicles, new engine families being developed vans (low-powered light utility vehicles), schwachmotorisierte Nutzfahrzeuge Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse, Sonderklasse, luxuriöse Limousinen und Coupés captive fleets, ferried around in gas-guzzling government cars double the vehicle population, vehicle fleet, parc AUTO OIL Auto Oil programme, Environment, Energy, Industry (automobile division) ACEA vehicle manufacturers, Hersteller CARS 21 initiative, the HLG high level group, for a competitive EU car industry EFEG Environmental Fuels Experts Group EPEFE European Programme on Emissions, Fuels and Engine Technologies FIA Fédération internationale de l'automobile, Formula 1 tax incentives traffic management stage 2 emission rules car durability guarantee 1991 clean lorries directive statutory recall procedures tighten emissions standards registration taxes, Zulassung hybrid cars, the Toyota Prius internalising the external costs, road pricing type-approval, not able to get a vehicle type-approved in a different country, homologation, Typzulassung relax the standard, meet the standard, early introduction of stricter limits mandatory introduction, make it mandatory for new cars, making the technology obligatory, our job to mandate the technology, require all new vehicles to be equipped with, Vorgaben electric cars, the battery, recharging posts, public charging points, range anxiety EV charging station, Elektroladestationen Typ 2 Stecker (Mennekes-Stecker) EXHAUST FUMES traffic fumes dust particles micro-contaminants 0.15 g/kWH PT limit super credits allow carmakers to count clean vehicles at a premium when calculating their fleet average particulate-mass-based limit values particle-number-based limit values meet Euro 6 exhaust pipe standards PM 2.5 (fine particulates) suspended particulate (soot), Schwebestaub particulate pollutants (alert threshold), PM 10 (particulate micron 10), ppm, rust gm per l, Feinstaub mit Korngrössen kleiner als 10 Mikrometer ambient air quality grime on shop fascias canyon streets (Rue Belliard) smog, pollution photochimique atmospheric pollution, Luftbelastung pollution control, gaseous pollutants, tail-pipe (exhaust pipe) toxins, vehicle exhaust emission limits, emission controls harm. TAX HARMONISATION curb 'tank tourism' motor vehicle registration tax how many euro cents at the pump? harmonisation, approximation, convergence the overall fiscal burden remains the same through the introduction of road charges raise the minimum rate of excise duty from 302 € to 380 € per 1000 litre in 2014 high level of excise duty on motor fuel (mineral oils), tax on diesel for commercial use, there is no political appetite for lowering it a range, a band, a bracket (maximum, minimum rates), une fourchette the proposed two-step increase in minimum excise duty rates for commercial diesel to reduce distortions of competition and environmental damage wast. WASTE industrial v domestic waste (municipal) reduce v reuse v recycle v recovery v disposal FCA Full Cycle Analysis at source waste hierarchy cocktail, mélange reprocess, retraité generated, anfallen waste shipment regulation eliminate sorting costs, tri waste streams, waste flows reusable for generating energy domestic (municipal), kommunal regeneration of waste oil, Altöl the thematic strategy on waste growing mountain of domestic waste urban mines (secondary raw materials) rare earths, terres rares beverage manufacturers, bottle banks sparing in the use of natural resources cement kilns, waste from limestone-burning take care of waste locally, Prinzip der Nähe consumer society, société de consommation virgin pulp and paper production, production of paper from pulp, the inking process, heavy metals, chlorine bleaches, newsprint, Papiermasse waste management, life cycle management, throughout the whole life cycle of the product incineration with energy use, process steam, the plume from incinerator vessels, incomplete combustion, Müllverbrennungsanlage recycling logo secondary raw materials, ricupero circular economy (waste package), Kreislaufwirtschaft sorting, Sortieranlagen designing it out, Planungsvorlauf bonifiche, fanghi di depurazione EPR Extended Producer Responsibility fed back baseline feedstocks design tweaks asset-tracking reverse logistics closing these loops design disassembly take, make and dispose soil depletion (exhaustion) closing the loop on nutrients joint product pricing, Kuppelprodukt amendement du sol material flows calculation, Ermittlungen double counting Luftbuchung recycling targets withholding rates perequazione puntuale dei rifiuti change the trigger mechanism Überschussermittlung INDC Intended Nationally Determined Contributions re-use targets recovery rates, recovery operations residual waste, Restabfälle, frazione residua, separate biowaste collections segregation, separate collection, pre-sorting, PVC, biodegradables, paper cutting out packaging, paper, glass and other types of packaging waste collection, garbage truck (dustcart), camion poubelle prevention, waste avoidance, minimisation, Müllvermeidung municipal waste, Siedlungsabfälle co-disposal (hazardous waste mixed in with municipal waste will be broken down and disappear), co-collection, terechtkomt in het gewone afval reusable beverage containers, deposits on non-reusable bottles, DSD Duales System Deutschland stockpiling ecobales, ecoballe sinking ships loaded with toxic waste waste-to-energy facilities, termovalorizzatore land. LANDFILL TOC Total Organic Content, organic matter burial unsecured dumps phase out landfilling waste sent to landfill site-specific, Standorte illegal dumping, fly tipping anaerobic digestion, compostage leachate from unsealed landfill sites pollutes aquifers and surface streams unregulated dumps, cowboys, décharges sauvages, Wilddeponien final disposal, grant a landfill licence, landfill operators, Deponie clea. CLEAN-UP BCD Base Catalysed Decomposition, Spolana (CZ) control room IPPC permits building waste feeding hoppers on-site treatment thermal resorption stored or deposited non-hazardous waste activated carbon filter cycle of irresponsibility concentrations measured an annealing furnace, kiln emptied into a sludge tank contaminated sites register spread from source into soil remediation of contaminated soil picograms per kilo of body weight largest facility of its kind in the world mitigation of the environmental burden the gas stream, prevent off-gas spreading full protective clothing, wear protective suits clean-up operations, Sanierung von Altlasten, bonifiche operators placing extractive waste back into excavation voids for rehabilitation purposes operates at a high working temperature, operating pressure waste chemicals, found barrels and various containers expo. EXPORT waste tourism, Karin B monitoring, contrôle, Überwachung transboundary shipment, Basel Convention ban on export to non-OECD countries, OESO PIC Prior Informed Consent, Rotterdam Convention, hazardous chemicals, envoyer des déchets aux pays pauvres RID Regulations, International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail carrier, Beförderer, grenzüberschreitende Verbringung, vettore green list of hazardous waste, amber list, gelbe Liste WEEE Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Elektroschrott electronic (computers, TVs, phones) electrical appliances (white goods), électroménager seve. SEVESO, major accident hazards involving dangerous substances, risk management canisters (dioxin), les fûts de Seveso major-accident hazards land-use planning, POS Plan d'occupation des sols 2005 Buncefield smoke cloud visible from space 9.01 AZF Toulouse, fertiliser plant, Atofina, chemical branch of TotalElfFina group, ANFO Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil, industrial explosive, site operator managing the plant, nitrate d'ammonium, engrais chimique 2000 Baia Mare cyanide spill, waste pool dyke beside the Baia Mare mine, poisoning of Lepos, Tisza, Somes, Danube, Esmeralda Exploration (gold mining company), Aural SA, joint venture with state-owned Remin, an accident waiting to happen, tailings, Becken mit Zyanid, an Theiss und Donau 2000 Enschede fireworks disaster 1984 Bhopal, Union Carbide, release of methyl isocyanate gas, pesticide plant 1976 Seveso (dioxin) liab. ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY, responsabilité environnementale, Haftung injured party force majeure imminent threat Denkavit v Forma operators, sectors compulsory insurance joint and several liability qualified entities, public authorities the super-fund (so-called deep pocket) the land-owning fraternity, danger of prosecution extent of the damage, commensurate with their share of the damage, proportionality convention on civil (third party) liability for damage, causal relationship, burden of proof, mandatory insurance, negligently cause environmental damage the permit defence, (look, we have the certificate), the BAT defence (Best Available Technology) the state of the art defence, the technology defence wate. WATER Blueprint to Safeguard Europe's Waters still v fizzy v tap upstream v downstream point source v diffuse source salt (marine) water v fresh water coastal v inland (rivers and lakes) collection v treatment v discharge industrial v agricultural v domestic MEDSPA NORSPA RBMP River Basin (catchment) Management Plan, bassin hydraulique, cuenca WFD Water Framework Directive, this is a framework directive, just a target, no-one will be held to it, limited powers to monitor compliance WWF World Water Forum flood risks, Hochwasserrichtlinie prócess water hydrogeologists enforcement, Vollzug compliance, naleving regions with a water deficit malt whisky, local peat water build dykes and flood defences integrated coastal management watercourses, cursos de agua natural mineral and spring waters drainage of wetland and river banks salt water v fresh water, eau douce overflow areas, Überflutungsflächen fit for consumption, Genusstauglichkeit infrastructure, grandes obras hidráulicas rational management and use, waterbeheer water use directives, surface water, groundwater, bathing water, eaux de baignade cross-catchment transfers, moving water around between water basins, transvases the responsibility of MS, incorporation into national law, transposition tables water resource management, husbanding water resources, conserved and used wisely, sufficient supply of clean water floodplain data, abnormal weather conditions, drought and flooding bowser (mobile water tank), hosepipe bans, standpipes watershed, ligne de partage des eaux, Wasserscheide the philosophy that we can build our way out of trouble prevails water consumption abstraction of drinking water densely-populated urban areas the main source of drinking water lost through evaporation or runoff abstraction as a percentage of runoff physical availability, a scarce commodity wast. WASTE WATER GAC Granular Activated Carbon filter media for organics removal in industrial remediation raw (untreated) pre-treatment plant land-based, tellurique oils and heavy metals tidal waters, the seabed water treatment facilities dump its sewage in the sea investigate an official complaint marine pollution, coastal waters aquatic environment, meio ídrico settlement of solids, déballastage excessive domestic use, metering sewage sludge, boue de station d'épuration d'eau, sleep waste water, Abwässer, aguas residuas lead in pipes, lead poisoning, saturnisme leaching, seepage, Auslaugung, lessivage direct discharge into sewers, connected to sewerage systems, entering collecting systems privatisation of the UK water industry, private ownership, public service obligation waste treatment facilities put a sewage works in, treat the waste water biologically, municipal waste water treatment, primary treatment, secondary treatment, sewage farm, Kläranlage collection, treatment, discharge of domestic waste water, sewage water charging, charging users realistic (true) prices for the water they use, full-cost water pricing, full recovery of costs, customers should pay the real cost of water, normal family use, wastefulness dumping at sea, receiving body of water, long outfall pipes lost through leakage in water mains, replacement of old water pipes, canalisations, riolering household waste water, phosphates in soap powder targets for re-use, goes back into the water system scie. SCIENCE relaxation v tightening v outright ban my lawyers tell me v my scientists tell me quality objectives analytical methods scientifically sound nitrates, phosphates concentrations found abstraction boreholes zero-option, zero tolerance monitoring, measurement methods there is a strict correlation between exposure routes, voies d'exposition measurement at source, brongericht public health considerations, salmonella and enteroviruses, microbiological standards, microorganisms, faecal streptococci per 100ml, µg (microgrammes), mg (milligrammes) organoleptic properties (smell and taste), olfactive units, non-irritating the scientific community, micro-biologists, choice and level of parameters, microbiological parameters, micropollutants, toxicity threshold, seuil de toxicité frequency of sampling, sampling locations, estragens reference laboratories for monitoring marine bio-toxins available data for a pollutant, data is sketchy, patchy marine fisheries limited water exchange source of marine pollution sensitive marine ecosystems harm, protect the marine environment marine reserve, habitats, life, research reference laboratories for monitoring marine biotoxins grou. GROUND WATER GES Good Environmental Status MPA Main Protected Areas MSD Marine Strategy Directive non-ferrous metals, NE-Metalle UNCLOS Law of the Sea pollution control water restrictions industrial discharges discharges to groundwater leading to salt water intrusion end-of-pipe (not precautionary) substances discharged into the water table growing demand, excessive use, increased pressure on aquifers, lowering of water tables, supplies drying up, nappe phréatique River Authority, Agences de bassin pollution of ground and surface water, pollution of water supplies poor water exchange, flushing of the Mediterranean water desalination plant, déssalement bath. BATHING WATER impose a bathing ban, closure of beaches, signposted the Blue Flag is an exclusive eco-label awarded to beaches and marinas E-coli outbreak, O 157 colon bacteria, enterohaemorrhagic escherichia coli, entéro-bactérie installée dans la flore intestinale humaine standards parameters designate bathing areas health risk relating to viruses a hepatitis risk, hepatitis contracted bathing water directive, bathing water profiles gastro-intestinal, gastro-enteritis, entero-viral, a mild tummy upset, food poisoning epidemic organic micro-pollutants, microbiology, waterborne microbial pathogens if there's a typhoon maybe bathing water is not your first worry adverse effects, pose a hazard to human health surf. SURFACE WATER EQS Environmental Quality Standards 1998 holding pond at the iron pyrite mine at Aznalcollar operated by Swiss company Boliden bursts sending millions of gallons of toxic liquid into a river that flows past one of Europe's leading nature reserves, muro de contención, caudal del efluente 1.00 Baia Mare, cyanide spill in Romania (gold-mining), Tisza, Cisla river Doñana National Park, Guadalquivir, estuaire du Guadiana 1986 accidental fire at Sandoz leads to the Rhine Action Programme (Schweizerhalle, Basle) drained each year reservoir, embalse water priority substances "transitional areas of exceedance" Alqueva dam, flow, débit, garantizar un caudal mínimo de agua a Portugal, proyectos españoles con impacto transfronterizo, el polémico pantano de Alqueva, convenio hidrologico hispano-luso, stuwdam water pollutant directives, Annex, List 1 (eliminated), List 2 (reduced) radionuclides, discharge radioactive waste water, Becquerel/l, Manche (Cap la Hague), Thorp reprocessing unit, Dounreay in Scotland, fluor radioactif treatment of surface water, treatment based on peroxide pollution management, pollution treatment and control ECONOMIC INSTRUMENTS emission rights penalty payments incentives, incitatif irreparable damage limit values, Grenzwerte the competent authorities acute effects of high doses stop activities causing pollution lifelong exposure, long-term effects green accounting, factoring in the externalities, doorberekening van de kosten factfinding missions, routine inspections, unannounced visits nitr. NITRATES BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand COD Chemical Oxygen Demand GAP Good Agricultural Practice NPK Nitrates Phosphates Potassium nitrate directive nitrates in fertilizer nitrate-sensitive areas nitrogen concentrations, levels nitrates and nitrites in foodstuffs nitrates in agricultural runoff, azotany mustard, la moutarde est un piège à nitrates slurry mestbank loads put on land maximum daily load liquid manure, purin, Gülle shellfish farming, aquaculture critical load, charge, Belastung plant metabolism, Stoffwechsel crop spraying, épandage aérien watercourses flowing into the Danube input of nutrients into sensitive areas enter the food chain, bio-accumulation enter watercourses and sewage systems spreading of livestock manure, épandage fertilisers, Düngemittel enthalten Stickstoff! irrigation, negligible increases in crop yield run-off from agricultural sources, afspoeling sustainable agriculture, good farming practice eutrophication, excessive growth of algae, high nutrient loads cause harmful algae blooms, oxygen shortage kills flora and fauna, Adriatic percolation (leaching) into groundwater supplies ditches mean rainwater is lost, evaporation losses pest. PESTICIDES distributors v professional users v non-professional Aarhus convention, access to environmental information ADI Acceptable Daily Intake ARD Acceptable Reference Dose BAT Best Available Technology, MTD BEP Best Environmental Practice ECPA European Crop Protection Association EFSA European Food Safety Authority IPM Integrated Pest Management MRL Maximum Residue Levels NPA National Provisional Authorisation PPP Plant Protection Products, pesticide residues, Schädlingsbekämpfung WFD Water Framework Directive WHO recommendations mildew fungicides resistance traceability food and feed sensitive soils pesticide levels reduction targets risk management mechanical aerial crop spraying, Sprühung, pulvérisation vulnerable groups cross compliance reduce spray drift operator exposure exposure negligible emission limit values placing on the market comparative assessment neo-nicotinoid pesticides withdrawn from the market candidates for substitution, the substitution issue priority hazardous substances synergistic effects (cocktail effects) approval procedure, tacit agreement cropdusters spray pesticide on fields posing a serious danger to plant health framework directive on sustainable use active substances, safeners, synergists minor use, potatoes, fruit and vegetables low-risk products, non-chemical methods buffer zones, bodies of water, catchment basins for drinking water honey bees, larvae, colony death, foraging, pollination, Bestäubung, επικονίαση no-spray zones, parks and playgrounds, neighbouring residents inspection of application equipment, inspection intervals reac. REACH Registration Evaluation Authorisation ECHA Chemicals Agency (Helsinki) market v use v control neurotoxic v immunotoxic substances toxicity classes dangerous substances exposure routes (oral, dermal, inhalation vapour, aerosol, gas) ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable CEFIC European Chemical Industry Council CLP classification labelling packaging of substances, mixtures CMR Carcinogenic Mutagenic Reprotoxic (toxic to reproduction, teratogenic), erbgutgefährend NF metals (Non Ferrous), NE-Metalle OSOR One Substance One Registration PBT Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxic ROHS Reduction of Hazardous Substances SIEF Substance Information Exchange Fora TDI Tolerable Daily Intake duty of care downstream users impact assessments category three chemicals existing substances, Altstoffe monitoring substances of concern with REACH coming down the tracks under the no data, no market principle watchlist, liste de contrôle, de vigilance low-volume chemicals, less than a tonne to regulate emissions from industrial plants by a permit system low-probability high-impact risks substances of high concern, high-concern chemicals pharmaceuticals 17 alpha ethinylestradiol natural hormone 17 beta estradiol Diclofenac (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) chem. CHEMICALS arsenic and its compounds exposure to atrazine (banned weedkiller) and prevalence of gastroschisis benzene, Benzol brominated flame retardants sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) BPA Bisphenol A, in baby bottles and food containers ban on cadmium in jewellery, brazing sticks (amateur model making) and plastics, Lote DDT Di Chloro Di Phenyl Tri Chloro Ethane DMF Di Methyl Fumarate, allergenic chemical stops mould growing in sofas and shoes hexavalent chromium (chromium VI), power utilities, Erin Brockovich (2000) Julia Roberts DCM Di Chloro Methane, paint stripper, consumer, professional, industrial use lindane, dioxin, furan (incinerators, industrial sources, metal smelters, cement kilns, coal-burning power plants, emissions from diesel engines) Hexa Chloro Benzene Hexa Chloro Butadine mercury (Hg hydrargyron), Almadén is the oldest and largest mercury mine in the world, Quecksilber, kwik NPE Nonyl Phenol Ethoxylate NiCd batteries (nickel, cadmium) batteries and accumulators persistent organic chlorines, persist in the environment, les organochlorinés PAHs Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (exhaust fumes, cars, planes), extender oils used in tyre manufacturing PCBs Poly Chlorinated Bi Phenyls PCTs Poly Chlorinated Ter Phenyls POP Persistent Organic Pollutants, Stockholm convention, POP waste, the pops regulation TCB Tri Chloro Benzene, solvents like toluene in glue and paints THMs Tri Halo Methanes in drinking water (when cleaned using chlorine) discharge of dangerous substances, cadmium, mercury (chlor-alkali industry), titanium dioxide (paint whitener) asbe. ASBESTOS Eternit safety and health at work blue asbestos, Krokydolith CIE Cement Induced Eczema individual breathing equipment asbestos removal, désamiantisation asbestos (white, blue, brown), available substitutes, Eternit in fibre cement inhalation, asbestosis, pneumoconiosis, pulmonary, contact dermatitis demolition, repair work, cladding, the built environment, building sites workers exposed to asbestos fibres, the working 3 environment, dust, per m , exposure limit values, invisible killer endo. EDC Endocrine Disruptors, hormone-mimicking chemicals endocrine disruptive properties HRT Hormone Replacement Therapy the endocrine glands secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream ovaries, testes, thymus, pancreas, thyroid, pineal, adrenal, hypothalamus, pituitary thyroid, Schilddrüse pancreas, Bauchspeicheldrüse pituitary, Hypophyse, Hirnanhangsdrüse BPH Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia stress is a contributory factor parabens in preservatives mimic estrogen exposure to chemicals even at low doses directives (biocides, cosmetics) CLP Classification Labelling Packaging PPPR Plant Protection Products Regulation critical windows during foetal development deformities of sexual organs birth defects in male genitalia cryptorchidism (undescended testes) hypospadias (abnormally placed urinary meatus) anim. ANIMAL TESTING in vivo v in vitro acute v chronic toxicity 3Rs Replacement Reduction Refinement COLIPA Cosmetics, Toiletries and Perfumery Association ECVAM European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods WTO World Trade Organisation, OMC, ΠΟΕ LD50 test (the dose that will kill 50 per cent of the test animals), lethal dose development and scientific validation of alternatives to animal trials, equivalent levels of protection in nonanimal alternatives, in vitro testing, in vivo testing of ingredients and finished cosmetic products, Inhaltsstoffe skin penetration, absorption, sensitisation, carcinogenicity, teratogenicity, eye irritancy, Draize eye test, eye irritation validation study, skin irritancy reduce animal testing animals sacrificed (killed) for research animal activists release laboratory animals fur. FUR labelling cross-breeds cat and dog fur unscrupulous traders felix cattus, felix silvestris licensed fur farms, furriers steel-jawed leg-hold traps, Tellereisen farmed fur, harvesting fur-bearing animals traditional way of life, trappers tend their traplines, trapping season, wildlife cat blankets, so the aficionados say, are good for rheumatism and joint pains humane trapping methods, are padded leghold traps a figleaf? alibi faux fur labelled as Gae-wolf, sobaki, Asian jackal, goupee indigenous peoples (first nations peoples), native communities, Northwest Territories (Canada), Inuits, keep them off welfare, the value of pelts harsh Arctic environment, the wilderness of forty below, skidoo (snowmobile), released to the wild badger, blaireau, Dachse, borsuk beaver, castor, Biber, bóbr bobcat, lynx roux, Rotluchs, ryś rudy coypu, ragondin, Biberratte, nutria ermine (stoat), das Hermelin, gronostaj lynx, Luchs, ryś marten, martre, Marder, kuna mink, vison, Nerz, norka, ūdeles muskrat, Bisamratte, piżmak otter, la loutre, wydra raccoon, raton laveur, Waschbär, szop pracz sable, la zibeline, der Zobel, soból wolverine, glouton (carcajou), Vielfraß, rosomak pets. PETS model pet passport, Ausstellung eines Heimtierausweises pet care sold into the pet trade looking out for the animals behavioural and health problems member organisations, Sportverein, Zuchtverein quarantine sea borders chip or tattoo toxoplasmosis spread, Ausbreitung rabies, Tollwutimpfung live animal transport strays terrapins wild animals small mammals ferrets, Frettchen huskies, Schlitthunde puppies under three months domestic pets (companion animals) tran. ANIMAL TRANSPORT welfare-friendly, tierfreundlich, artgerecht animal welfare during transport CWF Compassion in World Farming RSPCA Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals DG SANCO casualty animals place of departure on-transport, transhipment eight hours has been plucked from the air horses (equines, equidae) length of journey, distances feeding station, Labestation handling during transportation distress, unnecessary suffering lairage (holding pens), Stallungen the abattoir industry, cutting trade goose liver pâté, pâté de foie gras goose cramming, gavage des oies bovines, veal calves, herds, Bestände carrying farm animals, transported animals live animal transport, ban live animal exports spread disease, transport tetanus, outbreaks staging points, resting, feeding, watering stops trade in live animals, intended for slaughter, exported live for slaughter, shipment of live animals for slaughter, transport of live foals specifications for lorries, loading ramps, properly maintained animal welfare groups, animal rights activists, le bien-être animal supply the fattening industry, animals for further fattening slaughter close to the place of production, the eight-hour limit space, food, water, forced or mechanical ventilation livestock exports to the continent, outlying areas ICARISAG International Committee for Animal Recording OIE World Organisation for Animal Health stud book, animals for breeding, reproducteurs breed society or hybrid company breeding book or hybrid register pure-bred breeding animals tests using laboratory animals performance testing genetic evaluation germinal products semen, oocytes, embryos reproductive material zootechical and genealogical rules pedigree purity castrated male of equine species veal. VEAL CRATES pink veal v white veal phase-in period susceptible to disease slip-free concrete floor removal from their dam (mother) very large concentrations involve a lot of straw or some similar material for bedding individual stalls, keep veal calves individually, ensure the welfare of their calf feeding, bedding, group housing, heavy investment trough, electronic sow feeders, strong sucking instinct, tail-docking to prevent cannibalism, tethering humanely-reared animals, normal behaviour patterns the livestock sector, stockbreeders, animal husbandry, élevage biod. BIODIVERSITY CBD Convention on Biological Diversity COP 10 Nagoya COP 11 Hyderabad Berne Convention, conservation of natural heritage, nature conservation CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, Washington Convention FFH Flora, Fauna, Habitats NATURA 2000 Network (protected areas) SCA Special Conservation Area SCI Sites of Community Interest SPA Special Protection Areas WWF World Wildlife Fund for Nature biodiversity, biological diversity, genetic diversity, Artenvielfalt stop the loss of biodiversity (genetic resources), decline conservation status conservation (sustainable use), preservation (protection from use) measures to protect habitats protected areas, nature reserves species and habitats of Community interest invasive species, Japanese knotweed, renouée, Staudenknöterich, parkslide models of rural development, balance economic and ecological interests, regional development and fisheries interests Drogheda Port Company Development project, Boyne Estuary area WILDERNESS PPF PAN Parks Foundation PAN Protected Network Area wildlife thrives wilderness heritage, virgin forest, Białowiecki not significantly modified by human activity bird. BIRDS RSPB Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Birdlife International Wild Birds Directive 79/409 sightings waterfowl exotic species lakes, marshes, rivers wintering wildfowl sites groundnesting bird species migratory species, Zugvogel in the Åland islands, Cairngorms invaders (magpies, jays, jackdaws) ornithologists, birdwatching (birders, twitchers) population distribution, migration routes great bustard, the world's largest flying bird corvidae, the crow family, raven, rook, magpie predator control, non-native species, non-lethal methods have not worked this will be good news for the garganey and redshanks on the Sussex marshes garganey, sarcelle d'été, Knäkente redshank, chevalier gambette, Rotschenkel wetl. WETLANDS breeding v resting areas wet meadows v dry pasture grazing animals wildlife management mangrove cover, manglar 1971 Ramsar Convention (Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat), Ramsar lies on the southern shores of the Caspian in Iran wetlands, marshes, fens, peat bogs, areas of shallow water, zones humides, Feuchtgebiete genus, species, sub-species, varieties, species in a genus, Spezie der Gattung wetland vegetation stabilises shorelines, wetlands lost through drainage populations, rearing, distribution, migration, hibernation, re-establishment biotopes, crucial sites and natural habitats, inventory of sites floodplains, bassins de rétention, crues catastrophiques, Vesoul la Romaine, rio de socorro heal. PUBLIC HEALTH chronic diseases build up over time COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease A and E, Accident and Emergency, ER Emergency Room, treated in a casualty department GP General Practitioner, referring physician, prescribing physician, médecin traitant 1946 NHS National Health Service, Beveridge Report, universal healthcare free at the point of delivery lowthey tendered it out outsourcing to the private sector quality uptake access equality back-up incomes segment response shortage of nurses, pénurie d'infirmières outpatient the medics waiting lists care services market forces offer validation private practice postcode lottery, if you live over the road risk assessment under-resourced proving effective healthcare sector non-discrimination treatment available get their treatment health surveillance primary healthcare provider, soins primaires ethics, déontologie healthcare providers dedicated resources physician heal thyself the medical profession adverse health effects purchasers, providers specialists, consultants life-threatening disease dispatcher, dyspozytor too busy pushing paper to look after patients receive initial treatment public health emergencies intensive care, réanimation options, decisions, outcomes improve outcomes for patients healthcare professionals, carers dedicated staff, dedicated servers cross-contamination of the patients a cardiac ward, acute hospital beds planned operations as opposed to accidents (elective surgery) go private, passer au secteur libéral healthcare workers, ambulance staff patients suffering from a rare disease healthcare inequalities and disparities Hippocratic Oath, serment d’Hippocrate poor sanitary practices in hospital wards with my experience in the field of diabetes patients' rights in cross-border healthcare e-health m-health (mobile) liability cover submit a claim treatment options follow-up treatment MS of affiliation, MS of treatment get follow-up when something goes wrong provision, providers, provide a full service capacity to deliver high-quality patient care in a way that doesn’t prejudice patient care overloaded with invoices and pieces of paper relative cost of administration and patient care patient mobility, cross-border, aftercare, what happens when things go wrong? receive medical treatment appropriate to their condition, hospital treatment at a time of growing demand, growth in demand for NHS services fundholders, fundholding GPs, health authorities and GPs a benchmark system smells too much of harmonisation cuts in essential services, closing down beds, lack of beds patients across the NHS, treated in NHS wards PHYSIO tissu conjonctif apport sanguin le règne végétal sauf traumatisme physiotherapist, kiné prendre un bon bol d'air ribcage, la cage thoracique boissons d'attente, grenadine entourage, réseau relationnel relie la colonne aux membres chiropodist, podiatrist, podologue problèmes articulaires, tendineux shock absorbers, les amortisseurs in a cast, immobilisation par plâtre les vertèbres bougent solidairement il y a toujours une cause biomécanique la fibula (anciennement appelée péroné) orthopaedic surgeon, chirurgie orthopédiste l'ossature, mieux fixer les éléments calciques phar. PHARMACEUTICALS EMA European Medicines Agency (ex EMEA), Canary Wharf, London, Management Board, Executive Director CHMP Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (ex CPMP Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products) CVMP Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Products EUDRANET European Union of Drug Regulatory Authorities PRAC Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee human v veterinary quality v safety v efficacy ATMP Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (medicines based on gene therapy, somatic-cell therapy or tissue engineering) CAT Committee for Advanced Therapies, gene therapy, somatic cell therapy, tissue-engineered GCP Good Manufacturing Practice MRL Maximum Residue Limit PIP Paediatric Implementation Plan PMF Plant Master File VAMF Vaccine Antigen Master Files USFDA Food and Drug Administration MCA or other national agencies experts nominated by MS, email connection, bulletin board on Internet we must be driven by good science and not diverted (swayed) by other considerations Nurofen for muscular pain, Ibuprofen (the generic) Acomplia, Wunderpille bekämpft Fettsucht Thalidomide, Contergan the melamine in milk scandal la heparina es un anticoagulante ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, un enfant caractériel Ritalin use for ADHD children there are too many kids on Ritalin a stimulant used in the treatment of ADHD the brandname for methylphenidate (MPH) Tamiflu (Roche), long-acting beta-agonist lung and muscle relaxant now infamous anti-inflammatory drugs, Merck, Ivermectin, Vioxx 1998 Viagra awarded a European licence, anti-impotence drug the pharmaceutical companies, the pharmaceutical industry, drug-makers residues biogeneric novel products diabetes type 2 for personal use pharmaceuticals active ingredients oncological drugs food supplements tissue engineering there are times when the words, nurse, the screens! come to mind cell-based vaccines multi-drug resistance placed on the market psychiatric medicines take your medication! in clinical development registration procedures for medicinal purposes it's a patient safety issue policing the inspectorate for human, veterinary use registration of vet medicines the anti-depressant Prozac national registration systems delay the commercial launch vet medicines, the vet market anti-depressant, anxiolytique clinical trials, essais cliniques, klinische Prüfungen we are becoming medicalised comparability of prescriptions bubble pack (blister package), conditionnement par alvéole ensure safety and effectiveness reflect different medical cultures confidentiality, Unterlagenschutz granting of first marketing licence the choice and price of medicines anorectic agents used in slimming holder of a marketing authorisation drug arsenal, arsenal thérapeutique marketing authorisation procedures on the information-to-patients agenda hexafluorocylic acid used in fluoridation homeopathic anthroposophic biomarkers cascade concept (minor species, minor use) anti-microbial resistance, antibiotic resistance authorising (registration, approval), Zulassung neurodegenerative, Parkinson's and the others recall of product batches, withdrawal from the market, minimum withdrawal period biomarkers for transplants, patients less likely to reject organs medi. MEDICINES retail v wholesale distribution ADR Adverse Drug Reaction, side-effects, counterindications, contre-indications MICE Medicines Investigation for the Children of Europe, paediatric medicines, a child is not just a reduced version of an adult MTB Medical Tariff Board OTC Over The Counter drugs, farmaci da banco generics (out-of-patent) me-too drugs are similar but not identical to patented drugs brand-name drugs (proprietary medicines), specialità medicinali dose, posologie anti-virals innovative the molecule active principles price transparency repeat prescriptions therapeutic indications coformulants, adjuvants active substances, Wirkstoffe side effects, interactions and indications package leaflet, lisibilité des notices, bijsluiter prescription-only, ordonnance, rezeptlich, verschreibungspflichtig orphan medicines are for rare diseases with few sufferers and therefore commercially unattractive Imodium is used to treat traveler's diarrhea phar. PHARMACOVIGILANCE fact box drug master file off-label use, prescription hors AMM (autorisation de mise sur le marché) pharmacovigilance, révision des anciens médicaments, Bestandsschutz Mediator was prescribed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes benfluorex (active ingredient) MAH Marketing Authorisation Holder prescribed as a general appetite suppressant, anorectic agents, coupe-faim ADR reports (Adverse Drug Reaction), remontées d'effets secondaires possible heart-valve disorders Servier investigated for involuntary manslaughter reapply for a licence Drug Monitor publication needlestick injuries (pricks and cuts), sharp objects, the Sharps Directive cont. CONTRACEPTION oestrogen, progesterone stroke, AVC Accident vasculaire cérébral CHC Combined Hormonal Contraceptives DVT Deep Vein Thrombosis contraceptive patch (Evra users) smear (Pap test), after George Papanicolaou (1883– 1962), American anatomist, frottis, uitstrijkje VTE Venous Thrombo Embolism (clotting) DRSP progestin drospirenone, fourth generation, Yasmin Diane-35 (cyproterone and ethinyl estradiol) used to treat acne and as a contraceptive barrier contraceptives (caps, condoms) endometriosis menorrhea (menstruation) menorrhagia (heavy bleeding) the ring high-risk referrals clinical trials the generics off-label use price transparency directive centralised marketing authorisation lifestyle risks and benefits suppresses ovulation second-generation pills information which is lacking obstetrics and gynaecology gynaecologist, zum Frauenarzt kamen prescribing practices, voorschrijfgedrag spontaneous reporting followed up by your doctor or specialist side-effects (alopecia (hairloss), hirsutism), Nebenwirkungen devi. MEDICAL DEVICES, dispositifs médicaux CTS Common Technical Specifications Eucomed (medical technology industry) EUDAMED European Database on Medical Devices MDCG Medical Devices Coordination Group medical devices and medicines are staying in SANCO pre-marketing assessment go down the medicines route in a lab near the patient outside the human body self-test for blood sugar ethics committee transparency clinicians clinical studies informed consent genetic counselling access to clinical data make a free and informed choice genome mapping, cartographie ADN in-house exemption (performed in a single healthcare institution) shop around faulty, défaillances multiple-use, réutilisable single-use, à usage unique reprocessing of reusable devices reprocessing and reusing, retraitement medical devices active devices pacemaker prescription-only devices in vitro diagnostic devices (ultrasound) class three implantables implant card fillers catheter liposuction prosthesis, prosthetics hip joint replacement (hip implant) artificial hip adhésifs dentaires mode de stérilisation sonde électrophysiologique pacemaker, implant cardiaque actif a gastric band, Magenband, mide kelepçesi PIP Poly Implant Prothèse, mammaire breast implant scandal, non homologué, délité, rupture précoce cosmetic surgery test. TESTING KITS blood grouping (ABO system) markers of HIV infection, marqueurs viraux donations inactivation hepatitis B and C diagnostic medical devices eliminate the risk of infection derived from the human body clear and detailed instructions reasoned request by notified bodies specimens including blood and tissue, specimen receptacles, tissues or cells of human origin, human tissue, tissue compatibility reagents listed in Annex 2, reagents for home use, pregnancy tests, Selbsttests biobanks, human genetic material, biological samples bloo. BLOOD clotting a blood drive diabetes and diabetics blood plasma products blood-borne pathogens blood and blood products communicable diseases whole blood, le sang total typing and cross-matching blood group (A, O, Rhesus) donated blood for transfusions red corpuscles, globules rouges blood-borne diseases like hepatitis labile component of blood products blood self-sufficiency, auto-suffisance blood is produced in the bone marrow pooled for the manufacture of blood products used in the preparation of medicinal products donors, donneurs payés et non-rémunérés, volume et fréquence des prélèvements, centres de collecte, Spender imported plasma, il y a une pénurie de plasma screening, screen for nVCJD, new variant CreutzfeldtJacob disease, dépistage haemoglobin, the iron-containing protein, gives blood its red colour maintain public confidence, repeated recalls, theoretical risk, conservation, stockage, manipulation, de très grands lots, le sang contaminé, traçabilité, hémovigilance, sécurité transfusionnelle pand. PUBLIC HEALTH RASFF Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed SCHER Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks WHO, OMS virulent bacteria strains joint procurement of vaccines pandemic vaccines and anti-virals protect the population against crossborder health threats ECDC European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (Tomteboda building, Stockholm) E-coli, EHEC Entero Haemorrhagic Escherichia Coli, HUS Haemolytic Uremic Syndrome, Robert Koch Institute fenugreek (foin grec), Bockshornklee swine flu, Mexican flu, H1N1, la grippe A H7N9 virus SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, le SRAS nCoV novel corona virus human-to-human transmission AVIAN INFLUENZA Rügen mass culls anti-viral drugs surveillance area stockpile vaccines animal health officer reference laboratory examined for bird flu free-range chickens brought indoors, confine flocks in sheds poultry stocks, flocks severe footpad lesions free-range poultry farmers infected by a strain, clade domestic fowl, flocks, birds mutant super-strains emerge pathogenic, virulent H5N1 virus flu pandemic caused by a virus contingency measures, inoculate carriers, ducks harbouring bird flu avian flu, broilers, bird flu, outbreaks vaccination masks infection, the spread poultry exports, a reservoir for the disease, expanding its host range, come into contact with infected birds, poultry exports, prophylaxis against SARS with an ARB (Angiotensin Receptor Blocker) reassortment, disease mutates, jump the human barrier viruses are tricky, always mutating and forming new strains whenever a new vaccine is developed aids. 1 December World AIDS Day, Red Ribbon AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus, the virus that causes AIDS, séropositif, besmet STDs Sexually Transmitted Diseases STIs Sexually Transmitted Infections UNAIDS AIDS sufferer infection rates condoms, préservatifs communicable diseases penetrative, safe, unprotected sex high-risk groups, pratiques à risque intravenous drug-users, toxicomanes asked for an HIV negative declaration learn about their HIV status, test HIV-positive transmission routes, heterosexual transmission screening, dépistage systématique, sidatorium latent period of 6-8 years (before HIV develops into AIDS), develop full-blown AIDS (onset) combat the spread of AIDS, incidence of diseases like HIV, propagation haemophiliacs receiving blood transfusions, les transfusionnels Terrence Higgins Trust, reduce the spread of HIV and promote good sexual health (including safe sex) the virus replicates itself, spreads and lies dormant in latent reservoirs within the human body 1996 ARV combination antiretroviral therapy AIDS drugs like AZT (A Zido Thymidine), analogue des nucléosides qui agit en tant qu'inhibiteur de la transcriptase inverse du VIH AIDS cocktail anti-HIV combinations access to retroviral therapies triple therapy treatment, trithérapie protease inhibitors, anti-protéases GLOBAL HEALTH FUND Solvay agreement compulsory licences alleviate the suffering healthcare infrastructure undercutting by parallel imports patients in need, countries in need HIV/AIDS cases in sub-Saharan Africa infection rate among the young and educated exorbitant prices, medicines at affordable prices poverty diseases, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, dengue fever, typhoid fever, health emergency have a local manufacturing capacity, lack the manufacturing base to make them locally generic medicines, generic antiretroviral drugs, generic versions of anti-AIDS drugs life-saving medicines, administer treatment, treatment available to combat impact on the business sector, loss of experienced staff pharmaceutical companies, corporate greed, return on investment, stifle innovation, Pharmakonzerne the AIDS pandemic, AIDS sufferers, new infections cost to the health service, life insurance, pension funds TROPICAL DISEASES DND Drugs for Neglected Diseases locusts, sauterelles, langostas Réunion, mosquito-borne, chikungunya leishmaniasis (kala-azar, black fever, dumdum fever) is transmitted by the bite of certain species of sand fly, protozoan parasites trypanosomiasis, sleeping sickness, transmitted by the tsetse fly onchocerciasis (river-blindness), blackfly larvae, breeding grounds mosquito, insecticide-protected, le moustique, la moustiquaire malaria is carried by the anopheles mosquito, remove stagnant water, spray bedrooms with mosquito repellent, anti-malaria bednets ebol. EBOLA DG ECHO and DEVCO ERCC Emergency Response Coordination Centre PHU Peripheral Health Units affected countries (Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia) pledged and committed grants and loans three 1's, one plan, one budget, one monitoring mechanism delivered on the ground draw up needs assessments budget support doctors and nurses holding and treatment centres in-field labs local clinics and dispensaries triage women in labour lactating mothers and children under five mobile laboratories care is not free pledges stigma and fear entry/exit screening health-seeking behaviour contact-tracing the clinic has to make money stock-outs rubella, rougeole lassa fever décaissements aversion behaviour investments put on hold aid effectiveness donors manage, governments adhere outbreaks of ebola virus crash and bleed fruit bats alte. ACM Alternative and Complementary Medicine TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine reflexology chiropractor phytotherapy no reputable practitioner traditional, herbal, medicinal physiotherapist, kinésithérapeute allopathic, homeopathic, non-conventional praticiens couverts par un diplôme, la médecine orthodoxe non-medical practitioner, guérisseur, Heilpraktiker dise. DISEASE rare conditions seek treatment an acute illness will run its course a chronic illness requires medical supervision BMI Body Mass Index COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (chronic bronchitis, emphysema) CPR Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation CTS Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, a trapped nerve in the wrist LBP Lower Back Pain MS Multiple Sclerosis, sclérose par plaques ME Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS Сhronic Fatigue Syndrome) NBM Nil By Mouth NCDs Non Communicable Diseases (heart attacks, strokes) PMT Pre Menstrual Tension RSI Repetitive Strain Injury XP xeroderma pigmentosum, les enfants de la lune it's excruciating my back aches I can't feel my feet I can't touch my toes I've sprained my ankle doubled up with arthritis take a turn for the worse I've got a crick in my neck I have a tingling sensation my rheumatism's acting up I can't keep anything down I'm a martyr to my chilblains I lie there tossing and turning I have floaters (detached retina) soon have you back on your feet again diagnose risk groups strain, clade osteoporosis, bone density, nutrients cerebral palsy booked in for surgery hip replacement organ trafficking musculo-skeletal disorders, backache, back injuries, handling and moving heavy loads, falls and slips, gurneys (stretchers) brittle bone disease risk of heart disease pulmonary disorders invasive, aggressive groin strain, pubalgie anxiety and depression support for the families of dementia sufferers Down’s syndrome, trisomique cystic fibrosis, mucoviscidose Huntington's chorea, Veitstanz treated for rheumatoid arthrosis shingles, warts, eczema, scabies Crohn's disease (regional enteritis) sickle cell anaemia, drépanocytose diet-related health problems, obesity positive health outcomes perform in terms of health outcomes health outcomes (morbidity, mortality) photo-sensitising chemical substances hooked up to machines with tubes down his throat nosocomic (hospital-acquired), affections nosocomiales occupational accidents, occupational diseases neuro-degenerative diseases, Alzheimer's stroke centre, service d'urgences cérébro-vasculaires, Schlaganfall a medical condition, une pathologie, le développement, comment se déroule une maladie, la chronobiologie du traitement hospitalisation, workstations, line managers, safe procedures in operating theatres, delivery rooms, intensive care wards, laboratories, endoscopy, histopathology, morgues allergies, sensitised, intolerance, dermatitis, Swarfega, barrier protection, powder-free gloves workplace risks, exposure, risk assessment, personal protective equipment, hazardous waste, biological agents, bio-hazards, chemical agents, carcinogens, disinfectants, antiseptics, anaesthetics, cytostatics AMR Anti Microbial Resistance MRSA Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus VRSA Vancomycin Resistant multi-drug-resistant superbugs community-acquired staph infections chlostridium difficile bacterium (Cdiff) glandular fever, mononucleosis, the kissing disease, Pfeiffer-Drüsenfieber prevention, good clinical practice, good laboratory practice congenital heart disease I have a pain in my chest I've been having these chest pains avoidable cardio-vascular disease a coronary, infarctus du myocarde triple heart bypass operation, pontage coronary stents are placed during angioplasty insu. HEALTH INSURANCE EHIC European Health Insurance Card JSIS Joint Sickness Insurance Scheme, the scheme, RCAM PDC Patient Data Card, require urgent treatment, bearer's health, confidentiality of information entered, blood group, known allergies, chronic illnesses, vaccinations, social insurance cover, data protection, privacy claims forms health tourism non-emergency le devis dentaire mutuals, mutuelles expenses incurred benefits, prestations a doctor's visit, visite clinical tests, analyses entitled to free coverage the competent authorities contributions, cotisations settlements office, bureau liquidateur reasoned application, motivé not covered, hors nomenclature pendant douze mois consécutifs in a nursing home, dépendance waivers, prévoit des dérogations officier dans le national ou le privé top-up coverage, complémentaire primary cover, affilié à titre primaire you consult a specialist, consultation enjoy 100% accident insurance cover mutuelles, caisse d'assurance maladie take advantage, les médecins se sucrent private insurance funds, receive full cover prior authorisation, autorisation préalable claimants, les ayants droit, les assurés, affiliés the amount paid by the claimant (flat rate or percentage), ticket modérateur (in la sécu), prestation directe, participation directe prescription charges, on diminue les remboursements, conventionnés, medicamentazo reimbursement conditions, procedure, not reimbursed by the insurance company serious illness, en cas de maladie grave, demande de reconnaissance submit duly completed claims for reimbursement, introduire time limits, délai, proroge exceptionnellement, introduit dans les délais original bills issued giving date, fee, form of treatment, first name a private practitioner, make a claim under private provision weighting factor, coéfficient correcteur direct billing, à vous de demander la prise en charge ment. MENTAL HEALTH, démunis, vétustes, de vrais asiles, traumatisant, livrés à eux-mêmes 1980s Basaglia Law, psychiatric hospitals closed down CAT Cognitive Analytic Therapy is a brief form of psychotherapy developed by Dr Anthony Ryle MHA Mental Health Agency ECT Electro Convulsive Therapy clinical v social stigma self-help age-related halfway houses to be sectioned, in die Psychoklinik criminally insane cross-disciplinary proper back-up, listening to patients, I know when I'm going to be ill, services and facilities, providing care, in society force and coercion mad is mainstream neuro-degenerative first line of treatment a chemical imbalance intensive psycho-therapy losing their independence medication as a bandaid early diagnosis of patients mental health and well-being to be committed (be put away) back in institutional care, shut away from institutional care to life in the community individual treatment, person-centred bipolar disorder, Ritalin (methylphenidate) palliative care, soins palliatifs, préserver la meilleure qualité de vie medical opinion is divided, benefits unproven, disbenefits canc. CANCER DES Di Ethyl Stilbesterol, used in treatment of prostate cancer (male prostatic carcinoma) EAC Europe Against Cancer, action programme against cancer HPV Human Papilloma Virus, cervical cancer, col de l'utérus colo-rectal medical records invasive surgery biopsy (tissue sample) remission (stabilising) metastasis (proliferating) chemotherapy, radiotherapy breast screening, mammography carcinogens, carcinogenic, cancérigène still reversible, treatable diseases, treatment available, lead to less radical treatment health screening schemes, early detection, dépistage précoce drug. DRUGS soft v hard drugs a patient v a criminal prevention v enforcement v harm reduction trafficking v dealing v possession v use ECCD European Committee to Combat Drugs, CELAD Lutte anti-drogue EDDRA Exchange for Drug Demand Reduction Actions ICDAIT International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking REITOX European Information Network on Drugs and Drug Addiction, toxicomanies, verslaving UNDCP United Nations Drug Control Programme UNODC UN Office on Drugs and Crime score a hit drug tourism morphine (heroin) spice (legal highs) head shops mainstream outlets (garages, takeaways) barbiturate abuse controlled substances recreational drug use cocaine-sniffing binges cocaine base (crack, freebase) in powdered form (hydrochloride salt) cocaine is snorted personal lifestyle choices dabbling in Class A substances new, innovative, results-related, we need to think about treatment and prevention first legal highs in smart shops outlets for soft drugs, coffieshop precursors for new designer drugs cocaine-related hospital admissions opiates such as heroin and cocaine crystal meth (methamphetamine) (crank) synthetic drugs like amphetamine (speed) hallucinates (eg LSD and amphetamines) Ecstasy, rave culture, the rave scene, all-night club culture, e-tablets underage drinking (binge drinking), vino collapso telephone helpline healthcare services drug-related deaths overdoses, to OD on therapeutic communities ER, emergency-room visits drug treatment programmes drug-related health damage AIDS cases linked to drug use residential therapy communities withdrawal symptoms (cold turkey) multidependency, polytoxicomanen awareness-raising, sensibilisation, Aufklärung rehabilitation, reintegration, accompagnement social, Wiedereingliederung harm reduction, demand reduction, the thin end of the wedge leading to legalisation, réduction des risques abstinence-based recovery detoxification at a rehab centre, entrer en cure de désintoxication methadone replacement, substitution therapy (legal heroin substitute), Heroin auf Krankenschein, ohne mich! shooting rooms, salles de shoot, Fixerstuben shipments street value first-time users illicit drug trafficking drug pusher (dealer) street cred (credibility) dealing, pushing, peddling de-criminalisation, legalisation this is a muddle, sends out the wrong signals, safe and socially acceptable, jumped the gun a bit, instead of reclassifying it the criminals are one step ahead regular users, hooked, enganchado opiate receptors in tissues and organs the Dutch policy, the Swedish approach the munchies (craving for sweet foods) intravenous drug users, notified addicts kick the habit, décrocher, afkicktherapie combat (counter) unlawful drug-trafficking zero tolerance, enforcement, répression done (arrested, busted) for dealing in small amounts of cannabis, cannabis resin (hashish) drug-free schools, a drug-free society, keep young people from becoming slaves to drugs supply and demand, growing domestic demand, producer countries, staging post for, plaque tournante, Drehscheibe sterile one-shot syringes, disinfection sets, needleexchange programme, spuitenruil legalise (decriminalise), they'll be given a caution, be dealt with by a caution, dépénaliser, anti-proibizionisti prevention, treatment, enforcement, répression, le tout répressif Schengen, most drug seizures do not take place at border crossing points anyway, heightened interdiction (intercept) efforts, drug swoops, hauls, caches the anti-prohibitionists draw analogies to the failure of Prohibition with alcohol, drooglegging crime linked to drug trafficking, Folgekriminalität first it's marijuana (entry-level narcotic, gateway drug) drug trafficking, dealing, possession, use, drug dependency, wasted lives and human suffering tolerance, Duldungspolitik, gedoogbeleid information exchanges leading to seizure and arrests first it's marijuana (entry-level narcotic, gateway drug) prod. PRODUCING REGIONS USDEA Drug Enforcement Agency upper Hallaga valley (Peru) Cali (capital of fertile Cauca valley), Medellín cartel, 1993 death of drug king Pablo Escobar (Colombia) Chapare Valley growing area (Bolivia) the Sinaloa and los Zetas cartels (Mexico), Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán, El Chapo (shorty) 1989 war on drugs (Bush), crop-eradication programmes, eradicate areas of coca and opium poppy, herbicidespraying planes spray plantations, crop dusters anti-drugs, Euro-Latin-For (judiciary, police), Euro-LatinLex (legal framework to combat drug trafficking) narcostate drug barons crack cocaine heroin-processing labs cocaine base (coca paste) coca growers, small farmers growing coca, areas of coca and opium poppy jungle labs, precursors (chemicals) heroin derived from opium (poppies) switch to other crops, crop conversion, cultures de substitution interdiction efforts (drug hauls) interdict (intercept) drug shipments a key intermediary of drug shipments intermediaries paid in kind (narcotics) crime networks trafficking heroin trafficking routes move shipments container shipping expanding their reach gateway for operations smuggling routes (conduits) transit route for drug smugglers Liverpool is a major port of entry transit and logistical hub, plaque tournante drug-tainted money finds its way into coffers refiners increase purity, retail price of a gram, street prices, dealers illicit drug industry, narco-dollars and campaign coffers, corruption in the criminal justice system, launder proceeds, drug traffickers, drug trafficking and money laundering rumours that drug-tainted money has found its way into the campaign coffers of political parties rati. RATIONING QOL Quality Of Life QUALY Quality Adjusted Life Years DALY Disability Adjusted Life Years ethicists ethical limits cost of healthcare rationing of medical care chronically sick and uninsurable unkind use, prolong poor quality of life denied healthcare on economic grounds human dignity, deeply-held religious convictions, if they find that tolerable ethical and economic aspects, apporter un éclairage éthique health insurance, actuarial tables, life expectancy run a whole battery of tests, multiplier les examens tech. CAT Computerised Axial Tomography scan, Kernspintomographie ECG Electro Cardio Gram MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging scanner, IRM, appareillage, rentabiliser les équipements MRS Magnetic Resonance Spectrography lithotriptor big-ticket items diabetes support clinic, insulin ultrasound scan, écho-doppler technology push, life cycle of a machine laparoscopy (keyhole surgery), Bauchspiegelung bioe. BIOETHICS, life sciences, l’éthique du vivant DNA sequences, ADN Acide désoxyribo-nucléique HGP Human Genome Project, Francis Collins PGD Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis, pre-natal, embryo screening, couple genetic screening with followup carrying the gene a moral minefield advanced therapies scientific investigation the scientific community the gay, violent, obesity gene multifactorial disease, family history playing God, jouer à l'apprenti sorcier single gene disorder, monogénique, γονίδιο genetic material, patrimoine génétique humain what can geneticists do and what should they do? accountability, interdire ou encadrer? liberté de recherche, bien pensant, demokratische Unbedenklichkeit human genome sciences, human genetics, genome research, sequencers, decode their sequences, US biotech industry, Erbgut genetic diseases such as Duchesne's myopathy stem. STEM CELLS myelin coating to harvest stem cells regenerative medicine embryonic stem cell research human embryo and foetus research a mass of undifferentiated stem cells research into human stem cells, cellule souche the parent of all body cells can divide and produce anything from brain cells to muscle totipotent stem cells, pluripotent cells, multi-potent cells, progenitor cells, glial cells behind airlocked doors I don mob cap, shoe covers and a coverall supernumary, embryons surnuméraires, Kryo-embryonen obtain precursor cells from human embryo stem cells I'm allowed to enter a clean room where stem cells from teeth, fat, bone marrow, cord tissue and cord blood are prepared for storage dono. TRANSPLANTS EUROCET (European Registry for Organs, Tissues and Cells organ donors, Organspende would-be transplant patients kidney transplant patients need dialysis donor cards, living donors, órganos subóptimos, donneurs non adéquats by-pass grafting, skin grafts, histopathology of xenotransplants, Hautübertragung transplant tourism cord blood egg-sharing Eurocet project donated gametes harvest stem cells Anthony Nolan Trust PSBC Peripheral Blood Stem Cell collection blood stem cells acquired through apheresis clon. CLONING reproductive v therapeutic cloning Petri dish transhumanism the genetic divide mitosis (cell division) science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind (Albert Einstein) reprogenetics, designer babies science cannot be contained anyhow selective breeding, sélection animale the Gattaca argument (only for the rich) human guinea pigs, Versuchskaninchen undignified, gegen jede Menschenwürde excitement of this extraordinary development in life as in science it is necessary to distinguish between chastity and impotence Dolly, Scottish scientist Ian Wilmut, Roslin Institute near Edinburgh, put down, piquée procedures for human cloning, follicle, la bulbe d'un cheveu nuclear transfer involves taking the genetic material from one cell and putting it into an egg from which the nucleus has been removed, transferts de noyaux cellulaires eugenics, risques pour les libertés publiques, donner une tonalité sécuritaire, fichier d'empreintes génétiques germ line therapy, the human germ line, Keimbahntherapie transgenic species, human-animal hybrids, chimères cloning from adult cells, (autologous) without risk of an immune reaction in the grafting recipient Our Posthuman Future (2002) Francis Fukuyama Dr Strangelove (1964) Dr Folamour, Dr Seltsam embryo splitting we already have nuclear transfer, what do we need cloning for? conventionally bred, Züchtung traditional breeding techniques germinal products (semen, oocytes and embryos collected or produced viable embryos, lebensfähig, Anomalien 75% perinatal mortality in the embryos labelling traceability animal welfare nano materials reproductive material, semen 1 cloned animals 2 their offspring (progeny) 3 descendants (subsequent generations) where at least one of the progenitors is an animal clone generations of descendants, Nachkommen labelling for the first generation of the offspring of cloned animals first-generation cloned offspring and subsequent generations first-generation cloned meat F1 Folge-Generation marketing of live clones cloning for farming purposes food from cloned animals cloning of animals for food production meat products derived from cloned animals nove. NOVEL FOODS GM feed, novel feed, engineered food, products obtained using biotechnology PMA Pre Marketing Authorisation placing on the market SCNT Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Chia seeds plant extracts peptide products medicinal products baobab dried fruit pulp the synthetic vitamin K2 intended for use in food supplements vitamins, minerals and other substances processed cereal-based food food for special medical purposes infant formula and follow-on formulae baby food for infants and young children total diet replacement for weight control Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine traditional food from a third country safety assessment for traditional foods history of safe food use in a third country 25 years as a part of the customary diet gmo. GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS cultivated v wild restricting v prohibiting invasiveness v persistence immediate v delayed effects GM v conventional v organic safe handling v use v transfer v disposal GMO, OGM Cartagena protocol on biosafety, GM-free food, biopiracy Rio Convention, additional protocol on bio-safety directives: 1 contained use, Laborrichtlinie 2 deliberate release, Freisetzung research facilities, Forschungsanlagen industrial facilities, Fertigungsanlagen crop licensing non-GM growers the feed-food chain ESA European Seed Association seed marketing rules GM seeds, GM crops plant propagating material plant reproductive material science-based, rules-based approving new GMO crops antibiotic-resistant marker genes webworm, le parasite de la pyrale pre-mixed with conventional produce national bans on EU-authorised crops compulsory labelling, Kennzeichnung co-existence (conventional, organic, GM) the issue is broader than whether large-scale use of the biological insecticide Bt toxin (from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis) produced by GM crops imperils Monarch butterflies farmer's privilege, sale of breeding stock animals, Compassion in World Farming adventitious (unintended, accidental) presence of nonapproved GMO horizontal gene transfer from plants to micro-organisms and the human intestine? engineered to produce such characteristics as resistance to pests and herbicides, GMOs could wipe out native species liability, compensation, traceability, labelling, GM-free, biotech companies 1996 COM approves Ciba-Geigy's GM maize, Novartis after three EU scientific committees deem it safe genetically-modified soya beans, Gensoja, la biotechnologie verte GM maize, disease-resistant transgenic maize, increased resistance to pesticides, the antibiotic Ampicillin cultivars (crop varieties) authorisation request authorised for commercial cultivation marketing authorisation, Marktzulassung insect-resistant crop GM herbicide-tolerant crops Amflora is a GM potato owned by BASF the glufosinate-tolerant trait of Pioneer 1507 maize produces Bt-toxin (Bacillus thuringiensis) Cry1F MON 810 maize (Monsanto, Roundup Ready corn) non-target lepidoptera, butterflies and moths, coléoptères the European corn borer, la pyrale du maïs, Maiszünsler FIELD TRIALS interbreeding GM crop trials cross-pollination negligent release precautionary principle protect surrounding fields the receiving environment accidental contamination cumulative long-term effects implications of gene transfer release into the environment risks to animal or plant health effects on non-target organisms the notifier submits a notification for a release seed. SEED DUS distinct uniform stable (new varieties) biotech companies flooding the country with GM crops GM-based seed, gene-altered seeds, multinationals in the chemicals and seeds sectors, economic considerations VCU value cultivation use plant propagating material, Saatgut gezüchtet, nachgebaut semi materiali di nicchia Erstmelder piante da futo Gärtnerei Erhaltungssorten, maintenance PATENTABILITY brain drain of EU scientists to US legal protection of biotechnological inventions patentability, opponents of genetic patenting, patenting of genetic material, patenting of animal species and plant varieties, la patrimonialité, prendre des brevets, le brevet n'est pas une licence d'exploitation, Biopatente non-traceability of human material, Antiindividualisierungsformel, Nichtrückführbarkeit auf ein Individuum genetic engineering, génie génétique, Gen-technologie the 1998 Directive allows patenting of GM plants and animals but not humans, the human body, at the various stages of its formation and development, the simple discovery of one of its elements cannot constitute a patentable invention food. FOOD SAFETY UECBV European Livestock and Meat Trades Union Food Standards Agency (UK) country-of-origin labelling for meat in processed foods presence of undeclared horsemeat horsemeat, viande chevaline, plats surgelés, Findus (Comigel, Metz) food scientists be tested for bute test positive for bute food quality compliance test positive for the anti-inflammatory vet painkiller phenyl butazone linked to blood dyscrasia (bute) safety alerts price competition a withdrawal period entered the food chain industrialised food production standalone meat-cutting plants licensed to slaughter horses for food vet residues, medical residues chemical v physical treatment pre-packaged foods v sold loose fresh v convenience (processed) consumers v food manufacturers fast food v slow food (sustainable, local) the Codex Alimentarius Committee (food standards) meets once every two years in either Rome or Geneva (FAO, WHO) Dublin, the food and vet office, the vet agency, food control authorities (part of SANCO) EFSA European Food Safety Authority (Parma) Management Board SCOFCAH Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health food sector conditions of use placing on the market labelling requirements intended for food uses post-market monitoring foods and food ingredients market authorisation procedure risk assessment and risk management particle size of engineered nanomaterials individual authorisations and generic authorisations enzymes, additives, flavourings, extraction solvents FDA Food and Drug Administration (US) SCF Scientific Committee for Foodstuffs NRV Nutrient Reference Value RDA Recommended Daily Allowance RDI Recommended Daily Intake ready meals from farm to fork very low-cal diets veterinary controls improved shelf-life climate-smart food safety is paramount designations of origin yeast in bread-making country-of-origin labelling labelling for organic foods emergency recall systems general food law regulation open package, eat contents food wastage from uneaten leftovers to spoiled produce composition and nutritional value the share of income spent on food nutritional information, fat, salt, sugar legislative and regulatory environment biotech industry, approval of GM crops switch from fresh to convenience foods botulism, zatrucie jadem kiełbasianym transfats (fatty acids that extend shelf life) registration and approval of food businesses producers, processors, manufacturers, traders (distributors, retailers), consumers, agricultural, industrial and commercial interests operators in the food chain (primary production, processing, transport, handling and distribution, display at final point of sale) veterinary (vetrinry) legislation includes definitions of meat, red meat, poultry meat, rabbit meat, farmed game, wild game, fishery products, bivalve molluscs, milk, milk products, egg products, eggs, snails, frogs’ legs vertical directives (cocoa and chocolate products, sugars, honey, fruit juices, jams, jellies and marmalades, preserved milk, coffee extracts, natural mineral waters) horizontal hygiene directive, preparation v processing v manufacturing, v packaging v storage v transportation v handling v offering for sale or supply of foodstuffs genetically-modified tomatoes, non-propagable items such as ketchup meet safety standards, strict conditions, nutritional standards due diligence defence (all reasonable steps have been taken) hacc. spot checks v systematic checks HACCP Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points, hotspots (critical points) where hazards are most likely to occur RASFF Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed EWRS Early Warning and Response System health scares innocent victim quality assurance compliance, naleving likely causative nature, a link between kept in different cabinets adulterated, tainted, frelaté food hygiene-related practices mutual recognition, équivalence consultation of interested parties food safety, sécurité alimentaire, gesundheitliche Unbedenklichkeit outbreaks of food-borne disease enforcement and control methods food and drink processing industries own-brand products in supermarkets, produits blancs effluent solids (sewage waste) in feed inspection, sampling, testing methods binding legislation v voluntary instruments pose a serious and urgent public health risk food manufacturers, food processing factories primary agricultural production, placing on the market, product liability in the foodstuffs sector national approval authorities, registered by the competent authorities, food legislation already in place, set cumulative tolerances, environmental health officer, food inspector cold chain, Kühlkette temperature control for chilled foods, domestic fridge running at, freezer compartment, freezer-burn, cookchill, frozen food, when first frozen the one door, one key principle (a single procedure to assess all relevant risks) standardisation and codes of practice, the ISO 9000 and EN 29 000 series, Normung processed foodstuffs sector, SMEs and the giants of the agro-food industry primary responsibility for the production of safe and wholesome food lies with the producers and industry competent control authorities, control and inspection systems foodstuffs legislation, foodstuffs sector, denrée alimentaire links in the food distribution chain, catering establishment, clean and wholesome, cleanliness of staff and premises, food preparation habits, materials in contact with food, handling, washing facilities, hand towels, Horeca, Sodexho recycled fats from a public waste dump, used chip fat, dioxin food poisoning, food-borne disease, intoxication lay down general principles, specific requirements vete. VETERINARY offal, abats veterinary hygiene cause health effects meat inspection rules set limit values in ppm equivalency agreements animal feeding practices slaughterhouse, abattoir veterinary drug residues nematodes, Wurmverfall authorisation procedures, common assessment principles, the 60-day rule fungicide, anticrittogamici comminuted meat products (mince) carcinogens, agents cancérigènes maximum residue levels, Rückstände hygiene standards for processing plants germinative, virulent spores, keimauslösend addi. ADDITIVES ADI Acceptable Daily Intake, DJA Dose journalière admissible GDA Guideline Daily Amount JECFA Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives additive-free high-fibre, vezelrijk extraction solvents distribution, Vertrieb garbled message, vendu sous une appellation, la description commerciale, à base de lait caillé shrink-wrapped, lyophilisé BASF, Roche, bulk vitamins clarified butter, Butterschmalz MSG Mono Sodium Glutamate cyclamate (gelatin for desserts, jellies, jams and toppings) emulsifying agent, Emulgatoren tatrazine (E102), colouring agents flavours, aromatisant, Aromastoffe preservatives, conserveermiddelen organoleptic qualities (taste and smell) food compositional standards, les formulateurs, Wirkstoffzusammensetzung vulnerable groups, gluten-free bread for diabetics celiac disease artificial sweeteners for use in foodstuffs, saccharine, sucrilose, acesulfame K (potassium, kalium), édulcorants aspartame (phenylanaline, amino acids, methanol) a review of the available evidence mg per kg of body weight (milligrams per kilo) metabolism, Stoffwechsel metabolite, Zwischenprodukt quantum satis (enough to achieve the intended purpose) used on a very sparing basis dietary habits, dietary supplements, dietetic foods labe. LABELLING FIC Food Information for Consumers QUID Quantitative Declaration of Ingredients, unit pricing, detail of ingredients, quantités déclarées en pourcentage Sauce Béarnaise case (list of ingredients must contain sufficient information), Verzeichnis der Zutaten, Zutatenangaben storage instructions front-of-pack labels sugar, fat, saturated fats trans fats (trans fatty acids, partially hydrogenated vegetable oils) carry country-of-origin labels particular product categories traffic lights, Ampelkennzeichen salt (sodium chloride), low-sodium herbs, spices, vegetable seasonings quality marks for traditional foodstuffs food and food ingredients, positive list convenience stores, small retailers, outlets detailed labelling of contents, Kennzeichnung sold loose, produits alimentaires non-emballés datemarking provisions, past its sell-by date (metaphorical use also), best by, use-by requirement, date de péremption, haltbar bis food labelling directive, presentation and advertising of foodstuffs, étiquetage nutritionnel, Kennzeichnung binding (mandatory) food labelling rules, labelling requirements ecolabel award system, Blauer Engel, Qualitätssiegel, Gütezeichen, marchio ecologico, rótulo adequate and relevant information, information available on label, presence of known allergens, clearly indicated mandatory range packet sizes, package-size limitations clai. HEALTH CLAIMS, allégations EFSA nutritional profiles, Nährwertprofile low-fat high-fibre baby food sugar, salt low-energy brand names reduces cholesterol amount per serving fast-track procedure fat content, lipids, glucids pulses are a rich source of protein essential fatty acids and antioxidants weight loss products, appetite depressants make false claims Bovril, Oxo, Marmite, fortified foods with added vitamins dietary supplements, additives, vitamins, minerals changing eating habits, dietary habits, healthy foods polyunsaturated fats, carbohydrates, protein, fibre RADIATION treated articles the logo, Siegel für Bestrahlung biological hazards, pose no health hazard treated with ionising radiation, authorised for irradiation, irradiation of foodstuffs to prolong shelf-life, Strahlenbehandlung egf. European Globalisation Adjustment Fund mid-term review co-funding (ESF, EAFRD rural development) applications to the EGF scope, portée, Anwendungsbereich support triggered by a minimum threshold of redundancies made redundant redundancy plan, plan social redundancy pay, indemnité de licenciement voluntary redundancies, départs volontaires EGF money not there to finance MS obligations farmers affected by trade agreements continuation of the crisis derogation blocked by Council coordinated package of tailor-made (personalised) training, re-training services ICT mentoring advisory services job-search assistance occupational guidance aid for self-employment outplacement assistance entrepreneurship promotion investments in physical assets certification of acquired experience some MS do not apply because of the low co-financing rate re-integration rate blocking minority in Council to the extension of the current derogation for the financial crisis ‘a worker’ means owner-managers of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and self-employed workers (including farmers) empl. soci. EMPLOYMENT, SOCIAL AFFAIRS Employment, Social Affairs, Inclusion understaffed