CIS-STAT- Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of


CIS-Stat - Interstate Statistical

Committee of the

Commonwealth of Independent

States (2015)

1. Demographic and social statistics (CIS-Stat)

1.1 Population and migration (CIS-Stat)

Demographic Statistics

Ongoing work:

• Collection, processing, analysis and publication of demographic statistics in accordance with the list of indicators agreed upon with national statistical services.

• Preparation and publication of annual analytic note “On the demographic situation in the CIS countries”.

● Preparation of a brief statistical abstract “Population and Social

Indicators of the CIS Countries and Selected Countries of the World”.

● Rendering consultative services to national statistical offices of the CIS on the issues of population statistics organization.

New Activities:

Development of methodological provisions of migration statistics to provide for comparability of national data, improve calculation of balance of migration and current estimates of population number in the countries of departure.

Results of Population Censuses

Ongoing work:

• Publication of concise results of the 2010 round of population censuses in the CIS countries.

1.2 Labour (CIS-Stat)

Labour Statistics

Ongoing work:

• CIS-Stat will continue to collect, process, analyse and disseminate data on employment and unemployment.

• Preparation of an analytic note entitled "The Labour Market in the CIS


It is envisaged to render consultative services to national statistical offices on the issues of labour statistics organization in the

Commonwealth countries.

Monitoring of the state of national labour markets in the Commonwealth countries.

New Activities:

• Generalization of the countries’ practice on measuring labour migration in the framework of sample surveys.

● Conduct of a meeting on the problems of measuring main indicators of labour market and labour migration in the population censuses and labour force surveys in the CIS region.

1.3 Education (CIS-Stat)

Education Statistics

Ongoing work:

• Collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of data provided by national statistical services as part of the interstate exchange of information on education.

• Preparation of the annual analytical note entitled " Education in the

Commonwealth Countries".

• It is envisaged to render consultative services to national statistical offices on the problems of education statistics organisation in the countries of the Commonwealth.

1.4 Health (CIS-Stat)

Public Health Care

Ongoing work:

• Collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of data provided by national statistical services of the Commonwealth countries illustrating public health care.

• Preparation and publication of analytic note entitled "Morbidity and

Disablement and Public Health State in the Commonwealth Countries".

● It is envisaged to render consultative services to national statistical offices on the issues of organization of statistics of public health, occupational injuries and disablement.

1.5 Income and consumption (CIS-Stat)

Household Income and Expenditure

Ongoing work:

• Collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of quarterly and annual data provided by national statistical services on the level and structure of household money income and consumer expenditure, minimum subsistence level and assessment of poverty of population; breakdown of population by size of average per capita income

(expenditure), level and structure of food products consumption, energy value and composition of nutrients in consumed products (with annual periodicity).

• Preparation of analytic notes entitled “Household Income and

Expenditure”, “Nutrition of Population”, “Main Socio-Economic Indicators of Poverty” in the Commonwealth countries.

●Monitoring of the population quality of life indicators.

• It is envisaged to provide consultations to national statistical services on household income, expenditure and consumption statistics in the

Commonwealth countries.

• Collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of data on money income and expenditure of the population of the Commonwealth сountries.

1.6 Social protection (CIS-Stat)

Social Welfare

Ongoing work:

• Collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of data provided by national statistical services illustrating social protection and pension security, as well as information on the numbers of disabled persons in the

Commonwealth countries. Preparation of annual analytic note on the numbers of pensioners and pension security in the Commonwealth countries.

• It is envisaged to provide consultations to national statistical services on the organisation of social security statistics in the Commonwealth countries.

1.7 Human settlements and housing (CIS-Stat)

Housing Conditions

Ongoing work:

• Collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of data provided by national statistical services of the CIS countries illustrating housing conditions of the Commonwealth population.

• Preparation of annual analytic note entitled "Dwelling Stock and Housing

Conditions of Population in the Commonwealth Countries".

