CIS Security Officer wins BSIA Regional Security Personnel Award

Volume 7 : Spring Edition
I am pleased to report that
we are half way through
our financial year and the
business is in a strong position to meet its targets. Do not underestimate the impact that your
contribution makes, with-
May 2014
out front line service excellence we would not be in a
position to win new business or more importantly
retain existing customers. We continue to review
our structure and in particular we are strengthening
the support within our finance department over the
next month. Another important area of development is training and we
are reviewing how we can
best complement our excellent training team with
online content.
We are currently undergoing our annual ACS audit
and we are confident that
we will increase our score
for the seventh consecutive year. I have been particularly pleased with feedback from the site visits
that the Auditor has undertaken and the calibre and
professionalism of all participants. You are true ambassadors of the company.
tube strikes. We
have not had a single absence reported as a result
of the strike, furthermore
timekeeping has been excellent. This is a critical
part of our service and
demonstrates the consistency and standards
that we all uphold.
It’s been another great
quarter, please keep up
the good work, keep
standards high and don’t
Finally, I would like to rec- forget to Get it Right First
ognise the commitment of Time!
Neill Catton
our staff during the reManaging Director
CIS Security Officer wins
BSIA Regional Security
Personnel Award for
Outstanding Act
Balogun has earned himself
the British Security Industry
Association (BSIA) Regional
Security Personnel Award for
Outstanding Act in London.
move a strap from around the victim’s neck
and contacted the emergency services. He
offered first aid services and waited with the
gentleman until the ambulance arrived.
Ibrahim Balogun presented with his award by
Dave Bristow, Account Manager, praises
Trevor Elliot, Director of Membership and
Ibrahim on his actions: “Ibrahim’s manageManpower of the BSIA
ment of the incident, his communication
great to have recognition for the service
Ibrahim has been working on the London with others and his professional apwe provide. At the time of the incident I
Borough of Camden contract for over two proach all combined to ensure that the
just reacted instantly and did what I
years now, and during this time he has dealt matter had a positive outcome.”
could to help, and was very pleased my
with many challenging customers and has Carole Smith, Corporate Property Reception/
actions helped to save someone’s life. I
been included in several team incident man- Security Manager at the London Borough of
found it a traumatic experience but Camagement issues.
Camden, comments on Ibrahim’s achieve- den provided a lot of support and underIbrahim has been nominated for this award by ments: “Ibrahim conducted himself in an standing after the incident to help me
his managers following a serious incident exemplary manner despite the challeng- deal with it.”
which he handled in a very calm and profes- ing situation he faced. In addition to foilsional manner. On 7th June 2013, Ibrahim ing the suicide attempt, he administered Ibrahim will now be put forward to the national
was called to the rest rooms of the Town Hall first aid to the individual until the arrival judging phase of the awards, which will take
place over the coming weeks and culminate in
Extension and was faced with a person who of the emergency services.”
was attempting to commit suicide. Acting Ibrahim commented: “I feel very happy and a glittering awards ceremony held at the
without hesitation, Ibrahim proceeded to re- honoured to receive this award, and it’s BSIA’s Annual Lunch in London on July 16th.
Spring 2014
Passion. Determination. Leadership.
Brand Bulletin – Our Fresh New Look
Focus and investment in our marketing strategy has led
to the introduction of a robust marketing plan for the
After months of preparation and hard work the plan is
now coming together with the launch of the new website
in January 2014, quickly followed by the introduction of
our new brochure, exhibition stands, printed stationary
and a refreshed advertising campaign whereby new look
adverts have been published in industry related magazines such as City Security.
The new marketing material is a true reflection of how our
people and our services are progressing. Our brand illustrates a fresh, modern, company; vibrant and full of energy.
It is important that we recognise that our appearance, our
behaviours and everything that we do as individuals and
as employees of CIS Security is a reflection of our brand.
Susan Jeffers is the Company’s ‘Brand Guardian’ therefore any suggestions or feedback should be directed to
Susan in the first instance via:
Susan Jeffers
(Brand Guardian)
CIS Security will be exhibiting at the FM Show
on 17th through to 19th June. The event will
take place at the ExCeL, London.