v overmanning a single open-ended contract social and employment law self-employed and sole traders self-employed and seeking work ADAPT adapting to industrial change, mutations industrielles AWD Agency Workers Directive, temporary agency workers, Leiharbeit ELMPC Employment and Labour Market Policy Committee EPSCO Employment, Social Policy, Health, Consumer Affairs ETUC European Trade Union Confederation, Gen Sec Bernadette Ségol, ex John Monks, la CES ETUC competence centres, ETUI European Trade Union Institute, SDA Social Development Agency EURES European Employment Services GIR Group on Industrial Restructuring ILO, BIT LEI Local Employment Initiatives, pactes territoriaux pour l’emploi PWD Posting of Workers Directive, undercutting national wage agreements site, Standort spring summit workplace relations European social model flattening of hierarchies employment policy guidelines industrial tribunal, les prud'hommes minimum standards, socle minimum integrated guidelines for growth and jobs worker co-management, co-determination, Mitbestimmung, co-gestion social dialogue, management and workers, social partners, both sides of industry, Tarifpartner reduced rate of VAT on labour-intensive services employee share ownership, actionnariat des salariés labo. LABOUR MARKET CDI Contrat à durée indéterminée Jobs Act CDD Contrat de travail à durée déterminée SMAG Salaire minimum agricole garanti SMIG Salaire minimum interprofessionnel garanti SMIC Salaire minimum interprofessionnel de croissance job destruction v job creation deliver sinners Kurzarbeit levels of pay social carers the public sector labour productivity employment growth trade union divisions reduced working time we seek to build on Europe’s strengths, economic efficiency and social justice, inclusive and with high living standards "open single contract" confidence indicators in regular employment piece rates, Taktarbeit alleviating the social pressures, Beruhigung der Lage our vast labour reserve high-tech growth sectors changes in the job market unsubsidised employment sectors, Branchen, Sparten British jobs for British workers neighbourhood jobs, all the little jobs, childminding, gardening, caring for the elderly, emplois de proximité work time sharing programmes fixed-term contracts, Zeitvertrag access to the labour market excluded from the labour market two-speed labour market, dualiste jobseekers, demandeurs d’emploi legally binding collective agreements travel-to-work areas, bassins d'emploi job-creation potential, gisements d'emplois step-change to an active policy, volontariste multilateral surveillance (of the labour market) transitions from training to work, Übergänge jobs in manufacturing, skilled manufacturing workers flex. FLEXIBILITY agency workers, travailleurs d'intérim, intérimaires, Leiharbeitnehmer zero-hours contracts Stammbelegschaft, Urlaubsvertretung costly rules protecting permanent workers employees on long-term contracts enjoy extensive job protections and benefits voucher work, Gutscheinsarbeit flexible labour market decline in real income open-ended contracts atypical work contracts job insecurity, precarity, précarité temporary workers have minimal job security and relatively few benefits growing worker insecurity job-sharing, Arbeitsteilung casualisation, précarisation deregulation of the labour market flexicurity (job security and flexibility) mac-jobs, burger-flipping, hamburger flippers, one-euro jobs, contratos basura the wider employability and adaptability agenda, employment-friendly legal environment, employment content of proposals management of working time, flexible working arrangements, flexitime informal economy, undeclared work, cerner l'économie souterraine STRIKE Monti 2 regulation (collective action) right to strike management lock-out go-slow, grève perlée wildcat strike, grève sauvage rolling strike, débrayage tournant sympathy strike, grève de solidarité work-to-rule, grève du zèle, strajk włoski scabs cross picket-lines (blacklegs, strikebreakers), jaunes, crumiros, esquirol in defence of their jobs and their living standards tran. TRANSFERS, transfer directive, transfers of undertakings, transferor disposal of assets transfer the registered office cross-border transfer of company seats safeguarding employees' rights, droits acquis insolvency of the employer, suspension of payments, liquidation, winding up liquidator, syndic, Verwalter go into receivership, the receiver, insolvency administrator, syndic de faillite, Konkursverwalter comp. COMPANIES PLC Private Limited Company, Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung company law company structure branches, succursales subsidiaries, filiales, Tochtergesellschaft annual accounts of companies with limited liability, die Bilanzdirektive parent company, société mère, Muttergesellschaft set up a holding company, société de participation oHG Offene Handelsgesellschaft, general partnership KG limited partnership, Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien mutu. MUTUALS social entrepreneurship the mutualist movement statute on mutuals (mutual societies) third sector, Gegenseitigkeitsgesellschaften the most appropriate form of delivery for social services is public and voluntary sector provision, including inhouse mutuals and cooperatives will welcome the new-found recognition for the social economy comp. EUROPEAN COMPANY STATUTE Vredeling Directive, information and consultation, right to consultation ECS European Company Statute, EAG Europäische Aktiengesellschaft EA European Association, EUV Europäischer Verein SE Societas Europaea, European Private Company, Privatgesellschaft ECS European Cooperative Society, EUGEN Europäische Genossenschaft EEIG European Economic Interest Grouping EMS European Mutual Society, EUGES, Gegenseitigkeitsgesellschaft EPC European Private Company corporate governance listed companies, börsennotiert AGM Annual General Meeting, Hauptversammlung SUP Societas Unius Personae, single member limited liability company comply or explain equity turnover, Aktienumsatz WORKS COUNCIL 1994 European Works Council, cross-border enterprises, comité d'entreprise, Betriebsrat worker participation, worker involvement in decisionmaking two-tier system (management board and a separate supervisory board), two-tier management structure, conseil de surveillance, dualistisches System, Aufsichtsrat plus Verwaltungsrat single-tier structure (management board with workforce representatives), monistisches System corporate governance supervisory board, Aufsichtsrat management board, Vorstand shareholders, Aktionäre cap, Vergütungsobergrenze performance-related pay variable v fixed bonuses, Boni non-voting shares protection of creditors, Gläubigerschutz minority shareholders non-resident shareholder, gebietsfremd work. WORKING TIME 1993 WTD Working Time Directive, excluded sectors, transitional period, replacing rostering with shift working Sunday working health and safety compensatory rest an opt-out à la carte minimum rest periods review, revision clause MS currently in breach poor working conditions in explosive atmospheres does the inactive part of on-call duty count as full working time? Bereitschaftsdienst, guardia Sozialarbeiter, Feuerwehr a cut in hours and a cut in pay calculated in percentage terms by law or collective agreement workers on board fishing vessels control over the hours one works mobile workers, offshore, roulants on-call time, be it active or inactive daily, monthly, annual working hours job-sharing, job rotation schemes, alternance reference period, annualisation, flexibility 48 hours a week, by worker v by contract multiple contracts, Mehrfacharbeitsverträge with, without loss of earnings, Lohnausgleich short-haul drivers, transport operators, self-employed, own-account, owner truck drivers applying to the individual worker not to the job, by individual not by contract expand capacity, training doctors takes time, places in medical schools (intake), doctors in training, trainee doctors, junior doctors, BMA British Medical Association working hours, irregular hours, night work, public holidays dredging workers, Hafennassbaggerei, les dragueurs reorganisation of working hours, working-time reductions ruli. RULINGS case law, Luxembourg Laval, SW trade union tried to force a LV service provider to sign a collective agreement Rüffert, public contracts, public authorities insisting on collective agreement rates from tendering companies Viking Rosella dispute, substitution of Finnish seafarers by lower-cost Baltic crews skil. SKILLS ESP European Skills Passport matching skills v mismatch skills, skilled, skilling job skills skill sets skills gap re-skilling up-skilling de-skilling skills audit the skill mix obsolete skills acquire new skills lacking basic skills update our portfolio of skills constant upgrading of skills core skills, foundation skills, socle reinforce the skill level of the workforce leave school without recognised qualifications isn't it strange we still have skills shortages? Qualifikationen, pénuries de compétences STEM science technology engineering maths, posts that can't be filled a learning society skilled labour force throughout working life skills, knowledge and adaptability knowledge, skills and qualifications employability in a knowledge society skilled, trained and adaptable workforce add to the pool of talent, energy, enterprise unter dem Begriff Qualifizierung versteht man den Vorgang zur Erlangung von Fähigkeiten (Qualifikationen) adult education YTS Youth Training Scheme a springboard into new jobs move from one job to another find skilled workers to fill vacancies those returning to work after a break retraining schemes, training in new technologies full-time education or training, the training provider, initial, ongoing training, revalidation educ. EDUCATION move to catchment areas the best education money can't buy ARWU Academic Ranking of World Universities (Shanghai Ranking), classifica, classement de Shanghai an empty carrel class is dismissed a week before commencement bachelor's v master's degree private schools v state schools the sending school v the host school primary v secondary v tertiary (higher) skills, capacités knowledge, connaissances key competences, compétences mutual recognition, équivalence LMD Licence (Bac+3), Master (Bac+5), Doctorat (Bac+8) ADVANCIA Bachelor, Master NARIC National Academic Recognition Centres PISA Programme for International Student Assessment, PISA test of reading and maths Bologna process 1999 Bologna declaration ministerial conference Yerevan 14/15 May fully-functioning common higher education area 3% GDP in R&D by 2020 40% 30-34 with a university degree have employable skills promote flexible learning paths targeted peer learning measures Comenius (schools) EHEA European Higher Education Area Erasmus for all Erasmus (universities) teacher and trainer mobility Erasmus Mundus, students, researchers, teachers, becas Eurydice (info on EU education systems) Grundtvig (adult education) SOCRATES the College of Europe campuses in Natolin and Bruges Ploteus, database on learning opportunities modularity providers new tools to map out tuition fees free movers peer learning stakeholders civics, civilité means-testing ECTS European Credit Transfer System ECVET European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training EILC Indicator of Linguistic Competence, mother tongue, MT plus 2, foreign languages, early language learning EQF European Qualifications Framework university top-up fees, tuition fees, student loans, saddled with debts for life, commons rebellion, lose the division in the commons, take a career break, gap year reference tool a crib, cheat sheet, σκονάκι careers adviser meta-framework head, proviseur imparting values dean of the faculty learning outcomes seconded, détaché funding mechanism excellence in schools Copenhagen process (vocational training) CEDEFOP Vocational Training (Thessaloniki) ETF European Training Foundation (Turin) LEONARDO further training, VT the pass-fail rate take-up, appropriation fee-paying day schools modules, Lerneinheiten higher-education budgets give an end-of-term report year, promotion, Jahrgang without any formal education classrooms, libraries and labs underperforming academically the drop-out rate on my course a wealth v dearth of knowledge competences and qualifications Europass portfolio EVS volunteers, voluntary sector, volunteering GSA Golden Star Awards KCLL Key Competences for Lifelong Learning LLL Life Long Learning NOW equal opportunities ESL Early School Leaving, failing at school, échec scolaire tackle educational disadvantage, early school leavers, low basic skills learning to learn, problem-solving validation of non-formal learning cultural awareness and expression develop skills for the labour market transnational mobility programmes general knowledge, bagage culturel the educationalists, les pédagogues placements, stages dans l’entreprise mathematical competence, numeracy sense of initiative and entrepreneurship further training, Aus- und Weiterbildung interpersonal, intercultural, social, civic competence, active citizenship chalk and talk, traditional teaching, whiteboard, flipchart, PowerPoint presentation, visuals, handouts civics, instil a sense of citizenship, foster active citizenship, civilité fresh-faced youngsters, ces jeunes avides de connaissances command, range of language skills, linguistic competence unem. UNEMPLOYMENT l'armée de réserve du capitalisme NEET Not Education Employment Training YGS Youth Guarantee Scheme IG METALL (Bündnis für Arbeit) Hartz IV labour reforms ALG2Empfänger (Arbeitslosengeld II) les errémistes, RMI Revenu minimum d'insertion, traitement social du chômage, TUCs Travaux d'utilité collective workfare (community work for people receiving unemployment benefit), welfare-to-work schemes put on short-time working, being laid off, CIG Cassa Integrazione Guadagni, chômage technique, chômage partiel working-time accounts instead of lay-offs unionised host country plant closures jobs are scarce active population unemployment benefit skills, Qualifizierungen collective redundancies social protection systems labour-intensive capital-intensive jobless growth growth-friendly job-rich sectors job-intensity, Beschäftigungsintensität waste of human resources the employer's contribution through no fault of their own cooperative growth strategy 7.97 Renault Vilvoorde closes made redundant as a result of full employment, le plein emploi on the scrapheap, sur le carreau at a time of rising unemployment LFSS Labour Force Sample Survey trainees on placements, stagiaires collective agreements, Tarifverträge reach the end of unemployment benefits, chômeur en fin de droit jobs on the line, sureffectifs, esuberi temporary agency directive, agency work on a course, il est pas là, il est en formation seeking employment sign on at the JobCentre, enregistré à pôle emploi registered unemployed, get them off the register, massage the official jobless figures areas of high unemployment, long-term unemployment, youth unemployment Stellenabbau, Abbau von ABM-Stellen, (Arbeitsbeförderungsmassnahmen) flanking measures, soziale Abfederung, mesures d'accompagnement unemployment, those disconnected from the labour market, Erwerbslosigkeit, Erwerbstätigkeit, paro pens. PENSIONS pension calculator adequate, safe, sustainable funded v unfunded immediate v deferred contributory v non-contributory period of employment v of inactivity statutory v voluntary pension schemes dormant members v retired scheme members IORPs Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision Ircantec (Institution de retraite complémentaire des agents non titulaires de l’État et des collectivités publiques) Hacklerregelung (exemptions to pensionable age) SERPS State Earnings Related Pension Scheme first pillar (statutory schemes), minimum state pension provision, state old-age pension regardless of income second pillar, funded occupational retirement provision, work-based, contributions are used to purchase a pool of assets to provide income for retirement, Betriebsrenten third pillar (supplementary pension rights), RiesterRenten funded system, capitalisation pay-as-you-go system, répartition Two kinds of capitalisation: 1 defined-benefits system 2 defined-contributions system claimants weightings age-related pension pot means-testing length of service capital coverage become payable pensionable age actuarial assessment, mortality table, discount rates a severance grant benefits paid under dependent children take early retirement correction coefficient start to draw a pension pension rights accrued make pension provision to reach state pension age entitlement, fulfil conditions the employer's contributions portability, transferability of pension rights, moving to new employment, encouraged to be mobile industry-wide pension fund calculating pension benefits higher-earning, lower-earning final-salary pension schemes by reason of death or invalidity accrual of rights, droits acquis net of taxes, deducting inflation meet its liabilities, commitments pensions are actuarially reduced ceased their occupational activity statutory social security schemes retirement plans, plans de retraite periods of time worked, length of time, counting towards, years of pensionable service acquired, credited contribution years, period of service retroactiveness of pension rights pension provision, pension levels reach retirement age, pension age those with incomplete contributions supplementary pension entitlement extremely well-funded pension scheme unfunded pay-as-you-go state schemes the elderly, senior citizens, troisième âge take a lump sum and a reduced pension vested rights and legitimate expectations hardship cases, fallen on hard times, cas de rigueur survivor's pension, pension de réversion scale, under a calculation formula, barème deferred pension entitlement, deferred rights does not exceed the maximum permitted under biometric risks, longevity cover, disability cover period during which a couple was married, since the death of his wife, in respect of her spouse reactivation of a dormant claim, Dynamisierung von ruhenden Anwartschaften book reserves schemes (benefits paid by employers directly to employees from company funds), PAYG (Pay As You Go) schemes pension funds, supervisory authorities, investment rules, prudential framework vesting period, période de stage, imprescriptible, Unverfallbarkeitsfrist granting, assessment, settle a claim, reasoned rejection of claim, octroi, calcul seeking to use early retirement, actuarially reduced pension regardless of age, sex, handicap, healthy, disabled refused to grant, apply for a review on the grounds pens. PENSION FUND board, conseil d'administration supplementary (voluntary) pension scheme, fondo di vitalizio integrativo SICAV (investment fund) equities actualiser the payout annualise it benefit rates pension fund board, bureau investment gains the fund managers, les responsables an acquired right alpha, beta funds the tax authorities assets and liabilities reach retirement age no capital sum option benefits, prestations on a cost-neutral basis the rules for the scheme contributions, cotisations lump sum, Barauszahlung blue chip equities, au dessus du benchmark assets and liabilities, actifs current members of a scheme rights acquired, droits acquis the payout (pensions paid out) the assets decrease over time pensions are paid every month the income stream has dried up start to draw (get) their pension maintain viable pension systems an independent portfolio evaluator performance, delivering a return, earnings, dividends index-tracking funds, FT 100 index above fifty and below pension age the Statute is an unfunded scheme quand le fonds arrive à épuisement when the Members' Statute kicks in seniority in terms of length of service interest due, les intérêts qui étaient dûs increase the retirement age from 60 to 63 supplementary pension scheme (voluntary) underwrite the scheme, endosser la garantie femm. wome. WOMEN'S RIGHTS midwife (etym. with woman) gender, gendering, gendered March 8, le jour de la femme Alt 12 ♀ FEMM women’s rights, gender equality Employment, Social Affairs, Equal Opportunities EIGE European Institute for Gender Equality, Vilnius EWL European Women's Lobby COPEC Joint Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men, Comité paritaire pour l'égalité des chances mainstreaming, intégration gender-blind gender issues gender studies gender pay gap gender budgeting gender wage gap gender differences gender or ethnicity gender determinism the gender dimension gender-specific division of labour sexual orientation and gender identity gendercide (sex selection) abortion on the basis of gender selection women's organisations Alice Schwarzer, Emma Ni putes ni soumises (2003) Fadela Amara (Neither Whores Nor Submissives) The Vagina Monologues (1996) Eve Ensler my body my rights empowerment sessions marginalisation, social exclusion 1995 World Women's Conference in Beijing specific, hard, verifiable, regularly updated, legallybinding targets, streefcijfers zipper list system (women and men alternate on party lists), tirette, constitution de binômes, lista cremallera patriarchal view of the world, head of household, paterfamilias single mothers by choice, BOM bewust ongehuwde moeders portrayal of women in the media, projecting negative and degrading images, sexual stereotyping, shift in culture and attitudes, image consultant equal treatment, opportunities, outcomes, Gleichstellung righ. RIGHTS discrimination, achterstelling CEDAW UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women Article 13 discrimination based on (for reasons of, on grounds of) gender, racial or ethnic origin, ethnicity, religious belief, disability, age, sexual orientation Barber judgment (equality in company pension schemes) ruling in the Test-Achats case (C-236/09) Kalanke judgment (limits to positive discrimination, quotas, affirmative action), action positive reference to sexual and reproductive health rights and sexual autonomy for women rights of girls and women, girl child, universal human rights, inalienable, integral, indivisible, human rights and women's rights, UN Charter on the Rights of the Child individualisation, individual rights, rights independent of marital or family status, as opposed to derived rights, droits propres, individualisering reversal of the burden of proof, Umkehr der Beweislast sex selection, woman killing, feminicidios abor. ABORTION 1973 Roe v Wade (US) morning-after pill, the abortifacient RU 486 pill at legal clinics partial-birth abortion AIDS, sex education abortions performed and survived and thrived SRHR Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights sexual and reproductive healthcare clinics mature and serious debate because of medical advances if men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament (Florynce Kennedy) confinement, Entbindung, τοκετός backstreet abortions, faiseuses d'ange the time between referral and procedure amniocentesis to ascertain sex of foetus 1921 Marie Stopes opens Britain's first birth control clinic natural childbirth, normal delivery, epidural, anaesthetic injected into the spine forceps delivery, delivered with forceps or a ventouse (suction device) abortion, terminate a pregnancy, not an acceptable form of contraception, pro-life (anti-abortion), pro-choice, IVG interruption volontaire de grossesse reproductive rights, alone have the power to decide, self-determination over our own body, the right to choose threatened miscarriages, increased risk for mother and child when a woman exercises her right to control her own body a referendum on Portugal's strict abortion laws failed due to low voter turn-out, de-criminalise, legalise abortion in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy birth control, planned parenthood the unmet need for family planning value-free access to medical services the number and spacing of their children ivf. IVF In Vitro Fertilisation, PMA Procréation médicalement assistée, une fiv surrogate mothers, surrogacy, mères porteuses, GPA Gestation pour autrui PID Pre Implantation Diagnosis birth control fertility clinics fertility treatment in utero (in the womb) multiple pregnancies designer babies, spare parts mitochondrial replacement therapy a slippery slope to human germline modification sexual and reproductive health egg donation, hands off our ovaries! antenatal diagnostics, diagnostic prénatal fiddling with sperm and eggs (gametes), injection de spermatozoïdes dans l'ovule genetic manipulations, les chimères du futur, bouleverser les équilibres du génôme 25.7.78 test-tube baby, Louise Joy Brown born in Oldham General Hospital, bébé éprouvette prol. PRO-LIFE viable life grisly industry delivery rooms aborting a foetus late-term mothers export of embryos kill innocent children deny basic freedoms hospital sluice rooms right to life and identity killing of innocent babies from conception to death maternity wards, during pregnancy, recently given birth, breast-feeding contrary to medical ethics depth of God's love for mankind protests against abortion clinics death camps, holocaust, murder the true horror of legalised killing wonderful precious gifts from God the right to life is an inalienable right the uniqueness of every human being licences of clinics harvesting embryos so much suffering and pain in the world organs, tissues, cells obtained from babies darwinism, the theory of evolution, deism, theism, intelligent design babies in the womb, the unborn child, the unborn foetus fertilisation, Verschmelzung von Ei und Samenzelle euth. EUTHANASIA loi Leonetti, accompagnement des mourants in a persistent vegetative state, Eluana Englaro mercy killing assisted suicide breaking the taboo the right to die in dignity for compassionate reasons the end of other vital functions capable of giving valid consent volunteered for organ donation the criterion of brain stem death the need for artificial life support before natural death had occurred death was imminent and inevitable acting in the patient's best interests legalise assisted dying for the terminally ill the patient cannot ethically refuse treatment withdrawal of tube-feeding from patients with severe brain damage advance directives often known as living wills, Patientenverfügung coma, minimally conscious state, état végétatif, paucirelationnel insists on medical treatment at all costs, over-treat, unkind treatment, acharnement thérapeutique good palliative care, hospice, in a private care home demo. DEMOGRAPHY NRR Net Reproduction Rate TFR Total Fertility Rate, the average number of children that would be born to a woman over her lifetime the birth rate is the total number of births per 1000 of a population each year increase in life expectancy (people are living longer) fall below replacement levels raw results projections fluctuations if sustained sex ratios at birth lower infant mortality the level of fertility TFR at replacement the replacement rate sub-replacement fertility x children born per woman death rates (mortality rates), deaths per 1000 individuals per year combined with other factors sociologists and demógraphers women's social status correlates with work dependency ratio (number of people dependent on the working population) baby boom age pyramid demographics baby boomers in their late 50s twenty-somethings demographic trends the general population demographic timebomb the population of working age a demographic (the target audience) the elderly as a cohort of the population 65 plus getting on a silver fox active ageing healthy ageing independence and mobility ageing population, vergrijzing longer life expectancy at birth solidarity between generations the elderly, senior citizens, séniors higher life expectancy (living longer) twilight years (in the autumn of our lives) the cost of social and health provision the pressure on places in primary schools population explosion, démographie galopante birth dearths (falling birth rate) population decline shrinking population overall decline in population decline of the working age population stall the population decline and reverse it falling birth rate, decline in fertility, dénatalité, taux de fécondité net migration departure rate replacement migration a supply of cheap labour annual number of immigrants other population factors like emigration the gross number of immigrants needed of working age vulnerable members of society support a family soaring cost of education expenditure on health, social security, children, education disability pensions retirement pensions fewer of them are getting married number of women getting higher education growing female participation in the workforce has contributed to postponing marriage or bearing no children at all females make up more than half of all college students marry and start families high cost-of-living and job insecurity need for extra labour from children on farms conservative, less contraception and abortion increase in productivity have their own bedroom rather than share with siblings availability of contraception residents in urban areas have fewer children than people in rural areas having a larger family is often socially deprecated fertility rates women's role as mothers women's behaviour as consumers the pursuit of education delays marriage delaying or deciding against having children breeding like rabbits curb population growth family plannning in India the one-child policy in China if the age of childbearing increases explanations for falling fertility the steady rise in childbearing age the instability of modern partnerships those who cohabit without marrying are likely to have fewer children population aging population decline in advanced nations advances in medicine improvements in healthcare improved childcare provision nutrition, refrigeration, sanitation the number of siblings, aunts, uncles and extended family members the number of retired persons drawing public pensions natalist policies pay people to have children tax allowances for working parents a change towards family-friendly policies policy changes to encourage higher birth rates work. WORK treatment at work self-employed women re-entering the workplace in many branches of industry fewer promotion opportunities, végéter dans des carrières plates dress code, tenue vestimentaire dress for the job you want experience, skills, flexibility, disponibilité women form 82% of the part-time workforce participation of women in the labour market unequal access to health, training, education sexual harassment in the workplace, harcèlement, vertrouwenspersoon feminisation sex-stereotyping under-representation a typically female sphere female-dominated professions the high number of female workers reverse occupational under-representation reduce the gender gap in the labour market average female unemployment rate the number of jobless women is rising steadily gender pay gap equal pay for work of equal value paid less than our male colleagues disparity in wages (pay differentials) enter the job market access to employment women in economic life entering paid employment labour market opportunites active on the labour market employment, pay and working conditions come back after a career break parental leave, paternity leave, paid leave withdrawal of the maternity leave directive minimum 20 weeks of fully paid maternity leave WORK-LIFE BALANCE a healthier work-life balance reconcile work and family life balance family and professional life multi-tasking, juggling, gymnastique mothers seeking to go out into the workplace combine work and family, combine family duties and paid work, working from home bringing up children (parenting) bear chief responsibility for childcare unpaid work family helpers trailing spouse house husband care of the elderly unemployed women in touch with the inner child the realities of women's lives head-of-household allowance economically inactive women single parents with young children big families, familles nombreuses have a family, a social environment bear sole responsibility for housework childcare provision, crèche, kindergarten, nursery school, daycare centres, facilities deliver the three F's, family, freedom of choice, flexibility and with a kid on my arm I'm still an exceptional earner performing family tasks, femmes actives au foyer MMR Measles, Mumps, Rubella, ROR vaccin rubéoleoreillons-rougeole autism, Asperger syndrome whooping cough, coqueluche glas. GLASS CEILING careers guidance tokenism, femme alibi training advisory services general and vocational training girls are outperforming boys at school social competence is a vocational skill in top jobs top management in company boardrooms set quotas for the number of women mandatory quotas on corporate boards non-executive positions on company boards in senior positions in the upper echelons run for office eligibility pool power of nomination men and women alike in managerial positions representation of women access to political power parity on appointed bodies, la parité n'est pas acquise senior management positions participation in power structures adequate representation of women fulfil requirements (equally qualified) women in decision-making positions you're pulling the ladder up after you kicking away the ladder (making it difficult for other women) glass ceiling (invisible barriers), gläserne Decke viol. VIOLENCE DAPHNE (fight against violence towards women and children), abused women and the perpetrator ENOC Network of Ombudspeople for Children FGM Female Genital Mutilation, female circumcision, infibulation, grounds for asylum? Verstümmelung barbaric practices virginity tests rape within marriage shelter for battered women lesbians fear corrective rape prompted by abuse and crisis conviction rates for sexual violence are extremely low the dignity of men and women at work physical aggression, assault, mental harassment, mobbing violated women and girls impact of armed conflicts on women, denouncing rape as a weapon of war, rape camps in ex Yugoslavia, degrading treatment, forced pregnancy honour crimes, arranged marriages, forced marriages dehumanisation of sexuality, virtual violence, cybersex domestic violence, marital, in the home, conjugal sexual abuse and rape, date rape, men known to their victim, function of low social status, helpline EPO EUROPEAN PROTECTION ORDER victims of domestic violence under civil or administrative law to protect women from physical, sexual or psychological abuse if they flee abroad obtain a restraining order against an alleged stalker pove. POVERTY LPU Low Pay Unit (UK) Anti Poverty Network, l'APEN low earners the poverty trap access to credit poverty eradication welfare-to-work schemes means-testing of benefits school-leavers and women unemployment blackspots fuel poverty (winter fuel allowance) forcing households and pensioners into fuel poverty stock of housing held by local authorities groups hardest hit, pockets of deprivation financial independence, economic dependence one-parent, lone-parent families, monoparental dependency culture, security of life on the dole, welfare handouts, Sozialempfänger working poor, the waged poor, the poverty trap, pièges à l’emploi drift from long-term unemployment into social exclusion, tackling social exclusion, soziale Ausgrenzung homelessness a roof over their heads social housing, logements sociaux the homeless, SDF sans domicile fixe a right, le droit opposable au logement decent housing, vertretbare Unterbringung the urban poor, poverty alleviation, le quart monde women living in poverty, escape the poverty cycle, feminisation of poverty, poverty in old age equa. EQUALITY a very diverse staff May 22, 2015 same-sex marriage referendum in Ireland 17 May, International Day against Homophobia (IDAHO) FRA Fundamental Rights Agency ILGA International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association LGBTI lesbian gay bisexual transgendered intersex same-sex couples, marriages, enter into a same-sex civil union, recognised partnerships, registered civil partnerships, PACS Pacte de solidarité civile gay-baiting coming out equality bodies floats, carrozas gay pride march de facto couples sexual minorities unorthodox couples equality and diversity age of homosexual consent administrative and legal recognition gay marriage, le mariage pour tous discrimination against LGBTI persons narrow-mindedness regarding sexual morals discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation opened their marriage laws to same-sex couples disa. DISABILITY HORIZON (vocational training, retraining and employment programme with a specific focus on disability) benefit trap Freedom Drive disability groups get out and about sheltered housing independent living, autonomie people with reduced mobility world of work, rehabilitation mobility options (possibilités) Paralympics, Special Olympics mobility scooters, Elektromobile catering for people with disabilities independent living, personal assistance services, community-based services persons with disabilities, integration of the disabled, have a lot to offer design, style, issue, use of a disabled person's parking card, standard model card, used in parallel with existing cards architectural barriers, access, mobility, wheelchair access physically and mentally abused, this has to stop Braille accessibility hearing-impaired captioning and descriptive services sight-impaired, sign language, signing services for disabled users, transducer services, Wandlerdienste regi. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT macro-regions (functional areas), Danube, Baltic, IonianAdriatic macro-regions and sea-basins EUSAIR EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region TSGs Thematic Steering Groups macroeconomic conditionality (cohesion funding) heartlands v peripheries EU v national v regional v local DG Regio AMF Association des maires de France CALRE Conference of European Regional Legislative Assemblies REGLEG regions with legislative competences CCRLA Consultative Council of Regional and Local Authorities, collectivités territoriales CEMR Council of European Municipalities and Regions, CCRE Conseil des communes et des régions d'Europe CPMR Conference of Peripheral and Maritime Regions EGTC European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation, GECT ESPC Spatial Planning Committee, Raumordnung, aménagement du territoire INSPIRE spatial information, satellite images, temperature records, rainfall levels, ordnance survey maps ESPON European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion Interreg IV Strand A, cross-border cooperation, volet Strand B, transnational cooperation Strand C, interregional cooperation EaSI Employment and Social Innovation programme, ex PROGRESS JASPERS Joint Assistance to Support Projects in the European Regions (EIB) JASMINE Joint Action to Support Microfinance Institutions in Europe JEREMIE Joint European Resources for Micro to Medium Enterprises JESSICA Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas PPP Public Private Partnerships RIS3 Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation RURBAN Partnership for sustainable urban-rural development LRAs Local and Regional Authorities Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities 27 countries, 271 regions convergence v transition v competitiveness prosperity measured as a percentage of average GDP per capita 1 convergence regions 2 transition regions (intermediate category between 75 and 90%), Zwischenkategorie 3 competitiveness regions key drivers of development, moteurs stru. STRUCTURAL FUNDS 2020 smart, sustainable, inclusive growth economic v social v territorial cohesion ESIF European Structural and Investment Funds the general regulation for the funds multi-fund (the five funds) ESA 2010 European System of National and Regional Accounts, le SEC 2010 beni demaniali macroeconomic conditionality :-( exclude from the calculation of the deficit requalifier les dépenses d'investissement not counted as debt actifs patrimoniaux CPR Common Provisions Regulation (general regulation) CSF Common Strategic Framework (for all funds), GSK DP Development Partnerships sectoral Fund regulations ERDF regional, FEDER, EFRE ESF social EAFRD rural development, ELER, au titre des FEDER, FSE, FEADR EMFF maritime and fisheries MLG Multi Level Governance LDG Local Development Group CLLD Community Led Local Development ITIs (Integrated Territorial Investments) bundle several priority axes, Prioritäten-Axen PC Partnership Contract OPs Operational Programmes ROP Regional Operational Programmes, i POR performance reserve, leistungsbezogen thematic concentration, concentration thématique for the current (programming, funding) period, 2007-13, Programmförderperiode catching up leverage effect results-orientated draw down funding assisted-area status cross-border projects project selection criteria eligible, förderungsfähig delivery of structural funds projects of common interest reform of the structural funds microprojects, Kleinstprojekte settlement of final payment claims areas with low population density oversubscribed, far outstrip the capacity applications for funding far outstrip budget structural operations, ERDF, ESF, Cohesion targeting, focussing, concentrating, at the point of greatest need, which have structural needs additionality, matching funds, co-financing, our EU policies are only value-added they can't do the job on their own, europäischer Mehrwert funding streams, sources of finance, drawing down (uptake) funds, Strukturförderung, Förderintensität, Programmierungsabläufe DTLR (UK) Department of Transport, Local Government, the Regions the N+2 rule (automatic cancellation of commitment appropriations for the Structural Funds), désengagement, Verfall the watering-can effect, spreading ourselves too thin, saupoudrage population and geographical coverage, Bevölkerungskulisse half-completed invoices hamper effective operations cross-border programmes, International Fund for Ireland the statistical effect regions, soft landing, gradual phasing out of aid if region no longer eligible cor. CoR Committee of the Regions, Pres Michel Lebrun, ex Ramon Luis Valcárcel Siso, ex Mercedes Bresso 350 members Sec-Gen Jiří Buriánek as localities urban platform smart specialisation multi-tier governance Smart Cities initiative partnership agreement thematic concentration operational programmes Covenant of Mayors (energy), Pacte des maires subsidiarity monitoring, toets guardian of the subsidiarity principle olive oil in dipping bowls plans to ban refillable olive oil jugs shelved curvature of cucumbers, bent bananas, Neigungswinkel der Gurken, la curvatura del cetriolo Bureau, Präsidium EESC Pres Henri Malosse, Economic and Social Committee, organised civil society, CESE (Fabrizio) Barca report, future cohesion policy 4 groups: EPP, PES, ALDE, EA European Alliance Group COMMISSIONS, Fachkommissionen CAFA Comité des Affaires Financières et Administratives CIVEX Citizenship, Governance, Institutional Affairs, External Relations CONST affaires constitutionnelles, gouvernance européenne, espace de liberté, sécurité, justice COTER cohésion territoriale DEVE développement durable ECOS économique et sociale EDUC culture, éducation, recherche ENVE Environment, Climate Change, Energy NAT Natural Resources FSU Forward Studies Unit, Cellule de prospective CORLEAP Conference of Regional and Local Authorities of the Eastern Partnership ITAN Integrated Territorial Analysis of the Neighbourhood ARLEM Regional and Local Euro-Mediterranean Assembly CLRAE Congress LRA (Council of Europe) monitor subsidiarity, Subsidiaritätskontrolle des outils strand, volet cohesion report fiscal federalism towns and cities project selection strategic guidelines absorption capacity drawdown of funds the current programming period regions with law-making (legislative) powers, regional assemblies improve service delivery cross-border cooperation cantons and municipalities for sub-national government the role of local authorities whether municipal or regional seats on town councils in local council elections captured by local business elites regions and cities are key levers city and county councils, city halls enterprise boards, pôles d'attraction territorial partnership contracts, pacts Eurocities, peripheral maritime regions government procurement, die Vergabe redistribution, Ausgleich, Umverteilung a performance reserve for good performers, Leistungsreserve metropolitan areas (conurbations), Ballungsräume elected officials in local and regional assemblies, bring Europe closer to its citizens, link to the ordinary citizen, proximity, partnership regions enjoying legislative powers, the Scottish Parliament and other devolved legislatures local and regional government, in our regions and major cities, municipalities, local authority involvement, collectivités locales et régionales, Gebietskörperschaften, Städte und Regionen cross-border cooperation, European Greater Region (Rhine, Moselle, Saar, Meuse) devolution, regionalisation, devolved authorities, all politics is local galvanise and drive their regions, restore the sense of municipal pride in our major cities, ihresgleichen sucht nuts. NUTS territorial units for statistical purposes, nomenclature des unités territoriales statistiques at NUTS 2 level (region) at NUTS 3 level (district) at Community, national, sub-national level (regional, local), échelons infra-étatiques 210 NUTS 2 regions, ES autonomous regions, FR régions and DOMs, BE, NL provinces, IT regions, OE Länder, DE Regierungsbezirke, primary administrative sub-division of a Land 1093 NUTS 3 regions, DE Kreise, EL Nomoi, ES provinces, FI Maakunnat, FR départements, IT provinces, SW Län Prefecture of Rethymnon, Νομαρχία-Ρέθυμνο obje. OBJECTIVE1 LFA Less Favoured Areas reduce disparities, Gefälle lagging behind, Aufholbedarf gap widening not narrowing, Annäherung disadvantaged, strukturschwache Regionen infrastructure, équipements, capacité d’accueil des activités productives areas with specific handicaps (islands and coastal areas) OBJECTIVE 2, mutations industrielles urba. URBAN, cities and their immediate environment the new Objective 2 map, zonage industrial rundown inner-city blackspots depressed urban areas pockets of disadvantage local authority councillors depressed industrial area areas of industrial decline vast metropolitan regions urban regeneration projects rurbanisation (fringes, park and ride, bypasses, out-oftown shopping facilities), zones périurbaines dormitory towns and suburbs densely-populated urban areas adjustment to industrial change poverty, crime, low education levels polluted and derelict industrial sites new build brownfield sites, friches industrielles higher than average unemployment shuttered shops and vandalised property conversion of declining industrial regions an observable fall in industrial employment turned into spiffy gentrified neighbourhoods realities on the ground, une meilleure intégration dans le cadre du tissu Merseyside (Liverpool), Strathclyde (Glasgow) economic and social conversion of areas experiencing structural difficulties tackling areas (pockets) of acute, high deprivation OBJECTIVE 3, education, training, employment cohe. COHESION Alqueva dam 1981 Greek accession, IMPs Integrated Mediterranean Programmes new airport outside Athens, Eleftherios Venizelos, Σπατών subsidies to offset transport oncost faced by islands, cf road equivalent tariff, continuité territoriale Lusoponte Construction Consortium, new roadbridge over the Tagus 1979 Wild Birds Directive, SPA Special Protection Area, wetlands Cohesion Fund, EIF European Investment Fund, recipient countries, Spain, Greece, Portugal, Ireland pose. OUTERMOST outermost regions, ultraperipheral, les RUPs POSEI Programme d'options spécifiques à l'éloignement et à l'insularité POSEIDOM (French Overseas Departments) l'île de la Réunion, Martinique, Guadeloupe, French Guyana POSEIMA (Madeira), ARM Autonomous Region of Madeira sai. agriculture in the smaller Aegean islands SSA Special Supply Arrangements, the RSA (régime), MSA Mesures spéciales d'approvisionnement distance from markets, afastamento isolation, insularity, remoteness, small size PDO Protected Designation of Origin PGI Protected Geographical Indication delegated acts in accordance with Art 290 raw and processed agricultural products all Aegean islands except for Crete and Evia agricultural inputs, outputs and products intended for processing and which have been processed traditional farming methods terraces, drystone walls, traditional tanks increasing livestock population and demographic pressure AT11 Burgenland AT12 Niederösterreich AT13 Wien AT21 Kärnten AT22 Steiermark AT31 Oberösterreich AT32 Salzburg AT33 Tirol AT34 Vorarlberg BE10 Région de Bruxelles-Capitale BE21 Prov. Antwerpen BE22 Prov. Limburg (B) BE23 Prov. Oost-Vlaanderen BE24 Prov. Vlaams Brabant BE25 Prov. West-Vlaanderen BE31 Prov. Brabant Wallon BE32 Prov. Hainaut BE33 Prov. Liège BE34 Prov. Luxembourg (B) BE35 Prov. Namur BG Bulgaria BG11 Severozapaden BG12 Severen tsentralen BG13 Severoiztochen BG21 Yugozapaden BG22 Yuzhen tsentralen BG23 Yugoiztochen CY Cyprus CY00 Kibris CZ01 Praha CZ02 Strední Cechy CZ03 Jihozápad CZ04 Severozápad CZ05 Severovýchod CZ06 Jihovýchod CZ07 Strední Morava CZ08 Moravskoslezsko DE11 Stuttgart DE12 Karlsruhe DE13 Freiburg DE14 Tübingen DE21 Oberbayern DE22 Niederbayern DE23 Oberpfalz DE24 Oberfranken DE25 Mittelfranken DE26 Unterfranken DE27 Schwaben DE30 Berlin DE41 Brandenburg - Nordost DE42 Brandenburg - Südwest DE50 Bremen DE60 Hamburg DE71 Darmstadt DE72 Gießen DE73 Kassel DE80 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern DE91 Braunschweig DE92 Hannover DE93 Lüneburg DE94 Weser-Ems DEA1 Düsseldorf DEA2 Köln DEA3 Münster DEA4 Detmold DEA5 Arnsberg DEB1 Koblenz DEB2 Trier DEB3 Rheinhessen-Pfalz DEC0 Saarland DED1 Chemnitz DED2 Dresden DED3 Leipzig DEE1 Dessau DEE2 Halle DEE3 Magdeburg DEF0 Schleswig-Holstein DEG0 Thüringen DK00 Danmark EE00 Eesti ES11 Galicia ES12 Principado de Asturias ES13 Cantabria ES21 Pais Vasco ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra ES23 La Rioja ES24 Aragón ES30 Comunidad de Madrid ES41 Castilla y León ES42 Castilla-la Mancha ES43 Extremadura ES51 Cataluña ES52 Comunidad Valenciana ES53 Illes Balears ES61 Andalucia ES62 Región de Murcia ES63 Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta ES64 Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla ES70 Canarias FI13 Itä-Suomi FI18 Etelä-Suomi FI19 Länsi-Suomi FI1A Pohjois-Suomi FI20 Åland FR10 Île de France FR21 Champagne-Ardenne FR22 Picardie FR23 Haute-Normandie FR24 Centre FR25 Basse-Normandie FR26 Bourgogne FR30 Nord - Pas-de-Calais FR41 Lorraine FR42 Alsace FR43 Franche-Comté FR51 Pays de la Loire FR52 Bretagne FR53 Poitou-Charentes FR61 Aquitaine FR62 Midi-Pyrénées FR63 Limousin FR71 Rhône-Alpes FR72 Auvergne FR81 Languedoc-Roussillon FR82 Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur FR83 Corse GR11 Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki GR12 Kentriki Makedonia GR13 Dytiki Makedonia GR14 Thessalia GR21 Ipeiros GR22 Ionia Nisia GR23 Dytiki Ellada GR24 Sterea Ellada GR25 Peloponnisos GR30 Attiki GR41 Voreio Aigaio GR42 Notio Aigaio GR43 Kriti HU10 Közép-Magyarország HU21 Közép-Dunántúl HU22 Nyugat-Dunántúl HU23 Dél-Dunántúl HU31 Észak-Magyarország HU32 Észak-Alföld HU33 Dél-Alföld IE01 Border, Midlands and Western IE02 Southern and Eastern ITC1 Piemonte ITC2 Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste ITC3 Liguria ITC4 Lombardia ITD1 Provincia Autonoma Bolzano-Bozen ITD2 Provincia Autonoma Trento ITD3 Veneto ITD4 Friuli-Venezia Giulia ITD5 Emilia-Romagna ITE1 Toscana ITE2 Umbria ITE3 Marche ITE4 Lazio ITF1 Abruzzo ITF2 Molise ITF3 Campania ITF4 Puglia ITF5 Basilicata ITF6 Calabria ITG1 Sicilia ITG2 Sardegna LT Lithuania c),d) LT00 Lietuva LU00 Luxembourg (Grand-Duché) LV Latvia c), d) LV00 Latvija MT Malta MT00 Malta NL11 Groningen NL12 Friesland NL13 Drenthe NL21 Overijssel NL22 Gelderland NL23 Flevoland NL31 Utrecht NL32 Noord-Holland NL33 Zuid-Holland NL34 Zeeland NL41 Noord-Brabant NL42 Limburg (NL) PL11 Lódzkie PL12 Mazowieckie PL21 Malopolskie PL22 Slaskie PL31 Lubelskie PL32 Podkarpackie PL33 Swietokrzyskie PL34 Podlaskie PL41 Wielkopolskie PL42 Zachodniopomorskie PL43 Lubuskie PL51 Dolnoslaskie PL52 Opolskie PL61 Kujawsko-Pomorskie PL62 Warminsko-Mazurskie PL63 Pomorskie PT11 Norte PT15 Algarve PT16 Centro (P) PT17 Lisboa PT18 Alentejo PT20 Região Autónoma dos Açores PT30 Região Autónoma da Madeira RO01 Nord-Est RO02 Sud-Est RO03 Sud RO04 Sud-Vest RO05 Vest RO06 Nord-Vest RO07 Centru RO08 Bucuresti SE11 Stockholm SE12 Östra Mellansverige SE21 Småland med öarna SE22 Sydsverige SE23 Västsverige SE31 Norra Mellansverige SE32 Mellersta Norrland SE33 Övre Norrland SI00 Slovenija SK01 Bratislavský kraj SK02 Západné Slovensko SK03 Stredné Slovensko SK04 Východné Slovensko UKC1 Tees Valley and Durham UKC2 Northumberland, Tyne and Wear UKD1 Cumbria UKD2 Cheshire UKD3 Greater Manchester UKD4 Lancashire UKD5 Merseyside UKE1 East Riding and North Lincolnshire UKE2 North Yorkshire UKE3 South Yorkshire UKE4 West Yorkshire UKF1 Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire UKF2 Leicestershire, Rutland and Northants UKF3 Lincolnshire UKG1 Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Warks UKG2 Shropshire and Staffordshire UKG3 West Midlands UKH1 East Anglia UKH2 Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire UKH3 Essex UKI1 Inner London UKI2 Outer London UKJ1 Berkshire, Bucks and Oxfordshire UKJ2 Surrey, East and West Sussex UKJ3 Hampshire and Isle of Wight UKJ4 Kent UKK1 Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and North Somerset UKK2 Dorset and Somerset UKK3 Cornwall and Isles of Scilly UKK4 Devon UKL1 West Wales and The Valleys tran. TRANSPORT TWP Transport White Paper capacity v tariffs territoriality v nationality liberalisation v harmonisation DG MOVE, Mobility and Transport, ex DG TREN TRAN transport, tourism ECMT permits, European Conference of Ministers of Transport, CEMT MTIP Medium Term Infrastructure Programme, schéma directeur RIS Regulatory Impact Statement road haulage cabotage (non-resident carriers) modal shift, switch freight from road to rail, shifting goods off congested roads, transfert modal, Verlagerung, transvase modal bottlenecks (pinch points), goulots d'étranglement, strozzature, knelpunten internalising the externalities (to prevent road from having an unfair advantage over rail), white paper on external costs, whole-cost accounting traffic volumes sustainable mobility propulsion, Antrieb projected traffic growth modes, Verkehrsträger door-to-door supply service harmonisation of cost factors jaw-droppingly beautiful Millau viaduct over the Tarn gorge, Sir Norman Foster congestion charge, earmarking, caps (plafonds) and reference values road haulage, hauliers, logistics, Spedition tens. TEN Trans European Networks, infrastructure projects in telecommunications, transport, energy advance v intermediate v final tranche feasibility v preparatory v technical studies TEN-T Executive Agency, tentees LGTT Loan Guarantee Instrument for TEN-Ts PPP Public Private Partnerships, private capital, financements croisés core network, Kernnetzwerk access routes, Zulaufstrecken corridor platform (stakeholder forum) island, landlocked, peripheral regions 1994 Essen, 30 priority projects 1 rail axis Berlin-Verona/Milan-Bologna-Naples-Messina 2 high-speed train Paris-Brussels/Brussels-CologneAmsterdam-London 3 high-speed rail axis of South-West Europe 4 high-speed rail axis East (including Paris-StrasbourgLuxembourg) 5 conventional rail/combined transport (or Betuwe line 2007), la Batavia 6 rail axis Lyon-Trieste-Divaca/Koper-Ljubljana-BudapestUkrainian border Brenner, Mont Blanc, Tauern, Pyrhn, Fréjus (Lyon-Turin tunnel project), Val di Susa 7 motorway axis Igoumenitsa/Patra-Athens-SofiaBudapest (Harilaos Trikoupis bridge, Rion Antirion) 8 multimodal axis Portugal-Spain-rest of Europe 9 rail axis Cork-Dublin-Belfast-Larne-Stranraer (2001) 10 Malpensa airport in Milan, upgrading (completed in 2001) 11 Øresund tunnel, bridge, link from Copenhagen to Malmö (completed in 2000) the Öresund 12 rail/road axis Nordic triangle 13 road axis Ireland/United Kingdom/Benelux (2010) 14 rail link West Coast Main Line (2007) 15 Galileo Global Navigation and Positioning Satellite System (2008) 16 rail freight axis across the Pyrenees Sine/AlgecirasMadrid-Paris 17 rail axis Paris-Stuttgart-Vienna-Bratislava la «Magistrale pour l’Europe» va relier Paris à Budapest via Strasbourg, Karlsruhe, Stuttgart, Munich et Vienne, Stoccarda 21 18 inland waterway axis Rhein/Meuse-Main-Danube 19 interoperability of the Iberian Peninsula high-speed rail network 20 rail axis between Germany and Denmark (Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link) 21 motorways of the sea: Baltic Sea, Atlantic Arc, southeast Europe, western Mediterranean 22 rail axis Athens-Sofia-Budapest-Vienna-PragueNürnberg/Dresden 23 rail axis Gdansk-Warsaw-Brno/Bratislava-Vienna 24 rail axis Lyon/Geneva-Basel-DuisburgRotterdam/Antwerp 25 motorway axis Gdansk-Brno/Bratislava-Vienna 26 rail/road axis Ireland/UK/continental Europe 27 Rail Baltica railway axis Warsaw-Kaunas-Riga-Tallinn 28 Eurocaprail on the Bruxelles-Luxembourg-Strasbourg rail axis 29 rail axis on the Ionian Sea/Adriatic intermodal corridor 30 inland waterway link Seine-Escaut TRASECA Europe-Caucasus-Asia transport corridor alps. ALPS BBT Brenner tunnel, twin-bore, Brenner Pass, Brennerbasistunnel, die Strecke Brenner-Innsbruck, die Strecke Brenner-Brixen the Brenner Base Tunnel will run from Innsbruck Hauptbahnhof in Austria to Franzensfeste (Fortezza) in Italy NEAT Neue Eisenbahn Alpen Transversale, GotthardBasistunnel Amsteg-Biasca (43 km), LoetschbergBasistunnel (38 km), Simplon-Basistunnel (35,5 km), Loetschberg-Domodossola, Splügen eins, Basistunnel Thusis-San Vittore (47 km) Alpen Adria traffic flows transit permits decision-shaping road user charges internal market strategy the daily rate for lorries transfer from road to rail tolls on the Brenner route road-damage characteristics alpine crossings, grandi valichi alpini vignette for motorists, das Mautpickerl transalpine freight traffic, lorries carrying freight alpine transit, alpine corridors, environmentally-sensitive routes, heavily (highly) congested traffic corridors, congestion and delays Switzerland, 28 tonne limit, 40 tonne limit in EU, traffic deflected through Austria, higher tolls for lorries, Euro 0,1,2,3 categories fire at the Gotthard tunnel in the Swiss Alps, thick acrid smoke billowing out 6-axle trucks would benefit from differentiation, clean trucks (Euro 2), low-emission vehicles, dirty trucks (Euro 1) eco-points, transit of heavy goods vehicles, environmentally-friendly lorries, older lorries gradually banned road. ROAD TRANSPORT AETR Accord européen sur les transports routiers (crews in international road transport), ILO ETF Transport Workers' Federation Green Card Bureaux (international motor insurance card system), UNECE IRU International Road Transport Union, UITR holder of a TIR carnet multi-manned travel in off-peak hours carbon tax on road haulage road transport undertakings travel advice and news, Bison Futé compulsory equipment, Mitführpflicht mega-trucks monster trucks cross-border trials 60-t gigaliner lorries current limits 18.75 m, 40 t LHVs Longer Heavier vehicles EuroCombi mit Dolly und Auflager train routier, Öko-Liner, ecocombi "transport manager", knowledgeability the truck fleet, vehicle population, le parc new vehicle registrations, immatriculations backloading instead of coming back empty, empty return trips, retornos en vacío, cabotage de vuelta courier and express services (3.5t), Sprinter road transport operators, road haulage companies, hauliers, Spediteur hop-on hop-off Victoria coach station bus and coach drivers, cars rigid buses, non-articulated buses if you have booked a coach transfer passengers travelling by bus and coach the twelve-day rule for round-trips, buses and coaches data structure, formats, interconnectivity between national registers carriage of goods by road, rates charged by transport undertakings new vehicle registrations, immatriculations access to the profession, attest van vak-bekwaamheid owners, drivers, operators, enforcement authorities SOCIAL PROVISIONS driving time v working time working time directive include stand-by duty breaks or layover time falling asleep at the wheel in the cab, on the couchette monitoring of loading and unloading paperwork, maintenance, general admin company drivers have their schedule provided drivers' hours directive, driving and rest periods, Lenkund Ruhezeiten bogus (false) self-employment false self-employed (independent, own-account drivers) zero-hour contracts (on call) tach. TACHOGRAPH calibrated v repaired v inspected the unit paper disk driver's card output (the printout) security certificates technical obsolescence digital recording equipment tachograph, Fahrtenschreiber workshops, ateliers, Werkstätten raw data, speed time distance events super black box (fully-digital tachograph) enforcers, inspections, die Kontrollrichtlinie tachograph inspections, roadside readouts (checks), a better control tool tampering, tamper-proof, tamper-free, Manipulationen retrofitting of digital tachographs, vehicles equipped with TELEMATICS ASC Automatic Speed Control ETSC Transport Safety Council HMI Human Machine Interface ISA Intelligent Speed Adjustment ITS Intelligent Transport Systems RDS-TMC Radio Data System-Traffic Message Channel RTT Road Transport Telematics VMS Variable Message Sign, dynamische verkeersborden speed limiters vehicle control devices dangerous goods, weather user-friendly information society emergency services, congestion on-board telematics applications, on-board driving assistance, visual display of information, head-up display electronic fee collection, EZpass, toll plazas, full service TECHNICAL HARMONISATION drive axle v driven axle HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle, LKW Lastkraftwagen cab power train tread depths characteristics trailer, remorque road train, kingpin body shape, gabarit escape lane, truck arrester bed, Notfallspur emergency lay-by, Notbucht road-rail, ferroutage road train, autotreno 44-tonne 6-axle trucks trailers and driving units traction unit (tractor unit) the manoeuvrability test weights and dimensions for lorries articulated lorry, Sattelschlepper rigid buses, non-articulated buses semi-trailer, semi-remorque, Auflieger trailer coupling, Verbindungseinrichtung dead angle, blindspot, rétroviseur à angle mort roadworthiness testing of of motor vehicles and trailers COMBINED TRANSPORT sea v barge v rail v road RO-RO (Roll On Roll Off) passenger vessels, transbordeurs routiers intermodal links, rail wagons, ships, loading equipment, efficiency of transfer terminals, computerised methods feeder vessel logistics costs short-sea shipping links in the intermodal chain terminals for combined transport, Hoenheim Gare designed by Anglo-Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid cont. CONTAINERS EILU European Intermodal Loading Unit TEU Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit, the container capacity of a vessel top lift handling stackable grab-arms pallet width supporting legs flatbeds, trailers loaded side by side bottom load, top load swap body, caisses amovibles, Wechselbehälter good boxes for all modes transhipment, Umschlag tail lift, cargo overhanging container security in transit sea-going, maritime container payload, charge utile, Nutzlast footprint, outside dimensions, Laderaum shipping lines and insurers containers falling off ships are dangerous the main reasons for container stack collapses were faulty lashings, overweight containers and faulty stowage severe loads are moving forward and/or aft due to weather conditions trailers have ferry eyes (fixture points) for lashing on board vessels vehi. VEHICLE TESTING CoC Certificate of Conformity PTI Periodic Technical Inspection, MOT, contrôle technique, TÜV the MOT inspection list at the test centre engine, brakes, steering, suspension, bodywork vehicle category M1, M2, M3 mass exceeding 3,5 tonnes more than 8 seats excluding the driver’s seat roadworthiness package roadworthiness testing regime motor vehicles and trailers odometer (milometer), she has a hundred thousand on the clock, Meilenzähler, teller, drogomierz roadside inspections retrofitting, Nachrüstung cross-border re-registration holder of a registration certificate powered two-wheelers certificate of conformity vintage cars, Oldtimers vehicle of historic interest safe to be used on public roads roadworthiness testing, package roadworthiness certificate issued papers drivers to carry with them at all times high-mileage vehicles such as taxis and ambulances type. TYPE APPROVAL, homologation, Typzulassung EOTC European Organisation for Testing and Certification RPI Repair and Maintenenace Information registered models and designs, eingetragene Geschmacksmuster, geschützte Muster, dibujos y disegnos test reports notified body repair clause dual-fuel engines compulsory licensing design holders, Inhaber standardisation, Normung suitably qualified repairers parts and components, pièces, Teile und Bauteile technical harmonisation directives must-fit rules, must-match principle legal protection of designs, counterfeit conformity assessment, affix the EC mark, EC certificate of conformity to type balance the needs of consumers and component manufacturers engines and exhaust systems bodywork, chassis, paint-shop access to the appropriate tooling repair shops, vehicle workshops, Werkstätten the components industry, the market in spare parts, standards for spare parts, visible spare parts (wing mirrors, radiator grilles), the repair market, pièces détachées independent garages, Vertragswerkstätten v freie Werkstätten fault codes, access to vehicle repair and maintenance information, Fehlercodes END-OF-LIFE VEHICLES, Altautorichtlinie de-register, abmelden vintage cars, Oldtimers integrated, flächendeckend wheel-balancing devices (lead) take-back, Rücknahmeregelung free-cutting steel, Automatenstahl recyclability, Sekundärstoffkreislauf an amber-list proposal (red, amber, green) recycling certificate, Verwertungsnachweis recycling quota, in die Schrottpresse stecken, Shredderrückstände ecal. eCall (service automatically dials 112) MNO Mobile Network Operator MSD Minimum Set of Data OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer PSAP Public Safety Answering Point golden hour principle moto. MOTORCYCLES 4+2+2 frequency of testing power v speed v engine size light motorcycles v motorbikes moped v scooter v Enduro v motocross bikers ride motorbikes v cyclists ride bicycles ADAC Germany's auto club UNECE (technical standards, Geneva) CLEPA European Association of Automotive Suppliers the T regulation, Category T (forestry and agricultural tractors, forestry vehicles) electric bicycle, e-bike, ein Pedelec (Kofferwort für Pedal Electric Cycle) ist ein Elektrofahrrad ATV All Terrain Vehicle, motocross, trial, scrambling bikes, off-road circuits PTW Powered Two Wheeler, fahrbare Untersätze ABS Anti-lock Braking System AHO Automatic Headlights On MIRO Mass in Running Order (recreational vehicle weight) OBD On Board Diagnostics cuistax Bobby Car durability test anti-tampering inner-city traffic improved visibility quads (quadricycles) high visibility clothing motor-assisted, motorised bikes two- and three-wheeled vehicles E standards (exhaust emissions) derestrict a 50cc scooter, débrider where's the nearest citybike stand? double the watt power of electric bicycles moped (motor pedal), mobylette, vélomoteur you tune your engine, you soup up your Mini, you pimp your ride, gonfler sa bécane safe. ROAD SAFETY safety features alco-locks v belt locks death toll v accident rate drivers v owners (liability) ABS Anti Blocking System, speed-limiting devices, require existing vehicles to comply ANPR Automatic Number Plate Recognition BAIID Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device, alcohol interlocks for drink-driving offenders above the limit breathalyser, éthylomètres maximum permitted blood alcohol levels, concentrations (mg per ml), impair driving ability, taux d'alcoolémie, promillage CARE Community Database on Road Accidents SafetyNet Integrated Project, road and vehicle safety ERSO European Road Safety Observatory DaCoTa Data Collection Transfer Analysis ETSC European Transport Safety Council SUNflower countries (Sweden, UK, Netherlands) SUV Sports Utility Vehicle, Chelsea tractor Veronica project (event data recorder) EuroVelo cycle route network bus lanes a courtesy wave booster cushions the highway code space-saver tires texting while driving crash-test dummies clamping release fee accident blackspots safe parking at truck stops, aires de stationnement sécurisées vulnerable road users speed limits, Tempolimit bypass, contournement carrying dangerous goods foreign-registered vehicles drink driving, penalty points fines for motoring offences airbag, coussin de sécurité traffic accidents, casualty rates radar traps and speed cameras in built-up areas, en zone urbaine dashcams record traffic incidents of course you can always do more cross the path of oncoming traffic motorists must carry a yellow fluorescent high-vis jacket and warning triangle, safety vests, chasuble fluorescent, Warnwesten rumble strips, bandes rugueuses reducing the carnage on our roads air conditioning, airco, Klimaanlage cheese-grater exhaust (tailpipe grill) speed bumps (sleeping policemen) halving road deaths by, road fatalities fitted with alcohol interlock technology box junction, Gridlock (1992) Ben Elton bull bars, pare-buffles, Vorderfrontlader drunk driving, a DUI conviction (driving under the influence) traffic lights, red, amber, green, flashing amber head-on collision, collision with oncoming traffic, side impact, frontal impact, Aufprall section of motorway, tronçon, axes routiers, doublement de voies existantes noise reduction screens put your foot down, swerve, weaving in and out, lane discipline, cutting in, driving under the influence, safety is a fairly alien concept, road hogs, tailgating and undertaking seatbelts, restraint systems, anchorage, three-point belts in all seating positions, energy-absorbing seats, side panels emergency service operators, dispatch services, response time points on their driving licence, incur penalty points, lose your licence wrong-way driver, a car driving the wrong way on the motorway, conducteur fantôme (BE), Geisterfahrer cause of death, fatalities, toll of dead and injured, killed or seriously injured on our roads each year undergo a rigorous eye test, have your eyes checked (tested) bike. CALYPSO preparatory action, sustainable tourism, Iron Curtain Trail Vistula Lagoon, Frisches Haff, Zalew Wiślany Curonian Lagoon, Kurisches Haff Neman river, die Memel toll. ROAD USER CHARGES user charges, Strassenbenutzungsgebühren charging for the use of infrastructure, Anlastung der Wegekosten vehicle taxes tax disc, vignette customs authorities tolls, Mautgebühren emissions standards sliding scale, barème a stretch of open road crossing points at internal borders easing border formalities, banalisation road pricing, a nationwide congestion charge relate truck charges to actual cost of road use, related to cost, reflect real costs toll levels in line with road building and maintenance costs differentiation by environmental performance creates an incentive for newer, cleaner vehicles, prikkel tolling system for lorries over 12 metric tonnes eurovignette scheme, taxation of heavy-goods vehicles, io non voglio che Eurovignette sia una tassa! NSA National Safety Authorities CSM Common Safety Methods CST Common Safety Targets SERA Single European Railway Area ERA European Railway Agency CCS Control Command and Signalling ERTMS European Rail Traffic Management System TAP Telematics Application for Passengers TAF Telematics Application for Freight TSI Technical Specifications for Interoperability the market pillar v the technical pillar gauge measured in millimetres 15-20 (fifteen twenty) 14-35 (fourteen thirty-five) isolated networks essential functions tram-train-metro heavy rail infrastructure, trenes pesados mixed operations safety certificates, authorisations vehicle register Rail Baltica real costs ability to pay fleet freight wagons passenger trains a common pool cross-border sections Stadler wagons railway undertaking cost savings applicants area of use and new concept cross-border infrastructure investigation body incidents and accidents responsible bodies Dienstleistungsvertrag rail. RAIL ERA European Railways Agency the Agency shall issue, renew, suspend, amend or revoke single safety certificates control, command and safety sub-systems operate (provide) networks (systems) barriers (obstacles) undertakings (companies) infrastructure managers v rail operators separate rail infrastructure managers from train operators, Trennung von Netz und Betrieb companies that run train services and companies that own and manage the tracks Deutsche Bahn operates track and manages the trains parent rail companies governance, Holding track charges, Entgelte deletion of the unbundling requirement unbundling means breaking up monopolies track v operations domestic v international light v heavy maintenance incumbents v new entrants public sector v private sector fares v ticketing v reservations narrow v standard (track) gauge operate passenger v freight services trunk lines v branch (transverse) lines apply for v award v perform a contract right to pick up v set down passengers unbundling v vertical integration (holdings) regulatory bodies v competent authorities v railway undertakings hit the buffers railroaded through holding companies shunted into a siding stop something in its tracks building up a head of steam back on track, kept us on track the powers of regulatory bodies Altmark ruling (public service obligations in the rail sector) compensation for PSO (Public service Obligations) CER Community of European Railways DB Deutsche Bahn's integrated corporate structure EIM Rail Infrastructure Managers ERFA European Rail Freight Association ICE InterCityExpress PKP PLK SA Polish railways RENFE Red Nacional de los Ferrocarriles Españoles SBB Schweizerische Bundesbahnen TALGO Tren Articulado Ligero Goicoechea Oriol TERFN Trans European Rail Freight Network UIC worldwide organisation for railway cooperation UNIFE European Association for the Railway Supply Industry British Rail was broken up, split the network, engineering know-how spun off to private maintenance contractors HS2 (high speed two) rolling stock, matériel ferroviaire rail networks overhead line track charges freight wagons regulatory body standard gauge freight terminals through-ticketing volume of traffic jumped the tracks essential services cross-subsidisation railway operators running services, operations, routes rail freight freeways maintaining the track in taxpayer subsidies track-access charges right to use rail routes sections of new track profit and loss accounts lease trains to operators tracking, tracing cargoes train-operating companies without intermediate stops ticket counters in railway stations, billetterie to split track and operations storage sidings, binari morti historical debt, Schuldenlast level crossings with barriers licensing of rail undertakings heavily-used commuter lines boost research and innovation infrastructure (track, signalling) award a public service contract bail out underperforming routes conditions of access to services HS1 the early Eurostar getting off the red eye special from St Pancras to Brussels Midi Ebbsfleet International railway station stations on the route of a service the operator of the service facility consolidation of profits and losses bid for contracts, run the franchise provide access to service facilities infrastructure and operating costs business plan including investment railway transport operators providing strategy for revitalising the railways harmonisation of technical standards maintain the national public services braking systems, Umrüstung der Bremsanlagen il pendolino tilts on bends, Neigezug projected returns (revenue forecasts) rack-and-pinion, crémaillère, Zahnstange train paths allocated for the same routes track replacement programme, rail upgrade catenary-pantograph interaction, adhésion a levy on rail passenger transport services allocation of railway infrastructure capacity magnetic levitation, Magnetschwebetechnik distinct divisions within a single undertaking non-discriminatory access to service facilities capacity allocation in the rail sector, allocation of track capacity, access to the rail network la construction de la LGV Tours-Bordeaux pour une mise en service en 2016 interoperability of high-speed train systems and conventional train systems rail passenger and freight services, operations, traffic, existing operators upturn in rail freight services, passenger, freight traffic growth, share of the total freight market, traffic congestion any station located on the route of an international service rail interoperability, technical compatibility, narrow gauge commuter services, light rail systems, schienengebundener Nahverkehr, ÖPNV a mark-up in the charging system for market segments Canary Wharf DLR station (Docklands Light Railway) THIRD RAIL PACKAGE TSI Technical Specification for Interoperability for Persons with Reduced Mobility 1 opening international passenger services to competition, opening the domestic market for rail passenger transport CIV contract, Contract of International Carriage of Passengers by Rail COTIF convention, Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail 2 certification of train crews and drivers crew members performing safety-related tasks poaching trained staff trunk lines, Hauptkorridorlinien 3 passenger rights and obligations season ticket, travel pass, Zeitkarte liability in the event of death or injury passengers on domestic rail services baby carriages, wheelchairs, bicycles ticket vendors issue tickets in ticket offices platforms readily accessible by the disabled with reduced mobility, unaccompanied, at no additional cost, accompanying person train manager (guard), Zugbegleiter, chef de train SIGNALLING trackside v on-board ERTMS European Rail Traffic Management System ETCS European Train Control System flows digital tractor carried migration service life deployment train guards freight corridors, pilot routes, Rotterdam-Genoa, Antwerp-Tallinn, Rome-Naples, Madrid-Lerida, BerneOlten line capacity concessions cross-border specifications interoperability fitting-out, équiper rail protection and signalling data transmission, digital radio radio beacons, radio infill, balise signalling, signal posts, junctions, go over the points, maintenance inla. INLAND WATERWAYS ADND Danube ADNR Rhine, the Mannheim Convention, vessels with an ADNR certificate, holder of a Rhine boatmaster's certificate CCNR Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine EFIP European Federation of Inland Ports ESO European Shippers Organisation IUIN International Union for Inland Navigation NAIADES II RIS River Information Services UNECE Economic Commission for Europe locks, Schleusen Seine-Nord canal safety concerns, protectionism unfair competition, undercutting overcapacity in the tanker sector tour de rôle system for tariff fixing, cargo-sharing 1992 Rhine-Main-Danube canal link inland navigation, Binnenschifffahrt barge operators, la profession batelière inland ports, investment in ports and terminals waterborne transport, a Cinderella picking up the crumbs from the road haulage sector Central and Eastern Europe, German unification, structural over-capacity, crisis mechanism, undercutting, spare capacity on the Danube, Oder, Elbe, agreement with Poland, the Czechs and Slovakia on Anschlusscabotage scrapping system, scrapping programme, scrap and build, old for new, déchirage, desguace, steun- en sloopregeling, de oud voor nieuw regeling mari. SHIPPING seaboard v onshore maritime ports (seaports) v inland ports Blue Belt (for EU vessels taking EU goods between EU ports), the blue lane Belgrade Convention BIMCO Baltic and International Maritime Conference BLU Bulk Loading Unloading Chicago Convention CIF Cost, Insurance, Freight CTWUEC European Committee of Transport Workers Unions ECSA European Community Shipowners Associations, armateurs Factortame ruling (right of establishment) FOB Free On Board IMO International Maritime Organisation ISF International Shipping Federation JCMT Joint Committee on Maritime Transport, (shipowners, seafarers) MARIS initiative (G7) Maritime Information Society MARTRANS logistics and freight transport MIF Maritime Industries Forum MTC Maritime Transport Committee (OECD) NGMTS Negotiating Group on Maritime Transport Services liners purser sister ship freight rates long sea-turn cargo vessels cargo-sharing Stena Line (Gothenburg) is a firm believer in methanol as a marine fuel nautical charts ship movements through-transport carriage of freight fly-cruise operators the Seamen's Mission the Mediterranean arc short sea shipping, Marco Polo, short sea services, include ferry and feeder services as links in the intermodal chain, feeder shipping, short-distance shipping, coastal types of shipping operations, island hopping, Küstenschifffahrt Blue Belt pilot scheme container shipping lines ships calling at EU ports ships entering or leaving ports the dry cargo and tanker fleets sailing through territorial waters ship management and chartering shipping companies operate lines per category of vessel, bâtiments shipboard living and working conditions port of call, put