• It is envisaged to provide consultations to national statistical services on the organisation of statistical observation of living conditions of population.

1.8 Justice and crime (CIS-Stat)

Crime and Convictions

Ongoing work:

• Collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of data provided by national statistical services of the Commonwealth countries illustrating crime and convictions in the Commonwealth countries. Preparation of quarterly analytic notes on the state of criminality in the Commonwealth countries.

• It is envisaged to provide consultations to national statistical services on the organisation of crime and conviction statistics in the Commonwealth countries.

1.9 Culture (CIS-Stat)

Culture and Arts

Ongoing work:

• Collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of data provided by national statistical services as part of the interstate exchange of information on culture and arts.

• Preparation of annual analytic materials illustrating the activities of culture and arts agencies in the Commonwealth countries.

• It is intended to provide consultations to national statistical services on the organization of culture statistics in the Commonwealth countries.

2. Economic statistics (CIS-Stat)

2.2 Economic accounts (CIS-Stat)

National Accounts

Ongoing work:

Implementation of the System of National Accounts in the accounting practice of the CIS countries in 2015:

• Collection, analysis and dissemination of data on the key macroeconomic indicators.

• Preparation of analytic note on main trends in production and use of gross domestic product in the Commonwealth countries in 2014 and its forecast values for the world as an average and most important amalgamations of the world.

● Preparation of an abstract “Main macroeconomic indicators of the CIS countries in 2009 -2014” (Russian - English version).

• Advisory assistance to the CIS countries in refining methods of defining and reflecting economic processes and phenomena of relevance to the

CIS countries in their national accounts.

2.3 Business statistics (CIS-Stat)

Distributive Trade

Ongoing work:

In the distributive trade for 2015: a) Monthly collection, processing, analysis and publication of data:

• On volumes of retail trade and catering enterprises turnover through all sales channels (for trading organisations and the sales of goods at retail markets, in current prices);

• On volume changes in retail trade and catering enterprises turnover (in current and constant prices); b) Quarterly data:

• On volumes of retail trade turnover by small size enterprises (in current prices)

● Volume indices of the turnover of retail trade in food and non-food goods. c) Yearly data:

• On the structure of sales of main food and non-food goods in value terms in current prices and indicators of sales in quantity;

• Statistics on the intermediary activities of various specialized exchanges

(goods, raw materials, stocks and shares, currencies, etc);

• Sales of alcoholic beverages in quantities per capita; d) Preparation of analytic note “On the situation at the consumer markets for goods and services in the CIS countries in 2014. e) Rendering consultative and methodological assistance to national statistical services of the Commonwealth countries on the issues of domestic trade statistics.

Business Statistics

Ongoing work:

• Collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of quarterly and yearly data for the period 2014-2015 on profits of enterprises and organisations and the settlement situation of enterprises and organisations, both domestically and with other countries of the


Market Services

Ongoing work:

In the field of market services for 2015 it is envisaged to collect, process and publish: a) Monthly data:

• On the supply of market services including personal services rendered to population, through all channels of sales, in current prices;

• On changes in the supply of market services, including personal services rendered to population, in current and constant prices. b) Yearly data:

• On the structure of market services, including personal services, in value terms (in current prices) and in quantity of sales.

• Preparation of analytic note “On the situation at the goods and services markets in the Commonwealth countries in 2014”.

Industry Statistics

Ongoing work:

• Collection, processing and publication of data on industry in the CIS countries:

- Monthly: output of the main types of industrial products in quantity, industrial output (in current prices), and indices of industrial output (in constant prices), both as a whole and by main kinds of economic activities

(branches of industry);

- Yearly: output of the main types of industrial products by product category; forecasts of output of most important types of fuel and energy resources (coal, oil, gas, automobile petroleum, diesel fuel and fuel oil),

extraction of iron ore, production of rolled ferrous metal products, steel pipes, cotton fibres, cement, selected kinds of machine building products

(tractors, combine harvesters, passenger cars and trucks).

