AUNG SAN SUU KYI’S ENDEAVOUR AND FEMALE LEADERSHIP IN LUC BESSON’S THE LADY MOVIE (2011): AN INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE RESEARCH PAPER Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For Getting Bachelor Degree of Education In English Department By: ROMA WIDAWANTO A320050275 SCHOOL OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF SURAKARTA 2014 i ii iii MOTTO Don’t give up before you try Life is never flat Make your past time as learning, and make your future as a target. In life, you should always try to give back more than you’ve taken, and listen more than you’ve said (The Writer) iv DEDICATION This research paper is dedicated especially to: My beloved mother and father, My beloved wife, My beloved lecturer, and All of my friends who always support me v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. In the name of Allah SWT, the most gracious and merciful. The writer would like to thank to Allah SWT, because of this mercies and blessing he can finish writing his research entitled “Ang San Suu Kyi’s Endeavor And Female Leadership In Luc Besson’s The Lady Movie (2011): An Individual Psychological Perspective”. In conducting this research, the writer gets some helps from many people. On this occasion, the writer would like to express his great gratitude and appreciation to: 1. Prof.Dr. Harun Joko Prayitno,M.Hum., as the Dean of School of Teacher Training and Education of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, 2. Mauly Halwat H,PhD., as the chief of English Department, 3. Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum, M. Ed., as the first consultant who has patiently, sincerely, and wisely to give advice and guidance to him from the beginning up to the completion of this research paper, 4. Nur Hidayat, S. Pd., as the second consultant who has patiently and kindly given additional idea, advice, correction, help and guidance to him from the beginning up to the completion of this research paper, 5. All the lecturer at English Department of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta for the useful knowledge and wisdom, vi 6. His beloved parents, especially mother who always patience, prayer, and support the writer, 7. His younger brother “Andi” who always support him in finishing this research paper, 8. All of the writer’s friends in English Department 2005, The writer realizes that this research paper is still far from being perfect, so all suggestion and criticisms to make this research paper better are accepted happily. Wassalamu’alaikumWr,Wb. Surakarta, 05 July 2014 Roma widawanto vii TESTIMONY In this opportunity, I state that there is no proposed work before in this research to get bachelor degree in a certain University and as long as I know, there is also no work or idea that have ever been written or published by other people, except referred written in this research paper and mentioned in the bibliography. If it is proved there will be something wrong in my statement above in the future, I will wholly be responsible. Surakarta, 05 2014 Roma Widawanto viii July ABSTRACT RomaWidawanto. A320050275. AUNG SAN SUU KYI’S ENDEAVOUR AND FEMALE LEADERSHIP IN LUC BESSON’S THE LADY MOVIE (2011): AN INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE. Research Paper. Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. 2014. This study describes the endeavor and female leadership of Suu Kyi through individual psychological perspective, and analyzes the movie “The Lady” based on its structural elements. The research is conducted by using qualitative method. In this method, the researcher uses two data sources, namely primary and secondary data sources. The primary data source is film The Lady directed by Luc Besson. The secondary data source are the books about individual psychology and the other sources, which are related to the analysis. The method of collecting data is observation and library review. Based on the analysis, the study reveals that there are some motives underlying the endeavor of Aung San Suu Kyi. Fiction finalism deals with Suu Kyi’s expectation of her goals of life that motivate her to make a great effort. Inferiority feeling can be seen when Suu Kyi was being arrested in her house. Striving for superiority of Suu Kyi shows when she survives and struggles with a lot of pressures from the government that try to make her fail, although she was sick and also lost her husband. Aung San Suu Kyi’s style of life makes her become the first women in Burmese who was brave to be a leader, to take the democracy for her people, although she should lost her husband. She takes all the risks to get freedom for her country and for her people. Her social interest motivates her to communicate and cooperate with others in order to help herself or people surrounding her. Her creative power motives her to have plans to reach her goal or solutions of her problem. Consultant I Consultant II ix (Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum, M. Ed) NIK. 772 (Nur Hidayat, S. Pd) NIK. 771 TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE ............................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ..................................................................................................... ii ACCEPTANCE ................................................................................................ iii MOTTO ............................................................................................................ iv DEDICATION ................................................................................................. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................ vi TESTIMONY ................................................................................................... viii ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................... x CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................... 1 A. Background of the Study ................................................... 1 B. Literature Review .............................................................. 11 C. Problem Statement ............................................................ 12 D. Limitation of the Study ..................................................... 12 E. Objective of the Study ....................................................... 13 F. Benefit of the Study ........................................................... 13 G. Research Method ............................................................... 13 H. Paper Organization ............................................................ 15 UNDERLYING THEORY ...................................................... 17 CHAPTER II x A. Notion of Individual Psychology ........................................ 17 B. Basic Assumption of Individual Psychology ..................... 17 C. Notion and Characteristics of Female Leadership .............. 23 D. Structural Elements of the Movie ...................................... 27 E. Theoritical Application ...................................................... 38 CHAPTER III STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS ................................................... 39 A. Structural Elements of The Lady ....................................... 39 B. Discussion ......................................................................... 67 CHAPTER IV INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLOGICAL AND FEMALE LEADERSHIP ANALYSIS ...................................................... 70 A. Individual Psychology ....................................................... 70 B. Female Leadership ............................................................ 83 C. Discussion ......................................................................... 85 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ..................................... 89 A. Conclusion ........................................................................ 89 B. Pedagogical Implication................................................. ...... 91 C. Suggestion ........................................................................ 92 BIBLIOGRAPHY VIRTUAL REFERENCES APPENDIX xi