in at seaports, fanno scalo bulk carrier, bulk-trading, break bulk, bulk cargoes, voluntary code (handling and storage of dry bulk cargoes), alla rinfusa, granuleros liner shipping is capital-intensive and bulk shipping is labour-intensive cross trading, the freight of cargoes between foreign ports merchant shipping tonnage, merchant fleet, merchant navy, marine marchande, koopwaardij bulk tranport is open to competition but some countries still have cargo reservation schemes non-oceanic shipping, coastal shipping, tramp shipping MARITIME SAFETY emsa. EMSA Maritime Safety Agency (Lisbon) Intertanko ISM International Safety Management Code SAFEMAR reporting systems and electronic sea charts SOLAS International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, SOLAS 90 stability standards UNCLOS UN Law of the Sea sea-going on-board v ashore signatory states turnaround time in port we are in a world market bona fide operators, leali operating on regular services riparian states, coastal states access to cargoes in ocean trade seaworthiness inspections, certificate make double hulls compulsory, segregated holds, tanker shell, Tankeraussenhöhle maritime safety, safety at sea, accidents at sea, sécurité maritime posh (port out starboard home), there's no port left in the bottle the Dover-Calais link, P and O ferries (Pacific and Orient) regi. REGISTERS EUROS parallel register, total combined register tonnage is measured in DWT (Dead Weight Tonnes) or GRT (Gross Registered Tonnage), TJB Tonnes de jauge brute PSC Port State Control, the port state enforces standards flagging register vessels under the CY flag compliance with flag state requirements the EU-flag fleet, non-EU-flagged vessels flagging out can lead to sub-standard shipping flags of convenience, flagging out, de-register, battre pavillon de complaisance, Billigflaggen classification societies, Lloyd's List, νηογνώμονες the flag state operates a register, country of registration crew. CREW MLC Maritime Labour Convention (ILO) conditions of employment working and living conditions health protection, medical care welfare and social security protection accommodation, recreational facilities, food, catering RICT Revised International Convention on Training STCW Standards of Training, Certification, Watchkeeping for Seafarers, gens de mer well-serviced, well-freighted legitimate shipping companies adequate enforcement regime shipowners, shippers, les armateurs shortage of qualified seafarers worldwide freedom of association, Koalitionsfreiheit seamen's unions, collective agreements for short-term economic gain, exploitation wages, wage levels, undercut by low-paid non-EU crews, rustbuckets (ships of shame), lost its bow off Western Australia manning levels, seafarers, officers, crew, no-one from the master (captain) down, Mannschaften, tripulación qualifications of captains and crew, minimum levels of training sub-standard shipping, non-conforme, fuera de normas foun. FOUNDERING 13.01.12 Costa Concordia, Carnival Cruise Lines, Isola del Giglio 1994 collapse of the Ramsgate loading bridge (walkway) 1994 the MS Estonia 1990 the Scandinavian Star 1987 the Herald of Free Enterprise (Zeebrugge) evacuation breaking up spring tides survivability ruptured tank harbourmaster ingress of water tragic loss of life her remaining cargo life-saving equipment claimed yet more lives prevailing sea conditions refloated on the flood tide the southwest approaches with gales of up to force nine under her own steam (unaided) search-and-rescue equipment in very severe weather conditions ro-ro (roll-on roll-off) ferry services founder while putting in to harbour adverse weather and sea conditions salvage operations, salvers (Smit Tak) bunkering (transferring) oil ship-to-ship efficient lightering of the disabled tanker the way salvage operations were handled national coastguard services, Küstenwacht righting the cruise ship Costa Concordia which capsized off the island of Giglio airt. AIR TRANSPORT Flight 4U 9525 Airbus 320 from Barcelona to Düsseldorf Seyne-les-Alpes black box voice data recorder black box flight data recorder co-pilot (first officer) undergone intensive training the active lifestyle of a keen runner flight monitoring system open descent autopilot setting Airport Package aircraft type the airlines airlines and airports air carriers set airfares the introduction of add-on airport charges bedevil, charges aéroportuaires a flight bag retail activities purchases from the travelling public proceed to the boarding gate dimensions of baggage allowed the ‘one bag’ carry-on rule imposed by certain airlines stopovers, layover, intermediate stops, escales carriers (airlines) freight, regional fares v capacity incumbents v new entrants arriving and departing flights scheduled services v charter cockpit v cabin v ground crew pilot v co-pilot v flight engineer civil airspace v military airspace hub airports v spoke airports, noeud passengers v luggage v freight (cargo) passenger movements v tonnes of freight domestic v intra-EU flights v international the ash-cloud crisis of 2010, volcano ash cloud, Eyjafjallajökull (island-mountain glacier), Grimsvötn ACMI Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance, Insurance (wet lease) AEA Association of European Airlines APOLLO computerised reservation system EASA European Air Safety Agency, a regulatory body, the regulatory function, as opposed to operational, Cologne ECAC European Civil Aviation Conference, CEAC IATA International Air Transport Association ICAO, required under ICAO rules, OACI JAA Joint Aviation Authorities SAG Stakeholders Advisory Group, regulatory committee 1929 Warsaw Convention on Airline Liability, air carrier liability, third country carriers fifth freedom rights (goods, services, persons, capital) allow carriers to take on (pick up) passengers during a stopover and fly them to another airport in that country issues of foreign ownership and control (cabotage) in-flight air freight bird strike operations modal split airport dues pre-boarding (approach the boarding area when your zone is called) in the locker bag drop-off external costs electrical faults early-bird flight crew rest times growth in traffic viewing platform revenue-sharing flight deck, fuselage, the hold, the under-carriage, the tail section capacity-sharing overhead panels low-level lighting operating licence luggage carousel freight forwarder no direct air links stairs withdrawn, engines power up you couldn't board put in flight position commercial airliner jumbo, gros porteur the outbound sector flight and duty times system shutting down loss of cabin pressure carbon offset schemes carbon footprint, bilan carbone frequent flier programme book a reward ticket using air miles regulatory authorities imposition of penalties landing stations please commercial air services dipping under the clouds new runways at hubs :-( airlines operating flights your purser on this flight once you’ve gone airside cost-sharing, co-financing we went to baggage claim jet fuel, kerosene, détaxé global air transport market consult the train timetables raise standards of service tea and coffee are diuretics make an emergency landing on standby, en permanence flight number, code-sharing working conditions for crews managing body of an airport cross-subsidies between larger and smaller airports in a national airport network, péréquation pitot tubes measure airspeed refunding, rerouting, rebooking national air safety authorities pressurised cabin, Druckkabine come off the enclosed jet bridge spooling up at the holding point intra-community, departing flights inflatable rescue slide, toboggan private planes, aviation générale coming in with satellite navigation the flight is now ready for boarding secondary checks at point of entry livery, insignia, the airline's colours ultralight, ULM Ultra-léger motorisé check-in, passport control, transit lounges, look for your flight on the information screens, the carousel number will be displayed, baggage trolleys are provided for your use, the reclaim hall, going through customs, the arrivals hall significant fall in passenger numbers vapour trails, contrails (condensation) discontinue routes, withdraw services the galley (kitchen), the bulkhead (wall) air hostess, stewardess, flight attendant a wheeled carry-on, wheelie bag, holdalls air transport sector, air transport services on the chevrons marking the overrun area first time, last time (state aids to airlines) handling company, société de manutention arbitration procedures, penalties, sanctions is requested to contact the information desk air cargo and express parcels, messageries some flights may face delays or be cancelled below the lights of Benghazi are clearly visible stopover airports en route to final destination catering and cleaning services, Gate Gourmet business travellers, make your flight connection flagship national carrier (flag carrier), KLM Koningklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij airport charges, charging system, cost-relatedness of fees, dues, transparency, non-discrimination, redevances charter operators in the summer scheduled services, charter services, réguliers, Linienflieger standard return fare, consultation on air fares, deep discount fares, operate a route at a loss, double disapproval (fares stand if neither MS objects) Fiumicino and Ciampino in Rome Linate and Malpensa in Milan communications between the flight deck and the ground passengers are invited to contact their flight company handling capacity, freight handling, passenger handling ramp checks ensure safety of third country aircraft TANNOY (tantalum alloy) may not be used at this time this is your captain speaking adopt the brace (foetus) position please lower your window shades can I take this as hand luggage? and that your traytable is folded away cabin pressure, flight-safety demonstration, safety instructions, storage bins review the safety information on the information card in the seat pocket cabin baggage, if you can't get it in the bin it'll have to go in the hold please refer to the safety card in the seat pocket in front of you make sure that your seat is in the upright position grou. GROUND HANDLING ground services baggage-handlers ground handling, services en escale self-handling, Selbstabfertiger threshold (millions of passengers, tonnes of freight) introduce more competition at airports the trade associations representing airlines want more liberalisation in the face of limited choice for baggage services slot. SLOTS landing fees a series of slots grandfather rights series length of slots pandering to the national airlines open up landing slots to auctioning change the use-it-or-lose-it rule to 85/15 withdrawal of landing rights, Anflugrechte take-off slot, landing slot allocation, sulcos market access, slot coordinators, secondary trading, retiming, the suspension of use it or lose it, usage rights and property rights the power of the airline alliances, the slot allocation jamborees, like the supermarkets, some of the practices inci. INCIDENT REPORTING ADREP Accident/Incident Data Reporting AFIS Aerodrome Flight Information Service EASP European Aviation Safety Programme EASP European Aviation Safety Plan ECR European Central Repository ECCAIRS European Co-Ordination Centre for Aviation Incident Reporting Systems ESARR Eurocontrol Safety Regulatory Requirements EASA European Aviation Safety Agency EU-OPS ICAO, OACI IORS Internal Occurrence Reporting System MORS Mandatory Occurrence Reporting Scheme NASA Network of Aviation Safety Analysts occurrence reporting in civil aviation a just culture (a genuine climate of trust) non-incrimination, non-regression (not be penalised for reporting infringements) mandatory v voluntary preventive v corrective action anyone involved v the person reporting processing personal data disidentification (removing personal details) address actual or potential safety deficiencies collect, evaluate, process, analyse, store details effective occurrence reporting systems identify safety hazards associated with occurrences bird strike near collision volcanic ash cloud near miss, incident reporting, notificación de sucesos en la aviación civil act of unlawful interference on board an aircraft pilot-in-command air traffic controller light and leisure aircraft any other crew member flight information officer air traffic service provider operations involving non-complex aircraft competent national authorities except in cases of gross negligence uniform risk classification across MS aggregated and disidentified information the state which issued the pilot’s licence safe. AIR SAFETY JAR-OPS Joint Airworthiness Requirements PDP Potentially Disruptive Passengers, air rage, PD Passager difficile SAFA Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft third countries regulated agent appropriate authority common basic standards rights of victims and relatives single transatlantic aviation area Gibraltar clause, joint declaration air accident investigation authorities the N licence problem (pilot's licences) SESAR Single European Sky ATM Research ATM Air Traffic Management ATC Air Traffic Control PRB Eurocontrol is the performance review body of the SES Alitalia/Olimpiaki liberalisation, USA-type deregulation licensing of air carriers, regulatory approval, compagnies aériennes bilateral agreements with the US, Bermuda II Accord (USUK) alliances and tie-ups, carve-outs (alliance partners compete on routes which they dominate) OPEN SKIES ownership limits bankruptcy legislation EU-US open skies negotiations stage 1 (soft issues), equipment leasing, codesharing (multiple designation opens up routes), slot allocation, access to CRS Computerised Reservation Systems stage 2, traffic rights (access to markets) NO FRILLS Frankfurt-Hahn Prestwick-Charleroi Rotterdam The Hague Airport, Zestienhoven regional air carriers, regional airports cheap flights, low-cost travel, les lowcosts Sir Freddie Laker, I'm Freddie, fly me, Skytrain no-frills, low-cost, budget airlines, easyJet, Ryanair, Virgin Atlantic, Wizz Air easyJet operates budget flights to Barcelona, Barcelona (Reus, Girona) Michael O'Leary, Ryanair's chief executive, is sitting on the Stansted Express train positively fizzing with indignation regional airports are smaller and less congested, charges are higher than at large airports secu. SECURITY LAG Liquids Aerosols Gels in the hold air marshals cockpit access air cargo security airport security staff departure and arrival halls metal detector, security scanner articles prohibited in cabin storage known consignor, account consignor meet the cost, cost-related, charging for, the public purse, airlines, passed on to passengers through higher fares, umlegen auf security checks, searches, inspections, continuous random checks, one-stop security backscatter body scanners a don't-touch-my-junk patdown protest produce not a real image but a stick figure marked with possible threat items hand searches are performed today to detect threat items and are perceived by many to be quite intrusive getting patted down by airport security staff bomb found disguised in printer cartridge, air cargo addressed to synagogues in Chicago, East Midlands airport, ink jet bombs restrictions on liquids passengers can take on board planes in their hand luggage transfer passengers, baggage, cargo (freight), être screené lors d'un transfert monitoring of hold luggage, baggage handlers, cargo facilities, ground access to commercial airliners, el equipaje facturado airport security measures, air security, air transport security measures baggage screener jobs, security agents deployed at check-in areas access control, unauthorised persons, unlawful interference breaches of airport security, jeopardising security airb. AIRBUS CASA Construcciones Aeronáuticas SA DASA DaimlerChrysler Aerospace AG 2000 EADS European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company, EADS N.V., parent company capitalisation boeingisation Aérospatiale-Matra the Airbus consortium Airbus Industrie (Toulouse) two co-CEOs, Louis Gallois, Thomas Enders Boeing (Seattle) civil aircraft, takeover, McDonnell Douglas (fighter aircraft) deliveries of the A380 would be delayed, superjumbo nois. NOISE DVT Deep Vein Thrombosis, accidents thromboliques, Reisewenenthrombosen ENT Ear Nose Throat, ORL Oto-rhino-laryngologues mixed-mode zoning rules landing paths plan Wathelet take-off and landing eardrums, tympans civil subsonic aircraft flying directly overhead enter their final approach local residents, les riverains ambient noise (background noise) leasing, contrat de location-vente curfews (restrictions on night flights) living under the flight path, les survolés runways with spare capacity from the holding stacks to the turning points noise mapping, noise emissions, noise abatement (reduction), subjected to noise levels, exposed to decibel levels high-bypass turbofan engines are quieter than turbojets hushkits reduce engine-noise levels, by-pass ratio, taux de dilution Stage 3 Chapter 3 regulations, hushkitted chapter 3 aircraft tranquillisers, sedatives, médicaments neuroleptiques et anxiolytiques, troubles du sommeil aircraft noise, noise emissions, nuisances sonores fleet renewal, place a class 3 replacement order physical jerks flying economy cramped, no legroom the degree of seat pitch lack of space in standard economy in steerage, in the cattle class, in der Holzklasse sitzen stretching your legs is the only answer pins and needles, picotement dans les extrémités atc. EUROCONTROL ATC Air Traffic Control ATM Air Traffic Management CEATS Central Air Traffic Services ANSP Air Navigation Service Provider CFMU Central Flow Management Unit ESARR Eurocontrol Safety Regulatory Requirement FAB Functional Airspace Blocks, functional separation, Blue Med FIR Flight Information Region IFR Instrument Flight Rules ILS Instrument Landing System UACC Upper Area Control Centre flow control air traffic services public service obligations route charges, redevances state flights, Regierungsflüge air navigation service providers control area, control sector, air blocks saturated airspace, overcrowded skies flight levels, flightpath, the gateway, approach path, glidepath, dans une phase descendante a holding pattern is a flight path which can be repeated until the aircraft has been granted clearance for landing, stacking, in the stack, Warteschleifen, Warterunden balance the interests of all categories of users, civilmilitary cooperation flexible use of airspace, airspace users, general air traffic DENIED BOARDING a downgrading v get an upgrade cancelled for technical v commercial reasons no-shows pay the full fare for operational reasons long-suffering air travellers have a valid ticket, ticketed passengers check-in counters, mostradores de facturación overbooking, overbooked flights, I got bumped off the flight, sobrareservas victims of denied boarding, denied-boarding compensation 30 minutes before check-in, departure time, flight time cancellations before the published departure time tour. TOURISM ECONETT EC Network for Environmental Travel and Tourism ETC European Travel Commission (national tourism authorities) PHILOXENIA (hospitality in Greek) WTTC World Travel and Tourism Council tourist resort tourism products the tourism sector the tourist industry tourist destinations see the sights double-booking (hotels) rural tourism, agri-tourism tourists flocking in ever-increasing numbers decrease in the number of tourist arrivals promote Europe as a tourist destination, common cultural identity, selling points package holidays, package travel, managed tourism, tour operators staggering, étalé, scaglionamento stagionale time. TIMESHARE OTE Organisation for Timeshare in Europe holiday clubs holiday centres right of withdrawal consumer protection resales and exchanges pre-contractual information aggressive sales techniques choice of contract language holidaymakers and operators holiday products and services conditions and quality of service renting, hotels, second residence time-share properties, copropriétés out-of-court complaints and redress, procedures for settling disputes ban on taking deposits during cooling-off period, temps de réflexion long-term holiday products, take out a subscription contracts for more than one period of occupation ener. ENERGY DG Ener energy rules (ownership, state aids, contracting, pricing) ECT Energy Community Treaty ELENA European Local Energy Assistance Energy Globe awards 1973 oil shock, crise pétrolière heat v power v light transmission v storage interconnections v bottlenecks supplier countries v transit countries energy package energy roadmap one trillion Euro will need to be invested in the EU energy sector by 2020 power line between (FR) Baixàs and (SP) Santa Llogaia decarbonisation of energy unbundling, découplage, Entflechtung degree of self-sufficiency, autarcie, Versorgungsgrad predictable regulatory framework, Planungssicherheit traders isolated energy islands patchwork of energy markets, Teilmärkte oil majors solid fuels energy cycle diversification wholesale price the drivers of world energy-demand growth security of supply the energy sector single European grid common energy strategy primary energy production power stations, Kraftwerkspark all forms of energy have a price global race for energy resources affordable and accessible energy their share in the energy balance CO² tax (CO² emissions, carbon tax) scarcity, dwindling, physical availability regulator (watchdog), system operators import dependence, Importabhängigkeit oil-producing countries, political instability energy-intensive industries, aluminium smelters, cement kilns elec. ELECTRICITY m/kwh sell a kilowatt megawatt hours per kilowatt hour for every kWh fed into the grid a new power plant of one gigawatt 10 coal-fired units with aggregate installed capacity of 5165 megawatts grid, Verteilnetz smart grids and energy storage, Speicher public v private monopoly v market domestic users v industrial users the competition rules v a sectoral regulation ACER Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (Ljubljana) REMIT Regulation on Energy Market Integrity and Transparency ERG regulators IEM Internal Electricity Market, liberalisation of the electricity market ITRE Industry Research Energy EDF Electricité de France, France is eighty per cent nuclear E.ON (Düsseldorf), from aeon (eternity) EnBW (Karlsruhe) Energie Baden-Württemberg ENEL Ente Nazionale per l'Energia Elettrica RWE Rheinisch-Westfälisches Elektrizitätswerk Gazprom British Gas Endesa (Sp) the Nordic Pool the Southern Corridor fuse box the Agency network security energy regulator back-up systems level playing field power companies appeals procedure congestion management allocation of free capacity relevant market, marché pertinent cross-border, exporters, importers, cross-border trade, cross-border transactions, cross-border exchanges of electricity, impose taxes and levies on transit long-term purchase contracts prices at the wholesale level a regulator at European level non-storability, demand spikes significant market power definition gains from technological advances tripping, blackout, the lights went out surge protector circuit breaker, disjoncteur, LS-Schalter (Leitungsschutzschalter) efficiency gains, Wirkungsgradsteigerung rolling blackout, also referred to as load shedding, procédure de délestage demand-side management (rational energy) maintain a reliable service without price hikes long-term guarantee of supply, long-term contracts, protective of vested interests internal energy market, single market in energy products, goods that can be delivered interconnected electricity sector, interconnection capacity, interconnection of grids, Kuppelleitungskapazität security of energy supply, import dependency, risk of supply disruption medium voltage secondary switchgear insulated switchgear in substations, Schaltanlage, rozdzielnica wholesale traders and final consumers, Kauf- und Verkaufflüsse retail, eligible customer, purchase and onward sale to final customer, Endlieferanten ten year investment plans lock in the right kind of investors investment, couldn't R and D be a public service obligation? not a genuine single market, Addition von Teilmärkten security of electricity supply on liberalised markets gene. GENERATION base v peak construction v retirement generation v transport v distribution v retailing HEP Hydro Electric Power stations IPP Independent Power Producers LCP Large Combustion Plants electricity is not the same as other products, not a product like others, electricity cannot be stored and it is not always possible to predict demand third countries thermal efficiency pump-action hydro high-voltage cables produce baseload power reduce energy supply costs coal-burning power stations national authorisation procedures peak generating capacity, Spitzenlast power cuts (blackouts) and price spikes negotiated grid access for third party users power utilities power generators electricity generation electricity supply industry concentration in generating power electricity generators, Stromproduzent retirement of generating capacity, alte Kraftwerke stilllegen, abmelden tran. TRANSMISSION ENTSO-E Energy Transmission System Operators, Electricity EPIP Priority Interconnection Plan ITO Independent Transmission Operator TNO Transmission Network Operator UCTE Union for the Coordination of Transmission of Electricity overhead powerlines pylons, far saltare i tralicci gas and electricity distribution construction of transmission lines own and operate cables and powerlines captive domestic customers (monopoly) transit of electricity and gas, Durchleitung electricity transmission, Übertragungskosten transmission grid administrator, gestionnaire de réseau, Betreiber investment in transmission assets, transmission networks, transport of energy products integrated energy networks, links missing from network unbu. UNBUNDLING supply v infrastructure, Netz und Erzeugung full ownership unbundling introducing retail competition unbundling of generation and transmission vertical integration of supply and distribution divestiture of former state monopolies, Abspaltung unbundling of accounts, transparency, disclosure LIBERALISATION incumbent v new entrant the Mankala Model (FI, common ownership) single buyer (national grid maintains control of wholesale trading) stranded assets (existing assets and long-term commitments not recoverable in competitive markets), Grenzkosten, costi non-ricuperabili cost-reflective pricing, distance-related, point-to-point tariffs, postage stamp tariffs market splitting electricity markets market dominance segments of the market revert to the state sector market opening, liberalised markets competition in generation and supply cross-subsidisation and reciprocity different systems, Systemwettbewerb de facto local monopolies, oligopolies splitting up former national monopolies very small number of players developing network operator, réseau, Netzbetreiber mergers and takeovers in the energy sector natural monopolies and contestable markets liberalisation of energy market, sector, universal service, competition effi. ENERGY EFFICIENCY construction v upgrading Convention of Mayors CHP Combined Heat and Power, district heating, distance heating, WKK Wärmekraftkopplung, Fernwärme EEC Energy Efficiency Commitment EPC Energy Performance Certificate ESCO Energy Saving Contract PRIMES model (energy outlook scenarios) passive heating and cooling take a reading smart metering and informative billing IHD In Home Displays fuel cell, continuous replenishment of the reactants consumed, external supply of fuel and oxygen, pile à combustible energy poverty fluorescent lighting rational use of energy energy-saving measures energy efficiency of buildings improvement of housing stock energy performance of buildings pass the benefits on to consumers consumers do send market signals binding target for energy efficiency home insulation and draught-proofing energy-efficiency labelling of office equipment incandescent light bulb phaseout, filament,100-watt, Glühbirne the high-power white-light LED (light-emitting diode) is fast replacing incandescent and fluorescent lighting CFL Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs contain mercury low-energy light-bulbs, halogen lights, fluorescent tube, striplighting, neon, UV light patio heaters are appliances for generating radiant heat for outdoor use, a burner on top of a post, parasol chauffant space heaters, room heater, chauffage d'appoint labe. ENERGY LABELLING Energy Star eco-design fridges and freezers label design and layout household appliance manufacturers labelling categories, classes, a to g, two star product information, clear, accurate, relevant, comparable, comprehensive, helpful, easily understandable to the user best-performing in terms of energy consumption gas. GAS DIRECTIVE, Beschleunigungsrichtlinie energy connectors, a gas interconnector between Slovakia and Hungary CCGT Combined Cycle Gas Turbine, microgeneration, new generating technologies, generation technologies GTL Gas To Liquids, Qatar Pearl project, huge North Dome gas field LNG Liquefied Natural Gas terminal, carrier, membrane, some gas boils off in transit reception v regasification v decompression Ofgem is the regulator for Britain’s gas and electricity industries short-term trading (spot markets) spot prices on the Leipzig power exchange Central East South Europe Gas Connectivity HLG High Level Group routes availability dash for gas gas pipelines long-term gas supply contracts common gas purchasing voluntary demand aggregation mechanisms spare capacity storage facility priority corridors supply disruptions regulatory authority reverse flow (pumping gas to Ukraine) interconnector pipelines gas-fired power stations transit fees, Wegekosten refined products add value the pipeline for exporting oil gas, electricity liberalisation gas transmission infrastructure take-or-pay gas supply contracts ongoing exploration for natural gas heavily-dependent on imported gas gas delivery pipelines, metanodotto open up the gas market to competition pumping station, compressor stations third-party access to the gas pipeline network big producers such as Norway, Algeria, Russia access for companies to national gas networks shal. SHALE bituminous schists oil derived from bitumen tar sands, Ölsande oil shale, Ölschiefer shale oil is a providential gift non-conventional hydrocarbons resource plays (shale basins) shale gas reserves, resources fracking (hydraulic fracturing) create artificial fractures around well bores licensing tailings ponds well construction hub-based pricing flaring and venting oil shale in Estonia domestic production sustainable extraction energy roadmap 2050 EU-US Energy Council a bridge fuel (transition) LNG has gone elsewhere boom in gas, gas-to-gas competition diversification of supply and transit routes FQD Fuel Quality Directive fuel quality labelling rules EIA Environmental Impact Assessment exploration, evaluation, extraction, production thresholds for shale gas and shale oil regardless of the amount extracted russ. RUSSIA domestic energy tariffs v world market prices Lukoil Naftagas in its backyard EU-Russia summit state-owned gas monopoly Gazprom use energy as a political weapon rich in mineral and energy resources use energy as an instrument of policy energy dependency and energy diplomacy petrostate, oil and natural gas wealth, privileged sphere of influence, intent on reclaiming great power status energy blackmail, flex its muscles, use its energy might to hold whole countries hostage, acrimonious relations, pipeline politics pipe. PIPELINES origin v routing reverse flow pipelines pipelines are natural monopolies ECT Energy Charter Treaty (Russia) CCP Common Carrier Principle AGRI Azerbaijan–Georgia–Romania Interconnector TANAP Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline TAP Trans Adriatic Pipeline Gazprom (gas) Rosneft (oil) Druzhba (friendship) runs through Ukraine, 80% of Russia's gas deliveries to EU Nord Stream AG, Baltic gas pipeline, Gazprom, BASF, E.ON, Gerhard Schröder from Vyborg (St. Petersburg) to Greifswald (near Szczecin) Jamal peninsula, Siberia JAGAL Jamal connecting gas pipeline, JamalGasanbindungsleitung now-aborted South Stream project Blue Stream gas pipeline taking gas from Russia to Turkey across the Black Sea Nabucco to carry gas from eastern Turkey to Austria via Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary avoiding Russian territory, linking EU directly to Central Asia's gas reserves if enough gas and demand exist to fill it would break Russia's near monopoly over the gas pipeline network from large gasfields in Central Asia White Stream the Odessa-Brody-Płock oil pipeline pipeline tran. TRANSIT GTS Gas Transit System (Ukraine) transit tariff rates main transit route bilateral trade issues control of energy supply existing contract expired bilateral energy price dispute cut off gas deliveries through siphoning off gas destined for pooling, mutualisation des stocks plunge whole countries into darkness turn off the taps without prior warning even if the valves are turned back on gas prices, transit fees, debt (arrears) diversification of energy supply routes market prices in euros per tcm (thousand cubic metres), les prix d'amis n'existent plus right at the time when we have peak demand sending gas through the network, halting shipments, restoring gas flows, the time it would take to repressurise the system and restore full service establish independent monitors of pipelines, contrôleurs oil. OIL production v refining v distribution exploration v extraction v processing offshore oil extraction safety in offshore gas and oil drilling safety of offshore oil, gas prospection, exploration, production activities OPEC, OPEP heavy fuel oil blending plant unleaded, bleifrei oil company margins lighter Kuweiti crude cat (catalytic) cracker headframe, Fördergerüst nodding donkey, chevalet de pompage offshore platform, oilrig Rotterdam spot market Brent crude (North Sea oil) crude oil refining capacity the petrochemical industry marketing of fuels and lubricants stocks running at an historic high fire ripped through the Piper Alpha peak oil, le pic de production du pétrole get the bends (decompression sickness) spare capacity, ungenutzte Förderkapazität 07.2008 oil hits $147 a dollar, prices soar, inflation roars, basic items become prohibitively expensive from groceries to gasoline, food riots in thirty countries pipelines, refineries, terminals, tanker fleets, depots, retail sites, service stations (filling stations, petrol stations) to drill wells, seismic studies and drilling, proven reserves, off-shore drilling rights, pumping x barrels a day prices at the pump, forecourt prices, verbleites Super spil. OIL SPILL ACCIDENTS well operator oil spill response gap licensees and operators safety of offshore oil and gas prospection, exploration, production activities CleanSeaNet (ship-source pollution) COPE Compensation fund for Oil Pollution in European waters (the "COPE Fund") IFREMER Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer IOPCF International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, FIPOL OSPAR Agreement on Discharge at Sea of Radioactive and Other Toxic Wastes, replaced the Oslo and Paris Conventions VDR Voyage Data Recorder, mandatory fitting of a black box VMS Vessel Monitoring System bunkering ecosystems hydrocarbons heavy fuel oil chemical spills ports of refuge boiler systems shipping routes Marpol protocol pollution prevention discharges of used oil cap a well site-specific drill a relief well Macondo blowout underwater oil plumes receive a licence for drilling deepwater drilling, deep-sea drilling Deepwater Horizon, Gulf of Mexico, BP skimmers and booms response vessels (standby vessels) tankers (oil, chemicals) oil and water emulsion heavily oiled and slicked bilge pumps, Lenzpumpen clean-up operations, gangs airborne surveillance of ships protective booms and skimmers Torrey Canyon, Amoco Cadiz, Exxon Valdez (Alaska's Prince William Sound), the Braer grounding, Erika 2 package, lost off the French coast, Prestige Norman Atlantic shore-side electricity, ein Aggregat monitoring dangerous cargos, suivi anti-fouling, produits anti-salissure marine litter (flotsam and jetsam) flushing out tanks at sea, dégazage auxiliary engines, propulsion engines Rhine, Meuse, Schelde conventions, l'Escaut charterers, shippers, receivers, les affréteurs the other vessel suffered a ruptured fuel tank marine life in deep water, toxic to marine biota port reception facilities for ship-generated waste and cargo residues pollution control and dispersal vessels, bateaux dépollueurs gradual pollution caused by escapes, oil slick, marée noire crude oil haemorrhaging from the stricken vessel sulphur content of marine fuels, eco-silencers (scrubbers), SECA Sulphur Emission Control Areas Clemenceau, Teesside dock, ticking toxic time bomb, asbestos-contaminated material Brentspar, installation acted as a tanker filling station, decommissioning of oil rigs, redundant oil storage buoy, deep-sea disposal, disposal options, dump in the Atlantic, dumping of an oil rig (platform) at sea oil exploration equipment, support structure of legs and struts, top-side, helideck, recycle steel scrap, waste dealt with on land sites, grand matériel rene. RENEWABLES RES (biofuels, CSP, PV, geothermal, wind, ocean, hydropower) CSP Concentrated Solar Power RED Renewable Energies Directive ALTENER HEP Hydro Electric Power stations IRENA International Renewable Energies Agency JOULE Joint Opportunities for Unconventional or Longterm Energy supply PV solar Photo Voltaic, module construction SAVE Specific Actions for Vigorous Energy Efficiency THERMIE Technologie européenne pour la maîtrise de l'énergie TOE Tonnes of Oil Equivalent DESERTEC (North Africa) reduce unit costs wave energy, tidal install solar capacity fossil fuel replacement increased demand for panels never make much of a dent (impact) roof-mounted photo-voltaic system despoiling the landscape (eyesore) off-shore wind farms, parque eólico cheerleaders for solar (supporters of) river Severn estuary barrage, marémotrice sun and wind are intermittent energy sources requiring conventional backup fluctuating, intermittent, Reservekraftwerk geothermal, hete stenen, ground source heat pump technology, Warmepumpe renewable energy roadmap, target share, renewable targets solar thermal power stations eg Plataforma Solar (Almería) tidal bore (difference between high and low tide), marnage renewable energy sources, erneuerbare, regenerative feed-in tariff, Einspeisegesetz third-party access to infrastructure, Zugang a market support mechanism guaranteeing prices industrial wind turbines, NIMBY protect residents from shadow flicker Struan Stevenson, the myth of wind energy biof. BIOFUELS Planungs- und Investitionssicherheit biodiesel v bioethanol sugar beet v sugar cane food v non-food production ILUC Indirect Land Use Change, CASI changement d'affectation des sols indirect advanced biofuels are the way to go next-generation (second-generation) biofuel uses agriculture and forestry waste as its feedstock, wood pellets, cellulosic ethanol algae fuel biorefinery developing world E10 and biodiesel relax fuel specifications Biotreibstoffe, Biosprit, Tank oder Teller we will never produce bioethanol as cheaply as Brazil, ethanol co-products bagasse (sugar cane waste) bioethanol (starchy, sugary, sugar cane) biodiesel (rapeseed, maize, soya) rape diesel, on the vegetable oil side it's a different story, Rapsdiesel bio-refinery, biomass boiler expand rapeseed production blend rate, Beimischungskomponente biomass to gas conversion by pyrolysis energy crops, nachwachsende Rohstoffe biomass conversion and biofuels, biogas-producing installation at Ämmässuo dump wood chips, logging slash can be chipped and used in cogeneration power plants BtL-Kraftstoff (Biomass to Liquid) wird auch als SunDiesel bezeichnet, er wird aus Holz, Stroh oder anderer Biomasse gewonnen colza (rape) seed (US canola), processing of rape oil, biofuel, bioethanol, dehydrated ethyl alcohol, bioethanol-gasoline blend production, Raps, rzepak, κράμβη solid biofuels, combustible biomass, straw, pellets, agrocarburant coal. COAL coal (anthracite) v lignite (brown coal) open-cast (strip mining) v deep-mined 1984 miners' strike follow-on costs, Ewigkeitskosten TCE Tonnes of Coal Equivalent FBC Fluidised Bed Combustion, centrales à lit fluidisé, Wirbelschicht pit closures quarry, cantera coal, anthracite, Steinkohle lignite, Braunkohle flue-gas scrubbing redundancies, despidos coalfield, bassin, cuenca revitalisation, redressement loss-making, uneconomic pits clean-up operations, saneamiento coalmining area, comarcas mineras colliery, mines charbonnières, Zeche open-cast mining, Tagebau (Garzweiler) in der Lausitz lagern ungefähr 13 Milliarden Tonnen Braunkohle in bis zu 16m hohen Flözen, Tagebau supply of coal and coke to the steel industry increased productivity, gains de productivité pit village, au Nord c'était les corons, la terre c'était le charbon, le ciel c'était l'horizon, les hommes des mineurs de fond coal production levels, Fördermenge, Jahrestonnen, teuere bundesdeutsche Kohle, Verstromung der Kohle competition from third countries, domestic coal and cheap coal imports landscaping, slagheaps, mise en valeur des terrils, escombreras colliery closures, rehabilitation, old mine workings clean coal technologies, gasification, liquefaction, activités chimiques liées au charbon subsidence, Aberfan (1966), affaissement des sols coal-fired unit, centrale thermique au charbon RECHAR (coal restructuring), aide à la réadaptation, reconversion industrielle eligibility state aids local authorities industrial decline coal-producing countries coal subsidies, Kohlepfennig drawing up submissions, submit a bid NUTS (niveau 3), le provincie ACOM Action for Mining Communities CCC Coalfield Communities Campaign CEMR Council for European Municipalities and Regions MRI Mining Regions Intergroup Belgian Limburg/Dutch Limburg Spain, Teruel, Palencia, Asturias, León contraction of the coal industry, rundown France, Charbonnages de France, Moselle/St Avold, Freyming-Merlebach/Lorraine, Nord Pas de Calais, gueules noires Germany, Saarland/Ruhrgebiet, Verbindungsbüro NRW, Ebenbühren/Stadt Herten, Miekert Commission British Coal, National Power, PowerGen, RJB Mining (Richard Budge) is to change its name to UK Coal ECSC European Coal and Steel Community (1951-2002), la CECA, Montanunion ACSH Advisory Committee on Safety, Health, Comité consultatif High Authority nucl. NUCLEAR ENERGY, la houille blanche too cheap to meter v the true cost planning v construction v operation ENSREG European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group WENRA Western European Nuclear Regulators' Association stress tests (undertake a stringent safety review), clear common transparent criteria, audits de sûreté plane crash, äussere Einwirkungen Anti-AKW-Bewegung GAU Grösstanzunehmender Unfall, worst-case scenario IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency, DG Yukiya Amano NPT Non Proliferation Treaty NIMBY Not In My Back Yard NPP Nuclear Power Plant, Atommeiler NRA Nuclear Regulatory Authority Areva, the French nuclear giant, EPR European Pressurised Reactors reactor core white elephants phase out, Ausstieg background radiation anti-nuclear, faire le procès du nucléaire 1 nuclear energy is unsafe, 2 no solution to the problem of nuclear waste storage, 3 nuclear crowds out renewables primary cooling circuit safety and discharges malfunctions (incidents) handling, manipulation radiological emergencies nuclear fuel, combustibles glove boxes and hot cells spiralling nuclear energy costs operating licence, un exploitant a transition energy source nuclear is a transition technology extend the operating life of reactors upgrade, nachrüsten, nicht nachrüstbar loss of coolant (meltdown), fonte du coeur radiation protection exposure meter, dosimeter (film badge) nuclear phase-out phasing out of of nuclear energy the energy transition, Energiewende reactor safety, nuclear plant safety conditions pro-nuclear lobby, les nucléocrates, le tout nucléaire, l'énorme avantage du nucléaire behind airlocked doors I don mob cap, shoe covers and a coverall contingency planning, emergency procedures, rampenplan reac. REACTOR TYPES AGR Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor EPR European Pressurised-water Reactor, le fameux EPR des Anglosaxons LWR Light Water Reactor NPS Nuclear Power Stations, AKW Atomkraftwerk VVER Водо-водяной энергетический реактор reactor types, filières fourth generation reactors newer gas-cooled reactors fuel for commercial reactors fast breeder, Schnellbrüter 1950s vintage Magnox stations nuclear power stations, centrale, Kernkraftwerk DE Gorleben interim storage facility 2011 8 of the country's 17 reactors shut down with the rest to follow by 2022 FR Plogoff (Finistère) Fessenheim (Alsace) consultation procedure EDF Electricité de France St Aubain (décharge nucléaire) power stations sited near borders Flamanville on the Cotentin Peninsula houses two PWRs, l'EPR en construction à Flamanville (Manche) le réacteur à neutrons rapides de Creys-Malville reprocessing, usine de retraitement des déchets de la COGEMA à Cap La Hague (Manche) liquid sodium-cooled Superphénix to close, Natrium BE Doel (Antwerp) and Tihange (Huy) UK HM Government Sizewell B in Suffolk Dounreay (Caithness, Scotland) BNFL British Nuclear Fuels Limited Sellafield nuclear facility in Cumbria, ex Windscale, primary cooling circuit, discharges into the Irish Sea, leukaemia clusters (cases close together) NIREX Nuclear Industry Radioactive Waste Executive Mox nuclear facility, Mixed Oxide Fuel, Mox fuel plant vintage Magnox stations, newer gas-cooled reactors Hinkley Point C (Somerset) SPAIN Garoña US 1979 Three Mile Island (Romania) Cernavodă NPP, CANDU (CANada DeuteriumUranium reactor) SWEDEN 50%, 10 reactors, Oskarshamn, Ringhals, Forsmark BULGARIA Kozloduy NPP supplies half the country's electricity, ageing VVER Soviet-era nuclear reactors, Belene NPP under construction SLOVAKIA Mochovce and Bohunice have VVER NPPs LITHUANIA Ignalina plans to build a plant at Visaginas cher. CHERNOBYL (26.4.86) Kiev Soviet-era RBMK (Реактор Большой Мощности Канальный), a pressurised water reactor with individual fuel channels with ordinary water as its coolant and graphite as its moderator, intended and used for both plutonium and power production TACIS call for proposals UAS Ukraine Academy of Sciences uncontrolled release of radiation the independent panel of experts liquidators cleaned up the debris shielding, secondary containment leave the problem to future generations damaged remains of reactor 4, reactors still in operation, site operators, decommissioning entombment in situ (sarcophagus), stabilisation of existing shelter, second shelter over existing Ukritiye, dismantling unfavourable geological conditions, ground-water containment issues completion of Khmelnitszy 2 and Rovno 4 nuclear reactors thyroid cancer, iodised salt (prevention), Schilddrüse segregation, treatment, final storage, final disposal of 600.000 m³, 200 tonnes of fuel originally present, fuel dust, hot radioactive materials eura. EAEC (EURATOM Treaty) ESA Euratom Supply Agency, agence d'approvisionnement ESD Safeguards Directorate, non-proliferation HEU Highly Enriched Uranium Euratom inspectors radiological protection dual use (civilian/military) ownership of fissile materials plutonium trafficking, weapons-grade plutonium jet. JET UKAEA host agency Joint European Torus, Culham, Oxfordshire, JET Scientific Council thermonuclear fusion project ICF Inertial Confinement Fusion plasma, tritium fuel in a blanket of lithium fusi. iter. ITER International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor controlled thermonuclear fusion magnetic confinement devices Cadarache (Tokamak) Токамак "тороидальная камера в магнитных катушках" (toroidal chamber in magnetic coils), invented by Igor Tamm and Andrei Sakharov a tokamak produces a toroidal (doughnut-shaped) magnetic field for confining a plasma wast. WASTE DISPOSAL Becquerel/m3 long-lived v short-lived waste interim storage v final disposal low- v intermediate- v high-level waste decommission v dismantle v decontaminate CASTOR Cask for storage and transport of radioactive materials, Castor-Behälter core retrievable control rods transmutation cooling ponds sites, Standorte hot (radioactive) half life, période nuclear materials dry-storage casks disused salt mines burial, enfouissement interim storage facility rehabilitation, banaliser un site vitrification, Verglasung (Kokillen) deep geological disposal, Entsorgung high cost of decommissioning and clean-up, bonifiche cocoon in thick concrete, condition, encase transfrontier movement of radioactive waste permanent underground storage repositories underground storage facilities, en profondeur reprocessing, retraitement, Wiederaufarbeitung low-level radioactive waste, schwachstrahlende radioaktive Abfälle transport and storage of waste, shipments, déchets radioactifs, Atommüll spent fuel rods, combustible irradié, abgebrannte Brennelemente radioactive waste management, waste disposal, low-level waste, intermediate-level waste, high-level waste storage on site above ground, stockage direct, stockage en surface permanent storage facilities, évacuation, Endlagerung twen. 2020 STRATEGY smart, sustainable, inclusive growth HEADLINE TARGETS 1 raise the employment rate of the population aged 20– 64 from the current 69% to at least 75% 2 investing 3% of GDP in R&D 3 202020 greenhouse gas emissions, renewables, energy efficiency 4 early school leavers, tertiary education 5 lifting 20 million people out of poverty Flagship Initiatives, Leitinitiativen, initiatives phares 1 innovation union 2 youth on the move 3 digital agenda for Europe 4 resource-efficient Europe 5 industrial policy for globalisation era 6 agenda for new skills and jobs 7 European platform for poverty rese. RESEARCH Maíre Geoghegan-Quinn, Research, Innovation, Science Horizon 2020 (ex FP 7), FPRI Framework Programme for Research and Innovation excellence participation rules science and society direct and indirect costs re-use of public sector information funding model, funding rate, Förderrate 1 excellence in science 2 industrial leadership 3 societal challenges triple helix (industry, academia, public sector) knowledge triangle (education, research, innovation) CIP Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme EIP Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme EIT European Institute of Innovation and Technology, Budapest ERA European Research Area ERC European Research Council, expert group, Federico Mayor, DG UNESCO, Administrative Board, Scientific Council FET Future and Emerging Technologies FP7, FRP Framework Research programme, programme cadre ideas (European Research Council), people (human resources), cooperation (collaborative research), capacities (SMEs) ACTS telecoms ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking (JU), JTI Joint Technology Initiative, embedded computing systems Barcelona goal, 3% GDP on research, 2/3 from the private sector ESF European Science Foundation ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures ETP European Technology Platforms GMES Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (Joint Initiative) GRI Global Reporting Initiative, triple bottom line, economic, social, environmental impacts JTI Joint Technological Initiatives KET Key Enabling Technologies KICs, Knowledge and Innovation Communities, the kicks RTD Research, Technological Development and Demonstration SET Strategic Energy Technology STEM fields, science, technology, engineering, mathematics TMR Training and Mobility of Researchers, Marie Curie Actions (fellowships) TSER Targeted Socio Economic Research clusters gateway lone wolf poles of excellence innovation relay centres business support services adapt to economic change macro-economic policy mix sustainable economic growth regions of knowledge, mentoring blue-sky (curiosity-driven) research loci access rights materials testing international fora specific programmes Review Board report expert advisory group networks of excellence boost the research effort, give new impetus to exploit research potential the research community audit certificates per grant highly educated population healthy eating, diet, nutrition TIC, SAT coaching and training seminars nanosciences, nanotechnologies pre-seed phase of business start-ups research areas, fields, domaines d'action undertakings, research centres, universities photonics, an electronics of photons instead of electrons JRC. JRC Joint Research Centre, CCR, GFS ISPRA, systems engineering, IT Information Technology, remote sensing, télédétection Petten (advanced materials) Karlsruhe (transuranium elements) Geel (reference materials, measurements) dissemination of results industry and universities coordination of national programmes applied research, industrial applications the innovation graveyard is the gap between the early adopters and the early majority fundamental research, pre-competitive research, Grundlagenforschung the European paradox is that research doesn't read across into products, processes and patents, time to market, you can't legislate for originality droi. fund. FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS CFR Charter of Fundamental Rights individual v collective rights criminal suspects v sentenced criminals Community Charter of Fundamental Social Rights of Workers 1 droits fondamentaux classiques 2 droits nouveaux third-, fourth-generation rights, life sciences, bioethics, data protection officer Art 136 TEU European Social Charter SOLIDAR, Silver Rose Awards, social justice and equality indefinite detainment without trial of foreign suspects creeping erosion, contempt for democracy under the guise of values that underpin our civilisation adhere to democratic principles of general application enforceable, justiciable protecting civil liberties Basic Law, Grundgesetz principles of natural justice objectives, Zielbestimmungen common unity of moral purpose Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe basic rights, fundamental freedoms culture of rights and responsibilities codification, inventory of rights that already exist checks and balances, Schrankenbestimmungen judicial review, review the legality of an act, statuer sur la validité status of the charter, a political declaration, proclamation at Nice, non-binding political statement habeas corpus right of association non-religious, laïcité sanctity of the home inviolability of the person inviolable rights of the human person bring perpetrators to justice guaranteed minimum income we are a community of values inhuman and degrading treatment freedom of speech, délit d'opinion Gewährleistungsrechte, Abwehrrechte shone like a beacon for human rights trade union rights at GCHQ (Cheltenham) acting against its own stated intentions of the authorities are making welcome efforts the right to one's own language and culture mistreatment (ill-treatment) in police custody have civic rights withdrawn, be stripped of rights procedural safeguards in criminal trials, reading suspects their rights, the Miranda rights (US), read him his rights economic and social rights, labour rights, droits collectifs diplomatic and consular protection, bypassed normal diplomatic channels civil and political rights, civic and political freedoms, citizens’ rights irrespective of age, race, gender, disability, creed, sexual orientation freedom of expression, thought, conscience, religion, worship, belief right to a fair trial, brought promptly before a judge, equal before the law, presumption of innocence right to life, personal liberty, integrity, Unversehrtheit, épanouissement de la personne humaine freedom of assembly, association, liberté de réunion roma. ROMA 12 million Roma La Voix des Rroms dismantling of Roma camps national Roma contact points national integration strategies travellers, les gens du voyage expulsion of Roma from France the Roma nation, plight of the Roma people non-territorial minorities, travelling Roma, Sinti, Manouche, Ashkaeli, Gadje, Lenich (vanniers) Romani Rose, Documentation and Culture Centre of German Sinti and Roma in Heidelberg Bury Me Standing: The Gypsies and their Journey (1996) Isabel Fonseca IOM, Genf, Zigeunererfassungsstelle, ethnische Profile, weitergegeben, rassenhygienische Forschungsstelle use of Romanes, Romani in contacts with public authorities OSCE, Warsaw-based ODIHR Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, CPRSI Contact Point on Roma and Sinti Issues le fichier Mens (Minorités ethniques non sédentarisées), fichier rom echr. ECHR European Convention on Human Rights the Human Rights Convention the EU as such is not a signatory accede to the Strasbourg Convention ECHR European Court of Human Rights the Strasbourg Court exte. EXTERNAL ACTION SERVICE EEAS, service extérieur, SEAE, EAD Aussendienst double ee ay es the Capitol building on Rond-point Schuman Henry Kissinger’s famous jibe, when I want to speak to Europe, who do I call? PSC Political and Security Committee, Ambassador Walter Stevens, monitors the international situation CMPD Crisis Management and Planning Directorate PESCO Permanent Structured Cooperation how much can you put in common costs? Article 44, mandate a group of countries level-three emergencies (Ukraine, Libya,Gaza, Mali, Northern Nigeria (Boko Haram), Somalia, Yemen, Ebola) ring of friends ring of fire religious and ethnic intolerance double-hatted: Head of Delegation (COM) and Special Representative (Council), EUSR/HoD CFSP Common Foreign and Security Policy, PESC, GASP CSDP (ex ESDP) Common Security and Defence Policy, PSDC, GSVP HoM Head of Mission OHQ Operational Headquarters? every Delegation to have a CSDP attaché? CPCC Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability AFET, DEVE, INTA DG DEVCO HR/VP Federica Mogherini, ex Cathy Ashton HR FASP Foreign Affairs and Security Policy foreign policy chief head of the diplomatic corps Madam High Representative! Frank-Walter Steinmeier Laurent Fabius William Hague the air miles she has notched up in the last six months are impressive by anyone's standards the HR/VP has gone from strength to strength DG ELARG Enlargement, Neighbourhood International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid, Crisis Response DG DEVCO Development DG TRADE EU Special Representative (EUSR) for Human Rights Stavros Lambrinidis CEPS Centre for European Policy Studies joint ownership field experience geographical desks national embassies framing foreign policy macrofinancial assistance follow-up to the task-force joined-up security briefings 136 countries and organisations drawing on information we receive inclusive development (the opposition) background checks (security clearance) the emerging security and defence policy hotspots, troublespots, assessments, briefings, counterterrorism, counter-proliferation Sec-Gen Alain Le Roy, ex Pierre Vimont Dep Sec-Gen, Political Affairs, Helga Schmid Dep Sec-Gen, Inter-institutional Affairs, Maciej Popowski COO Chief Operating Officer, David O’Sullivan Man Dir, Middle East, Southern Neighbourhood, Hugues Mingarelli Man Dir, Asia, Viorel Isticioaia-Budura Man Dir, Russia, Eastern Neighbourhood, Western Balkans, Miroslav Lajčák Man Dir, Americas, Christian Leffler Dir, Situation Centre (SITCEN), Ilkka Salmi Taskforce on the Arab Spring, EUSR for the Southern Mediterranean, Bernardino León Dir for Western Europe, Western Balkans and Turkey the Spring programme asset recovery to countries in transition dele. DELEGATIONS EuropeAid (DG Dev, DG AIDCO merger) TAO Technical Assistance Office, BATs bureaux d'assistance technique hardship missions Head of Delegation the COM Delegate the COM Residence desk officer, le responsable Head of Mission to the Solomon Islands LA local agent CA contract agent INT agency staff, intérimaire SNE seconded national expert JED jeune expert en délégation emba. EMBASSY CCA Crisis Coordination Arrangements COCON Consular Cooperation EAS External Action Service timely evacuation embassy staff security measures search and rescue implants, antennes non-represented MS issue travel advisories reviews on Trip Adviser bail them out, dépanner tragic events in Mumbai distressed EU nationals diplomatic, consular protection because of the security situation consular and diplomatic services cancelled at the last minute due to security concerns issue temporary travel documents geographical and functional desks hard to prescribe in detail in advance Lead State concept, federführender Staat it will affect your travel plans (travel advisory) advising against non-essential travel organically linked to, answerable to foreign ministers coordinate trade and aid areas, delegated authority appointment of ambassadors and senior officials sede. defe. a train, advise and assist mission procurement and transfers defence-related projects counter hybrid strategies rapid response loyal cooperation reservists have day jobs this unit joint training Naval Station Rota in Cadiz F15 fighter base USS Carney, USS Alaska Aegis-class destroyer Albacete counter the propaganda une guerre en retard renouvellement de son équipement quantum technology CSDP-related defence research Art 41 TEU heavy armaments quantum projects DEFENCE PSC Permanent Structured Cooperation operational headquarters? constructive abstention, neutrality (Sweden, Finland, Austria, Ireland) 3CI Command, Control, Communication, Intelligence ECAP Capability Action Plan EDI European Defence Identity EDTIB European Defence Technological and Industrial Base ESS European Security Strategy EUISS European Union Institute for Security Studies EUSC European Union Satellite Centre, Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid), satellitengestützte Aufklärung MIF Multiannual Implementation Framework defence doctrines coercive diplomacy security architecture embryonic security policy from the Atlantic to the Urals peacekeeping, peace support civilian control of the military humanitarian, diplomatic, military the Royaumont process (envoys) declarations, joint actions, common positions talk softly but carry a big stick (Theodore Roosevelt) army v navy v air force civil v military v dual-use Article 223 defence, competition Article 296 infringement proceedings APC Armoured Personnel Carrier, armoured vehicles, battle tanks body armour armoured vehicles armoured brigades armour-piercing bullets ATT Arms Trade Treaty, TCA CPN Crisis Prevention Network EDA European Defence Agency, Chief Executive Jane's Defence Weekly OCCAR Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation SALW Small Arms and Light Weapons assault weapons firearms including handguns ban on semi-automatic weapons 1996 Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies, MECR Multilateral Export Control Regime, successor to COCOM CBRN Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear munitions niche market defence industry weapons systems European preference civil-military cooperation military-grade explosives defence spending review defence-related industries alliances and joint ventures military cooperation programme cluster bombs are basically launched landmines, bombes à fragmentation, sous-munitions dual-use technologies, military, civil CAAT Campaign Against Arms Trade I do not support CAAT’s wider agenda pooling purchases of defence material peace dividend (defence contraction) pooling and sharing defence capabilities stationing of tanks, artillery and aircraft to stand down a brigade (opposite of deploy) Tiger helicopter, successor to the Puma American equipment bought off the shelf the real money is in software and avionics defence spending has technology spinoffs break the shackles of national preference import, transfer, export of conventional arms defence purchasing programmes, procurement blinding laser weapons, range finders, weapon guidance, use of lasers to pinpoint targets the bulk of our defence needs comes from US defence giants like Lockheed-Martin more synergy and less duplication, we do not even buy from each other surface-to-air missile sites, pilotless combat aircraft, Eurocopter collaboration projects based on juste retour between national defence companies spell duplication code of conduct for arms exports, the arms trade airf. AIRFORCE AWACS Airborne Warning and Control System, radar planes EATC Air Transport Command EFA, Eurofighter, Typhoon, contractors, British Aerospace, Daimler-Benz Aerospace, Alenia of Italy and Casa of Spain, Jäger 90 FLA Future Large Aircraft, airlift capacity, A400M SALIS Strategic Airlift Interim Solution provide the heavy lift capability STOL aircraft have very short runway requirements (short take-off and landing) fleet review air evac, med evac Stealth bombers, Tarnkappenbomber proc. PROCUREMENT IMCO Internal Market, Consumer Protection services instructeurs les maîtres d'ouvrage préfinancement rallongement des délais le porteur du projet defence giants such as BAE Systems, Finmeccanica, Thales, EADS, Dassault Aviation, Sagem negotiated procedure with publication of a contract notice v restricted procedure public contracts in defence and security remedies thresholds review procedures electronic auctions defence and security defence procurement coordination of procedures offsets and subcontracting prevention of circumvention undertakings claiming harm defence equipment market the offset issue, rekompensaty transfers of defence-related products reciprocity (international agreements) confidentiality, security of information not applicable to contracts outside the EU transfers of defence-related products, originating in, final destination, Endverbleib cannot be obliged to supply information it considers contrary to its security interests distinction between national rules implementing Community law and other national rules military equipment, designed for civilian use, later adapted to military purposes, arms, munitions, war material purchases of goods and services in the field of security and defence Great Powers, 5 permanent members of the Security Council 1966 De Gaulle takes France out of the integrated command structure 1954 failure of the EDC European Defence Community nato. NATO (04.04.49) political and military chiefs, security arrangements, stability and peace, Atlantic Alliance, die NATO NATO Sec-Gen Jens Stoltenberg, ex Anders Fogh Rasmussen NAC North Atlantic Council, the political arm of NATO NATO summit in Wales freedom is not free NATO target of 2% of GDP 2013 Steadfast Jazz Sweden and Finland are not in NATO France rejoins integrated command structure 20.11.10 EU-NATO Lisbon summit, new strategic concept, strategic partnership with Russia, the current rapprochement, missile defense shield, eastward expansion, Ukraine, Georgia NPG Nuclear Planning Group ORF battalion (Operational Reserve Force) PA Parliamentary Assembly SACEUR Supreme Allied Commander Philip Breedlove SHAPE Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, Mons keep the Russians out, the Americans in and the Germans down US Sixth fleet Military Committee security guarantees out-of-area, hors zone integration in the euro-atlantic institutions the North Atlantic Council sets NATO policy crossing the Mogadishu line (Somalia), the shift from peace-keeping to peace-making mutual defence clause mutual assistance clause mutual defence and solidarity assistance and solidarity clause Frankenstein principle, terrorists we created now threaten us 1999 Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland 1998 St. Malo, bilateral declaration, Chirac, Blair, the Union must have the capacity for autonomous action, backed up by credible military forces, the means to decide to use them, and a readiness to do so, in order to respond to international crises pete. PETERSBERG, Gymnich meetings, the conclave (Schloss Gymnich and Petersberg are conference centres near Bonn) Berlin Declaration, Petersberg tasks Article 5 missions, the Petersberg mandate Berlin Plus, EU-led CMO Crisis Management Operations, with access to NATO military assets and capabilities civilian crisis management, humanitarian, rescue tasks, peace-keeping tasks the Athena mechanism (funding), distribution key, contributions in kind costs lie where they fall soft power, peace-keeping, humanitarian assistance CJTF Combined Joint Task Forces JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff air crews chief of staff high command citizens in uniform conscripts and regular forces combat-ready military personnel VHRF Very High Readiness Force defence planning capability building ongoing operations EUFOR (CAR) swift implementation ALTHEA/BiH EU NAVFOR Somalia EUBAM Libya EUBAM Rafah EUBAM Moldova and Ukraine EUCAP Nestor EUCAP Sahel Niger EUCAP Sahel Mali EUFOR RCA EULEX Kosovo EUMM Georgia EUPOL Afghanistan EUPOL COPPS/Palestinian Territories EUPOL RD Congo EUSEC RD Congo EUTM Mali EUTM Somalia EUAM Ukraine EUAM Advisory Mission EUBAM Border Assistance Mission EUCAP Capacity Building Effort EUFOR European Union Force EULEX Rule of Law Mission EUMM Monitoring Mission EUPOL Police Mission EUSEC Security Sector Reform Mission EUTM Training Mission pira. PIRACY extend the mission to protect fishing vessels? Atalanta (EUNAVFOR) IOC Initial Operational Capability EUCAP Nestor is a civilian mission UNSC Res 1814, 1816, 1838, 1846, 1851 Somali pirates first naval operation piracy in the Gulf of Aden commercial vessels passing through the Gulf rapi. RAPID REACTION FORCE, Eingreiftruppe operation commanders executive missions (Atalanta) non-executive peacekeeping missions non-lethal military equipment at full strength will be downsized NATO spearhead RRF NATO concept Eindhoven European Transport Command operational planning delivering on the mandate who does what right down to the tactical, the unit level sectarian quotas readiness action plan when we went into Afghanistan CRT Civilian Response Teams CPCC Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability CHG Civilian Headline Goal FOC Full Operational Capability JFC Joint Force Command (Naples, Lisbon, Brunssum (NL)) headline goal force generation conference rotate soldiers on active service battlegroups, modularity (adaptability) pre-positioning battlegroups (stand-by battalions of 1.500 combat troops), groupement de bataille, Kampfgruppe military personnel, troops and equipment rules of engagement, regole di ingaggio a gendarmerie role using our capabilities where they’re required Franco-German Brigade, German/Dutch corps in Munster, Eurocorps in Strasbourg, Eurofor, Euromarfor land. LANDMINES APL Anti Personnel Landmines, Tretminen CRIS Common RELEX Information System DAC code, Development And Cooperation ERW Explosive Remnants of War ICBL International Campaign to Ban Landmines IMAS International Mine Action Standards IWC UN Inhumane Weapons Convention, 1980 UXO unexploded ordnance, munitions MBT 1997 Mine Ban Treaty, Ottawa Treaty, formally the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction minefield booby traps mass-produced weapons of war taking their grim toll a poor man's weapon killed, disabled, maimed threatening civilian populations, non-combatants the number of casualties the Princess Diana Trust destruction of stockpiles scattered across the globe dumb mines, smart mines, self-destructing mines stricter rules, an outright ban cheap and easy to get hold of prodding the ground with a stick as a result of stepping on a mine mine clearance teams, de-mining plastic mines are difficult to locate more expensive to clear than to lay clearly marked and fenced off areas strewn about the globe awaiting a victim designed not to go off until they are disturbed nucl. NUCLEAR WEAPONS CND Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Aldermaston March (1958) Cruise missiles have a terrain contour-matching guidance system, Marschflugkörper FOFA Follow On Forces Attack IISS International Institute for Strategic Studies MAD Mutual Assured Destruction SDI Strategic Defense Initiative, Star Wars détente retaliation arms race no-first-use balance of terror nuclear programme declared nuclear sites deterrence, dissuasion weapons-grade plutonium nuclear stockpile (arsenal) Natodoppelbeschluss, 1979 twin-track decision to deploy Euromissiles (Cruise and Pershing) in the event of failure to negotiate away the SS20s stationed in eastern Europe, Greenham Common nuclear weapons capability expel international inspectors dismantle its nuclear capability testing nuclear-capable missiles open nuclear sites to inspection flexible response, riposte graduée dismantle nuclear weapons fuel complex uranium enrichment plant, weapons-grade plutonium Britain's Trident Faslane base on the Clyde warhead storage facilities at Coulport arms. ARMS CONTROL CFE Conventional Forces in Europe, KSE-vertrag CSBM Confidence and Security Building Measures INF Intermediate Nuclear Forces CFR Conventional Force Reductions FMCT Fissile Materials Cut-off Treaty 1972 ABM Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty CTBT Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty START Strategic Arms Reduction Talks BTWC Bacteriological, Toxic Weapons ICBM Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles Mururoa Atoll, Fangataufa, nuclear testing NPT Non Proliferation Treaty (1968), Review Conference, conférence d’examen du TNP cutting arsenals of tactical nuclear weapons battlefield nuclear weapons, bunkerbusters war. WAR proxy war information warfare difference between aggression and subversion ICC International Criminal Court, CPI the President and the Prosecutor review conference of the Rome Statute in Kampala, "the crime of aggression" under the radar sea of fire nuclear test on high alert miscalculation satellite launch talks remain stalled colonialist ventures territorial expansion provocative actions overflight of bombers one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter long-range artillery units successful rocket launch capable of carrying long-range missiles ongoing military exercises pre-emptive nuclear strikes they took down (shot down) combat posture number one the non-proliferation regime cycle of confrontation ramping up the rhetoric ratcheting up of tensions a clear and present danger new and heightened rhetoric loyalists v rebels MANPADS (Man Portable Air Defense Systems) are shoulder-launched SAMs PMC Private Military Contractors SAM sites (Surface To Air missiles) UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, drone attacks, a Playstation mentality selective killings by drones (targeted killing) humvees AK 47-fire spotter plane Cobra helicopters helicopter gunships anti-tank rocket-launcher fixed-wing, swing-wing, vertical take-off flak jacket, shrapnel buried deep in the Kevlar shelling atrocities body bags rebel forces compromise child soldiers covert action a tour of duty forces loyal to special forces lists of new kit arm the rebels regime change frozen conflicts prepositioning troops and materiel for an invasion massing troops flee the fighting a pitched battle mangled bodies rampaging mobs sectarian killings logistical support massive reaction legitimate targets accidents happen armed insurgency gather intelligence destructive spiral crush the rebellion wadis (river beds) supported by massive airpower, call in an air strike, take out key defences security challenges armoured columns guerrilla techniques a running gun battle must be taken down mounting casualties swept for explosives exchanges of gunfire run for bomb shelters open a northern front urban warfare tactics outbreak of hostilities protection of civilians arming the opposition active-duty personnel providing transport planes to move troops and equipment combat units enemy combatants to degrade the rebels airmen flying combat missions plight of civilians in conflict zones deliver lethal payloads from the sky re-integration of former combatants suspend offensive combat operations combatants and non-combatants alike distant growl of the combat air patrol fighter jets the ever-present fear the trapped people of bunker-busting bombs mission creep, dérive escalation of violence an orgy of bloodletting massing on the border engage enemy targets dramatically escalated cross-border incursions ground forces ground offensive commit troops to a ground war boots on the ground, incursion terrestre forward operating bases resumption of mortar fire rebels and militia fighters infrastructures destroyed my country right or wrong peacekeeping operations caught up in the carnage comprehensive ceasefire national unity government and his murderous regime launch a pre-emptive strike, aerial attacks, aerial assaults, surgical strikes the moment before the off provoking a counterattack call in aerial or artillery fire smash its military capacity step up intelligence sharing rogue states, états voyous airpower alone won't defeat disproportionate response every war has its casualties escalate into all-out civil war before the coalition fractures the weapons of the weak asymmetrical urban warfare non-state actors in asymmetric conflicts disproportionate use of force enemy redoubts (strongholds) which has claimed the lives of psychological warfare, psy ops military personnel (servicemen) the armed struggle, car bombs, molotov cocktails, balaclavas a pitchperfect training exercise overcrowded emergency rooms counter-insurgency operations intelligence-gathering overflights scenes of death and destruction see this thing through to the end compiling intelligence dossiers pick-up trucks with machineguns allow deliveries of basic supplies worsening humanitarian situation RPGs rocket-propelled grenades lockdown of airspace, no-fly zone command-and-control procedures weapons dumps and rocket launching teams right to self-defence non-negotiable make life-or-death triage judgments the responsibility-to-protect doctrine friendly fire (self-inflicted casualties) checkpoints and roadblocks, barrage military occupation, occupying force deploying its bomber fleet deployed strategic assets deploy troops on the ground deployment of military assets our understanding of modern warfare deployment of an international force fomenting, outbreak of sectarian strife sniper fire (marksmen, sharpshooters) civilians caught up in the fighting collateral damage (civilian casualties) rolling strike, mortar, artillery, feu roulant deal with any serious security challenges marines closed the rat-runs on the border aerial bombardment of rebels and civilians below the minimum troop strength required shelter among civilian populations, human shield three hour lulls, humanitarian deliveries, humanitarian corridor using white phosphorus shells over civilian targets accuse each other of backing and harbouring rebels to RV (rendezvous), meet up going to the local witch doctor a fantastic bit of kit (equipment) pronto (PDQ Pretty Damn Quick) you don’t want to be silhouetted (visible against the background) a safe haven if you had to leg it (leave quickly) one lilypad safe point after another (stepping stones) migr. IDP Internally Displaced Persons IOM International Organisation for Migration Khartoum Process (EU-Horn of Africa Migration Route Initiative) uprooted people climate refugees internal refugees in the region collection centres, Auffanglager internal conflicts, civil wars, refugee camps forced relocation, population displacements non-state persecution, nichtstaatliche Verfolgung returnees, return of refugees, the return programme refugees and displaced persons, Vertriebene, sfollati huma. HUMAN RIGHTS while recognising within the limits of its competence the High Rep we raise this with the authorities on every occasion on all possible occasions from the president down the justice sector, system political interference in the judicial process right to a fair and speedy trial right to a fair and independent trial at the time of his arrest denied medical treatment accused of being involved in a terrorist plot anomalies state pathologist was summarily executed held without charge in pre-trial detention AI Amnesty International a template letter HRW Human Rights Watch HRC UN Human Rights Council, a Geneva resolution human rights universally applicable and valid UN WG on Arbitrary Detention OHCHR, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights is based at the Palais Wilson in Geneva, Navi Pillay FIDH International Federation of Human Rights Leagues ICJ International Court of Justice, Peace Palace, CIJ ICTR for Rwanda (Arusha), TPIR ICTY for Former Yugoslavia, TPIY Chief Prosecutor Serge Brammertz ex Carla Del Ponte IHL International Humanitarian Law JCE Joint Criminal Enterprise war crimes tribunal be delivered to the Hague given up to international justice war criminals in hiding, on the run ethnic cleansing, purification ethnique war crimes fugitive indicted for genocide return of Hague cases to local jurisdiction war indictees, indicted on war crimes charges wanted for, on counts (charges) of crimes against humanity, war crimes, genocide war crimes suspects, handing alleged war criminals over the issue of cooperation with the Hague Tribunal Ante Gotovina Radovan Karadžić Slobodan Milošević Goran Hadžić (ex leader Serbs in Croatia) Ratko Mladić, Bosnian Serb commander, Butcher of Bosnia huma. HUMAN RIGHTS be held to v fall short of uphold the principles we hold dear repressive regimes v open societies hold ourselves to the same high standards uphold (meet) the very norms and standards EIDHR European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights EED European Endowment for Democracy ACHPR African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (Banjul Charter) ACHPR Commission HCHR High Commissioner for Human Rights UN HRC Human Rights Council, UPR Universal Periodic Review every four years ICCPR International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, signing and ratifying the Second Optional Protocol ICESCR International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, PIDESC COHOM Council Human Rights Working Group COJUR Working party on International Public Law IHL International Humanitarian Law ILHR International League for Human Rights GEI Georg Eckert Institute (textbooks, identity, self, others) UDHR Universal Declaration of Human Rights France, la patrie des droits de l'homme 1989 EP Declaration of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms 1948 Universal Declaration 1688 UK Bill of Rights 1215 Magna Carta Title 5 CFSP Title 6 JHA 13 EC general non-discrimination clause trade union and human rights activists girl child universal human rights rights of girls and women inalienable, integral, indivisible human rights and women's rights UN Charter on the Rights of the Child show trial blood money bloc mentality gunshot wounds quell an uprising to counter unrest plight of refugees in police lock-ups unarmed civilians stand accused of political prisoners a wave of arrests civil disobedience human rights defenders, advocates, campaigners, activists, monitors, groups suppress dissent good governance humanitarian crisis secure their return special procedures independent media fuel ethnic tensions defuse ethnic tensions ethnic tensions remain high abhorrent practices impose v lift sanctions scalpel sanctions targeted sanctions the sanctions regime third-stage sanctions sanction-busters phased sanctions roadmap asset freezes and visa bans travel restrictions, travel ban, exit visas activists rounded up independent experts injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere (Martin Luther King Jr) held incommunicado denial of basic rights detention without trial collective punishment self-imposed isolation received death threats muzzle (gag) the press responsibility to protect forced civil conscription prisoners of conscience gross violations of human rights targeted assassinations, elimination, killings, assassination raids mass public executions young hooligan elements enforced disappearances are there cultural issues? right of return for refugees full access to properties excessive police reaction under sentence of death placed under house arrest threat to national security right of peaceful assembly propping up corrupt regimes increasingly vocal opposition under the heel of dictatorship mass grave, fosse commune protesters and police face off live in fear of arbitrary arrest and detention repression, persecution, threats, harassment, intimidation allow freedom of expression freedom of religion and belief students were baton-charged forcible relocation of civilians for acts disturbing public order release imprisoned dissidents peaceful democratic transition operating in theatres of conflict dismissed v reinstated v vetted suspension of travel restrictions la démocratie permet aux peuples de renverser sans violence les mauvais dirigeants (Karl Popper) democratisation refound along democratic lines condemnation of police brutality suppressing political opposition extra-judicial killings, executions meet their human rights obligations rehabilitation of war-torn societies entry ban for human rights activists crackdown (clampdown) on dissent blatant suppression of human rights part of a broader attempt to silence bantustans, Indian-style reservations there has to be an absolute standard with an appalling human rights record international human rights community humanitarian intervention, ingérence pulled off a bloodstained military coup upholding, safeguarding human rights legitimate concern of the international community conditionality (suspension clause) human rights and political freedoms preventive diplomacy, conflict prevention impunity, go unpunished, brought to book the spectrum from engagement to isolation life is the liberty on which all others depend crackdown by special police and army units universal jurisdiction (aut dedere aut judicare) a badge of identity against others identity politics, revendications identitaires calls for the restoration of constitutional legality terrorist attacks and massacres, local vendettas alleged crimes against humanity and war crimes arrested (locked up) on trumped-up (preposterous, spurious, fabricated) charges attacks on freedom of expression, opinion, association held up as a model democracy, an established multiparty system, a tradition of civilian rule ABUSES abuses committed against impunity for human rights violations violations, crimes, brutality, exactions complicit in grave human rights abuses commit egregious human rights violations an egregious stain on its young democracy gross human rights abuses, violations, breaches raise specific cases of human rights abuses accused of widespread human rights abuses tort. TORTURE in an ideal world v in the real world ECHR European Convention on Human Rights Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment distasteful interrogated personal injury family members hooded, cagoulé enhanced interrogation techniques, mock executions, stress positions, dietary manipulation, insult slaps, sleep deprivation, wall standing, water dousing, cramped confinement nightmare, ordeal extract information coercive interrogation held without food, water the ticking bomb scenario reputation further tarnished tortured with electric shocks hand over terrorist suspects bypassing the ban on torture unconventional methodologies cruel and unusual punishment turned a blind eye to torture on the scale without any legal procedure, legal restraints waterboarding (simulated drowning), Wasserkur torture, cruel, inhumane, degrading treatment, trophy images subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment, even tortured complicit, complicity in torture, we've strayed quietly into complicity, we didn't know because we didn't ask well-known for their violent interrogation techniques osce. OSCE (ex CSCE) Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (Vienna), OBWE ODIHR Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (Warsaw), BIDDH NNA Neutral and Non Aligned, blockfrei 1990 Charter of Paris 1975 Helsinki Final Act, Helsinki Process Third Basket (human and civil rights) Concluding Document Vienna Conflict Prevention Centre sakh. Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, human rights activist, dissident, wife Yelena Bonner AFET, DROI, DEVE award ceremony recipient of a prize closing date for proposing nominees Congolese doctor Denis Mukwege, victims of sexual violence in the DRC 2013 Malala Yousafzai 2012 Nasrin Sotoudeh, Jafar Panahi (Iran) 2011 Asmaa Mahfouz (Egypt), Ahmed al-Zubair Ahmed al-Sanusi (Libya), Razan Zaitouneh (Syria), Ali Farzat (Syria) Mohamed Bouazizi (Tunisia) 2010 Guillermo Fariñas 2009 Memorial NGO, Oleg Orlov, Sergei Kovalev, Lyudmila Alexeyeva 2008 Hu Jia 2007 Salih Mahmoud Osman 2006 Aleksandar Milinkievič (Belarus) 2005 Ladies in White (Cuba), Reporters Without Borders, Hauwa Ibrahim (Nigeria) 2004 Zhanna Litvina, Belarusian Association of Journalists 2003 the United Nations 2002 Oswaldo Payá (Cuba), Varela project 2001 Nurit Peled-Elhanan (Israel), Izzat Ghazzawi (Palestine), Dom Zacarias Kamwenho (Angola) 2000 ¡Basta Ya! (Spain) 1999 Xanana Gusmão (East Timor) 1998 Ibrahim Rugova (FR Yugoslavia) 1997 Salima Ghezali (Algeria) 1996 Wei Jingsheng (China) 1995 Leyla Zana (Turkey) 1994 Taslima Nasreen (Bangladesh) 1993 the Sarajevo newspaper Oslobodenje (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 1992 Las madres de la Plaza de Mayo (Argentina) 1991 Adem Demaçi (SFR Yugoslavia) 1990 Aung San Suu Kyi (Myanmar) 1989 Alexander Dubček (Slovakia) 1988 Nelson Mandela (South Africa), Anatoli Marchenko (Ukraine) dipl. DIPLOMACY failed state CBM Confidence Building Measures DDR Demobilisation Disarmament Reintegration a cynic knows the price of everything and the value of nothing (Oscar Wilde) all options are on the table the military option is on the table arising from the ashes of war the world has moved on considerably a decade since the end of military rule a fertile breeding ground, recruit terrorists draining the swamp, deter a happy medium a glimmer of hope use all its diplomatic muscle bring the partners to the negotiating table a major stumbling block to (road block, obstacle) talks about talks derail the process a round of discussions buying into the process as the process moves on spoiler, Spielverderber back in the deep freeze a face-saving formula orderly disengagement non-paper, document officieux draw a line under (turn the page) a pragmatic solution will be found a soggy compromise (cornflakes) not worth the paper it's written on criminal aggression and aggressions limited sovereignty decentralised autonomy a global player a payer not a player a bystander in international affairs liberation struggle install a puppet regime a vicious cycle of conflict a prolonged bout of infighting stifle dissent post-election violence see violent street protests erupt fire into crowds of peaceful demonstrators agree to differ, moving ahead the wider issues, the prize, l’enjeu already on offer, get a settlement prudent planning, a safe pair of hands am I going to be the wicked witch of the west? an emotive issue (feelings running high), des aspects passionnels an ethnic patchwork, minority rights what we have we hold hostile rhetoric, human rights record an open wound, wounds still fresh a festering sore, the healing process back channels and side deals balance of forces, the balance of advantage before we leave the room big power politics worse than a crime, a blunder (Talleyrand) a playground for the secret services, Spielplatz the only show in town breakdown of trust, a failure of politics bring forward proposals harden up proposals viable ceasefire agreement brokered by closest aides to the respective leaders carry weight in the negotiating game closing the door, Bermuda Triangle hitch their wagon to coalition of the willing scare tactics client state come back to the table press the re-set button chipping away at the mistrust promote mutual understanding commitment to shared values gesture politics constructive ambiguity fudge the issue, a fudge (blur) the presence of so many settlers constructive dialogue without preconditions that's exactly the process we're engaged in if they’re serious about peace they’ll give up their guns deactivated demilitarisation troop withdrawal arms decommissioning put them beyond use (render unusable) disarming of all paramilitary groups multi-party democracy, pluralisme exceptional circumstances call for exceptional measures desperate ills require desperate remedies develop a mutual understanding coming together for the common good in working groups and technical committees deal-saver get a fair deal the deal fell through get a deal at any price could be a deal-breaker constitute a casus belli diplomatic incidents and lapses of protocol when you peel away all the negative stuff diplomatic overtures towards empty political gestures appeasement, munichois troop commitments entangling alliances bring our boys home loose talk costs lives everything must change so that everything can stay the same (Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa) face-to-face talks without preconditions failure to comply (material breach) revanchism up to its old empire-building tricks supervised statehood full independence with supervision global give and take get a compromise everyone can live with help the two sides get moving signalling (indicating) heads of agreement good-neighbourly relations government of national unity cultural and political autonomy hardliners, hawks hardening positions escalation of the rhetoric moderate factions, doves shock, dismay, outrage, revulsion halt the bloodshed (stop the killing) bring the army under civilian control hard power v soft power bleeding hearts bandaid solution having listened to you I am still confused but on a higher level (Enrico Fermi) religious freedom democratic scrutiny honest broker (bons offices) I'm known to be a strong friend instead of cursing the darkness light a candle (Eleanor Roosevelt) invest political capital in jaw jaw is better than war war (Churchill) leave office with rock-bottom approval ratings stand down and call elections megaphone diplomacy gunboat diplomacy multi-layered negotiations nationalistic and chauvinistic necessity is the mother of invention never come between a crowd and its lunch normalisation, heal the rifts, armed neutrality not a lie, a terminological inexactitude, economical with the truth (Winston Churchill) nothing is agreed until everything is agreed respect for different opinions part of every healthy democracy opinions are free, facts are sacred peacekeeping force Blue Berets, Casques bleus permanent status talks, future status talks pessimism of the spirit, optimism of the will (Antonio Gramsci) peace envoy prisoner exchanges populist extremists play the populist card diplomatic stand-off foreign policy challenges played very well there went down well with them stability of the entire region political fallout from the issue Punch and Judy it's all good clean fun the cut and thrust of debate political knockabout is a normal part of democracy a provocative act, high-risk strategy populist firebrand, riots and repression undermine the rule of law source of legitimacy, use of force power constrained by international rules power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely (Lord Acton) power struggle between reformers and hardliners problems of timetabling and process the technical substance and the process shuttle diplomacy, indirect contacts proximity talks worse is better (Lenin about the Tsar) an agenda for change on everybody's agenda pushing a particular platform pursuing their own agenda unilaterally put out feelers to, goodwill gesture linkage, Junktim a flurry of diplomatic activity quiet diplomacy, mending fences bridge divisions, consensus-building given the high stakes expend political capital back-channel diplomacy raise the stakes, up the ante, talk tough the only language they understand reach a comprehensive peace agreement in the aftermath, when peace breaks out relations became decidedly frosty provokes widespread condemnation room for manœuvre, wiggle room roving ambassador, fact-finding mission has leverage over, despite the PR spin show moderation in the handling on either side of the divide reconsider our position allow the package to unravel simmering hostility, resentment small steps major strides softening its stance delayed not derailed risk derailing the process take informal soundings in the event of a settlement sticking points, crunch points improve their bargaining position genuine autonomy, full independence be forced back to the bargaining table non-negotiable red lines, Knackpunkte stalemate, movement, media frenzy, hype up use as bargaining chips taking up negotiating positions (hardline) intemperate language tempers are running high talking up the threat shuttle diplomacy, break the deadlock talks have stalled, mediation mission the carrot and the stick half-way house solution the deal that was offered the free-rider issue (something for nothing) the healthy political tensions of democratic pluralism the substance is discussed by the leaders the leaders are the owners of the process the people, the government, a military ruler imperial overreach, overstretch the Secretary General's good offices a learning and listening exercise the villain of the piece there is no such thing as history only biography (Ralph Waldo Emerson) they're very good at the blame game playing the blame game is not helpful trust is good, control is better (Lenin) freeze the status quo peace-keeping mission UN guiding principles, uphold UN resolutions rejection front, Front der Ablehnung unsavoury regimes unstoppable momentum a window of opportunity a clarification-seeking exercise we do have law and order issues agreement on the way forward we need to get round the table gestures are more symbolic than real western statecraft and diplomacy our mandate is restricted to the buffer zone we've all heard the term regime change what some call the war against terror squeamish (distaste), Berührungsängste joint police force freedom of movement rebuild the infrastructure consolidation of democracy the reconstruction effort, rehabilitation indicted war criminals debarred from office institution-building (the task of establishing democratic institutions) reco. RECONSTRUCTION redeployment, withdrawal, retrait hand over full responsibility for security at the peak of the engagement ethnic backslide past the transition horizon acutely aware key challenges facing the peace process moving forward in a constructive manner the security transition most military experts would tell you an inclusive political process at peace His Excellency Ambassador ... talked about from the outset we'd had I think various missed opportunities senior commanders in the insurgency there hasn't been any evidence to show we made a great mistake rearmed and regrouped conduct terrorist and insurgent activities shift their focus how did ... come about ...was there ...there were several things first, second a safe sanctuary across the border hedge their bets removing certain individuals peace talks have stalled so where are we now does not speak with one voice unfortunately Country has not played a constructive role thus far but the jury is still out on who struggles to speak with a single voice through a back channel nation building move beyond just speechifying to the substance I'm going to talk about debacle hugely problematic we all have an inkling prone to vulnerabilities but other than that peculiarities multi-faith think positive spillover, incursion bilateral relations in essence capacity-building counter-narcotics border control sorry border management border management is a euphemism for stopping immigrants cross-border projects reliable delivery on commitments attention will wander an area where all of our interests converge get the ultimate return for our investment departure of foreign troops truth commission robust growth it was our basic working assumption attracted in a pragmatic way to business opportunities will be key to future mindful of old animosities the big picture was framed old unsolved problems mindsets no time and perhaps no quick gains may flow at the border posts if the will is there have clearly demonstrated the transformative power of this project the road to prosperity and growth present the main takeaways a domestic business spillovers inta. trad. TRADE Karel de Gucht, DG TRADE Trade Policy Committee (ex Article 133 Committee) the Commission negotiates trade agreements negotiating mandate from Council hebdomadaires (weekly meetings in Geneva) parties to the agreement (signatories) non-trade concerns, issues (food safety, environmental protection, rural development, animal welfare standards) BIT Bilateral Investment Treaties DCFTA Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement DDB Duty Drawback, Zollrückerstattung FDI Foreign Direct Investment INTA International Trade ttip. ISDS Investor-State Dispute Settlement, Streitschlichtung, Investitionschutz I see arbitration as a positive alternative to the court system the big corporates Vattenfall, Germany, ISDS international investment court investor courts, Schiedsgerichte private arbitration, tribunal d'arbitrage special regimes for investor disputes ICSID International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, CIRDI TFP Trade Facilitation Platform, post-Bali competence creep as an open free trade group push an agenda firepower stalling in the talks tariffs, Zölle TTIP Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, TAFTA TAFTA Transatlantic Free Trade Area Verschränkung existierender Märkte lowering our standards social, environmental, health standards SPS sanitary and phytosanitary measures, animal and plant health chlorinated chickens, Chlorhühnchen ractopamine in American pork GM crops Pioneer 1507 maize (GM) hormone beef cloned meat wines and spirits OECD Sec-Gen José Ángel Gurría "two million jobs in Europe, 0.5% of GDP and EUR 550 per family per year" Vice-Pres Biden liked to talk of finishing the deal on one tank of gas (quick) CETA Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (EU-Canada) TiSA plurilateral Trade in Services Agreement, ex GATS Trade in Services, AGCS TPP Trans-Pacific Partnership mixed agreements (shared competence) monitoring groups, groupes de suivi carve-out of public services Room 4C18 in Brussels (reading room), Leseraum lowering our standards social, environmental, health standards NTB Non-Tariff Barriers SPS sanitary and phytosanitary measures, animal and plant health chlorinated chickens, ein Chlorhühnchen zu rupfen haben mit ractopamine is common in American pork GM crops, GMOs Pioneer 1507 maize (GM) hormone beef cloned meat wines and spirits wto. WORLD TRADE ORGANISATION “Spaghetti Bowl” of unilateral, bilateral and multilateral trade agreements TPP Trans-Pacific Partnership EPA Economic Partnership Agreement, l'impact des APE KPI Key Performance Indicators TPA Trade Promotion Authority (fast track negotiating authority) USTR Trade Representative, Michael Froman Google: wto glossary les trois A (APIC, AGCS, AMI) TRIPS Trade Related Intellectual Property measures, APIC MAI Multilateral Agreement on Investments, AMI round, cycle trade irritants (disputes) free trade v protectionism I say this as a free-trader agriculture v industry v services at senior officials level v at ministerial level unilateral v bilateral v plurilateral v multilateral WTO-consistent (-compatible) v non-compliant rounds of trade talks (Kennedy, Tokyo, Uruguay, Millennium), cycles 2008 collapse of the Doha Round rollback (eliminate barriers to trade) sunset provisions are limited in time standstill (no new protectionist measures) WTO membership, integration into the international trading system Fortress Europe, Grenzabschottung key countries, India, Kamal Nath, Minister for Commerce and Industry anchored in a rules-based system of world trade plurilateral agreements, trade in civil aircraft, government procurement (more than two) multilateral trade negotiations, multilateral trading system (many) DDA Doha Development Agenda quad meeting (US, Canada, Japan, EU) G8 (industrialised countries) G33 (developing countries) G20 (finance ministers), le feuilleton des G20, Weltfinanzgipfel Porto Alegre (WSF world social forum)1.05 133 Committee (coordinating body of senior trade officials), ex-Article 113 GATS Trade in Services (four modes), AGCS Mode 1: cross-border supply, eg call centres Mode 2: consumption abroad, eg tourism Mode 3: commercial presence, eg branches Mode 4: physical presence, eg consultants ACAA Agreement of Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products ASCM Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures ATCA Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft ATTAC Association pour la Taxation des Transactions pour l’Aide aux Citoyens, altermondialists Blair House agreement (1992, export subsidies, Uruguay Round) CCT (Common Customs Tariff) duties, suspended partially, in full CVD measures on DRAMS (storage capacitors), countervailing duties DPGs Domestically Prohibited Goods DSB Dispute Settlement Body, disputes panel, preliminary ruling from the panel, Organe de règlement des différends FDI Foreign Direct Investment FTA Free Trade Agreement, ALE DCFTA Deep and Comprehensive GATS Trade in Services (Gatt is now defunct) GPA Global Parliamentary Assembly GPA Agreement on Government Procurement GSP Generalised System of Preferences, GSP ceilings, monitoring of sensitive products, GSP plus, derogates from the MFN Most Favoured Nation clause IBMA International Bovine Meat Agreement IDA International Dairy Agreement ILO core conventions, core labour standards, basic working conditions, trade must not be a race to the bottom, child labour, OIT, MOP MEAs Multilateral Environmental Agreements MFN Most Favoured Nation status, treatment MTR Multilateral Trade Round, launch a new round of global trade talks NAMA Non Agricultural Market Access, industrial products, emerging economies NTAE Non Traditional Agricultural Exports NTB Non Tariff Barriers (environmental, social etc) NTC Non Trade Concerns OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OMA Orderly Marketing Agreement submit expert reports (amicus briefs) to the WTO panels and Appellate Body PIC Prior Informed Consent PPMs Processes and Production Methods SDT Special and Differential Treatment 12.99 the Battle in Seattle, anti-globalists, global social justice, la mouvance altermondialiste, démondialisation 1996 Singapore issues (WTO Ministerial), investment protection, competition policy, transparency in government procurement, trade facilitation the Single Undertaking, (market access, regulation, integration of developing countries), engagement unique SSM Special Safeguard Mechanism STABEX/SYSMIN, commodities, world market price fluctuations the Swiss Formula is used to determine tariff cuts for industrial products, la formule suisse SPS Agreement, Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures TBM Trans Boundary Movements TBT Technical Barriers to Trade TNC Trade Negotiating Committee TREMS Trade Related Environmental Measures TRIMS Trade Related Investment Measures VRA Voluntary Restraint Agreement WIPO World Intellectual Property Organisation, OMPI WTO, Marrakesh Agreement setting up the WTO (Geneva), Dir Gen Roberto Azevêdo, ex Pascal Lamy, General Council, OMC exchanging offers and demands origin marking rules of origin "made in" the world value in the supply chain the US trade deficit with China intention to withdraw withdrawing the regulation the WTO ruling in the COOL case (Certain Countries of Origin Labelling) calibration market access WTO-compliant trade facilitation export subsidies level playing field provisional duties local content rules trade concessions tariff reductions, réduction des droits de douane, Zollabbau, desarme arancelario sensitive products deflection of trade technology transfer world trading system key services sectors regional trading blocs democratic legitimacy third-country imports share of the EU market quantitative restrictions suspension of the round deal breakers, intractable issues, such as “sensitive” and “special” products, SSM Special Safeguard Mechanism trade liberalisation talks WTO rules on antitrust la formule sudcoréenne our major trading partners fair trade, juste commerce harsh winds of competition services of general interest de-escalation, désescalade retaliatory action, rétorsion trade opening, trade openness consistent with WTO rules, WTO-consistent, WTOcompatible, v non-compliant, ex gattkonform reciprocity, national treatment extend the reach of trade rules market-opening (liberalisation) subject to customs duties, levies my negotiators had discussions import surges, sorties du panier processing sector, transformation joint and differential responsibilities market access, market penetration compatible with international obligations decimated the European livestock sector both at the bilateral level and in multilateral fora quantitative restrictions in the car sector strengthen the open system of world trade trigger the special agricultural safeguards export earnings, foreign exchange earnings elimination of internal borders, external frontier the EU is a major importer and exporter of food handover of economic governance to the WTO strengthen the EU's negotiating hand in the ongoing WTO trade talks the emerging package, outlined a possible balanced outcome let's go for a deal but one which is fair and balanced trade issues, how the trading system should change tari. TARIFFS DFQF duty free and quota free access tariffs (taxes on imported goods) applied tariffs (ones actually applied) bound tariffs (ones which cannot be raised) tariff lines import tariffs eliminate tariffs the grey market anti-dumping tariffs duty-free tariff quotas non-tariff barriers to trade unfettered duty-free access subject to the normal GSP tariffs domestic support, soutien interne food security is a big political priority zeroing (dumping margins), cotton sheet EU, export refunds, reducing agricultural tariffs WTO bound tariffs on basic food products in the context of the Development Box proposals quotas and import restrictions, quantitative restrictions, non-tariff barriers to trade tariffication (elimination of non-tariff measures), tariff reductions, binding of tariffs, tariff barriers, non-tariff barriers CAP reform driven by the desire to get a WTO agreement, import tariffs, export subsidies, tradedistorting farm support AGRICULTURE traffic lights system, prohibited (red light subsidies), actionable (amber light subsidies), non-actionable (green) Amber Box, trade-distorting domestic support Blue Box, direct payments under production-limiting programmes introduced under the 1992 MacSharry CAP reforms Green Box, non-trade distorting, non-product-specific direct payments, permitted measures trade policy issues decoupled support trade-distorting domestic farm support US Farm Bill, farm support, deficiency payments de minimis levels of support (not exceeding 5 per cent of the value of production) CAIRNS side agreements food self-sufficiency one of the things standing between us the Cairns Group of major agricultural producers having to walk off their farms, put up the shutters doing the dirty on them, socially dislocative, screams of anger and frustration, driving them into Asia's arms we are a trading nation, fair-trading agricultural nations UNITED STATES CAP, Airbus Industrie, endemic labour rigidities, eurosclerosis, rampant protectionism, anticompetitive practices Boeing takeover of McDonnell-Douglas to create the world’s biggest aerospace and defence company USTR Trade Representative, Michael Froman trans-Atlantic trade wars, unilateral trade measures under Section 301 of the US (Omnibus) Trade Act, retaliation under Super Section 301 subsidies to Airbus and Boeing, launch aid, new A350, aerospace jobs, market-distorting subsidies exclusivity deals (twenty-year supply contracts with three US airlines (American, Continental, Delta) bana. BANANAS banana regime, OCM del plátano the world's fourth most important crop growers v importers v ripeners v traders BAM Banana Accompanying Measures COM Common Organisation of the Market OCT Overseas Countries and Territories banana exporters from Africa and Caribbean and their competitors from Latin America fight hard for shares on the EU market 1996 WTO dispute panel upholds the US complaint that the EU banana regime discriminates against US firms and Latin American producers 1999 US imposes sanctions on EU exports ending the long-running dispute on trade in bananas Geest, Fyffes Chiquita, Delmonte, Dole Jamaica, Suriname, Belize European banana producers Latin American producer countries Italy (traditional Somalian suppliers) import licensing system second banana protocol EU banana import regime reduce import tariffs on bananas gradual move to a single-tariff system auction import licences to the highest bidder a bunch of bananas, un régime de bananes preferential access for our traditional ACP and Lomé suppliers, humble banana producers the Windward Islands (St. Lucia, Dominica, Grenada, St. Vincent) account for two out of three bananas eaten in the UK, Inseln unter dem Winde, Islas de Barlovento cott. COTTON ICAC International Cotton Advisory Committee CFDT Compagnie française de développement du textile raw cotton soil erosion pagne, dashiki, bou-bou monoculture, monocropping intensive high-yield cropping extension services (training) production of finished textiles Benin, Burkina Fasso, Mali, Chad ginned product, ginning capacity, cotton ginning plants, égreneurs text. TEXTILES spinning v weaving v finishers capital-intensive v labour-intensive MFA Multi Fibre Arrangement, now defunct RETEX STAR Scheme for Textile Area Regeneration TCA Agreement on Textiles and Clothing major brands like Tommy Hilfiger, Gap, Calvin Klein, H&M, Walmart yarn, fil nylon, polyamide upstream industries knitwear, bonneterie economic regionalism traditional manufacturing specialist (niche) markets textile machinery industry piece-work, travail à façon textile sector, filière textile fashion and textile industry, garments, apparel, confección textile areas, major employer import surge, sortie du panier counterfeit goods, contrefaçon impose import duties and quotas unbleached (grey) cotton imports double surveillance monitoring, le suivi rules of origin, proper labelling of origin unskilled jobs, ouvriers spécialisés (OS) main d'oeuvre peu qualifiée et féminisée cut-price competition, anti-dumping proceedings fabric finishers dye, print and treat unfinished cotton fabric imports for the home furnishings market, little unfinished fabric is woven here launch investigations, import volumes, go to formal consultations, market disruption, named categories, safeguard clause, vrijwaringsclausule glob. GLOBALISATION free trade v protectionism boost our competitiveness in a global economy global village global value chains operating in a global market globalisation, dans un monde globalisé global restructuring, players, corporations, globalisation is about efficiency, economies of scale, multinationals, international division of labour, comparative advantage, mondialisation BRICS Brazil Russia India China (South Africa) MINT Mexico Indonesia Nigeria Turkey MIST Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey Delors White Paper, Growth, competitiveness and employment (1993) EGF European Globalisation Adjustment Fund, crisis derogation, FEM FDI Foreign Direct Investment IFIs International Financial Institutions LDC Least Developed Countries, PMA MIC Middle Income Countries MNC Multi National Corporations MTN Multilateral Trade Negotiations NIC Newly Industrialising Countries, emerging markets, emerging economies, Schwellenländer TNC Trans National Corporations VER Voluntary Export Restraints stee. STEEL EUROFER (steel producers) FEM European Metalworkers' Federation, Fédération européenne des métallurgistes ULCOS Ultra–Low CO2 Steelmaking IG Metall steel slump plant closures restructure sites rescue package accumulated debt market monitoring grant operating aid hot-rolled coil steel manufacturing industry ore, flux, coke, slag, dross slowing, decline in demand low-priced imports from Asia (FINSIDER) ILVA's Taranto plant beams used in construction, edilizia polo siderurgico di Piombino (Livorno) steel tube and pipe makers (Spoleto, Umbria), Tubificio di Terni keep uneconomic plants going, Hütte friction with US over specialty steels Irn-Bru, Bru'd in Scotland from girders rift between non-aided private sector and subsidised producers, subsidies to state-owned competitors, stateowned steelmakers steel restructuring, reconversion sidérurgique Jaén British Steel ArcelorMittal Ford in Genk Usinor Sacilor haut fourneau, Florange, Gandrange Florange (Thionville-Ouest, Moselle, Lorraine) Klöckner-Werke rolling mill in Bremen, Ekostahl in eastern Germany, Preussag, Thyssen social flanking measures, mesures d'accompagnement social surplus capacity, structural overcapacity, shut down excess productive capacity, capacity-cutting, closing capacity (closures), cuts in steel production, restructuring sensitive sector of flat products, long products, steel bars and other structural products, beams used in construction Viscount Etienne Davignon imposed production quotas invoking Article 58 (state of manifest crisis) hot strip mill, modern integrated steel mills, integrated operations, melting scrap in electric arc furnaces crude steel output, crude steel production and deliveries what's the difference between a joist and a girder? Joyce wrote Ulysses and Goethe wrote Faust ship. SHIPBUILDING CESA Committee of European Shipbuilders Associations TDM Temporary Defensive Mechanism single hull v double hull civilian v military (naval) operating aid v closure aid shipbreaking, dépeçage rescue and restructuring sunset industries (doomed) integral, independent tanks subsidised (soft) loans, prêts bonifiés categories of vessels, Supermax-type oil tanker, cruise ships, dredgers and ice-breakers conversion (alterations to cargo plan, the shell, propulsion system, passenger accommodation) order books, Saint Nazaire, Harland Wolff, carnets de commandes yards in South Korea, China, Japan, dumping, unfair competition, South Korea and the Japanese shipyards, shipbuilders, ship-repair yard, the shipbuilding workforce, chantiers navals, Werft, astilleros dump. DUMPING TDIs Trade Defence Instruments, arsenal anti-dumping reciprocity circumvention de minimis rule dumping margins predatory pricing transition economies mount an investigation temperate zone products IP, social, environmental impose duties at frontiers own-equipment manufacturers filings, handling cases, case-workers the infant industry argument, fledgling material injury, complainant, lodge a complaint import substitution (to help domestic production and keep out imports) dump. SOCIAL DUMPING race to the bottom, moins-disant social, Wettrennen nach unten, carrera a la baja exploitation, hunger wages, undercut working conditions, whistleblowers worldwide division of labour, attract inward investment, social clause, poor working conditions, ILO, OIT low-wage economies, less stringent worker protection relo. RELOCATION offshoring IT jobs furniture giant IKEA high-street fashion brands job transfer, job flight haemorrhage of jobs shift in the locus of production sub-contracting, out-sourcing sweatshops, ateliers clandestins child labour (ILO Convention 138) Clarke's source shoes from Vietnam footwear for the fashion houses of Milan Goodyear tyre closure in Latina province haemorrage of jobs and businesses closing Screwdriver Regulation (kits imported and assembled to get round local content rules) subcontractors, soustraitance en cascade cost of raw materials, inputs and feedstocks, intermediate inputs and components company relocation, off-shoring, transfer of undertakings, footloose, manufacturing base, re-entry of runaway jobs shift production abroad, délocalisation, déplacer les outils de production Hoover transferred production from Longvic (Dijon) to Cambuslang (Scotland) corporate decisions, company restructuring, downsizing, delayering, dégraissement des effectifs sahe. SAHEL Muslim north v animist and Christian south urban centres forest clearance ruelles de latérite soil management land ownership, title arable and livestock grasslands and bush pastoralism and herding drought-resistant seed rural exodus and urbanisation precarious food supply situation flight from the land and urban sprawl desert encroachment, désertification assis sur les ridelles, on the back of a truck droughts, rebellions, coups, military dictatorship colonial forts, desert nomads, slave-trading raids rain. fore. RAINFORESTS producer nation v importing nation ABS Access and Benefit Sharing REDD Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation LULUCF Land Use, Land Use Change, Forestry biofuel crops displace food crops clear-cut land to grow cash crops ILUC Indirect Land Use Change, CASI changement d'affectation des sols indirect next-generation (second-generation) biofuel uses agriculture and forestry waste as its feedstock, wood pellets, cellulosic ethanol FLEGT Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade in timber and derived products VPA Voluntary Partnership Agreement, APV ISI Indigenous Survival International FPIC Free Prior Informed Consent ITTO International Timber Trade Organisation TFAP Tropical Forest Action Programme CoC Chain of Custody (supply chain accountability), Produktkette timber! plunder taproot stemwood legally harvested monitoring of imports clear felling, Kahlschlag timber-producing countries rainforests teem with wildlife forest dwellers, forest people sequestration of CO2 emissions through forest cover slash and burn, Brandrodung hardwood veneers and lumber licensing authority, certification moratorium, debt-nature swaps wooded areas cleared for agriculture hardwood imports, high-value wood products tackle trade in illegal timber, illegally-sourced commercial tropical logging operations, concessionholder Community-based companies, timber trader, code of conduct forests for preservation, production, Wirtschaftswälder logging, felling, stump extraction, débardage, bûcheronnage harvesting of tropical forests, forestry management structural causes of deforestation, degradation unregulated logging operations, exploitation clandestine FORESTRY the wider stewardship of the land the Forestry Commission the loss of the woodlands Forest of Dean primary producers forest biomass wood harvesting unfair trade practices parquet flooring Erholungsfunktion private ownership, in private hands supply chain initiatives, grumes brutes, de la souche à la planche tropical v boreal deciduous v coniferous (evergreen) CSD Conference on Sustainable Development EAFRD Agricultural Fund for Rural Development EFICS Forestry Information System EMCDD Drought Desertification FACE Forests Absorbing Carbon Dioxide Emissions, carbon sink certification schemes, keurmerk FSC Forestry Stewardship Council, PEFC Pan European Forest Certification SFC Standing Forestry Committee UNIPF International Panel on Forests tree varieties, essences eucalyptus red palm weevil, charançon rouge, picudo ash frêne Esche beech hêtre hawthorn aubépine Weissdorn chestnut, châtaigneraie hornbeam charme Hainbuche larch mélèze Larche maple érable Ahorn yew if Eibe spruce épicéa Fichte sitka (spruce) deserts the straight ranks of spruce and fir acid rain soil erosion monoculture deforestation logging trucks population loss panels, Platten sawmill, scierie a stand of timber non-wood, non-ligneux abandonment of farmland coppice, taillis, Niederwald from undergrowth to canopy windfall, chablis, Windbruch high forest, futaie, Hochwald sustainable forest management cork oak forest, stoppers and corks, suberaie (chênesliège), sughero, φυτεία δένδρων παραγωγής φελλού stripping, écorçage, Entrinden timber production, market, trade logging slash is burnt as biofuel MDF medium density fibreboard reafforestation, rimboschimento wood chips, plaquettes, copeaux browsing (by deer), abroutissement defoliation, conifers, loss of needles foresters woodland owners fragmentation of woodland ownership lookout posts, placettes d'observation firebreaks to retard forest fires, pare-feu débit d'une grume avec une tronçonneuse a cubic meter of wood, un stère, Festmeter ecologically-sound management, sustainable, rate of deforestation, resource management afforestation of agricultural land, wooded areas on agricultural holdings felling ban during the nesting season, nidification Heinrich Cotta, Forstwirtschaft civi. CIVIL PROTECTION CECIS Common Emergency Communication and Information System CPC Civil Protection Committee CPM Civil Protection Mechanism ERC Emergency Response Centre HNSG Host Nation Support Guidelines Oslo Guidelines (use of foreign military and civil defence assets in disaster relief) RAMGDM Risk Assessment and Mapping Guidelines for Disaster Management scenarios expert teams interoperability capacity goals a voluntary pool natural disasters host nation support risk management plan flooding, drought, forest fires crisis teams, disaster response preparedness and response phases civil protection equipment, assets, corps deve. DEVELOPMENT Africa 1 billion Pacific 10 million Latin America 600 million ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly Vanuatu, Port Vila, tropical cyclone Pam 2013 Addis Ababa 11.2012 Paramaribo (Suriname) 05.2012 Horsens (Denmark) JPA Joint Parliamentary Assembly, Luanda, Prague, Bamako, Edinburgh, Vienna, Barbados, Nassau (Bahamas), Abuja (Nigeria) in the ACP group Co-Presidents Louis Michel, Fitz Jackson (Jamaica) DEVCO International co-operation and development ACP Sec-Gen Dr Mohamed Ibn Chambas standing committees 1 Political Affairs 2 Economic Development, Finance, Trade 3 Social Affairs, the Environment urban elite v rural poor industrial v emerging v developing CRIS Common RELEX Information System, data entry system DCI Development Cooperation Instrument, geographical programmes, thematic programmes, ACP Sugar Protocol countries PCD Policy Coherence for Development ICI Industrialised Countries Instrument IfS Instrument for Stability (crises) joint programming differentiated partnership (grants, budget support (GBS), loans, project funding) shea butter comes from the karite tree from a largely pastoral and nomadic society to a mineralbased economy 2000 Cotonou Agreement (Benin), 1975 Lomé (Togo), 1963 Yaoundé (Cameroon) post-Cotonou DG ECHO Humanitarian Aid Office EDF European Development Fund, ACP finance, budgétisation du FED ICD Instrument de financement de la coopération au développement FTC Financial and Technical Cooperation 2002 sustainable development, Jo'burg, the earth summit became a trade summit FAFA Financial and Administrative Framework Agreement (EU-UN) LRRD Linking Relief Rehabilitation Development AU African Union (ex OAU), AU Commission, AU Executive Council, EUSR Koen Vervaeke ASF African Standby Force, d'attente CUA Commission de l'Union africaine uprooted people shifta (armed poachers) the project pipeline programmes and projects asymmetrical :-) reciprocity :-( harmful export practices ISWG Inter Service Working Group the fit between, cohérence policy coherence (consistency) connects with our policies elsewhere annual audit of our development progress Kimberley Process (conflict diamonds), regulate the trade in rough diamonds, KPCS certification scheme corruption, disclosure standards, external assistance 2008 Accra Action Agenda, HLF High Level Forum PAP Pan African Parliament, PPA ACP/EU Council of Ministers, Committee of Ambassadors PEFA Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability programme 1975 ACP group (Georgetown Agreement) our obligations under Lomé Mister Co President! Madam Co Chairperson! 1996 Windhoek dialogue (Christian Democrats) sub-Saharan Africa, Africa south of the Sahara ALA Asia and Latin America HDI Human Development Index HPI Human Poverty Index IFAD Fund for Agricultural Development, FIDA Mechanism for Conflict Prevention the NGO community, MKO OCAT Overseas Countries and Territories SPA Special Programme for Africa UNCTAD Trade and Development, CNUCED UNHCR, refugees, High Commissioner António Guterres, ACNUR WHO, Dir Gen Dr Margaret Chan, OMS Franco-US political and economic rivalry play the gendarme, justicier un. UN, OHE UNICEF Children's Fund UNFPA Population Fund FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation UNDP United Nations Development Programme UN Gen Ass, Sec Gen Ban Ki-moon (South Korea), Security Council, permanent members OCHA Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs WFP World Food Programme, FALU Food Aid Liaison Unit blue helmets aid. donors v recipients (beneficiaries) DAC Development Assistance Committee (OECD), dackable, dac donors DFID Department for International Development (UK), the diffid budget GBS General Budget Support budget support for well-run governments ICRC (Red Cross, Red Crescent), Jakob Kellenberger was born in Heiden (CH) where Henri Dunant died 2002 Monterrey Consensus, UN International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD) NOHA Network on Humanitarian Assistance ODA Official Development Assistance, 0.7% of GNI to ODA in 2015 Paris Declaration on aid effectiveness Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria budget support v project financing aid budgets main donors, les premiers bailleurs development aid rising cost of living pulses, sugar, salt emergency food aid make poverty history humanitarian corridors food, medicine, shelter capital inflows and aid disaster relief and humanitarian assistance development assistance humanitarian assistance deliver humanitarian aid poverty-related diseases the scourge of wood smoke from stoves which run on wood global payer, global player the emergency relief effort full capital account opening the development continuum donors, the donor response policy-based conditionality emergency humanitarian aid shortages of basic foodstuffs no substantial famine has ever occurred in any independent and democratic country with a relatively free press, Amartya Sen prices of basic commodities aid effectiveness, ownership domestic resource mobilisation tied aid, untying of aid, untie aid a flexible credit line from the IMF trust funds (to pool EU and MS aid) self-reliant development, auto-centré seeds and tools for the planting season mdg. MDGs Millennium Development Goals, MDG contracts, infant mortality, basic healthcare, primary education, ODM they come to get multiple bottles of Tylenol but they all have a mobile 1 Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger 2 Achieve universal primary education 3 Promote gender equality and empower women 4 Reduce child mortality rate 5 Improve maternal health 6 Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases 7 Ensure environmental sustainability 8 Develop a global partnership for development debt. DEBT ADB African Development Bank, la BAD CFA Communauté financière africaine, 1994 50% devaluation of CFA Franc, previously pegged to the FF ESAF Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility FDI Foreign Direct Investment HIPCs debt initiative, Heavily Indebted Poor Countries, hippics World Bank, IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Robert Zoellick IDA International Development Agency IFI International Financial Institutions IMF Man Dir Christine Lagarde, SDR Special Drawing Rights LDCs Least Developed Countries, PMA LOI Letter Of Intent London Club (banks, commercial creditors) Paris Club (official bilateral creditors) PFA Policy Framework Agreement SA Standby Agreement needy (poor) debt reduction sovereign debt economic governance debt-service payments cancelling of foreign debt debt burden (indebtedness) balance of payments support rescheduling, rééchelonnement currency board, directoire financier 1944 Bretton Woods (New Hampshire) multilateral agencies the Bretton Woods institutions who now uses the term Washington Consensus without a wry chuckle (neo-liberalism, globalisation) foreign exchange earnings, reserves debt conversion, debt-equity swaps moratorium on foreign debt payments debt forgiveness, remission, write-offs banks, governments, multilateral bodies debt sustainability (debt-to-exports ratio) free market-based economic recovery, out of the poverty trap, into the market economy privatisation, liberalisation, sell-offs of state companies a hand-up, not a hand-out, lift people out of poverty acp. GOVERNANCE ACP nations the Council of Ministers and Heads of State CSP Country Strategy Paper DWCP Decent Work Country Programme EPG Eminent Persons Group FPA Framework Partnership Agreement GLR Great Lakes Region NEPAD New Partnership for Africa's Development NIP National Indicative Programme PAP Pan African Parliament, Pres Idriss Ndele Moussa (Chad) PIDA Infrastructure Development Plan PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper REPA Regional Economic Partnership Agreement, regional assemblies RSP Regional Strategy Paper SIA Trade Sustainability Impact Assessment end the suffering of the world's poor poverty reduction, health and education, struggling to survive day to day, deliverable, pneumonia, in primary education corruption perception index, TI Transparency International epas. EPAs Economic Partnership Agreements (six regions) preferential trade agreements fall foul of WTO rules, non-reciprocal and discriminatory trade liberalisation, phased-out removal of all trade preferences 1 Caribbean 2 West Africa 3 Central Africa 4 Eastern and Southern Africa 5 SADC minus the EPA agreement with SADC (sadec) 6 Pacific region vulnerable and island one-way liberalisation :-( the road to rip-off and corruption interim (stepping-stone) v full EPAs time-scaled and predictable funding differentiation, regionalisation, regional groupings CEMAC Communauté économique et monétaire de l'Afrique centrale EAC East African Community ECCAS Economic Community of Central African States, CEEAC ECOWAS Community of West African States, Cedeao IGAD Inter Governmental Authority on Development, based in Djibouti SADC Southern African Development Community UEMOA Union économique et monétaire ouest-africaine WADB West African Development Bank CARIFORUM Caribbean Community, Dominican Republic Pacific region EBA Everything But Arms initiative, tout sauf les armes LDC Least Developed Countries, PMA sub-regional organisations deep-water oil in the Gulf of Guinea food. FOOD SMP Skimmed Milk Powder, butteroil WFP World Food Programme maximise yields the food aid pipeline subsistence farming triangular operations soaring global food prices food riots and political unrest new land cultivated for biofuels stunting and wasting chronic hunger and malnutrition suffer stunted growth from malnutrition health check, CAP, shift the focus competition between food and fuel cash crops, cultures d'exportation, food crops, cultures vivrières meet their basic food security needs Full Planet, Empty Plates (2012) Lester Brown sufficient, safe, nutritious food supply from a global food security perspective in both developing and developed worlds distribution and management of food aid global food demand set to double by 2050 afflicted by famine and disease and poverty how to alleviate the worst effects of rising food prices on the world's poorest people not a means of disposing of surpluses, disruption of local markets meet the needs of an expanding world population scarce natural resources including water and land ngos. NGO Non-Governmental Organisation CSO Civil Society Organisation EVS European Voluntary Service MSF Doctors Without Borders ECDPM Development Policy Management a guiltfest civil society colonial legacy the aid community cooperation not cooptation the missionary movement to enrich our colonial masters the strong commitment shown because of historical and colonial ties donor conference, bailleurs de fonds blasphemy, libel, homosexual propaganda aid workers, relief workers, les coopérants not just sub-contractors of multilateral donors guilt-trip people into parting with their milk money, compassion fatigue, culpabiliser those who cherish internationalism and solidarity stirring the air advance team precarious shelters aid work is hampered humanitarian pornography a paternalistic bureaucratic monster conf. CONFLICT MINERALS CbC country-by-country reporting Dodd-Frank Act EITI Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative OECD due diligence RBI Responsible Business Initiative TTTG (3 T's and G), tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold originating in conflict-affected, high-risk areas responsible importers global supply chains trade and investment in key areas smelters and refiners, les fondeurs voluntary labelling compliance ores, concentrates, metals mandatory system of certification recycled metals alloys, alliage, legering, stop nickel silver, maillechort, Neusilber, alpaca pewter, métal blanc, Hartzinn, kovatina brass, laiton, Messing, ορείχαλκος Iron Law of Wages, loi d'airain des salaires land grab mineral wealth extractive sector scramble for resources untapped mineral resources the resource curse (subsoil assets) trade in illicit gems (blood diamonds) prove a blessing rather than a curse sourcing materials, approvisionnement great, you find oil and in come the extractive industries, take away the goodies, ships come in at a distance, effect on higher rents and prostitution csr. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, RSE UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises SRI Socially Responsible Investment environmental clause corporate accountability social performance report meet these high standards live up to our commitments business and human rights discharge our social obligations procuring forced labour for portering child labour, convict labour, forced labour hire the military attacks on civilians national chief of police village headman, villagers service roads and helipads hideous working conditions no environmental constraints military personnel in the area local relays that do the dirty work business partners core tier business for services rendered this is an area of conflict engage with the authorities their methods are pretty robust captain of the local military unit to provide security for the pipeline area with the full cooperation of the authorities provide us with a safe environment to work in we are not in the business of employing our own security firms insurgent groups cozying up to the regime withdraw from this project international respectability, une caution pour la junte maintain an arm's-length position accept responsibility and disinvest where is the line? as much as we want that where are the boundaries? now of course yes of course you can do more are we there yet? of course not RANA PLAZA 24.4.13 Bangladesh factory collapse se pulled from the rubble of the Rana Plaza garment factory in Savar, Dhaka working conditions for garment workers producing clothes for high street brands protect respect and remedy PVH, owner of Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger coun. COUNTRIES France 543,965 km² Belgium 30,528 km² Luxembourg 2,586 km², 12 cantons port. PORTUGAL, 10.7m, 92,345 km² 200 million lusophones the melancholy fado remains vibrant June 10, Day of Portugal, Camões, and the Portuguese Communities PALOP Paises africanos de lingua oficial portugues, ex Portuguese colonies, Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Sao Tomé y Principe 05.06.11 PM Pedro Passos Coelho, PSD Social Democratic Party CDS-PP Democratic and Social Centre, People's Party 3.2011 minority government collapses when parliament refuses to back austerity measures 2005 PM José Sócrates, PS 2006 Pres Aníbal Cavaco Silva 1987 Sino-Portuguese Joint Declaration, 1999 Macao handover 25.04.74 Revolução dos cravos (carnations), decolonisation António Salazar, Marcelo Caetano Fernando Pessoa, Minha pátria é a língua portuguesa 1755 Great Lisbon Earthquake 1572 Luís Vaz de Camões, Os Lusíadas, Vasco da Gama spai. SPAIN, 505,988 km², 43m King Felipe VI and Doña Letizia Ceuta and Melilla ministro de Economía Luis de Guindos Hacienda, Ministry of Finance and Public Administration Fomento, Ministry of Public Works and transport Telefónica, Repsol, Iberdrola Real Academia Española José Manuel García Margallo dice que "se acabó el recreo" en Gibraltar, the party's over tilde, Alt + 164 ñ Balearics, Consell Insular rice in the Ebro delta Felipe VI, Doña Letizia, Los Príncipes de Asturias el rescate de 2012 12.2011 PM Mariano Rajoy, Partido Popular, ex José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero PSOE Pedro Sánchez replica del rey a Hugo Chavez: ¡Cállese! los Españoles son los Alemanes del sur provincial government, diputación UCM Universidad Complutense de Madrid Radio Cope (Cadena de Ondas Populares de España) UGT Unión General de Trabajadores UPyD Union Progress and Democracy CCOO Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras 2004 Madrid train bombings, 11-M los Indignados, M22 Opus Dei, mortification of the flesh, cilice, supernumeraries, cash cow LOAPA (autonomous communities), 17 autonomous regions, 7 comprise only one province (Asturias, Cantabria, La Rioja, Navarra, Baleares, Murcia, Madrid), 50 provinces, las autonomias local government, 8,077 municipalities, Municipal Council, ayuntamiento, alcalde 11.03.04 Madrid train bombings, Atucha station 2000 anti-immigrant violence in El Ejido (Almería province, Andalusia) 1986 Spanish and Portuguese accession 1981 asalto al Congreso, Antonio Tejero, 23-F 1492 Niña, Pinta, Santa María 790-1300 Reconquista La Duquesa de Alba CATALONIA, 7.5m Generalitat de Catalunya, regional president Artur Mas, ex Jordi Pujol CiU Convergéncia i Unió 23 March, San Jorge, women get a rose, men get a book the Dalí House-Museum in Cadaqués La sombra del viento (2001) Carlos Ruiz Zafón Las Ramblas (Barcelona) CANARIES Poseican (Canaries), dock dues arrangements, octroi de mer, arbitrio insular, tarifa especial long-running saga of Granadilla de Abona industrial port, Telde, project scaled down, limits laid down by Environment Ministry Las Palmas and Santa Cruz de Tenerife are the two provinces, each of the seven main islands has a directly elected corporation, cabildo insular basq. BASQUES, 2.5m Basques revolutionary tax Donostia-San Sebastián Izquierda Unida, Ezker Batua ETA Basque Homeland and Liberty 1997 Miguel Ángel Blanco, town councillor (edil) kidnapped and murdered in Ermua (Vizcaya) PNV Partido Nacional Vasco, peneuvistas, Andoni Ortuzar Basque Solidarity, Eusko Alkartasuna, Carlos Garaikoetxea 2009 Lehendakari (Basque regional president) Iñigo Urkullu HB Herri Batasuna, atchaybay, political wing of ETA 9.98 ETA announces general ceasefire, Lizarra declaration, 12.99 ceasefire ends 1968 bloody battle for self-determination, founded during the Franco regime pelota el diario Egin Euskal Herria peace process batzoki sede social ikastola (Basque language school) a jai alai fronton, (hi li merry festival), cesta, concha Gernika, Guipúzcoa la coalición abertzale arrantzales, fishermen Bakea Orain Paz Ahora right to self-determination fiesta vasca, Euskal Jaia Basque language, euskera la txupinera de las fiestas ETA politico-militar, polimilis People’s Unity, Herri Batasuna beretziak comandos especiales la Mesa de Ajuria Enea (el Pacto) French Basque country, Iparralde Follow (youth organisation), Jarrai Elkarri (Together), peace movement Ertzaintza, los Ertzainas, Basque police Basque flag, ikurriña, guerra de las banderas irel. IRELAND, 70.182 km², 4.5m Enda Kenny (Fine Gael, senior partner in the coalition) Taoiseach (PM), tee-shuck Joan Burton, Labour Party, junior coalition partner Deputy PM, Tánaiste, taw-nish-ta maith thú (moy hoo) well done the Ascendancy the prestige of Irish that's Cathail to you Dara o Briain very constructive cooperation in 1916 we had a rising in our country the Celtic Tiger's greatest days are still ahead (pronounced keltic) Lucinda Creighton TD, Min of State for European Affairs Michael Noonan TD, Min for Finance TD Teachtai Dála, MP people-centred recovery, designed to last Ireland’s close links with the US comprehensive EU-US Free Trade Agreement 2013 Ireland's 40th year as a MS 2008 Declan Ganley, Libertas, "no" campaign 12.5 % corporate tax rate all Ireland is washed by the Gulf Stream the island of Ireland is made up of four provinces, Connacht (conneth) Munster, Leinster (linster) and Ulster, Ulster consists of 9 counties, six of which constitute Northern Ireland with the other three belonging to the Republic of Ireland (Eire) Eire, the Irish Republic the Dáil Éireann (doyle), lower house Oireachtas (ee-róch-tus), Parliament Ceann Comhairle, Mr Speaker, (head of the council, acán cóla) Seanad Éireann (shannet), Senate Pres Michael Higgins, Uachtarán (oochteron) Fine Gail, Tribe of the Gaels, pro-treaty, founded by Michael Collins, Enda Kenny Fianna Fáil, Soldiers of Destiny, opposed the 1922 treaty partitioning Ireland, founder Éamon de Valera, ex Bertie Ahern ILP Irish Labour Party, Dick Spring the PDs Progressive Democrats Democratic Left, Proinsias De Rossa shamrock póg mo thóin the Celtic tiger Céad Míle Fáilte (a hundred thousand welcomes) cade meala fólcha the Dingle peninsula 17.03 St Patrick's Day cute whore (hoor) politics RTÉ Radio Telefis Eireann, national broadcaster national carrier, Aer Lingus the X case, cf Roe v Wade land of saints and scholars STV Single Transferable Vote national railways, Iarnród Eireann a shanachie is an Irish storyteller Dell relocating from Limerick to Poland Speaker (of the Dáil) Ceann Comhairle what's the craic? ("crack", a good time) Gaelic-speaking south-west, Gaeltacht police, the Gardai (An Garda Síochána) Waterford Wedgwood Crystal, receivership a few words of Irish at the start of a speech, an cúpla focal James Joyce (1918) Ulysses 1916 Easter Rising 1845 Irish Potato Famine 1800 Act of Union nort. NORTHERN IRELAND NITF Northern Ireland Task Force securocrats Prods (Protestants) the Stormont assembly Provos (Provisional IRA) Northern Ireland Secretary PSNI Police Service of Northern Ireland cross-border cooperation bodies the years of direct rule from Westminster a negotiated settlement, committed to the peace process, the democratic process, the constitutional parties, the ballot not the bullet, those who subscribe to democratic procedures the Republicans see the principle of consent as being a Unionist veto power-sharing executive, First Minister Peter Robinson, Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness a devolved executive (government) Peace and Reconciliation programme, Peace II programme, Peace Dividend Fund watchtowers, lookout posts in South Armagh dismantled 2.00 Peter Mandelson, Northern Ireland Secretary, suspends Stormont assembly and multi-party executive 4.98 Good Friday agreement, six principles of democracy and non-violence enunciated by ex US Sen George Mitchell, independent chairman of the talks 1998 Omagh bombing 09.02.96 Docklands bomb ends ceasefire, bestand 1994 Downing St. Declaration, Albert Reynolds, John Major, Anglo-Irish Agreement 30.01.72 Bloody Sunday, fourteen anti-internment campaigners shot dead in Londonderry by paratroopers ordered into the nationalist, IRA-controlled Bogside nogo area 1969 the Troubles, at the height of the troubles 12.07.1690 William, Prince of Orange, defeats James II at the Battle of the Boyne 1688 James, a Roman Catholic, loses the throne of England in the bloodless "Glorious Revolution" the 12th of July and the marching season, parades, Orange Lodges, Apprentice Boys, the Shankill Road UNIONISTS in the province marching season, sectarian tensions, Lodges of the Orange Order, Apprentice Boys, Lambeg drum DUP Democratic Unionist Party, Peter Robinson, ex Reverend Ian Paisley UUP Ulster Unionists, Mick Nesbitt PSNI Police Service of Northern Ireland, ex RUC Royal Ulster Constabulary loyalist paramilitaries, no surrender, not an inch, Ulster will fight and Ulster will be right, Unionist cause NATIONALISTS, the nationalist community, the republicans, a united Ireland moderate nationalist SDLP (Social Democratic and Labour Party) John Hume Sinn Féin (Ourselves Alone) political wing of the IRA, Pres Gerry Adams, chief negotiator Martin McGuinness Ard Chomhairle (Sinn Féin Leadership), ar cóle ya Derry to Catholics, Londonderry to Protestants IRA Army Council, the Provos (Provisional IRA), the republican leadership, bombing campaign on the mainland, the men of violence, the armed struggle, the Maze prison (H-blocks) uk. UK, 61.9m, 242,514 km², London if you can't beat them join them green and pleasant land (Jerusalem, Blake) the bulldog breed the underdog, des outsiders our once-proud democracy loonies, snaggle-tooth loons, gadflies, closet racists, swivel-eyed loons, clowns white van man divide and rule Empire Londongrad the London Eye the Shard the Gherkin the Pfizer bid for Astra Zeneca an in-out referendum in 2017 kicking the can down the road cherry picking won't work the stereotype of British reserve stiff upper lip CPS Crown Prosecution Service alleged interest rate rigging scandals 07.07.05 seven seven tube bombings in London Bow Street Magistrates' Court Liverpool is on the Mersey the London Underground Oyster card (smart card for public transport) a nation of shopkeepers, une nation de boutiquiers Poets' Corner in the South Transept of Westminster Abbey Hatchards is owned by Waterstones the City (financial marketplace) Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England (Old Lady of Threadneedle Street) the West Lothian problem: while a Scottish MP can vote on English matters in Westminster, an English MP is unable to vote on those same matters as they affect Scotland Leveson Inquiry into the culture, practices and ethics of theBritish press following the News International phone hacking scandal 1984 Brighton hotel bombing, IRA 1983 (Labour manifesto) the longest suicide note in history, electoral suicide chancellor of the exchequer (finance) Solicitor General (government's top litigator) Sir Fred Goodwin, Fred the Shred, RBS Royal Bank of Scotland, pension pot, final salary schemes, ratchet up the pressure to forgo some of his pension, clocking up their bonuses declare your interest in my local area in my neck of the woods in my own country of birth in the country I know best the constituency I represent I want to declare an interest I cannot claim to be impartial now are we masters of our fate we will fight them on the beaches not a lie, a terminological inexactitude Winston Churchill, blood, sweat and tears pedantry, something up with which I cannot put 2008 Northern Rock is best known as the first bank in 150 years to suffer a bank run very testing another tour Irish Guards Scots Guards parade ground trooping the colour Household Cavalry no more so than today Queen's birthday parade pulling out the Queen card the Household Division Guards British Grenadiers (Hielan' Laddy) the Queen acknowledging the colours statehood rule of law majority voting, majorité simple Whitehall (government) the PM writes the Queen's Speech, the Queen reads it out from the throne in the House of Lords at the State Opening of Parliament we are an island nation The Commonwealth. European Communities Act pooling of sovereignty in Council the obligations of Union membership democratic deficit (accountability gap) prides itself on not having a constitution we have no written constitution, what we have is constitutional law our ancient protections of individual liberties enactments such as Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights and habeas corpus have an oversight role subject to parliamentary scrutiny, supervision, oversight, contrôle Westminster (Parliament), bicameral, House of Commons, House of Lords, revising chamber, the Other Place treaty-making powers are vested in the sovereign the Judicial Committee of the House of Lords is a constitutional court amongst its many other activities the three estates of Parliament: the Lords Spiritual, the Lords Temporal, the Commons (the press is the fourth estate) Common Law is a different system altogether, ius commune (fusion of feudal, Roman, canon law) define reasonable in Britain people who are poor don't see education as a way to improve their lives have your Job Seeker's Allowance docked Harvey Nichols, the world's most exclusive brands in fashion, beauty, food Riding, there are only three (north, west, east) the huntin' shootin' fishin' set John Lewis is the department store the M25 is the world's biggest car park the Armadillo is a concert venue in Glasgow Snetterton motor racing circuit is 30 km south-west of the city of Norwich Lindsey oil refinery, wages undercut by foreign workers, Labour voters are going over to the BNP, a lot of genuine anger over this issue CBI Confederation of British Industry opt-out from the Social Protocol Maggie Thatcher neo-liberal policies breaking the power of trade unions no such thing as society, only individuals I want my money back public is bad and private is good private vices yield public benefits she can wipe the floor with the lot of you Old Labour closed shop soak the rich the politics of envy secondary picketing local pay bargaining sponsored members I'm all right, Jack (1959) Peter Sellers demarcation disputes bloodyminded (bolshie) down to the factory floor horny-handed sons of toil collectivism and corporatism dominate the labour Executive the shop floor (the workplace) composíte motions and block votes delivering (selling) to the membership in defence of jobs and living standards management has sold us down the river shop stewards (employee representatives) Labour's structural ties to the Unions, the levy making deals behind closed doors with the union barons (trade union bosses) in smoke-filled rooms 1984 Orgreave colliery (miners' strike, Thatcher) 1979 Winter of Discontent, Jim Callaghan, Crisis? What crisis? 1975 Do you think the UK should stay in the European Community (Common Market)? (Harold Wilson) Harold Wilson, the white heat of the technological revolution 1973 UK joins the Common Market (Edward Heath) Blackpool Conference (Winter Gardens) New Labour public sector pay sofa government one man one vote erosion of traditional support the old manual working class privately outspoken, briefing against spin (news management) and control freakery (micromanage) Let me take this other glove off, As the vox humana swells, And the beauteous fields of Eden, Bask beneath the Abbey bells (John Betjeman) many young people dream of being a Butlins Redcoat 1945 Clement Attlee ital. ITALY, 57.2m, 301,338 km² Pres Sergio Mattarella, Quirinale 2014 PM Matteo Renzi, Presidente del Consiglio, Palazzo Chigi, ex Mario Monti PD Democratic Party, Matteo Renzi, ex Pierluigi Bersani le larghe intese Palazzo Madama (Senato) Palazzo della Farnesina, Foreign Affairs two marines held in India accused of killing two fishermen, i Marò 14.12.10 la fiducia, PdL, FLI, Lega Nord, UDC, Italia dei Valori, Partito Democratico Silvio Berlusconi, PdL, Mediaset media empire, Fininvest holding company, Il Giornale, Il Cavaliere Gianfranco Fini, speaker, FLI Future and Freedom for Italy, ex AN Alleanza Nazionale, ex MSI IdV Italy of Values, Lista di Pietro, Luigi de Magistris, Mayor of Naples Lega Nord, Matteo Salvini, ex Umberto Bossi, Padania CPI CasaPound Italy PdL People of Freedom Party PDS Party of the Democratic Left, ex PCI, Piero Fassino, Massimo D'Alema (S&D) PRC Rifondazione Comunista, Fausto Bertinotti, Franco Giordano (GUE) SVP Südtiroler Volkspartei UDC Centre Union, Pier Ferdinando Casini UDR (Christian Democrats) Francesco Cossiga Montecitorio, Camera dei Deputati nel Transatlantico il Mezzogiorno BOT (treasury bills) Alto Adige, Südtirol the budget, la finanziaria Biagi law, short-term contracts CGIL Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro CISL Confederazione Italiana Sindacati dei Lavoratori UIL Unione Italiana del Lavoro lo Stivale, il Bel Paese, la Penisola Puglia (Bari, Brindisi, Foggia, Taranto) 15 August, Ferragosto the Turin Shroud, Sindone di Torino P2 (Propaganda Due) masonic lodge sette colli di Roma: Aventine, Caelian, Capitoline (Campidoglio), Esquiline, Palatine, Quirinal (Pres), Viminal constitutional reform, Commissione Bicamerale Triveneto (Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto) 2010 Brazil refuses to extradite Cesare Battisti 2007 running board revolution, rivoluzione del predellino 1995-07 Olive Tree coalition, centre left, Romano Prodi, ex IRI, Istituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale, 2007 PD 1994 Forza Italia 1992-6 Mani Pulite, tangentopoli, the Second Republic 1978 assassination of Aldo Moro 1974 strage dell'Italicus 1973 Enrico Berlinguer, compromesso storico, eurocommunism 1970 Brigate Rosse, Alberto Franceschini, Renato Curcio, Margherita Cagol, lotta armata, anni di piombo 1969 Strage di Piazza Fontana, Milano Il giorno della civetta (1960) The day of the owl, Leonardo Sciascia Il Gattopardo (1958) Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, Lampart, De tijgerkat, Ghepardul Se questo è un uomo (1947) Primo Levi I Sette Fratelli Cervi 1943 puppet Salò Republic Blackshirts, camicie nere, squadristi A Farewell to Arms (1929) Ernest Hemingway Giovanni Giolitti, Trasformismo 1861 Garibaldi sbarca in Sicilia malt. MALTA, 316 km², 413.000, Valletta PM Joseph Muscat, PL Labour Party Opposition leader Simon Busuttil Mar 9, 2013 elections 28.05.11 referendum legalises divorce 2009 Pres George Abela (PL) 2004 PM Dr Lawrence Gonzi (PN) PN Nationalist Party 1998 Nationalist Party wins elections, application formally re-submitted 1996 Labour Party wins general elections, opposed to membership, a vote against VAT, fears of stricter limits on bird hunters, membership application on ice 1989 membership application 1955-58, 1971-84 PM Dom Mintoff 1964 indep from UK 1942 Malta awarded the George Cross 1091 Sicilian Normans end Arab rule AD 60 Saint Paul shipwrecked smaller than the Isle of Wight Malta, Gozo, Comino, Cominotto, Filfla during the season, one in three are Maltese crossroads between Europe and Arab world 93 km south of Sicily, 288 km east of Tunisia Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, France, Britain neth. NETHERLANDS, 41,864 km² 16.3m ddelijk toespraak Willem-Alexander bij inhuldiging constructive opposition, gedoogsteun Kunduz-akkoord 4.2012 austerity budget 7,50 euro liggeld in een ziekenhuis 12.09.12 elections VVD Mark Rutte 41/150 PvdA Diederik Samsom 38 PVV Geert Wilders 15, Party for Freedom SP Emile Roemer 15 D66 Alexander Pechtold 12 CU Arie Slob 5 GL Jolande Sap 4, ex Femke Halsema SGP Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij, Kees van der Staaij 3 Buitenlandse Zaken (BuZa, BZ), Apenrots CPB Centraal Planbureau (economic policy) de Staten-Generaal (Dutch parliament) the Second Chamber the Eerste Kamer (Senaat) is elected indirectly by the 12 provincial legislatures wethouders en radsleden Het Catshuis (cf Number Ten), gelegen aan de Adriaan Goekooplaan 10 in Den Haag 03.05.13 King Willem-Alexander, Queen Maxima 30.04.09 Queen Beatrix, Crown Prince Alexander, Appeldoorn, parade route, rammed through police barricades, open-top bus carrying members of the royal party, Queen's Day, watched in horror, Koniginnendag on Prinsjesdag (Prince's Day) Queen Beatrix delivers the Troonrede in the Ridderzaal (Hall of Knights) in the Binnenhof (Inner Court) het Wilhelmus (national anthem) in Nederland vindt de viering van de bevrijding plaats op 5 mei Hoge Raad (Supreme Court) verzuiling lintbebouwing huishoudens met inkomen boven een ton (100.000 euro) probleemwijken, krachtwijken, Ella Vogelaar, Wonen, Wijken en Integratie giant financial group ING PM Jan-Peter Balkenende, CDA 2009 Ahmed Aboutaleb (PvdA) Mayor of Rotterdam Fitna (2008) Geert Wilders, chaos, Islamisation of Europe 02.11.04 Theo van Gogh murdered in Amsterdam, Ayaan Hirsi Ali wrote the script for Submission 06.05.02 Pim Fortuyn in het Mediapark van Hilversum neergeschoten, Volkert van der Graaf 05.98 purple coalition, PvdA, D66, returned for second term, PM Wim Kok (VVD), paars 1701 Spaanse Successionsoorloog William III won the English, Scottish, and Irish crowns following the Glorious Revolution (1688), William and Mary 1672 Rampjaar William the Silent, leader of the Dutch revolt against the Spanish, United Provinces (1648), Willem de Zwijger Stadhouder (Lieutenant) Elfstedentocht (Eleven cities tour) denm. DENMARK, 5.5m, 43,094 km² the red bloc v the blue bloc Lars Løkke Rasmussen (Venstre), ex Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Poul Nyrup Rasmussen 9.2011 PM Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Socialdemokraterne Margrethe Vestager, Radikale Venstre (Social Liberal Party) DPP Danish People's Party, Pia Kjærsgaard the krone Tuborg, Karlsberg attack on culture centre ’Krudttønden’ (powder keg) Bella Center in Copenhagen Gentofte (leafy suburbs) Bellahøj Husene (highrise) autonomous neighbourhood of Christiania Helsingør on the island of Zealand, Elsinore mock hare (Forloren Hare) is what the Danes whimsically call their tasty bacon-wrapped meatloaf Queen Margrethe II's illustrations (under the pseudonym Ingahild Grathmer) were used for the Danish edition of The Lord of the Rings Hans Christian Andersen, Prinsessen på ærten the names Skagerrak and Kattegat are both of Dutch origin 935-986 Harald Bluetooth, Harald Blåtand 986-1014 Sven Forkbeard, father of King Canute, Svend Tveskæg Forbrydelsen, The Killing, Sofie Gråbøl, Dep Sup Sarah Lund, Copenhagen Homicide Borgen (The Castle), Christiansborg Palace, Birgitte Nyborg belg. BELGIUM. 