• Preparation of analytic notes on the situation and development of selected industrial branches.

2.4 Sectoral statistics (CIS-Stat)

2.4.1 Agriculture, forestry, fisheries (CIS-Stat)

Agricultural Statistics

Ongoing work:

Collection, processing, analysis and publication of data on agriculture in the Commonwealth countries:

● Monthly: output of selected types of livestock products.

Seasonally: Area under agricultural crops for the yield of the current year (once a year); progress of agricultural crops harvesting (5 times a year).

● Quarterly: agricultural output (in current prices) and indices of agricultural output (in constant prices), numbers of livestock.

● Yearly: availability and distribution of agricultural lands by harvested area; gross harvests and crop yields (calculated in accordance with FAO recommendations); products source and use tables; per capita consumption of main food products; number of peasant (individual farmers') holdings and associated land and their output of principal agricultural products; forecasts of cereals production.

• Preparation of analytic notes on the situation and development of agriculture.

New activities:

Activities on the implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve

Agricultural and Rural Statistics in the framework of the World Bank Grant for the development of agricultural and rural statistics in the CIS region.

● Conduct of the kick-off meeting on the implementation of the project

“”Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics in the CIS


● Preparation of the recommendations for national statistical services of the CIS in the field of agricultural statistics on the basis of generalization of the practice of application of international standards, used by statistical services of the world countries.

● Development of “conversion keys” for the formation of key indicators of agricultural and rural statistics in the CIS region in the framework of implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural

Statistics” in accordance with FAO methodology.

● Conduct of the meeting of experts on the analysis of the set of indicators, requirements to the data, sources of the data determined by the “Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics”.

● Development of the methodology of formation of the system of agricultural producers price indices in the conditions of the season production and utilization (processing).

2.4.2 Energy (CIS-Stat)

Electricity Statistics

Ongoing work:

Collection, processing and publication of data:

• Monthly: on the production of electric energy;

• Yearly: on the production of electric energy by kind of power stations; the electric-power balance of individual Commonwealth countries; forecasts of electric energy production.

2.4.4 Transport (CIS-Stat)

Transport Statistics

Ongoing work

• Collection, processing, analysis and publication of transport data for the

Commonwealth countries:

- Monthly: carriage of goods and passengers, cargo and passenger turnover by all modes of transport.

- Yearly: availability of rolling stock units by purpose, length of railway lines in operation by category (as of the end of the year); indices of tariffs for carriage of goods by main modes of transport

Statistics of communication

Ongoing work

Collection, processing, analysis and publication of communication services data and availability of communication means (yearly basis):

- Earnings from communication services, of which services rendered to population, in current prices:

- Number of mobile communication s network users (thousand of units as per 1000 of population);

- Number of Internet network subscribers (thousand units as per 1000 of population).

- Number of telephone sets in the public telephone network including home telephones (thousand units as per 1000 of population).

● Preparation of an abstract “ Market of Goods and Services in the

Commonwealth Countries in 2013” (Russian and English versions).

2.4.5 Tourism (CIS-Stat)

Tourism Statistics

Ongoing work:

In statistical study of tourism over the period 2015 (on a yearly basis):

• Collection, processing, and publication of data on international tourism of the Commonwealth countries:

- number of arrivals of international visitors (number of trips) by purpose of trips and countries;

- number of persons going abroad (number of trips) by purpose of trips and countries;

• Preparation of analytic notes on the development of international tourism in selected CIS countries.

2.4.6 Banking, insurance, financial statistics (CIS-Stat)

Financial Statistics

Ongoing work:

Collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of data over the period

2014-2015 (monthly, quarterly, yearly):

• Banking statistics (credit extended, deposits of population, emission of money, interest rates on credits, credit indebtedness, number of credit organizations, securities and the currency market).

• Statistics relating to insurance activity.