CIS Security had
the opportunity
to exhibit at this
year’s LUPC Conference held at
the IoE, London
on 1st April.
Page 2
April saw this
Conference held
at the University of Roehampton
which was well attended and gave us
the opportunity to meet with a number of our current clients as well as
meeting prospective clients.
Spring 2014
Passion. Determination. Leadership.
Keith Farthing
Control Room and Relief Team Manager
Kriti Gorsia
Account Manager
“ I have been working in the security
“ I have spent the past 12 years of my
industry for numerous companies since
1991 having progressed from Security
Officer to Operations Manager of which
I had been since 2002. I transferred to
CIS Security in January 2014 when they won the prestigious King’s College London contract.
finance career working in retail. I spent
the last two years at Net-A-Porter which
was a very challenging role but gave me
a wealth of experience to get me where I
am today.
I joined CIS Security at the end of March as Accounts ManI was tasked in March 2014 to take control of the Control ager and have so far thoroughly enjoyed the challenges
Room and Response Team and I am very much looking that I am faced with in my role, and the support I have
forward to the new role and meeting the new team.”
been given has been greatly appreciated”.
Security Officer Christopher Keazor
(Big Yellow Self Storage Company) receiving his 15 Years’ Service Award
from Regional Account Director Nick
Hawksley. Christopher joined us in
March 1999 and has worked on several
contracts doing a marvellous job. Congratulations Christopher.
CIS Security sponsoring
International Women’s Day
commodation for women and chilEach year on 8th March, thou- dren when they are most in need.
sands of events are held This year CIS Security sponsored a
throughout the world to inspire table at the event which took place
women and celebrate achieve- on Friday 7th March at The Guildments. The occasion is marked hall, London. The Chair was Fiona
annually in the City of London Bruce television presenter and long
where the opportunity is used to standing supporter of Refuge. She
acknowledge women’s success was joined by Alderman Fiona
and contribution to the work- Woolf CBE Lord Mayor of the
place and to society. The event City of London, Commandant
is sponsored and all monies Kim McCutcheon Commanding
raised are donated to the nation- Officer of the First Aid Nursing
al charity Refuge. Refuge was Yeomanry, Angela Morrison CIO
set up 40 years ago to help women Direct Line Group and Alison Parand children involved in domestic ker Group Chief procurement Ofviolence providing a network of ficer at HSBC.
safe houses offering emergency acthe rise of radical ideologies.
Fiona Bruce, TV Presenter
International Women’s Day has
been observed since the early 1900′s,
a time of great expansion and turbulence in the industrialised world that
saw booming population growth and
Page 3
Spring 2014
Passion. Determination. Leadership.
Employee Forum
Ben Foster (London Borough of Lewisham), Hayley Fichtmüller (HR Advisor), Aman Dhillon
(HR Advisor), Raju Gurung (University of Westminster), Lee Leyland (Romec),
Gillian Johnson (London Borough of Camden Hostels), Samuel Dankyi (London Borough of
Islington), Agnieszka Kuzniewska (University of Westminster)
The CIS Security Employee Forum
was re-launched on March 6th at
our head office in Lewisham and
was well represented with officers
from a broad spectrum of our contracts. The forum was facilitated
to discuss and debate matters that
are relevant today as an employee
and is open to all employees; new
members are welcome at any
meeting. This is a chance for our
employees to get involved and
shape the future of our organisation. It also gives them the opportunity to network with other officers
from different contracts in the CIS
Security portfolio and meet the
team based at head office.
Please get in touch with Aman
further details.
by Aman Dhillon and Hayley
Fichtmüller, Regional HR Advisors Last but not least, a huge thank
discussing many topics ranging you to our members.
from training to what the CIS Security’s Vision and Values mean to
Aman Dhillon
Regional HR Advisor
employees. The forum is designed
Health & Safety and the Environment
Helping Out
We often get asked to do little
jobs around the sites by the
client or the client’s customer
and in the main this is OK
“but”, and as usual there is a
“but” we should be aware of
that some “little jobs” need to
have been properly assessed
and training or induction is
given where appropriate. This
does not mean we cannot do
other tasks, particularly if they
are similar to that which you
would do in normal domestic
situations. An example would
be moving a couple of chairs
from one room to another or
carry a small parcel to another
part of the site.