10.4m, 30,528 km² 10.2014 PM Charles Michel (MR), ex Elio di Rupo Wetstraat 16 rue de la Loi Swedish coalition, la coalition suédoise regroupe les partis libéraux (MR et Open VLD, bleu), le parti nationaliste flamand (N-VA, jaune) et le parti chrétien flamand (CD&V), rappelé par la croix) MR Francophone Liberal Party Flemish separatist N-VA party CD&V Flemish Christian Democrats Open VLD Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten royal couple Philippe and Mathilde Charles Picqué, Minister-President of the Brussels Capital-Region Manneken Pis Fête de l'Iris (Région de Bruxelles-Capitale) MAS Museum aan de Stroom Nigel Williams nam de wijk Zurenborg op de korrel un compromis à la belge Voo (ex Brutélé) Digibox het omgekeerde cliquetsysteem (verhooging van de brandstofprijs gaat gepaard met een accijnsdaling) St Luc, Hogeschool Sint-Lukas het waalse gewest Vlaams minister-president Kris Peeters, head of the Flemish Regional Government communitarisme de KUL, de KU Leuven OCMW/CPAS NMBS/SNCB MIVB/STIB ABVV/FGTB Albert II, Paola, Princesse Astrid, Philippe et Mathilde La Brabançonne Hubert Damen (Witse) Veerle Baetens (Code 37) June 21, la drache nationale (downpour) l'union fait la force (strength through unity) conciliateur, explorateur, formateur the informateur leads coalition talks immigrant, inwijkelingen communautarisation les Belges ont une brique dans le ventre les 19 communes de la région de Bruxelles-Capitale de negentien gemeenten van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest de gordel van Vlaamse gemeenten rond de hoofdstad Brussel noemt men de Vlaamse Rand communes à facilités flamingant (Flemish radical) N-VA New Flemish Alliance, Bart de Wever CD&V Christen-Democratisch en Vlaams, ex CVP (Flemish CD) sp.a Socialistische Partij Anders, Caroline Gennez, ex SP VLD Open Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten, ex PVV 2004 Vlaams Belang, ex Vlaams Blok t Pallieterke de Rode Duivels (football) Rekenhof, Rekenkamer the Fortis and Dexia banking group rescue Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor, Habsburg lands, eldest son of Empress Maria Theresa, brother of Marie Antoinette Astrid of Sweden, wife of Leopold III, mother of Baudouin, Joséphine Charlotte, Albert II Bruxelles-les-Bains se tient le long du quai des Péniches, à hauteur de la place Sainctelette KUL Koninklijk Universiteit Leuven stamp duty, précompte immobilier Gerardus Mercator, Gheert Cremer, projection Vlaams Blok, ex Vlaams Belang, The Flemish Interest, Filip Dewinter BHV, electoral arrondissement of Brussels-HalleVilvoorde la Ducasse de la cité du Doudou, combat dit Lumeçon où Saint Georges a terrassé le dragon le Cuberdon est une friandise belge appelée aussi chapeau de curé dans l'Ouest de la Wallonie et neuseke (petit nez) en néerlandais Bozar, Centre for Fine Arts STIB/MIVB Société des Transports Intercommunaux de Bruxelles Tintin au Congo, Hergé, Georges Prosper Remi BD, Franquin, Morris, Willy Vandersteen, Peyo, Tibet, Hermann 12.2011 Nordine Amrani runs amok in Liège 1999 PM Guy Verhofstadt 1993, 94 federalisation, Cour d'arbitrage, equality of citizens before the law, freedom of education 1993 les accords de La Saint Michel instaurent la Belgique fédérale, chacune des entités fédérées le 22 mai 1967, le magasin Innovation à Bruxelles était dévoré par les flammes Convention Nationale de 1831 fran. FRANCE, 66m, 543,965 km² , Paris c.php l'attentat contre Charlie Hebdo je suis Charlie 070215 two gunmen stormed the offices of the satirical magazine Laurent Joffrin, Libération les frères Kouachi, Saïd, Chérif Bernard Verlhac, dit Tignous Stéphane Charbonnier, dit Charb Jean Cabut, dit Cabu Georges Wolinski Amedy Coulibaly tueries de mars 2012 à Toulouse et Montauban, Mohammed Merah les municipales de 2014 36.000 maires les bonnets rouges manifestent contre l'écotaxe et pour l'emploi en Bretagne hate tax (75 percent marginal tax rate) parler cru et dru jouer les Zorros cathos gauchos fachos sortir par le haut fracturer la poste les buts de guerre protection solidaire le rapport de forces baisse des charges le règne de l'argent roi déclaration de patrimoine qu'on fait sauter à la corde on baisse la note de la France privatiser les réseaux, EDF, SNCF faire les larbins des Nordaméricains garantir les retraites par capitalisation interdiction des licenciements boursiers une mégaphone de la propagande capitaliste la retraite par capitalisation des retraités allemands l'inflation, c'est un impôt sur les pauvres UDI Union des démocrates et indépendants, Jean-Louis Borloo economy minister, Emmanuel Macron layoffs by Peugeot, Air France-KLM, Carrefour François Hollande, Valérie Trierweiler the Fort de Brégançon is the president's official retreat class of, ENA 1980 promotion Voltaire Hôtel Matignon, PM Valls, ex Jean-Marc Ayrault, ex mayor of Nantes, German teacher Manuel Valls, Responsibility Pact For Min Laurent Fabius, ex Alain Juppé Quai d'Orsay la rue de Rivoli les députés au Palais Bourbon lorsqu'il y a un mouvement de séance claquement de pupitres 19.03.12 Toulouse shootings, Ozar Hatorah, Mohammed Merah, les tueries de Toulouse et Montauban Vigipirate (terror alert) 1940 capitulation le Prytanée de Saint-Cyr est installé à La Flèche St Nazaire deal to supply two Mistral-class helicopter carriers Kronenbourg 1664 Alstom makes the TGV train MEDEF, Pierre Gattaz, ex Laurence Parisot une certaine idée de la France LVMH luxury giant, Bernard Arnault, Moët Hennessy, Louis Vuitton reducing the retirement age les trente-cinq heures, Loi Aubry the légion d'honneur, France's highest honour un 21 avril (in 2002 the run-off was between Chirac and Le Pen) FN Front National, Jean-Marie, Marine, Marion Maréchal Le Pen priorité nationale règle d'or absurde président, les conseils généraux des 101 départements, élections cantonales, les conseillers, dans son discours d'investiture la laïcité et les principes républicains, bristle with hostility at all things religious in public life, bouffeurs de curés 2007 presidential elections, L'Elysée, le quinquennat rue de Solférino (PS) 500 endorsements from political office-holders needed to stand Frigide Barjot le mariage pour tous UMP Union pour un mouvement populaire, Nicolas Sarkozy, interior minister, la racaille, au karcher PS Martine Aubry (daughter of Jacques Delors) les éléphants, big beasts PG Parti de gauche, Jean-Luc Mélenchon MoDem Mouvement Démocrates, François Bayrou PCF Pierre Laurent the red flags of the CGT CFDT François Chérèque BB BHL DSK VGE PPDA Lambert Wilson et Christopher Lambert la presse pipole German, d'outre-Rhin a fronde (open revolt) le quatorze juillet, Bastille day cités chaudes, housing projects les ministères régaliens, indispensables au bon fonctionnement de l'Etat, Affaires étrangères, Finances, Intérieur, Justice Bernard Kouchner, co-founder MSF casseurs, troublemakers, violent infiltrators rolling strikes in Guadeloupe le Leviathan d'Anish Kapoor au Grand Palais, la plus grande oeuvre gonflée jamais réalisée champagne socialists, gauche caviar CPE Contrat première embauche, first-job contract for young people under 26, two-year probation period, easyhire easy-fire, à durée déterminée (Hôtel) Drouot, auction house Laurent Ruquier, On n'est pas couché Ni Putes Ni Soumises (2002) Fadela Amara Indignez-vous! (2010) Stéphane Hessel Bienvenue chez les Ch´tis (2008) Kad Merad, Dany Boon strategic industries, national champions, patriotisme économique, l'affaire Alsthom Christian Louboutin's red-soled pumps the garishly exposed Pompidou Centre's tangle of air ducts and elevator shafts Parc de la Villette, with the silver Géode IMAX theatre and red "follies" on the Ourcq Canal in northeastern Paris, Napoleon III, les abattoirs, Bernard Tschumi, Jacques Derrida CDC Caisse des dépôts et consignations, sovereignwealth fund, bras financier de l'état Le cri de la gargouille (2002) Dominique de Villepin 1999 José Bové (Confédération Paysanne) trashed a McDonald's franchise in Millau (Aveyron), fast food chains, la malbouffe 1990 émeutes de Vaulx-en-Velin 1983 Marche des Beurs 1982 décentralisation 1975 le collège unique (loi Haby) mai soixante-huit les harkis 22.04.61 poutsch militaire à Alger 1954–1962 FLN, Fellagas, armed Algerian nationalists 1950 Maurice Herzog brandit un drapeau bleu-blancrouge accroché à son piolet 1942 Rafle du Vel' d'Hiv, roundup 1940 l'appel du 18 juin, texte fondateur de la Résistance française 1936 legislative elections, Front populaire, Léon Blum, SFIO, Maurice Thorez, PCF, les radicaux socialistes, Edouard Daladier, les congés payés Charles Maurras, maître à penser des nationalistes français 1919 c’est la chambre " bleu horizon " appelée ainsi par référence à la couleur des uniformes portés par les fantassins à la fin de la guerre 1894 l'affaire Dreyfus 1880 Léonard Lipp leaves his native Alsace to serve a classy Left Bank clientele Alsatian delicacies and 'blond' beer Jules Ferry, les instituteurs sont les hussards de la République 1848 Spring of Nations (European revolutions) 1830-1848 monarchie de Juillet, Louis-Philippe bonapartistes, orléanistes qu'ils mangent de la brioche 1789 Revolution, abolition des privilèges ancien régime 1685 revocation of the Edict of Nantes, Huguenots 24.08.1572 Massacre de la Saint-Barthélemy 732 Charles Martel, battle of Tours (Poitiers) germ. GERMANY, 82m, 357,021 km², Berlin descendants of immigrants to get dual citizenship after the age of 23 the infrastructure gap in Germany 26.11.2014 Generaldebatte a highway toll for cars not registered in Germany, Ausländermaut die Mannschaft set a minimum wage of € 8.50 gross Grand Coalition Franz Müntefering, Opposition ist Mist die ständige Vertretung, kurz StäV ist die In-Kneipe der Polit-Szene AfD Alternative For Germany Pegida's leader Lutz Bachmann Morgenthau Plan Oktoberfest Weißwurstäquator Alt + 13025 ß Jugendämter Patchwork-Familie das Volk der Dichter und Denker the Berlin Republic, Bonn, Weimar Jürgen Habermas, technocratie froide 16 German states Pres Joachim Gauck, Bellevue Palace, Tiergarten Park, ex Christian Wulff Ministerpräsident des Freistaates Bayern und Vorsitzender der CSU, Horst Seehofer 5.2011 Winfried Kretschmann, B’90/Grüne, Ministerpräsident Baden-Württemberg Bundesland, Regierungsbezirk, Landkreis 2011 energy transition, change in energy policy, green energy switch, Energiewende 2011 phase out nuclear power with 17 NPPs to close by 2022 CSU Bavarian sister-party of the CDU Frau Bundeskanzlerin! Chancellor Angela Merkel, ex Gerhard Schröder SPD Sigmar Gabriel, Peer Steinbrück FDP Philipp Rösler, civil liberties, human rights, free markets gentrified Prenzlauer Berg, staunchly working class neighbourhood, hipster yuppies who eat organic food and practice yoga das Land zwischen den Meeren (Schleswig-Holstein) the Elbe between Germany east and west Kommission Moderne Dienstleistungen am Arbeitsmarkt, Hartz 4 centre right, bürgerlich grand coalition Jamaika-Koalition (schwarz-grün-gelb) the Stasi (East German secret police), Das Leben der Anderen (2006) Florian Henckel-Donnersmarck 03.10.90 reunification 06.10.89 Den Sozialismus in seinem Lauf halten weder Ochs’ noch Esel auf (Erich Honecker) normative Kraft des Faktischen 08.1948 Verfassungskonvent auf Herrenchiemsee 22.06.41 Operation Barbarossa, Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union 1995 Treuhand replaced by BVS Bundesanstalt für vereinigungsbedingte Sonderaufgaben Bafög Berufsverbot Bewältigung der Vergangenheit, coming to terms with the past 1972 München, Mark Spitz, Sep 5, Olga Korbut, GSGS, deutscher Herbst 1969-74 Willy Brandt, Kanzler, Ostverträge Bundestag, Bundesrat (16 states) BürgerInnen Der aufhaltsame Aufstieg des Arturo Ui (1957) Bertolt Brecht 09.11.38 Kristallnacht 1933 Ermächtigungsgesetz, Enabling Act Ganz Unten (1985) Günter Wallraff, Lowest of the Low Gründerjahre Machtergreifung Realpolitik Reichstag, glass dome, Sir Norman Foster Brandenburger Tor Stiftungen, Friedrich Ebert (SPD), Konrad Adenauer (CDU), Heinrich Böll (Greens), Hanns Seidel (CSU) Stunde Null Trümmerfrauen Währungsreform, Wirtschaftswunder, les trente glorieuses Wiedergutmachung Mittelstand, SMEs Weimar Republic, Berlin Republic Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Western Pomerania Rheinland-Pfalz, Rhineland Palatinate 24.07.10 Love-Parade-Katastrophe in Duisburg Deichmann, Elefanten, Kinderschuhe Ossis und Wessis die Wende, fall of the Berlin Wall personalisiertes Verhältniswahlsystem VW, Wolfsburg, Stammwerk Zivilcourage Schloss Sanssouci, Friedrich der Grosse, Weinbergterrassen, Preussen, Junker Streicheleinheiten, TLC ein Aha-Erlebnis, a lightbulb moment Stiftung Warentest der Anarchist, Rudi Dutschke, Kopf der ausserparlamentarischen Opposition aktuelle Stunde Fünfprozenthürde the German Protestant Kirchentag, a biennial congress of 150, 000 people, evangelisch evangelische Führung mit Propst des Stiftes Abitur Jusos, youth wing of the SPD rot-grün 2007 Die Linke, Oskar Lafontaine, Gregor Gysi the hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic 1871-72 Franco-Prussian war, Kaiser Wilhelm, Bismarck, Gründerzeit 1834 Zollverein 1712-86 Friedrich der Grosse, Sanssouci (Potsdam), Aufgeklärter Absolutismus 1517 95 theses, Wittenberg, Martin Luther 9 AD Varusschlacht (auch: Schlacht im Teutoburger Wald oder Hermannsschlacht) durch eine gemeinsame Anstrengung wird es uns gelingen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern und SachsenAnhalt, Brandenburg, Sachsen und Thüringen schon bald wieder in blühende Landschaften zu verwandeln, in denen es sich zu leben und zu arbeiten lohnt Goodbye, Lenin (2003) Wolfgang Becker, Ostalgie, Filinchen, Mocca Fix Gold, Spreewaldgurken, TempoBohnen, Tempo-Erbsen, Vita Cola Babelsberg film and TV academy, Potsdam Die Grünen, Claudia Roth, Cem Özdemir PDS Party of Democratic Socialism, known since 2007 as Die Linke, Gregor Gysi far right, NPD National Democratic Party, DVU German People's Union, rechtsextrem Aachen Aquisgrana, Aix la Chapelle Breslau Wrocław Brünn Brno Görlitz Zgorzelec Hermannstadt Sibiu Karlsbad Karlovy Vary Klaipeda Memel Königsberg Kaliningrad Leibach Ljubljana Lemberg Lvov Lüttich Liège Mainz Mayence, Maguncia Moldau Vltava München Monaco Olmütz Olomouc Oppeln Opole Ostsee Baltic Posen Poznań Pressburg Bratislava Regensburg Ratisbonne Riesengebirge Karkonosze Seefeld Grzędzice Stettin Szczecin Strasburg in Westpreußen (an der Drewenz) Brodnica Trier Treviri Weichsel Vistula Reinhard May, Wie bei Hempels unterm Bett aust. AUSTRIA, 8.4m, 83.871 km² Styria, Steiermark Carinthia, Kärnten Governor, Landeshauptmann Lower Austria, Niederösterreich ÖVP Austrian People's Party SPÖ Social-Democratic Party of Austria FPÖ Austrian Freedom Party, HC (Heinz-Christian) Strache, ex Jörg Haider BZÖ Bündnis Zukunft Österreich (Alliance for the Future of Austria), Josef Bucher lower chamber, Nationalrat Neos (Das Neue Österreich ) 2004 Bundespräsident Dr. Heinz Fischer (SPÖ) die Hofburg war die Residenz der Habsburger 10.2009 Wolfgang Schüssel's ÖVP minded to admit Freedom Party into government, uproar 2008 Bundeskanzler Werner Faymann (SPÖ) Papst Benedikt XVI hat in seiner Rede in der Wiener Hofburg beim Österreichbesuch im Herbst 2007 ausdrücklich betont, Österreich sei keine „isola felice“ permanent neutrality OSCE, IAEA, OPEC Kronzeitung the Danube flows through Vienna Ringstrasse der Heurige gehört zu Wien wie der Stephansdom und der Riesenrat, Ausg’steckt (open) Skigebiet Mellau und Damüls im Vorarlberg Kurt Waldheim 1970-83 Bundeskanzler Bruno Kreisky Austro-Hungarian Empire, Habsburg dynasty, Franz Joseph, Ferenc József, Empress Sissi 1814 Congress of Vienna, Talleyrand, le Congrès ne marche pas, il danse 1529 Siege of Vienna, Suleiman the Magnificent Die Fremde (When We Leave) (2010) Austrian director Feo Aladag, Lux prize, honour killings Radetzky March (1932) Joseph Roth, a canter through Austrian history, an historical pageant Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften (1921-42) Robert Musil Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung (Tractatus) (1921) Ludwig Wittgenstein Traumdeutung (1899) Jenseits des Lustprinzips (1920) Sigmund Freud Der Kuß (1907) Gustav Klimt Verklärte Nacht (1899) Arnold Schönberg Heideröslein (1829) Schubert Eine kleine Nachtmusik (1787) Mozart czec. CZECHOSLOVAKIA Czech lands of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia industrial Czechs, rural Slovaks machine-shop of the Austro-Hungarian empire (Bata/Lada/Skoda) 1993 Velvet Divorce 1989 the Velvet revolution, Hradcany Castle, Wenceslas Square Charter 77, the PEN group Civic Forum, Bürgerforum 1969 Gustav Husak 16.01.69 Jan Palach sets fire to himself in Wenceslas Square 1968 crushed by Warsaw Pact tanks (Brezhnev) 1968 Prague Spring, Alexander Dubcek, Socialism with a Human Face 1957-68 Stalinist leader Antonin Novotny 1948 Soviet-backed coup 1946-48 PM Klement Gottwald (Com) Benes decrees, Vertreibung der Sudeten-deutschen, 1997 Versöhnungserklärung 1918-35 Pres Tomas G. Masaryk 1918 break-up of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the birth of the modern Czechoslovak state 1617 Defenestration of Prague, Thirty Years' War CZECH REPUBLIC, 78.866 km², 10.4m, Prague koruna PM Bohuslav Sobotka (ČSSD) ANO Action of Dissatisfied Citizens, Andrej Babiš 2013 Pres Miloš Zeman (ČSSD), ex Václav Klaus (ODS) 28.06.10 PM Petr Nečas (ODS) 2006 PM Mirek Topolánek (ODS) ČSSD Social Democratic Party KDU-ČSL Christian Democratic Union/Czech People's Party KSCM Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia, Böhmen und Mähren ODA Civic Democratic Alliance ODS Civic Democratic Party TOP09 Tradice Odpovědnost Prosperita 09 VV Věci veřejné, Public Affairs 05.2004 EU 1999 NATO 1989 Velvet Revolution, there's always something suspect about an intellectual on the winning side (Václav Havel) truth and love must prevail over lies and hatred speak truth unto power Russian-designed Temelin nuclear power plant to be upgraded by Westinghouse, Dukovani NPP, CEZ (state power utility) Vltava river, Wltawa, Moldau BIS Czech counter-intelligence Karlovy Vary hot springs, spa Black Triangle (lignite, Bohemia) fine Baroque, Art Nouveau, Cubist buildings Novosvětská symfonie (1893) Antonín Dvořák L'année dernière à Marienbad (1961) Alain Resnais, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Mariánske Lázně Dobrý voják Švejk a jiné podivné historky (1912) Jaroslav Hašek Ústí nad Labem, Aussig an der Elbe Terezín, Theresienstadt slov. SLOVAKIA, 49.033 km², 5.5m Bratislava 2014 Pres Andrej Kiska 2012 PM Robert Fico (SMER-SD), absolute majority 11.10.11 coalition collapses over EFSF 7.2010 PM Iveta Radičová (SDKÚ-DS) 2006 PM Robert Fico (SMER-SD) 2004 Pres Ivan Gašparovič (HZDS) 1998-2006 PM Mikuláš Dzurinda (SDKÚ-DS) National Council (parliament) HZDS Movement for a Democratic Slovakia KDH Christian Democrat Movement Most-Híd (bridge) SaS Freedom and Solidarity, Richard Sulík, Speaker SDKÚ-DS, Slovak Democratic and Christian UnionDemocratic Party Smer-SD (direction) SMK-MPK Slovak Hungarian Coalition SNS Slovak National Party 1990 PM Vladimír Mečiar (HDZS) 1993 Velvet Divorce, Pres Michal Kováč regionalisation flat tax, jobless growth US Steel Kosice (ex VSZ) half a million ethnic Hungarians SIS Slovak Intelligence Service reliance on Russian oil and gas Pohoda music festival at Trenčín Airport shares borders with Hungary and Ukraine Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros dams on the Danube PRC Plenipotentiary for Romani Communities the old Vienna-Bratislava tramline, Pressburg Kosice 2013 European Capital of Culture Sándor Márai, the citizen of Kassa-Kosic hung. HUNGARY, 93.030 km², 10m, Budapest House of Terror legality of the media law, Rechtmässigkeit Cardinal Acts (two-thirds majority required to change family policy, pension system, taxation), Schwerpunktgesetze, lois organiques, sarkalatos törvény central bank independence, data protection authority, early retirement for judges 20 Sep six years ago, a bleak day, mass violence royal palace of Gödöllő (the Sissi castle) one forint is a hundred filler 05.2012 Pres János Áder ex Pál Schmitt 04.2010 Fidesz wins two-thirds majority, PM Viktor Orbán 10.2010 a dam holding waste slurry collapses, alumina works, River Marcal, Danube tributary, Kolontar, Devecser 2004 PM Ferenc Gyurcsány (MSZP), tycoon an audio recording surfaced, "we have obviously been lying for the last one and a half, two years", demonstrations AFD Alliance Of Free Democrats FKgP Indep Smallholders Party MDF Hungarian Democratic Forum MSZP Hungarian Socialist Party SZDSZ Alliance of Free Democrats Jobbik (Movement for a Better Hungary) Gypsy crime, Cigánybűnözés banned paramilitary Hungarian Guard 11.97 referendum on land ownership and NATO membership 1996 bilateral treaty between Hungary and Romania (1.7m ethnic Hungarians) recognises borders and guarantees minority rights 1989 opened its border with Austria 1960s János Kádár, Goulash Communism 1958 PM Imre Nagy hanged 1956 Soviet invasion, zu Ägypten (Suez) gäben wir noch Ungarn dazu!, polterte Chruschtschow, wir hatten keine Wahl! 1920 the Trianon Treaty left Magyar minorities stranded in neighbouring countries 1867 Austro-Hungarian Compromise, dual monarchy, Ausgleich, Kiegyezés 1848 Hungarian Revolution great arch of the Carpathians, fertile plain of the Danube basin Pest on the flatter side of the Danube across from Buda Finno-Ugrian roots, Magyar, 1.100 years since Arpad the pagan chieftain from beyond the Urals swept into the Carpathian basin ninth-century Magyar invasion George Soros born György Schwartz Liszt, Bartok, Zoltán Kodály hung. HUNGARY Tibor Navracsics, návracheech tíboor Education, Culture, Youth and Citizenship Education and Culture (EAC) Joint Research Centre (JRC) ex deputy PM ex min public administration and justice, foreign minister 20 years of academic experience multilingual EPP, Viktor Orban, Fidesz minister in charge of measures criticised by EU monitoring of homeless persons demands made on students European identity and values promote cultural diversity education is the domain of the MS during his short tenure as foreign minister Hungary closed its embassy in Tallinn slov. SLOVENIA, 20.273 km², 2m, Ljubljana SMC Party of Mirar Cerar 03.2013 PM Alenka Bratušek, Positive Slovenia, ex Zoran Janković 12.2012 Pres Borut Pahor 02.2012 PM Janez Janša (SDS), ex Borut Pahor most prosperous region of former Yugoslavia Martti Ahtisaari mediated in the dispute with Croatia over the Gulf of Piran Drnovšek-Račan agreement 2007 Pres Danilo Türk SKD Christian Democrats, Alojz (Lojze) Peterle SDS Slovenian Democratic Party Dalmatia Krško NPP nationalities law Friuli-Venezia-Giulia le foibe (mass killings) Styria, Carniola and the coast Gorizia, Gorica (little hill), Görz, Gurize alpine republic, historical ties to Austria, Austro-Hungary, province of Carniola until 1918, Kärnten East-West high-speed railway line, Venice-TriesteLjubljana, Corridor 5 (Barcelona-Kiev), Venice-Ljubljana motorway via Gorizia and Trieste 2009 Drnovšek-Račan agreement, dispute over land and sea borders, Gulf of Piran, Portorož 2007 eurozone 2004 EU, NATO, PM Janez Janša (SDS) 2002 Pres Janez Drnovšek (SDS) 1997 Pres Milan Kučan re-elected 1991 Milan Kučan, independence, Today dreams are allowed, tomorrow is a new day, Ten-Day War, Brioni Agreement 1975 Osimo Treaty, dispute with Italy over Istria, Trieste goes to Italy, coastal towns of Koper, Izola and Pirano go to Yugoslavia Veronika se rozhodla zemřít (1998) Paolo Coelho Slavoj Žižek, aka The Elvis of cultural theory swed. SWEDEN, 9.5m, 449.964 km² Social Democrats biggest party after election, Stefan Lofven Minister for Development Isabella Lövin Sweden will recognise the state of Palestine 2011 Nobel Tomas Tranströmer 2006, 2010 PM Fredrik Reinfeldt, Moderate Party foreign minister Carl Bildt SDP Mona Sahlin, ex Göran Persson, Social Democrats in power for 57 of the previous 66 years Sweden Democrats, Jimmie Åkesson, anti-immigration King Carl XVI Gustaf Riksdag Pirate Party, file-sharing Left Party, Vänsterpartiet, Lars Ohly Centerpartiet, Maud Olofsson H&M (Hennes & Mauritz AB) IKEA (Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd) krona Tetra Pak Lars Norén, 7:3 the Swedish model Volvo (Ford), Saab (GM) hockeyfrilla (mullet) surströmming (rotten fish) nothing sucks like an Electrolux Bofors' most famous owner was Alfred Nobel Stockholm syndrome, the hostage shows signs of loyalty to the hostage-taker cloudberries (hjortron, lakka, malina moroszka) grow in swamps, are orange when ripe and taste like passion fruit (maracuja) Øresund bridge between Copenhagen and Malmö, fixed link 11.09.03 For Min Anna Lindh stabbed to death in Nordiska Kompaniet department store 1988 merger of Swedish and Swiss corporations ASEA and BBC Brown Boveri 28.02.86 Olof Palme gunned down 1980 referendum on nuclear 1953 Dag Hammarskjöld UN Sec Gen Raoul Wallenberg sheltered Tom Lantos 1611-1721 Stormaktstiden Wallander, Henning Mankell Liza Marklund Snabba Cash (2006) Jens Lapidus Flickan som lekte med elden (2006) Stieg Larsson Frida Lyngstad, Björn Ulvaeus, Benny Andersson, Agnetha Fältskog Scener ur ett äktenskap (1973) Liv Ullmann Det sjunde inseglet (1957) Ingmar Bergman Valborgsmässoafton (1937) Ingrid Bergman finl. FINLAND, 5.3m, 338.145 km², Helsinki 5.2015 PM-elect Juha Sipila (Centre Party) Finns Party Timo Soini National Coalition Party Social Democrats 2014 PM Alexander Stubb, ex Jyrki Katainen, National Coalition Party 2.2012 Pres Sauli Niinistö, ex Tarja Halonen 6.2012 Grand Coalition Jutta Urpilainen, SDP Social Democrats Eduskunta, Parliament Nokia is near Tampere Fortress of Suomenlinna Gulf of Bothnia between Finland and Sweden Gulf of Finland between Finland and Estonia ten weeks of White Nights the High North, le Grand Nord the world’s most connected society Lasse Lehtinen of Millionaires fame two-thirds of Finland is covered in forest Linus Torvalds, open source, Linux kernel AVO, l'industriel pour lequel Areva construit un EPR à Olkiluoto Finlandisation was the de-facto Soviet veto on foreign and defence policy The Moomins, Småtrollen och den stora översvämningen (1945) Tove Jansson Karelia Suite (1893) Jean Sibelius kylmä kahvi kaunistaa arct. ARCTIC High North 2007 Russia plants a flag on the seabed below the Arctic pole BEAC Barents Euro Arctic Council SIOS observatory in Svalbard balt. BALTIC REPUBLICS Baltic Singing Revolution 23.08.89 Baltic Chain, 2m people form a 600 km human chain across the 3 Baltic states 23.07.39 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact BSSSC Baltic Sea States Subregional Co-operation the Baltic littoral states CBSS Council Of Baltic Sea States, Baltic solidarity, the Baltic rim, 5.96 Visby summit, Kalmar action programme Scanpipe Via Baltica Nordic triangle dumping of toxic waste, WW2 munitions, Kattegat, Skagerrak, mustard gas, Senfgas Baltic Sea strategy road and rail routes Northern Dimension Baltic ring, Rail Baltica Co-Nordic, Baltic gas grid geopolitical considerations total population of barely 8m Russian exclave of Kaliningrad, ex East Prussian city of Königsberg, (ehem. Nord-Ostpreußen), the Kaliningrad oblast, rusting hulks treatment of Russian speakers 13th century Hanseatic League, cogs nuclear safety (Ignalina, Sosnovy Bor, Kola) freedom of navigation in the Baltic Sea, including the Vistula Lagoon and Kaliningradzkij Zaliv, free passage through the Pilava Strait/Baltijskij Proliv esto. ESTONIA, 1.3m, 45.227 km², Tallinn 2014 PM Taavi Rõivas, ex Andrus Ansip, Reform Party Estonian officer, Kremlin operation Moscow-friendly Centre Party Social Democrats Pro Patria/Res Publica Union party 01.01.11 €, ex the kroon 92% protestant Riigikogu (Parliament) language related to Finnish north-east border town of Narva oil shale the Baltic Tiger, radical market reforms 5-year residence required for naturalisation, language test, 200.000 russischstämmige Nichtbürger, Einbürgerung 2007 cyberattack 2007 Bronze Soldier riots 2006 Pres Toomas Hendrik Ilves 2003 Skype developers Ahti Heinla, Priit Kasesalu, and Jaan Tallinn (also originally developed Kazaa) 1994 flat tax 1991 indep, Singing Revolution, the Soviet military coup attempt in Russia latv. LATVIA, 64.589 km², 2.2m, Riga 6. 2015 Pres-elect Raimonds Vējonis Saber Strike is a long-standing, multilateral, multifaceted, U.S Army Europe-led security cooperation exercise primarily focused on the three Baltic States. the Ādaži Training Area in Latvia Perm Rep Ilze Juhansone 2015 Latvia, Luxembourg set to adopt the euro in January PM Laimdota Straujuma Parliamentary State Secretary for EU Affairs, Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica Speaker of the Saeima, Ināra Mūrniece Agriculture, Janis Dūklavs Culture, Dace Melbārde Economy Minister, Dana Reizniece-Ozola Education and Science, Marite Seile Environment and Regional Cooperation: Kaspars Gerhards Finance, Jānis Reirs Foreign Affairs, Edgars Rinkēvičs Health, Guntis Belēvičs Interior, Rihards Kozlovskis Justice, Dzintars Rasnačs Transport, Anrijs Matīss Welfare, Uldis Augulis three-party coalition (UP, UGF, NA) Harmony Centre favours closer ties with Moscow a third of the population is Russian-speaking about 280,000 are “non-citizens” Latvian language test 21.11.13 collapse of supermarket, government falls 25.10.11 PM Valdis Dombrovskis (UP) 2011 Pres Andris Berzins, ex Valdis Zatlers, ex Vaira VikeFreiberga the Saeima (Parliament) NA National Alliance UGF Union of Greens and Farmers UP Unity Party 2009 financial crisis, social turmoil, PM Valdis Dombrovskis (UP) KNAB anti-corruption agency letton the lat oligarchs timber, fish language links with Lithuania Indulis Emsis was Europe's first green premier Inčukalns underground gas storage facility Russian crude transits via Ventspils oil terminal 2006 PM Aigars Kalvitis (People's Party) 2004 NATO, EU 1944-91 heavy industrialisation, influx of immigrants 1940 Soviet invasion 1920 indep lith. LITHUANIA, 65.300 km², 3m, Vilnius exodus of working-age Lithuanians border management energy security LNG terminal in the port of Klaipėda Statoil’s Hammerfest terminal in Norway Eastern Partnership Baltic Sea regional strategy euro Jan 1, 2015 1 Social Democrats, leader PM Algirdas Butkevicius 2 Order and Justice, Rolandas Paksas, 2004 impeached 3 ethnic-Polish party AWPL Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania, Waldemar Tomaszewski, Polish minority (200.000) 4 Labour Party, Vytautas Gapsys, ex Viktor Uspaskich 2012 PM Algirdas Butkevičius (LSP) 2009 Pres Dalia Grybauskaité Red Dalia 2008 PM Andrius Kubilius, Homeland Union LSP Social Democrats thank you, achu the Seimas (Parliament) oil terminal in Butinge best roads in ex east bloc Hill of Crosses, Kryžių kalnas Gediminas Prospekt in Vilnius convalescents flock to Druskininkai border with Russian exclave of Kaliningrad Transneft shut the Druzhba link to Mazeikiu Nafta, the only refinery in the Baltic states 2009 Ignalina shutdown imports 65 per cent of its energy energy islands (unconnected to the EU power grid) Litpol link, a natural gas pipeline NordBalt (Sweden), undersea cables LNG terminal at Klaipeda (Memel) Ignalina NPP, Visaginas Visaginas NPP, contract with Hitachi 90% Catholic, last country in Europe to accept Christianity, pagan traditions granted full citizenship to Russian-speaking residents 15-year-old Ruta Meilutyte wins shock gold 2010 decision not to recognise Polish spellings on passports 2004 Pres Valdas Adamkus re-elected, CS, worked for the US EPA for 27 years 2004 Pres Rolandas Paksas impeached 1996 Pres Vytautas Landsbergis, Sajudis (movement) 1994 currency board pegs Litas to $ 1992 LDLP becomes first party of ex Communists to take power in Eastern Europe 1991 independence, Aldirgas Brazauskas 1989 breaks from Soviet Communist party Troubled Identity and the Modern World (2009) Leonidas Donskis Thomas Mann lived on the Curonian Spit, Kurische Nehrung Litauische Geschichten (1917) Hermann Sudermann 1569-1795 Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea Antanas Sutkus, famous photo of Sartre Jonas Mekas, avantgarde cinema Violeta Urmana soprano, mezzo soprano Ruta Sepetys (2011) Between shades of gray pola. POLAND, 38m, 312.685km², Warsaw Andrzej Duda, Bronisław Komorowski (PiS/PO) run-off 24 May, Paweł Kukiz parliamentary elections in October PM Ewa Kopacz, ex Speaker UEFA EURO 2012 Ukraine, Poland Speaker of the Sejm Radek Sikorski 11.10.11 PM Donald Tusk, second term, PO/PSL 07.2010 Pres Bronisław Komorowski 10.04.10 Smolensk plane crash, Katyń wreckage and black boxes MAK report (Interstate Aviation Committee) FM Radek Sikorski, I fear German power less than I am beginning to fear German inactivity Chicago est la deuxième ville polonaise au monde LPR League of Polish Families PiS Law and Justice PO Civic Platform PSL Polish Peasants' Party Samoobrona (Self-Defence) SLD Democratic Left Alliance Jadwiga the zloty Kletzmer bazaar trade Oder-Neisse line between Germany and Poland the Warsaw skyline Wieliczka Salt Mine the Sejm (parliament) Speaker Radoslaw Sikorski Wawel Castle, Cathedral Jagiellonian University, Kraków Saint Adalbert, Święty Wojciech tatanka, bison vodka and apple juice Radio Maryja, Father Tadeusz Rydzyk Młodzież Wszechpolska, All-Polish Youth missile-defence shield, tarcza antyrakietowa Leszek Balcerowicz, economic shock therapy Rospuda river valley, protected marshland and peat bog habitat, stretch of platform highway, part of Via Baltica, Mazurian Lakes resort of Augustów, this symphony of nature lustration law, vetting, screening for connections to the old regime ex Nazi German Concentration Camp AuschwitzBirkenau, world heritage site Weimar Triangle (tripartite co-operation, Poland, France, Germany) Iraq, the Polish contingent, Central-South division, stationed at Camp Echo in Diwaniyah and Camp Delta in Al Kut Kraków, Kazimierz, the Austro-Hungarian province of Galicia Center of the Expelled in Berlin, Erika Steinbach Marszałek Sejmu Bronisław Komorowski, Speaker steel, Huta Katowice, Huta Sendzimir, Nowa Huta WSI disbanded, military intelligence ARR Agricultural Market Agency CBA Centralne Biuro Antykorupcyjne, anti-corruption police unit, Mariusz Kamiński GUS Central Statistical Office INP Institute of National Memory OPZZ Union federation PGNiG gas monopoly PZU, Poland's largest insurer TVP, Bronisław Wildstein UKIE Urząd Komitetu Integracji Europejskiej ZUS social security fund 1999 49 voivodeships (provinces) become 16 regions with governors (Marszałek), elected assemblies (sejmik) Łódź, Łódzkie Opole, Opolskie Lublin, Lubelskie Gdańsk, Pomorskie, Pomeranian Białystok, Podlaskie Kraków, Małopolskie, Lesser Poland Kielce, Świętokrzyskie, Holy Cross Poznań, Wielkopolskie, Greater Poland Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Lower Silesia Rzeszów, Podkarpackie, Subcarpathian Warszawa, Mazowieckie, Masovian Olsztyn, Warmińsko Mazurskie, Warmian-Masurian Szczecin, Zachodniopomorskie, West Pomeranian Gorzów Wielkopolski, Lubuskie, Lubusz Bydgoszcz, Kujawsko Pomorskie, Kuyavian-Pomeranian 2005 Pres Lech Kaczyński (PiS), Belweder 2006 PM Jarosław Kaczyński (PiS) 1997 Lustration law (Communist-era security screening) 1997 die Flut hat 20 Woiwodschaften heimgesucht 1996 Gdansk shipyard declared bankrupt 1995 Pres Aleksander Kwaśniewski 1993 Concordat treaty with the Vatican, Cardinal Jozef Glemp 1984 Father Jerzy Popiełuszko murdered 13.12.81 Martial Law, Jaruzelski 1980 Solidarność, Lech Wałęsa 1970-80 Edward Gierek, PZPR Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza, PUWP United Workers Party, POUP 1940 Polish officers murdered at Katyn by Soviets 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact 1919-21 Polish-Soviet War Indep Day, Polish National Holiday, Nov 11,1918 after 123 years of partition 1772, 1793, 1795 Partitions of Poland (Russia, Prussia, Austria-Hungary) liberum veto 1683 Jan III Sobieski, Vienna, We came, we saw, God conquered bela. BELARUS, 207.595 km², 9.6m, Minsk chair Bogdan Zdrojewski 2014 World Ice Hockey Championship 2012 elections leave opposition with no seats in Parliament 1994 Pres Alexander Lukashenko, First Secretary, Central Committee the Belarusians, Weissrussland the zaichik (Belarusian rouble) October Square the Belarusian regime we now have a delegation in Minsk bi-annual evaluation of the EU-Belarus dialogue BPF Popular Front, Zenon Poznyak BSDP Belarusian Social Democratic Party, Alaksandr Kazulin For Freedom movement, Aleksander Milinkiewicz, Sakharov Prize (2006) Ales Bialiatski, Belarus, Viasna Human Rights Centre, FIDH UCP United Civil Party, Anatoly Lebedko UPB Union of Poles in Belarus, Angelika Borys ZUBR youth movement EHU European Humanities University in exile in Vilnius HRW Human Rights Watch Charter 97 movement Nasha Viasna human rights organisation independent newspapers Narodnaia Volia, Nasha Niva the Chernobyl children reunite Belarus with neighbouring Russia Russian border guards control Belarus's western border with Poland we will flood Western Europe with illegal immigrants and drugs ex workshop of the Soviet Union, subsidised energy from Russia Europe's only remaining outpost of tyranny 2004 BJA Belarusian Journalists' Association, Sakharov Prize 2000 Dmitri Zavadski, cameraman for the Russian TV station ORT, disappears 1991 independence the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk marked Russia's exit from World War I gree. GREECE, 11.2m, 131.957 km², Athens # 6.2013 state broadcaster ERT shut down ανακοίνωση για το ξαφνικό κλείσιμο της ΕΡΤ Souda Bay naval base in Crete (NATO), Ναύσταθμος Κρήτης PM Antonis Samaras, ex Lucas Papademos Διαύγεια, Open Data Programme Maximos Mansion (PM), Μέγαρο Μαξίμου legislative election, January 25, 2015 SYRIZA Coalition of the Radical Left, Alexis Tsipras, 149 (50-seat bonus rule) ND New Democracy, Antonis Samaras, 76 XA Golden Dawn, Nikolaos Michaloliakos, 17 To Potami, Stavros Theodorakis, 17 KKE Communist Party of Greece, Dimitris Koutsoumpas, 15 ANEL Independent Greeks, Panos Kammenos, 13 PASOK Panhellenic Socialist Movement, Evangelos Venizelos, 13 3 percent hurdle Ecologist Greens (Οικολόγοι Πράσινοι) LAOS Popular Orthodox Rally (ΛΑ.Ο.Σ Λαϊκός Ορθόδοξος Συναγερμός), Georgios Karatzaferis DISY Democratic Alliance (ΔΗ.ΣΥ Δημοκρατική Συμμαχία), Dora Bakoyannis anti-memorandum v pro-memorandum anti-bailout parties public sector cuts flexibility in the SGP refused to vote in favour of the austerity measures and the loan agreement SOS Children's Villages soup kitchens, συσσίτια N-17 Revolutionary Organization 17 November anti-fascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas stabbed to death tourism and shipping EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone, ΑΟΖ the accord of Oct 27, loan agreement troika of creditors (EU, ECB, IMF) run a primary surplus Task Force for Greece in Athens Helios solar energy project HFSF Hellenic Financial Stability Fund priority to debt-servicing payments los Indignados, οι «Αγανακτισμένοι» Ilias Kasidiaris slaps Liana Kanelli on TV Pres Karolos Papoulias 10.2009 PM George Papandreou, pres SI Pomaks in Western Thrace 1400 islands of which Crete is the largest Pathe Highway, the ancient Via Egnatia, 730km road linking Patras to Athens, Thessaloniki and Evzoni on the border with Bulgaria Turkish defence doctrine, NSC, extension of Greek territorial waters to 12 nautical miles constitutes grounds for war, casus belli 2004 Olympics campaign for the return of the Elgin Marbles 1967-74 Greek Colonels Το Πραξικόπημα της 21ης Απριλίου 1967 Η Ελλάδα από την 21η Απριλίου 1967 μπήκε στο «γύψο», κατά την έκφραση του Παπαδόπουλου 1919-22 Greco-Turkish War, burning of Smyrna (Izmir) 1071 μάχη του Μαντζικέρτ στην Αρμενία, πανωλεθρία των βυζαντινών στρατευμάτων 480 BC Thermopylae, go and tell the Spartans, stranger passing by, that here, obedient to their laws, we lie 490 BC Marathon, first Persian invasion, Darius, Pheidippides 776 BC Olympic Games Captain Corelli's Mandolin (1993) Louis de Bernières, Kefalonia Cape Sounion is the southernmost tip of Attica balk. SOUTH-EAST EUROPE the Balkans produce more history than they can consume locally (Churchill) the Balkan peninsula SAP Stabilisation and Association Process CEFTA Central European Free Trade Agreement WESTERN BALKANS Delegation for South-Eastern Europe (EP) Croatia, Bosna Herzegovina, Albania, FYROM, FRY EAR European Agency for Reconstruction, Thessaloniki, operational centres in Belgrade, Podgorica, Pristina and Skopje, winding down, rapid delivery on the ground SAA Stabilisation and Association Agreements alba. ALBANIA Delegation for relations with Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo 110315 Commissioner Hahn Chair Monica Macovei key deliverables peer assessment missions independence and "performance" June local elections the new Civil Service Commissioner Speaker to resign? end the parliamentary boycott High-Level Dialogue SAPC the "own-merits" method the "fundamentals-first" approach "connectivity" ie squaring reforms with other Western Balkans countries eg transport (core network, EU corridors) South-East Europe Cooperation process financial and technical assistance Venice Commission EURALIS Consolidation of the justice system in Albania decriminalisation of public life (criminal records) Albania, 29.000 km², 3.2m, Tirana candidate status SAPC Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee Northern Epirus, Southern Albania 21.01.11 demonstrations 7.2009 PM Sali Berisha (DPA) protracted political crisis DPA Democratic Party SPA Socialist Party, Tirana Mayor Edi Rama 7.2007 Pres Bamir Topi (DPA) the lek the Kanun Greater Albania SHIK secret police donors’ conference the port of Durrës, Durazzo land of the eagles, Shquipëria ethnic Albanians in Kosovo and FYROM Tosks north of the Shkumbin, Gegs south paramilitary violence, disarming the militias (decommissioning) MPF 7,000-strong Multi-national Protection Force led by Italy given three-month mandate by Security Council to protect humanitarian operations (food and medical supplies), Operation Alba 2009 formal application for membership 2006 SAA Stabilisation and Association Agreement 1999 Nato bombing of Yugoslavia, half a million ethnic Albanian refugees from Kosovo spill over the border 1998 Azem Hajdari (DP) killed by unknown gunman 1997 Socialist Party wins elections, PM Fatos Nano 1997 collapse of pyramid investment schemes, more than 2.000 killed in protests, weapons looted from army depots, state of emergency 1992 Democratic Party wins elections, Pres Sali Berisha, former cardiologist, PM Aleksander Meksi Bashkim Fino 1985 Ramiz Alia 1944 Enver Hoxha 1939 Italy invades, King Zog flees to Greece bosn. BOSNIA, 51.129 km², 3.8m, Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina 5 plus 2 OHR v EUSR constitutive nations Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) Islam Between East and West (1985) Alija Izetbegović state property v military property state v entities v district v canton 01.2012 PM Vjekoslav Bevanda 1.2011 deadlock after elections Milorad Dodik, Bosnian Serb leader, RS building up its own quasi-state powers OHR Office of the High Representative, international proconsul, de facto an international protectorate, Valentin Inzko, relocation EUPM in BH, our policing mission in Bosnia, to close in mid-2012 Eufor peacekeeping mission, downsized, reconnaissance and rehearsals in situ, reserve force over-the-horizon Eufor Althea, capacity-building, training (non-executive tasks) EU Head of Delegation in Sarajevo and EUSR Peter Sørensen Supreme Court, the federal police Banja Luka, de facto capital of RS, ten cantons 12.2010 Bosnians no longer need a visa to travel to the Schengen zone 2006 PM Nikola Špirić SNSD Alliance of Independent Social Democrats rotating presidency ECHR ruling in the Sejdić-Finci case (only ethnic Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats can be elected members of BiH Presidency and House of Peoples) status of Brčko autonomous district the entities, 1 Bosniak-Croat Federation, 2 Republika Srpska (Bosnian Serb Republic) the Serb entity IEBL Inter Entity Boundary Line, 4-kilometre Separation Zone UNIPTF International Police Task Force UNMIBH UN Mission in BH IPTF International Police Task Force, UN IFOR Peace Implementation Force, NATO SFOR Stabilisation Force, follow-on force 1992-95 war, Dayton peace accord, indep state under international administration 7.95 Srebrenica, safe haven, Bosnian Muslims, massacre, Dutch peacekeepers, July 11 memorial day 1992-95 war siege of the Bosnian capital Sarajevo shell attacks on supposedly safe areas, Muslim enclaves the Bosnian conflict breakup of multiethnic societies transfer of populations 2.94 shell in Sarajevo marketplace kills 68 UN demining centre (MAC) Crna mačka, beli mačor (1998) Emir Kusturica Le lys et la cendre (1996) Bernard-Henri Lévy MOSTAR Croat-controlled western sector (45.000) Muslim-controlled eastern sector (55.000) the Mostar Administration (EUAM) Muslim-led Mostar city council Croatian hardliners opposed to a unified city are boycotting the city council Stari Most, ce pont à arche unique, joyau de l'architecture ottomane, mutilé en novembre 1993 par les artilleurs du HVO (Croatian Defence Council) stećak (stećci) medieval tombstones The Bridge Over the Drina (1945) Ivo Andrić serb. SERBIA, 88.361km², 9.9m, Belgrade 2014 PM Aleksandar Vučić Deputy PM, For Min, Ivica Dačić SPS Serbian Progressive Party Žeželj Bridge in Novi Sad the House of Karadjordjević Vlach and Romanian minorities in Serbia 05.2012 Pres Tomislav Nikolić, ex Boris Tadić (DS) both Kosovo and the EU, parallel institutions 2008 PM Mirko Cvetković SAA Stabilisation and Association Agreement 5.2006 Montenegrin independence leaves Serbia landlocked Federal Assembly DS Democratic Party DSS Serbian Democratic Party, ex PM Vojislav Koštunica GSS Serbian Civic Alliance, Vesna Pešić SPO Serbian Renewal Movement, Vuk Drašković SRS Serbian Radical Party, Vojislav Seselj awaiting trial in the Hague 11.03.06 Slobodan Milošević dies in prison while on trial 2006 Montenegro votes for independence, Serbia now landlocked 2003 PM Zoran Djindjic (DS) assassinated 2000 Arkan (Željko Ražnatović) gunned down, the Tigers the dinar Sava/Danube confluence Hungarian minority in Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Neusatz, Újvidék Muslim minority in Sanjak Novak Dzokovic mont. MONTENEGRO, 13,812 km², 632.000, Podgorica Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo Montenegrin 2010 PM Igor Lukšić, ex Milo Djukanovic DPS Democratic Party of Socialists 2003 Pres Filip Vujanović 2006 referendum, independence Tara River canyon koso. KOSOVO, 10.887 km², 2m, Pristina municipal elections ex-PM Ramush Haradinaj cleared of war crimes Belgrade and Pristina 100.000 Serbs 2m Kosovars (ethnic Albanians) ethnic groups 10.2013 talks on SAA 4.2013 breakthrough 24.02.12 footnote to the name 'Kosovo': This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSC 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence. 4.2011 Pres Atifete Jahjaga, ex Behgjet Pacolli 2.2011 PM Hashim Thaci, the PDK (Democratic Party of Kosovo) emerged out of the KLA 2012 Samuel Žbogar: EUSR (end of supervised independence) Pieter Feith: ICO International Civilian Office, EUSR Bernard Kouchner: UNMIK UN Mission in Kosovo, MINUK 17.02.08 declaration of independence (not recognised by Cyprus, Greece, Romania, Slovakia, Spain) Eulex rule-of-law mission customs, police, judiciary IOC Initial Operational Capability 2006 PM Agim Çeku, AFK Alliance for the Future of Kosovo 2005 Martti Ahtisaari appointed UN Special Envoy for the future status process, office in Vienna 1999 Rambouillet talks, UN Resolution 1244 KFOR (NATO-led international force) KLA Kosovo Liberation Army, demilitarisation (handing in weapons), UCK 3-6.99 Operation Allied Force, UN, all necessary means, NATO bombing campaign, NATO air campaign against Serbia, aerial bombardment in the meantime of course we bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade 1999 Rambouillet talks 1998 Pres Ibrahim Rugova, LDK Democratic League of Kosovo awarded Sakharov Prize passive, nonconfrontation, a parallel society 1989 a province of Serbia, ex autonomous region, Kosovo is an internal matter for Serbia! 1991 Sakharov Prize, Adem Demaci, CDHRF Council for Defence of Human Rights and Freedom 1974 autonomous province 500 years of rule by the Ottoman Empire 1389 Serbia defeated at battle of Kosovo Polje, Ottoman rule the Kosovars, Kosovar Albanians, Serbian minority, deep ethnic divisions rights of minority communities restive province cultural cradle Kosovar Assembly Serb List for Kosovo and Metohija ECMM, Monitor Mission monitors the Albanian border, the security of neighbouring states, neighbouring Macedonia, Montenegro has sealed the border Mitrovica, divided town, Serb roadblocks, civilian police force, ethnic violence, the Ibar river, heightened ethnic tensions, returning Kosovar Albanians, revenge attacks Serb-run parallel structures in the north außerhalb des Kosovo (Gemeinden Preševo, Bujanovac und Medvedja) fyro. FYROM, 25.713 km², 2m, Skopje Skopje and Sofia Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia FYROM, ARYM, ΠΓΔΜ intelligence wire-taps, υποκλοπές EU Ambassador Aivo Orav 2011 PM Nikola Gruevski (VMRO-DPMNE) DUI Party for Democratic Integration, Ali Ahmeti SDUM Social Democratic Union of Macedonia, Zoran Zaev 2009 Pres Gjorgje Ivanov the name issue, compound name with geographical references, Upper, Northern, and it has to be erga omnes (towards all), σύνθετο όνομα implied territorial claim VMRO-DPMNE, Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organisation–Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity, vimero SDSM Social Democratic Union of Macedonia, Radmila Šekerinska the Badinter principle requires overwhelming support by minority parties when minority-related laws are being voted on Erwan Fouéré appointed EU Special Representative (Council) and Head of Delegation (Commission), doublehatting the denar Tetovo University Sobranje (parliament) Alexander the Great Airport bisected by the Vardar river the Roma mahales (neighbourhoods) demarcation of the border with Kosovo commitment to multiethnicity and pluralism Slavs and Albanians, the ethnic Albanian minority (28%) is concentrated in rural Western regions the Albanian community and the Macedonian Slavs name, flag, Star of Vergina (sun motif with 16 rays, symbol of Alexander of Macedon), implied territorial claim, preamble to the constitution inter-ethnic relations, all other ethnic communities, nonmajority communities, minority language rights, the language use regime 2009 the visa issue, visa-free travel within Schengen zone 2008 Nato entry blocked by Greece 2005 candidate status 2004 Pres Boris Trajkovski killed in plane crash, Pres Branko Crvenkovski (SDSM) 2003 Concordia peacekeeping mission (EU) replaces NATO troops (Operation Allied Harmony), handover EU military mission, OPLAN operational plan, operational commander, Proxima, EU police mission 2001 ethnic Albanian uprising, Lake Ohrid Framework Agreement 1999 Kosovo conflict, 330.000 refugees NLA insurgency, led by ex KLA Commander Ali Ahmeti 1995 UNPROFOR replaced by UNPREDEP United Nations Preventive Deployment Force, border with Albania, Kosovo, Serbia 1991 indep, chaos in Albania, fear of spillover (Greece/Turkey), ethnic Albanian rebels, government forces cypr. CYPRUS, 9.251 km², Nicosia 02.2013 Pres Nicos Anastasiades (DISY) Population: 879,000 (combined) (UN, 2010) Partnership for Peace exposure to Greek banks, bailout Ελλαδίτες (Greeks in Cyprus) UN special adviser Espen Barth Eide DRILLING maritime incursion disputed waters Block 12, Οικόπεδο 12 threaten to send warships second round of concessions provide a military naval escort violate territorial waters, airspace naval research vessel TCG Çeşme proceed with offshore drilling activities principle of peaceful settlement of disputes continental shelf delimitation exercise oil and gas drilling program, γεωτρήσεις conduct drilling in the Cyprus EEZ, ΑΟΖ row over potential offshore gas deposits exploration and exploitation of resources Noa field (Cyprus), Leviathan field (Israel) Noble Energy (US-based), exploratory drilling the two so-called motherlands Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots Greentree talks (Long Island) the non-government-controlled areas the fertile plain of Mesaoria between the Pentadactylos and Troodos mountain ranges Republic of Cyprus exposure to Greek debt, loan from Russia UN special rep Alexander Downer 11.07.11 blast at Mari naval base knocks out Vassilikou power station explosion of confiscated Iranian munitions 5.2011 AKEL/DIKO coalition 2008 Pres Dimitris Christofias AKEL Progressive Party of the Working People, Άνδρος Κυπριανού DISY Democratic Rally UNFICYP (1964) is part of the furniture 4 κόμματα του ενδιάμεσου χώρου DIKO Democratic Party, Marios Garoyian ΕΔΕΚ Κίνημα Σοσιαλδημοκρατών, Γιαννάκης Ομήρου ΕΥΡΩΚΟ, Δημήτρης Συλλούρης Οικολόγων Greece and Turkey are both NATO members Guarantor Powers (UK, Greece, Turkey) 1974 invasion, occupation, 30.000 troops settlers, colons 180 km buffer zone goes through Nicosia Demarcation Line (Green Line, Attila Line) patrolled by UN troops from Morphou to Famagusta Famagusta (Αμμόχωστος) is a ghost town central Famagusta is called Varosha (Maraş) inter-communal talks under UN auspices sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity settlement talks, six areas, sectoral deals: property rights, security, working conditions unitary, bi-communal, bi-zonal federation full recognition, grant access to ports and airfields, open ports to shipping proximity talks (not face-to-face), συνομιλίες εκ του σύνεγγυς federation, oμοσπονδία, confederation, συνομοσπονδία the Ankara Protocol extended the Customs Union agreement to the 10 new MS CMP Committee on Missing persons 25.12.10 mass broken up at a church in occupied Rizokarpasso on Christmas Day 2004 Annan plan rejected by Greek Cypriots in referendum, 16.04 accession treaty in Athens, those displaced in 1974, territorial adjustments, two constituent states, the motherlands 2003 Pres Tassos Papadopoulos, DIKO 1974 Turkish invasion, 30.000 Turkish troops, military occupation 1963-74 inter-communal violence, anti-British violence, agitation for Enosis (Union with Greece), coup stagemanaged by the Greek Colonels, Nikos Sampson 1960-1977 Pres, Archbishop Makarios EOKA National Organisation of Cypriot Fighters, Georgios Grivas, Εθνική Οργάνωσις Κυπρίων Αγωνιστών 1960 independence, flawed constitution, executive presidency national liberation movement British colonial rulers 1914 annexed by UK set of ideas ex British colony external actors political equality the Cyprus issue looming deadlock remove a major roadblock the two Cypriot communities daily issues and substantive issues joint declarations under UN auspices comprehensive settlement negotiations laying the groundwork for top-level talks a partnership with two constituent States direct talks between the two communities the enclave (GC in the north), εγκλουβισμένοι parity of esteem, justice, equity, equal partners issues of day-to-day cooperation between the two communities reach a critical mass of meaningful convergences seven Technical Committees for matters concerning the everyday life of the island’s inhabitants RAF Akrotiri, Dhekelia, Western Sovereign Base Area the Akamas peninsula, loggerhead turtle (caretta caretta) divided island demilitarisation the Cyprus question territorial adjustments bizonality, bicommunality bi-communal cooperation cross-community initiatives face-to-face negotiations implement the Ankara Protocol rapprochement between the communities Zurich London constitutional arrangements united, single sovereignty, citizenship, international personality put an end to the tragedy of the Cypriot people illegal actions illegal invasion expansionist policy the presence of so many settlers refusal to implement SC resolutions return of GC refugees full access to properties the division of the island reunification of the island put an end to the occupation trade with the occupied area territory and private property in the northern part of Cyprus the area under TC administration under occupation, the occupied part this divided island, end of the division demolishing the wall on Ledra Street ECHR decision to recognise the IPC (Immovable Property Commission) your broadcasters, especially CYBC, or RIK as you call it trnc. TRNC Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus so-called TRNC, KKTC Turkish Cyprus pseudo-state property boom the area under TC administration partition (permanent division), διχοτόμηση annexation, προσάρτηση 3.300 km2 (37%), Turkish troops, Anatolian settlers HLCG High-Level Contact Group for Relations with the TC Community in the Northern Part of the Island of Cyprus 2014 Pres Mustafa Akıncı, ex Derviş Eroğlu, Mehmet Ali Talat, Rauf Denktash 4.2010 Pres leader of the Turkish Cypriot community 4.2009 right-wing nationalists win parliamentary elections 1982 TRNC recognised only by Ankara, the occupied north, embargo on EU shipping Section 171 ban on homosexuality bulg. BULGARIA, 110.994 km², 7.2m, Sophia PM Boiko Borisov GERB BSP Bulgarian Socialist Party, Mihail Mikov, ex Sergei Stanishev MRF Movement for Rights and Freedoms, ethnic Turks, Ahmed Dogan, DPS 10% ethnic Turkish minority PF Patriotic Front Ataka, National Union, TV host Volen Siderov BWC Bulgaria Without Censorship GORD (proud), Civic Movement for Real Democracy, Slavi Binev now-aborted South Stream (Russia) EU-backed Nabucco pipeline PM Plamen Oresharski FM Kristian Vigenin 12.05.13 elections mass protests over electricity prices 10.2011 Pres Rosen Plevneliev (GERB) Orthodox Kozloduy le pont Vidin-Calafat désengorgera le pont qui relie Roussé à Giurgiu 2009 PM Boyko Borisov (GERB) 2007 EU 2006 Pres Georgi Parvanov (BSP) GNA Great National Assembly, Narodno Sabranie CVM Cooperation and Verification Mechanism Operation Respect, tackle crime and corruption, crime bosses, turf wars GERB Citizens for Bulgaria's European Development the lev Rose Valley, attar of roses state gas monopoly Bulgargaz Gazprom is the sole gas supplier Black Sea port of Varna, the Varna treasure 400 troops serve in the Polish-led force in Iraq 2007 accession, Bulgarian nurses released 2005 PM Sergei Stanishev, BSP 2001-05 PM Simeon Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha, market reforms 1997 demonstrations 1997 UDF wins landslide victory 1996 Pres Petar Stoyanov, UDF 1994 BSP 1991 end of Communist rule 1978 Georgi Markov assassinated in London with an umbrella 1959-89 Todor Zhivkov martenitsa, a small token made of white and red yarn worn from March 1 until first sighting of a stork, swallow or budding tree, мартеница, μάρτης, mărțișor part of the Ottoman Empire for 500 years long influenced by Byzantine culture birthplace of the Cyrillic alphabet 865 Orthodox, Cyril and Methodius Spartacus of Thrace roma. ROMANIA, 238.391 km², 21.4m, Bucharest 12.2014 ethnic German Sibiu mayor Klaus Iohannis (PNL) beats PM Victor Ponta (SDP) in presidential election runoff constitutional coup (emergency decrees) CVM Cooperation and Verification Mechanism USL Social-Liberal Union (ruling alliance) May 7 PM Victor Ponta (PSD) Jul 6 Pres Traian Băsescu suspended Jul 29 referendum on impeachment 06.2012 Adrian Năstase (PSD), ex PM jailed 1.2012 street rallies bring down PM Emil Boc 2010 austerity programme PDL Democratic Liberal Party PNL National Liberal Party, Crin Antonescu PRM Greater Romania Party, Corneliu Vadim Tudor PSD Social Democratic Party UDMR Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania 2007 EU 2005 Accession Treaty 2004 PM Calin Tariceanu (PNL) 2004 NATO, Black Sea air and naval bases 2000 the left returns, Pres Ion Iliescu 1990 University Square demonstration 1989 fall of Ceaucescu, the Stolen Revolution Miron Cozma leads Jiu Valley miners on rampage in Bucharest toppling Petre Roman's government ex IASs, State Agricultural Enterprises ICPDR International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River MPP Mass Privatisation Programme RENEL (national electric power company) SOF State Ownership Fund, agency, now Apaps, privatisation agency, privatisation of Sidex, loss-making steelworks the leu Orthodox Securitate Primar (mayor) Judete (prefectures) Wallachia, Transylvania, Moldavia flat rate of corporate taxation, 15% Wizz Air Bucharest Baneasa-London Luton Cernavoda nuclear power station in the south-east the Rosia Montana gold mine development Timisoara and the surrounding area of Banat, the Banat Swabians (ethnic German minority) orphanages and street children, conditions in children's homes, international adoption, given up for adoption, foster homes Gheorghe Funar (mayor of Cluj in Transylvania) called the treaty with Hungary an act of treason, Siebenbürgen Romanian claims to Ukrainian-administered Zmiyinyy (Snake) Island a Romance language (Moldovan has been more influenced by Russian) European Capital of Culture, Sibiu ex Hermannstadt (RO) 4 luni, 3 săptămâni şi 2 zile, Cristian Mungiu, Palme d'Or 2007 2000 Baia Mare cyanide spill 1983 decision to pay off foreign debt 1976 Nadia Comăneci, Montreal, perfect score of 10 on the uneven parallel bars 1973 Ilie Năstase wins Wimbledon HUNGARIAN MINORITY treatment of Gypsies, Roma, Sinti ethnic Hungarian minority, minorité magyare 1.8m Hungarians in Transylvania, DUHR Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania, Marko Bela, 1996 Basic Treaty, Education Law 1974 systematisation (7.000 villages bulldozed to make way for 600 agri-towns, regrouping the Transylvanian Hungarians) Un di Velt Hot Geshvign (1954) Elie Wiesel La Cantatrice chauve (1950) Eugen Ionescu Sept manifestes Dada (1924) Tristan Tzara neig. mold. MOLDOVA, 33.843 km², 3.5m, Chisinau EUBAM EU Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine one lev, two lei 9 Judets (counties) Moldova is landlocked two-thirds are of Romanian descent sandwiched between Romania and Ukraine ex MSSR Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic Moldovan widely seen as a dialect of Romanian Russia is the biggest trading partner and by far the biggest supplier of oil Gazprom owns half of Moldova's gas transit pipelines AEI Alliance for European Integration 5.2013 Iurie Leancă, ex Vlad Filat 2012 pres Nicolae Timofti 2006 Russia bans imports of wine and spirits, Gazprom, the Russian gas monopoly, plans to increase the prices of natural gas for Moldova from $110 to $160 per 1,000 cu m. 2001-09 Vladimir Voronin Gagauzia 1940 annexed by Soviet Union, Eastern Moldova (Bessarabia) part of USSR, western part (Moldavia) remaining in Romania O-zone, Dragostea din tei, Ma-ia-hii, ma-ia-huu, ma-iahoo, ma-ia-haa, alo, salut, sunt eu, un haiduc TRANSNISTRIA, 4,000 km², 530,000 Danube, Dniestr, Dniepr, Don Tiraspol and Moscow Tiraspol is 75k from Chisinau autonomous region of Gagauzia Orthodox Christian Turkic group massive Soviet-era industrial enterprises, steel complex in Ribnita 2011 Pres Yevgeny Shevchuk ex Igor Smirnov 1990 indep 1992 Transnistria breaks away from Moldova 1992 war, Russian 14th Army under Alexander Lebed, PMR Transnistrian Moldovan Republic enla. ENLARGEMENT the 15, the 25 (2004) and the 27 (2007) CZ Štefan Füle, Enlargement, Neighbourhood, dg elarg AT Johannes Hahn, Regional policy, dg regio IPA (the eepa), Pre Accession Instrument, Instrument de préadhésion, Heranführung a European future, perspective européenne a candidate for membership "associate membership" Progress Report EPA European Partnership Agreement HLDA High Level Dialogue on Accession JPC Joint Parliamentary Committee, CPM depletion of international reserves MFA Macro-Financial Assistance is a crisis-response mechanism tranches disbursed SAP Stabilisation and Association Process SAA Agreement SAPC Parliamentary Committee visa-free travel within the Schengen zone 6.93 Copenhagen criteria, economic criteria, a functioning market economy, cope with competitive pressures, democracy-building, functioning democratic institutions, no transitional period for democracy! Copenhagen dilemma (do MS uphold FRs and the RoL themselves?) COMECON, RGW, Rat für gegenseitige Wirtschaftshilfe PHARE for the PECOs EBRD (London) Bank for Reconstruction and Development, BERD regatta meet benchmarks absorption capacity enlargement fatigue regional cooperation open-ended process live up to its obligations candidate for accession strengthening civil society the former Soviet republics now obsolete industrial sector in the run-up to accession talks meet the enlargement challenge post-communist Eastern Europe we have been through accession potential candidates for accession big bang, eine ungestüme Erweiterung integration into Euro-Atlantic structures opening and closing benchmarks for chapters the countries which joined us in 2004 and 2007 they missed a great opportunity to keep quiet, ils ont raté une bonne occasion de se taire independence of the judiciary, rule of law, judicial reform, due process institutional capacity-building capacity-building, public administration, administrative capacity free pluralist media the acquis, live up to the obligations of membership fight against, combating organised crime and corruption land reform real estate laws property claims, property rights, sale of the motherland, constitutional bar on foreign ownership of land, cases pending, land register, expropriated, restitution of property seized by Communists, returned to their rightful owners taken into membership low-cost production base strategy paper for enlargement EU 27, EU 15, les pays entrants market economy, Marktwirtschaft from central planning to free markets, transition economies, transformation shakeout command economy, Planwirtschaft the end of the myth of the worker's paradise shortages and supply bottlenecks in the absence of market signals economic resources were grotesquely misallocated the associate countries, applicant countries strengthening administrative capacity, in the state administration and public bodies ante-chamber, Kindergarten der EU, ein Ranking möchte ich vermeiden Europe Agreement (Association Agreements for CEEC countries), Association Council, JPC Joint Parliamentary Committee populist view of foreign investment, fears of economic colonisation structured dialogue, chapters, chief negotiator, negotiating position end of the Cold War, collapse of Communism, fall of the Berlin Wall (Nov 9, 1989), break-up (demise) of the Soviet Union, Zusammenbruch des RGW, die Wende, desmoronamiento we are here to support you in your euroatlantic aspirations selling out to foreigners, selling off the family silver (privatisation) Enlargement Task Force, country reports, the avis (opinion) the currency board and the IMF, directoire financier anti-trafficking judicial reforms victim protection pre-trial detention free and fair elections cross-party cooperation granted candidate status sound, dynamic economy enforceability of contracts efficient system of government transport and energy infrastructure administrative and technical capacity political stability and economic growth strengthening of customs departments opening of formal accession negotiations respect the separation of church and state chap. ACQUIS CHAPTER 1. Free Movement of Goods 2. Freedom of Movement For Workers 3. Right of Establishment & Freedom To Provide Services 4. Free Movement of Capital 5. Public Procurement 6. Company Law 7. Intellectual Property Law 8. Competition Policy 9. Financial Services 10. Information Society & Media 11. Agriculture & Rural Development 12. Food Safety, Veterinary & Phytosanitary Policy 13. Fisheries 14. Transport Policy 15. Energy 16. Taxation 17. Economic & Monetary Policy 18. Statistics 19. Social Policy & Employment 20. Enterprise & Industrial Policy 21. Trans-European Networks 22. Regional Policy & Coordination of Structural Instruments 23. Judiciary & Fundamental Rights 24. Justice, Freedom & Security 25. Science & Research 26. Education & Culture 27. Environment 28. Consumer & Health Protection 29. Customs Union 30. External Relations 31. Foreign, Security & Defence Policy 32. Financial Control 33. Financial & Budgetary Provisions 34. Institutions 35. Other Issues NEIGHBOURHOOD Eastern Partnership summit in Riga on 21-22 May 11.2014 Vilnius summit Russian-Belarusian military exercise, Zapad-13 (Exercise West) ENP European Neighbourhood Policy more for more (more aid for more reform) deep and comprehensive FTAs (free trade agreements) 16 ENP partner countries EPI Eastern Partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) Southern Partnership (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia) EURONEST Inter-Parliamentary Assembly EU Neighbourhood East ENI European Neighbourhood Instrument CBC Cross Border Cooperation NIF Neighbourhood Investment Facility action plans, country strategies ring of prosperity, stability, security blac. BLACK SEA BSPA Parliamentary Assembly BSSI Black Sea Synergy Initiative BSR Black Sea Region BSEC Black Sea Economic Cooperation, PABSEC Parliamentary Assembly CDC Community of Democratic Choice, The Three Seas (Baltic, Black, Caspian) ODED-GUAM Organisation for Democracy and Economic Development, Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Moldova PETrAS Pan European Transport Areas SECI Southeast European Cooperation Initiative TRACECA Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia riparian countries 4 Ds (Danube, Dniester, Dnieper, Don) technical assistance, TACIS, MEDA Black Sea (1995) Neal Ascherson icel. ICELAND, 103.000 km2, 324.000, Reykjavik PM Sigmundur Gunnlaugsson April 27 elections EEA European Economic Area, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, EWR not EFTA, it's the EEA because we don't have Switzerland commercial whaling hot springs, geysers, active volcanoes volcanic ash, ashcloud, Eyjafjallajökull (island-mountain glacier), Grimsvötn the Icelandic people rejected the harsh terms and interest rate in a referendum, forcing London and the Hague to back down 2011 unilaterally increases mackerel quota by 17.000 tonnes 7.2010 formal accession talks begin Pres Olafur Ragnar Grimsson 2009 PM Johanna Sigurdardottir Coalition (Social Democratic Alliance, Green-Left Party) 2008 collapse of Landsbanki, online Icesave accounts, IMF PM Geir Haarde, Independence Party 1950s, 1970s Cod Wars aluminium smelter, geothermal, hydroelectric schemes 1944 indep from Denmark 1783 Laki eruption yugo. FORMER YUGOSLAVIA Serbs, Croats, Muslims the Tsar, the Sultan, the Emperor Ottoman Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire Southern Slavs 1995 Dayton peace accords Operation Storm, 200.000 ethnic Serbs flee Croatia 1990 Dinamo Zagreb-Redstar Belgrade Marshall Josip Broz Tito kept the lid on ethnic tensions Chetniks (WW2 Serb irregulars) 1941 Nazis and Italians occupy Yugoslavia, the Ustashe state (Croatia and Bosnia) 1929 Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, Slovenes 28.06.14, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, shot dead in Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, by Gavrilo Princip, a member of Young Bosnia 1054 RC/Orthodox schism CONTACT GROUP, Lord Owen, Cyrus Vance 1999 Cologne summit Stability Pact, Special Coordinator Bodo Hombach Phare/OBNOVA 1995 Dayton peace accords (Ohio), Richard Holbrooke 1992-95 civil war in Bosnia successor states croa. CROATIA, 56.594 km², 4.4m, Zagreb 1 July 2013 Croatia becomes 28th member the kuna LNG terminal on the island of Krk Brodosplit, 3. Maj, Brodotrogir shipyards border crossing points at the Neum corridor Pelješac bridge (Sabbioncello) would bypass Neum, Bosnia's window on the Adriatic Adriatic coastline, tourist destination border dispute with Slovenia, Piran Bay 2.2015 Pres Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović (HDZ) 12.2011 PM Zoran Milanović (SDP), ex Jadranka Kosor (HDZ), ex Ivo Sanader 1.2010 Pres Ivo Josipović (SDP) Kukuriku bloc (cock-a-doodle-doo) General Ante Gotovina arrested in Spain 2005 accession talks 2005 Stipe Mesić (HNS), last president of Yugoslavia Hrvatski Sabor (Parliament) SDP Social Democratic Party HDZ Croatian Democratic Union HNS Croatian People's Party 1999 Franjo Tudjman dies 1995 re-integration of Krajina, Operations Flash and Storm, 200.000 Serbs flee 1991 independence after four years of war UNTAES, UN Transitional Administration, East Slavonia UNMOP Mission of Observers in Prevlaka HVO Croatian Defence Organisation HRT (Croatian state-run radio and TV) Posavina Corridor Istria St Mark’s Square in Zagreb 1885 Nikola Tesla invents alternating current russ. RUSSIAN FEDERATION, 142.8m, 17m km², Moscow 270215 Boris Nemtsov assassinated on a bridge near Red Square in Moscow, deputy PM under Yeltsin sanctions and capital flight a strategic partner, a strategic problem ditch the South Stream gas pipeline project ECU Eurasian Customs Union world's largest country by landmass nuclear, cultural, scientific, linguistic superpower RT (formerly Russia Today) Pravda Russia-bashing oil drilling Barents Sea the Kara Sea Prirazlomnaya oil rig Rosneft, ExxonMobil Arctic Sunrise (Greenpeace) charges of piracy and hooliganism placed in pre-trial detention in Murmansk 2014 Winter Olympics in Black Sea resort of Sochi 07.05.12 Pres Vladimir Putin law banning the adoption of Russian children by Americans new US ambassador Michael McFaul Ambassador! the only external partner with whom the EU holds two annual summits EU-Russia PCC PCA Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, Partnership for Modernisation, the Four Common Spaces SPT Strategic Partnership Treaty 5.2008 Pres Dmitry Medvedev, PM Vladimir Putin, fireside chats (televised talks) ruling United Russia party the Kremlin State Duma + Federation Council Forward Russia, Boris Fedorov Yuri Luzhkov, mayor of Moscow Oleg Deripaska, Rusal, aluminium Communist Party, Gennady Zyuganov Yabloko, Grigory Yavlinsky, Яблоко (apple) Liberal Democratic Party, Vladimir Zhirinovsky Russia's Democratic Choice, Yegor Gaidar, father of shock therapy 89 subjects of the federation: 52 oblasts (regions) 6 krais (territories) 21 republics (inc. Chechnya) 10 okrugs (autonomous districts) siloviki (security apparatchiks) Russian biznesmeni Spetsnat (special forces) FSB (ex KGB), Федеральная служба безопасности SVR foreign intelligence service, Служба Внешней Разведки Lubyanka (KGB HQ and affiliated prison) Gulag Archipelago (Soviet labour camps) samizdat legal nihilism collectivisation one-party state Homo Sovieticus Orthodox Christianity Solntsevskaya Bratva spans nine time zones Trans-Siberian Railway socialism in one country state security apparatus government bureaucracy military-industrial complex the Hermitage in St Petersburg, ex Leningrad, ex Petrograd Lenin Mausoleum Volgograd, ex Stalingrad Siberian overflight payments affiliated mass organisations apparatchiks and the nomenklatura accession to WTO, WTO membership Communist party, Politburo, Central Committee Muslims are concentrated among the Volga Tatars and the Bashkirs and in the North Caucasus 8.2008 row over breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia escalates into military conflict between Russia and Georgia 2000 Kursk lost with all hands in Barents Sea 1998 economic collapse rapid privatisation in the early 1990s, oligarchs CIS, 1991 Commonwealth of Independent States, GUS the near abroad, ближнее зарубежье successor states BERD PCA Partnership and Cooperation Agreement PCC Parliamentary Cooperation Committee PfP Partnership for Peace (NATO) 1994 PHARE TACIS coordination unit in Moscow TCA Trade and Cooperation Agreement Tashkent Treaty (CIS defence pact) 1993 Yeltsin dissolves Parliament, shelling of Parliament building, siege of White House the Soviets v the Russians 1991 Pres Boris Yeltsin climbs onto a tank 1991 break-up of ex Soviet Union, fall of the Berlin Wall, collapse of Communism, end of the Cold War, ethnic and religious faultlines 8.1991 hardline communist coup attempt 1985-91 Mikhail Gorbachev (Nobel 1990), renounces Communist party's monopoly on power, perestroika, glasnost 1987 Mathias Rust lands on Red Square 08.06.82 Ronald Reagan's Evil Empire speech pundits called Andrei Gromyko Mr. Nyet 1964-82 Leonid Brezhnev, Brezhnev doctrine of limited sovereignty 1963 Valentina Tereshkova first woman in space, Vostok 5, radio call name Chaika (seagull) 1961 Yuri Gagarin first man in space, famously whistling the tune Родина слышит, Родина знает 1957 the dog Laika becomes the first living creature to orbit the Earth 04.10.57 Sputnik 1956 Nikita Khrushchev denounces Stalin 1953 Stalin dies, like bulldogs fighting under a rug 1935 Hitler-Stalin Pact (Molotov-Ribbentrop) 1936-38 Great Purge 1935 Aleksei Stakhanov produces a phenomenal amount of coal by a combination of new methods and great energy Red Army cult of the personality 1922-1953 Stalin, Josef Djugashvili 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, October Revolution Tsar Nicholas II, Okhrana (tsarist secret police) 1864 conquest of the Caucasus, Circassians, mass deportations, claiming community rights, May 21 1739-1791 Prince Grigori Alexandrovich Potemkin, favourite of Catherine II the Great, efforts to colonise the sparsely-populated wild steppes of Southern Ukraine, Potemkinsche Dörfer 1729-96 Catherine the Great 1672-1725 Peter the Great 1530-84 Ivan the Terrible К Р Достоевский, Фёдор Михайлович Железный занавес Калашников, Михаил Тимофеевич Матушка Россия карандаш (pencil) евиафан (2014) ндрей Звягинцев Мусоргский, Модест Петрович Набоков, Владимир Владимирович Прокофьев, Сергей Сергеевич Пушкин, лександр Сергеевич Рахманинов, Сергей Васильевич Серж Генсбур Солженицын, лександр саевич, рхипелаг ГУ Г (1973) Один день вана Денисовича (1962) Сталин, осиф Виссарионович Шарапова, Мария Юрьевна Толстой, ев Николаевич Чайковский, Пётр льич Шостакович, Дмитрий Дмитриевич Эйзенштейн, Броненосец Потёмкин (1925) the state-run gas monopoly Gazprom is the world's largest producer and exporter, and supplies a growing share of Europe's needs after pro-Western forces won the elections in Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova, Gazprom dramatically increased its gas prices for these countries, playing pipeline politics death of jailed lawyer Pussy Riot, feminist punk-rock collective, Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, hooliganism, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Maria Alyokhina, Yekaterina Samutsevich Ilya Yashin, RPR-PARNAS Mikhail Kasyanov, People’s Democratic Union (PDU) anticorruption lawyer Sergei Magnitsky dies in custody, Magnitsky list (US) (visa bans, asset freezes) Mikhail Khodorkovsky, ex head of Yukos, in a Siberian penal colony on tax and fraud charges, pardoned Roman Abramowicz bought Chelsea Natalia Estemirova Anastasia Barburova, Novaya Gazeta, blog blogger Alexei Navalny, Parnasse Evgeny Lebedev owns The Independent Russian agent Alexander Litvinenko poisoned in London, polonium 210 Anna Politkovskaya A Small Corner of Hell: Dispatches From Chechnya Vladimir Gusinsky, media mogul, Gregori Pashko, ex naval officer, tipping nuclear waste in the Sea of Japan Russian dolls, matryoshka, матрёшки a Pavlovian reaction (conditioned reflex) Zapad-11 and Ladoga military exercises ukra. UKRAINE, 603.628 km², 46m, Kiev Chair Andrej Plenković jailed helicopter pilot Nadia Savchenko Patriarch Filaret, Orthodox Church EU-Ukraine PCC PCC Parliamentary Cooperation Committee EU-Ukraine Cooperation Council CPC Crossborder Cooperation war is not an excuse for not carrying out reforms Kostyantyn Yeliseyev, Ukraine's Ambassador to the EU Peter Balash, DG TRADE Dirk Schöbel, EEAS Normandy Quartet Normandy Format 09.2014 Minsk ceasefire agreement Minsk peace plan Munich Conference (peace initiative) non-compliance with a ceasefire pact Russian ambassador to EU Vladimir Chizhov For Min Sergey Lavrov reciprocity Grzegorz Schetyna Frank-Walter Steinmeier Laurent Fabius Hungarian minority in Transcarpathia envoys Alexander Kwaśniewski and Pat Cox ongoing needs assessment insight into the state of play is he a big player? strategic discussion Brezhnev Doctrine (limited sovereignty) Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact two warships resume arms sales NATO Sec-Gen Jens Stoltenberg OSCE, Heidi Tagliavini Neighbourhood East mass protests force out pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych political provisions of an Association Agreement Berkut (Special Operations police) Boris Tarasyuk, Special Envoy on Crimea Yanukovych refuses to sign Association Agreement Euromaidan movement pro-western revolution ousted from the presidency Ukraine elections 26.10 spiral of ever-increasing violence indiscriminate shooting of civilians gangster regime criminal elements in uniform stop the bloodshed de-escalate the crisis occupied territories cannon fodder military equipment military operations military assistance stockpiles super-sophisticated equipment cowardly attack combat zone a war with fronts clearly a war situation line of contact shelling positions there is a war going on not just isolated skirmishes air defence systems unmanned aerial systems command and control systems advanced multiple rocket launcher systems disputed territory the so-called republics Kharkiv Odessa if the New Army takes Mariupol so-called democratic regime covert war in eastern Ukraine stop the aggression in Ukraine white trucks the Russian convoy polite people, Вежливые люди little green men (unmarked soldiers with Russian equipment) build-up of troops Russian troops massed on Ukraine's eastern borders aid convoy to Russian-occupied territories in East Ukraine hybrid war (special forces, information campaigns, backdoor proxies) Russian aggression Russia-controlled rebels Russia-controlled fighters Russian-backed terrorists Russian-backed separatists this offensive is made-in-Moscow Russia-backed separatists in Debaltseve rocket attack on the Ukrainian city of Mariupol 900.000 IDP internally-displaced persons OSCE Observer Mission at the Russian Checkpoints Gukovo and Donetsk self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic Dnipropetrovsk region, Kryvyi Rih Azov Battalion so-called leaders of occupied extend the blacklist a broad range of economic areas fresh round of economic sanctions extend asset freezes and travel bans travel ban list (blacklisted), no-travel list, Einreiseverbot, Reisebeschränkte additional and far-reaching consequences MH 17 Malaysia Airlines flight the Dnepropetrovsk FIR (Flight Information Region) includes Donetsk Buk missile system (beech, Бук), Gadfly (NATO) ground-to-air missiles shoulder-launched submit flight plans to ATC authorities Western Ukraine is nationalist and rural, Eastern Ukraine is industrialised and russified, on both banks of the Dniepr Donbass region, Donetsk and Lugansk provinces 5.2014 Pres Petro Poroshenko PM Arseniy Yatseniuk, People's Front FM Andrii Deshchytsia Self-help Opposition Block (Party of the Regions), pro-russian Right Sector separatist rebellion in the east security service SBU distributor Naftogaz revenue from pipelines invoking a take-or-pay clause Gazprom supplies over half of Ukraine's natural gas 2010 Kharkiv Pact (lease/gas) 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances (NPT) assurances? guarantees? 