• Improvement of the tables of the questionnaires on financial statistics received from the Commonwealth countries with the purpose to unify the indicators submitted by the countries on the basis of national experience study.

State Budget Income and Expenditure

Ongoing work:

● Collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of data on State budget income and expenditure in the Commonwealth countries over the period 2014-2015

(quarterly and yearly).

• Preparation of analytic notes on financial situation in the Commonwealth countries.

• Improvement of the tables of the questionnaire on government finance statistics received from the Commonwealth countries with the purpose to unify the indicators submitted by the countries on the basis of national experience study.

2.6 International trade and balance of payments (CIS-Stat)

Foreign Trade Statistics

Ongoing work:

In foreign trade in goods over the period 2015:

Collection, processing, analysis and publication of data:

• On volumes of exports and imports, foreign trade balance as a whole with a breakdown by CIS countries, Eurasian Economic Union and rest of the world countries (in current prices);

• On volumes of exports and imports, foreign trade balance by regional amalgamations of the CIS countries (in current prices);

• On exports and imports of most important commodities in quantity as a whole with a breakdown by CIS countries and rest of the world countries.

• Ratio of exports to imports;

• Share of the CIS countries and rest of the world countries in total volume of exports and imports transactions;

● Share of the CIS countries in total volume of intra trade;

• Share of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union in total volume of intra trade;

• Share of the Commonwealth countries of the Commonwealth in total volume of exports and imports transactions with the rest of the world countries;

• Average actual export prices for main commodities in the

Commonwealth countries;

• Average import prices for main commodities in the Commonwealth countries.

• Commodity structure of exports (imports) of commodities:

- total;

- in trade with CIS countries;

in trade with the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union;

- in trade with the countries of the Customs Union and Single Economic


- in trade with the rest of the world countries;

• Production, exports, imports and "visible" consumption of selected kinds of products of the CIS countries;

• Preparation of analytic notes illustrating foreign trade of the

Commonwealth countries with the CIS countries, rest of the world countries, countries of the Eurasian Economic Union.

• Preparation of abstracts illustrating foreign trade of the Commonwealth countries:

- "Foreign Trade of the CIS countries in 2014" (Russian-English version);

- "Foreign Trade of the CIS and EU Countries in 2011-2014” (concise statistical abstract), Russian-English version).

• CIS-STAT will continue making forecasts of production, imports and exports and "visible consumption" of most important kinds of products by countries of the Commonwealth for 2016 (jointly with the Executive

Committee of the CIS).

• Provision of advisory and methodological assistance in statistics of foreign trade to national statistical services of the Commonwealth.

Trade in Services

Ongoing work:

On international trade in services over the period 2015 (on a yearly basis):

• Collection of information from national statistical services on exports and imports of services of the CIS countries in value terms by partner countries and kinds of services;

• Publication of data on trade in services of the CIS countries by main kinds of services and trade partners;

• Provision of advisory and methodological assistance to the national statistical services of the CIS countries in the statistics of international trade in services.

2.7 Prices (CIS-Stat)

Price Statistics including purchasing power parities

Ongoing work:

• CIS-STAT collects and processes data on producer price indices and tariffs for goods transport and consumer price indices:

- Monthly: industrial producer price indices for the main kinds of economic activities (branches of industry) and consumer price indices.

Quarterly: producer price indices for agricultural products;

Yearly: aggregate indices of prices in the construction industry, including prices for assembly work, and indices of tariffs for goods transport both for the transport industry generally and for individual modes of transport (for the Commonwealth countries which keep such records).

• The section entitled "International Comparison Programme" created on the website of CIS-STAT is updated periodically (

New activities:

● Development of methodological recommendations on calculation of harmonized for CIS countries consumer price index on the basis of the practice of the CIS national statistical services.

● Preparation and publication of brief statistical abstract “Prices in the CIS countries and selected countries of the world” (Russian-English version).

