PXQ file 11-1 __________________________________________________________________________ PXQ – Saved Query for PX Files 1. General description It is possible to save a PXQ file which contains information about the retrieval, editing and calculation that has been recorded and reuse this by calling the PXFileBatch program. A PXQ file selecting values from a PX file can look like this: [Query] Function=selvalues [Files] Infile=D:\databas\BE101ACE.px Outfile=D:\databas\BE101ACEsel.px Errorfile=D:\databas\betest.err [Texts] Text1=and Text2=by Text3=distributed Text4=unit variable [Var1] Value1=elim [Var2] Value1=1 Value2=2 Value3=3 Value4=4 Value5=5 Value6=6 [Var3] Value1=1 Value2=2 [Var4] Value1=1 Value2=2 Value3=3 [Data] NoOfVar=4 Secrecy=0 [Query] Function=selvalues indicates what is to be done PXQ file 11- 2 __________________________________________________________________________ 1.1. Functions supported: Name Description see Selvalues Aggvalues Calcvalues Calcvalues Calcvalues Calcvalues Calcvalues Calcvalues Calcvalues Pivotauto Pivotmanual Valueorder Decimal Chgtextcontents Pxfile Textcode Vardelete Splitquarters Splitmonths Filecalc Excel Asp Text dbase1 dbase2 dbase3 dbase4 Graph Matrix Lotus html1 html2 Prnmatrix Prntable Reltable XMLC Gesmes Kml kml2 kml3 select values for new table select values for new table using aggregation list Operation 18 - sum Operation 11 – add Operation 12 – subtract Operation 13 – multiply Operation 14 – divide Operation 21 - per cent Operation 33 – deleted value(s) Change variable order automatically Change variable order manually Change value order Change number of decimals Change the contents text Change contents, description, subject, keys Change between text and code Delete a variable Split time variable in year and quarters Split time variable in year and months calculate or edit with another table Convert to Excel Convert to asp Convert to text Convert to dBase, alt 1 Convert to dBase, alt 2 Convert to dBase, alt 3 Convert to dBase, alt 4 Convert to text file suitable for graph Convert to text file as matrix Convert to wk1 file format Convert to html, alt 1 Convert to html, alt 2 Convert to prn, no heading Convert to prn, as table Convert to relational table Convert to XML, Cossi format Convert to Gesmes format Convert to Google Earth graph Convert to Google Earth text Convert to Google maps 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10.1 2.10.2 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 3.4.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8.1 3.8.2 3.9.1 3.9.2 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 PXQ file 11-3 __________________________________________________________________________ 1.2. In common for pxq files All pxq will have : [Files] Infile= The PX file to read Outfile= The file to write, either a new PX file or some other format depending on function Errorfile= A file where any messages can be found. Usually only “ended OK” All PXQ files with functions that create new titles will have: [Texts] Text1=and Text2=by Text3=distributed Text4=unit variable All PXQ files with functions to convert to other file formats will have: [Data] Symbol1=. Symbol2=.. Symbol3=... Symbol4=.... Symbol5=..... Symbol6=...... Symbol7=....... Symbolnil=optional Textfile=c:\pcaxis\pcaxisen.txt PXQ file 11- 4 __________________________________________________________________________ 2. Funtions to edit and calculate to a new px file Depending on the function different information is needed as follows. 