10.2011 Tymoshenko jailed, "abuse of office" selective justice Pres Viktor Yanukovych's Party of Regions Vitali Klitschko, Udar (punch) KPU Communist Party, Petro Symonenko, pro-Russian, dissolved, trial Oleh Tyahnybok, nationalist All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda (freedom) PM Mykola Azarov VR Verkhovna Rada, the Supreme Rada, the Rada (parliament) Independence Square (Maidan Nezalezhnosti) 4.2001 brawl in VR over extension of Black Sea Fleet lease 2.2010 Pres Viktor Yanukovych, PRU Party of the Regions Orthodox Khmelnitsky, Rovno, Zaporozhye (beyond the rapids) Subcarpathian Rus Lvov, Lemberg the Potemkin Steps in Odessa Snake Island, Black Sea, Romania delimitation of maritime borders with Russia in the Azov Sea and Kerch Strait NEA New Enhanced Agreement, negotiating mandate, strengthened, enhanced PCA agreement Yulia Tymoshenko Electoral Bloc (BIUT), Batkiwszczyzna (Fatherland) anti-crisis coalition, coalition of national unity nas duzo bohaty, nam nie podolaty, jest nas wielu, nas nie pokonacie 2005 Pres Wiktor Juszczenko, Our Ukraine, ex central banker 2004 Viktor Yushczenko, dioxin, re-run of the elections, president-elect, Orange Revolution, PM Yulia Tymoshenko, lucrative private gas business, witch hunt 2000 Georgi Gongadze, crusading journalist who uncovered corruption and cronyism, murdered 1997 GUAM (Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Moldova) 1996 hryvnia replaces karbovanets (coupon) 1994 PCA Partnership and Cooperation Agreement 1994 Pres Leonid Kuchma, ex Leonid Kravchuk 1991 indep Stepan Bandera, wartime leader of OUN (Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists) the bread basket of the USSR, 1932-33 the Ukrainian famine, Holodomor crim. CRIMEA, 27.000 km², 2.7m seizure of Crimea 03.2014 unlawful annexation of Crimea Sevastopol Russia's only warm-water port naval base and gas reservoirs pro-Russian Aksyonov government March 16, 2014 referendum agreement absorbing Crimea into Russia defence of Russian and Russian-speaking populations the government in Kiev emerged from a coup led by "nationalists, neo-Nazis, Russophobes and anti-Semites" the G7 became the G8 in 1998 dismemberment of eastern Ukraine? annexation of Transnistria? Merkel, clear-eyed understanding energy security defence spending Russian-speaking majority relations between Kiev and Simferopol 1995 Ukraine ends Sebastopol's status as a closed port, Black Sea fleet harboured in Sebastopol 1853-56 Crimean War, balaclava, raglan, cardigan, Florence Nightingale, The Lady with the Lamp, flit on cheering angel (anag.) The Charge of the Light Brigade, Alfred, Lord Tennyson, C'est magnifique, mais ce n'est pas la guerre the Crimean Tatars are Turkic-speaking Muslims chec. CHECHNYA, 19.300 km², 1m, Grozny (Dzhokar) North Caucasus, Dagestan, Ingushetia Ramzan Kadyrov, head of the Chechen Republic 2006 Pres Abdul-Khalim Sadulayev killed 1997-2005 military commander, Pres Aslan Maskhadov, murdered 2004 Beslan school massacre, South Ossetia, Shamil Basayev, Islamic jihad, Islamisation 2002 Russian OSNAZ (special forces) raid Dubrovka theatre after pumping Fentanyl into the building's ventilation system 10.99 Russia sends in 100.000 troops, 12.99 Grozny encircled, Minutka Square, 2.00 Chechens evacuate Grozny 1999 Chechen raids into Dagestan women to wear Islamic dress three years of de facto independence kidnappings, abductions, hostage-taking Russian-Chechen peace accord 1996 agreement on demilitarisation and withdrawal of Russian troops 1996 Dudayev blown up after a mobile phone reveals his position 1995 fall of Grozny 1994 Russian invasion, reassert constitutional order 1991 indep, Dzhokhar Dudayev breakaway republic, self-determination, territorial integrity, 60.000 die in conflict 1944 Stalin orders the deportation of almost the entire male population to prison camps in Siberia and Kazakhstan for fear they will collaborate with advancing German army 1859 l'Imam Chamil se rend Turkic-speaking republics rich Caspian oilfields, the pipeline from Kazakhstan crosses Chechnya en route to the Black Sea Russian, Ottoman, Persian empires infamous Chernokozovo filtration camp Andrei Babitsky, Radio Liberty, detained Кавказский пленник (1996) Sergei Bodrov, Prisoner of the Caucasus geor. GEORGIA, 69.700 km², 4.3m, Tbilisi Georgian Orthodox Church Russia supports the breakaway regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia 10.2013 Pres Giorgi Margvelashvili, Georgian Dream 10.2012 PM Bidzina Ivanishvili, tycoon, "Georgian Dream" government Persia v Turkey v Russia Acara (Ajars, cap. Batumi) Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia South Caucasus, Transcaucasian increasing proportion of gas from Azerbaijan oil pipeline, Azerbaijan via Georgia to Turkey increasing US economic and political influence aspirations to join NATO and the EU 8.2008 Russia recognises Abkhazia, South Ossetia, armed conflict 1.2008 Pres Mikhail Saakashvili UNM (United National Movement) re-elected PM Nikoloz (Nika) Gilauri Bidzina Ivanishvili (Georgian Dream) D-SCA (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia), PCC ex EUSR for South Caucasus, Peter Semneby territorial integrity within internationally recognised borders Russia bans Georgian wine imports EUMM Monitoring Mission 2008 Russia invades, recognises South Ossetia and Abkhazia 2004 Rose Revolution donors' conference the lari JCC Joint Control Commission demilitarisation transit capacity border monitoring right-of-way principle economic rehabilitation Georgia-Chechen border South Ossetia (Tskhinvali) Themis (rule of law mission) short-term assessment mission the tunnel under Rokhsky Pass 1992 Eduard Shevardnadze 1991 indep 1921 Red Army invades abkh. ABKHAZIA, 8.432 km², 250.000, Sukhumi most now hold Russian passports 2003 Russian-Georgian Sochi agreement 1998 4 UN observers taken hostage by armed supporters of late Pres Zviad Gamsakhurdia Pres Alexander Ankvab CIS peacekeeping force patrols the border, Russian troops, force d'interposition de la CEI 1992 declares indep, civil wars 1991 Georgian-Abkhaz war, 200.000 Georgian refugees arme. ARMENIA, 29.743 km², 3.1m, Yerevan Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia Byzantine v Persian v Mongol v Turkish the dram its alphabet is unique $100m US aid p/a Russian military base at Gyumri dependent on Russia for its security Lake Sevan, Metsamor NPP 4m Armenians in the diaspora Christian Armenians, Muslim Azeris Russia has 12.000 troops stationed on Armenian soil and helps guard its borders with Turkey 2008 Russia invades Georgia 2.2008 Pres Serzh Sargsyan 2006 Gazprom doubles the price of gas 1999 Armenian parliament shooting, PM Vazgen Sargsyan and Speaker Karen Demirchian both killed 1998 Pres Robert Kocharian, Communist Party official in Soviet times 1994 ceasefire 1991 independence, Pres Levon Ter Petrossian 1988 earthquake trade blockade imposed by Turkey and Azerbaijan since the dispute over Nagorno-Karabakh 1968 war with Azerbaijan over enclave of Nagorny Karabakh 1915-17 Yerevan wants Turkey to recognize genocide nago. NAGORNO-KARABAKH, 4,400 km², 140,000, Stepanakert mountainous black garden LoC Line of Contact the Minsk principles Shusha (region's highest point) 2007 Pres Bako Sahakyan 1994 Russian-brokered ceasefire 1992 OSCE Minsk group (mediation), co-chaired by Russia, US, France, return of Azeri refugees, Lachin corridor linking NK with Armenia, ceasefire agreements, autonomy for Karabakh within Azerbaijan, common state 1991 referendum azer. AZERBAIJAN, 86.600 km², 9m, Baku Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia 09.10.13 presidential elections, EP: free, fair, transparent, OSCE disagreed Azerbaijan withdraws from Euronest Azeris the manat Milli Mejlis 2005 Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline 2003 Pres Ilham Aliyev ex Heydar Aliyev NAP New Azerbaijan Party 2001 Council of Europe 1991 indep from Soviet Union CASPIAN state firm SOCAR vast oil and gas reserves this new Klondike, the new Kuweit Shah Deniz, ACG Azeri–Chirag–Guneshli AOIC Azerbaijan International Operating Company, BPled consortium, the contract of the century the Zoroastrians erected temples around burning gas vents in the ground arab. ARAB WORLD Council of the Shura AIPU Arab Inter Parliamentary Union Arab League, Sec Gen Amr Moussa, Cairo-based, LAS League of Arab States Arab Parliament, Speaker Ali El-Salem El-Dekbas OIC Organisation of the Islamic Conference 622 Hegira, Flight of Mohammad to Medina propagated by the sword 732 Charles Martel bat les Arabes à Poitiers 800 Charlemagne, Holy Roman Empire 1096 First Crusade, recapture of Jerusalem, Godefroy de Bouillon 1135-1204 Maimonides, synthesis of Aristotle and Biblical faith 1453 Fall of Constantinople, Άλωση της Πόλης 1520-66 Suleiman the Magnificent 1683 raising of the siege of Vienna, Ottoman army, Jan III Sobieski Les lettres persanes (1721) Montesquieu 1799 Rosetta Stone, Jean-François Champollion 1830 France acquires Algeria 1839 Tanzimât, reorganization of the Ottoman Empire, reform era 1859 first blow of the pickaxe given by de Lesseps at Port Said 2010 Mohamed Bouazizi, Tunisian street vendor sets fire to himself, immolation Alawis Saudis Qataris Emiratis Koweitis Cairenes, Cairotes south south un milliard de croyants political Islam the Arab street sukuk (Islamic bonds) takaful (cooperative insurance) muta'a marriage (temporary) youth revolt, les chebabs democratic opening, ouverture Arab Spring, Jasmine Uprisings, popular uprisings, discontent, disaffection, awakening more for more our neighbours to the south muslim-majority countries the split in Islam goes back to a dispute about who should succeed the Prophet Muhammad after he died in 632, those who wanted his position to be inherited by his closest associates became Sunnis, those who thought his descendants should succeed him became Shia Arab culture, Islamic civilisation democracy is a good investment democratic transition and participation Ras-el-hanout, top of the shop, spice mix inter-faith and inter-cultural dialogue, cross-cultural, we as Europe and the Muslim nations Christian, Jewish and Muslim in the Koran (recitation) and the Hadith (tradition) In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. May God's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon you. kindness, compassion, mercy end of Ramadan beginning of Aïd, le mouton de l'Aïd (fête) devout Muslims in the Arab and Muslim world the Islamic nation Jihad (Holy War) exhorted to "strive in the way of Allah" inner striving to live up to the Law social action to fulfill Islamic ideals military action to protect and extend the Islamic community Five Pillars of Islam, Shahada, Salah, Zakāt, Sawm, Hajj shahada (profession de foi de l'Islam), There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. hajj pilgrimage, circumambulation of the Kaaba, Eid el Kebir halal (ritual slaughter) haram (things that are not permitted) asala (authenticity) social norms family courts zina (infidelity) sex outside marriage Dar al-Harb khalif (leader) l'Umma (community) Salafism (literalist and puritanical) Saudi-style Wahhabism (Wahhabites) dhimmitude (discrimination against non-Muslims) marks of separation, signes extérieurs abaya (loose black body covering) the chador full-face veil wearing the full veil wearing a full-face veil a burka covers the whole body completely veiled, go fully veiled cover their face outside of the home being a police officer as a healthcare worker checking my charts guidelines have covering on your face wearing niqab is a cultural thing a niqab covers the face, niqabisée hijab, the headscarf, le foulard see the disappearance of the hijab wearing face veils in public we can't dictate I don't think the state has any business Harlem Désir (SOS Racisme) Maghrébins, North Africans second-generation Maghrébins, les beurs Islamic charities, trusts, foundations influx of Arab Muslims from ex North African colonies the rank and file in urban slums the coke-sellers and the hookahs Charlie Hebdo, freedom of expression Danish cartoon controversy Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad La Rabbia e l'Orgoglio (2001) Oriana Fallaci Orientalism (1978) Edward Said Mahmoud Darwish, a central theme in Darwish's poetry is the concept of watan or homeland The Yacoubian Building (2002) Alaa al-Aswany Midaq Alley (1947) Naguib Mahfouz Mohamed Al-Fayed owns Harrods the patriarchal superiority of the male is the last bastion of Islam and it's that that horrifies them about modernity Le Racisme expliqué à ma fille (1997) Tahar Ben Jelloun Aladdin Project (Judaism, Islam) Shoah (1985) Claude Lanzmann FUNDAMENTALISM 02.05.11 Bin Laden killed, successor Ayman al-Zawahiri Islamic fundamentalism, intégrisme exporting terror Islamic jihad jihadis Al Qaeda and its affiliates Al Qaeda operatives police handling of minorities ceux qu'on appelle les barbus innocent people, random killings AQIM Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, AQMI establish a pan-Islamic Caliphate throughout the world by Jihad against Jews and Crusaders sharia (Islamic canon law), strict adherence, religious custom, criminal law, personal status The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order (1993) Samuel P. Huntington, choc des cultures frustration, anger, agitation, radicalisation, terrorist recruitment, breeding ground, a recruiting sergeant for magh. MAGHREB (sunset) 5.2011 G8 Deauville Partnership, MENA Middle East and North African countries SPRING Support for Partnership, Reform and Inclusive Growth EMUNI Euro-Med University, Piran (Slovenia) AMU Arab Maghreb Union, UMA Barcelona process North-South Centre (Lisbon), Council of Europe intercultural dialogue La Méditerranée et le monde méditerranéen à l'époque de Philippe II (1949) Fernand Braudel Anna Lindh Foundation cultural and historical links peace, stability, democracy revitalised Mediterranean Policy Mediterranean basin, on the southern shores, la ribera sur, en ambas orillas del Mare Nostrum SEMC Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries, 27 plus 12 Mediterranean partner countries, socios 2007 ENPI European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument 2004 EMPA Euro Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly, Mr Co-President! l'APEM UfM Sec Gen Youssef Amrani PAUM Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean FEMIP Facility for Euro Mediterranean Investment and Partnership MENA economic summits (Middle East and North Africa) EMEC Euro-Mediterranean Energy Community EMRLA Euro Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly, ARLEM 1995 Euro-Mediterranean Conference, Barcelona Declaration, Euro-Med Partnership, common area of stability and peace, MEDA programmes 1976 Cooperation Agreements, Financial Protocols moro. MOROCCO, 446,550 km², 31.6m, Rabat 710,850 km² including Western Sahara February 20 Movement for Change July 1 referendum PJD Justice and Development Party 1999 Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful la Moudawana (code de la famille) 2008 Morocco granted advanced status for raft of reforms, dispose d'un statut avancé Ceuta and Melilla fisheries agreement Berbers of the Atlas region Makhzen (the governing elite) bustling business centre Casablanca the Years of Lead, les années de plomb ba'ya pledge of allegiance to the monarchy 2007 parliamentary elections 2006 50th anniversary of independence 2004 Equity and Reconciliation Commission, IER, ه ي ئة ال م صال ح و اإلن صاف 1996 referendum (constitutional reforms) 1987 membership application rejected as membership open only to European countries 1976 end of Spanish colonial rule 1975 Green March to Western Sahara 1972 Gen Mohamed Ufkir, Minister of Defence, suspected of involvement in attempt on the king's life, Ufkir family spends 24 years in prison or under house arrest 1965 Ben Barka (UNPF) kidnapped in Paris 1962 indep after 8 years of civil war 1961 Hassan II 1912-56 French protectorate west. WESTERN SAHARA, 252.120 km², Laayoune Ndensidiq (Al Ayoun) dernière colonie d'Afrique Sahara Espagnol Christian Gropper, Margot Kessler, Najat Hamdi Resolution 690 la zone occupée v Freigebiet Sons of the clouds, the last colony (2012) Alvaro Longoria, Javier Bardem RASD Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic RCPSA Royal Committee for Pursuit of Saharan Affairs the Saharawis, les Sahraouis UN mission phosphates, fish wayward subjects last African colony Dakhla (ex Villa Cisneros), Royal Domain of Tiniguir, tomatoes, Azura, Idyl refugee camps in Tindouf (Algeria) chiouk (chefs de tribu), les Erguibat (tribu dominante) Pres Mohamed Abdelaziz, gov in exile 1997 UNSG Special Envoy James Baker, Houston Accords, 2001 Framework Agreement, the Third Way, deadlock 1991 MINURSO UN Mission for the referendum in Western Sahara identification process to decide those eligible to vote referendum on self-determination, integration or independence, disagreements over voter registration 1983 OAU summit peace plan 1980 massive sand berms guarded by nearly 100.000 troops 2.700 k of walls and mines 1979 Mauritania withdraws 1978 annexed by Morocco 1976 Polisario declares indep SADR Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Green March (350.000 Moroccan civilians follow troops into the territory) if they attack the march we eat them 1975 ceded to Morocco and Mauritania 1974 Spanish census (75.000) 1973 Polisario Liberation Front 1985 Morocco withdraws from OAU 1963 Tindouf (guerra de las arenas) tuni. TUNISIA, 164.150 km², 10.4m, Tunis 180315 attack on Bardo Museum (24) 260615 attack on Sousse state of emergency 02.2015 PM Habib Essid, new constitution Chokri Belaïd was a vocal critic of the Ben Ali regime prior to the 2011 Tunisian revolution and of the current Islamist-led Tunisian government 12.2012 La bataille de Chambi se déroule dans le massif du Djebel Chambi, près de Kasserine, dans l'ouest de la Tunisie terrorist attack at the Bardo museum 12.2014 President Beji Caïd Essebsi Nidaa Tounes (Appel de la Tunisie) Feb 6 Chokri Belaïd gunned down 12.2011 Pres Moncef Marzouki, veteran dissident 11.2011 PM Hamadi Jebali Ennahda (renaissance) moderate Islamists CAT Constituent Assembly of Tunisia, Mustapha Ben Jafar Ettakatol Democratic Forum for Labour and Liberties DPT Democratic Progressive Party, Najib Chebbi 15.01.11 Jasmine revolution 12.2010 Sidi Bouzid, Mohamed Bouazizi National Assembly LTDH Ligue tunisienne des droits de l'homme 1987 Pres Ben Ali, RCD Constitutional Democratic Rally 1974 Habib Bourguiba pres-for-life 1956 indep as monarchy 1883 French protectorate the Bey of Tunis Carthage alge. ALGERIA, 2.4m km², 35.4m, Algiers algérien, algérois mountain guide Hervé Gourdel murdered SONATRACH (hydrocarbons) oil and gas fields in southern Sahara, Hassi R'mel gasproducing area Tiguentourine hostage crisis gas plant reopens pieds noirs 5.5m Berbers wilayat (provinces) francophone cadres army, la grande muette Kabylie (relief montagneux) 5-member High Committee of State Le Pouvoir (Presidency plus generals) Boumédienne backed by Chadli Benjedid diplomatic and economic aid from France, 4m Muslims in France PM Abdelmalek Sellal 1999 Pres Abdelaziz Bouteflika, NDR National Democratic Rally 1999 Referendum on Law of Civil Concord, amnesty for Islamist opponents not involved in assassinations, rape and explosions in public places 1995 Pres Liamine Zéroual AIS Islamic Salvation Army, armed wing of banned FIS FIS Front islamique du salut GIA Armed Islamic Groups UN information-gathering panel led by Mario Soares described by AI as a whitewash 1992 FIS victory, military cancels second round, state of emergency, 100.000 die in civil violence, paramilitaries, masked security forces (ninjas) 1988 bread riots 1965 Ahmed Ben Bella overthrown 1962-89 FLN Front de libération nationale, parti unique 1962 independence after 8 years of civil war 1958 De Gaulle, je vous ai compris! Des hommes et des dieux (2010) Trappist monks, Tibhirine, Lambert Wilson L'étranger (1942) La peste (1947) Albert Camus liby. LIBYA, 1.77m km², 6.5m, Tripoli 400.000 Libyans internally displaced 1.5 m have fled to Tunisia Geneva, Ghadamès (pearl of the desert) GNU Government of National Unity? UN envoy Bernardino León UNSMIL UN Support Mission in Libya Tripolitania and Cyrenaica (Benghazi) Tobruk UAE warplanes secretly bombed Islamist militia targets in Libya EU Office in Benghazi PM Ali Zeidan 11.09.12 gunmen storm the US consulate in Benghazi killing US Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens we are working with the Libyans now to secure the compound TNC National Transitional Council, CNT, Übergangsrad Mustafa Abdel Jalil PM Mahmoud Jibril carrying out air attacks on rebel forces SCR1973 permits "all necessary measures" to impose nofly zone NATO, Unified Protector Operation Ellamy (UK), Odyssey Dawn (US), Operation Mobile (Can) Harmattan (F) Eufor Libya, military escort, protect aid deliveries besieged port city of Misrata Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 7.2010 Abdul Baset Ali al-Megrahi freed on compassionate grounds rehabilitation people's committees the Kennedy-D'Amato Act Great Man-made River project former Italian colony, Eni's oil and gas interests, arms sales 2003 Tripoli takes responsibility, lifting of UN sanctions, renounces WMD 1999 Lockerbie suspects handed over, tried in the Hague under Scots law, suspension of UN sanctions, restoration of diplomatic relations with London 1997 Nelson Mandela visits Tripoli 1992 UN imposes arms and air embargo, ban on air links, pariah status 21.12.88 Lockerbie disaster 1986 US bombing raid, Rabta, the riddle in the sands 1984 UK breaks off diplomatic relations after WPC Yvonne Fletcher killed by shot fired from inside Libyan People's Bureau (embassy) in London 1983-84 intervention in Chad 1981 claims Bay of Sirte as territorial waters 1969 Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, leader of the revolution, Green Book 1959 oil discovered, LNOC Libyan National Oil Company 1951 King Idris mash. MASHREQ Chair Marisa Matias (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria) political upheaval in the Middle East egyp. EGYPT, 1m km², 83.5m, Cairo the Army and the Brotherhood 2014 constitutional referendum Mr Morsi did not meet the demands of the masses General Abdel Fatah al-Sissi 2013 the July coup 2012 Pres Mohammed Morsi, Freedom and Justice Party put himself beyond the legal reach of the country’s judiciary Islamist power base of the Muslim Brotherhood, Murshid (supreme guide) Mohammed Badai Mohamed ElBaradei, NSF National Salvation Front, ex IAEA Islamist-dominated Constituent Assembly transitional leadership inclusive dialogue an orderly transition consensual solution joint ownership taskforce for Egypt Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi Mukhabarat (secret police) 09.10.11 Israel's embassy in Cairo stormed al-Nour Party (Salafist) 03.2011 constitutional referendum les foulouls (les restes), PND ex Mubarak 2011 ouster of Mubarak 25 January Revolution, the Nile revolution 28.01.11 Day of Rage, Tahrir (liberation) Square Cairenes, Cairiotes Copts make up 10% of the population ultraconservative Salafist groups Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan), Freedom and Justice Party Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya 2010 bomb kills 21 at Alexandria Coptic church on New Year's Eve, al-Qiddissin Church People's Assembly Association Agreement wars with Israel 1948, 1967, 1973 Al Hittiyadiya (Presidential palace) Amr Moussa, Sec Gen Arab League, ex Foreign Minister Dr Ayman Nour, El Ghad (Tomorrow) 2-3m Egyptians live abroad, remittances Islamic fundamentalism, Islamist militancy, MB Muslim Brotherhood, Islah (Reform Party) Al-Azhar mosque, university, the religious establishment, le vatican musulman Vers l'Orient compliqué, je volais avec des idées simples (De Gaulle) the New Valley irrigation project south of the Kharga Oasis (Western Desert) Giza Pyramids, Great Sphinx, Luxor, Karnak, Valley of the Kings al-Gama'a al-Islamiya (Islamic Group), spiritual leader Omar Abd al-Rahman currently serving life sentence in US for the bombing of the World Trade Center in NY 2005 Mubarak re-elected under new system allowing multiple candidates to stand 2005 les attentats ont secoué le fleuron touristique égyptien de Charm El-Cheikh, tourist targets and resort areas 1994 UN Conference on Population (Cairo) state of emergency 1992 Boutros Boutros-Ghali UN Sec Gen 1981 Pres Hosni Mubarak, NDP National Democratic Party 1981 Sadat killed by Islamic radicals 1977 Sadat addresses Knesset, a separate peace 1973 Anwar Sadat launches October War (Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement), oil shock 1967 Six Day War 26.07.56 nationalises Suez Canal Company 1954 Gamal Abdel Nasser, Arab nation, colonialism, Zionism 1952 overthrow of King Farouk, revolution 1923 constitution, the Wafd Party (delegation) Khedive, Ottoman viceroys ruling Egypt from 1867 to 1914, the Sublime Porte 1859 first blow of pickaxe given by de Lesseps at Port Said 1798 French invasion 1260 les Mamelouks vainquent les Mongols à Aïn Jalut extra-long-staple cotton isra. ISRAEL, 22.072 km², 7.3m, Tel Aviv Benjamin Netanyahu, Likud (unity) Deputy Foreign Min Tzipi Hotovely Justice Min Ayelet Shaked, Jewish Home 180315 general elections Avigdor Lieberman, Yisrael Beitenu (Our Home Israel) Yair Lapid (TV presenter) new centrist party Yesh Atid (there is a future) ultra-Orthodox Haneen Zoabi, Balad opposes the idea of Israel as a solely Jewish state Neturei Karta ACAA agreement, Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products we do not recognise the settlements products originating in the settlements, colonies imports from East Jerusalem and the West Bank the Brita case BDS Boycott, Disinvest, Sanctions checkpoints and roadblocks administrative detention (internment) Sephardic v Ashkenazim Israel secure v Palestine viable the Bible v the Koran v the Torah rabbinic tradition (halakhah, haggadah) the EU-Israel relationship upgrading, rehaussement 10.2004 Pres Shimon Peres 2009 PM Benyamin Netanyahu, Likud (unity) Likud/Kadima coalition, Shaul Mofaz 120-seat Knesset (assembly) Labor Party, Shelly Yachimovich, ex Ehud Barak the shekel Haaretz, el país the Zionist movement ultra-orthodox Shas party Histadrut (TU movement) Gentiles, Goyim (nations) we made the desert bloom hasbara (public diplomacy) the Middle East and the Gulf Hanukkah (Festival of Lights) kosher, kashrut (dietary laws) Haggadah Russian immigrant community yarmulke (head covering), la kippa Yad Vashem, Holocaust Museum, Righteous among the Nations, non-Jews who saved Jews during the Holocaust Israel faces an existential threat 7.2006 military campaign against Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon 2006 Ehud Olmert, Kadima 2002 West Bank barrier, security fence, security wall, separation barrier, mur de séparation 2002 Israeli invasion of Jenin Refugee Camp 2001 PM Ariel Sharon 2000 Al-Aqsa Intifada 1999 PM Ehud Barak, ex chief-of-staff 1996 PM Binyamin Netanyahu 1995 Yitzhak Rabin assassinated by Yigal Amir, an Orthodox Jew, after a Tel Aviv peace rally 1994 Baruch Goldstein massacred 29 Arabs in the Tomb of the Patriarchs, Ibrahimi mosque, Hebron, capital of West Bank, 450 Israelis, 100.000 Palestinians 1987 Intifada (uprising), stonethrowers in the West Bank and Gaza 1986 Mordechai Vanunu revealed details of Israel's nuclear programme, Dimona reactor, abducted in Rome, solitary confinement 1977 PM Menachem Begin, ex Irgun 1973 Yom Kippur war, Israel's right to exist, occupied territories, security guarantees, 242, secure and recognised borders, no acquisition of territory by force, 338, just and lasting peace 1969 PM Golda Meir 1967 Six Day War, Egyptian airforce destroyed on the ground, Israel captures Golan Heights from Syria, Sinai, the Gaza Strip, West Bank, East Jerusalem 14 May 1948 Independence Day (Yom Ha'atzmaut), creation of the State of Israel, David Ben Gurion the Jewish State, l'état hébreu since the nakba (catastrophe) of 1948 29.11.47 UN partition plan 1923 Palestinian Mandate (League of Nations) 1917 Balfour Declaration TERRITORY les Bédouins du Néguev Bethlehem Gaza Strip self-rule areas land for peace reservists in the territories viable, lebensfähiger Staat Greater Israel (Eretz Israel) territories under the jurisdiction West Bank, Judaea and Samaria, Cisjordanie the Allenby Bridge over the River Jordan connects the West Bank with Jordan phased withdrawal to internationally-recognised boundaries, return to the '67 borders pullbacks (redeployment, withdrawal) from Hebron, the Golan Golan Heights, the Shebaa farms, Mount Harmon sett. SETTLEMENTS settlers, colons settlements, colonies de peuplement officially registered settlements 200 settlements, 400.000 Jewish settlers "natural growth" within existing settlements settler violence price tag (tit-for-tat attacks by settlers for removal of illegal outposts), le prix à payer disengagement, withdrawing settlers baulked at stopping settlement expansion freezing settlement activity in the West Bank freeze construction, halt settlements, gel des colonies, arrêter la colonisation, Siedlungen Area C in the West Bank, demolitions in Mala south of Hebron settlement blocks, Har Homa/Jebal Abu Ghneim, the Allon Plus belt along the Jordan River, Maale Adumim 2.000 new housing units in Ramat Shlomo, East Jerusalem settlement outposts built without permission, implantations settlements pose an obstacle to a two state solution settler movement, Gush Emunim (bloc of the faithful) jeru. JERUSALEM a viable Palestinian state within 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital divided Jerusalem the Western Wall (Wailing Wall) holy to all three Abrahamic faiths the Al Aqsa mosque where the Prophet ascended to heaven rises alongside the Dome of the Rock on Temple Mount, Haram al-Sharif (noble sanctuary) third-holiest site in Islam after Mecca and Medina monotheistic religions, Judaism, Christianity, Islam 1997 bombs explode in Ben Yehuda, the main pedestrian shopping street in central Jerusalem 1996 riots after opening of the Hasmonaean Tunnel under the Muslim Quarter of the Old City IMMIGRATION Soviet Jewry Olim (those who ascend) Sabre (Israel-born Israelis) Immigrants' Rights Party, Natan Sharansky Aliyah (ascent), immigration of Jews to Israel SECURITY Mossad (secret service) Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade, Islamic Jihad, Hamas Shin Bet (internal security) IDF Israel Defense Forces, Tsahal (army) closures and blockades of Palestinian territories Green Line between the Jewish state and the West Bank, Cisjordanie peac. MIDDLE-EAST PEACE PROCESS Arab Peace Initiative road map, feuille de route viability of a two-state solution, binacional the window that's closing cantonisation balkanisation condominialism (two sets of citizenship) Special Envoy for Middle East Peace David Hale the US remains committed to peace EUSR Fernando Gentilini Arab-Israeli conflict Palestinian territories Israeli-Palestinian conflict viable and indep Palestinian state, within 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, with equivalent land swaps establishment of a Palestinian state the Syrian track, the Palestinian track final status talks, Palestinian statehood, borders, right of return for Palestinian refugees, future of Jewish settlements, division of water resources 2007 Annapolis process Quartet (UN US Russia EU) 1999 Wye agreement, Wye Plantation, redeployment 1996 anti-terror summit, Sharm El Sheikh 1995 Interim Agreement (Oslo II, Taba) interim period of Palestinian self-government in Gaza Strip, West Bank, autonomous areas of Jericho, PA Palestinian Authority, safe corridor between Gaza and West Bank, airport and sea port in Gaza 1993 Oslo Accords, justice for the Palestinians, security for Israel 1991 Madrid (launch of the peace process) 1978 Camp David agreement, Egypt recognises Israel, a separate peace pale. PALESTINIANS, West Bank 5.970 km², Gaza 365 km², 3.8m D-PLC Palestinian Legislative Council chair Martina Anderson not a sovereign state Bedouin community massive E1 settlement 5,000 Palestinians in Israeli prisons Israeli Arabs form 20% of the population West Bank, Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem Pres Mahmoud Abbas PA, Abu Mazen, Fatah PM Rami Hamdallah nation-building young fighters, les chebab deep democracy ask for full UN membership joins Unesco as a full member bid for recognition of statehood seek an upgrade from observer entity to observer state 2012 UNGA accords Palestine non-Member Observer State status, ex non-state observer 2011 Fatah/Hamas reconciliation, unity government of technocrats negotiator Saeb Erekat 2007 National Unity Government, Mecca agreement 2005 Pres Mahmoud Abbas, PNA 2004 Yassir Arafat, Abuammar, Fatah, Chairman of the PLO, PLO National Council, dies in French hospital 1988 (Algiers Declaration) PNC recognises Israel, renounces terrorism, proclaims Palestinian independence 1985 hijacking of the Achille Lauro when they wheeled Leon Klinghoffer off the side of the boat 1974 (Rabat) PLO sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people 1967 Six-Day War, Naksa Day (day of the setback) June 5 1948 exodus, diaspora Palestinians recognition of Israel as a Jewish state statehood, demilitarisation a demilitarised Palestinian state alongside the Jewish state the undivided capital of Israel right of return for Palestinian refugees our main demand is the end of the occupation committed to the destruction of Israel remains dedicated to Israel's destruction two states living side by side in peace and security PAC Palestinian Autonomy Council PRDP Palestinian Reform and Development Plan, PEGASE mechanism, ex TIM (Temporary International Mechanism) PNA Palestinian National Authority, the PA UNRWA Relief and Works Agency, refugee camps Hamas-Fatah schism Euro-Arab Dialogue the Palestinian Question stability of the entire region 30.000-strong Palestinian police release tax and customs receipts establishment of a Palestinian state lack of territorial cohesion (contiguous) independent, viable, through negotiations free movement of goods, exports, imports sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity Rais, White House, Orient House in East Jerusalem the Mukata compound in Ramallah Fatah has observer status with the SI hama. HAMAS Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal a political and a social movement an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood the militant Islamist group that runs Gaza Hamas-Fatah schism the Izzedin al-Qassam Brigades, Islamic Jihad, armed wing Hamas Islamic Resistance Movement, founder Sheikh Ahmad Yassin benchmark tests, recognise right to exist, forswear violence, honour previous accords 2007 Hamas takes over the Gaza strip 2006 Hamas wins Palestinian legislative elections, PM Ismail Haniya 2006 Israel arrests PLC Speaker Abdel Aziz Duwaik 25.06.06 Corporal Gilad Shalit kidnapped in cross-border raid, captured Israeli soldier 1998 Hamas Charter gaza. GAZA, 360 km², 1.6m 1.7m people in 140 square miles terror tunnels rocket barrage, bombardment kidnapping and murder of Israeli teenagers Operation Protective Edge, Bordure protectrice, Margine di protezione Egyptian-brokered truce indefinite ceasefire, unconditional, open-ended Shifa Hospital in Gaza City Eshkol demilitarisation restrictions on movement of goods and people in and out of the territory build a seaport and reopen the airport rockets and mortar bombs launched a hotbed of terrorism El-Wafa hospital Beit Lahiya air strikes on the Zaitoun neighbourhood of Gaza City decapitate the leadership overwhelming force unleash its military might Elbit Systems Ltd (defence electronics) Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd Israel Aerospace Industries OPARUS Open Architecture for UAV-based Surveillance System, drones Iron Dome defence system, Eisenkuppel, Σιδηρούς Θόλος leaflet drop ground incursions, forays knock-on-the-door missiles without explosive warheads launch a major ground offensive ground incursion, invasion pounded in the bombing F16s and drones hovering troops, artillery, engineers raining fire aerial onslaught barrage of missiles raining down flechette shells, Pfeilmunition anti-personnel flechette artillery using flechette shells against urban targets UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (drone) lifting the siege humanitarian ceasefire truce, ceasefire, armistice disproportionate form of collective punishment violence begets violence perfect breeding ground for incubate the next generation of extremists attacks on civilians resulting in civilian casualties prohibited by customary international law constitute a war crime Gazans, les Gazaouis the Emir of Qatar visited Gaza access into Gaza for goods and services 1.5 m impoverished inhabitants Jabaliya refugee camp 2012 Operation Pillar of Defence 31.05.10 military operation against the aid flotilla, Mavi Marmara, IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation since the 2008-9 offensive in Gaza 1.2009 Operation Cast Lead, the Goldstone report the Al Jazeera and Al Rabiya networks broadcast 24/7 images of the carnage in Gaza Katyusha rocket attacks on Ashkelon and Sderot 2005 Gaza disengagement, pullout, Ariel Sharon BLOCKADE supply network air and sea blockade supply lines into Gaza City amounts to a collective punishment travel restrictions, sealing the border denies Palestinian labourers access to work, bouclage, Gebietssperre workers and merchants who have permits to enter Israel Israeli blockade of Gaza, lifting the blockade, desserrer l’étranglement BORDER CROSSINGS EUBAM Border Assistance Mission, Rafah Erez, Karni, Nahal Oz (mighty stream) Kerem Shalom (vineyard of peace) the Philadelphi Corridor (Egypt-Gaza border) safe passage arms smuggling through tunnels movement and access agreement border crossings, crossing points, entry point international monitoring, Beobachtertruppen turk. TURKEY, 779.452 km², 75.8m, Ankara 6.2015 elections, 10% threshold AKP Justice and Development, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan CHP Republican People’s Party, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, ex Deniz Baykal (Kemalist) HDP Peoples’ Democratic Party, pro-Kurdish alliance, Selahattin Demirtaş MHP Nationalist Movement Party 8.2014 PM Ahmet Davutoğlu Golden Horn, Κεράτιο, Haliç Progress Report, RAP Kati Piri rejuvenate the sub-committees upgrade the Customs Union EU Trust Fund (MADAD) opening benchmarks new Turkey Division in the EEAS Association Council Turkey attended the Gymnich meeting the CT dialogue (counter-terrorism) ISIL Daesh the Armenian president retracted his signature from protocols NAVTEX (navigational telex) Readmission Agreement "a state which is defunct" insulting Turkish national identity (Art 301 TCK Turkish Penal Code) HCJP High Council Of Judges And Prosecutors, HSYK Turkish Stream Southern Gas Corridor TANAP Azeri gas field Shah Deniz 2 (Fethullah) Gülen movement Turkish Islamic scholar and preacher deep cultural divisions on lifestyle issues redevelopment of Gezi Park off Taksim Square (constitution) Occupy Gezi movement Gezi Park protests Twitter ban Galata Tower, Galata Bridge, Galatians, Celts Reyhanli attack refugee camp in the Syrian border area at Antioch, the capital of Hatay province EU-Turkey JPC, Co-chairperson freeze relations during Cyprus presidency 05.06.11 Erdoğan (AK), third term, landslide 1.2009 Egemen Bağış appointed Turkey's first full-time EU negotiator 2007 Pres Abdullah Gül, Çankaya palace 2003 PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (AK), Davos walkout over Gaza DGM State Security Court MGK National Security Council MIT Milli Istihbarat Teskilati, National Intelligence Organisation a regional power, Turkey's neighbourhood a role model for Islamic societies elsewhere anti-terror legislation deep state, derin devlet Ergenekon, alleged ultra-nationalist gang network of renegade agents within the state Mor Gabriel (Syrian Orthodox Church) SPA Special Provincial Administrations, provinces, districts, municipalities, villages, governors, préfets, village head GNAT Grand National Assembly of Turkey, TBMM pianist Fazil Say convicted for insulting Islam Pınar Selek, accused of involvement in a 1998 bombing at the Egyptian Bazaar TÜSIAD Industry and Business Association Article 58 the visa ruling the Turkish lira Customs Union 81 departments the cartoon crisis 1998 Erdoğan jailed for incitement to religious hatred, Our mosques are our barracks, Our domes our helmets, The minarets are our bayonets, Our believers our soldiers, quoting poet Ziya Gökalp Kurdish and Turkish headscarf, le foulard secularists v Islamists abolition of the death penalty ratification of the Ankara protocol refusal to open ports to GC vessels Islam and democracy are compatible state of emergency, Ausnahmezustand hamals on the waterfront (porters) Constantinople is a very long word, spell it Sunni in Turkey tend to refer to all Shia as Alevi Russia to help build a NPP on the lower Kızılırmak river basin at Akkuyu gas comes mostly from Russia through the Blue Stream pipeline 19.01.07 Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink slain 2005 negotiations 2002 recovery programme agreed with IMF 1999 candidate status (Helsinki) 1996 Customs Union 1989 membership application 1983 Turgut Özal (ANAP) 1980 coup, Pres Kenan Evren 1974 Turkish troops invade Northern Cyprus 1964 Association Agreement 1952 NATO 1923 Treaty of Lausanne Kemal Atatürk (founder of secular state) Ottoman Empire, sick man of Europe, sides with the Axis against the Entente 29.5.1453 fall of Constantinople Gökceada, Imvros Bozcaada, Tenedos airspace, FIR Flight Information Region Aegean, continental shelf, Imia/Kardak islet İnce Memed (My Hawk) (1955) Yaşar Kemal Kar (Snow) (2004) Orhan Pamuk, 2006 Nobel come to Green Lanes in North London kurd. KURDS Sakine Cansiz, Fidan Dogan, Leyla Soylemez found dead at the Paris HQ of the Kurdistan Workers' Party KCK trial (Union of Kurdistan Communities), umbrella group, aiding and abetting the PKK BDP Peace and Democracy Party Roj TV (DK) can be viewed in Turkey by satellite TRT6, the first state-run 24-hour television channel to be broadcast solely in Kurdish KONGRA-GEL People´s Congress of Kurdistan, Nuriye Kesbir GAP South-East Anatolia project, headwaters of Tigris and Euphrates, dams, HEP plants, irrigation plants, tunnels, the Ilisu dam 2009 DTP Democratic Society Party banned, Leyla Zana 2003 HADEP People’s Democracy Party banned PKK Kurdistan Workers Party 1999 Abdullah Öcalan captured in covert operation in Nairobi, held on Imrali, armed campaign against the Turkish state, due process of law will be observed assimilation the oppressed Anti-terrorist Law men of the mountains the Kurdish issue, question village guards in guardboxes Turkish citizens of Kurdish origin Kurdish rebellion in the south east peshmergas (armed Kurdish fighters) cross-border operations in northern Iraq syri. SYRIA, 185.180 km², 18m, Damascus UN and Arab League envoy Staffan de Mistura 2006 Anbar Awakening alliance to fight Al Qaeda (AQI) militants ISIS (ISIL) Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant), EIIL, Da'ech, Daesh led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi bataille contre Daesh à Kobané (Ayn al Arab) Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Caliph Ibrahim, capital Raqa PYD Parti de l'union démocratique YPG People's Protection Units Taqba airfield murder of American journalist James Foley Gen John R Allen, Special Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL Al Qaeda-linked Jabhat al-Nusra (Al-Nusra Front) Ahrar al-Sham, Talia al-Islamiya (other armed groups) David Cameron, Commons defeat Obama, seeking approval from Congress OPCW Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, Nobel set a red line at the use of chemical weapons eliminate the chemical weapon stockpile Bashar al-Assad, puppets of the West international peace envoy Lakhdar Brahimi Sunni, Shia, Alawite Syriacs, Orthodox Christian community 2-3m Kurds in Syria 600.000 refugees in camps, UNHCR 4m displaced, 400.000 in Turkey 1m Syrian refugees in Lebanon with a population of only 4m Zaatari refugee camp Mafraq transit facility the Thnebe border crossing Taftanaz base near Idlib UNSMIS UN Supervision Mission in Syria UN suspends mission arms embargo al-Hula massacre SAA Syrian Arab Army military crackdown against civilian uprising FSA Free Syrian Army, SMC Supreme Military Council SNC Syrian National Coalition (National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces) reporter Marie Colvin and photographer Rémi Ochlik killed in Homs obliteration of the Syrian city of Homs Fadwa Suleiman, the Pasionaria of Homs Hamas, Khaled Mashaal Shabiha (government loyalist gangs ) Arab League Russia and China veto action Russian naval facility in Tartus crisis spills over into neighboring Lebanon 03.2011 start of the Syrian conflict 2000 Pres Bashar Assad, minority Alawite regime, a narrative of foreign-inspired terrorism and insurgency 1994 EU lifts arms embargo 1991 pillar of the coalition against Iraq during the Gulf War, sided with Iran in the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war, shut down Iraq's oil pipeline to the Mediterranean in 1987 1982 Hama levelled to crush a Sunni uprising 1971 Pres Hafez al-Assad 1967 Syria loses Golan Heights to the Israelis, mountaintops visible from Damascus 1963 Arab Socialist Baath (renaissance) Party takes control, pan-Arab, founded by Michel Aflaq in 1947 1946 indep from France 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement negates the promises made through T. E. Lawrence for a national Arab homeland in the area of Greater Syria, in exchange for their siding with British forces against the Ottoman Empire 1400 Damascus largely destroyed by Tamerlane, the Mongol conqueror, who removed many of its craftsmen to Samarkand Aleppo at the end of the Silk Road leba. LEBANON, 10.452 km², 4.2m, Beirut 1.2m refugees, 500.000 children, 100.000 go to school 2009 PM Saad Hariri, March 14 Alliance Beirut Rafic Hariri International Airport 2008 Pres Michel Suleiman the Muslim quarter of the city the Christian minority (Maronites) sectors under Syrian control Syrian-controlled west Bekaa valley 7.2006 Israeli invasion, Israel-Hezbollah War, Winograd Commission of Inquiry UN SCR 1559 sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity Unifil, robust multinational force multi-confessional the pearl of the Levant Muslim, Druze, Maronite Christian financial and services hub Druze leader, Walid Jumblatt hostages, John McCarthy, Terry Waites Christian Phalange Party, Georges Saadeh Martyrs' Square, ravaged downtown district, Middle East’s largest construction site 2006 Hezbollah, crossborder attacks Nahr Al Bared refugee camp, Lebanese Army, Fatah alIslam 2005 PM Sem Fouad Siniora 2005 Cedar Revolution, Syrian troops withdraw 2005 ex PM Rafic Hariri assassinated in Beirut, UN International Independent Investigation Commission 2000 Israel withdraws from Southern Lebanon 1998 Pres Emile Lahoud, Christian Maronite 1992 Abbas al-Musawi assassinated, Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah 1990 Hezbollah's military campaigns 1989 Taif Agreement, mountain resort in Saudi Arabia, Arab League, de facto partition, 30.000 Syrian troops in Lebanon, Pax Syriana 1989 Pres René Moawad assassinated 1988 Pres Amin Gemayel hands over to Gen Michel Aoun Amal militia, Nabih Berri, Shia Muslim suburbs in south Beirut 1983 241 US marines and 56 French paratroopers killed in bomb explosions in Beirut 1982 Israeli invades to crush PLO (Operation Peace for Galilee), PM Menahem Begin, Def Min Ariel Sharon, Palestinian refugee camps in Beirut, Sabra and Shatila massacre, Lebanese Maronite Christian militias Hezbollah (Party of God), Iranian-backed militant Shia group, guerrillas in Southern Lebanon, SG Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, rocket attacks security zone, Israel’s 20-year imbroglio in Lebanon, SLA South Lebanon Army, financed, equipped, controlled by Israel 1978 FINUL Force intérimaire des Nations Unies pour le Liban 1975 civil war Serail (Government House) The Prophet (1923) Khalil Gibran jord. JORDAN, 89.342 km², 5.7m, Amman 120315 so-called Islamic State Jordan, 1m Syrian refugees Your Majesty, Eure Majestät stand up to, Paroli bieten Gedenkmarsch feeds on hate in the name of meaningful interfaith outreach His Majesty King Abdullah II Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan part of the U.S.-led alliance Jordan promised an "earth-shaking response" to the killing of its pilot, Mouath al-Kasaesbeh, who was captured after his F-16 crashed Abu Qatada, radical preacher subject to a UN travel ban 1999 King Abdullah II, Queen Rania 1997 Association Agreement (Euro-Med) 60% of Jordanians have Palestinian roots, Jordanians of East Bank origin, 300.000 still live in refugee camps, the Jordanian-Palestinian rift Islamist-led opposition, arrest, detention, deportation of Hamas leaders GID General Intelligence Department 1999 King Hussein dies, Jordanians from all walks of life display great grief 1994 peace treaty with Israel, King Hussein and Yitzak Rabin sign the Washington Agreement formally ending the state of war, shaking hands on the White House lawn 1988 renounces claims to the West Bank 1970s PLO forced out, regrouping in Lebanon 1952 King Hussein, US-born Queen Noor 1951 King Abdullah assassinated in Jerusalem the Ottoman Turks, the Arab revolt, bedouin tribesmen Seven Pillars of Wisdom (1922) TE Lawrence great ruined city of Petra chiselled into the red rock of the rift valley by the pre-Roman Nabataeans who levied tolls on passing traders saud. SAUDI ARABIA, 2.15m km², 27m, Riyadh Saudi intervention in Yemen Chair Angelika Niebler Kingdom of Saudi Arabia King Salman Arab Peninsula D-GUL (Gulf States, Yemen) Gulf Arab countries 1981 GCC Gulf Cooperation Council, Bahrein, UAE, Kuweit, Oman, Qatar UAE United Arab Emirates, ex Trucial States ensure continued safe flow of maritime traffic in waterways critical to global commerce Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Gulf of Oman, Bab elMandeb (gate of tears) oil monarchies of the Arabian Peninsula Qatar, television network Al Jazeera OPEC Wahhabism (strict Sunni Islam) 2005 King Abdullah, House of Saud 1993 Conseil consultatif (Majlis al-Shura) Southern Watch 3.000-4.000 US troops the riyal world's largest oil producer Holy Places, Mecca, Medina, Hijaz, birthplace of the Prophet ulema (religious authorities) Saudiisation reliance on foreign labour, nationals, expatriate workers role of women in Saudi society, including the right to drive flogging of blogger Raif Badawi AQAP Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula bahr. BAHRAIN 765 km², 1.4m, Manama Bahrainis in Manama (the two seas) the Bahrain Causeway connects Qatar and Bahrain, Freundschaftsbrücke King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa Sheikh Ali Salman BCHR Bahrain Centre for Human Rights BICI Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry 2011 Bahraini uprising, Arab Spring, Shia majority, Sunni rulers yeme. YEMEN, 536.869 km², 24.3m, Sanaa Aden and Sanaa Aden controls the entrance to the Red Sea Bab-el-Mandeb Strait (gateway of tears) Saudi-led coalition against Shia Houthi rebels Operation Storm of Resolve 1.2015 rebels take control of capital Houthi rebels Abdul Malik al-Houthi the Houthis are Shia from the Zaidi sect graveyard of invaders 2012 Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi powerful Hashid tribe South Yemen is more secular than the Islamic north 2006 Pres Ali Abdullah Saleh re-elected GPC General People's Congress secessionist movement in the south Islah (Reform) Party al-Qaeda, failed attack on a US airliner on Christmas Day 2009 2000 USS Cole attacked by suicide bombers from a small boat in the Yemeni port of Aden 1994 secession attempt 1990 merger of People's Republic of South Yemen (ex British colony of Aden) with the tribal north (Yemen Arab Republic) oil-rich south Saudi-Yemeni border dispute ceremonial jambia (curved dagger) reputed home of the Queen of Sheba known to the Romans as Arabia Felix kat (the green leaves the people chew) dispute with Eritrea over the Hanish Islands mokka coffee was exported from Mokka port iraq. IRAQ, 438.317 km², 31m, Baghdad (4.7m) Pres Fuad Masum 2014 PM Haider al-Abadi, ex Nouri al-Maliki Mesopotamia, Tweestromenland UNAMI UN Assistance Mission for Iraq Kurds, Sunnis, Shi'ites Assyrians, Chaldeans, Syriacs refugees, Yezidis, Christians, Turkmens Sunni insurgents Baiji oil refinery 150 km north of Baghdad 06.2014 fall of Mosul, Iraq's second city push on Baghdad controls vast areas of Iraq and Syria successes in Fallujah, Ramadi, Mosul lightning offensives by jihadist militants erase the border between Iraq and Syria an Islamic emirate straddling Syria and Iraq regional actors like Saudi Arabia and Iran 4.2011 massacre in Camp Ashraf, Iranian dissidents, PMOI People's Mujahedin of Iran (MKO Mujahedin-e Kahlq), relocation to Camp Liberty 12.2011 the last US troops pull out 2010 PM Nouri al-Maliki, re-elected Shia-dominated government, Sunni minority different branches of the same faith Council of Representatives v Federation Council (regions) 31.10.10 gunmen linked to al-Qaeda storm Assyrian Christian cathedral during evening mass, Our Lady of Salvation in Baghdad Iraqiya bloc ends cabinet boycott EU Ambassador to Baghdad (head of EU delegation), Jana Hybášková BIA Baghdad International Airport IZ International Zone ex Green Zone RSO Regional Security Officer (Commission) Sitcen (Council) 1.2009 regional, provincial elections new constitution Iraqi state ISF Iraqi Security Forces Massoud Barzani, KDP Kurdish Democratic Party, Pres of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region Interim PM Ibrahim al-Jaafari, the "Shia List", Shiadominated UIA (United Iraqi Alliance) troop surge 2007 siege of Falluja, Najav, Kerbala Baker-Hamilton Commission (Iraq Study Group) 2006 bombing of al-Askari Mosque in Samarra, one of the holiest sites in Shia Islam EU JUST LEX, integrated rule of law mission, mandate, magistrates and police officers 2005 Pres Jalal Talabani (PUK Patriotic Union of Kurdistan) 2004 transfer of sovereignty to interim government, Ayad Allawi insurgents, militias, sectarian groups Shia militias, the Mahdi Army, Muqtada al-Sadr, radical Shi'ite cleric Shi'ites, Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Jordan Sunni triangle around Baghdad slums of Sadr City in eastern Baghdad IED Improvised Explosive Device, roadside bomb Abu Ghraib IRAQ WAR 3.2003 Azores summit, Bush, Blair, Aznar, PM Barroso 2003 US-led invasion, CPA Coalition Provisional Authority, Paul Bremer Def Sec Donald Rumsfeld, old Europe The Shock Doctrine (2007) Naomi Klein Colin Powell, Sec of State, State Department OIF Operation Iraq Freedom MOAB Massive Ordnance Air Blast, mother of all bombs Gen Tommy Franks axis of evil, Iraq, Iran, North Korea letter of eight then Vilnius letter (10 new NATO members) compelling evidence, supporting the invasion, New Europe shock and awe sexed-up dossier, the forty-five minute claim, dodgy dossier territorial integrity the elite Republican Guard Mukhabarat Intelligence Service RCC Revolutionary Command Council SANCTIONS 1995 SCR 986 oil-for-food programme ban on oil sales, gel des avoirs pétroliers iraquiens 2002 SCR 1441, final opportunity to comply 1999 UNMOVIC Monitoring, Verification, Inspection Commission, Hans Blix, chief weapons inspector 1998 Baghdad refuses all further cooperation 1996 destruction of Al Hakam facility, germ warfare plant 1991 UNSCOM United Nations Special Commission, Rolf Ekeus (SW) IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Executive Director Yukiya Amano WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction NBC Nuclear Chemical Biological OPCW Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons intrusive on-site inspections helicopter flyovers, surveillance flights inhalation anthrax, inhale spores, skin anthrax, contact anthrax, Milzbrand chemical agents unaccounted for, bacterial growth media VX nerve gas Iraqi supergun (Matrix-Churchill) Al Samud 2 missile GULF WAR 1991 Shiite uprising in south put down in blood 1991 liberation of Kuweit Operation Desert Storm, Gen Norman Schwarzkopf Scud missile attacks on Tel Aviv, duct tape, orange alerts embedded journalists, collateral damage, friendly fire depleted uranium munitions, abgereichertes, verarmtes Uran 1990 Iraq invades and annexes Kuweit no-fly zones use of Incirlik airbase in Turkey containment, keeping Saddam in his cage 1980-88 IRAN-IRAQ WAR 1981 Israeli raid on Osirak reactor cripples Iraq’s nuclear programme 1979 Saddam Hussein, Ba’ath Party, ruling Majid clan, Tikrit province, Tariq Aziz 1958 monarchy replaced by republic 1932 indep 1921 Hashemite dynasty (Faisal I) 1920 League of Nations protectorate 587 BC Nebuchadnezzar destroys Jerusalem, king of Babylon, Ur of the Chaldees, Mesopotamia, Tigris, Euphrates Shatt-al-Arab (river of Arabia) KURDS PUK Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Jalal Talabani KDP Kurdish Democratic Party, Massoud Barzani KRG Kurdistan Regional Government Erbil, capital of the Autonomous Region of Kurdistan Kirkuk province, oil-rich city of Mosul 1988 Halabja poison gas attack during the closing days of the Iran–Iraq War iran. IRAN, 1.648.195 km², 74.2m, Tehran Islamic Republic of Iran E3+3, EU-led consortium of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany 6.2013 Pres Hassan Rouhani, reformist-backed cleric For Min Mohammad Javad Zarif 27.12.09 Ashura protests against June elections, Green Movement 2009 Obama, we will respond if Iran unclenches its fist 2005 Pres Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Israel-baiting rhetoric Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Commander-inChief 21.03 Nowruz (new light), the vernal equinox, marks the sun's crossing of the equator diaspora Ahwazi Arabs Straits of Hormuz Elamites, Achaemenids, Parthians, Sassanids Teheran's support for the Lebanese militia Hezbollah IRGC Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Pasdaran (guards) NCRI National Council of Resistance of Iran, parliament in exile NLA National Liberation Army of Iran Shi'ites, Ali, the Prophet's first true successor Majlis (parliament), Speaker Ali Akbar Nateq Nouri 12-member Council of Guardians, Wächterrad Shahab missiles (meteor) partibazi (influence-peddling) bonyad (state foundations) IRNA official news agency CDHR Centre for the Defence of Human Rights, Shirin Ebadi, 2003 Nobel Tehran's notorious Evin prison 1997 Mohammed Khatami, landslide victory on promise of liberalisation 1989 fatwa, Salman Rushdie, Satanic Verses 1989-97 Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani 1988 Khomeiny dies 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war, estimated 1 million dead persecution of Bahá'ís, Baha'i believers Khomeiny's Islamic revolution, Khomeinists, Safawis in the eyes of the mullahs sharia Islamic law, western decadence 1979 Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Iran under the Shah, fall of the Shah, hostages seized in siege of US embassy Savak secret police 1953 coup against Mosaddeq Persepolis (2007) Marjane Satrapi Golshifteh Farahani (2012) The Patience Stone nucl. NUCLEAR PROGRAMME 3 plus 3 plus 1 talks in Istanbul (France, UK, Germany) (Russia, China, US) (Iran) centrifuges research reactor Bushehr NPP on the Gulf nuclear complex at Natanz uranium enrichment programme produce weapons grade fuel and designs cent. CENTRAL ASIA, the 5 stans Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan (PCCs), Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Mongolia the Great Game, 19th century struggle for influence between imperial Britain and tsarist Russia EUSR Peter Burian (SK) spread of Islam akim (governor) yurt (circular tent) pan-Turkic nationalism 10m ethnic Russians in Central Asia, dual citizenship, Zhirinovsky was born in Alma Ata historical empires of India, China, Russia, Turkey, Iran with the end of the Soviet union, loss of traditional markets, factories and state farms collapse kaza. KAZAKHSTAN, 2.7m km², 15.7m, Astana old capital Alma Ata (Almaty) mountainous, heavily populated eastern regions sparsely populated, energy-rich western lowlands Chair Iveta Grigule, Latvian Farmers' Union upgraded relations enhanced Partnership and Co-operation Agreement oil-workers’ strike, unrest, state of emergency, Ozenmunaigas oil field, Zhanaozen oil town Tengiz oil field industrialised north, Siberian climate and terrain vast deserts and steppes of the centre fertile south the tenge Uigur minority Sunni, Orthodox khanate, tsarism Kazakhstan has a customs union with Russia and Russia is joining the WTO Majlis (lower house), the Ukimet Uyi Kazakh officials point out PM Karim Massimov, blog the size of all of western Europe buffer between Russia and China depressed southern industrial towns, emigration ethnic Russians in the north-east resent lack of dual citizenship the giant aquarium aims to draw crowds to Pres Nursultan Nazarbayev's new capital located deep in the Kazakh steppe Russian-controlled Baikonur Cosmodrome (space centre) is off-limits the NDN (Northern Distribution Network), strategic corridor to Afghanistan 2010 rotating presidency of OSCE 2005 pipeline to China 2001 pipeline links Tengiz oilfield to Black Sea port of Novorrossiysk 16.12.91 indep 1989 Pres Nursultan Nazarbayev, Otan party 1950s-60s test site for the Soviet military, closed cities devoted to military production, atmospheric and underground nuclear explosions were conducted in the eastern region of Semipalatinsk (until 1989), dismantling nuclear installations 1950s virgin lands of northern Kazakhstan opened up for grain cultivation under Khrushchev 1940s cattle cars disgorged millions of untrustworthy Koreans, Tatars, Kurds, Volga Germans, Georgians and Chechens 1930s nomads sedentarised on collective farms 1906 Trans-Aral Railway from Orenburg to Tashkent 1167-1227 the hordes of Genghis Khan taji. TAJIKISTAN, 143.100 km², 7m, Dushanbe Dushanbe’s bazaars (ex Stalinabad) clan and regional loyalties government-held central region operations in the Rasht Valley northern industrial region of Leninabad Islamist guerrillas in mountainous east Lake Sarez, high in rugged Pamir mountains southern region of Kulob ex Soviet space monitoring centre at Nurek imports oil and gas Rogun Dam on the Vakhsh River, HEP Uzbeks make up a quarter of the population first stop on the drugs route from Afghanistan to Russia and the West Tajik language close to Persian (Iran) and Dari (Afghanistan) 2004 Russia opens military base in Dushanbe 1997 UN-brokered peace agreement 1994 Pres Emomali Rakhmon, former cotton farm boss 1992 start of civil war, Moscow-backed government, Islamist-led opposition 1991 indep 1989 earthquake uzbe. UZBEKISTAN, 447.400 km², 26.9m liaison office, upgraded to delegation? the som replaced the rouble most populous of the five stans, sprawling capital Tashkent (2m), Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva were fabled caravanserais on the Silk Road, Khorezm oasis, oil and gas, cotton and gold Naryn and Kara Darya unite near Namangan to form the Syr Darya densely-settled Fergana valley, shared by Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan sees itself as the great power in Central Asia Wahhabi sect, Islamic militancy 2005 clashes in Andijan, refugees flee into Kyrgyzstan, EU sanctions 1996 660th anniversary of the birth of Timur, Mongol conqueror Tamerlane 1990 Pres Islam Karimov ARAL SEA Oxus delta infant mortality rate, birth defects waters from Syrdarya and Amudarya diverted for cotton monoculture runoff from the irrigation system, fertilisers and chemical inputs turk. TURKMENISTAN, 488.100 km², 5m, Ashgabat ITA Interim Trade Agreement PCA Partnership and Cooperation Agreement DPT Democratic Party of Turkmenistan, single party (ex Communists) Pres Saparmurat Niyazov, Turkmenbashi (leader of the Turkmen), personality cult, public works Niyazov's book, the Ruhnama, is required reading in schools the manat replaced the rouble hydrocarbon-rich desert republic, pipeline, lucrative gas markets of Indian sub-continent, oil export terminal to be built near Karachi forebears on their splendid Turcoman horses sally forth from their desert domain to harry Persian and Russian the Turkmens are a homogeneous population insulated by geography from the civil war in Tajikistan 2007 Pres Kurbanguly Berdymukhamedow 1989 ATCC Agreement on Trade and Commercial Cooperation kyrg. KYRGYZSTAN, 199.900 km², 5.5m, Bishkek Uighur minority the US and Russia both have bases Russians in the north and in Bishkek inroads by jihadist groups like Hizb-ut Tahrir Lake Issyk-Kul in the north-western Tian Shan the Kyrgyz form nearly 70% of the population Uzbeks 15%, concentrated in the sub-tropical Ferghana Valley interethnic violence, Osh, border areas Azimzhan Askarov, life sentence 4.2010 Pres Roza Otunbayeva 2005 Tulip Revolution, Kurmanbek Bakiyev 1991 Pres Askar Akayev 1936 Kyrgyz SSR 1876 incorporated into the Russian Empire Kyz Kuumai (chasing after the bride) is a beautiful yet unusual game, the man has to catch the woman on horseback and kiss her, if he fails, she can beat him with her kamchi mong. MONGOLIA, 1.56m km², 2.7m, Ulaanbaatar Ulan Bator wedged between economic giants Russia and China Inter Parliamentary Delegation PCA Partnership and Cooperation Agreement Pres Tsakhia Elbegdorj (élbedorge) Third Neighbour Policy 70 years of Soviet rule the fall of Communism withdrawal of Soviet support 1990 street protests the old certainties the tugrik Buddhism freedom of worship vast quantities of untapped mineral wealth copper, uranium, gold, coal boom in commodity prices giant Oyu Tolgoi copper mine the Great State Hural (parliament) steppes, mountains, desert, monotonous diet of meat herders herd are you well? is your family well? are the cattle fat? is the grass good? Genghis Khan, Mongol empire, 13th century Karakorum afgh. AFGHANISTAN, 652.225 km², 26m, Kabul 2014 Pres Ashraf Ghani, ex Karzai peace-keeping forces Resolute Support, ex ISAF International Security Assistance Force BSA Bilateral Security Agreement (US) SOFA Status of Forces Agreement (NATO) ANSF Afghan National Security Forces MEC Joint Anti-Corruption Monitoring and Evaluation Committee NRC NATO-Russia Council Project on Counter-Narcotics TAPI Natural Gas Pipeline (Turkmenistan-AfghanistanPakistan-India) post-2014 with the end of the ISAF mandate the 1267 Committee (1999) we did not distinguish between the Taliban and al Qaeda IEA Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan 1927 Amanullah Khan and Queen Soraya visit Europe LOTFA Law and Order Trust Fund for Afghanistan (pays the national police force) under the Communists all girls went to school multi-donor trust funds PRTs Provincial Reconstruction Teams EUSR/HoD Vygaudas Ušackas 12.2014 US and allied combat mission to end Mullah Omar's Kandahar residence the afghani Bagram air base the winter snows melt in spring the Khyber Pass is Pakistan's frontier with Afghanistan Helmand Province Richard Holbrooke Malalai Joya "warlords" Gen David Petraeus, commander of US and NATO forces in the field UN JIU Joint Inspection Unit Afghan central administration James Jones, National Security Chief journalist Daniele Mastrogiacomo released Loya Jirga, (Pashto grand tent), tribal representatives, convention, Wolesi Jirga, (Pashto tribe tent), House of the People Pashtuns (Pathans, Pashto-speaking), Uzbeks, Tajiks the Hazara population in the west are Persian ethnically and Shia by profession the opium trade has boomed since the fall of the Taliban US command centre outside Riyadh al-Qaeda cave complexes, Tora Bora 2006 PFA Pact for Afghanistan 2006 Operation Medusa, Kandahar province 2004 Pres Hamid Karzai 2002 UNAMA Assistance Mission, 2002 SCR1401 OEF Operation Enduring Freedom 2001 Bonn Agreement 2001 Buddhas of Bamiyan destroyed by the Taliban 2001 Ahmad Shah Massoud assassinated, Commander Massoud, Lion of Panjshir, Northern Alliance, across the Hindu Kush, Panjshir Valley, Salang Pass Osama Bin Laden, US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, 1999 UN sanctions, 8.98 US Cruise missile attacks 1998 earthquake in the north-eastern province of Takhar the Religious Police rule the streets sharia, the burka, the female is like a flower to be nurtured at home 1996 fall of Jalalabad, Taliban take Kabul, ex-president Najibullah hanged in public 1994 Taliban, fundamentalist militia, Afghan refugees in Pakistan, Pashtun (Sunni), madrasas (Islamic seminaries) 1992 Communist regime overthrown, Soviet withdrawal 1980s Mujahideen (jihad struggle) 1979 Soviet invasion 1973 Zahir Shah abdicates, ending the Barakzai Dynasty the Great Game when imperial Russia and the Raj (British Empire in India) vied for influence Arab-Muslim conquests of the 9th century 330 B.C. Alexander the Great’s conquests The Patience Stone (Syngué sabour) (2008) Atiq Rahimi saar. SAARC, South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, the SAARC Charter DSAS South Asia (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka), Chair Jean Lambert there are bilateral delegations for Afghanistan and India paki. PAKISTAN, 796.095 km², 184.7m, Islamabad Malala Yousafzai attacked by Taliban gunmen on a school bus medical aid workers polio vaccination campaign suspended in tribal areas promoting a liberal agenda, spying for the CIA, vaccine causes sterility 4.2012 successfully test-launches an upgraded intermediate-range ballistic missile devastating floods National Assembly, Senate, 4 provincial legislatures 1.200 km border with India ISI Pakistani Intelligence (Inter Services) NWFP North West Frontier Province Karachi, business capital, Sindh province feudals, the landlord class, landless farmers cotton yarn and textiles, never before have we had so many people demanding certificates that exports of carpets and footballs were not manufactured using child labour 3.2011 Shahbaz Bhatti, minister for minorities, murdered 1.2011 Punjab governor, Salman Taseer assassinated over stance on blasphemy laws 2008 Pres Asif Ali Zardari handover from military to civilian rule 2004 Abdul Qadeer Khan, founder of nuclear programme, Hero of the Nation, admits to leaking nuclear weapons secrets to Libya, North Korea, Iran 2005 earthquake 2002 Ghauri missiles 1999 bloodless coup, Gen Pervez Musharraf, backed the US-led campaign against terror, roadmap for a return to democracy 1997 PM Nawaz Sharif, PML Pakistan Muslim League 1996 PM Benazir Bhutto, PPP Pakistan People's Party, home province of Sind 1979 PM Zulfikar Ali Bhutto executed 1977 Zia-ul-Haq, Islamisation, sharia, state-funded religious schools, the Hudood Ordinances 1947 Partition, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, Quaid-i-Azam (Great Leader) Qui a tué Daniel Pearl? (2003) Bernard-Henri Lévy Joseph Francis, CLAAS (Centre for Legal Aid Assistance and Settlement), Pakistan, blasphemy law bang. BANGLADESH, 143.998 km², 152.4m, Dhaka Bangladeshis 1.2014 general election 4.2013 Pres Abdul Hamid, ex Zillur Rahman governing Awami League pulled from the rubble of Rana Plaza garment factory (Dhaka) 2007 state of emergency, Fakhruddin Ahmed, caretaker government 1.2009 PM Sheikh Hasina, daughter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Khalida Zia (Begum Zia), BNP Bangladesh Nationalist Party, wife of Gen Ziaur Rahman gas in the Bay of Bengal Ganges, Brahmaputra delta the low-lying country is vulnerable to flooding and cyclones and stands to be badly affected by predicted rises in sea levels Jamaat-e-Islami (fundamentalist party) 1982-1990 military ruler Hossain Mohammad Ershad 1974 floods and famine 1971 independence struggle, The Concert for Bangladesh, George Harrison 1947 East Pakistan Lajja (Shame) (1993) Taslima Nasreen, the sufferings of Bangladesh's Hindu minority, fatwa Muhammad Yunus, Grameen Bank, micro-credits sril. SRI LANKA, 65.610 km², 20.4 m, Colombo LLRC Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission 2010 Pres Mahinda Rajapaksa 2009 military victory in 25-year war with Tamil Tiger separatists majority Sinhalese (Buddhists), 3m Tamils (Hindus) TAMILS, Jaffna Peninsula, Tamil Tigers, LTTE Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, Vellupilai Prabakharan rebels demand Tamil homeland in north and east Poonareen military base 2004 tsunami 1994 Chandrika Bandaranaike 1988 Pres Ranasinghe Premadasa killed by suicide bomber 1977 Junius Jayewardene 1960 Sirimavo Bandaranaike 1948 indep from Britain 1815 British bring in Tamil labourers to work the tea plantations known as Serendip to Arab geographers, Ceylon under the British Ayurvedic spa resorts nepa. NEPAL, 147.181 km², 26.3m, Kathmandu 2005 King Gyanendra, state of emergency, security forces, breakdown of ceasefire, les pleins pouvoirs 2006 multi-party government, PM GP Koirala, Nepali Congress Party 2007 Maoists join interim government the SAARC secretariat in Kathmandu it all began with the scaling of Mt. Everest (Sagarmatha) by Edmund Hillery (NZ) and his Sherpa colleague Tenzing Norgay, in 1953 the old panchayat system rugged terrain Bhutanese refugee issue debt bondage, bonded labourers, die Verschriebenen trafficking of Nepali girls to Indian brothels Himalayan kingdom UCPN Unified Communist Party of Nepal Maoist insurgency, the Maoists have wide-spread support in rural Nepal the Bagmati Watershed project IMF, structural reforms indi. INDIA, 3.3m km², 1.2b, New Delhi in ND beside Lutyen's pink India Gate 2014 PM Narendra Modi (BJP) Lok Sabha (Lower House) v Rajya Sabha Pres Pratibha Patil, Rashtrapati Bhavan (palace) 2004 PM Manmohan Singh, Congress Party, Sonia Gandhi BJP Bharatiya Janata Party, Hindu nationalists BSP Bahujan Samaj Party, MS Mayawati, 250m Dalits Hindi the rupee shalwar kameez a nuclear power Diwali (festival of lights) Lakshmi Mittal, steel caste, religion, region caste, traditional elites, brahmans (priestly class), kshatriya (warriors), vaisyas (tradesmen), OBCs Other Backward Castes, dalits (untouchables) a major trading partner FICCI Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry the Indian sub-continent an emerging regional power the world's largest democracy hindutva (the Hindu community) yatra (Hindu nationalist procession) Muslim, Christian, Jain, Sikh, Buddhist not all Indians are Hindus or speak Hindi Hindu-Muslim riots, communal disturbances anti-dumping duties (countervailing measures) Mumbai (Bombay, boa baia) is India's financial and film capital, Bollywood 11.2008 Mumbai terrorist attack, LeT Lashkar-e-Taiba (Army of the Righteous) Slumdog Millionaire (2008) Danny Boyle 12.07.06 train bombings 2002 Pres APJ Abdul Kalam, architect of missile programme 2001 suicide squad attack on parliament 1998 nuclear tests in Rajastan greeted with jubilation, Agni missiles have a 200 km range 1997 Kocheril Raman Narayanan, first dalit president The God of Small Things (1996) Arundhati Roy 1992 Babri Masjid mosque at Ayodha in Uttar Pradesh detroyed by radical Hindus who want a temple in its place 1991 Narasimha Rao 1991 Rajiv killed by Sri Lankan suicide bomber, widow Sonia 1984 Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh, Union Carbide chemical works, leak of methyl isocyanate gas, 2.000 die, 200.000 poisoned 1980 Sanjay dies in aircrash Nehru-Gandhi dynasty, Mahatma Gandhi, non-violence, ahimsa, Indira Gandhi's father Jawaharlal Nehru be the change you wish to see in the world what do you think about western civilisation? that would be a good idea when we became independent in 47 the British Raj (colonial period) 1600 East India Company kash. KASHMIR, 222.236 km², 7.7m, Srinagar 2007 train bombing, Friendship Express, Delhi to Lahore 2004 peace process, the composite dialogue 2003 Kashmir ceasefire 1999 Pakistan tries to seize Kargil region of Indiancontrolled Kashmir 1971 East Pakistan secedes, Bangladesh 1965 UN ceasefire 1962 China takes control of Aksai Chin region 1949 UN establishes LoC Line of Control, separating Pakistani-occupied Kashmir and Indian-controlled Jammu and Kashmir 1947 partition ends 100 years of British rule Hindus and Muslims four border regions, Sindh, Bengal, Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir saw the worst of the rioting in Jammu and Kashmir a Hindu maharajah ruled over a predominantly Muslim population the Kashmir Valley, head waters of the Indus, flowering terraces of the Moghul gardens, Himalayas Lashkar-e-Taiba training camps JKLF Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front AJK Azad (free) Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistaniadministered, military rule, Gilgit-Baltistan punj. PUNJAB, 50.362 km², 20.2m, Lahore Punjabis Sikh majority Golden Temple of Amritsar, holiest of Sikh temples, turned into an armed fortress 1997 Akali Dal Party (Sikh) wins elections for state assembly 1985 TADA Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Act 1984 assassinated by Sikh bodyguards 1983 Indira Gandhi sends in troops 1980s secessionist political struggle aimed at establishing indep Khalistan state asea. ASEAN Brunei Darassalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, ANASE chair Werner Langen constructive engagement economic liberalisation, loose cooperation, noninterference in internal affairs, meddling, ingérence APT Plus Three (China, Japan, South Korea) AIPA ASEAN Inter Parliamentary Assembly AFTA ASEAN FTA EPG Eminent Persons Group attire, smart casual, lounge suit, national dress ASEP Asia-Europe Parliamentary Partnership ASEM Asia Europe Meeting APEC Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation ALA non-associated developing countries in Asia and Latin American, PVDNA four tigers (Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan) NIC Newly Industrialised Countries, Emerging Economies, middle-income countries, Schwellenländer Asian values of obedience and respect, Confucian discipline and order, valuing a scholar above a merchant, wise central authority, Kulturrelatiwismus monsoon, rainy season, May to November 2004 tsunami kills 200.000 1997 Asian financial crisis indo. INDONESIA, 1.9m km², 232m, Jakarta (8m) 2014 Pres Joko Widodo 2004 Pres Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, SBY, peaceful transition PDI Indonesia Democratic Party PPP United Development Party ex Dutch colony, Japanese invasion, the Sultan, ethnic Chinese minority world's most populous Muslim nation Islam in Indonesia is astonishingly moderate, a late arrival, arrived in the 1300s Bakun hydroelectric dam 2004 big Sumatra quake, tsunami 2002 Bali nightclub bombing 2001 Megawati Sukarnoputri (PDI) 1998 street protests, Suharto stands down governing Golkar (Golongan Karya), army-backed, Pancasila (five principles) 1997 rupiah plunges 9.97 in the exceptionally dry conditions of an El Niño drought fires begun by farmers to clear land burn out of control in the forests and plantations of Sumatra, Kalimantan and Irian Jaya 1983 oil price collapse 1970s oil boom anti-Communist purges of the '60s 1966 500.000 may have died in the bloodbath that brought Suharto to power 1945-67 Sukarno, a guided democracy 1955 Bandung conference ACEH, the Acinese, Banda Aceh oil-rich Aceh still seething after its separatist movement was smashed in 1990 GAM Gerakan Aceh Merdeka, Free Aceh Movement IMP Initial Monitoring Presence LGA Law on Governing Aceh timo. EAST TIMOR, 14.609 km², 857.000, Dili 20.05.02 independence Timor-Leste, Timor Lorosae, the Timorese 2002 Pres Xanana Gusmão (1998 Sakharov) oil and gas in the Timor Sea, maritime border dispute with Australia easternmost province of Irian Jaya 2000 INTERFET leave, UNAMET, the New York agreement, UN Blue Berets, transitional administration, UNMISET Mission of Support 1999 Indonesia renounces sovereignty claims after proindependence vote, rampages by local militias 1996 Nobel, Mgr Carlos Ximenes Belo (bishop of Dili), Jose Ramos-Horta, (porte-parole en exil de la résistance) 1991 Dili massacre FRELITIM Revolutionary Front for an Independent East Timor 1975 Portugal withdraws, Suharto warns against an Asian Cuba, annexation of East Timor, 35.000 troops move in, 27th province, guerrilla warfare mala. MALAYSIA, 329.847 km², 25.3m, Kuala Lumpur 3.2009 PM Najib Razak 2006 Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin, King 2004 PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi UMNO United Malays National Organisation PAS Parti Islam se-Malaysia DAP Democratic Action Party, Lim Kit Siang Muslim Malay majority, economic privileges economically-powerful Chinese community two regions separated by some 640 miles of the South China Sea, peninsular Malaya, Bakun dam project (Borneo) Bahasa Malaya (Malay language) censorship Borneo hardwood, Japan's insatiable timber market, low labour costs Internal Security Act tourism, Penang Island, cik cak, jellyfish 1981-03 PM Mahathir bin Mohamad, one of the West's sharpest Asian critics, blamed 'speculators’ for the depreciation of the ringgit in 1997 megaprojects, grandiose infrastructure projects, Petrobras Twin Towers (world’s highest), MSC Multimedia Super Corridor, Putrajaya (administrative capital), Cyberjaya (IT) 1957 indep from Britain phil. PHILIPPINES, 300.000 km², 93.6m, Manila Typhoon Haiyan 2010 Pres Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino NDFP National Democratic Front EDSA II (Edsa dos), Second People Power Revolution 2004 Pres Gloria Arroyo re-elected 7.000 islands highest birth-rate in Asia 4.5m Filipinos work abroad saddled with huge national debt Subic Bay Freeport, ex US Navy base, SEZ Special Economic Zones 2001 ex film star Pres Joseph Estrada steps down after protests 1992 Pres Fidel Ramos 1991 Mount Pinatubo erupts 1986-92 Corazón (Corrie) Aquino, people power, Cardinal Jaime Sin 1972 martial law, Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos 1941 Japanese invasion and occupation 1898 Treaty of Paris, Spain cedes the Philippines, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Guam to the US 1571 Philip II establishes Manila as the capital of the Spanish East Indies MINDANAO MNLF Moro National Liberation Front, Nur