New activities:

Envisaged for 2015 according to the International Comparison Programme are:

• Conduct of the meeting of specialists of the CIS national statistical services on the problems of interrelation of GDP and PPP disaggregation.

● Verification of filled up questionnaires on average annual prices for consumer and investment commodities-representatives received from statistical services of the CIS (jointly with Rosstat).

● First calculations of purchasing power parities on consumer and investment commodities-representatives and sending their results to the countries participating in comparisons for consideration (jointly with


● Conduct of the meeting of the specialists of the CIS statistical services on the issues of verification and reconciliation of data on prices for consumer commodities-representatives and discussion of purchasing power parities.

● Verification of adjusted information received from the CIS statistical services after the analysis of the results of the first calculations of purchasing power parities (jointly with Rosstat).

● Second calculations of purchasing power parities on consumer and investment commodities-representatives and sending their results to the countries participating in comparisons for consideration (jointly with


● Conduct of a meeting of specialists of the CIS statistical services on the issues of verification and reconciliation of data on prices for investment commodities-representatives and discussion of purchasing power parities.

● Verification of the received from the CIS statistical services data on non-market services and dwelling rent for 2014 (jointly with Rosstat).

● Verification of the received from the CIS statistical services preliminary data on the GDP expenditures for 2014 in accordance with classification of GDP expenditures (jointly with Rosstat).

2.8 Labour cost (CIS-Stat)

Labour cost, wages and salaries

● Collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of the monthly data on wages and salaries.

• Preparation of analytic note entitled: "Labour Costs in the

Commonwealth Countries". Consultations with the CIS countries on improving the recording and analysis of wages and salaries will continue.

● Rendering consultative and methodological assistance to national statistical services of the CIS on the issues of wages and salaries and labour costs.

New activities:

● Preparation of methodological recommendations on the improvement of statistics of labour compensation and labour costs/statistical measuring of time worked with the account of international practice.

2.9 Science and technology (CIS-Stat)

Science and Technology Statistics

Ongoing work:

• Collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of data provided annually by the national statistical services, as an interstate exchange, on the level and composition of expenditure on research and development and on the number of specialists engaged in scientific research activities.

• Preparation of annual analytic note entitled: "Scientific Research and

Scientists in the Commonwealth Countries".

• CIS-STAT will continue consulting national statistical services on organization of statistical observation of science and technology activities based on accepted international standards for science statistics.

3. Environment and multi-domain statistics (CIS-Stat)

3.1 Environment (CIS-Stat)

Environment Statistics

Ongoing work:

• Collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of data provided by national statistical services of the Commonwealth countries illustrating the state of environmental protection.

• Preparation of annual analytic note entitled: "Environmental Protection in the Commonwealth Countries".

• It is envisaged to provide consultations to national statistical services on the organisation of statistical observation of environmental protection in the Commonwealth countries.

3.3.1 Living conditions, poverty and social matters

Ongoing work:

● Preparation of brief statistical abstract “Population, employment and living conditions in the Commonwealth countries, 2014”.

4. Methodology of data collection, processing, dissemination and

analysis (CIS-Stat)

4.2 Classifications (CIS-Stat)

CIS Classifications

Ongoing work:

● Conduct of the survey and preparation of the review on the state and development of national systems of classifications in the CIS countries;

● Conduct of the survey and preparation of the review on the state of statistical registers in the CIS countries;

● Preparation of draft model Statistical Classifications of fixed assets and financial assets;

● Updating of classification of countries on the basis of the classification developed by the UN Statistics Division;

• Maintenance of a base of problem issues arising with national statistical services during the implementation and maintenance of national classifications of products (goods and services) and kinds of economic activities;

• Consultations in the course of the implementation in the Commonwealth countries of Classification of Kinds of Economic Activities (OKED-3) and

Classification of Products (goods and services) (SKP-2).

