Freedom Fighters – 10A

Freedom Fighters – 10A
Majed el Shafie
Marie A. and Line
Aung San Suu Kyi
Malala Yousufzai
William Wallace
Sitting Bull
Liu Xiaobo
Marie FK
Fidel Castro
Avraham Stern
Amnesty International
Dalai Lhama
Einar and Daniel
Malath Aumran
Lawyer from Cairo, Egypt who converted to Christianity and fights for
Christian's rights. He established a Christian community in Cairo, and
was tortured for seven days. He now lives in Canada and helps Christians
through his organization “One Free World International”.
Aung San Suu Kyi was born June 19th 1945 in Ragoon, Burma. She
studied in England and married Michael Aris. Suu has been in detention
several times and she has a major voice for human rights and freedom for
the people in Burma.
Malala used to live in Swat Valley, and fought for girls' education. She
was shot by the Taliban because of this, and was moved to Birmingham
for a lifesaving operation. She became world famous after this, and is
currently living in Birmingham. She still fights for girls' education and
women's rights.
Scottish freedom fighter. He fought for Scotland’s independency from
England. He became one of the main leaders during the battles against
England from 1290-1303, for the Scottish freedom fighters.
Native American tribal chief, famous for his fight for the Native`s rights
and lands. He led the Indians to victory in the battle of Little Bighorn in
1876. In the end the Indians lost the Black Hills war and had to surrender
to the American government.
One of the most famous Apache leaders who, during the 19th century
stood against intrusions of Americans.
He and the Chiricahua Apaches were falsely accused of kidnapping a
young boy.
Chinese freedom fighter who works for human rights in China. He got
arrested for signing the Charter 08 manifesto, which demanded basic
human rights. In 2010 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Born 13 of August 1926 in Cuba, he is still alive. He fought to free Cuba
from the dictator Fulgencio Batista, and became president himself.
Stern fought for Jewish independence against the British, Arabs
and later Nazi Germany. He was in three different Zionist military
organizations; Haganah, Irgun and Lehi. Stern`s dream was to
establish a Jewish state in Palestine. During WW2, Irgun was
more obsessed with hitting Britain than fighting Nazi Germany.
That is because Britain didn’t let the Jews escape to Palestine.
Organization that fights against human rights violations such as
capital punishment, poverty alleviation and torture.
They also fight for prisoners of conscience.
The organization was founded by the British lawyer Peter Beneson
in 1962. They have around 3.2 million members today.
The Dalai Lama is the spiritual leder of Tibet Buddhism. The current
Dalai Lama is Tenzin Gyatso, and he is fighting in order to protect Tibets
culture. He is living in exile in India.
He participates in the Syria conflict as a cyber activist. After the Arab
Spring protests spilled over into the Syrian uprisings of 2011, Malath
Aumran has used Twitter and Facebook to keep the world abreast of the
crackdown and continued demonstrations.
Che Guevara
Markus and Lloyd
Lady Gaga
Kathe and Erikka
David S. Rohde
Morgan Tsvangirai
George Washington
Aumran plays an integral role in pulling together regime opponents via
the web, and disseminating information about the real events in Syria out
to the whole world.
He was a medical student who chose to fight for the freedom in SouthAmerica. He joined the Casto movement as a Doctor, but eventually he
was promoted. When the Castro movement fought against the Cuban
dictatorship he was second in command, right behind the leader Fidel
Castro. They won, Castro became the new president of Cuba and Che
Guevara moved to Bolivia. Here he failed to take over, he got executed
and died only 39 years old.
She is a very outspoken activist and gives many speeches. She fights for
equal rights for gay and lesbian people. She suggested to change the
American National Anthem. At the VMAs in 2010 she wore a dress
made of raw meat. Lady Gaga is bisexual. She has several songs that are
about being yourself.
Journalist/reporter, American author, investigate undercover journalist
for Thomsom Reuters and also a reporter for "The New York Times".
He helped discover ethnic cleansing and genocide of the muslim
population of eastern Bosnia in 1994, and was kidnapped by members of
the Taliban in November 2008.
He has survived 3 assassination attempts.
He has been married 3 times, and has 7 known children.
He has been arrested 4 times, and had 3 trials, along with being beaten
almost to death twice by police officers.
He fought for America’s right to be free and independent from the
British Empire.
He also secured democracy in the USA, by refusing to stay president for
the rest of his life.
George was the first president in the United States of America (17891797).