Misuari, Mindanao, ancestral domain, Bangsamoro nation 1996 peace deal 1970s Muslim rebellion in Mindanao, communist insurgency, Sparrow Squads, Abu Sayyaf group on Jolo thai. THAILAND, 513.115 km², 64.9m, Bangkok (7m) Siam Khmers in camps wai (Thai greeting) tapioca/manioc/cassava Buddhists, minority Muslims NLA National Legislative Assembly southern provinces, Pattani region, Malay majority, Tak Bai Incident, demonstrations sex industry, generic drugs for AIDS sufferers, awareness campaigns Red Shirts PM Mrs Yingluck Shinawatra ex Surayud Chulanont 2006 the military, led by army C-in-C, Gen Sondi, seize power in bloodless coup while PM Thaksin Shinawatra attends UN GA 2001-06 PM Thaksin Shinawatra, Thaksinomics 1997 CDA Constitution Drafting Assembly, the "People's Constitution" 1997 Asian financial crisis, IMF rescue package, the baht 1995 Chart Thai Party (Thai nation) lead new government, PM Chuan Leekpai, ex Banharn Silpa-archa 1946 King Bhumibol Adulyadej, unelected second chamber, military involved in party politics 1932 end of absolute monarchy, constitutional monarchy, series of coups d'état sing. SINGAPORE, 660 km², 5.2m 2011 Pres Tony Tan PM Lee Hsien Loong (son of Lee Kuan Yew) island republic, south-east Asia's richest country conservatism, strict social controls PAP People's Action Party more than three in four are Chinese 1999 Pres S. R. Nathan 1959-90 Lee Kuan Yew, founding father Golden Mile Complex burm. BURMA (Myanmar), 676.552 km², 50.5m, new capital Nay Pyi Taw (abode of kings) largest city Rangoon (Yangon) 2013 SEA Games to be held in Naypyidaw, the new capital of Myanmar, Yangon and Mandalay 2012 Rakhine State riots, ethnic Rakhine Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims 04.2012 NLD landslide Daw Suu (Madame Suu), Iron Butterfly 2011 Pres Thein Sein, civilian rule 11.2010 NLD boycotts elections, loses legal status as a party foreign journalists banned the kyat ethnic groups, Karen, Chin, Shan MOGE Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise teak forests, precious stones, Buddhist temples, pagodas, Golden Triangle (poppy farming) 2008 Cyclone Nargis 2007 saffron revolution, Buddhist monks, bonzes 1997 GSP trade priviliges suspended because of use of forced labour 1992 Gen Than Shwe, SPDC State Peace and Development Council, the junta 1990 NLD wins in democratic elections, elections annulled by the military 1989 SLORC State Law and Order Restoration Council, the generals 1988 Aung San Suu Kyi (the Lady), NLD National League for Democracy, opposition leader, 1990 Sakharov, 1991 Nobel 1962-88 Gen Ne Win, the Burmese Way to Socialism 1961 U Thant elected UN Sec Gen 1948 indep from Britain, Aung San camb. CAMBODIA, 181.035 km², 13.7m, Phnomh Penh the riel illegal logging tuk-tuk drivers Angkor Wat temple complex CNA Cambodian National Assembly refugee camps on the border with Thailand the Mekong River provides fertile paddy fields for rice production SRP Sam Rainsy Party ex KNP Khmer Nation Party 2004 King Norodom Sihamoni, son of King Sihanouk 2004 CPP deal with the royalist Funcinpec party, headed by Prince Norodom Ranariddh 1997 Cooperation Agreement 1997 Hun Sen seizes power from co-prime minister Prince Ranariddh 1991 Paris Peace Agreements 1985 PM Hun Sen, CPP Cambodian People's Party 1984 Killing Fields receives Oscar 1979 Vietnamese invasion 1975 Pol Pot (Brother Number One) Maoist, Khmer Rouge terror, year zero stoneage communism, a charnel house the Khmer Rouge abolished money and private property and ordered city dwellers into the countryside to cultivate the fields a closed, self-reliant rural utopia shielded from foreign influence 1.7 million Cambodians perish 1970 King Norodom Sihanouk overthrown laos. LAOS, 236.800 km², 6.6m, Vientiane Buddhism Sombath Somphone GoL NSEDP National Socio Economic Development Plan 2011 ECCIL Chamber of Commerce Lao PDR Lao People's Democratic Republic LPRP Lao People's Revolutionary party Sec Gen Lt Gen Choummaly Sayasone 2011 Pres National Assembly Pany Yathotou 2010 PM Thongsing 1997 ASEAN socialist democracy 1975 Communist takeover secret war, UXO, cluster munitions illegal logging Mekong floods HEP at Xayaboury, Hongsa Friendship Bridge to Thailand Gran Torino (2004) Clint Eastwood illegal migration of Hmong to Thailand the baht circulates as readily as the kip rice paddies on the fertile Mekong floodplain à l'aube dans la fameuse plaine des Jarres, ce sont des jarres géantes dont on ignore l'origine et surtout l'utilité colonie politique du Vietnam, colonie économique de la Thaïlande viet. VIETNAM, 329.247 km², 83.6m, Hanoi National Assembly our delegation in Hanoi Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, human rights clause Socialist Republic of Vietnam, one-party communist state the dong reintegration of repatriated boat people the gap between city and countryside, UNDP the Montagnards, ethnic minority, hill-tribe people, Central Highlands, les hauts plateaux le nuoc-mâm est une sauce à base de poisson fermenté dans une saumure Saigon renamed Ho Chi Minh City, marble mausoleum the Cu Chi Tunnels disputed Spratley Islands in the South China Sea 2007 WTO 2006 Pres Nguyen Minh Triet, ex Tran Duc Luong 2000 Clinton visit, normalisation 1989 loss of Soviet aid, transition from a command economy to a market economy, Doi Moi (economic renovation) 1980s China and ASEAN seek to isolate Vietnam then occupying Cambodia 1979 border war with China 1975 fall of Saigon 1968 the Tet Offensive, a tactical defeat for the Viet Cong, psychological turning point for the Americans 1963 Thich Quang Duc, 73-year-old monk from Hue immolates himself in Saigon Ho Chi Minh trail (supply line to South) 1959 Vietnam War, fall to communism 1954 Geneva Accords, partition, North Vietnam, South Vietnam 1954 Ho Chi Minh, Viet minh, General Giap, the battle of Dien Bien Phu, French surrender 1859 Indochine L'amant (1992) Marguerite Duras, set in 1929 French Colonial Vietnam Born on the Fourth of July (1989) Oliver Stone Rambo (1980) PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Agent Orange (chemical defoliant) Apocalypse Now (1979) Francis Ford Coppola The Deerhunter (1978) Michael Cimino chin. CHINA, 9.6m km², 1.35b, Beijing June 9, Eastern Star, Yangtze ferry disaster 29 June, EU-China Summit H.E. Ambassador Yang Yanyi, Head of the Chinese Mission to the EU set the tone for the next five years One Belt, One Road,_One_Road rules-based multilateral system fortieth anniversary Premier of the State Council (PM, head of government) Li Keqiang (lee kay ching) the advance party of the Chinese PM Typhoon Fitow makes landfall in Fujian province 2013 Pres Xi Jinping and Peng Liyuan (shee shing ping) PRC 2003 Pres Hu Jintao market communism rural/urban disparities east/west disparities Alibaba's IPO ranks as the world's biggest at $25 billion (e-commerce), salida a bolsa Wanda Plazas (commercial real estate) Baidu search engine 12th 5-year plan 2011-2015 SOE State Owned Enterprise CCDI Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (anticorruption) PLA People's Liberation Army Shenzen SEZ Special Economic Zone CCP Chinese Communist Party, leading role NPC National People's Congress (parliament), Chinese People's National Assembly, Great Hall of the People splittism minorities Chinamerica, America's “pivot” to Asia Middle Kingdom South Silk Road Mao Zedong said China and North Korea were ‘as close as lips and teeth’ a fifth of humanity the Bamboo Curtain Chinalco (aluminium) the embanked riverfront in Shanghai is called the Bund Lüshun, ex Port Arthur Guangzou (ex Canton) civil rights activist Chen Guangcheng Shanghai, financial capital import duties on solar panels HK one country two systems the Bo Xilai affair, Chongqing the provinces have real powers house church movement, bible study groups Forbidden City (imperial palace in Beijing) the 3 Gorges Dam spans the Yangtze River mirror-glass skyscrapers on the Gold Coast ligne ferroviaire à grande vitesse entre Shanghaï et Pékin (1.318 km) Xinjiang (new dominion), ex East Turkestan, 18m, capital Urumqi, 8m Muslim Uighurs, oil in the Tarim Basin Diaoyu Islands (PRC), Tiaoyutai Islands (ROC), Senkaku Islands (Japan) China Inc luan, disorder one child policy, social maintenance fee, tragic case of Feng Jianmei, forced abortion Xinhua news agency Weibo, the Chinese Twitter dazibao, wall of democracy laogai, forced labour prisons lao wai (old outsider) foreigners produce a hammering maotai hangover ankang, health through rest and peace to kowtow to ("bang head"), to truckle to taikonaut (astronaut) (太空 tàikōng), space Great Firewall of China (internet censorship) NTDTV New Tang Dynasty, 24/7 programming, NY-based, Eutelsat blackout the yuan, renminbi, diversifying away from the dollar, currency manipulation, running a trade surplus 2012 Nobel, Mo Yan (don't speak) Guan Moye, Red Sorghum Clan 2011 Li Na wins Roland Garros 2010 Ai Weiwei fills the Turbine Hall of the Tate Modern with 100 million hand-painted porcelain sunflower seeds 2010 Liu Xiaobo awarded Nobel Peace Prize 2008 Beijing Olympics, Bird's Nest stadium 2008 Hu Jia awarded Sakharov prize 2008 Sichuan earthquake 1992-2007 the Great Moderation (low inflation, rapid growth) 2003 SARS epidemic 2001 WTO 1999 Falun Gong banned 1997 Asian flu a scramble for business deals the economic upheaval unleashed by Deng 1997 the post-Deng era 1994 Wei Jing-Sheng, Sakharov Prize Wild Swans (1992) Jung Chang Yu Hua: la voie démocratique ayant été étouffée les Chinois ont cherché dans la richesse un ersatz à leurs passions interdites the Tienanmen energy went into getting on 1989 Tienanmen Square (Square of Heavenly Peace), arms embargo 1979 Deng Xiaoping visits Carter, Open Door policy 1979 China invades Vietnam 1978 Vietnam invades Cambodia asked about the historic impact of the French Revolution, Chou En-lai replied, too soon to tell 1976 death of Mao Zedong, Great Helmsman, Little Red Book, le grand timonier, Gang of Four arrested 1972 Nixon's groundbreaking visit to Mao 1967 border clashes with Soviet Union 1966 Cultural Revolution, Red Guards 1958-62 Great Leap Forward 01.10.49 PRC JG Ballard (1984) Empire of the Sun 1934 Long March 1911 Sun Yat-Sen, father of modern China 1898 Boxer Rebellion 1368-1644 Ming Dynasty 1271–1368 Yuan Dynasty, Kublai Khan 210 BC Xi'an Terracotta Army 551-479 BC Confucius, The Analects tibe. TIBET, 1.2m km², 2.62m, Lhasa (310.000) MGA Memorandum on Genuine Autonomy TAR Tibet Autonomous Region re-education patriotic education the roof of the world tulkus, rinpoches, abbots, geshes self-immolation by nuns and monks Chinese immigration, ethnic Han Chinese, sinisation, Hanchinesen parliament-in-exile, Dharamsala in northern India, Kalon Tripa (PM) Lobsang Sangay 1989 His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Nobel Peace Prize 1959 Dalai Lama flees to India after failed uprising against Chinese rule 1950 Chinese invasion, destruction of Buddhist monasteries Kundun (1997) Martin Scorsese hong. HONG KONG, 1.098 km², 6.9m Leung Chun-Ying Occupy Central (sit-ins), HK, Causeway, Mong Kok, Tsim Sha Tsui Hung Hom terminal, Canton province "fragrant harbour" HKSAR Special Administrative Region PLC Provisional Legislative Council PLA People's Liberation Army UDP United Democrats Party, Martin Lee neighbouring Chinese province of Guangdong new Chek Lap airport, Sir Norman Foster, Cathay Pacific Airlines buildings are torn down and new ones go up in the space of months it's also Kowloon, the New Territories, drive on the left, red call boxes, double-decker buses one country, two systems, high degree of autonomy the internet is not filtered here financial and commercial centre, Hang Seng index 2005 Chief Executive Donald Tsang 1997 Britain's 99-year lease of the New Territories expires, last governor Chris Patten, Government House, handover, transfer of sovereignty the flag is lowered and a solitary bugler plays the Last Post 1990 Basic Law (constitution) 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration 1890 Boxer Rebellion, Opium Wars, Hong Kong becomes Crown Colony taiw. TAIWAN, 36.188 km², 23m, Taipei ROC Republic of China National Assembly, Legislative Yuan KMT Kuomintang (Nationalist Party) DPP Democratic Progressive Party one country, two systems world's fourteenth largest trader China is just too big a market to alienate US Seventh Fleet in the Formosa Straits no contact, no negotiation, no compromise cross-Strait relations Taiwan is a rebellious province that will one day be reunited with the Motherland 2009 Typhoon Morakot 2008 Pres Ma Ying-jeou, KMT 2005 Anti-Secession Law, a formal declaration of indep would be an attempt to create two Chinas! 2004 Chen Shui-bian (DPP) ends more than 50 years of Nationalist rule 1996 first direct presidential elections, end of singleparty rule the mainlanders came here 49 years ago but we native Taiwanese have been here for 400 years 1990 Lee Teng-hui, first native-born leader 1987 end of martial law 1971 loses UN seat to China 1979 One China Policy, US recognises Beijing as sole government of China 1949 Nationalists flee mainland, Chiang Kai-Shek (KMT) Ang Lee, modernity and tradition, Brokeback Mountain (2005), martial arts epic Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) kore. KOREAN PENINSULA Chair Herbert Reul Seoul and Pyongyang denuclearise the Korean Peninsula SOUTH KOREA, 99.313 km², 48.3m, Seoul Republic Of Korea 12.2012 first female pres, Park Geun-hye Blue House (presidential palace) FTA Free Trade Agreement, bilateral safeguard clause the won sent troops to Iraq Psy, Gangnam Style, first YT video to reach a billion views Sunshine Policy, constructive engagement chaebol, conglomerates (Hyundai, Samsung) dispute with Japan over islands, Tokdo (Lonely Isles), Takeshima (Bamboo Isles) 2008 Pres Lee Myung-bak 2002 Pres Roh Moo-hyun, ruling Uri Party (Our Open Party) 2000 leaders shake hands on tarmac at Pyongyang airport 1997 Pres Kim Dae-Jung 1992 Pres Kim Young-Sam, first civilian leader in thirty years 1987 Gen Roh Tae Woo 1980 Kwangju massacre 1979 Gen Chun Doo Hwan 1976 Tangshan earthquake 1950-53 Korean War ends without a peace agreement, 37.000 US troops in the DMZ De-Militarised Zone, 38th Parallel, demarcation line 1948 partition 1910-45 Japanese occupation 1972 M.A.S.H., 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital in Uijeongbu nort. NORTH KOREA, 120.540 km², 24m, Pyongyang Kim Jong-un six-party talks the North torpedoed and sank the Cheonan, shelled the island of Yeonpyeong DPRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea Great Leader Kim Jong-il, General-Secretary, Korean Workers' Party, Dear Leader Juche ideology of self-reliance WFP, collective farms, food rationing, food aid, risk of mass starvation, floods military establishment, 1.2m men under arms political prisoners one of the world's most secretive societies 2002 axis of evil 1994 death of Great Leader Kim Il-sung, Eternal President 1948 Stalinist state founded KEDO Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organisation reprocessing plant at Yongbyon, Sinpo on the east coast 2006 testfires the Taepodong 2 missile japa. JAPAN, 377.864 km², 127.7m, Tokyo 2020 Tokyo Olympics 2011 PM Yoshihiko Noda 11.03.11 earthquake, tsunami Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident Tepco, Tokyo Electric Power Company, plant operator Tropical Storm (typhoon) Talas PM Shinzo Abe, LDP long-ruling Liberal Democratic Party 6.2010 PM Naoto Kan, DPJ Democratic Party the Diet, House of Councillors PCA Partnership and Cooperation Agreement SPA Strategic Partnership Agreement EBC European Business Community (Tokyo) EHP European House Project ETP Executive Training Programme GTJ Gateway To Japan (exports) MRA Mutual Recognition Agreement, (regulatory obstacles, standards, testing, certification) TAM Trade Assessment Mechanism, (trade surplus) BusinessEurope/Keidanren meetings MITI Ministry of Trade and Industry Nikkei stock exchange devoid of natural resources SDF Self-Defence Forces, 46.000 US troops, Okinawa Base Japan protects its rice market koi carp Nikon, cameras sudoku kabuki theatre Nintendo, gaming yakuza, gangsters kanban (just-in-time) the ritzy Ginza district endaka (powerful yen) origami (paper-folding) tamagotchi, virtual pet the Japanese are like the Brits Shimano, bicycle parts keiretsu, business group Sony founder Akio Morita Toyota, biggest carmaker 2006 Typhoon Shanshan zaibatsu, conglomerates (Big Four Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Sumitomo, Yasuda) ikebana (flower-arranging) karaoke (empty orchestra) shinjinrui (new human race) Yasukuni Shrine war memorial salarimen (lifetime employment) land of the rising sun, Mount Fuji face, zero defects, quality circle kaizen (continuous improvement) tankan, business confidence survey manga are often adapted into anime wearing his hair in a samurai topknot arigato gozai mashi tai, thank you very much Shintoism, parents and superiors are sacred sokaiya threaten to publicly humiliate companies usually at their AGM nemawashi (going around the roots) decisions by consent keirin (racing wheels) motor-paced cycle racing 2002 Japan and South Korea co-host World Cup 1995 Kobe earthquake 1995 Tokyo subway nerve gas attack, sarin and phosgene, Aum Shinrikyo, the Aum cult, Shoko Asahara, followers, disciples, adeptes The Wind-up Bird Chronicle (1994) Haruki Marukami, Cronica păsării-arc 1989 Emperor Akihito, Empress Michiko 1985 trade surplus, Plaza Accord, asset price bubble, the nineties were a Lost Decade 6.8.45 Hiroshima, hibakushas, les irradiés 1935 Japan invades China 1868-1912 Meiji era Samurai code of bushido (chivalry) aust. AUSTRALIA, 7.7m km², 24m, Canberra hendra virus outbreak 9.2013 Tony Abbott's conservative Liberal-National coalition Parliament House in Canberra hopefully the September elections will clear the air federal, state and territories stitching together coalitions with independents the level of debate has been fierce banned Dutch-owned super-trawler Abel Tasman shy away from chance your arm guilty as charged just be conscious of I won't speak on their behalf it depends on which way you cut it the European project heavily skewed towards trade with the UK the EU remains the biggest economy in the world still coming to grips with it get their head around what it all means freedom of economic action buoyant economy commodity boom Santos (mining) we do live in a neighbourhood near neighbours we're in the zone engagement with Asia the sun can be very fierce does not see any immediate threat in the foreign policy space we're pretty much aligned the China issue the South China Sea TPP relationships TPP Trans-Pacific Partnership so-called tow-backs policy (Indonesia) Australian-style points system the ASEAN method of managing that issue the Asian Century White Paper Commonwealth of Australia the Lucky Country HE Duncan Lewis Gov Gen Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce 6.2010 PM Julia Gillard, Labor, minority government 2007 Labor, Kevin Rudd 2004 PM John Howard, Liberal Party, fourth term House of Representatives, Parliament House, Legislative Assembly, Legislative Council One Nation Party, Pauline Hanson Treasurer (finance minister) both Commonwealth and State (ie national and regional) QANTAS Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Service Rupert Murdoch, News Corporation 2000 Sydney Olympics, the Friendly Games 1999 referendum 1991 Paul Keating, grand vision of the Republic and closer ties with Asia repositioning ourselves, security-style issues, there are complications of that kind, this developing diplomacy, three Chinas so-called APEC, separated from Asia by the Arafura and the Timor seas 1988 bicentennial since 1973 no White Australia policy 1972 Gough Whitlam, 1975 Malcolm Fraser, 1983 Bob Hawke (Labour) 1951 ANZUS Treaty, Anzac day, Last Post 1914-18 60.000 Australians die in WW1, Gallipoli, at ANZAC ceremonies the Last Post is played 1770 Captain Cook lands in Botany Bay Crocodile Dundee (1986) Paul Hogan The Eye of the Storm (1973) Patrick White A Town Like Alice (1950) Neville Shute ABORIGINES indigenous affairs, European settler population, terra nullius, 200.000 indigenous aborigines, RCADC Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, reconciliation Eddy Mabo, Torres Strait islanders, ATSIC Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Commission, land rights, mineral rights, opposition from mining companies, NTA Native Title Act, High Court decision (1992) based on the history, dispossession, their language has been denied, fractured identity, can apply no less a standard, combating prejudice, rights safeguarded, input their attitudes to government, there are other avenues Yarrabal Aboriginal Community go walkabout, didgeridoo, wichity grubs, dreamtime duck-billed platypus, ornithorynque, Schnabeltier Ayers Rock, Uluru, the world's largest monolith and an Aboriginal sacred site is Australia's most famous natural landmark the Aboriginal name for the Nullarbor Plain is Oondiri (waterless) Mount Kosciuszko (2,228m) is located in the Snowy Mountains the Great Barrier Reef can be seen from outer space Wimbledon, Evonne Goolagong 1971, 1980, Rod Laver 1961, 62, 68, 69 struth Aussie (ozzy) down under Dame Edna newz. NEW ZEALAND, 270.534 km², 4.3m, Wellington Eleanor Catton's "Luminaries," this year's winner of the Man Booker Prize, is an immense period piece set in 19th-century New Zealand 600.000 Maoris 2008, 2011 PM John Key, National Party, the Nats, coalition 22.02.11 earthquake, Christchurch 2005 Helen Clark, Labour Party, third term 1993 ACT Association of Consumers and Taxpayers, Rodney Hide 1985 Rainbow Warrior sunk in Auckland Harbour 1984 PM David Lange (lóng-ee) French nuclear testing in the Pacific 1840 Treaty of Waitangi NZF New Zealand First, Winston Peters Gov Gen Sir Anand Satyanand kia ora (hi) the Kiwis (demonym) Dame Kiri Te Kanawa All Blacks (rugby squad) Maoris, the land issue remains controversial Aotearoa (land of the long white cloud), Mount Cook renamed Aoraki paci. PACIFIC AOSIS Alliance of Small Island States small nations like Samoa Niue (néw-ee) Vanuatu Kiribati Nauru Palau cana. CANADA, 9.9m km², 33.8m, Ottawa attack on Canadian parliament Alice Munro (2004) Runaway (2013) Nobel CETA Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement SPA Agreement on Strategic Partnership federal v provincial v territorial 2011 PM Stephen Harper, Conservative Party, third term ten provinces House of Commons GST Goods and Service Tax Ottawa Treaty banning landmines Ontario is Canada's economic powerhouse Alberta's oil sands development Gov Gen Michaelle Jean NAFTA, tariffs on Canadian timber second-biggest country after Russia 1995 Montreal Protocol banning CFCs many recent newcomers hail from Asia NDP New Democrats, traditional third party 90% live within 200km of the 9000 km Canada-US border 10.93 PM Jean Chrétien (Liberal Party), over- whelming victory over Conservatives the Conservatives under Brian Mulroney held power from 1984-93 when they lost all but two seats QUEBEC, predominantly French-speaking province, proindep Parti Québécois a nation within a nation allophone (mother tongue neither English nor French) 2003 Liberal premier Jean Charest 1995 referendum, sovereigntists, Quebeckers, separatists usa. USA, 9.8m km2, 308.8m, Washington DC US Ambassador João Vale de Almeida EU Ambassador David O'Sullivan the pivot to Asia Guam, Hawaii, mainland America the fiscal cliff deal (deficit) International New York Times, ex IHT isolationism v foreign entanglements religion can be no business of the government powerful gun lobby Native Americans Geronimo is down gun control laws, gun owners Dallas, ton univers impitoyable good governance and Jeffersonian democracy we've had a democracy since 1789 Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempesttossed, to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door. The New Colossus (1883) Emma Lazarus the view from inside the Washington Beltway 20.01.09 Barack Obama, inauguration, VP Joe Biden the White House address is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue the Rose Garden and South Lawn mid-term elections Super PACs spending in the 2012 election cycle, Political Action Committee Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, Pentagon chief Capitol Hill, Congress (House and Senate) Majority Leader Eric Cantor House Speaker John Boehner (Republican) US ambassador to UN, Susan Rice US Attorney General Eric Holder Ways and Means Committee (budgets) Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner Secretary of State John Kerry, the State Department (Foreign Affairs), Foggy Bottom Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel at Defence and State the ranking Democrat on the Committee (senior) the Senate Democratic caucus (all the Democrats in the Senate) the outgoing administration Democrats (donkeys), Republicans (elephants), GOP Grand Old Party Tea Party BAA Buy American Act, 1930 Smoot-Hawley Beige Book (FED), assessment of the economy Congress, House of Representatives, Senate FED Federal Reserve (Central Bank), Ben Bernanke, ex Alan Greenspan NSA National Security Adviser NTAA New Trans Atlantic Agenda TAEP Trans Atlantic Economic Partnership TAMP Trans Atlantic Market Place TEC Transatlantic Economic Council TLD Trans Atlantic Legislators Dialogue (EP-Congress), steering committee Miami FLA (Florida) the pond, del otro lado del charco atlántico iron triangle (Congress, defense industry, top brass), protecting their ricebowls exploitation of oil deposits in Alaska Google, Palo Alto, Stanford, fundraising, acceptance of failure the iconic pose of soldiers raising the US flag on Iwo Jima in 1945 turning in their BlackBerrys and government-issued badges the world's foremost economic and military power, unmatched global reach, global popular culture fast-track authority allows the president to negotiate trade agreements, Congress then passes the necessary legislation without amendment US Farm Bill ILSA Iran-Libya Sanctions Act Kennedy-D'Amato (Iran-Libya) the US and the UK have long enjoyed a special relationship we know you've been through a psychological trauma when those towers crashed West Point (the American St Cyr) flag-draped coffins at Andrews air base America is a very litigious country Indiana (Indianapolis) The Hoosier State Missouri (Jefferson City) The Show-me State The Great Lakes (Some Men Hate Each Other) 29.08.05 Hurricane Katrina, rigs go down in the Gulf of Mexico, New Orleans and Mississippi Delta devastated, the levee 2003 Washington initiates military action in Iraq toppling Saddam Hussein 2001 US-led military campaign in Afghanistan unseats the Taleban regime Nine Eleven, 11 September 2001 Clintonian triangulation 1995 Million Man March called by Louis Farrakhan 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing Irangate, Iran-Contra hearings, Oliver North Ronald Reagan: the ten most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I am here to help Ron Hubbard, dianetics, Scientology 1972 break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate Hotel in Washington, plumbers 1964 Civil Rights Act Atlas Shrugged (1957) Ayn Rand the McCarthyite fifties, HUAC House Committee on UnAmerican Activities 1933 FDR Franklin Delano Roosevelt, New Deal, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself 1930s Great Depression 1861-65, American Civil War, the Union, the Confederates, Abe Lincoln, I cannot tell a lie 1831 Alexis de Toqueville, came to America to study the future shape and temperament of the world, Democracy in America 1823 Monroe Doctrine we must hang together or assuredly we shall all hang separately (Benjamin Franklin) 1789 James Madison and the Bill of Rights 1787 Philadelphia Constitutional Convention 04.07.1776 Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence, the new republic abolished the rigid classbased hierarchies of Europe mexi. MEXICO, 1.96m km², 110.6m, Mexico City Chair Ricardo Cortés Lastra 2012 Pres Enrique Pena Nieto (PRI) Aztecs indigenous rights 3,000 km border with the US maquiladora plants, BIP Border Industrialization Program (maquila, "miller's portion" for processing grain) ranchero and mariachi music major oil producer and exporter huge shanty towns ring the cities 3,000-km border with the US, wetbacks (illegal immigrants), braceros Ciudad Juarez across from El Paso in Texas drugs-related violence 2006 Felipe Calderón, PAN National Action Party 2000 Pres Vicente Fox, Alliance for Change, PAN National Action Party, end of seventy years of one-party rule, PRI Institutional Revolutionary Party, priista 1994 peso crisis, devaluation, the tequila effect, US-led $50 billion bailout 1994 NAFTA North American Free Trade Association, ALENA, TLCAN 1994 uprising in the southern state of Chiapas, NLA National Liberation Army, Zapatistas, Subcomandante Marcos, Mayan guerrillas, land rights, communal farmers, ejidatarios 1987 Pres Carlos Salinas 1910-17 Mexican revolution Los años con Laura Díaz (1999) Carlos Fuentes El laberinto de la soledad (1952) Carlos Octavio Paz, Nobel 1990 My Grandparents, My Parents and I (1936) Frida Kahlo lati. LATIN AMERICA Pop. 600 million ALBA Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our Americas CAFTA (US) CARIFORUM Economic Partnership Agreement CELAC Community of Latin American and Caribbean States CELAS Centre for European and Latin American Studies ECLAC UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, CEPAL EU-LAC Latin America, Caribbean, ALCUE EuroLat Parliamentary Assembly FSP Forum of São Paulo (conference of left-leaning political parties) FAC Framework Agreement for Cooperation FTA Free Trade Agreement GRULA Latin American ambassadors IADB Inter American Development Bank IRELA Institute for Relations with Latin America, Management Board NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement, ALENA, TLCAN OAS Organisation of American States, IAHRC InterAmerican Commission on Human Rights Parlacen Parlatino, Parlamento Latinoamericano UNASUR Union of South American Nations capital flight import substitution Hurricane Iris, Mitch street gangs, maras strongman, caudillismo the guayabera is a men's shirt 1999 Rio summit, the Rio Group 1994 in the Southern Cone and Brazil, the impact that the Mexican economic crisis had on the region was labeled the Tequila Effect elites of Spanish descent, indigenous peoples, social and economic inequality, wealth gap, guerrilla insurgencies, mestizos El niño (warm Pacific current), La niña (cold pacific current), ENSO El Niño Southern Oscillation debt crisis of the 1980s, Brady debt reduction plan regional blocs, Association Agreement, Guadalajara Declaration negotiating mandate for an EU-CAN free-trade agreement cari. CARIBBEAN ABC islands, Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, most widely spoken language Papiamento cuba. CUBA, 110.860 km², 11.3m, Havana CUC Cuban Convertible Peso sugar, zafra remittances El Concilio Cubano Florida is 90 miles away Cohiba cigars, humedor makeshift rafts, los balseros private lodgings, hospedajes Elián González, custody battle private restaurants, paladares loss of subsidised Soviet trade forging ties with oil-producing Venezuela the US leases the Guantanamo Naval Base en las celdas de castigo (las tapiadas) de la prisión Combinado del Este, Sylvia Iriondo car Radio Marti est une radio hors-la-loi pour le gouvernement cubain, independence hero Jose Marti, Yo soy un hombre sincero biological aggression, allegations that crop-spraying planes were used to release the thrips palmi pest Guillermo Fariñas 2.2008 Raúl succeeds ailing brother incapacitated by ill health 2005 Las Damas de Blanco, Sakharov 2002 Oswaldo Payá Sardiñas, Sakharov 1998 Pope's visit, Cuba’s material and moral poverty is due not only to American sanctions but to limitations on fundamental freedoms 1996 Helms-Burton Act, extraterritoriality 1996 Cuban MiG fighters shoot down two Cessnas, Brothers to the Rescue (Cuban exiles in Miami), Calle Ocho (heart of Miami's Little Havana) 1980 rescue of 125.000 Cubans in Mariel 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion, Playa Girón 1959 fall of the US-backed dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista, revolution, keep the revolution immune from ideological viruses, education and healthcare record Fidel's bearded figure, long speeches, army fatigues and defiance of the United States earned him iconic status across the globe CDR Committees for the Defence of the Revolution, Vigilantes Revolucionarios Buena Vista Social Club (1997) Ibrahim Ferrer, Rubén González, Compay Segundo, Omara Portuondo, Ry Cooder The Motorcycle Diaries (1993) Che Guevara El Che, los expedicionarios del yate Granma Granma, Communist Party newspaper hait. HAITI, 27.750 km², 10.2m, Port-au-Prince Pres Michel Martelly 12.01.10 earthquake makeshift shelters on the Champ de Mars, tented camps, cholera epidemic, rubble clearance HRF Haiti Reconstruction Fund IHRC Interim Haiti Recovery Commission, CIRH Assistance mortelle, Raoul Peck (Fatal Assistance), documentary 2006 Pres René Préval voodoo boat people poorest country in the Americas MINUSTAH stabilisation force deforestation, tropical storms, flooding Creole-speaking black majority, French-speaking minority, wealth gap poverty, environmental degradation, violence, instability, dictatorship 2004 Aristide forced out of the country by bloody rebellion 1994 sanctions, Gen Raúl Cédras relinquishes control to forestall U.S. invasion 1990 Pres Jean-Bertrand Aristide, OPL Fanmi Lavalas Party (Lavalas Family), former priest, now in exile in South Africa 1971 Jean-Claude Duvalier (Baby Doc) 1957 François Duvalier (Papa Doc) the Tonton Macoutes, l’utilisation d’une extrême violence et de la superstition très répandue dans la population haïtienne 1793 je suis Toussaint Louverture, je veux que la liberté et l'égalité règnent à Saint-Domingue! The Comedians (1966) Graham Greene domi. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, 48.072 km², 9.9m, Santo Domingo once ruled by Spain major tourist destination mass deportations of illegal Haitians shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti Pico Duarte, highest point in West Indies 1996, 2008 Pres Leonel Fernández, PLD Dominican Liberation Party 2001 Airbus A300, Flight 587 crashes after leaving JFK, Kennedy Airport en route to Santo Domingo 60, 66, 86 Pres Joaquín Balaguer 1961 Trujillo assassinated cent. CENTRAL AMERICA CACM Central American Common Market CARSI Central America Regional Security Initiative EU-Central America, San José dialogue 1991 Tegucigalpa Protocol, SICA Central American Integration Process coyotes facilitate the passage of undocumented migrants to the US hond. HONDURAS, 112,492 km², 7.7m, Tegucigalpa 2013 President Juan Orlando Hernández, National Party Libre (main opposition party) Xiomara Castro 11.2009 Pres Porfirio Lobo Sosa interim replacement Roberto Micheletti 6.2009 military-backed ouster of Manuel Zelaya Rosales 2009 right wing military coup 1998 Hurricane Mitch economic inequality bananas, coffee, textiles nica. NICARAGUA, 120.254 km², 5.8m, Managua close ties with fellow socialist leaders in the region, Castro, Chávez 2011 Pres Ortega re-elected in landslide 1998 Hurricane Mitch 1996 Pres Arnoldo Alemán, Liberal Alliance CIAV Comisión internacional de apoyo y verificación (OAS) 1990 Pres Violeta Chamorro, National Opposition Union, Frente Uno a Cuba on the mainland Contra bases in Honduras, US-sponsored, trade sanctions, mining of Nicaraguan harbours 1979-90, Pres Daniel Ortega Saavedra, FSLN Sandinistas, former Marxist guerrilla leader, Sandinista revolution, property redistribution, health, education 1956 Anastasio Somoza assassinated guat. GUATEMALA, 108.889 km², 14.7m, Guatemala City quechua biggest exporter of snow peas in the world 2011 Pres Otto Pérez Molina, Patriotic Party 11.2007 Pres Alvaro Colom, NUE National Unity for Hope, government with a Mayan face 2004 el general Efraín Ríos Montt abandonará la presidencia del Congreso, y con ella la inmunidad de que ha gozado durante los últimos cuatro años 2003 Pres Oscar Berger 1996 Pres Alvaro Arzú Irigoyen, peace accord ends 36year civil war between Mayan insurgents and the USbacked army, Truth Commission 1992 Rigoberta Menchú, Mayan Nobel Peace Prize laureate 1986 Esquipulas 2, Central American peace plan 1954 coup land-owning elite, Mayan peasants 1540s Spain sets up its Central American capital Mayan ruins at Tikal elsa. EL SALVADOR, 21.041 km², 7m, San Salvador remittances from Salvadorans living in the US 2009 Pres Mauricio Funes, FMLN 2004 Pres Elias Antonio (Tony) Saca, former radio and TV sports presenter 2001 earthquakes, a million left homeless 1998 Hurricane Mitch 1992 UN peace deal 1989 death squads, six Jesuit priests murdered 1984 Pres José Napoleón Duarte 1981 Roberto D'Aubuisson founds ARENA National Republican Alliance 1981 José Napoleón Duarte 1980 Archbishop Óscar Romero assassinated 1980s bitter civil war, wealthy elite, majority living in squalour 1979 JRG Revolutionary Government Junta FMLN Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front 1969 Football War with Honduras 1932 farmers and Indians in the western part of the country revolt, Communist Party leader Agustín Farabundo Martí, 20.000 die in La Matanza 1878 United Fruit pana. PANAMA, 75.517 km², 3.6m rainforest Colón Free Trade Zone a man, a plan, a canal, Panama offshore finance, shipping registry immense strategic importance Medellín lies 200 km to the south 3 indigenous territories, comarcas indígenas Panama is further east than Florida 2009 Pres Ricardo Martinelli, Democratic Change party 2006 referendum on widening the canal, post-Panamax vessels 2004 Pres Martín Torrijos, DRP Democratic Revolutionary Party 1999 canal handover 1994 Pres Ernesto Perez Balladares, PRD Parti révolutionnaire démocratique 1989 Operation Just Cause, US invades to depose former ally Manuel Noriega 1983 Contadora Group 1977 Omar Torrijos becomes a hero after negotiating the Torrijos-Carter Treaties 1915 Canal Zone 1689 the Darien Scheme, cost a third of the wealth of Scotland and proved to be a disastrous and tragic undertaking Rubén Blades Getting to Know the General (1984) Graham Greene cost. COSTA RICA, 51.100 km², 4.7m, San José no standing army the Switzerland of Central America Roman Catholicism is the state ireligion coffee, bananas, beef tropical forests, orchids, macaws, toucans 2010 Pres Laura Chinchilla, PLN 2006 Pres Óscar Arias 2002 Pres Abel Pacheco, PUSC Social Christian Unity Party 1992 peace agreement, Chapultec Treaty 1986 Pres Óscar Arias, PLN National Liberation Party, 1987 Nobel Peace Prize Pura Vida (1955) Clavillazo ande. ANDEAN COMMUNITY, ex Andean Pact, EU-CAN Andean Parliament colo. COLOMBIA, 1.14m km², 46.9m, Bogotá 6.2010 Pres Juan Manuel Santos 3000 held by various groups cocaine trade, Plan Colombia Cartagena de Indias stratified society, rich families of Spanish descent, majority mixed-race population Cali (capital of fertile Cauca valley), Medellín cartel, death of drug king Pablo Escobar Fernando Botero's monumental sculptures displayed on the Champs Elysées FARC Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia, ELN National Liberation Army, large swathes of the countryside are under guerrilla influence, para-militaries Cien años de soledad (1967) Gabriel García Márquez 2002, 2006 Pres Álvaro Uribe, tough stance against guerrillas and para-militaries 2002 Ingrid Betancourt kidnapped by FARC, released 7.2008 1996 Pres Ernesto Samper cleared by Parliament of charges that the Cali drug mafia helped finance his 1994 election victory ecua. ECUADOR, 272,045 km², 13.7m, Quito 8.2012 grants Julian Assange asylum 2007 Pres Rafael Correa joins Latin America's club of leftleaning leaders promising a social revolution to benefit the poor Palacio de Carondelet citizens' revolution the lost decade, three coups d'état and ten different presidents between 1996 and 2006 state of emergency oil debt trap US war on drugs, the US has a military airport in the city of Manta, a foreign military base on our soil IMF shock therapy 2005 Pres Alfredo Palacio national currency replaced with the dollar CONAIE La Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador 1997 Pres Abdalá Bucaram sacked by Congress for mental incapacity 1995 border conflict with Peru, gateway to Amazonia, disputed area in remote, high jungle frontier known as the Cordillera del Condor now a demilitarised zone monitored by military observers from US, Brazil, Chile, Argentina 1992 Sixto Durán Ballén peru. PERU, 1.28 km², 29.4m, Lima 6.2011 Pres Ollanta Humala PNP Partido Nacionalista Peruano mining pisco sour (cf caipirinha) more terrains in it than any country on Earth lost Inca city of Machu Picchu (old pyramid in Quechua) ancient Incan capital of Cuzco 1982 UN Sec Gen Javier Pérez de Cuéllar Lake Titicaca, world's highest navigable lake facing the Pacific, Peru is an important link between Asia and Brazil small elite of Spanish descent, majority indigenous Peruvians Peru supplies the raw materials for 60% of the world's cocaine, drugs heartland of the Huallaga valley ¿Quién mató a Palomino Molero? (1986) Mario Vargas Llosa 2008 plans to auction off swathes of the Amazon to oil and gas companies, corruption scandal over the allocation of oil contracts, Apra-led cabinet resigns 2006 Pres Alan García, APRA American Popular Revolutionary Alliance, nationalist rival Ollanta Humala has a majority in Congress 1997 army assault ends siege, Operación Chavín de Huántar 1996 rebels led by Nestor Cerpa storm the Japanese ambassador’s residence in Lima, taking hostages 1995 Cenepa War against Ecuador 1992 Shining Path, Maoist guerrillas, leader Abimael Guzmán captured, Sendero luminoso 1992 Tupac Amaru (MRTA) leader Victor Polay in prison 1992 Alberto Fujimori, autogolpe, dissolves Congress and embarks on free-market reforms, shock therapy, le fujichoc 1985-1990 Pres Alan García Abril rojo (2006) Santiago Roncagliolo boli. BOLIVIA, 1.1m km², 10.1m Sucre is the constitutional capital, La Paz is the seat of government 7.2013 Bolivia accuses European nations of an “act of aggression” for refusing to allow the plane of President Evo Morales to travel in their airspace because of rumours that the US fugitive, Edward Snowden, was on board border dispute with Chile gas, world's largest producer of tin landlocked South America's poorest country indigenous majority in the western highlands oil-producing Santa Cruz province in the east 2009 new constitution gives greater rights to majority indigenous population 2005 Pres Evo Morales Aymara Indian a figurehead for Bolivia's coca farmers close ties with Cuba and Venezuela the pillage of our natural resources is over mass protests demanding nationalisation of energy sector 1997 Hugo Banzer 1993 Gonzalo Sanchez de Losada, MNR Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario 1989 Jaime Paz Zamora, MIR Movimiento de l’Izquierda Revolucionaria 1985 stabilisation plan 1971-78 Gen Hugo Banzer Suárez, ADN Acción Democrática Nacionalista vene. VENEZUELA, 881.050 km², 29.4m, Caracas Lake Maracaibo palafitos, stilt villages gold prospector (panner), orpailleur COPEI Christian Democrats Carib, Arawak and Chibcha peoples capybara, the world's largest rodent 4.2013 Pres Nicolás Maduro Moros Oct 12, Columbus Day renamed Día de la Resistencia Indígena 2009 referendum removes term limits 2007 key energy and telecommunications companies to be nationalised 2006 third term 2004 Chávez wins referendum 2002 opposition strike cripples the oil industry, oil blockade, attempted coup 1999 flood 1998 Pres Hugo Chávez, Miraflores Palace Chavistas PSUV Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela Bolivarian socialist revolution, free healthcare, subsidised food, land reform, delights the poor but infuriates the rich, polarised electorate, regional influence 1996 economic adjustment programme, Teodoro Petkoff (Planning Minister) 1994 Pres Rafael Caldera 1992 Chávez leads failed coup 1989 Carlos Andrés Perez, free market reforms 1970s oil boom, oil-rich merc. MERCOSUR, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, 4 + 1 (Chile), cono sur regional integration, the EU-Cono Sur FTA agreement will be one between two customs unions, tariff reductions reopening the Mercorsur trade talks Hidrovia is the backbone of Mercosur Punta del Este in Uruguay braz. BRAZIL, 8.55m km², 195.4m, Brasilia 10.2010 Pres Dilma Rousseff Belo Monte dam on the Xingu in Pará State Kayapó leader Chief Raoni Metuktire slums, favelas exports iron ore to China takes up almost half the continent Embraer (regional aircraft) state aids boom and bust, high inflation, foreign debt deforestation by loggers and cattle ranchers has stabilised the rate of HIV infection, generics mineral-rich Carajás region (Para state), shanty towns, grubstakers, clashes between gold prospectors and Indians, favelas, garimpeiros MST Movement of Landless Rural Workers, land redistribution, land invasions the language of Camões sounded closer to modern Brazilian Portuguese Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance and music no Rio, o Cristo Redentor, o Pão de Açúcar e o Aterro do Flamengo economic giant, São Paulo the industrial heartland, Brazil wants a seat on the UN Security Council 2002, 2006 Pres Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, PT Partido dos Trabalhadores, honed his political skills as a fiery union leader 1995 Pres Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Social Democrats, ex Finance Minister, 1994 changeover from the cruzeiro to the real, economic stabilisation plan, Real Plan 1990 José Sarney arge. ARGENTINA, 2.8m km², 39.9m, Buenos Aires 4.000 km from north to south La Casa Rosada Fiscal Alberto Nisman expropriation of Repsol's stake in YPF 10.2011 Pres Cristina Fernández re-elected 2003 IMF, recovery, Pres Nestor Kirchner, the Clintons of the South 2001 economic collapse, debt defaults, currency devaluation Roque Fernandez, austerity package 1991 Domingo Cavallo, convertibilidad plan, corralito (playpen) 1989 Pres Carlos Saul Menem, Justicialist Party (Peronist) 1985 Austral Plan 1983 Pres Raúl Alfonsín 1982 Falklands/Las Malvinas, Galtieri, the sinking of the Belgrano Goose Green, yomping the wishes of the islanders task force, Portsmouth (David Owen) sink the Belgrano it was sailing away (Tam Dalyell) 1976 coup removes Isabel, Perón's third wife, from office 1976-1983 military rule, Guerra sucia, Plaza de Mayo, desaparecidos 1946 Juan Perón, descamisados, Evita Tierra del Fuego, Patagonia Diego Maradona, Juan Manuel Fangio, Gabriela Sabatini Rayuela (Hopscotch) (1963) Julio Cortázar Sobre héroes y tumbas (1961) Ernesto Sábato Trans-Atlantyk (1953) Witold Gombrowicz Pierre Menard, autor del Quijote (1939) Jorge Luis Borges The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse (1962) Vincente Minnelli, jinetes the pampas, gauchos, polo, tango para. PARAGUAY, 406.752 km², 6.5m, Asuncion up to 95% of Paraguayans are mestizos indigenous Guarani 200.000-strong Japanese community unlicensed radio stations flourish in the tri-border area (Brazil, Argentina) the Itaipu dam on the Paraná River, the border with Brazil, second-largest hydroelectric power plant in the world the sprawling, largely uninhabited Chaco plain in the north-west 2013 Pres Horacio Cartes, Paraguay suspended from Mercosur 2012 Pres Federico Franco impeached 2008 Pres Fernando Lugo, former bishop, centre-left APC Patriotic Alliance for Change 2003 Pres Nicanor Duarte Frutos 1993 Pres Juan Carlos Wasmosy, first civilian president since 1953 1991 Mercosur 1954-89 Gen Alfredo Stroessner, Colorado Party chil. CHILE, 756.096 km², 16.8m, Santiago 4,300 km long, 175 km wide Chair María Muñiz Pres Sebastián Piñera personalismo La Moneda, presidential palace en Europa, nombras Chile i piensan dos cosas, Pinochet y salmon y quizás cobre, ahora los mineros 13.10.10 rescue of 33 trapped miners, Copiapo Atacama Desert, mineral wealth copper, Codelco, state-owned infectious salmon anemia, or ISA, is killing millions of salmon destined for export to Japan the Mapuches in Araucanía (ethnic minority) 2007 Michelle Bachelet 2006 Pinochet dies arpilleras are patchwork tales of the years of military rule 2000 Ricardo Lagos Manuel Contreras, DINA (secret police), Operación Cóndor 1994 Eduardo Frei (CD), PPD Party for Democracy 1990 end of military rule, Allende reburied in Santiago, transfert des cendres 1989 Patricio Aylwin 1978-80 Beagle Channel dispute with Argentina 1973 Gen Augusto Pinochet, coup, sweeping capitalist overhaul the Chicago Boys PAYGO pension system changed to a capital funded system run by investment funds 1970 Salvador Allende, freely-elected Marxist leader, Popular Unity government La Casa de los Espíritus (1982) Isabel Allende, magic realism Missing (1982) Costa Gavras, Jack Lemmon Discurso de Estocolmo (1972) Pablo Neruda mali. MALI, 1.24m km², 15.8m, Bamako UNSCR 2085 MINUSMA Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali 2013 Pres Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta %AFta 11.01.13 engagement militaire de la France French Defence Minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian Operation Barkhane (dune), ex Serval (wildcat) Misma Force africaine d'assistance aux forces maliennes EUTM Mali (training mission) R2P responsibility to protect Konna, Mopti, Bamako Salafist groups from the Maghreb les Islamistes d'Ansar ed-Dine Aqmi Al-Qaeda au Maghreb islamique Mujao Mouvement pour l'unicité et le jihad en Afrique de l'Ouest katiba (combat unit) collapse of state control over the north MNLA (National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad) separatist rebels Tuareg rebel MNLA capture Kidal, Gao and Timbuktu and declare Azawad state interim Pres Dioncounda Traoré 21.03.2012 junior army officers overthrow Pres Traoré in coup, Captain Amadou Sanogo djinns (spirits) cheche headdress Timbuktu, Tombouctou gold at Sadiola in the Kayes region fertile Niger river basin in the south and east one of the continent's biggest cotton producers remittances (money sent home by emigrants working abroad) dust-laden harmattan haze in the dry season Tuareg (sing. Targi) Berbers of the Sahara, their clothes are coloured with powdered indigo stones, some of which rubs off and remains on their skin, dying it blue, les hommes bleus du désert Amazigh traditions Tinariwen (Tamashek, t-i-nàriw-en, deserts) National Pact, special status for Northern Mali, nomadic Tuareg tribes 2002 Pres Amadou (ATT) Toumani Touré, ADEMA, Alliance for Democracy in Mali 1992 Bamako Peace Agreement, Pres Alpha Oumar Konaré 1992 Gen Moussa Traoré overthrown 1990 Tamashek rebellion in the North, exodus into Algeria, Burkina Fasso, Mauritania, Niger 1960 indep from France 1236 Charter of Kurukan Fuga burk. BURKINA FASO, 274.200 km², 12.8m, Ougadougou ex Upper Volta 3m Burkinabés in Côte d'Ivoire cotton is the mainstay for many Burkinabés 1987 Pres Blaise Compaoré, Congress for Democracy and Progress 1983 coup, Thomas Sankara, Land of Honest Men 1967 migrants expelled from Ghana nige. NIGER, 1.27m km², 12.9m, Niamey uranium les Nigériens exports onions to all of West Africa 03.2011 Pres Mahamadou Issoufou 2007 Tuareg rebels in the north 2005 food crisis 1999 Mamadou Tandja 1996 Col Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara 1993 multi-party elections, Pres Mahamane Ousmane 1960 indep 1890s comes under French rule Mungo Park explored the area, searching for the source of the Niger River chad. CHAD, 1.28m km², 9.1m, Ndjamena uranium, cotton Aouzou Strip along the border with Libya Fort Lamy refugees from neighbouring Darfur 2003 oil exported from Doba, Exxon, refinery at Ndjamena, pipeline to Cameroonian coast 1990 Pres Idriss Déby 1982 Hissène Habré, with French help 1980 Libya invades in support of Goukouni Oueddei 1960 indep from France car. CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC, 622.984 km², 4.6m, Bangui l'opération Parkane quartiers chrétiens à Bangui 80% Christian or animist lowland gorillas and forest elephants Opération Sangaris MISCA African-led International Support Mission BINUCA UN Integrated Office FOMAC Multinational Force of Central Africa CEAC Communauté économique d'Afrique centrale Ex-Seleka (Muslim rebels) Anti-Balaka (Christian militias) Pres Michel Djotodia 2014 Pres Catherine Samba-Panza NTC National Transition Council 2013 Seleka Coalition takeover (militias) France to close bases at Bouar and Bangui 2003 Pres François Bozizé MINURCA UN Mission to Central Africa 1999 Pres Ange-Félix Patassé, army mutiny, intervention by French garrison 1997 MISAB Mission interafricaine de surveillance des accords de Bangui 1981 André Kolingba 1959 David Dacko suda. SUDAN, 2.5m km², 43.2m, Khartoum EUSR Rosalind Marsden 1989 Islamist regime, Pres Omar al-Bashir, sharia, NIF National Islamic Front ICC International Criminal Court arrest warrant, indictment on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity Port Sudan biggest country in Africa Darfur, Southern Kordofan, Blue Nile Khartoum is the hottest capital in the world 1898 Fashoda Incident, (now Kodok), Britain, France 1885 the Mahdi (Guided One), fall of Khartoum and death of Gordon darf. DARFUR UNAMID, hybrid operation, MINUAD AMIS AU Mission in Sudan HLP High Level Panel, the Mbeki panel ethnic cleansing humanitarian crisis expel aid agencies 2003 fighting breaks out in Darfur without access to health services with the rainy season approaching MSF Doctors Without Borders, CARE Sakharov, lawyer Salih Mahmoud Osman outbreak of meningitis in a refugee camp, Nyala, Kalma, Thur, Jebel Marra, Zamzam hybrid force, joint African Union and UN peacekeeping force, Zwitterstruktur EU head of delegation and Canadian chargé d'affaires expelled Ganjaweed militias, pro-government Arab militias Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile State sout. SOUTH SUDAN, 619,745 km², 8.2m, Juba UNMIS replaced by UNMISS (UN Mission in South Sudan) EU liaison office to be upgraded to delegation the oilfields of Abyei vast swamp region of the Sudd formed by the White Nile 09.07.11 Pres Salva Kiir ex Vice Pres Riek Machar Dinka and Nuer ethnic identities 2005 CPA Comprehensive Peace Agreement SPLM Sudan People's Liberation Movement SPLA Sudan People's Liberation Army, John Garang 1983 civil war horn. HORN OF AFRICA Djibouti, Eritrea, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda EUSR Alex Rondos SHARE Supporting Horn of Africa Resilience ethi. ETHIOPIA, 1.13m km², 84.9m, Addis Abeba Swedish journalists Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson freed, tell of Ethiopia prison ordeal, say terror trial was a 'sham' 5.2010 PM Meles Zenawi, fourth term, EPRDF Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front, ethnic federalism amharic coffee Christians make up 61% of the population the Rastafari revere Emperor Haile Selassie injera (sourdough flatbread) is used to scoop up the entrees and side dishes 1974 Lucy discovered in the Awash Valley of Ethiopia's Afar Depression 2006 helps oust the Islamists who had controlled southern Somalia for six months 2000 peace deal, security zone patrolled by UN 1998 war with Eritrea, border demarcation disputes, access to the ports of Assab and Massawa 1993 Eritrea gains indep following referendum 1984-85 famine, when the autumn rains failed, Bob Geldof, BandAid, Live Aid, the global jukebox 1977 Somalia attacks sparking the Ogaden War 1974 to 1991 the Red Terror 1974 Marxist junta led by Col Mengistu Haile Mariam, the Derg 1941 Emperor Haile Selassie, the Negus, King of Kings, basing claims on direct descent from Solomon and the queen of Sheba 1936-41 Italian occupation Cesarz (1978) Ryszard Kapuściński Tempo di uccidere (1947) Ennio Flaiano erit. ERITREA, 117.400 km², 5.4m, Asmara former Italian colony population evenly divided between Christians and Muslims attacks on tourist groups in the Afar region 1998 war with Ethiopia along 1000 km border, the Badme and Tsorona fronts, security zone patrolled by UN forces 1993 Pres Isaias Afewerki, one-party state, PFDJ People's Front for Democracy and Justice 1993 referendum, Africa’s newest state, 450.000 Eritrean refugees in Sudan, our delegation in Asmara soma. SOMALIA, 637,657 km², 9.5m, Mogadishu AMISOM African Union Mission in Somalia piracy, dificultan el trabajo de los buques pesqueros atuneros vascos Dadaab refugee centre in Kenya the Ogaden Desert Puntland Djibouti (ex French Somalia) Somaliland (ex British Somaliland) 2012 Pres Hassan Sheikh Mohamud 2010 Somaliland (Hargeisa), 3.5m, Pres Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo Berbera-Addis Ababa transport corridor? the Somali section of the Juba Valley is known as Jubaland clan fiefdoms, warlords, militia, jihadis the shift from peace-keeping to peace-making, crossing the Mogadishu line territorial claims on Somali-inhabited areas of Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti parliament in exile, Djibouti, Pres Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, TFG Transitional Federal Government 2009 Ethiopia pulls out its troops 2008 Islamist insurgents, inc the Al-Shabaab group, regain control of most of the south 2006 UIC Union of Islamic Courts seizes capital, flees ahead of an advance by government forces, backed by the Ethiopian military 1995 UNOSOM leaves 1993 American-led UN intervention, Operation Restore Hope, Black Hawk Down, campaign to capture Somali warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid no functioning central government 1991 Barré overthrown 1970 Siad Barré proclaims a socialist state 1960 former British protectorate and Italian colony merge to create Somalia sene. SENEGAL, 196.722 km², 10.6m, Dakar remittances Sufi marabouts (Islamic leaders) the Wolof are Senegal's main ethnic group Senegalese Infantry, Tirailleurs sénégalais separatist movement in Casamance region, the Diola people, MDF Movement of Democratic Forces, Ziguinchor, the regional capital 3.2012 Pres Macky Sall, ex Abdoulaye Wade 2004 peace pact 1980 Abdou Diouf 1960 indep from France, Léopold Sédar Senghor, 1983 elected to the Académie française, poet and leader, we are all cultural half-castes, négritude, Wole Soyinka, a tiger doesn’t have to declare his tigritude Retour à Gorée (2008) Youssou N'Dour cashews, filière anacarde guin. GUINEA, 245,857 km², 9.6m, Conakry 12.2008 coup, Cap Moussa Dadis Camara 2000 half a million refugees flee fighting in Sierra Leone and Liberia 1984 Pres Ahmed Sékou Touré dies, coup, Lansana Conté 1958 indep from France Les espoirs de Coronthie (balafon) Forested Guinea in south-eastern Guinea, Guinée Forestière foyer principal de l’épidémie d'Ebola biss. GUINEA-BISSAU, 36.125 km², 1.7m, Bissau 3.2014 elections cashews PBC Peace Building Commission, UN transit country for cocaine trafficking, narco-traffickers 03.03.09 Raimundo Pereira, ex speaker NA, interim leader 3.2009 Vieira and head of the armed forces, Gen Batista Tagme Na Waie, assassinated 9.2003 coup 2000 truce, elections, Pres Kumba Yala 1998 civil war 1984 Vieira elected president 1980 Joao Vieira (Nino) 1974 indep from Portugal, Luis Cabral, command economy, PAIGC African Party for Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde equa. EQUATORIAL GUINEA, 28.051 km², 520.000, Malabo UNESCO-Obiang Nguema Mbasogo International Prize for Research in the Life Sciences Bioko, ex Fernando Po government-in-exile in Spain official languages Spanish and now French oil and gas, dispute with Gabon over islands Malabo on the island of Bioko off the Cameroonian coast, el ejecutivo de Malabo 2004 plane carrying alleged mercenaries intercepted in Zimbabwe PDGE Democratic Party of Equatorial Guinea, one party state 1979 Teodoro Obiang Nguema overthrows his uncle, Francisco Nguema who is tried and executed 1968 indep from Spain guya. GUYANA, 214.969 km², 736.100, Georgetown sugar 2006 Pres Bharrat Jagdeo 1978 Jonestown, Jim Jones 1966 indep, only English-speaking country in South America Kourou spaceport, Arianespace, ESA European Space Agency, launchers, insurers, satellite launches, limited number of orbital slots, EELV Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle sier. SIERRA LEONE, 71.740 km², 6m, Freetown our High Commissioner (UK) Sandline affair (UN sanctions) SMC Strategic Minerals Commission 2007 Pres Ernest Bai Koroma, APC All People's Congress 2002 UN peacekeeping mission, UNMASIL 1999 peace agreement signed in Lomé (Togo) 1998 Nigerian-led ECOMOG forces intervene, Kabbah restored to power 1997 Maj Johnny Paul Koromah, AFRC Armed Forces Revolutionary Council, RUF Revolutionary United Front, Foday Sankoh, Kamajor militia 1996 civilian government, Pres Ahmad Tejan Kabbah, SLPP Sierra Leone People's Party 1991 civil war, Mary Robinson, worse atrocities than in Kosovo 1967 Siaka Stevens libe. LIBERIA, 99.067 km², 4.1m, Monrovia 2006 Pres Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Africa's first elected woman head of state, Executive Mansion now-convicted warlord Charles Taylor flying the Liberian flag timber, iron, diamonds, gold reintegrate into society former child soldiers TRC Truth and Reconciliation Commission UNMIL United Nations Mission in Liberia, the UN maintains some 15,000 soldiers in Liberia Mano River basin countries (Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone) the capital was without mains electricity and running water Charles Taylor, warlord, president, 3 years of luxurious exile in Nigeria, first African head of state to be indicted for crimes against humanity, ICC the Hague, UN-backed court in Freetown, Sierra Leone 2003 rebels and interim government sign peace accord, ECOMOG peacekeeping mission 1997 Pres CharlesTaylor, NPFL National Patriotic Front of Liberia 1996 2.000 refugees shipped to Takoradi in Ghana 1990 Doe killed by rebels, seven years of civil war costs 200.000 lives, displacing half the population and devastating the economy 1989 Charles Taylor invades from Ivory Coast 1989-2003 civil war 1980 William Tolbert overthrown by Sergeant Samuel Doe after food riots, ending 133 years of rule by minority Americo-Liberians, descendants of freed American and Caribbean slaves 1926 Firestone plantation at Harbel, rubber cote. CÔTE D'IVOIRE, 322.462 km², 21.6m, Yamoussoukro 06.05.11 Pres Alassane Ouattara, ex IMF, sworn in in Abidjan AU African Union la force Licorne (F) ONUCI Opération des NU en Côte d’Ivoire 3.2007 power-sharing peace deal, New Forces leader Guillaume Soro made PM 2002 armed rebellion splits the nation in two, Muslim northerners, Forces Nouvelles ivoireté discriminates against northerners French and UN peacekeepers patrol the buffer zone 2000 Pres Laurent Gbagbo 1999 Gen Robert Guei, CNSP National Committee for Public Salvation 1995 Pres Henri Konan Bedie, PDCI Parti démocratique de Côte d’Ivoire 1960 Pres Felix Houphouet-Boigny cocoa, cacaoyers, cueillette des cabosses de cacao dont ils extraient les fèves qui donneront le chocolat Trafigura, dumping toxic waste replica of St Peter's in Yamoussoukro the Espace Latrille shopping mall in Abidjan is West Africa’s largest ghan. GHANA, 238.533 km², 24.3m, Accra Kofi Annan gold (Ashanti Goldfields) high-profile peacekeeping role world's second-largest cocoa producer often seen as a model for political and economic reform 12.2008 Pres John Atta Mills, NDC National Democratic Congress, the prof 2007 offshore oil 2000 Pres John Kufuor, NPP New Patriotic Party 1996 Rawlings re-elected 1994 land disputes in the north erupt into ethnic violence 1993 100.000 Togolese refugees 1992 multi-party elections 1981 Flight Lieutenant Jerry Rawlings 1957 indep from Britain, first pres and pan-African hero, Kwame Nkrumah togo. TOGO, 56.785 km², 6.8m, Lomé FAT Forces armées togolaises Gilchrist Olympio, UFC Union des forces de changement, exiled opposition leader 2006 transitional government of national unity, opposition leader Yawovi Agboyibo appointed PM 2005 Pres Faure Gnassingbé 1993 EU cuts off aid 1967 Pres Gnassingbé Eyadéma, 38 years in power, region’s longest-serving leader, RPT Rassemblement du peuple togolais 1963 Sylvanus Olympio, first post-indep pres, assassinated 1884 German protectorate of Togoland beni. BENIN, 113.000 km², 7.1m, Porto-Novo cotton voodoo Cotonou (500.000) Dahomey until 1975 relies heavily on trade with Nigeria has emerged as a beacon of democracy 2006 Pres Thomas Yayi Boni 2005 thousands of Togolese refugees 1991 democratic multiparty elections, democratic transition 1972 Gen Mathieu Kérékou, earned for the country the label "Africa's Cuba" before dropping Marxist-Leninist ideology 1960 indep from France nige. NIGERIA, 923.768.000 km², 162.4m, Abuja Boko Haram (Bücher sind Sünde) schoolgirls abducted, bring back our girls 05.2011 Pres Goodluck Jonathan the naira Lagos (5m) les Nigérians Port Harcourt, centre of oil industry Mend Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta, oil-rich delta region Yoruba, Hausa, Ibo former British colony Africa's most populous country predominantly Muslim northern states imposition of Islamic law in several states Gen Muhammadu Buhari, northern stronghold ethnic and religious faultlines, inter-faith violence world’s fifth biggest oil producer, oil and gas in the Niger delta, LNG plant at Bonny oil spills and gas flares 2005 Sakharov Prize, human rights lawyer Hauwa Ibrahim, pro bono lawyer, sharia, federal courts, Section 10, no state religion 1999 Pres Olosegun Obasanjo, civilian head of state 1995 Ken Saro-Wiwa executed, MOSOP Movement for Survival of Ogoni People, Ogon land, oil-producing region in south-east 1993 Gen Sani Abacha, Muslim northerner from Kano, PRC Provisional Ruling Council 1985 Gen Ibrahim Babangida, 1990 led multinational regional force into Liberia 1983 2m illegal immigrants expelled 1979 Gen Olosegun Obasanjo hands over power to civilian rule 1970s oil boom 1967-70 Biafra, civil war came. CAMEROON, 465.458 km², 16.6m, Yaoundé 10.2011 Biya re-elected for sixth term pipeline will take oil from the Doba oilfields in southwest Chad to the Kribi oil terminal 1994 border war with Nigeria over oil-rich Bakassi Peninsula 1986 discharge of poisonous gases from Lake Nios kills 2.000 1982 Pres Paul Biya late 1960s Biafra, civil war 1961 unification of two ex colonies, one British, one French, Pres Ahmadou Ahidjo Camarões is Portuguese for shrimps gabo. GABON, 267.667 km², 1.4m, Libreville 2009 Pres Ali Bongo oil, economic migrants Father Paul M'ba Abessole, RNB National Woodcutters' Rally, bûcherons relative prosperity due to oil and to the presence of French troops rich natural resources and a small population, Gabon is four fifths forest 1991 multi-party system 1967 Pres Omar Bongo, PDG Gabonese Democratic Party, Africa's longest-serving head of state, 1973 converted to Islam 1960 indep from France cong. CONGO-BRAZZAVILLE, 342.000 km², 3.8m Republic of Congo strategic location over the Congo river to Kinshasa Pointe-Noire, the offshore oil capital La Primature (siège du gouvernement) 2002 Pres Denis Sassou-Nguesso (Pascal Lissouba and Bernard Kolelas excluded by residency law) 1997 five-month civil war, the Zulus (Lissouba), the Cobras, (Sassou-Nguesso), the Ninjas (exiled ex-PM Bernard Kolelas) Operation Green Stream, évacuation des ressortissants étrangers 1960 indep from France drc. DRC, 2.34m km², 67.7m, Kinshasa 2011 Joseph Kabila Carter Center UDPS Union for Democracy and Social Progress, Etienne Tshisekedi DRC Congo EUSEC military assistance mission EUPOL police assistance mission MONUSCO stabilisation mission envoys, UN Mohammed Sahnoun, EU Aldo Ajello, US Bill Richardson, émissaires 200 ethnic groups Kinshasa (ex Léopoldville) 6m diamonds, copper, gold, cobalt, mineral-rich province of Katanga across the Congo river to Brazzaville Atlantic port of Matadi Great Lakes refugee crisis KIVU Eastern Congo's lawless provinces, the Kivus FARDC Congolese Armed Forces M23 rebels FDLR Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda North Kivu province, capital Goma (1m) South Kivu, capital Bukavu (800.000) 2006 Pres Joseph Kabila 2003 Operation Artemis, first autonomous EU military mission outside Europe 2001 Laurent Kabila assassinated 1999 Lusaka Ceasefire Agreement, MONUC 1998-2003 government forces (Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe), rebels (Uganda, Rwanda) 1997 collapse of the Mobutu regime, Laurent Kabila, DRC 10.96 rebellion in Kivu province, rebel leader Laurent Kabila, ADFL Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo-Zaire 1996 uprising of Banyamulenge, Tutsi rebels in eastern Zaire drive the Burundian and Rwandan Hutu militias from their camps on the frontier 1978 Kolwezi 1965 Pres Mobutu Sese Seko, MPR, trademark leopardskin hat, zaireanisation and authenticity 1960-63 Katangan rebellion (Shaba), nightmarish events of 1960-61 in Katanga, armed UN intervention 1961 PM Patrice Lumumba murdered MNC Mouvement National Congolais 1960 indep rwan. RWANDA, 26.338 km², 10.9m, Kigali M23 rebels in DRC former Belgian colony ICTR in Arusha, Tanzania MINUAR, Arusha Accords traditional gacaca community courts dominant Tutsi minority, majority Hutus 2003 Pres Paul Kagame, FPR 2002 Rwanda withdraws forces from DR Congo 1996 Rwanda invades eastern Zaire seeking to eliminate Interahamwe groups operating there Interahamwe (those who kill together), Hutu militias, FDLR Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda 200.000 refugees return from Benako (Tanzania) 1995 Hutu refugee camp in Kibeho violently evacuated 1994 plane carrying Pres Juvénal Habyarimana and Cyprien Ntaryamira, Hutu president of Burundi, shot down in rocket attack, killing both Rwandan genocide Great Lakes refugee crisis murder of 10 Belgian peacekeepers perpetrators escape as 2m Hutu refugees flee across the border to Zaire French intervention, Operation Turquoise, Goma region, safe zone rebel force under Maj Gen Paul Kagame ends genocide as RPF (Rwandan Patriotic Front) invades from Uganda RTLM Radio Télé Libre Mille Collines, hate- radio station Hotel Rwanda (2005) Paul Rusesabagina, Don Cheadle buru. BURUNDI, 27.816km², 8.9m, Bujumbura Burundi lies on Lake Tanganyika UN SG Special Envoy Said Djinnit Pres Pierre Nkurunziza to seek third term youth militia Gen Godefroid Niyombare leaders who stay beyond their due date the law of diminishing returns the Tutsis dominate the armed forces 2005 Pres Pierre Nkurunziza, FDD Force for the Defence of Democracy 2001 power-sharing government set up after talks mediated by South Africa 1996 Maj Gen Pierre Buyoya Red Cross pulls out massacre at Bugendana camp UPRONA Unité pour le progrès national, biggest Tutsi party FROLINA Front pour la libération nationale PALIPEHUTU Parti pour la libération du peuple Hutu Hutu rebels, CNDD National Council for Defence of Democracy regroupment centres Arusha process, Julius Nyerere (Tanzania) 1994 Pres Cyprien Ntaryamira killed alongside Rwandan president when their plane is shot down over Kigali 1993 first Hutu Pres, Melchior Ndadaye, Frodebu Front for Democracy in Burundi, assassinated ango. ANGOLA, 1.247.000 km², 17.5m, Luanda the Ilha, dotted with luxury villas, beachside restaurants and glitzy nightclubs, curves out from Luanda illegal miners, garimpeiros fighting, starvation, disease, landmines cosmopolitan coastal and city Angolans UNAVEM Angola Verification Mission, 4.500 UN peacekeepers, ceasefire and demobilisation of rebels, donors' conference, Round Table of donor countries (UNDP), redevelopment and reconstruction, (UN) Alioune Blondin Beye Cabinda enclave, offshore oil, supplier of crude oil to the US and China 2009 presidential elections 2002 end of the civil war 1999 FAA Angolan Armed Forces, South African mercenaries, third offensive against UNITA 11.94 Lusaka peace agreement 1992 elections, Savimbi refuses to accept defeat, acculé dans la province de Lunda Nord during the Cold War, Jonas Savimbi was Washington’s proxy in a struggle against the government of Jose Eduardo Dos Santos backed by Soviet Union and Cuba UNITA National Union for the Total Indep of Angola, Jonas Savimbi, HQ in Huambo, Ovimbundu, Central Highlands, diamonds in NE, Cafunfo, De Beers Mobutu was Savimbi’s long-time patron 1979 Pres Jose Eduardo Dos Santos, MPLA 1975 indep from Portugal, Pres Agostinho Neto, 20 years of civil war nami. NAMIBIA, 824.292 km², 2.1m, Windhoek Orange River San (Bushmen) white farmers Oshanas (depressions used for farming) diamonds, NAMDEB De Beers Ovamboland bore the brunt of the fighting between South Africa’s security forces and SWAPO in the 23-yearlong bush war Walvis Bay, only deep-water port in the region, centre of the fish processing industry (hake), first EPZ Export Processing Zone 2004 Pres Hifikepunye Pohamba opposition, DHA Democratic Turnhalle Alliance, UDF United Democratic Front Caprivi Strip 1990 indep from South Africa, Pres Sam Nujoma, SWAPO South West Africa People’s Organisation, liberation struggle sout. SOUTH AFRICA, 1.22m km², 48.8m, Pretoria Dec 5, 2013 the passing of Nelson Mandela, Madiba, 1994 president, 1993 Nobel central government and the nine provinces Chair Michael Cashman COSATU Congress of South African Trade Unions EPRD European Programme for Reconstruction and Development RMA Rand Monetary Area RSA Republic of South Africa SACU Southern African Customs Union SADC Southern African Development Community, ex SADCC, front line states, Southern African Development Coordination Conference GEAR macroeconomic policy programme (Growth, Employment And Redistribution) NDA National Development Agency Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Anglican bishop of Johannesburg, TRC Truth and Reconciliation Commission De Beers Kruger National Park Springboks (rugby union), Invictus (2009) the rand, South Africa’s GDP of 130 billion dollars is 22 times larger than that of Zimbabwe, the second largest SADC economy the veldt, elephant grass and umberella trees, that is what savannah is 08.2012 Marikana platinum mine (Lonmin), North West Province, labour dispute, police crackdown 2010 FIFA World Cup (vuvuzelas) 2009 Pres Jacob Zuma split off, form new party, Congress of the People, COPE 1999 Pres Thabo Mbeki 1994 Freedom Charter, election ends white minority rule Pres Nelson Mandela, Rainbow Republic, two societies in one country 1990 Mandela released from Robben Island AWEPAA West European Parliamentarians against Apartheid, sanctions, disinvestment 1987 Soweto rent boycott Graceland (1986) Paul Simon 1977 Steve Biko dies in custody The Jail Diary of Albie Sachs (1976) 1976 Soweto (South Western Township), woonoorden 1968 Christiaan Barnard performs first heart transplant operation, Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, Louis Washkansky 1961 Umkhonto We Sizwe (Spear of the Nation), armed wing of ANC 1961 Republic, homelands, bantustans 1960 Sharpeville massacre kaffirs sjambok (leather whip) coloureds, Indians, Asians odious form of institutionalised racism crimes, evil apparatus, victims of apartheid Pik Botha Piet Botha Pass Laws petty apartheid Group Areas Act Pres F.W. De Klerk Internal Security Act Separate Amenities Act Population Registration Act 1948 elections, National Party, the apartheid regime (separate development) the Zulu nation black-on-black violence Zulu king Goodwill Zwelithini Kwazulu Natal, tribal homeland Goldstone Commission on political violence Chief Gatsha Mangosuthu Buthelezi, IFP (Inkatha) Freedom Party Goodbye Bafana (2007) Bille August The Last Trek (1999) FW De Klerk Living in Hope and History (1999) Nadine Gordimer bots. BOTSWANA, 581.730 km², 1.9m, Gaborone BLNS Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Swaziland safari-based tourism kgotla (village meetings) illegal immigrants from Zimbabwe diamonds (De Beers/Debswana) wildlife reserves, the Okavango delta is inland, Kalahari, Bushman hunter-gatherers, Johannesburg is a four-hour drive away 4.2008 Pres Seretse Khama Ian Khama the BDP (Botswana Democratic Party) has ruled without interruption since indep 1966 indep, ex-Bechuanaland, Pres (Sir) Seretse Khama moza. MOZAMBIQUE, 812.379 km², 23.4m, Maputo cashews Cabora Bassa Dam (HEP) Maputo Corridor (South Africa) 2005, 2009 Pres Armando Guebuza, FRELIMO 2.00 Cyclone Eline leaves 1 million homeless, torrential rains, Limpopo and Save rivers 1986, 1994 Pres Joaquim Chissano, move away from Marxism, multi-party constitution landmines and amputees 1984 Nkomati, 1992 Rome peace accords 1977-92 civil war, FRELIMO Frente de Libertaçao de Mocambique, RENAMO Resistencia Nacional Mocambicana, Afonso Dhlakama 1975 indep from Portugal, Pres Samora Machel zamb. ZAMBIA, 752.614 km², 12.2m, Lusaka Chinese-owned mines in the copper belt refugees from DRC Kenneth Kaunda ex Northern Rhodesia zimb. ZIMBABWE, 390.759 km², 12.7m, Harare presidential elections in March GNU Government of National Unity 2008 GPA Global Political Agreement police raid on ZimRights office ex Southern Rhodesia Victoria Falls, game lodges white farmers, expropriation, war veterans land reform programme, redistribution, compulsory acquisition, occupation of white-owned commercial farms by squatters, liberation war veterans 9.2008 power-sharing deal, MDC Movement for Democratic Change, Morgan Tsvangirai 2005 urban slum demolition drive, razing of "illegal structures" leaves 700,000 people without jobs or homes 2002 suspended from Commonwealth 1988 disturbances in Matabeleland, Joshua Nkomo 12.87 Robert Mugabe becomes first president, ZANU-PF Zimbabwe African National Union 1979 Lancaster House agreement, 1980 indep 1965 Ian Smith declares UDI, Unilateral Declaration of Independence tanz. TANZANIA, 945.087 km², 41.5m, Dodoma cloves Arusha Chinese investors want to build a highway through the Serengeti National Park to exploit the resources of Central Africa 1961 Pres Julius Nyerere the Serengeti Plain neighbouring Burundi Dar es-Salaam is the commercial capital 1964 merger between mainland Tanganyika and the culturally-distinct island of Zanzibar Sansibar oder der letzte Grund (1957) Alfred Andersch The Snows of Kilimanjaro (1932) Ernest Hemingway ugan. UGANDA, 241.038 km², 31.9m, Kampala so-called Anti-Homosexuality Bill the Unity Government of Zanu and MDC Operation Murambatsvina, which incidentally means ‘clean out the trash’ 2008 ceasefire, LRA Lord's Resistance Army, Joseph Kony, rebels in north and west, displaced persons, camps, ARS 1996 Museveni re-elected, political parties banned, return of Asians expelled by Amin in 1972, troops embroiled in DRC 1986 Pres Yoweri Museveni, NRM National Resistance Movement 6.00 constitutional referendum, return to multi-party politics 1986 NRA guerrillas take Kampala, (National Resistance Army), now called UPDF Ugandan People’s Defence Force 1980 Milton Obote 1976 Entebbe 1971-1979 Idi Amin Dada 1971 63.000 Asians expelled keny. KENYA, 582.646 km², 38.5m, Nairobi coffee 02.04.15 Al-Shabaab militants kill 148 people at Garissa University College massacre of students in Garissa 21.09.13 Westgate shopping mall, Nairobi, jihadists, Somalia's Shabab group, murder spree, scores killed in Kenya mall siege 2013 Pres Uhuru Kenyatta coastal port of Mombasa Great Rift Valley, Großer Afrikanischer Grabenbruch, de Grote Slenk Kikuyu and Luo are the biggest tribes, landless Masai, safaris on game reserves Dr Richard Leakey, conservationist and palaeontologist, KWS Kenya Wildlife Service, the cradle of humanity 2008 flawed presidential elections, street demonstrations, riots and ethnic clashes, Grand Coalition, Pres Kibaki, Narc National Rainbow Coalition PM Raila Odinga, ODM Orange Democratic Movement 2004 Nobel Peace Prize, Wangari Maathai, Green Belt Movement (22:00) 2002 Mwai Kibaki, landslide victory, ending 40 years of KANU rule 1978 Pres Daniel arap Moi, one-party state, KANU Kenya African National Union 1963 indep from Britain 1961 Jomo Kenyatta released, independence struggle 1956 Mau Mau (Kikuyu) bure. BUREAU growing workload of Members plafond for hotels during missions 3 Tage on ground Jean Monnet House Service Level Agreement migration to SYSPER 2 integrated HRM tool file declarations of financial interests office-closing day costs borne by the organisers You're Up! jamboree Scouts et Guides de France les conseillers der Bestand feste Ausgaben Pres and 14 Vice-Presidents PAȘCU Ioan S&D CZARNECKI Ryszard ECR GALL-PELCZ Ildikó EPP GUILLAUME Sylvie S&D LAMBSDORFF Alexander Graf ALDE LUNACEK Ulrike V/ALE MCGUINNESS Mairead EPP PAPADIMOULIS Dimitrios GUE/NGL REHN Olli ALDE SASSOLI David-Maria S&D TAJANI Antonio EPP VALCÁRCEL SISO Ramón Luis EPP VĂLEAN Adina-Ioana EPP WIELAND Rainer EPP the Administration, die Verwaltung invited the Sec Gen (asked) I'm advised by my Sec Gen (told) DSG Dep Sec Gen SEF Strategic Execution Framework PPP Parliament Project Portfolio Members' statute, common statute for Members IMMS Implementing Measures for the Members' Statute TEG Temporary Evaluation Group Advisory Panel on the Code of Conduct, Implementing Measures EP in 2025 Preparing for Complexity single seat, siège unique multiple seat arrangement the travelling circus cantines (trunks) in the corridors, Kisten quae. QUAESTORS shop stewards BEARDER Catherine KARSKI Karol KOVATCHEV Andrey LIBERADZKI Bogusław MORIN-CHARTIER Elisabeth conf. CONFERENCE OF PRESIDENTS the governing bodies the Bureau v the Budget Commmittee Pres, Vice Presidents, Quaestors, administrative affairs Bureau (President, Vice Presidents, Quaestors) Conference of Presidents group chairmen conference of presidents leaders of political groups chairmen of political groups decides the composition of committees drafts the agenda of part sessions CCDC Conference of Delegation Chairs, Panzeri CCCC Conference of Committee Chairs, Jerzy Buzek the jurisconsult (legal service) ACPC Advisory Committee on Procurement and Contracts, CCAM Commission consultative des achats et marchés FMA Former Members Association WPPR Working Party on Parliamentary Reform plenary is sovereign allocation of portfolios awaydays in La Hulpe, Klausurtage admi. ADMINISTRATION