4.5 Dissemination, data warehousing (CIS-Stat)


Ongoing work:

• CIS-Stat disseminates statistical data in printed forms (statistical abstracts, statistical bulletins, reports, press releases) and in electronic form (statistical abstracts on compact discs, data base on CD-ROM

"Official Statistics of the CIS Countries", data base "CIS Statistics"). CIS-

Stat's web-site in Internet (

) contains and maintains in updated form most important macroeconomic indicators by

CIS countries, including time series by months for a number of years, press-releases of CIS-STAT, division of the site “Statistics in graphs and diagrams”, “Migration of population of the CIS countries”, “Environment”, information on the Council of Heads of Statistical Services of the CIS, main information about statistical services of the CIS and CIS-STAT, data base "CIS Statistics", information about publications and electronic products and much of other useful information. As a rule, this information is disseminated in two languages (Russian and English).

• The main part of printed editions and electronic products is provided to regular users - government bodies, statistical services, and interstate bodies of the CIS countries. The rest part is provided to international organizations, mass media, scientific organizations, subscribers, selected companies on the basis of enquiries or agreements.

There are plans to publish the following editions in 2015:

Operative editions:

• Report "Socio-Economic Situation in the Countries of the

Commonwealth of Independent States" (monthly);

• Statistical bulletin "CIS Statistics" (four issues yearly);

• Press releases in Russian and English (monthly).

Statistical abstracts:

• "Commonwealth of Independent States in 2014" (a digest of provisional statistical results), Russian - English version;

• "Commonwealth of Independent States in 2014" (statistical yearbook)-

Russian-English version;

• "Commonwealth of Independent States, 2000-2014" (concise statistical abstract);

• "External Trade of the Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent

States 2014" (Russian-English version);

● “Macroeconomics and Finances of the CIS Countries and Selected

Countries of the World (concise statistical abstract), Russian –English version;

●”Population, Employment and Living Conditions in the CIS Countries,

2014, (Russian-English version);

● “ Population and Social Indicators of the CIS Countries and Selected

Countries of the World (concise statistical abstract), Russian-English version;

● “ External Trade of the CIS and EU Countries, 2010-2014, Russian-

English version;

● “Monitoring of Population Quality of Life Indicators in the CIS

Countries,2011-2014” concise statistical abstract);

● “ Monitoring of the State of National Labour Markets in the CIS

Countries, 2011-2014” (concise statistical abstract);

● “Prices in the CIS Countries and Selected Rest of the World Countries

(concise statistical abstract), Russian-English version;

● “Main Macroeconomic Indicators of CIS Countries, 2009-2014”, Russian-

English version;

New activities:

● “70 th Anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War ”;

● “Industry in the CIS Countries”, Russian-English version ;

All publications are disseminated in a paper and electronic form.

Statistical information on CD-ROM:

• "Official Statistics of the Countries of the Commonwealth of

Independent States"; Russian-English version (20th edition);

• "Commonwealth of Independent States in 2014" (statistical yearbook),

Russian-English version;

“Data warehousing:

• Statistical information, collected and published by CIS-Stat, is stored in electronic archive of statistical abstracts and operative publications, as well as in users’ data banks of CIS-Stat’s personnel.

5. Strategic and managerial issues of official statistics at nat.and

intl.level (CIS-Stat)

5.2 Statistical programmes, priority setting, relationships with

users and respondents (CIS-Stat)

Statistical Programme

• The Work Programme of the Interstate Statistical Committee of the CIS is the main document organizing its activities in the forthcoming year (the

Work Programme of CIS-Stat for 2015).

• The structure of the mentioned Work Programmes covers the following kinds of activities: international cooperation programme, methodological work, economic work, exchange of experience and training of the personnel of national statistical services of the CIS, information and publishing activities, dissemination of information and information and reference services, improvement of information technologies, cooperation with international organizations.