If you are asked to accompany
someone onto a roof area or
into an inspection pit, or do
any other physical task, then
Page 4
this should not be carried out
unless the appropriate assessment, induction and any equipment needed is organized prior
to the work being undertaken.
If a task is not included in your
Assignment Instructions then
you are advised to check with
your line manager prior to undertaking it. This protects you,
the company and the client
from problems if something
goes wrong.
ers for some reason appear to
think that wearing PPE is an
optional choice but it most
certainly is not. PPE must be
worn for ALL the tasks it is
issued for as failing to wear
any part of the PPE is an offence under the regulations as
well as a disciplinary matter.
Response Officers who travel
to a number of different sites
must remember to carry all
their PPE wherever they go so
that they can carry out the
work they have been assigned
The wearing of PPE has again to do safely.
become an issue. Some OfficEnvironment
Hopefully we are now going to
get some nicer weather. If it
gets very warm and we have
to have air conditioning units
or cooling fans working in our
workspaces then please remember to switch them off at
the end of the day so that we
do not use more power than
we need to.
As always we must try and
follow our client’s environmental procedures wherever possible. Waste management such
as recycling paper or making
sure we shut off building lights
as soon as we can after the
building is vacated are ways
that we can help improve our
environmental performance
across our client base.
Mick O’Keeffe
Health & Safety Director
Spring 2014
Passion. Determination. Leadership.
Security Awareness Day Raffle Winners
We have three lucky winners of the Security Awareness Day Raffle.
Each winner has received a 10” android tablet.
The lucky winner from Goldsmiths, here
with Security Supervisor Ian Selway and
Security Manager James Harris.
St George’s lucky winner Sarah Jane Lewis
with CIS Security Account Manager Rifat Hassan and Ian Spires, Assistant Director of Estates and Facilities for St Georges’. Well done
to Sarah.
UEL lucky winner Denis Hasanaj with Security Supervisor,
Sivakumar Jayaraman.
done to Denis who stated at the
presentation how surprised he
was to win.
Staff Articles win £25 each
A Dancing Star
in our Midst
I have been a competing Irish
Dancer for 10 years now and
have travelled to different parts
of the world to compete. I became a qualifier in October
2013 to represent the Southern
England Region at the World
Championships for Irish Dancing. The event was held at The
Hilton Hotel in London on 20th
April. I trained very hard for
this event and managed to be
recalled back and placed 3rd in
the Region, 5th in the Country
and 24th in the Worlds. I am
now working towards the North
American National Championships where I will compete in
Canada on 28th June.
The Three
Peaks Challenge
Security Officer Lee Harvey (Fortnum & Mason) will be taking
the ‘Three Peaks Challenge’ next month. This challenge involves walking the highest mountains in Scotland, England
and Wales within 24
hours. Lee will be
climbing Ben Nevis,
Scafell Pike and
Snowdon on 22nd
June and money
raised will go to the
Multiple Sclerosis Society.
The MS Society is the
UK’s leading charity
dedicated to beating
multiple sclerosis; investing in world class MS research to
find the cause and cure for this devastating neurological condition and providing vital support, information and services to
those affected.
You can support Lee by donating online at:
Molly O’Neill
CIS Security Apprentice
Page 5
New Email Address for Payroll
For all your pay queries please email the Finance Department at:
For ALL published
Staff Articles in the
We are always looking to
publish your personal articles, so if you have anything we can share, from
achievements to hobbies,
please pass these on to
our Communications Department at:
Successful articles will be published here in the
Newsletter. Yours could be a winner too so send
them in!
Please remember to use the communications email
to relay all your concerns, issues and queries
CIS Security have an up and running twitter page, please follow and tweet us!
CIS Security Limited  418-426 Lewisham High Street  London  SE13 6LJ
Reception 020 8690 1903
Control Room 020 8314 5890
AutoCall 020 8690 7700
Fax 020 8690 4418