Secretary-General Deputy Secretary-General DGs and Directorates unit, cellule, Referat the basic administrative unit head of unit, chef d'unité, Referatsleiter background note DG PRES, DG Presidency, plenary sittings, protocol, mail, register, archives, Tabling Office, le bureau de dépôt secu. SECURITY fire drill, simulacros de evacuación fire prevention, Feuermeldeanlage building security sas de sécurité sign a book register robberies, muggings, thefts issue day passes, pases diarios security of people, buildings, assets official entrance, Protokolleingang electronic swipe card swipe your access badge, badger internalisation of security the security agents are not armed security guards, gardiennage, Wachtdienst externalised (contracted out), ausgelagert external contractors Group 4 duty rounds, patrolling, rondes iPACS Integrated Physical Access Control System Central IS (Information System) EPIO Information Offices GSC Global Security Concept IDP Intrusion Detection and Prevention IPS Internal Positioning System PSE Physical Security Equipment SSI Security Service Internalisation phase out commands deploy integrated a face check non-trackable we were badged access to premises security screening point, sas de sécurité old-to-new chip migration a new chip on the badges access control badge chip offering other functionalities a chip is easily cloned (copied) badging, kartenlesbares Zugangssystem optimise architecture Geldkartenfunktion high maintenance costs no extra budget involved Visitors Path assistance all sites software licences hosting environment network needs setup maintenance and support equip non-equipped buildings setup of final acquisition channels hosting environment and application setup phase-out of old installations and equipment dynamic system allowing adaptive security sleeper cells Kouachi brothers PM Charles Michel Jan Jambon, Interior Ministry Bernard Cazeneuve, Minister of the Interior air marshals soldiers in the streets to guard potential targets security assessment ring of security only as good as its weakest point new security arrangements (restrictions) mit Unannehmlichkeiten verbunden wie ein Häftling der Freigang hat accessibility security checks, controls high-security perimeter outside the buildings, aüsserer Schutz tiers of security filtering before access to the accreditation zone entry point, Eingänge entrance barriers turnstile, tourniquet, Drehkreuz the two main entrances (Lux and Wiertz) upgrading the entrance zones revolving doors, Drehtüren, puerta giratoria soft targets, leichte Beute metal shutter to seal off the entrance yellow, white, red alert status, Warnstufen strong reservations, zurückhaltend force their way inside when the Kurdish protesters piled in jumpy armed camp accreditation the delivery bay contingency planning, Notfallplanung background checks, casier judiciaire raises constitutional issues police officers and military personnel armed security guards in full battle gear, in voller Montur zoning proposals access badge with a bar code giving access twenty-four seven redesignated as group events events hosted in the parliament the exhibitions cate. CATERING restaurant strategy, restaurazione there will no longer be any food subsidising wasting food, spreco alimentare reuse, Weiterverwerkbarkeit slow food leftovers, cuisiner à restes bars en libre service Zugangsbeschränkungen rese. RESEARCH policy department v new research department DG EPRS European Parliamentary Research Service, wissenschaftlicher Dienst support function acquisition of external expertise Directorate for Impact Assessment and European Added Value, Folgenabschätzung metrics committees social media legal service lawyer linguists policy department resource efficiency legislative proposals sharepoint communities NWoW New Ways of Working SEF Strategic Execution Framework bricks, bytes, behaviour breaking down the silos, Zirkeldenken identity, purpose, resources open-plan hot racking, hot desking, clean desking matrix for service excellence once a file has started (SCIC) outcomes and client satisfaction directorate for impact assessment resource management (staff, finance, IT) DG IPOL, internal policies, committees, other institutions, national parliaments, STOA DG EXPO, external policies, delegations, ACP, EMPA, Eurolat DG COMM, communication, public information, media, press service, information offices, Europarl website, Citizens' Mail DG PERS, human resources, VT, PDC Parliamentary Documentation Centre (library) DG INLO, infrastructure, logistics (buildings) DG TRAD, translation DG INTE, interpretation, conferences DG FINS, DG Finance, budgetary and financial affairs DG ITEC, innovation and technological support (hardware/software), DIT directorate for information technologies, directorate for publishing and distribution director of resources (ICT, staff, finance) DG SAFE Security and Safety CTR Central Technical Room, monitoring room DLA Directorate for Legislative Acts DPB Directorate for Plenary Business the Sittings Division plans all agendas 6 months ahead Tabling Office, desk (amendments) URRD Unit for Reception and Referral of Documents unit, cellule security, ushers sittings documents Human Rights Unit texts adopted in plenary desk officer, responsable common support services allocation of speaking time oversight (scrutiny), contrôle legislative planning, coordination frontloading of posts in Brussels agenda for each day of the part-session sessional services, le greffe, die Kanzlei EP-News, Info-memos, Heute im Plenum press briefings, point presse, rueda de prensa unit for plenary business, programming, services Official Journal, those of you who read the L series (legislation) of the OJ OPOCE Publications Office Fact Sheets on the EU playFtu.html KMS Knowledge Management System c’est alors qu’un officier intervient pour dire, mais l’intendance, mon général? et de Gaulle de répondre, l’intendance suivra! advisory committees (CoR, EESC) administrative cooperation staf. STAFF 1% annual reduction over five years AD administrator v AST assistant créer une sous-catégorie de fonctionnaires, les AST/SC secrétaires et commis AHCC Authority Empowered to Conclude Contracts of Employment, AECE Autorité habilitée à conclure des contrats d'engagement Appointing Authority, AIPN, Autorité investie du pouvoir de nomination hierarchical superior officials, fonctionnaires officials and other agents temporary agents, agents temporaires contract agents, agents contractuels, Vertragsbedienstete session auxiliaries, auxiliaires de session CCP leave on personal grounds, Congé de convenance personnelle CCSA Consultative Committee on Staff Appointments CEOS Conditions of Employment of Other Servants, RAA Régime applicable aux autres agents ENDs, staff temporarily assigned to the institution, secónded, en détachement European Civil Service, fonction publique européenne EPSO European Personnel Selection Office IIC Inter Institutional Cooperation, putting in common, recruitment, buildings, libraries, security SNE Seconded National Experts deconcentration and dismantling the TAOs, technical assistance office, les BATs internalisation (in-house) v contracting out move it back in-house organisation v staffing v procedures poste d'exécution v postes de responsabilité statut des fonctionnaires v régime applicable aux autres agents jours de délai de route dans les grades supérieurs redeployment (moving a few staff around), Umschichtung crisis levy, prélèvement spécial squeeze, markante Einspannung external personnel (CAs and ENDs) OSP Organisations syndicales et professionnelles (the unions) launch a recruitment competition a post is advertised, ausschreiben recruté sur concours, raisonnement verbal et numérique, raisonnement abstrait situational judgement test apply, postuler pour un poste être admis aux épreuves écrites the most suitable candidate for the best person for the job before taking up their posts entry grade, starting grade Kinnock reforms les naufragés du nouveau statut raising the game, considerable upheaval, legislative assistance to Members, better regulation, mieux légiférer basic salary, benefits the method used for annual salary adjustments expired at the end of 2012 the method, formula, annual salary adjustment, actualisation, jährliche Anpassung der Dienstbezüge making staff appointments staff, collaborateur, Mitarbeiter establishment, titularisation internal selection procedure selection procedures opened standard recruitment procedure vacancy notice (open the position) notice of vacancy, avis de vacance vacant posts filled by redeployment (no new posts) take up his post the concours, selection board, le jury staff report, rapport de notation, le noté, rapnot assessor, notateur, l’entretien d’évaluation, appréciation globale notice of competition, avis de concours principe de l'unicité de la fonction publique déroulement des carrières, évolution de la carrière, passage de catégorie ad personam promotions promotion on seniority or promotion on merit, meritbased career structure unfilled posts, filling the posts how could I have been so stupid? il manquait un document, ils n'ont pu que le constater, acte manqué reinstated after secondment floor security staff upgrading of posts, revalorisation the establishment plan, the entire staff complement, organigramme, plantilla, Personaltross redeployment and mobility of staff the postal service, courrier interne, externe step and grade, career bracket, échelon, grade promotion points, transparent, merit-based system, merit points, points de promouvabilité permanent posts, Dauerstellen Head of Unit, Abteilungsleiter without the creation of new permanent posts, Planstellen, stellenneutral, auf dem Stellenplan abgewickelt werden core competences, shedding low-priority activities, negative priorities bullying, harassment, mobbing, acoso moral burnout syndrome IDA Interchange of Data between Administrations, twinning (twin departments in the MS) evaluation reports of posts, job evaluation (screening) the Pensions Unit the Protocol on Privileges and Immunities Staff Relations Unit, Administrative Affairs Department IEU Individual Entitlements Unit, Droits individuels place of last employment place of origin, lieu d'origine place of work, lieu d'affectation place of residence, lieu de résidence resettlement allowance, réinstallation AIACE Association of former officials reimbursement of removal expenses, costs bearing the stamp of the removal company, firm declared value of the furniture, personal effects principal country of residence, main residence v secondary residence le pont de l'Ascension 23 juin, fête nationale à Luxembourg no-one in the office, il n'y a pas de permanence civil servants family members contract staff member serving official, un actif the conditions of EU officials and other agents Staff Regulations, le Statut Appointing Authority, AIPN termination of service, cessation temporary staff member, temporaire joined the service, rejoint le service officials in active employment, en activité end of service, fin de carrière how many people work there? half of them EUR licence plates licence plates, plaques d'immatriculation vehicle registration, immatriculation obtention de la carte staff number, matricule access to Intranet, accès à Intracom retired officials v active officials early retirement, jubilación anticipada Community laissez-passer (diplomatic passport) you are required to return your staff card, badge surrender, return in person, special identity card valid acte notarié grace period standard letter proof of income procedures followed certificate, attestation supporting documents, pièces justificatives return by registered mail to be filled in and sent back entitled to financial benefits within a three year time limit proof of payment, bills, invoices certified true copy, copie conforme for your letter, gestionnaire de dossier provide a cost estimate, fournir un devis duly approved by the competent authorities take the necessary steps, faire la démarche solemn declaration, déclaration sur l'honneur pay. PAY pay v benefits match the private sector an evolved system, working practices, Coca Lite staff regulation, international civil servants the basic salary, salary scale, le traitement de base mission expenses accident insurance annual travel costs sickness insurance children's allowance household allowance pay and pension systems daily subsistence allowance, per diem weightings for capital cities, pondération expatriation allowance (living abroad allowance, foreign residence allowance) installation allowance, resettlement allowance, transfer allowance, removal expenses euro. EUROPARL EuroparlTV Advisory Panel WebTV BWP Bureau Working Party ICP Information and Communication Policy VOD Video On Demand facility editorial approach live webstreaming of committee meetings our web audience communication tool brand identity of the service in-house web video production capacity third party channels media partners (CIRCOM, ENEX, IFOLT) views, Ansichten, Zugriffe the social media followers on Twitter friends on Facebook likes, shares, re-tweets scoping exercise web TV TV crew QTM Quoted Time and Means, performance guarantees, Ergebnisgarantien, Ausfallbürgschaften PA Public Address system, tannoy, Durchsagesystem car service drivers, the car fleet, Fahrdienst GSC Global Security Concept security zoning surveillance cameras security pass, security barriers badge readers on the turnstiles 1 Free Access Zone 2 Common Use Zone 3 Administrative Zone 4 Members Zone 5 High Security Zone code. CODE OF CONDUCT working group advisory group implementing measures the services can make inquiries the president can use his discretion system based on trust, a culture of suspicion reimbursement or direct payment the services, President's discretion, made public, Ermessensspielraum invitations by third parties, tiers invitant reasons for accepting the invitation conflict of interest events, Veranstaltungen, Formeleinsrennen cup final, Europapokal-Endspiel fundraiser, Spendergala trade, business, professional associations, Industrie- und Handelskammer churches, religious communities law firms intensive lobbying clogging up our inboxes gifts of hospitality travel, accommodation, subsistence accommodation, Übernachtungen travel (type-specific ticket) expenses to be declared, Angaben de minimis (above a certain amount), Bagatellgrenze, Relevanzschwelle irrespective of the amount, ungeachtet der Höhe a form to fill in, Erklärungsformular tick a box or fill it in frivolous, Unfug work for the services, Recherchelast tran. TRANSPARENCY REGISTER code of conduct professional lobbyists v activists voluntary (non-binding) v mandatory (binding) joint register of lobbyists categories of special-interest representatives 1 NGOs 2 religious communities 3 transparency advocates 4 local or regional authorities 5 companies' in-house lobbyists 6 think-tanks and research groups advocacy group (lobby, lobbyists, interest group input, interest representatives) the population of the register a constituency of organisations consultancies pressure groups interested parties Art 11 TEC common values, fundamental interests Art 15 TFEU access to documents Art 298 TFEU institutions, bodies, offices, agencies Art 352 TFEU flexibility clause, ex 308 TEC, ex 235 EEC catch-all legal base (or basis) allowing the EU to act in areas not specifically covered by the Treaty, évolutif implied powers doctrine, Kompetenz kraft Natur der Sache make mandatory non-mandatory disclosure go down the voluntary route mandatory accreditation system some motivation to get registered provide an incentive (incentivisation) a requirement to appear in the register sign up to a code of conduct in return for an annual pass exempted third parties places on policy forums access arrangements for elites privileged partner arrangements simply vexatious publicity seekers administrative burden imposing obligations on third parties Towards an EU administrative procedure law? expert groups conflict of interest regulatory capture regulatory framework policy recommendations we get a very distorted picture, under-representation polder culture a sounding board engage in dialogue participatory democracy searchable and cross-linked under freedom of information provision of public information public trust, independent experts, legislative footprint (registered interest representatives consulted) refreshments followed by a sandwich lunch cocktail reception, cocktail dînatoire sandwiches and drinks will be served light buffet lunch offered outside the venue an independent complaints panel allo. ALLOWANCES risk bad headlines basic salary as an MEP of 8020 € written declaration of outside interests and income APA Authorised Paying Agent MPO Members' Pay Office, Caisse des députés PEAM Payment of Expenses and Allowances to Members WPPA on parliamentary allowances travel and subsistence allowances declare expenses allowances and expenses rules governing members' allowances the salary package, level of remuneration remuneration and allowances transitional allowance for outgoing Members, Übergangsgelder end-of-service allowance arrangements for personal effects at the end of the legislative term public service pay structures, salary bands, access to salary details per diem, daily allowance for each day of attendance at official meetings, indemnité journalière, Diät, Tagesgeld general expenditure allowance (office expenses), Aufwandspauschale, le forfait général secretarial assistance allowance, Sekretariatszulage assi. ASSISTANTS accredited assistants v local assistants v trainees APA Assistant parlementaire accrédité things every APA should know AECE Authority Empowered to Conclude Contracts of Employment CDD Contrat à durée déterminée CDI Contrat à durée indéterminée CPA Certified Paying Agent, tiers payant, selbstantretender Dritter office furniture a third office module service providers pooling of assistants the Belgian authorities eighteen plus, majeurs standards, déontologie framework contract, contrat type Brussels-based, affectés à Bruxelles official register of members' assistants draft standard contract for paying agents conclude employment and service contracts tax arrangements, social security, pension scheme, medical insurance severance payments, end-of-service bound by confidentiality, exercise discretion, devoir de discrétion terminate their contracts, rupture du contrat de travail trainee, Praktikant trav. TRAVEL EXPENSES travelling time boarding card low-cost airlines economy flex tickets business-class airfare flexible economy tickets they wouldn't pay my airfare replace full business YY by D business class reduce the number of business class flights purchased annual quota for travel outside the EU the kilometre rate for car travel, kilométrage travel reimbursed on the basis of actual cost, reimbursed at cost flat-rate, lump sum (no supporting documents), forfait, Pauschale presentation of supporting documents, pièces justificatives, Belege constituency travel, other travel on Parliament business approach costs, frais d'approche, Zwischenreise buil. BUILDINGS, politique immobilière DG INLO infrastructure, logistics, buildings the promoters, the contractor freehold (ownership of land and buildings) leasehold (property reverts to the owner when the lease expires) long-term lease with purchase option, bail emphytéotique, Kaufoption exercise, levée de l'option d'achat the land parking places project manager the legal service land and buildings walkway, passerelle accelerated rental payments, total rent bill compressed into five years, éteindre les baux renovated or fitted out site inspections a floor area of commercial property market price, valuation the office space situation allocation of office space, floor area launch of a property market survey (prospection) launch of a property market our contractual position land development costs full ownership long term lets annual rental charges purchase of the buildings property rental and purchase annual rental payments, annuités the policy is to purchase when we can land on a peppercorn rent, l'euro symbolique our stock of buildings, parc, Bestand stop-gap buildings, bâtiments tampon conveyancing, frais notariels building permit, Baugenehmigung the initial contracts had been drawn up buildings to be renovated or fitted out technical installations, fixtures, fittings planned needs with a view to enlargement buildings reserve, the reserve for buildings buildings department, promoters of the building project, suspend negotiations seat. SEAT seat, le siège, die Sitzfrage Brussels v Luxembourg v Strasbourg calendar cases taken to the Court of Justice safe. SAFETY bear the load steel girders cracks in the buildings laminated wood glued together cracks found in supports to the ceiling structural defects were detected in wooden ceiling beams install metal suspending rods with a load-bearing capacity, strengthening rods, polochonage TÜV inspection agency suspended ceilings in the chamber conduits running through equipment rooms asbestos removal operations, désamiantage air conditioning equipment containing asbestos refurbishing, some refurbishment work will be needed on public health grounds, fitting out, once it's kitted out, fitting-out of premises pour simuler l’impact d’un corps humain projeté plus ou moins violemment, on procède au «test de la bellemère», handrail, garde-corps maintenance (upkeep), Instandhaltung security, renovation work, equipment heat-insulating lagging around the fan convector pipes BRUSSELS the Info Point Lighthouse building GB Express, superette Nespresso coffee vending machines stirrer, agitateur, Rührstäbchen Trèves 1 and Trèves 2 Brussels-Capital Region Remorqueur the Egg (ex Residence Palace) Delta metro station Bertha von Suttner (EESC) JDE Jacques Delors (CoR) Martens (ex TreBel Trèves/Belliard) Esplanade Solidarność 1980 Centre d'accréditation the Agora Simone Veil, la cour d'honneur, la dalle, le mail ASP Altiero Spinelli building EFGH and D, the walkway from H Block to ATR (the Atrium) l'Espace escalateurs ASP flagship, front desk, Sichtkontrolle Espace Baltic Way (ASP 00F100 corridor) ground floor, rue interne Espace Cheval (ground floor ASP) Distribution Centre Area, Espace Distribution Vox Box the Forum area (Tractor Bar) Space Zone G Balcony 3rd Floor ASP Raoul Wallenberg Balcony Area (ASP 3G) ATR Atrium RMD Remard BQL (the old train station building) JAN József Antall (HU PM 1990-93) Alcíde de Gasperi (2Q2) WIB Willy Brandt, D4 (à gauche de l'ancienne Gare Léopold en arrivant de la Place du Luxembourg, Place Lux) il est conseillé aux collègues de privilégier l'accès par la rue Wiertz et d'être en possession de leur titre d'accès PHS Paul-Henri Spaak, the Spaak building, ABC, Caprice des dieux (after the eponymous cheese) Lulling Bar the Yehudi Menuhin space PHS 0A050 Salle Anna Politkovskaïa, conférences de presse peripheral buildings MTY MON MOY Science-Montoyer 15, 63, 70 MTS Square de Meeûs WAY LUXEMBOURG BECH is on top of Auchan the économat, centrale d'achats downsizing of the KAD project (Konrad Adenauer) SCH (Robert Schuman) STRASBOURG the City of Strasbourg the treaty obliges the EP to meet in Strasbourg 12 times a year mayor Roland Ries, ex Fabienne Keller, ex Catherine Trautmann thirteenth floor terrace in the tower building LOW Louise Weiss building the courtyard of LOW rooftop terrace on the thirteenth floor Strasbourg hemicycle the South Gallery, Galerie Sud exhibition spaces used for exhibitions PFL Pierre Pflimlin, Bar de l'accueil schneckele (Chelsea bun) SCI Erasme the contractor IPE Immeuble du Parlement Européen SDM Salvador de Madariaga (grandfather of Javier Solana, co-founder of the College of Europe), ex IPE 2 Vaclav Havel building WIC Winston Churchill WIC 100 (Salle Willy Brandt) WIC 200 (Salle Robert Schuman) visi. VISITORS target groups information relays opinion multipliers seminars and symposia MEP-sponsored groups point of departure bus pick-up, drop-off point Welcome Centre in the Atrium building group leader payment in cash v by bank transfer overall cost of bringing visitors' groups here travel v hotel accommodation v meals see the sights (the local tourist attractions) pathway, parcours the Visitors' Walk, circuit, Rundgang the Parlamentarium visitors' centre, visitors' circuit, a defined programme, Besucherdienst welcome to the EP where all voices count floor staff, personnel d'accompagnement the centre is fitted with induction loops 360 degree film presentation hous. HOUSE OF EUROPEAN HISTORY HEH, MHE Another Country (1981) Julian Mitchell the past is a foreign country, they do things differently there project coordinator, Harald Rømer house.html two advisory bodies Board of Trustees, Hans-Gert Pöttering, Conseil de direction, Kuratorium Academic Committee, Włodzimierz Borodziej, Wissenschaftlicher Beirat APT Academic Project Team, project leader Taja Vovk van Gaal Le Mémorial de Schirmeck (das Elsass) Bonn, Haus der Geschichte ICOM Conseil international des musées DG INLO (Infrastructure, Logistics) Buildings Team DG COMM, Directorate C EPIOs (Information Offices), external offices monitoring committee, comité de suivi Nobel Peace Prize prize ceremony Oslo Dec 10, 2012 the medal and the diploma, Urkunde laudatio, Verkündigung BUILDING Eastman building (former dental clinic) the park is listed, the building isn't, classé the courtyard BRUSSELS building permit, permis de bâtir get planning permission, permis d’urbanisme PRAS Plan régional d’affectation du sol CRMS Commission royale des monuments et des sites RRU Règlement régional d’urbanisme PUL le plan urbain Loi (densification) Brussels Capital-Region fonctionnaire délégué Collège des échevins Commission de concertation raising the roof fitting-out of premises architectural design competition renovation, extension, refurbishment acquired on a long-term 99-year lease exhibition project manager on-site v on-line centre v periphery classical v mediaeval in-house v externalised diversity v commonality thematic v chronological historians v museologists belonging v disconnection causes v events v consequences permanent v temporary v travelling call for tender on design, scénographique museological concept, muséographie the narrative (storyline) v its musealisation Conceptual Basis, Ausstellungskonzeption Committee of Experts, Hans-Walter Hütter visitor management strategy exhibition management strategy collection management strategy permanent exhibition, Dauerausstellung temporary exhibition, Wechselausstellung Moving Beyond Borders, Par-delà les frontières, Grenzen überwinden MUSEUM free admission policy floor plan exhibition floors central atrium gallery a design that unifies the whole space separate components linked visually communications policy branding, marque de fabrique visual identity elements specificity, academic autonomy, learning focus press and media relations defensive press-pack outreach events and conferences target groups sister and peer organisations, partners, homologues local associations, Equama, Réseau des Arts, quartier européen revitalise the European area Parc de Bruxelles (Warandepark) hard-hat site visits, empty-house tours the official inauguration will be a high-profile VIP red carpet event grand opening to the public the opening programme events area display area visually attractive curators and museological staff extensive online offer fitting-out of the display areas purchase of exhibits multimedia displays copywriting company tablet-based guide layering the content, gradation, Gliederung build up the collection visitor experience visual impact printed material and tablet devices objects and visuals interactive attractions use of audio-visuals and interactives enhanced reality, réalité augmentée Pepper's ghost, spectre de Pepper Kinect technology academic start-up team historical events and processes collection of original artefacts, Objekte storytelling, have a story to tell design team, scénographes, Gestalter what role national themes should play a summation of national histories a propagandising narrative of Europe's integration musealisation, didactic implementation masterplan, plan directeur, Gesamtplan concept design theme timelines focus years contextualised as a trigger for events periodisation, subdivide, key turning points CSCE Helsinki 1973 oil price shock WW2 Germany Austria Turkey Totalitarian Systems, National Socialism and Stalinism WWI France Angleterre Russie Told of an Austria-Hungary football match, he asked impishly: “Whom are we playing?” Communist Manifesto, failure of Communism the Enlightenment slave trade, commerce triangulaire Black Death, peste bubonique topic, sub-topic Shaping Europe Europe Ascendant Europe Eclipsed Wars and Survival A House Divided Fragile Stability Breaking Boundaries Building United Europe Striving for a Better Life Building Social Security Looking Ahead hunter gatherers BC 17.300 Lascaux caves BC 10.000-5.000 neolithic revolution BC 1754 Hammurabi Code, an eye for an eye BC 18th C Epic of Gilgamesh BC 1010-970 reign of David BC 960 Solomon builds the Temple BC 722 Israel (Judah) conquered by the Assyrians c. 638 – c. 558 BC Solon the wise lawgiver of Athens BC 624-546 Thales uses geometry to calculate the height of pyramids BC 587 Nebuchadnezzar destroys Jerusalem, king of Babylon, Ur of the Chaldees, Mesopotamia, Tigris, Euphrates BC 551–479 Confucius, The Analects BC 538 Babylonian Empire destroyed by Persians BC 490 Marathon, Darius BC 480 Battle of Salamis, Ναυμαχία τῆς Σαλαμῖνος BC 480 Leonidas at Thermopylae, Xerxes, Persians BC 460-395 Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian war BC 447-438 Parthenon BC 431–404 Peloponnesian War, Athens, Sparta BC 424-348 Plato BC 423 Aristophanes, The Clouds BC 399 trial of Socrates, Xanthippe, corrupting the young men of Athens, hemlock BC 385 The Symposium, Plato BC 341 Epicurus BC 300, Euclid, Father of Geometry, Elements BC 264-146 Punic Wars (from punicus, Phoenician) BC 210 Xi'an Terracotta Army BC 49 alea jacta est, the die is cast, Julius Caesar crossing the Rubicon (between Rimini and Cesena), Pompey BC 43-AD 17 Ovid, Metamorphoses 9 AD Varusschlacht, Hermannsschlacht, Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, Osnabrück 46 – 120 Plutarch, Parallel Lives 56-117 Tacitus, Annals, Tiberius, Claudius, Nero, De vita et moribus Iulii Agricolae 64 Rome burns 83 solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant (Tacitus), they make a desert, and call it peace, Calgacus, Mons Graupius (Grampians) 180 death of Marcus Aurelius, Stoics 325 Constantine declares Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire 325 Nicene Council, first ecumenical council of the Church, Nicene Creed 395 Roman Empire splits 401 sack of Rome by the Visigoths under Alaric I 426 St Augustine, The City of God 432 the annals date Patrick's arrival in Ireland 451 Attila crosses the Rhine 476 Rome the fiefdom of Odoacer, King of the Scirii 622 Hegira, Flight of Mohammad to Medina 732 Charles Martel bat les Arabes à Poitiers 800 Charlemagne, Holy Roman Empire 849-899 King Alfred burned the cakes 995-1035 Canute tries to hold back the tide 1053 Great Schism, catholic, orthodox, Church splits along doctrinal, theological, linguistic, political, and geographical lines 1066 Norman Conquest, Hastings, William the Conqueror, Harold 1096 First Crusade, recapture of Jerusalem, Godefroy de Bouillon Abélard et Héloïse 1135 Henry I dies of a surfeit of palfreys 1135-1204 Maimonides, synthesis of Aristotle and Biblical faith 1180 Minnesänger (troubadours) 1215 Magna Carta, habeas corpus, basic individual right against arbitrary arrest and imprisonment (no man or woman may be deprived of their liberty without due process of law) 1260 Chartres cathedral dedicated 1271–1368 Yuan Dynasty, Kublai Khan 1298 Il Milione, narrazione delle avventure di Marco Polo in Oriente 1308 Divina Commedia, Dante Alighieri 1347-51 Black Death 1337-1453 the Hundred Years' War, England, France 1368-1644 Ming Dynasty, Great Wall, Mongols 1378 great papal Schism 1389 battle of Kosovo Polje 1405 death of Timur (Tamerlane) 1406-20 Forbidden City 1413 Filippo Brunelleschi demonstrates linear perspective 1415 Agincourt, Henry V, St Crispin's day (Oct 25) 1421 Agincourt, Henry V 1450 Johannes Gutenberg, printing press, movable metal type, Mainz 1453 Fall of Constantinople, Άλωση της Πόλης 1455-87 Wars of the Roses, House of Lancaster vs York, Bosworth 1492, Ferdinando e Isabella, Los Reyes Católicos, Reconquista 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue 1497-99 Vasco da Gama's first voyage 1508-1512 Michelangelo, Cappella Sistina 1509 Erasmus, In Praise of Folly 1517 Martin Luther, 95 theses, Wittenberg 1517-1648 Reformation, separation of church and state 1519-21 Aztecs laid low by Hernán Cortés 1519-56 Charles V, Habsburgs, Council of Trent, CounterReformation, Loyola, Jesuits 1520-66 Suleiman the Magnificent 1521 Diet of Worms 1525 battle of Pavia, Charles V, François I 1530 Incas master of all they survey 1532 Il Principe, Niccolò Machiavelli 1533-1592 Montaigne, Les essais, Gascon 1536 Henry VIII separates the English Church from the Europe-wide Catholic Church 1538 Venus of Urbino, Titian 1541 Hernando de Soto crosses the Mississippi 1543-1700 scientific revolution 1545-63 Council of Trent (Trento), Tridentine mass, Counter-Reformation 1550 Lazarillo de Tormes, picaresque novel 1555 Peace of Augsburg, Cuius regio, eius religio 1556 Emperor Charles V abdicates 1558 Elizabeth I queen of England 1561-1626 Francis Bacon, knowledge is power 1566 revolt of the Dutch against Spanish rule, United Provinces established as a protestant republic 1566 Beeldenstorm (wave of iconoclasm) 1571 Lepanto (Ναυμαχία της Ναυπάκτου) 1571-1572 Túpac Amaru presides over a brief rebellion against the Spanish 1572 Massacre de la Saint-Barthélemy 1576 death of Titian 1577 birth of Rubens 1580 Montaigne, Essais published 1587 Mary Queen of Scots implicated in plot against Elizabeth I and beheaded 1588 Sir Francis Drake completes his game of bowls on Plymouth Hoe before setting sail aboard the Golden Hind to confront the Spanish Armada 1593 birth of Velazquez 1593 Paris vaut bien une messe, Henri IV, la poule au pot 1598 Edict of Nantes, Henri IV 1599 the Ecumenical Patriarchate settles in Phanar 1599 the Globe Playhouse opens in London 1602 Dutch East India Company 1603 James 1, 6, Calvinist, presbyterian 1603 Union of the Crowns, James VI of Scotland becomes James I of Great Britain 1605 El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha 1605 Gunpowder Plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament, Guy Fawkes, remember, remember the fifth of November, gunpowder, treason and plot 1607 Jamestown (Virginia) 1609 Kepler, Mars, elliptical orbit, contradicting Plato's belief about perfection and the heavens 1610 Henri IV, progressive, assassinated by François Ravaillac, unbalanced and highly religious, Paris vaut bien une messe 1611 Galileo exhibits the wonders of the telescope to the pontifical court 1611 King James Bible, Authorized Version 1611-1721 Stormaktstiden 1616 death of Shakespeare 1617 the smoking fad in England 1618 Habsburg King Ferdinand II closes Protestant churches in Prague, Maximilian (Bavaria), Philip III (Spain), Thirty Years' War 1618 Defenestration of Prague 1621 Mayflower, Pilgrim Fathers 1626 Manhattan 1632 (Amsterdam) -1677 Baruch (Benedict) Spinoza, the Ethics, the intellectual love of God, awe and respect for the universe 1632 Galileo 1632-1723 si monumentum requiris, circumspice, if you seek his monument, look about you, the epitaph of architect Sir Christopher Wren in St Paul's Cathedral, London 1636 tulip mania 1637 René Descartes, Discours de la méthode, cogito ergo sum, modern scientific method, coordinate geometry 1642-49 English Civil War, Royalists vs Parliamentarians, Charles I 1642 public stage performances banned for 18 years by the Puritan regime 1646 (Leipzig)-1716 (Hannover) Leibniz, calculus 1648 peace of Westphalia , national sovereignty, territorial integrity, cuius regio, eius religio 1649 Charles I beheaded, He nothing common did or mean, Upon that memorable scene 1651 Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes, social contract, (life in the state of nature is) nasty, brutish and short 1651 Hobbes, Leviathan 1653 Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector, Commonwealth, New Model Army, Battle of Naseby 1655–1660 Swedish invasion, Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth loses one third of its population and great-power status 1659-95 Henry Purcell, Baroque period 1660 Charles II restored to the throne 1660-69 Diary, Samuel Pepys, Restoration, Great Plague, Second Dutch War, Great Fire of London 1665 La Rochefoucauld, L'hypocrisie est un hommage que le vice rend à la vertu 1666 Great Fire of London 1666 Le misanthrope, Molière, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin 1668 Presbyterianism established as the Kirk of Scotland 1672 Rampjaar 1677 Gorée 1677 Phèdre, Racine 1678 The Pilgrim's Progress, John Bunyan 1679 Habeas Corpus 1683 siege of Vienna 1683 raising of the siege of Vienna, Ottoman army, Jan III Sobieski 1685 Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, Louis XIV, protestant Huguenots expelled from France 1685-1753 George Berkeley denies the existence of matter 1687 Principia Mathematica, Isaac Newton 1688 spendthrift and autocratic Stuart dynasty, William of Orange, Stadhouder of the United Provinces, Glorious Revolution, James II, Bill of Rights 1689 An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, John Locke 1689 Bill of Rights, Locke rejects divine right of kings, church authority in matters of philosophy and science, Whig liberalism, the passions of the masses, religious tolerance 1690 William, Prince of Orange, defeats James II at the Battle of the Boyne, July 12 1696 Peter the Great 1698 Darien Venture 1701 War of Spanish Succession 1702 Great Northern War 1703-91 John Wesley, founder of Methodism 1707 Acts of Union, Union of Parliaments opens up the English colonial markets to Scots trade 1712-86 Frederick II, Friedrich der Grosse, enlightened despotism, Hohenzollern dynasty, Sanssouci in Potsdam 1714-1830 Georgian, (I, II, III, IV), House of Hanover 1715 First Jacobite Rebellion, The Fifteen, attempting to restore the Stuart kings 1719 Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe, Alexander Selkirk 1721 Les lettres persanes, Montesquieu 1723 The Four Seasons, Antonio Vivaldi 1725 Scienza nuova, Giambattista Vico 1726 Gulliver's Travels, Jonathan Swift 1733 Jethro Tull invents a seed drill 1740-86 Friedrich II, Friedrich der Große, der Alte Fritz 1745 Second Jacobite Rebellion, The Forty-Five, Bonny Prince Charlie, Charles Edward Stewart, the Young Pretender 1746 Battle of Culloden, George II, the Elector, House of Hanover 1748 An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, David Hume, the arch empiricist 1755 James Watt, steam engine 1755 Lisbon Earthquake 1755-63 7 years war, Britain, Prussia, Hanover vs France, Austria, Russia, Sweden, Plassey 1756-1791 Mozart 1759 Candide, Voltaire, François-Marie Arouet 1759 Tristram Shandy, Lawrence Sterne 1762 Du contrat social, Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1772 First Partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Friedrich II, Maria Theresa, Catherine the Great 1773 Boston Tea Party, no taxation without representation 1774 Die Leiden Des Jungen Werther 1775-1834 Charles Lamb, essays 1775-83 American Revolution, Britain vs USA, Bunker Hill 1776 Declaration of Independence, We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams 1776–88 Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Edward Gibbon 1776 The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith 1777-1811 Heinrich von Kleist 1781 Kritik der reinen Vernunft, Immanuel Kant, the starry heavens above and the moral law within fill me with awe 1782 Rêveries du promeneur solitaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1783 PM William Pitt the Younger, outstanding administrator, George III 1784 Jacques-Louis David, Le Serment des Horaces 1785 Robert Burns, To a Mouse 1787 Jeremy Bentham, Defence of Usury, utilitarianism (the greatest happiness of the greatest number), the Panopticon 1787 Philadelphia constitutional convention 1789-99 French Revolution, republicans and monarchists, Storming of the Bastille 1791 Die Zauberflöte, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1792 the Jacobins take power 1798 An Essay on the Principle of Population, Thomas Robert Malthus 1798 George Washington first president of the USA 1799 Rosetta Stone, Jean-François Champollion 1800 Industrial Revolution 1800-15 Napoleonic Wars, Waterloo 1804 le sacre de Reims (coronation of Napoleon) 1805 battle of Trafalgar 1806 Phänomenologie des Geistes, Hegel, culmination of idealism, historicism, the dialectic, the world spirit on horseback (Napoleon) 1808 Napoleon's assault on Spain 1811 Luddites 1811-20 Regency, George IV, Beau Brummell 1812-14 Britain vs USA, War of Independence 1814 Bourbon Restoration, Louis XVIII 1814 Vienna Congress, Metternich, Castlereagh, Talleyrand 1818 Schopenhauer, The World as Will and Representation 1818-1848 Louis Philippe 1818-1883 Karl Marx, philosophers have only interpreted the world, the point is to change it 1823 Monroe Doctrine (Western Hemisphere off-limits to European colonisation) 1824 Beethoven's Ninth 1830 France acquires Algeria 1830 Stendhal, Le rouge et le noir 1832 Vom Kriege, Carl von Clausewitz, Krieg ist die Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln 1835, 1840 Alexis de Tocqueville, Démocratie en Amérique 1839 Tanzimât, reorganization of the Ottoman Empire, reform era 1845 Irish Potato Famine 1847 Vanity Fair, William Thackeray 1848 Communist Manifesto 1848 Lord Palmerston, no eternal allies, no perpetual enemies, only interests 1848 Spring of Nations (European revolutions), Völkerfrühling 1849 The Sickness Unto Death, Søren Kierkegaard 1851 Louis Napoléon 1853-56 Crimean War, UK, France, Ottoman Empire vs Russia, Balaclava (1854) (Charge of the Light Brigade), raglan, balaclava, cardigan, Florence Nightingale (anagram: flit on cheering angel L'Ancien Régime et la Révolution (1856) Alexis de Tocqueville 1857 Tristan und Isolde, Richard Wagner 1859 A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens 1859 On the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin, HMS Beagle 1868 Meiji Restoration 1861-65 US American Civil War, Unionists and Confederates, Gettysburg 1863 Déjeuner sur l'herbe, Edouard Manet 1864 work completed on the Clifton Suspension Bridge spanning the River Avon in Bristol to a design by Isambard Kingdom Brunel 1866 Crime and Punishment, Fyodor Dostoevsky 1867 Das Kapital, Karl Marx 1867 Napoleon III's Mexican adventure, Maximillian I executed by firing squad 1869 Suez Canal 1869 War and Peace, Leo Tolstoy 1870-1920 Demographic Revolution 1870-71 Franco-Prussian war, Gründerzeit 1871 The Descent of Man, Charles Darwin 1871 Paris Commune 1871 Bismarck, unification of Germany 1873-77 Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy 1875 Les raboteurs de parquet, Gustave Caillebotte 1876 Alexander Graham Bell, telephone 1880-81, 1899-1902 Boer War, British vs S. African Dutch settlers, Majuba Hill, Relief of Mafeking 1884 Berlin Conference, Scramble for Africa the colonial enterprise a civilising mission 1886 Coca Cola 1898 Boxer Rebellion 1895–1898 José Martí, liberator of Cuba 1898 Spanish–American War (Cuba, Puerto Rico, Philippines, Guam) 1899-1913 USA vs Philippines 1900 Boxer Rebellion 1900 Edmund Husserl, Logical investigations, phenomenology, consciousness and its objects, intentionality, directedness 1903 Wright Brothers, Kitty Hawk, North Carolina 1904 Russo-japanese war over Manchuria 1904 The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Max Weber 1904 work on the Panama Canal begins 1905 Albert Einstein's formulation of relativity 1908 Young Turks 1911 Der Rosenkavalier, Richard Strauss 1911 Sun Yat-Sen, father of modern China 1912 Titanic sinks on her maiden voyage 1914 Panama Canal 1914 Jul 28, First World War, Kaiser Wilhelm II, the war to end all wars, La Der des Ders 1915 The Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka, Die Verwandlung 1915 Gallipoli 1916 Battle of the Somme 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement (spheres of influence in the Middle East) 1917 A Short History of England, G. K. Chesterton 1917-21 Russian Revolution, the Tsar, October Revolution 1918 Der Untergang des Abendlandes, Oswald Spengler 1918 Pres Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points 1918, Dec 11, Armistice Day, Compiègne, at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month Remembrance day white poppies, peace poppies, ANZAC 1918-19 Spanish flu 1919 Paris Peace Conference, Versailles Treaty, League of Nations, SDN 1919 The Economic Consequences of the Peace, John Maynard Keynes 1919-33 Weimar Republic 1920 Jenseits des Lustprinzips, Sigmund Freud 1920 defeat of the Red Army outside Warsaw, Józef Piłsudski 1920 expulsion of the Anatolian Greeks 1922 Ulysses (Thursday June 16, 1904) 1922 Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, Ludwig Wittgenstein 1922 March on Rome, Benito Mussolini 1924 André Breton, Surrealist Manifesto 1924 Mein Kampf 1924 Turandot, Giacomo Puccini 1927 Being and Time, Martin Heidegger, existentialism, transparent coping, the ready-to-hand, the present-athand, knowing how, so transparent it doesn't pass through consciousness 1928 Kellogg–Briand Pact seeks to outlaw war 1929 Wall Street Crash 1931 Japan invades Manchuria 1934 Long March 1935 Italian invasion of Abyssinia 1935 Summertime (Porgy and Bess), George Gershwin 1936 Edward VIII, abdication, Wallis Simpson 1936 Language, Truth and Logic, AJ Ayer, Vienna Circle, logical positivism, verifiability 1936-39 Spanish Civil War, nationalists and republicans 1938 Anschluss (occupation and annexation of Austria into Nazi Germany) 1938 Neville Chamberlain, Munich, peace for our time, appeasement 1939 Franco's victory 1939 Soviet invasion of Finland 1939 Stagecoach, John Wayne 1939-45 WWII, Dunkirk, Battle of Britain, Pearl Harbour, Stalingrad, Midway 1941 Altiero Spinelli, Ventotene Manifesto 1941 Pearl Harbour, FDR, Dec 7, a date which will live in infamy 1942 Kapitalismus, Sozialismus und Demokratie, Joseph Schumpeter, creative destruction, schöpferische Zerstörung 1944 Bretton Woods 1945 A History of Western Philosophy, Bertrand Russell 1945 Labour landslide, Clement Attlee 1945 Merleau-Ponty, Phenomenology of Perception, Les temps modernes 1945 Potsdam Conference 1945 The Open Society and Its Enemies, Karl Popper, falsifiability 1945 Yalta 1945 8 May, VE Day, Victory in Europe 1945-91 Cold War 1948 Arab–Israeli War, refugees, descendants, right to return 1948 Marshall Plan 1949 PRC People's Republic of China 1950-53 Korean War, North Korea, Soviet Union vs South Korea, USA, UN, pres Harry S Truman 1952 Elizabeth II 1953 James D. Watson, Francis Crick, DNA 1953 The Wild One, Marlon Brando 1954 Lucky Jim, Kingsley Amis 1955 Rebel without a Cause, James Dean 1956 Hungarian Uprising 1956 Nasser nationalises the Suez Canal, Suez crisis 1957 Jailhouse Rock, Elvis Presley 1958 Il Gattopardo, Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, Se vogliamo che tutto rimanga com'è bisogna che tutto cambi 1958-62 Great Leap Forward 1960 Wind of Change speech, Harold McMillan, Cape Town 1961-75 Vietnam, North Vietnam, USSR, China vs South Vietnam, USA, Australia, New Zealand, 1968 Tet Offensive 1964 Entertaining Mr Sloane, Joe Orton 1965 Ben Barka (UNPF) kidnapped in Paris 1966-76 Cultural Revolution, Red Guards 1967 Guy Debord, La société du spectacle, le vrai est un moment du faux 1968 Mai soixante-huit 1968 Prague Spring, Alexander Dubcek, Socialism with a Human Face 1969 man on the moon 1970 Future Shock, Alfin Toffler, too much change in too short a period of time 1970 Warsaw Ghetto, Willy Brandt 1970 Werner report 1971 first microprocessor (Intel 4004) 1972 Nixon's groundbreaking visit to Mao 1975 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Milos Forman 1975 Microsoft, Bill Gates, Paul Allen 1975-77 Indira Gandhi declares a state of emergency 1976 death of Mao Zedong, Great Helmsman, Little Red Book, le grand timonier, Gang of Four arrested 1976 The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins 1977 Apple II 1979-89 Afghanistan, Soviet Union vs Afghanistan 1980-82 Matabeleland, white farmers 1980-88 Gulf War, Iran vs Iraq 1981 Gdansk 1981 IBM PC 1982 Falklands, Argentina vs UK, Goose Green, Port Stanley, sinking the Belgrano, yomping, Las Malvinas 1985 SEA 1987 big bang and deregulation, golden age of banking 1989 Delors report 1989 Tienanmen 1989 Berlin Wall, democratic transition, Umbruch 1989-91 collapse of the Soviet empire, failed Moscow coup 1989 Washington Consensus 1990 Hezbollah 1990 Nelson Mandela released 1991 Gulf War, Iraq, UN, Desert Storm 1992 Abbas al-Musawi assassinated, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah 1992 FIS victory, military cancels second round, state of emergency, 100.000 die in civil violence, paramilitaries, masked security forces (ninjas) 1992 The End of History, Francis Fukuyama, liberal democratic capitalism 1993 The Clash of Civilizations, Samuel P. Huntington, choc des cultures 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, Timothy McVeigh 1999 Development as Freedom, Amartya Sen 2000 Israel withdraws from Southern Lebanon 2001-03 Afghanistan, Kandahar 2002 Euro coins and banknotes enter circulation 2002 SRAS, H1N1 2002 Snow, Orhan Pamuk 2003 Iraq 2005 Gaza disengagement 2005 membership negotiations 2006 Israel-Hezbollah War, Winograd Commission of Inquiry 2008 Sichuan earthquake 2013 Stability and Convergence programmes poli. POLICY DEPARTMENT the Policy Department produces policy studies, département thématique, mobiliser cette expertise, Wissenschaftlicher Dienst project teams expertise budgets studies and briefing notes make a request for research the contractor, le contractant briefing paper, asesoramiento framework contracts, contrat cadre research for committees, l'organe demandeur stoa. STOA Scientific and Technological Options Assessment, choix CNRS Conseil national recherche scientifique ELSA Ethical, Legal, Socio-economic Aspects EPTA European Parliamentary Technology Assessment network ETAN EP Technology Assessment Network IPTS Prospective Technological Studies, Seville Institute, Prospective TSER Targeted Socio-Economic Research PSG Project Steering Group, comité de pilotage STOA head of unit STOA annual lecture STOA workshop, atelier STOA paper, options brief STOA scholar, fellow, visitor STOA panel, comité directeur STOA workplan, plan de travail STOA newsletter, lettre mensuelle peer review reference centres scoping meetings executive summary model contract, contrat type short-term contract researcher selected through competitive tendering project brief, chronology, structure, team committees request research projects, parrainer a call for proposals goes out, appel à propositions, manifestation d'intérêt, appel d'offres info. INFORMATION OFFICES European Houses in the capitals EPIO information offices, Aussenbüros external offices information relays street level access representation office la clause diplomatique commercial estate agents shared premises, co-occupancy identify potentially suitable premises option to assign the lease, sell the lease on, normally a clause in every lease contract, céder selection criteria (location, visibility, functional suitability, price), adapté lease for a certain number of years, tenancy agreement cosa. COSAC Conference of Bodies Specialised in Community Affairs Market Committee (Folketing) national Parliaments, with our counterparts, opposite numbers, homologues Select Committee on European Communities, (House of Lords) Conference of Parliaments, Les Assises Speaker Norbert Lammert le Perchoir, Claude Bartolone, the Right Honourable John Bercow, House of Commons elec. ELECTIONS EOM Election Observation Mission presidential and legislative elections the EP (free, fair and transparent) and OSCE (seriously flawed) disagreed over Azerbaijan big picture rigorous methodology polling expert (psephologist) the conduct of the elections strict rules on campaign spending brief, accreditation, deployment short-term observation mission ballot stuffing fraud allegations marred by incidents vote-rigging (rigged elections) prospective parliamentary candidate backlash against opposition candidates gerrymandering (redrawing the boundaries) the people have now voted against us four times, what is wrong with them? STV Single Transferable Vote in multi-member constituencies lose your deposit presiding officer the returning officer a paper-thin majority as an MP and in office election night coverage the taxi driver's vote a huge bounce in popularity the ballot closes at five thirty a landslide (sweep the board) remove them at the ballot box a stitch-up, a carve-up, do a deal and that the undermentioned person has been duly elected to serve as member for the said constituency EP Act. React. Impact. (mood film) branding, brand positioning September, kick-off, State of the Union October-March, thematic topics (the economy, money, jobs, EU in the world, quality of life/security Open Day, Journée portes ouvertes primaries, Vorwahlmodell electoral lull, election period, election recess, pause électorale EYE European youth event, May 8-11, Yo.fest dance mat televised debate, Fernsehkonfrontation video wall election night special satellite vans, mobile unit, outside broadcast EU 27, 500 m citizens Act of Sep 20, 1976 direct elections Croatia joins in July 2013 (+12=766) Lisbon Treaty, 751 seat limit (2014) absolute majority, three rounds of voting, simple majority of those voting power of nomination lead candidates, Spitzenkandidaten for the post of Commission President this time it's different in accordance with the the new democratic spirit of the age pan-European political parties power shift through the back door frontrunners from the different parties some new process which was never agreed a common demos, polity, public opinion the kingmaker holds the balance of power, Zünglein an der Waage haggling, horse-trading, back-room deals transnational lists cross-border campaigns transnational manifestos a transnational electoral district of 25 a pan-EU constituency, pan-EU mandates in the seventh legislative term (in the life of this parliament) a neutral campaign v party political events the likely complexion (shape) of the new parliament dual mandate, cumul des mandats UEP the Uniform Electoral Procedure has been a long time a-coming degressive proportionality (degressively proportional) middling-sized states pairing (parity of esteem) no state to have less than six no state to lose more than one no state to have more than 96 seat apportionment in federal systems CAMPAIGN a gallup poll hotly-contested approval ratings early indications are riding high in the polls in a robocall to voters start as the frontrunner billboards and brochures an open contest (all to play for) vote-matching application, Stemwijzer MEMBER dark-horse make the running trailing in third place put yourself forward a photo op(portunity) declare your candidacy put in for the candidacy and to stand for election throw your hat into the ring will not be seeking re-election I've decided to throw my hat into the ring ask for your name to go forward a serious contender (in with a real chance) enter the public arena command a large personal following blank or spoilt ballot papers, bulletins blancs et nuls demand a recount the tellers count the votes the count, dépouillement du scrutin draw lots, sorteggiare tre scrutatori tellers count the votes, scrutineers supervise grassroots support, share of the vote win by a landslide, une déferlante (tidal wave) canvassing returns call a snap election by-election, élections partielles call a general election, les législatives caretaker government, en affaires courantes early elections, anticipées fare dismally (do very badly) electoral fortunes, win a resounding victory à vaincre sans péril on triomphe sans gloire stuffing ballot boxes electoral fraud and irregularities electoral platform our great campaigning themes electoral roll, the register, voter registration exit poll, Trendmeldung, Hochrechnung preference votes first past the post (single-member), élus au scrutin uninominal majoritaire constituency-based (the constituency link) floating voters, indécis during my time in office for the benefit of new members full members, I sit (serve) on ITRE voter apathy get the vote out of voting age (old enough to vote) go to the polls in local elections hand out the voting slips (ballot papers) heading for a crushing defeat at the polls hecklers (get off your soapbox!) honeymoon period, l'état de grâce hotly-contested I make no apologies for a blatant constituency interest in my stump speech as I go around the country how it plays on the doorstep on the hustings (on the campaign trail) in the run-up to the general elections general elections, les législatives outgoing (former members), scheidender accept the verdict of the ballot box when his current tenure runs out incoming, incumbent (serving, sitting) low voter turnout on a low electoral turnout close-run thing, wafer-thin, paper-thin majority majority of votes manifesto, electoral platform, programme marginals nominees, nominations have to be in by obviously, it's not a perfect process on voting day use of social websites as a campaign tool opinion polls (gallup), canvassing returns people staying away was the big news the big winner in the polling booth in the polling station postal votes (US absentee ballots) right to stand, passives Wahlrecht right to vote, aktives Wahlrecht secret ballot, à bulletin secret seek a new mandate (seek re-election) set out your stall (explain policies) cast your vote in the ballot box, l'urne run a campaign, campaigning themes approval ratings l'absentéisme v participation single-member constituencies sloganeering (the ballot not the bullet) at the polls stand for re-election tactical voting, le vote utile technical agreement, accord technique carve-up (stitch-up) have a re-run of the elections the process of selecting candidates the election cycle the frontrunners proceed to a run-off the gravy train the greasy pole in it for what they can get (self-serving) all political careers end in failure (Enoch Powell) the trouble with committing political suicide is that you may live to regret it three rounds of voting turnover, taux de renouvellement vote early, vote often there was no outright winner so there was a second round, ballottage forward not back pres. PRESIDENT head of private office, chef de cabinet special adviser Martin Schulz 2012mayor of Würselen (Aachen) for 11 years Jerzy Buzek 2009-12 Hans-Gert Pöttering 2007-09 Josep Borrell Fontelles 2004-07 Pat Cox 2002-05 Nicole Fontaine 1999-02 José-Maria Gil-Robles 1996-99 Klaus Hänsch 1994-96 Egon Klepsch 1992-94 Enrique Barón Crespo 1989-92 Lord (Henry) Plumb 1987-89 Pierre Pflimlin 1984-86 Piet Dankert 1982-84 Simone Veil 1979-82 grou. GROUPS EPP, S&D, ECR, ALDE, GUE, Verts, EFDD, ENF 25 from at least 7 different countries the secretaries-general we as a group fully support efforts EPP Group of the European People's Party, Manfred Weber S&D Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, Gianni Pittella ECR European Conservatives and Reformists, Syed Kamall DPP Danish People's Party, Pia Kjærsgaard ALDE Alliance of Liberals and Democrats, Guy Verhofstadt GUE/NGL United Left/Nordic Green Left, Gabi Zimmer Greens/EFA European Free Alliance, Co-presidents, Rebecca Harms, Heidi Hautala, Philippe Lamberts EFDD Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy, Copresidents Nigel Farage, David Borrelli Sweden Democrats LT Order and Justice ENF Europe of Nations and Freedom NI Non-attached staffers treasurer 3701 group finances study days, Klausurtage policy advisers, conseillers institutional information campaign meetings outside the three places of work, away from the normal places of business, H3L hors trois lieux A 30 lines, subsidies (l'association de pétanque, Schützenverein) epp. EPP (CD) sister parties common values EPP Party, Joseph Daul the Estoril congress social market economy yes to a market economy, no to a market society centre-right, bürgerlich EPP Group Presidency European People's Party the rights of the individual HOD Heads Of Delegations Christian Democratic family progressives in the EPP bloc Prix Charlemagne, Karlspreis PWG Permanent Working Group EPP Party president Wilfried Martens Christendom, Christliches Abendland Group of the EPP and European Democrats Presidency and heads of national delegations EPP Group, Manfred Weber EPP Party, Joseph Daul Robert Schuman Foundation (EPP Group), Jacques Santer Robert Schuman Institute (Budapest) Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe Konrad Adenauer Foundation (CDU) Konrad Adenauer Institute das CET Centre for Education and Training EIN European Ideas Network Martens Centre (Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies) s&d. S&D the Socialist Group Bureau, Vorstand Administrative Bureau Enlarged Bureau (Bureau plus coordinators) EPLP delegation (Labour) SPD, August Bebel, Wilhelm Liebknecht PS Parti Socialiste, Jean Jaurès the PES (Party of European Socialists) Pres Sergei Stanishev, ex Poul Nyrup Rasmussen Presidency of the PES the Conclave (party leaders’ conference), Klausur CHP, Turkey, le parti frère ECOSY, youth a broad church the PES Congress 2.97 spirit of Malmö democratic socialists progresistas sin complejos work for the common cause socialists and social democrats friends from the socialist family the Godesberg programme, So viel Markt wie möglich, so viel Staat wie nötig alde. ELDR Party LI Liberal International, Hans van Baalen ALDE Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe ADLE Alliance des démocrates et des libéraux pour l'Europe Charter of Values and Principles illiberal traditions if I had to say to you free, fair, open society democratisation of China the great tribes of Europe where no-one is enslaved liberty, equality, community find those things in yourself state tyranny and the individual harken to the power of the liberal spirit vert. Greens/EFA (ALE) European Free Alliance, we in the Greens and European Free Alliance, BNG, N-VA, PCTVL, Plaid Cymru, PNC, SNP stateless nations disadvantaged minorities EGP European Green Party gue. GUE-NGL Confederal Group of the European United Left, Nordic Green Left, EUL, the Left Alliance, the gooays, sub-group, la composante portugaise Praesidium collective leadership chair and vice-chairs the presidency is the vice-chairs and me bureau heads of delegation the bureau is the delegations and me popular sovereignty new social movements, l'arrivée de nouvelles sensibilités factionalism, correnti la gauche plurielle class struggle taken into democratic public ownership AKEL Progressive Party of the Working People Bildu ("Gather" in Basque) Bloco de Esquerda Die Linke FB Folkebevægelsen mod EU FDG Front de gauche IU Izquierda Unida KSČM Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia, Böhmen und Mähren MUT Human Environmental Animal Protection Party PCP Partido Comunista Português Podemos PvdD Partij voor de Dieren Sinn Féin (Ourselves Alone) SP Socialistische Partij SYRIZA Coalition of the Radical Left, Alexis Tsipras Tsipras List, L'altra Europa con Tsipras VAS Vasemmistoilitto, Left Alliance VP Vänsterpartiet ELP European Left Party fraternal greetings crisis of capitalism the working classes the height of cynicism in our brave post-2008 world teach the ruling elites a lesson May the first is World Labour Day every socially destructive policy that is dictated to it (by the IMF-EU) extend a certain degree of protection to the population from the vagaries of idiotic neoliberalism ECR European Conservatives and Reformists, Martin Callanan deputy chief whip the coordinators answer to the whips EFDD Freedom and Direct Democracy Group the other subgroups Beppe Grillo, M5S Movimento Cinque Stelle UKIP has risen in the polls you guys are way ahead of us on this a get-together of all the interested parties we're looking to you guys for the lead on this NI non-attached, non-inscrits ΚΚΕ (Greek Communist Party), Aleka Papariga group staff, collaborateurs part. PARTIES statute and funding of European political parties and foundations European political parties registration and verification funding (distribution key) participation in national referenda may accept donations observe the fundamental values as laid down fulfil the formal conditions de-registration, de-listing Stiftungen, Friedrich Ebert (SPD), Konrad Adenauer (CDU), Heinrich Böll (Greens), Hanns Seidel (CSU) AENM Alliance of European National Movements, AEMN AEL Alliance européenne des libertés cons. CONSTITUENT MEETING longest-serving member colleagues draw your attention take your seats whether you consent duly completed has the candidate declared declaration of financial interests in accordance with the relevant rules any other candidates proposed? have a show of hands the script says may I now call on do you accept the nomination? I duly declare I declare you duly elected come and sit next to me come up and take the chair come and join me on the podium confidence you have placed in me satisfy your expectations I anticipate and hope far from ideal delighted and honoured without opening a debate linguistic profile meeting calendar draft programme comm. COMMITTEES AFCO constitutional affairs, Danuta Hübner, Barbara Spinelli, Pedro Silva Pereira, Kazimierz Ujazdowski, Paulo Rangel AFET foreign affairs (two sub-committees), Elmar Brok, Ryszard Legutko, Ioan Pașcu, Andrej Plenković DROI sub-committee on human rights, Elena Valenciano, Cristian Dan Preda, László Tőkés, Barbara Lochbihler SEDE sub-committee on security and defence, Anna Fotyga, Michael Gahler, Jaromir Štětina, Afzal Khan, Sabine Lösing AGRI agriculture, comagr, Czesław Siekierski, Eric Andrieu, Janusz Wojciechowski, Clara Aguilera, Viorica Dăncilă CULT culture, education, Silvia Costa, Andrea Bocskor, Mircea Diaconu, Helga Trüpel, Michaela Šojdrová, DEVE development, Linda McAvan, Maurice Ponga, Paavo Väyrynen, Kostas Chrysogonos, Nirj Deva ECON economic and monetary affairs, emac, Roberto Gualtieri, Markus Ferber, Peter Simon, Johan Van Overtveldt, Marianne Thyssen EMPL employment, social affairs, Thomas Händel, Marita Ulskov, Danuta Jazłowiecka, Ulla Tørnæs, Agnes Jongerius ENVI environment, public health, food safety, Giovanni La Via, Benedek Jávor, Daciana Sârbu, Pavel Poc, Gilles Pargneaux FEMM women’s rights, gender equality, Iratxe García Pérez, Barbara Matera, Inês Zuber, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Jana Žitňanská IMCO internal market, consumer protection, Vicky Ford, Sergio Cofferati, Anna Maria Corazza, Robert Rochefort, Catherine Stihler INTA international trade, Bernd Lange, Tokia Saïfi, Yannick Jadot, Iuliu Winkler, Jan Zahradil ITRE industry, research, energy, Jerzy Buzek, Patrizia Toia, Hans-Olaf Henkel, Miloslav Ransdorf, Morten Helveg Petersen JURI legal affairs, Pavel Svoboda, Lidia Geringer, JeanMarie Cavada, Axel Voss, Mady Delvaux-Stehres LIBE civil liberties, justice, home affairs (JAI), Innenausschuss, Claude Moraes, Kinga Gál, Iliana Iotova, Jan Philipp Albrecht, Barbara Kudrycka PECH fisheries, Alain Cadec, Isabella Lövin, Jarósław Wałęsa, Werner Kuhn, Renata Briano PETI petitions, Cecilia Wikström, Rosa Estaràs, Roberta Metsola, Marlene Mizzi, Pál Csáky REGI regional development, Iskra Mihaylova, Younous Omarjee, Stanislav Polčák, Joachim Zeller, Andrea Cozzolino TRAN transport, tourism, Michael Cramer, Dominique Riquet, Dieter-Lebrecht Koch, Tomasz Poręba, István Ujhelyi standing committees, permanentes temporary committees CRIM Special committee on organised crime, corruption and money laundering CRIS financial, economic, social crisis LIBE Inquiry on Electronic Mass Surveillance of EU Citizens SURE, the Garriga report (EU policy challenges and budgetary resources after 2013), shoora Inquiry report on the role and operations of the Troika (ECB, Commission and IMF) with regard to euro area programme countries Ms (miz) for all women full members, full places full members and substitutes alternates (a humble substitute), suppléants oversubscribed, overbooked do a swap are there any candidates for the post? do you agree to stand? are you willing to stand for the post? Chair Madam Chairperson Mr Chairman v Madam Chairman the chair and vice chairs form the bureau take the chair v vacate v resume the chair I've been struggling along in your absence neutralised (not counting for d'Hondt) oldest member, doyen d'âge acting president, vicepresidente vicario by show of hands the original text by acclamation repay the trust placed in me place our trust and confidence attendance list, sign the attendance register, signing-in sheets, signing centrally mini-plenary in Brussels steering committee, comité directeur drafting committee, comité de rédaction standing committees, Fachausschüsse clashes of competence, Hughes procedure, reinforced Hughes procedure intergroups are set up by the Groups green week (constituency week) Committee of Inquiry (138c), complaints of maladministration the monthly cycle: committees, committees, groups, plenary Committees and Inter Parliamentary Delegations, JPCs Joint Parliamentary Committees, Mr Co-Chairman! appointment of first speakers comm. COMMISSION Commission departments AGRI Agriculture and rural development BUDG Budget CLIMA Climate action CNECT Communications networks, content and technology COMM Communication COMP Competition DEVCO International co-operation and development DGT Translation DIGIT Informatics EAC Education and culture ECFIN Economic and financial affairs ECHO Humanitarian aid and civil protection EMPL Employment, social affairs, inclusion ENER Energy ENV Environment ESTAT Eurostat FISMA Financial stability, financial services and capital markets union FPI Service for foreign policy instruments GROW Internal market, industry, entrepreneurship and SMEs HOME Migration and home affairs HR Human resources and security JRC Joint research centre JUST Justice and consumers MARE Maritime affairs and fisheries MOVE Mobility and transport NEAR Neighbourhood and enlargement negotiations REGIO Regional and urban policy RTD Research and innovation SANTE Health and food safety SCIC Interpretation SG Secretariat-general TAXUD Taxation and customs union TRADE Trade luxe. LUXEMBOURG President Jean-Claude Juncker, in spe I don't plan to be a dictator private office Martin Selmayr EPP, Christian Social People's Party EP elections on May 25, needed 376, got 422 ex PM ex min finance lead candidates, Spitzenkandidaten President -elect, in spe this time it's different nominees if I am confirmed as Commissioner Madam High Representative-designate! take the oath of office, swearing-in ceremony, act in the overall interest of the Union shakeup in the structure of the administration clusters Political guidelines, A new start for Europe, My agenda for jobs, growth, fairness and democratic change the breadth of the portfolio how best how better handed a key economic portfolio as a whole, as a slate, not as individuals patience, courage, determination assigning, allocation, distribution, carteras changes of portfolios ex night of the long knives match national preoccupations with European reponsibilities collective political experience balanced distribution of posts mission letters confirmation hearings evaluation meetings evaluation letters suitability for the post (suited to the job) investiture debate Grand Coalition EPP/S&D nominees, appointees Commissioner-designate for clusters project teams super-commissioners co-ordinators, über commissioners the EP can only accept or reject the College a collegiate body you and your fellow Commissioners 144 motion of censure resign as a body code of conduct conflicts of interest Commissioners-designate nominee Commissioners nominated Rocco Buttiglione and Rumiana Jeleva (RO) ideological debates sow division the Santer Commission resigned Sep 29-Oct 3 Rule 118 confirmation hearings Oct 21 EP vote Oct 23 Council vote Article 17.7 TEU take account of the result takes office on Nov 1 consolidate public finances overcome silo mentalities power struggles, fiefdoms, turf wars most of the VPs are former PMs personality clashes, jostling for position corporate lobbying weighty dossiers and lightweight portfolios 1 jobs, growth, investment programme, 315 billion € over three years YGS Youth Guarantee Scheme MFF Multiannual Financial Framework, CFP SGP Stability and Growth Pact 2 connected single digital market 3 resilient energy union with a forward-looking climate change policy, Paris 2015 4 deeper, fairer internal market with a strengthened industrial base boost industry's share of GDP to 20% (from 16% today) by 2020 SSM Single Supervisory Mechanism SRM Single Resolution Mechanism SRF Single Resolution Fund CMU Capital Markets Union 5 deeper and fairer EMU Four Presidents reports Blueprint for a deep and genuine EMU social impact assessments 6 reasonable and balanced FTA with US 7 Area of justice and FRs based on mutual trust 8 Towards a new policy on migration 9 A stronger global actor no further enlargement for five years 10 Union of democratic change idealist with a flair for compromise possible overlap between portfolios the merger of euro and social issues risks weakening the Stability Pact casting errors weak links aust. AUSTRIA Johannes Hahn, EPP NEAR Neighbourhood and enlargement negotiations ex min science and research, justice ex com Regional Policy, DG REGIO belg. BELGIUM Marianne Thyssen, EPP, CD&V EMPL Employment, social affairs, inclusion ex MEP bulg. BULGARIA VP Kristalina Georgieva, Budget and Human Resources BUDG Budget HR Human resources and security ex com International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid, Crisis Response CdT Translation Centre EPSO European Personnel Selection Office EUSA European School Administration OIL Office for Infrastructure and Logistics OLAF Fraud Investigation Office croa. CROATIA Neven Mimica (mímitsa), S&D DEVCO International cooperation and development cypr. CYPRUS Christos Stylianides ECHO Humanitarian aid and civil protection EPP, Democratic Rally czec. CZECH REPUBLIC, ALDE, ANO Vera Jourová Justice, Consumers, Gender Equality Justice (JUST) ex min regional development lawyer denm. DENMARK Margrethe Vestager ALDE, Social Liberal Party, Det Radikale Venstre, Radical Left Competition (COMP) ex deputy PM ex min economy and internal affairs esto. ESTONIA VP Andrus Ansip, ALDE Digital Single Market Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CNECT) PM 2005-2114 zero-day exploit Europol's iOCTA report, Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment cybercrime IoE balance between security and data protection non-personal data EMCDD Unit, DG HOME Military Counterintelligence Service phishing, email and website scams security by design DG CONNECT finl. FINLAND VP Jyrki Katainen EPP, National Coalition Party Jobs, Growth, Investment, Competitiveness ex min finance ex commissioner, replacing Olli Rehn super-commissioner with a big say over central economic policy fiscal hawk fran. FRANCE Pierre Moscovici, moscovisi S&D, French socialist Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs Economic and Financial Affairs (ECFIN) Taxation and Customs Union (TAXUD) ex min finance, foreign trade, foreign affairs ex MEP the economic affairs portfolio a very strategic portfolio France is under budgetary surveillance French public deficit outside EU guidelines tell France what to do and police its efforts poisoned chalice not exactly known for austerity failed to deliver on structural reforms everyone concerned about France and Italy germ. GERMANY Günther Öttinger EPP, CDU Digital Economy and Society Informatics (DIGIT) ex com energy France and the UK got the important posts gree. GREECE Dimitris Avramopoulos EPP, New Democracy Migration and Home Affairs Home Affairs (HOME) ex min defence, foreign affairs, tourism "push-backs" at border crossings with Turkey inhumane treatment of asylum seekers robustly tackle irregular migration attractive destination for top talent refugee and asylum policy Dublin Convention hung. HUNGARY Tibor Navracsics, návracheech tíboor Education, Culture, Youth and Citizenship Education and Culture (EAC) Joint Research Centre (JRC) ex deputy PM ex min public administration and justice, foreign minister 20 years of academic experience multilingual EPP, Viktor Orban, Fidesz minister in charge of measures criticised by EU monitoring of homeless persons demands made on students European identity and values promote cultural diversity education is the domain of the MS during his short tenure as foreign minister Hungary closed its embassy in Tallinn irel. IRELAND Phil Hogan EPP, Fine Gael Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI) ex min environment sanctions on exports to Russia from apple-growers in Denmark to mackerel producers in Latvia ital. ITALY Federica Mogherini Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI) High Representative for FPSP, VP S&D, Democratic Party Ukraine's integrity and independence Russian aggression and annexation of Crimea supposed proximity to Moscow Germany's quiet takeover of policy towards Russia an unknown quantity strategic focus a serious foreign-policy player EEAS FPI Foreign Policy Instruments latv. LATVIA VP Valdis Dombrovskis EPP, Unity Euro and Social Dialogue ex PM ex MEP fiscal hawk a conservative politician lith. LITHUANIA Vytenis Andriukaitis S&D, Social Democratic Party Health and Food Safety Health and Consumers (SANCO) ex min health, finance surgeon he did not reduce the price of medicines born in Siberia, im Gulag geboren modernisation of social protection systems quality and effectiveness of public expenditure malt. MALTA Karmenu Vella S&D, Labour Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Environment (ENV) Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MARE) the blue and green agendas ex min tourism, industry noise pollution protection of birds carbon emissions from the Marsa power plant packaging waste laws penalties for sea pollution controversial Labour government of Dom Mintoff in the 1980s neth. NETHERLANDS first VP Frans Timmermans right-hand man ensure that every proposal is truly required known for multilingualism and policy knowledge S&D, PvdA hearing with open Conference of Presidents Better Regulation, Interinstitutional Relations, Rule of law, CFR ex min foreign affairs in charge of subsidiarity, a Dutch obsession support for speeches following MH17 plane crash IAS Internal Audit Service pola. POLAND Elżbieta Bieńkowska, biengkófska EPP, Civic Platform DG GROW Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (ex DG MARKT/DG ENTR) ex deputy PM to Donald Tusk ex min infrastructure and development well versed in the spending rules Poland is an efficient beneficiary of EU funds if you have tolls you have delays with our weather what do you expect? port. PORTUGAL Carlos Moedas EPP, Social Democratic Party Research, Science and Innovation Research and Innovation (RTD) roma. ROMANIA Corina Creţu, cretsu S&D, Social Democratic Party Regional Policy Regional Policy (REGIO) ex MEP a budget of 250 billion € 2014-20 slov. SLOVAKIA Maroš Šefčovič, márosh shéfchovitch Energy Union Energy (ENER) ex com administration S&D, Direction (SMER) slov. SLOVENIA Mobility and Transport (MOVE) PM Miro Cerar, preferred candidate, Violeta Bulc ALDE, Alliance of Alenka Bratušek spai. SPAIN Miguel Arias Cañete PP, EPP ex MEP Climate action and energy, merger Climate Action (CLIMA) oil industry Petrolífera Ducar, Petrologis Canarias debate with Elena Valenciano debatir con una mujer es complicado porque mostrar superioridad intelectual parece machista ex min of agriculture ban on olive oil in refillable bottles, EU-Verbot der Wiederbefüllung von Olivenölkännchen ACER Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (Ljubljana) swed. SWEDEN Cecilia Malmström ALDE, Liberal People's Party ex min European Affairs ex MEP ex DG HOME Trade (TRADE) uk. UK Jonathan Hill, Finanzkommissar Lord Hill of Oareford Leader of the House of Lords ECR, Conservatives DG FISMA Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union UK gets oversight of financial stability in-out referendum in 2017 Hill was the bitter pill Juncker had to swallow an olive branch to David Cameron giving portfolios to vociferous MS the UK defends computerised high-frequency trading former banking lobbyist gründete die lobby-Firma Quiller, LSE London Stock Exchange, HSBC Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Multi-Hillsworth, Citigate Dewe Rogerson regulation of financial markets unacceptable provocation poacher turned gamekeeper putting the fox in charge of the henhouse hier wird der Fuchs beauftragt den Hühnerstall zu bewachen die Regierung schützt undurchsichtige Finanzprodukte, computergestützten Hochfrequenzhandel und ausufernde Millionengehälter für Zockerei AGS Annual Growth Survey, Jahreswachstumsbericht APS Annual Policy Strategy BEPG Broad Economic Policy Guidelines, les GOPs, grandes orientations économiques, Leitsätze CGJ Compact for Growth and Jobs CWP Commission Work Programme EPSCO Employment, Social Policy, Health, Consumer Affairs IGGE Integrated Guidelines for Growth and Employment NRP National Reform Programme SUS State of the Union Speech five-year work programme, annual legislative programme unit, cellule review clause table a proposal sister, le pendant think tank, cellule de prospective series of measures, train de mesures fami