• Considerable part of the works included in the programmes is connected with the International Comparisons Programme, methodological, analytic and information and publishing activities and submission of necessary

information to interstate bodies of the CIS, government and economic bodies of the Commonwealth, international organizations, mass media and other users.

Of high priority in the Work Programme for 2015 are the works connected with international comparisons of Gross Domestic Product of the CIS countries on the basis of purchasing power parities of currencies of the

CIS countries based on 2014 data, as well as the programme of labour statistics development in the CIS region.

The Work Programme includes high priority work on the forecast of production, “visible consumption”, imports and exports by CIS countries of most important kinds of products in 2016 (jointly with the Executive

Committee of the CIS).

Envisaged are a number of works connected with maintenance and updating of data base for forecast estimates of growth rates of main macroeconomic indicators by CIS countries: inclusion of missing data for the past period, coordination of indicators with national statistical services and their adjustment, as well as placement of received data into information and statistical resource of CIS-Stat.

In pursuance of the Interstate programme of joint efforts in crime fighting in 2014-2018, approved by the Decision of the Council of Heads of States of the CIS on 25 October 2013, CIS-Stat continues its work on the collection and submission of data on the size of shadow production and on the state of criminality in the CIS countries.

In pursuance of the Decision of the Council of the Heads of CIS

Governments of 19 November 2010 on the main target-oriented macroeconomic indicators of economy development of the CIS countries,

CIS-Stat carries out monitoring of the main macroeconomic indicators illustrating socio-economic situation, level and dynamics of economic development, degree of economic integration of the CIS countries. This work is carried out each year.

The Work Programme includes preparation of materials on monitoring indicators of population quality of life in the CIS countries and monitoring of the state of national labour markets.

In 2015 there will be continued publication of the results of 2010 round of population censuses in the CIS countries.

In 2014 CIS-Stat and the World Bank signed an Agreement on implementation of the projects on labour statistics, as well as agricultural and rural statistics. The aim of the project of labour statistics is the improvement of the methodology of statistical measuring of labour market with the account of modern international recommendations, standards and classifications; development of information exchange of

data illustrating labour market in the region. The aim of the project of agricultural and rural statistics is the creation on the basis of the “Global

Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics” of the base for national and regional statistical systems which will enable to collect and use statistical data necessary for making decisions related to the development of agriculture in the 21st century. The projects will be carried out in the period 2014-2016.

In 2014 the Council of Heads of Statistical Services of the CIS approved the “Complex Plan of Measures to Improve Migration Statistics in the CIS

Countries in the Period 2014-206”, which started to be implemented.

The Work Programme envisages as well the upgrading of qualification of the personnel of the CIS national statistical services on most important divisions of economic statistics: system of national accounts, statistics of prices, finances, balance of payments, etc.

5.5 Technological resources (including standards for electronic

data exchange and data sharing) (CIS-Stat)

Electronic exchange of statistical information

Ongoing work:

• Collection and processing of monthly, quarterly and yearly statistical data, supplied to CIS-Stat by national statistical services of the

Commonwealth, is carried out in accordance with the coordinated schedule by electronic mail over the Internet in the form of standardized questionnaires incorporating 208 Excel-format tables.

• Verification of the coming information including its comparison with the information placed on the sites of the CIS national statistical services; collection of missing information from the sites of the CIS statistical services and foreign countries, including the sites of international statistical organizations.

New activities:

In 2015 work will continue on improving the electronic exchange of statistical information with the CIS national statistical services and international organizations.

5.6 Co-ordination of international statistical work (CIS-Stat)

Rest of the World-CIS Coordination

• Coordinating statistical work and aligning and harmonizing statistical tools with international standards in the areas of the System of National

Accounts, economic, demographic and social statistics, and improving methods of processing information from Commonwealth member States.

Materials in preparation are discussed by the CIS-Stat Scientific Council, task forces and ad hoc meetings. The most important are discussed by the Council of Heads of Statistical Services of the CIS. Once finalized, they are circulated as recommendations to national statistical services.