2.1. Select values [Query] Function=selvalues pxlang=en descr=0/1 One of the following: TimeOpt=0 (selected time periods) - default TimeOpt=1 (only last time period) TimeOpt=2 (moving time interval) TimeOpt=3 (fixed start and moving last time) All variables that exist in the input file [Var1] Value1=elim this variable should be eliminated [Var2] Value1=1 these should be included Value2=2 …. …. [Data] NoOfVar=4 .. How many variables there are in the original PX file time included (help info for the program) Secrecy=0 No secrecy option apply 2.2. Select and aggregate values [Query] Function=aggvalues classcat=C:\aggreg descr=0/1 [Data] NoOfVar=3 Secrecy=0 [Var1] Value1=1 [Var2] this variable is to be aggregated Value1=A;C:\aggreg\10-yearsclasses.agg;1 ( A means use aggregation, file name with path, order of the value to use, here =1) Value2=2 (the second value will be group 2) Value3=3 PXQ file 11-5 __________________________________________________________________________ Value4=4 Value5=5 [Var3] Value1=1 Value2=2 [Var4] Value1=1 Value2=2 [Data] NoOfVar=4 .. How many variables there are in the original PX file time included (help info for the program) Secrecy=0 No secrecy option apply 2.3 Sum within a variable [Query] Function=calcvalues Operation=18 InclExcl=m (m for include, u for exclude original values) Newvalue=Total (the name of the new value) Order=0 [Var1] ( no sum for this variable) [Var2] (sum for this variable) Value1=1 Value2=2 Etc, as many as should be included in the sum [Var3] [Var4] 2.4 Add within a variable [Query] Function=calcvalues Operation=11 InclExcl=m (m for include, m for exclude original values) Newvalue=Previously married Order=0 Constant= (used when a constant is added) [Var1] for this variable the 3rd and 4th value should be added and given the new value Value1=3 Value2=4 [Var2] [Var3] [Var4] PXQ file 11- 6 __________________________________________________________________________ 2.5 Subtract [Query] Function=calcvalues Operation=12 InclExcl=m Newvalue=Diff Order=1 if 1 then subtract value1 – value2 value, if order=2, subtract value2 – value1 Constant= (used when a constant is added) [Var1] [Var2] [Var3] [Var4] for this variable subtract Value1-Value2 Value1=1 Value2=2 2.6 Multiply [Query] Function=calcvalues Operation=13 InclExcl=m Newvalue=times10 Order=1 Constant=10 [Var1] [Var2] for this variable the 17th value is to be multiplied by the constant Value1=17 [Var3] [Var4] 2.7 Divide [Query] Function=calcvalues Operation=14 InclExcl=m Newvalue=divided by 10 Betavalue= Order=1 (compare subtract) Constant=10 [Var1] [Var2] for this variable the 17th value is to be divided by 10 PXQ file 11-7 __________________________________________________________________________ Value1=17 [Var3] [Var4] 2.8 Per cent calculation [Query] Function=calcvalues Operation=21 InclExcl=m Newvalue=percent2 Betavalue=percent if there already is a unit variable in the table Order= Constant= [Var1] [Var2] [Var3] [Var4] for this variable the 3rd value is the base for per cent Value1=3 2.9 Delete values [Query] Function=calcvalues Operation=33 InclExcl=u [Var1] = [Var2] = [Var3] = [Var4] for this variable some values will be deleted Value1=2 Value2=3 Value3=4 2.10 Pivot 2.10.1 Pivot [Query] Function=pivotauto PXQ file 11- 8 __________________________________________________________________________ PivotAlt=1 Unitvar=Unitvariable (1 or 2 depending on clockwise or anti clockwise) 2.10.2 Pivot manually [Query] Function=pivotmanual StubOrder=1,3 HeadOrder=2,4 Unitvar=Unitvariable (the original third variable will be second in stub) (the original second variable will be first in heading) 2.11 Change value order [Query] Function=valueorder Variablevalues=Region UnitVar=Unitvariable [ValueList] Value1=2 Value2=1 2.12 Change decimals [Query] Function=decimals [Data] Decimals=2 2.13 Change contents text [Query] Function=chgtextcontents contentstext=new text for contents 2.14 Change description, subject, keys [Query] Function=pxfile descript=new description text descdefault=0/1 subject=new subject area text [Data] PXQ file 11-9 __________________________________________________________________________ keys=0 2.15 Change between text and code [Query] Function=textcode textcodeoptions=2 2.16 Delete variable [Query] Function=vardelete Variable=Region Titleadd= Unitvar=Unitvariable variable to be deleted value text if it is to be used in title If one value is to be used in the new table, remove the other [Remove] Value1=2 Value2=3 Value3=4 If a sum for the variable is to be used [Use] Value1=1 Value2=2 2.17 Split time variable in year and quarter [Query] Function=splitquarters VariableName=Time NoOfPeriods=12 Firstyear=2005 [Text] Yeartext=Year Quartertext=Quarter Quarter1=Quarter 1 Quarter2=Quarter 2 Quarter3=Quarter 3 Quarter4=Quarter 4 PXQ file 11- 10 __________________________________________________________________________ 2.18 Split time variable in year and month [Query] Function=splitmonths VariableName=Time NoOfPeriods=24 Firstyear=2006 [Text] Yeartext=Year Monthtext=Month Month1=Jan Month2=Feb Month3=Mar Month4=Apr Month5=May Month6=Jun Month7=Jul Month8=Aug Month9=Sep Month10=Okt Month11=Nov Month12=Dec 2.19 Calculate with table, or constant [Query] Function=filecalc Operation= InclExcl=M Newvalue1= Newvalue2= Newvalue3= NewVar= Constant= Matchfile=c:\database\be0101.px PXQ file 11-11 __________________________________________________________________________ 3. Convert to other file formats 3.1 Excel [Query] Function=excel [Data] datanote=1 rounding=0/1 completeinfo=1 doublecolumn=2 decimals=0 3.2 Text [Query] Function=text [Data] datanoteoptplace=1 decimalpoint=. rounding=0/1 rowlength=80 pagelength=60 marglength=4 doublecolumn=0 completeinfo=2 thousand=. 3.3 Asp [Query] Function=asp pxlang=en guilang=en Uppercase=0/1 [Data] stubtype=1 nozero=0 decimalpoint=. thousand=0 datanoteoptplace=0/1 rounding=0/1 completeinfo=1 doublecolumn=0 1 if zero suppress PXQ file 11- 12 __________________________________________________________________________ 3.4 dBase 3.4.1. dBase 1 [Query] Function=dbase1 UnitVar=Unitvariable 3.4.2. dBase 2 [Query] Function=dbase2 3.4.3. dBase 3 [Query] Function=dbase3 3.4.4. dBase 4 [Query] Function=dbase4 [Data] completeinfo=0 doublecolumn=0 3.5 Graph [Query] Function=graph iteration=1 textdelim= [Data] decimalpoint=. rounding=0/1 3.6 Matrix [Query] Function=matrix iteration= textdelim= PXQ file 11-13 __________________________________________________________________________ [Data] rounding=0/1 decimalpoint=, 3.7 Lotus [Query] Function=lotus 3.8 Html 3.8.1. Html 1 [Query] Function=html1 [Data] rounding=0/1 3.8.2. Html 2 [Query] Function=html2 [Data] rounding=0/1 3.9 PRN – CSV delimited file 3.9.1. matrix [Query] Function=prnmatrix [Data] delim=, rounding=0/1 3.9.2. table [Query] Function=prntable [Data] delim=tab rounding=0/1 PXQ file 11- 14 __________________________________________________________________________ 3.10 Relational table [Query] Function=reltable textdelim= iteration= [Data] decimalpoint=, rounding=0/1 3.11 XML – PXML, CoSSI [Query] Function=XMLC XMLtype=2 Language=sv IncDtd=0/1 [Data] rounding=0/1 1=keys, 2=XDF, 3=Cals 1 if dtd is to be used 3.12 Gesmes [Query] Function=gesmes Unitvar=Unitvariable 3.13 Google Earth graph [Query] Function=kml [Data] rounding=0 coordinates=C:\database\KML completeinfo=0 doublecolumn=0 3.14 Google Earth text [Query] Function=kml2 [Data] PXQ file 11-15 __________________________________________________________________________ rounding=0 coordinates=C:\database\KML completeinfo=0 doublecolumn=0 3.15 Google Maps [Query] Function=kml3 [Data] rounding=0 coordinates=C:\database\KML completeinfo=0 doublecolumn=0